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(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:08
(1) Tristin (enter): 17:08
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:08
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Tristin (enter): 17:08
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Tristin...
(2) Konrad Knox: okays.
(1) Tristin: gimme a sec

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Konrad Knox:
Mage: Season 2.
Tristin Lang.
Temple of Time, 2 miles south of Kirdasa

** That's the Tab key, Dave
(1) Tristin: "** (1) Monk stands, facing away from Tristin, folding his hands behind his back. "Time travel is an art for those who fully master this path, traversing the past and the future, and slowing down your opponent's eyesight, vision, movement, and defense abilities. Couped with your powers to see Fate, making you a weapon more lethal than ever before, timing strikes perfectly and evading hits which are not even placed. Warriors who keep their minds and bodies in tact with the beat of Time itself are on the top level of the ladder where dangerous people are lined up." **"
(1) Tristin: "1) Monk: Tristin, you notice the pulse from the dagger calling to you stronger and stronger as you look at it"
(2) Monk: "Not only can you travel through time yourself, but you can send others there as well, to be hit by a thousand cuts before they are let out."
(1) Tristin: "And what exactly is that?" Tristin looks to the silvery dagger
** (2) Monk turns around **
(2) Monk: "Oh, you care to see that? Go ahead."
** (1) Tristin aproaches the dagger cautiously. Looking it over, viewing with the two sights he has active. Looking at it's fate and time flow. **
(2) Konrad Knox: The dagger radiates with a resonance like your own. Half of it almost reflect your own aura, amplifying it, sending waves of chronic energy to you, like the tick of a clock sunchronized with your heart beat, but the other half is something unknown, someone else's aura. As you look at the dagger's Fate, you already know the answer. Should you want to keep it, you have to face the other one who wants it. You can almost feel your feet dancing on the floor around your opponent, you feel the sand under your feet. Fate sight reveals a binding on this object, perhaps it could be an oath, perhaps a sigil. It has a destiny written for it. The Time sight reveals that the item will be in your hand.
(2) Monk: "If you are here, you already know what you have to do, correct? I already know which path you will choose. You will make your choice, then you will change your mind and run back. So, shall we skip the prelude and cut to the chase, or do you wish to follow the flow?" - the Monk half smiles at you from under the hood, his hand stroking his beard
** (1) Tristin looks to the monk as if asking promission **
(2) Monk: "Go ahead. Take it. If you can take it."
(1) Tristin: "If I can take it?"
** (2) Monk smiles **
(2) Monk: "I know you will take it."
** (1) Tristin reaches down to grab the dagger **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, as you take the dagger, walls around you crumble, columns turn to ash, earth explodes as the sun goes supernova, and is reborn again from a cluster of star dust, dinosaurs roam free, and humans are born, neither from monkeys nor how the bible says, rather from a third life form, hunched, moving in packs, they stalk their prey. Two people by the apple tree, perhaps they could be Adam and Eve. Billions faces fly by, and you see slaves building this very pyramid around you. Time accelerates, and you feel like all of this you saw in a split second. Before you know it, you feel dizziness and a short lag in time, as you come to your senses.
(2) Konrad Knox: you look at the monk and ask "And what exactly is that?"
(2) Monk: "Oh, you care to see that? Go ahead."
(2) Konrad Knox: you stand a foot away from the pedestal, where you just stood, the dagger glimmering at you with its incredibly familiar aura, though an unfamiliar one crosses it periodically, as if you were standing by a ncie warm furnace, but now and then someone would put an ice pack on your belly
(1) Tristin: "I scence two auras... what is the more spuratic one?"
** (2) Monk smiles **
(2) Monk: "Oh, so you already looked at it?"
(1) Tristin: "At... least once..."
(2) Monk: "This weapon is the only thing in this temple around you that I cannot look into. For it has been only crafted to be subdued by two wills in a millenia. The two of you in this millenia are the only ones who can read what's inside. Which one is more spuratic... is up to you to decide. A wizard of time and fate still has to do his dirty work."
(1) Tristin: "The two of me... do you mean this is a choice that has created two time frames... or there is another person in this temple who also just arrived?"
** (2) Monk smiles **
(2) Monk: "Oh yes, and he is anxious to meet you."
(2) Monk: "I am merely here to counsel and observe. I can lead you to him, he is waiting to claim his prize. Is this the path you choose?"
(1) Tristin: *looks to the dagger, then the monk.* Yes, I suppose I should meet him."
** (2) Monk waves his hand and shows you into a long dark tunnel, looking more like a rathole, with a tiny light in the end of it **
** (1) Tristin gazes down the narrow tunnel with his sights, getting a feel of what he is to encounter. **
(2) Monk: as you walk, you now and then hit the more lit areas, with sun shining through the windows, brick color making it look orange, completely orange. This is about the most orange environment you've ever seen, the air itself feels red
** (1) Tristin walks toword the light, looking back to the monk every 20 or so steps. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Your sights reveal an incoming Fate gravity. A tunnel seems to be pulling your sights into the focus of the center. Time and Fate forces flow all over the walls. To examine them further, you feel like you need to work your will specifically.
** (2) Monk stops after about half a mile, and motions forward **
(2) Monk: "Behind the door, you will meet him."
** (1) Tristin examines the forces on the walls **
(1) Tristin: ((Roll something?))
(2) Monk: "Have no fear, Tristin Lang, you will win."
(2) Monk: ((yes, what spell are you using?))
(2) Monk: ((Fate spells tell you if things are bound to something or how the chances are looking, Time spells predict future up to certain certainty depending on gnosis and successes))
(1) Tristin: ((Prophecy))
(2) Monk: ((sec))
(1) Tristin: ((gnosis + time?))
(2) Monk: ((u dont have the rote?))
(1) Tristin: ((Nope, time 4 is reletively new, and I trust Gnosis more in the end))
(1) Tristin: ((Plus Tristin just learned he can speak atlantian))
(2) Monk: ((yup roll Prophecy gnosis+time... hang on, there is a penalty))
(2) Monk: ((reading up))
(2) Monk: ((-3))
(2) Monk: ((gnosis+time-3))
(1) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(0)] => [3,9,7,1,4,2] = (26)
(1) Tristin: ((Messed up))
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,2] = (2)
** (1) Tristin Tristin looks into the future, that of the room, the temple, this hallway, or beyond that door. **
(1) Tristin: ((The room meaning the one he just left v.v))
(2) Konrad Knox: you breach through the radiance of the tunnel, and you see that everything in it is pulsing back at you, as if you touched water and sent it at a solid obstacles, and the waves are coming back at you. You will meet a man named Simon, and his destiny is intertwined with yours in the most peculiar manner you have not seen before. As if you were his bane, as if he waited and prepared for you all his life, as if he was afraid to meet you. You see a struggle, you feel a battle...
(1) Tristin: "What have I possibly done.... no matter..."
(2) Konrad Knox: The room you left is a good few hundred feet away from you and you cannot reach its destiny, because the corridor's thickness simply absorbs it. Like trying to find light green in the background of green-yellow. But you know you will be back in that room again. And... you think it's a good idea to look around and find yourself a weapon
** (1) Tristin walks to the door and looks it over. **
(2) Konrad Knox: it's a metal door with a thick lock, unlocked. it's loosely closed and made of... bars
** (1) Tristin with that feeling he reaches into his backpack and pulls out some fireworks, pocketing a few, and plaming one and a lighter **
** (1) Tristin he also looks for anything more solid around him **
(2) Konrad Knox: you see a few heavy round rocks, one flat sharp rock, rather small, a wooden branch laying on the floor, but it looks rather rotten, a pair of buckets full of water standing by the wall as if someone forgot them, and one of the door's metal bars is bent
** (1) Tristin grabs the buckets and puts one on each shoulder, careful not to spill water on his fireworks **
(1) Tristin: ((Door nob?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((just bars, the door reminds of a prison door))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((it's loosely closed, not shut all the way))
(2) Konrad Knox: a wind blows through the tunnel with a calm whistle
** (1) Tristin opens the door with his foot and catiously steps in **
(2) Konrad Knox: grains of sand fly crawl under your feet.... as you open the door, it squeeeeaaaks its rusty hinges "craaaaaa..."
(1) Tristin: ((THE DRAGON!!!! squeekey squeeky))
(2) Konrad Knox: You enter, and find another short dark coridor, leading into a large chapel, with soft sand making up its floor, lit golden walls, ceiling so high you cannot make up where it really ends, it fools your senses. It is a pentagon, each side having some stairs.
** (1) Tristin he looks around the room, feeling the sand through his thin shoes. **
** (1) Tristin steps into the middle of the room and looks around **
(2) Konrad Knox: You notice a tall man in a black robe stepping out of the corner, hooded
(1) Tristin: "Greetings"
(2) Konrad Knox: he looks at you, and you see his eye, almost a recognition of terror, terror that he tries to hide and refuses to admit
(1) Tristin: ((Eye or eyes?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((one eye, the other one is hidden by the falling down hood))
(2) Stranger: "So it's just like it said. It will be a kid carrying water. I thought it was a bad joke."
(1) Tristin: "Are you thirsty?" Tristin motions with his head to the buckets of water he is carrying.
** (2) Stranger is a man of at least 6 feet and a half, his beard you can see from under his hood, is gruff, put into a small knot down his chin, he is dark haired, mideterranean by the features **
(2) Stranger: "No, thank you."
** (2) Stranger turns around fully, and a silouette of a large spear comes from behind his back, as he grips it in his hand tight **
(1) Tristin: "Are you sure? It's good water... you must have been wating for a while... you are not the least bit parched?"
** (2) Stranger cups his hand **
(2) Stranger: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 4],5,4] = (2)
** (2) Stranger reaches for the water from where he stands, and takes some of it in his mouth. Tristin, you see one of the buckets splashing remotely, waves going through **
(2) Stranger: "It's nice of you to offer, for we are to fight."
** (1) Tristin sets down the bucket and steps back, not affraid, but as it offering the whole thing to him. **
(1) Tristin: "Fight? What for?"
(2) Stranger: "My name is Simon, you have what I want, and I want it. Only one can have it. Let's get it over with."
(1) Tristin: "What do I have?"
(2) Simon Ray: "I sense it. You are the imprint on my blade. That weapon belongs to me, and not to you."
(1) Tristin: "If it sits on an alter it belongs to the Temple does it not?"
(2) Konrad Knox: By the voice, you sense the man is in his early thirties or late twenties. He has quite the weight on you.
(2) Simon Ray: "Not after I deal with you it won't."
(2) Simon Ray: "It's been waiting for me for a thousand years, and I have waited for it."
(1) Tristin: "And how long have you waited?"
(2) Simon Ray: "And when I took it..." - suddenly raises his voice almost to the point of screaming: "You know where I've been?! You know the things I seen! Things I have conquered and men I defeated?! And all they said is that a kid carrying water will be my challenger, is this a joke? Come down here!"
** (2) Simon Ray sticks the spear into the ground **
(1) Tristin: "But you still have not drank from my water. Also, you are the one with the pole, should not the supporior weapon step forward, it is the accepted way of combat?"
** (2) Simon Ray lets the spear go, his hand loosening, as he drops his robe down, revealing no armor, and in fact, no shirt. He stands almost naked, only wearing shorts. **
(2) Simon Ray: "Like men?"
(1) Tristin: "No weapons? But you seemed so intent on the use of the spear."
(2) Konrad Knox: you notice he has a pierced nostril and his shoulder is tattoed
(1) Tristin: ((tattooed how?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((pic incoming))
(1) Tristin: ((Not how I was hopeing, oh well.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((approximately. a little more mean looking))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((couldnt find a good pic, though Highlander would probably work too.))
(2) Konrad Knox: The tattoo design is actually familiar, as the similar style you saw in Time chapters of your Atlantic Book
(2) Simon Ray: "You came unarmed?"
(1) Tristin: "I have two arms."
(2) Simon Ray: "Armored?"
(1) Tristin: "Armor? Yes, I am clearly wearing platemail, can you not tell?"
** (2) Simon Ray smirks, looking at the robes **
(2) Simon Ray: "Let's see no knife up your sleeves."
(1) Tristin: "I have some fireworks. I was hopeing we could shoot them off after our water-party."
** (2) Simon Ray laughs **
(2) Simon Ray: "What is your name?"
** (2) Simon Ray cracks his knuckles **
(1) Tristin: "Kurtis"
(1) Tristin: ((Roll subterfuge?))
(2) Simon Ray: "Well then. Kurtis, I challenge you in a the Duel of Chronos, an event happening between two perfected adepts once a millenia, a challenge for the right to wield the weapon of the Warrior Path. Do you accept?"
(2) Simon Ray: ((nah))
(1) Tristin: "Are you sure we can't just drink water and shoot fireworks?"
(2) Simon Ray: "Do you accept?!"
(2) Simon Ray: "The blade will not unite with me unless you accept and forfeit."
(1) Tristin: "Pushy..."
(2) Simon Ray: "So you forfeit?"
(1) Tristin: "Fine I accept." He focuses on his neckless.
** (2) Simon Ray has a glint in his eyes **
** (2) Simon Ray 's glint becomes that of fury **
(1) Tristin: ((Activating it, 8-again for the scene))
(2) Simon Ray: ((i believe you have 6 charges left?))
(1) Tristin: ((Yessir))
(2) Simon Ray: ((youre the only one who ever uses it))
(2) Simon Ray: "Let's get to it."
(1) Tristin: ((First time was useless, but for roleplay))
(2) Konrad Knox: you get one spell you may cast out of init to prepare for battle. Choose wisely.
** (1) Tristin he places his hands behind his back and watches him defenceivly **
(1) Tristin: ((Fighting defenceivly -2 attack + 2 defence))
** (1) Tristin focuses on his own time flow, casting the all-to-familiar acceleration **
(1) Tristin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(1) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,[8, 7],3,1,[8, 10, 9, 8, 3],3,7,[8, 3]] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: woah.
(1) Tristin: ((6 successes))
(2) Konrad Knox: you move 44 times the speed... for... 6 rounds?
(1) Tristin: ((Shit.. no... one mana per round....))
(1) Tristin: ((Unless you want to make the successes count :/ ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((mmm))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you got 2 mana left))
(1) Tristin: ((First round is free))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, right, so you can attack accelerated just one round, after that have to spend mana))
(1) Tristin: ((Okay))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((and you have 2 mana left on you))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((4 WP))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((good news for you is your enemy cant use his WP, coz you are his Destiny Bane))
(1) Tristin: ((1 WP= 3 mana?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i dont think it works like that but let me look))
(1) Tristin: ((I can burn ceritan things for 3 mana))
(1) Tristin: ((Maybe just health and physical atributes))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((what page?))
(1) Tristin: ((79 of PDF 77 of book))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((looks like health into mana or stats into mana))
(1) Tristin: ((Yeah, okay.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((when this is over, you will hit your head on the table :D))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((so you want to put health into mana now?))
(1) Tristin: ((no))
(1) Tristin: ((Just evualuating what I can do, push come to shove))
(2) Konrad Knox: so, you casted your spell
(2) Konrad Knox: now Simon casts his
** (2) Simon Ray takes the spear, and moves it around the arena in a circle, before sticking it back in the ground **
(2) Simon Ray: Ward : Resolve 2 + Occu 4+ Space 2 = 8
(2) Simon Ray: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,9,6,8,7,[10, 10, 1],1] = (3)
(2) Simon Ray: The space around you, around the walls of the arena seems to bend, and somehow feel wierd, it's not really changes, but out of the corner of your eye, you see that walls fly into the distance, as if the sandy arena is becoming smaller, and the stairs grow and become larger, walls sort of pull back.
(2) Konrad Knox: the space structure feels like you're floating in an elevator, and you get a feeling that while still being in the Temple, you're somewhere segregated, far away from it, and there are only you and Simon in this place now.
** (1) Tristin bows to his opponent. **
** (2) Simon Ray replies by kicking some sand towards your face **
(2) Konrad Knox: roll init money feet
(2) Konrad Knox: munkey*
(2) Konrad Knox: damn it
(1) Tristin: +time 4 + 6 init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+10] => [10,10] = (20)
(1) Tristin: ((LOL))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((his Ward turned out pretty good. Robin would have to breach 5 successes to pull you out of there if she somehow manages to decide to do so.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((quick question. your init mod is 5 right? +4 is 9))
(1) Tristin: ((+6))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((wow, looks like Claire havent been updating any of yourses sheets))
(1) Tristin: ((dex + Comp or wits?... either is 6))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you bought comp recently yes?))
(1) Tristin: ((Nope. I started with 2, then Claire gave me one when I awakened.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((checking that all your stats are correct. health 7, stam 2 + 5, speed 11 = dex+str+5, defense 3))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((aha, she didnt put in the arcana comp into init.))
(1) Tristin: ((all correct, but that def is my raw def, it's 5 when I fight defenceivly))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((coz u and simon have similar stats, but his init is higher by one. now its all correct))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes, i understand, and -2 to attacks))
(1) Tristin: ((Yesh))
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [9,6] = (15)
(2) Simon Ray: you definitely go first
(2) Simon Ray: this round anyway
** (1) Tristin kicks the bucket of water before him at Simon, while he lights a firework with his hands and throws it lightly towrd his face, hopeing it blow up in front of his eyes **
(1) Tristin: ((What do I roll?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((you only have 3 seconds per action, but, accelerated you can do this, except the lighting up, the fire is setting aflame slower than you can flick the lighter))
(1) Tristin: ((It takes less than 3 seconds to light a firework and throw it without being extra fast))
(2) Simon Ray: Str+Athletics to kick. Dex+crafts to light. Dex+Athletics to throw fireworks.
(1) Tristin: ((They were already palmed))
(1) Tristin: Str 3+ Ath 2= 5
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 5],7,4,[8, 4]] = (2)
(1) Tristin: Dex 3 + crafts -3?... to light a firework....
(1) Tristin: Roll for chance
(1) Tristin: [1d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2] = (0)
(2) Simon Ray: ((naw, it takes more than 3 seconds to light something, but remember you're also kicking the bucket in the same turn, and the fire is not accelerated, you have to wait for it to light up. However... well didnt work out anyway :D ))
** (1) Tristin drops the firework, seeing it not light **
(2) Simon Ray: the firework doesnt quite catch on fire, you're moving faster than it
(2) Simon Ray: reflexive dex+athletics roll for Simon to evade bucket
(2) Simon Ray: -3 for speed
(2) Simon Ray: dex 3 + athletics 4 - 3 speed of bucket = 4
(2) Simon Ray: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,8,3] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: The bucket hits Simon on the head, splashing water in his face, he shakes his head, takes 1 bashing, and his eyes fire up with anger, looking for you, as he turns around with a panting "Huh!"
(2) Simon Ray: Simon gets a -1 penalty to his next action
(2) Simon Ray: Acceleration: Stamina 3 + Athl 4 + Time 4 - 1 = 10
(2) Simon Ray: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,7,5,7,6,[10, 7],[10, 1],6,9] = (4)
(2) Simon Ray: Simon speeds up and now he spots you, as you see him no longer frozen. He shakes his head, water still floating in the air as he jerks his head around it, and now you two look like a scene in matrix
(2) Simon Ray: round 2: Tristin, your acceleration will now burn up unless you put in a mana. Simon this round gets it free.
(1) Tristin: ((Spending the mana))
(2) Simon Ray: ((ptccch! burn 1 mana left))
(2) Simon Ray: As simon now as well fast as you, new Init takes place
(1) Tristin: [1d10+10] => [7,10] = (17)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [4,6] = (10)
(2) Simon Ray: wrong
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+10] => [3,10] = (13)
(2) Simon Ray: your move
** (1) Tristin dashes forward, and spin-kicks at his head **
** (1) Tristin aiming for the poerfect moment where he drops his guard **
(1) Tristin: ((perfect* rather))
(2) Simon Ray: ((roll em))
(2) Simon Ray: as simon now is moving fast, you must consider his defense again, 3
(1) Tristin: Prefect timeing Int2 + comp 3 + time 4
(1) Tristin: [9d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,4,7,[8, 8, 1],3,5,6,2,5] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: 2
(1) Tristin: ((Do I get -attack from acceleration sence we are both accelerated?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((you just get no bonuses. you get -2 attack from defensive style. other than that str+brawl))
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawling 4 + Kungfu 1 + Perfect timing 2 + WP 3 - defence 3 -2 called shot ((not defence fighting forgot to minus last round))
(1) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,4,2,[10, 5],[9, 4],6,1,5] = (2)
(1) Tristin: ((Not good enough))
(2) Simon Ray: ((u not fight defensively anymore?))
(1) Tristin: ((I dropped it last round accedentaly, wouldn't have done it with that manuver anyway))
(1) Tristin: ((I drop it or add it each round to my understanding))
(2) Simon Ray: ((i think you declare it in the beginning of each round when your init hits))
(2) Simon Ray: ((if you get 1st init, you can call it first, if you get second init, attacker does everything as normal, and it just applies to next rounds))
(2) Simon Ray: ((where are the rules for this? is it part of kung fu?))
(1) Tristin: ((Yeah 112 in PDF of WOD))
(2) Simon Ray: ((..))
(1) Tristin: ((Your ruleing on it sounds right))
(2) Simon Ray: ((yup, call it every round on your init))
(2) Simon Ray: ((coz i read whirlwind strike, and it seems like something you'd call separately for each attack))
(1) Tristin: ((Wish I had KF 4... he'd be toast))
** (2) Simon Ray gets hit hard on the head, and falls back, landing on his feet **
(2) Simon Ray: ((because both are accelerated, you're dealing bashing, of course))
(1) Tristin: ((Yeah I know))
(2) Simon Ray: ((i wouldnt deal lethal with my body parts anyway. if you fail, an evil GM can make you crack a bone from speed))
(2) Simon Ray: ((and guess what kind of GM i am? :D))
** (2) Simon Ray growls, reaches for his spear, and tries to jab it at your chest **
(1) Tristin: ((The KK kind))
(2) Simon Ray: dex+athletics to grab, and str+weaponry-3 to jab
(2) Simon Ray: Dex 3 + Athletics 4 = 7
(2) Simon Ray: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,[10, 10, 4],6,7,6,5] = (1)
** (2) Simon Ray grabs it **
(2) Simon Ray: Strength 2 + Weaponry 3 - 3 = 2
(2) Simon Ray: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2] = (0)
(2) Simon Ray: Tristin, you see the tip of Simon's spear almost theatrically blaze past your nose, only feeling the airwave it's sending, and getting a few grains of sand on your cheek
(2) Simon Ray: next round
** (1) Tristin Tristin's eyes go wide as the tip of the spear passes, he feels his mana depleted and impulsively draws from his own life to maintain his acceleration spell. He moans painfully as he tosses a catious low-kick at the man. **
(2) Simon Ray: ((you still had 1 mana left))
(2) Simon Ray: ((didnt have to burn quite yet))
(1) Tristin: ((One for PT))
(2) Simon Ray: ((aaah))
(1) Tristin: ((er... I mean... 1 mana left!!!))
(1) Tristin: (( *shifty eyes*))
(2) Simon Ray: ((no, you did it right, PT takes mana... it does right?))
(1) Tristin: ((yeah, one))
(2) Simon Ray: ((yeah ok, so you suffer 1 lethal and gain 3 mana))
(1) Tristin: ((No it's different than leathel.. it's worse than agrivated... forgot what it's called.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((book says lethal))
(2) Simon Ray: ((oooh))
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawl 4 + KF 1 -defence 3 - defence fighting 2 = 3
(2) Simon Ray: ((resistant damage))
(2) Simon Ray: ((a lethal wound of resistant damage))
(1) Tristin: ((yeah))
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,3,6] = (0)
(2) Simon Ray: ((yeah it's pretty much 1 agg))
(2) Simon Ray: Simon dodges lightly, laughing as the hit misses, and flexes his muscles
(2) Simon Ray: burning 2 mana, 1 for accel, 1 for PT
(2) Simon Ray: Perfect Timing: Int 3 Comp 3 Time 4
(2) Simon Ray: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,1,6,3,8,[10, 7],2,6,3] = (2)
** (2) Simon Ray slashes the spear at Tristin's neck level, aiming to cut the artery **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Weaponry 3 + PT 2 - def 3 = 4
(2) Simon Ray: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,3,3] = (0)
(1) Tristin: ((Def 5))
(2) Simon Ray: another zooming whistle of the spear, onlt hit air in your eyes, Simon lands, furious
(2) Simon Ray: ((u didnt declare it this round))
(2) Simon Ray: ((oh you did))
(1) Tristin: (( Str 3 + Brawl 4 + KF 1 -defence 3 - defence fighting 2 = 3"))
(2) Simon Ray: ((nm))
(1) Tristin: ((Doesn't matter, he missed))
(2) Simon Ray: ((u sure u dont want em to reroll? :D))
(1) Tristin: ((Naw, it's okay))
(2) Simon Ray: ok, next round
** (1) Tristin drains the rest of his mana again, for perfect timing and acceleration, his kick to the man's chin from his place on the ground is dareing ((not defence strikes)) **
(2) Simon Ray: ((k))
(1) Tristin: PT Stam 2 + Ath 2 + Time 4 = 8
(1) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 1],4,7,6,3,6,7,6] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: 2
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawling 4 + KF 1 + PT 2 + WP3 - defence 3 = 10
(2) Simon Ray: ((2 Wp left))
(1) Tristin: ((3 WP left))
(1) Tristin: (( 2 if you say so, my count says 3 though))
(1) Tristin: [10d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,1,3,[10, 6],4,[9, 9, 1],6,[10, 10, 10, 1],4,4] = (3)
(2) Simon Ray: ((you had 4 in the beginning of session, yes?))
(1) Tristin: ((6))
(1) Tristin: ((5 by my count, maybe 4 *shrug*))
(2) Simon Ray: ((last session (7) Tristin: I have down 2 mana 4 wp))
(1) Tristin: ((Okay))
(2) Simon Ray: ((now lets count that dmg :D))
(1) Tristin: ((6))
** (2) Simon Ray tries to block the kick with the spear, but your kick breaks right through it, and connects with Simon's chin. The spear snaps, and its sharp end stays in his hand, while the dull end flies off to land near you. Simon spits out a tooth and a spray of blood comes out of his mouth as he falls on his back, trying to get up **
(2) Simon Ray: ((almost knocked him down :D))
(1) Tristin: ((If I would have called that one, he would be))
** (2) Simon Ray drops acceleration **
(2) Simon Ray: Shifting Sands. 1 mana. Resolve 2 Occult 4 Time 4
(1) Tristin: ((Damage is still carried back with the caster))
(1) Tristin: ((Just so yo know))
(2) Simon Ray: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,6,6,2,1,3,6,7,3] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: ((yes, now he is one round back, where his spear is still a spear))
(2) Simon Ray: Tristin, Simon's spear misses you as you look him in the eye, and in a flash, his mouth is bleeding
(1) Tristin: ((WOuld I see his time flow flicker? My Tempolal Eddies is still up))
(1) Tristin: ((Temporal.. RPing an Asian is makeing me mix up r's and l's,,,,))
(2) Simon Ray: ((temporal eddies will let you see that he has casted something. the old you would notice, the early you would not see it casted))
(2) Simon Ray: ((because he travelled in time with that spell))
(2) Simon Ray: ok, both not accelerated, new init is in order
(1) Tristin: ((So my Mana and WP are back though right? It's the me from before that turn))
(2) Simon Ray: ((yes, your WP is at 3, mana at 1))
(1) Tristin: ((It was two... or did you already subtract the 1 for acceleration?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((he is in the moment after your acceleration))
(1) Tristin: ((Also what is my max WP?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((7))
(2) Simon Ray: he is in the moment where u cast perfect timing
(2) Simon Ray: making that kick
** (1) Tristin begins casting perfect timing, hopeing to kick the man in the chin **
(2) Simon Ray: new init though
(1) Tristin: [0d10.open(8).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(8).vs(0)
(1) Tristin: (sorry wrong button))
(1) Tristin: [1d10+10] => [1,10] = (11)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(1) Tristin: ((ouch))
(1) Tristin: ((woohoo!))
(2) Simon Ray: ((now you do lethal to him ))
(2) Simon Ray: (( he has 2 clean boxes left, and took 7 bashing))
(1) Tristin: ((Anyway since the only difference his him spitting up blood, I would do the same thing))
(2) Simon Ray: ((now he is pointing the spear at your direction))
(2) Simon Ray: ((the whole point of that lol.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((i'm not suicidal. what he is trying to do is hoping you'd kick him like that so he can impale your foot))
(1) Tristin: Perfect Timing Stam 2 + Ath 2 + Time 4 = 8
(1) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,5,6,3,1,[10, 7],5,4] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: you see an angle where his spear cannot block your foot
(2) Simon Ray: if you strike at the right time
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawling 4 + pt 1 + WP 3 - def 3?
(1) Tristin: + KF 1
(2) Simon Ray: correct
(1) Tristin: [9d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,5,[10, 10, 4],2,4,3,6,4,[10, 2]] = (2)
(1) Tristin: ((3))
(2) Simon Ray: You hit Simon, as his nose also beginning to bleed
(2) Simon Ray: ((2 lethal for Simon now.))
(1) Tristin: ((Didn't I just deal 3?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((he has 1 clear box from bashing. now bashing gets absorbed))
(2) Simon Ray: ((you pushed back a bashing, remember?))
(1) Tristin: ((Don't know what you mean, but it's your game, no big deal))
(2) Simon Ray: ((nm, 3 lethal))
(2) Simon Ray: ((he just loses the clear box, as it becomes bashing))
(2) Simon Ray: ((at this moment you... only have 1 lethal from the mana scouring...))
** (2) Simon Ray , having seen this kick already, attempts to find the perfect moment for the strike and jab the unbroken spear into your side **
(2) Simon Ray: Perfect Timing (7 mana left) : Int 3 Comp 3 Time 4
(2) Simon Ray: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,4,8,5,3,1,6,9,5] = (2)
(1) Tristin: ((-4 from attack because I'm accelerated and he's not))
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Weaponry 3 + PT 2 + Spear 3 - accel 4 .... and your defence too i think
(1) Tristin: ((yes 3))
(2) Simon Ray: 10-7=3
(2) Simon Ray: not looking good for him at all
(2) Simon Ray: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,8] = (1)
** (2) Simon Ray stabs you in the ribs, luckily missing any soft organs, but now you have a gash in your side. 1 lethal. Simon growls. **
** (1) Tristin groans as he drops acceleration **
(2) Simon Ray: next round
(1) Tristin: ((New init?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((up to you))
(2) Simon Ray: ((oh, you dropped it and he didnt have it. yes))
(2) Simon Ray: new init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(2) Simon Ray: ...
(2) Simon Ray: speed?
(1) Tristin: 11
(2) Simon Ray: 10 you win
** (1) Tristin runs to pick up the empty bucket and use it like a sheild **
(1) Tristin: ((fighting defenceivly this round))
(2) Simon Ray: not sure what to roll to just pick up a bucket, so we grant success. thats your turn
(1) Tristin: ((yeah))
(1) Tristin: ((short dash spec if that puts into perspective anything))
(2) Simon Ray: ((oh... i cast shifting sands wrong, i was wondering what the fuck is the benefit of the spell. I shoulda casted it in the turn BEFORE the 6 dmg attack, so i could declare it in that round and cancel it out.))
(1) Tristin: ((I think you can only cast it on your turn though))
(2) Simon Ray: ((This spell can be cast anytime in the Initiative roster from where the caster perfromed this action up until his place in the roster in the next round))
(1) Tristin: ((But he hadn't lost the spear until the same time he got kicked))
(2) Simon Ray: ((ok, so... hmm. which moment should he'd be coming back to then?))
(1) Tristin: ((Says his last action... but we've gone so far scence then))
(2) Simon Ray: ((ok. i get it. damn this is a confusing one. ok, lets leave what we had as is, but here is how we're supposed to do it next time))
(1) Tristin: ((okay))
(2) Simon Ray: ((it's your turn. your init is up. You cast shifting sand now. lets call this moment A. then some more people go, round ends, new round starts, and some shit happens. So... up until your new turn, which is B, you can declare that your're porting back to point A, cancelling all damage to your body between A and B. But not dmg before A. Get it?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((say if Tristin shot him with a gun after the kick, that bullet, never being shot, whould have been cancelled))
(1) Tristin: ((No it doesn't cancel damage...... and I think you misunderstand what the books saying entirely... but it is your game... but I can explain what the book means if you want.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((yeah. coz im reading the spell wrong))
(2) Simon Ray: ((wtf does it really mean.))
(1) Tristin: ((Okay, I go, I punch someone and knock him out, but the guy behind him pulls a gun and shoots my friend. I can say, rewind time and cast a sheild spell on my friend, rather than giving the guy with the gun a clear shot.))
(1) Tristin: ((It would rewind to the last time it was my turn, and I can do something different, I cast it any time between turns, and go to the last time it was mine.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((ok. the spear would be still whole if he tossed it in the air for example, and then replayed and moved it out of the way.))
(1) Tristin: ((yeah))
(2) Simon Ray: ((it gets confusing with objects.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((you carry on your own damage, but do the objects also, that you're trying to prevent from damaging.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((do clothes count as part of you? say you got shot through the shirt, it now has a hole. when you shift back, with a gunshot, do you shift into the shirt that is still whole?))
(1) Tristin: ((I think it's just you. From my understanding, the only reason you are wearing clothes when you rewind is because you were a turn ago, it's like your body shifts back to it's exact spot a few seconds ago))
(2) Simon Ray: ((so the shirt is whole, but you got a wound under it))
(1) Tristin: ((Yeah, I would assume your clothes would be whole, but you are shot... even the bullet, if inside you would be gone.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((it gets trickier if you removed, or put on clothes during that turn you're rewinding :D ))
(2) Simon Ray: ((say you put a jacket on, and you rewind to putting the jacket on.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((gah! anyway im just staying the fuck away from this spell))
(1) Tristin: ((lol))
(2) Simon Ray: ((you save others with it, not yourself))
(1) Tristin: ((Correct))
(1) Tristin: ((Maybe stop poison, but not a stab wound at least))
(2) Simon Ray: ((so yes, cancelling dmg, it would not work for, saving the spear, it would. because he brought himself back to the moment where he is using that spear to block the kick))
(1) Tristin: ((yeah))
(2) Simon Ray: ((k))
(2) Simon Ray: anywya
(2) Simon Ray: you pick up the bucket and now fight defensively
(1) Tristin: ((So I got my bucker sheild..))
(1) Tristin: ((Bucket*))
** (2) Simon Ray casts Chronos's Curse. Manipulation 1 + Occult 4 + Time 4 - Tristin's Composure? **
(1) Tristin: 3
(2) Simon Ray: 8-3=5
(2) Simon Ray: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,1,8,5] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: ((5 mana left))
(2) Simon Ray: okay. Tristin, in the next turn the following will apply to you for 1 turn
(2) Simon Ray: You see everything moving too fast, lagging behind time and trying to catch up with Simon. But it's not just him, you lag against everything, the water seems like it's moving faster, the sand... you feel that your personal time is being slowed down. Next round you suffer -1 to defense, your speed is halved to 6, and Simon gains your defense in addition to his.
(2) Simon Ray: strangely, you get no penalty to Init, which we're now rolling again
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(1) Tristin: ((x.x))
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
** (2) Simon Ray runs up to you and punches you in the face, spear ready for the next attack **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Brawl 4 - (def 5-1=4) = 6-4 = 2
(1) Tristin: ((No bonus for the bucket?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((bucket will count as your 1 armor point. If he hits it, it will break))
(1) Tristin: ((okay))
(2) Simon Ray: ((since it doesnt help you evade, just helps you block))
(2) Simon Ray: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6] = (1)
** (2) Simon Ray lets the punch out, but you timely block, and the bucket is shattered **
(1) Tristin: ((Bye bucket....))
(2) Simon Ray: "Is this all you got?!" - Simon rawrs at you, blood flowing in gooey strings on the floor out of his mouth
(2) Simon Ray: your turn
** (1) Tristin runs tword the mostly full bucket with water still in it, feeling as if he just can't run fast enough, like a bad dream **
(2) Simon Ray: you make it to the bucket, but you don't have enough time to pick it up
(2) Simon Ray: the spell wears out and it's a new round. new Init
(2) Simon Ray: you catch up with your surroundings
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(2) Simon Ray: ((ok, since you didnt win the init, i guess you cant declare defensive style yet huh))
(1) Tristin: ((If it's not still active, I guess not.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((only active for the turn you declare it for))
(1) Tristin: ((Until my next turn was my understanding.))
(2) Simon Ray: ((in your last turn when you leaned over the bucket, you left it undeclared))
(2) Simon Ray: ((defensive from 1st bucket to 2nd bucket. And normal stance from 2nd bucket to now?))
** (2) Simon Ray having prepared the spear for the strike, dashes and tries to jab you in the shoulder **
(1) Tristin: ((up to you))
(2) Simon Ray: ((k, like we agreed before, kung fu moves are to be declared from each turn specifically till next turn, so they can apply both to your attack and your defense))
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Weaponry 3 + Spear 3 - defense 3 = 5
(2) Simon Ray: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,4,9,5] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: stab! your shoulder feels a gnawing pain, but your fist is still having the grip on the bucket.
(2) Simon Ray: ((Tristin: 1 agg dmg, 3 lethal dmg, 3 clear boxes))
** (1) Tristin 's face scrunches in pain, he turns and splashes water at the man and kicks sand at him. **
(2) Simon Ray: str+athletics to splash, dex+brawl to kick sand
(1) Tristin: 3 + 2 =5
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,4,[10, 9, 7],2,2] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: with -2 penalty for kicking
(2) Simon Ray: not accelerated
(1) Tristin: Dex 3 + brawl 4 -2 = 5
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,2,[10, 1],1,4] = (1)
** (2) Simon Ray gets a nice load of water in his mouth, staggering back, and a cloud of sand in his eyes and nose, he suffers 2 penalty to his next attack **
(2) Simon Ray: next round. new init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Simon Ray: ((in 1v1, new init each round doesnt take long, and thats how youre supposed to do it in gangbangs too, but we're too lazy))
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(2) Simon Ray: "Bring it on, Kurtis!!" - Simon growls blindly, as he makes a spear slash in your general direction
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Weaponry 3 + Spear 3 - defense 3 - 2 blinded = 3
(2) Simon Ray: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,3] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((Bucket gone :( ))
(2) Simon Ray: Tristin, the blade cuts at your leg, but you manage to block it and the second bucket flies off, shattered
** (1) Tristin throws a weary kick at the man. **
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawl 4 + KF 1 - 2 defence fighting - 3 defence= 3
(1) Tristin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [6,7,2] = (0)
(2) Simon Ray: you miss!
(1) Tristin: ((hit my open 10 button at first))
(2) Simon Ray: next round init
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(2) Simon Ray: you win
** (1) Tristin throws a follow-up punch, still being catious. **
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,4,7] = (0)
** (2) Simon Ray evades it, clearing his vision **
(2) Simon Ray: "Is that all you got? Is that all you got past your tricks? That blade is mine!"
** (2) Simon Ray tries to kick you in the gut **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Brawl 4 - Def 5 = 1
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: the kick lands at your solarplex, hurting you for 1 bashing
(1) Tristin: ((Hardened body... I ignore 1 bashing damage per round... he still kicks me though))
(2) Simon Ray: you regain your breath, having been kicked like that before
(1) Tristin: ((It's KF 2))
(1) Tristin: ((My turn?))
(2) Simon Ray: new turn
(2) Simon Ray: inits
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [5,6] = (11)
** (1) Tristin tries to pull the man's spear from his hands **
(2) Simon Ray: graple contest
(2) Simon Ray: str+brawl vs Simon's str+brawl
(1) Tristin: 3+4=7
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 6],7,3,5,7,2] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: 2+4=6
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,3,5,2,2] = (0)
(1) Tristin: ((woot!!!))
(2) Simon Ray: you got yourself a nice looking spear. it adds 3 dice to your attacks with it, using weaponry skill
** (2) Simon Ray focuses and tries to cast Temporal Stutter, trying to send Tristin a few moments into the future **
(2) Simon Ray: ((4 mana left))
(2) Simon Ray: Temporal stutter: Gnosis 3 + Time 4 = 7
(2) Simon Ray: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,3,2,4,4,[10, 7]] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: Tristin, you see a complex and a very scary time spell forming over you, you attempt to resist it. Gnosis+Composure
(1) Tristin: 4+3=7
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[8, 4],1,5,[9, 2],6,4,[10, 6]] = (3)
(2) Simon Ray: ((I have your gnosis as 2))
(1) Tristin: (Sorry about that.))
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],[8, 9, 10, 10, 3],3,5,4] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: and composure as 3
(1) Tristin: ((LOL!))
(1) Tristin: ((5))
(2) Simon Ray: you break the spell easily, like it wasn't there, to Simon's unhappy yet surprised smile
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
** (2) Simon Ray once again attempts to weave the same spell. Of course getting a -1 penalty for repeating the spell with the same purpose **
(2) Simon Ray: ((3 mana left)) Temporal Stutter: Gnosis 3 + Time 4 = 7
(2) Simon Ray: -1 = 6
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,[10, 4],3,7,6] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: Tristin, you see the spell trying to flow to you again
(1) Tristin: ((Any bonus for seeing the same spell same purpose?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((no, its just a reflexive contested roll))
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,1,1,[10, 9, 9, 9, 7],4] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((4))
(2) Simon Ray: fling! the spell cannot break to you
(2) Simon Ray: "Not bad, Kurtis, not bad."
** (1) Tristin easily swats the spell away, and thrusts forward with the man's own spear. **
(2) Simon Ray: str + wep + spear 3 - defense 3
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Wep 1 + spear 3 - defence 3= 4
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,[8, 4],[9, 9, 2],[9, 1]] = (3)
(1) Tristin: ((4))
(2) Simon Ray: you impale Simon on his own spear, sticking it through his chest, though you can clearly see he is still alive, but he is really not looking good, his eyes are hazy, as a squirt of blood falls on your head
(2) Simon Ray: "Not bad... of a challenge..."
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [4,6] = (10)
** (2) Simon Ray burns his mana in another desperate attempt to send you into the future, suffering 2 dice penalty now, reaching his hand to you **
(2) Simon Ray: Temporal stutter: Gnosis 3 + Time 4 - 2 = 5
(2) Simon Ray: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 6],6,[10, 6],3] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: once again, you see it coming
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,[9, 8, 6],7,1,5] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((2))
(2) Simon Ray: ((haha you win as a defender))
(2) Simon Ray: you break the spell for the third time, though it is harder this time
(2) Simon Ray: Simon is not looking good
(1) Tristin: ((I'm going to make a personal composture check for my won reasons.))
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,[9, 2],[10, 10, 8, 1]] = (2)
** (1) Tristin looks at the man angerily, but desides not to kill him, he runs forwar, using the spear as a guide on the way and punches the man in the face **
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawling 4 + Kf 1 - defence 3 = 5
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,5,5,[9, 4],[8, 4]] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: you beat his cheek into pulp
(2) Simon Ray: "If I can't have it... you can rather kill me!" - Simon groans
(2) Simon Ray: Init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
** (1) Tristin follows the punch with a palm into the man's stomach **
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,1,5,[10, 9, 2],2] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((2))
** (2) Simon Ray spits out blood, it looks like if you hit him again it will leave some permanent scars, for he is a pile of bloody gush, but it does not seem to stop him from fighting quite yet **
(1) Tristin: "Give up, I don't want to kill you!"
** (2) Simon Ray uses his last mana to once again send you into the future, at 3 dice penalty. He clearly must want to do it. **
(2) Simon Ray: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,2,9] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: same old spell is over you
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,[8, 8, 4],[8, 3],[8, 3],3] = (3)
(1) Tristin: ((4))
(2) Simon Ray: nothing happens, you break it
(1) Tristin: Composture 3
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[8, 1],6,1] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((I'm not gonna count one as enough...))
** (1) Tristin looks at the man. "I told you to give up!" he thrusts the spear twords the man's face angerily **
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + wep 1 + spear 3 - defence 3 = 4
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,[8, 4],[10, 1],6] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: you send Simon into the depths of aggrevated damage, giving him a nice scar across the jaw
** (2) Simon Ray tries to grab the spear back, str+brawl contested **
(2) Simon Ray: str 2 + brawl 4 = 6
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,7,2,[10, 6],[10, 2]] = (3)
(1) Tristin: 3+4=7
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,[9, 6],2,1,2,7,[8, 3]] = (2)
** (2) Simon Ray snatches the spear from you **
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
** (2) Simon Ray slices you in the face, at cheek level, with all his might **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Weaponry 3 + Spear 3 - def 3 = 5
(2) Simon Ray: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,4,8,5] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: slices your cheek, showing a bright red line, now bleeding. 1 lethal
(2) Simon Ray: as you have 2 clear boxes left, you feel a fatigue, but you're far from finished yet
** (1) Tristin moves to grab the spear back from him **
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,2,3,5,7,[9, 9, 8, 9, 10, 9, 7],[9, 9, 10, 6]] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: holy jesus
(1) Tristin: ((9))
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,1,[10, 7],7,4] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: you rip the spear out of his hands like it was a baby's candy
(2) Simon Ray: due to exceptional success, you get an extra dice to the next time he tries to take it
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Simon Ray: you win
** (1) Tristin stabs at him with the spear again **
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [6,4,2,1] = (0)
(2) Simon Ray: miss
** (2) Simon Ray tries to unleash a combo of punches on you, aiming for the face **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Brawl 4 - def 3
(2) Simon Ray: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 2],3] = (1)
** (1) Tristin shakes off the blow **
(2) Simon Ray: you suffer 1 bashing
(1) Tristin: ((No I don't))
(2) Simon Ray: ((you already used the kung fu once, right? or is it reoccuring?))
(1) Tristin: ((It's constant, every time someone deals bashing it's -1 damage))
(2) Simon Ray: you suffer no damage
(2) Simon Ray: inits
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [9,6] = (15)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
** (1) Tristin pokes with the spear again **
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,3,[8, 4],5] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: another scar, on his side
(1) Tristin: "You've lost!"
(2) Simon Ray: he staggers, he is almost there
** (2) Simon Ray laughs maniacally **
(2) Simon Ray: Fortune's Protection: Composure 3 + Athletics 4 + Fate 3 = 10
(2) Simon Ray: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],1,7,6,2,9,2,1,[10, 4],1] = (3)
** (2) Simon Ray gains 3 armor **
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)
** (2) Simon Ray attempts another combination of punches and kicks **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Brawl 4 - 3 = 3
(2) Simon Ray: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,1] = (0)
** (2) Simon Ray misses completely **
** (1) Tristin chuckles and shows the man how to throw a punch **
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Brawl 4 + kf 1 - defence 3 = 5
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,[8, 3],1,6,[9, 1]] = (2)
** (2) Simon Ray looks like another blow and it's all over **
(2) Simon Ray: 1 armor left
(2) Simon Ray: surprisingly your attacks miss as you slip on the sand
(2) Simon Ray: Init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)
** (1) Tristin follows up with a kick at the man's head, shifting with the accedental slip **
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [6,1,6,[10, 2],3] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: you miss, which is odd, because you seem to have planned it perfectly
** (2) Simon Ray tries to grab the spear **
(2) Simon Ray: Str + Brawl = 6
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,2,4,7,1] = (0)
(1) Tristin: ((+1 still?))
(2) Simon Ray: ((ya you roll 8 ))
(1) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,5,5,2,5,[8, 8, 7],7,[9, 9, 4]] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: nope, spear is yours
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [4,6] = (10)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [4,6] = (10)
(2) Simon Ray: you
** (1) Tristin rips the spear out of the man's hand and punches him with the other hand **
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,7,3,1,[9, 3]] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: you deliver a punch where it was aimed
(1) Tristin: ((Where ever you say.))
(2) Simon Ray: his neck
(2) Simon Ray: Shield of Chronos: Composure 3 + Stealth 1 + Time 4 = 8
(2) Simon Ray: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,8,1,3,9,1,1] = (3)
(2) Simon Ray: 4 time armor for Simon
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(2) Simon Ray: you
** (1) Tristin stabs the spear at the man's stomach **
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,[8, 10, 5],5,5] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((2))
(2) Simon Ray: Simon dodges miraculously, very fast, only the splatters of blood left in his place
(2) Simon Ray: ((time armor 2))
(2) Simon Ray: performing that dodge, he goes for the spear, hoping to surprise you
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Brawl 4
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,9,7,7,1] = (2)
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,[9, 4],[9, 2],5,2,[10, 7],3] = (3)
(2) Simon Ray: it doesnt exactly surprise you
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(2) Simon Ray: you
** (1) Tristin slashes sideways with with spear, after yanking it out of his hands **
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],2,1,6] = (1)
** (2) Simon Ray dodges **
(2) Simon Ray: ((1 armor))
** (2) Simon Ray tries to grab it **
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7,4,6,1,4] = (1)
(1) Tristin: [0d10.open(8).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(8).vs(0)
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[9, 7],7,3,3,1,5,[8, 1]] = (2)
** (2) Simon Ray doesnt grab it, cursing at you **
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Simon Ray: you
** (1) Tristin stabs strait at him hopeing he won't dodge this one **
(1) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,[8, 10, 4],1,5] = (1)
(1) Tristin: (2)
** (2) Simon Ray dodges most of the blow, but gets a nice rip on a fresh wound you opened a few rounds ago, you can see the muscle pusling, as a chunk of skin flies off **
(2) Simon Ray: ((armor gone, 1 agg))
(2) Simon Ray: ((4 agg now))
(2) Simon Ray: Untouchable: Wits 3 Occu 4 Space 2 = 9
(2) Simon Ray: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 8],3,3,4,5,5,8,1] = (2)
(2) Simon Ray: ((2 space armor))
** (2) Simon Ray bends space around him visibly, your strikes no longer connecting straight to his body **
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
** (2) Simon Ray tries to knock the spear out of your hand **
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,8,7,6,[10, 5]] = (2)
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,5,1,5,5,2,7] = (0)
** (2) Simon Ray does it **
** (1) Tristin throws a roundhouse kick at his head **
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + brawl 4 + kf1 -3 defence= 5
(1) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[8, 10, 1],3,2,3,6] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((2))
(2) Simon Ray: you swear your foot went where you aimed it, but somehow it did not connect to the same space
(2) Simon Ray: "Let's see you hop around now!"
(2) Simon Ray: Init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [9,6] = (15)
** (2) Simon Ray stabs you in the heart area with the spear **
(2) Simon Ray: Str 2 + Weaponry 3 + spear 3 - def 3 = 5
(2) Simon Ray: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,2,[10, 9],3] = (1)
** (1) Tristin coughs up blood as the spear penetrates **
** (2) Simon Ray stabs you in the ribcage, so close to the heart, but missing it. It starts to burn. Everything aches. You're in control of your body still, but every next wound, you know it, will stay a scar for a long time. Your muscles are open, you're bleeding, your face is pulp. **
(2) Simon Ray: You now ignore any bashing damage
(2) Simon Ray: any lethal wound will now automatically get agg
(2) Simon Ray: you have 1 agg, 6 lethal. Your opponent has 4 agg, 4 lethal. Good luck
** (1) Tristin tries to pull the spear from his hand **
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[8, 3],7,5,[10, 3],1,4,[10, 7]] = (3)
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,1,9,3,4] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: the spear is yours
(2) Simon Ray: inits
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
** (1) Tristin thrusts the spear at the man focusing all his might into the blow **
(1) Tristin: Str 3 + Wep 1 + Spear 3 + WP 3 - defence=7
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,1,3,1,1,1,6] = (0)
(1) Tristin: ((*cries*))
(2) Simon Ray: ((1 wp left))
** (2) Simon Ray goes for the spear, once he had blocked it **
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,[10, 5],7,8,8] = (5)
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,5,6,[8, 5],1,7,1] = (1)
** (2) Simon Ray rips it out **
(1) Tristin: ((Jeebus))
(2) Simon Ray: init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [5,6] = (11)
** (1) Tristin fights him for control of the spear **
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,5,3,4,[8, 10, 4],1,3] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((2))
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,6,9,6,5] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: you rip the spear
(2) Simon Ray: Monkey Paw on the spear: Gnosis 3 + Fate 3 = 6
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,5,2,8,7] = (1)
(2) Simon Ray: next spear attack, subtract 1 die from it
(2) Simon Ray: Init
(1) Tristin: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(2) Simon Ray: [1d10+6] => [9,6] = (15)
** (2) Simon Ray goes for the spear **
(2) Simon Ray: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,6,3,2,4] = (2)
(1) Tristin: [7d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,[9, 5],[8, 5],3,4,[8, 4],[10, 2]] = (4)
** (1) Tristin stabs at the man, not letting him take the spear **
(1) Tristin: [3d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,[9, 9, 9, 10, 8, 8, 1],1] = (1)
(1) Tristin: ((DAAAAAMN! Monkey Paw my shit more often!!!!!))
(1) Tristin: ((6))
(2) Simon Ray: "A kid... this is my challenge... a kid carrying water. I underestimated you, boy... Kurtis."
** (2) Simon Ray falls down dead **
** (1) Tristin pants as his rage subsides. **
(1) Tristin: "Fuck... I killed him..."
** (1) Tristin pants as he cups his worst wound, to stop the blood **
(2) Simon Ray: you feel the curse drop from the spell, and the walls step back towards you, the space no longer warded from reality. No longer are you on some distant bridge hovering over abyss, but you'ren ow back and the temple, and nothing looks surreal anymore
** (1) Tristin walks to the door, using the spear as a walking stick. **
(2) Konrad Knox: a door opens and four monks quietly carry Simon's body out of the arena, one of the monks approaches you
(1) Tristin: "I didn't want to..."
(1) Tristin: "I'm sorry..."
(2) Monk: "He did. He deserved his own fate, he was told about it many times, but did not listen. The man whose life you ended was Simon Ray, a perfected adept of Acanthus. He lived for 273 years, he did good and bad in this world, but he was destined to face you in a match to be granted the legendary dagger. What happened here was already written, you just happened to fulfill it."
(1) Tristin: "Two hundred and Seventy?"
(2) Monk: "Be not angry at him, do not hate him. For he did not hate you. He determined his life as a journey to become a Master of Time, and he could not reach his Mastery without this blade. It was his firm belief."
** (2) Monk nods at the question **
(2) Monk: "He came to this temple one hundred years ago, and was predicted this very moment. But he proved his herecy by treating it like a fairy tale. He paid for it. And now you have to pay for proving him wrong, your heavy wounds will carry your wisdom"
(1) Tristin: "Yeah, I'm working on those..." He says, searching his backpack for the healing potions he kept in there.
(1) Tristin: *gasping in pain every few seconds*
(2) Monk: "Our brother will be awaiting you in the main hall room, this way"
(1) Tristin: ((Don't know if they survived the battle, there were alot of kicks, but I never fell to the ground....))
** (2) Monk leads you back to the main room **
(2) Monk: ((you got so lucky that the Temp Statters fail. he was gonna prone you))
** (1) Tristin follows the monk, and drinks a potion while using the spear to help him walk. **
(1) Tristin: ((I got REALLY lucky with the last stab))
(2) Monk: ((he woulda dropped monkey if he snatched it, and made it lucky coin))
(2) Monk: ((if he sent you into the future, he'd move the spear where your head will be, and you'd be knocked to the floor proned, which means no defense))
(2) Monk: ((i'd say you almost clear beat an NPC who has 30 xp on you. except he didnt have the medallion for 8 again, but hey, he had the spear :D ))
(1) Tristin: ((It's a fate 3 spell, lol))
** (2) Monk leads you back to the room with the dagger pedestal, where your Guide Monk greets you. The other monk joins the people carrying Simon **
(1) Tristin: ((I get his exp?))
(2) Monk: ((nope, this is all happening in the same session that is about to take place tomorrow.))
(2) Monk: ((remember, you exit this at the moment when Robin and Anthony reach town. The temple flows in its own time. You and Eve are now caught up))
(2) Monk: ((Eve is on the airplane to Italy, you're out of the temple, next is Robin and Tony))
(2) Monk: ((then all get xp for that chunk of time))
(1) Tristin: ((I just thought you got someone's exp when you killed them))
(2) Monk: ((just their mana. but he had none left. and he had no exp either))
(2) Monk: ((had it all distributed))
(2) Monk: "Welcome back. You look better than I expected."
(1) Tristin: ((ah))
** (2) Monk greets you **
(1) Tristin: "I drank a potion... I think I should have gone with Prophet..."
(2) Monk: "Perhaps. But you wouldn't."
(2) Monk: "Or perhaps Simon would have challenged you anyway."
(1) Tristin: "What for?"
(2) Monk: "I do not know."
** (1) Tristin aproaches the dagger. "So this is mine?" **
(2) Monk: "I only read what is written, and what is not written, is beyond me to see. The speed with which I read however, depends on my skill. But that is blabber."
(2) Monk: the dagger now glows fully with your energy, it radiates with your quiet resonanse, and gets absorbed by your hidden aura. it feels warm
(2) Monk: "Indeed, you have earned the right to wield it, but of course, you have to name it, for it is your right."
(1) Tristin: "Name it?"
** (1) Tristin Tristin looks to the dagger. **
(1) Tristin: "What do you want your name to be?"
(2) Monk: "Simon believed it should be his right to name it. You killed a man for his beliefs. He would have for sure killed you for them."
** (2) Monk laughs **
(2) Monk: "Whatever you want! You won the challenge!"
(1) Tristin: "I was... talking to the dagger..."
(2) Konrad Knox: the dagger seems like it had many names before "blade of Chronos", "knife of Maurificus", "Lucifer's Razor", "Timespinner", "Doom's edge", "Sandstorm"... nothing really applicable to you
** (1) Tristin sighs and thinks of a name. **
** (2) Monk claps his hands once and the doors out of the Temple open to the pyramids view, but as you look outside, everything is frozen, a bird midair, a lizard on the ground, sand in the light wind - all outside the temple stands still **
(1) Tristin: "I have to name it now?"
** (2) Monk hoods, and starts walking away, then turns around and answers quietly **
(2) Monk: "I think you already did."
** (2) Monk bows and starts walking into the shadowed passage **
(2) Monk: Farewell, Tristin Lang.
(2) Monk: ""
(1) Tristin: "Goodbye Monk."
(1) Tristin: "Walks tword the exit of the temple."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, healing potion you drank restored 5 boxes. 1 agg is unhealable, only heals in 1 week. and you still have 1 lethal to do something with. and i think we had 6 potions per person, yes? you gave 1 to Robin, and used 1 now so u have 4 left?))
(1) Tristin: "Endiphon" he looks to the dagger, nameing it.
(1) Tristin: ((I had 5, I have 2 left though, used one in China.))
(2) Konrad Knox: the name instantly carves intself on the blade
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, corrected. 2 pots left
(2) Konrad Knox: ((nobody else seem to have except robin, who drank em just for kicks lol))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, gtg get Claire from work.))
(1) Tristin: "Wow..." he stares at the carving on the blade as he walks out of the temple.
(1) Tristin: ((Alright. See you tomarrow.))
(2) Konrad Knox: So, the dagger you wield will give you +1 to all time spells.
(2) Konrad Knox: it lowers your paradox chance by 1 die
(2) Konrad Knox: and it is now your path tool
(1) Tristin: ((What's it's die bonus when I attack with it?))
(2) Konrad Knox: its a little buffed path tool
(2) Konrad Knox: normal attacks +2
(2) Konrad Knox: counts as a dagger
(2) Konrad Knox: time spells +1