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(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:52
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:52
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Kurtis (enter): 21:52
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Kurtis...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Kurtis...
(2) Shawn (Tristin) (enter): 21:53
(2) Shawn (Tristin): woot
(2) Shawn (Tristin): I'm number 2
(2) Tristin: [1d100] => [50] = (50)
(3) Robin (enter): 21:55
(4) Anthony (enter): 21:58
(4) Anthony: `4
(4) Anthony: So Konrad tells me you fell asleep last week? :D
(1) Kurtis: omg i pwned Tristin this week
(1) Kurtis: i called him and pretended to be a freaky customer looking for DRUGS
(1) Kurtis: i think he got scared
(1) Kurtis: :)
(1) Kurtis: was like, wtf who is this
(1) Kurtis: im sorry Shawn i was given official permission to harass you by the GM
(2) Tristin: ...
(2) Tristin: I knew it was you.
(4) Anthony: heh, shoulda given me hsi number. I woulda been from the FBI
(2) Tristin: I just didn't want to be like "Hi Konstantine" and have someone respond, "I'm Pablo bitch! and look me up and shank me"
(2) Tristin: quotes used wrong..
(2) Tristin: ohh well
(1) Kurtis: lol
(1) Kurtis: Hitman movie was cool btw, anyone who saw it
(2) Tristin: Now Serp probobably would have scared the shit out of me.
(5) GM Claire (enter): 22:03
(4) Anthony: I did that to my wife once. Called and said I was mister smith from the FBI, and is [my name] => my name home? She got all scared, "no...."
(1) Kurtis: not if you heard Serp's voice
(1) Kurtis: like the softest most innocent voice ever
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (5) GM Claire...
(4) Anthony: Unless I'm putting on a voice
(5) GM Claire: RAWR!!!!!
(1) Kurtis: we got GMed
(2) Tristin: Well, I thought in my head you would either sound like a little bitch, or have a russian accent.
(4) Anthony: Which is better, life or spirt 4, or gnosis 2. hmm...
(5) GM Claire: Indeed.
(5) GM Claire: lol!!!
(2) Tristin: I was supprised to be right on both accounts.
(2) Tristin: =P
(4) Anthony: LOL
(5) GM Claire: *snicker*
(1) Kurtis: Is Kalsu online at this time?
(4) Anthony: What is a Kalsu?
(2) Tristin: Don't look it in the eyes!
(5) GM Claire: *hums while looking through music
(5) GM Claire: lol!
(2) Tristin: I can check on Gen..
(1) Kurtis: since Roger is out the window, sorta, we had a volunteer, a guy who was a GM on our UO shard, Beldoc, aka Kalsu, he heard from Shawn of Mage and wanted to play a Moros (Death Matter)
(4) Anthony: I don't know if I would say sorta. He didn't show up lsat week either
(2) Tristin: He just wanted to play. I told him he would likely have to be a Moros
(4) Anthony: Not sure the qualifier is needed
(1) Kurtis: I say Kalsu gets random rolled!
(1) Kurtis: if you're prepared for what you are, its not as fun
(4) Anthony: we have time, we have prime, we have life and spirit
(4) Anthony: we need death
(4) Anthony: we have fate?
(2) Tristin: yes
(2) Tristin: ...
(1) Kurtis: tristin
(2) Tristin: *ahem*
(4) Anthony: moros is death and... fate?
(4) Anthony: I always forget
(1) Kurtis: matter
(2) Tristin: mater
(4) Anthony: ahh, right
(2) Tristin: He's not.
(2) Tristin: I can call him.
(5) GM Claire: has he played any white wolf before?
(2) Tristin: No, just DnD
(4) Anthony: life, matter, space, time, spirit, death, forces, mind, prime, fate
(2) Tristin: Rachel and I got invited into his campain on Friday when we went to his house.
(4) Anthony: We don't have mind covered
(5) GM Claire: okay.. how much does he know about the game we are playing then?
(2) Tristin: CamPAIN
(1) Kurtis: Robin is mind, she just doesnt practice it
(2) Tristin: Just that it's modern day setting, with magic and shit.
(1) Kurtis: Kalsu would make a good mind mage
(1) Kurtis: he's into psychological characters. he played a drow assassin who was like... freaky
(4) Anthony: I wonder if deng is out of the hospital yet :/
(1) Kurtis: yeah...
(1) Kurtis: Kalsu was like pretty much the only assy who gave my character the creeps at night.
(1) Kurtis: *Konrad has a picture of Kalsu under his pillow*
(4) Anthony: Your character or you? XD
(2) Tristin: Because no matter how fortified you were he can break into your house?
(1) Kurtis: my character
(4) Anthony: Anywho... we're are in middle of testing... 2 down, 2 to go
(1) Kurtis: i stole Kalsu's disguise kit from his bag during the plague battle, lol
(1) Kurtis: still have it
(1) Kurtis: yeah we were. GM is preparing
(1) Kurtis: GM told me that she made up the cunning challenge herself. O_O
(2) Tristin: Any theif can buy them now.
(2) Tristin: =P
(1) Kurtis: buy?
(2) Tristin: from a vendor.
(1) Kurtis: bastards. they were hard to make in our days.
(1) Kurtis: there is a thief vendor??
(2) Tristin: The Theif Guildmaster always is.
(2) Tristin: Just have to be in the guild.
(2) Tristin: But there was never a guildmaster in old Gen.
(4) Anthony: You talking about UO?
(2) Tristin: Ja
(1) Kurtis: U can call Kalsu Shawn, see what he's up to
(2) Tristin: Lemme roll Rachel a ciggerette first.
(2) Tristin: Cell's off and I don't want his mom to rip my head off..
(2) Tristin: and she will... she's got horns and shit man... and fglowing red eyes.
(2) Tristin: glowing*
(1) Kurtis: damn
(2) Tristin: forgot, no bmps, sorry
(2) Tristin: I'll keep using the ninja until I make something better.
(4) Anthony: ooops, I hid the minis, nwo I cnat find htem :D
(1) Kurtis: heh
(2) Tristin: Oh and KK, I think I figured out why I "sound Brittish" to you.
(1) Kurtis: why
(2) Tristin: I was born in the west, then lived in the north, and now reside in the south...
(2) Tristin: so I have a hodge-podge of American accents all in one.
(2) Tristin: possibly sounding brittish?
(1) Kurtis: here is my personal favorite
(4) Anthony: That is like.. freaky
(1) Kurtis: knight texture on marine ? :D
(4) Anthony: yeah, was an accident, clouldnt' figure out why it was looking so weird :D
(5) GM Claire: mmkay.. sorry about that not being able to find my christmas music kinda got me cranky and you don't want me cranky
(1) Kurtis: warning: dont ever call GM cranky if you're her boyfriend
(5) GM Claire: hehe
(1) Kurtis: just not allowed
(5) GM Claire: So... last we were all here, you had two challenges left, the rabbit and the dog
(5) GM Claire: box me KK

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(1) Kurtis:
Mage The Awakening: Gates to Atlantis - Episode Nine

(5) GM Claire: woot. So you had finished with the monkey and his odd riddle. Now you are heading back to the warrior yes?
(2) Tristin: Sounds good.
(4) Anthony: Umm.... sure
(3) Robin: mhmm
(1) Kurtis: yup
(4) Anthony: I forgot what spells I had active. Spirit tongue and spirit site I think
(4) Anthony: and wings
(1) Kurtis: wings, prime sight, 4 dot force shield on me
(3) Robin: spatial map and wings
(4) Anthony: wings being Honing hte Form, of course
(4) Anthony: (( ooophs, thatw as all ooc ))
(5) GM Claire: Good deal, you return to the warrior (yes though the parrot had wings up for most of you) "You have completed the Monkey's riddle, choose your next challenge."
** (1) Kurtis resists frying the monkey for lunch for the Wolf Spirit **
** (4) Anthony looks at the others, "One is as good as the other I suppose." **
(1) Kurtis: "I already picked mine. Go nuts boys and girls."
(3) Robin: "i suppose"
(2) Tristin: I say dog first.
(2) Tristin: ""
** (4) Anthony shrugs, "The rab... er, Dog then." **
(2) Tristin: "We need something for the rabbit remember?"
(1) Kurtis: "Dog works."
(1) Kurtis: "Your speed probably."
(4) Anthony: (( been two weeks, I remember nothing about the reabbit ))
(3) Robin: "i dont remember"
(2) Tristin: ((We were all just told [IC] => IC we need a fox))
(2) Tristin: ((lol@brackets))
(4) Anthony: (( we need a fox? Hmm.. ))
(5) GM Claire: ((:) yaya don't have to repeat it))
(3) Robin: ((im a fox :) ))
(1) Kurtis: "Challenge of speed and challenge of loyalty."
(2) Tristin: ((true story))
(5) GM Claire: ((you are a panda))
(3) Robin: ((lol))
(4) Anthony: (( I could summon a fox spirit if need be ))
(4) Anthony: "So Dog then."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, we choose the dog challenge."
(5) GM Claire: "Very well"
(4) Anthony: (( oh, yeah, and I have an axe! It was an axe, right? ))
(2) Tristin: ((yes))
(5) GM Claire: yes
(1) Kurtis: (( yes. u got logs right? ))
(1) Kurtis: (( logs are posted ))
(5) Dog Spirit: "Please follow me."
** (4) Anthony follows the Dog spirit **
** (2) Tristin follows the spirit food. **
(4) Anthony: "Hmm.. maybe a bit of wolf in there... some terrier maybe..."
** (1) Kurtis follows Tristin, twitching the black wing **
(2) Tristin: ((hehe, I'm Asain))
** (3) Robin follows along **
(5) Dog Spirit: ((actually he looks like a large chow chow))
(2) Tristin: ((chow's right))
(1) Kurtis: "Chowterrier maybe?"
(3) Robin: i wonder if he'd get offened if i asked to pet him...
(5) Dog Spirit: ^ dog sprit
(4) Anthony: (( does he look just like that, or more ghostly being a spirit or..? ))
(5) Dog Spirit: yes more erthreal
(5) Dog Spirit: ((moving on!)
(5) Dog Spirit: The dog spirit leads you towards a small corrider with four doors. "Choose a door each of you and your challenge will begin."
(4) Anthony: "We each chose a differnt door?"
(5) Dog Spirit: "Correct"
** (4) Anthony takes the first door on the right **
** (3) Robin stands by second door. **
(2) Tristin: ((are they in a row?))
(1) Kurtis: "Remember, ladies. Loyalty is tested here. Don't get tempted into anything."
(5) Dog Spirit: Refer to the picture please ))
** (1) Kurtis keeps the hand on the sword and approaches the last door **
(4) Anthony: (( 4 in a row ))
(2) Tristin: ((didn't see it, scrolled wrong))
** (2) Tristin takes the third **
** (4) Anthony looks at the others, oepens the door and steps in **
(5) Dog Spirit: ((This will take a few moments as each of your will be receiving whispers shortly.
** (2) Tristin does the same, to his door **
** (1) Kurtis unsheaths the sword and walks in **
** (3) Robin crosses her fingers and opens the door, stepping through. **
(5) Dog Spirit: This much you all experience, you walk down what seems like an exceedingly long hallway with no identifying marks at all, your footsteps echo around you in the silence though you own footsteps, breathing and if you talk to yourself voice is all you can hear.
(2) Tristin: "Am I dead?"
** (1) Kurtis walks out the door with a sword in his hand **
(5) Warrior: You all find yourselves now quite suddenly in the main room with the warrior
(5) Warrior: "You have failed."
(3) Robin: "what?"
(2) Tristin: We what?
(2) Tristin: ""
** (4) Anthony looks around, Looks at Kurtis and frowns **
(4) Anthony: "Kurtis left through the door he came in."
(1) Kurtis: "I walked out the door I entered."
(1) Kurtis: #me nods
(5) Warrior: "You have failed. Forfeited."
(1) Kurtis: "Well damn. Can we try again?"
(4) Anthony: "Tellme somethign, warrior, what if both of us had chosen to die?"
(4) Anthony: "You said one of us woudl die, not both."
(4) Anthony: "Or hte dog did."
(5) Warrior: "I will not explain the dogs challenge to you as you have chosen to give up upon it."
(1) Kurtis: "I'm not killing Tristin. I saw his image in the mirror. Anyone saw mine?"
(4) Anthony: "I saw Robins."
(3) Robin: "i did"
(2) Tristin: "Each picking to save the other, saves everyone I guess..."
(1) Kurtis: "Ditto. Let's try it. I wanna go again. You can count on me, I ain't killing none of you."
** (4) Anthony shakes his head and looks at Tristin pointedly **
(1) Kurtis: "If anyone of you smashes my mirror, I'm coming after you in the afterlife."
(5) Warrior: "It is well past the time for second chances. You chose to give up on the challenge, you chose to forfeit rather than fulfill the dangers loyalty might bring."
(3) Robin: "hehe. i wasnt gonna smash you"
** (1) Kurtis looks quietly at the gypsie medallion on his neck **
** (3) Robin frowns **
** (1) Kurtis whispers to Tristin **
(3) Robin: "i didnt even get to choose..."
** (2) Tristin smirks and focuses on the stream of rime **
** (5) Warrior watches you all **
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), Rewind and warn me not to forfeit
(4) Anthony: "Sir warrior... what now?"
** (2) Tristin hoping to pull it back to the room with the mirror **
(2) Tristin: Shifting sands Gnosis 2 + Time 3
(2) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,2,6,4] = (0)
(5) Warrior: ((you lose))
** (2) Tristin shakes his head **
(1) Kurtis: "Blast. I thought to pass you had to not take the challenge... if only I knew back when we started."
** (2) Tristin touches his medalion and tries again **
(2) Tristin: ((damnit my macro is gone))
(4) Anthony: "If you knew back when we started, it wouldn't be a test then woudl it?"
(1) Kurtis: ((medallion is +1 dice i think.))
(5) Warrior: "A spirit's help is hardly worth the kid's life" The warrior shakes his head "When the time comes, will you be able to sacrifice what is most important?"
(4) Anthony: (( I thought it was reroll 8's? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((Gm?))
(4) Anthony: (( or is this different medallion? ))
(2) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,5,7,2,[9, 8, 2]] = (1)
(5) Warrior: ((Rerolls 8's))
(2) Tristin: ((two successes))
(2) Tristin: ((make up for the miss the first time?))
(4) Anthony: (( I hope you needed more than one ))
(4) Anthony: (( otherwise using medallion is waste :D ))
(5) Dog Spirit: The dog spirit leads you towards a small corrider with four doors. "Choose a door each of you and your challenge will begin."
(4) Anthony: (( paradox? ))
(2) Tristin: ((I have reroll 8 as a spell, Tristin thought this was a luck emergancy))
(5) Dog Spirit: The dog spirit leads you towards a small corrider with four doors. "Choose a door each of you and your challenge will begin."
** (4) Anthony steps to the first door on the right **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm not killing either Tristin, or myselfffff...."* - slows down as Tristin casts and the moment ceases to exist
(2) Tristin: "Before we begin..."
** (1) Kurtis pulls out the sword and approaches the fourth door **
** (4) Anthony looks at tristin, "yes?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Remember ladies, this is a test of loyalty... huh?"
(5) Dog Spirit: ((you do not recall anything that has just occurred unless you are tristin))
** (2) Tristin looks to the door and then to Kurtis **
** (3) Robin steps to the second door **
(4) Anthony: "Right, test of loyalty."
(2) Tristin: "Kurt... I'll be fine... I promise."
** (4) Anthony opens the door and enteres **
(1) Kurtis: "Huh?"
(4) Anthony: (( same thing as last time ))
(5) Dog Spirit: ((yes))
** (2) Tristin opens his door and walks through **
(1) Kurtis: "Did you reroll time?"
(1) Kurtis: "Damn it, did he reroll time?!!"
** (1) Kurtis walks in **
(1) Kurtis: "He so rerolled time..."
** (3) Robin crosses her fingers and opens the door,stepping through. **
(1) Kurtis: "Damnit."
(5) Dog Spirit: Act as if nothing had changed))
(4) Anthony: (( I have a paradox question, is tristin's amulet now unused because he rerolled time so didn't use it? ))
(2) Tristin: ((Yeah, even if I get shot.. I'm still shot))
(5) Dog Spirit: it's still spent, time doesn't rewind for him.""
(4) Anthony: (( ahh ))
(5) Dog Spirit: thats why he can remember what happened_))
(2) Tristin: ((I'm still the me from before I rewinded time))
(3) Robin: ((he'll look older before the restof us))
(2) Tristin: ((nope, I can probably alter my own aging =P ))
(5) Dog Spirit: ((by a few nano secontds))
(5) Dog Spirit: Go to your whisper rooms dang it!!))
(1) Kurtis: ((im just always paranoid now whenever Tristin talks to me ))
(3) Robin: ((lame... :) ))
(5) Dog Spirit: ((shoo!))
(5) Dog Spirit: ((Bans OOC))
(2) Tristin: Tony's in here already right?
(4) Anthony: (( yes ))
(2) Tristin: "Think Kurt will come through?"
** (4) Anthony looks at Tristin with a puzzled look, "What do you mean? I don't know what he'll decide." **
(4) Anthony: "But, really, it was the only logical choice."
(4) Anthony: "I hope he doesn't smash my mirror though." tony frowns
(2) Tristin: No, he's the kind of guy to forfeit... trust me.
(2) Tristin: ""
(4) Anthony: "What do... oh."
** (4) Anthony nods knowingly **
(1) Kurtis: "Alright motherfuckers, bring me all you got, I'm Kurtis Kerner and I'm not gonna die!" - walks through the door, gun in one hand, sword in the other, the blade burning with flames
(2) Tristin: "I know you won't..."
(4) Anthony: "Son of a... a bit high strung, aren't we?"
** (1) Kurtis realizes there's nobody to kill **
** (2) Tristin chuckles **
** (1) Kurtis puts the fire sword off **
(1) Kurtis: "Um. i tried burning a hole in the wall."
(1) Kurtis: "It didn't work."
(4) Anthony: "you tried... " Tony shakes his head
** (3) Robin walks in. **
(4) Anthony: "You were given three choices."
(2) Tristin: "My choice was easy... Tony's a doc."
** (4) Anthony looks at Robin, "I guess I die now." **
** (4) Anthony looks around **
(1) Kurtis: "These riddles are always like that. You gotta look for extra options. They never told us to dump sand out of bags either."
** (5) Dog Spirit appears **
(4) Anthony: "So do I die now?"
(3) Robin: "no monsters in here?"
(1) Kurtis: "I saved Tristin, I think."
(2) Tristin: "No, I saved you."
(3) Robin: "kurt, you should consider wearing a tophat..."
** (4) Anthony scratches his head **
(3) Robin: "...just saying...."
(1) Kurtis: "I heard your voice in there. Could you see me?"
(1) Kurtis: "Could you hear me back?"
(5) Dog Spirit: "You each saved a comrade thus all are saved. As a test of loyalty the ultimate sacrafice for a truely loyal person is their own life for that of another."
(1) Kurtis: "And thanks for not killing me."
(3) Robin: "i could see you. haha...no problem."
** (4) Anthony cocks his head, "That sounds familiar for some reason..." (( Jesus said it )) **
(5) Dog Spirit: ((indeed as did a number of other religious persons))
(4) Anthony: "If anyone had broken the mirror, then one of us would have died then."
** (4) Anthony looks at hsi friends, "Thank you for not breaking hte mirrors." **
(5) Dog Spirit: "Yes"
(3) Robin: "yeah. ditto."
(5) Dog Spirit: "I will return you to the Warrior"
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah. I wasn't gonna do it in any event. No spirit's help is worth losing one of ya."
(2) Tristin: "I know Kurt."
** (4) Anthony follos the dog to the warrior **
** (1) Kurtis sheaths the sword on his back and follows **
(5) Warrior: "You have one final challenge. Are you ready?"
(4) Anthony: "We needed a fox didnt' we?"
(1) Kurtis: "Well we're three fourths in deep, so sure."
(4) Anthony: "But, yes, I think we're ready as long as we don't need to prepare."
(3) Robin: "uh, yeah."
(2) Tristin: "ready."
** (3) Robin shoves somelipstick back in her pocket **
(5) Warrior: ((give me a second this warrior needs to pee))
(4) Anthony: (( thank gawd we had time arcana covered XD ))
(2) Tristin: ((*Fancy bow*))
(1) Kurtis: (( yeah Tristin is the omfgownage))
(1) Kurtis: ((it's very creepy))
(4) Anthony: (( thank gawd the warrior doesn't have time arcana or the jig would be up XD ))
(3) Robin: ((idk the turning time thing might be going to his head...hes talking crazy talk))
(2) Tristin: ((She's just mad that I can do whatever I want to her and she'll never know))
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah :D))
(1) Kurtis: ((aaaaall kinds of NASTY things))
(5) Warrior: ((*snickers*))
(4) Anthony: (( question on that, say you go into a bank, rob it, take the money put it in your pocket, reroll time. You are unchanged so you still have the money. but does the bank alos? ))
(3) Robin: ((eventually ill get dejavu and just punch him everytime i see him))
(2) Tristin: ((Good luck, brawling 4 and brawling dodge))
(5) Warrior: .... I suppose it would.))
(1) Kurtis: ((its gonna be like Back to the Future, the bank will have money, but then you will see yourself robbing it and disappearing))
(3) Robin: ((ill just go hide in my pocket rhealm before you could hit me))
(5) Warrior: ((I would have to read a lot more into the time arcana to answer that one..))
(1) Kurtis: he is basically travelling into the past
(4) Anthony: (( So you get $100, put it on teh table. Put it in yoru pocket. Reroll time. Put the $100 in yoru pocket agian, reroll time.. after af ew hours you'd have a pocket full of identical $100 bills ))
(5) Warrior: The cops might notice..
(1) Kurtis: ((lol no u cant do that. time space continuum will pop))
(4) Anthony: (( would be better with a gold coin :D ))
(2) Tristin: ((But they would be assumed counterfeit due to serial #s))
(5) Warrior: ((so clearly I'm back))
(1) Kurtis: ((well the Mage rules specify you can only rewind once with the same purpose))
(4) Anthony: (( okay, where were we, oh yes, we told the warrior we'r eready ))
** (1) Kurtis pops his neck **
(4) Anthony: "Quickness hmm? I think we better be prepared to think fast once we get where we're going."
(1) Kurtis: "Fox... I think I'm starting to miss Kassidy."
(4) Anthony: "I wonder if that Vampire chick would go out with me. She's... different."
(4) Anthony: "We didnt' seem to hit it off though."
** (4) Anthony realizes he's talking and supposed to be following a rabit **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm thinking more of a... Kassidy who owns a fox farm full of fox spirits."
(3) Robin: "maybe you could bribe her with her own money"
(2) Tristin: "Yeah, I'm sure she'd love a dinner date with you."
(4) Anthony: "I hope he doesn't go down a rabbit hole talking about being late."
** (4) Anthony chuckles **
(4) Anthony: "You mean she'd like to have me for dinner?"
** (5) Rabbit spirit decends from the ceiling, sleek and brown with what looks like gold dusted over the tips of its fur. **
(5) Rabbit spirit: "Are you ready for the test of swiftness?"
(4) Anthony: "yes mister rabbit."
(2) Tristin: "*nods*"
(1) Kurtis: "a moment"
(3) Robin: yeah."
** (1) Kurtis casts Burst of Speed, removing friction around himself and giving extra force to all movements **
(3) Robin: my cat rolled in gold paiint once
** (5) Rabbit spirit rests for a moment its long ears twitching, scratches with its long feet behind the left ear. **
(2) Tristin: ((Her cat rolls in everything))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((cats have that tendency))
(4) Anthony: (( I could give myself +3 dexterity ))
(1) Kurtis: Burst of Speed: gnosis 2 + forces 4 + ring 1 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,5,5,3,[10, 6],1] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: ((33 speed))
(4) Anthony: mummering - Honing the Form (V)(3) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+Power Word(2) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,8,7,8,5] vs 8 result of (2)
(4) Anthony: (( or +2 anyway ))
(4) Anthony: (( dex is now 4 ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((mmkay))
(1) Kurtis: "Ready"
(4) Anthony: "Ready."
(2) Tristin: "ready."
(3) Robin: "set"
(4) Anthony: (( oh yeah, I had given myself eagle eyes too, forgot about that, but is part of same spell as wings ))
(1) Kurtis: ((my dice are good today))
(5) Rabbit spirit: "You're challenge is to catch me and thus find the way out before THEY find you." *a shimmering portal opens before the rabbit, through it you can see a well manicured japanese garden with tall junpier hedges and bridges, as well as calming benches, pools of water with koi and a cherry blossom tree in the "center" as you take this in the rabbit darts through the portal and under the first row of juniper bushes disappearing from sight.
** (4) Anthony drats through the portal after the rabbit **
(4) Anthony: *darts
** (1) Kurtis dashes into the portal, defying air friction and all forces opposing **
** (2) Tristin casts acceleration stam 2 + ath 2 + time 3) **
** (3) Robin dashes through after them **
(2) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,2,[10, 10, 5],5,1,2] = (1)
(4) Anthony: (( 2 successes ))
(3) Robin: "does some one want to giveme a piggyback ride?"
(1) Kurtis: ((33 speed also, Tristin and I are moving at speed 33))
(3) Robin: "being way faster than me and everything...?"
(2) Tristin: ((I thought I was 44?))
(4) Anthony: (( so how we gonna do this, init, just run aroudn looking for it... take turns.. ? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((your normal speed is 11, each success gives you a multiple, and you add the sum to the original))
(2) Tristin: ((you're right))
(1) Kurtis: ((2 successes: 22+11=33))
(4) Anthony: (( no clue what speed I'm moving at. speed is 10. dex is 4 ))
(2) Tristin: ((no, it's based on dots in Time))
(1) Kurtis: ((Anthony is moving with 10 if runs))
(1) Kurtis: ((on dots?))
(4) Anthony: (( I raised my dex though, is speed based on dex? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((oooooh. TIME acceleration is based on dots, Forces is on successes))
(2) Tristin: ((for me it is))
(1) Kurtis: ((forces accel is page 171))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((speed is strenght dex and 5 added))
(2) Tristin: ((also I have short dash as my skill spec in athletics))
(2) Tristin: ((can I roll for that? and what would I roll?))
(1) Kurtis: ((heh youre right, time acceleration is based on dots.))
(4) Anthony: (( speed is str + dex + 5, so my speed is 12 now ))
(1) Kurtis: ((you'd roll dex+athletics+short dash))
(1) Kurtis: ((however many dice short dash gives))
(5) Rabbit spirit: mmhmm, for short dash it would be dex + athletics + spec.))
(5) Rabbit spirit: (+1_
(2) Tristin: ((dex 3 + ath 2 + skill spec 1))
(5) Rabbit spirit: Anyway... describing better...
(2) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,1,9,2,8] = (2)
(4) Anthony: (( so I could roll dex 4 + athl 4 + what? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((only if you have a specialty in running))
(1) Kurtis: ((Tristin is a runner as special skill))
(3) Robin: "ive got a good idea on how to track this rabbit."
(4) Anthony: (( oh, well, that sux :P ))
(2) Tristin: ((for running from cops))
(1) Kurtis: ((Gm describing big scene))
(4) Anthony: (( kay ))
** (3) Robin imagins the cute rabbit with it golden tipped fur **
(3) Robin: ((finder))
(3) Robin: ((gnosis 3 +space 4i can track the rabbit))
(5) GM Claire: You are now in an altogeather different area, if you have space (hint) you realize something odd about this place (whisper me) you also notice that the juniper seems to be almost reaching out towards you though when you look directly at it, nothing happens. Over all you hear the light sounds of a harp and flute and the very distant clash of swords. (also a mechanical change that will take effect only if you are trying to use your mage sights you will only have as many dice as you have wisdom to roll will give rp text when it comes up, those who already have it up you feel utterly blinded for a moment by overwhelming amounts of magic and become dizzy with it for three turns (9 seconds) rp accordingly))
(5) GM Claire: ((and go!))
** (2) Tristin dashes after the golden bunny **
(2) Tristin: "This isn't hard at all, he's like.. right there."
(4) Anthony: (( My spirit mage sight blinds me right? ))
(4) Anthony: "ahh, dang, I can't see! Too much magic!"
(3) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,3,3,8,9,9] = (3)
** (1) Kurtis dashes in the direction he last saw the rabbit and ... "Gaahaaaaah!!" - scream of pain as Kurtis covers his eyes and flies in a random direction, shutting the Mage Sight off, trying to shake it away as he runs across a bridge **
** (2) Tristin resists the urge to look back **
(1) Kurtis: "Mages, turn sights off!!!"
** (4) Anthony drops hsi spirit sight and blinks trying ot regain focus **
(2) Tristin: what's up with them?
** (4) Anthony sits down on the gorund and holds his head in his hands, "Dang, the place is spinning" **
(5) GM Claire: At this point tristin is far removed from you and strangely tristin you can't seem to hear your comrades anymore... though you were certain you didn't go to far from them.
(1) Kurtis: "Anthonyyyyy?!"
** (4) Anthony regains his balance, "I'm going to try space sight and hope I don't get blinded" **
(4) Anthony: (( gonna cost me a mana for improved spell ))
(2) Tristin: "Ahh fuck... *stops* GUUYS!!!!"
(5) GM Claire: ((ya'll can't hear Tristin))
(3) Robin: "i dont think we're in kansas anymore guys."
** (1) Kurtis tries to amplify sound, but the disorientation clashes too many waves - the swords, the music, the voices, amplifying one, he amplifies them all, making only more noise **
(2) Tristin: "fuck it..." *Dashes back after the rabbit*
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin, find that fucking rabbit! Go go goooo!"
(4) Anthony: mumering - Mage Sight Space - Gnosis 1 + Space 1 + Power Word 2 (minus 1 mana) [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],8,[10, 8],3] vs 8 result of (5)
(4) Anthony: (( wow, 5 successes on 4 die, nice ))
(4) Anthony: (( do I get blinded when I have space sight up? ))
(5) GM Claire: ((no this time it draws up like a normal spell))
(4) Anthony: "Umm.. guys.. this place is not.. here... I dnt' think we're in the shadow realm anymore."
(5) GM Claire: ((you get the sense that you are in a very large maze, which to further compound things is changing.
** (1) Kurtis finally opens his eyes 9 seconds later and looks around at the sound waves, deciding to shut the noise off. The lute. The harp. The swords. Off. **
(4) Anthony: "I dont' think we're in the physcial world either though. be careful."
(1) Kurtis: Sound Mastery: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],4,8,5,7,5,8] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: noise if off. Kurtis hears only what he needs to. He tries to locate Anthony
(5) GM Claire: ((it is now deadly silent, so much so that you can barely hear those in the maze with you and your heartbeat seems overly loud
(4) Anthony: "Okay, lets find this rabbit." tony looks at the bushes the rabbit went under and tries tos ee what everyoen else is doing
(4) Anthony: (( we are in a maze? ))
** (1) Kurtis filters sounds, only letting the mage voices through **
(1) Kurtis: "Alright. Which way did the kid go?"
(3) Robin: ((i got 3 successes on my finder spell. i should be able to track flawlessly now. yes?))
(4) Anthony: (( I can't picutre the surroundsings. ))
(5) GM Claire: ((okay I will discribe it, this area unfortuantly would be a lot easier to do over voice but that isn't an option so bear with me
(5) GM Claire: "GUYS!!!"
(5) GM Claire: ((Tristin's voice though you aren't sure from where))
(5) GM Claire: ((discribing))
(4) Anthony: "WHERE ARE YOU TRISTIN!" (( waiting for description ))
whispering to Anthony, i think the surroundings are just trees. we cant tell we're in a maze, because we're in it
(5) GM Claire: You are currently standing between two tall hedges of juniper, ^, when you aren't looking directly at the bushes they seem to be moving and reaching out to try and snag you, you notice this out of the corner of your eyes or from the tug on your cloths. Currently Robin Kurtis and Tony are standing at a long strech one way leading ...well I will draw your corrider mkay))
(2) Tristin: ((eat the berries!!! You'll trip nuts!!!!))
(4) Anthony: (( okay, with space sight up, can I picutre hte mage? ))
(3) Robin: ((lolololollolool))
(5) GM Claire: ((no you cannot picture the mage. or the maze for that matter))
(5) GM Claire: (( the maze is huge and constantly changing it is simply too much to keep track of... like the stream numbers from matrix))
(4) Anthony: "Shoot, we're in a maze. Okay. I'll follow the right wall, someone else follow the left wall. The maze is constantly changing though. If this rabit was alive I could use a life spell to fin dit, but it's a spirit."
(1) Kurtis: "Tony, get your wolves going after this. And fly."
(4) Anthony: "I wonder if I summon the rabits spirit if htat woudl be cheating?"
(3) Robin: ((anything about my finder spell?))
(1) Kurtis: "He didn't say not to cheat. Do it! heh."
(4) Anthony: "Hell with it, it just said to catch it."
(5) GM Claire: ((it does seem to indicate that going down this path ^ would lead you closer to the rabbit)
** (1) Kurtis spreads his wings and flies up, looking over the trippy maze, and trying to locate the rabbit or at least Tristin **
** (4) Anthony drops his form (loses wings and eagle eyes). "Uchawi, fly up and see if you can see it" **
(3) Robin: "i feel like elmer fudge, but, i think he went that way.
(4) Anthony: mummering - Greater Spirit Summons - gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + power word 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 5],6,9,6,[10, 2]] vs 8 result of (3)
(4) Anthony: (( summoning that specific rabit spirit ))
(1) Kurtis: looking for Rabbit or Tristin from the air: Perception roll wits + composure- penalty?
** (5) Uchawi the Parrot begins to fly up then drops back down quickly "Anthony there are archers" **
(5) Uchawi the Parrot: Kurtis you notice archers who are now aiming at you.
(1) Kurtis: "shit shit!"
** (1) Kurtis dives down **
(4) Anthony: (( dang it, my text din't get pasted here ))
(1) Kurtis: "No flying. Arrows"
(4) Anthony: (( from that spirit summons, the rabbit shoudl have to come to me as fast as it can ))
(4) Anthony: (( it is contested though, it rolls resistance ))
(4) Anthony: (( The target spirit’s rank levies penalties ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: you would have a -3 to your roll if his rank matters
(4) Anthony: mummering - Greater Spirit Summons - gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + power word 2 - 3 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,6] vs 8 result of (1)
(4) Anthony: (( I dont' know what a resistance roll is, or what it's based on or anything ))
(4) Anthony: (( I guess it would just have to get one success though ))
(2) Tristin: ((Rachel went AFK for a sec))
(2) Tristin: ((she;s back, nvm))
** (1) Kurtis casts emphemeral enchantment on the sword, so it would be able to touch a spirit: Gnosis 2 + Prime 3 = 5 **
(1) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,3,[10, 10, 4],5] = (2)
(4) Anthony: (( it only takes me 3 seconds, is it successful or do I need to try somethign else? ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((it is sucessful the rabbit is heading your way as far as you can tell))
(4) Anthony: "I summoned the rabit spirit, it shoudl be coming to me, but keep trying to find it
(4) Anthony: "As far as I can tell anyway, this place is just freaking weird."
** (4) Anthony heads down this path running **
(3) Robin: "Ill cast suspension as soon as someone spots it."
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((Okay so tony is you moving your man indicating that you are moving down the maze?))
(4) Anthony: (( yes ))
(4) Anthony: (( incidnetly, raising gnosis to 2 at cost of 16 ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((alright pause then will I pull up Tony's sheet...))
(4) Anthony: (( can't raise anything to 4 with 1 gnosis anyway :D ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: (you have 11 left))
(4) Anthony: (( umm.. I see 4 left ))
** (1) Kurtis dashes towards the rabbit, who is now summoned to our location, and moving, and tries to lay the flat side of his sword on the rabbit's body, to stop it. Kurtis is accelerated thrice his normal speed **
** (3) Robin runs closer to the rabbit while casting suspension on the rabit. **
(1) Kurtis: ((str+weaponry+sword? or dex+weponry+sword?..))
(4) Anthony: (( do we see the rabbit or are you all jsut guessing you do? ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((changes the maze to real time))
(4) Anthony: (( becuase I summoneed it and I haven't been told I see it yet :P ))
(4) Anthony: "Drek, dead end this way."
(4) Anthony: (( is my way back blocked also? ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: the maze is currently accurate on the screen
(1) Kurtis: "Tony, summon your wolf friend if you can."
** (4) Anthony looks behidn him, see's it's now blocked, goes to the end, see's it's blocked. "Ahh, .. Oh!" **
(4) Anthony: "don't think it woudl do any good, the rabbit isn't even coming, It hink space is kinda wacked here."
** (1) Kurtis is NOT standing still - I am moving after Anthony as I am shouting all this.He is not standing in one place and letting things move around me. **
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((what rabbit??.. I said as far as you can tell the rabbit is coming you do not see a rabbit. he is heading back towards you.. In the mean time you were moving in the maze and the maze was moving around you... so Robin and Kurtis you are were you are and Tony is down tehre wehre he is.. and for some reason Tristin seems to think he is inside a rabbit.. (shrugs)
(5) Rabbit spirit: Way way way way way above you all you see tristin flying
(1) Kurtis: ((how is Tony faster than Kurtis? Kurt is accelerated.))
** (1) Kurtis tries to cut his way through the maze **
(1) Kurtis: str 3 + weaponry 1 + sword 4 = 8
(1) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,4,1,2,[10, 6],8,5] = (2)
(3) Robin: "ive been reading about higher level space magic...this seems like we're trapped in a mutilated dimension."
(3) Robin: "we're never going to get anywhere."
** (4) Anthony looks up at tristin, "WHY YOU WAY UIP THERE! WATCH OUT FOR THE ARCHERS! COME DOWN!" **
(4) Anthony: (( kurtis, move even, go down and to the right htere ))
(1) Kurtis: ((GM says i cannot be there))
(4) Anthony: (( not whre I am ))
(1) Kurtis: ((coz you're somehow separated from me))
(5) Rabbit spirit: Thats it I want Init rolls because Kurtis is asking to many questions ooc for me to answer and sitll gm
(4) Anthony: tony Init 6 [1d10+6] => [4,6] vs 0 result of (2)
(1) Kurtis: Kurtis init [1d10+8] => [8,8] = (16)
(4) Anthony: (( 10 ))
(2) Tristin: ((me too?))
(1) Kurtis: ((im trying to cut my way down to Anthony's last location, but since the way is blocked, GM said i cant do that. Im confused now))
(4) Anthony: (( move where you CAN ))
(4) Anthony: (( right, down, right ))
(3) Robin: [d10+6] => d10+6
(3) Robin: [1d10+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(4) Anthony: (( okay, at 12 speed I can move how many squares each turn? ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: I don't think you are grasping this maze properly... Tony walks down the maze and turns down the corner ahead of you.. as you reach it there is not an opening.. A he turns his back to look back at you there is not an opening. Technically he's not even in the same area of the maze anymore you can still hear him simply becase of the spell you have up and the odd perception changing effects of the place you are.. KURTIS you are pissing me off saying that you tried to cut something down and I said you couldn't since I never said you couldn't you MAY NOT put words in my mouth. Further more if you wanna play gm here take the game over. Otherwise let me tell you what is going on thank you.
(5) Rabbit spirit: at speed 12 you can move 4 squares a turn Tony
(1) Kurtis: ((ok. trying to cut, where does Kurtis get?))
(4) Anthony: (( okay, waiting to be told I can move ))
(1) Kurtis: ((same))
(5) Rabbit spirit: NO I am going by INTI stop putting in your actions unless your number is up.
(5) Rabbit spirit: Thank you
(2) Tristin: ((do I roll init?))
(5) Rabbit spirit: if you plan on doing any actions yes.
(2) Tristin: [1d10+9] => [9,9] = (18)
(2) Tristin: ((6 plus 3 acceleration))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((waiting for Tristin's init))
(2) Tristin: ((18))
(1) Kurtis: ((mine is 16, no bonuses from spell apparently))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((nvm bloody scroll lock
(4) Anthony: (( oh.. hmm.. iw onder if I get bonus form my +2 dex.. let me see init stat.. ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: Now then... Tony do you have any questions before you proceed with your turn
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((dexterity plus composure is init mod))
(4) Anthony: (( oh, I do, dex + composure. My init is actually 12 then ))
(4) Anthony: (( questions.. no, only what is in front of me ))
(4) Anthony: (( I understand the rabbit is (probably) trying to get to me, but I'm moving around a moving maze. Tristin is way up in the air, uchawi is with me, kurtis and robin I lost track of. ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: Currently Anthony you see a small clearing with a cherry tree, a small pond with koi and a woman sitting on a bench, she has red hair and looks a lot like the woman you saw singing in the casino longue save that she has three silver fox tails coming out from behind her and is wearing a red komoni style dress.
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((and yes all those things you discribed))
** (4) Anthony calls out "Have you seen a rabbit?" **
** (5) Lisa Todd looks up at you and frowns with consern "What are you doing here don't you know how dangerous it is to be in the hedge?" **
(4) Anthony: "yes, it is a test. We need to catch a rabbit before something, or someone else catches us."
** (5) Lisa Todd bites her lip "Someone.. yes the keeper of this realm. You do not wish to be caught by him... You are looking for a rabbit? Are you here alone? What kind of rabbit?" **
(4) Anthony: "it is a rabbit spirit, actually, from the shadow realm."
** (5) Lisa Todd frowns her green eyes showing confusion at "Shadow realm"... "I don't know where that is.. but I suppose I could find a rabbit. I know this maze better than its keeper at times. But what would I receive in return hmm?" **
(5) Lisa Todd: "and you did not answer my other questions." Gives a very charming smile
(5) Lisa Todd: (pause) Robin your turn
(4) Anthony: "What is it you wish?"
(4) Anthony: "And, no, there are others with me looking for the rabbit."
(3) Robin: "im thinking it would be pointless to move on, however i dont want to find whats chasing us."
(3) Robin: ((how many squares per turn do i move? i am slow.))
(4) Anthony: (( what is your speed? ))
(4) Anthony: (( I was told 4 for 12, so it seems 3 speed = 1 squre ))
(3) Robin: (8))
(5) GM Claire: ...((so I guess yall don't know what pause means or apparently what is going on... since some of you were doing too many things at once for the nature of the place you were in I broke it down to init.. as such if you have a lower init you go first the people with inits higher than you can interupt if they choose. I am doing small scenes one at a time with each of you because you are all spread apart at this point and I don't want to do them in whisper at the same time. so saying PAUSE means that your scene is paused... which means is waiting for a moment for your next turn.
(4) Anthony: (( oh, dang, sorry ,missed that ))
(1) Kurtis: ((timeline wise, are events happening first to people with higher or lower init?))
(5) GM Claire: ((currently robin and Kurtis are in the same area.. at least until the the maze changes. Timeline wise everything is happening at the same time.))
(5) GM Claire: ((except maybe for tristin the humming bird due to his excellorated speed at the moment))
(5) GM Claire: ((robin and Kurtis if you want to go at the same time or speak to each other please let me know.. otherwise I will assume you are moving seperately and the maze will change as it will
(2) Tristin: (( I'm not a humming bird... *pout*))
(1) Kurtis: ((Kurtis has same acceleration rate as Tristin does currently for the scene duration. Is he still moving with Robin's speed regardless?))
(3) Robin: ((i just want to move forward))
(5) GM Claire: ((he is moving at his speed which would mean that if he moves ahead of her he is moving faster than her and may lose her in the maze
(1) Kurtis: ((ok. i have no more questions then about where I am. Robin was talking to me, so I can reply if it's not my turn?))
(5) GM Claire: You can reply to her you are in the same area still, she wants to move so she can move 1 square per 3 speed
(1) Kurtis: "There are archers shooting at us, Robin. I think it's safer together. I was going to cut through."
** (3) Robin looks to kurt. "i dont think youre going to get anywhere cutting" **
(3) Robin: "we should keep moving"
(1) Kurtis: "Do your best to keep track on the rabbit then, let's go."
(5) GM Claire: (Kurtis turn as robin chose to move))
(2) Tristin: ((My turn?))
** (1) Kurtis moves a bit ahead of Robin, and by the current in this time state of the maze, I remember that Anthony was blocked off by this hedge. Kurtis would like to cut through into the wall here. *red mark* Can I do that? **
(5) GM Claire: No tristin your name is tristin not kurtis
(2) Tristin: ((I saw him move, wasn't sure if he was going to type anything))
(5) GM Claire: Yes you can attempt to cut the juniper bush in front of you
** (1) Kurtis cuts it using this roll: strength 3 + weaponty 1 + sword 4 + ring's kinetic blow 1 = 9. Does that look alright? **
(5) GM Claire: yes
(1) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,1,5,4,3,4,9,7] = (1)
(5) GM Claire: You make a cut approximately three feet long down into the hedge. It does not apear to grow back and almost seems to shrink away from the blade infact
(5) GM Claire: ((Tristin your turn))
** (2) Tristin still flying tword the castle as fast as he can **
(5) GM Claire: Kurtis you can see through the small gap your blade has made into a small passage with a hedge wall ahead of you.
(5) GM Claire: You are flying towards the castle, above the line of archer fire.
(5) GM Claire: It is a vast chinese castle
(5) GM Claire: (picture forthcoming0)
(5) GM Claire: ((only bigger))
(5) GM Claire: only flying tristin? nothing else?
(2) Tristin: Yeah, just heading to the castle
(5) GM Claire: Tony you're up
(4) Anthony: "What is it you wish?"
(4) Anthony: "And, no, there are others with me looking for the rabbit."
** (4) Anthony steps into the clearing out of hte path, but keeps his distance from the lady **
** (4) Anthony is not sure that she is not a part of "THEY" **
(5) GM Claire: "How many others? My wish.. mmm well If you are willing I would offer you a pledge. A deal of sorts, favor for a favor.
(4) Anthony: Hmm.. I wonder if she was the inspiration for hte phrase, "a piece of tail"
(4) Anthony: "And what is the favor?"
(3) Robin: ((lol))
(5) GM Claire: ((hahha))
(5) GM Claire: "That depends on what you wish me to do. I can find your rabbit. I can find your friends. I can find you a way out. I can even offer my aid in other tasks you may need. The question is what you would offer me in return."
(4) Anthony: "This current test is but a small thing, the rabbit may even be coming to me if all went well. But in truth this test is a part of what you speak, looking for aid."
(4) Anthony: "Allies is something we need. And as the term Allie infers, favors for favors."
(4) Anthony: (( Ally? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((Ally))
(2) Tristin: }{oui}{
(5) GM Claire: "An alliance. That could be very useful to the both of us. I have just the pledge if you are willing to accept it."
(5) GM Claire: (pause))
(5) GM Claire: Robin?
** (3) Robin runs up to kurtis "man, I'm really gald I didn't kill you in the last challenge. then, I'd be stuck without the guy with the sword." **
(3) Robin: ((end turn.))
(5) GM Claire: Kurtis))
** (1) Kurtis opens the sliced gash a little bit, and turns to Robin. "Come on." - gives Robin his watch - "If you get lost, teleport to me using this". He dashes into the cut, to try and cross the corridor ahead **
(1) Kurtis: ((end turn, unless I can turn my head and see Anthony now))
(5) GM Claire: (you can see part of him.. the anth part ))
(4) Anthony: (( heh ))
** (1) Kurtis appears from around the corner, dashing with matrix speed and bumping into a hedge, waving Hi with a silly look on his face **
(5) GM Claire: ((tristin?))
** (2) Tristin still dashing at castle, (is it getting closer?) **
(5) GM Claire: ((it is... rather that is a good thing or not... you will see)) anything other than dashing?
whispering to Anthony, doing this by inits is much easier. no confusion who did what first.
(2) Tristin: ((watching for arrows, waiting to dodge if I have to))
(5) GM Claire: ((you are above their arrow shooting range at this point))
(2) Tristin: ((beter safe than sorry))
(4) Anthony: (( just hope uchawi doesn't get tired while you're way up in the air XD ))
(5) GM Claire: Tony you can now see Kurtis and the nice Lisa lady Kurtis beng just outside the clearing
(5) GM Claire: *being even
(4) Anthony: (( my turn? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: "An alliance. That could be very useful to the both of us. I have just the pledge if you are willing to accept it."
(5) Lisa Todd: ((yes))
(2) Tristin: ((im done))
(1) Kurtis: "Step away, Parrot! She is MY woman!"
(4) Anthony: "I believe I am willing ot accept it, and give my own. But in things that I would deem to be... wrong, evil, I may have a problem. And the pledge?"
(5) Lisa Todd: ((kurtis you can talk at anthony if you wish but cannot move in an cruel irony until your turn :P
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles gently **
(5) Lisa Todd: I will give the words if you agree simply repeat them."
(5) Lisa Todd: ((pause while I copy my text please))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((yes kurtis if you want you can interupt))
(1) Kurtis: ((i'll just walk in and listen for now))
(4) Anthony: (( heh, robin is blocked off now XD ))
(3) Robin: (it might be open next turn))
(5) Lisa Todd: "Let our prosperity be joined. The sweat of my brow shall be your rewards; the depth of your gratitude shall be my power. For one week, this I vow. May thy luck dry up if you are untrue; may fortune rise against me if I am. This we swear." She pauses a moment looking directly at you "A favor for a favor. I'll get things done for you this week, you just give me a little something to indicate we're still friends. If you can't do that much, then you'll be all out of luck."
whispering to Robin, you have Kurt's watch. use it as sympathetic connection for personal teleportation to me
(5) Lisa Todd: You feel a lite wind within the small clearing, it smells of mint, you can also "feel' tendrals of magic weaving with the words though not yet tied.
(5) Lisa Todd: "Do you swear?"
** (4) Anthony thinks and nods, "Let our prosperity be joined. The sweat of my brow shall be your rewards; the depth of your gratitude shall be my power. For one week, this I vow. May your luck dry up if you are untrue; may fortune rise agaisnt me if I am. This we swear." **
(1) Kurtis: "Woah... she's hard to get a date with, eh?"
(4) Anthony: "Oh, the rest also?"
** (5) Lisa Todd nods slightly **
(4) Anthony: (( duh, the fox. LOL. So THAT'S what they were talkinga bout XD ))
(4) Anthony: (( yes, that just occured to me when I saw the picture ))
(1) Kurtis: ((her name actually means Fox Fox, Lisa is that in russian, and Todd in something else...))
** (4) Anthony looks directly at Lisa,"A favor for a favor. I'll get things done for you this week, and you just give me a ittle something to indicate we still friends." **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((Irish nickname for fox)
(4) Anthony: (( A foxy fox fox. :D ))
(4) Anthony: (( hence the three tails ))
(5) Lisa Todd: "Do you understnd the agreement?
(4) Anthony: "I believe though, althought eh last part confuses me."
** (5) Lisa Todd gives a small but charming smile **
(4) Anthony: "About giving a little somethign to indicate we're still friends."
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), kick their archering asses
(5) Lisa Todd: "I am at your beck and call for the next week, from this moment to exactally a week hence. Seven days. In that time I will do anything you ask of me. Within reason. And in return you will give me a small.. token. Anything really will do. I particularly enjoy beads. One for every favor I do.
(5) Lisa Todd: Is that agreed?"
** (4) Anthony nods, "I do not have any beads on me however." **
(1) Kurtis: "You could always use your shirt buttons..."
** (1) Kurtis smiles poisonously **
** (4) Anthony frowns **
(4) Anthony: (( I have my wand, my axe, my doctor's bag ))
(5) Lisa Todd: "Anything will do" Gives a small smile her tails flicking impatiently behind her
(5) Lisa Todd: (9give her a bandaid :P anything))
** (4) Anthony sighs, reaches into his belt and pulls out his wand. Which is rather dangerous because it now has a sympathetic conneciton to him, and hands it to Lisa. **
(4) Anthony: (( but tony wouldn't do that. He wouldn't give something of no value ))
** (5) Lisa Todd cocks her head to the side in a peculiar manner "Are you sure if this token? I won't be giving them back." **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((pause))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((give ya time to think about it :P))
** (4) Anthony nods, "Yes, I u...(( pausing )) **
(5) Lisa Todd: Robin your turn))
(2) Tristin: ((Rachel is getting something really quick))
(4) Anthony: (( smoking a cig ))
(2) Tristin: ((nope))
(1) Kurtis: (( no, serp is smoking now))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((sending KK to find me grapes :D)
(3) Robin: ((back))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((your turn))
(3) Robin: ((the plants are still cut enough for me to walk through?))
(5) Lisa Todd: Yes as per the maze image above
(3) Robin: ((is the finder spell giving me any direction? towards kurtis or away?
(4) Anthony: (( back ))
(5) Lisa Todd: rabbit is kinda in the direction of the x
(3) Robin: well,i just follow after for now, then.
(5) Lisa Todd: Tristin you still flying?
(2) Tristin: }{Yes}{
(5) Lisa Todd: ((okay you fly... you see a dragon))
(2) Tristin: "Ooop, wrong way..."
(4) Anthony: (( snicker ))
** (2) Tristin flys the other way **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((lol))
(4) Anthony: ( hmm.. still says "fetchign" for me ))
(5) Lisa Todd: dragon appears to be flying slowly after you :D))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((me too))
(2) Tristin: "Okay, so they exist..."
(4) Anthony: (( ooh, chinese dragon ))
(5) Lisa Todd: (Tony))
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), http://www.babble.com/CS/photos/drooliciousjul2007/images/32519/365x365.aspx
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), he's gonna eat you
(5) Lisa Todd: "Are you sure if this token? I won't be giving them back."
(4) Anthony: "Yes. I am certain, I would not give you something that has no value to me. It has some... small.. hold over me so shows my sincerity."
** (4) Anthony hands the wand to Lisa **
(4) Anthony: (( charity is his Virtue after all ))
(5) Lisa Todd: "I can't imagine what you intend on giving for the next favor." Shakes her head "Regardless what do you wish me to do first?"
(4) Anthony: "Find the rabbit. We need to catch it."
(1) Kurtis: "His heart probably. Literally..."
(4) Anthony: "Help us catch the rabbit shoudl I say."
(5) Lisa Todd: "As you wish. Do you require the rabbit to be alive?"
(4) Anthony: "Yes, definately. Plesae do not hurt the rabbit."
(5) Lisa Todd: "As you wish. Do not follow me, it is not safe where I travel... in fact.. best stay here. It is safe in this clearing I have made it so. The keeper cannot find you here. And please turn around.
** (5) Lisa Todd twitches her tails **
** (4) Anthony turns around **
** (5) Lisa Todd looks pointedly at Kurtis **
** (4) Anthony starts humming "Foxy lady" **
(1) Kurtis: ((dont wanna spend my turn turning around *innocently* ))
(2) Tristin: ((Love Hendrix))
(4) Anthony: "Please turn around Kurtis."
(5) Lisa Todd: ((:P))
** (1) Kurtis turns around grumbling **
(4) Anthony: (( wish I would of cast omnivision now XD ))
(5) Lisa Todd: You both feel a rush of very powerful but unidentifyable magic and the rustle of silk.. you no doubt turn, to see the last of seven silver fox tails slipping under the nearest juniper hedge
(5) Lisa Todd: ((robin your turn))
(3) Robin: im just running
(3) Robin: ((teleportation cost a mana))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((indeed))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((kurtis?))
** (1) Kurtis sits down and waits with Anthony, leaning on the sword **
(1) Kurtis: ((end))
(5) Lisa Todd: Tristin.. there is a dragon and its your turn.
** (2) Tristin dives tword the maze, flying away from the monster **
(2) Tristin: ((that's it))
(5) Lisa Todd: mmkay
(5) Lisa Todd: Tony
(4) Anthony: (( dragon behind you, archest in front of you. heh, you're scrwed ))
(2) Tristin: ((No, archers are behind too))
** (4) Anthony looks at where the fox went, "seven tailed fox, sounds mythological." Tony looks around and up in the sky where he last saw tristin to see if he's still up htere **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((corret))
(5) Lisa Todd: he is and there is a dragon
(5) Lisa Todd: he is heading down though it seems..
(4) Anthony: "Oh"
(4) Anthony: "Shit"
(5) Lisa Todd: Tristin.. not the dragon
(4) Anthony: "Umm.. thre's a dragon chasing tristin."
** (4) Anthony points at tristin **
(4) Anthony: (( end ))
(5) Lisa Todd: Robin))
** (3) Robin wanders further down the hall. **
(3) Robin: ((end))
(5) Lisa Todd: Kurtis
** (1) Kurtis lifts off the ground as high as he can in one and a half seconds and tries to render Tristin invisible **
(1) Kurtis: Bestow Invisibility: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,8,6,[10, 5],3,[10, 4]] = (3)
(5) Lisa Todd: what is your wisdom?
(1) Kurtis: 7
(4) Anthony: (( wits right? ))
(4) Anthony: (( or wisdom ))
(5) Lisa Todd: then yes seven dice
(5) Lisa Todd: Tristin you are invisable.
(5) Lisa Todd: you think..
(5) Lisa Todd: well.. actually you don't know'
(5) Lisa Todd: but Kurtis.. he disappears
(5) Lisa Todd: Tristin you turn))
(1) Kurtis: ((kick dragon in the balls! ))
** (2) Tristin still diving away from the dragon **
(2) Tristin: ((fuck that....))
(5) Lisa Todd: hehehe))
(5) Lisa Todd: you are nearing the maze again
(5) Lisa Todd: ((*squeeky squeeky*))
(5) Lisa Todd: Tony))
(2) Tristin: ((LOL))
(1) Kurtis: (( this dragon is chasing Tristin http://www.babble.com/CS/photos/drooliciousjul2007/images/32519/365x365.aspx ))
(4) Anthony: (( lets see, I have space mage sight and sprit tongue up. while waiting I'll cast transform self to give me wings again ))
(5) Lisa Todd: mmkay))
(4) Anthony: (( er, is that right spell. :/ ))
(5) Lisa Todd: I think so.
(4) Anthony: will use axe if it helps - mummering - Transform Self(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(3)+powe word(2) [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 7],2,8,5,4,8,7,1,4,[10, 7],1] vs 8 result of (5)
(5) Lisa Todd: wings
(4) Anthony: (( kay, wings, eagle eyes, cats claws ))
(5) Lisa Todd: and a number of other things I supposer
(2) Tristin: (6 others))
(4) Anthony: (( I had 5 successes, gives me 2 others no? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: yes
(4) Anthony: (( but don't really want anythign else right now so.. nothign ))
(4) Anthony: (( this way I don't look tOO strange XD ))
(2) Tristin: ((I keep thinking 6 from when I first started v.v))
(4) Anthony: (( parrot wings of course XD ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((robin))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((of course))
(3) Robin: "i wonder where everyone went?"
** (3) Robin wanders around more. **
(4) Anthony: (( lol, poor robin ))
(3) Robin: ((end))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((kurtis))
(1) Kurtis: ((well.... how big is the dragon? in pounds?))
(5) Lisa Todd: ..I dunno.. a lot?
(1) Kurtis: ((over 1000 ? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: bigger than a school bus? yes?
(5) Lisa Todd: bigger than an elephant easily
(2) Tristin: ((unless the wheels fall off))
(5) Lisa Todd: lol
(4) Anthony: (( so more tons than pounds :D ))
(5) Lisa Todd: yes))
** (1) Kurtis tries to apply his power over air friction ahead of the dragon, making it so hard and dense that it is impossible to move through, to make air cut into its skin and scales, cut its lungs as it breathes, increasing force of friction on the dragon to the point of it causing lucerations and abrasions, like a knife **
(1) Kurtis: Friction Knife: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1.... penalties?
(4) Anthony: (( riiight.. lets just get the dragon pissed at us, why don't we? XD ))
(1) Kurtis: ((with the amount of movement it does through the air, it should really fuck him up, maybe even cut up his wings, if i have good successes))
(4) Anthony: (( how to win friends and influence entities ))
(5) Lisa Todd: yes penelties -3 please for the fact that 1 reality doesn't quiet work here and 2 the amout of area you need to cover.... 3 chinese dragons don't have wings...
(1) Kurtis: 7-3 = 4
(1) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,6,9] = (2)
(5) Lisa Todd: The dragon faulters in the air then turns around towards the castle.
** (1) Kurtis lands **
(1) Kurtis: ((end))
(5) Lisa Todd: Tristin))
** (2) Tristin with omnivision, see if it looks like the dragon still sees me **
(5) Lisa Todd: the dragon appears to be flying back towards the castle.. so no it can't see you its faced the wrong way ;)
** (2) Tristin begins flying tword the castle again, staying low **
(4) Anthony: (( Do not mess in the affairs of dragons, for dragons are subtle and will FREAKING EAT YOU ))
(2) Tristin: Wispers "Thanks Kurt" careful not to give away his possition
(5) Lisa Todd: ((gm slaps her forehead))
(5) Lisa Todd: Tony))
(4) Anthony: "You know, that foxy lady said that this place was safe, we shoudl get everyone here. There goes Tristin flying off, where is robin?"
(4) Anthony: "Oh, and where were these archers?"
(4) Anthony: (( wend ))
(4) Anthony: (( end even ))
(1) Kurtis: "I know, what the fuck. We send Tristin to catch a rabbit, and he brings us a dragon."
(1) Kurtis: "The archers are on the castle. Still shooting. I suppose cavalry is soon on the way too."
(5) Lisa Todd: ((Robin))
** (3) Robin wanders **
(3) Robin: "shit. i give up on walking"
** (3) Robin cups kurtis' watch **
(3) Robin: teleportaion(int2+occ.0+space4)=6
(3) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,4,8,8,8] = (4)
(3) Robin: "woo!"
(3) Robin: "whats up?"
(1) Kurtis: "Dragon."
(4) Anthony: "Tristin. And a dragon."
(3) Robin: "damn....i imediatly regret teleporting to you."
(4) Anthony: "Safest place, stay here."
** (3) Robin pockets kurts watch **
** (5) Lisa Todd returns as a small silver fox with seven tails carrying a rabbit carefully in my jaw from under a juniper bush **
(4) Anthony: (( you said "my" don't let roger hear you :D ))
(1) Kurtis: ((i was gonna say but didnt want to be beaten by shoes))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((smart kurtis))
(3) Robin: ((lol))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((beats tony with shoes)
(2) Tristin: ((hehe))
(4) Anthony: (( whip me, beat me, make me write bad checks ))
(5) Lisa Todd: you have been shoed.
(5) Lisa Todd: Moving on...
(5) Lisa Todd: ((kurtis!!))
** (1) Kurtis looks at the Rabbit **
(5) Rabbit spirit: "What? I suppose you've caught me. Lets leave this place then.
(1) Kurtis: "My my my, never thought it'be that hard of a challenge. Well, then..." - puts a sword tip to the rabbit's head gently - "Game over?"
(1) Kurtis: ((too late))
(1) Kurtis: ((my turn ends))
(5) Rabbit spirit: (tristin))
** (2) Tristin stops flying, and yells, hopeing the dragon can't hear him. **
(2) Tristin: "Guys, any luck yet?"
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((megagamer!))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ..((how and why would you randomly ask if they were having any luck when you were the one supposed to be chasing the rabbit>))
(5) Rabbit spirit: ((shoes tristin for cheating))
** (1) Kurtis drops Tristin's invisibility and yells "Over here. It's done!" **
(5) Rabbit spirit: You have been shoed
(2) Tristin: v.v
(2) Tristin: My wings were tired.
(2) Tristin: Two stanima
(2) Tristin: =P
** (5) Lisa Todd makes growling noises while holding the rabbit carefully as if trying to speak **
(1) Kurtis: "Man! They exist, dude!"
(4) Anthony: (( /me patiently waits his turn ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((rolls her eyes and prepares more shoes))
(5) Lisa Todd: Tony))
** (2) Tristin heads to the sounds of the voice? **
** (5) Lisa Todd ignores cheaters **
(4) Anthony: "Thank you, m'lady. YOu can let the rabbit go now."
(1) Kurtis: ((<- is not a cheater! ))>
(4) Anthony: "How will I be ablet o contact you this week?"
(1) Kurtis: (( me is not a cheeta! ))
(4) Anthony: "Oh, my name is Tony Parrot. And you are?"
** (5) Lisa Todd releases the rabbit and gives a foxy smile **
** (5) Lisa Todd ignores! **
(4) Anthony: (( ignores my questino? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((naw, me))
(4) Anthony: (( waiting to see if lisa responds ))
(4) Anthony: (( or shoudl I continue? ))
(1) Kurtis: (( she's replying ))
** (5) Lisa Todd walks to the silk kimono dress and clambers into it (no kurtis) assumes the previous form of the sexy red headed lounge singer. "There are a number of ways to contact me Mr. Parrot, not the least of which being to ask me to acompany you through the protal this rabbit will be opening. **
(1) Kurtis: (( Kurt knows this girl from the casino, he asked her name in Tony's presense. Vampire girl told them her name :D ))
** (4) Anthony smiles, "Yes. Then later you can accompany us back to the physcal world." **
** (5) Lisa Todd gives a small smile. **
(3) Robin: tony likes some freaky chicks
** (5) Rabbit spirit opens a protal when cheater.. I mean Tristin *cough cheater cough* arrives. ((mmkay I'm done)) **
** (4) Anthony looks around, "Dang, where is Tristin. We need him." (( end )) **
(2) Tristin: "Sorry... *huff* Dragon..."
(4) Anthony: (( we out of init I believe? ))
(5) Rabbit spirit: 9(yes))
(4) Anthony: "Wel, you shouldn't of been dragon ass then and huried up" Tony smiles
** (5) Rabbit spirit hops through the portal **
(4) Anthony: "Incidently, this lady will be accompanying us."
** (4) Anthony follows the rabbit **
** (1) Kurtis catches up with Lisa and taps her on the arm quickly, lowering his tone, "scuse me, Lisa?" **
** (2) Tristin lands, being glad to use his feet again **
** (5) Lisa Todd walks through the portal leasurely "Yes?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Did you call me? Was it you?"
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles gently "How was your night?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Ha! I knew it. Well, I found my way."
(1) Kurtis: "Thank you."
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles continuing through the portal without further comment. **
** (1) Kurtis looks around the creepy maze, and walks in last **
** (3) Robin egarly walks through **
(4) Anthony: (( ahh, dang, I should of healed hte bush where kurits cut through, but then I never saw that so... ))
(3) Robin: ((i wont tell on you hurtis))
(3) Robin: ((k*))
(1) Kurtis: ((HURTis))
(4) Anthony: (( hurtis, LOL ))
** (2) Tristin walks through the portal **
(5) Warrior: "You have completed all of the challenges set before you. I will come to your aid when ever you ring this bell." *offers a bell ^*
** (4) Anthony accepts the bell **
(4) Anthony: (( after all, it was my spirit quest :P ))
(5) Warrior: "In addition I can offer you the aid of one of these 12 spirits."
** (1) Kurtis looks jealous he didnt get a bell!! **
(4) Anthony: "Thank you sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman."
(2) Tristin: "Are you usualy here?"
(5) Warrior: (insert chinese zodiac here))
(2) Tristin: ((OOOO!! OOOO Snake!!!))
(1) Kurtis: "Guys, take the dragon. You won't regret it."
(4) Anthony: (( dog, rat, snake.. hm.. isnt' the dragon in the chinese zodiac? ))
(5) Warrior: ((yes))
(3) Robin: "dragon!"
(4) Anthony: "Dragon does sound good."
(2) Tristin: "Pfft, ram's the best..."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, beats the hell out of pig or rooster..."
(4) Anthony: ((* I was born under hte sign of hte rat :/ ))
(3) Robin: ((im dragon!! i win))
(1) Kurtis: (( im pig))
(4) Anthony: "Are we agreed on Dragon then? "
(2) Tristin: ((I'm a snake, but Tristin would be a ram))
(1) Kurtis: "Hell yeah. I want a dragon."
(5) Warrior: ((dog, rat, snake, dragon, rabbit, boar, cock, tiger, horse, sheep, monkey, ox)
(4) Anthony: "I believe the dragon would suffice sir."
(3) Robin: "oh i forgot about tigers"
(1) Kurtis: "Mister Warrior, we are actually going to be asking your help really soon. See, we're in war with a powerful necromancer. Can the likes of you engage in combat with the likes of him?"
(4) Anthony: "Oh, can you enter into the physical world or will I need to find a way to get you there?"
(2) Tristin: ((remembered wrong obviously))
(2) Tristin: ((wait, sheep is ram v.v))
(4) Anthony: (( smoking cig ))
(5) Warrior: "The dragon will be at your call if you but summon him with this token (offers this token ^) but he will only heed you five times so be careful what you ask. I am the spirit of Warrior, all that is a warrior I am. I can offer all that the greatest warrior can offer.
(1) Kurtis: "Nice, but do you have a warrior body?"
(5) Warrior: ((the mighty warrior must pee again))
(4) Anthony: (( back ))
(4) Anthony: (( my bathroom was occupied :( ))
** (4) Anthony looks at Lisa, looks at the bell, looks at the token and nods to Kurits **
(5) Warrior: "If that is necissary to aid you I can have a body yes."
** (1) Kurtis nods back **
(4) Anthony: (( I haven't taken the token ))
(1) Kurtis: "I think we got what we came here for. Three powerful allies." - Kurtis accepts the dragon token
(5) Lisa Todd: "From here I cannot return on my own. From where I was I could have."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, let's head home then. Tony can open a portal back."
(1) Kurtis: "In a few hours."
(4) Anthony: "It will take about.. six hours to open a portal to the physical world. Unless I can get someone on the other side to open it faster."
(1) Kurtis: "They have any restaraunts in Spirit Haven?"
(4) Anthony: "Good question, don't know if we can get food and drink here."
(1) Kurtis: "I suppose steaks and BBQ ribs will have freaky spirits of gluttony trying to stomp me..."
** (4) Anthony turns to the warrior, "Thank you for your aid great warrior." Tony bows **
(1) Kurtis: "Looking forward to being eaten by a giant steak"
** (1) Kurtis remembers Robin stashed some potato chips **
(2) Tristin: "I think my weed ate the apples..."
** (5) Lisa Todd looks around the "dojo" curiously tails flicking behind her." **
(4) Anthony: "Talk about the muncies"
(4) Anthony: (( lets see, how much time did we actually spend on these quests? ))
(4) Anthony: (( about an hour? ))
** (1) Kurtis pulls out the coffee out of his backpack (which now has a sword strapped to it in a cool way), and pours is into the thermos lid, offering everyone in turns, he passes the coffee to the first person next to him - Tony **
** (4) Anthony accepts the cup with a nod and drinks then hands it back **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((you have no idea how long it as been.. especially when it comes to your time in the maze)
** (1) Kurtis hands the thermos to Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: "Pass it on guys"
** (2) Tristin drinks and passes **
(1) Kurtis: Alright, Tony. Start your magic.
(4) Anthony: (( dang, reaching spirit won't let me take something from the physical world to here just move it there ))
(4) Anthony: "Lets go back to the hollow."
(4) Anthony: "The gauntlet is thinner there."
** (1) Kurtis nods and flies out of the dojo **
(4) Anthony: "Uchawi, can you give Lisa wings please?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Why would I need wings?"
(4) Anthony: "Can you fly? We will be flying back to the hollow."
(1) Kurtis: "It's quite a walk."
(2) Tristin: Before he leaves he turns to the warrior "Are you always here?"
(5) Warrior: "Yes save when summoned away."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Wings it is then."
(2) Tristin: "I'll come visit you sometime."
** (5) Uchawi the Parrot gives the fox girl silvery wings **
** (2) Tristin opens his wings and flys after dashing out the door. **
** (4) Anthony goes to the door, turns and bows into the dogo, then exits and flies into the air **
(1) Kurtis: "You wouldn't be friends with Kassandra Fox? She favors creatures like you, she has a ton of friends you can hang out with, back at the Hollow. They all foxes."
** (2) Tristin flies back down and grabs his shoes **
** (2) Tristin then follows after the others **
** (5) Lisa Todd follows shaking her head know to Kurtis' question. **
** (4) Anthony while flying back asks Uchawi, "oh, you wree telling me the spells you could cast, you told me about the wings then I sort ot stopped listening. What else can you do Uchawi?" **
(3) Robin: "peace." robin flys out the door and strait up into the sky
(1) Kurtis: "Heh... must have some wierd coincidence then... my fate is strangely influenced by foxes... and fox is not even in any horoscope."
(5) Uchawi the Parrot: "I can impart knowledge of a sort. And translate most languages."
(4) Anthony: "Impart knowledge? Knowledge of what?"
** (1) Kurtis flaps and hovers moving closer to Tristin **
(5) Uchawi the Parrot: "Most anything."
(4) Anthony: (( man we must be a sight, different types of wings, one lady with a tail, a parrot... ))
(4) Anthony: (( flying across an etherial world ))
(1) Kurtis: "Tris, think we can visit this dojo in real world and freak em out, like, tell em they have this badass spirit living in their dojo? That be pretty funny."
** (4) Anthony usues his eagle eyes to check for danger in front of them **
(1) Kurtis: "They'll tell us we're on crack."
** (2) Tristin snickers **
(2) Tristin: They might also already think so..
(2) Tristin: ""
(1) Kurtis: "That there are spirits or that we're on crack?"
(2) Tristin: "Could be like... the current teacher's teacher"
(4) Anthony: "We aren't supposed to mess with the awakened too much I understand."
(4) Anthony: "Ug, I'd hate to meet hte spirit of crack."
(1) Kurtis: "A little fun won't hurt. Imagine all the fireworks I could put on for kids on country fairs.... muwahahahahahaaaa"
(1) Kurtis: "We met the crack spirit, remember?"
(1) Kurtis: "white little bladed thing."
(4) Anthony: "you should be sure to read up in your book the secion on paradox. Some of those can be quite nasty."
(4) Anthony: "That was cocaine."
(1) Kurtis: "Same difference"
(5) Lisa Todd: ((you fly fly fly until you reach some foresty type area.. and crack and cocaine are the same thing!))
** (1) Kurtis is flying flying flying... **
(4) Anthony: "Actually, from my stuidies of drugs, it's a bit difference"
(1) Kurtis: "Well, you're the doc, doc."
(5) Lisa Todd: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crack_cocaine
(5) Lisa Todd: Same thing
(1) Kurtis: "But after what I have seen, I'm done with drugs. At least in the spirit world."
(4) Anthony: (( same drug, but different effect when smoked, it doesn't last as long, is more immediate and gives different effect ))
(4) Anthony: (( crack is much more addictive than powdered cocaine ))
** (1) Kurtis flies the familiar route over the foresty area, looking for the Hollow **
(1) Kurtis: "Home, sweet home..."
(2) Tristin: ((Tony is right))
** (1) Kurtis 's sword sticks out between the wings, like a swallow's tail **
(2) Tristin: ((but it doesn't matter))
(1) Kurtis: ((we two are good boy & girl, we dont do drugs ))
(4) Anthony: "I'll need to find out if my axe has any spells on it other than being a tool."
** (3) Robin munches on the potato chips she stashed while flying over the hallow **
** (4) Anthony flies down a little ways from the hollow but in it's protection where they stepped into the shadow realm **
(1) Kurtis: "If it's really like my sword, it will respond to magical suggestions on a whim. Like, I can set the sword on fire and slash with it at the same time, it responds to my thought"
(2) Tristin: ((...I wouldn't be playing Mage right now if I was a crack-head))
(4) Anthony: "Hm.. I wonder if my axe does." Tony pulls the axe form his belt, holds it in front of him, "Umm.. Flame on!"
** (2) Tristin snickers **
(4) Anthony: (( nothing? ))
** (4) Anthony shrugs and puts his axe in his belt, "not for me I guess." **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((nothing involving the words Flame on...))
** (4) Anthony sits down,clears his mind.... **
** (4) Anthony uses the axe to help him cast (if it helps ) **
(4) Anthony: "this'll be a while people. Remember, when the portal opens it'll only be open for 10 or 15 secnds..."
(1) Kurtis: "Your weapon resonates with magic of Spirit and Life. If you can think of a spell involving them, the axe will respond."
(4) Anthony: (( spriit road - mummering power word 2, gnosis 2, spirit 3 = 7 die. ))
(4) Anthony: (( gauntlet here is 2 right? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((yes))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((hopefully you are all chilling inside the "hollow" area and I don't have to run a bunch of random things attacking you type scenes
(4) Anthony: (( I'm getting contradictory information in spell description ))
(1) Kurtis: ((im inside hollow))
(4) Anthony: (( it says duration is transistory 1 turn, yet in the spell descriptio it says it stays one hour ))
** (2) Tristin casts on Anthony to increase his luck **
(2) Tristin: ((Bestow exceptional luck gnosis 2 + fate 3)
(2) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,1,4,1] = (0)
(2) Tristin: :/
(4) Anthony: (( anway...I remember the # of scucesses I needed before was 5 for 15 seconds ))
(4) Anthony: (( which woudl allow 5 people through ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((Transitory means the type of spell it is, and based on that you look up how long per your gnosis it will take.. with 1-2 its 3 hours per roll
(4) Anthony: (( so the road lasts an hour? ))
(4) Anthony: (( I only need 2 successes then ))
(5) Lisa Todd: If that is what the spell discrip says.
(4) Anthony: (( can you make sure? pp 251 ))
(4) Anthony: (( what is a prolonged durattion? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: it says the raod remains for 1 hour. So the road remains for one hour.
(5) Lisa Todd: Prolonged duration means it lasts longer than a scene or a turn
(4) Anthony: (( ahh, okay, only need 2 successes then. might be able to get it in one go ))
(4) Anthony: (( any bonsues for the luck? ))
(4) Anthony: (( oh, failed, guess not ))
(4) Anthony: using axe - mumering pwoer word (2) - gnosis (2) - spirit (3) = 7 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,1,2,4,9,4] vs 8 result of (2)
(4) Anthony: (( wee!!! ))
(4) Anthony: (( 3 hours later it's open ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((yay))
(4) Anthony: "Okay, lets get back to the real world." Tony steps through
(2) Tristin: "Thanks Tony..."
** (2) Tristin step through the portal **
(4) Anthony: (( to know how much time had passed, coudln't I have just looked at my watch? XD ))
** (1) Kurtis steps into the physical reality **
** (3) Robin walks through after him. **
** (5) Lisa Todd steps through the portal **
** (4) Anthony counts heads **
(1) Kurtis: ((your watch would be late))
(4) Anthony: "That's all of us right? Oh, there you are Uchawi."
** (4) Anthony makes sure everyone is through then drops the spell closing the road **
** (1) Kurtis breathes in the air and smiles with relief... taking out a new cigarette and taking a nice deep drag... "good to be home." **
** (4) Anthony stretches, "man I'm exausted. What a day." **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((it appears to be night time outside))
** (4) Anthony looks around **
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin, what time is it? How long have we been gone?"
** (1) Kurtis looks at his watch and... it's not there... **
(1) Kurtis: "Damn, where's my watch?"
(4) Anthony: "Well, time to hit the sack I guess.. "
(2) Tristin: (temporal eddies wts 3 + inv. 2 + time 3)
(3) Robin: i wonder how much that watch is worth?
(2) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,7,9,2,5,7,4] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: "Hit the sack? Tony, we have a guest...ess"
(4) Anthony: "Oh, Kurtis, I need to talk to you about gathering some mana... I'm running a bit low."
(2) Tristin: "It's about 10 Pm... but we've been gone for like two days..."
** (3) Robin hands kurtis his watch back. "here it is." **
(4) Anthony: "Wait, what? We've been gone two days?"
(1) Kurtis: "Lisa, you need a lift anywhere?"
** (4) Anthony turns to Tristin, "it's two days later?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Two days?!"
** (1) Kurtis takes the watch back, nodding **
(1) Kurtis: "I appreciate you not stealing it."
** (2) Tristin Looks at the time stream **
(5) Lisa Todd: "That depends on Mr. Parrot."
(2) Tristin: "Yeah, two days."
(3) Robin: "hehe. not a problem"
** (4) Anthony looks at Lisa, "What do you mean?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh right... I leave you in Mister Parrot's trusty hands. I have my own fox to catch" - runs inside
** (1) Kurtis walks outside, kills the cigarette, runs inside **
(5) Lisa Todd: "I am at your beck and call, if you recall."
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra sitting at the kitchen island. **
** (3) Robin walks inside to thro w the empty bag of potato chips away in the kitchen. **
(4) Anthony: (( ahh, bathroom was totally free ))
(1) Kurtis: "Kassie! You're alright? Sorry we've been gone for two days! We didn't know. You won't believe where we been."
** (2) Tristin follows the others into the kitchen and leaves Tony with Lisa. **
(4) Anthony: "Beck and call I don't.. oh you mean...."
(3) Robin: "hey kassidy. we got a dragon!"
(4) Anthony: "Oh. um.. "
(4) Anthony: "Come inside if you would Lisa."
** (1) Kurtis starts telling the story, waving his hands around... "yeah, and the monkey... and the mirrors were like woooosh... and then Tristin goes and there's a dragon! and..." **
** (4) Anthony walks inside **
(5) Lisa Todd: "Alright."
** (5) Lisa Todd follows **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Well at least nothing happend to you. You still seem your same old.. self. That was very dangerous what you all did however."
** (4) Anthony sees Kurtis animately describing their tale to Kassidy **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra notices Lisa **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "New friend of yours?
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, but look, we got more backup. Now we can call Jones out, and make sure Eliza's left alone for good."
(4) Anthony: "Well, yes, but I relaly didn't think we were going to be gone two days. We just wanted to go in and lookf or allies and leave. It only seemed like a few hours."
** (1) Kurtis shows his watch, which shoes 7:26 am **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "The shadow realm can be tricky yes.
(4) Anthony: "Oh, yes. I made a pact with here and it seems it may go deeper then I though it did." Tony scratches his head
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra looks over at the new woman again. **
(2) Tristin: ((Can't mess with oaths yet I don't think))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Its not any sort of magic I've seen your in a new teritory with this one Tony."
(1) Kurtis: ((Changelings own oaths. I wouldnt even try. ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((own them like they were noobs yes))
(4) Anthony: "She seems to like trinkets."
(4) Anthony: (( pwn oaths ))
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles **
(1) Kurtis: "You saying, a different type of magic than Atlantian?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "As I said I've never seen magic the like of it before."
(4) Anthony: "Well, that place we were at, it didn't seem.. right. It wasn't here, and it wasn't the shadow realm. I'm not sure where it was."
(4) Anthony: "yeah, the whole place seemed to follow a different set of laws."
** (1) Kurtis tries to analyze Lisa's arcana using Supernal Vision **
(1) Kurtis: Supernal Vision: gnosis 2 + prime 3
(1) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,5,[10, 10, 3],1] = (1)
(4) Anthony: (( does she still have her tails? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: ((no tails))
(4) Anthony: "She had fox tails in the shadow realm and in the other realm. quite pretty ones."
(5) Lisa Todd: You can see all manner of "aracana" weaving around her like little bits of flower pettle floating about stuck in her aura. Fate, time, mind, life, chaotic and dizzying
(4) Anthony: "And I don't meat to talk about you like you're not here Lisa, sorry."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Pretty complements are always welcome."
(1) Kurtis: "Dragons exist... i saw a dragon in their realm... and I was able to turn it away... Lisa's aura is so very glowing, it shows her as a mage of all of them, like a Christmas tree on a night parade..."
** (5) Lisa Todd chuckles softly **
(4) Anthony: "I'm gongi to have to go over that oath a bit and try to understand exactly what I agreed to, not that I would ever take it back."
(1) Kurtis: "Can you cast spells, Lisa?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "In a manner of speaking."
(1) Kurtis: "Hm. I see fate, time, life, mind, spirit... more like what Tony and Tristin are... do you have powers? Like, abilities to control forces and... stuff?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "it is simple.. you have agreed to give me a token of your friendship, every time you ask a favor of me throughout this week. It needn't be anything big."
** (1) Kurtis quickly starts reading his book, Prime section, going over counterspell, mana gathering, tass creation, enchantments **
** (1) Kurtis looks up **
(1) Kurtis: "Lisa, why do you require... these tokens?"
(4) Anthony: "Well, I guess we need to figure out where you'll be sleeping."
(5) Lisa Todd: "The tokens are merely a... way to show that Mr. Parrot is still in agreement with our bargin.:
(1) Kurtis: I can't get straight answers out of her...
(4) Anthony: "It wsa part of the oath. If I don't give her the tokens, my luck runs it shit."
(1) Kurtis: "How were you able to be so comfortable in that hedge maze, Lisa? Is that your realm? What kind of being are you? And what was that world? Our books don't mention it."
** (1) Kurtis points at the page in the book, which shows the world structure - the gauntlet, the shadow world, the Five sections of Supernal World, and earth **
(5) Lisa Todd: "Of course your books don't mention it. It has nothing to do with you."
(4) Anthony: "My book doesn't mention vampires either though."
(1) Kurtis: "So there is more truth beyond these Atlantis books?"
(4) Anthony: "Nothing to do with.. was that place part of this universe?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Is there more to this world than the studies of zoology?"
(1) Kurtis: "This is major..."
(4) Anthony: "Maybe not Kurtis."
(5) Lisa Todd: "I'm not entirely sure."
(5) Lisa Todd: ^ answering Tony's question.
(4) Anthony: "The books we have show the world as the atlanteans saw them. Adn they only saw the magic lands if you would."
(1) Kurtis: "Why were the hedge owners shooting at us?"
(4) Anthony: "If it's a different type of magic, different rules and laws, then they wouldnt' know about them."
(4) Anthony: "it wouldn't concern them"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Why do people put up "Trespassers will be shot" sings?"
(5) Lisa Todd: *signs
(1) Kurtis: "Where did we trespass into? Where were we?"
(4) Anthony: "So we were tresspassing on someone elses.. umm.. land."
(1) Kurtis: "It looked like China."
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles **
** (4) Anthony nods, "Yes, it definately h ad an asian influence. Or asia was influenced by it." **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "This is all very interesting but at the rate we are going I'm gonna need to add a room onto this cabin."
(1) Kurtis: "But I thought they had AK47s by now... not bows"
** (5) Lisa Todd shrugs at the conversation **
(4) Anthony: "I sympathize Kassidy, what is the good in moving out of the city to get away from everyone, when everyone comes to you."
** (1) Kurtis sits down by Kassidy **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "It's alright just geting... cozy."
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah, I suppose I'll be looking for a new apartment. I had a job offer from the casino management, it might pay enough to afford a small place. After Jones is done with of course."
(3) Robin: "cant she just turn into a fox and sleep outside?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "I don't have to stay unless Mr. Parrot needs me to."
** (5) Lisa Todd frowns at the suggestion **
** (1) Kurtis GLARES at Robin **
** (5) Lisa Todd turns to Tony **
(4) Anthony: "Okay, well, I have htis bell now" Tony holds up hte bell, "And if I ring it a spirit of a warrior will come to our aid. Kurtis has a dragon coin that he can use to summon a dragon. And Lisa will aid us for a week."
(3) Robin: "hehe."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Cant she just get a tent and camp on the roof?" *tilts her head towards Robin.
(1) Kurtis: "Robin? Without the couch? You're kidding me"
** (4) Anthony chuckles **
(3) Robin: "the ground would be more practicle"
(4) Anthony: "You offering her your room Robin?"
(1) Kurtis: "She WILL take the couch to the roof with her"
(4) Anthony: "Well, how do I contact you if I need to get a hold of you Lisa?"
(1) Kurtis: "Robin has a room?"
** (4) Anthony shrugs, "I presumed she did." **
(3) Robin: "upstairs"
(1) Kurtis: "She migrates to the kitchen couch before I wake up. And I wake up early."
** (5) Lisa Todd pulls a business card from... somewhere :) **
(5) Lisa Todd: Lisa Todd professional singer. phone number.
** (4) Anthony accepts the card, "Thank you. You can stay here if you'd like, or you can go where you'd like." **
(4) Anthony: "I relaly don't know when Jones will be attacking again, or when we'll be going against him"
(1) Kurtis: "I wouldn't recommend taking Tony's Stringray though. We had a psycho boy cast something on it."
** (5) Lisa Todd shrugs **
(4) Anthony: "Oh, yeah, did he do something to it? I gotta find out."
(5) Lisa Todd: "I have a suite at the casino if it is so full here."
(1) Kurtis: "I say the sooner the better. We have his blood, we have our army ready, we should get him before he can gather another attack."
(2) Tristin: "Plenty of room in my room"
(4) Anthony: "But .. what willw e do with him?"
(1) Kurtis: "Lisa, there's something I gotta tell you about Tristin."
** (5) Lisa Todd looks at tristin for a moment. **
(1) Kurtis: "Something veeeery scary..." - mumbles quietly
(5) Lisa Todd: ((roll composure for me Tristin please))
(2) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],1,9] = (2)
(5) Lisa Todd: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,3,9,[10, 5],5,4] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: "Jones? We kill him Tony. Or strip him from his magical abilities and make him lose power, if it is possible. Keep him in powerless state."
(1) Kurtis: "Amputate his brain, cut his arms off, or throw him off a cliff."
(5) Lisa Todd: ((you all fill a light breeze fill the room for a brief moment, the wind smelling lightly of mint
(4) Anthony: "I would rather not kill him... that is so.. final. and it just seems wrong. I mean, we're not killing for food"
** (4) Anthony sniffs, "oh, smells nice." tony smiles **
** (1) Kurtis sniffs **
(3) Robin: "fuck him,he tipped off the cops."
(1) Kurtis: "Spearmint or doublemint..."
(1) Kurtis: "Jones killed Tristin's friend, burned down my home and your job, and your home probably too."
(4) Anthony: "If you want to stay here Lisa, we can set you up something. I seem to recall the oath was both ways, what is it you desire?"
(1) Kurtis: "He tried to kill Eliza by letting four monsters devour her... and tried to kill us."
(4) Anthony: "Killed tristins friend? Whom?"
(3) Robin: "homes too, got my car impounded...fucked over everything."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Actually Tony it is not. I am inclined to do you favors. You merely give me tokens of gratitude
(3) Robin: "he sould die. painfully."
(2) Tristin: "He will get what's coming to him.."
** (5) Lisa Todd the wind fades. Lisa gives Tristin a small smile and turns her attention away. **
(4) Anthony: "Oh, well, yes, I see." Tony scratches his head, "Seems kind of one sided then"
(1) Kurtis: "I think he'll just die the way he deserves. Jerk offs like that tend to prophet their own deaths"
(4) Anthony: "I don't know, it just doesn't seem wise to kill him" (( muchkin alert ))
(1) Kurtis: "But I am willing by all means to restrain him without lethal consequences. But see, he wants magic to be kept secret, and... I dunno."
(4) Anthony: "If we have to kill him to protect ourselves, in self defense, that's one thing. To hunt hm down to kill him, that's a totally different story."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Some things are best left hidden."
(1) Kurtis: "We had a deal with vampires."
(4) Anthony: "That we would deal with him, yes."
(4) Anthony: "Killing him, if I remember correctly, wasn't agreed upon but was one way of dealign with him."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, let's knock him out and put him into coma for 50 years, I'm cool with that. It's not killing."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "There are many ways to deal with him yes."
(4) Anthony: "He did send an army of zombies after us."
(3) Robin: "we'll i havent slep for two days..."
(1) Kurtis: "He has to be stripped of Death powers. That arcanum is much too dangerous for human beings to possess. We're not meant to play gods."
(3) Robin: "im gonna pass out now. nice meeting you lisa."
(4) Anthony: "Reading in the book there are a few ways to deal with him, like stuffing him in a pocket universe."
** (5) Lisa Todd glances at robin, again there is a sligh smell of mint **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((robin roll composure please))
(3) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,5] = (0)
(5) Lisa Todd: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 7],6,6,8,4,[10, 1],5] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: ((pwnt))
(3) Robin: :(
(4) Anthony: (( 4 ))
(3) Robin: i sneeze?
(3) Robin: lol
(5) Lisa Todd: ((only if you're allergic to mint))
** (4) Anthony sits down on the couch **
(5) Lisa Todd: ((in whisper Robin..))
(1) Kurtis: "Pocket universe sounds very nice."
(4) Anthony: "Okay, so what are some of hte ways we can deal with him kassidy? All I can think of is stuffing him in a pocket universe, but he could probalby get out anwyay. Like by creating a spirit road."
(1) Kurtis: "Or.. putting his mind into a kitten. And a kitten's mind into his body"
(4) Anthony: "Well, even if he was in a kitten, he could still cast, couldn't he?"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra seems to consider the kitten idea a bit too long.. **
(4) Anthony: "I mean, really, if htere was a way to keep someone powerless wihtout killing htem, maybe he woudln't be trying to kill us."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "No.. no Fluffy would never forgive us."
(1) Kurtis: "If he has no Life magic, the animal side would take over his mental abilities"
** (4) Anthony ponders... "Hmm.. maybe..." **
(4) Anthony: "I know that when I cantransform into an animal it is posible for me to lose myself in that form, until the spell wares off."
(4) Anthony: "Hmmm... stealing his soul.. evil death magic."
(1) Kurtis: "None of us have Death, and I don't feel like calling Roger."
(4) Anthony: "Roger? Pshaw, worthless."
** (3) Robin heads up stairs for the passing out. waves to everyone. **
(1) Kurtis: "Night, kid."
(2) Tristin: "Going to sleep Robin?"
** (4) Anthony waves back to rbin absently **
(3) Robin: "mhmm."
(2) Tristin: "Goodnight."
** (1) Kurtis gives some peculiar attention to what the mint smell is all about, trying to look at Lisa carefully **
** (3) Robin nods **
** (5) Lisa Todd twitches her lips **
** (1) Kurtis looks away **
(4) Anthony: "Oh, you know.. we were gone for what felt like us for hours, but it was acutally days."
(4) Anthony: "maybe we can just throw jones into the future?"
(4) Anthony: "Like, throw him 100 years into the future."
(2) Tristin: "That's a horrible idea... have you seen Austin Powers?"
(4) Anthony: "Then we won't have to worry about him for a while, or unless he learsn or knows time."
(4) Anthony: "Austin powers, isn't he that jiggly guy? Some britsh guy? Never watched it, not my style"
(5) Lisa Todd: "I know of a place you could place him.. but he may come back out...changed."
(1) Kurtis: "We could always feed it to that dragon...."
(4) Anthony: "Ghanged for the better, or the worst?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Hard to say."
(4) Anthony: "How could he be changed?"
(1) Kurtis: "Though if even an apprentice mage like me can stop a dragon, Jones can probably turn him into a coffee table"
(2) Tristin: "Hm never mind. I'm gonna get s shower if I can. *looks to Kassy*
(4) Anthony: "but a death mage trying to kill us, can't image much worst anyway."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Of course go ahead"
** (2) Tristin nods and heads to the bathroom, and showers **
(4) Anthony: "Where were you thinking of Lisa?"'
** (1) Kurtis gets paranoid **
(5) Lisa Todd: "Well I can show you if you wish."
(1) Kurtis: "Why is he taking a shower... did he do something to Kassidy... why is he looking at Kassidy... did he reroll time?... did he?"
(4) Anthony: "Hmm.. sure. Long as it won't be a two day trip again" Tony grins
(5) Lisa Todd: "it will not be."
** (5) Lisa Todd leads the way outside taking one more passing glance at the cabin before heading more towards the woods. **
** (4) Anthony walks alongside Lisa **
** (1) Kurtis chills out with Kassidy **
** (5) Lisa Todd stops before two old pine trees and runs her hand between the two **
(5) Lisa Todd: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],[10, 9],6,7,4,9,1] = (3)
(5) Lisa Todd: There is a slight shimmering, on and past the two trees you can see what seems to be a much older forest, with trees much taller than they appear before you and a soft bed of moss just beyond.
(5) Lisa Todd: "It is much like the place you were in before... only a different part of it. This part is kept by a different sort of keeper entirely, a huntsman."
(4) Anthony: "What would prevent Jones from coming out?"
(4) Anthony: "casting a gateway or such."
(5) Lisa Todd: "You're magic is based on reality... in that place... only the keeper may manipulate reality.. you must fallow his rules there and his rules say there is not a way out once you are in the Hedge."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Unless you are prepared.. to gnaw your own leg off as it were."
(2) Tristin: ((Hey guys, sorry to cut short, but we're out.))
(4) Anthony: "Ahhh... Hmm.. yes, that sounds promising."
(4) Anthony: "And what would the huntsman require to accept anotgher... visitor?"
(1) Kurtis: ((night guys))
(4) Anthony: (( night, thanks for the session you 2 ))
** (5) Lisa Todd chuckles but no humor is in it. **
(2) Tristin: ((Goodnight/morning))
(5) Lisa Todd: "The huntsman is always looking for new things for his hunting dogs to chase. He would require nothing. I must give this warning. If by some twist of fate this Jones does find a way to remove his own foot, he would return much as I am."
(2) Tristin: ((Thanks for the game))
(5) Lisa Todd: thank you for coming))
(4) Anthony: "Oh. I see. If he did manage to get out, then he would get... your type of powers."
(4) Anthony: "Did that happen to you? Is that how you came to be?"
(2) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Shawn (Tristin) (exit): 04:35
(4) Anthony: "So not only would he have yoru type of powers, he would have our type of powers too." Tony shudders
(5) Lisa Todd: "Of course not. As you can clearly see I still have both my feet." *smiles and changes subject* On another very unrelated note... Can I as a favor of the three of you.. no oaths or anything just.. a small kindness"
(5) Lisa Todd: "No.. he would forget his old self."
(4) Anthony: "Anything you wish"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Most of it."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "What do you want?"
** (1) Kurtis stops fondling Kassidy's lock of hair as soon as he notices attention **
(4) Anthony: "I think it sounds like a plan, getting him there, although we'll have ot discuss details."
(1) Kurtis: "What's up?"
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles **
(5) Lisa Todd: "The young ones.. I beleive them to be in love. I am not often wrong in these matters. I simply ask you give them a night.. alone. I have a large suite at the casino."
(3) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Robin (exit): 04:40
(4) Anthony: "You mean tristin and Robin?"
(1) Kurtis: "You heard her, Kassie, let's go. Oh... thse two?"
** (1) Kurtis pouts **
** (5) Lisa Todd chuckles softly **
(1) Kurtis: "How can you tell people are in love?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "How can you tell what kind of magic something has?"
(1) Kurtis: "Not fair! That's something completely different!"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Is it?"
(4) Anthony: "is it?"
(1) Kurtis: "Love's personal..."
(5) Lisa Todd: "And magic is not?"
(4) Anthony: "It effects the mind, then there's pheremones."
(4) Anthony: "I could see matter and mind both beting able to detect love easily."
(4) Anthony: "and maybe fate too."
(1) Kurtis: "A mage can belong to one of ten arcana shared by everyone. Ten. Love is unique for every person. Gaaaaah!! Listen to me? I sound like a preacher! Come on, Kurtis, shape it up!"
** (4) Anthony starts going on about the biochemical changes a body undergoes while falling in love **
** (5) Lisa Todd chuckles softly **
(5) Lisa Todd: "Do you agree?"
(4) Anthony: " ... accelerated heart rate.... pheremones... not to mention..."
(4) Anthony: "Agree to what, letting htem stay at the casino? Shouldn't you ask them?"
(1) Kurtis: "I go where Kassie goes."
(5) Lisa Todd: ..."They are already here.. you would be moving to the casino."
(4) Anthony: "Oh, well, I have no problem with that. although I'm not sure if Kassidy would feel comfortable away from the protection of the hallow."
** (5) Lisa Todd glances at Kassie **
(1) Kurtis: "Bah, she'd love the cozy vampire magic!"
** (1) Kurtis grins **
(1) Kurtis: "So welcoming."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You are not being very encouraging Kurtis."
** (1) Kurtis smiles **
(1) Kurtis: "It will be fine. Nothing we can't handle."
(4) Anthony: "As long as the ghosts don't keep me awake."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Oh.. very well.. What could the harm be?"
(5) Lisa Todd: "Ghosts?"
(4) Anthony: "umm.. those sound like famous last words."
(1) Kurtis: "Really, seriously, everything's gonna be okay. No harm, trust me. Between the four of us, we can take anything."
(1) Kurtis: "I'm just trying to hope for the best..."
(4) Anthony: "Well, yes, there are a few ghosts in the gambling hall, gamblers who had commited suicide there I tak eit."
(4) Anthony: "I should proably attempt an excorcism when I learn how to le tthem move on."
(5) Lisa Todd: "Hmm I have no dealings with the dead."
(1) Kurtis: "Well, let's go then. There's space for four in my car."
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra follows Kurtis **
** (5) Lisa Todd smiles **
(5) Lisa Todd: "You all can here my show as well this way."
** (1) Kurtis gets the junk from the back into the trunk and opens the doors, not like convertibles need to have doors open **
(4) Anthony: "I can take my own..." Tony looks at his car, "Oh yeah, the bugger." tony gets in Kurti's car
(1) Kurtis: "Don't worry, we'll have it examined. I should be able to pick what the waiter did eventually."
** (1) Kurtis starts the car once everyone's in **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh yeah. Fasten your seatbelts."
** (1) Kurtis goes click **
** (5) Lisa Todd buckles up **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra puts on her seatbelt **
** (5) Lisa Todd pats the seat next to her encouraging Tony it sit. **
(5) Lisa Todd: *to
(4) Anthony: (( sorry, was gettin cat ))
** (4) Anthony smiles and sits next to Lisa **
** (1) Kurtis drives once again along the road and soon mixes with the flow of highway lights... towards the city **
(5) Lisa Todd: and end of session.. open for downtime two days in game till next game.
(1) Kurtis: ((le box?))
(5) Lisa Todd: oui
(1) Kurtis:
End Session. Next on Mage: Your justice day is coming, Jones!

(4) Anthony: (( 2 days down time in game? ))
(5) Lisa Todd: mmhmm
(4) Anthony: Turning jones into a Fae, I kinda like it
(1) Kurtis: fairy :D
(4) Anthony: Although she may not be Fae, it seems the closest
(5) Lisa Todd: lets go with 6 xp mmkay?
(1) Kurtis: kay for me
(4) Anthony: mmkay
(4) Anthony: gives me 10 exp
(4) Anthony: there wsa something I wanted to buy
(4) Anthony: test
(5) Lisa Todd: and that would be?
(4) Anthony: there we go
(4) Anthony: don't remember
(5) Lisa Todd: we already did the tests :P
(4) Anthony: heh
(4) Anthony: I think I"m kinda glad roger wasn't in the last test with us
(4) Anthony: Not sure if I could of avoided smashing the mriror if he was in it :D j/k
(1) Kurtis: im glad he wasnt in the third test
(5) Lisa Todd: lol
(1) Kurtis: ya that one
(4) Anthony: "But honestly, I tripped! really!"
(1) Kurtis: tristin's time thing pwns
(4) Anthony: Yeah
(4) Anthony: can't believe you forfeited :P
(5) Lisa Todd: heh
(1) Kurtis: it worked in strength test
(1) Kurtis: we had to fail it to pass it
(4) Anthony: acutally, it didn't
(4) Anthony: well, it did only cause.. well
(4) Anthony: it wouldn't if we were mages :P
(4) Anthony: or he woudlnt' of left or.. damn it, whatever
(1) Kurtis: yeah just go to bed
(5) Lisa Todd: lol
(1) Kurtis: im going to bed
(4) Anthony: Just be glad the warrior coudln't see the time stream
(1) Kurtis: was awesome session
(4) Anthony: adn know when it was rewound
(1) Kurtis: ya warrior's noob :D
(4) Anthony: godo session :D
(4) Anthony: now I got two days to try to find out where lisa's tails attack XD