Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at 216-67-4-51-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net:6774...
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 16:05
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 16:05
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Server Administrator-> failed - incorrect room password
(2) Tony (enter): 16:51
(2) Tony: cooking some meat while waiting. pork chops
(2) Tony: ...
(2) Tony: ....
(2) Tony: ...
(2) Tony: ... giving up son
(3) Shawn (enter): 17:41
(3) Shawn: sorry We're late
(4) Rachel (enter): 17:41
(2) Tony: oooh!
(2) Tony: oooh!
(2) Tony: 5:11:03 PM: Ok, game on at 6. Claire and I are going out to eat. Room is open, server running. When shawn and rachel show up, please tell em game is at 6. Which is in approx. 2 hours
(2) Tony: 6 was an hour ago
(2) Tony: waiting for konrad now
(2) Tony: I've been in here since 5:58. It's now 6:54
(3) Tristin: So game should start shortly?
(3) Tristin: 6 their time I'm guessing, which is 9 here, it's about to be 9 here.
(2) Tony: it's alrady 7 our time. Game is an hour overdue
(2) Tony: I don't have kk's number anymore :/
(3) Tristin: I thought you guys whre an hour apart?
(2) Tony: hmm. mayb we are
(2) Tony: if so then it shoudl start now
(3) Tristin: We should rabble until they come back.
(2) Tony: What wre we doing.. oh, we're missing one too
(2) Tony: The newb, cain
(3) Tristin: Ja.
(2) Tony: Who did pretty good, kk and I met him in rp game though
(3) Tristin: Which?
(2) Tony: Illarion
(3) Tristin: which KK got banned from right?
(2) Tony: Which I was server programmer for a while on too. yeah
(3) Tristin: I have a USB keyboard hooked up to my laptop this time, so the typos should be less frequent this game.
(2) Tony: cool
(3) Tristin: That's funny ^
(5) Eve (enter): 18:20
(5) Eve: We were eating sushi :P
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Greetings and salutations
(5) Eve: It took longer because they forgot they didn't have to cook it
(5) Eve: ^ bad joke ^
(4) Rachel: Hola
(2) Tony: ahola
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve...
(2) Tony: como estas?
(5) Eve: aloha?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): denada
(2) Tony: typo
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So... here is the situation
(2) Tony: where's the newb?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Cain, aka Dante - works today till 11pm. Which means for 4.5 more hours.
(2) Tony: hmm
(5) Eve: technically its 4.666 hours...
(5) Eve: :P
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so, our options were rescheduling (which can only be done on sundays cause shawn and rachel dont check email and only come here on sundays) or trying to move along without him
(2) Tony: two other options.
(5) Eve: ironic since we spent most of last game getting him out of jail so he could play.
(2) Tony: reschedule for 4.5 hours from now
(2) Tony: Play as normal, doing other stuff til 4.5 hours
(2) Tony: when he's brought in
(4) Rachel: I check my email most days.
(2) Tony: so I see 4 optoins
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, the thing is, Cain will show up in here as soon as he comes home from work, and - I work tomorrow, meaning i cannot stay up too late
(2) Tony: What is our preference?
(2) Tony: *your
(2) Tony: konrad?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I think we will go with the option of you guys sticking to the program, until he comes back. He talked to me yesterday and he said that his character will for now stand by in the hotel, if you invite him to your mission.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So, i will proxy him until he is here
(2) Tony: so he stays behind as we go tour the museum
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): correct
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): to experiment with his powers, watnot
(2) Tony: right, I'll lend him my book to read
** (1) Konrad Knox (GM) puts the GM groove on **
(2) Tony: With the udnerstanding if he loses it I'll rewrite it using his flesh as paper
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): btw, i beat assassin's creed.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so, if u want to, i'll send it to you soon serp
(2) Tony: So all we pretty much know, I"m going to go as arat, mouse, whatever, go in someone's pocket/purse run around, if I find something I'll have Uchawi contact Rachael
(5) Eve: that was the plan yes
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you guys ready to start the In Character?
(2) Tony: And tony was sleeping on the bed because of the way things went
(2) Tony: I will be putting shield on all day expending a mana in the mornin
(2) Tony: combined spell if I can
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The time is late night. You rescued Dante, got back to the hotel. It was 2. am, you all went to bed, DEAD tired, Tristin was more tired than all of you, he is hard to wake, and repairing slowly. Everyone but Tristin gets 1 Willpower back. Your tour is scheduled for 12 o clock
(2) Tony: I never spent a willpower. :( eva
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, then you get nothing back
(2) Tony: nothing ventured nothing gained
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, from last game, the count is:
(2) Tony: WAIT!
(2) Tony: DREAM!\
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin 2wp 8 mana 1 agg, robin full wp 7, 8mana, full health, eve 6wp, 11mana, full health, tony 5wp, 8mana, 8hp
(2) Tony: 2 dots in dream, perfect time to use
(2) Tony: Somethign I bought and never use, at last I remembered :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, your Dream was used to hook you into this campaign :)
(2) Tony: dream is more than that.. I think.. one sec..
(2) Tony: it's game session, not campaghn I seem to recall. loooking for it
(3) Tristin: Shit, I'm sorry guys my scroll was off and I just thought no one was saying anything...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lol
(5) Eve: *watches them race to see who finds it first*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): hi T
(3) Tristin: Hello
(2) Tony: dream is not int he index, wtf
(2) Tony: pp 83
(2) Tony: "Once per game session..."
(2) Tony: 82
(3) Tristin: The same dream as mine?
(2) Tony: no, this is a merit dream
(2) Tony: it could be, dependso n how many dice the gm rolls for success.
(2) Tony: "one or more clues" one per sucess "although they must be interpreted"
(2) Tony: ec.. depending, and there's no saying I fail and the gm doesn't give me fake clues :P
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, it's a matter of how well ahead my plot is plotted
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but sure, we can get you a dream
(2) Tony: you roll in secret. don't tell me number of successes.
(2) Tony: remember, dreams are cyptic, etc..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): waiting on Claire now
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): she getting stuff from kitchen
(2) Tony: while waiting.. ruling: 1 mana or 2 for combined spirit + life shield all day?
(2) Tony: I'm thinking probably 2
(2) Tony: I.E. I roll shield, spend 1 mana to keep t up all day. Combining spirit and life shields into one.
(2) Tony: do I spend 1 mana for both, or 2 mana ?
(2) Tony: I"m 90% sure 2 mana is the right way
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, question from claire: version of shields we're going with
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Our shields used to stack up, and had to be recasted as they acted as armor points
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anybody wanna take a vote to change that or everyone still cool with house rules shields?
(3) Tristin: Can you explain the difference to me please?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2 mana in that case would be the way, Tony
(2) Tony: Everyone else is okay with the way we're doing it so okay
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, difference is: in the book rules, shields do not stack, you can only have the highest shield on you
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and some shields withdraw from dice pool instead of being armor
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): with the way we're doing it, it's easier to calculate damage, and shields can stack, allowing one person to be the ubertank
(2) Tony: (( Okay, have spell prepped in cut&paste buffer ))
(2) Tony: The book way, shields never go away until they run out on time. But youc an't stack them.
(2) Tony: Our way, shields run out as they absorbe damage, but can be stacked
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Right, our shields our thicker, but they melt, we have to recast them as they start getting thin
(2) Tony: Also, way damage is calculated is different our way .vs. book way
(2) Tony: book way sheilds reduce from number of die rolls. Our way shields reduce damage.
(3) Tristin: Some of the spells would still subtract from dice oos right/
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): which is what i said above as well
(2) Tony: correct? Or other way around?
(3) Tristin: pools*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): some shields, Tony
(3) Tristin: Just makeing sure.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): And yes, some shields, Tristin
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Some spells debuff
(3) Tristin: Okay I'm in favor of them stacking.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): give penalties
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Oh, oh. Almost forgot. Special offer active starting today: Introducing a new rote for anyone who has attained Space 3 and above. Perfect Driver. Costs 4 xp. For any of you drivers, this rote will allow you to add Space to any drive rolls you make.
(2) Tony: Dang, space = 1
(4) Rachel: lol
(4) Rachel: mkay
(3) Tristin: 2 here
(3) Tristin: And no drive
(5) Eve: the uber tank wins
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): we will need map a lot today. let's try to keep it... well, less chaotic than usual
(2) Tony: "This rote will aloow you to add space to any drive rolls you make" So you have to roll perfect driver, get a success (lasts an hour?) then it effects drive rolls?
** (4) Rachel gives gm 4xp. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nope, just a free rote. if you bought this, you always add space to drive rolls
(2) Tony: So it's a merit acutally?
(2) Tony: A rote is a spell.
(5) Eve: the minute the gm says lets keep the map cleaner than usual it starts getting chaos-afied anyone else notice :D
(2) Tony: I like it as a buyable merit :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): basically, you can interpret it as a merit sure, it's based on the fact that by the time someone is that versed in Space, they are perfect about their dimensions and judgement on the streets
(2) Tony: *nods
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): they can bypass traffic jams, run red lights safely, evade and avoid collisions, pick best routes
(5) Eve: *cough* drive on walls *cough*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Rachel - just bought it. Robin has Perfect Driver and 2 xp left
(3) Tristin: You okay Eve?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Not drive on walls just yet :D
(2) Tony: Go speed racer go!!
(5) Eve: right... need forces for that...
(4) Rachel: awesom
(4) Rachel: e
(2) Tony: Make the mach 5 with forces 4?
(2) Tony: forces 4, matter 3, space 4?
(2) Tony: With the springy springs and everythign :D
(5) Eve: I'm holding out for sharks with laserbeams myself...
** (2) Tony insists that the font on his monitor is getting smaller every day, his v ision is NOT getting worst! Uh huh! **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): with forces 5 on a good roll you could probably get a car to move on the wall
(5) Eve: matter life combo
(2) Tony: Actually, ever, Life 5 could do that.
(2) Tony: *eve
(2) Tony: With life 5 you can have fire breathing dragons,e tc...
(5) Eve: wouldn't you need the matter for the laser beam?
(2) Tony: Basically, if youc an imagine it, you can create it
(2) Tony: No, you make a crystal that focues energy
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if you have the materials
(2) Tony: in nature, you have electric eels, lightning bugs, angler fish,e tc...
(2) Tony: the light isn't a problem. focusing it is, soa crystal. Just as youdon't need to knwo how fire is made to make fire breathing dragon
(5) Eve: oh no my uber tank!
(5) Eve: *cries*
(2) Tony: It's called Fantasia
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, ladies and gents...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the box will come if the box is summonned

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

** (5) Eve considers **
** (3) Tristin begins the box summoning ritual. **
** (2) Tony starts to chant.. "Owah... Tajer.. Kiam... Owah... Tajer....Kiam.." **
** (4) Rachel dances around a fire **
(2) Tony: "Oh great box from the abyssal depts, we summon thee!"
** (5) Eve makes smores? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): *over the fire a great shape of a box appears from the myst*
** (3) Tristin cheers **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Mage The Awakening: CHapter 2 Episode 8.

** (4) Robin gasp and prays to the mightly box **
(2) Tony: "Yes! The box! It apears! All hail the mighty box!"
(2) Tony: (( oops, hit enter to late, sowwy ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tony, this night you are dreaming. Enter the subject on which you'd like to focus the flow of your dreams?))
** (3) Tristin winks awake first, haveing slept the soundest **
(2) Tony: (( the museum and what we will find there, the way we need to go ))
** (2) Tony turns over in his sleep on the bed **
(5) Eve: ((yeah you wish tristin you're probably sleeping till we wake you lol))
(3) Tristin: ((He did fall asleep first. You were all still relaxed, probably not tired when we got back.))
(2) Tony: (( actually, Tony (almost said Tank O.o) had cast reduced metabialism so for 2 hours he only went through 1/4 hour of sleep neediness.. ))
** (5) Eve sleeps until her phone alarm wakes her @ like 10am **
(3) Tristin: ((What time did we get back?))
(2) Tony: (( the first time or the 2nd time? O.o ))
(2) Tony: (( the 2nd time like .. 4am? ))
(3) Tristin: ((Second))
whispering to Tony, Anthony, you drift away into your dreams and find yourself emerged in a light blue glow, which soon starts resembling sunlight upon the surface of the water. You are floating on top of what seems to be a wooden door. It's not stable, it vascillates on the waves. Above you is a sky covered in gray clouds, it is the sky of war. You see stealth bombers zooming around and the interceptors chasing them, you can hear and see bombs dropping into the water, exploding violently to the left and to the right. You feel scared. You see faces of Robin, Tristin, Eve, Kurtis and Dante. You look up and see that your door now has a sail. You're sailing on it, like on a small boat, trying to reach the coast. On the coast you see a castle with a tall tower, eminating a kind of signal, like a beacon. It lures you to approach and dock. You dock the boat by the rocky shore and enter a dark damp cave. The entrance closes and all of a sudden you are alone all of a sudden. A voice says "You have been too proud, Anthony!" and you see yourself surrounded by dozens of scorpiders. You awake in sweat, and then go back to sleep.
(5) Eve: 2am))
(2) Tony: (( was tristins bullet wounds ever healed fully? I think so ))
(2) Tony: (( ya know, I'm sure I csan come up with a life spell Perfect Rest ))
(5) Eve: ((yes just not the lingering wound))
(2) Tony: (( combination of body control, purging poisoins ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin is at full health after being healed by Tony, aside from his persistant shoulder wound
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you all came back with Dante at 2.am
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so yes, decide how tired you were, but Tristin would be the most tired of all, naturally
(3) Tristin: ((Okay not wakeing up at 10 then okay, thought it was much earlier in the evening for everyone else.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your alarm wakes you
** (2) Tony mumbles in his sleep and turns over **
** (5) Eve blinks awake, turns alarm off, checks outside the room for the complimentary breakfast, takes a shower, gets dressed in shorts and a hooded shirt, prepares her spells for the day **
** (4) Robin stirs awake by the sound of Eve showering and dresses for the day. "Eve Is there a free breakfast at this place?" Shes ask when Eve is out of the shower3. **
** (2) Tony 's eyes slowly open as he hears Eve's alarm used to being wakened in odd places. Tony sits up and stretches, "I"m not proude, damn it." **
** (1) Bellboy has left the complimentary breakfast by the door as you have placed the not disturb sign **
(5) Eve: ((doing suppernal vision, wits occult prime = 8 & spending mana to keep up all day, and Entropic Guard wits occult death = 10, spending 2 mana to keep it up longer))
** (2) Tony rubs his eyes. "Ug strange dream." **
(2) Tony: Combined spell: Spirit Shield ( gnisis 3 + spirit 3 ) + Life Shield ( gnosis 3 + life 4 ) = 6 - 2 = 4. 2 mana to maintain all day [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],[10, 2],[10, 9],8] = (4)
(5) Eve: "Breakfast"
(2) Tony: (( 5 successes? That's a.. what sucess? ))
** (5) Eve sets the breakfast out on a table then sits meditation style to put up her spells **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tony, you got 5 points of armor. Eve, your sight is up and you got 4 points of armor))
(5) Eve: ((supernal vision))
(5) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 1],4,3,[10, 1],3,6,4] = (3)
(2) Tony: (( exceptional success ))
(5) Eve: ((Entropic Guard))
(5) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],1,6,1,6,7,2,8,9,4] = (3)
(2) Tony: (( wouldn't it be 7 points of armor? 3 for spirit, 4 fo rlife. 3 + 4 = 7 ))
** (4) Robin munches on the tastiest looking thing. "Thanks." **
(2) Tony: ( oh right, it's the dots in the arcana for armor, not number of successes, remember? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((not for all shields))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((forces is an exception i think))
(2) Tony: (( "The mage gains one pont of armor per dot ohe possess in the Life Arcanun. By spending one Mana...{ ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): eve mana is 8, Tony mana is 6
(2) Tony: (( The mage gains one paoint of armoer per dot he possesses int he Spirit Arcanum. by spending on Mana..."{
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((then u have 4 life shield and 2 spirit shield.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((3 spirit shield))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((spirit shield protects you from spirit attacks, and life shield makes your skin tougher))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, do you choose scales? Fur? Or just feeling tough as nails?
(2) Tony: (( The book speicifically says that epherial armor protects against physical attacks AND spiritual attacks ))
(2) Tony: (( The mage protects hijmself with ephemeral armor that defends against physical attacks or attakcs made by ephemeral entities. ..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((spirit shield, page 249))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this shield only works against spiritual attacks, it says))
(2) Tony: Ephermeral shield\
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (9oooh))
(2) Tony: Ephemerl shield pp 246
(2) Tony: Nemus shield is a ward ))
(2) Tony: (( okay, confusion with 2 spells with "shield" in the name ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, done. 7 armor points))
(2) Tony: (( As for life, just toughter ))
(2) Tony: (( espeically since i" gonig to be shape shifting ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So, Dante is sitting in the chair, eating whatever you share with him, very courteously and solemnly thanks you, and if any of you lend a book to him, he will be reading it
** (5) Eve finishes her spell casting, feeling the entropic guard stealing the energy from the things around her as it hovers over her skin and stands up searching for something muffin like to eat **
(2) Tony: me lends a book to Dante with the warning htat if he does not get hte book back in teh same condition tony would rewrite it using dante's skin as paper and dante's blood as ink
(2) Tony: "Okay, I have a very difficult spell to cast here."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): It's a clear morning. Early autumn is in its saddening beginning. Sky is sunny, the weather forecast is saying it will be hot, around 85-92 degrees. News on TV covering the same events as last night mainly, plus some other stuff. Nothing catches your mind particularly.
(3) Tristin: ((*laughs* All out books would change to skin and blood))
(3) Tristin: ((our*))
(2) Tony: "The size reduction I need is going to be difficult, and is xtra duration I"ll need so it lasts longer htan an hour."
(2) Tony: "since our appointment is 12:00, I will cast it at 11:00- to last an extra hour.
(2) Tony: (( -2 for rat sized, -2 for duration increase ))
(5) Eve: "You have the time for a dip in the pool if you need it."
(2) Tony: "To complicate matters, I do not have it as a rote."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, upon turning your Time sight on you see that the Time structure around you Hotel room is INCREDIBLY jacked up
(2) Tony: (( basically looking at gnosis 3 + life 4 - 4 or 3 dice. Hmm.. odds are fairly good. if I fail though. ))
** (2) Tony looks down at his necklace. **
(2) Tony: 'Werent' there two choice with this thing?"
(2) Tony: (( 8 again, and what wsa te other? ))
(2) Tony: (( or only 8 again? ))
(2) Tony: I will definatley use a powerword.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, your necklace has 8 little lights on its stones
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin's necklace has 4
(2) Tony: (( 8 agai would be worthless, I only need 1 success ))
(2) Tony: (( powerword is +1 or +2? I forget ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): +2
(2) Tony: (( yes, +2 ))
(2) Tony: (( gives me 5 dice. ))
(2) Tony: "There is one problem however"
(3) Tristin: ((I thought my neckless had 5?))
(2) Tony: "It is possible I can get lost inmy form. I'm not very familiar with this."
(2) Tony: 'If so I"ll be a rat til it wears off. I hope not."
(2) Tony: "If you can Now and then remind me I'im a human?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you used it twice last game))
** (2) Tony eats breackfast, showers, uses bathroom, relaxes until 11:00 )) **
(2) Tony: (( and shit in shawn's backpack :D )
(2) Tony: (( this time I"ll be by myself for over an hour ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Cleaning lady stops by, asks if you need any cleaning
(5) Eve: "Just more towels please"
** (1) Lady puts a stack of towels on the bed, since the bathroom definitely sounds like it's being used **
(2) Tony: (( did we ever let the rat go? ))
** (1) Lady takes your old towels **
(4) Robin: ((nope))
(2) Tony: (( oh gaed, the rat is stil here isn't it? ))
(1) Rat: "No, I'm still here, you damn bastards!"
(2) Tony: "May I see your rat to study please4?"
(2) Tony: (( 11:00 when I"m going to cast ))
** (5) Eve watches the lady with mage sight out of idleness **
(1) Rat: "No, no, nono, don't give me to him, don't do it!"
(4) Robin: "Uh, sure."
(2) Tony: "I never did anyting to you!"
** (4) Robin rat the squeeky thing to tony whenever the cleaning lady leaves **
(2) Tony: :studies the rat, feeds it some eggs from his plate
** (2) Tony starts chanting **
** (1) Lady 's parents both died, other than that... she slips through the sight as clean sleeper **
(4) Robin: ((rat = hands ))
(2) Tony: Shapeshifting - Rat - Size gnosis 3 + life 4 - size 2 - dureation 2 = 3 + pwoerword 2 = 5 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,5,7,8] = (1)
** (2) Tony starts to shrimk down inside his clothes **
(1) Lady: Eve, you detect that the lady passes through the strong time spell that bears Tristin's signature, and exits it without feeling a thing
** (5) Eve looks down at Tono **
(5) Eve: *tony
(2) tonyrat: (( 2 hour duration 2 secnes ))
** (3) Tristin wakes to the noise of everyone else. **
** (2) tonyrat scrambles out of his clothes **
** (3) Tristin blinks as he sits up in bed. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, upon your matter sight activating, you are in touch with pretty much every molecule and substance around you
(5) Eve: "Tony I'm going to supress your aura to cut the spell threads alright?"
** (2) tonyrat runs to trinstin's backpack **
** (1) Rat loves the eggs **
(1) Rat: "Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you. Can I live with you?"
(5) Eve: ((Surpress aura))
(5) Eve: Gnosis + death = 6
(5) Eve: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(2) tonyrat: [Ratese] => Ratese "We will let you go today."
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,5,4,[10, 6],[10, 1]] = (2)
(4) Robin: "Good morning Tristin."
(3) Tristin: "Morning everyone."
** (2) tonyrat pretty much is a rat until they get there **
(2) tonyrat: [To Uchawi] => To Uchawi "Please make sure no eagles get me?"
** (4) Robin scoops her rat back up into her bag. "I need to drop him off someplace before we head out today." **
(2) tonyrat: (( ]Test[ -> This is a test ))
** (3) Tristin goes to see what breakfast is left. **
(5) Eve: ((wait I meant slay not supress))
(5) Eve: ((slay aura))
(2) tonyrat: ]To UChawhi[ -> Please ask them to remember to bring some clothes for me
(5) Eve: ((or... nevermind leave it the way it is))
** (4) Robin is all ready and watches the news **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, as a result of Eve's death spell, your ratlike self is now dimmed in terms of Aura
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((-2 to detection on Tony))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you, as usual, have your aura dimmed at -3 due to occultation
** (3) Tristin snacks on something, then hops in the shower. **
(1) Uchawi: "Good morning, Tristin. Anthony asked me to remind you that he is in your bag, and asks you to please not forget to take his clothes."
** (5) Eve also watches the news until its time to head out **
(2) tonyrat: (( so I have 3 active spells on me. ))
(2) tonyrat: (( I am maintaining 2 spells ))
** (3) Tristin jumps at the bird, then nods **
(3) Tristin: ((Not like tword the bird, jumps hn he starts takling))
** (1) Uchawi shares a meal with the rat **
(3) Tristin: ((when))
(1) Uchawi: the rat rat, not the Ton rat
(1) Rat: "Woah! You're a rat too now!"
(4) Robin: ((rat is in my bag when hie is done eating, then.))
(2) tonyrat: ]Ratese[ "yes, for a little while."
(3) Tristin: "Why can't the rat ride with robin? She already has a cage... we don't need another incident like with the bat trancformation.
(3) Tristin: "
(1) Rat: "let's play tag, human rat!"
(1) Rat: "I bet I'm better than you in being a rat anyway! I've been a rat forever!"
(5) Eve: "Good point, it doesn't really matter I suppose... if Robin releases both rats at the same time it may be less suspicious"
(1) Rat: "If you beat me in a game of rat - tac - toe, I will teach you a few rat secrets that every rat should know!"
(4) Robin: "My rat might like it better there than a dumpster anyways."
** (2) tonyrat runs out of tristins bat pack on the table, scurries down the table lag, across the floor, up the curtains onto the end table to the rat and touches it with his nose, "You it!" **
** (1) Rat rubs its paws sinisterly **
(1) Rat: "Squeak!"
** (1) Rat chases after tonyrat **
(1) Rat: ((tonyrat! roll dex+strength!))
** (2) tonyrat jumps off the end tableo nto the floor and under the bed **
(2) tonyrat: (( what is my str and dex ? ))
(2) tonyrat: (( they would be rat str and rat dex ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): People, you see the two rats going like crazy around the room
** (4) Robin giggles and watches the rat freenzey. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((tony, your str is reduced to one, your dex is upped to 5))
** (5) Eve supresses natural female urge to call pest control when she sees two rats running around on the floor **
(2) tonyrat: (( I didn't augment them. ))
(2) tonyrat: str + dex [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,3,[10, 1],1,[10, 8]] = (3)
(2) tonyrat: (( 4 ))
(1) Rat: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,2,7,5,6] = (1)
(2) tonyrat: "But I"m quick!"
(1) Rat: "aaah! i give! human rat superior to me! it's all because I straved for so long!"
** (2) tonyrat scurries away from Rat easily **
** (2) tonyrat walks up to the rat, "ahh, I'm sorry. Lets go have some more eggs!" **
** (2) tonyrat wiggles his whiskers **
** (3) Tristin watches the two rats confused as to which is which. **
** (2) tonyrat sniffs the air **
(1) Rat: "Alright, I will teach you the lessons all rats should possess! Remember - never go for the cheese! Where ever the cheese, there is a trap! Secondly, and this may cost you your life, if you feel a slightly sour-salty smell, see hair of about this size *shows you a size*, and hear scratching at low sounds, and a purring noise - run like hell. Those are signs of a cat. Cat is death!"
(5) Eve: "Does anyone else have the urge to construct an elaborate maze and test their reflexes?"
(2) tonyrat: "Sour salty spmell, hait that size, scratching at low sounds, purring.. I"ll be sure to get away!":
** (1) Rat nods **
(4) Robin: "Now that you mention it. I do."
(2) tonyrat: "
(1) Rat: "By the way, you owe me money for the last time"
(2) tonyrat: "Thanks! I'll be sure to keep an eye out! You're so smart."
** (3) Tristin snickers **
(2) tonyrat: (( the rat says I owe him money? O.o ))
(1) Rat: ((it's sneaky!))
** (1) Rat shifts conversation topics on the fly **
(2) tonyrat: "Sure.. um..to buy your release?"
(2) tonyrat: "What do rats use as money?"
(1) Rat: "No, to eat! Wow, I guess you humans know nothing of the rat world. Currency is food."
(2) tonyrat: "You like money?"
(5) Eve: "Alright, time to go, get the rats and lets get moving."
(2) tonyrat: ]to Uchanwi[ "Can you ask one of htem for a dollar?"
(1) Rat: "Food or money - all the same, money or food - all the same."
(2) tonyrat: "Oh, money is food. currancy s food. yes."
(2) tonyrat: "Money does not translate well to my human mind"
(1) Uchawi: "I could, though I think the rat does not refer to money you think of, not mentioning that arguing with a rodent about who owes who money it probably a waste of time, but I will, if you please."
** (4) Robin scopps up her rat and puts him her cage in her bag. "Tony riding with me?" **
** (5) Eve starts to head for the door picking up her purse and making sure the liquid is in it and the copper ring bracelet thing **
(2) tonyrat: ]To Uchanwi[ "Never mind. Thanks."
(1) Rat: "oh and by the way, you owe me some waaaaaah! bye human raaaat!" - gets picked up and caged
(1) Rat: "cheap bastards"
** (2) tonyrat scurries to the sideboard so he doesn't get stepped on **
(5) Eve: "Sure, might be easier that way"
** (4) Robin offers her palm for tonyrat to ride on into the cage. **
** (2) tonyrat runs up Robins plam **
(2) tonyrat: *palm
** (2) tonyrat runs up robins arm and back down to the palm **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony feels small and furry
** (4) Robin cages and bags the rats. **
(2) tonyrat: "Ooh, it's comfortable in here, nothing can see us."
** (4) Robin scratches both rats on the head before zipping the bag shut. **
(2) tonyrat: 'Ug. Doesn't she ever clean this?"
(1) Rat: "Haha! We meet again! You killed my father, prepare to die!" - the rat pretends to be fencing - "You've seen that movie, right?"
(4) Robin: "You guys sit still in there."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the tour bus is scheduled to pick you up from the hotel at noon
(2) tonyrat: "My name is Amigo Montonya. You killed my father. Prepare to die! Yes. I didn't know it came out in ratese."
** (5) Eve heads to the elevator **
** (4) Robin looks to Tristin and Eve. "Ready?" **
(2) tonyrat: "How do you know wht they said if you don't understand human speech? By what they do?"
(5) Eve: "Ready"
(3) Tristin: "Yeah."
** (2) tonyrat shadow fences with a rat **
(3) Tristin: "Let's get going. *stands up to go."
** (4) Robin heads to the elevator eith them. **
(1) Rat: "Humans, of course, what could I expect of your arrogant race. The rat civilization has had television for longer than you might possibly imagine. In fact, we're a lot more advanced than humans are"
(2) tonyrat: "Interesting."
** (2) tonyrat tries to raise an eyebrow, realises he doesn' thave nay and twiches a whisker **
** (5) Eve listens to elevator music... heads out to where the tour bus will pick them up **
(5) Eve: "Everyone know what we are looking for?
(2) tonyrat: "Do you watch shows at the same rt time at the same rat station?"
** (3) Tristin waits outside with Eve and Riobin for the bus. **
(4) Robin: "A bus?"
(3) Tristin: ((Robin*))
(5) Eve: "At the castle."
** (1) Driver of the Tour Bus is already waiting by the Lobby in the hall where all tours come out of and pick up passengers. There is a group of 14 tourists waiting for your bus. The time is 11:55 **
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech
** (3) Tristin activates Temporal Ediies ((Time sight)) **
(4) Robin: Highspeech=>"Anything suspecious, right?"
** (4) Robin finds a spot on the bus. **
(3) Tristin: ((Wits 3 + Inv 2 + Time 4))
(3) Tristin: [0d10.open(8).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(8).vs(0)
(3) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,6,[10, 7],8,8,6,6,7] = (3)
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "Alright, Robin and Tristin you will use the braclet thingy to see if the tower is in fact at the castle, and look for anything suspicious. I will scan for anything odd with Suppernal Vision, and Tony will do his thing as a rat."
(2) tonyrat: "You dirty rat, you killed my brother!"
(3) Tristin: [hs] => hs Sounds good.
(4) Robin: ((spatial awarness))
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,8,3,7,6,2,[10, 2]] = (3)
(3) Tristin: [hs] => hs I might need instruction on how to use the bracelet one more time.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, the time is so incredibly inverted in the hotel that its transfusions and seams go over the entire path of your last night's journey, and go out the doors you came in yesterday. The time trace dissipates past the hotel's premises, the auras from the outside, andthe sleepers' normal time flows, smudge it into normality. Inside the hotel, where fewer auras are present, the trace of the powerful spell is clear. And you recognize it - it is yours"
(4) Robin: [hightspeech] => hightspeech=>You have the braclette and the liquid still, right?
(5) Eve: ((crap forgot how it works... wait didn't it find the gem not the towers?))
** (3) Tristin Thinks to himself "shit... left a big mark..." **
(2) tonyrat: (( lets see, put ring on palm. put drop of fulid on palm. ring gloes in directon? ))
(2) tonyrat: *glows
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The ring with the liquid bottle, if dropped upon the mage's palm - guides you to the location of the Gem of the Kings
(4) Robin: ((something like that. I cant really remember))
(5) Eve: ((Bah scratch the part about the bracelet then))
(2) tonyrat: ( the ring is bout brcelet size ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The tour bus, the driver's hat, the pamphlets for the tour theme - all have a figure of a knight in full armor, outlined red, on the background of a yellow shield
(5) Eve: [High Speech] => High Speech "Just look for anything suspicious."
(5) Eve: [High Speech] => High Speech "And be on your guard, the Red Prince, may be at this castle."
(4) Robin: [hishshpeech] => hishshpeech => hishspeech "Should we not worry about the ring, then?"
(5) Eve: [High Speech] => High Speech "The ring only finds the gem, I doubt she would be at this castle with the gem, but we can check just to be sure."
(4) Robin: [Highspeech] => Highspeech = > Highspeech alright, then."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Last time Tristin tried tuning in to the gem with the device, he saw it being moved in a helicopter on a necklace. With a gorgeous woman and a very ugly man. ((log 4 i think))
(3) Tristin: [hs] => hs Are we splitting up?
** (5) Eve gets on the tour bus when its time to go **
** (3) Tristin gets on the bus as well **
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "We will cover more ground that way."
(1) Driver: "Ladies, and gentlemen! Welcome to the Castle Roselli Tour. We are departing now, please, join me over here."
(1) Driver: The last of the passengers come in
(1) Driver: doors close
** (1) Driver starts driving **
(3) Tristin: "Are we going to be talking while we are touring?" Tristing asks, not trying to sound suspicious.
(5) Eve: "It is quite common to discuss what you are seeing with your friends while on a tour, just not while the guide is talking."
(3) Tristin: [hs] => hs
(1) Driver: "Goood afternoon again, everyone. We're very lucky to have you here today, and might I add, it is as well a special occasion for each and every one of you here, because you have a unique chance to enjoy this newly opened tour. The current owners of the castle have expressed their generousity by organizing and paying for these tours, and making them possible, but of course, the castle and its territory are still private property which is why we are doing them in this manner, instead of publishing the address and having you folks drive up there. Imagine if people drove up to your home, when you were in the shower."
(3) Tristin: [hs] => hs " I mean in constent communication while we are split up"
(3) Tristin: ((Forgot sleepers can't understand us.))
(1) Driver: "But then again, most of us don't have 22 shower rooms throughout the 380 acres of private property"
(5) Eve: [High speech] => High speech "If we have a way to do that over long distance yes, this place is quite large."
(4) Robin: [Hs] => Hs => I was planning on telepathicaly contacting anyone who wasn't splitting up with me."
(5) Eve: [high speech] => high speech "good idea"
(2) tonyrat: ]to Uchawi[ "Can you ask her to try with me now to make sure no problems?"
** (2) tonyrat continues studdying hte bottom of the cage for rasins. he knows there's a raisin here. Here's one.. nope, poop. ah, this one!.. nope, nother poop. This is a rais.. dang, another poop... **
** (1) Uchawi asks what Tony asks **
** (4) Robin sets her bag o her lap and closes her eyes for a moment. **
(1) Uchawi: "Robin, Anthony wanted me to ask you to try and establish telepathic network between him and you and make sure there are no problems having him being a rat"
(4) Robin: ((telepathy))
** (4) Robin rubs her head with her forefingers. **
(4) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7,5,3,9,1,9,1] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, Tony, your mind is one
(4) Robin: ((Lasts for 3 turns))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): add extra spell to your stacked spells, each
(2) tonyrat: ".. riasin! .. dang, poop. Raisin? No.. oh. what's this?"
(2) tonyrat: (( 3 turns, 9 seconds? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((since we're out of combat, it will last through scene))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((a spell that u have to recast every 9 seconds makes no sense to me))
(2) tonyrat: "ahh, yes. that works."
(4) Robin: Telepathy=> Telepathy Tony, you're hungry?"
(2) tonyrat: (( yeyah, you spend more dice to increase the dureation. I think -4 makes it a scne? ))
(2) tonyrat: (( or maybe -6 ))
(2) tonyrat: "Oh, yes, I'm very hungry. Where are the raisins?"
(4) Robin: ((theres a chart for the sucesses and duration of each.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ah. to make it permanent you need mind 4. Mind network))
(4) Robin: "Um, I don't remember the last time I had rasiins."
(2) tonyrat: (( pp 118 ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, in a couple of seconds the connection starts to weaken and you feel that you need another approach to make it more permanent
(2) tonyrat: (( bah, -6 makes it 5 turns ;/ ))
(2) tonyrat: "Where are.. rai.. loosin.. you.. ther..."
(4) Robin: ((Mind network? what page?))
(4) Robin: ((I was talking about chart on 212))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah Mind 5 spell Network is the one u want, but u need mind 5))
(2) tonyrat: ( Mind 4 = prolonged ))
(2) tonyrat: (( what is your mind at? ))
(4) Robin: ((only 4. I dont hav enough xp for mind 5))
(2) tonyrat: (( if you rmind is 4, you cast telepathy with prolongedduration ))
(2) tonyrat: (( so it is a scene ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes. 1 scene.))
(4) Robin: (9Mkay))
(2) tonyrat: (( pp 212 bottom right corner paragraph ))
(4) Robin: ((Yeah I found it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you feel you need to focus on the spell's precision
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((So, you get a penalty for 2 targets at this point -1 as perp age 118 i take it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no, -2))
(2) tonyrat: (( waht 2 targets? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((prolonged duration i mean, wrong chart))
(4) Robin: ((oh))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((in other words, recast with -2))
(2) tonyrat: (( no negtive dice for this, it's part of te spells ))
(2) tonyrat: (( spell csays with midn 4 it's automatically prolonged duration ))
(4) Robin: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
(4) Robin: (opps. Yeah, its on page 212. bottom right))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((well then its all nice and sweet))
(2) tonyrat: ( I stil liked denga's mind link ))
(2) tonyrat: (( mind router ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((wasnt that the same spell?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((that was Network, mind 5. he had tons of mind))
(2) tonyrat: (( I think mind router didn't exist? I think it was a made up spell. ))
(2) tonyrat: (( network? let me see ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if you guys wanna make spells up, just describe what exactly you're doing, how you're doing it, so i can envision it in miy mind, and i will assign it difficulty, and you just roll gnosis+arcana. No problem))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you're connected with Tony.
(2) tonyrat: (( ahh, yes. to bad he didnt' hae 5 mind I dont think *shrug* ))
(2) tonyrat: ( maybe he did ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): To connect more targets to the Tony-Robin network, cast with -1 for each additional target
(4) Robin: ((Okay, super sweet))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( that works :D ))
** (1) Driver meanwhile continues the tour **
** (4) Robin looks to Eve and smiles. **
(4) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,1,3,3,4] = (0)
(4) Robin: ((so -2 for two trargets, tright?))
** (5) Eve raises a brow and smiles back? **
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( wow, that was a... sucky .. roll ))
(4) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,2,5,2] = (0)
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( as was that :D ))
(4) Robin: ((bad day for sucky rolls))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( you can try again, 4 die ))
(4) Robin: ((Shawns having compy probs.))
(4) Robin: (yeah i will))
(4) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,5,2] = (0)
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( yeha, network, you get 2 successes, 4 people. *BAM* lot easier ))
(1) Driver: "Castle Roselli was built over 600 years ago and was owned by the Roselli family throughout nineteen generations. Before it was inherited by the current owner Sir Jason, the castle changed eleven owners connected by the same bloodline and passed from father to son. It is considered a fact that the castle served as a gathering place on occasion for the Royal Knighthood in the first hundred years of its existance. The territory spans across more than 350 acres, is beautifully maintained, contains exotic gardens and plaza, and has a recreational area and a tourist center available for your pleasure"
** (2) Tony FerRAT sticks his nose out far as he can (( covert spells, life sight + spirit sight combined. )) **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you feel the spell focus evading you. You feel you need a harder grip on it, but Tony is still with you
(2) Tony FerRAT: combined LIfe Sight gnosis 3 + life 4 & Spirit Sight Gnosis 3 Life 3 = 6 - 2 = 4 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,3,6] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you got sights
** (2) Tony FerRAT goes blind **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): at 3, dice recast
(2) Tony FerRAT: combined LIfe Sight gnosis 3 + life 4 & Spirit Sight Gnosis 3 Life 3 = 6 - 2 = 4 - 1 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,4] = (0)
** (2) Tony FerRAT blinks **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): life's not easy for a rat
(2) Tony FerRAT: combined LIfe Sight gnosis 3 + life 4 & Spirit Sight Gnosis 3 Life 3 = 6 - 2 = 4 - 2 [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5] = (0)
(2) Tony FerRAT: "How the heck you see out of these eys?"
(2) Tony FerRAT: combined LIfe Sight gnosis 3 + life 4 & Spirit Sight Gnosis 3 Life 3 = 6 - 2 = 4 - 3 [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( reduced to chance die ))
(4) Robin: [Highspeech = > Highspeech "Eve, you don't have any mental shields up do you.?"
(2) Tony FerRAT: "Oh well, scratch that"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you face a danger of a negative effect))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u sure u wanna do it?))
(5) Eve: "no"
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( tha'ts why I said scratch that ))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( we sitll driving to the castle or wht? ))
(4) Robin: Highspeech => Highspeech "I'm having some troube reaching you."
(4) Robin: ((I'ma try again))
(4) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,2] = (1)
(2) Tony FerRAT: "Oh, hey, how would you liek to live in a castle! That's where you'll go free."
(1) Driver: "The castle features an art gallery with a number of originals from 14th and 16th centuries purchased for Lord Roselli's personal collection. It has been rumored that the eleventh consecutive master of the castle was personally aquainted with Raphael. Regardless of whether it is true or not, a number of his works, as well as works by Michelangelo and Aivazovski are featured today in the art gallery"
(4) Robin: Telepathy => Tony, Eve?
(5) Eve: [Telepath] => Telepath "Yes?{
(1) Driver: "You will find to your avail an amazing cascade of fountains, garden labyrinths and stone walls over 200 feet high."
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( robi can hear me and eve. I can hear robin. Can I also hear eve? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, Tony and Eve are now sharing a mindspace
(2) Tony FerRAT: "Eve1 Where did you put the raisins!!!"
(5) Eve: ((Not to be confused with Myspace))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you feel that you are the gateway. You can let traffic through, block it, route and re-route it. Messages between Tony and Eve go through you, if you allows it - directly. If you choose to, you can block them off from receiving either signal."
(5) Eve: [T] => T "What rasins? Tony.. you are human... why are you looking for rasins?"
(2) Tony FerRAT: "There are raisnes.. I know it.. I can.. human? I'm a rat. Where are the raisins.? OH. yeah. the ccastle."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a.k.a. you can send messages secretly to either of them, or make it so one of them can be temporarily denied mindspace access
(2) Tony FerRAT: ( to rat ) "she won't give us any raisins"
** (2) Tony FerRAT sighs **
(10) Shawn (enter): 20:49
(5) Eve: wb
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): With that, has to be added, that to Eve, the mind network now becomes visible - as a tripod spell, fixed between your heads
(10) Tristin: ((My computer is phale))
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(3) Shawn' from server...
(3) Shawn (exit): 20:49
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Shawn...
(2) Tony FerRAT: "YOu gong to alet Tristin in ? Mayve he's got raisins."
(4) Robin: "I can try, but I'm not sure If I can. I need to get a grip before we get inside, though."
(4) Robin: ((I would roll 5 dice, then?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((since this is your repeated attempt, you roll 3))
** (10) Tristin suppresses a groan listening to the driver. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin caught up with the text from Robin 's screen?))
(4) Robin: ((didnt know if the repeat penalty would cont since I change targets))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((at 5 then))
(4) Robin: ((sweet))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((actually, there is noise))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( same spell for same effect same target, shouldn't new traget last one succedeed ? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((driver talking, bus, movement))
(4) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,4,1,4] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((4 dice))
(5) Eve: ((phale))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you got an extra spell on you now, btw
** (4) Robin looks to Tristin ad rubs her forhead like she has a headach **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): keep count of spells, peeps. not more than stamina+2
(4) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,3,7] = (1)
(10) Tristin: "You okay?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, as a rat you have 1 stamina
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( any over stamina gives -1 per for spell attempts ))
** (4) Robin stops rubbing and looks up **
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( 1 stamina... uh.. ))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( no wonder I couldn't cast sights ))
(2) Tony FerRAT: ( 1 sta, 1 str, 5 dex ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the game knows))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u got shields, mind and... 1 more))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the transform))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( yeah ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you join the MindSpace
(4) Robin: (( i should just have space awarness and 1 mind up))
** (10) Tristin is shocked as his mind connects with the other three. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you are now the router between Tony, Eve and Tristin. You can send messages to all selectively or broadcast, and grant/deny any one of them a broadcast ability across it
(10) Tristin: Oh woa... Hi?
(4) Robin: ((Its going to be a free for all right now. I'll let everyone communicate freely for now))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( weasel or ferret has: str 1 dex 3 sta 2 pp 316 ))
(4) Robin: [T] => T=> Shawn is with us, now.
(10) Tristin: ((Tristin))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The gateway is open freely, and you four can hear each other's thoughts. ((thoughts go in cursive))
(4) Robin: ((Trisin...sry....))
(2) Tony FerRAT: "Hey! Where'd you put the raisins!"
(10) Tristin: ((How about italics?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): To Mind/Prime users - you see a crisscross spell over the four heads
(2) Tony FerRAT: Hey! Where'd you put the raisins!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((cursive = italics))
(10) Tristin: Raisis?
(10) Tristin: ((Raisins*))
(4) Robin: Tony is hungry or soemthing.
** (5) Eve concentrates on the spell threads leading to her and uses unseen spy to hide them on herself **
(2) Tony FerRAT: Raisins! I know there's some here somewhre!"
(5) Eve: Gnosis + Prime = 4
(5) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 2],9,2] = (2)
** (1) Driver is driving up the hill, the scenery at higher elevation becomes greener, more forest-rich, grass becomes healthy and tall, beautiful lakes and gardens of nearby territories **
(10) Tristin: Tony is strange when he traceforms...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the spell is dimmed on your end, to someone of low ability, you look like you're not part of the mind network
** (2) Tony FerRAT grimbles, "They still won't give us the rains. I smell them. Do you?" **
(5) Eve: Tony you are still a human, not a rat, stop thinking about rasins.
** (4) Robin looks at the old lady a few seats in front of everyone. thats not very nice. **
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( basically, any spell over my stamina gives me -1 to attempt right? sta 1, I have 3 spells on me 2 over. Any casts -2 die? ))
** (1) Driver gives you a tour, pointing out this and that on the way. You spend 1 hour just driving to the place. It's about 1 o clock. You spells still stay active, or as they require recharging, you guys are able to maintain them, for the sake of narration you dont have to recast. **
(1) Driver: Attention to the map.
(2) Tony FerRAT: "
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( one oclock? Uh oh. I thought htey wree going to let us out ))
** (5) Eve looks at the map **
(1) Driver: ((you are still driving TO the castle))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( okay, don't have to recast so willl revert at 2:00 then ))
(1) Driver: The Bus Driver stops telling you about the history of the city and lecturing you on various historical facts on Rome, and pulls you up to the following structure
(10) Tristin: Is this the place?
(5) Eve: This is it
(10) Tristin: ((My map vanished))
(1) Driver: "The castle consists of Five and a half main towers, the North Western tower is the Master's Quarters, we are asked to not disturb him. Anything else if free for you to explore and enjoy, outside the gates we have a guest area and a gift shop.
(10) Tristin: Northwest tower it is?
(5) Eve: Tony you will be going to the Northwest tower then alright?
(2) Tony FerRAT: Yes, where they tell us not to go.
(1) Driver: "The North East tower is the old Catapult operation site, the gatehouse towers give a fantastic overview of the valley and the gardens, as well as provide interesting details about construction of old gate control mechanisms, they contains an armory, an old but still functional workshop, the largest, south west complex has a tower and a half - is the guest quarters, the art gallery, the kitchen, and the main hall."
(10) Tristin: I'll go to the main hall then
(2) Tony FerRAT: Make sure you let me out close to there, my legs aren't very long and it'll take me a little to run
(4) Robin: All right.
(1) Driver: "Alright, so, you fellas have four hours to enjoy our tour, i will be available by the swimming pool, just come and ask questions. There is a chance Lord Roselli will at some point join us and talk abit about his family and himself. So, we stay out of the Northwestern tower, and - have fun everywhere else. Anything else is fair playground folks"
(1) Driver: ((ok, one of you is doing something that made the map vanish and is giving me popup errors
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( not I, I wa just wathing, dind't touch anytihing when it disappeared on me too. look int he server log windwo ))
(1) Driver: ((started happening after Robin's miniature))
(1) Driver: ((is it a pic on your local computer or off a web, Robin?))
(1) Driver: ((all minis should be off your pc, or we get bugs with lag))
(4) Robin: ((All right, i'll get one off my compy.))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( wait, what? It hought it would NOT work wiht anything but on thw web? ))
(10) Tristin: ((Mine are the maps disapeared from mine a while ago, tried to fix it.))
(1) Driver: ((its the opposite in this version))
(5) Eve: ((mines from the computer))
(1) Driver: ((ok, let's everyone refresh the map, and get minis on local compies. Let's try this again, or we will be at it all night))
(4) Robin: ((ITs the same mini I used last time with no problem, btw))
(1) Driver: ((last time i had the error popups as well))
(1) Driver: ((couldnt figure out who wasdoing it))
(1) Driver: ((winter??))
(2) Tony FerRAT: ( bah, lost all my images ))
(5) Eve: ((kk cleared them))
(1) Driver: no bmp either plz
(1) Driver: jpg or gif only
(10) Tristin: ((Who is adding the backgrounds?))
(1) Driver: not me
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( I" tryign to add ANY picutre and NONE sare showing up for me getting errorsm etdc,, ))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( before we alwasy used to go off the web ))
(4) Robin: ((i added panda and it told me it didnt exists, but its there anyways))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( telling me it can'dt load iage form c:\temp\yada.gif
(2) Tony FerRAT: doesn't exist. this is NOT working ))
(5) Eve: ((i see all of them))
(4) Robin: ((same error message over and over...))
(2) Tony FerRAT: (( I see none of them, ot even my own. and gettin gan error about some temp .php file not existing ))
(2) Tony FerRAT: let me exit and come back I guess
(2) Tony FerRAT: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Tony FerRAT (exit): 21:18
(10) Tristin: ((I don't see anything but errors and Mine and Rachel's icons.
(10) Tristin: ))
(5) Eve: what are you running what version?
(10) Tristin: ((Of ORPG?))
(5) Eve: mmhm
(10) Tristin: ((1.7.5{080123-00-}
(11) Tony FerRAT (enter): 21:19
(4) Robin: ((me too))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( now I see them ))
(5) Eve: hmm same as mine
(10) Shawn (exit): 21:20
(10) Shawn (enter): 21:20
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( now htey disappered ))
(1) Driver: i cleared map
(1) Driver: lets do map first
(1) Driver: then minis
(1) Driver: on top of it
(11) Tony FerRAT: why aare we doing LOCAL now instead of off web like we USED to?
(1) Driver: web doesnt work for me at all
(1) Driver: lets try web
(11) Tony FerRAT: wait. lets try one first
(11) Tony FerRAT: here goes
(11) Tony FerRAT: Do you see that rat?
(1) Driver: yes
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay
(1) Driver: i always saw all minis
(11) Tony FerRAT: let me rename an d size
(1) Driver: its the errors and clutter that got me down
(10) Tristin: (("fetching" Also got an error message))
(1) Driver: some1 tried moving a mini and moved the castle
(11) Tony FerRAT: so it is working for you.
(4) Robin: ((im gonna exit and come back ))
(1) Driver: guys guys
(4) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(4) Rachel (exit): 21:23
(10) Tristin: ((I see Eve's))
(1) Driver: we need to get the map first, coz it's gonna cover your minis
(11) Tony FerRAT: yeah, you gotta LOCK the castle
(11) Tony FerRAT: kay, get it
(10) Shawn (exit): 21:23
(12) Rachel (enter): 21:23
(13) Shawn (enter): 21:23
(11) Tony FerRAT: then push it to background and lock it
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (12) Rachel...
(11) Tony FerRAT: Now, poush it to background and lock it
(1) Driver: locked
(11) Tony FerRAT: push it to background
(11) Tony FerRAT: it is on foreground
(11) Tony FerRAT: so it covers ours. you gotta push it.
(11) Tony FerRAT: may I push it then so we can see our avatrs?
(11) Tony FerRAT: thank you.
(1) Driver: pushed
(1) Driver: ok thanks, that works
(13) Tristin: ((Just lost everything :( ))
(1) Driver: we all see?
(1) Driver: dang it
(11) Tony FerRAT: I see
(11) Tony FerRAT: wait
(11) Tony FerRAT: we see fine
(1) Driver: Tristin, do refresh miniatures
(11) Tony FerRAT: you came in later
(13) Tristin: ((I get a bunch of error messages and nothing happens))
(11) Tony FerRAT: you can sve hte map and reload it also kkk
(1) Driver: i'll try that
(1) Driver: ready?
(11) Tony FerRAT: aye
(11) Tony FerRAT: see it now shawn?
(13) Tristin: (( NO :( ))
(5) Eve: "I'm sorry Mario but the Princess is in another castle"
(11) Tony FerRAT: rachel, same?
(1) Driver: ((scroll the screen around a bit))
(13) Tristin: ((Didn't mean to cap))
(11) Tony FerRAT: what is on your screen, anything?
(12) Rachel: ((I lost it for a sec but its back now))
(13) Tristin: ((A bunch of things that say "fetching" )
(11) Tony FerRAT: okay.. I get that sometiemes when it can't find the images on teh web. you have direct web accesshmm..
(1) Driver: try save and load the map Tristin?
(11) Tony FerRAT: go here tristin: what do you see: http://members.madasafish.com/~cj_whitehound/Rats_Nest/artwork/clipart/b+w_ship_rat.gif
(13) Tristin: An HTML
(11) Tony FerRAT: haml or gif?
(11) Tony FerRAT: it should be a gif of a rat
(11) Tony FerRAT: you dont 'see that?
(11) Tony FerRAT: what does the html say?
whispering to Eve, tag
(13) Tristin: ((Hang on))
(11) Tony FerRAT: select with left click and drag, right click then "copy"
(13) Tristin: ((The same rat I've seen a few timse that keeps disapearing))
(11) Tony FerRAT: kk, load it again please
(1) Diana Branch: reloaded
(11) Tony FerRAT: it flashed ont he screen or fetching?
(13) Tristin: ((Okay my mini is visable to me again, but that's it))
(13) Tristin: ((Fetching))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( try moving a small fetching around ))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( that one ))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( you are moving eve ))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( okay. that works. *sigh* freaking python ))
(13) Tristin: ((Yeah, I can see the lable... just not the map or the actual picture))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( when they are local images, all I see is fetching, when they are web links, all he sees is fetching. WTF? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((eve can see, i can see, tony can see. why cant tristin see?))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( fuck it, line art. ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i think we need a different program soon))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( ther are only 2, we stiched ot this one cause the other one wsa fucked up more ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((so... it's fetching for Tristin))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((anyone else?))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( I see eveyrthing ))
(12) Robin: I still havent added my mini yet.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, Robin, add your mini
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin can see the map off of Robin's machine
(11) Tony FerRAT: I see a panda
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): panda confirmed
(5) Eve: panda@
(12) Robin: not for me...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 10/4 alpha one nine, we have a panda confirmed here
(11) Tony FerRAT: fetching for you robin? You see the map?
(12) Robin: okay. panda
(13) Tristin: ((Can see the panda too))
(11) Tony FerRAT: You see everything robin?
(12) Robin: yeah
(11) Tony FerRAT: I"m going to shrink your panda down
(12) Robin: already did
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay, tristin can look on robins screen. Everyone good?
(13) Tristin: ((Okay))
(5) Eve: lol
(12) Robin: yeah
(13) Tristin: .
(1) Driver: The North East tower is the old Catapult operation site, the gatehouse towers give a fantastic overview of the valley and the gardens, as well as provide interesting details about construction of old gate control mechanisms, they contains an armory, an old but still functional workshop, the largest, south west complex has a tower and a half - is the guest quarters, the art gallery, the kitchen, and the main hall. so, you fellas have four hours to enjoy our tour, i will be available by the swimming pool, just come and ask questions. There is a chance Lord Roselli will at some point join us and talk abit about his family and himself. So, we stay out of the Northwestern tower, and - have fun everywhere else. Anything else is fair playground folks.
** (1) Driver opens the doors **
(11) Tony FerRAT: Weeeee! Rasins!!!
** (13) Tristin gets off the bus **
(13) Tristin: I'm headed to the maain hall
** (12) Robin gets off bus, too. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the castle is massive gigantic structure, the road leads into it, the gray little building near Robin is the visitor center, the place with red stripes on the roof is Gift Shop, inside, the gatehouse is open, the blue thing is the pool, the light green are gardens with awesome flowers Italian style, gray are statues, green dots are trees, blue circles are fountains
(5) Eve: Alright Tristin to the south west tower, robin drop tony off at the north west tower... Tony stop thinking about rasins we are looking for the tower and anything suspicious. I'll take the south east tower and if time the gardens, robin you go north east after dropping off tony."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): all towers are open except the North Western tower, which is top left corner
(5) Eve: ((that was in thought for some reason my ittalics don't work))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): All towers and many walls have the yellow flags on them with a red knight insignia, a little man with a lance in a helmet
(11) Tony FerRAT: right.. north west tower, look for anything suspicious
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( nor did my italics ))
(11) Tony FerRAT: right.. north west tower, look for anything suspicious
(5) Eve: ((I think its like html you have to put it at the front and end of text))
(11) Tony FerRAT: ]to the Rat[ "You think unate raisins are suspiciuos?"
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( I missed the / in the closing /i ))
whispering to Rachel, Robin, you feel a very very very strong space spell on the North West tower. Much more powerful than you.
** (11) Tony FerRAT will be whrever Robin sets him down **
whispering to Eve, Eve, you feel a very very very strong prime, space, time, and matter spell in the North West tower, much more powerful than you
** (5) Eve heads towards the south east tower looking as touristie as possible **
(11) Tony FerRAT: Wait. Someone give me mage sight. Give me prime sight.
whispering to Tony FerRAT, You feel a very very very strong life power spell on the North West tower, much more powerful than you
** (5) Eve casts suppernal vision on rat tony... **
(11) Tony FerRAT: Migh thave to drop the mind link to ge4t it to stick though, got a lot of spell son this little body
(5) Eve: wit occult prime = 8
(5) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,6,1,3,7,2,5] = (2)
whispering to Tony FerRAT, you feel a very very very strong prime, space, time, and matter spell in the North West tower
(13) Tristin: I think the link should be the last thing that you should drop
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you have Supernal Vision, but you have to snap one of your spells out
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( shieilds = 1 -2 detection = 2. mind link = 3 Serparnal Vision =4. Too many for 1 sta? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((correct. drop one))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( Bah, I'll drop the shields ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): poof
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( serparnal , -2 aura, mind link ))
(5) Eve: Tony, Robin, be careful near that tower, there is a aweful lot of powerful magic over there
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay, I'm ready. Let the other rat out too plesae
** (11) Tony FerRAT looks at hte tower in question **
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( with serparnal vision now ))
(12) Robin: Tony, I see some major space tamporing on the northwest tower. I could try a ban to lock to space template if you'd like me to try.
(11) Tony FerRAT: I have no idea what you just said. a ban on space template hoozits?
(13) Tristin: What?
(5) Eve: its not just space, theres time, prime and matter in that spell if I'm correct
(12) Robin: It would prevent further space spells in the area
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((with Supernal Vision you see a really, really strong conjunction spell of Prime, Space, a lot of space in fact, Time, and Matter - over the North West tower. A number of anti-scrutiny locks and hidden alarm triggers are surrounding this spell, should you carefully study what it is, you will need a few hours. The spell is at least twice more powerful than your own powers.
(11) Tony FerRAT: So, maybe I go in there bells go off. alarms. is it a ward?
(11) Tony FerRAT: Well, no question there rae mages living here. Poerful mages.
** (13) Tristin gets a feel for the castle with his temporal eddies **
(12) Robin: Its a ward
(11) Tony FerRAT: Wards are like locks. Won't let anyone pass but certiain people. Act like alarms and stuff sometimes too.
(11) Tony FerRAT: To go in there, someone would have to change/break/bypass that ward which would probalby announce we're here.,
(5) Eve: its probably the connection to the other towers, I think we found what we are looking for...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The sheer power of the tower is so high that it's like a sparkling christmas tree, except gigantic. The complexity of the magical machine that it represents has many interweaved parts to it, so intricately crafted that it will definitely take time to study
(11) Tony FerRAT: Right. Um.. what were we looking for?
(11) Tony FerRAT: You think this is one of hte 5 towers or whatever?
(12) Robin: Yeah, it might do more harm than good. it wh I asked since youd be the one in direct danger.
** (12) Robin heads to nw tower with rats instow. **
(11) Tony FerRAT: I ain't going in there with that locked magical door!
(11) Tony FerRAT: New plan! We found what we were looking for. Now what?
(5) Eve: well... I can't counterspell it, its too big of a spell... if I had more knowledge in death I could kill the spell but it would take time for me to study it and know where to strike
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay,break the spell to what effect? What good would it do us? What are we trying to accoplish? How is this helping us find hte ... artifact?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, the castle is extremely wired with wards and counterspells, most of them are eminating from the NW tower, but it's everywhere around. The hedge maze, the gardens, the statues and the pools have been subject to time and fate manipulation among others. This place is magical no doubt about it.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You in the main hall Tristin?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the place with two big brown roofs?
(11) Tony FerRAT: Hmm. Look at that hedge map with space. Anything? Maybe it s a way in.
(13) Tristin: ((Went there, but didn't do anything that was a call I made before we knew the palce was magical))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): This is where the art gallery is, works of leonardo, raphael, michelangelo, a huge museum with "artifacts", but none of them magical. Your dagger, Ediphon, easily outmatches any of them in practical value. Most of the visitors are here, a number of tourist groups with guides are travelling around from room to room like ducks
(13) Tristin: ((Just got two error messages))
** (12) Robin inspects the mage with mage sight... **
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( I moved my rat. ignore them ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, what mage?
(12) Robin: ((spactial awarness))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((what are you inspecting?))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( mge = maze I think ))
(12) Robin: ((i ment maze))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( gah, what wa someoneone saying about building a maze for the rats? O.o ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you get the spacial structure of the Garden Maze. it seems to have two entrances and two exits
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it's a fairly simple maze as far as mazes go, but it's quite tricky if you're not used to that sort of thing. I does not have that crazy feel that the Hedge in the Fae world had, where Lisa took you
(5) Eve: You know, this has to be the second tower, so now we can locate the other three... Amsterdam was tower 3 this must be tower what.. 4? 5? something... either way we can triangulate the other towers from here right?
(5) Eve: ((thought))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): What you do detect, is that nearly the entire castle yard is soaked in a space spell, almost so deeply as if north was south and south was north. You feel disoriented if you use space sight
(11) Tony FerRAT: This gives us 2 towers? Doesn't tell us a whole lot. But why are we hwere instead of followign the glowoing ring? What was teh vision robin had? What are we to accomplish here?
(13) Tristin: Sure but I'm not the person to do it, too much math.
(13) Tristin: You mean the vision I had?
(5) Eve: what vision? Robin had a vision? I know Tristin had a vision about a helocopter... and we need to find the towers because we can
(5) Eve: .... ((thought))
(11) Tony FerRAT: "This is like a beacon. Hmm.."
(12) Robin: I dont remember any visions.
(5) Eve: pass through the tower lines without getting caught and Diana is inside those lines somewhere...
(11) Tony FerRAT: "So what brought us here?"
(11) Tony FerRAT: So if we go inside we'll be detected? If we gio in between the two?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you had a number of cities and towns on the trajectory to the gem
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): when you used the ring
(11) Tony FerRAT: Oh! Maybe we have to find a way to cross the line wihtout being triggered?
(11) Tony FerRAT: Like a police line, step under it instead of breaking it.
(12) Robin: Yeah Ive got them all written down.
(5) Eve: if we go in between any of the towers we will be detected. We are also here because Red Prince is likely here, and from the spell I would venture a defiently here. He's one of Diana's allies.. if we can bypass him it means less backup for her when we do get to her.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the last time you used the device it was moving... north west more towards west, you did this in your hotel
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay, our goal, then is to get past that guard tower without being detected?
(12) Robin: yeah i didnt know that quailfied as a vsion))
** (13) Tristin starts heading to the NW tower **
(5) Eve: Yes, and if possible... to eliminate one of her allies giving us less of a fight later I figure.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anyone who approaches the NW tower, the largest tower in the courtyard, past the gardens and legionaire statues - you eventually come to a set of tightly closed doors
(13) Tristin: (("Alright chumps, let's do this!"))
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay, what about eh maze? Just a normal maze?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The tower is connected to other towers with a 250 feet tall 70 feet wide castle wall
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( no body here but us rats ))
(12) Robin: as far as I can tell
** (5) Eve examines the maze from the south east tower highest point **
(11) Tony FerRAT: can we go under the castle?
** (13) Tristin looks into the past of this door to see who and how the last person entered the door **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you can see the maze and most of the yard from the tower you're on. It's free access. The tower you are on is the next tallest tower after the NW. From here you only level with the neighbor gatehouse tower
(13) Tristin: ((Gnosis 2 + Time 4))
(13) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,7,3,1,1] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): NW - tallest. South towers - next. NE - next. Big tower - shortest
(13) Tristin: ((*sigh*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the door bounces back at you so hard that your ability temporarily enters shock
(5) Eve: if we go under or over the castle it may still trigger the alarms... hard to say I can
(5) Eve: ...((thought)
(11) Tony FerRAT: How long do we have before this tour ends?
(5) Eve: *can't see the weave of the spell to know the dimensions of the area it protects without more time to study it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): there are tourists and people everywhere in the yard
(5) Eve: Four hours
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sleepers everywhere, exploring
** (13) Tristin blinks a few times then tries again **
(5) Eve: Give or take since we got here
(13) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,9,7,9] = (2)
(11) Tony FerRAT: How long would it take you to study the spell on the tower?
(5) Eve: Given the complexity of the spell, and my knowledge of Prime... probably... three days tops... if I get unlucky...
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( what are those brown things on left? pavillians? waht's i 'em? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you feel that this tower is protected against this type of spell not only to the point of general, but also to the specific. You see the spell absorbed, and not coming back to you with reply. Your power is not strong enough.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, who is standing where and who can see whom?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve is on top of the SE tower
(5) Eve: ((Weeeee I'm gonna jump!!!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Toni the tiny rat is running around in the gardens?
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( I" down by whereever Robin is ))
(12) Robin: Im at the nw
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin is by NW.
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( If she don't know, I'm by the maze ))
** (13) Tristin is near the door to the NW Tower **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The hedge maze is about 15 feet tall, with walls neatly cut, clearly well maintained
(12) Robin: i shoul be pretty close tp tristin
(11) Tony FerRAT: goingto wrk my way with robin wherver she's ogig cause I"m like a rat you know
(11) Tony FerRAT: Dungeon? Basement?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Space sight is confused on the premise, time spells do not work on the tower itself. The spell on the tower is a massive, complex machine that is not just non-covert, but a highly visible one
whispering to Tony FerRAT, Please roll resolve+comp
** (13) Tristin found the F12 macro key **
(11) Tony FerRAT: Careful.. I saw somethign like this in my dream, and got caught becaue of my so called pride. I'm not proude, I'm just good.
(11) Tony FerRAT: Careful.. I saw somethign like this in my dream, and got caught becaue of my so called pride. I'm not proude, I'm just good.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The fountains are sparkling with clean water, amazing huge 8 feet deep swimming pool is free to use, and is being used by the guests at the moment
** (13) Tristin looks into the fate of the group hopeing to find a clue to how they may get around this barrier **
(13) Tristin: ((Gnosis 2 + Fate 3))
(13) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,[10, 7],1,9] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin at -3 penalty please))
** (11) Tony FerRAT looks at the door for an opening at hte bootom he could slip under **
** (5) Eve will go examine the north east tower since everyone else seems occupied with the NW tower... **
(13) Tristin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],1] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you find in your tower, a mechanism that locks, unlocks half of tha gate, an armory, weapon shop, etc.
** (5) Eve goes along the castle walls if possible **
** (12) Robin looks around to see if anyone is paying attention to her. **
(11) Tony FerRAT: See if I can slip under the door or something
(13) Tristin: ((Just got a bunch of error messages))
(5) Eve: That might set the spell off
(11) Tony FerRAT: Or in the mialbox slot. Not sure what good I'd be in tehre htough. I'm not a prime mage.
(5) Eve: You do have prime sight up on you... what do you see?
(12) Robin: I'll let you out as soon as its clear, but i dont think its a good idea to slip in yet.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, your fate sight encounters massive resistance, but breaks through it. The fate of the group, you feel intuitively, is connected to the Master of the Castle. You also feel that you're in a very dangerous place. You know intuitively the gem is not here, but you feel you can get information. Also, your danger sense is tickling.
(11) Tony FerRAT: A srong powerful spell on teh north west tower that covers just about all the arcana
(11) Tony FerRAT: A srong powerful spell on teh north west tower that covers just about all the arcana
(11) Tony FerRAT: A srong powerful spell on teh north west tower that covers just about all the arcana
(13) Tristin: ((*dives and saves Mary-Jame*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, people casually pay attention to you. Some wonder if you're going to enter the maze. Most people don't have the balls to.
(13) Tristin: ((Jane*))
(5) Eve: I know that, I've even told you which arcana, can you tell anything else from where you are, you are closes to the actual spell after all
(5) Eve: *closer
(13) Tristin: Let's not crowd around this door...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you can see something interesting about the NW tower. It does not use spirit, at all. Also, you detect no spirits. Most buildings you visited had spirits. This place has... no soul. You see spirits of curious guests, but no spirit of hospitality in the castle, neither a spirit of hostility, or secrecy. There are no spirits, at all. It's an absense of... it's like a static silence
** (13) Tristin walks over to a big group of tourests and attempts to blend in (assumeing I find one) **
** (11) Tony FerRAT loks at the nw tower splel, Well, it seemes like it's a ward, or that's what tristin said. And other things. I see tristin casting spells but not sure what's happening. **
** (12) Robin walks a few feet into the maze, just out of sight of any guests outside the hedges. **
(11) Tony FerRAT: Robin, let the toher rat go in teh maze. he's sufferend enough.<.i>
(11) Tony FerRAT: Robin, let the toher rat go in teh maze. he's sufferend enough.
** (12) Robin checks to see if its clear **
(5) Eve: ... You can see Tristin casting spells? Thats not a good idea if this mage inside is more powerful than us and you can see spells cast I can only imagine what he is seeing..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you find on the NE tower, a catapult operation site, a large catapult with a stack of ammo is near it. Down below is a hall room with a number of mechanisms that show samples and photographs of ballistics research, how the old times defenses were used, how the castle was attempted sieges and withstood them.
(11) Tony FerRAT: Well, I have primse sight up, and I see tristin so I can see him casting.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, with matter sight, you see the materials the catapult is made of - wood, iron, stone
(13) Tristin: Sorry bad idea?
** (12) Robin reaches into her pack to retract the cage. Sets it down and opens the door.((assuming noones paying attention?)) **
(12) Robin: I wouldnt head inside, though tony. Tell the other rat to enjoy is his new life.
** (1) Rat comes out of the cage... sniffs around... and runs back into the cage! **
(12) Robin: "What?"
(12) Robin: "Dont you want out?"
** (12) Robin pushes the rats out. **
(11) Tony FerRAT: "awhat's rwrong?"
** (11) Tony FerRAT gets out and looks t the othe rrat, "Waht?" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you enter the hedge maze. Like all mazes, they start out easy, become kinda hard, until people realize that they got too brave, and by the time it's no longer fun, the maze became too dificult and they need to cry for help. But... not you. A space mage, you easily have a map of this maze in your head
** (11) Tony FerRAT sniffs the air **
(12) Robin: Whats wrong with the rat, tony?
(11) Tony FerRAT: I'm not sure.
(5) Eve: why don't you just ask it?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, as per your inquiry, The uber-difficult spell is cast on the tower and its walls. The walls have a thinner layer on it. The NW tower has a more condensed mass of it, and a lot of supplementary mechanisms. They are like symbols, like hieroglyphs. The NW tower seems to be the head of a metaphorical "serpent", with its tail going outside the gatehouse.
(12) Robin: I want to avoid any casting for now, Tony can just talk to it.
(5) Eve: I'm having a rather... flashy thought... what if we find a way to destroy the tower itself?
(11) Tony FerRAT: Waht's wrong Ratfriend? Why don't you want to come out?
(12) Robin: Lke how?
(5) Eve: Well... I'm standing next to a catapolt...
(1) Rat: "This place has a cat. I can feel it, one or many. Maybe lots of cats."
(11) Tony FerRAT: You want to lay seighe to hte cstle?
** (5) Eve inspects the catapolt with analyse machine **
** (11) Tony FerRAT 's eyes would pop out if they weren't minature rat sized eyes **
(5) Eve: ((matter gnosis = 4))
(5) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,1,4] = (1)
(1) Rat: Eve, describe how are you doing it, what are you trying to study and examine?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): How it functions? What its made of? Structure?
(11) Tony FerRAT: yes, nothing says sublte like stomring a castle.
(5) Eve: /me looks over the catapolt, trying to desern how one would opperate it, if it could be aimed at the tower, how effective it might be at destoying a target.
** (13) Tristin chuckles to himself **
(11) Tony FerRAT: How do we become invisible to this tower? That's the question?
(5) Eve: I'm at least comeing up with ideas.. you are talking about rasins... If you have better ideas please.. All I have now is wishing I knew more death so I could kill the spell and knowing that I don't have anywhere the level of prime I need to pull apart those spell threads bright ideas would be welcome at this point
(11) Tony FerRAT: here's the thing, isn't our purpose to get through undetected? Isnt' that why they chose us, so we could slip under the radar?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, this catapult is operational, though it is fixed in place, facing outside the walls, fixed in place with twelve 6 inch thick and about 5 foot long bolts, chained up. To operate this catapult you'd need to remove those bolts, unchain it, rotate it using the levers at the base, on a special control wheel, then, grabbing some ammo from below the tower, load the iron balls into it, and fire using another lever, after which you'd just need to reload again. The catapult cocks itself because one end is heavier than the other.
(13) Tristin: All I know is thi9s is a very dangerous place, and the Man who owns this place is bvery important to us.
(11) Tony FerRAT: Okay, didn't the tour guide said the guy who owns it may com e out? Why don't we just wait til he does and try to get impressions off him? Do we lose anyting?
(11) Tony FerRAT: Wost case, we have to reschedule to come back?
(11) Tony FerRAT: I'im seeing Big magic here, Big wards. Big alarm system. And I don't want to go setting it off
(13) Tristin: I don't think we want to become recignised though...
(11) Tony FerRAT: Agreed.
** (5) Eve heads down to the pool after her study of the catapolt, settling down near the pool she lays down so as to look like she is sunbathing, while doing so she studies the spell threads trying to gain as much knowledge as she can about the spell, especially how to either bypass it or destory it. **
(11) Tony FerRAT: We have antying to hide all our auras so we look like sleeprs?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The security guards are striding alone the walls, and four of them are on each tower, they oversee order, but they do not interfere with your enjoyment
(5) Eve: we could always see what he looks like and come back yes, though I fear if he built this spell, he will easily recognize us and maybe make trouble for us. You aura is already hidden, Robins was killed the other night so she doesn't have a mage aura yet, I can't see Tristin's to begin with, that just leaves me and I can supress mine easily
(11) Tony FerRAT: I'm sure under this transformation spell I"m glowing with prime sight, no? Maybe I shoudl change back and get dressed.
(13) Tristin: ((Occultation 3 :) ))
(5) Eve: No, you don't, that was the whole point of me putting up the supress spell on your aura... You remember me doing that right? it was around the time you started thinking about rasins
(11) Tony FerRAT: You got raisins?
** (5) Eve begins to meditate on the spell and ignores the rasin comment **
(11) Tony FerRAT: Sorry. Can you do tht supress on everyone?
(5) Eve: /me repeats herself... You aura is already hidden, Robins was killed the other night so she doesn't have a mage aura yet, I can't see Tristin's to begin with, that just leaves me and I can supress mine easily
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, to get exact opeation of this spell, you need to extended cast the Prime spell that lets you analyze things... i think it's discern..something. Either supernal vision or enchanted item will do, or gnosis spell. You need a total of 30 successes. Each cast is 1 hour i think
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( gah, been up too long ))
(5) Eve: ((so a custom spell like analyse enchanted item but for the spell? Analyse spell? we this may take a while... can I use power words and fiddle around in my purse where my path tool is?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((of course))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((but you have only 4 hours before your tour will be urged to leave, and each cast is an hour))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((so, either wiggle around to stay after tour time is done, or... else))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( scrutinizing spells ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you blend in with the group of tourists easy as pie
(5) Eve: Wait, with you aura surpessed you should look like a sleeper rat tony.. or even tristin.. if you can get into the tower I don't think the spell will go off on you... there's a sleeper guard on the tower after all and nothing is happening to him. Heck I could try to slip in.
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( starts n page 277 ))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( looks like int + occult ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The group of tourists takes you south to the big brown towers where the gallery is, they are walking a path around the trees along the wall. You hear someone say in English "I wonder if medieval rogues used to climb stuff like thus"
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( no, 278 ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((int + occult + prime sounds good to me. it's the most logical thing even if i was designing this game))
(5) Eve: ((i'll start the first cast, muttering a power word int occult prime = 9 plus power word = 11 + path tool in my purse = 12))
(5) Eve: [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,9,9,6,2,[10, 10, 3],8,3,4,9,3] = (6)
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( th en it says which each level does, 30 successes to analyze spell is common, take a long time ))
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( I dont' htink we'r egoin g to com e to any conclusions this session ))
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
(5) Eve: ((7 sucesses))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( can I take a nap in Robins cage and came back next sunday? ))
** (5) Eve takes Tristins F11 key away **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((fine by me))
** (13) Tristin found the F11 macro key **
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( and le tou carry on? ))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( sorry,I've just been up too many days straight. ))
(5) Eve: ((sounds good to me))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((anybody else feeling that way?))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( going ot keep programopen to log ))
(5) Eve: ((unless the rat is going to go try and get into the tower...))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( rat don't want o set off the trigger ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((smart rat))
(13) Tristin: ((Testing))
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( rat has a feeling trying to sneak past this would get him taught. Just a.... feeling <.>< >.> ))
(13) Shawn (exit): 22:58
(13) Shawn (enter): 22:58
(13) Shawn (exit): 22:58
(13) Shawn (enter): 22:58
(5) Eve: ((takes all of Tristins F keys so you can't find the macros))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Shawn...
(13) Shawn (exit): 22:58
(13) Shawn (enter): 22:58
(13) Shawn (exit): 22:58
(13) Shawn (enter): 22:58
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Shawn...
(11) Tony FerRAT: (( feel free to come up with a plan. ))
(12) Robin: ((hes having numlock probs))
(13) Tristin: ((Testing))
(11) Tony FerRAT: ((I"m abut to fall alsseep lkike.. now ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony becomes passive in Robin's bag
(13) Tristin: ((Do you want to call it then?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): In the towers there is all sorts of equipment, rope, medieval weaponry, tools
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((up to you guys.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, i'd take a week to come up with a plan))
(5) Eve: ((i'll do two more rolls for the other two hours looking around and stuff in between but yeah I think maybe call it))
(13) Tristin: ((I'm fine, but I think I'm the only one that isn't doing much tomorrow))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Eve, you got a sweet roll and it may render u good useful stuff already, but u counted a death path tool into a prime roll. we can tune your tool or reroll the spell))
(5) Eve: 9(Then we can pretend Dante was with us the whole time an maybe he can help with something too))
(5) Eve: (i'll re-roll))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((do it))
(5) Eve: ((11 not 12))
(5) Eve: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,8,4,2,3,9,[10, 2],2,1,9] = (6)
(12) Robin: ((sounds good. I have no idea for a plan right now...))
(5) Eve: (:P))
(5) Eve: take that evil gm nazi
(5) Eve: ((gets to say that because she bakes him cookies and makes yummy dinner for him))
(12) Robin: (( cookies :) ))
(13) Tristin: ((I miss the Claire cookies... )))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you do harvest some info... very primary top layers of the spell. It does have security against magic interruption and analysis. It is warded to be analyzed by life, time, fate, and death spells, and inside the tower, past the doors people would suffer pressure of -4 penalties to any fate, time, space, mind, or life spells. The only things it is not warded against at all, it seems, are death, prime, and forces.
(5) Eve: ((made snickerdoodles last week.. :D I shall have to make some and ship them out around christmas))
(5) Eve: ((how convient for me :D))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): But there are a lot more symbols and parts of this spell.
(12) Robin: ((Snickerdoodles are pretty yummy))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((convenient for you and maybe someone else? ))
(5) Eve: oh idea... can I look around with death for ghosts?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Around Tristin, two nerds keep talking about assassins and rogues and castle sieges, until the tour guide politely explains to them that the castle withstood eleven sieges successfully and in its actual serving times as a fortress, frequently defended against infiltration from spies
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Death sight reveals no ghosts at all in the area. At all. This is the most ghost-less and in fact spirit-less place you've seen in a while. What you cannot see is past the borders of the NW tower.
(5) Eve: ((creepy))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The walls lead to NW tower from other towers too, but on the walls, both ways into the NW tower have tiny mini-gates with two guards near each, they're security officers
(5) Eve: ((i'm gonna do two more rolls mmkay?))
(5) Eve: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 1],[10, 10, 2],4,5,7,3,1,3,8,1] = (3)
(5) Eve: 4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): For three hours, Eve lays motionless, studying?
(5) Eve: ((11 total))
(5) Eve: ((well I turn around or over at some point, I don't have to be completely motionless))
(5) Eve: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 4],7,7,6,4,8,5,8,9,[10, 7]] = (5)
(5) Eve: ((15 total))
(13) Tristin: I think other people havve tried what wwee doing and failed...
(13) Tristin: (We're))
(5) Eve: ((well where they have failed we will suceed... know why... one simple fact... we are *fan fair* Player Characters!!!
(12) Robin: ((lol))
(5) Eve: :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): At this time you see that The Spell is not necessarily warding the tower, but something in place where the tower is, and you also start detecting the predominant part, the core of the spell - it is weaved with Space magic. You can see how the spacial strands are reversed, turned over, and put back in place again, like a 360 degrees turn around, with something missing in directions. You'd understand more if you knew Space, to you it just feels like the place has a broken neck in terms of supernatural geometry
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the people before you were medieval thieves trying to get loot.))
(13) Tristin: ((Still got pwned))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((they got sworded down by angry soldiers lol))
(5) Eve: ((Well thats it for me, I suppose the mage guy will show up next session if at all...))
(13) Tristin: ((And we cann get gunned down... you can run from a guy with a sword))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((unless you are cunning ;) ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((well, alright then. Till next time?))
(13) Tristin: ((Awwwe))
(13) Tristin: ((I didn't puch anyone yet!))
(12) Robin: ((alright. 8o'clock next time?))
(13) Tristin: ((Punch*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the time we started today))
** (5) Eve sighs and looks at the pool taking a break from studying the tower **
(13) Tristin: ((5 your time, 8 here))
(12) Robin: ((thats 9 our time))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok yes this time then))
(13) Tristin: ((6 your time?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, matter sight combined with Prime sight lets you see something unusual
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Whenever sleepers swim in this pool, a tiny bit of quintessense leaves their bodies and heads towards the NW tower
(5) Eve: ((really now..))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): How carefully did you study the water?
(5) Eve: Well I'll study it more carefully now that its interesting
(12) Robin: ((omg, a giant!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Careful enough to permanenetly interrupt your extended cast on the tower? :)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and have to earn all 30 successes again?
(5) Eve: no... I'm good
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): then thats all you see without paying more focus
(5) Eve: ((Why did I not notice the pool before when I walked over here?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you didnt focus on it, and there are a lot of magical energies passing around in this place, it takes focus to focus on anything in particular))
(5) Eve: ((I'm not focusing on it now either I just said looks at not studies or focuses))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you're close enough to it at this point and know quite a bit about the NW tower, that you can now see that the tower and the pool is connected. But if you don't like it, we can easily take it back))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((rule #1 is to not argue with GM ;) ))
(12) Robin: ((Liar))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((pff))
(5) Eve: ((I'm not even gonna start on that one... just not going there))
(12) Robin: (( :( shawn sis it i swear))
(12) Robin: ((did*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah yeah))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((fine, no magic pool. you beat me out of it.))
(12) Robin: ((honest *points to him))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i just came up with an extra thing about the pool on the fly to make it more interesting, but that's fine. The pool is normal.))
** (12) Robin writes "guilty" on shawns face)) **
** (1) Konrad Knox (GM) shoots him **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((alright, calling it a night i guess))
(13) Tristin: ((*matrix dodge*))
(5) Eve: ((It can be a magic pool thats not the point I just was saying I probably would have noticed before 3 hours of sitting next to it, but maybe I just noticed because I've spent the three hours studing the spell and its connected with the spell
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((maybe, but then again, I said i retract it. There IS no magic pool. Coz you would have noticed it. Let's leave this till next game, coz it hardly matters at this point))
(12) Robin: ((shawn disconnected))
(12) Robin: since we're calling it he'd rather not struggle w/his crappu laptop to get back on
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((actually it could have been because no sleepers actively entered the pool, or you werent looking at mana. I bet analyzing spell signatures and looking at mana require different perceptions.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((like, if you're trying to look at the way sun reflects off of water surface, you dont notice the ship on the horizon))
(12) Robin: he says goodnight, though.))
(5) Eve: Night Shawn!!!!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((here you have a flying circus of spells, and many senses are suppressed. The maze has a space spell on it, the whole place is magically pumped.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): No, actually, there IS a pool with mana flowing out of it
(5) Eve: alright whatever
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You didnt notice it coz ur prime is 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nub
(12) Robin: okay, well goodnight guys.
(5) Eve: xp time now?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): because its a beast that has no blood
(12) Robin: oooooo xp time?
(5) Eve: or double next time?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Well we didnt do crap. 4 each.
(5) Eve: :(
(12) Robin: woo! I got my 4 back
(5) Eve: *cries*
(5) Eve: I did stuff...
(5) Eve: alright not really
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): hey 4 is better than nothing
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u did pretty good Eve
(5) Eve: we spent more time talking about rats and rasins and the map I think
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i think as a prime sight user u gotta take lead. someone has to keep tristin on the leash
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin 23 exp total
(5) Eve: heh
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): eve 15
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): robin 6
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tony 15
(12) Robin: thats right for both of us
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): shame we didnt get to see the owner
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u will like him :)
(5) Eve: next game with dante
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ya
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok peoples, later
(12) Robin: Shawn> Goodnight guys
(12) Robin: night night. :)
(5) Eve: night
(12) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(12) Rachel (exit): 23:35
(5) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Eve (exit): 23:38