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(2) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony (enter): 22:01
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Kurtis...
(4) GM Claire: ...It's hard to feel motivated when half the players are missing online RP games are hard to keep people accountable to.
(2) Kurtis: Well, I still want Tony's sidequest, i mean, just because everyone else doesnt work out games, doesnt mean ours shouldnt. Heck, let's go to the casino and to spirit realm too. Can you run it for us?
(4) GM Claire: Even harder to fine reliable GMs, same with Larp and Table top games, Everyone wants to play their favorite game no one wants to GM them.. Course I can run it wasn't an issue
(1) Anthony: Okay, buying spirit 3 for 18 pts
(1) Anthony: Leaves me 1
(2) Kurtis: if you want to play Kassidy i can GM a few sessions, i have some plots. Or we can even take turns sometimes if u want to play some too.
(1) Anthony: heh, GM can't really play in their own campaign :P
(1) Anthony: with a player as a GM
(1) Anthony: :P
(2) Kurtis: its just a matter of who tells the narrative.
(4) GM Claire: Honestly I don't particularly like playing mage as a player.
(2) Kurtis: CLaire likes changeling
(1) Anthony: I've never even heard of changling
(4) GM Claire: Yes claire does, and claire was stuck being the changeling ST for 4 years cause everyone loves changeling but no one wants to run it.
(1) Anthony: We can discuss IC which we do first
(2) Kurtis: i have a changeling book, it's a WoD expansion like Mage is, and i even have a character. i just know no GMs who'd run it and know rules
(1) Anthony: I'm still lerening hte WoD ruleset
(4) GM Claire: Story of my life, moving on Box me IC in five four three two...
(2) Kurtis:
...while young potheads are asleep...
Mage the Awakening: Gates to Atlantis - Episode 7

(4) GM Claire: *rolls eyes*
(4) GM Claire: NPC's will be burning zombie corpses, Kassie running around healing what damage the zombie horde did to her property leaving you two to...
** (1) Anthony is none too quiet as he prepares the pot of coffee in the kitchen. It should be a simple operation, put water in the pot, put the pot on the maker, fill the grounds. But there is sounds of pots and pans banging together in the kitchen and mutterings of, "bloody bringing vampires against us, what was he thinking.. luusly twenty kay..." **
(4) GM Claire: fight over coffee in the kitchen yay!
** (2) Kurtis turns on the couch **
(4) GM Claire: *watches wide eyed eating popcorn and a frosty... ;) *
** (2) Kurtis quietly "He won't let me sleep. I just know it." **
** (2) Kurtis comes to the kitchen **
(2) Kurtis: "Not sleeping much, Tony?"
** (1) Anthony looks up from undreneight the sink where he is doing... something, rattling things around, looks up at Kurtis, doesn't say a word and looks back under the sink **
(2) Kurtis: "Look, man. Okay, I feel what you're saying. I just thought we'd make some easy money for everyone. Nobody hurt. I didn't know the freaking place was run by awakened. Tristin and I have the 15 large gathered, we can still give it back."
(1) Anthony: "Before or after a swarm of zombies attack?"
(1) Anthony: *er make that vampires
(1) Anthony: "Before or after a swarm of vampires attack?"
(2) Kurtis: "Considering what they asked and what we really earned it still leaves us 7k in the lead. Look, all they have is a video at best, of me playing. And a record of two spells casted. What we have is eyewitnesses of shots fired at us, and some bullets thta match their guns. if vampires really attack this hollow, it would be insane. Same as a war. I mean, next time they come here, it would be our guns firing."
** (1) Anthony closes the drawers to the sink stands up and starts opening kitchen draws riffling around **
(1) Anthony: "Right, as if awakened care about pictures or recordings. What do you think, they'd go to the police? You need to realize, at this time we are kinda beyond the police."
(1) Anthony: "I thinkt hey woudl take care of it themselves, jsut as we fought the zombies, not calling hte police."
(1) Anthony: "And are you sure that there are just vampires? No other friends they may have?"
(2) Kurtis: "Honestly I think there is a high level space mage working for them, cause they found us, so, not to piss anyone off, I'll just give it back. You're absolutely right, and I shouldn't put danger over Kassidy. I didn't know it would come to this, but if I go there alone, they might try to kill me. If I go return the money, will you come with me?"
(1) Anthony: "But, oh, I'm sure you're willing ot risk all that for fifteen kay."
** (1) Anthony closes the drawer he was rifling thorugh, "Lets go." **
(2) Kurtis: "No, I'm not. Robbing a normal bank is easier than a mage casino."
(2) Kurtis: "Okay, let's go."
** (1) Anthony makes sure his wand is safely tucked away and heads to his car **
** (2) Kurtis gathers up 15k and goes with Tony **
(4) GM Claire: ((what time are you all going?))
(1) Anthony: (( this was right after the vampires left I would say, maye 1/2 an hour later? so what time wsa that? ))
(4) GM Claire: (round midnight))
(2) Kurtis: ((vampires left at night sometime...))
(2) Kurtis: "You wanna take two cars?"
(1) Anthony: (( I didn't think they were around in the day :D ))
(1) Anthony: "Naw, I'll drive."
(4) GM Claire: ((roasty toasty vampires))
(2) Kurtis: "Okay."
(1) Anthony: "Jump in"
** (2) Kurtis gets in **
** (1) Anthony startst he engine and drives off into the night **
(2) Kurtis: "Will you be keeping your 1000 from the 7k we have left in the clear? I got it for you regardless of you approve my method or not."
** (1) Anthony starts the tape playing in the car stereo and the song "In the jungle" starts playing **
(1) Anthony: "Naw, don't need it."
(4) GM Claire: (*hums*)
(2) Kurtis: "pawim bawa, pawim bawa, pawim bawa..."
** (2) Kurtis doesnt know the words **
(1) Anthony: (( owima way owima way owima way owima way in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight... ))
(2) Kurtis: 'Your office got burnt. How you gonna afford living?"
** (4) Uchawi the Parrot totally knows the words **
(1) Anthony: (( although I like TMBG version better. In the jungle the mighty jungle the lions on the phone... ))
** (2) Kurtis hums the owima way part **
(1) Anthony: (( hush my darlings, be still my darlings, the lions on the phone... ))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: "In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight. In the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight awweeeeeeeeee eeee awhea bumbawah aweeeeeeeee eeeee awhea bumbawha"
(2) Kurtis: ...and everyone sang different words...
(2) Kurtis: "I mean you got no job now."
** (1) Anthony listens as the song ends and the Circle of Life from the Lion King starts to play **
(2) Kurtis: "Is this a Lion King record?"
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.? Yeah. If you don't like this I have some african chant music, although you wouldn't understand the words."
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: "Its the circle of life and it moves us all.... through despair and hope. Down the path unwinding. Till we find our place." etc etc etc
(1) Anthony: "Not that I do either."
(1) Anthony: "You'd think that after being in africa so many times I'd have picked up more than a few words in Swahilli."
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: "Oh I just can't wait to be king!"
(2) Kurtis: "You picked up the parrot name..."
(2) Kurtis: ((do i SEE the parrot now?))
(1) Anthony: "Well, that's what the witch doctor called magic, Uchawi. So it seemed like a good name for him."
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((wits + compsure)
(2) Kurtis: ((i hate it X( ))
(1) Anthony: (( but hte parrot is singing ain't it? ))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((yup :D))
(1) Anthony: (( or just to me in my head? ))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((umm...))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((we shall see))
(2) Kurtis: wits 3 + comp 4...
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,7,5,5,2,8] = (1)
** (4) Uchawi the Parrot is sitting on the back of the car seat singing lion king. **
(2) Kurtis: ((yay im not crazy))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((lol))
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((or maybe you are... ^^ ))
(2) Kurtis: "So, how do we earn for a living now? Seems harder as mages, not easier, like it should be. Everyone and their mother want to kill our asses, burn our homes, strip us of jobs."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, Uchawi, I was reading in that book about spirits and familiars needing essence, but I really don't know what it is or how to get it. I know I can give you essence from my mana so if you need some let me know."
(2) Kurtis: "I suppose you could earn as a wandering healer. What can I do? Start fires in a local circus?"
(1) Anthony: "How did you earn money before?"
(2) Kurtis: "Finding things and people that are hard to find or that don't want to be found"
(1) Anthony: "And you don't think that mages would have need of that service?"
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: "Generally speaking Anthony essence is mana, I am able to gain essence enough on my own with the lovely collection of books Kassandra has, spirits like mages have many ways to gain essence, including developing deals with mages and other spirits."
(2) Kurtis: "Well, my contacts are dead, apparently, my condo, which had still some maps, IDs, and human profiles in it, is destroyed. I rescued a few things and brought to the Hollow, only the most important."
(1) Anthony: "Why do you think you would need contacts or maps or anything? Use magic."
(2) Kurtis: "I want to find out how the Casino found the hollow. Tristin's magic is covert, and I only casted two spells."
** (1) Anthony taps his head with one hand with the other on the wheel, "Use your noggin." **
(2) Kurtis: "I need to learn how to hide spells, and how to counter them. That's prime."
(1) Anthony: "yeah, I was reading a little bit about that in the book Not much since prime is not something I have"
(1) Anthony: "But I seem to remember reading that it's a spell you can cast or such."
(1) Anthony: "But maybe you left something behind that they scryed on."
(2) Kurtis: "One guy was able to cancel invisibility effects I casted. That would be handy."
(1) Anthony: "Like the money you paid to buy the chips with in the first place."
(2) Kurtis: "Of course I did. The chips I held."
(2) Kurtis: "I held them in my hands."
(1) Anthony: "Well, for a strong mage I think that's all they'd need."
(2) Kurtis: "Yeah, i'd like to look at that strong mage.."
(2) Kurtis: "The casino is on Aurora street."
(1) Anthony: "I can't scry yet, but if I work at it I can, but from what I was reading all htey need is something about you. The more closer it is to you the easier. But they can scry you after being just told about you, although it's very difficult."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, okay..." Tony turns left
(4) Uchawi the Parrot: ((has "In the Jungle" stuck in her head now....))
(2) Kurtis: (( same))
(1) Anthony: ((
(1) Anthony: Hey
(1) Anthony: Whos that playing
(1) Anthony: Hey
(1) Anthony: The guitar?
(1) Anthony: Is it Jim?
(1) Anthony: Is it Jim?
(1) Anthony: I dont know
(1) Anthony: I dont know
(1) Anthony: In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control
(1) Anthony: Hush my darling, be still my darling,
(1) Anthony: In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control
(1) Anthony: the lions on the phone
(1) Anthony: Hush my darling, be still my darling,
(1) Anthony: the lions on the phone
(1) Anthony: the guitar
(1) Anthony: Turn it up
(1) Anthony: the guitar
(1) Anthony: I cant hear
(1) Anthony: ))
(1) Anthony: In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion waves good-bye
(1) Anthony: In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion waves good-bye
** (1) Anthony turns right **
** (2) Kurtis prepares the backpack with a stack of money in it **
(4) GM Claire: The Aurora casino is a big, Vegas style casino, chillin near downtown like major city legalized gambling is want to do. Security looks tight, lots of large men in black suits with blue tooth earphones
(4) GM Claire: ))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, before we go in we shoudl probably be prepared."
(4) GM Claire: (("I'm sailing away set an open course for the virgin sea cause I've got to be free. Free to face the life that's ahead of me."))
** (1) Anthony parks the car on the street **
(1) Anthony: Muttering - Organic Resiliance(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+2 Power Words [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 6],7,5,6,[10, 9]] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 ))
(2) Kurtis: "What's the detection radius on casting I wonder... anyway, let's put some shield forces up."
(2) Kurtis: Unseen shield, first on me than on Tony
(1) Anthony: muttering - Ephemeral Shield(1) Gnosis(1)+Spirit(3)+2 power words [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,1,5,3,3] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,4,8,9,3,9,[10, 1],8] = (5)
(2) Kurtis: myself
(2) Kurtis: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,[10, 10, 5],1,9,8,9,4,8] = (6)
(2) Kurtis: Tony
(1) Anthony: Kurits Muttering - Organic Resiliance(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+2 Power Words [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,8,5,6,6] = (1)
** (2) Kurtis weaves tight force strings around their bodies **
(1) Anthony: "Okay, tha'ts enough for me, don't want ot be too burdened if I need to cast."
** (1) Anthony looks over the door of the casino for any warding symbols **
(2) Kurtis: ((i have 6 armor, you have 8))
(1) Anthony: (( I have 10 ))
(4) GM Claire: ((wits + occult for the warding symbols check))
(2) Kurtis: ((ah ok))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, wait, no wrong, shielding is basedo n arcana ))
(2) Kurtis: ((what do successes do?))
(1) Anthony: wits 3 + occult -3 = 0 = chance die [1d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [4] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( works against dispelling ))
(4) GM Claire: look pretty neon lights
(1) Anthony: (( they need as many successes to dispell as you had when you cast ))
(4) GM Claire: mhmm))
(1) Anthony: (( or maybe it's more ))
** (2) Kurtis loves the neon lights **
(4) GM Claire: neon lights are pretty
(1) Anthony: (( so I have 6 + whatever your spell wsa, prime? ))
** (1) Anthony gets out of the car **
(2) Kurtis: ((ok, so i have 3 + 4 and you have 3 + 4, we both have 7 armor, and my shields need 5 and 7 to dispel, yours need 1 to dispel))
(2) Kurtis: ((4 forces))
(1) Anthony: (( I have 3 + 3 + 4, I cast 2 shields on myself ))
(1) Anthony: (( so, again, I have 10 XD ))
(2) Kurtis: ((k, you cast any on me?))
(4) GM Claire: Yay!
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, but 4 spells up at once is my limit, then I can't cast anymore ))
** (2) Kurtis feels skin harden **
(2) Kurtis: "Ok, ready enough"
(1) Anthony: (( I'm not sure if I can cast an instant spell if I have 4 on or not. ))
(4) GM Claire: ((instants yes))
(4) GM Claire: ((already read up on that part))
(1) Anthony: (( ah, okay ))
(4) GM Claire: (("Sweet home alabama")
(2) Kurtis: ((if # of spells on you > stamina = 1, you get penalty to casting, and you may maintain gnosis + 3 active spells))
** (1) Anthony locks the car *chirp* *chirp* and heads to the casino **
(4) GM Claire: You ahve suceeded in geting out of the car..
(2) Kurtis: ((stamina+1))
** (2) Kurtis heads to Casino, side by side with Tony. Not leading, not following. Together **
(1) Anthony: (( do not lead becuae I may not follow. Do not follow because I may not lead. Do not walk by my side either. In fact, just go away XD ))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, I think we won't have too much difficulty finding out who we need to talk to."
(2) Kurtis: ((i was more going for pulp fiction effect, so they dont know which one to shoot first))
** (1) Anthony walks in **
(4) GM Claire: Walking inside the casno you see all the usual trappings, mood light, bright, big pattened, floral carpet, the hum and bell runing of video slot machines, the muted swift movements of cocktail waitresses moving in and out of rows filled with the jaded and excited gamblers alike, more jaded than excited at this time of night. In the bar lounge your eyes are momentarily caught by a pretty red head in a low cut green dress sining from the top of a piano. Taking a closer look there are "Hidden" cameras covering every angle.
(2) Kurtis: ... and now the Prime vision version as Kurtis turns on Prime Sight to scan for magic types
(2) Kurtis: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,8,3,5] = (1)
** (2) Kurtis looks around **
** (1) Anthony thinks and casts sprit tongue gnosis 1 + spirit 3 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,2,[10, 1]] = (2) **
(1) Anthony: (( basically using it to see spirits and ghosts. It seems to be the same as spirit sight in this sense ))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, I guess we find the peron i charge. You've been in a casino before, who would tht be?"
** (1) Anthony look around for one of hte vampires that were at the cabin **
(2) Kurtis: "I think that red headed lady might be one of em..."
(2) Kurtis: "But I'd ask for the manager..."
(1) Anthony: "Just pretend like you're gong ot gamble, I'm sure they'd be on you quick." Tony laughs, "Okay, so ao..."
** (1) Anthony walks to one of hte tables and asks the dealer, "Where coudl I find the person in charge?" **
(2) Kurtis: "Well, now this makes more sense. Cameras here have a spell on em... a few bouncers have faded auras, probably masked, and that lounge singer is a freaking christmas tree of mana."
(4) GM Claire: ((eeep brb))
(1) Anthony: (( kay, gonna smoe a cig then ))
** (2) Kurtis flirts with a lady dealer: "Hello. Mr. Withrow and party, looking for your management. They're expecting us." **
(4) GM Claire: Dealer "Certainly just one moment Mr. Withrow." *gets out a walky talkie and speaks into it. "If you would have a seat in the lounge the table manager will be right out to speak with you."
(4) GM Claire: *and your party"
** (2) Kurtis steps next to Tony and points to the lounge: "they'll send the manager over there" **
** (2) Kurtis nodsto the singer to try and bring up her sexual interest **
(2) Kurtis: ((i demand a charm roll!))
(4) GM Claire: ((sure))
** (2) Kurtis makes creepy mysterious eyes, for effect, sending some electric sparks through them **
(4) GM Claire: ((presence + whatever.. socalize, subterfuge etc))
(2) Kurtis: ((here comes the sad. Manipulation 2 + Persuasion 1 + Opposite sex 1 ? can use manipulation instead presense?))
(1) Anthony: (( back ))
(4) GM Claire: ((sure for the sake of sad))
(2) Kurtis: ((missed nothing, we just been pointed to the lounge))
(2) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],9,8,9] = (4)
(4) GM Claire: ((jesus))
** (1) Anthony walks toward the lounge glaring at what seems to be a gambler who is betting heavy, "bloody greed" **
(2) Kurtis: ((lounge singer wants to have my babies))
(1) Anthony: (( zomg ))
(4) GM Claire: ((lol))
(4) GM Claire: You emm defiently catch her eye, ironically in the middle of "How can I live without you"
** (2) Kurtis winks and blows a kiss, intuitively looking for any signs of fangs in her lip corners **
(4) GM Claire: no fangs, and her eyes are green.
** (4) Vampire Woman clears throat behind you **
** (2) Kurtis stands in the lounge, backed up against a wall, but does not take a seat, not to be in a vulnerable position **
** (1) Anthony turns at the sound **
** (2) Kurtis turns to the vampire woman **
(1) Anthony: (( one we've seen before? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((ok, with the way my charm rolls are rolling, i might actually pull something with this one.))
** (4) Vampire Woman is the same vampire woman as from just an hour ago.. minus the really wet quality she had before **
** (1) Anthony waits for Kurtis **
(2) Kurtis: "Hi. Nice to see you... again. You... you're the manager? Of this casino?"
** (2) Kurtis tries to make his words whispering-charming, smooth like silk and his eyes so creepily magnetic as if they were sliding into her underpants right now with a warm fuzzy feeling of horniness.... well, that's what he is shooting for. **
(2) Kurtis: ((here comes very bad acting))
(2) Kurtis: ((manipulation + pers + opp sex, yada yada = 4))
(2) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,8,6] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: ((i demand contested rolls darn it! its 1 success!!))
(4) Vampire Woman: (in a much better charming/sexy voice than you :P (Presence 4 socialize 4) "Yes I'm the manager, my employer is the owner, if you would come upstairs where we could speak freely."
(4) Vampire Woman: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,4,9,2,3,3,3] = (2)
** (2) Kurtis feels more horny that scared, but looks at Tony **
** (1) Anthony nods, "Lead the way" - Mentally to Uchawi, "Keep an eye out for trouble please." **
(2) Kurtis: If I sleep with a vampire, will I become a vampire?
(2) Kurtis: Shit, she can probably read my mind.
(2) Kurtis: Don't look at her boobs!
(2) Kurtis: Don't think that!
(2) Kurtis: Shut up! Just shhh!
(1) Anthony: Nice ass
** (4) Vampire Woman turns and saunters off sway to her hips leading to a "employees only" elevator **
(4) Vampire Woman: ((yes it is actually))
(4) Vampire Woman: ((in a tight black business suit skirt kinda way))
** (2) Kurtis quietly to Tony: "she can probably hear thoughts. You thinking of banging her?" **
** (1) Anthony nods **
(2) Kurtis: "Damn."
(2) Kurtis: "Fine, I'll take the singer. You take the vampire."
(2) Kurtis: "More similarities. We both have mana fountains, you both... have fangs..."
** (4) Vampire Woman presses the button for the elevator, door opens steps inside, waits for the two of you **
** (1) Anthony enteres the elevator **
** (2) Kurtis steps inside, ready to drop this elevator's electric power any minute **
(1) Anthony: "Nice place you have here."
(2) Kurtis: "Cozy. Like a mousetrap."
** (4) Vampire Woman presses the button for the 17th floor **
(1) Anthony: "Not that I've done much gambling."
(4) Vampire Woman: "It pays the bills. "
(2) Kurtis: "I'm sure bullets are expensive."
(4) Vampire Woman: "If bullets were expensive, governments would fight for peace not war."
** (2) Kurtis wishes like nothing else for this elevator to go faster. He cannot stand being next to this ass much longer. **
(4) GM Claire: *Ding*
(4) GM Claire: Doors open
** (1) Anthony steps aside to let the vampire lady out **
** (4) Vampire Woman steps out of the elevator into a large office with glass windows all the way around showing the casino floor below. **
** (2) Kurtis stays on the other side, symetrical to Tony **
(4) Vampire Woman: "Can I offer either of you gentelmen a drink?"
** (1) Anthony steps into the office and looks around admiringly **
** (2) Kurtis walks out of the elevator **
(1) Anthony: "No thank you."
(2) Kurtis: "I'd ask for a vodka tonic, but It's still too early to poison my body."
** (4) Vampire Woman leans against the big wood desk crossing her hands in her lap. **
(1) Anthony: Poison might be right.. good decision
** (2) Kurtis smirks **
** (1) Anthony starts fidgeting with his hands **
** (2) Kurtis looks around cheefully with a winner's glint on his face, pretty smile. The little black bag on his shoulder. **
(4) Vampire Woman: "Then I shall get right to business. You have something that belongs to my employer. Earlier I requested it back. You were not forthcoming with the sum in question. However new facts have come to light. It seems you and my employer have mutual enemies.
(1) Anthony: "The enemy of my enemy..."
(1) Anthony: (( what's his name, johnson was it? ))
(4) Vampire Woman: "Is my friend. We would like to offer you what aid we can. Understand that unlike Mr. Withrow here, we cannot show off what we are without fear of more than just financial ramifications. But we do have a number of other assets at our disposal."
(4) Vampire Woman: (Jones)
(1) Anthony: "Which is another point htat I was acutally going to bring up here."
(2) Kurtis: "Oh? Mister Jones fancies gambling too? Well, truth said I had no idea this place is run by the awakened, and ever since my enemy burnt my house, I have no money to pay the bills with, so once again to you my apologies. Might I add, bringing force to our doorstep was not exactly welcomed, but if there is a way I can get back at Jones, I'd be very much willing to listen."
** (2) Kurtis places the bag on the table **
** (4) Vampire Woman chuckles softly **
(4) Vampire Woman: "My personal enteroge hardly counts as "force" Mr. Withrow."
** (2) Kurtis tries to see and get a visual of the actual employer. is there anyone at the table's head? **
(1) Anthony: "I just want to confirm something first, you had nothing to do with the zombies did you?"
(4) Vampire Woman: "Vampires hardly have need for zombies, though some of my kind choose to dabble in such... unnatural practices as raising the walking dead I can assure you that The Aurora does not have need of such, scare tactics. One thing this company has enough of is blood suckers, both vampire and lawyer, why send zombies when a sapina will do?"
** (1) Anthony nods, "I didn't think so, but I wanted to confirm. Now, as you state, we seem to have the same enemy in common and we can not rest easy until he is taken care of." **
(1) Anthony: "What is it your propose?"
(2) Kurtis: "As far as legal issues go, you really have nothing on me, Miss Vampire. Where I have eye witnesses, your men shot guns at us, and we were kind not to hurt them back."
(1) Anthony: "I think she'd be as likely to sick the lawyers on us as we would be to drag Mister Jones into court."
(1) Anthony: "But I'm interested in your proposition."
(4) Vampire Woman: "Short of revealing ourselves to the mortal world, we are prepared to aid you in whatever means you may require. I would not begin to play hard ball when I were in your position Mr. Withrow, our Prince has the ear of a number of your Awakened council in this city and I can well imagine their response to accusations that you were using magic within agreed upon Vampire teritories in front of sleeping mortals. Now to continue with the niceties of this meeting. This Mr. Jones as your kind calls him has some nasty blackmail material on a number of up and coming court members of this city. It would be very much to their and collectivly our benifit were he to, no longer be so conserned with that material. We don't have anything we as a whole can use against him. However we do have something that your kind might be able to use."
(2) Kurtis: "Well, well, now. Let's not get nasty here." - backs off with the tone
** (4) Vampire Woman turns on her desk and picks up a white envelope, stands up from her seated position on the desk top and offers it to one of you. **
** (1) Anthony accepts the envelope **
(1) Anthony: (( before kurtis can insult her further ))
(4) Vampire Woman: (heh))
** (1) Anthony looks at the envelope **
(2) Kurtis: "You really would be willing to hurt me and my friends for a lousy 15k? Bah. Heh. Well... dead is as good as it can get when it comes to being concerned, right? Where is this Jones?"
(4) Vampire Woman: "That is far more useful to your kind than it is to mine now."
(1) Anthony: "And what is in this?" Tony feels the envelope without opening it
(2) Kurtis: Council of awakened. Big scary powerful mages... not good
(4) GM Claire: Inside the envelope is a small glass test tube filled with blood
(1) Anthony: "Is this Mister Jones blood by any chance?"
(4) GM Claire: ...feels like a ^
** (1) Anthony openes hte envelope and looks at the test tube filled with blood which he hopes is Mister Jones blood **
(4) Vampire Woman: "Trust vampires to have a few viles of something useful hanging around. Yes it is "Mr. Jones" blood."
(2) Kurtis: "You can identify whose blood it is?"
(2) Kurtis: "His real identity."
** (1) Anthony smiles. "Perfect, yes, we have a good use for this." **
(4) Vampire Woman: "Of course I can, I'm who got the sample."
(1) Anthony: "With his blood we can find him a lot easier."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. If you were close enough to get a blood sample may I ask, why is he still alive?"
(4) Vampire Woman: "His real identity? I don't think even he knows that. When he is dealing with my kind he calls himself "Tremere"
(2) Kurtis: "What does he look like? How old is he? What was he before he awakened? Anything? Hobbies, cover employment? Finally, where did you meet him? Maybe in an Opera concert?"
(4) Vampire Woman: "He is still alive because a Necromancer of his capabilities rarely has reason to fear for his safety among the undead."
** (1) Anthony nods, "Understandable. Yet you wre able to bleed him." **
(1) Anthony: "I think you for this, from what I've been .. studying.. this should come in quite useful for sympathetic magic."
(2) Kurtis: sex, Tony... she slept with him, jeez.
** (2) Kurtis smirks at Tony's question **
** (1) Anthony nods at the bag on the table, "Well, you have your money as requested, and with this we can come to terms with Mister Jones." **
(4) Vampire Woman: "A woman has her ways." *smiles with a touch of white fangs* "As for your questions, "Mr. Jones" is a man perhaps in his forties, he has black hair and tends to wear white suits, for what reason I cannot imagine, his eyes are dark. Before he was awakened he was a sleeper. A college student studying medicine I believe. Hobbies currently include all things related to death and voodoo, as well as big business. He owns G and Veil publishing. " *smirks at the last question* "An opera concert. And just after he kindnapped the violinist and served his sweetbreads to the symphony committee. I do not recall when I met him likely at some business venure meeting."
(4) Vampire Woman: "As for the funds, consider them a capital investment."
(2) Kurtis: "I just have four more things to make clear before I can leave this place in peace. One: let me get this straight, the owner of this place is a Prince of vampires? Any casinos owned by normal people?"
(2) Kurtis: "Would hate to make same mistake twice, would be awfully rude."
(4) Vampire Woman: "The owner of this establishment is not the Prince of this city no. If you want to find a Casino owned by "Normal people" Go to Vegas there you only have Italian blood suckers."
(2) Kurtis: "Okay. Vegas, long drive but okay. Two: I understand there are laws prohibiting mages from conflicting with vampires, good enough. But how did you find me? How did you get a track on the house we were fighting zombies in?"
(1) Anthony: "May I ask if Mister Jones dies, are you safe with the evidence he has agaisnt you?"
(4) Vampire Woman: "If Mr. Jones dies no one will be able to find the evidence he has. Mages are not the only creatures in this world with magics Mr. Withrow"
** (1) Anthony nods, "Fair enough. Incidently, if you need someone found in the future or such, that is Mister Withrow's line of work, perhaps he can help. He seems to be hard up for funds." **
(5) Wanderer (enter): 01:40
(2) Kurtis: "Yeah, so you can use Space magic. How can I defend against it? I don't want anyone else doing what you did."
(4) Vampire Woman: "I will keep that in mind the next time I lose someone."
** (1) Anthony rolles his eyes **
(1) Anthony: "Kurtis, freaking read already."
(1) Anthony: "If you would spend your time reading instead of partying, perhaps you'll know. I'll point it out to you later."
(2) Kurtis: "The book has nothing on vampires."
(4) Vampire Woman: "Few can do what I can Mr. Withrow" *sexy/charming voice*
(4) Vampire Woman: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,6,4,[10, 2],9,5,7] = (3)
(4) Vampire Woman: (ohh look at the sexy))
(2) Kurtis: ((composure 4!!))
(1) Anthony: "Sometime I'd like to find out just what you could do." Tony smiles
(2) Kurtis: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,[10, 5],6] = (1)
** (2) Kurtis drools down her skirt **
(1) Anthony: (( meh, watch this suck ass roll.
(4) Vampire Woman: ((lol))
(2) Kurtis: ((Vamp chick gonna have Tony's babies))
(4) Vampire Woman: ((vampires can't have babies..))
(1) Anthony: (( presense + socialize? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((presense and something, i think socialize or persuasion, you can also use manipulation instead of presense))
(4) Vampire Woman: (sure)
(1) Anthony: presense 1 + socialize -1 = chance die [1d10.open(10).vs(10)] => [9] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( now THAT's how you do a suck ass roll :P ))
(1) Anthony: (( at least it wasn't a crit failure ))
(2) Kurtis: ((u got a nine dude))
(1) Anthony: (( chance die, need a 10 ))
(2) Kurtis: ((close))
(4) Vampire Woman: ((gotta get 10 on chance rolls))
** (4) Vampire Woman turns to her desk leaning across it slightly showing a choice bit of pale leg before turning back and sauntering over to one of you handing over a business card. "if you should need anything. I'm in the office after 8pm." **
** (1) Anthony nods, "Til then." **
(2) Kurtis: "Great, I'll me sure to call and stop by to see how you doing.... I never caught your name though."
(2) Kurtis: be*
** (1) Anthony puts the vial of blood in the envenlope in his inner jacket pocket **
** (4) Vampire Woman smiles **
(4) Vampire Woman: "Its on the card."
** (2) Kurtis reads the card **
(1) Anthony: (( n00b point! ))
(2) Kurtis: ((points for RP maybe! name? card? I failed on composure, Kurt is DROOLING))
(4) Vampire Woman: Card reads "The Aurora Hotel and Casino, Annette Neil Manager (phone number)"
(1) Anthony: zomg

(2) Kurtis: "Great..."
(2) Kurtis: Okay. Three: after today, when we take this thing in our hands and get rid of Jones, can you promise that you will never step near Kassidy's house again? If you need me, you can call this number" - gives a card with a big smile, but a very stern look
(1) Anthony: "never is a long time."
(2) Kurtis: "Kassidy's safety goes first."
(4) Vampire Woman: "It certainly is. But I can promise that I will never step near Kassidy's house again."
(2) Kurtis: "Awesome. Finally one little last aby question. Who's the lady singer downstairs? All so pretty and glittery with yummy quintessence?"
(2) Kurtis: baby*
** (4) Vampire Woman raises an eyebrow at you "Our lounge singer for tonight is some out of town gig. **
(1) Anthony: "Quintessence? Interesting."
(4) Vampire Woman: /me turns and leans over her desk again rummaging through papers "Singers name is Lisa Todd"
** (5) Roger dials Kurtis Cellphone **
(2) Kurtis: "Lisa. Thank you!" - bows, takes the money bag with a smile, and retreats. Off to the side to Tony "take me away from here before my balls set on fire". Phone rings. Kurt answers: "hello?"
(5) Roger: "I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am.."
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Wanderer...
(2) Kurtis: "Please hold on a minute."
** (2) Kurtis smiles apologetically to Annette **
(4) Vampire Woman: ((GM LAUGHTER))
** (2) Kurtis to Tony: "It's the waiter. He's back." **
** (1) Anthony nods to Anette, "Til we meet again" and heads to the elevator **
** (2) Kurtis waves to the vamp as the doors close **
(1) Anthony: "he's back? I wondered where he got off too. Maybe he was hiding out giving Kassidy time to cool off for messing with her hollow."
(2) Kurtis: Lisa Todd....
** (2) Kurtis gives the phone to Tony **
(2) Kurtis: "Handle him"
** (1) Anthony waits for hte elevator to close and pusses the button to 1 **
(2) Kurtis: "Go nuts"
(2) Kurtis: Lisa Todd...
** (1) Anthony takes the phone, "Hello? Where have you been, and why the hell did you hurt those innocent trees?" **
(5) Roger: "Hello....?"
(5) Roger: "Huh..?"
** (2) Kurtis taps Tony on the shoulder to tell him he's gonna go talk to the lounge singer **
(5) Roger: "what trees? what the hell is going on?"
** (2) Kurtis points at the singer **
(2) Kurtis: "Gte me if you need me"
** (1) Anthony nods **
(5) Roger: "Hello?"
** (1) Anthony coveres the mouth piece of hte phone, "We gotta go soon, I want ot find some spirits to help us." **
** (1) Anthony talks intot he phone again, "Didn't you go crazy in the hollow?" **
(1) Anthony: "Breaking tree branches and such?"
** (1) Anthony walks toward the exit still talking on the phone **
(5) Roger: "What the hell are you talking about?! look I'm in the fucking woods somewhere I have no clothes and no fucking clue how I got here or how long I've been gone!"
(4) GM Claire: Lounge singer is in the middle of "Still the One"
** (1) Anthony looks at one of the ghosts hovering in a corner and frowns, I shoudl probalby try to exorcise them someday **
** (2) Kurtis steps to the lounge, and orders a drink, puts his hand into the drink and pulls the energy out of it, freezing the liquid between his hands to try and make a nice and crafty ice flower, with enough success, a delicate rose **
(2) Kurtis: ((gnosis + crafts + forces , improv))
(1) Anthony: "What is the last thing you remember?"
(2) Kurtis: ((2+1+4))
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,2,[10, 7],4,9,5] = (3)
** (2) Kurtis makes a pretty decent rose made of ice **
(5) Roger: :we were in an apartment building, I had just talked to the ghost chick"
** (2) Kurtis goes to the stage and winks to Lisa, handing a flower to the stage with a grin **
(1) Anthony: "Okay. fine. You are in the woods naked and don't know where you are."
(1) Anthony: "Unfortunately I don't have high enough learning in space to figure out whree you are either."
(4) GM Claire: Lisa takes the flower pro style not missing a single note of her song, green eyes studying you when she gets a chance while going through her act."
(1) Anthony: "We'll be back at the cabin in about half an hour" Tony looks at Kurtis and hte lounge singer, "Maybe longer. I'll try to get someone to scry you."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, I know a spirit that can find you."
** (2) Kurtis writes on a business card's back side: Hi gorgeous, you are a fountain of miraculous light only I can see. Please call me at this number. **
(1) Anthony: "I'll talk tot he spirit when I get back."
(5) Roger: "A half hour!? i'm naked in the woods!!!"
(2) Kurtis: The front of the card says: Kurtis McInnery, finds what you cannot
(2) Kurtis: and his cell
** (2) Kurtis waves to Lisa bye bye **
** (2) Kurtis whispers "Sorry, baby, gotta go. Call me. Please do." **
** (2) Kurtis tries to transmit it silently directly into her left ear **
(2) Kurtis: (sound mastery: gnosis 2 + force4 + ring 1)
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,3,9,4,7,7] = (2)
(5) Roger: "This is time sensitive!! I'm fucking cold!!"
(4) GM Claire: Finishes the song "Looks like we made it, look how far we've come now baby."
** (2) Kurtis winks at Lisa one last time and turns to Tony **
(2) Kurtis: "Okay, whats up"
(4) GM Claire: (("Opps I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game."
** (5) Roger tiny voice from the phone "Get out here and HELP ME!!" **
** (1) Anthony covers the mouth piece **
(1) Anthony: "rogers naked in the woods and wants us to get him out of there. I told him when we get back I'll send a spirit I talked to to find him."
(2) Kurtis: "Great news!"
(1) Anthony: "I dont think I can summon a spirt that far away so would have to go there."
(2) Kurtis: "Oh wait, no thats bad... right?"
(4) GM Claire: ((lol!))
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "Karma." **
(2) Kurtis: "We shouldn't have to. We can ask Robin."
** (1) Anthony talks into the phone again, "Okay, try not to freeze your balls off and I'll get to you soon as I can." **
(5) Roger: (how is this even remotely karma?)
** (1) Anthony hangs up the phone and hands it to Kurtis **
(5) Roger: "NOW!!! "
(2) Kurtis: "Okay. Well I can fly..."
(1) Anthony: (( am I confusing roger with someone else? ))
(1) Anthony: "You can float."
(2) Kurtis: "Hey. If I spread my hands liek wings, it looks like flying"
(1) Anthony: (( I'm very bad with names ))
(1) Anthony: "Slow flying."
** (5) Roger the phone rings **
(4) GM Claire: ((heheh "Thats not flying.. that's falling.. with style!"))
(2) Kurtis: "Well, let's go somewhere where you can summon some spirits to find the crazy man"
** (1) Anthony walks to the car while talking ot Kurits, "Maybe if you shut off hte spell in mid air you coudl even go fast. Although stright down." **
(1) Anthony: (( I was thinking the same thing claire ))
(4) GM Claire: ((:D))
(2) Kurtis: "Eat yourself, bear man."
** (2) Kurtis answers the phone **
(1) Anthony: "Oooh, I know. float then stick a rocket up your butt and you'll go fast" Tony chuckles
(2) Kurtis: "Hello?! Yes, Roger?"
** (2) Kurtis follows Tony to the car **
(2) Kurtis: got to keep the money, hehe
(5) Roger: "he hung up on me!"
(4) GM Claire: ((puts a whole new meaning to elton johns "Rocket man"))
(1) Anthony: *chirp* *chirp* tony unlocks the car and gets in and drives to the cabin
(2) Kurtis: "I'm about to as well if you don't stop panicking. You're naked in the wood, big deal. We just killed 45 zombies 2 hours ago. We're coming to help you. Hold on. And then, when we do find you, I will shoot you in the knee for ripping the hollow up. But that's after we get you something warm and some food. So hold on, and stay calm!"
(5) Roger: "what the fuck are you talking about?"
(2) Kurtis: "Don't know yet. Just hold on. We'll have a spirit track you down. Look around yourself. What do you see? Soil contents, anything?"
** (1) Anthony drives through the night rather quickly **
(2) Kurtis: "What kind of forest, what kind of ground? Any sign of the city?"
(1) Anthony: "Oh, and tell him to catch some rabbits if he can. Alive. We'll need htem. Don't ask."
(5) Roger: "Catch some rabbit!?"
(2) Kurtis: "Catch some rabbits. Tony says, some bunnies! Don't ask why, if you can."
(5) Roger: "who the hell does he think I am? Tarzan of the friggin apes?"
(2) Kurtis: "He says we'll need em. Look at the tree stubs. The stems of trees. Which direction is north? Trees are darker on the north side"
** (2) Kurtis to Tony "or was it south side?" **
(1) Anthony: "Moss grows on the norht side of hte trees."
(5) Roger: ".......it's -night- everything is pretty much equally pitch black
(2) Kurtis: "Moss. Moss grows on North side of the trees."
(2) Kurtis: "Don't you have like, night vision or anything?"
(2) Kurtis: "Wait... wait. You have a cell phone?"
(1) Anthony: "I hate to think where he was keeping it."
(4) GM Claire: (*is laughting*))
(2) Kurtis: "This is your cell?"
(4) GM Claire: ((was what I was thinking :D))
** (2) Kurtis holds laughter **
(5) Roger: "It was in what's left of my coat...."
(2) Kurtis: "I can trace the signal."
(2) Kurtis: "I see it, in fact."
(5) Roger: "which doesn;t count as clothing and is soaked with icewater and partially frosted over
** (2) Kurtis looks at the satellite signal **
(2) Kurtis: ((i know there will be a mega penalty, but willing to try))
(1) Anthony: "Well, that would be great, if the signal was coming from his cell phone. But it's coming from a cell tower."
(4) GM Claire: ((Just remember "Born to be kings we're the princes of the universe!"
** (1) Anthony thinks. **
(2) Kurtis: "I can trace it all the way I think. It contains detailed information what client it's from"
(2) Kurtis: "It's all encoded in the frame"
(4) GM Claire: ((have fun with the long shot))
(2) Kurtis: "At least narrow down an area"
(2) Kurtis: ((give me a traget number))
(1) Anthony: (( same TN, just penalty ))
(4) GM Claire: -3 penalty))
(1) Anthony: (( probalby reducing you to chance die, 1 in 10 ))
(2) Kurtis: ((im gonna be rolling 2 gnosis + 1 ring + 4 forces + 3 willpower))
(2) Kurtis: ((so 7))
(4) GM Claire: mmhmm))
(2) Kurtis: ((burning willpower))
(4) GM Claire: ((FIRE!))
** (2) Kurtis traces the signal, examining details **
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],4,5,2,2,2,3] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: ((2, well, it's a 2))
(2) Kurtis: "Damn, really weak, reaaaaally. Weather, speed, and it's far away."
(1) Anthony: "What direciton?"
(1) Anthony: "Norht, south, esat, west..."
** (2) Kurtis concentrates, decoding **
(4) GM Claire: ((you triangulate the location of the cell phone using the nearest towers and do some quick math in your head (ha just kidding)) you get the feeling its about 25 miles south of Kassies house out in da woods))
(2) Kurtis: "twenty... twenty three to twenty six miles... twenty five miles south of the Hollow"
(4) GM Claire: *pause for peeing GM :P*
(2) Kurtis: *and the pyromage*
(4) GM Claire: or talk amusingly amungs yourselves
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so we have to go to the hollow anyway. Tell him to catch, oh, three rabits. And if he can't figure out how to do that being a mage he needs to read his book more."
(2) Kurtis: "Catch three rabbits, Roger. Do your best."
(5) Roger: "he wants them alive. that aint happening"
(5) Roger: "I'm a fucking necromancer"
(5) Roger: "I -kill- things"
(5) Roger: "I am naked in the woods! he can worry about his weird grocery shopping later!
(2) Kurtis: ((Gm has tummy problems, give her 10 min please))
(2) Kurtis: "It's for your sake, you idiot, they will help us. He needs rabbits to bribe predators to find you."
(2) Kurtis: "You are also a mage of matter. Make sme kind of trap and trap a rabbit."
(2) Kurtis: "Fuck, I don't know any matter, and I can catch a rabbit."
** (2) Kurtis turns to Tony **
(1) Anthony: "He still arguing about catching the rabbits?"
(2) Kurtis: "Man, I can't handle it. I'm not a Moros."
(2) Kurtis: "He can make wood liquid, I suppose. Make a rabbit struggle in it, then freeze it."
(2) Kurtis: "You hear that, Roger?"
(1) Anthony: "he's a freaking mage and he can't figure out how to catch three rabbits? Fine. He ca freeze. I'm going to bed when we get back. He can call us after he's caught them."
(2) Kurtis: "You heard the man, Roger. Start working, man."
** (2) Kurtis hangs up **
(1) Anthony: (( he didn't hear me, you are talking to him on the cell phone ))
** (1) Anthony shakes his head **
(2) Kurtis: "He's panicking. It's hard to focus"
(1) Anthony: "What was his complaint?"
(1) Anthony: "About catching the rabbits?"
** (1) Anthony passes a car on the road **
(5) Roger: (ok, I'll be in pause til the gm Returns)
(4) GM Claire: ((back))
(2) Kurtis: "I think he's just scared. And very angry"
** (1) Anthony nods and drives the ress of the way to the hollow **
(2) Kurtis: "He doesn't have his book, and he thinks the rabbits are for you."
(2) Kurtis: "But I did my best explaining. A few more miles south..."
(1) Anthony: "The rabbits are for paying off hte spirit of the wolf I'm gonig to send ot find him."
(2) Kurtis: "That's what I figured."
(1) Anthony: "I talked to a spirt in the form of a wolf and it said it could find anyone, but wanted a rabbit as payment."
(2) Kurtis: "Just so you know, I agree with you. If he can survive as a mage, he is worthy of being one. Tristin and Robin passed their tests when they teleported to our car."
** (1) Anthony pulls in front of the Cabin but doesn't get out. "Let me see if I can contact hte same spirit again." **
** (2) Kurtis goes to the kitchen, gets some canned food, and a thermos of coffee **
(1) Anthony: Lesser Spirit Summons - Specific wolf spirt I had talked to before - Gentle request - gnosis 1 + spirit 3 + powreword 2 = [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 3],4,1,9,[10, 8]] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( 4 ))
(2) Kurtis: "Get him something to eat and drink to warm up"
(1) Anthony: (( I still have spirit tongue active? ))
(2) Kurtis: "Kassidy?"
(2) Kurtis: "The necrowaiter is back"
(4) GM Claire: ((yes and you get the same wolf in about three minutes))
(2) Kurtis: "Oh, and I saw the most beautiful girl in my life today."
(1) Anthony: "Ahh, hello again my friend. I have someone I wish you to find."
(2) Kurtis: "And it's nice to see her again. You."
** (2) Kurtis smiles **
(4) GM Claire: Kassie is ankle deep in zombies helping to toss them into a fire. "Very charming."
(2) Kurtis: Hot lounge singer.... Kassie knees deep in zombies... i hate myself.
** (1) Anthony gets out of hte car while talking ot the spirit, "I can get him on a phone so you can hear his voice, will that be enough for you to find him?" **
(4) Wolf Spirit: "If he is close yes, do you have the payment agreed upon?"
** (2) Kurtis transfers the fire to the zombies so she doesnt have to toss **
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,1,4,2,9,4] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: done
(1) Anthony: "he is supposed to be catching three rabbits for you and should have them when we arrive. If he does not, I'll catch them for you. "
** (2) Kurtis tosses Tony the phone **
** (1) Anthony catches the phone, hits the history button and redials roger **
** (2) Kurtis prepares for panicked yelling **
(1) Anthony: "he is supposedly about twenty five miles south of here."
** (2) Kurtis puts the hot coffee and some canned tuna in the car **
** (5) Roger answers the phone in a very calm collected voice **
(1) Anthony: "Hello? Roger, I want you to talk to the spirit so he can hear your voice. You won't be able to hear hm, but he can hear you. Also, make sure you have the rabbits as his payment when we get there. I'll put him on now."
(5) Roger: "go fuck yourself" speaks calmy and politely, and hangs up*
** (2) Kurtis brings some coffee to Kassidy **
** (1) Anthony puts the cell phone down for hte spirit to hear **
(1) Anthony: "Is he saying anything?"
** (4) Wolf Spirit cocks head to the side **
** (4) Wolf Spirit looks up at you **
(2) Kurtis: ((rofl))
(5) Roger: (LOL)
(2) Kurtis: ((this is like... lol))
(2) Kurtis: ((i cant stand the level of lol))
(2) Kurtis: ((moros mages die proudly in the teeth of wolf))
(5) Roger: (just wait for it/...)
(5) Roger: (well....I dont mean like right this second..LOL...please keep RPing)
(1) Anthony: (( waiting for wolf's response ))
** (2) Kurtis records that sound for the future use, the calm voice of Roger saying "go fuck yourself" **
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,5,2,6,7,8] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: recorded
(4) Wolf Spirit: "What is a "Go Fuck Yourself?"
** (1) Anthony 's mouth drops open **
(1) Anthony: "Umm.. it means that.. umm.. he doesn't need any help."
(1) Anthony: "Or a lot of help actually, but not the type that we can provide."
** (1) Anthony puts the phone to his ear but its dead and closes it **
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(1) Anthony: "I guess he doesn't care to be found. Thank you for your time though. Let me try to find a rabbit for you for answering."
** (4) Wolf Spirit watches you and waits **
(1) Anthony: (( looking for spell... ))
(1) Anthony: (( got it ))
(2) Kurtis: "I'm still inclined to find Roger. I guess I'll let Kassie decide. For one I'd like to ask him about what the fuck he did to the Hollow and why. Second, he might be vital to stopping Jones."
(2) Kurtis: "Kass, should I go find him?"
(1) Anthony: sense life - rabbits gnosis 1 + life 3 + power word 2 = [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,9,[10, 5],2,5] = (2)
(1) Anthony: "Bah, he's naked in the woods. He calls us for help. So we go to help him and he says 'go fuck yourself'? Screw him."
(1) Anthony: "he can find his own way back, he stated in so many words that he didn't want our help."
(1) Anthony: (( I sense rabbits? ))
(2) Kurtis: "Kassidy, then his fate lies in your hands."
(1) Anthony: "Pshaw, his fate lies in his own hands, it always did."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Why do peoples fates always have to lie in my hands, can't people take charge of their own destinies." *still surrounded by burning zombies*
** (5) Roger you hear...the buzz of a motor **
(2) Kurtis: "I understood you, Tony. Right now I am going above the emotion of justice, but trying to display the virtue of compassion. And I really hope this sorry sap stil can make good of himself and help us, he can learn to be a team player. Please, don't lose hope in him"
** (5) Roger the buzzing get louder **
** (1) Anthony shrugs and concetrates ont he rabbits he senses and wills one to come to him **
(2) Kurtis: "Can you please give him a chance, Tony?"
** (5) Roger rides into veiw on a self fabricated ATV, wearing clothing that looks basic but well made **
** (4) GM Claire rabbit running out of bushes away from ATV **
** (5) Roger pulls to a stop.....kills the engine **
** (1) Anthony cracks his knucles **
(1) Anthony: "Now, what did you say?"
** (5) Roger tucks away his compass **
(5) Roger: me? I said "Go fuck yourself"
(2) Kurtis: this will get messy.
** (5) Roger pats the ATV **
** (2) Kurtis goes invisible **
(2) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,6,7,[10, 6],2,[10, 9],1] = (2)
(5) Roger: this beats a rabbit...right?
(1) Anthony: control mediam life (rabbit) to attack roger - gnosis 1 + life 3 + ppwerword 2 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,3,9,6,6] = (1)
(4) GM Claire: ((HOLY GRAIL!!!!!))
(5) Roger: (so..you just a hypocrit, eh tony? =P)
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra rolls her eyes and goes inside before the black beast of arrrrgh appears **
(1) Anthony: (( how am I being a hypocrit in any fashion? ))
whispering to Anthony, kick his ass, i got your back, you still have my shields, 10 armor points
(4) GM Claire: attack rabbit knaws on your bum er... attempts to bit your leg
(5) Roger: (You were just ranting how my fate was in my hands, meanwhile, I made myself a vehicle, out of dirt)
** (5) Roger uh....kicks it away..? **
(1) Anthony: (( what does have to do with me geting pissed off for telling me to go fuck myself? ))
** (1) Anthony thinks about claws but.. naw... doesn't want to kill him **
(4) GM Claire: rabbit has strenght of 1 brawl of umm 1
(4) GM Claire: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 3]] = (2)
** (2) Kurtis thinks about getting cozy with zombie goo covered Kassidy, but stays to watch Tony **
(5) Roger: lets see, you left m in the woods with an ultimatum. I told you to fuck yourself. your ultimatum was shit. I have learned I can;t count on you. so I calculated new options
(4) GM Claire: ((with sharp pointy teeth... he can leap about that far... look at the bones!))
(5) Roger: ((I can't easilly access my sheet with this program you use..
whispering to Anthony, dont get mad. this is where you have to beat him with logic
(5) Roger: (dont forget to subtract my defence from your roll)
(4) GM Claire: ((bah rabbit has chance roll)
(4) GM Claire: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3]] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: ((gawd daemn!))
(1) Anthony: (( GO SUPERRABBIT! ))
(2) Kurtis: ((bunny of superrabit!))
(5) Roger: (I would now like to stomp on the rabbit. hard)
(4) GM Claire: ((in whisper))
(1) Anthony: (( after the rabbit bites Roger I'll have it come to me ))
(5) Roger: (after my attack)
(2) Kurtis: ((i think this calls for inits))
** (5) Roger brings his foots down, hard on the attacking woodland creature, he is however only wearing soft cloth moccasins, so the rabbit, lays out cold, but alive **
(1) Anthony: (( I didn't see an attack roll ))
(5) Roger: (it was in whisper)
(4) GM Claire: ((I did it in whisper))
(5) Roger: (Gm had my sheet open)
(1) Anthony: (( so then rabbit should be coming to me ))
(5) Roger: ("out cold")
(5) Roger: (rabbit..no...wakey)
** (1) Anthony turns to the spirit wolf, "There is your rabbit." **
(5) Roger: (comatose is probly a better word)
(4) GM Claire: ((rabbit was dealt twice more damage that is stamina in bashing thus was knocked out cold))
** (4) Wolf Spirit does a wolf shrug and goes to get its rabbit **
(2) Kurtis: ((which prevented him from running))
(1) Anthony: "See, now catching that rabbit wasn't so hard after all, was it? Knew you could do it." Tony turns and walks into the cabin
** (4) Wolf Spirit eats some of the rabbits essence and walks off nonchalant as wolves are want to do **
** (2) Kurtis sighs and whispers to himself.... "thank you..." **
(5) Roger: I solved this issue without any help from you people
(5) Roger: so screw off!!
** (1) Anthony calls ovre his shoulder, "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out." **
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Well now you can't have any of that coffee I made you."
(1) Anthony: (( Roger better cool it or he's gong to make enemies of all the PCs ))
(5) Roger: (dude, you left me naked in the woods)
(5) Roger: (I'm not making the enemies)
(1) Anthony: (( I didn't fucking leave you anywhere. ))
** (2) Kurtis shows to sight as he walks into the house **
(5) Roger: (I called for help, your char screwed mine over)
(1) Anthony: (( you already made an enemy of Tony, what do you mean? ))
(1) Anthony: (( I fucking told you I'd send something to find you to catch some rabbits and you told me to fuck off. ))
(5) Roger: "nice car by the way" *revs up his ATV, and heads back to town)
(5) Roger: (dude, you need to take a deep breath and step back from your PC. you didn;t tell me shit. Your -character- told my -character)
(2) Kurtis: ((we were coming to get you. we were in the same car, driving to where you are. we are not matter mages. best we can do is hire wolves to find you, which Tony is capable of. Wolves want reward - rabbits. I traced your signal, knew approximate area. How did we leave you? I dropped a date with a hot singer for YOU))
(1) Anthony: (( and I'm telling you that Roger is making enemies of all the PCs so he better cool it ))
(1) Anthony: (( unless he wants all the PCs to hate him ))
(4) Wolf Spirit: ((its alright she's okay don't worry gm hurting self on bedside table not a big deal *pain*))
(5) Roger: ((I'll level ith you right now. what have you people done to help him with...anything?"
(1) Anthony: (( ouch, what you do? ))
(5) Roger: (you ok
(5) Roger: ?
(2) Kurtis: ((Kurtis wont get mad at Roger until he attacks one of Kurtis's companions. But for my taste he is a bit off to the negative on the antihero scale))
(1) Anthony: (( we were going to go find you in woods, til you told us to fuck off. )
(1) Anthony: (( we were gong to protect you from Jones. Like we killed 45 zombies that Jones sent to get us ))
(2) Kurtis: ((Roger is a tough char to play in a team game, he doesnt trust a single human being in the world, and always is mad, the fact that he is a moros, makes it heavier yet))
(4) Wolf Spirit: ((scrapped my elbow on the pointy corner of the badside table. But its not bleeding yay!))
(1) Anthony: (( ouch ))
(2) Kurtis: ((she's okay!))
(5) Roger: ((well, I'm glad your ok hon. now back to the argument. no, he's really not, if your chars would have taken 5 minutes to talk to him about anything. you guys...have done nothing to be trusted
(5) Roger: thats how the world works, you earn trust)
(1) Anthony: (( nor has roger ))
(1) Anthony: (( so as far as tony is concerned, fuck him ))
(5) Roger: ((he never asked you to trust him...did he?)
(1) Anthony: (( no, he just asked for our HELP ))
(5) Roger: (and as far as roger is concerned fuck tony)
(1) Anthony: (( then told us to fuck off ))
(1) Anthony: (( so fuckh im ))
(5) Roger: (thats after he converted the gasoline in your car to cocacola and drove off of course)
(1) Anthony: (( that's fine, you're not at the hollow where there's protection. See how long you last agaisnt Mister Jones ))
(5) Roger: ((*shrugs*...and stop saying"you"
(5) Roger: I am not roger
(5) Roger: (I am roger's player)
(5) Roger: (roger's death......at worst would effect me minimally
(1) Anthony: (( anyway, you're gone, out of htere ))
(5) Roger: ((yup, that was what he decided)
** (1) Anthony walks up to Kassidy and starts helping with the zombie corpses, "Gawd, how can yous tand hte stench? " **
** (4) Kassidy aka Kassandra is inside taking a shower, zombie corpses taken care of **
** (1) Anthony will start to clean up the downstairs then **
** (2) Kurtis , having Prime Sight up, saw a spell come out of Roger to Tony's car, but a one he never saw before **
** (2) Kurtis sits on the roof, eating tuna **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Tuna for the Puma))
(2) Kurtis: "What? Tuna's good."
** (2) Kurtis nods to Maximo **
(2) Kurtis: "Good for muscle"
** (2) Kurtis floats down and inside the house, digging it completely **
(2) Kurtis: "Tony, come here."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((wants tuna sandwich now... damn you!))
** (1) Anthony looks up from where he wsa cleaning up a broken table and walks to Kurtis, "Yeah?" **
(2) Kurtis: "I thought I saw Roger send some mana to the Stingray, you might wanna check it out."
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "He probably did something but I'm not going ot worry about it. It's just a car." **
(2) Kurtis: "As long as it doesn't explode with you in it."
(1) Anthony: "If he killed it he killed it, just something else that will make me happy when Jones gets him. The only thing I'll be sad about is his copy of hte book will get destroyed."
(2) Kurtis: "That sure is a setback."
(1) Anthony: "But, he deserves a Darwin award. Survival of the fittest, you know?"
(2) Kurtis: "May I point out, he did survive."
** (1) Anthony nods, "and maybe he will survive more. Who knows? I'm sure he can stand up to forty five zombies on his own." **
(2) Kurtis: "Alas, along with being a good survivor, he is also a pretty consistant hardhead."
(2) Kurtis: "I think he can make those zombies dance kankan for him"
(1) Anthony: "He is a guest here, and proceeds to tear up the hollow. Then he calls for help, then tells us to fuck off. The guy is a fool. In every possible way."
(2) Kurtis: "It's not our hollow. Kass owns it."
(5) Roger: (is there some way I can whisper to the GM without hearing all of this?)
** (1) Anthony nods **
(2) Kurtis: ((yeah, there is))
(2) Kurtis: ((but she has to message you first))
(1) Anthony: "Well, he knows what, death and matter?"
(1) Anthony: "I'll have to find a matter mage to fix my car if he did anything to it."
(2) Kurtis: "Well, I'm happy. Not only we didn't have to return the cash, but we got it back, we got a clue on Jones, AND we got security from Annette, she won't come here. Accomplished 3 things."
(2) Kurtis: "Or a mechanic."
** (1) Anthony nods **
(2) Kurtis: "I know a thing or two about cars."
(1) Anthony: (( don't htink we'll have time this sesson to go into shadow realm, claire is probably tired ))
(2) Kurtis: "Can check oil, bleed breaks, put air in tires and check gasoline. Well, and... dont tell anyone, steal some parts and reverse the mileage meters, hee hee"
(5) Roger: (dont you guys usually go for another 2-3 hours yet?
(1) Anthony: (( everyone is not here ))
(2) Kurtis: ((depends. today Shawn and Robin are off))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((only when there are like everyone here))
(2) Kurtis: ((up to GM if we can do Tony's journey. if it takes 1-2 hours, im up for it))
(1) Anthony: (( I just plan on going looking for spiris I can call in future when I need things ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: It will likely take longer and I have an interesting idea for tying everyone in on it so lets cool it for next game if thats okay?))
(2) Kurtis: (( something scary))
(1) Anthony: (( tha'ts cool ))
(2) Kurtis: "Hey Tony, can you replicate blood?"
** (1) Anthony looks at Kurtis hovering and chuckles, "I still think you shoudl get some rockets..." **
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yeah...the spirit of cathulu )
(2) Kurtis: "Would be nice to have a capsule of Jones blood for each of us"
(1) Anthony: "Replicate blood... not that I know of."
(2) Kurtis: "Oh, I'll get my rockets in time, my friend..."
(1) Anthony: "I don't think it would be easy for a matter mage either. I was reading hte book and life is pretty unique"
(2) Kurtis: "I'm reading a chapter on flight techniques"
(1) Anthony: "I think that if I knew life and matter I could replicate it."
(1) Anthony: "But, realistically, you don't need htat much blood at all for sympathetic magic"
(2) Kurtis: "Keep it safe then. We can do some scary shit with blood. That's the most intimate thing you got."
(2) Kurtis: "Something tells me I'll enter the doors of Aurora again, but not as a gambler."
** (1) Anthony nods, "Yeah, from what I was reading part of their body, hair, skin, blood, is pretty much as close as you can get for sympathtic magic." **
(1) Anthony: "You know that vampire chick was pretty hot, but I"d always be scared if she ever went down that she'd use her teeth..." tony walks into the house
(2) Kurtis: "I'm out of jobs, and they pay well. Work for vampires? Live in a casino, meet rich women..."
(2) Kurtis: "Yes, she was nice, but I think I like Kassidy better. It's closer. I mean, a vampire can bite your cock off, but it's rare to find the chick who can heal it back"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I HEARD THAT!"
** (1) Anthony nods, "I wonder if a mage could even be a vampire? Hmm... intresting but my book doesn't mention anything about it." **
(2) Kurtis: "Oh shit"
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *from shower*
** (1) Anthony blushes, "Oh shoot. Which of us did she hear?" **
(2) Kurtis: "You!"
** (1) Anthony winces **
** (2) Kurtis blushes very red **
(1) Anthony: "It's just man talk Kassidy, you know how we are."
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "TOO WELL!"
** (1) Anthony whsipers to Kurtis, "Busted" **
(2) Kurtis: "Yeah, i better head to bed. It's late."
(1) Anthony: "I'll see you in the morning Kassidy. Have a good night" Tony slinks off to bed
(2) Kurtis: "You have a good night up there."
** (2) Kurtis sneaks into Kassidy's room and draws with light in the air. A whole boucket of roses, suspended under the ceiling above kassidy's sleeping place **
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,6,4,8,7,2] = (1)
** (2) Kurtis makes a pretty crappy childish picture, but it's stil la cute effort **
** (2) Kurtis sneaks away **
(2) Kurtis: Easier with ice. Or maybe the singer was more inspiring than a zombie covered Kass.
(2) Kurtis: Or maybe the number of roses matters...
** (2) Kurtis heads to bed **
(1) Anthony: (( I do wish to call upon a DREAM tonight ))
** (1) Anthony sleeps through the night **
(1) Anthony: (( pretty much just waiting for box ))
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Anyone else for Box?
(5) Roger: ((box..?)
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((end of game comes with a box))
(5) Roger: (oh)
(2) Kurtis:
A day of insanity! naked men! Rabbits! Vampires! ATVs! A Mage chips off the crew. Will we see him yet again? Find out NEXT on MAGE

(1) Anthony: `gu
(1) Anthony: Good sessoin :d
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((brought to you by holy handgranades... 1...2...5..3 sir...3 *BOOOOOOM*))
(1) Anthony: Now if Kurtis plays his cards right he has an emplorer, or a customer, depending on how he rollls
(5) Roger: I still say my way was far more efficient then any method 3 rabbits could have produced
(1) Anthony: It was, and he should of htought of it first before calling us all panicy then cussing us out
(2) Kurtis: Most obrimous go the Maximo wya, Adamtnien arrow
(2) Kurtis: would be refreshing to be a freelance mercenary for some vampires
(2) Kurtis: they apparently have relationships with Mage council, so they wont ask anything too illegal
(2) Kurtis: of course, i can select jobs as i see fit
(1) Anthony: Private eye woudl be better than merc, but merc works I guess
(5) Roger: um..your char hung up on him, twice
(1) Anthony: I hung up on him once after telling him we'd be there
(5) Roger: hang up on someone in a panicy situation twice and see if they cuss you ouout when next they hear from you
(2) Kurtis: we were busy dealing with important things
(2) Kurtis: like the guy who wants to kill us
(1) Anthony: Not when they're claling asking for help
(1) Anthony: never cuss someone out you're asking for help for 1. you won't get the help and 2. they'll never help you again
(2) Kurtis: true
(1) Anthony: Suprisngly everone I've met in RL knows that.
(2) Kurtis: we told him to hang tight and we'd be there shortly
(2) Kurtis: we told him what we're doing, tracing signals, summoning spirits
(2) Kurtis: he was not panicked enough to assemble a damn ATV
(2) Kurtis: yet he was too panicky to hold a conversation in a civil manner
(2) Kurtis: i think the guy's insane
(5) Roger: 1. he didn;t need you help when he cussed you out and 2. he has decided you guys couldn;t help him if you tried so he wont bother asking
(2) Kurtis: but i wont fight him
(5) Roger: he took a few minutes to calm down
(1) Anthony: So he also knows that we (tony) will never help him again. Tony won't even bother pissing on him if he's on fire.
(5) Roger: he called you 30 seonds after waking up
(5) Roger: actuallu he assumes if that came up you would be unable to piss even if you wanted to
(5) Roger: he considers you useless
(5) Roger: but can we stop the secondhand insults? because I can hurl them right back at you every time
(1) Anthony: When he finds out what you did to his car, he may atempt to set you on frie himself
(5) Roger: after you walk back to town you mean?
(1) Anthony: Why would I have to walk back to town?
(5) Roger: well your car sure isn;t going anywhere
(1) Anthony: if you turne dthe gase to cocacola, the car wno't even run
(5) Roger: ever again..
(5) Roger: um...yes
(5) Roger: exactly
(1) Anthony: SoI'll just have kurtis give me a ride if I need it cause, hey, Id idn't tell him to fuck off
(1) Anthony: and I'll just get another mage to fix the car
(1) Anthony: cuase I didn't thell them to fuck off either
** (5) Roger shrugs **
(1) Anthony: but I guess y ou wouldnt' realise that cuase you tell anyone who can helpy ou to fuck off *shrug*
(5) Roger: the chars goal was to piss tony off
(5) Roger: sounds like no mater how you repair the damage...that goal was achived
(5) Roger: excuse me
(1) Anthony: oh, you didn't hve to do that to piss him off, he was already pissed.
(5) Roger: if you say "you" referring to my CHAr one more time this is over
(1) Anthony: Now you've just made him homicidal
(5) Roger: I am not my character
(1) Anthony: you
(5) Roger: keep a grasp on relaity
(1) Anthony: you
(1) Anthony: you
(1) Anthony: ..|.
(1) Anthony: Disconnecting from server...
(1) Anthony (exit): 03:55
(5) Roger: I'd like it noted that for me, this was all just RP
(5) Roger: I like to keep a line between reality and game
(2) Kurtis
: you started it.
(5) Roger: so, XP?
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: sure 4 for coming, RP and learning curve
(5) Roger: I learned that when building an ATV from dirt.....you should start near water so that you have gasoline to power it
(5) Roger: as for an RP nod...I'm afraid I was not involved in enough interaction to really give a nod, sorry
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: mmkay
(2) Kurtis: i learned 2 things: 1. that changelings glow like mother with mana, hence easy to see. Much more magical than mages signatures, not at all covert. 2. That it's important in negotiations to satisfy the claiming side first
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: mmkay five each then
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: next sunday y'all
(2) Kurtis: kk
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: logging night all gonna find some ice for my elbow
(5) Roger: seeya then
(5) Roger: ow =S
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: kk log for me please
(5) Roger: hope it feels better =(
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: log the game that is
(5) Roger: sleep well *waves*
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: night
(4) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Roger: Disconnecting from server...
(4) GM Claire (exit): 04:04
(5) Wanderer (exit): 04:04