Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at 66-233-209-7.anc.clearwire-dns.net:6774...
Game connected!
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 21:59
(1) Anthony (enter): 21:59
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony: Anthony is creating room 'Mage.'
(1) Anthony (exit): 21:59
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:00
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony (enter): 22:00
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
(2) Konrad Knox: waiting on the rest
(1) Anthony: shawn just logge din
(1) Anthony: saw his IM alert
(2) Konrad Knox: did u do ur taxes?
(1) Anthony: yeah
(3) Eve (enter): 22:04
(4) Tristin (enter): 22:05
(4) Tristin: Comp
(4) Tristin: is still a little screwy.
(4) Tristin: :(
(5) Robin (enter): 22:06
(5) Robin: hello everyone.
(2) Konrad Knox: heya heya all
(1) Anthony: hi all
(4) Tristin: Hola
(3) Eve: 'ello
(2) Konrad Knox: so... how has everyone been
(1) Anthony: fair to middlin'
(2) Konrad Knox: a sense a "yeah yeah, jus' shut up and let's get to asskicking" atmosphere :D
(3) Eve: Heh
(4) Tristin: I'm alright. Kinda hopeing my comp don't blow up tonight...
(1) Anthony: I"m kinda hoping no one's does tonight :D
(1) Anthony: claire, later need to discuss how to make healing potions, what is required. Cause my oldest is a life 4 mage, wondering if he could, or he needs 5, or prime or whatever. I think you told me before but If orgot
(1) Anthony: They're getting ready to go into an aztec type temple full of nasties and they'll probalby need 'em
(2) Konrad Knox: so... it was night time in Italian hotel Le'Bagio, you have reunited with Eve, dispatched a mercenary spy, and recovered a parchment with a star on it, you have in your possession a tracking device, which Eve seems to navigate with little accuracy, a bottle of green goo and a lead ring. It's 00:30, half hour past midnight. Describe what you're doing and write a pose each, while I box us.

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(1) Anthony: Have we gotten a new room yet?
(1) Anthony: And if so, how many beds, etc..
(1) Anthony: need ot know for my pose
(4) Tristin: 2 Beds right?
(3) Eve: ... Am I the only one who reads Konrads scene discriptions?
(4) Tristin: I took one.
(3) Eve: 2 beds, new room. With nice bathtub.
(4) Tristin: ...yes...
(3) Eve: Tristin is in one.
(2) Konrad Knox: logs are posted of last game
(1) Anthony: so you want the poses after hte box, right?
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah, plan em out
(2) Konrad Knox: your poses will determine if you recover health/wp/mana, etc
(2) Konrad Knox: if you're taking a nap, you recover, if you're maniacally shopping, you gain nothing but get new clothes, which grant you easier time camouflaging (Tristin! you're lucky you havent been kicked out and jailed yet!), if you're swimming in the pool or whatnot, etc.
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve went and acted very unhappy at management about the incident, and they gave you a nice big room at half price
(4) Tristin: Is this directly after?
(4) Tristin: Or are our poses a bit after?
(1) Anthony: Kay, pose ready
(4) Tristin: Like... has any time passed scence last session, and how much?
(1) Anthony: I see 4 willpower, 9 mana, 23 exp
(2) Konrad Knox:
The thief ran away, you played with the compass, drew some lines... and it's 00:30. Session 6 starts

(1) Anthony: 8 health
** (1) Anthony follows the other into the room and looks around, sees there is two beds, a few chairs, a bath room, thinks a bit, knows that Robin and Tristin will take one bed and Eve the other. It's been an extremely long day and he was tired and needed to sleep. Without a word he grabs a comfortable and heads into the chair and sits down, looking for a lever he sees it's a recliner, and reclines it back, coveres himself and is asleep in a matter of seconds. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin. The time now is where it left off when we finished. Describe what you will do and for how many hours, and it will determine how much time has passed))
** (4) Tristin rolls over in the bed. A quiet snore leaves his throat, swating himself in the face as a fly lands on him. He doesn't wake. **
** (3) Eve At 00:30 after shopping she will be taking a dip in the pool At 1:30 Eve will return to room and take a shower to remove clorine. By 1:50 Eve had better be in a bed or else someone is being tied up in a closet as it's her credit card paying for this four star room. She sleeps in a long t-shirt and a pair of faded boxers. The shirt has a zombie cow on it with a word balloon that says "GRAAAAAAAINS" She sleeps with a gun under her pillow, safty on. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Anthony you recover 1 WP, which makes it...))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((4?))
(1) Anthony: (( I see 4 now, so would make it 5? ))
** (4) Tristin after a few hours of sleep he leaves the scene of the room. Takes a look at his torn clothes and sighs, and heads to the pool for a swim. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you're at your max))
** (5) Robin lays down in the bed next to Tristin falling into a very sound sleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. **
(1) Anthony: (( konrad, IM me anthony's sheet, I need to fix his rotes ))
(1) Anthony: (( a bug in magesheet made me lose my rotes :( ))
** (4) Tristin when he reaches the pool, and pulls off his shirt he looks at his left shoulder, which had been bothering him tremendously before the nap. He notices a scar, like a burn, but like a bruise. He rubs it a bit confused, not remembering a blow to that location, but hops into the pool anyway. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((anthony you'll have to change your Wp to 5 on that))
** (4) Tristin swiming back and forth up and down the pool, he thinks back to the fight, trying to remember how he could have received that mark. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve you recover 1 WP
(2) Konrad Knox: 5/7
(2) Konrad Knox: you recover 1 mana Eve
(3) Eve: at full))
(2) Konrad Knox: 11
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you recover 2 WP
(2) Konrad Knox: 5/7
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you recover 1 WP from your nap. 2/5. How many hours total are you swimming?
(5) Robin: ((I've only used one willpower the entire series, should be at 7, then.))
(1) Anthony: (( you were wissming some of my rotes, but I found them in a char backup file ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((and again... we return to tracing Robin's wp usage. pause.))
(1) Anthony: (( all I copied over were the rotes, left the rest alone ))
(4) Tristin: He'll go until someone comes down looking for him.
(3) Eve: ((Graaaaaaains))
** (3) Eve is sleeping til at least 7am so you're gonna be swimming a while... **
** (4) Tristin is swimming for a while? **
** (1) Anthony will sleep until he awakes or someone awakes him **
(1) Anthony: (( if no one wakes him he'll sleep til like noon, it's been a long freaking day ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((my charsheet is messed up. It never saves Robin's WP. She didnt use any, and i was only showing 3... thats not good.))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you're at 7/7
(5) Robin: ((okays))
(1) Anthony: (( that's strange, did you ever change it? Do this, change her wp to 7, then load her sheet, it should ask if youw ant ot save it, say yes. does it show 7 then? ))
** (3) Eve will wake up and likely leave people to sleep at 7am, she will take a shower and will be fetching breakfast at around 7:45 searching for a nice local bakery and fruit market bringing some back for everyone, along with cappachino! **
(5) Robin: ((Robin<3Eve))>
(5) Robin: ((that was supposed to be robin heart eve))
(2) Konrad Knox: Okay. Your downtime lasts from 1:30am till 7am. Robin, Tony, Eve asleep, Tristin has to split his time. 6hours 30 minutes. How many of those you're sleeping, and how many are you swimming?
(2) Konrad Knox: cappucino?
(4) Tristin: 5 sleeping and 1:30 swiming.
(1) Anthony: (( you might want to spend 2 hours swimming, sinc eyou roll for mana every hour :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox: you regain 1 Wp, and 1 mana. Tristin, you feel that the pool restores your energy. Your mental capacity seems to have been fed into, like a piece of meat to a hungry stomach. You cannot see quintessense, but you feel it fills you
(4) Tristin: ((He would probably sleep for at least five hours.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((this mana pool is not like a hollow, it's just a pool where you absorb mana automatically, no roll necessary. come soak for an hour, you're charged up with 1 mana))
(1) Anthony: (( konrad, terralthra was wrong, it's a roll to see how much mana you regain, not 1 per hour, but a roll for how many per hour up to max of hollow's rating ))
(1) Anthony: (( ahh, okay, n/m then ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((the pool is not a hollow. just a little help for you guys on the way))
(1) Anthony: (( yeha, we ain't got our mana bitch with us :( ))
(4) Tristin: ((So I take it someone came looking for me at 7?))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin and Eve, if you looked around the pool with your sights, you'd see fates and timelines of many people coming to this pool, leaving a residue of essense. Rich people, happy people. People with good and relaxing emotions, away from home, at peace, craving adventure or deserved vacation. Their emotions charge this pool with the quintessense you absorb.
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you're at 2 WP and 2 Mana
(2) Konrad Knox: 2/5 and 2/11
(4) Tristin: ((11 max? My gnosis is only 2))
(1) Anthony: (( it's 9 + gnosis ))
(1) Anthony: (( until level 15 then it changes ))
(4) Tristin: ((Oh okay))
(1) Anthony: (( er, level 5 ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((11 max yup))
** (3) Eve is probably back at the hotel by 8:15 at which point yes she would look for Tristin before going up with the yummy breakfast. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Do you choose to look for Tristin?
(1) Anthony: (( when the cofee enters the room Tony will wake up ))
(2) Konrad Knox: in the pool?
** (4) Tristin swiming up and down the pool, once under water, once above and back and forth like such. **
(3) Eve: Sure))
** (3) Eve steps onto the pool floor, waves bakery bag and coffee in Tristin's general direction until he notices then heads up. **
(1) Anthony: (( Hmm.. I'm sure there's something in life that will remove fatigue poisons so I dont need as much sleep ))
(3) Eve: ((there is indeed))
(2) Konrad Knox: 1:30 hours till 7am. 2hours till 7:30. by 8:15 another hours passes, and Tristin regains one more mana, he is at 3 mana when you find him soaking around.
(2) Konrad Knox: 3/11
(1) Anthony: (( I don't see a specific spell listed, but it shoudl be easily possible ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you heal all your bashing boxes, except 1, the resistant lethal
** (4) Tristin stops swiming at the edge closest to Eve. "Hey Eve, what's up?.... Ooo That for me?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: rest of you are in full health
(1) Anthony: (( I knwo there's a mind spell for it ))
(3) Eve: ((mmm pastry!))
(3) Eve: "Some of it is yes"
(3) Eve: "You eating pool side or upstairs?"
(1) Anthony: (( resistant lethal, ouch. that takes 2 days? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((week))
(4) Tristin: "I'll come on up." He climbs out of the pool and picks up his shirt, he wrings out his pants and follows her to the room. ((Presuming you head there next....))
** (3) Eve waits for Tristin to decide, watching the early morning pool swimmers. Heads upstairs with Tristin **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin is like the only person in the pool
(3) Eve: "You do know I left cloths in the room for you, Robin and Tony correct?
(4) Tristin: "Oh, must have missed them... bet I stick out like a sore thumb huh?"
** (4) Tristin looks to his eastern atire. **
(3) Eve: "Its the rips mostly."
** (3) Eve stands at the room door with hands full... juggles bags and finally manages to get it open. **
(2) Konrad Knox: a giggling couple walks out of a steam room dressed in sauna suits, they look really hot, middle aged, talk in brazillian and seem to be happy, they pass by and walk out
(4) Tristin: "Some guy with a spear... crazy fucker..."
** (1) Anthony dreams of fighting a giant scorpion in the desert of egypt, one that transforms itself into a spider while he fights, in the middle of the combat a guy on a bike with a crate in front as a basket stops and rings his bell *ding* *ding* Coffee, anyone want coffee? Only 10 million dollars. Tony smells the coffee and it smells good and turns to the guy on the bike but it's hard to see him. Tony tries opening his eyes more and is stairing at the wall of hte hotel room. Coffee? **
** (1) Anthony rubs his eyes awake **
** (4) Tristin opens the door for Eve. **
(3) Eve: "Thank you."
(1) Anthony: "Do I smell coffee?"
** (3) Eve walks in with cappachinos, a bag of pastry and a bag of fruit **
(3) Eve: "Yes.. in a manner of speaking.. Cappachino.
** (4) Tristin nods and follows her in, he kneels down by Robin and wispers in her ear. "Wake up" **
** (1) Anthony throws off the comforter and tries to sit up but the chair is still reclined. After struggling he reaches over and pulls the lever putting the chair back up right and gets up. "Oooh, coffee and a shwoer, sounds wonderful." **
** (5) Robin wakes from the noise of...Tristin. **
(3) Eve: "Coffee makes the world go round."
** (1) Anthony takes one of the cups of cappachino and starts drinking **
** (5) Robin sits up in the bed, leaning her back against the wall behind her. **
** (1) Anthony takes the cup with him into the bathroom and turns on the shower **
** (3) Eve sets stuff down and pulls out napkins setting out some of the pastries artfully. **
** (3) Eve takes a pastry and hands it to sleepy Robin **
(5) Robin: "Mmm, thanks."
** (1) Anthony rubs his chin thinking he'll need to be sure to get a razor. Then he realizes he's in some posh hotel, they probalby have some around. **
(3) Eve: "Mmmhmm.." *sips cappachino "So. Tomarrow is the castle tour. Today I was thinking research and each of you test this locator thing." *speaks loud enough that Tony can hear.
** (4) Tristin takes one off the table "Yeah, thanks Eve. I haven't eaten in a while..." ((Jerk Caf'e man refused to make me a BLT...)) **
** (1) Anthony shouts, "What castle?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tony you find everything - soap, shampoo, deodorant, expensive extra soft toilet paper, clean towels, foot towels, but surprisingly, no razors!
(3) Eve: *sighs for a moment.. "The Red Prince's castle I hope"
(1) Anthony: (( Hmm... is hair living. ))
(4) Tristin: "What will each of us testing it do?"
(1) Anthony: "Who hte heck is the red prince?"
(5) Robin: "Do you think it would work differently for someone else?"
** (1) Anthony finishes taking a shower and puts on his dirty clothes again after drying out and comes out of hte bathroom rubbing his chin, "No razors, dang it. Will have to pick one up." **
(3) Eve: "Well I've been thinking about that.. I've no skill in Space.. perhaps someone who has such skill will have more luck...." *frowns at the bathroom door* "The Red Prince is an associate of Diana Branch the woman we are trying to find."
(1) Anthony: "If you told me something about the red prince last night I forgot about it.
(5) Robin: "They might have razors at the front desk."
(1) Anthony: "It hought we were looking for a gam? Okay, what did she tell you back there before we jumped into that portal?"
(3) Eve: "Clearly... They would have them on the third floor with all the shops actually."
** (3) Eve bats her lashes a moment. **
** (1) Anthony sits down after taking a pastry **
(5) Robin: "those wouldnt be complimentry"
(3) Eve: "I'll sum it up again then shall I?" *takes a deep breath"
** (1) Anthony looks at Uchawi, "Remind me to get you some nuts Uchawi." **
(4) Tristin: ((Was that in spirit talk?))
(2) Uchawi: "How soon would you like to be reminded? Because I'd like some nuts."
(3) Eve: "Diana Branch is the woman that Hannah believes has the stone. There's fruit in the other bag."
** (1) Anthony goes over and picks up the phone and dials the front desk **
** (2) Uchawi cleans his ethereal feathers **
(3) Eve: "She has a number of associates, quite infamous in the right circles."
(3) Eve: "They are as follows" (long post))
** (5) Robin licks her finger clean of powdered sugar. **
(2) Manager: "Le Bagio reception, how may I help you?"
(1) Anthony: "Yes, could you send up some mixed nuts please?"
** (3) Eve waits while Tony is on the phone... **
(1) Anthony: (( the room is already full of mixed nuts ))
(2) Manager: "numero di stanza per favore?"
(2) Manager: "room number, sir?"
(1) Anthony: "What's our room number?"
(1) Anthony: Uchawi, did you notice our room number?
(1) Anthony: (( we were in 707 ))
(1) Anthony: "Hang on."
(2) Uchawi: "917"
(1) Anthony: "917. Thanks."
(2) Manager: "naturalmente signore. we'll send the room service."
(1) Anthony: "Gracias."
** (1) Anthony hangs up and sits back down, "Sorry, continue please." **
(3) Eve: "Night Owl, I have little information on him, he's on my research list, Forester, also little known, Red Prince, most likely the current owner of the Palace Roselli which we will be visiting tomarrow, Scavenger whom I know nothing of only heard the name, and Diamond Priest Aka Simon Lamprey who was a Baptist minister until he was convicted of some very naughty things including but not limited to skinning homeless people alive with Life magic and doing odd experiments with dear and cats. He was convicted and sent to psychiatric clinic in New Haven which his lawyer had him removed from.
** (4) Tristin finishes off his pastry listening to Eve. **
(3) Eve: "Nasty nasty fellow.. current wereabouts a mystery.. number of people would like to find him."
(1) Anthony: "Experiments on deer and cats? Horrible."
** (5) Robin Shudders as she imagines horrible things happening to cute kitties. **
(1) Anthony: "So this Diana Branch has the stone, and these are friends of hers who might knwo where she is. Or she could be with them, although the compass seems to pont father north east."
(3) Eve: "As for Diana Branch she owns a Business Consulting firm in New Haven... Well Perhaps I should be more clear on Lamprey.. He took peoples skins off, and put animal skins on them.. the see how they would react.
(1) Anthony: "If he was a life mage why did he have to do that? He could of jsut changed their skin... oh. Which is what he probably did, but since people don't knwo about magic they presumed he removed their skin first.":
(3) Eve: "And yes, Diana according to Hannah's sources has the stone.. and is trying to conceive a baby"
(3) Eve: "The baby would then inheiret the stones power"
(1) Anthony: "A baby to rule the world. Yes."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so what is the plan at the castle tour? Just look around? Look around with magic? Change into a mouse and poke around?"
** (3) Eve sips her cappachino and takes a nibble at a pastry **
(3) Eve: "Yes."
** (1) Anthony takes a pastry and starts eating **
(3) Eve: "All of those?"
** (1) Anthony nods **
(3) Eve: "Gather information. Without setting off alarms."
(4) Tristin: ((Are there more cups of cappachino?))
(1) Anthony: "What type of a mage is the prince supposed to be, do you know?"
(3) Eve: "No.. which is why today is research day."
(3) Eve: ((yes))
(1) Anthony: nod
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so we have to be careful with any magic. He may have the place warded."
(2) Konrad Knox: where is the flask and the compass ring at this moment?
(1) Anthony: "So, I suggest I change into a mouse before we even go with a long duration, someone can put me in their purse. Then let me out when they think the time is right."
(2) Konrad Knox: last time Eve put it on the table
(3) Eve: "Correct. Nothing vulgar cast there unless we absolutely cannot help it."
(3) Eve: ((always in my purse when not being used))
** (4) Tristin takes a cup of cappachino and sips it slowly. "Oh, Eve... do you have a book?" **
(3) Eve: "A book on what? You're bored?.. I've got plenty of stuff you could research if you are thinking of catching up on your reading.."
** (4) Tristin grabs his backpack and sifts through it to show her what he means. **
** (1) Anthony pulls his book out of his coat pocket **
(4) Tristin: "One like this... We ran into them when we awakened."
** (3) Eve looks at him with a curious brow **
(3) Eve: "May I?"
** (1) Anthony hands Eve his book **
** (4) Tristin nods **
(1) Anthony: "They are the same book, just like.. copies. But not copies of the words, copies of the book.
** (5) Robin grabs her pbackpack from beside her bed, rumaging through it. **
** (3) Eve flips through the book... blinks... turns a few more pages "Holy Atlantis.. where did you... this is amazing.. its like a how to guide." **
(4) Tristin: "Time duplicates... they are the exact same book only ____ seconds apart." ((2.5?))
(1) Anthony: "Well, yeah. Apparently people are trying ot destory it too. That guy we sent to the other... universe? Dimenstin? he was trying to destory them."
** (5) Robin pulls out her copy of her book and sets it on her lap. **
(2) Konrad Knox: some marks are present in Tristin's book that are not present in Anthony's
(3) Eve: "You mean Jones."
(2) Konrad Knox: mainly meaningless notes on the pages, like "Tristin's a noob." or "you still owe me 5 bucks"
(4) Tristin: "I stole mine from a man named Jones."
** (1) Anthony nods **
(1) Anthony: "yes, Jones."
** (5) Robin pulls out her caged rat, that is surprisingly healthy looking considering she has left it in there for a day or two untouched. **
(3) Eve: "This is fantastic.. do you know how valueble these are?"
(1) Anthony: "Oh, yeah, any mage would want them. Or all of htem."
(1) Anthony: "Which is why we try to keep them fairly quiet." Tony frowns at Tristin
** (3) Eve hands back the book slowly **
(1) Anthony: "Lets just say we've known two death mages that tried to kill for them. And now you know about them."
** (1) Anthony sighs **
** (5) Robin grabs some pastery and feeds it to the poor guy. **
** (1) Anthony takes the book and puts it in his pocket **
(1) Anthony: "apparently it was thought that this book was destroyed. Yet here it is. We dont' know why or how."
(4) Tristin: "Sorry, I thought if she did they would be a good way to communicate next time we get seperated.
(4) Tristin: "
(3) Eve: "They are a tempting thing to know of, but if I wanted the quick route I would have taken a mentor years ago."
(2) Konrad Knox: the rat eats hungrily
(1) Anthony: "Oooh, a rat? May I?"
(5) Robin: "Have a go, he won't mind. I've probably killed his spirit by practicing my mind spells on him..."
(1) Anthony: Healer's Trance (C) - Life 4 + gnosis 2 + power word 2 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,2,7,2,7,8,5] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( he in good health? ))
(5) Robin: ((hasn't been fed for two days))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((not really. he is so hungry that his stomach acids are fucking up his stomach but he thinks he's not hungry))
(1) Anthony: "Oh man, what you been doing to this poor thing?"
(5) Robin: "Nothing."
(1) Anthony: "yeah, like not feeding it, but it's stomach acid is riled up like it's stomach is full."
(5) Robin: "Maybe I'll let him go."
(1) Anthony: purge bodies (c) - gnosis 2 + life 4 + power word 2 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,4,8,2,8,3,4] = (3)
(5) Robin: "I thought he might be useful to bring along, but I haven't needed him for anything."
** (1) Anthony looks at the rat and removes some of the excess stomach acid **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm. a little damage to stomach wall, let me fix that..."
** (3) Eve finishes her pastry then sits on the bed with a notebook and stares at a blank sheet of paper trying to recall anything she might have forgotten about the names she has listed. First thinking about Night Owl. **
(2) Konrad Knox: the rat is now in order
(1) Anthony: Healing Heart (C)(3) Gnosis(2)+Life(4) + power word 2 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,4,3,7,7,[10, 2],5] = (2)
(1) Anthony: "Okay, he's in pretty good health now. You gotta take care of him though."
(5) Robin: "I guess I've played too much Comic Zone. The main character picks up rats and uses them to get keys to open door for him."
(1) Anthony: (( Oh yeah, this is the rat tony had talked to ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((int roll for memory))
(3) Eve: ((so recall =3)
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,2] = (0)
(3) Eve: nothing on Night owl.
(2) Konrad Knox: ((int+socialize for trying to recall conversations, int+investigation to do research))
(3) Eve: Forester -
(1) Anthony: (( this is to eve? ))
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],2,1] = (1)
(3) Eve: (not doing research yet))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes, eve trying to recall things))
** (5) Robin pets the rat hopeing he isn't very mad. **
(1) Anthony: Commune with Median Life (C)(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(4) + pwoerword 2 [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,2,4,3,9,1,2,3] = (1)
whispering to Eve, you have heard no rumors of forester, but you know there is a Subaru called that and its real nice, and you remember meeting the county forester a few times, he is a nice guy.
** (1) Anthony speaks to rat How you doing buddy? You okay there? **
** (3) Eve sighs and thinks about Scavenger **
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,7] = (1)
** (4) Tristin takes the dagger out of his backpack and looks it over. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Rat: "I was hurting like hell, why does she not feed me? Must obey Robin! I see nothing! Where am I? Why do I exist? You have any food? I might want to catch some squirrels next time I fly out on a raid"
** (1) Anthony notices the dagger, "Oh, yeah, I saw that thing whe I was in yoru pack. Nice dagger. Where you get it from?" **
(1) Anthony: "he's just hungry. Very hungry."
** (1) Anthony gives the rest of his pastry to the rat **
(4) Tristin: "That pyrimid. Some guy tried to kill me for it.."
(1) Anthony: "Well, since you didn't have it before, you sure you didn't try to kill him for it?"
whispering to Eve, Eve, you have heard about some maniac in New Haven named Scavenger, he killed young men and women, but he's been caught and transfered to another state, you don't know where
(4) Tristin: ((Logs page isn't working.))
(2) Konrad Knox: the rat eats hungrily
(1) Anthony: I'll giet you smoe nuts too when they arive.
(2) Konrad Knox: ((works for us ...))
(4) Tristin: "I just went to meet him. I told him I didn't want to kill him, he had a spear and stuff.... tried to kill me."
(4) Tristin: (( :( ))
(1) Anthony: "So what happened to him?"
(1) Anthony: "Did you knock him out?"
(4) Tristin: "Tried to... I think I killed him. Took his spear. The accolytes said I was supposed to kill him anyhow... after it was all said and done."
(1) Anthony: "Wow. That's.. heavy."
(1) Anthony: "You .. kill someone."
(1) Anthony: *killed
(4) Tristin: "In self defence, yes."
** (1) Anthony looks at tirstin, then at eve, then back at tristin. "Umm. yeah." **
(5) Robin: "He had a spear, did you use the dagger or something else?"
(4) Tristin: "I had my hands and two buckets of water... that were of no help."
(1) Anthony: "You had buckets of water?"
(1) Anthony: "You brought buckets of water to a spear fight?"
(4) Tristin: "I didn't know he had a fucking spear till I got there,"
(1) Anthony: "Well, it sounds like you took care of yourself anyway."
(1) Anthony: "If he attacked youw ith a spear, yeah, I'd defend myself too."
(5) Robin: "He had a spear and you had some buckets. yet you killed him. He must've just been a sucky fighter or something."
** (1) Anthony turns ot robin, "Or he was better." **
(4) Tristin: "No... I was just better I guess.."
(1) Anthony: "Did you get hurt?"
(4) Tristin: "The man was good, I'll give him that. He just underestimated me."
(4) Tristin: "Oh yeah..."
(5) Robin: "well, congrats on living and getting an awesome dagger."
** (3) Eve thinks about Red prince and the name Roselli **
** (3) Eve found the F3 macro key **
(1) Anthony: Healer's Trance (C) - Life 4 + gnosis 2 + power word 2 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,2,4,1,2,9,3] = (2)
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,1] = (0)
** (1) Anthony looks at Tristin's life force **
(4) Tristin: ((*claps for Eve's findings*))
(1) Anthony: "Oh, what the heck. You're hurt but like... all over. And it's not something I can heal."
(1) Anthony: "What the heck did you do?"
(4) Tristin: ((One Resistant Leathal))
** (3) Eve sighs and pulls out her laptop to start some research. **
(4) Tristin: "Don't know..." shows Tony the mark on his shoulder.
(4) Tristin: "He stabbed me on the other side... don't know how this got here."
(2) Konrad Knox: *knock knock* on the door
** (1) Anthony looks at the mark, "Starnge, it's not a bruise..." **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, the nuts."
** (3) Eve will literally research until someone shakes her out of it... stops when the door knocks and reaches a hand under her pillow... **
** (1) Anthony goes to the door and looks through te peek hole **
** (5) Robin puts the rat under the covers. **
** (4) Tristin hides the dagger **
(2) Bellboy: "servizio di stanza"
** (5) Robin as well as her book **
** (2) Bellboy smiles **
(1) Anthony: "opens the door"
(1) Anthony: "Hello."
** (2) Bellboy carries a full cart with drinks, food, nuts, ice cream, etc **
** (1) Anthony looks at the cart, "What is all this? I just ordered mixed nuts." **
(3) Eve: "Probably compliemenery breakfast" *smirks*
(2) Bellboy: Servizio di stanza e refreshments standard un complementa per gli ospiti stimati.
(4) Tristin: "Robin, what's he saying?"
** (2) Bellboy bows **
** (1) Anthony reaches into his pocket for a tip **
(1) Anthony: (( Didn't get any local currancy ))
(3) Eve: "Gracias, un momento"
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. dang. Anyone have local currancy for a tip/"
** (2) Bellboy nods understandingly **
(5) Robin: "sorry."
** (3) Eve goes to her purse and gets out the equvalent of five dollars in euros **
(3) Eve: #me gives to bellboy
(3) Eve: ..
** (3) Eve gives to bellboy **
(1) Anthony: "Graciias"
(2) Bellboy: "grazie madam"
** (1) Anthony takes the mixxed nuts and brings them over to the table **
** (2) Bellboy smiles and leaves the cart **
(1) Anthony: "Here you go Uchawi" Tony takes some nuts and after the bellboy leaves gives them to the rat
** (5) Robin uncovers the rat and puts her book away in her bag. **
(3) Eve: ..."damn.. should have asked him about Castle Roselli.. ah well.. no Italian anyway."
** (3) Eve goes to computer **
(3) Eve: starts research on Night owl.
(2) Konrad Knox: the rat aggressively tries to fight Uchawi for its nuts, but Uchawi sneaks a few away anyway
** (3) Eve will stop in.. oh an hour unless someone stops me first. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((int+investigation))
(5) Robin: ((rat is caged))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((roll every 10 min))
(3) Eve: ((bonus for internet?)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((+2 for internet))
(3) Eve: (yay! 7))
(3) Eve: ((roll 1 first ten minutes...))
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,5,1,8,7,6] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( Hmm.. wastn't there something about an italian suit last session.. let me check log ))
(3) Eve: ((yes.. you ordered one and were mesured))
** (5) Robin get out of bed sleepily and checks out the bag of clothes Eve brought for us. **
(2) Konrad Knox: first things you get are links to Mortal Kombat 6, where NightWolf character gets an upgrade to owl form, and becomes a new being Night Owl...
(3) Eve: "Hope they are the right size.. if not recepts in the bag, exchange them.
(5) Robin: "I'm sure it'll fit good."
(3) Eve: "haha.. I love the interent."
(1) Anthony: "I'm gonna go see if my suit is ready."
(2) Konrad Knox: if it is a real name, you only get junk, if it's a shadow name, the man did not care to keep his world popular with the net
** (5) Robin goes into the bathroom for a quick shower. **
(4) Tristin: "Alright."
** (1) Anthony heads down to where he wsa mwasured for his suit **
** (5) Robin waves to tony, while closing the bathroom door. **
(1) Anthony: (( gonna go smoke a cig while getting suit XD ))
(2) Konrad Knox: a music band, Night Owls, an Indian tribe leader, Night Owl, a few corporations called that. Typical google stuff
** (4) Tristin tries to follow Robin into the bathroom **
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you're clean, being naked in the shower, eh eh eh ^^
** (5) Robin already shut and locked door ;p **
(2) Konrad Knox: contested roll!
(3) Eve: ((we need more power captian.. next roll))
(2) Konrad Knox: if u like :D
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,5,2,7,8,6] = (1)
(4) Tristin: Naw.
(5) Robin: ((lol))
(3) Eve: :(
** (4) Tristin walks to Robin's backpack and get a bobby pin. **
(3) Eve: apparently didn't do that right..))
(3) Eve: ((next 10 minutes roll 2 - 1 for repeat topic))
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],5,6,[10, 8],5,8] = (3)
(3) Eve: ((4!))
** (4) Tristin comes back and tries to pick the simple bathroom lock **
(4) Tristin: ((Dex 3 + Larc 3?))
(5) Robin: ((gay))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,9,5,[10, 5],7] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: You spend some time working through page after page of junk, you find a man residing in Netherlands, Amsterdam. His is known as Levi The Night Owl, but all you find is a blog journal of some geek meeting this guy at a rock concert and getting high together. Said that the man could play some trippy music on harmonica
(3) Eve: "Tristin let the girl take a shower. If you are that desperate...Go buy some porn or something."
(2) Konrad Knox: the easy hotel bathroom lock opens
(4) Tristin: "Can't only 16."
** (4) Tristin opens the door as quietly as he can. **
(4) Tristin: ((Dex 3 + Stealth 2))
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,4,3,7] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: feel free to contest Robin's perception ((wits+composure))
(3) Eve: ((One more search I think...Levi the Night Owl.. this is 30 minute mark))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,4,7,2,6] = (1)
(3) Eve: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(4) Tristin: ((Tie goes to her ))
(3) Eve: ((five now?))
(3) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,1,7,8] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you get to the tailor, to see that your suit is ready
** (5) Robin peaks out from behind the curtain to see whats going on. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tailor to Anthony, handing a suit: "Euro 1.420 per favore, signore"
** (5) Robin frowns at Tristin. "Close the door!" **
** (4) Tristin walks in and closes the door. **
** (3) Eve chuckles softly at the young...er people **
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, no other posts related to Levi Night Owl
** (5) Robin throws the bar of soap at you **
(4) Tristin: ((Dex or Str + ath?))
(2) Konrad Knox: its 9 am now
(5) Robin: ((dex+Athletics?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((dex + ath))
** (3) Eve pouts. Drinks cappachino.. starts work on Forester. At 9:10am **
(4) Tristin: ((What about to catch? Dex + Ath -3 for slippery?))
(5) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((-2))
(1) Anthony: (( back ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((-3 would be hot coals))
(4) Tristin: ((3+2-2=3))
(4) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,7] = (0)
(4) Tristin: ((I win tie =P))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tailor to Anthony, handing a ready suit: "Euro 1.420 per favore, signore"
** (4) Tristin dodges the soap and dashes back into the main room. **
(3) Eve: (forester 9:10 first roll 7 dice))
** (4) Tristin closeing the door. **
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,4,4,7,7,4] = (1)
(1) Anthony: "You take Visa?" Tony pulls out his credit card
(1) Anthony: (( shouldn't be -1 per roll for extended roll like reearch ))
(5) Robin: "and stay out!" yells behind Tristin.
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, no info. 9:20
** (4) Tristin peeks over Eve's shoulder then. **
** (5) Robin done doing the shower thing, drys off and trys on the clothes Eve bought her. **
** (3) Eve is researching someone named Forester **
(5) Robin: ((What did you get anyways? I know you picked up tshirts for sleeping in at least.))
(3) Eve: ((9:20 second roll -1 =6))
** (3) Eve found the F3 macro key **
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,9,8,6,2] = (3)
(3) Eve: ((seeing a pattern here))
(3) Eve: (random number generator my ass always get good rolls on 6's))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you study the name Forester for ten minutes longer and it leads you to a german website written entirely in german.
(4) Tristin: ((Psudo-random))
(3) Eve: ((woot for Babel fish translation website program :P))
** (1) Anthony pays with his Visa and heads back upstairs **
(3) Eve: "Anyone here read german?"
(4) Tristin: "Pfft..."
(2) Konrad Knox: it's an essay on a man from Poland who was able to grow a fully functional generation of fruit flies inside a sunflower
(4) Tristin: "Chineese or English... I can try something latin-based.. but I was flunking spanish when I awakened..."
(3) Eve: "Hmm.. fruit flies..""
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you got charged about 2000 USD on credit card for an italian suit
** (5) Robin blow drys her hair so it will be all pretty and neat. **
(1) Anthony: (( one pair of pants, one jacket, one shirt, one tie? ))
(3) Eve: ((once more on forester.. thrid roll now 9:40am roll with 5))
(3) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,6,[10, 1],1] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((correct but no shirt))
(1) Anthony: (( pants, jacket and tie? lol ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, nothing more
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes))
(1) Anthony: (( gonna look funky with my tennis shoes ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((but plenty of shirts for sale in the store))
** (1) Anthony starts looking for a shoe store **
(2) Konrad Knox: tons of em
** (4) Tristin goes and takes a shower when Robin gets out. **
** (1) Anthony will pick up 2 shirts in the store and then find a nice pair of italian leather shoes **
(2) Konrad Knox: Wits+Composure everyone. Anthony at -2
(4) Tristin: ((3+3=6))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,[10, 2],9,8,4] = (4)
(5) Robin: [6d10] => [2,8,10,7,9,9] = (45)
(5) Robin: 8
(1) Anthony: wits 3 + compure 4 - 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,9,5,6] = (1)
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],[10, 10, 6],8,1,9,4] = (4)
(1) Anthony: (( wow ))
(1) Anthony: (( yesterday my son got 6 success on 4d10 ))
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,5,1,8,4] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( tristin, I already sent you the die roller, right? ))
(1) Anthony: (( to use /dieroller nWoD
(4) Tristin: ((Thanks!!))
(4) Tristin: ((Was woundering about that))
(1) Anthony: (( it doesn't work right for init though, I always /dieroller std before inti then /dieroller nWoD afterwards ))
(2) Konrad Knox: BOOOOOM!!!! you three in the room hear this below you, Anthony you hear it above you. Tristin, you hear the explosion quite precisely, some glass sharpnell, you are able to time it precisely as happening at 9:27. Robin, you get a sense of exact location, two stories below you, where your old room was, you see a small shadow flying out of the room, out the window, and disappearing in the sewers below.
** (1) Anthony looks up, "What the heck wsa that? Did you hear that Uchawi?" **
(4) Tristin: "Holy Fuck!"
(3) Eve: "Shit what was that?!"
** (5) Robin turns off the dryer and runs out of the bathroom **
(2) Uchawi: "It sounded like an explosive device of some sort"
(1) Anthony: "A bomb? A bomb went off in the hotel? Oh shit."
(2) Konrad Knox: alarm immediately starts, and firemen rush up the stairs, elevators being blocked
** (1) Anthony starts heading up to the 9th floor and hteir room **
(5) Robin: "That sounded like it came from your old room, Eve."
** (4) Tristin gets out of the shower and dresses quickly into his new clothes which are....? **
(2) Konrad Knox: the entire wing is blocked off by the guards
** (3) Eve closes the computer as the sprinklers no doubt come on **
(2) Konrad Knox: "Prego, rimangono calme, le signore ed i signori mentre evacuiamo l'ala, si assicurano che tutto è sicuro."
(5) Robin: ((I don't know what I am wearing either.))
(2) Konrad Knox: "Please, remain calm, ladies and gentlemen as we evacuate the wing, make sure everyone is safe."
(1) Anthony: (( tony is rushing up the stairs to the 9th floor ))
** (3) Eve gathers her things and her purse, checks the contents. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you smell no smoke, see no fire... it really doesnt look like a symptom of a bomb...
(2) Konrad Knox: None of you can see any smoke or fire. There is no fire.
(1) Anthony: (( the fire is a lie ))
(2) Konrad Knox: sprinklers don't go off
(2) Konrad Knox: alarms are hearable on every floor, and the announcement
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, describe what clothes you got Tristin
(2) Konrad Knox: they sell everything
(1) Anthony: (( I bought a shirt before the "bomb" went off, but not shoes? ))
(3) Eve: (whatever they sel... oh.. jeans and t-shirt? maybe sweaters if it was colish outside))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you got your shoes, Anthony))
(1) Anthony: (( oh , good :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((about 2,500 USD total spending))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve your purse contents are fine.
(3) Eve: ((yay!!))
(1) Anthony: (( eating into my funds ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, it's a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt with Mona Lisa on it, missing a tooth. Writing on the back: "Happens to the best of us"
** (3) Eve waits in room for possible evacuation **
(3) Eve: ((going to ladies room don't explode anything without me))
(2) Konrad Knox: [explode
** (5) Robin puts on her old jacket over her new clothes, stuffing her old ones in her bag along with the poor rat. **
(3) Eve: nooooos!
(4) Tristin: ((Rachel still hasn't seen I don't think.))
(5) Robin: ((nopes))
(5) Robin: ((cute rat))
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you reach the 9th floor, at the same time with firefighters and security. The floor is ordered evacuation. A nice fire man knocks on the room door and shouts "Fire threat in the hotel, please evacuate!"
(1) Anthony: Strange Uchawi, I don't smell any smoke, sprinklers not going off. Wonder what kind of a bomb it was.
** (1) Anthony sees the fireman knocking on the door of their room and realizes that the explosion wasn't on this floor and rushes to the door and knocks, "It's me". and goes inside **
(5) Robin: "Tony, are you okay?"
(2) Uchawi: We were too far to tell for sure, but it suddenly was louder than a firecracker or a gunshot, and the motion wave was much too big for that sort of sound, it could be a massive sound wave, or perhaps a contained implosion, but I don't know what else could explode without any fire, unless it were... Arcane."
(1) Anthony: "yeah, I was wondering hte same about you. I heard an explosion above me. Thought it might of been here."
(1) Anthony: "Uchawi says it was probably an arcane explosion because no fire."
(5) Robin: "I'm certain it came from Eve's old hotel room."
** (1) Anthony goes into the bathroom and puts on his suit **
** (1) Anthony calls out, "If we pass by the room, Trisitin, you think you could see what had caused hte explostin?" **
(4) Tristin: "I can try."
(1) Anthony: "I don't think it'll be easy to get by teh room with all the firemen and such though. They're evacuating this wing."
(1) Anthony: "man, this hotel sucks, first someone breaks into our room, then someone blows up our old room, what kind of a place is this?"
** (1) Anthony finishes dressing and comes out with his old clothes in his hands, he had trasfered the book to his suit pocket **
(1) Anthony: "So, what's the plan, we going ot stay here or move to anothe rhotel or?"
(2) Konrad Knox: The firemen encourage everyone to evacuate to the lobby
(3) Eve: "If they hit the room again. they likely think we are dead."
** (3) Eve follows the nice fireman people to the lobby **
(5) Robin: "I have a feeling it had something to do with what happened yesterday...maybe we should find a new place."
** (3) Eve takes all her stuff with her. **
** (4) Tristin packs up his things just in case, his dagger, his robes, and his book **
(2) Konrad Knox: "L'allarme, allarme, evacua prego sotto al terzo pavimento, noi deve contenere la zona"
(1) Anthony: "I don't know, if we go somewhere else, they might see us checking out. Maybe better to stay here."
** (5) Robin slings her bag and bat on her back. **
(1) Anthony: "yeah, yeah, we're coming."
** (1) Anthony looks around for something to put his clothes in and sighs, "Dang, I gotta pick up a bag." **
(3) Eve: "Exactally.. if they attacked the old room, and suceeded they will think we are dead. I have this room for a week, no reason for me to check out if I'm dead."
(2) Konrad Knox: and the axe?
** (1) Anthony follows everyone down, "Maybe we should put on sites, they might be looking int he loby for us. **
(1) Anthony: The axe tony tucks into the back of his belt and covers it by the jacket
(4) Tristin: (((Gimli: "And MY Axe!"))
(5) Robin: spatial awareness gnosis 3+space 4))
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,2,9,2,4,8] = (3)
(3) Eve: "I want to go the the garden and look for threads.."
(4) Tristin: ((Temporal Eddies is already up as RPed... ))
** (3) Eve brings up Supernal Vision **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((its new scene, you need a roll))
(1) Anthony: Life sight - gnosis 2 + life 4 + power word 2 [8d10.open (10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 7],7,7,6,7,3,7] = (1)
(3) Eve: ((wits+occult+prime =8))
(3) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,4,9,6,3,7,2] = (1)
(4) Tristin: ((Wits 3 + Invest 2 + Time 4))
(1) Anthony: (( to bad it wasn't .vs. 7 ))
(4) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,3,[10, 6],3,6,1,2,5] vs 8 result of (2)
** (3) Eve scans the lobby then heads for the garden, looking for threads and if lucky a spell signature **
(5) Robin: third eye gnosis3+mind4))
(4) Tristin: Sybil's Sight. Gnosis 2 + Fate 3
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,[10, 3],6,2] vs 8 result of (2)
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,7,6,5,6,3] = (0)
(2) Konrad Knox: alright, you have sights up and you're following the firemen to the 3rd floor, you see panicking people around, gathering up from floors below and above you
** (1) Anthony would be looking sharp in his new suit if he didn't have an armload of clothes **
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,3,8,4,9] = (3)
(5) Robin: third eye
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve as you walk to the gardens you find traces of a space spell in the air. Others, you are surrounded by a lot of people, you gotta pick something to look for exactly. When you passed by the 7th floor, space sight revealed a hint of a space tempering present.
(2) Konrad Knox: as you move away from the 7th floor, the trace grows weaker
(2) Konrad Knox: it all originated in your old room
** (3) Eve looks up at wall and balcony of old room **
(5) Robin: "I think if we're going to stay here another night, I'd feel safer with a ward up."-said to Tony and Tristin.
(1) Anthony: nod
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, your room's window is broken. Blasted from the inside, all glass, completely, had been blasted out, the glass is all over the floor, all bearing a trace of space and shadow
** (1) Anthony nods **
(2) Konrad Knox: the garden floor that is
(2) Konrad Knox: Sharpnell bare a signature of ... things like those you can summon from darkness, except they are different, more substantial somehow
(4) Tristin: "Anyone see anything?"
** (3) Eve picks up a shard of glass **
(4) Tristin: "I mean... that I can't."
(3) Eve: "Hmm.."
(1) Anthony: "Not really..."
** (1) Anthony looks at the glass with Life site **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, once in the garden, you see no sign of fate or time magic.
(1) Anthony: *shrapnel
(5) Robin: "Well, there was definatly some space magic involved in the bang."
(4) Tristin: ((You have to talk for my fate sight to work fully.))
** (5) Robin heads to the garden bumping people in the crowd. **
(3) Eve: "They sent shadows.." ((in high speach))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((your fate sight detects tempering in fate. to view actual events, it's a different spell i think))
(4) Tristin: ((I know this one tells me when someone says something of grave significance))
(1) Anthony: High Speach - "Shadwows? What a suprise, another Moros" Tony looks at Eve with suspicioon
(1) Anthony: (( postcognition would see into hte past ))
(1) Anthony: (( and it's a time spell ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, life sight does not tell you much about glass. It's broken glass.
(1) Anthony: (( post cognition pp 260 2 dot time spell ))
(4) Tristin: ((I know... but... I only have 3 mana....))
(1) Anthony: (( postcognition doesn't take mana, no cost ))
** (3) Eve rolls her eyes at Tony and his look **
(4) Tristin: Post Cognition Gnosis 2 + Time 4
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 5],2,5,8,3] vs 8 result of (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: a bunch of janitors hurry to clean up the glass
(1) Anthony: (( you need to declair a time, WHEN yu want to se into ))
(4) Tristin: ((Oh, thought it was one))
(1) Anthony: (( and each successg ives one turn, 3 successw oudl give 3 turns or 9 seconds of viewing from that point you declare ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, what are you trying to see? place and time
(4) Tristin: ((Nine: Twenty-Seven AM, this room))
(1) Anthony: (( without space added it does it from where you are then ))
(4) Tristin: ((Err, our old room, which I was under the impression we are in?))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, no , my bad. yes, time and place ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you are in the garden 5 floors below it, you have to be at the location to tell what happened there))
** (5) Robin drop third eye and brings up sense conciousness hoping to see anything she might've missed **
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,5,1,6,3,3] = (0)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((unless you have space 2))
** (5) Robin trys again. **
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,3,8,4,3] = (2)
(4) Tristin: "Can someone get me to that room?"
(1) Anthony: (( do yo have space 2? ))
(4) Tristin: ((No, just one :( ))
(1) Anthony: (( then you can only see from where you are ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin has space 2))
(4) Tristin: ((Can Robin lend me a dot?))
(4) Tristin: ((I.. do?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((on my sheet anyway ... ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((do u recall buying it?))
** (5) Robin looks around the garden and at the broken window for any mind magic traces **
(4) Tristin: ((No :( ))
** (3) Eve tries to get a spell resonace (mage signature)) from the glass shard **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((hm, well i dont exactly randomly put dots into players arcana, but past experience showed that the proggy isnt 100% stable. so... you dont have 1 space?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((hard copies of char sheets help. ))
(1) Anthony: (( what is yoru time at? how many dots? ))
(1) Anthony: (( at 3 dots, you get 10 minutes per success ))
(1) Anthony: (( I'
(1) Anthony: (( I'm not sure if it's a stbility issue, or user clicking on accident issue ))
(4) Tristin: ((4))
(1) Anthony: (( time 3 = 1 minute per success, tie 4 = 10 minutes per successs ))
(1) Anthony: (( so with time 4 and 3 successes would be half an hour ))
(1) Anthony: (( but it would take half an hour to watch half an hour :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, the shadow is clearly a Moros, because you recognize the being's nature, but the aura you can't grasp, it feels eery, as if they could have come from a sleeper? it feels like an uncomfortable dead-end read.
(4) Tristin: ((I do have space 1))
(4) Tristin: ((Got it when I made Tristin. a mage))
(1) Anthony: (( too bad you don't have 14 exp points to spend ot buy space 2 ))
** (3) Eve mutters to herself "he wiped his aura" **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((he does))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((he has 22 exp))
(4) Tristin: ((I do... but I was saving.))
(1) Anthony: (( space 2 comes in handy for sympathetic spells ))
(4) Tristin: ((Err. I think I will take it though, I want some more Space.))
(4) Tristin: ((Spending 12 on Space 2))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((14))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((space is not your primary arcanum))
(4) Tristin: ((Okay 14))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((8xp left. space 2))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you are able to see what happened in the garden and in the room 707 at 9:27 and an hour before that, you are able to relive that hour
(1) Anthony: (( tyr rollign again -2 die since you can see the room from here? ))
(1) Anthony: (( n/m :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((he got space 2, he's fine))
** (4) Tristin 's eyes roll into the back of his head, he seems to go into a trance as immages rush into his mind. **
(1) Anthony: (( it would be an hour after htat right? spell description says after time declared. So he may want to tart at 7:20 or something ))
(2) Konrad Knox: What you see is the shadow was already gathering during the night, the room is filled with darkness, as more darkness creeps from the street, into the garden gress, up the walls, leaking into the room. It curls like a whirlpool around the spot on the bed, where Eve's bag was, when she remembered yesterday to rip the paper apart, that had a Star on it. You see the shadows circling around the place where the spell was destroyed, then intensifying, becoming so dense that the room cannot hold them, and finally exploding, the bed is shattered, the glass flew out, and the shadows slipped down into the sewers, sliding past the gardens.
(2) Konrad Knox: ((and buckweet looks like something))
(3) Eve: (oatmeal)
(4) Tristin: "Those Shadows followed us here... "
** (4) Tristin his eyes return to normal as he looks at his Cabal **
(3) Eve: '... Do you think they know we are still alive? Or did they seem convinced to the otherwise?"
(1) Anthony: "Well, we didn't do any vulgar magic. Maybe it wsa the star?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, in your vision the shadows left immediately after doing the job, they did not sniff around, just flew out after exploding
(3) Eve: ((in high speech) "What did you see exactally?"
(4) Tristin: "These shadows that have been following us, they gathered in 707 all night when enough of them gathered in the room, it poped and they ran off."
(1) Anthony: High Speech "Well, maybe they think the jobs done then. We might be okay. Maybe put up a ward, if it's covert magic, and we'll be fine."
(4) Tristin: "Into the sewers if you care to follow... but..."
(3) Eve: (stil in high speech) "Popped? What do you mean popped? Shadows don't explode.. unless they somehow took up all the space in the room."
(4) Tristin: "Yeah, that's what I mean, the room poped, not the shadows."
(1) Anthony: High Speech If they were like spirits, spirits can do different things. Maybe these were able to pop. As far as I've been able to learn, spirits can pretty much do anything we can, just not as much as we can."
(3) Eve: "If they were spirits then it was a Thyrus not a Moros mage. Shadows are my realm. If they were shadows it was a Moros. ((Still in high speech))
(1) Anthony: High Speech I mean look at Uchawi, he can give us wings in the Shadow Realm. Ghosts can't do things like that normlaly."
(4) Tristin: "Shadows definitly."
(1) Anthony: High Speech "Are shadows like spirits? Or they a specific type of death spirit? And I don't think these shadows were spirits because..well, I'm using life sight, not spirit sight.
(3) Eve: ((High Speech)) *looks over at Tony* "Oh are you going to teach me about what ghosts can do now?"
(1) Anthony: Second Sight (Mage Sight Spirit ) - Gnosis 2 + spirit 3 + Power Word 2 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,2,9,4,1,1] vs 8 result of (2)
(3) Eve: ((high speech)) "Shadows are shadows.. the absence of light. They require a mage's will to do anything they are not smart they are not siencent, they are told what to do and cease to be upon their creators whim."
(1) Anthony: (( I now have life sight and spirit sight up ))
** (1) Anthony looks up at the room **
(1) Anthony: High Speech "But Tristin said they left after they exploded the room. So they existed afterward. Maybe these are some other type of shadow spirits?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you cannot see a presense of a spirit, other than spirits of broken objects, which once existed as whole objects but were broken by shadows. You see no ghosts, even vaguely.
(1) Anthony: High Speech "At least no one seemed to have died. No ghosts around."
(1) Anthony: High Speech No traces of sprit spells either, although I don't know if a spirit would leave a trace after it leaves. I don't think it would."
(3) Eve: ((still high speech)) "If the command was, gather in this room until it is destroyed then return to me. They would not disappate. If only there were.. Ghosts are easy to question. *sighs*
(1) Anthony: High Speech "Hmm.. you know.. that's a good point. I wnder if there is a spirit of this place I can question. let me try to find out."
(3) Eve: (high speech) "there is only a space spell and a shadow spell here... well and a number of sight spells now.. but that is our doing."
(1) Anthony: (( I'm not sure of hte difference between Lesser and Greater spirit summons, 2 and 3 dots ))
(5) Robin: "I haven't casted any space spells((unless we are close enough to the collosium))."
(5) Robin: ((5 sq yards))
(5) Robin: ((oh, nvm read that wrong))
(1) Anthony: (( Oh, lesser summons twilight spirits, greater summosn across the gauntlet ))
(1) Anthony: Lesser Spirit Summons (C) - gnosis 2 + spirit 3 + power word 2 - Spirit(s) of the Hotel [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,1,4,3,3,[10, 2]] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Anthony: spirit Tongue (C) - gnsois 2 + spirit 3 + power word 2 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,9,[10, 9],9,3,5] vs 8 result of (4)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 spells active ))
(2) Konrad Knox: you summon a spirit of a random squirrel who used to live in the garden until it died
(3) Eve: ((in english)) "I wonder if we can go back to our rooms yet?"
(1) Anthony: (( no other spirits? I should summon others, if they care to respons, I ddin't demand they come, just asked ))
(1) Anthony: (( not nice to piss off spirits ))
(2) Konrad Knox: you have a few spirits to choose from
(1) Anthony: (( then all of htem from the hotel should of came who cared to come ))
(1) Anthony: (( I requrested all the spirits of the hotel ))
(2) Konrad Knox: you see spirit of sloth, spirit of good mood, spirit of the garden itself, who looks hurt by the glass, spirit of the hotel, spirit of a bellboy, spirit of vacation, spirit of lust, and a fat spirit of money
(3) Eve: ... "Robin care to try the locator thing while we have some time away from the room? You too Tristin if you have an interest."
(2) Konrad Knox: none of them particularly wish to actively talk, but they have gathered to see whats yp
** (1) Anthony looks at the spirit of the Hotel, "Hi, thank you for responding. do you know what happened in that room? someone hurt you and I want to make sure they pay." **
(5) Robin: "You don't think anything bad will happen if I try, after all they thought I had the flask."
** (1) Anthony looks at the spirit of the Hotel, "Hi, thank you for responding. do you know what happened in that room? someone hurt you and I want to make sure they pay." **
(2) Konrad Knox: spirit of the hotel is a massive ethereal building... it seems like it can listen, but does not talk, it smiles at you friendly, opening the doors
(3) Eve: "They think we are dead. So long as we don't cast random "Look at me I'm over here" beacons we should be fine. This thing seems to not leave a thread. Least not that I've seen, and I've been watching."
(2) Konrad Knox: spirit of the bellboy comes up and cleans it, maintaining its aura
(2) Konrad Knox: you recognize the bellboy as spirit of service and hospitality
(1) Anthony: High Speech "I dont' think the spirits in the area are gong to be much help."
(2) Konrad Knox: The Bellboy Spirit comes up to Anthony: "Welcome."
(5) Robin: "Do you think its safe to do here with the sleepers and all?"
(3) Eve: ((High speech)) "Thats why I like Ghosts.. least they have something to loose"
(1) Anthony: Thank you. Did you notice what type of ... beings.. were in room 707?
** (3) Eve walks off to find a quiet place for Robin to try the locator ring at. **
(1) Anthony: Were they spirits or just .. shadows?
(2) Konrad Knox: "He is a fine fellow, he's seen a lot. But we are so busy to please everyone, that... 707? Oh, we don't know, something got broken there. Maybe someone uncareful lit a fire accidentally, perhaps an ironing accident. We'll fix it up though."
(2) Konrad Knox: Garden Spirit replies: "Beings of great density, with a rancid, poisonois scent. They hurt my plants, and I don't like it."
** (5) Robin follows Eve. **
(1) Anthony: You say beings of great density, so it was more than just shadows? Hmm.. Thank you.
(2) Konrad Knox: "Pure darkness summoned out of night itself. Dark things they are, but they don't exist in our world, they are not dead, so they are no ghosts, and they had no aura about them but an idea, a will of their master. I do not know where they came from."
(1) Anthony: Sounds like shadows then. Powerful ones at that, must be a powerful mage who brought them. Tony tsks This will be difficult. Thank you all for your time.
** (1) Anthony bows, apparently to no one **
(2) Konrad Knox: "Time is all we have, it belongs to everyone..."
(2) Konrad Knox: the spirits go on doing their things
(2) Konrad Knox: money spirit flies to the shops, hospitality spirit rests at the front desk, the bellboy chills out with the hotel spirit, and vacation spirits run around the guests
** (1) Anthony turns to eve and speaks in High Speech Apparnetly it was some type of shadow, they did not have a mind of their own, but one of their master. **
(2) Konrad Knox: eve and Robin, you find a quiet place, it's a bench by the fountain
(2) Konrad Knox: fountain in shape of a naked boy
(2) Konrad Knox: peeing
** (3) Eve isn't there she went to find someplace quiet... with robin. **
(2) Konrad Knox: it's an angel though
(3) Eve: "Now do you remember how this works or shall I show it again?"
** (1) Anthony walks over to Eve and Robin and watches **
(5) Robin: "I just put the ring on and put a drop on my palm, right?"
** (3) Eve looks around for anyone **
(3) Eve: "Put the ring on your palm." *its the size of a bracelet*
** (3) Eve hands over the bottle and the ring **
(3) Eve: "and yes the drop on the palm."
** (5) Robin accepts the bottle and ring **
(2) Konrad Knox: the ring is a metal circle the size of a bracelet, made of heavy dark metal, the bottle is about 3 quarters full of shiny green liquid
(1) Anthony: "Have you tried it on something other htan your palm?"
(1) Anthony: "Something a bit.. flatter?"
** (5) Robin holds her hand out flat. puts the ring in her hand and drop a small amount of the liquid on her palm mimicing what Eve did last night the best she can. **
(3) Eve: "I'm sure you'll get a better reading than me with your space abilities.. something flatter like..my.. belly?... It has to be in contact with mage skin."
(1) Anthony: "Mage skin. Hmm.. "
(5) Robin: "Maybe your back or something."
** (4) Tristin followed Tony of course. **
** (3) Eve considers that for a moment.. **
(3) Eve: "How would I read it then.."
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you get a much much much more dense and clear reading that Eve did, about 4-5 milimeter area on the ring starts glowing, direction North-East. You remember the lines you drew on the map with a star, and you determine where the line crosses exactly
(2) Konrad Knox: in your mind you are able to deduce the cities it passes on the map
(3) Eve: "It looks like its working..."
** (3) Eve watches the drop with curiosity **
(2) Konrad Knox: Laquilla, Manibor Pecs, Budapest, Krakow, Ivano Frankivsk, Bihac,Zagreb, Subotica, Bugorno, Dunakeszi, Luecenec, Eger, Papa, Tapolca, Pula, Cres, Senj, Novo mesto, Teramo, Zadar, and a number of small villages, about a few dozens.
(1) Anthony: "Wow, ring is glowing, it didn't d that for me."
(5) Robin: "Oh man, I'm like crack for this thing."
(2) Konrad Knox: with relative certainty you can feel that the flow is moving north, slowly
(2) Konrad Knox: the reading grows a deviation to the north
(5) Robin: "I think its moving...does that mean the stone is moving, too?"
(1) Anthony: "Probably. Hmm.. means it will be a pain to triangulate if it's moving."
(3) Eve: ..."Wait.. do any of you have Fate and space..."
(1) Anthony: "But if you notice it moving, it must be relatively close? otherwise if it was far away you''d never notice the movement? Or it's moving VERY fast."
(4) Tristin: "Yeah, I have both."
** (1) Anthony shakes his head **
(5) Robin: North-East, now more north-ish. No, I only have space.
(3) Eve: "You try.. if this stone is the rock of destiny.. then fate.. would know where it was.. wouldn't it?"
(5) Robin: "Yeah, you try.
(4) Tristin: "Are you sure? My Spacial knowlage is just shy of being a beginer."
(1) Anthony: "I know it didn't work for me"
(1) Anthony: "About as well as it did for you anyway."
** (5) Robin hands the bottle and the ring to Tristin. "Try." **
** (3) Eve pulls out the map **
(5) Robin: "I'm pretty sure I can draw that line more accuratly now."
(3) Eve: "here robin while you can remember.. draw a line."
(1) Anthony: "But it's moving."
** (4) Tristin mimics what he's seen the others do, and places his ring on his finger. **
(5) Robin: "Anyone got a straight edge and a pen?"
** (3) Eve smiles **
(1) Anthony: (( palm, ring on palm, it's a ring of metal size of bracelet ))
** (3) Eve pulls out a pen and the pad of paper from the desk of the room she put in her purse from the first room **
(1) Anthony: (( call it a hoop ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, the ring is a hoop
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, i'm gonna draw the procedure...
(2) Konrad Knox: because it looks hopeless when described in text
(3) Eve: ((gives robin a cookie for getting it right heh))
(4) Tristin: ((Guess I've been all confused reading this.))
(1) Anthony: (( I understand. You take a bit ring of metal size of bracelet, place it on your palm. drop a drop of hte liquid inside on your palm. the liquid moves toward the hoop ))
** (4) Tristin sets the ring flat on his palm, used to straitening it for strikes with an open hand. **
** (5) Robin lays the map down flat on a bench and draws a clear, straight line through the cities that came to her:Laquilla, Manibor Pecs, Budapest, Krakow, Ivano Frankivsk, Bihac,Zagreb, Subotica, Bugorno, Dunakeszi, Luecenec, Eger, Papa, Tapolca, Pula, Cres, Senj, Novo mesto, Teramo, Zadar. **
** (4) Tristin he holds it out, steadying his hand and drips one drop from the bottle onto it. **
(1) Anthony: "Tell me, if we know where the gem is, wh y are we waiting around til tomorrow to talk tot he prince? Why aren't we just going to the ring?"
(1) Anthony: "Being cautious?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you get a different feeling at all, you have not nearly the precision of Robin's read, about 7 milimeters of the ring start glowing, but you get a clear feeling of something else...
(5) Robin: "There." she says while laying the pen and straight edge down ontop of the map."
(3) Eve: "Because we don't.. Know where the gem is we have several cities it might be in, and because if the theory from last night is correct, that castle could be some kind of tower that creates a ward or detection spell so if we pass it they will know. And.. finally.. because we just now got a better reading on where the stone is and made the reservations yeasterday when I wasn't even sure what time you guys would be getting here.
(3) Eve: "I cannot see into the future, when I made the reservations, the last I had heard from all of you, you were in California, being chased by shadows, and didn't want to be tracked. I assumed taht meant you would be taking an airplane. I figured that would mean you would arrive very early today at the earliers. Surprise of surprises you took a faster route."
(2) Konrad Knox: Opole, Lodz, Laquilla, Manibor Pecs, Budapest, Krakow, Ivano Frankivsk, Bihac, Zagreb, Subotica, Bugorno, Dunakeszi, Luecenec, Eger, Papa, Tapolca, Pula, Cres, Senj, Novo mesto, Teramo, Zadar, Munchen, Fano, Ancona, Osijek, Venezia, Bologna, Osterrech, Graz, Gyor, Arad, Oradea, Saty Mare,Miskolc, Kosice, Rivne, Lublin, and about a hundred villages... but what you can see is the bearer. The gem is made into a necklace pendant, sitting on the neck of a gorgeous woman, I mean, hotter than Eve and Kassidy, dark brown hair, nice lips, just a total babe, the stone is touching her tan breast. Beside her is a fucking scary looking man in black with erosion all over his face, his jaw seems to be sawn together with metal pins, his teeth replaced with steel fangs, his eyes glow yellow, his left ear is covered in scales, and he has ugly abrasions on his throat. Clad in black leather. They are in a fast moving helicopter.
(4) Tristin: "They have a fucking chopper..."
** (1) Anthony nods, "Of course, I told you it had to be moving fast." **
** (4) Tristin still focusing on what he can see, he tries to see their destination **
(1) Anthony: "They/"
(1) Anthony: "They?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, they are moving...
(2) Konrad Knox: roll me wits+space
(4) Tristin: "A chick and a... I guess you call that a man."
(4) Tristin: Wits 3 + Space 2
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,4,3,8] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: north west... you think
(4) Tristin: ((I more ment with Time/Fate to predict their destination.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((no can do. you cannot cast on this device. only get data off it))
(3) Eve: "You guess he's a man.. is he using a life spell or something? Mind mask?"
(2) Konrad Knox: soon, the magical liquid dries out, absorbed by your skin, and your sensation fades
(4) Tristin: "No, just fuck-ugly."
(3) Eve: "Well we can't account for her taste in companions I suppose."
(4) Tristin: "No I mean REALLY ugly."
(1) Anthony: "So they are north east moving.. north in a helicopter? Hmm.. where ever they are going, it is north of us."
(3) Eve: "Looks like you two are the ticket. Robin for coordinates and Tristin for visions. ... How ugly?"
(4) Tristin: "Like B Horror Film Ugly."
(5) Robin: "Ew"
(1) Anthony: "Like Igor?"
** (5) Robin makes and awkward facial expression **
(4) Tristin: "Uglier"
(1) Anthony: "Uglier than Igor? Hmm.. Frankenstien's monster?"
(3) Eve: "Eesh.. Wonder which one that is.. probably Scavenger.. though perhaps Forester.. Hard to say I suppose... Could be any of them."
(4) Tristin: "Maybe they are related..."
(1) Anthony: "I don't think its' a life mage, cause a life mage could look good of they wanted."
(3) Eve: "All things are possible with enough backlash."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, right, forgot about that. Read in book, something about marks and such."
(1) Anthony: "Wait, wasn't that if you wree evil?"
(1) Anthony: "Did bad things?"
(3) Eve: "Who know's maybe he likes looking that way.. some animals want to look scarier, bigger, meaner.... Vulgar magic is vulgar magic.. it all causes paradox."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so.. do we head north, or wait here til tomrorow and investigate this castle? If it's some beacon we should probably wiat."
(4) Tristin: "Stealing isn't "evil" right?"
(1) Anthony: "Well, yes, stealing is evil."
(4) Tristin: "So I'll look like that?"
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(3) Eve: "I've always seen stealing as a gray area. It is "evil" by a judicial standard as people don't like to lose the things they consider theirs. But then.. If a person is starving and steals bread from a rich man is he evil?"
(1) Anthony: "I'm not quite sure exactly how it works."
(1) Anthony: "Well, 'stealing' this gem from teh lady is not evil, becuase she shouldn't have it in the fist place. Stealing from a business or person would be though."
** (3) Eve shrugs **
(1) Anthony: "But then, is an animal evil for stealing food from antoher?" Tony shrugs
(3) Eve: You could always summon the spirit of justice and the spirit of thief and compare.. But I would rather do something like try to get an edge on our opponants with more info.
whispering to Anthony, funny how anthony got his lesson of spirit justice in egypt. spirit of theft would be at war with spirit of justice or starvation. there is no global justice, just a conflict of spirits. who wins, wins. coin toss :D
(1) Anthony: "Well, I'm going to have to buy some travel bag or something for my clothes. Maybe a suitcase or something."
(1) Anthony: "a backpack wouldn't go well with my suit."
** (1) Anthony admires his new shoes **
(2) Konrad Knox: theyre shiny and nice
(2) Konrad Knox: tip top and match the suit
(1) Anthony: "Okay, I'll meet everyone back in our room then I guess? Going to go buy a travel bag."
** (3) Eve look down at the shoes... **
(5) Robin: "Alright, I think I'll shop around and maybe check out the pool."
(3) Eve: "Mmmkay.. Tristin.. Robin.. how are you at finding information?
(3) Eve: "Hmm actually.." *looks at them both closely for a moment* "Maybe shopping and the pool would be better for you.. you could use the mana.. both of you."
(4) Tristin: "What, something wrong with my mana? I feel much beter..."
(5) Robin: "Yeah, I don't think I'd be that good...you brought a laptop because you thought it would be helpful and I brought a rat..."
(3) Eve: "How about, meet in the room in a few hours and if I've got anything I'll share. Honey you are running on empty and it shows."
** (5) Robin looks down at her feet and chuckles **
(4) Tristin: "I thought I was all charged up..."
(3) Eve: "In the right situation rats can be very helpful. Especially if you can read their minds afterwards."
** (3) Eve squints at him **
(1) Anthony: "I just talk to htem."
(1) Anthony: "This one wonders why he exists."
(3) Eve: "I would say on a 1-10 you are a.. 3.5 at most.
** (1) Anthony looks at eve funny, "What?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: the people stopped evacuating. floor 7 was closed, disabled on elevators, all floor 7 guests were compensated and relocated, the hotel life goes on as normal, alarms are off.
(4) Tristin: "I'm not -that- ugly..."
(3) Eve: "His.. *whispers* mana...*raises voice8 Is 3.5
** (3) Eve rolls her eyes **
(1) Anthony: "umm.. okay, if you say so."
(2) Konrad Knox: your wing is open again. people are still talking and waivering about it, but the panic is gone from the air
(3) Eve: "Please cute in a illegal sort of way but far to young.
(1) Anthony: "What am I then?"
** (3) Eve squints at Tony **
(1) Anthony: "Mana wise."
(1) Anthony: (( 9 out of 11 ))
(3) Eve: "I'd say you're a quart low.. *smirks* naw a tenth 8.5-9"
(4) Tristin: "If I had a dollar for every time... nevermind... I'll change back into my pants I already swam in. So I don't get these ones all pooled up too."
(5) Robin: Oh, what about me?"
(1) Anthony: "Tristin, come with me, we'll go buy some bathing suits."
** (3) Eve shifts her gaze **
(1) Anthony: "I'll buy you one if you need."
(3) Eve: "your about a 6 out of 10.. 6.5 maybe"
(4) Tristin: "I have cash... I just prefer pants."
(1) Anthony: "Who swims in pants?"
(4) Tristin: "me"
(5) Robin: "neat."
(1) Anthony: "They did in the old days. The way old days. But this is europe."
(1) Anthony: (( men at pool wearing skeedos? ))
(1) Anthony: (( er, speedos? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((swim suits and shorts))
(5) Robin: ((nothing!!!!!! hehe.)
(4) Tristin: ((/me shudders))
(3) Eve: "I'll see you at the room in a couple of hours. Still got some stuff to dig up."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((nothing only in sauna booths))
(1) Anthony: nod
** (3) Eve goes up stairs leaving them to the swimmy swimming **
(5) Robin: Alright"
(4) Tristin: "Lemme get my pants."
** (1) Anthony heads off to go shopping for luggage and swimwear **
** (1) Anthony will swim for an hour then go tot he room **
** (5) Robin heads off by herself looking for a swiming suit for herself and perhaps a pretty sun dress. **
** (1) Anthony also buys a can of mixed nuts **
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you notice that during the day pool hours, there is a pool attendant. He lets you through, hands you a towel, sees you on the way out. you regain 1 mana swimming
** (4) Tristin remembers he put his pants in his bag and just walks to the bathroom to change, then swims for a few hours again. **
** (4) Tristin closes his eyes **
(1) Anthony: (( 10/11 mana ))
(4) Tristin: "MARCO!"
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, the pool attendant stop you
(4) Tristin: ((nvm))
(2) Konrad Knox: "I'm sorry sir, but you cannot enter in this clothes. Please change in the booth))
(4) Tristin: "Yes?"
(2) Konrad Knox: ""
(2) Konrad Knox: "Swimming suits are available in the hotel stores."
** (3) Eve is researching "Scavenger" by the time Tony comes to the room **
(2) Konrad Knox: "Shorts and swimming briefs are customary"
** (4) Tristin nods and heads to the front desk **
(2) Konrad Knox: the time is noon
(4) Tristin: dick
(3) Eve: Weee))
** (5) Robin finds a suit and a light green dress and heads to the pool to find a changing booth. **
** (3) Eve eats one of the last pastries and starts research at noon:10 **
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, the attendant checks you out, resists petting you on the butt (sicko), and greets you on the way in
(4) Tristin: "I'd like to exchange for Euro's please"
(2) Konrad Knox: you regain a 1 mana per hour
(1) Anthony: "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help?"
(2) Manager: "certamente signore, quanto gradite scambiare?"
** (5) Robin sets her stuff down poolside and does a cannon ball into the deep end. **
(1) Anthony: (( dang, I have 0 dots in computer. ))
(5) Robin: wish I shaved my legs.
(4) Tristin: "Er... do you speak English?" switching to Mandarin "Or Chinese perhaps?"
** (1) Anthony also buys a razor **
** (3) Eve does searches for Scavenger with 7 :D **
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,6,7,[10, 2],4,[10, 6]] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( dang, I want to pet that picture of a rat. lol. I miss my wifes rat. ))
(3) Eve: I like the d&d kitty myself))
(3) Eve: ((NOOO!!!!!))
(3) Eve: ((cries!))
(4) Tristin: ((Gamer cat eats mousey))
(4) Tristin: ((I just moved it...))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, nothing on scavenger
(3) Eve: ((oh.. okay))
(3) Eve: ...Nothing??!! ((said outloud for emphasis!))
(2) Manager: "Yes sir. How much would you like to exchange?"
** (3) Eve tries again at 12:20 **
(3) Eve: ((with 6))
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,7,4,6,9] = (1)
** (5) Robin swims about the pool. swim swim swim. **
(4) Tristin: "One thousand US Dollars"
(4) Tristin: ((I think I gave Robin 40?))
(1) Anthony: (( we gave my aunt my wife's rat when we moved. It was a mistake. http://www.laobserved.com/archive/2007/06/rat_lady_of_wilmington.php ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, nada. Google junk. Some Scavenger last names in public records, but theyre last names of perfectly legit people. Such a name brings up an assfuckload of animals and birds, making it impossible to search in 20 minutes
** (2) Manager hands Tristin a bit under 900 Euro **
(3) Eve: ((gets sneaky about it and searches police records.. cause she can :P))
(2) Manager: "Here you are, sir, anything else I can do for you? Which room are you staying in?"
** (2) Manager eyes Tristin **
(4) Tristin: "Why may I ask?"
(2) Konrad Knox: ((keep rollin))
(3) Eve: ((5)
(3) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,7,[10, 8],5] = (2)
(7) Anthony (enter): 02:22
(7) Anthony: (( don't past images/stuff in chat, it slows my openrpg down a LOT ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Anthony...
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(1) Anthony' from server...
(1) Anthony (exit): 02:22
(7) Anthony: (( a lot as in unusable ))
(3) Eve: ((You were the last to post anything the cat's been there a long while))
(7) Anthony: (( not up there, down here ))
(7) Anthony: (( picutres up in map are fine. I saw someone paste stuff here in chat ))
(7) Anthony: (( or maybe it was just my openrpg bugging out ))
(4) Tristin: ((The latter))
(7) Anthony: (( okay, so I went bought stuff, went upstairs, asked eve if I could help, realized I don't know how to use a computer ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you find the report on the serial killer known as Scavenger. No ID, no fingerprints. The man burnt his fingers off. His blood samples did not match any birth certificates. John Doe for all you care. A rather good looking face. You get a good glance on him, short black hair, he is white, pale, thin lipped. Long nose. Does not look like a killer on first sight. Has one of those "could be a charming guy, could be a rapist" look. He got caught, that's all that mattered. Was guilty and confessed of 11 murders, 34 rapes, and 2 of his assault victims survived. They have recognized him, and the man was sentenced to death by lethal injection. He was written down as dead. Case was closed.
(2) Manager: "Just a security policy, sir."
(4) Tristin: "Nine - Oh- Seven..."
(7) Anthony: (( 917 ))
(7) Anthony: (( wasn't it? ))
** (2) Manager nods, looking at the screen, which reflects Tristin's face off the security cam, and wishes Tristin a good day **
(7) Anthony: (( old room was 707, new room 917 ))
** (2) Manager writes 907 in the chart **
** (4) Tristin heads to the store to buy a bathing suit **
** (5) Robin gets tired of swiming and drys off chill in those chairs that lean really far back. **
(3) Eve: ((I want to remember his face, and look for his victim's common themes since he's a serial killer))
(2) Manager: Robin 8/12 mana
(7) Anthony: (( I can't remember names to save my life, but I can generlaly remember numbers ))
(2) Manager: Eve, roll Intel to remember. Next time you'll try to remember the face, you'll add successes to dice pool
(3) Eve: just int?
(2) Konrad Knox: yes
(2) Konrad Knox: raw power of intelligence
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,1] = (0)
(3) Eve: yay! I win!))
(2) Konrad Knox: you think you remember the face
** (7) Anthony sits around the room twiddling his thumbs anxious to be doing something **
(2) Konrad Knox: Store clerk to Tristin in the bathing suit store: "ciao signore, avete selezionato dalla nostra selezione?"
(7) Anthony: Dang it Uchawi, this sitting around is driving me crazy! I gotta be doing something.
** (7) Anthony starts doing pushups **
(4) Tristin: "Umm..."
** (7) Anthony stops when he notices it's not good for the toes of his designer shoes **
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, guys and girls pass you by, not really noticing, guys kinda look away, girls greet you with quick nods, you observe people quietly and laze around
** (3) Eve continues to sit on the hotel bed doing research on various nafarious mage criminals **
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you try to trace patterns in Scavenger's victims
(2) Konrad Knox: roll wits+investigation
(3) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,5,4] = (1)
** (5) Robin tired of lounging about jumps back in for a few more laps **
(7) Anthony: (( Tony did buy one of those suit bags for his suit also ))
(7) Anthony: "Oh, I know."
(7) Anthony: "Maye I'll look over the castle we're gong to visit, I'm sure if there's a tour there's a tourist pamphlet."
(2) Konrad Knox: the selection seems at first quite random, his murder victims were young females and males, his rape victims were all young girls except one - who was a boy, and two who escaped him were males in their thirties, both. You notice that all his victims were white, young, and in good health.
** (4) Tristin looks around for a nice pear of black shorts **
(3) Eve: (outloud)
(2) Konrad Knox: professions, locations, and hobbies of victims seem random
(3) Eve: "This makes no sense.. your a serial killer.. whats the connection..." Mutters CSI stuff that makes little sense
(3) Eve: ((works on it more))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you're swimming for some time... feel another charge, but it's kinda getting cold, and too wet, and the water makes you hungry
** (7) Anthony asks eve, "What's the name of the Red Princes castle so I can get some pamplets on it?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you get swimming shorts of any style and color you can imagine, pick one
(3) Eve: "The pamplets are in my purse, its the Castle Roselli, owner Jason Roselli, over 800 years old.. doesn't list an address, just a place to meet the tour.
(4) Tristin: ((Semi-Long black shorts))
** (5) Robin gets out of the pool, drying off for good. putting her tshirt and pants back on over her suit. She head out of the pool area after gathering her things and goes to the hotel shops. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, done.
(4) Tristin: ((Loose fitting))
(7) Anthony: "I know better than to go into a ladies purse. I'll bring your purse to you and you can get htem out."
** (4) Tristin pays the man....? **
** (7) Anthony brings eve her purse **
(2) Konrad Knox: Clerk: "euro 38 per favore"
** (4) Tristin pays him 40 and walks out **
** (3) Eve pulls out the pamplets only half paying attention to her purse, reading over medical reports and police records **
(3) Eve: "Looks nice, lovely gardens."
** (7) Anthony starts going over hte pamplets showing htem to Uchawi **
** (4) Tristin heads to the pool and changes **
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you can find any store in this hotel mall you wish.
** (5) Robin goes to the shops looking for a razor and a candy bar. **
(7) Anthony: (( one way or another this hotel is gonna get your money ))
(3) Eve: "Hmm.. I wonder..
(2) Konrad Knox: Attendant lets you through Tristin
** (3) Eve checks the dates on the attacks on the two thirty year olds **
(2) Konrad Knox: "Enjoy"
** (3) Eve the men **
** (7) Anthony looks at the pamplets and tries to draw a map of the place from the pictures and images he sees **
** (4) Tristin hops in the pool and swims for a bit (I assume I would have been done before Robin left?)) **
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, most people kinda shy away from you, they are healthy tan beautiful people, compared to them you seem like a sick little mouse with a lot of drugs in your system. Almost completely unnoticed you snoop around the malls and find a bath and body works store. Plenty of razors, and candy is on every corner.
(7) Anthony: (( You know, there should be a space spell for that, but there isn't. I would think it would be at lesat space 2 thought, and I only have space 1 ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes Tristin, you get some swim time with Robin together))
(4) Tristin: "MARCO"
(2) Konrad Knox: ((feel free to Rp now with her in the pool))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((or even accompany her to the mall))
(5) Robin: ((/me pretends she doesn't know you and sits by the side of the pool j/k))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((lol burn))
(7) Anthony: (( actually, when you call marco some stranger on the side would say, "Si?" ))
(5) Robin: "POLO!!"
(2) Konrad Knox: ((lawl!))
(7) Anthony: (( Now another strange, "Si?" ))
(4) Tristin: ((Okay, all I really wanted.))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, the killer's failures were good looking men, they don't look their age. The first escapee was Scavenger's 9th victim. The rapes are interchanged with murders in approximately 2-3 rapes between killings. The second escapee was Scavenger's last victim.
(7) Anthony: (( Okay, what do I need to roll to make a semi accurate map of hte castle from the picutres I see? ))
** (4) Tristin tells Robin he'll see her back at the room, or in here if she's done early. **
(5) Robin: "Alright, you want a candy bar, too?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you get 4th mana, as you feel that Eve was right. You feel even more filled, even more energetic. You get a sense that you had no idea of your true full potential. You start feeling a power flow which seems to have more room still, a lot more.
(4) Tristin: "Yeah"
(5) Robin: "Okay, see you."
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, the pamphlet is tricky
(2) Konrad Knox: details follow:
** (5) Robin leaves to go to the bath and body works store to pick up a razor. **
(2) Konrad Knox: It's a museum house, Palace Roselli - home of the aristocratic dynasty. Looks like a castle on the top of a mountain surrounded by rocky plains and a small green forest. The few photographs feature classic renessanse style inner design, beautiful gardens, and very vague outview of the actual location. It could be on the coast, or could be in the mainland. No address is specified, tours can only be reserved by phone or email. What catches your attention is an emblem on one of the castle flags, showing a man clad in red armor holding a spear.
(2) Konrad Knox: if you try using internet, you can find the website given in the brochure, but no search engine returns alternative query results, neither does Wikipedia. From the tour official website, you get that Castle Roselli is 800 years old, and it belongs for over 300 years to a rich italian family of Roselli, and recently inherited by its only owner Jason Roselli. The castle features an art gallery with many famous historical works - paintings, sculpture. A special garden tour can be scheduled featuring Italian, French and Moroccan style gardens.
(5) Robin: robin also picks out four candy bars two milky ways and two butterfingers. then she heads upstairs to the room.
(7) Anthony: (( european milky ways are a little different than american ones ))
(3) Eve: "Bah I'm missing something.. its gotta be here.."
(2) Konrad Knox: Scavenger's first crime was a murder of a 19 year old woman
(7) Anthony: (( I don't remember HOW, I just remember they ARE ))
** (3) Eve looks at the next murder **
** (3) Eve asl of next murder **
(2) Konrad Knox: a rape of a 22 year old woman, New Haven, Oregon.
** (3) Eve and the next... I'm gonna write asl of each murder in order. **
** (5) Robin knocks on the room door and opens it in sort of one motion. **
(4) Tristin: ((Mad-cow Milk?))
(5) Robin: "Hello Eve, Tony."
(2) Konrad Knox: a rape and murder of a 20 year old girl, virgin. Was found with her thighs cut open, skin carefully punctured and flipped over open to expose muscles
(3) Eve: "Hey robin enjoy the pool>
** (7) Anthony looks up from the pamplet, "Hey. How's it going. Bored as hell myself." **
(3) Eve: "hmm.."
(5) Robin: "Yeah it was alright. I brought canybars for everyone."
** (3) Eve looks to see if he did weird mutilations to all victims **
(5) Robin: "mily way or butterfinger?"
(7) Anthony: "Milky Way plesae."
** (5) Robin tosses one his way. **
(5) Robin: "Eve?"
(7) Anthony: (( The Milky Way bar is a candy bar distributed by the Mars candy company. The American version of the Milky Way bar is made of chocolate-malt nougat topped with caramel and covered with milk chocolate and is similar to the European Mars bar. The European Milky Way bar, on the other hand, is not topped with caramel and is therefore similar to the American 3 Musketeers bar. ))
(2) Konrad Knox: he injured almost all of his victims, they all ended bloody, cuts and bruises, all the murders were gory - skinned faces, torn off limbs, his later victims seem to have had acid burns and highly accelerated decayed bodies, but his last 10 victims were pretty mush burnt to crispy ashes
(5) Robin: ((Noooo! the caramel is why I bout it!!))
** (7) Anthony opens his milky way and takes a bite, "Hey, what is this? This is a 3 Muskateers bar in a milky way wrapper!" **
(2) Konrad Knox: victims who survived refused to testify, except the two who escaped
(5) Robin: "Aww. No caramel?"
(7) Anthony: "Yeah, no caramel."
(2) Konrad Knox: the boy Scavenger assaulted sexually was a transvestite, looks like the killer did not know he was a boy until it was too late.
(5) Robin: "Good thing I don't mind Three Muskateers."
(3) Eve: "hmm.. getting worse... and only.. hmm.. why murder.." Makes more notes
(3) Eve: "So.. murder.. rape rape murder.."
** (5) Robin unwraps the last milky ways and chows down tossing the butterfingers on the end of one of the beds. **
** (3) Eve lists all the crimes in order **
** (7) Anthony looks at the garden in the pamplet and tries to notice anythign unusual. (( Like mandrake, wolves bane, etc.. )) **
(2) Konrad Knox: roll int+investigation
(3) Eve: ((medical specialization??))
(2) Konrad Knox: how much can you access from public internet?
(7) Anthony: int 3 + inves 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],2,7,9] = (2)
** (5) Robin goes into the bathroom to freshen up. shaving, rinsing the pool water out of her hair and changing into her awesome new green dress. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((state what data you want))
(3) Eve: (as much as a secrure server with a log-in would allow over a internet acess. I want the order of murders and rapes, if they were clear murders or accident due to horrible rape, and how they differ the rapes and the murders))
** (5) Robin come out of the bathroom with a hotel-bathroom-cup full of water. Sits down on the bed and lets the rat out of her bag and his cage, setting the water in his cage if he wants to drink some. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, the gardens are pretty much normal, all sorts of flowers, bushes, trees and cultures, but one thing is unusual - the shots are always taken in such a way that the picture ends abruptly never reaching horizon, no background. As far as flowers go, petunias, roses, love potions, pansies, rare kinds of daisies, a variety of berries, trees - willows, a large oak, cypress, conifer.
** (7) Anthony starts looking at all the picutres in the pamplet seeing if he can see anything other than the castle, anythign at all that would give any clue to it's location **
(2) Konrad Knox: the pamphlet is made in such a way as to protect the owner, you can't tell the location, it could be rocky area, could be a plain, could be in the middle of a forest or on the sea coast. The soil is specially cultivated, and the gardens are in their own environment, not natural. All the pamphlet says is that it's near Rome, but no address. Only phone number for reservations.
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you do get a castle map
** (7) Anthony studies the map and tries to memorize as much of it as he can **
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin looks like a junkie princess. beautiful in her sickle thin stature
(2) Konrad Knox: sickly*
(7) Anthony: int 3 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,3] = (1)
(3) Eve: ((its Miss Junkie Princess USA... there she is.. Miss Junkie Princess... *hums the tune of Miss America*))
(5) Robin: ((I'm not sickly thin :( ))
(5) Robin: ((lol)))
(7) Anthony: (( if you do crystal meth, you most likely are ))
(5) Robin: ((I don't))
(2) Konrad Knox: On the map - towers, gardens, ponds and fountains.
(2) Konrad Knox: the only visible gate from the pamphlet is the front gate
(4) Tristin: ((They are pot heads and psycodelic users, not crack-heads.....))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you have presense 1. you're not pretty :P ))
(3) Eve: ((aww she has a munchie belly :D))
(2) Konrad Knox: Ok, Eve here requested a ton of info.
(7) Anthony: (( you mean haluciogenic? ))
(3) Eve: ((I know))
(4) Tristin: ((Halucinogens are a psycodelic, yes))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, roll invest+int+medical spec - 2 (case closed+some medical data is hard to access as its classified+some of the reports are only available in hard copy. Different doctors did the conclusions))
(3) Eve: int + invest + spec = 6 - 2 = 4
(3) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,1,7] = (0)
(3) Eve: ((yay! I'm the best))
(2) Konrad Knox: in 10 minutes you get too swarmed with info that you need to focus harder
(2) Konrad Knox: repeat with -1 on top
(3) Eve: kk
** (5) Robin plays with the rat on the bed scratching him behind the ears. **
(3) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,4] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: okay..
(2) Konrad Knox: Scavenger: 45 assaults total...
(3) Eve: ((does the castle look like a person waving to anyone else?))
(2) Konrad Knox: #1: 19 yr old. female. virgin. murder by slicing throat, removing both eyelids.
(2) Konrad Knox: #2: 22 years old. Rape. Survived. severe damage to left kneecap, broken.
(2) Konrad Knox: #3 20 yr old, female. raped and murdered. careful cuts, very prudently done on the inner side of thighs, a piece of skin removed on each thigh to expose a triangle of flesh
(2) Konrad Knox: #4 19 year old, virgin, rape, light cuts on the cheecks, neck, stomach. No permanent injuries
(2) Konrad Knox: #5 23 year old, rape, light cuts on the elbows and shins, twisted leg, the victim was assaulted from the back, on her stomach. survived.
(2) Konrad Knox: #6 murder. white male. 24 years old. both arms cut off, toes removed.
(2) Konrad Knox: #7 rape, female, 21 years old, virgin, left arm broken.
(2) Konrad Knox: #8 rape, female 18, light cuts in the area of abdomen, parts of skin removed from the upper belly, flesh exposed. he was working with a knife.
(2) Konrad Knox: #9 murder, a couple. husband 24 years old, wife 22 years old. Removed scalps on both, male's jaw removed.
(7) Anthony: (( afk, back in 10 ))
(3) Eve: ...It's the men.. he's taking... pieces.. ugh.""
(2) Konrad Knox: #10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 were all females, first three were virgins, other 7 were not, ages 20, 20, 20, 19, 22, 25, 28, 20, 19, 19. All survived, all rapes. Every one showed burns on the lower abdomen and cuts in the areas of neck, various places, similar looking cuts, knife wounds.
(2) Konrad Knox: none of them agreed to testify against the man, reasons not reported.
(2) Konrad Knox: victim #22, assault. escaped and survived. white male, 34 years old.
(2) Konrad Knox: Scavenger attacked him with a knife, he resisted and knocked him down. He said the man was wearing a mask and wielding a large flip-over knife. He attempted to cut his genitals, but the man had a belt in karate.
(2) Konrad Knox: Scavenger was described as tall, a bit below 6 feet. The victim was a short man.
(2) Konrad Knox: Victim #24, murder, white male, 20 years old, genitals removed. No other parts severed. died from a direct wound to the heart
** (4) Tristin swiming up and down the pool **
(2) Konrad Knox: victim # 24 through #30 - rapes of consistant age, as if the man's precision of choice has improved. all white virgin females of 19 years of age. All showed small cuts on arms and legs
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, regains mana!!
(2) Konrad Knox: 5/11
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you feel like you can move faster than time, pass through rocks, stop time, you're so energized you can't feel better... until next hour passes... you'rel oving the pool
(2) Konrad Knox: victims #31 through #36 were all murders, and they all were made in the same way - victims were burnt to crisp. all white males, nothing removed.
** (3) Eve shakes her head **
(2) Konrad Knox: victim #37 was a rape, white 23 year old boy, transvestite, happened on a club party a mile away from Anchors in New Haven, 5 years ago. The boy refused to testify, he only had one cut on his cheek,
(2) Konrad Knox: victims #37 through 44 were all rapes, with no cuts or damage other than burns on sides and backs of victims, shaped like palms, no fingerprints, just shapes of palms burnt into skin, as if with acid. all were 20 year old white female virgins
(2) Konrad Knox: #45 attempted assault of a 6.2 foot tall white male, 33 years old, healthy lifestyle, non smoker, non drinker, boxer. He disarmed scavenger of his knife, after Scavenger attempted a jab at his kidneys
(2) Konrad Knox: The man tackled the criminal on his back, tied him up with a jacket, knocking him out, called police.
(3) Eve: "learning as he went.. he hid how they really happened.. he's one of mine. Thats why they thought he was dead."
(2) Konrad Knox: victim number 22 and 45 testified and recognized Scavenger, and he confessed to all the murders. Was sentenced to lethal injection, though some victim relatives demanded slow electricution
(2) Konrad Knox: 4 years ago Scavenger was put down, and case was closed.
** (3) Eve what prision. **
(2) Konrad Knox: shipped to California. Cape Silence, outside Sacramento. Burial place unknown.
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve has been at it for 3 hours.
** (3) Eve finally looks up from her research 3 hours later to see what time it is and what's going on. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Back to my other heroes.
(2) Konrad Knox: What are u doing?
(4) Tristin: ((swiming))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i hope you learned that one of the guys you might be dealing with is fucking scary))
(3) Eve: Yes.. yes I did))
(3) Eve: ((hides))
(5) Robin: i am playing with the rat leaning against the wall sitting up in my bed.
(3) Eve: ((good thing i'm too old and not a virgin))
(2) Konrad Knox: the rat wants some food
(2) Konrad Knox: it paws at the nuts
** (5) Robin gives him a few nuts **
(5) Robin: and some candy bar crumbs
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you regain 2 mana. you get real hungry, but your energies of Time and Fate grow power
(3) Eve: "Robin.. if you ever see this man.. Teleport the fuck away." *shows picture*
(2) Konrad Knox: 7/11 mana
(5) Robin: "Alright. I'll try."
(2) Konrad Knox: every hours you spend in the pool is like a drag of some power weed that hypers you instead of relaxing, you're ready to explode, and yet you keep feeling more coming
(5) Robin: "Whose that, again?"
(3) Eve: "Scavenger.. and a dangerous ohhh dangerous man.""
(7) Anthony: (( back ))
(5) Robin: "Right, Scavenger."
(3) Eve: "I'd give details.. but you don't want them... Surfice to say he's a rapist murderer to get the fuck out of dodge away from."
(5) Robin: "Oh...thats no good."
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you see a pretty looking seemingly french chick swim up to you and wink
(2) Chick: "Hé là. Apprécier l'eau ?"
(4) Tristin: "Huh?"
(3) Eve: "No, its not... So.. anyone else ready for early dinner? Or shall we wait for Tristin?"
** (3) Eve "Oh and" sums up the findings of her research for all the peeps minus gory details. they are all up there scrolly scroll if you want them. **
** (2) Chick does some hand gestures, pointing at his chest, flapping around, pointing to herself, which gives you a nice excuse to glance at her not so big, but not totally flat breasts. She is wearing an orange swim suit, very revealing, her smooth skin is on the paler side of healthy, she has short curly hair **
(2) Chick: "Apprécier l'eau ? Il fait gentil et chaud. D'où êtes-vous ? Je Suis Alice."
(3) Eve: ((dies of bad french))
(5) Robin: "I think we should wait."
(4) Tristin: "Er.... Tristin."
(3) Eve: "Alright. Do we have anything else we should look up. Tony you got anything on that castle. Nice map by the way.
(7) Anthony: "Hmm.. cuts of eyelids, inner thights, cheeks, neck, stomach, man both arms, abdomin, upper belly, scalps, then a lot of lwoer abdomen and neck,man genitalia, arms and legs, burnt, man cheek burns on sides and backs with hand
(2) Chick: "oooh, Tristin ? Retentit espagnol, mais vous ne le regardez pas. Chinois ou peut-être Coréen ? Restez-vous ici longtemps ?"
(7) Anthony: "Hmm.. cuts of different areas at first, then he starts doing same areas repeatedly."
(7) Anthony: "Men cut off toes."
(4) Tristin: "A little Spanish... I er... flunked. Chinese. *nods* and Mexican."
(7) Anthony: "Hmm.. I don't notice any major part of body missed."
(3) Eve: "He was studying, and he learned how to hide his attacks. Moros mage. Probably taking pieces to replace ones he lost from backlash."
(5) Robin: [1d10] => [7] = (7)
(5) Robin: [1d8] => [2] = (2)
(5) Robin: ((oops))
(2) Chick: "Yooou speck. English. me vary littl. Nais tuu meet yoou"
(7) Anthony: "Moros can do that? Use parts of bodies on themselves?"
(2) Chick: "Mai. Name. Is Alice! Correct?!"
(5) Robin: "Ugh."
** (5) Robin shudders **
** (4) Tristin nods **
** (2) Chick squeals happily **
(3) Eve: "With a little life magic yes."
(7) Anthony: "Death and life?"
(2) Chick: "Yoou laik water? Warm. Come swim often?"
(3) Eve: "I tell you this much, he's not dead. Just faked it for sure. I know I would."
(4) Tristin: "For now, probably a little tomarrow too. Don't know how long I'm here."
(7) Anthony: "I know I could fake death by pison injection very easy. Remove the poison, reduce my heart and respitory rate to nothing."
(4) Tristin: ((Look at her with Time sight))
(4) Tristin: ((I'll cast if I have to))
(7) Anthony: "Okay, but why did only the people who excape testify? I wonder if he's a mind mage too."
(3) Eve: "With death, you just pretend to die, the wake up. You look dead. They can inject you with all they want and you are dead for a medical test, until you want to wake up. Heck I can do it. Can almost do it to someone else."
(7) Anthony: "Got away before he could effect their mind."
(3) Eve: "I think they may have been mages. Or with natural serial killers he was trying to get caught."
(7) Anthony: "I wonder if he's hte one sending the shadows."
(3) Eve: "He could do it if he can fake a death."
(7) Anthony: "Why do you think he's still alive? Who is this guy anyway other than a serial killer? That is, why are you reasearching him?"
(3) Eve: "I know he's still alive because Hannah gave his name as one of Diana's associates. He's a Moros mage, and I research all my adversaries, Knowledge is power."
(7) Anthony: "Ahh, he's one of those friends of Diana. I wonder if he's the Ugly guy Tristin saw? He doesn't look that ugly."
(3) Eve: "Gives you an edge if you know their weaknesses. If he was doing a lot of vulgar magic it could be by now."
(7) Anthony: 'You have to be very strong in magic for a backlash to change you don't you? So we have a real strong Moros who might know some life."
** (2) Chick has no time spells over her **
(7) Anthony: "And who fights with a knife."
(4) Tristin: (Wouldn't I be able to tell her age-ect.?))
(2) Chick: ((need life for that))
(2) Chick: ((time sight doesnt do that. it shows you if there are time effects distorted around you, you preceive the time flow in your vicinity.))
(3) Eve: "Probably his path tool. That's what I use. An iron knife."
(2) Chick: ((like if someone was slowing down time, you'd see it))
(2) Chick: ((feel it.))
(2) Chick: ((not sure how Tristin perceives his gift))
(7) Anthony: "You know, I have an axe, but really don't know how to fight with it. I could chop down a tree though."
(2) Chick: ((you might tell her age with some other spell though))
(4) Tristin: "Why are you in Italy?"
** (2) Chick is not essential to the time flow, it flows around her continuously like around most other sleepers, and does not snag around her. **
(7) Anthony: "Well, lets go to dinner."
(2) Chick: "Vacation! With my mother."
(3) Eve: "Don't know much about axe fighting... We are waiting for Tristin."
(7) Anthony: "He's been swimming for... how long now? three hours? four hours? He may be down there tilw e go get him."
(4) Tristin: "Where from?"
(7) Anthony: (( does our window overlook hte pool? ))
(3) Eve: "Over three yes."
** (5) Robin shrugs **
(2) Chick: ((no, your window overlooks a garden with fountains and a bit of the busy street, pool is an indoors pool))
(2) Chick: "France! I am french!"
(2) Chick: "My name is Alice, I am from France."
(4) Tristin: "Ah, I thought as much, but wasn't sure. I'm from China."
** (2) Chick grins, wrinkling the freckled nose **
(3) Eve: "Alright lets go fetch him then. We can talk game plan for tomarrow over dinner."
(7) Anthony: "Sounds good."
** (7) Anthony leaves his luggage in the hotel, takes teh book and axe with him as well as Uchawi **
(2) Chick: "oooh, Tristin ? Retentit espagnol, mais vous ne le regardez pas. Chinois ou peut-être Coréen ? Restez-vous ici longtemps ?"
(2) Chick: wtf
(2) Chick: i didnt say that
(2) Chick: Chinois ! La Chine est-elle jolie ? J'ai vu en ligne des images, certains de mes amis de MySpace suis chinois. Des dragons et des lions - avez-vous été à des temples historiques ?
(2) Chick: there, she says that ^^
** (2) Chick curses babelfish's inability to copy text right and refuses to learn french to run teh game **
(4) Tristin: "Umm... repeat that."
(2) Uchawi: "Kaaaw.."
(3) Eve: ((knows the babel fish french is WRONG! but is lazy to translate))
** (2) Chick repeats slowly, showing a dragon and a lion "raawr" **
** (3) Eve takes the purse checking for liquid for umptenthmillion time **
** (2) Chick waves her finger in the air **
** (2) Chick giggles **
(2) Konrad Knox: liquid is fine
** (7) Anthony talks while walking out, "So where did you want to eat anwyay? I guess our choice is.. Italian or Italian or.. Oh, I saw a nice Italian resteraunt on the way in." **
(4) Tristin: "Rawr?"
(3) Eve: "The third floor resturant looked nice"
(5) Robin: "that sounds good."
(7) Anthony: "So, what, we all going down to the bottom floor hten back up to the third?"
(7) Anthony: "Well, actually, tristin probably has to come up and get changed for dinner anyay."
(5) Robin: "oh, yeah."
(3) Eve: "Pools on the third floor we just pick him up ... oh yeah.. *sighs*
(7) Anthony: "Okay, let me go get him."
(7) Anthony: "Will give me a change to get out of this room anyway, it's driving me stir crazy."
** (7) Anthony heads out the door to the pool **
(2) Chick: "Yesh! Rawr. Big mighty. Dragons, aaaand... Lions. You visit history... temples?"
** (5) Robin puts the rat back in his cage and sits on the bed waiting. **
(2) Chick: "My... boyfriend... MySpace. from China. Beautiful pictures!"
(4) Tristin: "Ah, yes, very beautiful place. "
(2) Konrad Knox: Rat: "please let me go? read my mind and hear me say this!!! grrr damnit. stupid humans."
(5) Robin: ((my pet! I will luv you forever! *squeezes really tight in a hug*
(2) Chick: "you have MySpace?"
(5) Robin: ))
(4) Tristin: "No, no computer at home."
** (2) Chick frowns quickly, nodding, and then grins again **
(2) Chick: "Tristin, aimez-vous m'escorter à ma pièce ? Elle est douze cinquante neuf sur le plancher douze."
** (4) Tristin scratches his head. **
(2) Konrad Knox: you guys can reach the pool's observation deck, some nice plants growing around it. The entrance to the pool is guarded by an attendant, but the observation area is free. You see Tristin talking to a short haired girl.
** (7) Anthony calls out, "Yo! Tris! Dinner!" **
(2) Chick: "Do youuu... can want... escort me ... to me room? twelve. five. nice." - does finger gestures
(2) Chick: "Nice... nine. Twelve. Five. Nine."
** (2) Chick bats her eyelashes **
** (4) Tristin looks up at his friends calling. **
** (2) Chick whispers to Tristin: "Marijuana." **
(4) Tristin: "Err. I gotta go."
(2) Chick: "uh?"
(4) Tristin: "Hmm... Can I invite someone?"
** (2) Chick puts for a second, then grins, and slips her young slim wet body out of the pool, to get her towel and cell phone, checking messages **
** (7) Anthony watches the girl with an appreciative eye **
** (4) Tristin puts up his index finger at Tony like saying "one sec." **
** (7) Anthony isn't watching Tristin **
** (4) Tristin gets out of the pool and grabs his backpack **
** (2) Chick is pretty cute. balanced face, with little imprefections, cute nose, pale fair smooth skin, curly brown hair cut short, petite slender little girl, Life sight tells you she is 23, but maintains herself very well, she drinks and isn't void of weed, but doesn't smoke tobacco. **
** (2) Chick seems to be distracted by her phone, waving to Tristin **
** (3) Eve changes into nicer cloths than jeans for dinner **
(4) Tristin: Pot, Tony, Pot, Tony.... Considers the options.
(2) Chick: "Bai Tristaaaan! Twelve Five Nine. Stop by some times!"
** (4) Tristin nods and waves **
(2) Chick: "Marijuana, music, love."
** (2) Chick winks **
** (4) Tristin heads upstairs to where Tony is. **
(7) Anthony: "Did that woman just tell you to come up to her room to smoke pot and make lvoe?"
(4) Tristin: "What's up?"
(7) Anthony: "Huh? Oh, yeah. We're going to dinner."
(7) Anthony: "Going to talk stradegy."
(7) Anthony: "Rest up in the room waiting for you to get ready>"
(4) Tristin: "Her English is really broken... I think she ment she likes Regge."
(7) Anthony: "Why you think that? She smokes pot and drinks."
(2) Konrad Knox: tristin leaves pool with 8 mana but he is cold, having cramps, his scar hurts and he is fuck hungry
(7) Anthony: "Doesn't smoke cigarettes though."
(7) Anthony: "You're all wrinkly."
(4) Tristin: "They didn't come down here? I can change down here... and then go."
** (4) Tristin shrugs and heads to the room. **
** (7) Anthony shrugs, "Maybe they figured you'd want to wash off that clhlorine. You smell like a pool." **
(4) Tristin: "So do half the people here."
(4) Tristin: "At least I bathe at all..."
** (7) Anthony walks along, "yeah, but we don't have to eat difnner with half hte people here. I don't want my spagetti tasting like sea weed." **
(4) Tristin: "Sushi is good..."
(7) Anthony: "Wouldn't know, never tried it."
** (4) Tristin shrugs as he reaches the room? **
(7) Anthony: "Sea weed isn't bad acutally, but I want my sea weed to taste like sea weed and my pasta to taste like pasta."
(7) Anthony: "Found him."
(3) Eve: "Good job."
(4) Tristin: "Guess Tony wants me to shower again, be right out.
(4) Tristin: "
(3) Eve: "We are ready I think, so as soon as Tristin takes a shower and changes."
(3) Eve: "Not just Tony..."
** (4) Tristin showers just long enough to have the smell of cholrine off of him and puts back on his new clothes. **
(2) Konrad Knox: takes like 20 minutes and a lot of soap
(2) Konrad Knox: and you still kinda smell of a mix of soap and chlorine
(2) Konrad Knox: but you feel attuned with the flow of the world
(2) Konrad Knox: your scar is all wrinkly and it stings
(4) Tristin: "Agg.. What the hell did this?"
(7) Anthony: "Oh, show tristin the picture of htat guy when he comes out, see if that's who he saw in his vision."
(3) Eve: "Right"
** (4) Tristin comes out after a while, mostly chlorine free and wearing actual clothes. **
(3) Eve: "Take a look at this guy would you."
** (3) Eve shows Tristin Scavenger **
(4) Tristin: "Alright, sorry, I hoped someone would get me a while before anyone wanted to eat, I feel really energised now... well, In a magical scence anyway, I could use a nap."
(4) Tristin: ((Is it him?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((roll me wits+composure+optional empathy or investigation. and you need to beat 5 successes))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((good luck))
(4) Tristin: ((Wits3 + Comp3 + Invest 2 = 8))
(4) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,8,2,4,3,9,6] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: fuck no, couldnt be the same guy in a hundred years
(4) Tristin: "No the guy I saw was all fucked up. Like metal in his face... not like peirceings either. And he... naw, not the same guy."
(3) Eve: "That's Scavenger, a very fucked up man. Rapist and murderer, runs with Diana."
(2) Konrad Knox: what you see is a devious charmer with a calm guilty expression. what you saw through the compass is a monster, a mix between terminator and freddie kruger
(7) Anthony: "Metal in his face? WHAT?"
(4) Tristin: "Yeah. And Steel teeth. Yellow eyes."
(4) Tristin: "Creepy as fuck."
(7) Anthony: "Steel; teeth? Like that james bomb villian? What was his name... iron jaws or something?"
(7) Anthony: *james bond
(4) Tristin: "Not a Bond fan."
** (7) Anthony heads out while talking, "You never saw that one? it was a classic." **
(3) Eve: "I could probably remember if I wasn't.. ready to go eat dinner."
(7) Anthony: "Not sure if it was goldfinger or not."
** (3) Eve checks purse and heads out. **
** (5) Robin gets up to leave and heads out. **
** (4) Tristin leaves with them, taking his backpack with him. **
(2) Konrad Knox: you arrive at restaraunt of your choice, tons to pick from
(2) Konrad Knox: the menu as posted here: http://www.vivatonight.com/menu.htm
(2) Konrad Knox: hostess greets you
** (4) Tristin waits for Eve to answer, done with trying to figure out foriegn languages for the day. **
(2) Konrad Knox: takes you to your table, a secluded booth against a wall, quiet, dark, overall pleasant, soft seat cushions, enough room for four.
(7) Anthony: c/me orders Linquini Pesto and Creamed Spinach
(4) Tristin: ((I don't know what spell it would be, but I want a general feeling about us being here. Gnosis+Fate?))
(2) Konrad Knox: future or past?
(2) Konrad Knox: augury could do it... depends on precision degree you want
(2) Konrad Knox: look through the book, time section
(4) Tristin: Future
(7) Anthony: (( time has a lot more spells for predicting the future than fate does it turns out ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((fate is more for oaths and luck buffs))
(7) Anthony: (( augury seems best ))
(7) Anthony: (( for a "general feeling" like you said, since it deals in generalities )))
(4) Tristin: ((Errr Prophecy?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((could work too))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((or presentas past))
(4) Tristin: ((But I don't want to alter))
(4) Tristin: ((That seems more combat oriented))
(7) Anthony: (( divination is more specific augury ))
(7) Anthony: (( divinaiton is 3 dot augury basically ))
(4) Tristin: Hmm, Prophecy is 4
(4) Tristin: (())
** (3) Eve orders the Chicken Stufado **
(4) Tristin: ((Prophecy Gnosis 2+ Time 4))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,9,3,7,5] vs 8 result of (1)
(4) Tristin: I wounder if we are safe here...
(7) Anthony: (( prophesy is hwo to change the future isn't it? How to prevent someone from being king, etc.. ))
** (5) Robin orders the manicotti. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you are safe in this restaraunt for now, you can clearly see yourself and your friends leaving, but you get a strong feeling that Robin really should let the rat go.
(4) Tristin: "Fetichini Al Roquefort."
(4) Tristin: "And Tea please."
(3) Eve: "So, we are going to the palace tomarrow. What is the game plan? Besides sights up and keep eyes open."
** (7) Anthony (( is getting sleepy )) **
(7) Anthony: "I figure before we go I'll try to change into a mouse or rat for two hours. then go in someone's purse. When we get there someone can let me out so I can poke around."
(7) Anthony: "Just make sure you pick me back up before you leave."
(4) Tristin: ((The waitress leave?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ya waitress left, youre in private
(4) Tristin: "Robin, do you still have that rat?"
(2) Konrad Knox: take your moments to discuss gameplan
(5) Robin: "its in the room."
(4) Tristin: "You should let him go when we get back."
(7) Anthony: "Outside I would hope."
(7) Anthony: "Myabe ni a park."
(3) Eve: "If it wants to live it had better be outside."
(4) Tristin: ((Itilicized quotes are speaking in High Speach for me by the way))
(5) Robin: "ive been thinking of letting him go by a dumpster or something."
(4) Tristin: "Good idea. I just have a bad feeling about keeping him."
(7) Anthony: (( I can just picture it, we all stand around, robin lets the rat go in a park, birds singing, sun shining, rat happily bounds across the grass.. and an eagle comes down and snatches it in it's claws and flies away ))
(5) Robin: "hmm, alright."
(4) Tristin: ((I saw one do that to a hamster from some little kid on TV...))
(3) Eve: ((high speach)) well if its anything like your bad feelings about elevators the Rats going to turn out to be a spy and will kill us all with a popsickle stick"
(5) Robin: "heh."
(4) Tristin: "More like some giant horrible rat-creature actually...."
** (3) Eve in a conversational tone **
(3) Eve: Oh well then.. I was worried for a moment.
(7) Anthony: "I know he's fairly unhappy being kept. But some rats like being pets. I think he didn't like being starved to death which is why he wants to go ."
(3) Eve: "So.. the rat idea I like Tony."
(7) Anthony: "I'm not really a proponet of keeping caged animals anyway."
(3) Eve: "The one with the castle not the caged one."
(7) Anthony: "Right."
(7) Anthony: "I figure I can probalby stay changed for about two hours. It will be hard casting it, but I should be able to."
(3) Eve: "So if we can confirm that this castle is a tower, then we can figure out that star pattern."
(4) Tristin: ((Just so you know, Tristin has no idea his Aura is masked. But we can use that to our advantage by me seperating...))
(7) Anthony: "If I had to stay longre than that, I'd have to recast it, and it's a vulgar spell, which I dont' want to do."
(4) Tristin: ((*cough*))
(7) Anthony: (( metagame! ))
(3) Eve: "No.. no vulgar.. it would be easier to explain why a naked man just appeared than cast another vulgar spell.. that would be a little "Hey come eat me" neon sign."
(7) Anthony: "Now, if this is a tour, and it seems to be since the address is not given out and it is not really open tot he public, I think that someone will be with you at all times, the tour guide."
(7) Anthony: "If I can't get back before the spell wares off, I'll try to find a place with clothes and change there."
(3) Eve: "Alright."
(7) Anthony: "Although this being a kind of museum I dnot' know there's going to be many clothes there."
(4) Tristin: ((Actually, I think metagaming would be like "hey! I bet I can seperate from you and they won't know I'm with you." I was just suggesting that someone, at some point in time lets me know My Aura makes me seem weaker than I am..))
(5) Robin: "Gift shop, maybe?"
(3) Eve: "If they have one."
(7) Anthony: (( actualy, eve would of known that when she looked at you earlier for your mana level ))
(7) Anthony: (( if she's prime ))
(7) Anthony: "It doesn't sound like the kind of place iwth a gift shop. Tours are by appointment only."
(7) Anthony: "You did make an appointment, right Eve?"
(3) Eve: ((I recall it from the origional description of him, made me merely think he's a weaker mage))
(4) Tristin: ((When she first met us I looked to her like a step above a sleeper.))
(3) Eve: "... Do..I not make sound when I talk? Yes... We had a long long conversation abut the reservations in the garden today. I made reservations... For four. For tomarrow."
(4) Tristin: ((Guess she hasn't really seen him do anything to make her think otherwise yet huh?))
(7) Anthony: "Well, if it's for four, there will only be three of you."
(7) Anthony: "Should be easy to explain though."
(3) Eve: "You got sick and won't be coming."
(3) Eve: "Easy."
(3) Eve: "Cholrine poisoning.. to much time in the pool"
** (3) Eve smirks slightly **
(4) Tristin: "Too much?..."
** (4) Tristin looks at his slowly un-pruning hands. **
(7) Anthony: "I'd suggest that everyone puts up some shielf for the entire day tomorrow morning also."
(3) Eve: "You mean sheild?"
(3) Eve: ... GAH!! (gives up))
(3) Eve: ...
(3) Eve: Shield!
(7) Anthony: "what did I say? Shief? Why the geck did I say that. Yah, Shield."
(3) Eve: *hates english*
(7) Anthony: *heck
(7) Anthony: (( gah, I am tired ))
(3) Eve: ((throws things at Konrad for laughing))
(5) Robin: ((im tired, too.))
(4) Tristin: ((*Immitates the message he left on Rach's phone* "wake up wake up my friends it's time for Mage."))
(3) Eve: ((I think we are done stick a fork in us))
(7) Anthony: (( you discuss, I"m gong to go smoke a ciggie ))
(3) Eve: "Anything else anyone?"
(7) Anthony: (( so, entire plan is, I turn into a rat and run around ))
(5) Robin: ((haha, yeah.))
(3) Eve: "Remember.. NO vulgar. None... Naked people are better than vulgar magic. Flying monkeys from space are better than Vulgar spells."
(7) Anthony: "Oh, incidently, can you read my mind Robin?"
(7) Anthony: "If so it will be easier if you keep a connection to me, although is that a space spellw ith a connection?"
(5) Robin: "Why are you thinking something dirty?"
(4) Tristin: "I'll look to see if there is anything wrong with the plan when we get back to the room and I have the Time."
(7) Anthony: "Maybe you shoudl cast it and let eve see if she sees it."
(5) Robin: "hmmm."
** (3) Eve sighs and raises Supernal vision. **
(3) Eve: [0d10.open(10).vs(8)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(8)
(3) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,7,9,5,8,3,9] = (4)
(3) Eve: "Go ahead."
(5) Robin: "Alright, then."
(5) Robin: ((read the depts 3+4))
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,9,9,5,6,2] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, you read Tony's mind, Eve you see a thick line of a Mind Spell shoots from Robin's head into Tony's
** (3) Eve in high speech "So I see a spell thread about as wide as my arm connection Robin to Tony's mind. Any other questions?" **
(5) Robin: looks around for thoughts of Tony's trip to get Tristin from the poolside. trying not to be too invasive.
(2) Konrad Knox: the spell thread carries Robin's aura in its pattern
(7) Anthony: (( back ))
(3) Eve: 'Hmmm... you know.. I think I'll supress your aura Robin. It won't hurt you and then no one can track you to old spells."
(2) Konrad Knox: Tony, describe your thoughts about getting Tristin from the pool, what you saw and such
(5) Robin: "Oh, neat. How long does that last?"
(7) Anthony: "So any spell that works on distance, not only sympathetic spells, can be detected? And it's not a vulgar spell? Well this sucks."
(7) Anthony: ((you're mean konrad ))
(7) Anthony: (( I'd actually try NOT to think of that, which means I would think of it ))
(3) Eve: "Depends on how well I can untangle it.
** (7) Anthony tries not to think of seeing Tristin talking to a pretty 23 year old at the pool, her inviting him up to her room for marijuana and love making and Tristin seeming interested **
(3) Eve: (Gnosis + death = 6)
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,8,[10, 1],7,4] = (3)
(7) Anthony: "Is it as straong as that link you saw to the paper?"
(4) Tristin: ((You forgot Music))
(5) Robin: "hmmm. Is my aura pretty?"
(7) Anthony: (( the music part didn't interest tony that much ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, describe what your Mastigos aura looks like? It would be some kind of mix of your personality, recent deeds, outlook on life, and hobbies, it would reflect your virture and vice as well.
(7) Anthony: (( dang Tristin, sex, drugs and rock and roll all at once, and you turned it down ))
(7) Anthony: (( well, didn't turn it down really, just didn't jump on it :D ))
** (5) Robin drops the mind spell on Tony. **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i.e. Kurtis Kerner's aura is gleaming with obrimos - shiny light of fire and pure raw power, blue electric sparks, gray waves around red flames))
(3) Eve: 'it looks like an aura they aren't pretty or ugly but more like finger prints."
(5) Robin: "Oh."
(5) Robin: ((i'll have to think of something good.))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, as you cast your spell, you see a thick black line touch Robin's aura, as you slay it. Robin, you feel nothing, but Eve, you see that Robin's aura is gone, she looks like a sleeper, and the Mind spell to Tony disappeared, you never know the moment when she dropped the spell
(3) Eve: "Interesting.. with your aura cut off I can't see the spell thread."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Robin's aura looked like weed and sloth))
(3) Eve: ((heh))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((now she will develop a new aura based on her deeds by the end of the week.))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((you need to be stronger to slay it for a longer time))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((im just kidding btw, Robin feel free to describe what your aura used to be like :D ))
(3) Eve: ((I think they're dead Jim))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((its life Jim but not as we know it))
(5) Robin: ((mmm Im tired...drifting off.))
(3) Eve: ((not as we know it not as we know it.. that was Spok not the Dr.))
(2) Konrad Knox: okay. calling box due to players dying
(2) Konrad Knox: wimps
(7) Anthony: (( was only a 7.5 hour session :P ))
(5) Robin: my aura is smokey, but soothing green...with sparkels. :)
(2) Konrad Knox:
Next time on Mage: GAMEPLAN IN ACTION!!! Tony turns into a rat!

(7) Anthony: ...
(3) Eve: ((hehe sparkles))
(7) Anthony: tony turns into a rat? O.o
(2) Konrad Knox: :D
(2) Konrad Knox: wasnt that the plan?
(7) Anthony: yeah but.. when you put it that way...
(2) Konrad Knox: :D
(7) Anthony: exp?
(4) Tristin: You dirty rat... you killed my brother
(2) Konrad Knox: 6 xp to Tristin, Robin, Anthony, 7xp to Eve for quick thinking and memory and keeping notes. Two Rp nods from everyone.
(7) Anthony: rp nods *sigh* I hate this part
(3) Eve: Yay! I get more cause I spend too much time writing stuff down.
(2) Konrad Knox: im thinking to cancel them since we seem to be doing them randomly for 5th session now
(7) Anthony: ..|. notes
(4) Tristin: Eve for keeping everything strait and Robin for pissing off PETA.
(5) Robin: eve for breakfast and tony for being the only on with a solid plan for tomorrow.
(2) Konrad Knox: im leaning towards my own judgement of how funny/clever/thoughtful/quick the chars reacted
(5) Robin: I don't really like voting anyways
(7) Anthony: me either, cause you alwasy gotta lave someone out
(3) Eve: Robin for bringing a rat along in a very stoneresque way, and for candy bars. And Tristin for being a boy and trying to break into the bathroom in the morning then hitting on the french girl in the after noon
(2) Konrad Knox: 2 eve 2 robin 1 tony 1 tristin
(4) Tristin: She hit on Tristin, not the other way around..
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, since we all hate rp nods, we cancel them starting next session
(7) Anthony: so gives me 30 exp total
(7) Anthony: gnosis 3
(7) Anthony: leaves me 6 exp
(7) Anthony: mana is now max 12
(7) Anthony: 1 hour for extended casting
(7) Anthony: can combine 2 spells into 1
(5) Robin: sudden death for me and eve?
(7) Anthony: oh, 29 exp
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony you're showing 23 exp on the sheet. +6 = 29. gnosis 3, leaving you 5 exp.am i not correct?
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, correct now
(7) Anthony: I'll break the tie. 1 to eve, 1 to robin :P
(7) Anthony: yeah
(7) Anthony: I thoguht 2 2 1 1 was exp, not votes
(7) Anthony: now it's 3 3 1 1 :P
(2) Konrad Knox: ok Eve 8 xp, Robin 7xp, Tristin 6xp
(4) Tristin: Sudden death? I wanna see this!
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony gnosis 3 done
(4) Tristin: 8+6=14
(7) Anthony: aura is still +0 :D
(7) Anthony: 2 die for paradox though
(5) Robin: my exp is 32 right?
(7) Anthony: 2 main bonuses is 1 hour time per roll and being able to combine 2 spells into 1
(7) Anthony: I'm gonna combine life sight and spirit sight into 1, so it's only 1 slot :D
(2) Konrad Knox: yes robin 32
(5) Robin: then, I wanna buy gnosis 4 so that would bring me to 0exp.
(7) Anthony: oooh, gnosis 4, nice
(5) Robin: :D
(7) Anthony: gnsois 3 gives me one more die for my spells too. Liek all the improptu life spells I cast
(7) Anthony: instead of 2 + 4 it's 3 + 4
(2) Konrad Knox: gnosis 4 for robin
(5) Robin: yay!
(7) Anthony: and if I use powerword, it's 3 + 4 + 2 9 die :D
(2) Konrad Knox: done
(7) Anthony: which should average 3 successes
(7) Anthony: [9d10.open(10).vs{8)] => 9d10.open(10).vs{8)
(2) Konrad Knox: tris 14 exp, Eve 13 exp
(4) Tristin: Okay, I'm spending 14 mana on 28 mana.
(3) Eve: but probably won't
(4) Tristin: Err exp
(7) Anthony: hmm [9d10.open(10).vs{8)] => 9d10.open(10).vs{8)
(4) Tristin: not mana
(7) Anthony: wtf
(3) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,6,8,1,4,1,7,7] = (1)
(3) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,[10, 5],5,4,5,7,[10, 5],4] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin roll wits+subtrifuge
(4) Tristin: I already failed this subterfuge roll huh?
(3) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,7,[10, 9],9,9,4,1,8] = (4)
(3) Eve: hmm..
(7) Anthony: hmm [9d10.open(10).vs{8)] => 9d10.open(10).vs{8)
(7) Anthony: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,7,2,2,4,6,5,[10, 3]] vs 8 result of (2)
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,1,1,4] vs 8 result of (1)
(7) Anthony: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,9,1,6,[10, 7],[10, 1],2,3] vs 8 result of (5)
(7) Anthony: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,6,[10, 7],8,8,7,3,9] vs 8 result of (4)
(7) Anthony: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,6,5,7,[10, 8],4,7,8] vs 8 result of (3)
(7) Anthony: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,5,1,7,9,5,5,3] vs 8 result of (3)
(4) Tristin: :(
(7) Anthony: average 3 :D
(2) Konrad Knox: Uber GM lie detection: Wits 5 + Empathy 5 = 10
(2) Konrad Knox: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],1,8,1,5,9,[10, 6],1,[10, 2],5] = (5)
(2) Konrad Knox: you lose
(4) Tristin: I'll get you one day GM lie detector!!!
(3) Eve: ...Didn't he do this last game...
(7) Anthony: [10d10.open(2).vs(8)] => [[4, 8, 4, 6, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 10, 2, 10, 2, 7, 5, 7, 8, 4, 8, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 1],[8, 7, 9, 3, 10, 8, 5, 9, 6, 3, 4, 4, 10, 10, 8, 4, 5, 8, 5, 3, 7, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 5, 5, 1],[4, 10, 1],[4, 2, 4, 5, 10, 4, 7, 7, 6, 3, 6, 2, 3, 6, 7, 5, 6, 8, 6, 9, 5, 8, 7, 3, 6, 2, 8, 3, 2, 1],[3, 3, 4, 8, 10, 3, 9, 3, 10, 9, 8, 5, 9, 3, 3, 5, 3, 6, 10, 2, 4, 5, 9, 9, 2, 7, 5, 2, 6, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 7, 10, 5, 3, 4, 9, 6, 1],[7, 1],[2, 5, 1],[7, 3, 1],1,[4, 8, 2, 3, 5, 2, 5, 4, 8, 8, 9, 3, 6, 2, 3, 1]] vs 8 result of (37)
(2) Konrad Knox: no you wont
(2) Konrad Knox: GM has all stats and skills at 5
(2) Konrad Knox: no monster is harder than GM
(4) Tristin: Terasque?
(4) Tristin: He's pretty hard
(7) Anthony: Ragnarok
(2) Konrad Knox: nah, he kisses GM's picture every time he goes to bed
(2) Konrad Knox: Ragnarok babysits my kids
** (3) Eve totally beats GM with +3 cheezeburger **
(7) Anthony: Cthulu
(3) Eve: aww beat me to it.
(4) Tristin: Oooh *nods*
(2) Konrad Knox: Cthulu does my laundry
(4) Tristin: I saw a Cthulu fish on the back of someone's car!!!! It was like a Jesus fish, but it said Cthulu and it had tenticles.
(2) Konrad Knox: well as u saw a game can be fun without a puzzle or asskicking
(7) Anthony: What robot does konrad's csatle remind me of...
(2) Konrad Knox: you guys better enjoy your hotel pit stop of free mana, food and clothes, soon your desert days will come again
(4) Tristin: The robot porn on Futurama?
(3) Eve: How to win at Call of Cthulu.. If you see a book BURN it, in fact don't look at anything, touch anything, eat, drink, breath or hear anything. Immidiately upon seeing members of your party disappear leave the building. If you cannot do this, hide under the table with your eyes shut and fingers in your ears."
(7) Anthony: Oh, the old Battlestar Galactica robot
(2) Konrad Knox: castle map is subject to change due to my inability to draw one thing twice in the same way
(3) Eve: You did the star pretty well...
(7) Anthony: No! No! the old buck rogers one maybe
(7) Anthony: So save the map. duh
(7) Anthony: You're gm
(7) Anthony: right click, save map
(2) Konrad Knox: redrawing a castle is easier :D
(2) Konrad Knox: and more fun weeee
(2) Konrad Knox: i dont really like how it looks right now anyway
(2) Konrad Knox: gonna make it better
(3) Eve: you reagin a willpower if your vice is sloth KK
(7) Anthony: If you would make this room persistant it woudl stay also
(4) Tristin: *cough cough weeze*
(7) Anthony: reagin? Drink gin again?
(2) Konrad Knox: reagent
(2) Konrad Knox: ok im going to bed
(5) Robin: chug, chug!
(3) Eve: me too
(2) Konrad Knox: pwn you later, all
(4) Tristin: No such thing...
(2) Konrad Knox: i mean see you later
(7) Anthony: me 3
(5) Robin: mhmm.
(3) Eve: english wins.. I leaving now
(4) Tristin: Alright.
(4) Tristin: Later guys.
(3) Eve: k thanks bai
(5) Robin: goodnight all.
(4) Tristin: Thans for the game.
(7) Anthony: kaythxbai
(3) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Eve (exit): 05:47
(5) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Robin (exit): 05:48
(4) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(4) Tristin (exit): 05:48
(7) Anthony: Disconnecting from server...
(7) Anthony (exit): 05:48