Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.3...
Locating server at 66-233-209-7.anc.clearwire-dns.net:6774...
Game connected!
(2) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
(1) Anthony (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony: Anthony is creating room 'Mage.'
(1) Anthony (exit): 22:01
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Kurtis (enter): 22:01
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony (enter): 22:01
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Kurtis...
(4) Shawn (enter): 22:01
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Shawn...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Anthony...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Kurtis...
(5) GM Claire (enter): 22:02
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (5) GM Claire...
(5) GM Claire: robin's in the loby
(5) GM Claire: Lobby
(2) Kurtis: pass sp
(2) Kurtis: Tristin had some character sheet details to handle, he doesnt have it on that PC, so he needs it
(2) Kurtis: Robin is in the wrong room
(2) Kurtis: she needs to come to this room
(1) Anthony (exit): 22:05
(3) Robin (enter): 22:05
(1) Anthony (enter): 22:05
(1) Anthony: lol, I went to get her, she must of gone here hte exact time I went there
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Anthony...
(1) Anthony: Think roger will show up?
(2) Kurtis: nopers
(2) Kurtis: he called
(1) Anthony: I lost my game tree :(
(1) Anthony: cause of the new versoin
(1) Anthony: some of my pictures or something wsa bad. *sigh*
(1) Anthony: dieroller
(1) Anthony: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,3,2,3,3,7,2,3,1] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Anthony: the map wasn't locked :(
(1) Anthony: NOW it's locked
** (1) Anthony *tap* *tap* *tap* "Is this thing on?" **
(5) GM Claire: *takes tony's mic*
(1) Anthony: "An Obrimos turned into a bar..." rat-tat-tat
(2) Kurtis: ok ready
(2) Kurtis: huh
(5) GM Claire: Just so you all know, Mr. Roger will not be with us this evening as he has work tomarrow and must be asleep right now.
(2) Kurtis: ratatat?
(1) Anthony: *rimshot*
(2) Kurtis: my robot is in rank 7 armor
(2) Kurtis: i just mined 150 glint
(1) Anthony: My mechanoid is in War, what is that, 8?
(2) Kurtis: yup
(1) Anthony: yeha, 8
(1) Anthony: but it's various, from 2 to 8. lol
(2) Kurtis: can u drive it?
(1) Anthony: yeah
(1) Anthony: My body,control, cpu drive are war
(1) Anthony: My head is like 7. My arms 2. My legs like 7
(1) Anthony: I really need to find some higher level arms that do + damage
(2) Kurtis: we should get shawn into Age of Armor
(4) Tristin: Phew, okay readyish.
(1) Anthony: On exotic planet during htat hour I got like 9/10ths of a level, then when It urned in quest, got the rest.
(5) GM Claire: ... moving on
(1) Anthony: did it twice so far
(4) Tristin: How much exp for Kurt and I's cassino journey?
(2) Kurtis: Serp, imma put up your story, on the page, ok?
(5) GM Claire: Again as I said, Mr. Roger will not be here tonight as he has work tomarrow... 3xp only because you two are now going to have some extra trouble now and then...
(1) Anthony: kay
(4) Tristin: ((Testing))
(1) Anthony: whom 3xp?
(1) Anthony: oh, kurt and I's
(1) Anthony: not I's
(1) Anthony: whatever
(4) Tristin: ((testing))
(5) GM Claire: Kurt and Tristin's
(1) Anthony: If I can prove that a fox has ever eaten a cat, can I get another one? XD
(5) GM Claire: why is tristin typing testing??
(4) Tristin: Trying to change my font
(4) Tristin: :(
(5) GM Claire: no... but you might get a gm cookie for doing research
(1) Anthony: I did do some research last night
(5) GM Claire: any dead cats?
(1) Anthony: It says they have fought
(4) Tristin: ((Testing?))
(4) Tristin: ((wewt))
(1) Anthony: but the one place I read said it didnt' personally know of any foxes that ate a cat they might, but that's not conclusive.
(5) GM Claire: looks like we have to use kk's method to determine the truth then...
(5) GM Claire: lol
(2) Kurtis: i so know what to name Anthony's log
(1) Anthony: Oh, incidnetly, I foudn out htat it takes one turn to say the power words, so you can not say the pwoer word and cast in same turn
(1) Anthony: you could say power words this turn, then use the +2 next turn
(5) GM Claire: cool
(1) Anthony: That woudl only matter in combat
(5) GM Claire: indeed
(1) Anthony: an instant action is 3 seconds, which is hte same time as a turn
(1) Anthony: and it takes na instant action to say power words
** (5) GM Claire gives tony a GM cookie **
(2) Kurtis: for people who wonder wtf theyre talking about, read the Anthony log at http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(5) GM Claire: that make's you guys jobs a little bit harder :)
(1) Anthony: yeah. But I can see how it can be useful for improptu spells in combat
(5) GM Claire: So... recaps, I know Kurtis and Tristin left the hollow.. did they come back?
(1) Anthony: Umm.. what did I spend my exp on... why do I have 0
(2) Kurtis: we're probably about to RP coming back
(1) Anthony: Oh yes, a rote.
(4) Tristin: ((Something 4 I think))
(5) GM Claire: mm.. and you have 2xp right now
(1) Anthony: tony will be studying the book eery chance he gets
(5) GM Claire: from the downtime
(1) Anthony: yes, I have 2
(1) Anthony: Incidently, is fluffy a male or female?
(1) Anthony: I presume male but...
(5) GM Claire: male
(1) Anthony: So since we were going ot resume the morning... Tony would be sleeping now
(1) Anthony: I need to figure out how much money tony has since he's not working now
(5) GM Claire: Right.. so morning of sep. 24th?... was it 24th or 25th...
(4) Tristin: afk one sec, trying to get the books on this comp
(2) Kurtis: Tristin, you think we went out for a few drinks or just drove straight to the hollow?
(5) GM Claire: your last paycheck was roughly $20,000
(1) Anthony: (5) GM Claire: ((So ya'll I'm gonna give the next in game time to be September 24th (that leaves all of 23rd free for downtime for ya'll *note: if you want to write up something interesting that your character is doing and send it to me it might be worth xp*))
(1) Anthony: So it's the morning of the 24th
(5) GM Claire: Goody I'm glad someone here has a head for dates
(5) GM Claire: so... KK is feeling a little not well which means i get to make the box..
(1) Anthony: Not feeling well? too much AOA?
(5) GM Claire:
(5) GM Claire: *shrugs*
(1) Anthony: (( You make me feel like his pusher ))
(5) GM Claire: I know Tony stayed at the hollow mostly, Robin what about you?
(5) GM Claire: lol))
(3) Robin: i had to check out myplace
(3) Robin: see what kind of state everything was in
(5) GM Claire: so you transported yourself back to California?
(3) Robin: and picked up a few essintials for my ummm...travel buisness
(3) Robin: yeah, just for a few mins
(3) Robin: (ill write something more up later)
(5) GM Claire: Well.. you want this info in whisper?
(5) GM Claire: alrighty
(3) Robin: sure
(2) Kurtis: ok ok
(2) Kurtis: real box now :D
(2) Kurtis: u guys ready?

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(3) Robin: 5 more mins, shawn and i are trying to trade somefiles
(2) Kurtis: haha my boxes prevail!
(2) Kurtis: u try to impostor my duty as boxor!
(2) Kurtis: *runs*
(5) GM Claire: good choice that... the running that is...
(4) Tristin: sorry guys, if we had internet at my house, none of this would be happening.
whispering to Shawn, u want us two to hit a few bars and clubs, have some drinks?
(5) GM Claire: stupid... internet
(5) GM Claire: wait..
** (5) GM Claire loves the internet and pets it nicely **
(1) Anthony: while you're all smoking a cig while you are all donig your file transfers
whispering to Shawn, come home sober, slightly intoxicated, or stealthy? u decide
(1) Anthony: I'll leave you with these words of wisdom, "Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for cats are subtle and will piss on your keyboard"
(5) GM Claire: that was cute... fluffy is pleased
** (2) Kurtis steals Claire's internets **
(2) Kurtis: your internets are running away!
(5) GM Claire: oh noooos!
whispering to Robin, i have a new idea for your typing descriptions :D "making acid..." "pushing acid"
(3) Robin: ima ready nows
(5) GM Claire: Everyone ready?
(1) Anthony: redy
(4) Tristin: Sure, still don't have books, but I'll try to manage..
(2) Kurtis:
Mage the Awakening: Gates to Atlantis - Episode 5.
September 24th 7am Game On!

(1) Anthony: (( I bought a button with that saying at the first star trek convention I went to ))
(5) GM Claire: the cats quote?
(1) Anthony: `1
(1) Anthony: (( yes ))
(1) Anthony: (( waiting for scene setup ))
(1) Anthony: (( and I presume I sitll get a bedroom upstairs to myself until told otherwise ))
(5) GM Claire: Ah... alright.. so going to get in game now... it is 7am September 24th...please discribe where you are and what you are doing... For those of you who have been staying at the hollow... those para-military peeps "Numbers" Gaines and Maximo have been mucking about talking about "perimiters" and "defense positions" Kassie has been rolling her eyes at them and taking them off to talk privately (if anyone cares to have gone to listen in whisper me) the rest of the time Kassie has been mending trees that Roger "raged" on and treating wounded animals. She also made a run to town to buy "supplies" Mostly alcohol and foodage (since ya'll have been eating her stores... bloody hippies with the munchies :P)
(5) GM Claire: on a seperate but equally important note... Fluffy is now acting as if he owns the hollow as cats are want to do, got in one fight with a fox and won and has otherwise just been wandering as he pleases conforting Eliza when she needs it. Eliza has "borrowed" one of the books and has been nose deep in it ever since. All anyone ever hears from her are the words "facinating" and "simply amazing" she is taking a lot of notes.
(1) Anthony: (( oh... a side note, was reading about magical interference, how the number of spells on your > stamina give you -1. But it also mentioned magical items you have on you. Do the books screw with our magic? ))
(5) GM Claire: No surprisingly they do not.
(2) Kurtis: Kurtis drives up to the yard about 5:30 in the morning with Tristin in the passenger seat, both slightly buzzed, a ton of booze in the back, Kurtis in his beige cloth suit, black shirt, loosely hanging red tie. He carries a medium sized bag into the house. All the alcohol too. Wiskey, tequilla, vodka, beer, wine, pretty much to suit any taste. He puts that all on the kitchen counter, he doesnt look tired, looks like he caught a nap during the daytime. Eyes victoriously gleaming.
(5) GM Claire: at five am the only persons up would be Gaines and maybe "Numbers" though the only one visable would be Gaines who has taken up a vantage point on the roof of the house.
** (1) Anthony wakes up and stretches then gets dressed in blue jeans, a dark gray tee shirt, a leather jacket and tessin shoes. They look like they've seen better days but are high quality jeans made for working in **
(1) Anthony: (( I would wake up after 7 ))
** (3) Robin rolls over to check the time. 7? "thats shit early" she does a few bong hits and rolls back over for more sleepage **
(5) GM Claire: by 6 am Kassie is up and sitting on the porch meditating.
** (1) Anthony grabs a towel, and a shaving kit and heads into the bathroom **
(5) GM Claire: 6:30 would find Maximo lifting large quantiies of weight also on the porch.
** (2) Kurtis steps out on the porch at 6 **
(2) Kurtis: "Hey"
(1) Anthony: (( That was a quesiton I had also, says that hollows have points, and they produce htat much mana a day, I hope the hollow produces enough for all of us :/ ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Its a nice ass hollow don't you worry))
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra opens her eyes and rolls them up to look at Kurtis **
** (2) Kurtis nods **
** (4) Tristin steps out of the car, looking a bit intoxicated. **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra smiles and closes her eyes again **
** (4) Tristin rubs his eyes. **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You should try it... its very centering"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "helps you clear your head"
(2) Kurtis: "So peaceful here in the morning. Nice work repairing all the damage. How's everything doing?"
(4) Tristin: "Thanks for wakeing me up when we got here Kurt!" he yells to the porch.
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra opens her eyes again **
(2) Kurtis: "Shhh! Crazy, everyone's asleep!"
(2) Kurtis: "Keep it down."
(4) Tristin: "Ohh.." *laughs*
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Actually not everyone is alseep."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Only half really"
(2) Kurtis: "m?"
** (2) Kurtis looks on the roof **
(2) Kurtis: "mmhm..."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Joni is up, you two are awake, and myself."
(2) Kurtis: "so this like a military camp or somethin?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "If Joni had her way." *chuckles softly*
(2) Kurtis: "I hope there's no push ups involved."
(5) "Joni Gaines": "While I'm here this place will have a perimeter even if I have to watch it Kass"
** (2) Kurtis looks out into the garden and closes his eyes, speaking very softly **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "It's already handled Joni, I haven't spent six years just chasing foxes its secure." *closes her eyes*
(2) Kurtis: "I can lift objects with my mind... I can make things invisible.. I can make myself invisible... can I lift myself with my mind?"
(4) Tristin: "We've been safe so far"
** (2) Kurtis murmurs to himself as he closes his eyes tighter and tries to put all the gravity lines under his feet, pushing them away, slowly, gently, focusing on the grass under his feet, feeling it remotely... **
(2) Kurtis: ((buying levitation rote please))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((noted)
(2) Kurtis: ((1 xp left))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((correct))
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra returns to meditation **
** (2) Kurtis focuses on himself, his intelligence, remembering all the facts from his physics class about gravity, his athletics, flexing to try to remain aerodynamic and light, and helps himself lift, power gleaming in his eyes, standing on his tiptoes he raises his hands quietly **
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Safe so far isn't very reassuring in my book"
(2) Kurtis: Intelligence 2 + Athletics 3 + Forces 4 + Ring 1 = 10
(2) Kurtis: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,[10, 6],4,7,8,4,3,6,5] = (2)
** (2) Kurtis floats up... and up... and past Joni **
** (2) Kurtis hangs around roof level **
** (5) "Joni Gaines" shakes her head and walks off looking through binoculars in a different directions **
** (2) Kurtis opens his eyes and smiles to himself **
(2) Kurtis: "Incredible...."
(2) Kurtis: "I can fly..."
** (4) Tristin notes Kurt's floating as he strides into the house hopeing for coffee. **
(5) "Joni Gaines": "You aren't flying."
(1) Anthony: (( hope this hollow has protection against vulgar spells ))
** (2) Kurtis looks back **
(2) Kurtis: "Huh?"
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((it's in the forest...))
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((no one around for miles... and hollows naturally do not cause paradox))
(1) Anthony: (( vulgar spells are vulgar alwyas ))
(2) Kurtis: Whatever. So totally flying.
(1) Anthony: (( tha'ts why people use soul stones in hollows, to help prevent paradox ))
** (2) Kurtis floats down as he feels the forces pull him down **
(1) Anthony: (( that's forces 4, no? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((yep))
(1) Anthony: (( something has occured to me. why take 2 1 2 1 when you can take 3 3 because those 1 dots only cost 7 pts, but that 3rd costs 24. I was stupid. I'll know next char ))
(2) Kurtis: ((you can have headstart on other arcana. I will have to start matter from scratch))
** (2) Kurtis floats into the house and lands **
(5) GM Claire: so.. 7am again ))
(2) Kurtis: "Anyone awake?"
(1) Anthony: (( tony's in the shower ))
** (2) Kurtis comes to Kassy with a black bag **
(3) Robin: "Zzzzz..."
(4) Tristin: ((I have to leave in 5 hours, just a heads up)
(5) GM Claire: If you take a look there's coffee in the kitchen now
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra opens her eyes **
** (4) Tristin heads into the kitchen and pours himself a glass of coffee **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You are difficult to have around when meditating.. why are you up so early anyways?"
** (2) Kurtis pulls out 1000 dollars in a stack, put it next to Kassidy **
** (4) Tristin sits on the counter and drinks the coffee **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Glass not cup))
(2) Kurtis: "One grand. If you don't need it, don't take it, if you want it, take it. My contribution to the war camp."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "War camp?"
** (2) Kurtis smiles **
** (2) Kurtis rolls eyes to the roof **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "She's just paranoid."
(5) "Joni Gaines": "You're only paranoid if you're wrong."
(2) Kurtis: "Well, then it's yours."
** (1) Anthony finishes with the three S's and heads downstairs following the smell of coffee **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Nothing is out there Joni, I would know if there was."
** (2) Kurtis walks inside **
(2) Kurtis: "Morning Dr. Ferril."
(1) Anthony: "Parrot."
** (1) Anthony frowns **
(4) Tristin: From the countertop. "Yo Kurt."
(1) Anthony: "PARROT!"
(2) Kurtis: "Dr.... Parrot..."
** (2) Kurtis holds laughter, so nods to Tristin **
(2) Kurtis: "Tony... Parrot."
** (4) Tristin chuckles, obviously slightly buzzed. **
** (1) Anthony gets a cup of coffee and some crackers **
** (5) Uchawi the Parrot chills **
** (2) Kurtis quietly puts a stack of 1000 dollars next to Tony's coffee cup **
** (4) Tristin guarding the coffee **
(4) Tristin: That'll be 5 bucks.
(4) Tristin: ""
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra walks inside **
** (1) Anthony hands Uchawi the crackers as he drinks his coffee, "So, what's on the agenda for today?" **
(2) Kurtis: "Your share. No questions, no obligations, if you don't need it, you don't need it."
** (4) Tristin snaps as he pours it anyway. **
(1) Anthony: "Oh, Kurtis, incidnelty, remind me to tell you about the words of power, you don't seem to use them as much as you should."
(2) Kurtis: "Uh?
(2) Kurtis: "Please do tell me about words of power"
(1) Anthony: "I notice you know High Speech. If you use high speech for the name of hte spell your casting, and use high speech while casting your spell will be more powerful."
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra walks past kitchen to the lab *sounds of rummaging* **
(1) Anthony: "Not always easy to do in combat, but it helps."
(1) Anthony: "I've seen you use it once or twice, but not always."
(1) Anthony: "Like this..."
(2) Kurtis: "Oh, that explains a lot... thanks"
(1) Anthony: High Speech - Transform Self(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(3)+Word Of Power(2) [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,2,7,6,8,3,[10, 2],8,7,2,9] vs 8 result of (4)
(2) Kurtis: "I don't really understand how I speak it, it just comes out when I do magic."
whispering to Anthony, does Tony take the money?
** (1) Anthony grows fangs, claws, furs and cat eyes **
(4) Tristin: "Freaky..."
** (1) Anthony shakes himself and his form slowly goes back to normal **
(2) Kurtis: "You find that in the book?"
(1) Anthony: "Words of power? Yeah."
(1) Anthony: "Also, using a wand or such can help you fight paradox too. Although if a sleepr sees you waving a wand around, itkinda has the oposite effect."
(4) Tristin: "Paradox?"
(2) Kurtis: "Ah, he doesnt know yet."
** (2) Kurtis walks to sleeping Robin **
** (4) Tristin follows **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra comes back out of the lab carrying a leather backpack covered in splatters of blood, a wooden spear with a copper head to it, a dagger at her belt mutters as she passes the kitchen "Be back later" **
** (1) Anthony looks at hte money, "What is that for?" **
** (1) Anthony looks at Kassidy wide eyed **
(2) Kurtis: "Nothing. Tristin and I had a good run in a casino. Won a jackpot."
** (1) Anthony nods, "So why you giving it to me?" **
(5) GM Claire: *Ring ring.. or vibrate vibrate Tony's pants*
(4) Tristin: "Like 7..." mumbles
(2) Kurtis: "Giving a grand to everyone."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, hang on..."
** (1) Anthony answers his cell phone, "Anthony here." **
(4) Tristin: ((Woa, what you got in there?!?"
(4) Tristin: ))
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "Doctor Ferril?"
(2) Kurtis: "Just being helpful, since we dont really go to work anymore. Bunch of booze and snacks too. All on the table."
(1) Anthony: "Yes Kirsten, how may I help you?"
** (2) Kurtis comes to Robin **
(2) Kurtis: "Hey, Robin."
** (1) Anthony shrugs and pockets the money while talking on the phone **
(3) Robin: "Zzzzz"
** (2) Kurtis taps the girl's shoulder **
(2) Kurtis: "Robin."
** (4) Tristin whistles **
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "I was just calling to make sure you were alright Sir. It's all over the news."
** (3) Robin rolls over "hmmm?" **
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): (7:30am)
** (2) Kurtis puts a stack of fresh money under her nose **
(1) Anthony: "What is all over the news? I've been on vacation..."
** (1) Anthony waves his hand for silence **
(3) Robin: "fuuuuck." and sits up
(2) Kurtis: "one large. for you. free. keep it safe, kay?"
(3) Robin: "okay" rolls back over for more sleepage
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "Your office sir, it was the target of an arson... Some time last night they are saying."
(2) Kurtis: "it's from Tristin."- puts the money in Robin's hand
(1) Anthony: "My office was burned down last night? This is.. news."
(3) Robin: "what you two do last night?"
(4) Tristin: Prostitution, you wouldn't belive how well they pay in Vegas.
(4) Tristin: ""
** (3) Robin chuckles **
** (2) Kurtis puts finger to his lips and motions at Tristin "Ask him" **
(3) Robin: "no, really?"
(1) Anthony: (( this is office of Kassidy too right? ))
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Sounds like the company had backups for most of your data saved on harddrives, I hope you didn't have anything on paper."
(4) Tristin: We went to a cassino.
(4) Tristin: ""
(1) Anthony: "Nothing important, I always enter the data into the computer so I can have it in the field."
** (2) Kurtis stashes 8k back into his bag **
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): ((Same company Kassies bulding is across one of those raised sidewalks from yours))
(3) Robin: "you guys won that? or robbed the place?"
(4) Tristin: "Won"
(2) Kurtis: "pff, who do you take us for."
** (2) Kurtis reacts to word "burned" **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. Well, yes, I don't htink I've lost anything important. I sure hope they catch who did it! Why do they think it's arson?"
** (2) Kurtis steps to Anthony **
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "Well I'm glad you weren't in the fire. I hope you enjoy your vacation. Where'd you go anyway?"
(1) Anthony: "Off into the woods for a bit jsut to relax."
** (3) Robin shrugs. "do i smell coffee?" **
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "Well according to the news the police ae saying its arson. They don't say why."
(4) Tristin: "Yeah, in the kitchen, 5 bucks"
(1) Anthony: "No body was hurt I hope?"
(1) Anthony: (( Is there a TV here? ))
(3) Robin: "pfff. 98 cents at the gas station, ill walk"
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "Some Janitor got minor smoke inhalation nothing major."
(4) Tristin: "Or teleport..."
** (2) Kurtis brings coffee to Kassidy **
(3) Robin: "exactly"
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): ((You haven't seen a tv doesn'tmean there isn't one)
(4) Tristin: "Race you there."
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): ((someone wasn't paying attention Kassie left))
(1) Anthony: "Thank you for calling Kirsten, I'll call the office and see if they need me for anything."
(1) Anthony: (( yes, I know ))
(3) Robin: which gas station?
(1) Anthony: (( oh, kurtis ))
(4) Tristin: The kitchen.
** (4) Tristin takes off **
(1) Anthony: "If anythign new turns up give me a call Kirsten, thanks for calling."
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): "No problem Dr. Ferril
(4) Tristin: Str 3 + Athletics (short dash spec) 3
** (4) Tristin found the F1 macro key **
** (1) Anthony hangs up **
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,1,8,1,7] = (2)
(5) Kirsten Peck (intern): *click*
(3) Robin: "damn it"
(5) GM Claire: (that would be dex not strengh)
(1) Anthony: "Kurtis, can you somehow tell kassidy that my office burnt down? She left and I don't think she knows, I have no idea where she went."
** (1) Anthony starts wandering around looking for a TV **
** (2) Kurtis stands with the coffee cup **
(2) Kurtis: "She slipped right by me."
(4) Tristin: ((still 3))
** (2) Kurtis calls Kassidy **
(5) GM Claire: ((I know))
(5) GM Claire: ((just saying))
(1) Anthony: int 3 + investigatio 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],5,6,4] vs 8 result of (2)
(3) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4] = (0)
(4) Tristin: ((k, I'll remember))
(1) Anthony: (( my roll was to find a TV if it's here ))
(3) Robin: "too early for much running"
** (4) Tristin chuckles. **
(5) GM Claire: ((If you venture up to Kassies loft you will find a TV unplugged and dusty in a corner))
** (2) Kurtis keeps calling Kassidy **
** (1) Anthony takes the TV out and downstairs, sets it o the table and plugs it in **
(5) GM Claire: ((no answer inside))
** (2) Kurtis walks outside and calls Kassidy **
(5) GM Claire: You get fuzzy primary channels (NBC, CBS, FOX)
** (1) Anthony yells to kurtis, "She said she'd be back. Don't you have scrying or something?" **
** (2) Kurtis shakes his head **
** (1) Anthony changes the chanels looking for any news of a fire **
(2) Kurtis: "That's Robin."
(2) Kurtis: "She just left? She say when she's gonna be back?"
(2) Kurtis: "mmmm.... i could try to make her phone pick up my call, if it's on."
(2) Kurtis: "i don't think much more."
(1) Anthony: "Ask one of the warriors where she went (what are theri names again?) mabe they know."
** (2) Kurtis tries to transmit to Kassidy's phone **
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "Again here are the images from the fire at the Phramatech bulding, which officials are now saying took out half the R&D bulding and a portion of the field offices" *images of half a burnt up high rise bulding and lots of bunt offices*
(2) Kurtis: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,4,5,7,5,[10, 5],4] = (1)
(1) Anthony: "Dang, everyone, that's my building!"
(2) Kurtis: "Kassidy"
** (4) Tristin looks to the TV. **
(4) Tristin: "Your house? Or your work?"
(5) GM Claire: You hear "Kassidy" from the loft
(2) Kurtis: "damn. what? Woah."
** (2) Kurtis looks up the roof at the sniper chick **
(1) Anthony: "Was a phone call from my interern, police are sayign it was arson."
(2) Kurtis: "Joni? Joni, where'd Kass go? There's shit on TV she might wanna see."
(4) Tristin: "Jones, you think?"
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "No idea, but I woudln't doubt it. Too much of a coincidence." **
(4) Tristin: *nods* "The bastard killed a good friend of mine."
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "Officals are still speculating as to what the motive may have been for this arson. Representatives from Pharmatech are suggesting it may have been an attack by one of he more zealous "Neo Green" groups, who have been adament against the companies research in rainforests and wild brush areas around the world."
(1) Anthony: "WHAT? Those idiots, we dont' hurt hte rain forest, if anythign we help it. When we find valuable medicine in the rain forest it shows how valuable the plants are and helps prevent slash burning."
(5) "Joni Gaines": "She said she had some business to take care of, took her rifle and headed out that way *nods towards the woods*
(2) Kurtis: "Damn. Robin, open a scrying portal to Kassidy."
(2) Kurtis: "Use her.... coffee cup."
** (1) Anthony goes outside **
(2) Kurtis: "We gotta warn her."
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "If you have any information, or you saw anything suspicious please contact the police station at 337-2000
(4) Tristin: ((Are you inside or outside KK?))
** (1) Anthony looks up at the roof, "Hey Joni, the news is showing Pharmatech R&D budiling burt down, Arson. think it was Jones?" **
(2) Kurtis: ((in the doors))
** (3) Robin wals closer to the tv **
(3) Robin: walks*
(4) Tristin: "Scrying portal?"
(5) "Joni Gaines": "If he did then he's got more info on Kass, Pharmatech's her legit job if she had anything important to her there he could find her."
(2) Kurtis: "It's... it lets Kassidy see what we see. "
(2) Kurtis: "Like a mirror, a hole in space... I dunno how to explain, just watch Robin"
(3) Robin: where do we need to scry?
** (2) Kurtis skims through the book **
(1) Anthony: "If he got anythign personal of hers..."
(2) Kurtis: "Personal... personal scrying... to her, wherever she is..."
(2) Kurtis: "Well... her cup, her clothes, her lab... everything in here is hers."
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "And now the weather." "Thanks Tom. Our high today will be 63 slightly clouded with a chance of rain in the foothills and near the Haven Brook national park"
(3) Robin: "hand me that cup, then."
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "Lows in the mid 40's, wind coming from the north west at 15mph"
** (2) Kurtis hands Robin one of the cups, and a spoon **
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "Back to you Tom"
(3) Robin: "thankx"
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "We will be right back with the pound puppy of the week after this commercial break"
(4) Tristin: "OOooo OOoOO! Puppies!!!"
** (3) Robin grips her cup and reflects on her new memories of her **
(3) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,7,7,9,7,5] = (2)
(5) TV!: *Geiko commercial with caveman*
** (1) Anthony is outside **
(3) Robin: (do i need 4 successes for a scrying portal too?))
(2) Kurtis: ((i don't think so))
** (4) Tristin watches Robin, but listens to the TV a little **
** (3) Robin a small portal opens **
(2) Kurtis: ((GM working out spell penalties))
** (1) Anthony smoking a cig real quick **
(5) GM Claire: ((with the coffee cup you get a -6 dice penelty the connection to Kassie isn't strong enough you don't see anything. You need something more "connected" to her))
(2) Kurtis: "It's not showing anything..."
(2) Kurtis: "Use the house, use something real personal... like, some hair, blood... something... let me look in the trash can..."
(2) Kurtis: "The house should be better..."
(5) GM Claire: You find hair in the trash can.
** (2) Kurtis brings hair to Robin **
(2) Kurtis: "Is it hers?"
(5) TV!: *really lame Mountain Dew commercial*
(3) Robin: "eww"
** (2) Kurtis skims through Space chapters in the book **
(3) Robin: "counldnt find anything less gross"
** (4) Tristin "Chuckles at the reaction" **
(2) Kurtis: "Look it up, I dunno, come up with somethin... "
(2) Kurtis: "I dunno how space works. And nothing gross about hair, you have hair too."
** (3) Robin shrugs "i guess i'll just use that" **
(2) Kurtis: "But you can take a look."
(1) Anthony: (( back ))
(2) Kurtis: ((wb))
(5) TV!: *ad about life insurance*
(2) Kurtis: "Open a portal right in front of her, in her face, so you can talk to her."
(2) Kurtis: "Hope she doesnt block it or something"
(3) Robin: "let me try again"
** (2) Kurtis walks to Anthony **
(2) Kurtis: "Someone set your office on fire, man."
** (1) Anthony looks at Kurtis **
** (1) Anthony nods **
** (3) Robin takes the hair in hand and closes her eyes **
(3) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,3,5,8,5,2] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: "We're trying to contact Kassidy, trying to do this scrying."
(1) Anthony: "Kassidy's office too."
(5) TV!: "Taco bell!!! commercial*
(2) Kurtis: "Can you be there so you can explain it in a way she can understand?"
(1) Anthony: "Sure." Tony walks over to Robin
(4) Tristin: ((Glad you are soo excited about Taco Bell.....))
(1) Anthony: (( yo no quro taco bell ))
(5) GM Claire: ((you need to roll five dice as there is stil a -2 with the hair))
(3) Robin: 5
(3) Robin: owhops
(3) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 6],4,2,7] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( what did you cast the scrying portal on? ))
(4) Tristin: ((Some hair))
(1) Anthony: (( as I understand it, if you don't cast it on something only you can see her ))
(1) Anthony: (( liek a mirror, etc.. ))
(2) Kurtis: ((some of her hair from trash can))
(3) Robin: (any pictures on the wall?)
(2) Kurtis: ((a TV with annoying commercials))
(1) Anthony: (( I got my explanation of scrying portals from Terra though so not sure how accurate it is ))
(4) Tristin: ((No using the TV, I HAVE to see the puppy thing!!11oneone))
(3) Robin: (tv)
(2) Kurtis: "Come on Robin, cast it."
** (3) Robin holding the hair, looking at the tv **
(3) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,7,5,3] = (0)
(3) Robin: "fuck"
(2) Kurtis: "Tris, can you help her out?"
(3) Robin: "okay, regroup"
(4) Tristin: But.. puppies...
(4) Tristin: ""
(1) Anthony: "Do you know high speech robin?"
(2) Kurtis: "Fuck puppies."
(3) Robin: "no"
** (1) Anthony looks at Kurtis weird, "That's gross." **
** (4) Tristin closes his eyes and focuses on Robin's fate, increasing her chance at a successful spell **
(4) Tristin: ((Shift the odds))
(2) Kurtis: ((roll it!))
(5) GM Claire: roll it
(4) Tristin: int 2+occult+fate3 ((I think, I don't have it written down on this compy, really sorry))
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,5,1,8] = (1)
(5) GM Claire: and now Robin...
(3) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,[10, 8],8,2,3] = (2)
(5) TV NEWS ANCHORE: "And now the pound puppie of the week" *the image flickers and a very blurred image of Kassie standing in front of what appears to be a trail through some very tall trees is placed over the picture of a small border collie puppy. Kassie is walking down this trail which seems to shimmer slightly, the further she walks the less "real" it seems as the landscaping becomes more wild and shadowed."
(1) Anthony: (( 3 successes ))
** (2) Kurtis tries to transmit sound from the room to the window **
(2) Kurtis: transmission: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
(4) Tristin: ((supposed to be wits, would have had one more die))
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,3,2,7,2] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,9,2,5,9,7] = (3)
(2) Kurtis: Crystal clear sound quality
(5) GM Claire: mmkay
(1) Anthony: (( I think there's a penalty for casting through a scrying window? gah, I'll have to read that again ... anyway... ))
(1) Anthony: "Kassidy..."
(2) Kurtis: "This is an important message for Kassandra Fox"
** (2) Kurtis steps back **
** (1) Anthony turns off hte TV so they can see the scrying portal easier **
(4) Tristin: "Noooooo"
(3) Robin: "good thinking"
(1) Anthony: "KASSIDY"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra appears to now be talking in a very strange tongue that none of you recognize without a spell up to empty space. Tenses and looks around at her name" **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((No more puppies! mwahahha!))
(1) Anthony: "Situation at our office. Thought you shoudl know."
(4) Tristin: ((You were against me the whole time, I knew it!! ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((lol))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *whispering* "Little busy better be important.."
(1) Anthony: "Our office was burnt down. Didn't know where you were going so wantted you to know. Will leave you alone now."
** (1) Anthony nods at robin, "Drop the spell." **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Burnt down?!? *still whispering*
(1) Anthony: "Arson they claim."
(3) Robin: "no goodbyes?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Shit!" *still whispering, looks behind her, mutters something in that strange language* "I'll be back in 1 hour.."
(1) Anthony: "See you then."
** (3) Robin relaxes her mind. the portal disappears. **
(2) Kurtis: "What are you doing?"
** (1) Anthony nods to Robin again **
(2) Kurtis: "Damn"
(2) Kurtis: "What's she doing?"
** (1) Anthony looks at Kurtis, "If she wanted you to know she probably woudl of told you." **
(3) Robin: "you can ask her in an hour"
** (2) Kurtis walks out **
(2) Kurtis: "If we don't get burned."
** (1) Anthony thinks, "Maybe she was talking to a spirt." Tony shrugs **
(2) Kurtis: "She went there armed...."
** (3) Robin walks over tho trash can and tosses the hair **
(4) Tristin: "I've got two..."
(2) Kurtis: "Good job, Robin."
** (3) Robin then walks to kitchen sink, scrubs her hands with soap. **
(3) Robin: "i did alright"
(2) Kurtis: "So now we wait. I guess still might be needing that money, Tony, now that you have no office. Might consider going into gambling."
(2) Kurtis: "It pays."
** (1) Anthony looks at Kurtis with a strange look **
(1) Anthony: "I dont' think so."
(2) Kurtis: "How much you make in the field anyway?"
(3) Robin: "my place is trashed. i appreciate the cash."
(4) Tristin: "If you need any more, just let me know."
** (3) Robin nods **
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "Last tiem made twenty grand." **
** (2) Kurtis nods **
(2) Kurtis: "Hey Anthony, do you know anything about electricity?"
(2) Kurtis: "Why do sparks set gasoline on fire?"
(2) Kurtis: "I need to work out a more harmless attack... fire is too destructive..."
(4) Tristin: "Come on, I thought that house looked fine when we were done."
(2) Kurtis: "I was thinking to try electricity, like, it doesnt set a bed on fire, it would just electricute whatever is on the bed, right?"
(1) Anthony: "Sparks set gasoline on fire because they're hot."
(1) Anthony: "Electricty would usually be safer. You could try maybe zapping someone from an electrical outlet."
(3) Robin: "maybe if it was a water bed"
(1) Anthony: (( you forces 3 or 4? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((4))
(1) Anthony: "Hey, kurtis, can you scan the radio waves for any more news on the fire? Maybe the fire department radio or police."
(2) Kurtis: "I can see all the radio and television signals, all satellite signals around us, just don't know how to pull them up."
(1) Anthony: "Well, try it. Try pulling in a local news radio station."
** (2) Kurtis looks through the book **
(1) Anthony: "From what I was reading you shoudl be able to."
(2) Kurtis: "Mmm... transmission... sound mastery..."
(2) Kurtis: "Hell, I can try impovising, lets pull this one"
(1) Anthony: (( it's a spell in the book )
** (2) Kurtis pulls a police radio station **
(2) Kurtis: ((dont have the sound rotes, i do gnosis))
(2) Kurtis: Gnosis 2 + Forces 4 + Ring 1
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 5],4,2,2,7,[10, 10, 10, 4]] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( O.o 4 successes ))
** (2) Kurtis holds in front of himself a signal, in his hands, stretching it in front of you, you only see him moving his hands funny, but as a result, you hear a sound **
** (1) Anthony turns to Ucawi while Kurtis is busy, "Hey Uchawi, reading in the book it says I can give you some of my mana for essence, whatever that is. Do you need any essence?" **
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "This is patrol 217 requesting fire department back up to 18796 Primrose Sanctemoneous Parkway, I have a burning bulding, no suspects."
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: ..... *Kills you all!!!*...
(1) Anthony: (( when aliases go wrong.. ))
(5) GM Claire: lets try that again...
(5) Police Officer: "This is patrol 217 requesting fire department back up to 18796 Primrose Sanctemoneous Parkway, I have a burning bulding, no suspects."
(5) Police Officer: (yay!)
** (2) Kurtis 's eyes widen **
(2) Kurtis: "That's.... THATS MY CONDO!!!!"
(1) Anthony: "oh.. shit."
(2) Kurtis: "That's my goddamn fucking condo!"
(5) Uchawi the Parrot: Reading the book has been helpful with that, I am currently not in need of any essence"
(2) Kurtis: "shit shit shit shit shit"
(1) Anthony: "I wonder if they've gotten to my apartment yet?"
** (2) Kurtis rages in fury, walking to the middle of the room and gathering a fist **
(1) Anthony: "Good thing I got some clothes out of htere yesterday."
(2) Kurtis: "Electricity sets things on fire because it's hit, huh. I'll show them hot."
(4) Tristin: "Damn dude.."
** (2) Kurtis conjures tendrils of electricity to play between his fingers **
(2) Kurtis: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,2,1,9,9,[10, 2]] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( you actually get the knowledge of how electricty works when you get the arcana, that's "knowing" ))
** (2) Kurtis eyes light up with a blue electric spark.... **
(2) Kurtis: "Control.... power.... this man is ready."
(1) Anthony: (( you can create electricty now?!? ))
(3) Robin: "no need to get freaky on us"
(2) Kurtis: ((Thunderbolt))
(2) Kurtis: ((dot 4))
(2) Kurtis: ((out of nothing))
(4) Tristin: ((Electricity exists in the human body))
(5) GM Claire: ((Gives tristin a GM cookie for saying what she was gonna write*
(1) Anthony: "Okay. so someone is going around burning down our buildings."
(4) Tristin: ((YUM YUM YUM *gobbles the cookie*))
(1) Anthony: "For what purpose? Just to piss us off?"
(2) Kurtis: ((i can also convert fire into electricity, and any energy into another types. At forces 4, I am hooked up with most combat spells. Just flight and gravity are out of my reach, and disastrous weather, however Kurtis has no knowledge of those things))
(1) Anthony: "But if they know where you live, they probably got somethign personal. So they can scry you."
** (5) "Joni Gaines" walks inside "Tightening the net" **
(2) Kurtis: "Scry... can we block such attempts?"
(1) Anthony: "So,t hey burned down my office, Kurtis' apartment. I wouldn't doubt they got to mine." Tony sighs
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Kass is already working on that."
(2) Kurtis: "We need to get out of here, we can't lead anyone to Kassidy's hollow. If we're spied on, we have to run..."
(1) Anthony: "This is a good place to hold our ground here... the hollow has mana..."
(3) Robin: "where would we go?"
(1) Anthony: "If you are not charged up on mana I'd suggest you do it."
(1) Anthony: "Remember when Kassidy said she wanted us here becuase it was safer. Kassidy knows the danger."
(2) Kurtis: "If we stay here, it means we fight here, win or die. Decision is yours, but whatever you choose, I am with you."
(4) Tristin: "I could meditate a bit..."
** (4) Tristin heads down the hall to the room he stayed in the other night. **
** (2) Kurtis scans his mana and nods "I'm full." **
(5) "Joni Gaines": "It has a lot more than mana. Kass has wards on this place too, and spirit defenses, and a ring of animals two miles around as lookouts. She's been through its pretty safe. Except against death magic and she's working on that."
(1) Anthony: "We beat some.. things.. before... If we run, we'll always have ot run."
(3) Robin: "i think we should stay"
(3) Robin: "at least till kass comes back"
** (4) Tristin crosses his legs and sits on the bed and begins meditation. **
** (5) "Joni Gaines" yells out the door "Maximo double duty man, position two" **
(2) Kurtis: "Then I will fight. I understand how electricity and fire work, maybe even work them together."
(3) Robin: "im glad youre on my side..."
(2) Kurtis: "Well, whoever comes here will have to deal with the troopers here too"
** (2) Kurtis practices tuning electric sparks on and off **
(1) Anthony: "Uchawi, keep a lookout plesae."
(5) "Joni Gaines": (1 hour.. Gnosis + composure to see how much mana you get.)
(2) Kurtis: "dancing around his fingers, he sends them back and forth, converting them to fire and back"
** (5) Uchawi the Parrot flies outside and away **
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,2,6,6] = (1)
(5) Uchawi the Parrot: 1 mana))
(1) Anthony: "Guess I shoudl get ready..."
** (1) Anthony opens his book and starts looking at spells **
(1) Anthony: (( extended spells at gnosis 1 take an hour between castings? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((cant go gravity, sunlight, and nuclear radiation till forces 5))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((in an extended spell casting at gnosis 1 it takes 3 hours per casting @ 3-4 it takes 1 hour
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((unless the spell specifies otherwise))
(1) Anthony: (( gah, too long. And any spell I cast now will only last an horu anyway ))
** (2) Kurtis tries accelerating electric field, losing control when it becomes too powerful, then he returns to exercising it, makes sure he stands on safe distance from everyone **
(1) Anthony: (( since I want 3 successes, casting for longer time would cost me 5 successes to get ))
(1) Anthony: (( will be... difficult.. to get that on one cast ))
(1) Anthony: (( espeically since it's impromt ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((bah that was times for if you convert an instant spell to an extended casting ritual spell. hold on I'll keep looking))
(2) Kurtis: "Tristin, mind throwing something at me?"
(2) Kurtis: "like a shoe or something."
** (4) Tristin meditating in his room **
(1) Anthony: (( I jsut want honing hte form to last more than one hour, want to extend the time of it past 1 scene ))
** (2) Kurtis looks around **
(2) Kurtis: "oh"
(1) Anthony: (( and I want at least 3 successes to give me +3 strength ))
(1) Anthony: (( I guess I can just recast it if it fails ))
** (2) Kurtis lifts a shoe telekinetically and tosses it at himself, trying to defend, quickly switching spells to turn the projectile away, slow it down, speed it up **
** (2) Kurtis ends up getting hit with the shoe on the face a few times, but eventually succeeds to steer it away **
(1) Anthony: High Speech - Honing the Form (V)(3) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+PowerWord(2) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,6,8,3,1] vs 8 result of (1)
** (2) Kurtis tries slowing it down, speeding it up, lifting and turning it **
** (1) Anthony drops the spell and recasts it **
(1) Anthony: High Speech - Honing the Form (V)(3) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+PowerWord(2) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,8,[10, 3],3,8] vs 8 result of (3)
(1) Anthony: (( +3 strength ))
(2) Kurtis: "Okay, gotta try out this high speech"
(2) Kurtis: "Fire!... Lightning... Spark!"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((oh.. no no if you want to prolong its effects you can you just get - dice to it)
(2) Kurtis: "Lift the shoe!"
(2) Kurtis: "Do I have to say the spell outloud in high speech?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: for 2 hours it would be -2 dice, for 12 hours -4 dice, for 24 hours -6 dice for 2 days -8 dice))
(2) Kurtis: "Lift shoe kind of sounds funny."
(1) Anthony: (( I subtract dice or raise the number needed? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: returns at about noon (2 hours after the 1 hour "Ill be back" time) limping slightly on her left leg, blood splattered over her cloths
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (subtract dice))
(1) Anthony: "You okay Kassidy?"
(1) Anthony: (( strange she'd be limping when she could heal herself, must be bad ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I will be. Nothing I can't heal."
(1) Anthony: "Not only did they burn down our office, they burned down Kurti's apartment."
(1) Anthony: "I wouldn't doubt if they got mine by now too."
** (2) Kurtis storms to Kassidy, but finds it awkward to offer help **
(2) Kurtis: "Who did this to you?"
(4) Tristin: (So it's been an hour?)
(1) Anthony: (( 2 ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "It's worse than that." *sets her backpack down and pulls out four jars marked with Atlantian runes, covered in freshly skinned rabbit furs*
(1) Anthony: "Soul jars?"
** (4) Tristin has been in the living room for about an hour **
whispering to Shawn, soon i will take a rote that lets me insta-gather mana and give it to others
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Who is somewhat hard to explain as spirits tend to be very careful about their true names... unlike some people I know... On a side note... Kassandra.. if you ever message or scry again Kassandra.. Got it..." *sighs*
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Yes soul jars. Pray we don't need em."
(1) Anthony: (( I'm confused by soul jar spell, it says duration is one scene, yet spirits can not escape. Are they stuck in there forever or until freed? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((until freed yes, it takes 1 scene to make a soul jar))
(1) Anthony: "Sorry"
(2) Kurtis: "What's happening? Is someone coming?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Still have to get the thing in the jar, which Roger failed to realize and I failed to mention because I didn't read it completely as I didn't really care at the time))
(4) Tristin: "What do they do?"
(1) Anthony: (( the action is instant though ))
(1) Anthony: (( unless there is more than the info in the spell description ))
(4) Tristin: ((Yes, tis called GM pwns rulebook))
(1) Anthony: (( With Death 3, the mage can attempt to cast this spell with indefinite duration ))
(1) Anthony: (( according to spell ))
(1) Anthony: (( but, yeah, getting the spell int he jar could be an issue XD ))
(2) Kurtis: ((hence i assume the damaged leg))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Not some one... several.. eh.. someones I suppose works. Soul jars keep souls or spirits safe from harm and in one place until freed..provided you have enough time to spend capturing them or convincing them to get in on their own. And provided you've been working long enough on the jars to make them more than temporary holding bays. Took me a couple of weeks each on these but nothings getting out of them until I open em.
** (1) Anthony nods **
(1) Anthony: "And what do you have in them?"
** (5) Uchawi the Parrot flies inside to Tony's shoulder **
** (1) Anthony looks at Uchawi, "Got news?" **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Backup. Pray we don't need it."
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra tilts her head to one side as if listening to something that none else can hear **
(4) Tristin: "So we have a robit ghost army?"
(4) Tristin: rabbit*
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Zombies"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra shakes her head **
(1) Anthony: "zombies?"
(1) Anthony: "We're being attacked by zombies?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: No no.. these are not rabbit spirits. Thats just to make it a little more comfy for em."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Not yet it will take em a while to get here."
(2) Kurtis: "Do we have enough guns?"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra shrugs **
** (1) Anthony sighs **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: They may not even make it here
(1) Anthony: High Speech - Honing the Form (V)(3) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+PowerWord(2) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,[10, 4],[10, 8],[10, 2],7] vs 8 result of (6)
(1) Anthony: (( str + 3 ))
(1) Anthony: High Speech - Transform Self (V)(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(3)+Power Word(2) [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,6,8,2,7,8,1,6,5,4,8] vs 8 result of (3)
(1) Anthony: (( let me see what hte max features is ))
(1) Anthony: (( doesn't say max, so that's 3 ))
** (1) Anthony grows claws, thick fur and sharp teeth **
** (2) Kurtis steps back **
(1) Anthony: High Speech - Organic Resiliance(2) Gnosis(1)+Life(3)+Power Word(2) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,2,5,4,[10, 9]] vs 8 result of (4)
(1) Anthony: (( 4 dots of shield ))
(1) Anthony: "I'wwm weaddy fow dem... Hawd to tawk witt fangs."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You... do realize it will be several hours for zombies to walk over three miles to get here right? They aren't very fast buggers."
(2) Kurtis: "We drive to them, we don't let them come. Shoot half of them down half way"
** (1) Anthony looks at Kassidy, down at his claws and fur back at Kassidy, "Umm.. I knew dat." **
** (1) Anthony reverts back to his human form **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "If we let them walk here more than half of them will be picked off by wild animals."
(1) Anthony: "We drive away from the protection of the hollow? that's not wise."
** (2) Kurtis nods in agreement **
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. and maybe with some help... more animals will attack them."
(2) Kurtis: "Just hate waiting being a sitting duck"
(3) Robin: "we could set a trap?"
(2) Kurtis: "movement is power."
(1) Anthony: "So, what are these zombies? animated dead? Deadites?"
(3) Robin: "i dont have any in mind, though."
(2) Kurtis: "In all video games, campers die first."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "If you have a problem with being a sitting duck go out with Joni and set traps or learn how to shoot a semi-automatic
(4) Tristin: "You mean horror films..."
** (2) Kurtis walks off **
** (2) Kurtis goes to Joni **
(2) Kurtis: "Joni, I need a gun."
(1) Anthony: "I don't like guns myself."
(4) Tristin: "Me either."
(3) Robin: "theyre tons of fun"
** (5) "Joni Gaines" looks Kurtis up and down in a very scrutinizing manner **
(3) Robin: "fun in a barrol. haha."
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Can you...use a gun.?"
** (2) Kurtis nods **
** (5) "Joni Gaines" pulls a pistol from the small of her back and hands it over barrel pointed down "show me" **
(2) Kurtis: "Even a kid can use a gun. I'm not asking for an M60. A pistol will do."
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Even a kid can use a gun... you.. Give it back I don't share my guns with idiots"
** (2) Kurtis takes the pistol, looks it over, ejects the magazine, shifts the slide, ejecting one out of the barrel, unloads it, hands it back, handle up, barrel down **
** (5) "Joni Gaines" purses her lips considering **
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Take a shot..." Looks around for a target "That pine cone" *nods to a pine cone in a tree 300 yards off*
** (2) Kurtis aims **
(1) Anthony: (( if you have space now woud probably be a good time to use it :D ))
(2) Kurtis: (( wont need to, hopefully. will use forces rotes))
(2) Kurtis: Dex 4 + Firearms 0 + 3 pistol - 5
(2) Kurtis: -6
(5) "Joni Gaines": (ow)
(2) Kurtis: Init [1d10.open(10)] => [4] = (4)
(5) "Joni Gaines": (DUCK!)
(2) Kurtis: ((wrong))
(2) Kurtis: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6] = (0)
** (2) Kurtis fires into thin air and casts **
(1) Anthony: (( 0 fireamrs gives you -1 ))
(2) Kurtis: Turn Projectile
(5) "Joni Gaines": (already said that))
(2) Kurtis: dex 4 + athl 3 + forces 4 + ring 1 = 12
(2) Kurtis: [12d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,5,8,9,4,2,2,6,7,4,1] = (3)
(1) Anthony: (( I coudl see turning a projectile to miss a target, but to HIT one? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((hold on, i rolled it wrong or something))
(2) Kurtis: ((aiming carefully gives you a bonus))
(5) "Joni Gaines": aiming gives you +1 per turn you aim
(2) Kurtis: so i roll 2 vs 8 if i aim?
(5) "Joni Gaines": mmhmm
(2) Kurtis: ((3 successes on turn projectile allow me to turn it where i wish up to 90 degrees angle... no specifics mentioned ))
(2) Kurtis: anyway, re-shooting
(2) Kurtis: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: same bad aiming
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((*wiff*)
(2) Kurtis: ((so... do i hit or miss after casting?))
(2) Kurtis: ((i didnt fire in the opposite direction, so i could turn it towards the target a few degrees up/down/left/right ?))
(5) "Joni Gaines": The bullets heads off in the wrong direction but flips back on target after the spell casting, hitting the pine cone.
** (5) "Joni Gaines" shakes her head softly. **
(2) Kurtis: "Never said i was a good shot."
(2) Kurtis: "I just asked for a gun"
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Don't quit your day job. You might be safer with your fireballs."
(1) Anthony: (( us too ))
(2) Kurtis: "Wait till i learn to shoot them out of a gun"
** (2) Kurtis nods and sits next to Joni, looking out **
(4) Tristin: ((lol))
(2) Kurtis: "I'm scared shitless, honestly. I never seen a zombie."
(1) Anthony: "After what we fought 2 days ago you're scared of a little walking dead?"
(2) Kurtis: "Tony's tough, he doesnt feel fear it seems. He can turn himself into a bear and eat em. I can't."
(2) Kurtis: "Four monsters, Parrot. Here we have a legion."
(4) Tristin: "I can outrun any of you, so I'm not worried."
(1) Anthony: "You saw shawn of the dead didn't you? zombies are slow, if these are the same type of zombies."
(4) Tristin: ((shaun))
(3) Robin: "you see 28 days later?"
(1) Anthony: "Feel free to burn them, as long as you don't burn down the forest."
(1) Anthony: "no, never saw that one"
(3) Robin: "those fuckers run fast"
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Zombies are slow... but they keep getting back up if you don't sever the spine."
(1) Anthony: "Right. Go for the spine. Maybe I shoudl use some type of sword... not that I"d know how to use it."
(4) Tristin: ((Would I hear that indoors?))
(3) Robin: "kass, which cabnit do you keep your pots and pans?"
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((NO))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Under the sink"
** (3) Robin runs inside **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra goes down into the lab and brings out several glass bottles with stoppers **
(1) Anthony: (( cig break ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Hope I won't need this"
(2) Kurtis: "sword..."
** (3) Robin returns a few moments later with her bat and the lid to a large pot. **
(3) Robin: "zombie shield"
(4) Tristin: "Walks outside with Robin"
(2) Kurtis: ((lawl robin))
** (4) Tristin did that **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra stays inside and gets stuff out of the lab... lots of strange stuff. **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((break while GM looks up how to put a spell into something))
(4) Tristin: ((Tired and have work in... 2 1/2 hours :( ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: continue preperations for zombie invastion... you guys have 6 hours.
(2) Kurtis: "Do zombies get damaged by fire or shock?"
(3) Robin: "burn through their brain stem, maybe?"
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Fire yes, shock as in from blood loss or electricity?"
(2) Kurtis: "Electric"
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((you guys have 6 hours to prepare zombies will be here next game since shawn needs sleep.))
(4) Tristin: ((not true))
(2) Kurtis: "I can of course just... always toss zombies at other zombies, if that can break spines"
(4) Tristin: ((have coffee))
(2) Kurtis: ((if shawn is good, im good))
(3) Robin: lol
** (2) Kurtis climbs down, bring Joni a sandwitch to the roof **
(2) Kurtis: brings*
(1) Anthony: (( back ))
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((Zombies still won't be here this game as I'm not gonna have a zombie battle with only half the crew since Shawn will be needing to go soonish and we can't kill a whole mess of zombies in 2 hours... took us like.. 6 to kill 4 monsters...
(2) Kurtis: ((i demands zombies!))
(1) Anthony: "Well, hmm.. I'll just do my claw and teeth attack..."
(1) Anthony: "Kurtis burn and zap..."
(4) Tristin: ((We could have a few that are a bit faster than the others))
(1) Anthony: "What else... we have people shooting htem..."
(2) Kurtis: *gm eats Kurtis' brain*
(2) Kurtis: ((shawn do u work next week?))
(5) "Joni Gaines": zombie rawr!
(4) Tristin: ((I'm going to take Mondays off after this))
(1) Anthony: "If you destory their heads, their brains, does that stop them?"
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((zombies on motercyles wweeee )) jk
(1) Anthony: (( zombies on a plane ))
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Yes as far as I know and enough damage to the legs and arms stops em from moving but doesn't kill them."
(4) Tristin: ((Gorrilas on a Hangglider))
(4) Tristin: (((OoooO! Bears on an Elevator!))
(1) Anthony: (( roaches in cereal! ))
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Honestly right now is a good time to set a few good traps... trip lines barbed wire, nothing that will mess with the "Serenity" but will slow em down more, make em easier to pick off"
(2) Kurtis: "I'm in"
(1) Anthony: "So we get some wire and string it between the trees?"
(1) Anthony: (( good thing tank isn't here, he'd be setting out explosives ))
(5) "Joni Gaines": "MMhmm... Go hit up Kass for some supplies I'm sure she's got em."
(1) Anthony: "Right"
** (2) Kurtis goes to Kassidy **
** (1) Anthony heads off to find Kassidy **
(4) Tristin: ((Eww the Roaches thing happens at my house..))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((EEWWWWW))
(2) Kurtis: "Joni needs some trap supplies"
(1) Anthony: (( happened to me once, poured a bowl of cereal and EWWWW ))
(2) Kurtis: "You're right, actively helping does kinda calm me down"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra has a big pile of vaugely occult looking stuff sitting in the living room. **
(4) Tristin: (("I'm NOT eating that.... okay maybe a little...."
(4) Tristin: ))
(2) Kurtis: ((we found worms in chocolate candy, 3 times))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "In the shed, keys by the front door, sheds around back."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((it was gross!!))
(2) Kurtis: "Kass, you're not afraid, huh?"
** (1) Anthony grabs the keys and heads around back **
(3) Robin: ((weavles are worse, cuz you dont realize theyre in your cereal till after youve eatn half of it))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (9blarg!)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Afraid doesn't help anything. Afraid only slows you down."
(1) Anthony: (( the old what is worst than finding a worm in your apple ))
(2) Kurtis: "You realize I'm a mage for a week, and I never seen a walking dead."
(4) Tristin: ((Blarg blarg honk! Blarg blarg!))
** (2) Kurtis takes the supplies and carries them outside **
(1) Anthony: (( those werent he supllies, that was kassidy's stuff ))
** (1) Anthony opens up the shed and looks around **
** (2) Kurtis helps Anthony carry whatever, at his disposal **
(1) Anthony: (( wire, stakes, shovels... ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I realize you haven't done what I have yes. But you also have to understand the nature of the woman before you. I went on a vision quest to find my purpose and I fell into my awakening. I didn't get transported to some tower, I walked through the primal wild to it. Through wild beasts you will never see. Few things have scared me since."
** (4) Tristin looks around for a good, sharp, knife **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (animal cages, barbed wire, trap tripping wire. Those creepy animal control cages that close after a trap is sprung)
(2) Kurtis: "How did you enter the Primal Wild before you awakened?"
(4) Tristin: wits 3 + inv 2
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,4,5,2] = (1)
** (3) Robin practices zombie combat out front. slashing the air with her bat. utilizing the lid as a shield **
** (1) Anthony takes the barbed wire, tripping wire and other tools he can find and tkes them to the front of hte house **
(1) Anthony: "Not sure if we have enough wire... but maybe we can string around the trees"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: *smiles softly* "Lets just say Native Americans have crossed the guantlet as sleepers just as often as mages stumble into it on their own. It might not be magic by awakend standards but rituals have power."
(2) Kurtis: "Tell me you saw a dragon?"
** (1) Anthony gets advice from Jony and starts stringing up wire between trees **
** (2) Kurtis helps Anthony on the other end **
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Looks like enough for a tight perimeter.." *whistles in code"
** (1) Anthony thinks a bit and goes looking for Fluffy **
(4) Tristin: ((Any description on a knife I would find?))
(5) "Joni Gaines": "Maximo can help you with that, he's out.." *hears and reply whistle* "That way."
(5) "Joni Gaines": ((You find a number of kitchen knives all well cared for and sharp."
(1) Anthony: Commune with Median Life(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(3) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,9,9,3,6] vs 8 result of (3)
(1) Anthony: "Fluffy, you about?"
(1) Anthony: "Escuse me, Omnipotent Fluffy"
** (5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy is chilling in Liza's lap who is down in the lab reading a book and saying "fascinating" **
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "That's better."
(1) Anthony: "fluffy, as you may or may not know, we have some zombies coming to attack us. Would you like to help?"
(1) Anthony: "I was thinking of turning you into a lion or tiger, then you could attack them with us."
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "Zombies... are those anything like mice?"
** (4) Tristin takes a nice fillet knife and brings it with him to the poarch, but sets it down once there **
(1) Anthony: "They're dead people reanimated"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "No dragons. But a lot of other wonders."
(2) Kurtis: bummer... if she saw a real dragon, I'd ask her to marry me right here right now....
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "Dead people don't taste good."
(2) Kurtis: not that she'd agree...
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "Are they fun to chase?"
(1) Anthony: "True, but it might be fun none the less."
(2) Kurtis: hey, maybe she would...
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "Very well I will become a lion or tiger."
(1) Anthony: "Well, I'm not sure... I don't think they walk very fast. But thre'll be a lot of htem. You could experiment."
** (1) Anthony smiles, "I think you'll enjoy it. I'll look for you when they get close. Thanks Omnipotent Fluffy." **
(5) Omnipotent (Not Winkles) Fluffy: "Certainly."
** (1) Anthony goes back outside and contineus stringing the wire **
(2) Kurtis: Kassidy is hotter than Joni... Joni is hotter than Robin... Robin is hotter than Tristin... Tristin is hotter than Tony... Tony is hotter than Maximo, Maximo's hotter then Numbers...
** (5) Maximo strings wire as well. **
(1) Anthony: (( now Fluffy can look like his picture up there XD ))
(2) Kurtis: ((lol XD))
(4) Tristin: ((all pixelated?))
(3) Robin: (lol)
(4) Tristin: ))
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra pulls a box full of herbs out and rummages around in the kitchen for a pot **
(2) Kurtis: Wait... where does Eliza tie in?
(1) Anthony: (( I wounder which woudl be better, a lion or tiger. lions are stronger, but tigers are faster ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "And now boys and girls it's time to brew some holistic potions *smiles*
(2) Kurtis: Okay... okay.. Kassidy hotter than Joni, Joni hotter than Robin, but Robin definitely hotter than Eliza...
(2) Kurtis: "Huh?"
** (3) Robin tires herself out with the imaginary zombie fight and runs upstairs **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "hand me one of those sealed bottles.. careful theres tass inside"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((bets on robin taking another nap))
(3) Robin: i can definatly hit harder when im stoned
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((2 :1 odds ;O))
(2) Kurtis: ((if she sets up a mind router and falls asleep, will it still be active?))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (man! toking up.. I loose))
(3) Robin: (mwhahah)
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra is going to make a large batch of healing potion :D)) **
(2) Kurtis: "Tony, you think landmines are a good idea? Wonder of these guys have any"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You are not putting landminds up around my property We already talked about this!"
(1) Anthony: "Better not set up any land mines! There are animals in these woods!"
(5) "Joni Gaines": *sighs* Kass said no to land mines and flamethrows unless absoutly nessicary"
(2) Kurtis: "We could make a nice stew..."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: The way I see it I have 4 hours to make as much healing potion as I can so I don't have to waste mana or time healing you guys if you get zombie mauled.
(2) Kurtis: "Oh, oh... if zombies bite animals, do those animals become zombies too? Like in Tarantino's movies?"
** (4) Tristin hopes for some help in the zombie fight **
** (4) Tristin hopes to shift the odds of some of the zombies dieing on the way over **
(4) Tristin: wits 3 + fate 3
(4) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 9],5,8,9,6] = (3)
(4) Tristin: ((four))
** (1) Anthony finishes running the wire and goes inside (( I really want to see what she's doing, same thing hte shaman did I think )) **
(2) Kurtis: ((one zombie will make it to the hollow))
(1) Anthony: (( I nor tony understand healing potions ))
(4) Tristin: ((The rest get hit by a 18 wheeler? That's what I'm hoping for :) ))
** (3) Robin steps out of her room, smoke filling the hallway as she closes the door behind her. walks in the kitchen and sets her water pipe on the table. "any one need some pre-battle strength?" **
(2) Kurtis: ((zombie paratroopers))
(2) Kurtis: ((no need for parachutes))
(2) Kurtis: ((u pretty much drop them off a plane))
(4) Tristin: ((lol))
(4) Tristin: *looks to her* "I'm in."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((at 8 gnosis to convert a instant spell like healing heart to an extended spell to make potions I get 10 minutes per roll. I have 4 hours thats 240 minutes = 24 rolls. Kass is using herbs and tass +1 dice, plus the rote composure 3, medicine 4, speiclaization holistic +1, Life 4 = 13
(1) Anthony: (( zombies off a plane ))
(2) Kurtis: "I got a lot of strength last night, I'm good."
(1) Anthony: (( 8 gnosis? O.o ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Kassie is a sexy godess of gnosis :P)
** (3) Robin loads some herb from a small sack she pulls out of her pocket, then hand the pipe to tristin **
** (1) Anthony watches Kassidy, "Any way I can help/" **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: who wants to count sucesses for me :D))
(1) Anthony: "?"
** (1) Anthony raises his hand **
** (4) Tristin hits it and looks around for anyone else. **
(4) Tristin: ((I will))
(4) Tristin: "Kurt?"
** (2) Kurtis prances by and takes a hit **
** (4) Tristin holds out the pipe. **
(2) Kurtis: "I hate you. ooooh, that's some good shit."
(1) Anthony: (( anyway I can help her like I helped the shaman? ))
** (1) Anthony wrikles his nose, "I hate the smell of canabis." **
** (3) Robin nods "isnt it?" **
(2) Kurtis: "That's not good for your focus, kids."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Sure, help me cut these herbs up and add them when I tell you... You know how to heal this is just putting it into the liquid, the herbs help, the tass.. *Holds up a bottle of "water"* helps too, concentrate on the spell while you do each task, let it hum in the back of your mind, it will give the potions more healing power."
(1) Anthony: "You don't get that away from me I'll make you sober."
(2) Kurtis: "I wish it was true. I rock at focus after hitting up"
(3) Robin: i hate the smell of air, luckily the ganga will cover it
** (4) Tristin already a bit baked, he giggles at the word "canabis" **
** (2) Kurtis prances off **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "He can do it too"
** (1) Anthony nods **
(2) Kurtis: "Anthony, I had nothing to do with this, these kids are evil"
** (2) Kurtis goes back outside to help with traps **
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra rolls her eyes **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Pure body pure mind."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (GM is totally looking up intoxication penelties now))
(2) Kurtis: (you tell me about penalties i roll 6 successes after being high))
(3) Robin: (weed makes me stronger, better, faster.)
(4) Tristin: ((True, snorted some coke and BOOM))
(2) Kurtis: ((worked like 4 times for me, back in Terr's game too))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (clears throat and quotes book "Marijuana: lose 1 die from any dex, intellegence, resolve, and wits based dice polls for every hit your character takes from a joint ot bong within an hour (Defense is also reduced accordingly)) This effect fades completly an hour after the last toke, unless your character continues to "medicate" himself."
** (1) Anthony starts cutting up the herbs as he's done many times out in the field to find the medicinal purposes, concentrating on the healing spell **
(1) Anthony: (( accordign to that after 10 or so hits you couldn't cast shit )
(2) Kurtis: ((i took 1 hit)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Cocaine/crack/speed: Your character may gain a bonus die in strenght or stamina based rolls althought he may become edgy (-1 social rolls))
(2) Kurtis: ((but then again, whats the point of picking a drug addiction vice if you get nothing in return for it?))
** (3) Robin loads more. "we've got plenty of time before any zombies show up." **
(2) Kurtis: ((marijuana is bad, coke is good??? lol))
(2) Kurtis: ((wtf))
(4) Tristin: ((lame and one hour? I WISH I had shit that lasted that long..))
(1) Anthony: (( that is like... wtf ))
(1) Anthony: (( what it say about PCP? ))
(3) Robin: (check up on acid too)
(4) Tristin: (("take no damage, +4 str"))
(1) Anthony: (( we don't need acid, just turn on mage sight ))
(3) Robin: (no, we need acid)
(1) Anthony: (( mage sight on acid? OMG ))
(3) Robin: (def)
(2) Kurtis: ((wow, cocaine and heroin help you))
(1) Anthony: (( I think youre mind woudl explode ))
(2) Kurtis: ((marijuana, alcohol and hallucinogens screw you up))
(3) Robin: (boo!))
(4) Tristin: ((What page?))
(1) Anthony: (( heroin is a strong depressant, how does it help you? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((ignore wound penalties))
(2) Kurtis: ((WoD book))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Heroin allows you to ignore wound penalties WOD pg 177 hard cover))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((PCP is not in the book))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Acid is also not in the book))
(2) Kurtis: ((i took one hit, should be sober by the battle time))
(2) Kurtis: ((its really my lucky mascot, the coke sniffing))
(2) Kurtis: ((i never added actual stats))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (PCP is classified as a hallucinogen which gives you -1 to 3 on ALL dice rolls))
(3) Robin: (no super strength?))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((only Cocaine has any positive effects other than heroin for pain
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((acid is also a hallucinogen))
(4) Tristin: ((Okay, I want to argue with the lower dex thing... I mean, I pwn at Street Fighter after a few hits...))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (loves wikipedia))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((were you physically fighting the sega or sitting and playing..))
(4) Tristin: ((I spar better too, although that's been tested less...))
(1) Anthony: (( PCP is a horse tranquilizer, it's an hullicnogen? I didn't know htat ))
(2) Kurtis: ((kicked the shit out of the console, threw it out the window. pwnt))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((classified as a hallucinogen *shrugs*))
(2) Kurtis: ((horse starts tripping, cant move anywhere))
(4) Tristin: ((Yeah, "Angel Dust" you hear about people flipping out and running away while being tasered in Florida))
(2) Kurtis: ((sees walls everywhere))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((sorry people, apart from me maybe deciding that stoned persons are to fuzzy in the head to think a zombie is scary (+1 to composure maybe) you get nothing but the munchies))
(4) Tristin: ((REalises it's in a stable, and there ARE walls everywhere))
(4) Tristin: "I'm hungry"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((anyway... Tony gonna help with the rolls yes?))
(3) Robin: ((su
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "In the fridge"
(2) Kurtis: "Call Roger tha waiter"
** (4) Tristin takes a peak in the fridge **
(2) Kurtis: "You know he'd be pretty helpful in this particular fight..."
(2) Kurtis: "Can ask zomies to fight themselves"
** (3) Robin puts pipe back upstairs and returns quickly **
(3) Robin: that be so funny"
(1) Anthony: (( yes ))
(1) Anthony: (( tony will help with the rolls ))
(1) Anthony: (( and I think the zombies might give them a bad trip ))
** (1) Anthony (( gets out his dice... )) **
(2) Kurtis: "Any possible way I can help?"
** (1) Anthony looks at Kassidy, "Would mana help?" **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "MM... yeah.. cut herb and thing healing thoughts... "
** (4) Tristin finds nothing particualy interesting and grabs a fruit (apple?) and eats it **
(2) Kurtis: "Tristin can help. Tris, come here, let's make some potions!"
(2) Kurtis: "Give us your lucky charms"
** (1) Anthony continues to grind and cut herbs **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((kk people this is extended ritual casting Kassie is leader she has the rote which means you don't have to know squat about healing magic to help I need you to roll Composure, Medicine, and life + 1 for the ingredients))
** (4) Tristin focuses on them hoping to give them good luck ((one sec lemme find the spell)) **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((24 rolls since we go off leaders Gnosis rating))
(2) Kurtis: "Healing thoughts... wounds closing, cells connecting together with other cells... happy bunnies jumping around, healing everything..."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ""happy bunnies??""
(1) Anthony: composure 4 + medicine 3 + life 3 + 1 = 11
(4) Tristin: Bestow Exceptional Luck Gnosis+Fate
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Kassie is 13
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,3,9,5] = (1)
(1) Anthony: How many rolls?
(4) Tristin: 9 again on Kassy
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: 24
(1) Anthony: 24 rolls? kay
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: I'll count sucesses
(2) Kurtis: composure 4 + Medicine 1 + life 0 + 1 = 6
(1) Anthony: hmmm.. wouldn't that just be 11 x 24 d 10?
(1) Anthony: cant we jut do it all one roll?
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,6,3,9,9] = (3)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: 1's do cancel
(3) Robin: composture 3+ life+1=4
(3) Robin: [0d10.open(10).vs(8)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(8)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: No because I have to re roll nines
(1) Anthony: 1's cancel successes? :(
(1) Anthony: you can .open(9) instead of .open(10)
(3) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,7,2] = (0)
(1) Anthony: Oh, right, you don't have my roller iether.
(3) Robin: "im not very helpful"
(1) Anthony: so you'll have ot manually count the extra wins
(1) Anthony: okay...
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,8,6,4,[10, 8],5,2,5,9,3,3,4] = (4)
(1) Anthony: 1 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,4,9,4,2,3,5,6,7,6] vs 8 result of (1)
(1) Anthony: 5 and 1
(2) Kurtis: 3 from me
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: Roll 2
(4) Tristin: but another die for Kassy
(1) Anthony: Anyone else?
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( what is that roll 2 for? ))
(1) Anthony: oh, 2.
(4) Tristin: :( I didn't mean that.
(1) Anthony: 2 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,6,4,5,6,6,[10, 6],1,1,1] vs 8 result of (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 1's cancel, so that's 0? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: yeah
(1) Anthony: (( kassidy's roll? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],7,9,3,9,[10, 1],8,7,3,4,[10, 2],5,7] = (6)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,7,4,5,8] = (1)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( does the 1 on the extra roll cancel the 10? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: ((no))
(1) Anthony: (( 1 form kurtis ))
(1) Anthony: (( can't you jsut do .open(8) instead of .open(10) and not have to manually reoll them? ))
(1) Anthony: (( tristin? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((robin?))
(4) Tristin: ((Roll comp?))
(1) Anthony: (( we're on roll 2 ))
(2) Kurtis: ((comp+med+life))
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,5,[10, 5]] = (1)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((remember to -3 if you don't have medicine))
(4) Tristin: ((One med 3 comp))
(1) Anthony: (( so 4d10 ))
(3) Robin: comp 3+med 0+life 0+1=4-3=1?
(3) Robin: thatright?
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yes))
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
** (1) Anthony notice that robin keeps trying to eat the herbs and frowns **
(2) Kurtis: ((gm is laughing))
(4) Tristin: ((lol))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (roll 3))
(3) Robin: so delicious looking
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [[9, 6],8,8,3,5,1,8,1,2,6,2,[9, 7],[9, 1]] = (6)
(1) Anthony: 3 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,5,2,3,6,7,4,[10, 4],5,7] vs 8 result of (1)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,8,3] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,1,6,[10, 5],[10, 4]] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 for kassidy ))
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6] = (0)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 4)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [3,3,1,[9, 3],2,1,5,3,7,8,3,4,1] = (2)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,[10, 3],5] = (1)
(1) Anthony: 4 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,[10, 9],3,5,4,4,[10, 7],[10, 9],[10, 6],4] vs 8 result of (6)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(3) Robin: "bahhhh"
** (2) Kurtis focuses his energy and power in all its essense **
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,7,9,3,[10, 7]] = (3)
(2) Kurtis: "happy healing bunnies..."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 5))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [2,3,1,[9, 6],7,7,4,8,1,[10, 8],3,2,5] = (3)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,5,9] = (2)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2] = (0)
(1) Anthony: 5 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 8],3,3,1,4,8,8,5,5,[10, 8]] vs 8 result of (6)
(3) Robin: "this is why i dont cook"
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,4,5,4,6] = (0)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You're doing fine"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 6))
(4) Tristin: [0d10.open(10).vs(4)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(4)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [4,3,3,1,6,1,[10, 8],2,4,2,3,1,[10, 3]] = (2)
(4) Tristin: 8
(1) Anthony: 6 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],9,3,8,6,2,1,9,9,7,[10, 8]] vs 8 result of (7)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(4) Tristin: 8
(2) Kurtis: "cells patching up, warmth... warmth and heat... help people heal.... nice flows of light and electricity... healing sunlight..."
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,2,6] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,4,6,4,3] = (1)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 7))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [3,1,1,2,4,8,8,2,3,6,5,8,6] = (3)
(1) Anthony: 7 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,6,5,[10, 3],7,7,2,6,1,5] vs 8 result of (2)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,[10, 9],8] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,9,6,6,8] = (2)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 8)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [5,4,3,3,2,8,8,3,1,1,6,6,5] = (2)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,5,4] = (0)
(1) Anthony: 8 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,9,9,7,6,4,2,[10, 3],3,[10, 6]] vs 8 result of (4)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(3) Robin: woo!"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra has difficulty tying the varried strings togeather **
(2) Kurtis: "good job"
(1) Anthony: (( only 5 successes that time ))
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(0)] => [9,7,5,3,9,7] = (40)
(4) Tristin: ((Gnosis to give myself 8 again))
** (4) Tristin focuses on his own luck and raises it a bit **
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,6,4,[10, 5]] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( you rerolled tristin? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((no you have to go by rote because you don't have life 3 to do the spell on your own the only person here who could use gnosis instead is Tony or Kassie because they have life 3
(4) Tristin: ((casted a spell))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((ahh okay understand now..))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 9))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 7],[9, 3],6,4,4,[9, 4],1,4,5,2,4,8] = (4)
(1) Anthony: 9 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,3,7,5,4,9,2,5,9,4] vs 8 result of (2)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,3,[8, 1],5] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,5,3,[10, 1],3] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( we got 6 that time :D ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 10))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [8,6,[10, 2],3,5,4,1,6,2,1,6,7,7] = (2)
(1) Anthony: 10 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],8,8,3,9,7,[10, 1],6,7,1,1] vs 8 result of (5)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,7,5,7] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,6,6,4,5] = (1)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 11))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [8,2,[10, 10, 6],6,4,6,5,1,1,[10, 10, 1],8,[10, 4],1] = (5)
(2) Kurtis: "keep it up, Robin"
(1) Anthony: 11 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,6,1,8,6,[10, 6],6,3,8,3] vs 8 result of (3)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,6,1,3] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,9,6,5,9] = (2)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 12 half way ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],[10, 7],4,[10, 7],4,5,3,8,[10, 7],[9, 3],3,3,5] = (6)
(1) Anthony: 12 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,8,6,3,1,3,8,6,8,1] vs 8 result of (3)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [3,3,7,4] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],2,6,8,6,4] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( can't we take what we have and double it? XD ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 13)) No :P
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [5,2,3,2,4,4,[10, 8],[10, 3],1,3,6,6,8] = (3)
(2) Kurtis: ((we will do better in 2nd half!!)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[8, 8, 7],7,1,1] = (1)
(1) Anthony: 13 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,3,2,3,5,2,1,4,6,[10, 1]] vs 8 result of (2)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],7,3,[10, 1],9,5] = (3)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 14))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],3,1,5,[10, 9, 2],8,2,[9, 2],8,[9, 4],[9, 9, 2],6,[10, 2]] = (8)
(1) Anthony: 14 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,1,9,2,2,4,8,2,9,1] vs 8 result of (3)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,4,5,3] = (0)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
** (2) Kurtis focuses heat in a nice warm healing aura, supplementing comfort **
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 3],9,2,3,1,3] = (2)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 15))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [4,4,3,[10, 3],[10, 7],1,1,6,4,3,3,3,1] = (2)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,[8, 8, 2],5,5] = (1)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
** (2) Kurtis makes ambient sounds in the air, gentle meditative music distant in the background, calming, intimate, private **
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,[10, 10, 1],1,5,8] = (3)
(1) Anthony: 15 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7,6,[10, 7],7,5,2,5,5,2,4] vs 8 result of (2)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 16))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [[9, 6],4,3,4,1,5,[9, 10, 3],8,1,6,1,7,7] = (3)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,5,[10, 8, 7],1] = (1)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(1) Anthony: 16 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,1,5,1,8,3,6,[10, 5],3,1] vs 8 result of (3)
(3) Robin: "i think im getting the hang of this"
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,6,4,6,4] = (0)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 17)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [6,4,1,6,6,7,[10, 5],[9, 4],4,4,8,7,6] = (3)
(1) Anthony: 17 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,3,1,5,4,1,9,5,3,6] vs 8 result of (1)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 5],[9, 1],6] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,5,2,6,8] = (1)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 18))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [2,5,7,2,3,[9, 6],[9, 7],2,5,[10, 5],1,1,[9, 4]] = (4)
(1) Anthony: 18 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,8,2,[10, 9],3,6,4,4,3,4] vs 8 result of (3)
(4) Tristin: 8
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 6],[10, 6],2] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,9,4,2,8] = (3)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 19))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],[9, 8],1,2,3,7,2,1,4,4,7,8,5] = (3)
(1) Anthony: 19 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,7,4,[10, 7],6,[10, 5],5,9,8,2] vs 8 result of (4)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,5,2,2] = (0)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,8,6,6,3] = (2)
(3) Robin: "spoke too soon/"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "We are doing better than I could alone, combined rituals are almost always more sucessful than a single mage casting."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 20))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 3],8,3,[10, 6],6,3,5,2,8,[9, 6],3,7] = (5)
(1) Anthony: 20 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,7,1,1,4,5,1,1,4,2] vs 8 result of a botch
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 10, 3],[8, 1],5] = (2)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
** (2) Kurtis found the F5 macro key **
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,6,4,8,8] = (2)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 21))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 10, 3],[10, 1],6,8,7,8,8,1,1,4,8,8] = (7)
(4) Tristin: ((lulz))
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6] = (0)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [2,1,[8, 8, 5],2] = (1)
(1) Anthony: 21 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,[10, 1],8,3,5,3,9,2,3,2] vs 8 result of (3)
(2) Kurtis: "It's amazing to watch how forces contribute power to the spell, I'm mainly using heat, light and sound"
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,1,5,5,2] = (0)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Roll 22)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [8,1,6,2,2,4,5,[10, 3],[9, 4],[9, 6],6,5,1] = (4)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[9, 5],2,[10, 5],1] = (2)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(1) Anthony: 22 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,1,4,7,8,1,5,2,6,4] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,8,5,2,1] = (1)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((roll 23))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [3,4,3,6,8,6,2,1,[9, 3],7,1,7,6] = (2)
(1) Anthony: 23 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,9,1,2,7,[10, 2],3,1,[10, 6],2] vs 8 result of (3)
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,[8, 10, 3],6,5] = (1)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1] = (0)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,4,8,9,3] = (2)
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((Last roll))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: [13d10.open(9).vs(8)] => [4,1,6,[9, 10, 3],5,8,[9, 2],8,1,[10, 4],7,2,7] = (5)
(1) Anthony: 24 - [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,6,6,2,4,6,5,7,1,4] vs 8 result of a botch
(4) Tristin: [4d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [6,1,4,[9, 4]] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,8,2,[10, 7],4] = (3)
(3) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(1) Anthony: Now to add up hte hash marks
(4) Tristin: ((hehhe, hash))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((counting sucesses = 166 sucesses))
(3) Robin: (go team!))
(4) Tristin: ((wow))
(2) Kurtis: ((is that 166 potions?))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: + 24 for +1 to potancy (Kassie has life 4 so adds potency to the spell))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: 166 + 24 = 190
(2) Kurtis: ((we gonna need a loooooot of zombies to chew through that the way we fight with 0 dmg))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: 190 points of damage that can be healed in this pot of potion which now needs to be devided into bottles
(4) Tristin: 5 each
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((and now the flavor text)
(2) Kurtis: ((kass, tony, tristin, robin, kurt, max, joni, numbers = 8 people))
(3) Robin: "ive got a flask for myself"
(1) Anthony: I count 165
(2) Kurtis: ((NPCs can die muhahaha))
(1) Anthony: I got 165, someone else 166, pretty darn close!!!
(2) Kurtis: i like the GM's version, it's 1 more :D
(1) Anthony: (( I was suspecting to be off ~5% anywya. If we are that close in count, that's darn good ))
(4) Tristin: And easier to divide by
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: You all work through the 4 hours chopping herbs taking turns stirring the pot, thinking healing thoughts and feeling the magic well up in the kitchen until the air feels light with it, the steam from this concoction nearly shimmering with essence, as the end of the spell draws near pulses race faster, a flush comes to your extremies and in the lasts moments a euphoric rush chases through your system as the spell sets into place.
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Now we bottle it."
(4) Tristin: 19x2=38 pots of 5 points each?
(1) Anthony: "How serious of wounds will this heal?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: .. you do math funny...
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Anything but fire and lightening... so don't stand near Kurtis"
(4) Tristin: ((Math teachers hate me, but I'm always right))
** (2) Kurtis feels sexually aroused and ready for action, a mix between ready to kill zombies and ready to ask someone out **
** (3) Robin tries not to notice kurtis' boner **
(2) Kurtis: "I think I got my powers down. It will be safe. Unless you're a zombie."
(4) Tristin: "Dude!"
(4) Tristin: "Put it away"
(1) Anthony: "Hopefully I won't need to use any. I can heal myself a little except for seroius wounds."
(2) Kurtis: "I thought we made potions so we dont need to cast healing"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "That's what its for."
(1) Anthony: "Keep an eye on Fluffy. I'm gongi to turn him into a lion or tiger, haven't decided which. I"ll try to tell if he's hurt."
(2) Kurtis: "We can drink them in battle instead of taking timeto cast... but the way last fight was, we had not a single scratch on us due to shields."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "I also have bottled tass but that's for a real emergency as tass is hard to come by"
(3) Robin: tass?
(1) Anthony: "Tass is... mana."
(1) Anthony: "in solid form."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Tass is when mana stores in an object because its been around a hollow for a while"
(2) Kurtis: "The book said that magic of Prime can create a tass... out of quintessense of a mage's soul. I just don't get it. I don't have a good handle on prime, though it's supposed to be really good."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "It can be liquid...there is a well on the property taht occationally has tass in it"
(3) Robin: "ahh."
(2) Kurtis: "The way I see it, a mage makes tass, then oblates on the porch to restore mana"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "You can make tass yes, by putting mana in something but you need to understand prime more than I do."
(2) Kurtis: "I need to understand it more than I do."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((if anyone is curious the drinks smell a little like rosemerry"
** (2) Kurtis develops a desire to try the delicious drink **
(1) Anthony: (( I used ot have a rosemary bush in my front lawn, used to take a few of hte leaves, smelled nice ))
** (1) Anthony notices kurtis eyeing the drink thurstily, "Don't even think about it, we jsut spent many hours making this. It can't be wasted." **
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((rosemary helps with "low blood pressure" and thyme helps with "sprains and strains" so both are in this potion))
(2) Kurtis: "How do we know it works if we don't test it?"
(3) Robin: "mind if i add a little honey to mine?"
(4) Tristin: "I could stab him..."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Look at it with more than just your natural vision and you will see that it is fairly leaping about with life and healing energy"
(2) Kurtis: "Imagine drinking something in battle, and instead of healing you, it grows you a pair of horns"
(4) Tristin: "Then we could impale the zombies!"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "At this point you can put anything in it except things that would stop you from healing, alcohol, narcotics..."
(3) Robin: "yeah we need a test, stab him."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "No stabbing"
(2) Kurtis: "I'll stab you in a minute." threatens Robin with a boner
(2) Kurtis: "How about a small cut"
(3) Robin: lol
(4) Tristin: "awwwe..."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "Males"
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra starts bottling" **
(1) Anthony: "This is the second time I've made healing poitions this way."
(4) Tristin: "Can I punch him?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "No punching"
(2) Kurtis: "You did this before?"
(1) Anthony: "Although the medicine man did it a bit differently."
(3) Robin: "punch him!"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "QUITE FIGHTING!"
(1) Anthony: "Aye, cured some children in Africa this way."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: .. *Quit
** (2) Kurtis kinda ignores hyper Tristin **
** (3) Robin looks through cabnits for honey **
(3) Robin: any honey around here?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "With the tea next to the sink"
(2) Kurtis: ((i feel we just gonna rape the zombies))
(2) Kurtis: ((we can all buff each other))
** (5) Kassidy aka Kassandra finishes bottling stuff **
** (3) Robin grabs honey. squeezes some directly into mouth. **
(3) Robin: "mmmm honey"
(1) Anthony: (( well, once I"m buffed up I'll have 3 spells on me, which is my stamina. So any casting I do will be at -1 ))
(2) Kurtis: ((stamina +1 is the limit))
(2) Kurtis: ((at stamina 3 u can have 4 spells))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: okay ya'll we have 2 hours about until the zombies get here.. I can make ya stronger and faster and put some shields up
(1) Anthony: (( +1? you sure? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: (mmhmm))
(1) Anthony: "I can double my strength"
(1) Anthony: "And use oranic resiliance."
(2) Kurtis: "shield people who are fighting hand to hand. With all luck I will be on distance, and possibly, midair. I'll be throwing shields at you guys too, just call them out."
(1) Anthony: "then I give myself claws, fangs and fur or scales depending on my mood."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "alright so who is long range and who is gonna be in the thick?"
(3) Robin: ive got my untouchable shield, which is kickass"
(1) Anthony: (( do shields stack? I get conflicting info from the book ))
(2) Kurtis: "I'll be firing far in front of you to slow down whatever is trying to get to you. Also I'll try to send current through the wire traps"
(4) Tristin: "I have to get up close, unless I throw my knife..."
(2) Kurtis: "I will not use raw fire."
(2) Kurtis: "Wood doesnt conduct, right?"
(1) Anthony: 'Wet wood yes, dry wood no"
(2) Kurtis: "I fire at my target, target sets on fire? Wait... lightning hits a tree, forest burns. How do i avoid that?"
(1) Anthony: "Trees normally don't, unless its raining."
(3) Robin: ill have no need to be close up, unless i feel like beating the shit out of a suspended zombie close up
(2) Kurtis: "Why does Lightning start wood on fire during rain? How come water doesnt put it out?"
(1) Anthony: "Don't miss?"
(1) Anthony: "It normally does."
(1) Anthony: "But it depends on how dry the wood is and how hard it's raining."
(2) Kurtis: "Robin, I'm going to give extra velocity to your bat, so it will feel a lot faster and lighter. You will do much more damage on distance this way."
(3) Robin: "sweet deal."
(1) Anthony: "If it's lighter it'll do less damage, won't it?"
(1) Anthony: "Oh, faster but same weight, yeah."
(3) Robin: "roger did something to it once...but i dont remeber what it was supposed to do"
(2) Kurtis: "Also, I can accelerate myself in battle as needed, kind of like Tristin does to himself."
(2) Kurtis: "And of course, if it gets crowded, i will toss them off away"
(2) Kurtis: "Roger better show up soon, wherever he is, he can just turn zombies away"
(2) Kurtis: "Wait... what if he is helping the other guy? What if it was his idea?"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((as far as I can tell shield spells stack but you have to watch how many spells are on you at a time))
(3) Robin: "if he can pull off making them fight each other, we should take a pair for entertainment for the after party"
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: "That's not... no actually that is kinda funny... but these were living things... once."
(3) Robin: "if theyre attacking use, we might as well enslave them and make them dancing puppets"
(3) Robin: use = us
(1) Anthony: uh oh
(2) Kurtis: "m?"
(3) Robin: "oh, come on."
(1) Anthony: (( mage2 pp 128 ))
(3) Robin: "it would be fun."
(2) Kurtis: "You're a very disturbing girl, Robin."
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((whats on 128?))
** (3) Robin smiles **
(3) Robin: ((spell casting?))
(1) Anthony: (( For example, if a mage casts a “Magic Shield” spell (see p. 222) on a subject, granting two points of armor against spells, and then casts another Magic Shield spell granting four points of armor, the subject has four points of armor, not two or six. If the four-point spell wears off before the other, the subject still has two points of armor remaining (from the first spell). In terms of Spell Tolerance, only the four-point spell applies to the subject’s total. ))
(2) Kurtis: "You have to get off this shit you're on... but keep making it. It's damn good."
(1) Anthony: (( oh, but that's the SAME spell ))
(1) Anthony: (( So different types of shields should stack, the same type not? ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((right))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((like different flavors of ice cream.. two scopes of mint still taste like 2 scopes of mint even if you have chocolate chip next to them
(1) Anthony: (( next paragrah though... ))
(1) Anthony: (( Note that such precedence applies to only spells with the same effect, not just the same Arcanum. If a subject has a Strength-boosting Life spell, then a Stamina-boosting Life spell, or any other Life spell cast on him, they all affect the subject normally. Another Strength-boosting spell, however, does not stack with the first. Only the most potent spell takes effect, and both count as one toward Spell Tolerance. ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((see the only problem I see with that is that sheild spell for life physically changes your cell structure to make it stronger and thus take away damage, where as say space puts whatever is hitting you in another place so they aren't doing the same thing.
(1) Anthony: (( that can be read either way I guess. hard to decide ))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, I tend to agree. I think different arcana shields shoudl stack, they do differnt hings ))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((time allows you to dodge better giving you added armor.. forces slows the speed of something hitting you.. they do different types of "sheilding"
(2) Kurtis: ((a force field is different from armor scales, i agree))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((I mean the fate sheild basically makes you lucky enough to not be hit that hard or happend to move back as they punch forward I dunno on that one))
(4) Tristin: ((Since we are talking about sheild stacking, is today's over?))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: ((yes we will put of shields and deal with zombies next game))
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra:
  End Session: Next on Mage: A ZOMBIE?! TURN UNDEAD!

(4) Tristin: How do I make a box?
(5) Kassidy aka Kassandra: You don't :P
(4) Tristin: :(
(2) Kurtis: type /box
(5) GM Claire: So.. five hour game... normal xp 2 rp nods, 2 learning curve 2 for coming
(4) Tristin: "Sorry I don't know what /box is!"
(5) GM Claire: start noding ppl. 1 vote each
(5) GM Claire: haha!
(2) Kurtis: tools - plugins - quote box
(5) GM Claire: you may not nod the tools - plugins - quote box for RP Kurtis
(4) Tristin: I vote Tony for TV stuff...
(4) Tristin: And - one to Robin because I missed pount puppy of the week!
(1) Anthony: I vote robin for playing stoned
(3) Robin: i vote fluffy cuz hes so cute
(4) Tristin: pound*
(2) Kurtis: vote Tristin for puppies
(1) Anthony: tristin for puppies
(5) GM Claire: fluffy cannot be nodded because fluffy is an NPC and thus me and I don't get XP for RP I'm the GM
(2) Kurtis: well... kinda close
(3) Robin: :(but hes so cute
(5) GM Claire: (wonders if she could put any more abbriviations in that sentence))
(2) Kurtis: Robin for the lid shield
(3) Robin: woo!
(1) Anthony: what I've learned... I've learned a little more about combined spells, thought I dont' understand them fully
(3) Robin: anthony, then.
(1) Anthony: I learned that shields stack
(5) GM Claire: robin gets rp as does tristin and tony (2 way tie for second)
(4) Tristin: I learned to not let Robin cast spells if I want to see the puppies, and that zombies need severed spines. :)
(1) Anthony: I've learned that counting 24 rolls is tedious
(5) GM Claire: sorry Kurtis no one loves you
(2) Kurtis: im used to it
(5) GM Claire: but so sucessful
(1) Anthony: I've learned that bribing a cat with becoming a tiger works
(2) Kurtis: i learned that hair is a better sympathetic ocnnection than an object
(5) GM Claire: hehe
(3) Robin: i learned i shouldnt cook and i understand the whole scrying portal thing better
(1) Anthony: what house cat wouldn'twant ot be a tiger?
(5) GM Claire: very good
(5) GM Claire: house cats already think they are tigers
(1) Anthony: I've learned I should of bought fire insurance
(2) Kurtis: and i learned that you dont need to be a good shot to fire a pistol
(5) GM Claire: Robin gets 6xp, tristin gets 6 xp, Tony gets 6 xp, Kurtis only gets 4 xp :(
(2) Kurtis: it still hits if you cheat, making Obrimos pretty good shots
(5) GM Claire: you do too!
(5) GM Claire: okay so any point spending?
(3) Robin: pass for tonight
(1) Anthony: gnosis is 8x ain't it? dang, will be a while
(5) GM Claire: yes x 8
(1) Anthony: pass I think
(2) Kurtis: im at 5xp :/ no spending.
(5) GM Claire: alright then. Bring your zombie survival kits next week kiddies
(2) Kurtis: wait
(4) Tristin: How much is gnosis?
(2) Kurtis: whats 1 dot in skills?
(5) GM Claire: as in the first dot?
(2) Kurtis: yes
(2) Kurtis: im thinking to buy firearms, since im keeping that pistol
(1) Anthony: Make your own pistol out of mana :P
(2) Kurtis: lol
(5) GM Claire: skills are new dot x 3 so the first dot = 3xp just like a specilazation
(2) Kurtis: ok, whats better for firing a gun - weaponry or firearms?
(5) GM Claire: ... firearms...
(2) Kurtis: sold
(4) Tristin: and gnosis?
(1) Anthony: Oh, yes
(5) GM Claire: weaponry is for swords, knives, baseball bats.. hitting someone with the back of a gun..
(1) Anthony: I'm thinking I might raise stamina too. lol
(5) GM Claire: 8x new level
(2) Kurtis: bought a dot in firearms, 2xp left
(5) GM Claire: attributes are 5x new level
(1) Anthony: 20 exp to traise it ot 4? ouch
(5) GM Claire: mhmm
(5) GM Claire: I should really track how much xp you have earned total so I know how hard to make new enemies
(2) Kurtis: submitting updated charsheet
(4) Tristin: They take forever already.
(1) Anthony: YOucan probalby base that roughtly on number of sessoins
(5) OOC :P: on a slighty unrelated and vaugely selfish note I wish one of you guys knew what the New Changeling was like and would run a game because I think it would be really sexy to play a game.
(4) Tristin: I suck as GM, I think.
(4) Tristin: And I'm no good with remembering rules to tabletop.
(2) Kurtis: i know Serp can GM but im not sure how interested he is in CHangeling. Probably needs to read the book, but Serp likes reading :D
(5) OOC :P: Its fine I'll just make her into a story character and write about her instead :P
(2) Kurtis: i keep arguing that a Mage owuld eat a changeling for breakfast
(1) Anthony: I don't know if I could GM well
(2) Kurtis: Claire says otherwise
(2) Kurtis: I suggest a duel right here right now
(2) Kurtis: your changeling char vs Kurtis
(2) Kurtis: OOC
(4) Tristin: We have to go.
(5) OOC :P: hey there are no rules at all in the book for any resisting Changeling magic and the changeling book was made after mage so it would have discribed such resistances if there were any :P
(4) Tristin: She's giving me a ride.
(2) Kurtis: problem is, there isn ot much description about interaction of two types
(3) Robin: yep yep
(5) OOC :P: okay bye you two
(2) Kurtis: baj shawn
(2) Kurtis: baj rach
(4) Tristin: Later,thanks for the game.
(3) Robin: b ye bye
(5) OOC :P: thanks for playing
(2) Kurtis: pwning zeds next time
(4) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Robin (exit): 03:49
(4) Shawn (exit): 03:49
(1) Anthony: ripcording
(1) Anthony: Disconnecting from server...
(1) Anthony (exit): 03:50
(2) Kurtis: ripcording
(5) OOC :P: Disconnecting from server...
(5) GM Claire (exit): 03:50