[Sun Jun 06 18:21:22 2010] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Sun Jun 06 18:21:22 2010] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Sun Jun 06 18:21:27 2010] : Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:22 2010] : Locating server at
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:23 2010] : Game connected!
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:22
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:23 2010] : (1) Seth Heinrich (enter): 18:22
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:23 2010] : (2) Dante (enter): 18:22
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:24 2010] : Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

[Sun Jun 06 18:22:28 2010] : (1) sariah-OOC: Disconnecting from server...
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:28 2010] : (1) Seth Heinrich (exit): 18:22
[Sun Jun 06 18:22:31 2010] : (4) sariah-OOC (enter): 18:22
[Sun Jun 06 18:23:00 2010] : Moving to room 'Mage'..
[Sun Jun 06 18:23:00 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:23
[Sun Jun 06 18:23:01 2010] : Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

[Sun Jun 06 18:24:05 2010] : (2) Dante (enter): 18:24
[Sun Jun 06 18:25:19 2010] : (4) sariah-OOC (enter): 18:25
[Sun Jun 06 18:25:52 2010] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Dante...
[Sun Jun 06 18:28:32 2010] : (5) Eve Kline (enter): 18:28
[Sun Jun 06 18:28:46 2010] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) sariah-OOC...
[Sun Jun 06 18:28:50 2010] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve Kline...
[Sun Jun 06 18:30:03 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: jon having connex issues
[Sun Jun 06 18:30:19 2010] : (6) Justin (enter): 18:30
[Sun Jun 06 18:35:16 2010] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Justin...
[Sun Jun 06 18:35:32 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: welcome all
[Sun Jun 06 18:35:52 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: man, this one will be mind numbing
[Sun Jun 06 18:35:53 2010] : (6) Justin: Welcome.. too!
[Sun Jun 06 18:36:54 2010] : (2) Dante: yeah/
[Sun Jun 06 18:37:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: Alright then.
[Sun Jun 06 18:38:16 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: first thing first, is tying loose ends from last game
[Sun Jun 06 18:39:10 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: Eve is unconcious I believe?
[Sun Jun 06 18:39:22 2010] : (6) Justin: As I recall it, yes.
[Sun Jun 06 18:39:36 2010] : (2) Dante: And Dante?
[Sun Jun 06 18:39:53 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: also unconcious
[Sun Jun 06 18:39:59 2010] : (2) Dante: Mhm
[Sun Jun 06 18:41:36 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: all the cool people are being unconcious *peer pressure*
[Sun Jun 06 18:41:42 2010] : (2) Dante: Yup
[Sun Jun 06 18:41:56 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: Yes, Dante and Eve unconscious, Kurtis is bleeding out of his guts with 6 agg, Justin with 5 agg, and Justin has 4 mana
[Sun Jun 06 18:43:15 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: before anything, Justin rolls 3 dice as he just attempted a vengeance action, ignoring safety of the party, that nearly resulted in TPK. He is now rolling for wisdom degeneration.
[Sun Jun 06 18:43:43 2010] : (6) Justin: Ouch.
[Sun Jun 06 18:43:44 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: Justin needs 1 success to shake off the consequence
[Sun Jun 06 18:43:51 2010] : (6) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (3)] => [[10, 7],3] = (20)
[Sun Jun 06 18:44:13 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ...
[Sun Jun 06 18:44:13 2010] : (6) Justin: err..
[Sun Jun 06 18:44:33 2010] : (6) Justin: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,[10, 2]] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 18:44:33 2010] : (6) Justin: There we go.
[Sun Jun 06 18:44:40 2010] : (2) Dante: ...
[Sun Jun 06 18:45:10 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: All i gotta say is daemn
[Sun Jun 06 18:45:24 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: Justin, congrats. You actually just became more ruthless.
[Sun Jun 06 18:47:25 2010] : (6) Justin: Srsly? Sweet.
[Sun Jun 06 18:48:17 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: Okay, the thing is, because you didn't lose wisdom, you justify your action and manage to get over it and forgive yourself. But because you didn't lose it, you do realize that what you did was wrong. You acted really stupidly, and do feel guilty. You sense that casting that way is against the tapestry of Life, as your personal ego just toyed with lives of others.
[Sun Jun 06 18:48:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: along those lines
[Sun Jun 06 18:49:26 2010] : (6) Justin: Got it.
[Sun Jun 06 18:49:34 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: We all ready?
[Sun Jun 06 18:49:40 2010] : (6) Justin: Very much so.
[Sun Jun 06 18:50:01 2010] :
New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

[Sun Jun 06 18:50:01 2010] :
New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

[Sun Jun 06 18:50:25 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: *summons teh box*
[Sun Jun 06 18:51:08 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox:
Mage The Awakening: Episode 29

[Sun Jun 06 18:53:18 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: Flames engulf the street, fuel spreading on the pavement, the establishment's parking lot covered in smoke. The helicopter is burning, slowly turning into a pile of metal debris. People are running, screaming, getting into their cars and ready to leave. Guards are rounding people up. You guys are on the roof, and you hear the sirens.
[Sun Jun 06 18:53:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: well, only Justin and Kurtis do.
[Sun Jun 06 18:54:14 2010] : (6) Justin: (Yay for being concious!)
[Sun Jun 06 18:55:07 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis gets up off his knee and stumbles towards Justin, hand reaching behind his back and groping the empty air in futility **
[Sun Jun 06 18:55:20 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline doesn't hear anything :) **
[Sun Jun 06 18:55:27 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Justiiin! I'm gonna kill you!!"
[Sun Jun 06 18:55:38 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis bleeds profusely **
[Sun Jun 06 18:55:54 2010] : (6) Justin: "Wait until you're not dead first."
[Sun Jun 06 18:56:22 2010] : ** (6) Justin coughs and stumbles back towards Kurtis, working on bringing forward his own innate talents for life, as he reaches for Kurtis. **
[Sun Jun 06 18:56:55 2010] : ** (2) Dante bleeds profusely as his limp body splays outward like a motionless mime portraying some sick streetside show. **
[Sun Jun 06 18:57:51 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "You idiot!" - he gropes himself in vital, places, then reaches for one of his guns, which have been blown away, realizes he got nothing to shoot Justin with and points to Eve in frustration. "Bring..." *cough* "bring her back!"
[Sun Jun 06 18:58:37 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline lays in a fighteningly still state, one leg bent at an akward angle from falling back after the helicopter blast **
[Sun Jun 06 18:59:06 2010] : (6) Justin: "Shut up and follow me for a second, I'm going to heal both of you.."
[Sun Jun 06 18:59:39 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis limps towards Justin **
[Sun Jun 06 19:00:10 2010] : ** (6) Justin grumbles in the obvious pain he's experiencing, doing his best to not be overcome by it, he stalks towards Eve, still pulling upon his Life magic, gathering it, so that he is prepared to dump whats left of his quintessence into healing his injured allies **
[Sun Jun 06 19:01:30 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis lowers his voice **
[Sun Jun 06 19:02:04 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "What the fuck did you do, man? You might wanna have an excuse for the guys of why you didn't warn em. I mean, I coulda put a shield up or somethin."
[Sun Jun 06 19:02:42 2010] : (6) Justin: "No time, it was getting away, I couldn't think."
[Sun Jun 06 19:02:51 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis sniffs **
[Sun Jun 06 19:02:59 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Nice explosion anyway. "
[Sun Jun 06 19:03:36 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Can't blame that one on me though."
[Sun Jun 06 19:03:38 2010] : ** (6) Justin drops down to his knees, whenever he gets to Eve, his hands move downward, drawing over the woman's form, searching all the wounds, taking note of the worst ones, before he attempts to get them healed **
[Sun Jun 06 19:03:55 2010] : (6) Justin: "No, there isn't any way I can blame it on anyone but myself."
[Sun Jun 06 19:04:58 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): roll your heals
[Sun Jun 06 19:05:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): the worst wound on Eve is probably her broken leg
[Sun Jun 06 19:05:51 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): the other one is a concussion, and a small piece of shrapnel in her chest
[Sun Jun 06 19:06:28 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 3 Gnosis 3 = 6
[Sun Jun 06 19:06:30 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((why do I always get shrapnel or spears in my chest?...))
[Sun Jun 06 19:06:35 2010] : (6) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,2,5,4,7] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 19:06:51 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Quintessense goes whoooosh
[Sun Jun 06 19:07:33 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline bleeds a little out the corner of her mouth **
[Sun Jun 06 19:07:36 2010] : (6) Justin: As I was gnosising with life, no mana is drained, correct? Not unless they're actually healed?
[Sun Jun 06 19:08:09 2010] : (6) Justin: "Damnit! I can do this!"
[Sun Jun 06 19:08:35 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you can't gnosis a heal, since it's not an improvised spell. a rote for it exists and costs 1 mana, so it's a "template" spell pattern))
[Sun Jun 06 19:09:02 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve's body takes your mana in, but doesn't get affected.
[Sun Jun 06 19:09:49 2010] : (6) Justin: ((How much does a 4th dot in Life cost me again? 6x4? 24?))
[Sun Jun 06 19:09:55 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((mmm mana nom nom))
[Sun Jun 06 19:09:57 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((24))
[Sun Jun 06 19:10:53 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Come on, kid. We can't lose these two. Focus."
[Sun Jun 06 19:11:13 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis looks out into the street **
[Sun Jun 06 19:12:42 2010] : ** (6) Justin 's eyes close, the stress and turbulance of the night, weighing in, causing his head to throb in a constant rhythm of pain, he closes his eyes, and forgets the pain of his wounds, but still his head throbs and pulses, and he follows that pulse, as it works it's way through his body, and his lungs respirate, and suddenly, he's aware of all the life around him, the badly injured bodies, as well as the lack of life, where the dead bodies lie all around the rooftop. All of those thoughs, swirl out in just a moment, before pressing back, into a singularity, and something in his mind unhinges itself, as his eyes snap open. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:12:45 2010] : (6) Justin: "I can do this."
[Sun Jun 06 19:13:03 2010] : (6) Justin: ((I'd like to purchase life 4 and heal again, this time using a willpower.))
[Sun Jun 06 19:13:15 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((gooooood fucking caall))
[Sun Jun 06 19:13:26 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((sold. 2 xp left on u))
[Sun Jun 06 19:14:07 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 wp 3 = 10
[Sun Jun 06 19:14:16 2010] : (6) Justin: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],7,4,7,7,7,6,1,6,8] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 19:15:09 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis leans back a bit. "Woah. You just went Voltron or something. Atta boy, keep with it!" **
[Sun Jun 06 19:15:59 2010] : (6) Justin: "I'll try whats left of my healing on you. Scavanger is still out there. He's wounded, and now might be the best time to take him out."
[Sun Jun 06 19:16:19 2010] : ** (6) Justin slowly moves to his feet, putting out his hand, for Kurtis to take **
[Sun Jun 06 19:17:14 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Although you're not aware of this, Justin, your eye pupils become blood red and slitted for a moment, as the eyeballs themselves tint yellow, a wave of red scales flashes through your skin, and fades back to human. So do your eyes. Eve's leg crunches and twists back into place, and her concussion metigates.
[Sun Jun 06 19:17:30 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, with a burst of pain you come into consciousness.
[Sun Jun 06 19:17:57 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((how many damage is healed?))
[Sun Jun 06 19:18:19 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((2. you got 3 agg. shrapnel in your chest, between the lungs))
[Sun Jun 06 19:18:38 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "You're spiking with magic dude. Do your stuff."
[Sun Jun 06 19:18:42 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis takes his hand **
[Sun Jun 06 19:19:21 2010] : ** (6) Justin grasps Kurtis' hand firmly, and sends the last wave of his energy out into the man, in an attemp to heal the worst of his wounds **
[Sun Jun 06 19:19:22 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 = 7
[Sun Jun 06 19:19:23 2010] : (3) Kurtis: (9u got 2 mana and 4 willpower))
[Sun Jun 06 19:19:34 2010] : (6) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,5,4,6,6,6] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 19:19:41 2010] : (3) Kurtis: mana goes woooshhh
[Sun Jun 06 19:19:51 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline groans in pain and tries to sit up, grimaces but manages not to scream and lays back for a moment taking shallow breaths **
[Sun Jun 06 19:20:08 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Okay man, don't feel any different. Wait. Bring Dante up. I can still use my powers, and you're almost outta juice."
[Sun Jun 06 19:20:42 2010] : ** (6) Justin nods lightly, before stumbling over to Dante, he drops down, and rests his hands over the man, making sure to make the last of his energy count **
[Sun Jun 06 19:20:51 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 wp 3 = 10
[Sun Jun 06 19:20:57 2010] : (6) Justin: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 4],3,4,5,7,9,7,3,2] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 19:21:04 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline looks around from her back trying to see who is left and where Scavenger is if he's still up **
[Sun Jun 06 19:21:39 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante's condition is worse than Eve's, he got a piece of helicopter blade nearly cutting his arm off, that's his worst wound. Also, a gash in his stomach seems to cause internal bleeding
[Sun Jun 06 19:22:07 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Your quintessense splits from you and becomes two healing energies you can direct to any of the wounds.
[Sun Jun 06 19:23:15 2010] : ** (6) Justin gets to work, as that healing swirls about him, first he rips the helicopter blade, from the prone man's arm, holding it together, he directs a healing surge there, before moving down to the nasty looking gash in Dante's stomach, which he patches up with his energy **
[Sun Jun 06 19:25:36 2010] : ** (2) Dante opens an eye as he rouses to consciousness. Only a split second passes before awakening before the realization of pain shoots throughout his body, his whole self rolling forward in a half somersault as his hands clench into fists at his sides. In a kneeling position, Dante's eyes widen as he looks about, an internal fog still seemingly clouding his vision for a moment. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:25:50 2010] : (2) Dante: "Fuuuuu---ck!"
[Sun Jun 06 19:26:17 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, 2 aggrevated damage gets healed, as your arm reattaches, and your stomach patches up. This hurts a lot. You spring into a nightmairish awakening of pain. (( so its 3 agg, 1 lethal, 1 bashing))
[Sun Jun 06 19:26:33 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): You still got some pretty severe burns and bruises
[Sun Jun 06 19:27:27 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis falls to his knee, spitting blood **
[Sun Jun 06 19:27:35 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline begins to sit up slowly still looking around for their foes **
[Sun Jun 06 19:27:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Shit, this is not good. I won't make it far. We gotta get more healing."
[Sun Jun 06 19:28:16 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "I have mana if Justin needs it, not sure if I can give it to him but I can try."
[Sun Jun 06 19:28:38 2010] : (6) Justin: "If you could try, then I could make sure Kurtis is operational.."
[Sun Jun 06 19:28:50 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis has burns all over his clothes and body, and a nearly missing eye **
[Sun Jun 06 19:29:03 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis checks himself **
[Sun Jun 06 19:29:15 2010] : ** (6) Justin draws upwards looking over to Kurtis, then to Eve **
[Sun Jun 06 19:29:18 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I have mana. Wait. wait, gimme the book."
[Sun Jun 06 19:29:21 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks over to Justin in a slow, but less-than-casual way. He seems to be taking in his surroundings in general as though unsure of where he is. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:29:54 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis feels his coat for the Altlantis book **
[Sun Jun 06 19:30:38 2010] : whispering to sariah-OOC, are you playing Seth?
[Sun Jun 06 19:32:00 2010] : (6) Justin: "Dante, it was my fault. You can kill me later."
[Sun Jun 06 19:32:02 2010] : whispering to sariah-OOC, reply back if yes
[Sun Jun 06 19:33:21 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis flips through the book with his bloody fingers **
[Sun Jun 06 19:33:55 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline pushes herself up to a kneeling position swaying slightly, and continues to look around causiously. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:34:59 2010] : ** (2) Dante shrugs his shoulders, then his head as he rubs his hand on his arm, wincing sharply in pain as he suddenly refreshes the sensation of burnt flesh in his mind. "What the fuck even happened? All I remember is a big explosion and tons of pain before now." **
[Sun Jun 06 19:35:17 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks around a bit more as he observes the burning slag. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:35:23 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Eve, you're sitting up on a roof of a 3 story building. Down the street are fire, smoke, panic, and sirens. It's night time. Off first sight, you don't see Scavenger or Simon. Roll perception to focus better.
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:05 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (wits + composure = 7)
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:08 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [8,7] = (15)
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:13 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],[10, 7],2,5,3,[10, 9],8] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:25 2010] : (6) Justin: ((Jesus christ))
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:37 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((i know what they had for lunch I'm so perceptive)
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:49 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Dante...! Dante, how you feeling on quintessense?" - looks with Mage sight. "Oh good. You're full of mana, man. We gotta give Justin mana."
[Sun Jun 06 19:36:57 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Open your books, look for ways to work with mana"
[Sun Jun 06 19:37:58 2010] : ** (2) Dante reaches into the back of his nearly shredded shirt, pulling out the book in silent response. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:38:01 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you see two shadows separate from the helicopter. Third shadow tries to crawl, but stops moving in the fire and lays down motionless. The other two look like Simon and Scavenger to you. They are walking towards the building.
[Sun Jun 06 19:39:31 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Intelligence + Occult to make quick discovery of our needed spells under stress of time
[Sun Jun 06 19:39:37 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Int 2 + Occult 1 = 3
[Sun Jun 06 19:40:00 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 9],1] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 19:40:50 2010] : (2) Dante: ((you want me to make the same roll?))
[Sun Jun 06 19:41:05 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((sure))
[Sun Jun 06 19:41:26 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((if you wanna help look for the rote))
[Sun Jun 06 19:42:04 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis crawls over to Dante with his book and frantically compares pages, showing him section on Prime **
[Sun Jun 06 19:42:05 2010] : (2) Dante: ((yup))
[Sun Jun 06 19:42:28 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline doesn't have a book to look through so she waits squinting at the two shadows, her eyes begin to bleed to black as she reaches out with a burn covered hand aiming her first spell at the larger of the two figures drawing on the connection to the death all around her she finds the mans strenght and attempts to rip it out of him (enervation) **
[Sun Jun 06 19:42:32 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((yeah roll same roll then))
[Sun Jun 06 19:43:18 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (presence + occult + death (12) - his stamina
[Sun Jun 06 19:43:37 2010] : (2) Dante: ((int 2 + occult 3 = 5 for searching for appropriate spells))
[Sun Jun 06 19:44:00 2010] : (2) Dante: [5{i} d10.open(10).vs(8)] => 5{i} d10.open(10).vs(8)
[Sun Jun 06 19:44:03 2010] : (2) Dante: ((err))
[Sun Jun 06 19:44:07 2010] : (2) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,2,6,7] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 19:44:15 2010] : (2) Dante: ((I forget how to read.))
[Sun Jun 06 19:44:47 2010] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Sun Jun 06 19:44:50 2010] : (4) sariah-OOC: (whispering): O.o
[Sun Jun 06 19:45:00 2010] : (4) sariah-OOC: (whispering): i was just going to chill. i wasn't sure if you were wanting me to play or not
[Sun Jun 06 19:45:08 2010] : (3) Kurtis: okay, Kurtis and Dante are searching through the book. It takes them 3 minutes to find the spell. Meanwhile, in these 3 minutes... Eve tries a spell. Roll it.
[Sun Jun 06 19:45:37 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((i need targets stamina))
[Sun Jun 06 19:45:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((5))
[Sun Jun 06 19:46:03 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: okay thats 7
[Sun Jun 06 19:46:09 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,2,3,2,8,6] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 19:46:42 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline growls softly feeling the spell have difficulty latching on to her target. **
[Sun Jun 06 19:47:30 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline takes a deep breath and attempts to hit him with the spell a second time since her target did not fall over **
[Sun Jun 06 19:48:33 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Okay. You agree to join the Guardians?
[Sun Jun 06 19:49:48 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: (whispering): The gentleman who saved you from the explosion, this is what he looks like: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Lazarus%20Lavrus.jpg
[Sun Jun 06 19:50:13 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: (whispering): He will give you a mission.
[Sun Jun 06 19:50:23 2010] : (4) sariah-OOC: (whispering): kk
[Sun Jun 06 19:50:47 2010] : (3) Lazarus: (whispering): "Of course, as a new member, you would be eager to serve the righteous cause, would you not?"
[Sun Jun 06 19:51:09 2010] : **(4) sariah-OOC: (whispering): cringes at old man "yeah. who wouldn't?"**
[Sun Jun 06 19:53:16 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your spell hits the larger of the two forms, and it pauses mid walk. The small Shadow immediately takes cover behind a helicopter's burning tail section. Scavenger, however, now seems to be more alert. He keeps on walking, and popping his neck, fairly menacingly. He's walking kinda slow, looking messed up. But your observation skill hints to you he might be faking it out so you spend more energy on him.
[Sun Jun 06 19:56:21 2010] : (3) Lazarus: (whispering): "There are four intruders in our city, each in possession of a series of books, the books that must never be seen or made public, and in fact, have no right to exist. Out of original 40 copies, we have eliminated 39. But one book managed to survive and replicate itself. We would like you to find the intruders, get close to them, and at your first chance, take their books and destroy them, or bring them back to us. Be warned, however, albeit their seeming, this group of people is very dangerous, in fact, due to their inexperience. We will give you a partner."
[Sun Jun 06 19:56:42 2010] : (3) Scavenger: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,9,2,2,9,3,2,1] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 19:56:59 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): tingle-tingle, in the back of Eve's head.
[Sun Jun 06 19:57:36 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((can I counter spell?))
[Sun Jun 06 19:57:56 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you don't see what it is, just feel a spell being cast nearby))
[Sun Jun 06 19:58:27 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): blinks and nods" okay. seems....easy enough...."**
[Sun Jun 06 19:59:57 2010] : (3) Lazarus: (whispering): "If you feel that you are in danger at any point in time, dial 111 on this phone." - he gives you a phone.
[Sun Jun 06 20:00:45 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): takes phone and nods "okay....111 isn't that hard to remember"**
[Sun Jun 06 20:02:50 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): "sir any idea where they are?"
[Sun Jun 06 20:02:55 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis points to a page in the book **
[Sun Jun 06 20:03:02 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((mmhmm))
[Sun Jun 06 20:03:10 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Here, I think this will work."
[Sun Jun 06 20:03:33 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (I'll be bringing up mage sight when I have the chance
[Sun Jun 06 20:04:19 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "A mage can siphon essense out of a ghost, spirit, or locus, and convert it to personal mana."
[Sun Jun 06 20:04:54 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Do we have any spirits, ghosts, or locusezes around? I could get mana from them."
[Sun Jun 06 20:06:59 2010] : (3) Lazarus: (whispering): "Well yes, you have actually met them, once. Luckily, unharmed. They were back on the roof of the building that night when we took you away from the explosion. But they would sure be gone by now, so you'd have to track them down from there. They are most likely still in Leipzig."
[Sun Jun 06 20:07:24 2010] : (2) Dante: "Ask the Thyrsus?"
[Sun Jun 06 20:07:51 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "How will that help giving it to Justin???...It wasn't a question of how to get more mana rather how to give it to Justin..."
[Sun Jun 06 20:07:58 2010] : ** (6) Justin looks over distractedly, his brow raising **
[Sun Jun 06 20:08:18 2010] : (6) Justin: "Spirits are everywhere, I would have no clue how to extricate mana from them though."
[Sun Jun 06 20:08:20 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "If I have mana in me, I can imbue it like before, into cigarettes, donuts, sugar, whatever" COUGH COUGH OF BLOOD
[Sun Jun 06 20:08:32 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline brings up her supernal vision sparks dancing around her eyes for a moment" **
[Sun Jun 06 20:08:44 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "tell me how and I'll do it."
[Sun Jun 06 20:09:22 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (wits + occult + prime = 10)
[Sun Jun 06 20:09:25 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [0 d10.open(10).vs(10)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(10)
[Sun Jun 06 20:09:29 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,7,9,2,3,6,4,3,1] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 20:09:45 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Okay, well, you use your understanding of prime, like, the lines of it. And you imagine a shape, then just... well, like peeing, but with the brain. If I had more mana, I'd show you."
[Sun Jun 06 20:10:57 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Could someone summon a spirit or a ghost?"
[Sun Jun 06 20:11:05 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): gets a thoughtful look on her face "okay...so...if they have more...experience then me...how am i supossed to lie to them well enough that they don't like...kill me..."**
[Sun Jun 06 20:12:14 2010] : (6) Justin: "I'll try."
[Sun Jun 06 20:13:16 2010] : ** (6) Justin looks around, doing his best to focus upon whatever is the most prevelant in the area, from the rubble, to the wind, to the smoke that filters through the area. Finally, he focuses on the smoke, and closes his eyes, dipping into his less-used capabilities, in an attempt to bring the spirit of the smoke to form **
[Sun Jun 06 20:13:34 2010] : (6) Justin: Spirit 2 Gnosis 3 = 5
[Sun Jun 06 20:13:45 2010] : (6) Justin: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
[Sun Jun 06 20:13:47 2010] : (6) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,9,1,6] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 20:13:53 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline attempts to follow Kurtis' very limited instructions to create tass using the idea of a donut and her personal mana **
[Sun Jun 06 20:14:45 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (gnosis + prime = 5)
[Sun Jun 06 20:14:48 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,6,6,[10, 3]] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 20:15:01 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks over to Kurtis momentarily, then snaps his thorn-adorned book shut and places it back inside his shirt, pressing the thorns against the inner cloth of the fabric instead of against his back. He stands gradually, stretching his aching muscles. **
[Sun Jun 06 20:15:22 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline creates a tass of one in the shape of a donut and throws it at Justin **
[Sun Jun 06 20:16:08 2010] : ** (3) Spirit of Pain and Loss rises in the smoke **
[Sun Jun 06 20:16:34 2010] : ** (6) Justin absently wonders if that was a bad idea as he catches the donut **
[Sun Jun 06 20:16:54 2010] : ** (3) Spirit looks like a sad frail woman in a gray dress carrying an empty child carriage, tears are frozen in her eyes **
[Sun Jun 06 20:18:04 2010] : ** (6) Justin just stares at the spirit, as he takes numb bites of quintessence **
[Sun Jun 06 20:18:23 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, this also says that destroying a spirit is a bad form, and a negative spell, so this is probably a really dumb idea, but it can hardly get worse than this."
[Sun Jun 06 20:18:58 2010] : (2) Dante: "We could all die."
[Sun Jun 06 20:19:19 2010] : ** (2) Dante shrugs slightly as he looks to Kurtis again, as if the thought was as harmless as a sponge. **
[Sun Jun 06 20:19:30 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Okay, so the power word is "Ehkrlik's Due", descendant from a member of Admantine Arrow named Ehrlik, alright."
[Sun Jun 06 20:19:54 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline then looks across the roof at the two shadows near the helicopter and attempts to counterspell the sheild around Scavenger using Death quell the spark impormtu* **
[Sun Jun 06 20:19:59 2010] : (6) Justin: "I'd rather we not do this."
[Sun Jun 06 20:20:09 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis makes a motion with his hands in the air, as illustrated in a book, drawing a rune, and speaking "Ehrlik's Due" **
[Sun Jun 06 20:20:31 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (death + gnosis = 7)
[Sun Jun 06 20:20:32 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,3,9,4,[10, 6],4] = (3)
[Sun Jun 06 20:22:32 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the shield around Scavenger is gone, and in fact, as it was tied to Simon's, Simon's is gone as well.
[Sun Jun 06 20:23:38 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis smirks at Dante's remark, but before Justin's words reach Kurt's mind, Ehrlik's Due fires off, as Kurt pays 2xp for the rote **
[Sun Jun 06 20:25:08 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Resolve 3 + Occult 1 + Prime 4 + Powerword 2 = 10
[Sun Jun 06 20:25:15 2010] : (3) Kurtis: - resistance of ghost 4
[Sun Jun 06 20:25:17 2010] : (3) Kurtis: = 6
[Sun Jun 06 20:25:22 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,8,[10, 7],5,9] = (3)
[Sun Jun 06 20:25:29 2010] : ** (6) Justin looks away, as the spell goes off, his eyes closing, as he does his best, not to watch the spirit get obliterated **
[Sun Jun 06 20:26:19 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline balls her hands into fists and takes a deep breath using the pain from the srapnel as she breaths as a base for her next enervation spell against Scavenger focusing all her attention and bringing the larger man down before he decides to come back and fight or pull the sheild back up. **
[Sun Jun 06 20:26:49 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The baby carriage loses its wheels, corrodes, and fades, as the lady's dress is burnt and torn off into ashe. Naked, she covers herself in misery, pleading to Kurtis, and melting under his power. Her knees and legs ashing, she turns to Justin and silently cries, as her tears become ashe, and her body turns into a sparkling flow, channelling into Kurtis's eyes
[Sun Jun 06 20:27:27 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, initiative between you and scavenger
[Sun Jun 06 20:27:47 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [5,7] = (12)
[Sun Jun 06 20:27:48 2010] : (3) Scavenger: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [3,7] = (10)
[Sun Jun 06 20:27:53 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((yes!))
[Sun Jun 06 20:28:57 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline speaks in atlantian to help ease the spell along," I shall eat your stolen strenght and use it against you... " **
[Sun Jun 06 20:29:02 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): paradox roll for Kurtis
[Sun Jun 06 20:29:31 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 20:29:35 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): phew
[Sun Jun 06 20:30:37 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis 's eyes absorb the glow **
[Sun Jun 06 20:32:13 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, now I can imbue it."
[Sun Jun 06 20:32:22 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (presence + Occult + death = 12 + willpower = 15 - stamina 5 = 10)
[Sun Jun 06 20:32:24 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 5],[10, 4],6,5,9,7,9,[10, 6],2] = (6)
[Sun Jun 06 20:32:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Imbue mana: prime 4+ gnosis 3 = 7
[Sun Jun 06 20:32:50 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],6,7,4,9,5,6] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 20:33:06 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis tosses Justin two sugar cubes **
[Sun Jun 06 20:33:28 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "That's two more motes of juice. Heal us, mate."
[Sun Jun 06 20:33:34 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline the force of the spell almost backlashes against them as it rips through Scavenger **
[Sun Jun 06 20:34:05 2010] : ** (6) Justin 's jaw clenches in disgust, as he looks at the sugar cubes, and absorbs them, he grasps Kurt's arm, and channels the mana right back into him **
[Sun Jun 06 20:34:31 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 = 7
[Sun Jun 06 20:34:34 2010] : (6) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],7,5,6,[10, 1],9,8] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 20:35:09 2010] : (3) Lazarus: (whispering): "Well, that's your test, Seth. We are veiling your mind from probing easily, and if you lie well enough, they will never think to try. From our understanding, they belong to, and in alliance with Free Council, and Free Council never assumes an enemy in a stranger."
[Sun Jun 06 20:36:03 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis 's eye restores, and his lip stops bleeding, the cuts on his stomach seal, and the burns disappear, only leaving a burn on his left hand **
[Sun Jun 06 20:36:12 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((kurtis now has 2 agg))
[Sun Jun 06 20:36:34 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): nods "okay. when do i leave?"**
[Sun Jun 06 20:36:41 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "Scavenger has fallen but he isn't dead lets work quickly we might not have another chance."
[Sun Jun 06 20:36:47 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Yes! Dante, I think now would be appropriate time for my sword, please."
[Sun Jun 06 20:37:03 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline nods in the direction of Scavenger's prone form" **
[Sun Jun 06 20:37:17 2010] : ** (6) Justin turns from Kurtis and without a word, walks over to Dante, to attempt to patch up his remaining wounds **
[Sun Jun 06 20:37:24 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Oh yeah, Eve, Scavenger seems to drop to his knees
[Sun Jun 06 20:38:08 2010] : (3) Lazarus: (whispering): "You may leave whenever you get a change of dress, clean up, and have your breakfast."
[Sun Jun 06 20:38:59 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,5,5,3,9,3,6,6,6,8] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 20:39:18 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks to Kurtis momentarily, then nods in realization. "I nearly forgot about it." **
[Sun Jun 06 20:39:37 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, roll resolve+gnosis
[Sun Jun 06 20:39:39 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 = 7
[Sun Jun 06 20:39:46 2010] : (6) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,2,1,3,7,2] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 20:40:04 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (resolve + gnosis = 5)
[Sun Jun 06 20:40:06 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,3,[10, 9],4] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 20:40:56 2010] : ** (2) Dante wiggles his fingers rhythmically as he feels at the air in front of him, his other hand coming to rest on the pocket where the chalk lay hidden. His eyes close as his hand reaches outward, disappearing into space entirely as Dante envisions the sword where he'd marked and left it. **
[Sun Jun 06 20:44:46 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): nods "okay...well...i'll make that quick....then..."**
[Sun Jun 06 20:46:59 2010] : (3) Scavenger: ((Eve, what's your resolve?))
[Sun Jun 06 20:47:34 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the sword is within your grasp
[Sun Jun 06 20:48:25 2010] : (3) Scavenger: Death 5 + Gnosis 5 - resolve 3 = 7
[Sun Jun 06 20:48:40 2010] : (3) Scavenger: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,5,5,7,9,4] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 20:49:04 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, on his turn, Scavenger, destroys one of your quintessense motes
[Sun Jun 06 20:49:13 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): -1 mana
[Sun Jun 06 20:49:44 2010] : ** (2) Dante opens his eyes to gaze as his hand comes to rest on the sword's hilt, tugging it gently as he awkwardly hefts and pulls it through the malleable gap in space. He stumbles backward slightly, as if assuming he needed more strength than necessary to bring the large sword to him. "Ahh, so strange that there seems to be no resistance. But here it is," he says partially to himself as he grips tighter on the hilt. **
[Sun Jun 06 20:50:06 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis looks down **
[Sun Jun 06 20:50:36 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Holy crap, they're still down there."
[Sun Jun 06 20:50:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Eve's not kidding."
[Sun Jun 06 20:51:07 2010] : ** (2) Dante approaches Kurtis and looks to where he is indicating, handing him the blade, hilt first. **
[Sun Jun 06 20:51:53 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante now has 2 ag, 1 lethal, 1 bashing
[Sun Jun 06 20:52:34 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Thank you."
[Sun Jun 06 20:52:40 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis grips the hilt **
[Sun Jun 06 20:52:48 2010] : (2) Dante: ((That's not what I had before?))
[Sun Jun 06 20:52:58 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((had 3-1-1))
[Sun Jun 06 20:53:07 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Ah. o.O Alrighty.))
[Sun Jun 06 20:53:47 2010] : ** (2) Dante lets his grip loosen and peers down over the edge before turning back. "Well, then.. that's just lovely." **
[Sun Jun 06 20:54:41 2010] : ** (6) Justin moves over to Eve, as he notices she's under fire, and pumps her with the last of the mana-fueled healing **
[Sun Jun 06 20:55:00 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Everyone who looks down the edge of the roof, can see a large shadow kneeling on the ground below in the helicopter remains. No sight of Simon. The police and ambulance, and firefighters are now surrounding the scene.
[Sun Jun 06 20:55:03 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 wp 3 = 10
[Sun Jun 06 20:55:08 2010] : (6) Justin: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,9,3,7,6,4,1,6,3] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 20:55:23 2010] : (6) Justin: (2 wp 0 mana)
[Sun Jun 06 20:55:44 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you're at 2 agg
[Sun Jun 06 20:56:05 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): goes to eat breakfast and dress in clean cloths before leaveing where ever the hell she is and going on a man hunt while thinking 'wow...and to think i thought magic wasn't real...'**
[Sun Jun 06 20:58:12 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): As you take off your torn and burnt dress that went with you through hell and back, and get out of the shower, you find it on the hook in the bathroom. But you left it on the floor in the room...
[Sun Jun 06 20:59:13 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): blinks looking around clutching the towl to my body tighter "umm...."**
[Sun Jun 06 20:59:16 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, I have a huge desire to get out of here, anyone else?"
[Sun Jun 06 20:59:25 2010] : (2) Dante: "Definitely."
[Sun Jun 06 21:00:07 2010] : ** (2) Dante speaks without even turning around. "We still aren't really in fighting shape.." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:00:15 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "We are going to run?... We may not get another chance to catch them at this disadvantage..."
[Sun Jun 06 21:01:02 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Where is our compass pointed? Do they have the stone?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:01:57 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "This could be a distraction, or maybe a direct attempt to terminate us? But it looks like they were just here for the party, or to conduct business?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:02:31 2010] : (6) Justin: "They were really attempting to get away."
[Sun Jun 06 21:03:10 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The fireman crew are now putting out fires at the helicopter. Paramedics are pulling up, and taking out the stretcher.
[Sun Jun 06 21:04:02 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): everything else looks normal. the other clothes you prepared are where you left em
[Sun Jun 06 21:04:29 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline glares down at Scavenger and decides to try one last spell, consentration on his patchwork body she imagines rotting flesh flowing over him, she takes a turn to whisper in altlantian "let your outside match your inside and rot away." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:05:11 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (strenght + intemidation + death + atlantian = 12 - stamina 5 = 7)
[Sun Jun 06 21:05:21 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (this is a vulgar spell and costs one mana)
[Sun Jun 06 21:05:30 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (yes it is...)
[Sun Jun 06 21:05:40 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,[10, 5],3,6,5,8] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 21:06:13 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 9]] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 21:07:00 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (i'll spend a second mana to make it aggrivated damage)
[Sun Jun 06 21:08:30 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): gets dressed brushes hair looks around for her purse only to remember she lost it."fuck...that had my cards in it...double damn..."**
[Sun Jun 06 21:09:58 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (i'll take the backlash from the paradox in damage plz I want that spell to hit him)
[Sun Jun 06 21:11:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve takes 1 bashing unhealable (bruise will go away in 15 minutes), and Scavenger...
[Sun Jun 06 21:12:56 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Scavenger begins to rot, his metal jaw falls off, his feet become a bubbling, smoldering piles of goo, his pants become loose on him, and his patchwork seams begin to untie and rip. The paramedics notice this immediately and rush to him with the stretcher.
[Sun Jun 06 21:13:11 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): ((oh i forgot to ask is there jeans and a t-shirt in the room or does she have to wear the dress? lol))
[Sun Jun 06 21:14:23 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline glares down at Scavenger watching the paramedics rush to him, afraid she will hit them if she attempts another spell. **
[Sun Jun 06 21:14:52 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline mutters under her breath "So close... Fuck." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:15:01 2010] : ** (3) Simon Lamprey comes out of the ruins of the tail section and runs towards the paramedics, crying in german. They start pulling him towards the ambulance van **
[Sun Jun 06 21:15:26 2010] : ** (2) Dante moves to Eve and looks down as well. "Not much we can do about the paramedics." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:15:59 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline grits her teeth watching the scene, balling her hands into fists, shaking a little perhaps from anger perhaps from the sucessive spell casting **
[Sun Jun 06 21:16:08 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Well. Eve, do you want this to go ugly? Just say so. You want to finish them off?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:16:52 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline closes her eyes for a moment, holds her breath. Speaks quietly "Where is the compass?" **
[Sun Jun 06 21:16:55 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): ((basically you got access to any possible wardrobe you like, they let you go and choose any style of clothes))
[Sun Jun 06 21:17:28 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Cause I can kill that van's battery in half second's time. But are we ready for this?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:17:57 2010] : (2) Dante: "I don't really want to run into that huge fucker later on, myself.."
[Sun Jun 06 21:19:37 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "Yes I want them down, but we've blown up a helicopter on them, and I've shot Scavenger three times with my best spells and he's still alive, some things you can't win. The last time I let vengence consume me I nearly fell down the rabbit hole and didn't come back. So I say again, where is the compass?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:19:52 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The Police starts searching the building we're in for anyone still inside, they say something in german, as the last people exit, and the team of officers comes in, they make noises in the floors below
[Sun Jun 06 21:20:49 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "On the other hand, some things you can win."
[Sun Jun 06 21:21:03 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): (swwweeet)
[Sun Jun 06 21:21:16 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis puts his hand out towards the ambulance **
[Sun Jun 06 21:21:37 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): guys, roll perception, (wits + composure)
[Sun Jun 06 21:21:53 2010] : (6) Justin: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:02 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,7,[10, 10, 3],2,4,8,2] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:06 2010] : (6) Justin: er.. wits 2 comp 4 = 6
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:11 2010] : (6) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,8,6,3,6] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:41 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (wits + composure = 7)
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:43 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 4],8,1,[10, 7],1,3] = (3)
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:43 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): (okay so..depending on where i am do i have access to a faster way back to the hotel thingy other then walking?)
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:54 2010] : (2) Dante: ((wits 3, comp 3 = 6))
[Sun Jun 06 21:22:58 2010] : (2) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,5,7,[10, 4],1] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 21:23:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): anyone who got more than 1, notices, that as the ambulance doors open to roll in Diamond Priest, - Scavenger is laying under the IV in the vehicle, but next to him is a little sleeper boy, in really bad shape.
[Sun Jun 06 21:26:04 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((morality decision for Kurtis...))
[Sun Jun 06 21:26:10 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,7,6,9,3] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 21:27:41 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Damn, there's a kid in there."
[Sun Jun 06 21:29:30 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): ((does Seth have a car?))
[Sun Jun 06 21:29:50 2010] : (2) Dante: "I don't suppose you can use forces to yank Scavenger out of the ambulance, eh?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:30:08 2010] : (2) Dante: "Well, a bad idea to begin with I guess."
[Sun Jun 06 21:30:44 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline narrows her eyes for one last attempt at Scavenger, concentration on Scavenger's IV bag and attempting to turn it into hydrocloric acid as it reaches the needle into his vein **
[Sun Jun 06 21:31:28 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): (uh...sure....>.> <.><)>
[Sun Jun 06 21:32:06 2010] : ** (3) Simon Lamprey eyes you through the open doors of the ambulance **
[Sun Jun 06 21:32:29 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(7)] => [2,8,7,8,2,7,7] = (5)
[Sun Jun 06 21:32:36 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [5,7] = (12)
[Sun Jun 06 21:32:39 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Police are coming up to the second floor now, you can hear them nearing the roof from the fire exit
[Sun Jun 06 21:33:20 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [8,6] = (14)
[Sun Jun 06 21:36:37 2010] : ** (3) Simon Lamprey heals Scavenger, putting his hand to his face, as if in sympathy. **
[Sun Jun 06 21:36:49 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 6],2,5,1,2,5,[10, 10, 7],7,3,9] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 21:37:26 2010] : ** (3) Scavenger stops rotting, at least, though many of his metal implants are still out of commission **
[Sun Jun 06 21:38:02 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): ((then you can still have your car, and pretty much everything else in your mortal life, home, work, etc))
[Sun Jun 06 21:39:03 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "Fuck me... sideways." *sighs shaking her head*
[Sun Jun 06 21:39:31 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): (sweet okay))
[Sun Jun 06 21:39:57 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): leaves the buildign she's in and looks around to figure out where the hell she is in germany.**
[Sun Jun 06 21:40:24 2010] : (6) Justin: "We tried and failed. It's time to get out of here and lick out wounds."
[Sun Jun 06 21:41:12 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Dante... could you convince the medics to kick him out of the ambulance?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:41:31 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline clenches her fists shaking visibly again then sighs with defeat letting her head lull down for a moment. "Who has the compas?" **
[Sun Jun 06 21:43:04 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks to Justin, then to Kurtis. "I could try. But Justin does have a point. I can't imagine this building is too vacant right now." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:43:20 2010] : ** (2) Dante pats himself down briefly, trying to remember if he had the compass or not. **
[Sun Jun 06 21:43:50 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): A team of three policemen and one medic come onto the roof and address us in german, waving to the exit.
[Sun Jun 06 21:44:03 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah u got compass, Dante))
[Sun Jun 06 21:44:34 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Can you maybe take care of these cops too? Just make em not see us?"
[Sun Jun 06 21:45:29 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): You are in Leipzig, your home town.
[Sun Jun 06 21:45:32 2010] : ** (2) Dante gives Kurtis an incredulous look. "Yeah, sure. I'll try." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:45:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): Everything is familiar to you in this town.
[Sun Jun 06 21:45:48 2010] : (2) Dante: ((here come 4 failed rolls lol))
[Sun Jun 06 21:47:27 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Or isn't there some sort of field I can cast? Feck, I can't remember anything.))
[Sun Jun 06 21:48:14 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): gets in her car and heads towards the Hotel where she was taken. following all street rules and such.**
[Sun Jun 06 21:50:14 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Actually there isn't. I have to target each of them, unless there's some rule for penalties for multiple targets))
[Sun Jun 06 21:50:58 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ((yes there are...)
[Sun Jun 06 21:51:00 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((yeah there is a mind 2 shield spell actually))
[Sun Jun 06 21:51:16 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((field of not being noticed))
[Sun Jun 06 21:51:25 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((you got the rule book for Mage pdf?))
[Sun Jun 06 21:51:27 2010] : (2) Dante: ((which is self only))
[Sun Jun 06 21:51:33 2010] : (2) Dante: (( Yes. I'm looking at it right now.))
[Sun Jun 06 21:51:42 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((i think at 3 you can do other people))
[Sun Jun 06 21:52:02 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): Do you have any luggage with you?
[Sun Jun 06 21:52:24 2010] : (2) Dante: ((okay, so give me something to work with here. You want me to make 4 rolls, or a multi-target penalty roll?))
[Sun Jun 06 21:52:31 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): Umm...just the stuff that i would have for teaching my classes at the collage..
[Sun Jun 06 21:57:05 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((i'm just making a suggestion to use Mind powers to help us along. Not really sure how you wanna do it. I guess, come up with an action, and I'll try to work out the best appropriate mechanic))
[Sun Jun 06 21:57:35 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Well there's nothing that - nevermind.))
[Sun Jun 06 21:57:53 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline in atlantian "it feels deeply wrong to let them get away but at this point I'm out of options spell wise not to mention Priest just healed Scavenger my only thought at this point is to get out of here and get to that gem before they do" **
[Sun Jun 06 21:58:24 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline still in atlantian "unless anyone else has an idea to stop them." **
[Sun Jun 06 21:58:25 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): In the rare view mirror you see that the dress, burnt and torn, is neatly folded on the backseat next to your luggage.
[Sun Jun 06 21:59:14 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks to the police, then to his group as they are addressed in german. He closes his eyes and covertly attempts to veil the entire group in a way similar to how he would shield his own presence, as though he was nothing particularly important. Dante speaks in Atlantean, quietly, but not as a means of improving his spell. "No, let's just get the hell out of here." **
[Sun Jun 06 22:03:03 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): blinks when she sees the dress getting a rather disturbed look on her face and continues to drive. ".....a dress...can't be stalking me....not happening..." shakes head chuckling.**
[Sun Jun 06 22:04:49 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you form a spell with a clear pattern. You have an option to pay 2 xp and memorize it, or cast it impromptu with a -4 penalty.
[Sun Jun 06 22:06:24 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Yeah sure. I'm not doing anything else with the XP. We'll call it, "Listless Crowd." What's my pool for it?))
[Sun Jun 06 22:06:32 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): looking directly at it, you feel it's somehow resonating with you, and bringing back the thoughts of that distant, surreal place you visited once the time-jumping nightmare was over
[Sun Jun 06 22:07:12 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Oh no. You have unlocked Hallucination. Mind 4 spell. Intelligence + Subterfuge + Mind))
[Sun Jun 06 22:07:27 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Hallucination is not a ... nevermind.))
[Sun Jun 06 22:07:48 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you make people see something that is not there))
[Sun Jun 06 22:07:59 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((or not see something that is there))
[Sun Jun 06 22:08:00 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Which is exactly opposite what we're trying to accomplish.))
[Sun Jun 06 22:08:32 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (("the mage creates false sensory input"))
[Sun Jun 06 22:08:41 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Against a single target))
[Sun Jun 06 22:09:19 2010] : (2) Dante: (( int 2, sub 2, mind 4 = 8 ))
[Sun Jun 06 22:09:22 2010] : (2) Dante: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,[10, 10, 1],6,3,8,1,1] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 22:09:56 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((3 successes, that's enough for 3 targets if u wanna split em. or hit sight, hearing, and smell of one target))
[Sun Jun 06 22:10:22 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Sure, cops lose their ability to see us. Medic still can.))
[Sun Jun 06 22:11:52 2010] : **(4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): looks away from it not really enjoying the thought that the dress might possibly make it happen again...because dresses that stalked people we're a good thing...though...maybe someone had put it in her car and she hadn't noticed it. She laughed at that thought. She was a mage now...well kinda a mage...weird shit was now bound to happen to her all the time now.**
[Sun Jun 06 22:11:54 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The cops report something to the radio that sounds in german like "all clear", and start leaving. The medic looks at them strangely, pointing at you, and taps one of the cops on the shoulder. The cop looks at the medic, they exchange a conversation, which seems to be that of misunderstanding
[Sun Jun 06 22:12:07 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis to Eve **
[Sun Jun 06 22:12:35 2010] : ** (2) Dante opens his eyes and looks back to the police, then to the medic. **
[Sun Jun 06 22:12:52 2010] : (2) Dante: ((I want to also cast on the medic. Just an emotional urging, which I have the rote for as well.))
[Sun Jun 06 22:13:26 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I got an idea how to stop em. We go invisible, fly over the van, scry on them, pull them out through the scry window, and drop them down to their deaths? Or maybe I rip Scavenger's stretcher out like Dante suggested, and we make the police arrest him for murder?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:13:48 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((go for it))
[Sun Jun 06 22:14:09 2010] : (2) Dante: ((mind 4, emp 1, manip 2 = 7))
[Sun Jun 06 22:14:40 2010] : ** (2) Dante sees the medic's confusion and attempts to assuage it hastily, attempting to push a sense of indifference into his mind. **
[Sun Jun 06 22:14:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The remaining cop and the medic can hear Kurtis's voice, but don't see anyone. They make a few awkward unsure steps towards us, feeling the air. The cops draws a gun and keeps it at ready, looking around.
[Sun Jun 06 22:14:45 2010] : (2) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,5,1,6,5,8] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 22:15:32 2010] : (2) Dante: ((remaining cop?))
[Sun Jun 06 22:16:31 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Two cops went down the stairs, having reported "all clear". Only the cop whom the medic stopped is still around.
[Sun Jun 06 22:16:58 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Ah, didn't assume that they had left. Okay.))
[Sun Jun 06 22:17:25 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The medic and the cop argue, then the medic gives up, and the cop checks his radio for malfunction. Then, as he listens, and we are all silent, he leaves.
[Sun Jun 06 22:17:42 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The medic follows suit.
[Sun Jun 06 22:18:31 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The ambulance closes its doors and starts its sirens.
[Sun Jun 06 22:18:40 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I vote persue and kill."
[Sun Jun 06 22:19:23 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis tosses Justin another sugar cube **
[Sun Jun 06 22:19:34 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "We're low on mana, but so must be them as well."
[Sun Jun 06 22:20:05 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "I have enough for maybe one more vulgar spell... hows everyone else?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:20:07 2010] : ** (6) Justin catches the cube, and brings it up to his mouth, swallowing it for the bit of mana **
[Sun Jun 06 22:20:48 2010] : (3) Kurtis: +1
[Sun Jun 06 22:21:06 2010] : ** (2) Dante shrugs a bit in a manner that suggests tiredness, or slothfulness. "I'm ready to do what we need to." **
[Sun Jun 06 22:22:07 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "Justin your thoughts?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:22:43 2010] : (6) Justin: "They should die. I'm just not sure, if going after them will mean one of us must die as well."
[Sun Jun 06 22:23:15 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright. Shields up."
[Sun Jun 06 22:24:48 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis casts Unseen Shield on each in order: Eve, Dante, Justin, Self **
[Sun Jun 06 22:25:24 2010] : (3) Kurtis: resolve 3 + occult 1 + forces 5 + ring 1 = 10
[Sun Jun 06 22:25:32 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,9,3,2,2,4,3,5,5] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 22:25:42 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,2,[10, 8],[10, 6],[10, 8],9,7,7,9] = (6)
[Sun Jun 06 22:25:47 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,8,7,1,[10, 6],8,4,4,4] = (3)
[Sun Jun 06 22:25:52 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,2,[10, 6],1,8,1,5,8,8] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 22:26:29 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Eve, armor 1, Dante armor 8, Justin armor 3, Kurtis armor 4
[Sun Jun 06 22:28:12 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline pulls from the dead bodies around her to create a bubble of death just inside Kurtis' sheild **
[Sun Jun 06 22:28:20 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Dante, if you don't wanna do this, you can stay and be our rescue route. I believe this is a personal vendetta. And I'm all over it. Mark each of us with your chalk, and pull us out if shit gets real. I'll make a mark on page 114 of the Book. Meanwhile, try to get a direction on the Gem?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:28:31 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I'll understand, man."
[Sun Jun 06 22:28:51 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (Entropic guard, wits + occult + death = 12)
[Sun Jun 06 22:28:54 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [12 d10.open(10).vs(7)] => [9,7,6,7,8,9,4,7,1,4,[10, 10, 7],3] = (7)
[Sun Jun 06 22:29:07 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (5 sucesses)
[Sun Jun 06 22:29:19 2010] : ** (6) Justin puts up his own unseen aegis **
[Sun Jun 06 22:29:28 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, armor 1 + 5 death shield
[Sun Jun 06 22:29:41 2010] : (6) Justin: int 3 science 5 matter 3 = 11
[Sun Jun 06 22:29:47 2010] : (6) Justin: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
[Sun Jun 06 22:29:53 2010] : (6) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 8],2,6,6,3,6,[10, 6],1,3,8] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 22:30:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, armor 3, + 5 physical shield
[Sun Jun 06 22:30:39 2010] : ** (2) Dante nods at Kurtis' words and channels his mental energies to summon a shield of misperception around his allies, layered over the top of the other shields in a fog of uncertain spatial distancing. The exact order of which is Eve, Kurtis, Justin. ((Misperception impromptu, mind 4, gnosis 3 = 7)) **
[Sun Jun 06 22:30:56 2010] : (2) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,9,3,7,2,2] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 22:30:59 2010] : (2) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,3,[10, 10, 4],3,5,9] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 22:31:03 2010] : (2) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,2,5,1,9,4] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 22:31:43 2010] : (2) Dante: "That's probably a great idea, Kurtis. But I need somewhere to mark all of you that is easy to grab and not easy to smudge or wash out."
[Sun Jun 06 22:32:00 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve: total armor 7, Justin total armor 12, Kurtis total armor 5, Dante total armor 8
[Sun Jun 06 22:32:39 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((these shields wear off after 1 scene, which means we have to do combat while ambulance is enroute))
[Sun Jun 06 22:33:00 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Kurt, you should have 9 if its layered with your own))
[Sun Jun 06 22:33:07 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis gives the back of his elbow **
[Sun Jun 06 22:33:11 2010] : (2) Dante: (( I got 5 on you. ))
[Sun Jun 06 22:33:16 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((oh yeah. 9((
[Sun Jun 06 22:33:49 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Make it a sexy mark."
[Sun Jun 06 22:34:31 2010] : ** (2) Dante pulls out the chalk and arches a brow curiously before grinding some of the powder onto Kurtis' elbow in an image that vaguely resembles a pair of breasts. "Just for you." **
[Sun Jun 06 22:34:40 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Nice."
[Sun Jun 06 22:35:47 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline follows suit silently sticking out the back of her elbow as well. **
[Sun Jun 06 22:35:57 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Make sure you're somewhere safe and secluded when you pull us out, we might be all fucked up. Not sure how good this place is, it's a Silver Ladder Hollow, I'm sure there will be lots of people here, but I bet you can figure out some safe place where nobody will even think to bother you. Maybe some library?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:36:30 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Robin had a Mastigos power to speak any language. She could understand people in any country we went to. Maybe you can figure it out."
[Sun Jun 06 22:36:44 2010] : (2) Dante: "Elbow too? Alright. Elbows it is. Yeah, Kurtis. I'll find somewhere secluded."
[Sun Jun 06 22:36:55 2010] : ** (2) Dante marks Eve's arm in the shape of a tiny raven. **
[Sun Jun 06 22:37:37 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "My boobs are better."
[Sun Jun 06 22:37:41 2010] : (6) Justin: "As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter how much chalk you use to make a mark, it still works. I'm not sure if it is infinate or not, but just in case, you don't need to draw anything more than a dot Dante."
[Sun Jun 06 22:37:53 2010] : ** (6) Justin presents his elbow, just to be cool too **
[Sun Jun 06 22:38:50 2010] : ** (2) Dante turns to Justin, then grinds a small dot onto his elbow. "I haven't worked out the details yet, but hey, a tiny dot, or a tiny raven. Its all the same to me." **
[Sun Jun 06 22:40:28 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The ambulance starts moving down the street.
[Sun Jun 06 22:41:19 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, the fewer spells I have to keep up, the better. Who has natural means of flight? Wings, levitation, magical floating clouds - activate em now. I'll make us invisible, so don't worry about sleepers."
[Sun Jun 06 22:43:05 2010] : ** (6) Justin closes his eyes, and concentrates upon adjusting his body for flight via wings **
[Sun Jun 06 22:43:16 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3
[Sun Jun 06 22:43:20 2010] : (6) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,5,2,7,8,2] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 22:44:34 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): You are able to grow a pair of wings. What kind?
[Sun Jun 06 22:44:55 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox: (whispering to GM) [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 22:45:04 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): paradox - safe :)
[Sun Jun 06 22:45:14 2010] : (2) Dante: ((ooh, ooh, DRAGON!))
[Sun Jun 06 22:45:20 2010] : (6) Justin: .... Dragon?
[Sun Jun 06 22:45:25 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((flying squirrel))
[Sun Jun 06 22:45:29 2010] : (2) Dante: ((>.>))
[Sun Jun 06 22:45:45 2010] : (6) Justin: ((those glide..)
[Sun Jun 06 22:46:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): You guys see Justin's hands turn into scaly hyde-covered inverted dragon paws with membraned wings in between the bones, protruding out of his extra joints. Looks freeeaky
[Sun Jun 06 22:47:27 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): "Damn, dude. Can you do that to Eve?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:47:43 2010] : ** (6) Justin arches a brow as he looks down to his wings, then back up to Kurtis with a shrug **
[Sun Jun 06 22:48:01 2010] : (6) Justin: "Sure? I won't be able to keep up many more spells afterwards, but yeah."
[Sun Jun 06 22:48:08 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks over and claps his hands lightly. "That's something!" **
[Sun Jun 06 22:48:39 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): "I plan to just blast them with persistant effects I don't have to uphold."
[Sun Jun 06 22:48:43 2010] : (6) Justin: ((*isn't sure how many active spells a Gnosis 3 can keep up*))
[Sun Jun 06 22:48:52 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): "Fire will burn without my help, I just need to start it."
[Sun Jun 06 22:48:59 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((gnosis + 2))
[Sun Jun 06 22:49:04 2010] : (6) Justin: "That works. Eve, you want some wings?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:49:08 2010] : (6) Justin: ((Sweet!))
[Sun Jun 06 22:49:23 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (yes please
[Sun Jun 06 22:49:36 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: -(
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:11 2010] : ** (6) Justin laughs as he walks over to Eve, drawing a hand out to rest upon her shoulder, before he sends his power into her form, shifting flesh and bone to attempt to create another pair of wings **
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:23 2010] : (6) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,1,6,5,5,5] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:28 2010] : (6) Justin: "Damnit!"
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:33 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5] = (1)
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:38 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): paradox of 1
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:51 2010] : (6) Justin: Paradox happens when nothing happens?)
[Sun Jun 06 22:50:54 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): yup
[Sun Jun 06 22:51:01 2010] : (6) Justin: What're my options?
[Sun Jun 06 22:51:29 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): mitigate and take unhealable bashing damage or allow the bad stuff to happen
[Sun Jun 06 22:51:42 2010] : (2) Dante: ((>.>))
[Sun Jun 06 22:51:48 2010] : (6) Justin: Bashing..
[Sun Jun 06 22:51:57 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 bashing for 15 minutes.
[Sun Jun 06 22:52:00 2010] : (2) Dante: ((awww))
[Sun Jun 06 22:52:07 2010] : ** (6) Justin tries again? **
[Sun Jun 06 22:52:21 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): wait, u didnt heal yourself did you
[Sun Jun 06 22:52:35 2010] : (6) Justin: Was too worried about everyone else.
[Sun Jun 06 22:52:47 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): you now have 6 agg and one bashing.
[Sun Jun 06 22:52:56 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): you're on your last breath
[Sun Jun 06 22:53:01 2010] : (6) Justin: Thought I had 5..
[Sun Jun 06 22:53:22 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): oh 5 agg, and 2 other damages...
[Sun Jun 06 22:53:30 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): hmmm, wtf were they
[Sun Jun 06 22:53:48 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: 1 bashing and 1 Lethal
[Sun Jun 06 22:54:30 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): thank you
[Sun Jun 06 22:54:30 2010] : ** (6) Justin groans and drops down to the cold pavement on the roof, his injuries only now becoming aparent, as he fights against unconciousness **
[Sun Jun 06 22:54:39 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): So now you're barely alive.
[Sun Jun 06 22:54:58 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "That won't do, kid. You got any mana at all?"
[Sun Jun 06 22:55:08 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis scans **
[Sun Jun 06 22:55:13 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "No, you're dry."
[Sun Jun 06 22:55:32 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, it ain't much, but will have to do."
[Sun Jun 06 22:55:40 2010] : (6) Justin: (Didn't Kurt just throw him a fourth sugarcube?)
[Sun Jun 06 22:55:53 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
[Sun Jun 06 22:56:06 2010] : (6) Justin: (Er, third..)
[Sun Jun 06 22:56:41 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((your shield takes no mana?))
[Sun Jun 06 22:56:57 2010] : (6) Justin: ((Nope, just a little 2 dot personal shield))
[Sun Jun 06 22:57:04 2010] : (2) Dante: ((My shield took no mana, I can tell you that.))
[Sun Jun 06 22:57:10 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((ok, ure at 1 then))
[Sun Jun 06 22:57:35 2010] : ** (6) Justin nods a bit, before dipping into the Mana he was saving, just in case somebody got hurt, and pumping it through his ragged form **
[Sun Jun 06 22:57:36 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Almost dry anyway. Go ahead and heal up."
[Sun Jun 06 22:57:52 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 WP 3 = 10
[Sun Jun 06 22:57:59 2010] : (6) Justin: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,4,1,1,9,3,9,8,7] = (5)
[Sun Jun 06 22:58:21 2010] : (3) Kurtis: 1 L, 1 bashing, 1 persistent bashing
[Sun Jun 06 22:58:37 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Well, you're mostly okay, a single scratch on the leg
[Sun Jun 06 22:58:57 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis puts a few more motes into a sugar cube **
[Sun Jun 06 22:58:57 2010] : ** (6) Justin grunts and brings himself back up to a standing position, rolling his shoulders, as all the big pains go away **
[Sun Jun 06 22:59:02 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,4,6,2,7,1] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 22:59:09 2010] : (6) Justin: "Okay, now lets try this again Eve."
[Sun Jun 06 22:59:24 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Sorry, mana doesn't wanna exit out of me."
[Sun Jun 06 22:59:37 2010] : (6) Justin: "It's fine, just don't get hurt."
[Sun Jun 06 22:59:46 2010] : (3) Kurtis: I guess stick to natural powers.
[Sun Jun 06 23:00:20 2010] : ** (6) Justin grasps Eve's shoulder once more, and attempts to knit flesh into wings **
[Sun Jun 06 23:00:28 2010] : (6) Justin: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
[Sun Jun 06 23:00:33 2010] : (6) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,5,6,2,6,3] = (0)
[Sun Jun 06 23:00:43 2010] : (6) Justin: ((damnit!))
[Sun Jun 06 23:00:50 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, I guess Death doesn't mix with life."
[Sun Jun 06 23:01:03 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "We're running out of time, the car is making a turn. Let's go."
[Sun Jun 06 23:01:04 2010] : (6) Justin: "Hmph.. guess not."
[Sun Jun 06 23:01:32 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis channels for a moment, closing his eyes. He speaks in Atlantean: "True Flight." **
[Sun Jun 06 23:03:14 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Dex 4 + Athletics 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 + Power Word 2 = 15
[Sun Jun 06 23:03:46 2010] : (3) Kurtis: We all waste a moment, and lose the car behind the corner, as Kurt's power word boosts his spell
[Sun Jun 06 23:03:54 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,7,9,3,7,[10, 6],6,[10, 3],[10, 6],5,3,9,1,6] = (5)
[Sun Jun 06 23:04:54 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis spreads his arms, drawing a bubble in the air **
[Sun Jun 06 23:05:12 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis speaks another power word: "Bend Light." **
[Sun Jun 06 23:05:45 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks to the group. "Well, good luck. Be sure not to skin your elbows." He puts the chalk back in his pocket and looks to the fire exit. "I feel like I should make a mental connection with one of you, so we can keep in contact, but I don't know how far it will reach." **
[Sun Jun 06 23:06:01 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Invisibility: Wits 4 + Stealth 2 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 + Willpower 3 = 15
[Sun Jun 06 23:06:21 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],3,4,8,9,6,1,2,6,7,9,3,1,9,4] = (5)
[Sun Jun 06 23:06:34 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: g
[Sun Jun 06 23:06:46 2010] : Sorry I don't know what /me, is!
[Sun Jun 06 23:06:49 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "would be a good way to test just how far the connections go"
[Sun Jun 06 23:07:14 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis , Justin, and Eve, begin fading out of sight, as a bubble of reflective field starts closing around them **
[Sun Jun 06 23:07:15 2010] : (2) Dante: "Agreed. Which if you has the least spells on them?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:07:39 2010] : (3) Kurt's Voice: "No promises to keep my thoughts clean."
[Sun Jun 06 23:08:08 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "I have six on me"
[Sun Jun 06 23:08:44 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (no five)
[Sun Jun 06 23:08:55 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "can't take any more"
[Sun Jun 06 23:09:03 2010] : (3) Kurt's Voice: "I can take one more. Gonna have to be me."
[Sun Jun 06 23:09:33 2010] : ** (2) Dante nods a bit at the position where Kurtis is standing. "Very well then." **
[Sun Jun 06 23:10:14 2010] : (3) Kurt's Voice: "Riiiight here, man. La la la la. One two three, one two, testing testing."
[Sun Jun 06 23:10:40 2010] : ** (2) Dante closes his eyes and places a pair of fingers at his tanned lids, attempting to open a mental connection between himself and Kurtis. **
[Sun Jun 06 23:11:20 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((go for it, no penalty, he is complying))
[Sun Jun 06 23:11:50 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Telepathy impromptu, mind 4, gnosis 3))
[Sun Jun 06 23:11:56 2010] : (2) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],9,2,[10, 3],5,2,[10, 3]] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 23:12:16 2010] : (2) Dante: "Kurtis? You getting this?
[Sun Jun 06 23:12:49 2010] : (3) Kurt's Voice: "La la la, test test focus on my voice, one, two, one, two" one two boobies boobies wish i had some cocaine right now and wasn't here and was somewhere else, i hope he's gonna not fail this, ah, there he is, i mean there you are.
[Sun Jun 06 23:13:37 2010] : ** (2) Dante smirks to himself and just shakes his head. **
[Sun Jun 06 23:14:30 2010] : (2) Dante: "Alright, make sure you don't get the shit kicked out of you, guys. Kurtis can reach me as necessary. Hopefully."
[Sun Jun 06 23:15:09 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay, within the big bubble around us, we can see each other, so Kurtis can lead. Outside the bubble, light is reflected. Eve, you find it that your flight is half-way assisted. If Kurt turns left, you are compelled to turn left, turning right is more difficult, like a draft, as if you're carried by the same wind. Justin, your flight is independant, and you can deviate easily from Kurt's course.
[Sun Jun 06 23:15:25 2010] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Sun Jun 06 23:15:28 2010] : **(2) Dante: (whispering): feels a general sense of unnerving wash over him briefly as thoughts of failure creep his mind. ((just some flavor text for you))**
[Sun Jun 06 23:15:39 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "They made a turn down that street. Let's go."
[Sun Jun 06 23:16:07 2010] : ** (6) Justin nods, and draws his wings up, before lifting off **
[Sun Jun 06 23:16:32 2010] : (3) Kurtis: (whispering): "Oh thanks for the boost of confidence. Don't worry, I'll take care of them. Just find us that gemstone, or this whole thing will be in vain."
[Sun Jun 06 23:17:49 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline begins to float up next to Kurtis not fighting the direction of his steering **
[Sun Jun 06 23:18:10 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis to Eve "You ever done this before?" **
[Sun Jun 06 23:19:02 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "Flew? No I've never flown before"
[Sun Jun 06 23:19:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, we catch up to the vehicle.
[Sun Jun 06 23:19:46 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): Hey, can't help but figure that this is pretty dangerous. First I'm gonna secure a place to pull you guys. I'll find some lodgings, then get a bead on the gem. Frankly, the whole fight seems in vain regardless.
[Sun Jun 06 23:20:24 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): It actually starts going kind of funny and not towards the hospital. Instead it turns into an alley and drifts to a stop.
[Sun Jun 06 23:21:06 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you have Mage sight up. You can tell there are spells being cast inside, Life spells.
[Sun Jun 06 23:21:30 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "We have to move now, Priest is healing him or something Life oriented"
[Sun Jun 06 23:21:40 2010] : ** (2) Dante looks out over the fire exit and observes the area in search of anyone who might notice him as he's climbing down. **
[Sun Jun 06 23:21:45 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I'll do my best to autopilot. Do we land, or fight from the air?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:22:44 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "If we fight from the air we may get shot down, but we will have more manuverability"
[Sun Jun 06 23:22:53 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the building is evacuated of the guests, only guards of the establishment, police, medics, firefighters, lawyers, and some of the owners are present. Media came over, TV channel covering this story on the news.
[Sun Jun 06 23:23:58 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): Ok, I'm gonna need to do a 1 on 1 short session with you later, cause you are a day ahead of them.
[Sun Jun 06 23:24:19 2010] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Sun Jun 06 23:24:23 2010] : (6) Justin: (whispering): Going to need to sleep soon. Work in the morning.
[Sun Jun 06 23:24:25 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): -blinks- okay
[Sun Jun 06 23:25:06 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "I say we just go for it, we don't have much time or mana on our side"
[Sun Jun 06 23:25:24 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Sneak attack?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:25:33 2010] : (6) Justin: "I could blow it up."
[Sun Jun 06 23:25:43 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Civilians inside."
[Sun Jun 06 23:25:50 2010] : (6) Justin: "Damnit."
[Sun Jun 06 23:26:03 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "there is a kid and two medics inside Justin, even I'm not eager for so much death"
[Sun Jun 06 23:26:21 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Wait, wait. The van stopped in an alley."
[Sun Jun 06 23:26:30 2010] : (6) Justin: "Yes it did."
[Sun Jun 06 23:26:41 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "What does it mean, Eve?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:27:34 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline tries to see the auras of the three civilians inside the ambulence, (if they are dead they will be pale or not there) **
[Sun Jun 06 23:28:06 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Okay, I'd like to simplify this as much as possible with a roll if I could. Dante would essentially just attempt to evade any persons in the area, climbing down the fire escape and sticking to the shadows.))
[Sun Jun 06 23:28:26 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The auras are still around, but they are now magical auras with traces of powerful spells
[Sun Jun 06 23:28:56 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Dante, you using magic to assist you?))
[Sun Jun 06 23:30:29 2010] : (2) Dante: ((If I see a person coming my way, I'd cast imposter to make myself seem unimportant.))
[Sun Jun 06 23:31:20 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Rather, incognito presence. That's what I meant))
[Sun Jun 06 23:31:21 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, you can cast that and do your thing))
[Sun Jun 06 23:32:15 2010] : (2) Dante: ((impromptu incognito: mind 4, gnosis 3 = 7 ))
[Sun Jun 06 23:32:26 2010] : (2) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,3,6,4,9,8] = (3)
[Sun Jun 06 23:32:54 2010] : ** (2) Dante proceeds down the fire escape and hurries quickly away from the scene of the explosion and, primarily, the media. **
[Sun Jun 06 23:32:55 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "He's cast a spell on all of them, can't tell what sort"
[Sun Jun 06 23:33:05 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, whoever encounters you, Dante , doesn't give a damn
[Sun Jun 06 23:33:53 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, so chances are they're no longer relevant?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:34:06 2010] : (6) Justin: "He's probably making them into his minions."
[Sun Jun 06 23:34:17 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I'd scrutinize, but I don't have line of sight."
[Sun Jun 06 23:34:43 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I'm with Justin on this one. For one they are no longer resisting the stop of the car."
[Sun Jun 06 23:34:47 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "I couldn't say without seeing the spell, I can only see their auras through the ambulence"
[Sun Jun 06 23:34:56 2010] : ** (2) Dante begins to seek out a safe place, somewhere quiet and out of the way. He heads east, heading toward the outskirts of town on foot. **
[Sun Jun 06 23:34:57 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): The van starts to shake and rock a bit
[Sun Jun 06 23:35:27 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): is it okay for me to head to bed? or did you need me to stay?
[Sun Jun 06 23:35:28 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you find a nice park with a quiet secluded gazebo
[Sun Jun 06 23:36:24 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): i think it's okay, yeah. i'm hoping they will get a night's rest somewhere, and i will be able to tie you in timewise, so you find them where they rest. but i do need to do some rp with you to cover the time.
[Sun Jun 06 23:36:34 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: ""we need to see in so we can cast at them"
[Sun Jun 06 23:36:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering): because the Guardians kept you in their HQ for a day
[Sun Jun 06 23:37:14 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Justin, can you make the roof of the car a one way mirror?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:37:15 2010] : (2) Dante: ((How enclosed is it? Lots of large cover? Could it conceal the repeated spatial summoning of 4 average-sized individuals? Do you want a roll to determine if I can determine that?))
[Sun Jun 06 23:37:48 2010] : (6) Justin: "No, I'm all out of Mana."
[Sun Jun 06 23:38:15 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): (( i like the way you think. It's fairly open, but well covered from the city by a brush of thick trees. ))
[Sun Jun 06 23:38:39 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Thank ya.))
[Sun Jun 06 23:38:57 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: (whispering): okay. just let me know when you want to and i'm there not like i have a job or anything. -sigh-
[Sun Jun 06 23:39:15 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: ((bye guys see you next time ^.^))
[Sun Jun 06 23:39:20 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich: Disconnecting from server...
[Sun Jun 06 23:39:20 2010] : (4) Seth Heinrich (exit): 23:39
[Sun Jun 06 23:39:29 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Have a go- okay then.))
[Sun Jun 06 23:40:31 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Is that even a power?"
[Sun Jun 06 23:40:57 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline sighs and frowns at the top of the ambulence drawing on her limited matter skill to attempt the rote steel window on it **
[Sun Jun 06 23:41:04 2010] : ** (2) Dante proceeds to the thick brush and hides within its confines, drawing out the compass and strange liquid and clasping it in his hand while a finger delicately taps his temple in thought. **
[Sun Jun 06 23:41:18 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): "Kurt, I've found a spot that should be safe. I'm going to get a direction on the gem, but I'll lay low until you guys are ready."
[Sun Jun 06 23:42:01 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (buying rote)
[Sun Jun 06 23:42:12 2010] : (3) Kurtis: (whispering): "Roger. We're gathering info. I think the kid's fucked."
[Sun Jun 06 23:42:20 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (int + occult + matter = 10)
[Sun Jun 06 23:42:26 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,2,9,7,[10, 9],1,8,9,2] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 23:43:46 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): You look inside, and see Simon, Scavenger, two paramedics, driver, and the little boy. They're all walking on their fours, and their faces are now full of teeth and are actually on their backs. They got spikes protruding out of every joint.... - they're very unpretty looking monsters, okay?
[Sun Jun 06 23:44:10 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "explode the ambulence"
[Sun Jun 06 23:44:13 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "now"
[Sun Jun 06 23:44:28 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "After you, Justin. Let me know when."
[Sun Jun 06 23:45:11 2010] : ** (6) Justin nods, and delves into the car, knowing exactly where the gastank rests, he shifts the liquid, into the extremely explosive nitroglycerine **
[Sun Jun 06 23:45:34 2010] : (6) Justin: int 3 science 5 matter 3 = 11
[Sun Jun 06 23:45:43 2010] : (6) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,6,4,3,1,4,6,2,7,9] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 23:45:47 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): "The little one in the ambulance? Shit. Fuck them all up, man. Rampage."
[Sun Jun 06 23:45:59 2010] : (6) Justin: 2 successes is enough for a gastank.
[Sun Jun 06 23:46:26 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline looks down and scavenger and priest to see if they have sheilds up **
[Sun Jun 06 23:47:20 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, surprise attack works. Your spell fires off. The tank is wrapped with it. Eve, Scavenger and Priest are unshielded, but fully healed. Priest has several sights up. We hear Simon's voice: "Oh shit, we're under attack!"
[Sun Jun 06 23:47:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Initiative goes nao.
[Sun Jun 06 23:47:44 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "Now Kurtis NOW
[Sun Jun 06 23:47:46 2010] : ** (2) Dante places the compass delicately in his palm and dribbles a single drop of the liquid out into the center, his mind focusing on the scrying process. ((Wasn't there a roll to go with this?)) **
[Sun Jun 06 23:47:54 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [8,8] = (16)
[Sun Jun 06 23:48:02 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [4,7] = (11)
[Sun Jun 06 23:48:06 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes yes gimme that win!))
[Sun Jun 06 23:48:12 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(7)] => [5,3,1,7,9,5,1] = (2)
[Sun Jun 06 23:48:22 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Oh man, its about time Initiative gave you a good luck kiss.))
[Sun Jun 06 23:48:57 2010] : (3) Scavenger: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [7,7] = (14)
[Sun Jun 06 23:49:05 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [1,5] = (6)
[Sun Jun 06 23:49:38 2010] : (6) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [[10, 9],5] = (24)
[Sun Jun 06 23:49:52 2010] : (2) Dante: ((holy crap))
[Sun Jun 06 23:50:08 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Go, Team Cleric! ...?))
[Sun Jun 06 23:50:19 2010] : (6) Justin: ((Buahaha))
[Sun Jun 06 23:50:26 2010] : (6) Justin: (( I... have nothing to do though))
[Sun Jun 06 23:50:46 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, Justin, you go first, well, you could hold action and interfere later))
[Sun Jun 06 23:51:01 2010] : (6) Justin: ((I'lldo that))
[Sun Jun 06 23:51:48 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Alright, guys. I'm gonna drop a Megaton on them."
[Sun Jun 06 23:53:03 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis points the sword down, as it sets on fire, and flies down, exiting the invisibility field, and uses the sword as a path tool to deliver the melee fire blast, stabbing with it through the roof of the van **
[Sun Jun 06 23:54:47 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Control Fire: Strength 3 + Science 1 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 + Willpower 3 + Sword 4 - 2 Combined Casting = 15
[Sun Jun 06 23:55:09 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,8,3,5,5,1,1,2,8,2,7,5,8,1] = (4)
[Sun Jun 06 23:56:19 2010] : ** (3) Kurtis engulfs the entirety of the vehicle in fire, including the gas tank, filled with nitro **
[Sun Jun 06 23:58:08 2010] : (3) Kurtis: The visual effect is as follows: the van becomes an inferno with bits of mutant flying everywhere. Everything inside the van takes 7 aggrevated damage (combined success of Kurtis and Justin's spells). Kurtis is wrapped in a bubble of shields that force the violent flames to lick around his body, but he has no time to fly back up.
[Sun Jun 06 23:58:35 2010] : (3) Kurtis: 7 armor points burn off of Kurtis, leaving 2 more active.
[Sun Jun 06 23:58:56 2010] : (2) Dante: ((guess its a good thing we recounted lol))
[Sun Jun 06 23:59:07 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ((yyyyyeaaah))
[Mon Jun 07 00:01:53 2010] : ** (3) Scavenger is on fire, he emerges from the flames, and slams his fist into the ground, shaking Kurtis off balance, as he casts **
[Mon Jun 07 00:04:53 2010] : (3) Scavenger: Rotting Flesh: Death 5 + Gnosis 5
[Mon Jun 07 00:05:16 2010] : (3) Scavenger: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,5,2,8,2] = (1)
[Mon Jun 07 00:05:21 2010] : (3) Scavenger: - Stamina 4
[Mon Jun 07 00:06:03 2010] : ** (3) Konrad Knox (GM) 's skin begins to darken **
[Mon Jun 07 00:06:10 2010] : (3) Kurtis: ^
[Mon Jun 07 00:06:19 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Eve's turn
[Mon Jun 07 00:07:07 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline narrows her eyes watching Scavengers spell begin to rot Kurtis, whispers to herself "my turn" **
[Mon Jun 07 00:07:55 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (str + intemidation + death = 10 - stamina 5 = 5 burn a willpower = 8
[Mon Jun 07 00:08:07 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [4,8] = (12)
[Mon Jun 07 00:08:12 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: opps
[Mon Jun 07 00:08:18 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],1,6,[10, 3],8,3,[10, 7],9] = (5)
[Mon Jun 07 00:08:32 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: spending a mana for aggrivated
[Mon Jun 07 00:09:13 2010] : ** (3) Scavenger starts rapidly falling apart as his limbs separate **
[Mon Jun 07 00:09:48 2010] : ** (3) Simon Lamprey looks at Kurtis and... **
[Mon Jun 07 00:10:58 2010] : (2) Dante: ((shits himself?))
[Mon Jun 07 00:10:59 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: "Drop All Your Spells. Now."
[Mon Jun 07 00:11:56 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (I liked dante's idea better)
[Mon Jun 07 00:12:30 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: Psychic Domination: Gnosis 6 + Mind 5 vs resolve + gnosis
[Mon Jun 07 00:12:38 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,5,8,9,5,[10, 7],6,8,3,[10, 7]] = (5)
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:00 2010] : (3) Kurtis: Resolve 3 + Gnosis 3 to resist
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:01 2010] : (2) Dante: ((You're fucked.))
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:06 2010] : (3) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,7,4,7,7] = (1)
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:15 2010] : (2) Dante: ((>.>))
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): We are all visible, and Eve falls to the ground.
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Everyone loses Unseen Shield of Kurtis.
[Mon Jun 07 00:13:44 2010] : (6) Justin: ((Shit, was expecting life.))
[Mon Jun 07 00:14:06 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Kurt = no shields. Eve loses 1 armor, and Justin loses 3 armor
[Mon Jun 07 00:14:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve now has 6 and Justin has...
[Mon Jun 07 00:14:41 2010] : ** (2) Dante attempted to use the compass before initiative, but apparently is unable to remember how to work it properly. He thinks quietly to himself as the thick treed area relaxes him somewhat. **
[Mon Jun 07 00:15:10 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): "Kurt? You there? I can't remember how to use this friggin' compass. Any ideas?"
[Mon Jun 07 00:15:31 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): justin's armor's 9
[Mon Jun 07 00:16:00 2010] : (3) Kurtis: (whispering): "Drop... all... spells... now..."
[Mon Jun 07 00:16:49 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin's turn. He actually has two action, a held action, and next round's action
[Mon Jun 07 00:17:50 2010] : (6) Justin: Okay, I can attack his life-force, but do I have to do so while touching him or can I cast upon him from sensory?
[Mon Jun 07 00:18:07 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): how much life u got?
[Mon Jun 07 00:18:12 2010] : (6) Justin: 4
[Mon Jun 07 00:18:32 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ok u got a spell in mind?
[Mon Jun 07 00:18:52 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): "Wh-what? No, you probably shouldn't do that. What's going on over there?" ((Does having this connection provide an intimate sympathetic connection, by any chance?))
[Mon Jun 07 00:19:02 2010] : (6) Justin: Life Force Assault, I don't have the rote though, I'd buy it but I only have 2 xp.
[Mon Jun 07 00:19:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: (whispering): ((you have an intimate with Kurt, yes. 1 through the chalk, 2... well, you erased sperm off his jeans.))
[Mon Jun 07 00:19:56 2010] : (6) Justin: Book page 190.
[Mon Jun 07 00:20:27 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Yeah, the book doesn't actually specify range))
[Mon Jun 07 00:21:36 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): ((Basically, I want to attempt to counterspell the domination in his mind. But the question is, "would I have seen the spell cast while this connection was in place?"))
[Mon Jun 07 00:21:44 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): ((And yeah, don't remind me lol))
[Mon Jun 07 00:22:00 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this is touch based. organic "knife"))
[Mon Jun 07 00:22:11 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((probably sensory at life 5))
[Mon Jun 07 00:22:40 2010] : (6) Justin: ((Okay, another question, can I glide down, gathering the energy, and hit him with the spell all in one turn?
[Mon Jun 07 00:22:41 2010] : (6) Justin: ))
[Mon Jun 07 00:22:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: (whispering): ((no, you havent felt the spell go off, and dont see it. but you can scry and scrutinize through the skry window))
[Mon Jun 07 00:22:54 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes.))
[Mon Jun 07 00:23:00 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((we're not that far up))
[Mon Jun 07 00:23:20 2010] : (6) Justin: "I am your Divine Retribution Lamprey!"
[Mon Jun 07 00:23:47 2010] : ** (6) Justin yells, as he glides downwards, pooling together his power, his energy, in an attempt to cut away Lamprey's last ties to this life **
[Mon Jun 07 00:23:57 2010] : (2) Dante: (whispering): ((Hmmmm.))
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:03 2010] : (6) Justin: Life 4 Gnosis 3 wp 3
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:10 2010] : (6) Justin: Supposed to minus stamina
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:15 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Oh god, divine retribution))
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): paradox roll 2
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:26 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4] = (0)
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:29 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): safe
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:36 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): stam 4
[Mon Jun 07 00:24:52 2010] : (6) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,[10, 6],9,2,9] = (5)
[Mon Jun 07 00:25:35 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: "What the fuck?!! Noo!!"
[Mon Jun 07 00:26:02 2010] : ** (3) Simon Lamprey falls to his knees, clutching a catholic cross to his chest **
[Mon Jun 07 00:26:35 2010] : ** (6) Justin stares on, his eyes wide in morbid fascination as he waits for the life to flicker and die **
[Mon Jun 07 00:26:36 2010] : (3) Simon Lamprey: "Martin, help me! Help me! Martin, get up!! Get.... up..." - as he starts to collapse next to Scavenger's rotting corpse
[Mon Jun 07 00:28:21 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline purses her lips **
[Mon Jun 07 00:28:25 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Well, none of you have life sight up, but Eve, you see both Mages' auras extinguish and turn off to black
[Mon Jun 07 00:28:37 2010] : ** (6) Justin whispers **
[Mon Jun 07 00:28:48 2010] : (6) Justin: "Now Ashley can rest in peace."
[Mon Jun 07 00:28:53 2010] : ** (2) Dante reaches out and taps Eve on the elbow, sticking his head through the malleable hole in space to see the situation after Kurtis' thoughts entered his mind. "What in Pandaemonium is going on?" **
[Mon Jun 07 00:29:30 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "I suppose we could just throw the bodies into the fire. Unless...Priest and Scavenger are dead."
[Mon Jun 07 00:29:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, through the telepathic connection, you see Kurt's perception of a dragon god slaying a corrupt priest
[Mon Jun 07 00:29:46 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline the last was to Dante **
[Mon Jun 07 00:30:06 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "unless Justin wants me to do something wicked to Priests soul."
[Mon Jun 07 00:30:23 2010] : (6) Justin: "Do what you want. I'm done with him."
[Mon Jun 07 00:30:28 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Must... Drop... all... spells..."
[Mon Jun 07 00:30:42 2010] : ** (6) Justin turns away from the corpses, and begins walking away **
[Mon Jun 07 00:30:43 2010] : (2) Dante: "Ah, that's wonderful. It smells... burnt. Kurt, what the fuck?"
[Mon Jun 07 00:31:41 2010] : ** (2) Dante scans Kurtis with mind sight. **
[Mon Jun 07 00:31:44 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I... I can't cast spells. I must drop them. Simon told me to."
[Mon Jun 07 00:32:06 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Kurt's mind's fucked.
[Mon Jun 07 00:32:28 2010] : (2) Dante: "Well, this won't do at all. You must not drop them. Duh."
[Mon Jun 07 00:32:34 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): looks like a Mind spell, Dante, a persistant once.
[Mon Jun 07 00:32:51 2010] : ** (2) Dante attempts to unweave the spell placed on Kurtis, unsure if he can even do anything about it. **
[Mon Jun 07 00:33:22 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Mind 4, Gnosis 3, will 3 = 10 to dispel the mindfuckery?))
[Mon Jun 07 00:33:42 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Diamond Priest drops his last breath and the cross falls to the ground. Out of his coat pocket slips out a small bible, on the back side of it a writing "See you in Hell we will create"
[Mon Jun 07 00:34:57 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): ((reach 6 or above successes, Dante))
[Mon Jun 07 00:35:14 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline sighs and decides she'll have to do the dirty work, walks over to the bodies and steels herself then goes through both Priest and Scavenger's pockets for anything imporant before beginning to drag them back towards the ambulence **
[Mon Jun 07 00:35:22 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "We should head back to where Dante is."
[Mon Jun 07 00:35:43 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you get loot!
[Mon Jun 07 00:35:49 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): the mobs dropped loots
[Mon Jun 07 00:36:00 2010] : (2) Dante: ((K))
[Mon Jun 07 00:36:06 2010] : (6) Justin: Damnit, I love loot.
[Mon Jun 07 00:36:18 2010] : (6) Justin: Eve, we roll on it k?
[Mon Jun 07 00:36:26 2010] : (2) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,6,1,[10, 9],4,4,6,9,3] = (4)
[Mon Jun 07 00:36:33 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Damn iiiiiiiit!))
[Mon Jun 07 00:37:18 2010] : (2) Dante: "Kurt, put up a spell."
[Mon Jun 07 00:37:45 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (no you walked away all the loot is mine :P)
[Mon Jun 07 00:38:08 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: (even the old thigh boots no one keeps ;) )
[Mon Jun 07 00:38:11 2010] : (6) Justin: (We both get kill share loot?)
[Mon Jun 07 00:38:12 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): On Simon, you loot a small catholic cross, two small vials of green liquid, one vial of shiny purple liquid, the miniature bible-looking book, 2000 Euro, his wallet and ID, medical doctor ID, a few magnet cards, credit card, a cellphone, and an odd looking silver object, looking like a puzzle box
[Mon Jun 07 00:38:17 2010] : (6) Justin: (Buahaha)
[Mon Jun 07 00:38:31 2010] : (2) Dante: "I'll pull you guys to me when you are ready. It should be no problem."
[Mon Jun 07 00:39:06 2010] : (2) Dante: "Just tell Kurtis to think about ... something nonperverse. I'll bring you then."
[Mon Jun 07 00:39:20 2010] : ** (2) Dante disappears back through the hole his head was sticking out of. **
[Mon Jun 07 00:39:32 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "So we will never see you again..?"
[Mon Jun 07 00:39:33 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): On Scavenger, you find a similar puzzle box, a cuban machete, 600 Euro, and a cell phone.
[Mon Jun 07 00:40:12 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "I can't cast spells anymore, D. Simon asked me not to. I can't."
[Mon Jun 07 00:40:46 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "yes we know Kurtis."
[Mon Jun 07 00:40:57 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: "But Dante will fix you."
[Mon Jun 07 00:41:05 2010] : (3) Kurtis: "Can you get me out of here? I lost my pistols, and my sword is not on fire anymore. I'm gonna need new weapons."
[Mon Jun 07 00:41:17 2010] : ** (5) Eve Kline looks at the cell phone to see if there are any text messages or voice mails on them **
[Mon Jun 07 00:42:11 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Cell phones are rich with information
[Mon Jun 07 00:42:39 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): since Jon needs to go to bed, we can investigate that information next time? :D
[Mon Jun 07 00:42:48 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: kk
[Mon Jun 07 00:42:49 2010] : (6) Justin: Gracias.
[Mon Jun 07 00:42:50 2010] : (2) Dante: ((Indeed.))
[Mon Jun 07 00:42:59 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: good night jon
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:07 2010] : (6) Justin: xp first, then sleep.
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:18 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): So, we all meet at Dante's Gazebo, yes?
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:23 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): He pulls us through?
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:28 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: lols
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:41 2010] : (2) Dante: Like a funky magician pulling people out of a giant invisible top hat.
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:53 2010] : (5) Eve Kline: I dunno I might be tempted to cast magic missle on the gazebo...
[Mon Jun 07 00:43:59 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): dont anger it
[Mon Jun 07 00:45:14 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): okays, well. lol. everyone earned 5 xp today.
[Mon Jun 07 00:45:26 2010] : (6) Justin: yaaaay
[Mon Jun 07 00:45:32 2010] : (2) Dante: woot
[Mon Jun 07 00:45:41 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Oh btw
[Mon Jun 07 00:45:44 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): the compass
[Mon Jun 07 00:46:18 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, if you ever drop the liquid on your palm and figure out how to put a metal ring on your hand, leads you to Berlin
[Mon Jun 07 00:47:03 2010] : (2) Dante: Next game I guess.
[Mon Jun 07 00:48:28 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM):
bye scav n priest, gg

[Mon Jun 07 00:49:21 2010] : (6) Justin: WHoo!
[Mon Jun 07 00:49:39 2010] : (6) Justin: Okay I'm going to sleep.
[Mon Jun 07 00:49:40 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah...
[Mon Jun 07 00:49:42 2010] : (6) Justin: Goodnight everybody.
[Mon Jun 07 00:49:46 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): good night!
[Mon Jun 07 00:49:54 2010] : (6) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
[Mon Jun 07 00:49:55 2010] : (6) Justin (exit): 00:49
[Mon Jun 07 00:50:03 2010] : (3) Konrad Knox (GM): wololololo
[Mon Jun 07 00:50:05 2010] :
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[Mon Jun 07 00:50:07 2010] : Self-exploding in a violent inferno...
[Mon Jun 07 00:50:08 2010] : Game disconnected!