Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:12
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:12
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Seth Heinrich (enter): 18:14
(2) Seth Heinrich: spooooooonnnnn
(3) Justin (enter): 18:17
** (2) Seth Heinrich pokes justin "HIII" **
** (3) Justin explodes **
(3) Justin: Evening.
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: sorry i'm excited...
(2) Seth Heinrich: bouncing in my chair
(3) Justin: As you should be, fun stuff here at mage.
(2) Seth Heinrich: bwahahahahahaha
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Seth Heinrich...
** (2) Seth Heinrich coughs **
(4) Dante (enter): 18:19
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Justin...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Dante...
(2) Seth Heinrich: and it's eric!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): OH MA GAD NERDS we all made it jesus
(3) Justin: Yeah, I'd be bouncing in my chair as well, however I feel much too ill to do that.
(4) Dante: Weeeeee
(3) Justin: And yes! The nerds have assembled.
(4) Dante: You stole my text color! :P
(2) Seth Heinrich: aww...you're sick?
(2) Seth Heinrich: did no.
(3) Justin: Si'.
(2) Seth Heinrich: mine's lighter
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So upon popular request room is open for socialization for... nearest hour. Chris doing her presentation today
(4) Dante: And less green.
(3) Justin: What is she presenting?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): LOLS
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eric's emotes
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): minding/spacing
(4) Dante: Kekeke
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sariah will like Justin's XD
(4) Dante: Oh god.
(3) Justin: Yah..
(4) Dante: Hmmm.
(4) Dante: My F-key macros still aren't working
(4) Dante: I don't even get the "/me has found the macro key"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I dont believe just disarmed the bomb.... correct?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): justin*
(2) Seth Heinrich: his says sitting on t...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): expand it sariah
(2) Seth Heinrich: i did
(2) Seth Heinrich: T.T
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sitting on the Gospel
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): his other one is...
(4) Dante: Oh crap. I dont have my character sheet on this PC either.
(4) Dante: Kostya, you got a log of mine?
(2) Seth Heinrich: oh god...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yessss...
(2) Seth Heinrich: OH he's the mormon right?
(2) Seth Heinrich: his character is i mean
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sending log
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes sariah lol
(4) Dante: Woot.
(3) Justin: Ah, yeah.
(3) Justin: Sorry, got up to talk to roommate.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): eric also gonna send u the... macro formulas
(2) Seth Heinrich: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sariah his old emote said Digging up Golden Tablets or something
(4) Dante: I have the formulae
(2) Seth Heinrich: oh god...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it was fucking gold
(3) Justin: Yeah, one second.
** (2) Seth Heinrich hugs justin tightly **
(2) Seth Heinrich: i love you...marry me?
(3) Justin: OKay I'm going to keep typing so you can see what it is.
(3) Justin: Oh wait, I changed it.
(3) Justin: Nevermind.
(3) Justin: Anyways, you're mormon?
(2) Seth Heinrich: used to be
(2) Seth Heinrich: i'm a JACK MORMON YO!
(2) Seth Heinrich: wahahaha
(3) Justin: Jack mormon yo?
(2) Seth Heinrich: yeah
(2) Seth Heinrich: gangsta talk?
(3) Justin: w0rd.
(3) Justin: In any case, did you read any of the logs?
(3) Justin: I hope I didn't get it over the top.
(2) Seth Heinrich: jack mormon...i was baptised into the religion at 8 because my parents made me belive it was the right thing to do and shit..
(2) Seth Heinrich: and no i haven't read the logs.
(2) Seth Heinrich: wanted to come in brand spanken new.
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: so i have no clue ocly
(3) Justin: I see.
(2) Seth Heinrich: yeah
(2) Seth Heinrich: on the plus side....
** (2) Seth Heinrich shakes head **
(2) Seth Heinrich: there is no plus side..
(3) Justin: Bah!
(3) Justin: I came in not knowing how to play Mage.
(2) Seth Heinrich: O.o me either...
(2) Seth Heinrich: well i've played requiem..
(2) Seth Heinrich: mage is new..
(3) Justin: Well no WoD had I under my belt.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I was baptized christian orthodox at the age of 4. A fat priest made me kiss a dusty icon, then sprayed me with some water.
(3) Justin: I would think they'd clean the icon beforehand..
(2) Seth Heinrich: ew.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I became a believer of God's existance at age of 17, surviving a car accident there was no way to survive.
** (2) Seth Heinrich goes AFK **
** (3) Justin whistles **
** (2) Seth Heinrich is back **
(4) Dante: yay!
(2) Seth Heinrich: wahahahahaha i converted my friend steve to requiem..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u suck
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): thats one more unit of force to Fairbanks team
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): unless he's moving here
(2) Seth Heinrich: hahahahaha no
(2) Seth Heinrich: thats okay. i don't think he'll like the game much.
(3) Justin: Yeah, KK got me to try the Cam, I played for a couple weeks, then decided to work more instead.
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): not by choice i bet
(3) Justin: Hmm?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i mean did u work more coz u had to or coz u didnt want to play?
(3) Justin: Good question. Both?
(3) Justin: It was fun, but not that fun.
(3) Justin: I find it more fun playing with you guys.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i guess depends on where u are
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, our game straight pwns, thats what it is
(3) Justin: That too. Everyone was more into changeling, which I had a hard time getting into.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i cant do changeling
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): feels like a gimp emo mage incapable of any mental resistance to supernatural
(3) Justin: Si'.
(3) Justin: Now, I could do Geist.
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: lmfao
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Geist huh
(3) Justin: Pfft, undead ghost-busters.
(3) Justin: WoD style.
(3) Justin: What isn't to love?
(4) Dante: The only problem is that my character would end up being like... Jericho Cross from Darkwatch.
(3) Justin: But thats something that would be better with an actual gaming group, so you can put together any plot you like, and actually make things matter.
(3) Justin: I do not know who that is.
(4) Dante: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkwatch
(4) Dante: character on game cover is Cross
(3) Justin: Western style, I see.
(4) Dante: Yerah
(2) Seth Heinrich: blarg
(2) Seth Heinrich: you wanna know what sucks
(2) Seth Heinrich: HAVING TO WAIT
(4) Dante: Many things suck. That is definitely one of them.
(2) Seth Heinrich: who are we missing?
(2) Seth Heinrich: chris...and someone else?
(3) Justin: Well I doubt that Shawn and Racheal are going to show up are they?
(3) Justin: Did they reply to the email at all?
(4) Dante: I think the game is primarily hinging on waiting for Chris.
(3) Justin: Yah.
(4) Dante: So whatever happened with the Genesis project? Is it still operational?
(3) Justin: The server is still up but it's reasonably barren.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah waiting on chris
(4) Dante: Ah, I gotcha. Fewer players now than before?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no, we are, oddly, still The Five
(3) Justin: To a grand extent. Seems nearly everyone has just sort of lost interest.
(3) Justin: It was to be expected but I still keep the server up.
(4) Dante: Hrmmm.
(2) Seth Heinrich: huh?
(2) Seth Heinrich: sorry printing off something
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): is it a grand poster of Gahkt? :D
(2) Seth Heinrich: ..gackt and no
(2) Seth Heinrich: it's a character shee
(2) Seth Heinrich: sheet
(2) Seth Heinrich: so quiet
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah man dont take it down. when my right hand falls off and i cant game anymore, i'll login to Genesis and sit in my cozy mansion
(3) Justin: hehe
(3) Justin: Seems to be everyone's general attitude to it.
(3) Justin: So, what path is Seth?
(2) Seth Heinrich: the odd crazy kind
(3) Justin: Seems like that'd be fun.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, a good programmer would fix it, and a ruthless admin who would work 24/7 on development. u can still own the place but have someone with good understanding of running games work on it as main storyteller
(3) Justin: Everyone is much too logical around here.. well 'cept for Kurtis.
(2) Seth Heinrich: i was told i can't tell anyone anything...
(2) Seth Heinrich: haha
(1) Kurtis: Fuck you, bitch, I'm logical. I'll logic a fireball up your ass.
(3) Justin: X}
(2) Seth Heinrich: she's a tarot card reader also teaches at Leximhoff Leipzig College of Paranormal Studies
(3) Justin: I'm aware that it's salvagable, and I'll fix it up eventually I'm sure, but right now, I'm just setting things into place.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dont bother googling it, it doesnt exist
(3) Justin: ....
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Chris class is done. im picking her up then GAAAME
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): brb
(3) Justin: Can one specialize in tarot reading in college? I wonder if that is a valid major..
(2) Seth Heinrich: her uncle got her the job she teaches a class on the future and reading it and stuff
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): justin this is a very SPECIAL college
** (2) Seth Heinrich shrugs **
(2) Seth Heinrich: he knows more about it then i do XD
(3) Justin: hehehe
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no i dont
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i made it up
(3) Justin: That must have been a good awakening session..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok going gone
(2) Seth Heinrich: it was INSANE!
** (2) Seth Heinrich shakes head **
(2) Seth Heinrich: it was a mind fuck
(3) Justin: ... I'm not supposed to ask but..
(2) Seth Heinrich: we were up till like 4 in the morning working on it
(3) Justin: Shite!
(4) Dante: That's Kostya. You know all about mindfuckery with Justin's awakening I am sure.
(2) Seth Heinrich: yeah
(3) Justin: Si'.
(4) Dante: Bah, there is literally no one on.
** (4) Dante starts to download UOML **
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: O.o
(2) Seth Heinrich: why do you keep on saying Si
(3) Justin: I like saying si'..
(3) Justin: I also like making this face. X}
(3) Justin: And yeah Dante, there has been nobody one for a while.
(3) Justin: I've been getting maybe two or three a day, it's been sad.
(4) Dante: >_
(4) Dante: Oh yeah, no less-than sign
(3) Justin:
(4) Dante: HTML is why.
(3) Justin: Yup.
(4) Dante: Forgot about that.
(4) Dante: Italics just brings back bad memories now XD
(3) Justin: Was going to type something in Bold but decided it was too much work.
(4) Dante: Indeed.
(3) Justin: Bold!
(3) Justin: haha!
(4) Dante: Italics!
(3) Justin: Italics must have been headache-inducing for you.
(4) Dante: Quite so.
(4) Dante: XD
(4) Dante: Naw, it wasn't too horrible. But it was definitely annoying. :P
(4) Dante: Its what I get for ... uh.. for not having Mind 5, I guess.
(3) Justin: I've only got two arcana at level 3.
(4) Dante: Mind 4, Space 2. Equates the same, sort of.
** (3) Justin has the lowest level of power in the party **
(3) Justin: Life 3 Matter 3 Gnosis 3.
(3) Justin: Spirit 2..
(4) Dante: Gnosis 3, too. I think most of us have Gnosis 3
(3) Justin: Yah.
(4) Dante: Oh, you have 3 arcana, I forgot.
(3) Justin: I've never used spirit though..
(3) Justin: Well cept for sight that one time.
(3) Justin: Which was trippy.
(4) Dante: Kostya thanks you for it without saying it, I'm sure.
** (3) Justin nods sagely **
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(3) Justin: Bad memories with the last Thyrsis.
(2) Seth Heinrich: i have time 3....fate 2 and mind 1
(4) Dante: I think she's been informed. XD Not sure.
(3) Justin: Hah! There we go!
(2) Seth Heinrich: what...
(3) Justin: Haven't really gotten to actively play with a time/fate person.
(4) Dante: Kostya told you about Serpardum, didn't he?
(2) Seth Heinrich: about who?
(4) Dante: The guy who summoned like every spirity of every place anytime we went somewhere. I thought he did, maybe not.
(4) Dante: spirit*
(3) Justin: He got hit with improtatons though.
(4) Dante: Thousands upon thousands of them!
(3) Justin: 200m of Improtatons!
(4) Dante: Oh the humanity!
(3) Justin: you
(3) Justin: you
(3) Justin: you
(4) Dante: ..|.
(2) Seth Heinrich: O.o
(2) Seth Heinrich: improtations?
(4) Dante: No, improtatons.
(4) Dante: Its ... a misspelling of important that we just started using when Serpardum left our group. He kind of left in a huff-and-puff kind of mood.
(3) Justin: It was pretty comedic.
(2) Seth Heinrich: ahh
(2) Seth Heinrich: i want to game damn it..
(3) Justin: As do I, it has been a pretty long while.
(4) Dante: Very long time, yes.
(2) Seth Heinrich: brb mums home
(2) Seth Heinrich: oh yay she brought me salt and vinegar chips
(3) Justin: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
(3) Justin: Deliciouso.
(3) Justin: .... Also didn't mean to do that.
(2) Seth Heinrich: [1d10] => [3] = (3)
(2) Seth Heinrich: me either?
(3) Justin: X}
(2) Seth Heinrich: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,9,9,7,1,9,[10, 8],3] = (4)
(2) Seth Heinrich: hey thats pretty spiffy..
(3) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [[10, 3],7] = (20)
(2) Seth Heinrich: that was my...temproral wrinkles spell thingy
(3) Justin: I mainly just transmute stuff..
(2) Seth Heinrich: [1 d10.open(10)+(4)] => [1,4] = (5)
(4) Dante: Ooh, salt and vinegar chips. Jealous.
(2) Seth Heinrich: wahahahaha
** (2) Seth Heinrich is cheating? **
(2) Seth Heinrich: [1d10+99999] => [8,99999] = (100007)
(4) Dante: [50d10+100] => [2,3,10,8,2,8,9,5,1,2,5,6,4,10,6,9,7,9,5,9,3,1,6,3,3,7,4,9,8,6,4,5,9,6,8,1,2,4,4,3,7,6,6,5,3,4,4,4,9,10,100] = (374)
(2) Seth Heinrich: [999d10+99999] => 99999
(2) Seth Heinrich: [999d10+0] => 0
(2) Seth Heinrich: [999d10+0] => 0
(2) Seth Heinrich: [999d10+0] => 0
(2) Seth Heinrich: hmm..
(3) Justin: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): WE ARE BACK
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): she's getting her laptop
** (4) Dante wiggles his fingers, playing at the strands of space like a musical instrument. ((Impromptu space shield, space 2 + gnosis 3 = 5)) [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,6,3,8] = (1) **
(4) Dante: Woot
(3) Justin: Nice.
(4) Dante: Woot as in welcome back, not the 1success.
(2) Seth Heinrich: wonder what i'd have to roll to see someones immediate future..
(4) Dante: Prolly time 3, gnosis 3, vs their ... gnosis +composure? I can't recall.
(2) Seth Heinrich: i don't have gnosis 3 though...
(4) Dante: There is either a resistance roll or a minus for a stat... damn. Brain's not working
(4) Dante: Err, 2?
(2) Seth Heinrich: 1
(4) Dante: Okay, 1.
(4) Dante: Unless you've got a rote or somethin' for it.
(2) Seth Heinrich: uh....no
(2) Seth Heinrich: i don't know
(2) Seth Heinrich: no one's explained the rotes to me...
(2) Seth Heinrich: do we have tobuy them with xp?
(3) Justin: Yes.
(4) Dante: Yarrr.
(2) Seth Heinrich: fuck...
** (2) Seth Heinrich pokes her ten xp **
(2) Seth Heinrich: turn into a rote damn it
(4) Dante: Rotes are pre-fabricated spells that are created and demonstrated through a sort of.. harmony between the body and the will. Or so I think.
(2) Seth Heinrich: ahh okay
(4) Dante: Basically, its a spell list that lets you do specific things using skills and arcana rather than just raw power.
(3) Justin: Bigger dicepools..
(3) Justin: Usually.
(2) Seth Heinrich: i like the raw power though XD
(4) Dante: The outcomes are determined already, but generally they offer bigger dice pools.
(4) Dante: Unless you take something that requires subterfuge and... you dont have subterfuge... *cough*
(7) Eve Kline (enter): 19:53
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Eve Kline...
(3) Justin: Ahem..
(7) Eve Kline: oh hi
(4) Dante: Sup!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): gathering is complete
(3) Justin: Yo dawg.
(7) Eve Kline: i haz serialz
(4) Dante:

(1) Konrad Knox (GM): thing on rotes, the way we work it in this joint: you may unlock some rotes for free.
(4) Dante: >.>
** (4) Dante coughs. **
(4) Dante: That wasn't me. srs.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ignore that box, children, that wasnt the real box
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(7) Eve Kline: heh
(3) Justin: False box!

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(3) Justin: Cast down the false boxy idols of boxness!
** (4) Dante goes into hiding for his heresy. **
** (3) Justin blam **
** (7) Eve Kline persicutes dante for his beliefs... burns his friends at the steak and such* **
** (4) Dante loves steak. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright. count down 5 minutes.
(7) Eve Kline: lol
(3) Justin: X}
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): putting up logs
(4) Dante: Woot woot.
(4) Dante: Back in 15 minutes guys! Oyeah!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sariah, if u wanna learn about Serpardum and Improtaton cannons, read chapter 2 logs
(2) Seth Heinrich: ok
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u will also discover Tom the Raven
(7) Eve Kline: So justin when are you going to move to Alaska so the whole mage game can be on the same bandwidth? :P
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but he bites
(7) Eve Kline: its on page 114 :)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but if u come here justin, u have to be naked. we're all playing naked with candles lit.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in the same room
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(4) Dante: Ya, the improtatons are right next to the section on 200m sensory range
** (7) Eve Kline looks around wondering where KK hid dante and Seth in this room... **
(2) Seth Heinrich: mur?
(2) Seth Heinrich: i'm hidden?
(2) Seth Heinrich: T.T
(7) Eve Kline: if you are in my physical room then yes.
** (2) Seth Heinrich cries **
(3) Justin: Naked in the same room with candles?
(3) Justin: Mage naked with candles?
(3) Justin: Sign me up.. but it is alaska so..
(7) Eve Kline: and really well too cause there aren't a lot of places to hide.. unless you're a stuffed rabbit or a shirt.
(2) Seth Heinrich: mwahahahaha
(4) Dante: We're both hidden, apparently.
(7) Eve Kline: Now KK what you are describing is call LARP and we do that on Sundays... not Wensday after class :P
** (2) Seth Heinrich turns into a stuffed squid **
** (4) Dante is hidden as a lemur. **
(7) Eve Kline: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: KEI HAS A CHILDER!
(2) Seth Heinrich: had to get that out
(7) Eve Kline: ha on you both... those stuffed animals are in the living room :P
** (2) Seth Heinrich plays with the gerbs **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/MagePage.html
(7) Eve Kline: <.>
** (2) Seth Heinrich turns into your panties? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): logs updated
** (4) Dante used mind to make you think that. **
(7) Eve Kline: wow.. I didn't think many people were willing to spend WP in game to create childer go Kei
(2) Seth Heinrich: it's because the guy i'm staying with up there wants to try it out.
** (2) Seth Heinrich shrugs **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright folks, before you is a map you all know well. zoom out if it's too big. everyone except Seth mark your most recent locations
(7) Eve Kline: in fairbanksia?
(2) Seth Heinrich: yeah
(2) Seth Heinrich: anyways...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): In cockballia
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): fairbanks needs fewer vampirs, not more :D
(2) Seth Heinrich: hahaha
(4) Dante: Cockballia. I think that's right next to Crotchylvania.
(2) Seth Heinrich: they also have mage and forsaken
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(2) Seth Heinrich: i doubt he'll play once i'm gone
(7) Eve Kline: wow.. well.. mage is cool but forsaken can curl into a ball and die.
** (2) Seth Heinrich wonders if the map is draw on able- **
(7) Eve Kline: click the whiteboard tab
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, its drawable
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u have to switch to freeform
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): whiteboard - freeform
(2) Seth Heinrich: ooo
(2) Seth Heinrich: cool
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): just dont fuck with it in terms of image uploads.
(2) Seth Heinrich: i have no idea where i am anyhow...so i couldn't mark where i was haha
(2) Seth Heinrich: yeah yeah i know
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): however, u may upload your dress
(2) Seth Heinrich: eh...whats the point it looks like shit at this point...
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(3) Justin: Hmm, thought I was outside.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, Seth, u'll find out where u are very soon
** (2) Seth Heinrich goes and looks for dress **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you are by the bomb i believe? hold on
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ooooh
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're at an exit, but you're waiting for others to join you
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so i guess you're hanging by the exit
(3) Justin: Yeah, thats what it was.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but the others, don't seem to be joining you
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, active spells stay active as of last game
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): adhoc mind router still up, who had shields - are up. if u dont remember your shield/sight rolls, make new rolls.... now
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): except Seth.
(3) Justin: Umm.. We all had the same shield rolls?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what were they?
(4) Dante: Whatever that arcane machine put on us? >.>
(7) Eve Kline: 5pt entropic guard
(3) Justin: Yeah, that was several sessions back, though I'm pretty sure we repeated it every time.
(4) Dante: Man, how long ago was that? Its the last thing I can remember for casting.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i think machine did invisibility, entropic guard, and forces guard
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): invis is off, so u all got 5 points of armor and 5 of forces
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, box is ready for summon
(7) Eve Kline: and suppernal vision in my case.
(2) Seth Heinrich: SUMMON!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh the almighty box, from the depth of oblivion we summon thee
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): box
** (7) Eve Kline sets out treats to attact the ellusive box creature **
(7) Eve Kline: here box, come here box
** (2) Seth Heinrich makes white russians for the box. **
(7) Eve Kline: ...come on Justin and Dante...
(7) Eve Kline: you know you want to coax the box into coming out
(3) Justin: Box?
(3) Justin: Box, oh.. box of.. cubes?
(3) Justin: ... rectangular diety..
(2) Seth Heinrich: box of starting fun
(3) Justin: ... you're gray and have..
(3) Justin: words.
(3) Justin: Box..
(3) Justin: Fuck, just show up box.
(2) Seth Heinrich: lol
(7) Eve Kline: well done Justin.
(7) Eve Kline: however the box expects you to call in in Hiku format next time :P
(7) Eve Kline: hehe
(2) Seth Heinrich: dante's turn
** (4) Dante raises his hands high into the air,calling forth into the outer reaches of space in a mighty display of sheer willpower. "BOX! COME FORTH FROM YOUR SLUMBER IN THE ABYSSAL VACCUUM OF SPACE!" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Mage The Awakening: Gates to Atlantis. Episode Twenty Five.

(7) Eve Kline: nice effect dante
(7) Eve Kline: ohh I've been centered
(7) Eve Kline: ..awww
(4) Dante: ((Its the after-effects of the summoning. sry))
(7) Eve Kline: I haz M&M's!!!!!
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((mm candy))
** (4) Dante has M&Ms too. Peanut variety. **
(7) Eve Kline: .... not to be confused with Eminem's which aren't as chocolatey
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, around you people screaming, most of them are turning from a stampede into a steady river flowing towards the exit. However, from that river you see a number of groups turning the opposite way and begin shooting at guards. Shots getting fired of various calibers, several men and women get capped, all of a sudden, it really feels unsafe, and a good idea would be to find cover. Looking out for your party, all of a sudden a young beautiful woman catches your attention, a scream is heard and he blue dress flashes for a moment, and then... she's gone. She's gone as if she was never there, three guns firing in her direction, all of them missing the mark. A large column of whirling ash begins to rise in the middle of the room. Things begin slowing down in the ballroom, people and objects freeze.... then suddenly everything is back to normal speed again, yet the carnage continues
(7) Eve Kline: ((wall of text...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the poker area is being closed down from the inside, guards are doubled, you hear screaming from the hallway in direction of the ballroom. Remingtons remain in place, and the guy who was playing poker with them is just suddenly gone. The two suitcases remain.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you are in the security room, face to face with Nestor, who asks the guards "Who is she?" Before the guard replies, shoots are heard from the camera screens and suddenly Nestor starts cussing. Guards dispatch out the doors.
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Shit, we have an awakening!"
(7) Eve Kline: ((woot saved by the new mage))
** (3) Justin 's brows raise as he takes in the scene unfolding before him, he quickly draws to the side, as the flood of people move towards the exit, not wanting to get int he way of any of them, he moves against the coat closet, pressing back against it. He takes a step towards the mysterious girl, before she dissappears, and the world slows before reverting **
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((wahahaha i am that epic))
(3) Justin: "What..?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, on the monitor, you see a whirlpool of sand grow in the middle of the ballroom, with people shooting each other up, then you observe the cameras all at once turning onto what looks like a movie about Julius Caesar, it's literally becoming a feed from ancient Rome. Not some movie effects shit, no camera switching or panning, plain realistic gory fucking massacre, if someone pointed a camera over a valley.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): real time mode = on
(7) Eve Kline: ((so wait.. it now looks like Rome? or it is Roman like in its massacreage?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((it looks like romans are fighting asyrians on a massive battlefield))
** (7) Eve Kline invented the word massac **
** (7) Eve Kline *massacreage **
** (7) Eve Kline blinks at the screen, frowns, blinks again... shakes her head. Squints at the screen. **
(7) Eve Kline: "Huh.. must be an acanthis (sp?)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your mage sight gets a BIG fucking tingle, as if Tristin Lang just roundhoused your brain.
(1) Kurtis: Dante? Dante? There's some major spell being cast here! A time spell! People screaming awakening!
** (4) Dante looks to the two suitcases nonchalantly, trying to keep his cool at the sounds of gunfire and general chaos. He looks at Kurtis, then back to the Remingtons. **
(4) Dante: ((Wait, wasnt Kurtis in the poker room too?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you hear people everywhere starting to coordinate, you hear "awakening, she's awakening!" from here and there. Suddenly, you sense his voice. HIS voice, the voice you recognize anywhere. He screams "NOOOOO!" You're not sure from which direction in this chaos.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((was he?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((he was. cancel my pose.))
(1) Kurtis: Replace with: Dante, woah? Something strong being cast in the ballroom, a time spell.
** (3) Justin suddenly tenses at the sound of that voice, his eyes searching the chaos, his jaw tight as he scans the crowd for his screaming quarry **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wits + composure
(4) Dante: (Kurtis) Strong time spell? Did Tristin find his way here?
(1) Kurtis: I don't know. I never got to memorize Tristin's signature.
** (1) Bouncer comes out with a submachine gun and starts systematically gunning down aggressors in tuxes **
(4) Dante: (Kurtis) Alright, well the guards hinted that it'd be a good idea for us to stay here. You wanna find a way out of here or what?
(3) Justin: wits 2 composure 4 = 6
(3) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,2,2,3,8] = (1)
(4) Dante: (Broadcast to Justin and Eve) What's going on out there guys? Tell me it isn't the apocalypse.
(3) Justin: He's here..
(4) Dante: ((italics implied))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, in this chaos you don't know where it's coming from, it drowns in the shootout, a few people crawl under the tables, continuing to shoot. A few fall due to machinegun fire. Blood on dresses and tuxedoes. A small girl with two pistols going down, shot in the stomach.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you can feel his presense on the arcane level. Namely, his life force. It's somewhere in the building.
** (4) Dante continues looking to the Remingtons, speaking up to break the relative silence. "So does general chaos tend to happen around here, or is it just another part of a terribly bad day for me?" **
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Yes, Acanthus. Ferri, Higgs, dispatch search, find the awakened before the ladder does."
** (1) Nestor Feneghan turns to Eve **
(4) Dante: (Justin) He? He who?
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Alright, who are you?"
(1) Kurtis: I dunno dude, where's Eve and Justin?
** (3) Justin glances around, more and more frantically, trying to keep pace with that signature, trying to find him, but every time he sees somebody get shot, his gaze lingers, unable to pick out who's right or who's wrong, he stands back, doing nothing, in the chaos **
(7) Eve Kline: looks like Ancient Rome from where I'm standing... I'm in the control room btw with another Nestor and all the cameras
(3) Justin: Damnit I don't know where he is! I can't find him, but he's here! Too much stuff is going down right now.
(4) Dante: (Kurtis) No idea. Justin is saying something about "him" being here. Oh, Eve just reported in. She's in some kind of control room... with another Nestor and cameras."
(4) Dante: ((damn it. Italics))
(7) Eve Kline: This is odd Nestor is sending the guards to find the new awakend 'before the ladder does'
(1) Theodore Remington: "Usually this place is trustworthy. This would be only the second occurence of violence in these halls that I'm aware of. Regardless, Clara and I intend to stay here. We have exclusive permission for spellcasting, so this room will be protected. I believe someone awakened. If that is so, people probably already racing to find this person."
(7) Eve Kline: "I'm Eve Martin, I've some skill in Death magic which is why your guard asked me to examine the body. Back in the States I was an investigator for a few years before I Awakened."
(4) Dante: (Broadcast) Nestor is sending someone to find an awakened before the ladder does. I don't know what that means, but maybe we should have a look for ourselves. Justin is also looking for someone, but I know not who. Kurtis and I are in the poker room, trying to plan our next move.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, a blonde man in a black tuxedo and a brown tie runs up to you from the side and looks like he intends to maul you down. He's armed with a 9mm pistol.
(4) Dante: "An awakening, here? That seems rather curious."
** (1) Nestor Feneghan squints **
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Really? Do you see supernally?"
** (3) Justin growls to himself after getting Dante's transmission, before he works a circuitous rout around the ballrom, moving towards where he knows the poker room lies, knowing he can't do much around here, the sight of the man running around after him, sends him retreating as well **
(7) Eve Kline: "When I wish to."
(3) Justin: Got a guy after me now.. Hope I don't get shot, that wouldn't be good..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): justin, the guy advances. you either gotta speed up, evade, or so domething.
** (1) Nestor Feneghan twitches his lips, businesslike, his face doesnt look usually sleezy, instead focused, he doesnt smile **
(4) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin seems to be in danger. He's ... amidst all the chaos I think. We're all too separated, shit.
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Good. Start being useful, Ms Martin. There's an awakening down there. Go with these two guys, find it. Disable it but don't kill it. Bring it here."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the guy catches up and tries to grapple you. Roll str+brawl
(1) Dude: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,1,4,3] = (1)
(3) Justin: (sorry had to get up)
(3) Justin: Chance die
(3) Justin: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4] = (0)
(1) Theodore Remington: "Those things happen for strange reasons. Some believe they are always meant to be. Other say they can be forced. What kind will this one be?"
** (7) Eve Kline nods to the request and turns to follow the two indicated guards while thinking to dante... **
** (1) Dude locks Justin's arm behind his back, and is forcing him to walk, a gun to Justin's head. He's moving back towards the fray, using Justin as a living shield from guards. A bullet will hit any second. **
(7) Eve Kline: Nestor is sending me and two guards to find the awakening mage... to disable it but not kill it... any chance I get to loose the guards in the fray I will use.
(1) Dude: "Don't fucking shoot or this guy gets it! Don't fucking shoot! or this guy fucking gets it!"
(4) Dante: "Indeed. And what do you think is the more likely in this setting?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((remember to remind me when you're using your sights to scan shit, cant keep track of all sights active))
** (3) Justin 's jaw tightens, as he's suddenly set upon in that position, knowing that nobody is going to care enough to stop and try and make sure he won't be attacked, he lashes out with the power within him, the contact of the gun against his temple all he needs he uses that contact, to send power into the object, attempting to change it into dust in the man's hand **
(4) Dante: (Broadcast) Eve is in the company of two guards to find the awakened person. She will take any chance she can to lose the guards. Justin, if you can, make your way to the poker room. There are doubled guards here, but they may let you in. Or you can try to catch up with Eve. Not sure of the best course of action here, aside from finding that new mage before anyone else.
(3) Justin: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
(3) Justin: Matter 3 Gnosis 3 = 6
(3) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,2,4,2,3] = (0)
(1) Theodore Remington: "Well, I could theoretically find out, but... one, it may involve inrusive power use, and for one it's forbidden, for two, I'd rather not have my nimbus recorded in this place... two, awakenings tend to be extremely powerful surges of rising arcana, and interfering may drain even a skilled user of all their power. And I still hope to win a poker game."
(3) Justin: (shat.)
** (4) Dante offers a faint smirk at Remington's last statement and with it, a nod. "Better to lay low and let it play out, no doubt." **
** (7) Eve Kline (gives Justin a box of fail) **
** (1) Dude takes the gun away from your touch just as you are able to focus on the spell, and the spell is wasted. You get nervous. Blam! A bullet rams in the direction of your forehead, you actually get to see it in front of your eyes... as it bounces off due to Kurtis's spell. -3 armor points **
(1) Kurtis: "Well, I'd love to rob you guys of hard earned money but you know what, I think there is a fray going down, and my girlfriend is there, or at least I hope she will be my girlfriend, so I'm gonna go see what's up."
** (3) Justin 's eyes go wide as saucers, as everything slows down, he sees the bullet slide from the gun, the deafening roar, and the sensation of it slamming against the shield, causes him to tighten up, and go breathless **
(3) Justin: "You just tried to kill me.."
** (3) Justin 's hand darts out, in an attempt to grasp any spot on the man **
** (4) Dante turns to Kurtis for a moment. "Whoa, well if you're going I'm gonna go with you man. God knows you'll get distracted by a pretty lady and that'll be the end of it." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you come down to the ballroom and you see a massacre, but a real gundown, not anything roman. A pile of ash in the middle of the dancefloor. Tables and walls covered in bulletholes, furniture and silverwear breaking, people dying. Supernal vision points up. That huge Acanthus spell - straight up.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you grasp the guy's sleeve, distracting him a little, as BLAM! He gets shot in the forehead and falls over. A guard sends the next bullet into your head.... as you realize Kurt's shield is gone, the bullet decays in the air, Eve's shield activating...
** (7) Eve Kline continues to appear to be scanning the room for signs of the Acanthus to buy a bit of time, begins to moving into the ballroom with the guards **
** (4) Dante offers a slight bow as he stands from the table, directing it towards the Remingtons. "If you'll excuse us. It has been a lovely evening up until now." **
(7) Eve Kline: "there are a lot of spells out here hmm... which one..."
** (3) Justin upturns a table and dives behind it for cover **
(7) Eve Kline: In the ballroom now, the awakened is probably up above the ballroom at the pool or spoking area.
(7) Eve Kline: *smoking area..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the signal points to the place back in the guards room now, but up above.
(7) Eve Kline: maybe even further out near the parking lot or guard room
(4) Dante: (Broadcast) Awakened is up above the ballroom. Eve thinks possibly at the swimming pool or the smoking area. Nearer to the parking lot or the guard room are also options. Justin, you still alive? Didn't go and get shot, did you?
(3) Justin: I just got shot at twice.
(3) Justin: Running out of shields.
** (1) Kurtis looks up **
(1) Kurtis: "Dante, let's go. Up this way."
(4) Dante: (Eve) Do you know if there is roof access? The building -was- flat when arrived, yeah? (Justin) Alright, just sit tight. Find some cover. (Kurtis) Justin's been shot at twice. We need to go get him.
** (4) Dante smiles a bittersweet smile as he becomes more accustomed to the transmission of thoughts. "Alright, I'm following you." **
(1) Kurtis: We'll find out, fuck this shit. Invisibility.
(7) Eve Kline: There is a way upstairs but I didn't get outside to know if there is roof access.
** (7) Eve Kline speaks to the guards **
(1) Kurtis: "Bend Light!"
(1) Kurtis: Wits 4 + stealth 2 + forces 5 + ring 1 = 12
(1) Kurtis: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,5,5,9,2,6,6,9,4,7,9] = (3)
** (1) Kurtis and Dante go invisible **
(7) Eve Kline: "Seems like the newest spells are coming for up above, perhaps at the pool?... Or a second story? I've not really explored this building that much."
** (7) Eve Kline smiles in an attempt to look ignorant. **
(1) Theodore Remington: "Suit yourself, fellows. Don't get shot. We'll be here if you need defense."
** (4) Dante follows Kurtis as close as possible, using mind sight to try and keep track of Kurtis' mental signature. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you follow the trace that becomes clearer, guards go with you, it leads you back into security room, you point up the stairs. You also hear a helicopter engine running. Nestor can be heard from above, looks like he's already there
(7) Eve Kline: Alright guys the new mage is above the security room looks like. And it sounds like Nestor is already up there... Will keep you posted.
** (7) Eve Kline follows the guards up the stairs? **
(1) Kurtis: Dante, help out Eve, I'll get Justin out.
(4) Dante: (Broadcast) New mage is above the security room with Nestor. Eve is heading there. Kurtis is on his way to aid Justin. Eve, I'm coming to you, invisible.

** (4) Dante nods as if that head motion matters when invisible and makes his way lithely toward the security room area. (Eve) I'm going to meet up with you. Where are you at exactly? I'll try to find some stairs. **
(4) Dante: ((I fail at italics today))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Guards to Eve: "There is a pool, three balconies with a smoking area and a helipad for guests who travel by air. Which way?"
(7) Eve Kline: (the signature is coming from helo pad area correct?)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (yes, it's like waves of heat, brushing from that direction)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (or a string of an aura, however you percieve auras)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (if it's bubble gum bubbles, you see them jumping down the stairs)
(4) Dante: ((Its like a million brains exploding!))
(7) Eve Kline: (... and which of the other two second story areas is furthest away from said helo pad?)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, what are you doing? There's gun fire all around, slowly dying out now, guards seem to be prevailing. One guard moves towards you.
(3) Justin: Was it the guards or the other guys who were shooting at me?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the guard, right after shooting the guy who held you at gunpoint
** (1) Bouncer 2 points at Justin "You! Put your weapons down and get out! Get out, get out! **
(3) Justin: "Done and done!"
(1) Kurt's Voice: into your ear "Justin run up the stairs."
(7) Eve Kline: "Well it seems to be moving, it started out more that way *points in direction of pool* then began to move towards that way *points towards smoking area* but there is a feeling of it back the way we came as well. Its hard to say which area the awakend was last in the aura is too strong it sort of bleeds togeather."
(3) Justin: I'll try to climb from the outside.
** (3) Justin raises slowly, his arms up as he puts up Unseen Aegis while exiting. **
(3) Justin: Int 3 science 5 matter 3 = 11
(3) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,7,6,3,4,6,8,[10, 8],6,3] = (3)
(7) Eve Kline: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
(7) Eve Kline: ((attempting to lie to the guards Manip+ sub = 5))
(3) Justin: (shield rote)
(7) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [7,5] = (12)
** (7) Eve Kline found the F3 macro key **
(7) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [5,5] = (10)
(7) Eve Kline: bahh!
(7) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,1,3,5] = (0)
(7) Eve Kline: I fail at failing.
(4) Dante: ((Ouch.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guards pick up their radios, standing next to Eve: "Units 4 and 5, check out the swimming pool."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guards say to Eve: "Alright, let's check the smoking area."
** (7) Eve Kline accompanies the guards to the smoking area 'scanning' as she goes **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you eventually detect Eve, she is accompanied by two guards armed with Uzis
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Justin, where are you going? Up, up, gotta go up."
** (4) Dante proceeds to Eve's general location, keeping a short distance from the two guards behind her. **
(3) Justin: Are there not ways up from the outside? They're evacuating this main room.
(4) Dante: ((I am assuming that is a whisper to the invisible Kurt and not a thought?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, as the guards enter the smoking area, they get attacked by three men wielding combat knives, they begin a fight. Guards draw their guns.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((correct, Kurt doesnt know where Justin is going))
** (7) Eve Kline attempts to slip away unnoticed while the guards are fighting the three knife wielding mens! **
(3) Justin: (whisper) "If you want me to go up, make me invisible too."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dex + stealth
(7) Eve Kline: dex + stealth = 3 spend WP = 6
(7) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,9,7,9,7] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you find an opportune moment to slip out
** (4) Dante attempts to navigate around the guards unnoticed as well, trying to follow Eve closely. ((Whathcu want me to roll for that with my invisibility?)) **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((using mind shield?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if not got rote, use gnosis+mind))
(1) Kurt's Voice: "Bend light."
(1) Kurt's Voice: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],5,[10, 10, 7],1,6,[10, 3],6,6,[10, 9],5,[10, 10, 5],9] = (6)
(7) Eve Kline: Holy... penis..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you're pretty confident that even the air cannot see you.
(7) Eve Kline: Not even Justin can find justin.
(4) Dante: ((Mental Shield, ya? I have the rote. Resolve 3 + Occult 3 + Mind 4 = 10 ::: Holy fucking balls.))
(1) Kurt's Voice: ((ya))
(4) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,2,5,5,5,2,4,3,1] = (0)
(7) Eve Kline: ...
(4) Dante: ((You stole all my fucking successes -_-))
(1) Kurt's Voice: Fly, Justin.
(1) Kurt's Voice: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,1,2,9,4,7,1] = (2)
(3) Justin: \(phone)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you feel that you are able to levitate, not fast, but able.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you think you're well shielded against mental detection
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): People do, however seem to ignore you, since you are physically invisible
(4) Dante: ((I... wait, I was never even intending to shield mentally. I figured you would want some kind of roll for evading them with invis. Nevermind then.))
** (4) Dante follows Eve invisibly. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh, no, youre fine))
** (7) Eve Kline begins to move back to the security area as quickly as she can without arousing alarm from other guards, if they ask she is "going back for backup because the radios stopped working in the smoking room" and will point any guards towards the smoking room. **
(4) Dante: (Eve) I'm right behind you. Let's find out what all the fuss is about.
(3) Justin: (jesus christ guys)
(3) Justin: (Am I ever going to be visible again?)
(4) Dante: ((NEVER))
(7) Eve Kline: ((you guys realize when we finally confront the bad guys we can call the episod "the ultimate show down of ultimate destiny"
** (3) Justin nods as he feels the blanketing powers move over him, before peter panning it the hell up **
(7) Eve Kline: ((I'm sorry I can't hear you justin, you are so invisable your words can't even be heard :P))
(3) Justin: (Holy shit, even vocalization is invisible)
(4) Dante: ((You are so invisible that you don't even know if you exist. But you feel you can fly.))
(7) Eve Kline: ((To bad we can't tell him we can't hear him cause the sound waves of our words won't be able to find him))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guards dispatch towards the smoking area, leaving you for the moment alone in the security room.
** (7) Eve Kline cautiously heads up the stairs watching to be sure no guards or Nestors come in as she climbs **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, it seems like whatever guards or/and Nestors were in the security room, are already screaming something up on the helipad
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, are you rising up over the building?
(3) Justin: And around the other side, getting a good look at the entrances and exits.
** (4) Dante continues to follow Eve, proceeding up the stairs with her as he watches their backs. **
(3) Justin: Also, do I have a teddybear or an umbrella?
(4) Dante: ((you are not Mary Poppins.))
(4) Dante: ((Although you are about as visible as she is real))
(7) Eve Kline: Dante sounds like they've found the new mage, let everyone know where we are and stay hidden for now please
(3) Justin: I'm flying, outside.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, all of you guys, Justin from above, witness the following.
(7) Eve Kline: ((Do we jehovas witness the following or just regular witness?)
(4) Dante: (Broadcast)There definitely seems to be something going on with a new mage. Justin is flying, apparently, outside. Not sure if he's where we are in relation. Eve, do you want me to come with you while hidden or not?
(7) Eve Kline: yeah come on
(4) Dante: ((We witness-protect the following, I think.))
** (7) Eve Kline goes out to helo pad and sees... **
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((lol))
(7) Eve Kline: (the wall of text is incoming))
** (4) Dante bears witness to............ **
(7) Eve Kline: ((oh well thats good because Justin might get jealous of we had a second semi christian religous group in our game... he might be forced to eboli virus them))
(3) Justin: (True..)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A hovering disarmed apache helicopter is about to lift off, a foot off the ground. One foot in the heli, one foot on the ground, stands a man in a catholic robe. Justin, you know this man, he is the one. Behind him, stands a 7 foot tall monstrous abomination of stitches and scars with a metal jaw bolted down to his skull, looking like he is made of hodge podge pieces of skin. He holds two men in tuxedoes by their necks, ready to snap them. Their guns are on the ground. A woman is pointing pistol at the robed priest-like figure. Beside him, Nestor is pointing a gun at the helicopter pilot, who is pointing a gun at him. Five guards pointing guns at the Monsterous man, and to the side, near a fire roof access stands a man in a black tuxedo, holding a beautiful young woman at gunpoint. All of you with Prime sight can see a very freshed baked Acanthus cupcake. Mmmm deliciously steaming, brand new in her radiating arcane virginity.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, you're in. describe yourself
(7) Eve Kline: ...(so wait... Seth is a pastry?))
(7) Eve Kline: ((:P))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh yes, she looks like she is ALL full on quintessense too. the delicious quintessense you could eat... if you killed her))
(7) Eve Kline: ((Cuppy cake!))
** (2) Seth Heinrich stands 5'7, has shoulder leignth black hair that is rather caked with dry blood. Her dress which she bought to wear to the party has tares in it it is also covered in blood. She has a look of horror on her face like she's not sure what to do. "DON'T SHOOT MY UNCLE ASSHOLES!" **
(7) Eve Kline: ((nom nom nom))
** (2) Seth Heinrich goes to tackle the closest person with a gun that is pointed at said prist looking uncle of hers. **
(3) Justin: ((....))
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Alright, let's all remain calm, shall we?"
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((what?))
(3) Justin: (( Oh I hate you Kostya. ))
(7) Eve Kline: ((I think my brain just exploded..))
(7) Eve Kline: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
(7) Eve Kline: ((yes it did)
(7) Eve Kline: ((we need a map plz?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, from your current position, to tackle anyone, you would need to get out of the grapple. A man with a gun to your temple has a grab on you. Is he the one you choose to tackle?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok. new map incoming
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((i wasn't aware i was in a grapple....but sure....))
(7) Eve Kline: ((describe ourselves while we wait?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup, you're always free to do so))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((haha my white squiggle was there))
** (3) Justin is invisible, completely and utterly **
(9) Dante (enter): 22:04
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Dante...
(7) Eve Kline (exit): 22:04
(7) Eve Kline (enter): 22:04
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Eve Kline...
(9) Dante: ((Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, arbitrary net crash that only fixes when I reboot!))
** (7) Eve Kline yay! **
** (9) Dante missed everything after wall of text. **
(7) Eve Kline: ...why can't I put in my copy paste...
(7) Eve Kline: bah!
(7) Eve Kline: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/BallDress2.jpg
** (7) Eve Kline is wearing the above dress... **
(7) Eve Kline: me
** (7) Eve Kline 's hair is as it has always been straight and white and to just below her chin, she has on the following make-up, dramantic eyeshadow and some basic lipstick and maybe her own perfume. Wearing fishnet stockings and gloves as well as black paten leather boots you cant see under the dress. Has white ribbon as a necklace and little bracelet thingys **
** (2) Seth Heinrich glares at the person holding her arm and pointing the gun at her head rage clearly showing on her face. in a very angry sounding even tone she says "get that fucking gun out of my face. Or i'll make you wish you weren't born." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, you now realize that everything you experienced was real, oddly, you seem to know that it is exactly 11:35 pm, counting to 47th second, you have a more acute sensation of everyone around you, even when you are not looking at their direction. Out of stairwell entrance, exits a silver haired woman. You remember her face from your dream, she was pushing the boat
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((i was in a boat?))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((-pulls up the awakening log)
(7) Eve Kline: ((my hair is white not silver :P)
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((OHH found it...okay the raft dream...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((white then))
** (2) Seth Heinrich her eyes shoot towards the woman with white hair and then back to the guy with the gun on her. "Listen...i don't know whats going on....can i please leave? I really don't want to be here anymore..." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, and Dante, place yourselves. You enter through exit labeled main exit. Justin, you can approach from any side
** (1) Man in Black to Seth "Shut up." to Simon: "One move, Lamprey, and she's gonna die!" **
(1) Simon Lamprey: "Seth, no!! NOOOO! Please, let her go. Let her go or he will kill them!" - points to the Monster
(10) Dante (enter): 22:16
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Dante...
(10) Dante: ((let's see how long it lasts...))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((your internet is lame....))
(1) Simon Lamprey: (repeating for Dante)
(1) Simon Lamprey: (1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, and Dante, place yourselves. You enter through exit labeled main exit. Justin, you can approach from any side ** (1) Man in Black to Seth "Shut up." to Simon: "One move, Lamprey, and she's gonna die!" ** (1) Simon Lamprey: "Seth, no!! NOOOO! Please, let her go. Let her go or he will kill them!" - points to the Monster
(10) Dante: ((My internet is the same as Kostyas))
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(4) Dante' from server...
(4) Dante (exit): 22:17
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(9) Dante' from server...
(9) Dante (exit): 22:17
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "Hey now, let's all be calm, no need to leave, Simon."
(10) Dante: ((Okay, how do you place yourself and I have no idea what the fuck just happened.))
** (7) Eve Kline takes a second to look around and assess the situation.. would it be far to say it appears as if nestor is pointing a gun at Simon Lamprey and Scavengers pilot or does it appear as if he is threatening the pilot so Simon Lamprey and Scavenger can get on? **
(7) Eve Kline: (I have empathy if you wish a roll for that))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((use whiteboard tab, / drawing mode: freeform, and draw yourself, then use text mode to write your name))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((repeating scene setting))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A hovering disarmed apache helicopter is about to lift off, a foot off the ground. One foot in the heli, one foot on the ground, stands a man in a catholic robe. Justin, you know this man, he is the one. Behind him, stands a 7 foot tall monstrous abomination of stitches and scars with a metal jaw bolted down to his skull, looking like he is made of hodge podge pieces of skin. He holds two men in tuxedoes by their necks, ready to snap them. Their guns are on the ground. A woman is pointing pistol at the robed priest-like figure. Beside him, Nestor is pointing a gun at the helicopter pilot, who is pointing a gun at him. Five guards pointing guns at the Monsterous man, and to the side, near a fire roof access stands a man in a black tuxedo, holding a beautiful young woman at gunpoint. All of you with Prime sight can see a very freshed baked Acanthus cupcake. Mmmm deliciously steaming, brand new in her radiating arcane virginity.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Dante, u see the map layout?))
(2) Seth Heinrich: "uncle what the heck is going on...i...i was down in the ballroom and now i'm here...."
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((his internet booted him again"
(11) Dante (enter): 22:22
** (11) Dante kicks ...something. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, you sense the man who threatens you is angry, vengeful, Simon is sincerely scared, he cares for you, the monster beside him is ready and alert, so are everyone else, the woman with the gun is scared, Nestor is determined, yet sneaky, and the pilot is panicking, unsure of his shooting skills.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Dante...
(7) Eve Kline: ((wonders why it keeps kicking dante when they are on the same wireless...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Eric, do u get anything at all?))
(11) Dante: ((Fuck if I know -_-+))
(11) Dante: ((No, I didnt.
(11) Dante: ((I had connection for no more than 60 seconds))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((do u see the map?))
(11) Dante: ((Yup.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((stop torrenting porn))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, did u see my scene pose?))
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(10) Dante' from server...
(10) Dante (exit): 22:23
(11) Dante: ((I have no torrent software open. In fact, this and MSN is the only thing.))
(11) Dante: ((No, I didnt.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A hovering disarmed apache helicopter is about to lift off, a foot off the ground. One foot in the heli, one foot on the ground, stands a man in a catholic robe. Justin, you know this man, he is the one. Behind him, stands a 7 foot tall monstrous abomination of stitches and scars with a metal jaw bolted down to his skull, looking like he is made of hodge podge pieces of skin. He holds two men in tuxedoes by their necks, ready to snap them. Their guns are on the ground. A woman is pointing pistol at the robed priest-like figure. Beside him, Nestor is pointing a gun at the helicopter pilot, who is pointing a gun at him. Five guards pointing guns at the Monsterous man, and to the side, near a fire roof access stands a man in a black tuxedo, holding a beautiful young woman at gunpoint. All of you with Prime sight can see a very freshed baked Acanthus cupcake. Mmmm deliciously steaming, brand new in her radiating arcane virginity.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, and Dante, place yourselves. You enter through exit labeled main exit. Justin, you can approach from any side ** (1) Man in Black to Seth "Shut up." to Simon: "One move, Lamprey, and she's gonna die!" ** (1) Simon Lamprey: "Seth, no!! NOOOO! Please, let her go. Let her go or he will kill them!" - points to the Monster
** (11) Dante is placed. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (2) Seth Heinrich: "uncle what the heck is going on...i...i was down in the ballroom and now i'm here...."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (1) Nestor Feneghan: "Hey now, let's all be calm, no need to leave, Simon."
** (7) Eve Kline takes a second to look around and assess the situation.. would it be far to say it appears as if nestor is pointing a gun at Simon Lamprey and Scavengers pilot or does it appear as if he is threatening the pilot so Simon Lamprey and Scavenger can get on? **
(7) Eve Kline: (I have empathy if you wish a roll for that))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, you are able to sense a dim tick, in the back of your head, reminding you of the card of Choice, an echo that seems like it came from ages ago, so long ago it was. You get a distinct feeling that the fate of all people is decided here and now, and somehow, fate of the world.
** (2) Seth Heinrich stomps on the man in the black tux's foot and tries to duck out of the way his gun is. either down or to the side. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, describe your emotion at this moment.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, Seth, dex + brawl at -3
** (7) Eve Kline is feeling mildly confused, revulsion at seeing Scavenger, determination at seeing Lamprey and curiosity as to where Diana might be if these two are here. **
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((Dex2 don't have brawl))
(1) Simon Lamprey: ((chance die, roll 1d10 vs 8))
(11) Dante: ((Mmm. I love me some chance dice))
(1) Simon Lamprey: "If you hurt my niece, I'm going to haunt you to your graves and beyond. This is the only warning."
(2) Seth Heinrich: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
** (11) Dante observes the situation, looking about at the guards before turning his attention to the man in the tux and Seth. **
(11) Dante: (Surface Thought) Well this is a damned mess.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You stomp on his foot, he toughs it out, you struggle helplessly.
(2) Seth Heinrich: "Let me go damn it! fuck you. don't hurt my uncle!"
(3) Justin: I can take them out if they get into that helicopter. Just a tiny little bit of tampering with the fuel..
(1) Lady in Red: "Sure, if you feel like pretending you care for this innocent girl, we can play that game too. This is much less than what you really deserve, Diamond Priest!"
(1) Man in Black: "Millions, Millions will be slain!"
(1) Man in Black: "Because of you, Lamprey!"
** (1) Lady in Red turns to Seth **
(7) Eve Kline: Is anyone else confused... Wasn't Nestor one of the Branch crew who wanted to control the stone?
(1) Lady in Red: "Uncle? Is that what you think he is? Is that what he made you believe? I bet your parents never had any siblings, and are dead by now. Come on, what's your name, girl?"
** (1) Man in Black bumps your temple lightly with the gun "answer." **
(11) Dante: (Broadcast) Verbatim from Eve: Is anyone else confused... wasn't Nestor one of the Branch crew who wanted to control the stone? My own thought: I have no idea what the hell is going on with any of this.
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((whoopsy...))
(7) Eve Kline: Ohh.. that one's got a mouth on her.
(1) Kurtis: When in doubt, blow up buildings?
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((HAHAHAHAHAHA))
(1) Kurtis: ((Justin, where r u on map?))
(11) Dante: (Eve) Indeed. (Kurtis)*thoughts of a smile* It IS our modus operandi.
(7) Eve Kline: speaking of blowing up buildings did you find out if the cases had bombs or the gem in them?
(3) Justin: ((Around the front of the helicopter.))
(11) Dante: (Eve) Wha? Oh shit, the cases. There were two of them in the poker room. I completely forgot about them when we split to meet up.
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((that close enough? ))
(1) Kurtis: Well I know that one over there is probably Scavenger... sounds like what Tristin described. Um... are they totally oblivious to our presense?
(3) Justin: The Girl is obvious innocent and oblivious, but we need to see if we can't go ahead and take out Diamond Priest.
(1) Lady in Red: "Just calm down, girl, I mean come on, his last name is Lamprey. That's not even German, were any of your relatives bearing such a disgusting name?"
(11) Dante: (Broadcast) Kurtis asks if they are oblivious of us. They seem to be, for the moment.. Justin says the girl is innocent and oblivious, but suggests we take out the Diamond Priest.
(2) Seth Heinrich: "My mother's maiden name is Lamptry you bitch. How about you go take a long jump off the roof. or maybe i'll just fucking make it so you died on your way to the party."
** (2) Seth Heinrich sticks her tongue at the woman in red. **
(11) Dante: (Surface thought) Damn, she's really wild, that one.
(1) Simon Lamprey: "Don't listen to them, Seth. Everything is going to be okay. Put your goddamn guns down."
(7) Eve Kline: Ahhh I remember when I was that young and cocky with my powers... Dante is there any way to un-mind rape her... if she is in fact been manipulated mentally by Diamond Priest?.. And I agree with Justin but he needs to be careful.
** (1) Scavenger tightens his grips on necks of two young men **
(3) Justin: I'd give him Ebola and just let him die later from that, but he's powerful in Life arcana. So it'd be useless..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, as you speak, what do you feel?
(11) Dante: (Eve) I don't know. I can try to look in her mind for any evidence of it. (Justin) Eve is in agreement with you, but she says you need to be careful.
(2) Seth Heinrich: fucking bitch....i can picture it now....her getting into the car on the way here...passing over railroad tracks...and then getting hit by a fucking train....god....it'd be awesome...then we wouldn't be having this problem right now...uncle simon would be safe...
(11) Dante: ((Would I be within range to attempt to delve into her mind and search for any kind of tampering of the mind?))
** (2) Seth Heinrich is pissed confused and wants a certain woman dead. **
(3) Justin: If I were to blow up the helicopter, and Kurtis were to shower the roof in fire, could we just shield the girl?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, you realize something strange is happening, as your dress, what's left of it, begins to quiver, the cloth itself begins to vibrate with warmth, and you feel.... some part of you escape... and fall into some kind of structure.
(11) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin asks, would we be able to shield the girl if he blew up the helicopter and Kurtis showered the roof in fire. What do you all think?
(2) Seth Heinrich: what the fuck? what the hell is going on? not cool.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Supernal vision users, you notice the young woman addressed as Seth is forming a fate spell, though it's young, unripe, full of unctrolled passion, and very uncfocused, it draws towards the woman in red, but doesn't lunge, it lacks a certain structure
(7) Eve Kline: Just the girl maybe.. but what about these other gun toters?.. they appear to be on our side.. ish? They are at least pointing the guns at our enemies.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you see that the girl is a fairly powerful acanthus. Her aura reads a lot stronger than Tristin's
(11) Dante: (Broadcast) Eve is concerned for the guards pointing guns at our enemies. While I think that is beneficial, I also have to wonder if they are silver ladder folk that will cause problems later. Fact is, we have no idea who they really are.
** (7) Eve Kline prepares to counter spell should the fate magic begin to be more cohesive and lash out. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, the mental picture you imagine, becomes vivid in your mind, for a moment, a push of will, and it will draw out completely clear
(7) Eve Kline: This isn't adding up because this nestor said get to the new mage before the ladder does...
** (2) Seth Heinrich tries to make the vision clearer **
(11) Dante: (Eve) After all the Nestors we have seen.. maybe the original is different? Or maybe this is another copy, but under a different agenda.
(1) Kurtis: Hey, anyone here advanced enough in prime? In the book I read something about removing ability to cast magic, and leaving it to bullets.... I could try to counterspell, but i have no idea who's gonna make a first move, this seems a stalemate.
(1) Man in Black: "We're fed up with your lies, Lamprey!"
(11) Dante: (Broadcast) Kurtis asks if anyone is advanced enough in prime to try to make casting impossible. He isnt sure of who is gonna make the first move.
(7) Eve Kline: Kurtis has more prime than I do, I can barely counterspell.
(3) Justin: Can't Death do that?
(7) Eve Kline: Yes but only one spell at a time
(11) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin asks if death can do that, Eve can barely counterspell.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A guard yells, "put the hostages down, all of you! there is no need for violence. This is best resolved under control."
** (11) Dante looks to Simon, then to the gargantuan beast as the guard shouts. **
(1) Man in Black: "Not your control, buddy. That chopper don't move, or we all gonna get ugly."
(11) Dante: (Justin) Eve also says death can only do that one at a time.
** (2) Seth Heinrich pushes the image of the woman getting hit by a train harder....mentally? (not even sure i'm doing this right...) **
** (2) Seth Heinrich closes her eyes consentrating hard on the immage of the woman in red getting hit by the train on the way to the party. letting all her emotions into it. her anger at the woman for being a complete bitch...how shes saying all the horrible lies about uncle simon... **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Seth, in your rotes list, write down rote for Evil Eye.
(7) Eve Kline: Its all about the hit the fan this Seth kid is trying to do some sort of fate spell on the lady in red here. Don't know what it could be, will try to stop it.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((rote: manipulation+persuasion+fate))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((and roll it))
(11) Dante: (Eve) You sure? This doesn't really seem like our battle to begin with. But if that's true, then definitely there will be some fighting. (Broadcast) This girl is attempting to cast something on the chick in red here, says Eve. She plans to dispel it.
(3) Justin: How long would it take for a stomach filled with fireants to kill a man?
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((man=3 per=2 fate=2 Total:7))
(2) Seth Heinrich: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,6,7,[10, 9],9,1] = (2)
(11) Dante: (Justin) You're the thyrsus. I doubt any of us can answer that.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): aaaand shit breaks loose
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Prime users, you see a spell go off, and weave around the woman in red
** (7) Eve Kline watches the fate spell quivering ready to loose like an arrow to its target, licks her lips eyes beginning to turn milky white as she calls up her prime in an attempt to counterspell, trying to unweave the threads of fate as they fly across the roof to their target. **
** (1) Man in White Tux appears in the middle of the plaza, he sports a white goatee, black sunglasses and short cut white hair **
(1) Man in White Tux: "NOT IN MY HOUSE!!!!"
(1) Man in White Tux: [16 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,[10, 4],5,7,[10, 8],7,5,3,8,8,4,7,9,7,9] = (7)
(1) Man in White Tux: EVERYONE's SPELLS DROP
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((-sniggers0 sounds like whats his face from constantine....))
(1) Man in White Tux: sights, shields, everything
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): roll init, butt monkeys
(11) Dante: ((wait wait wait.))
(11) Dante: (( that's 8 successes. Didnt Justin have 9 successes on invis?))
(11) Dante: ((Or does it matter?))
(1) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [1,8] = (9)
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((....is justin going to go spat?))
(1) Kurtis: EXCEPT Justin
(2) Seth Heinrich: [1 d10.open(10)+(4)] => [1,4] = (5)
(3) Justin: (Whooo!)
(3) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [8,5] = (13)
(11) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10)+(7)] => [5,7] = (12)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin you appear to be still invisible, and may choose to roll init or not roll it :D
(3) Justin: Whelp, just rolled..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you can choose
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if u choose to act, you can, if not, u will be ignored
(3) Justin: I'll just do alot of turn reserving until I see something to do?
(1) Simon Lamprey: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [5,6] = (11)
(1) Simon Lamprey: 8
(1) Scavenger: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [7,7] = (14)
(7) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [7,6] = (13)
(1) Nestor Feneghan: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (3)] => [4,3] = (7)
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((can has dot for guy in white tux?))
(1) Man in White Tux: [5 d10.open(10).vs(5)] => [1,3,9,8,9] = (3)
(1) Man in White Tux: ((oops))
(1) Man in White Tux: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [9,5] = (14)
(1) Lady in Red: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (4)] => [2,4] = (6)
(1) Man in Black: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (4)] => [7,4] = (11)
(7) Eve Kline: ((papa midnight was the guy from constantine.. and yeah he does sound like him))
(11) Dante: ((Yesh.))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((T.T i go last...yay....))
(1) Pilot: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [6,8] = (14)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): And 5 guards go last
(7) Eve Kline: (yay!)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, counting order))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Scavenger, Owner, Pilot, Eve, Justin, Dante, Simon, Man in Black, Kurtis, Nestor, Lady in Red, Seth, Guards.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): shiiiit
(7) Eve Kline: this will be fun...))
** (1) Scavenger roars and tosses the unconscious men he is holding at the woman in red **
(1) Scavenger: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,8,1,8,7,9] = (4)
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((i have to use the bathroom...i'll brb...O.O don't wait for me...))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((back))
** (1) Scavenger successfully executes the toss, and one of the men drops a knife from their pocket.... the knife falling on the ground and accidentally stabbing the woman in her neck from behind. Seth, as you see her die, you get a very eery unpleasant tingle as you manage to note the writing on the knife's handle "Live to Train". **
(7) Eve Kline: ((wow.. that was quick))
(11) Dante: ((lol yeah, welcome back))
(11) Dante: ((As you can see, combat is well underway))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((not really...))
** (1) Man in White Tux looks at the man holding Seth and says "Drop it, Now!" **
(1) Man in White Tux: Intimidation 4 + Presense 3 - composure 2 = 5
(1) Man in White Tux: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,8,9,1] = (2)
(1) Man in Black: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,[10, 1]] = (2)
** (1) Man in Black lets Seth go, but keeps his gun, pointing it at Simon **
** (1) Pilot ducks beneath the door and floors it, raising the aircraft in the air **
(1) Pilot: Helicopter begins to rise with Simon in it, but Scavenger on the ground
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve
(7) Eve Kline: (did they check us for weapons when we came in or do I have my baby cop gun? or the iron dagger I keep in my purse for that matter?)
(11) Dante: ((/me would like to know if he has his revolver or not))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((i actually have to go. my mom is bitching at me to get off...))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((><))>
(11) Dante: (( T_T))
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((-unhappy face-))
(7) Eve Kline: Mega mundane combat next game?
(3) Justin: (Sounds like a plan?)
(11) Dante: ((Mh.. question is when...))
(7) Eve Kline: ((oh!we do have our weapons because we came in pretending to be with Lamprey! :)
(2) Seth Heinrich: ((just let me know when and i'll be there if i'm in anchorage.))
(2) Seth Heinrich (exit): 23:28
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((since the way you got into this party was posing as Lamprey's servants, they didnt check your guns. You retain your inventory))
(11) Dante: ((Sexy, I guess))
(11) Dante: ((Bleh. Night. Glad we got a game up.))
(11) Dante: Disconnecting from server...
(11) Dante (exit): 23:31
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((um. well, i dunno if we can proceed, i doubt that at this point....))
(3) Justin: [1d6] => [2] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sooooo next game whenever it is XD))
(3) Justin: Yeah..
(3) Justin: We'll pick it up later.
(3) Justin: Alright man.
(3) Justin: Good game sofar!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if Sariah doesnt show up, i'll kill her off
(7) Eve Kline: so.. do me and justin get xp since we are still here?
(7) Eve Kline: :)
(3) Justin: I like Eve's line of thinking.
** (3) Justin nods sagely **
(7) Eve Kline: hehehehe
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, and 4 xp each of you.
(3) Justin: Buahahaha~!
(7) Eve Kline: :D
** (3) Justin highfives Eve **
(7) Eve Kline: glee
(7) Eve Kline: we are awesome!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sorry this was cut short
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i was about to get to the good part
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dont u hate me now Jon?
(7) Eve Kline: Can I say I learned that not all Nestors are created and get one more xp so I can by dex 3?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i made her his niece
(3) Justin: Well yeah.
(3) Justin: You humanized him.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): good luck
(3) Justin: You bastard.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): :D
(3) Justin: !!!
(3) Justin: Still going to try to kill his ass.
(3) Justin: He's in the helicopter now, I'll see if I can't make it go boom.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh i know, but now u will feel bad. i promised u angst and torment :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): much more to come
(3) Justin: *laughs*
(7) Eve Kline: How about this one
(3) Justin: Si' si'.
(3) Justin: Well good going.
(7) Eve Kline: "I learned that papa midnight is actually a german man?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lmao
(3) Justin: I learned that nobody can ever see me ever again.
(7) Eve Kline: :D!
(3) Justin: Okay, sleep now.
(3) Justin: Goodnight everyone, was fun.
(7) Eve Kline: Not even the mega counterspeller can reveil you!
(3) Justin: Aye!
(7) Eve Kline: Are you sure you won't just fall through your bed because it won't know your coming?
(7) Eve Kline: XD
(3) Justin: ...Good question.
** (3) Justin goes to find out **
(3) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(7) Eve Kline: night
(3) Justin (exit): 23:37
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u can have 1 xp
(7) Eve Kline: woot!
(7) Eve Kline: Last one standing wins xps
(7) Eve Kline: buying dex 3
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 0 exp left. done
(7) Eve Kline: kk
(7) Eve Kline: my init is now 7
(7) Eve Kline: Disconnecting from server...
(7) Eve Kline (exit): 23:39