Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:34
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:34
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:34
You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
(2) Konrad Knox: m
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(1) Konrad Knox' from server...
(1) Konrad Knox (exit): 18:35
(3) Justin (enter): 18:36
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Justin...
(4) Dante (enter): 18:37
(5) Eve Kline (enter): 18:40
(5) Eve Kline: I say we boycott for the night and join the 4chan party bus.
(5) Eve Kline: *van
(3) Justin: Haha!
(3) Justin: 4 chan party bus.
(5) Eve Kline: All in favor say hell yeah and all opposed say I'm lame
(3) Justin: I join with winning teams.
(4) Dante: Hell yeah.
(2) Konrad Knox: You're lame
(5) Eve Kline: No no Konrad.. its "I'm lame"
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve Kline...
(5) Eve Kline: You see.. you used the wrong pronoun there..
(5) Eve Kline: an easy mistake to make
(2) Konrad Knox: Oh no, i used one i intended to use
(5) Eve Kline: here, try again
(3) Justin: I'm Lame!
(5) Eve Kline: first "I'm" and then "Lame"
** (4) Dante isn't sure whether to run away or get popcorn **
(5) Eve Kline: Yes see Justin's got the right idead
(5) Eve Kline: -d
(3) Justin: Iead?
(2) Konrad Knox: Justin, don't let her run her mouth! She needs discipline!
(3) Justin: *disciplines popcorn*
(5) Eve Kline: <.>
(5) Eve Kline: >,>
(5) Eve Kline: XD
(2) Konrad Knox: nono "idead" it's like the new iPod but for Moros only
(3) Justin: Hah! No, gheist.
(2) Konrad Knox: oh, so, official welcome Jon to cam
(3) Justin: idead is a great idea for a krewe specializing in umm..
(2) Konrad Knox: one of us.
(2) Konrad Knox: one of us.
(3) Justin: technology key?
(3) Justin: What is it called?
(5) Eve Kline: One of us
(5) Eve Kline: Giest
(2) Konrad Knox: industrial key
(3) Justin: Yes!
(2) Konrad Knox: pyre flame + industrial are for forgotten
(3) Justin: Also, yeah one of you, it's cool.
(5) Eve Kline: We is teh awesome
(2) Konrad Knox: ok. can everyone see the map, the dots on it, and arrows, and your minis?
(5) Eve Kline: I see everything but dots
(3) Justin: My mini looks a little bit weird, but it's good.
(5) Eve Kline: shhh wasn't gonna complain about that.
(3) Justin: The ones from computers and not web are pixelated.
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, Justin and Eve, add your minis. From computers plz.
(4) Dante: ...
(2) Konrad Knox: Game on in 9 minutes. Preparing.
(4) Dante: 10 minutes have passed.
(5) Eve Kline: Shhh
(5) Eve Kline: where?
(4) Dante: In the top left corner.
(3) Justin: X}
(5) Eve Kline: quick "SHOOOT HER!!!"
(5) Eve Kline: ......
(5) Eve Kline: .....
(5) Eve Kline: yeah... I'm on this Jurassic park kick for some reason.
(3) Justin: Heck yeah.
(3) Justin: Okay, I'm officially done screwing with Tom's facebook for the night.
(5) Eve Kline: Are you sure???
(4) Dante: Ooooooh wow
(3) Justin: Yeah, I'm pretty sure what I just did topped out my hilarity capability for the night.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): hokay

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Konrad Knox (GM):
Game ON: Party

(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, we're 4 connected via Dante mind link. Please make new rolls for all sights/spells you have on you. Casting rules as specified on the brochure:
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): IMPORTANT NOTE: on the back of the brochure: ALLOWED SPELLCASTING: Shield, scans, self alterations, self aura-spells, occultation, manipulation of self, and only self, trance states, dreaming spells, productive spells: fixing, rigging, augmenting one's OWN property, not the property of the Hollow. STRICTLY PROHIBITED: offensive and malicious, harmful spells, and any spells whatsoever on other persons without their pemission, or spells on items belonging to other persons.
(5) Eve Kline: So all the sheilds we had from the 4 linker are gone???
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): I dont remember results, so if you would please
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Also, let's go over what each of us is doing.
(4) Dante: (( I dont even remember what shields were on ))
(5) Eve Kline: Prime and Death
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin I believe is following the woman in black dress with a veil into a hallway.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Do you remember which hallway on the map? Move your mini there, if you do, Justin
(3) Justin: (Prime 3 Death 4)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante is dancing with Eve, and Kurtis is chatting with a lady in blue.
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) Justin...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Justin...
(3) Justin: (how do I move the miniature?)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): by click and drag
(3) Justin: (nevermind)
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) Justin...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (5) Eve Kline...
(5) Eve Kline: Actually I think Dante and Eve finished with dancing and are now at bar? I was drinking a cosmo
(3) Justin: Okay, Justin had followed her into that middle hall there, and had just walked in on people conversing about taking out some Free Council peeps.
(4) Dante: Yerrr.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): aha))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The next room seems to be a lounge. There are two guards watching a door, tables and sofas. There are 5 men sitting around talking. Empty to mostly empty glasses. "It was all so quick, three of them just surrounded me in an alleyway, shortly after my arival here, all bareing the Free Council Insignea."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the round shapes in that room are tables, and there is also a buffet there
** (3) Justin keeps an ear to the conversation as he walks up to the buffet to see just what there is to eat. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante and Eve, you notice some commotion as people start mingling and moving around, several singles and couples go towards the bathrooms: an obese black man in a very nice tuxedo, well groomed, a real gentleman despite his size, leading a hot redheaded eye candy towards the sauna area, slightly behind the odd couple are going two girls, seeming young, just out of their teens, and a man in a military uniform heads towards the men's bathroom, roll int+politics or int+socialize or int + academics to determine rank and branch
(5) Eve Kline: (int + academics = 4)
(5) Eve Kline: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,6,6] = (0)
(5) Eve Kline: Yeah.. I got nothing
** (2) Kurtis is chatting at the other side of the bar from Eve and Dante with a lady, making her laugh, the ballroom is loud **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you don
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): dont get a good look at the rank
** (4) Dante looks to the military man heading toward the bathroom and tries to think back to his years in school, when he last studied anything about foreign military. ((Int+academics = 4 also )) **
(4) Dante: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 9],7,9] = (2)
(4) Dante: (( Merry christmas to me? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): General, German Mobile Infantry
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay, everyone tell me your successes on sights. If you dont feel like log-digging, reroll em
(2) Kurtis: Force Sight: forces 5 + ring 1 + gnosis 3 = 9
(3) Justin: Life 3 Gnosis 3 = 6
(2) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,3,3,[10, 2],6,2,7,1] = (1)
(3) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,4,6,[10, 7],1] = (1)
(4) Dante: (( Uh... mind sight? Will just reroll I guess. Gnosis 3, Mind 4 = 7 ))
(2) Kurtis: Prime
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,1,7,5,9,3] = (1)
(2) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,6,3,7,9,6] = (2)
(4) Dante: (( Well that's fucking gay ))
(5) Eve Kline: Supernal (wit+occult+prime = 10)
(5) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,4,3,7,1,4,3,[10, 7],[10, 4]] = (2)
(2) Kurtis: ((it's a success. you percieve minds around you, Dante))
(2) Kurtis: Ok guys, now, write down your successes on each sight. Each success - gives you a bubble of inches equal to your successes
(2) Kurtis: Kurtis can see 2 inches around him on the map in Prime, and 1 inch around him in Forces
(3) Justin: But sensory range is 200m!
(2) Kurtis: Eve 2 inches aroud you on prime
(5) Eve Kline: Two inches around eve in Prime
** (5) Eve Kline shoots tom the raven out of a cannon at Justin becaues its very improton **
(2) Kurtis: That's correct Jusitn, but there is so much magical stimulus around that your focus really has to be on top
(2) Kurtis: Now, you can reroll your sights every 5 minutes if you want to increase
(4) Dante: (( What's that card suit room again? ))
** (5) Eve Kline is totally going to do that just so she can fail and go BLIND **
(5) Eve Kline: ((its where they paint all the roses red...)
(3) Justin: (Didn't mean it seriously, but I appreciate the explanation.)
(2) Kurtis: ((Dante, that the poker room. From the oriental themed lounge buffet where Justin is, you take a passageway south and enter a carpeted casino with roulette and some slots, and out of it - poker tables, you saw 6 people going in that direction, but don't know how many more are inside
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you see, the two purple dots at the table next to you? These are three men and a woman, one man looks like Sean Connery, gray haired old man, ponytail, but quite presentable, rock-made, the girl looks kind of like a blonde version of Marisa Tomei, the other two men appear to be twins. One of them is afraid, which draws your attention. He's nervous.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your last attention trace, I believe, was on a man in white tuxedo going up the stairs past the live band and towards the closed doors?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Are you still following him
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): with your eyes that is
(5) Eve Kline: Yes yes I am
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): He walks through the first set of green doors, along the blue hallway, on the second story, above the hallway Justin went down
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You know his path, he is mastigos, and will now be marked on the last place you spotted him - at the door
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): that was him right there
** (4) Dante casts his gaze about the room, his eyes hovering for a moment on the group of four at the table across from him. He attempts to ignore the background noise and tries to focus on listening to any chatter they small group might be having. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((and we all have death and prime shields? death 5 prime 4?))
(5) Eve Kline: ((yes))
(2) Kurtis: Boobs boobs boobs. Don't stare at her boobs. Damnit i stared. Dont stare at boobs.... D? This thing still working? Boobs boobs boobs boobs
(2) Lady with the veil: Cut to Justin
** (4) Dante pretends not to hear Kurtis conscious thoughts. (Kurtis)I sure hope he doesn't catch me looking.. Dante moves his gaze to Eve, then back to observing the small group. **
** (2) Lady with the veil keeps a pace slow enough as in deliberately, to allow you to catch up, but demonstratively hurries, until she loos back with a mischief grin and realizes you caught up. She turns and takes a seat, putting her bag on the bench. You notice four other people in the buffet, two lovely women and two men. The woman in the veil stands up, and takes a plate, coming up to the salad bar and picks some salads, you can tell she watches you with side vision **
** (3) Justin can't help but smile with the lightheartedness of the little game, he pretends that he's attempting to not be noticed, taking a roundabout deliberate path once he reaches the buffet, picking up an apple as he sidles up to the woman in the veil, smiling lightly as he works to catch her gaze, even if he can't see past the veil **
** (5) Eve Kline sips her drink and moves her position at the bar in such a way that dante can use her for 'cover' basically standing between his view of the table of four so it will appear he's looking at her while watching them **
(2) Kurtis: Sweet. Man, this chick's a wife of some guy called Remington, he handles accounting papers that have something to do with this funhouse. He's having a meeting with some associates. Supposed to be a lounge here somewhere with all the suits. Oh no, I'm enjoying the vodka straight *you catch on Kurtis's next outloud sentence as he thinks it through*
(3) Justin: This veiled woman is really.. intruiging.
(4) Dante: (Kurtis) That right? I wonder where that might be. Its gotta be somewhere totally off limits.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the Sean Connery guy takes it the wrong way and starts staring at YOU. The lady who looks like a blonde mediterranean superstar doesn't seem to mind much, she has one of those gypsie seer looks, the kind of gaze that makes one believe she can tell the future. Naturally, you see auras of all four, this is an Acanthus table
(2) Kurtis: I'll work it.
(2) Kurtis: "Oh yeah, I'm an accountant back overseas. Well, sort of. More on the executive side."
(2) Kurtis: wits 4 + subterfuge 3 = 7
(2) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,1,8,8,1,7] = (2)
** (4) Dante shoots the rest of the whiskey to the back of his throat and swallows, taking in a pleased, hissing stream of air through his clenched teeth. (Kurtis) Keep me posted then. (Eve)What do you think of that group there? **
(2) Kurtis: "I know my way about numbers, but especially in corporate management, a couple of businesses had me VIPed for saving them from bankruptcy. Of course, I couldn't disclose the names."
(4) Dante: (Surface thought) Mmmm, love the burn.
(3) Justin: Me too, I wonder if this is what Kurtis is thinking all the time?
(4) Dante: (Justin) You wonder what now?
(3) Justin: Oh, nothing.
(4) Dante: (Justin) Guess its not important. Anyway, what's going on with your end?
** (2) Lady with the veil is secretly smiling, while pretending to totally ignore you, she puts two orange slices, a celery stem, a scoop of strawberries, and some lettuce on her plate, before taking the pincers and placing a bit of sushi in the middle, and then suddenly she bumps you quite insolently and very playfully with her hip. Bump! **
(3) Justin: Buffet, apple, smile, strawberries ooh!
(2) Lady with the veil: "You like sushi?"
** (2) Lady with the veil speaks fast and excitedly **
** (3) Justin laughs a little at the sudden bump, taking him from his reverie, he gives the veiled woman a wide smile and shrugs **
(3) Justin: "I've never ready had sushi, but I don't see why I shouldn't try it.
(3) Justin: "
(3) Justin: **really
(2) Lady with the veil: "It's true. Americans are brave. Especially men. Try it." - glares daringly
(2) Lady with the veil: ((test?))
(7) Dante (enter): 20:00
** (3) Justin laughs and shakes his head, before taking a small plate and placing a few bits of Sushi on it, he then proceeds to take a roll of it, and plop it into his mouth **
(7) Dante: (( that was only mildly annoying )0
(3) Justin: ((Shit, Dante clone!))
(7) Dante: (( T_T ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Dante...
** (5) Eve Kline finihshes her como then heads in the direction of the white suit sending Dante a message **
(2) Konrad Knox: The gray haired elder man with a face like rock-carved, the Sean Connery looking Acanthus, stands up politely parting with the table, and follows Eve
(5) Eve Kline: gonna check out this white suit guy, see if I can't get any info. out of him. That table behind is full of Acantus, careful around them. The lady is probably a seer.
(2) Konrad Knox: Dante, you notice that one of the twins is even more nervous now that the elderly man is leaving
(5) Eve Kline: ((that was... in my mind))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve, you come up to the doors behind which the man in white Tux disappeared. Two bouncers stop you.
(7) Dante: (Eve) Alright, I'll bear that in mind. Tread lightly.
(2) Bouncer: "VIP only, miss. I'm sorry."
(3) Justin: I don't think I ate the sushi right..
** (2) Bouncer is very polite **
** (7) Dante places his hands behind his back and interweaves the fingers on both hands, standing casually as he notices the renewed nervousness of one of the twins. (Justin) How did you eat the sushi? If it tasted squishy and a bit weird, but tasty, you probably did just fine. **
(5) Eve Kline: "Oh my, well I guess Jason didn't mean this room then, I will have to see if I can't find him."
(3) Justin: Okay but there's Soy sauce and green stuff, and I didn't use either, I just plopped it into my mouth.
** (2) Lady with the veil giggles and delicately bited the rolled fish, then plops it into her mouth just like you, swallows it, somewhat not ladylike, but more girlish, and then she puts an orange slice into her lips beneath the veil, and proceeds doing things that make you think of oral sex, if that orange was your penis, it would be hard now. **
** (5) Eve Kline smiles at the Bouncers and looks around to see where else her fake Jason might have gone. **
(2) Lady with the veil: "How do you like it?"
** (3) Justin gulps as he watches the seductive actions of the lady in the veil, the fact that her eyes are covered, just brings all the more attention to her lips and the amazing things she does with them **
(3) Justin: "It was squishy, but tasty."
(7) Dante: (Justin) *mental chuckling* Well, that's pretty much how you start eating sushi, yeah. The green stuff is really hot, like horseradish.
(3) Justin: Yeah.. really hot.
** (7) Dante straightens the hem of his pants and approaches the small group of Acanthus, cracking his neck as he places a hand on the now-empty seat. He offers up a warm smile, doing his best to fake sincerity. "Mind if I have a seat here, gentlemen? Lady?" **
(7) Dante: (Justin) I thought you'd never tried sushi before? *the comment has the slightest feeling of disbelief associated with it*
(3) Justin: Yeah, what? Stop talking, I'm concentrating.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the hallway you look around the second floor - it's a wooden floor of the balcony, many potted plants and ferns decorating the floor, paintings of Monet, Dali, Picasso, below you see the dancefloor, literally can bend over the rail and look out at them. North of the closed doors, the rail ends and solid walls on both sides begin, you see another guard passively patrolling the hallway, which leads to the balcony, with a few men smoking, this is where you saw the White Tux initially. Between the closed door and the outside balcony there is a side set of glass doors leading out to an open air pool with people splashing in it, the pool is located on a roof of a round tower, inside of which is another small ballroom.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you notice that the elderly acanthus, stately and quite handsome, great shape for someone around 65, is walking up to you and courtly bowing
(7) Dante: (Justin) *the sensation of another thought creeps up, but diminishes shortly after, similar to an open radio transmission going totally dead*
** (5) Eve Kline smiles politely and gives a curtsy **
(5) Eve Kline: Hello
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((pause for Claire question))
** (7) Dante taps his finger lightly on the ((wooden?)) seat, patiently maintaining his cheery demeanor. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The elderly man introduces himself in Atlantean "Good evening, miss, my name is Frederick Storm, I hope you are having a pleasant time."
(2) Lady with the veil: "Squishy and tasty, ha ha ha! That is definitely the second best description of sushi I've heard. Come sit with me."
(3) Justin: "I'm glad you think so, sure, just lead the way."
** (5) Eve Kline replies in Atlantean "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Storm, I'm Eve Martin. Yes I'm having a lovely time. How are you enjoying the evening?" **
** (3) Justin replies cheerily as he follows the woman to a seat, pulling out the chair for her before taking his own seat **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, as you pull yourself into the conversation, the lady feels amused, the twin to your left is surprised, the twin to your right is terrified. Now you get a good look at the twins faces, they are reddish brown haired young men with green eyes, the only difference them is one is covered in freckles, and his hair is combed to the front, while the other's face is clean, hair combed back. That's the one terrified.
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(4) Dante' from server... Removing dead client
(4) Dante (exit): 20:28
(7) Dante: (( Oh no, I've been hit! *pats himself down* oh... wait.. ))
(3) Justin: (( Check your eyelid to see how many times you've been cloned. ))
** (5) Eve Kline (rez dante... nekkid cause he's a dead client **
(7) Dante: (( There's ... there's a number 7 behind my eyelid! ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((ya remember rez naked Justin :P was the funniest part of gen for a while))
(2) Lord Storm: "Oh, please, Mr. Storm, Lord Storm, Count Storm, formalities. Call me Frederick. I found myself in this place strangely entangled in the pull of fate, and I was wondering as for my purpose here, and then, you stepped up into my view, and then I knew it might be here where our paths intertwine. Or perhaps it was my choice after all, whichever you prefer. I can't help but notice your hair shade, that's lovely."
(7) Dante: (( O! woe upon mine own soul! Tragic, it is! ))
(3) Justin: (( Si si, nude rezzing was great))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, your question is answered in three voices. The trio looks between themselves, the lady nods and says, "Please oblige". The freckled dude goes "Go ahead, hi." And the terrified one just mumbles something squeaky that gets lost in the replies of other two
(5) Eve Kline: "Why thank you. Its natural. It has been this way since my Awakening" *runs a hand gently through her hair* "What might I ask does fate have enstore for us if our paths are so intwinded that you would pick me from a crowded room Frederick?"
** (2) Lady with the veil leads Justin to the table where her bag is, incidentally, it is a booth, with plenty of room, the booth next to it has two young ladies, one dressed in purple, and one in white, chatting with two tuxed gents - young, about your age, they're the ones chatting about wasting the Free Council, but now they're talking about horse racing **
(2) Lady with the veil: "Do you want to know what the best description of sushi was?"
** (7) Dante draws his gaze along the group of three, taking in their expressions as he nods at their response. "Many thanks," he says simply, his eyes sharpening slightly from their normally dull appearance. Dante's gaze fixes on the terrified one, then turns to the lady; the one who appears the most collected. He sits down finally, his abrupt movements not in keeping with his formal appearance. "What a great party, huh? This your first time here?" This is spoken in Atlantean, as seems, to him for whatever reason, to be the general custom. **
** (3) Justin mentally kicks himself as he realizes he lost the thread of their conversation, drawing into the booth, his eyes immediately moving to the veil and the way the woman's lips move with her words **
(3) Justin: "Yes, I was just about to ask that actually."
(2) Lord Storm: "That's up to us, I've always been of the school of thought which teaches one to make their fate. Awakening, let me guess... the path of the Iron Gauntlet? Or perhaps that of the Lead Coin?"
(2) Lord Storm: "But forgive the old man, I will not dabble, clearly the courtesy rules of basic charm and flavor are not enough to keep your attention, however I'd be delighted to keep you company if you seek it. I felt that just like myself, you felt out of place in the ballroom, perhaps you prefer smaller crowd, somewhere quieter?"
(5) Eve Kline: "The Lead Coin, yes, an excellent guess or else I am too obvious. Nothing need be foreven, indeed I hope you will forgive me, it has been some time since I was in such polite company. You are of course correct, the ballroom is almost dizzingly full. I would appriciative of the company. Incidentally I agree with your school of thought. It never did sit well with me the idea that our fates are pre-destined and choices orchistrated in advance like actors merely reading the scripts of a play already written."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the freckled guy scoots to give you table room, the lady says "Oh no. These meetings are of grand festivity,and I have attended them all. They will hopefully be more frequent now that the Council has been put on the leash. You are surely glad about it, aren't you?" - Dante you get a feeling that this woman's eyes just peered into your.... your something, you're not sure what, but you feel her will is clashing with yours. (ignore it, welcome it, or resist it). The guy who's terrified mumbles "Do you have business with us, sir?"
(7) Dante: (( What do I roll to resist? ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((well hopefully XD))
** (7) Dante looks to the woman, smiling contendedly as his will fires off against her own, attempting to thwart whatever the Acanthian juju-gypsy woman is trying to do. "I have no reason disagree." Dante looks to the terrified mumbler, his smile fading ever so slightly. "I'm simply here for the festivities. I noticed that the one seated here took his leave, so I thought I might say hello." ((Also, if you want me to roll for deception, just tell me what )) **
(2) Lord Storm: "Well then, if you forgive the man of age, then I assure you the stature will not disappoint. What business are you in? I am in the construction and engineering for the city. An unorthodox trade to keep to after awakening, but I believe I carved a firm niche for myself, hardly replaceable, though I do definitely wish an heir. Would you prefer something more relaxing? Perhaps you like to swim? There is a pool outside, or perhaps you enjoy more to submerge in warm massaging water and steam, in that case, there are saunas downstairs..."
** (2) Lady with the veil looks at Justin, you cannot see the eyes, but you know she's looking, she licks her mouth like she's about to bite the head of your dick off, and her lips smack seducitvely in your face, as she oozes "Wet and salty." Then she starts laughing again, and adjusts her corset, starting to hypoventilate. The other two ladies look behind and see her, and exclaim "Ooooh hiiii! Who's your friend?" "Can we merge in with you?" The lady looks at you "Here, I'll introduce you to some girlfriends!" **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Dante, wits + composure please))
(7) Dante: (( 3+3 = 6 ))
(7) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,4,3,2,8] = (1)
(7) Dante: (( great. ))
** (3) Justin 's eyes widen as she moves forward, making his thoughts go to so many previously unexplored avenues, his breath catches for just a moment, before that moment is suddenly popped by the voices of the other girls, he looks up to them as they speak and he smiles **
(3) Justin: "Sure, I'd love to meet them."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you feel she's trying to eat you, if this was a social tigress, you'd be social prey, she dominates, like a mother, and you detect that like coals after burnt out flames, her eyes begin to smolder with defiance, but then you impose your presense and she is whipped, like with a lash, in surprise, she battles you for domination, but eventually accepts even ground. "You're an interesting warlock."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((pull manipulation + subterfuge to ease the panicking guy))
(7) Dante: (( lol this will possibly be even worse. Manip 2, sub 1 = 3 ))
(7) Dante: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,9] = (2)
(2) Lady with the veil: "Girls, come meet the awesome American friend..." the girl in purple immediately interrupts "Oh my god, he's so cuuuuute!" the guy in a tux next to her cheerfully grins "Not as cute as me!" she replies "Oh come on, Brad." The girl in white scoots almost into Justin's lap and goes "Ooh, ooh, Americans are so hot." ... all this happens while the veiled one is still introducing you, and her voice continues: "the awesome American friend I found... oh, by the way, what's your name? This is Morgan (purple) and this is Eden (white), and this is Brad - Brad goes "Cheers!" and this is Lesley "Party up!", and myself... I'll let you guess my name."
** (5) Eve Kline smiles as she replies "I think I would prefer the more relaxing setting of the saunas. As for business, after my awakening my focus shifted from the purely medical to investigating deaths, often criminally related, I've been known to assist law enforcement with this. Not so grand and legacy inspiring as your own profession but noteworthy none the less." **
** (3) Justin looks just a little overwhelmed at all the people talking at once, not quite used to this roudy of a social situation, but his thoughts do calm from their previous tracks quickly in the new environment **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Frederick shows no nervousness, rather you get a feeling of confidence, but a nice kind of confidence, the kind of confidence that would take it as a man if you refuse, and not be saddened, this elder guy is like the opposite of Kurtis, he doesn't feel to be lust driven, more like lonely
(3) Justin: "I'm Justin, it's nice to meet all of you. And I have no way of guessing your name, how about a hint?"
** (2) Lord Storm offers his left hand for you in a cavalier fashion, for you to slip your arm into the arc of his **
** (5) Eve Kline slips her arm into the arc of his and lays her hand demurely over the folded arm as is customary her smile remaining **
(2) Lord Storm: "Oh, Eve, darling, I hardly produce any grand legacy, but rather ensure that another's legacy stands. Perhaps I shall no longer speak in riddles. My specialty is to assess long term future of a structure or a building, any piece of architecture, and determine when it will fall or faulter. It is then my job to council the authority in charge to attempt and prevent it. By the way, did you know that fifty percent of balancing a human body lies in the toes? It's very important to watc the way you walk."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you get the scared guy to shut up, he doesn't calm down, but he beats his paranoia down deeper, into not arguing with you, he just chews on it.
** (7) Dante smiles to the woman as their wills collide and intersect, eventually ending on a stalemate. "Better to be interesting and perhaps thought of strangely than to be considered completely boring, no?" He turns to the panicky individual. "Since you asked me a question about my business with you, perhaps it is in fairness that I turn the tables. What is it that brings you to this extravagant display of celebration? You mention the Council's leashing, but is this the only reason for the festivities?" **
(7) Dante: (( THe question is direct towards the woman still, though he's looking at the paranoid dood ))
(5) Eve Kline: "Ahh then your skills of the Thorn must come in very handy within your position. That is an interesting fact. Only more reason to focus on a well centered foundation, which only leads me to question how much havok high heels must wreak on a woman's balance."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The lady looks at the two twins before answering. "I'm always here for the festivities. Festivities of all sorts. As for the reason. there are many reasons for everything to occur, and even the choices you make may later end up being reasons in themselves, the dramatic part comes when you realize that only post-mortem, after the act. When the act is a reason for the act which serves as its own justification, the circle completes. But you are correct, being strange is better than being boring, and when you know each step you are supposed to take, boredom is at the door. The future is ever changing, but it is still only in on direction - ahead. Now let me ask you a question. Are you going to use those thirteen minutes?"
(2) Lord Storm: "Heels are so incredibly terrifying, and let me tell you the men's ball shoes are no better for the toe! Ha ha ha, which is why the sauna is my choice of activity to enjoy at every gathering. It was our idea to open them up to, Ten years ago, it was just music and dancing, and dancing till you drop. So, this way." - he leads you to the Sauna's your eyes meet with Dante's as you walk downstairs, - "Well, do prey tell, you are an investigator then? You assess how people died? In a way we are similar, except you read the past of a death, and I predict its future. And, you deal with people, when I deal with structures. How does it work out for you? Knowing truth about people?"
** (7) Dante squints his eyes at the distinct time frame given to him by the verbose woman. "Thirteen minutes? Thirteen minutes for what? Until I slip and embarass myself publicly? Until I find the love of my life? Until I am sought to be slain? The number you give me is thought-provoking, though I know not its meaning. **
** (7) Dante 's eyes meet with Eve's as she is escorted downstairs. He sends her a message. **
(7) Dante: (Eve) The woman beside me states something to do with thirteen minutes. Keep a close eye on your beau.
** (2) Lady with the veil grins at Justin "A hint? Yes, I'll give you a hint! This needs more alcohol! Girls, keep him busy." Eden: "Ooh, ooh, get me a margarita!" Morgan "And a sex on the beach for me!" Veiled lady "You got it!" The ladies and the gents now start chatting with you: "Where are you from? What do you do? Is it your first time? Are you a virgin? Hey, do you like it here? Is it your first time in Leipzig? Do you like hockey? Do you know German movies?" It's becoming hard to pay attention to both the chat and the veiled lady getting the drinks. Will you ignore one or the other or try to maintain both? **
(3) Justin: "I'm from the northwest of the US, right now I'm just travelling and learning things, what sort of a question is that?"
** (5) Eve Kline blinks at the eyes contact and turns her gaze back towards Frederick thinking I will keep the time and him closely watched. "It is very eye opening. We are taught of the goodness of mandkind but given nothing to compare it too. I have seen some of the lowest horrors we can inflict upon each other. I have also seen great compassion. In the end though its very equalizing, we live our lives trying to make them the fullest we can, in the end we all run out of time and can only hope we did the best with what talents we had." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the moment you open your mouth, Eden puts her index finger on your lower lip, and flicks it, playfully, her face is so awed, like she's looking at the most amusing little toy ever. Morgan looks just like she doesn't give a fuck. Your life sights show healthy bodies, if slightly intoxicated
(5) Eve Kline: "On a lighter note the addition of saunas was simply brilliant, it adds to the attractiveness of the venue."
** (3) Justin draws his brows upwards as he's stopped from talking, frowning softly as he looks into eden's eyes, he ignores Morgan as she does not give a fuck either way **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the woman simply smirks to one side and peers into your eyes for a moment: "After the boys go get drinks, you will chat with me about nonsense for twelve more minutes, before you cut to the chase." The freckled guy stands up and says "I'll bring some more drinks, come on Redrick, let's go, let the gent talk to Madam" The scared guy grudgingly stands up. You look their way, as they walk away towards the bar, and your eye notices another very strange couple. Two men, one about 30 years old, looking like a Brad Pitt archetype, the wide jawed pretty boy, and a man of younger age, about 20s, same height, stylish tux with a red tie, with hair black as coal and a trimmed vandyke. The two of them are standing by the wall near the live band, and you can see that they are staring into each other's eyes, standing completely still, and not moving. The lady asks "Would you like to cut to the chase?" (( Now roll wits+composure.))
(7) Dante: (( 6 ))
(7) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,6,[10, 6],6,7] = (1)
(7) Dante: (( I picked the wrong fucking day to quit smoking ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((You're quitting smoking?))
(7) Dante: (( I quit last night, technically ))
(7) Dante: (( Threw my cigarettes away and then filled the trash can with half-full soda cans, old meat, and so on, lol ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((lol wow good luck they say first 7 days are hardest))
(7) Dante: (( Trust me, I know why they say that ))
(2) Lord Storm: ((wow man, grats))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you see the twins walk towards the bar, and the scared one, you notice, with just a momentary glimpse, that the scared twin stops and looks at the two men who stare into each other's eyes, and one of them breaks contact, and stares for one second at the scared one, the scared one's aura calms very significantly, and ... that's when he moves out of your perception range, and the two by the wall maintain their silent staring contest again
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, please wits+composure
(3) Justin: Wits 2 Composure 4 = 6
(3) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,[10, 10, 8],1,5,5] = (1)
** (2) Lady with the veil brings the drinks, for everyone, and you notice she pauses and drops something in them, into all of them, and gives them to everyone, but you can't tell what exactly her hand contained, Eden's advances were too distracting. Morgan is also close to you, but she is laying between you and Lesley, he feet are on your legs and her head is on his shoulder, she just looks like she's having a relaxing time and had one too many. Eden on the other hand is all over you. Lady with the Veil passes glasses, and she hands you a glass with what looks like sparkling soda or very light champaigne. "Here you go, .... Jaaaahstin" - she purposely oozes that word to sound almost extatic. **
** (2) Lord Storm leads you to the sauna, as he speaks: "I admire your outlook. You have certainly seen a lot. The goodness of mankind, dear Miss Martin, is in the goodness itself. You can compare it to other goodness or to the most horrible terrors committed by men, but, in the end, you can never live your life to the fullest unless you are in one of the extremes. But then there are always the murky types in between, the gray area, the charming sinners, or the dark mooded do-gooders. Some people are neither fluid like water nor solid as a stone, some people are simply lost, my dear. I myself could never harvest enough courage to look into a person's future after I predicted deaths of both my children. I tried to stop them, and the future kept changing. Since then, I only deal with structures. They don't move, and their deaths can be prevented with care. A few cases however are curious, more curious that structures which don't move. Fates of some structures do move. Like this one case I investigated just a few days ago in Italy, no one would have seen that coming.. well, let's get changed and I will tell you about it inside. It's the middle door for unisex steamrooms." Storm lets your arm free and heads to the men's dressing room, as you face the ladies. **
(5) Eve Kline: ((AHHHH!))
(5) Eve Kline: ((*hides in the bathroom FOREVER!!!*))
** (7) Dante smirks slightly at the woman's explanation. "So I am to sit here for the next twelve minutes and speak with as little intent as possible, then abruptly cut to the chase at some key juncture? That sounds little on the strange side to me. But strange is certainly good, as we've both agreed on previously." **
** (3) Justin does his best to look away from Eden as the lady in the veil comes back, he takes the glass, and having noticed the dropping of items into the glass, he immediately moves to transmute the contents of his glass, into an exact aestectically similar version of the drink, save for it's contents is just ginger ale instead **
(3) Justin: Transmute water: Int 3 + science 5 + matter 3 = 11
(3) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,9,5,2,6,3,7,[10, 6],4,7] = (3)
** (5) Eve Kline heads into the womens dressing room and begins to change sending Dante mental update Frederick Storm investigated the Roselli Castle a few days ago.. this man I am keeping an eye one. That may well be what the thirteen minutes has to do with. **
** (2) Madam Chanel looks at Dante and smiles "My name is Madam Chanel, and despite your alluring presense, you did not introduce yourself, which brings me to a junction of you either being not of these parts, or not trusting, and neither relaxed, or... you're just a rude." - smiles "You've approached me to say something, perhaps you will choose to say it. Would you like to know how me telling you this altered your choices? It's a fascinating topic." **
(7) Dante: (Eve) Jason Roselli? You haven't mentioned him for any reason, have you?
(5) Eve Kline: None at all. Haven't even mentioned Italy, or the US or anything, only that he works with buildings assessing their fates and I with deaths and their causes
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, as the drink is a property of the Hollow, since it's not yet been made part of your body, your casting to manipulate Hollow property has to be contested to be noticed. You are just enough far away from the guards at the locked door, but you have 5 witnesses next to you. ((Please roll 5 dice. You need 1 success to be unnoticed.))
(3) Justin: ((wat))
(3) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,5,[10, 8],9] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you're fine, none of them feel you doing this))
(3) Justin: ((shit, my heart almost stopped.))
** (5) Eve Kline continues to change casting a glance around to see how many other woman are in the changing room **
** (7) Dante curtly smiles before looking directly into Madam Chanel's eyes. "I am horribly, horribly rude, as it were. Aerumna is my simplest response and resolution to my penitence. I am here because I am both lost and found, amongst the mages of this place. I've never been to a place such as this. I would love to hear your explanation as to how my choices have been altered, but I would assume it is along the lines of a need to rebel against an ideal." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((they feel a tingle, but they ignore it. anything that didnt come through the doors with you - is against the manipulation rules, if guests feel it, they are likely to report it, but you were safe))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, your spell succeeds as everybody raises their glasses to their mouths
** (3) Justin does the same, winking at the veiled girl as he downs his drink **
(7) Dante: (Eve) Just be careful. There's no telling exactly what will happen shortly. And I am beginning to feel it may, in fact, pertain to myself. More as I learn of it
(3) Justin: **or sips at it rather
(7) Dante: (( what is down and what is sip? ))
(7) Dante: (( These are one in the same ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh god lol))
(7) Dante: (( Buahahaha ))
(3) Justin: ((lmao, least you're not smoking?))
(3) Justin: ((Oh shit, meme, that went over my head))
(7) Dante: (( This is true. However... I have been drinking somewhat strongly for the past hour ))
(7) Dante: (( Yes. Meme. ))
(7) Dante: (( A meme from your server, no less :D ))
(3) Justin: (( A cigarrette cannot alter your state of being however, as a drink will get you drunk, a smoke will not get you smunked, so which is the greater evil?))
(5) Eve Kline: ((ohhh very deep))
(5) Eve Kline: ((here's my meme of the day))
(7) Dante: (( Getting smunked is the greater evil, obv. Creating evil from illogic = best ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((I can haz sleep time nao plz?))
(7) Dante: (( No, but it is can be hugz tiem nao. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, there are three women in the changing room. One just walked into lady sauna, a Thyrsus, and the two are just making out on the bench, both Mastigos
(7) Dante: (( Wow ))
(7) Dante: (( Mutual mental masturbation. That's a new one. ))
(2) Lady with the veil: Justin, you drink the drink, and... you feel REALLY GOOD
(7) Dante: (( o noes some1 got sum X ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((awww your ginger ale got spiked anyway :P))
(3) Justin: (( T'was magic ))
(5) Eve Kline: (9now they are going to totally date rape your mormon butt))
(3) Justin: (( Fuckyeah daterape! ))
(7) Dante: (( Justin will end up married and with 4 women in his bed, in Las Vegas. And he won't remember a thing. ))
(3) Justin: (( Haha! Mormon, 4 women, self-fulfilling prophecy ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((You wake up the next morning in Valencia Spain missing a kidney and married to a very ugly pineapple))
(7) Dante: (( ;) ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((:P mines better))
(7) Dante: (( Better for the pineapple :P ))
(2) Lady with the veil: Your brain fills with focus, nostils open like flares, as if air just gave you twice more oxygen, clarity and power both increasing, your blood suddenly receiving a spike of energy, that feels that lingering sucking hunger you've been suppressing. The last time you felt like this was..... *The lady with the veil leans over to you and openly brings a tiny pill to your lips, the girls hands already working at your shirt and pants* "Oooh, big American Justin likes it. I think you need another one...." .... Yes... last time you felt this way... was when you are Kurtis's donuts.
(5) Eve Kline: (( he got her pregnant, it was the right thing to do))
(3) Justin: Mmnn this ginger ale I made is really good! I feel REALLY GOOD ooh..
(5) Eve Kline: ((When you are Kurtis's donuts?... Justin.. when were you Kurtis's donunts?... are you keeping secrets from us???!?))
(2) Lady with the veil: "Drink it..." she whispers, tongue in your ear.... "And you will know my name...."
(7) Dante: (Justin) Yo, Justin, what's going on? I may not want to know..
(2) Lady with the veil: ((when you ATE Kurt's donuts, goddamnit))
(2) Lady with the veil: ((stupid autocomplete))
(7) Dante: (( Oh god.... I ATE A JUSTIN!? ))
(2) Lady with the veil: ((New Mage Movie: Being Kurt's Donut))
(5) Eve Kline: ((That's right blaim it on the auto complete))
(5) Eve Kline: ((he's not a mormon he's a donut))
** (3) Justin leans back in his haze of mana and hands and feeling so very good, his mind clouding over, he relaxes, the little tingle of knowledge that he should be doing something important, but really, he just doesn't care at the moment, this is so much better, he opens his lips, and takes that pill, and drinks his drink, his eyes shifting around, not leaving the veiled girl if he can help it **
(5) Eve Kline: ((Ich Bein ein Berliner))
(7) Dante: (( Poor president. Also, Ich bin. ))
(3) Justin: Shaddup dante, lemme relax and have fun
(5) Eve Kline: ((:P @ Dante for correcting her german spelling. ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((I did pretty welll considering i didn't take german))
(3) Justin: ((Ja))
(5) Eve Kline: ((ohhhhh!! He is so getting kicked out of Mormonism))
** (7) Dante frowns for a moment. (Justin) That isn't like you. Look, do what you will, but make sure you don't do something to blow your cover. This place is far from safe. **
(3) Justin: ((Fuckyeah!!))
(7) Dante: (( Yes, you did Eve :P ))
** (5) Eve Kline summons a little courage and wit and begins to move into the sauna, tries to peek in enough to scan for any of the Branch peeps before she enters **
(2) Lady with the veil: "Charlotte...., American Justin... my name is Charlotte" At this point you realize that Morgan is already having her hands on Lesley and Brad's pants, the guys in much the state you are in, and Eden's hand is in your jeans. The security doesnt look your way, they're busy ensuring safety and fun
(3) Justin: "Oh, nice to meet you Charlotte, tell me, what exactly is going on?.."
(5) Eve Kline: (("Why did you get kicked out of Mormonism son?" "Cause I had a wild german sex orgy?" "Thats right... what have you learned?" "That sex is fun?" ... *face plant*))
(7) Dante: (( He'll only get kicked out of Mormonism if he doesn't make every one of them his wives :P ))
** (3) Justin 's hand draws through Eden's hair as her hand delves into his pants, his mind attempting to hammer himself back into control of himself, despite his situation **
(5) Eve Kline: ((Ohhh! two points for your Dante!))
(5) Eve Kline: *yours
(7) Dante: (( My what ))
(3) Justin: (( Your comment ))
(5) Eve Kline: ((ja))
(2) Madam Chanel: "Aerumna. Whoever gave you that Shadow Name was a cruel man who never understood your true nature. Toil, torment, and challenge. That may be true, Warlock, but only that path will lead you to power. You are focused as a tiger stalking its prey, while you maintain the calm of a python in your eyes. I will tell you about fate. There are many Temples of Time, in Africa, in Nepal, in India, in Egypt, and of course, the revered Temple in Arcadia itself, whom very few tread. All of them agree on one basic teaching of temporal complexity. I do not expect you to understand it the way you understand human mind, for time is a much more complicated discipline, and Fate itself is weaved within the eddies of Time, but know that Mind and Fate connect to Time by the choices you make. And it is not a matter of Rebellion. It is a simple fact that you are chosen by Fate to do as it bids, and you will obey the letter of the Great Books, but as soon as you know it, your mind constructs new systems, new desires, new structures, not necessarily the Rebellion, but the mere consideration and acknowledgement of this new knowledge, of the fact that your life has been pretold, - affects the way you act. Now you will have more questions. But I have one for you instead. Why did you take the place of the old man when he stood up?"
(7) Dante: (( Oh, I guess that wou - WOW WALL OF TEXT ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, no Branch peeps here, however, oh my god Frederick Storm is in good shape. If Sean Connery never got saggy - that would be him. He waves to you, he has that look in his eye, the look that always creeped you out in men, Eve, the "I know more than you do" look.
** (2) Lord Storm looks at you and his eyes slightly widen. Describe yourself! **
** (5) Eve Kline is... HAWT :P **
(2) Lord Storm: wearing...?
(5) Eve Kline: (lol jk))
** (2) Lord Storm is wearing nothing but swimming pants and a hair tie **
(3) Justin: ((Socks and a bow))
(5) Eve Kline: ((I dunno, what sort of swimmy stuff do they have in their dressing room area? cause I obviously didn't pack a swimsuit under my dress))
** (7) Dante grins widely, clearly impressed with Madam Chanel's summation. He seems to ignore the words of the woman, though he does cut right to the chase. "The finnicky individual at your table. He seemed strangely out of place with the rest of you, though I've come to assume by now that the four who hold this table are not as related as I initially assumed. I had a natural curiosity for the one who looked as though he was going to soil himself and when the old man arose, it seemed a prime opportunity to insert myself amongst the miniature cabal." **
(2) Lord Storm: ((they have towels and swim suits of all shapes and colors))
(7) Dante: (( Lol, I was thinking "masquerade mask and a pair of sandals" ))
(7) Dante: (( @ Justin ))
(2) Madam Chanel: "Is that right? So I am not the only one who noticed Redrick's unease. That is unfortunate how he will end up if he does not take care of himself. His brother tries his best. Redrick is a fine boy. not everyone is comfortable with their fate written for them like formulas on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. You know, you should try the strawberries, they have some excellent strawberries."
(2) Madam Chanel: ((roll wits+composure Dante))
(7) Dante: (( 6 ))
(7) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,6,6,3,6] = (0)
(7) Dante: (( fucking hell. That was only a matter of time. ))
(7) Dante: (( Same dice over and over. They dont like me. ))
** (5) Eve Kline is wearing this swimmy suit http://images.dailyradar.com/media/uploads/showhype/story_large/2009/03/09/heather_vandeven_black_bikini_pictures_1.jpg she is still 5'5" with above the shoulder cut white straight hair, her eyes are a dark dark brown almost black that doesn't fit the hair. She is petite, with not quite an hourglass figure due to her hips being a little thinner than her chest by an inch, she has a flat but not yet tone belly and her skin is pale having rarely been tanned. **
(2) Madam Chanel: Dante, you look around, to see if there's a waiter with a plate of strawberries anywhere: you see a bellboy carrying someone's coat, a dancing couple spinning around, a musician carrying a violin returning from a bathroom break, a military general you identified as infantry, heading from the sauna to the room Justin went in, a girl in a red dress with red hair picked up in a bun, passing your table, four black gentlemen seeming to have a bit of an argument, but quickly coming to agreement, two men staring at each other by the wall silently, same men you seen before, and a security guard, picking up someone's red purse, carrying it to the coat room to turn in as Lost and Found. Because of your momentary loss of focus, you have to choose one of these individuals to examine in detail after the Madam speaks her last word.
(2) Lady with the veil: "What this is about, baby? This... is me, and this.. is you, and this..." holds another pill in her hand "This is fun!" she swallows it and bites into your neck. In a few moments, sweet oblivion caresses you, she's mounting you and pretty much dry-fucking, while eden sinks her nails into your chest, her hands under your shirt
(7) Dante: (( I dont follow what the hell I'm rolling wits and composure for, but okay then... ))
** (7) Dante watches the military man head in the direction of Justin **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((wits + composure = perception, quick reaction to changes))
** (3) Justin 's brows draw together, as that oblivion teases and taunts him, he sighs and does his best to concentrate on his own body, what is happening, zoning in internally on any foreign substances, or anything that flashes a big red warning sign to his hightened life senses **
(7) Dante: (Justin) You've... got someone coming your way. Some military general, german guy. Keep a tenative eye. ((Ah. I just dont recall ever having this much rolling for ... anything ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this particular roll was to catch a specific hint, which your character failed, so i gave you an RP way to catch it))
(7) Dante: (( Ah... ))
** (3) Justin doesn't answer Dante, all of his attention focused internally, attempting to break himself out of this amazing yet inherantly wrong experience **
(7) Dante: (( Well, yay for my dice doing exactly as they have been all night. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((each of the choices opens up one plot point but leaves others closed))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((rolling better would open up several XD ))
** (7) Dante responds to the woman, his eyes attentively watching the general until he leaves the line of sight. "So, he knows his fate, then. To what end?" **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The german general adjusts his hat over the damp hair, not much of that hair in the first place, he looks in his 50s, he's moderately drunk, keeps a slow pace and picks up a suitcase from a table next to the two guys doing a staring contest. They don't pay any attention, at which point you see Redrick and his calm twin coming over with some drinks.
(2) Madam Chanel: "Not everyone agrees with concieving a child to be blessed by Fate.
** (7) Dante arches a brow, looking to Madam Chanel incredulously, only then noticing the twins returning. "Fate such as this? I'd love to hear more." **
(2) Lord Storm: Eve, there isnt even a chance in the world a composure roll is gonna save this gentleman from completely falling in love with you at first sight. He looks a bit shocked, as if seeing an angel, one of those looks that just relate pure adoration. "My God, Miss Martin, you are in incredible shape!" Storm himself doesn't look too bad,traces of age are surely on his flesh, but he's built as a rock and hard-muscled as one, in young years he could easily be a bodybuilder, the kind of guy who retains strength for a long time, he is tan, everywhere except the area of his swim pants, and has moderate chest hair, he has nice head hair though, it's well maintained and groomed, doesnt look gross. This guy knows how to get it from younger women. "Please, do me a kindness and take my side." - he scoots
(2) Lord Storm: "So, where were we?"
(2) Madam Chanel: "Aerumna... if you do not know what I mean, it means Diana does not need you to know. If you like knowledge, you may have to pay for it. And you don't have anything I need. At least not yet. But you soon will. Or should I say, may. Though now that I think a bit, you will not accept."
** (5) Eve Kline saunters over to the sauna and settles in next to Frederick. "We were discussing goodness and the eventuallity of things as well as how fate is occationally thrown for a loop as it were with the example of mmm a building in Spain I think? Or was it Italy?" **
(2) Lady with the veil: Justin, this is the funky part: whatever you got spiked with - you cannot determine!
(2) Lady with the veil: ((Justin, roll me a stamina+gnosis pls))
(3) Justin: Stam 3 Gnosis 3 = 6
(3) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,7,9,3,9] = (3)
(2) Lady with the veil: ((regain 3 mana, and you are in complete oblivion of pleasure for 3 minutes.)) It does not feel unnatural and you don't feel forced to be here. Your vice has taken over you, you love laying around here with these chicks, and you are relaxed. Describe 3 minutes of Justin's pure sexual fantasies/frustrations/desires. These girls will do it. They're hiiiigh
** (2) Lord Storm gives you a sly look, Eve **
** (7) Dante furrows his brow and twists his lips into something of a grimace. "You are probably right, about the last part." (Broadcast) The woman at the table where I am knows of Diana. And it is heavily implied that she knows of at least me, if not all of us. We're in a dangerous situation, regardless. Any ideas on if we can get to Diana from here? If not, we should probably bail on this place. **
(2) Lord Storm: ((Eve roll wits+subt))
(5) Eve Kline: (wits + Subt = 4 burning willpower 7))
(5) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,6,7,6,8,6] = (1)
** (3) Justin stops attempting to fix what's happening to him, and instead moves his hand out to grasp the back of Charlotte's head, pulling her in against him into a kiss, he lays his body back, allowing Eden to do what she wants with the lower half, as his hands explore Charlotte's body, and he remains in that blissful daze of pleasure and lust for three minutes **
(2) Lord Storm: "Italy. Rome. I was investigating a violent collapse of a castle I once helped design and proof against failure. Magnificent structure, five towers, wide connex, it stood for four hundred years and just recently required my attention. With catapults and ballistae, and the mighty gates. A thing of beauty, was it not?"
** (2) Lady with the veil whispers increasingly intensely, as Eden brings your sexual sensations closer and closer to a violent erruption, and then Eden subsides again, as Charlotte speaks "Hey Justin? Would you do me a huuuuuge favor? There is something I gotta do but I reeeeally don't wanna." **
** (3) Justin groans and leans back, his eyes opening to look at Charlotte's veil, a little annoyed that his pleasure was cut short **
(7) Dante: (( lol, Justin's ALL about gettin' fucked ))
(3) Justin: "What favor do you need?"
(3) Justin: (( Hell yeah, he's a virgin, he's sure as hell frustrated ))
** (5) Eve Kline twitches her eye lids at the string of comments. "Are you implying that you traveled back four hundred years to build this castle or that you are more than four hundred years old?" **
(2) Lady with the veil: "Oh, don't worry baby, I'll fuck your brains out later tonight, I just don't wanna spoil it by leaving for a long time. See, I gotta meet this guy, he's some kind of military general, meeting another general in the sauna, and I'm supposed to get high on Tass and you know... entertain him, until he delivers a case... but, heehee *girly giggle* Well, I'm high, that's cool. And my buddies are here, but... I'd rather be riding your dick all night, pretty boy. You moan like a virgin, and it turns me right the fuck on." *she says all this as she slowly strokes you through the pants* "But if I go there, he's gonna make me stay, where as if you pick up the case, he'll just get drunk and pass out in the steamer, and you can come right back to us. Think you could do that?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Brad raises his hand saying "I could... go... if you suck my dick, Char..." but passes out. Lesley is in even worse shape.
** (3) Justin arches his brows high at the story, attempting to think about the offer, but the sensation through his pants makes it to where he can't concentrate on any one thing for quite long enough **
(3) Justin: "Yeah, he won't mind me taking the case will he? Or do I have to sneak or something?"
(2) Madam Chanel: "Yet you will hear my proposition, won't you? I don't know why, out of curiousity or a deeper reason, but I sense you will agree to listen."
** (7) Dante squints his eyes suspiciously and nods. "I will listen, yes." **
** (7) Dante adjusts his weight somewhat in the seat, glancing around before looking to Madam Chanel for her words. **
(2) Lord Storm: "Actually neither, but you are quite clever, as clever as you are beautiful. However, the way I designed it was different. The structure was designed by a great masters of the past, it was me however, who designed its fate and proofed it against misfortunate collapse, yet, in all my practice, I have not seen a greater Fiasco. Somehow I did not see what was to come, and the castle exploded in exactly the way I built it to be prevented from destruction. A curious case. I travelled deep down into the libraries of Mysterium to find more about possible explanations, and it was there that I realized: the only thing that can destroy something is the thing you presume to be too small to be a threat."
(2) Lord Storm: "The fault resulted from a reverse engineering of my own system by someone nearly invisible to arcane defenses. The owner chalked it off as Council rebels, or at least that's what he told me. Another curious case was in Russia. Temple of Aleksey The Second. I had no hand in crafting that marvelous structure, but a hand that destroyed it bypassed eddies of Fate by veiling the Fate on itself. I was reading what I thought was true, can you imagine the kind of mastermind who plays warfare like chess? He set the plan in motion knowing the building's fate will be inspected, and did his work prior to inspection to come back and ruin it in 5 long years. I found him, finally, and he was unmanifested."
(5) Eve Kline: "All things have their weak points. That is the first thing one learns in medicine. A person balances the whole of their weight on just their feet, if you cut the achillies tendon they will be crippled for life."
(2) Madam Chanel: "Many in this party tonight came to celebrate Diana's success. But not all minds are in unison on the outcome. There is a finance broker, Theodore Remington, who does accounting for a number of important figures here. Theodore has all the bookwork on many financial operations that could shut Diana down. I need to know where he keeps them. But first you'd have to find him. For I only know his name, and not what he looks like." ((Dante, roll another Wits+Comp plz))
(7) Dante: (( 6 ))
(7) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,2,3,1,2] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, there are now 9 people in the room, you, Charlotte, Brad, Lesley, Eden, Morgan, two guards, and a new person who just walked in, he's dressed in military uniform, with golden appoletes, carrying a suitcase, and turning into southern hallway towards the gambler tables. You can tell he is hungry, and in confirmation of that, he walks up to the closed doors on the east side and looks past the shoulders of security guards into the kitchen, where fresh food is being prepared and it smells great. "Mmm, have the chef serve me something hot and fresh". "Yes sir" the guards reply. At that moment, Charlotte goes "Hey! Shhh! That's him." And she veils deeper.
(2) Lord Storm: "I admire your wit, insight, and charisma, Eve. May I?" - he brushes his strong hot veined hand over your shoulder, and touches your neck, gently, asking for permission, very slowly, with his rough cheek. He smells nice. To compare, this is not Kurtis's obsessed grope. This is a slide, a gentle placement.
** (3) Justin arches his brow as he watches the General surreptitiously, eyeing his suitcase and the direction he heads **
(2) Kurtis: Alright, shit I'm so wasted. Boobs boobs. Heeeh. I wanna lick her pussy till it bleeds. Anyway. so I got this chick totally drunk... anyone here listening? This Remington chick has a gunsmith husband right... wait no, not gunsmith. Accountant. And he's like important.. Where the fuck's Justin when you need him. I don't feel very good. Where's Eve?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The general proceeds into the gambling room
(3) Justin: Hey, is the general with the suitcase important Dante?
(7) Dante: (Kurtis) The woman you're speaking with has a husband named Remington? What does he look like? (Justin) He's a general in the german infantry. I don't really know beyond that, for sure.
(7) Dante: (Justin) Unless there are multiple generals here. In that case, I'm completely at a loss.
(3) Justin: I'll see what I can find out.
** (3) Justin concentrates for a moment, to turn on matter sight **
(3) Justin: Matter 3 Gnosis 3 = 6
(3) Justin: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,8,6,8,8] = (3)
(5) Eve Kline: "Well thank you, you are certainly an interesting conversation partner." *smiles and leans minutely into the touch encouraging the change in topic*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante... as you get the mind link pages, you refocus on telepathy, and look around. You notice that Redrick, the scared guy is coming back to your table where you and Madam are sitting. You look around again and notice that no guards are near, and only four people are in your radius. The two staring contest men who seem to have spent entire evening frozen solid looking at each other, Redrick himself, and the Madam. You think you're able to pull off a mind read undetected, but it's risky. ((your regular dice pool minus 4. If you get 0 success, you not only fail, but get busted.)) This is a short window of opportunity, as more commotion is happening, and you have to make a choice quick if you decide to do it. ((pure gamble man, play safe and dot it, or wait for better chance)) You can attempt to read mind of Madam or Redrick or the two stare-contest guys
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you can percieve matter. Leather seats, metal tables, ceramic plates, glasses made of crystal glass, silk on the girls, hi carpet, both guards packing UZIs, walls made of sheetrock, on top of wooden frame with reinforced steel skeleton. What else do u wanna read in your surroundings? You got 3 map-inches of radius
** (7) Dante looks to the one known as Madam Chanel and arches a brow. "Bookwork from a man with documents on Diana? Why am I to help you? Do you intend to erase a paper trail, or are you perhaps someone attempting to bring Diana down, as you appear to imply?" (( minus 4? Fuck that. I've already had terrible dice with rolling 6. rolling 3 is going to be even worse. )) **
(5) Eve Kline: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,2] = (0)
(3) Justin: I want to read the suitcase, also going to glance over Charlotte to see if she really is high/aroused, or if she is just saying she is. (Fuckyeah paranoid virgin)
(5) Eve Kline: yeah.. don't do it ))
(7) Dante: (( No kidding ))
(7) Dante: (( I rolled a 0 with 6. The luck o' the freaking irish couldn't save my ass if I rolled 3 dice ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u have willpower too dont forget))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((got 5 left))
(7) Dante: (( 5??? I have myself at 1... ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh, i musta not updated))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, 1 it is then))
(7) Dante: (( Well, I haven't used anything since the pandaemonium demon. ))
(7) Dante: (( So hell if I recall ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh wait didnt u sleep in chopper?))
(7) Dante: (( Uh, ya? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u regain wp when u sleep))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((1 hr = 1 wp))
(7) Dante: (( Yeah, but how much? I dont remember, and for whatever reason my sheet obviously didnt save. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u have 5))
(7) Dante: (( Alrighty then... ))
(7) Dante: (( I'm still not rolling my dice. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((then u not readin mindz))
(7) Dante: (( I didn't presume so. ))
(7) Dante: (( Can't read minds when guards are buttfucking your existence, either. ))
(2) Madam Chanel: ((well, this is basically a guard free attack of opportunity))
(2) Madam Chanel: ((but other witnesses can fuck you))
(7) Dante: (( At minus 4. ))
(2) Madam Chanel: ((ya))
(7) Dante: (( And they won't get a penalty, I would wager. ))
(2) Madam Chanel: "I'll leave you with what you need to know. You take the job, I'll answer a question."
(2) Madam Chanel: ((well obv, its their turf))
(5) Eve Kline: ((I can haz box nao plz. kthxbai))
(7) Dante: (( right.. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the case is bulletproof mold of steel and titanium, and it's empty. Charlotte is....
(2) Lady with the veil: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,3,8] = (1)
(2) Lady with the veil: Aroused, yes. High, not much.
(2) Lady with the veil: meaning, you can see her system IS handling it. And her hormones spike. To get her actual FEELINGS at those bodily reactions - you cannot
(3) Justin: Got it.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Alright, hard RP is over for the night. You got 5 minutes to telepath-mingle-make plans before next scene sequence begins. Communicate.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((box in 5 min))
(3) Justin: I Think I'm being set up for a trap or something. I'm supposed to grab this suitcase, but it's completely empty.
(2) Kurtis: "Remington... yeah... her names Clara, Clara Remington, and her husband is... Ted or somethin... dude, these drinks are spiked with so much fuckin quintessense. I'm full on it, but i'm also shut down somehow... I gotta find a coke dealer somewhere, I'm fuckin gonzing man, this psychodelic shit aint good.
** (7) Dante looks to Madam Chanel, his expression uncertain, yet unchanging. He casts his gaze over to the men staring at each other, then looks back to the Acanthus with whom he is speaking. "If it is by fate that I am supposed to aid you, then regardless of your intentions I will aid you, or so you implied earlier, unless I misunderstood. What is a future-worker like yourself so self-obfuscating if this is true?" (Surface Thought) I don't trust this woman in the least, but something doesn't feel right about those two staring at each other. I wish I could find a more remote area to cast from... **
(5) Eve Kline: Was almost caught for the castle thing but managed to overt that disaster. Pretty friendly guy umm well built very well built totally coming on to me...
(7) Dante: (Kurtis) The woman beside me wants me to find Mr. Remington. Says he's got important bookwork on Diana's finances that could tear her operations apart if they fell into the wrong hands. Just can't quite make her out without getting inside her head.
(7) Dante: (Eve) I don't think any of us are out of the woods yet.. Not by a long shot.
(3) Justin: Would the Gem show up as matter or not?
(2) Kurtis: Trust a woman? Man never trust a woman unless she shows tits. Did she show tits? Where are you guys? I'm in a room with a piano, we're having a party here.
(5) Eve Kline: Yes it would. I'm in the sauana. ((oh or are we not all linked?.. stirke that if not))
(7) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin asks if the Gem would show up as "matter" or not. I'm inclined to think so, but then again, it could be shrouded in some way, could it not? If we could get our hands on it, though, it could be marked or removed entirely.. (Kurtis) I'm near the bar, where Robin and we all were earlier.
(3) Justin: ((We're all linked to Dante, not to eachother))
(7) Dante: (Justin) Eve seems to think it would show up as matter, yes.
(7) Dante: (( Strike that and reverse it :P ))
(2) Kurtis: Duuuude, there are soooo many forces here, so beauuutiful. Can I pull on em?
(3) Justin: Figures that the first girl to show interest in me would be doing so to make me fall for a trap.
(2) Kurtis: You... still got my sword, right?
(3) Justin: Well girls, I gues.. Oh crap, you can hear this. *the thoughts go quiet*
(7) Dante: (Justin) Women can be pretty damn sneaky, Justin. But don't let it get you down. We're definitely working with women who are far beyond "normal
(5) Eve Kline: ((LOL!))
(7) Dante:
(( Fucking enter key ))
(7) Dante: (Justin) " in this case" ((continued from previous)) (Kurtis) Yes, your sword is still marked, as far as I can wager.
(2) Kurtis: I wanna fuck Eve. What if she rots me if I'm not good enough? I need to have Justin there to heal me. But then he'll be watching. Ew that's... actually kinda hot.
(5) Eve Kline: ....
(3) Justin: I shoulda lifted the veil while I had the chance..
** (7) Dante scrunches his eyes closed for a moment as if pained by something. (Kurtis) So the drinks really are pretty messed up then... **
(2) Kurtis: I got no leads on the gem, man.
(3) Justin: It was right there, I was kissing her, actually kissing her, really really kissing her, coulda just lifted the veil, Why's the veil so sexy? Crap, stop listening Dante! *quiets again*
(2) Kurtis: Can you tell Eve to get naked and come to the pool? Tell her I love her.
(3) Justin: And Eden, figures that she would have a biblical name, talk about irony..
(2) Kurtis: 'Cause man... we're getting out of here no matter what, we ain't gonna die. And when we get outta here, I'm gonna marry her. That's right!
(7) Dante: (Broadcast) *momentary transmission of dead-"air" with an overtly heavy feeling of exhaustion before total silence from Dante*
(3) Justin: I'm never going to find a nice non-evil girl to ...
(5) Eve Kline: ((lol dante is going to have an anourisum and die..))
(3) Justin: *silence*
(7) Dante: (( Dante gonna ignore yo asses :P ))
(3) Justin: ((lmao *highfives Kurtis for tagteam*))
(2) Kurtis: ((i have a feeling we all got to party and dante's the only one doing work XD ))
(5) Eve Kline: You okay there dante what was that dead air? *keeps her thoughts from leaking over the link like he asked ealier*
(2) Kurtis: Hey hey, i can prolly get this chick to introduce me to her hubby. We wanna have accountant who does Diana's laundry?
(7) Dante: (Broadcast) ... Kurtis, please focus on getting a lead on Remington's husband, whatever his name might be. He could have useful information that we can use as leverage. Justin, do what you have to do to maintain your cover. Don't do anything crazy, though. Eve, the old man who followed after you, he's connected to the woman I'm with right now. Bear in mind that she seems to know about me, though I don't know to what extent... so there's a very good chance he could just out and say something blatantly revealing about you. All in all, everyone, be safe. We probably made a mistake coming here, but now that we're here, we need to keep focused.
(2) Kurtis: you're a tit
(5) Eve Kline: ((kay.... nao it can be box timez plz?)) Agreed we will see where this all goes. Not in immediate danger yet.
(2) Kurtis:

(5) Eve Kline: ((epic))
(5) Eve Kline: "you're a tit"
(3) Justin: Fuckyeah
(2) Kurtis: how u guys like that?
(5) Eve Kline: Fuckyeah
(3) Justin: Sexy, a little frightening.
(5) Eve Kline: Agreed
(3) Justin: For a sec I thought Justin was being eaten by vampires.
(5) Eve Kline: We need to try harder to get dante into akward sexual situations thou
(5) Eve Kline: cause like...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): slap 4 exp each on ur chars
(5) Eve Kline: yeah
(7) Dante: lmao
(5) Eve Kline: everyone else is doing it :P
(5) Eve Kline: XD
(3) Justin: haha
(7) Dante: (( Dot 2 of subterfuge and persuasion. I would likey to buy them both, if possible ))
(5) Eve Kline: I can haz more subterfuge?
(7) Dante: (( err, dot 1 of persuasion I meant ))
(7) Dante: (( And... subterfuge because its the only thing I actually succeeded on ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante: subterfuge will cost 6 xp, persuasion will cost 3 for 1 and 6 for 2 so 9 total. for 15 exp u can have sub and pers both at 2
(7) Dante: (( So after 15, you'd have me at 7 xp right? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): no with today's exp i have you marked as 27 exp
(7) Dante: (( oshit ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 27 - 15 = 12
(7) Dante: (( It literally did not save my last session then ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i will send u updated sheet then
(7) Dante: (( Excellent. Even better. Let's do that. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): done
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yes you can
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u have 10 exp, how much sub u want?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 2 obv
(5) Eve Kline: yeah
(5) Eve Kline: obv
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): done
(5) Eve Kline: eee
(5) Eve Kline: bed now bai
(3) Justin: bai
(5) Eve Kline: *hugs and cookies for everyone!*
(3) Justin: *consumes cookies*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): kk. justin any buys?
(7) Dante: Night Eve1
(7) Dante: !11!11!1!!1!!1
(5) Eve Kline: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Eve Kline (exit): 00:28
(3) Justin: Nope, Justin didn't really do anything save for a tiny bit of life magic and a bit of Matter magic, no real skill usage, and even the seduction bit was him being seduced, so no, no buys.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wow, except for Justin who took a risky shot at transmutation like a retard, we actually didnt fuck up half as bad as i thought
(3) Justin: Thought it was mine!
(7) Dante: I know you were expecting devastation >.>
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): not urs till u drink it
(3) Justin: Dats dumb.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if u swallowed it u could change it inside
(3) Justin: Kinda figured, whatever, alls well that happened well.
(7) Dante: But... what if its property of the Silver Ladder until it leaves you???
(7) Dante: Oh the humanity!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): oh god
(3) Justin: Terrifying.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): no the realistic premise is, what if u hold glass, spike it, then switch glasses with someone
(3) Justin: ...
(3) Justin: Even if you're holding it, it's the ladder peeps..
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): once u drank it, they dont give a fuck
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if u explode, oh well
(7) Dante: IZ DELISHUS
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): http://images.dailyradar.com/media/uploads/showhype/story_large/2009/03/09/heather_vandeven_black_bikini_pictures_1.jpg
(7) Dante: ;_; please dont
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve wearing that made me cum
(7) Dante: ..... picked the wrong day to quit smoking
(3) Justin: Thats why you were taking so long to type?
(3) Justin: X}
(7) Dante: XD
(7) Dante: Explains a lot
(3) Justin: Hmm, think he might be gone.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): no
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): still cumming
(3) Justin: Oh lawdy!
(7) Dante: You.... wow.
(7) Dante: That's only mildly disturbing on every possible level
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): aaaaaahhh came
(3) Justin: I agree to Dante.
(7) Dante: Man, make sure you don't get any inside the keyboard.
(3) Justin: Damnit clean up first.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): disturbing?? i thougth u were my firneds!!
(7) Dante: That shit won't ever come out.
(3) Justin: Spamming shift isn't the only way to get sticky keys.
(7) Dante: Friends don't let friends stain keyboards.
(7) Dante: Wow, that was a good one
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): lol ya
(3) Justin: Thanks.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): btw justin i have no idea where shawn was going with veil lady so i hope it was fun
(3) Justin: I can guess, not that direction.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): man u guys only bit 4 subplots out of 9
(7) Dante: There was only 3 of us....
(3) Justin: Yeah, Kurtis was like the freespace ona bingo board.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): it was lady in red, Dante, you woulda saw a strawberry shaped hair tie
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): oh no, kurtis not counted, thats fifth
(7) Dante: Like it matters now
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): it may
(7) Dante: I hate repeating the same dice pool over and over.
(7) Dante: May as well just tell my character to piss off.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): or she may have left the party
(3) Justin: Veiled lady sorta feels like it's spelling out scary disaster.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): well its a same roll ... hm, i can have u roll investigation + wits, thats a pure study roll
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): but wits+comp is more like defensive reaction at stuff coming at you
(7) Dante: Investigation = -
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): how well u keep up with shit
(7) Dante: I have none.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 success is a success man
(7) Dante: Yeah, and I was the only one rolling it.
(7) Dante: Eve rolled it once, right?
(7) Dante: So, I guess not.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): justin rolled it
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): to notice spiked drink
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you were in the room with most people
(3) Justin: Which I was unable to stop.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a lot easier to not notice something
(7) Dante: I was just bothered, I guess. Felt like I wasn't getting anything accomplished while everyone else was on entertaining subplots.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, about that, did you understand why u couldnt stop it?
(7) Dante: Yeah, I get it.
(3) Justin: Figured it was quintessence in a pill.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah it didnt seem to all come in together till later, and probably till next sessions, there's quite a good bit going on, and we could have jumped on more than one side of the... thing thats happening
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tass induced prime created (phantasmal) extasy pill - kinda like crack for mages
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): if u wanted to fuck that up, prime+life would do
(3) Justin: Yeah, how long does Justin stay high?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): 3 min mandatory of total extasy, and after that - up to u as RPer
(7) Dante: 4 years, 1 month, 17 days
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): he took the pill in the first place, and let himself relax, so his vice of course jumped in on the action
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): remind you of your dream at all? :D
(3) Justin: I'll make it to where he has a little bit more trouble controlling his thoughts, and his judgement is just a bit off, IE: Not getting the hell out of there when Charlotte admitted to being hired to "entertain" a general.
(3) Justin: Well shit, funny that the dream would go one way and the event a different one.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): innnnndeeeed
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): they say in our dreams we're the best version of us
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): and we could be that in reality if it wasnt so real
(3) Justin: I suppose, also in our dreams we usually aren't high on Tass.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): YOU arent
(3) Justin: hah!
(3) Justin: Okay, clarify for me, Justin is supposed to follow the guy into the dressing room, take the suitcase, and give it to Charlotte? Thats what she's asking right?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the thing is also that Justin is new, and taking tass in such high chunks is a bit of a shock, this is why Kurt put 1 tass into each donut, not to just be a dick
(3) Justin: Ooh gotcha.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i caaant clarify that
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): but i will post the entire log
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): in fact right now
(3) Justin: Ookay.