Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(10) Konrad Knox (enter): 20:18
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(10) Konrad Knox (enter): 20:18
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(11) Eve Kline (enter): 20:20

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(12) Renelius (enter): 20:21
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Eve Kline...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (12) Renelius...
(13) Dante (enter): 20:22
(14) Justin (enter): 20:23
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (14) Justin...
(15) Robin (enter): 20:24
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (15) Robin...
** (10) Kurtis has his eye on that particular tux with a red vest **
** (11) Eve Kline goes and tires on the dress #2 while she is invisable **
(10) Kurtis: ((and i dont have the last 5 minutes of any in character speech, as far as i know we're all still invis, inside, and dante is sleeping the clerk))
(11) Eve Kline: ((yeah))
** (14) Justin justs grabs the nearest tux that matches his measurements **
(13) Dante: (( I already slept the clerk. He is on the floor, passed out. Justin asked Dante to ask Kurtis to dispel invisibility ))
** (15) Robin thubs through the dress racks **
** (13) Dante grabs a nondescript tuxedo that is neither flashy nor pomp, just classy. He ponders whether or not to keep the bow tie, but decides to keep it in order to not stand out later. **
(10) Kurt's Voice: "Release Light" - you see Kurtis's shape appearing gradually, as he is doing some movie wizard / kung fu movements with his hands, instantly, you all show up
** (14) Justin eyes where Kurtis stands, and the flashy tuxedo in front of him, and just laughs **
** (10) Kurtis doesn't bother with a fitting room and tries to put it on, realizing he needs some help adjusting it all. **
(13) Dante: (Surface thought) That's quite a tux he picked. Flashy, but I hope he doesnt stand out too much.
(10) Kurtis: "Hey Eve? Mind helping out a bit? Where is she?"
** (10) Kurtis reproaches his tactic **
** (15) Robin notices her feet and looks up to see everyone. **
(14) Justin: Yeah, I told you he'd grab a flashy one.
(10) Kurtis: "Hey Eve? Need any help with the dress?"
** (14) Justin looks back to Robin and waves **
(10) Kurtis: "You think it's flashy? Red white and black, man."
(10) Kurtis: "Classic."
** (15) Robin waves to justin, holds up a dress and shakes her head, putting it down. **
** (11) Eve Kline is in the fitting room trying on dress **
(14) Justin: "Don't like that one?"
(13) Dante: "But its just so... victorian. I mean, its your call and all. I dont even know what the real party attendants are going to look like."
(11) Eve Kline: "No I've gotten pretty good at putting on cloths Kurtis, but thank you."
** (14) Justin takes his tux off the rack and sets it against the table, eyeing it over **
(15) Robin: "Eh, its alright..."
(10) Kurtis: "I might need some. My vest has some kinda string in the back."
(14) Justin: "Whats wrong with it?"
** (11) Eve Kline rolls her eyes and steps out of the fitting room still wearing the dress **
(11) Eve Kline: "Turn around, it needs to be adjusted to the right width"
(10) Kurtis: "And I'm not letting any of the boys touch me... woaah."
(10) Kurtis: *his mind just grins and his penis goes 'twitch' *
** (13) Dante excuses himself to the fitting room and changes into the tuxedo, thankful that he can't hear the thoughts of a penis twitching. **
(10) Kurtis: ((just let me know when i've annoyed everyone enough and i'll mark one willpower box filled :D ))
(11) Eve Kline: ((lol))
** (15) Robin finds an empty dressing room(llolololol)) **
(10) Kurtis: Damn it, I hope she doesn't notice the erection.
(11) Eve Kline: ((Pop quiz what is Kurtis' vice? Anyone??))
(14) Justin: ((Lust))
(10) Kurtis: Damn it! Dante can still hear this. You can steal hear this, can't you?
(11) Eve Kline: ((Oh on the first try))
** (14) Justin shrugs and walks to the dressing room **
(13) Dante: (Kurtis) Yes, I sure can. But I've been ignoring it.
(10) Kurtis: "Eve... you, you look beautiful."
(14) Justin: ((Pfft, I've seen a couple incarnations of that character, I know him well by now))
** (11) Eve Kline tries not to notice. Smiles at the compliment **
(11) Eve Kline: "Thank you. The vest is a little flashy. But it suits you. Now turn around so I can adjust it."
(10) Kurtis: Gah. Sorry, sorry. *now the fucked up part: he tries to suppress his sex images with overlapping images of his car. Driving that black sleek toyota supra, real real fast, switching gears, trees, mile poles zooming by at 100 mph*
** (13) Dante exits the dressing room to reveal himself in a faintly disproportionate suit. He's pulled his hair back into a ponytail now that he's had the chance to think about his appearance. **
** (10) Kurtis obeys like a puppy **
** (11) Eve Kline glances over and whistles **
(11) Eve Kline: "Looking good Dante."
(10) Kurtis: She's gonna take care of meee form behiiind *teases himself* , naaa na na na naaa.... Zoom! Zoom! Driving! Driving!
(13) Dante: (Kurtis) You're fine. I highly doubt you can think anything too surprising. Or maybe you can.
** (11) Eve Kline winks and begins to adjust Kurtis' vest thingys **
** (13) Dante shrugs a bit, grinning sheepishly. "Thanks. You're stunning." **
** (14) Justin steps out of the dressing room, having changed fast with his knowledge of dressing well for big church events, weddings and the like. His tux, having been fit to his measurements fits perfectly **
(11) Eve Kline: "... Wow, you've done this before haven't you Justin. A very smart look."
(14) Justin: "Yeah, thanks. Sorta comes with being a mormon boyscout."
** (15) Robin gets out of the dressing room, combing her hair with her fingers. "Anyone have a brush?" **
** (11) Eve Kline snickers and pats Kurtis' back as she finishes adjusting **
(10) Kurtis: "Thanks, Eve. Woah, nice look Justin. "
(11) Eve Kline: "There ya go. Oh.. very nice Robin, love the dress."
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, define disproportionate
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): size or color?
(14) Justin: "Thanks Kurt. Yours suits you."
(13) Dante: (Surface thought) Jeez Kurt, your mind is raging torrent of ... err.. ahem. "Well, don't we all just look good. Just wish I could fix my shoulders a bit. The ends are a little wide and the leg's a tad long. Ah well."
** (14) Justin goes looking behind the man's desk for a brush or a comb or something **
** (10) Konrad Knox (GM) 's all dressed up, he puts the tux on, adjusts the sleeves and hides the guns under the jacket **
(13) Dante: (( Size ))
(14) Justin: "Eve can hem your clothes Dante.
(14) Justin: "
(11) Eve Kline: ((how dissproportionate?))
** (15) Robin smiles at Eve, "I like yours better. It wouldn't look as good on me, though." **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): "Oh, I'm sure he'd prefer acquiring a pair of scissors, and learning to tailor instead."
(13) Dante: (( ... uh, an inch too big? ))
** (15) Robin looks around for a comb, too. **
(11) Eve Kline: "I have a nack for black and white." *grins*
(13) Dante: "No, I'd rather not taking up sewing, Kurtis."
** (11) Eve Kline steps closer to Dante **
(14) Justin: "I sort of meant with matter."
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): "There is hope for D.C. yet."
(11) Eve Kline: "I can try yes. Hold still."
** (13) Dante looks to Eve and smiles. "If you could, that'd be lovely." **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): "Nice work on the security cam, by the way."
(10) Kurtis: "Nice work on the security cam, by the way."
(14) Justin: "Thanks twice."
** (13) Dante looks over to Kurtis and Justin. "The who-what?" He then looks up and spots the camera. **
** (11) Eve Kline runs her hands down the shoulders and suit arms feeling the fabric with her fingers to get a better knowledge of the matter before she attempts to alter its measurments lmuch as she did with Kurtis jacket in the chopper **
(11) Eve Kline: ((doesn't remember what she used.. but it was like.. matter + Gnosis = 5 )
(11) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],6,5,[10, 8],8] = (3)
(11) Eve Kline: *glee*
** (15) Robin combs her hair in the mirror with her hand for a few minutes. "Can't believe there are not any combs." **
(13) Dante: (( It is so perfectly perfect, that its damned perfect ))
(14) Justin: "Robin, you could probably shape the comb with space or something?"
** (13) Dante looks at himself in the mirror as well. "Heyyy, that did the trick." **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, 1 success on paradox, how would u like to mitigate?
(14) Justin: "Oh wait, nevermind."
** (11) Eve Kline gives his shoulder a squeeze "Looks good" steps back shakily as the effects of spell hit her (ummm mana?) **
(15) Robin: "uh Okay..."
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((-1 mana. 10 mana left))
** (13) Dante looks back smiling before noticing her stagger. (( Is the absorption of paradox perceivable to any mage, or does it just look to everyone else like she stumbled or something? )) **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((9))
(16) Eve Kline (enter): 20:47
(10) Konrad Knox: Booting '(11) Eve Kline' from server...
(11) Eve Kline (exit): 20:47
(13) Dante: (( Welcome welcome! ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (16) Eve Kline...
(16) Eve Kline: ((danka danka)
(12) Renelius: ((Willy Wanka))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, if you look hard, you can find a comb on one of the tables
(13) Dante: (( sounds like a bad porn ))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): They are for sale, so is perfume
** (16) Eve Kline probably has one in her purse too... **
** (15) Robin uses the comb **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): the comb is used
(14) Justin: "Don't leave any hair."
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): making your hair look like.... what?
(15) Robin: ((shawn was all there arent any combs lol))
(16) Eve Kline: (the comb feels used. the comb gets some therapy))
(12) Renelius: ((Eraser Head))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay, describe all your character's looks, with pics or visuals if you like (via LINKS!!!! not uploads!) but preferably with words.
** (14) Justin goes to comb his hair back as well, with a seperate comb. After combing, he makes sure to get rid of any hair that is left and pockets the comb **
(13) Dante: (( The comb slowly begins a road to recovery after years of drug use, rehabilitation, and therapy ))
** (12) Shopkeeper Is a large German man with a portly belly, in a nice business suit, which will need to be ironed after his unexpected floor nap. **
** (10) Kurtis is dressed as above, he combed his spiky furious blond hair backward, to the point that it reveals the fact it's dyed, as the brown roots start sifting through, the scar above his eyebrow as usual, the only thing detrimental in the look. His shoes are shiny black, yup, he just picked up a pair. **
** (16) Eve Kline is now in dress #2 ((http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/BallDress2.jpg)), her hair is as it has always been straight and white and to just below her chin, she will take the time to put on a little makeup from her purse, dramantic eyeshadow and some basic lipstic and maybe her own perfume. Leaves her boots as they are since you can't see them under the dress anyway and they are heeled so it still works. Will probably look for some white ribbon to make into a necklace and little bracelet thingys **
** (13) Dante is standing straight, his black hair pulled into a thin ponytail to open up his facial features, dull hazel eyes, thin, narrow nose, and somewhat long bone structure. His tuxedo comes with a pocket at its front, on the right, and the shirt behind his bowtie is only slightly a gray shade from being stark white. His eyes carry the look of one who hasn't had a full night's sleep in perhaps a couple of years, though the rest of his body is fit and somewhat energetic in appearance. As he takes a few steps forward, practicing his formal gait, the toe of his glossy, black wing-tipped dress shoes clack almost inaudibly. **
whispering to Renelius, ok, if they split up at the party, we both spam each one of them with info, mostly useless and confusing. Hitman style. I'll toss in plot points here and there
** (13) Dante would reveal a burn along his neck, were his collar lowered: an after effect of their encounter with a giant, explody zombie lego project. **
** (13) Dante is otherwise plain-looking and while not ugly, isn't a dashing prince either. **
** (14) Justin stands up straight, though his hands rest in the pockets of his Tuxedo's black jacket. Everything about his outfit is unremarkable, classic, immaculately placed. He stands at 5'11", brown hair square jaw, the perfectly represented American Heartland good ol' bow. His hair is combed back as his eyes draw over the room and it's inhabitants in his relative silence **
** (15) Robin hair looks tame, long (mid back) and smooth. Amazing what a little brushing will do. Shes scented like roses, from a bottle of perfume in the store. dress: http://www.promgowns4less.com/images/1542.jpg The dress is a little long, but fits great otherwise. The length is corrected with high heels, looks a bit odd in sneakers. The heels are black, open toe. She'll tie her hair back, elf-style upon finding some flowers or ribbon. **
(14) Justin: **Good ol' boy
(13) Dante: "Now, an important question. Weapons?"
** (10) Kurtis takes a long look at Robin **
(13) Dante: (( Good ol' axe** ))
(14) Justin: (( Good ol' protaton))
** (13) Dante glances over at Kurtis and pretends to ignore the next possible surface thoughts from him. **
(10) Kurtis: "Yeah, we look ready to party, Five, but I have an obvious problem in weapons department." - looks at the giant sword, in no way attachable to his outfit like it is now.
(13) Dante: "There's that, for sure. And the fact that they may perform a check at the door?"
(10) Kurtis: "That thing there - if shit goes south, we'll need it direly."
(10) Kurtis: "Maybe there's a way to somehow store weapons ethereall or spacially or some crap. Lemme see my book for a sec."
(13) Dante: "Well, if the gem is in there, shit will likely go south. We are a very 'southern' group."
(10) Kurtis: "Amen to that, bro"
(13) Dante: "Yeah, sure." *hands over the book, his finger lingering on it for a moment.*
(10) Kurtis: ((good ol fuck yourself))
(15) Robin: "Oh my poket rhelm will work fine
(13) Dante: (( you you you ))
(14) Justin: (( lmao ))
** (10) Kurtis takes a book, starts flipping through it and Dante, the further Kurtis walks with it, the stronger you feel the strange pull, a connection from your fingertips to page 69, you sense you can touch it, flip it as he does **
** (10) Kurtis walks around the room, scanning the book's path tool chapter **
** (13) Dante fixes his eyes on the book, lingering at the sensation as his hand reaches out as if to grasp at as though it were right in front of him. **
** (10) Kurtis stops and jerks his head back, as if struck by lightning **
(10) Kurtis: "What the fuc...k?" - he turns around sharply on his heels, as the book is no longer in his hands, but in yours, Dante
** (13) Dante draws his hand to his chest, the book in hand, his face puzzled. **
** (16) Eve Kline raises a brow **
** (14) Justin 's eyebrows shoot up at the sudden shift **
** (10) Kurtis moves his hand, which never stopped grasping the book, and Dante, you feel a pull on it **
(16) Eve Kline: "I concur... what was that?"
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you sense a small tingle in the back of your head, you know a spacial effect is in action, but unlike usual, where you can trace its source, you cannot
** (13) Dante tilts his head to the side slightly, tugging on it still, his face only becoming more confused. "I .. err... " **
(13) Dante: "Could you... let go for a second?"
** (15) Robin looks confused **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Now. Exactly 5 seconds after the pull, Dante, you have another book in your hand, on top of the one you and Kurtis are "struggling" over. The second book seems to overlap the first like a cartoon.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): And exactly 5 seconds after, Robin, you feel a pull on your book as well, and Dante, you have three books in your hand
(16) Eve Kline: ((what does that look like to the non spacial... like.. are the books stacked on top of each other?))
** (10) Kurtis 's eyes wide, he can only find himself to gently let go of the book, so overwhelmed with curiousity **
** (13) Dante looks down at the layering of the books as though it were an unfinished optical illusion. His eyes widen slightly as Kurtis lets go of the book. **
(12) Shopkeeper: On page 68 of the second and third book, Dante, you see a nicely drawn but very cartoony picture of a Chinese kid ripping the heart out of a spikey haired man standing in front of him.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, it looks funny, and sort of surreal, like two MMO character on top of each other, inside each other, like if you were drunk, and your vision trippled, the books now and then waver around out of each other, there's like a wierd 4th dimension thickness to it.))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you can see, as if through an optical illusion, that there's three 3D objects on there))
(16) Eve Kline: "What... is going on?"
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Also, in the second and third book, page 69 holds your chalk's mark, just like in Kurt's
** (16) Eve Kline shakes her head and hesitates stopping herself from rubbing an eye when she remembers she has makeup on blinking at the layered books **
(13) Dante: "Th..three books?" *his grip tightens slightly as his palms perspirate faintly.* "I... felt this before, when we were at the tomb. And again after writing a message to Tristin."
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): "Um. Did you just pull our books? Mine... and Robin's... and that one must be Tristin's"
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Another 5 seconds and.....
** (15) Robin checkes her bag where her book was kept. **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Fourth book appears, a green hedge thorn bit stuck through its front cover.
(12) Shopkeeper: It's gone Robin
(16) Eve Kline: ((LOL!))
(13) Dante: "Yeah.. I just did.. that. I think. What's this one here?" *he eyes the thorn on the front cover*
(14) Justin: ((awesome))
(16) Eve Kline: ((SO... dante.. about that last one.. or whoever gets it.. needs to IM me... cause there is stuff you will need to know about that one...))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok. sidenote. The last book has spent a month in a place Claire ran for us. It's a world of Fae. The book, hence, came out different, changed, different than it was. The whatever wierd things it may differ in now - I give official stick to Claire to describe them. Treat them as GM description))
(16) Eve Kline: ((Anyone with prime sight up likely notices that last book with the thorn is not quite like the others and has a faint.. umm... 'aura' of wild magic... wilder than quintessence not as controlled))
** (13) Dante holds the top of his head with his free hand, his other hand still gripping the multi-layering of books. He then tries to pull them apart from the space they are sharing so that they are no longer occupying the same space. **
** (10) Konrad Knox (GM) stops moving completely for a moment and takes careful steps towards Dante, staring at the last book **
** (10) Kurtis does that ^ **
** (13) Dante looks up at Kurtis, exchanging glances between him and the books. **
(10) Kurtis: "Is that... Roger's book? How did you bring them all back? How... "
(13) Dante: "I don't know who Roger is.. or how I pulled *all* of them like that.. but I might know how I grabbed yours."
(10) Kurtis: "It must be! It can't not be! It has that wierd hedge magic on it... like THEN! like that awful night! Remember, it Robin?"
(13) Dante: (( Hope Tristin didn't need his book XD ))
(10) Kurtis: "Man, you're a Book Finder, bro? You know how much danger that puts you in? Holy shit - that's how much."
(12) Shopkeeper: ((Yeah... about that))
(15) Robin: "I remeber..."
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((on this note: if Tristin was holding the book, when Dante pulled it, Tristin can still pull back on it. There is a same-space link established))
(13) Dante: "What is a book finder? I don't..." *he pauses and reaches into his shirt pocket, producing the chalk he's held onto since his awakening.*
(13) Dante: (( Ah I see ))
(10) Kurtis: "Roger, ah of course you never met Roger. He was a... oh wait, hold on, I have an impression for you that accurately describes Roger's essense"
** (10) Kurtis plays back a sound in the thin air, it's a sounf of a young man's voice, spoken over a cell phone **
(10) Roger Ortiz's Voice: "Go fuck yourself."
(14) Justin: "Oh, pleasant."
** (13) Dante holds the books in one hand and the chalk in another. He arches a brow when the voice is heard. "So... he's that kind of guy." **
** (15) Robin snickers **
(10) Kurtis: "What's a book finder? I dunno. You, apprently."
** (16) Eve Kline frowns at the voice message **
(13) Dante: "You were the one who said it, not me. Let me try something.."
(10) Kurtis: "These books are on their way to becoming public knowledge, but there's agents like Jones that were looking for them, it took them years to find them, and you can just do it with a twist of hand..."
** (13) Dante keeps his hand gripping the books as he walks over to the counter. **
(13) Dante: "I dont know about all that... but there's something I need to know for sure." *he makes a quick chalk mark on the back of the monitor behind the counter and steps back to the rest of the group*
** (14) Justin looks to the monitor, then to dante, his brows knitting together **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): You get the same feeling you have under your hand, but now it's on the monitor.
** (13) Dante takes a hard look at the books in his hand before looking back over to the monitor, placing the chalk into his pocket again. He then reaches his hand outward as he did before and attempts to grasp at the monitor. **
** (16) Eve Kline steps away from Dante... just in case, an incredulous expression on her face **
** (10) Kurtis watches, his supernal vision confused, so is every one who uses any sort of sight - you can feel Space, but not details of the effect, it spins around briefly, and dissipates, like a newsance **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you have a grasp on the monitor, you feel its weight, its shape, its attachment to the system
** (13) Dante strokes the monitor briefly with his fingertips and withdraws his hand, gazing at his fingerprints afterwards. "So that's it then. This... is incredible. Totally incredible." **
** (13) Dante walks back over to the monitor and smudges the chalk mark away so that there's no longer any visible trace. **
(10) Kurtis: "Eve, in your practice as a Mage, anything like that?"
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the moment the chalk mark loses a shape and becomes a generic smudge, you lose contact
** (16) Eve Kline bites her lips brow furrowing for a moment **
(16) Eve Kline: "Not at this scale.. maybe one specially concecrated item... but not ugh.. whatever he marks.
(16) Eve Kline: "...Wonder if it works on people.."
** (13) Dante lets out a held breath as the feeling fades. He mumbles under that very breath, "unbelievable.." **
(10) Kurtis: "Don't even think about it, Deathdealer, I know where your mind tends to float."
** (16) Eve Kline smirks slowly **
(12) Shopkeeper: ((Force choke))
(16) Eve Kline: "You think you know me so well?"
(10) Kurtis: "I humbly believe..." - lets the last word ooze , "I know your kind."
(16) Eve Kline: "If it did work on people.. whats to say he couldn't pull us all into that party?"
** (13) Dante looks over to Eve. "I could try marking one of you if you want, Eve." He then looks over to Kurtis. **
(10) Kurtis: "Anthony had a fear of Moros not in vain."
(10) Kurtis: "Don't look at me, Pal, i'm wearing a new tux. Try Justin, he doesn't care."
(10) Kurtis: "Even better, try it on yourself."
(10) Kurtis: "On your hand."
** (13) Dante shakes his head. "Pulling myself through space? Sounds surreal." **
(16) Eve Kline: "I think I saw a movie like that once... with John Malcovitch (SP?) in it."
(10) Kurtis: "Surreal? We're freaking mages!"
(10) Kurtis: "Oh that was a good one."
(10) Kurtis: "Being John Malkovitch"
(12) Shopkeeper: "Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich?"
(12) Shopkeeper: "Malkovich!" "Malkovich, Malkovich?" "Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich..."
** (13) Dante reaches into his pocket and produces the chalk once more, shaving off just enough of the white stump to make a mark on his other arm. "Yeah, surreal. We defy 'reality' by existing, yet this still feels unreal. Or maybe I mean more real than reality." **
(12) Shopkeeper: (*())))
(10) Kurtis: "That's the one where a guy goes through a portal into his own head.. "
(13) Dante: (( Clerk's having some weird dreams ))
(16) Eve Kline: "yeah."
(16) Eve Kline: (what I was thinking))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you feel like you've just opened a shitbox of space madness. Your hand feels connected to your arm
(10) Kurtis: "Eve, do you have a special tool of your own?"
** (13) Dante puts the chalk back into his pocket and reaches out as before, attempting to simply poke his own arm while moving the offending hand physically away from himself. **
(16) Eve Kline: "For one of my arcana yes."
(10) Kurtis: "What is it?"
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((who's fucking with the map?))
** (16) Eve Kline frowns **
(16) Eve Kline: "Why?"
(13) Dante: (( I think it might be Jesus ))
(16) Eve Kline: ((ooooooh Jesus is in trouble...))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you poke yourself through space, and the target arm feels like being poked and you actually see your own hand in two places, it kind of comes out of from behind you, but to see the whole offending arm, you have to turn around and by that time, you naturally connect to it, and can't observe the target arm, it runs you in circles
(16) Eve Kline: "That is creepy..."
(12) Shopkeeper: ((Map just vanished for me :( ))
** (13) Dante retracts his poking hand and quickly smudges the chalk mark away with bewilderment, though his expression seems much more understanding than before. (( Bad Jesus, no Rapture! )) **
(12) Shopkeeper: ((back))
(13) Dante: (( yeah, the map is all kinds of fucking weirding out ))
(16) Eve Kline: ((ya me too... nevermind its back))
(15) Robin: ((ditto))
(16) Eve Kline: ((Now no one touch the map.. don't even look at the map.. don't even think about looking at the map.))
(13) Dante: "OOookay, so myself as the target was just fucking confusing." (( I haven't thought about the map since we got to the store ))
(15) Robin: ((i promise not to look at the map))
(10) Kurtis: "So, aerumna-man, what's the outcome of the study?"
(13) Dante: (( You just looked at the map ))
(15) Robin: ((no...oh...damn it))
** (13) Dante looks up at Kurtis, wiggling his free hand. "Looks like I can use it on people, too." **
(10) Kurtis: "And whatever you mark, you can reach?"
(16) Eve Kline: "Uh huh.. and you thought I was thinking up sinister uses for it didn't you Kurtis."
(13) Dante: "It seems so... I'd like to try it on a very distant target, but that isn't practical right now."
** (16) Eve Kline makes a blank face at him. **
(13) Dante: "The fact that I was able to grab each book seems to imply that distance is not a factor. Or perhaps it is the factor of boundless distance."
(10) Kurtis: "Yes. Imagine you were standing next to Dante, deathdealer, and he marked a man you want to touch. And he pulled that man to himself, and you would touch him with all kinds of bad things happening."
(16) Eve Kline: "You've probably killed more people than I have. I'm a law officer.. you are a concain addict."
(10) Kurtis: "Oh that reminds me, Tristin might want his book back."
(10) Kurtis: "Excuse me, Ms. Kline, I have a respectable profession! I am a hard working thief!"
** (14) Justin snickers **
** (16) Eve Kline continues blank face at him. Blinks and shifts her focus away from him. **
(13) Dante: "Yeah.. He might. But if I let go of these books, just what will happen? I don't want to risk Tristin's book remaining, for one thing."
(16) Eve Kline: "I wonder if we could get close enough to the gem to mark it and then just leave.. and pull it away after..."
(13) Dante: "Get close enough to it to mark it, without being noticed at all?"
(16) Eve Kline: "Good point."
(10) Kurtis: "Okay, okay. Here's how it has to work. You give the book to Robin, and erase the mark on her book. Then you push the book from Tristin to where you took it, and then erase the mark on my book."
(13) Dante: "Its a great plan, save for the 'completely undetected' part."
** (10) Kurtis looks to Eve **
(10) Kurtis: "I think she, right there, just outlined our plan of action for us."
(10) Kurtis: "That chalk there is the key."
(10) Kurtis: "Now we don't have to fight them, or at least finish the fight. We mark it, and then we run! Just like Frodo and Mordor."
(16) Eve Kline: "Except its a ball room.. not a valcano... and I dunno about you but I sure don't want my finger bitten off by a Gollum."
** (13) Dante nods and does so, handing Robin's book back to her, turning it to page 69 and erasing the marking from it. He then pushes the book from Tristin back whence it came, then erases the marking in Kurtis' book. **
** (15) Robin looks excited **
(10) Kurtis: "Yes, Robin, you can be the pretty elf."
(15) Robin: "woohoo!"
(13) Dante: "We have to *get* to the gem first."
(12) Shopkeeper: Dante Space + Gnosis
(15) Robin: ((Man i was just looking up elf ear cosmetic sugery.))
(16) Eve Kline: "We also need to get into the ball."
(13) Dante: "Marking it is the center of the plan..." (( Space 2 + Gnosis 3 = 5 ))
(13) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,5,[10, 4],1] = (2)
(10) Kurtis: "One does not simply chalk into Mordor. Sorry, couldn't help it."
(15) Robin: "What are we going to do about invitations?"
** (16) Eve Kline rolls her eyes... **
(13) Dante: "Kurtis, you are terrible. Though that was funny, heh."
(12) Renelius: okay the book vanishes.
(13) Dante: (( "the book" ? ))
(16) Eve Kline: (ALL OF THEM MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA... ehmm.. sorry... probably Tristins))
(13) Dante: (( I figured Tristin's. Just wanting to make sure ))
(12) Renelius: yeah
(10) Kurtis: "Well judging by the arcane power of those bouncers, mindfucking them prolly not a good idea. But we can always try to talk."
(10) Kurtis: "Hey Eve, question for you. You remember any of the names of our bad guys? Ones connected to the gem?"
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you now just have Kurt's book since he let go of it
(16) Eve Kline: "Diana Branch, Night Owl, Scavenger, Simon Lampry the Diamond Priest, Jason Roselli the Red Prince, Forester..."
** (13) Dante looks at the book in his hand. "Mind if I make replace the mark in the book, Kurtis? I'll add a footnote explaining what its for, so that if it is necessary, the books can be pulled again." **
** (14) Justin takes note of the name that follows Simon **
(10) Kurtis: "You'll end up pulling all the books again. Me and Robin might need to switch books, unless you just wanna borrow hers."
(10) Kurtis: "Oh, you mean, all the books."
(16) Eve Kline: "Scavenger used to be called (blah) until he was killed by lethal injection by that name..."
(10) Kurtis: "Well, I guess that would have to be voted on when everyone's present."
(16) Eve Kline: (blah = name I can
(16) Eve Kline: (can't find right now.. and dun wanna hunt for)
(13) Dante: "Ah, true enough yes. If you want to hold onto the book, by all means. It isn't mine. And we still have .. this one.." ((The hedgebook is still present, is it not?))
(10) Kurtis: ((yes))
(10) Kurtis: ((the hedge book, with the mark erased, ended up in your hand, there was no pressure from the other side))
(10) Kurtis: "Well hey, you can have Roger's. Or you could give it to Justin, he doesn't have one. I don't mind you sharing mine as reference, but the mark that ties them all is probably not very safe."
(10) Kurtis: "Mark Roger's away, none of us care what he thinks about it."
** (13) Dante looks down at the thorn sliver and knits his brow. "True, yeah. Here, take your book. Justin, do you have interest in this book as well?" *Dante hands Kurtis' book back to him* **
** (10) Kurtis hides it **
(14) Justin: "I have no idea what the books do."
(10) Kurtis: "Oh."
(14) Justin: "What I've gathered is that they're all connected."
(10) Kurtis: "Imagine an Idiot's Guide to Magic - the How to Manual."
(14) Justin: "That might put a stint on creative application of Magic. It could set you to thinking in certain formulas."
(10) Kurtis: "Well, turns out, there ARE! There are entire classes of sciences dedicated to magical studies, and paths discovered, and effects derived."
(13) Dante: "I'll just hold onto it then. It can answer a lot of questions, however. If you feel the need, just ask."
** (14) Justin shrugs to Kurtis and nods to Dante **
(14) Justin: "Allright."
** (13) Dante turns open the pages of the thorn-pricked book and makes a thick mark in it with the chalk, page 69 as before. "So marking this one won't affect the others? Are we sure?" **
(13) Dante: "You seem sure.." *seems a little nervous about the possible connection*
** (12) Shopkeeper turns in his sleep, snoring a bit. **
** (14) Justin looks down to the shopkeeper then back up to everyone **
(14) Justin: "Robin raised a good point. We need invitations and we need to get going before the party ends or the gem gets away.
(14) Justin: "
(10) Kurtis: "Roger's book was last in the series, as we saw, no books followed it into your hand, and Anthony's book wouldn't, since it's the first."
(13) Dante: "Well unless we come across an invitation between here and the party, we have a problem." "I see, yes. Alright then, I'll leave the mark." *closes the book and hides it*
(10) Kurtis: "So, Simon Lampry and Jason Roselli. Well, we know two real names that we can connect to. We'll spin a lie that we're their associates or something."
(14) Justin: ((I would like to make a note that this is all IC, it does not effect me at all. Stop referring to my -character- as "you"))
(16) Eve Kline: "And Diana Branch"
(16) Eve Kline: ((*snicker...@ Justin*))
(16) Eve Kline: ((you you you you you))
(14) Justin: ((X}))
(13) Dante: (( Oh god ))
(10) Kurtis: "Oh yeah, Diana. But I think she's too clever, sorry I honestly don't have the balls to call myself her accomplice. I'd try one of the smaller fish in her circle... Except the bouncers will probably mind scan my aura for lying... hmmm. Could you guys make me believe that I am indeed accomplice, of say, Simon Lampry, so that I'm telling the truth when we enter?"
(16) Eve Kline: "... We could just send in Justin for that."
** (16) Eve Kline evil smirk. **
(14) Justin: "I am Forester's apprentice."
(10) Kurtis: "Oh, dude, that's it."
** (13) Dante grins a bit. "Indeed. How utterly convenient." **
(10) Kurtis: "Just don't let your hatred for Simon squeeze through"
(14) Justin: "Didn't know you had mind magic Kurtis."
** (14) Justin adjusts his coat and steps towards the door **
(10) Kurtis: ((wait didnt Justin tell his story when they met?))
(14) Justin: ((No. pretty much jet onward I think?))
(13) Dante: (( lololo accidental metagaming ftw ))
(10) Kurtis: ((oops, rewind that line then. thought i -thought- he mentioned his family killed))
(10) Kurtis: ((hooooold ooooon))
(14) Justin: ((Eve told him his family had been killed))
(12) Shopkeeper: ((Everyone -but- Kurt knows about his pre-Forester backstory))
(12) Shopkeeper: ((oh okay))
(14) Justin: ((Wait, he mentioned a priest))
(16) Eve Kline: ((needs sleep soon?))
(14) Justin: ((Then they all got interrupted. He said that a priest skinned ashley bloom))
(10) Kurtis: (14) Eve: "Justin... Robertson?"
(10) Kurtis: ** (5) Justin nods to Kurtis, then looks at Eve **
(10) Kurtis: 5) Justin: "Yes, I went to Highschool, and yes, my name is Justin Robertson.
(10) Kurtis: (14) Eve: "So, why did you skin Ashley Bloom?"
(10) Kurtis: ** (5) Justin 's eyes widen at the name, and the horrid memories that come bubbling up **
(10) Kurtis: (5) Justin: "no.. no I didn't do.."
(10) Kurtis: (5) Justin: "It was the catholic priest.."
(10) Kurtis: (5) Justin: "Or babtist or something.."
(10) Kurtis: ((so yeah, we were all there, whole team. And there's only one Priest we know that skins people))
(14) Justin: ((*nods and gestures to his own admittance before the speal of quotes*))
(14) Justin: ((We go forward?))
(10) Kurtis: ((ya))
(10) Kurtis: "So, could you please put a mark on my sword so I can hide it, and have you toss it to me if needed? And off to party we go?"
(10) Kurtis: ((sleep is denied))
(15) Robin: "My bag and bat, too please."
** (14) Justin pulls out his mirror to adjust his hair and looks as Dante does his work **
(13) Dante: "You got it."
** (13) Dante reaches for his chalk and marks Kurt's sword on its hilt. He writes the word, "Urgency" on it in the chalk and puts the long stump away. **
(13) Dante: "Urgency, because shit probably will hit the fan."
whispering to Justin, You feel a friendly, dear presense in the mirror, a shade of red in the scale patterned glass flickering over your eyes in the reflection
** (13) Dante smirks, though his words are in a half-serious tone. **
** (10) Kurtis carries the sword outside and puts it under a dumpster. Then he thinks about bums and dumpster trucks. Grabs it, hides it in an alley, against a wall. A bum might take it? So what... **
** (10) Kurtis comes back **
(10) Kurtis: "Alright guys, let's go for a ball. Miss Kline? " offers his hand
(12) Moth: ((
(16) Eve Kline: "Oh so its Miss Kline now... what happened to deathdealer?"
** (16) Eve Kline smirks slightly **
(12) Moth: "Did someone say Moth Balls?"))
** (10) Kurtis smirks **
(14) Justin: I'll do what is right, what I must. *stray thought as Justin looks into the Mirror*
(10) Kurtis: "As you like, Deathdealer."
(10) Kurtis: "You're still going out with me."
(16) Eve Kline: "That so?"
** (10) Kurtis nods with a grin **
** (14) Justin sighs with renewed confidence and vigor as he pockets the mirror with careful meticulousness **
(14) Justin: "Stop securing your date and lets get going."
** (14) Justin walks out onto the street, and starts towards the party **
(16) Eve Kline: "I could always eschort the exotic italian."
** (16) Eve Kline continues to smirk **
(10) Kurtis: "Fine. Well then, pair up, lovers. You look more presentable in pairs."
** (13) Dante mentally notes Justin's thought, trying to keep his own conscious thoughts suppressed. He straightens his suit with a quick tug and an affirming nod. "Let's get going." **
** (10) Kurtis walks out on the street **
** (16) Eve Kline chuckles to herself and steps out onto the street as well **
(16) Eve Kline: "Is walking to the party going to look a tad bit odd?"
(10) Kurtis: "You touch her an inch below appropriate I'll incinerate you."
(14) Justin: "It's just up the street."
(13) Dante: "It is only a few blocks, as I recall."
(16) Eve Kline: "Yes but how many of the other guests are walking I wonder."
(10) Kurtis: "Which is why, like I said, walk in couples, as in Promenade, double date, whatever."
(13) Dante: (Kurtis)What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of jealousy.
(12) Renelius: Various people are walking down the streets, nothing seems to be happening. A military vehicle or two might drive by, though they seem in no rush or heading to any particular place.
(10) Kurtis: *TEETH GRIND*
(14) Justin: "Forester and I always walked. It would be out of character for a Thyrsis like me to be lazy enough to be driven everywhere.
** (10) Kurtis bows to Robin as he walks, offering a hand **
(16) Eve Kline: "Well there we are then."
(10) Kurtis: "Miss Lexar?"
** (13) Dante smirks sharply as he silently walks. (Kurtis) You've nothing to fear, fireman. **
** (15) Robin takes hhis and **
(10) Kurtis: I leave my beauty in your capable hands, telepath.
** (10) Kurtis whispers to Robin: "Hey, psst. Try to look like you're super into me, make her jealous." **
** (15) Robin rolls her eyes **
** (16) Eve Kline continues to follow Justin and Dante **
** (14) Justin walks, hands in his pockets, at a comfortable stride as they move towards the hallow **
** (13) Dante falls back just a bit and offers his hooked arm to Eve. "A lady should never need to walk alone." **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): We arrive at the doors
(12) Bouncer: The same guards are lined up outside, the two big guys and the average looking Marine type.
** (10) Kurtis gently lets go of Robin's hand, bows to her with a smile shortly, and walks up to a bouncer with a smile "Hi. Do we need invitations to come in?" **
** (16) Eve Kline smiles with the full weight of her charm and takes his arm **
(16) Eve Kline: "Thank you, how gracious of you."
(10) Bouncer 2: "No sir. Your invitation is your power." starts scanning Kurtis
(12) Bouncer: ((What language?))
(10) Bouncer 2: ((Atlantean!))
(13) Dante: "Oh, its no trouble at all."
** (13) Dante offers a soft smile and looks over to Kurtis and the bouncer. **
** (14) Justin watches quietly as Kurtis speaks with the Bouncer in that familiar language **
(16) Eve Kline: ((???))
(16) Eve Kline: ((<.><))>
** (15) Robin twirls some hair on her fingers **
(16) Eve Kline: ((> . > ))
(13) Dante: (( Parentheses ))
(10) Kurtis: "We saw some guests presenting invitations, I was just wondering."
(10) Bouncer 2: "Special guests and VIP, sir."
(16) Eve Kline: (( > . < ))>
(16) Eve Kline: ((0.0))
** (12) Bouncer looks the group over. **
** (10) Kurtis at this point does his very best to alter his aura to look more powerful **
(10) Kurtis: Gnosis 3 + Prime 4 = 7 - 2 = 5
(10) Kurtis: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,3,1,3,9] = (1)
** (13) Dante stands rather nonchalantly, his arm linked with Eve's as the bouncer looks to the group. He eyes the bouncer only briefly before looking about casually. **
(12) Bouncer: Wits + Gnosis =8
(12) Bouncer: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,[10, 8],[10, 9],4,1,5,1,2] = (2)
(10) Bouncer 2: ((roll it with prime + gnosis))
(16) Eve Kline: ((*gets out popcorn to watch the GM battle of rolls*))
(14) Justin: ((*brings butter.. and nachos*))
(13) Dante: ((*brings steak and mashed potatoes* ))
(10) Bouncer 2: Prime 3 + Gnosis 5 = 8
(10) Bouncer 2: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,8,[10, 3],6,8,6,7] = (4)
(16) Eve Kline: ((*shares with Justin since he brought nachos... and dante cause he has mashed potatoes))
(13) Dante: ((Looks like we're having a potluck for this spectator event))
** (12) Bouncer looks to the other guard with a chuckle **
(16) Eve Kline: We are soooo screwed.
(13) Dante: (Eve) I sincerely hope not.. Those two don't look like they are into the same things as me.
(10) Bouncer 2: "Your power is on the low side, of the spectrum sir, are you sure you're in the right place?"
(10) Kurtis: ((now here comes the important roll))
(16) Eve Kline: You mean your not into bullying and mindless weight lifting Dante? ...yeah seriously...
(14) Justin: ((Don't worry Dante, I got the clever yet subtle joke.))
(13) Dante: (Eve) I'm not into anything that looks like it has 150 pounds of muscle over me.
(10) Kurtis: "We're Mister Lampry's associates party. He said we'd be let in if we mention his name."
(13) Dante: (( Thank you XD ))
(10) Kurtis: Wits 4 + Subtrefuge 3 vs Resolve + Empathy
(16) Eve Kline: ((totally picked the right guy for lying.. my roll is only 5))
(13) Dante: (( 4 here ))
(14) Justin: ((-8 here. ))
(16) Eve Kline: ((lol @ justin))
(10) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,9,[10, 8],5,2,6] = (3)
(10) Kurtis: 4 for Kurt
(10) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,5,7,7,1] = (0)
(10) Kurtis: Oh baby
(10) Kurtis: ((we random rolled guard's stats, it was 3 and 3 ))
(12) Bouncer: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,5,2,6,3,9] = (1)
** (12) Bouncer looks to Kurt, then to the other Bouncer and nods a bit. **
(10) Bouncer 2: "Ah, new recruits, as he calls you. Let's see." *checks the list* "Yeah, Lampry is on the list."
** (10) Bouncer 2 to Bouncer 1 "Find Mister Lampry and let him know that more of his associates have arrived." back to Kurt, "Alright, please come in, you and your party" **
** (14) Justin nods to the information, and starts walking inside **
** (10) Kurtis motions behind his back "quickly guys!" motion **
** (10) Kurtis courteously takes Robin's hand **
** (13) Dante follows suit, trodding with Eve in his arm. **
** (16) Eve Kline heads inside giving dante's arm a light squeeze as they pass the bouncers **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Ok, miniature time, get them from your computers, not internets))
** (15) Robin follows Kurt inside **
(13) Dante: (( I have no miniature ))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((We all enter at the yellow doors - thats the entrance.))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((attention as I draw people))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((brown dots are moros mages, green dots are mastigos mages, blue dots are thyrsus mages, purple dots are acanthus mages, red dots are obrimos mages))
(12) Bouncer: Why do the bathrooms share a room?
(13) Dante: (( Tangerine dots are - wtf is that ))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ooookay, who posted a pic from the web?))
(16) Eve Kline: ((lol@justins))
(12) Bouncer: OOOOOOOOOoooooooooo you're in trouble..
(14) Justin: (not me. )
(15) Robin: ((mine was local))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok stop fucking with them))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i will resize em))
(16) Eve Kline: Could whoever is doing that quit?
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((every time someone does anything, i get an error))
(14) Justin: (I'm done doing anything. But my map has jumped.)
(14) Justin: (gratzi))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((dante will be.... this awesome.... thing))
(13) Dante: (( I havent even put a pic up yet, so it aint me))
(13) Dante: (( God. And I was almost done with mine ))
(12) Bouncer: nor I
(16) Eve Kline: ((I have a picture of a salmon in a dress...))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): You see only a handful of Moros, having a gathering at the corner, in the middle there is a variety of tables, with plenty of seats open, out in the open area there's a live band and a grand stage with a dance floor. The brown rectangle is a bar with a courteous dozen of bartenders and all sorts of drinks available.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Now, the thing alongside the dancefloor is the stairs that lead to second floor. Second floor is marked blue. The bathrooms also include dressing rooms and the rooms the bathrooms connect to, the ones marked with cute blue steam are saunas - one for men only, one for ladies only, and one joined, with the heart in it, and I do mean a heart, as people have special booths there just to enjoy each other's company intimately.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): The yellow dots will be the guards. They all have gnosis of at least 5, which you can sort of kind of feel, a good bit more than yours, but not as high as some of the people you've been fighting. A few figures stand out with a higher power however, among them is the man in a white suit you saw earlier, a woman in red, accompanied by a black man in a black tux, with black sunglasses always on, a lady in a black frilly dress sitting close to the stage, and a few others
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): the yellow arrows are the guard patrol routes that you can notice from where you stand
(19) Robin (enter): 23:14
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): The green doors are locked, with two guards standing at each.
(19) Robin (exit): 23:15
(20) Renelius (enter): 23:15
(13) Dante: (( Tangerine doors require a big key from one of the small chests in the area. The big chest requires the big key, and you can't go to the boss door until you have the big key either ))
(14) Justin: (( Oh N64, how I miss thee. ))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): And if you zoom out all the way out, i'll explain what's what, unless you want to wander and explore. Your call guys
(21) Robin (enter): 23:16
** (13) Dante looks about the room, impressed by the size of it on the inside as well as the people within its walls. **
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (20) Renelius...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (21) Robin...
** (10) Bellboy attends you and gives you all brochures with a map of the facilities **
** (14) Justin draws his gaze through the room, taking in the number of people, with their types and groupings, scanning to see the figures that stand out to him **
** (20) Bouncer follows behind the group and makes some sort of signal as he walks into the first room. He heads off around the dance floor to a seperate room **
(13) Dante: (Group) Alright guys, so what's the plan?
(14) Justin: Eavesdrop and mingle?
(20) Bouncer: (("Don't you know your left flank from your right flank?"))
** (10) Bellboy explains to you that green doors are restricted area, the bathrooms and the saunas are free for all, the room on the north end with black couches is the sitting lounge, for talking and quite time, perhaps making contacts, the smaller ballrom with a grand piano in it is a blue fashioned ballroom for anyone who enjoys that music style, so basically another ballroom, more quiet, more private, no food or tables, the area south below it is the BUFFET! the south of buffet is roulette and poker tables - the casino area. On top up the stairs you have a corridor leading to the balcony, smoking area, and a branch from it is an open air swiming pool, kept at cool comfortable temperature, and hot tubs. The Hollow is multi-oblative, which means doing any activity in any room for 1 hour restores your mana **
(16) Eve Kline: I take it Lampry is in the direction the bouncer went... we had best dissappear before he brings him out to find us... Thought it may be a good assumption that the gem and Diana are in that direction as well...
(10) Kurtis: Make sure Diamond Prince doesnt spot us. Dissipate. Lampry will be warned that new recruits came. From how many people he employs and experiments on, he probably won't care first, but eventually will want to talk to us. So, let's just get lost in this mass of people.
(13) Dante: (Group) Alright guys, we gotta split up then. Blend in. Lampry is assumed to be here, so we'll need to avoid him as discreetly as possible. Kurtis thinks we'll have some time before Lampry will show. Eve suggests that Diana and the gem may be in the direction the bouncer went.
(16) Eve Kline: We could try the bracelet and liquid but we would have to be discrete.. like in a stall in the bathroom.. and I don't know how accurate it will be at this close a range
** (16) Eve Kline follows dante around on his arm looking charming while thinking furiously **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): IMPORTANT NOTE: on the back of the brochure: ALLOWED SPELLCASTING: Shield, scans, self alterations, self aura-spells, occultation, manipulation of self, and only self, trance states, dreaming spells, productive spells: fixing, rigging, augmenting one's OWN property, not the property of the Hollow. STRICTLY PROHIBITED: offensive and malicious, harmful spells, and any spells whatsoever on other persons without their pemission, or spells on items belonging to other persons.
(13) Dante: (Group) I don't know what to look out for, really. Never seen any of them myself. *leads Eve about the area, trying to keep appearances as an escort while he guides them toward the center floor ((the ballroom thing in the middle where the bartenders and music is))*
** (21) Robin gazes around wide-eyed. **
(16) Eve Kline: ((Dance floore))
(20) Woman: A woman in a black dress with a veil covering her face, a fairly thick vail too, aproaches Justin with a smile.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Ah, also. Marked K is the kitchen, no access, this is where your food is being made by the cooks, and only waiters access it, and guards. W is the warehouse, where raw produce is stored.
(13) Dante: (( G is the glomping room ))
(13) Dante: (( Or as the ancient Atlanteans called it... The Glomperia ))
(16) Eve Kline: ((No.. its the Gang bang room... KK drew this remember ;)))
** (10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress orders a drink at the bar and joins her husband, giving a sly glance all around **
(13) Dante: (( Oh that's right ))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((GUARD ROOM GUARD ROOM FFS))
(13) Dante: (( :D ))
(20) Woman: "Hello"
(16) Eve Kline: ((..... *liked her answer better* :( ))
(16) Eve Kline: ((who is this person talking to??))
(20) Woman: ((Justin))
(16) Eve Kline: ((ahh))
** (10) Kurtis mingles at the bar, drinking, or pretending to be **
** (16) Eve Kline continues towards the dance floor on dante's arm,keeping an eye open for any of the Branch group she has pictures of **
** (13) Dante orders a drink for himself, a glass of whiskey, no ice. He turns to Eve. "And whatever the miss may like." **
(16) Eve Kline: ((or... at the bar.. :P))
(16) Eve Kline: ((whateva))
(13) Dante: (( They are not the same area? I misread previous description then ))
(10) Kurtis: One thing we guys didn't think of is to make some poison, or laxative, or sedative, or truth serum... and inside is too late...
(13) Dante: (( Ah I see now ))
(16) Eve Kline: "A cosmopalitan please."
(10) Kurtis: There's lots of alcohol here.
(14) Justin: ((One sec, catching up))
** (21) Robin finds herself at the bar, orders something yummuy **
(13) Dante: (Group) Kurt has a point. We should have made some sort of concoctions to have on hand given the amount of drinks around here.
** (14) Justin smiles to the woman who approaches him, he bows lightly at the waist before returning her conversation **
(14) Justin: "Why hello, pretty nice party they've got going here."
(16) Eve Kline: That would have been a good thing to think up before we got in yes.
(14) Justin: I wish I had thought of it.
(20) Woman: "You look a bit on edge, first time at something like this?"
(16) Eve Kline: ((Justin should fit right in..bunch of crazy ppl trying to rule the world one peice at a time = Mormon church :P))
(14) Justin: "Is it that obvious?"
** (14) Justin smiles and laughs somewhat nervously **
(14) Justin: ((haha!))
(13) Dante: (Group) No matter, it is too late now for sure. No matter, just keep mingling. And keep an eye open for bouncers and important or more-powerful mages.
(20) Woman: "American?"
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (16) Eve Kline...
(13) Dante: (( No matter, no matter, no matter. Sheesh, my word choice is getting sloppy now ))
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (14) Justin...
(14) Justin: "Very, though I'm enjoying the continent."
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (16) Eve Kline...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (14) Justin...
** (13) Dante takes the drink he presumably gets from the bartender and has a swig of it, calmly looking about at the other patrons and wishing he knew more about what he was looking for. **
** (16) Eve Kline sips her cosmo glancing around the room for any notworthy or Branch associated faces. **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Ok, here is how mechanics will work to make it easier, and not impossible. Guards = Bust. If you're miniature is one inch or more on the map from any guard or guard route arrow, you may violate the casting rules, but will have to roll against the number of dice equal to people present in your room. So, if there's 5 people in your room, you roll against a 5d10. If the witnesses win, you're caught and WILL DIE most likely. If your roll wins, you accomplish both the effect and manage to stay undetected.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i have a ruler! i WILL measure 1 inch))
(16) Eve Kline: ...
(16) Eve Kline: ((so... we're screwed. ))
(20) Woman: ((*zooms all the way in*))
(21) Robin: my minis bigger, not fair))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((it means cast in small rooms and/or wait for people to leave and/or orchestrate scenarios that may make people leave.))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i suspect since claire needs sleep, this may be multi-session business))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i'm also growing tired))
(16) Eve Kline: yeah...))
(16) Eve Kline: ((I can haz sleep tyme noa plz))
(14) Justin: ((Friggin' alaskans))
(20) Woman: "Would you care to dance Mr. American?"
(13) Dante: (( I was about to note that I'm too tired to properly monitor the guards' proximity on the map while typing into the box down here and thinking of what to do next. ))
(21) Robin: (Oooo)
(16) Eve Kline: ((least we don't have... hurracains..))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((which thanks to Eve is alright *grumble* since my entire plot will have to take a jagged curve XD i didnt anticipate the fact that we now just have to mark the gem))
(14) Justin: "I would love to ma'am."
(20) Woman: Funny that the people o the east coast are probably the least tired ))
** (14) Justin blushes and smiles, offering up his hand to take hers, and lead her to the dance floor **
(16) Eve Kline: (not my fault I'm smart and a plot breaker :P))
(13) Dante: (( Hahaha, it was one of the first things I thought of once Dante grabbed the books ))
** (21) Robin sips from her drink looking around at the others milling around the bar. **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((tip for next game: think of social scenarios. there are couples here, there are friends, brothers, and enemies here, people get hungry, thirsty, horny, people go take a piss. Listen, watch, observe, manipulate, exploit. There will be peculiar individuals. Other than that, you may request examination of any table or each individual dot in the room, and i'll ddescribe a person, or shawn will))
** (20) Woman though the veil completly obscures her eyes you can easily see the smile on her face as she practicly pulls you onto the dance floor. **
** (13) Dante looks over to Justin, peering over the table of obrimos mages to watch him dance with the mysterious blue-clad woman. He takes another drink from his glass and looks back to Eve. "You the dancing type?" **
** (10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress walks up to Kurtis with a drink **
(16) Eve Kline: ((she's dressed in black.))
** (10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress is dressed in blue, thank you **
(16) Eve Kline: "I've been known to dance on occation." *smiles*
(16) Eve Kline: ((no the woman dancing with Justin))
** (14) Justin follows the woman onto the dance floor, an amused smile on his lips as he waits to dance **
(10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress: ((thats fine))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(12) Renelius' from server... Removing dead client
(12) Renelius (exit): 23:44
** (13) Dante sets his drink down on the bar and offers his leading hand. "Care to partake?" **
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(15) Robin' from server... Removing dead client
(15) Robin (exit): 23:44
** (10) Kurtis to the woman in blue "How you doing." **
** (13) Dante smiles sharply as his eyes meet with Eve's. **
(10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress: "Having a wonderful time, how about yourself?"
(10) Kurtis: "Just arrive. But appears I will be having lots and lots of great, fantastic time."
** (16) Eve Kline smiles and takes his hand, "Certainly, thank you for the invitation" **
** (20) Woman the band is playing some moderatly fast swing music, she steps to the edge of the dance floor and offers a hand. **
** (13) Dante widens his smile into more of a grin and leads Eve to the dance floor for some swinging. **
(10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress: "Oh, I will be having lots of fantastic time as well." chuckles "With my husband."
** (16) Eve Kline is actually pretty good at swing dancing, one of her quirky hobbies **
** (14) Justin takes her hand and smiles as charmingly as he can muster, before leading out onto the dance floor, starting out dancing moderately well to the music **
(10) Kurtis: "Oh? Hey, that's great! Many good looking couples here I noticed. Real classy place. I don't believe we've introduced. Kurtis J. Lithgow."
(10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress: "Missis Clara Remington."
(10) Kurtis: "The Remington?"
(10) Woman in a Blue Frilly Dress: "Well, no, not like the guns" *laughs*
** (13) Dante doesn't seem to be quite as experienced as Eve, given limited practice, but tries not to falter while keeping up. **
** (16) Eve Kline continues to scan the room best she can while dancing with Dante, thought she does occationally give Dante a grin or wink of encouragement while dancing. **
** (20) Woman seems to have gone to many of these events, not only can she dance, but she seems to know the song that the band is playing by heart, knowing the change in tempos as the happen. **
** (10) A man in a tuxedo spots Robin across the dancefloor and waves. He says something to a man next to him ear to ear. **
** (14) Justin takes the womans lead, smiling as he gets into the swing of the music, noting how familiar the woman seems to be with it all, he decides it might be best to hang around this one and learn more **
** (21) Robin smiles and takes a sip of her drink. **
** (13) Dante looks about the dance floor as he gives Eve a spin, trying to spot the others of their group, looking mainly toward the bar. **
** (21) Robin waves to dante, as he catches her eye. **
** (20) Woman when the song is finished she smiles and bows. "See you around American." and runs off through the couples on the dance floor. **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you overhear a coversation between two men to your side: "yes, i find it a great relief, these bastards all should be hung with the bones, haha" "Agreed. Last reports from the battlefront were reassuring." "Leipzig will be free of Free Council, if it already isn't." "Yes indeed, brother, we won." - all in Atlantean
** (20) Woman through the eastern hallway. **
** (14) Justin sighs as the woman runs off, furrowing his brow as he steps off of the dance floor and wanders into the hallway after her **
** (13) Dante grins and waves to Robin as he and Eve break momentary contact without missing a beat. **
** (21) Robin makes her way across the room, up to the man that waved. approaching him with a smile. **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you notice the man in a white tuxedo you saw smoking on the balcony, when you were outside, he is taking a bottle of wine and going up the large round staircase, heading into the restricted area
(21) Robin: "How are you?"
(10) A man in a tuxedo: "Evening, miss. I love your dress. It stands out."
(21) Robin: "Thanks, do you smoke?"
(16) Eve Kline: ((kay ya'll sorry but I have to go to bed. up for work in 6 hours and not feeling well to boot ))
(13) Dante: (( Booooo ))
(10) A man in a tuxedo: "Indeed I do. I didn't expect you would though, so fresh looking and pretty. You look stunning. My name's Theodore Roxwell, but call me Ted."
** (10) Theodore Roxwell gives his hand **
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this episode is a Hitman fan's wet dream))
(21) Robin: "Nice, to meet you Ted, I'm Robin." *Takes hand*
(14) Justin: ((Dats okay Eve. Sleep is good for you, get sleep.))
(13) Dante: (( Totally a Hitman scene ))
(21) Robin: ((yeah nightty night. we can box it))
(20) Woman: The next room seems to be a lounge. There are two guards watching a door, tables and sofas. There are 5 men sitting around talking. Empty to mostly empty glasses. "It was all so quick, three of them just surrounded me in an alleyway, shortly after my arival here, all bareing the Free Council Insignea."
(16) Eve Kline: ((yeah except in hit man if you die you can reload the level ))
(20) Woman: ((I'm up for a box if that's the call))
(14) Justin: ((Box is cool.))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): ((alright))
(10) Konrad Knox (GM):
This is what happens when a Mister 47 snapping over the Fuck Yourself XD

(13) Dante: (( Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez XD ))
(16) Eve Kline: ohh.. deep.
(14) Justin: What?
(14) Justin: Or rather, wat?
(13) Dante: lolwut?
(20) Woman: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
(16) Eve Kline: Songs to wear pants to... is all you need to know.
(13) Dante: [1d100] => [80] = (80)
(14) Justin: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
(16) Eve Kline: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
(13) Dante: Damns
(14) Justin: Inorite?
(13) Dante: Beaten by a MOMO! Curses!
(16) Eve Kline: lol
(14) Justin: Imagine a mormon supervillain..
(16) Eve Kline: xps?
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): all 5 exp. Dante gets +1 for shining, Eve gets +1 for gem idea and breaking my plotofdoom machine.
(14) Justin: XPS
(16) Eve Kline: eeee
(13) Dante: I shine like a crystal ball, yall
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): continue to entertain me. All who makes me laugh will get bonus exps
(14) Justin: Si'.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): great RP overall
(16) Eve Kline: The pancake bunny made ME laught.
(14) Justin: Gracias.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): seems like everyone was into it
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Pancake bunny loses, pancakes revoke
(16) Eve Kline: :(
(14) Justin: Yes, I laughed very hard when the yellow tux came up.
(21) Robin: i vote bunny back in
(14) Justin: I agree.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): srsly, post links, dont bring random images ONTO the board XD we can all punch it into browser. not worth messing up the program.
(13) Dante: I vote rabbit stew
(14) Justin: Bunny needs a place.
(13) Dante: That place is my belly
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, not do that
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (13) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (14) Justin...
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (16) Eve Kline...
(13) Dante: Was definitely not me... again
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (20) Renelius...
Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (21) Robin...
(14) Justin: I didn't bring it up.
(20) Renelius: That was me, but it was local
(20) Renelius: sorry
(16) Eve Kline: Bed, sleep, night
(16) Eve Kline: *cookies and bye*
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): saving map for next time
(14) Justin: G'night.
(13) Dante: Night Claire
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): never did it before
(16) Eve Kline: Disconnecting from server...
(16) Eve Kline (exit): 00:05
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): sweet it works
(21) Robin: laters
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): or seems to work
(14) Justin: Veiled chick is titillating.
(14) Justin: I must learn more of her.
(13) Dante: What is working and what is broken? These are one in the same.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Titty Lating
(21) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(21) Robin (exit): 00:06
(13) Dante: Litty tating?
(14) Justin: Working, Broken? It is a dichotomy in which none can observe.
(10) Konrad Knox (GM): Duality is a Titty's game
(14) Justin: Them I am a dual-titty fool.
(13) Dante: Titties are a duality game.
(14) Justin: So, next game is wednesday? Thursday?
(13) Dante: So I haz 18 exp again. I wanna buy 1st dot of persuasion
(13) Dante: Thursday could work again for me. Hell, we could do it this Saturday on my end XD
(13) Dante: I do work Sunday through Wednesday next week though.
(14) Justin: Sooo.. thursday?
(20) Renelius: Sounds good
(14) Justin: Awesome.
(13) Dante: Works for me. Not sure about Knox. Is probably tucking in Claire.
(14) Justin: What a gorramned insomniac.
(13) Dante: Who
(13) Dante: o.O
(20) Renelius: O.0
(14) Justin: Knoxxy. Staying awake while Claire is asleep. Sheesh.
(13) Dante: ()_o
(13) Dante: lol, he may have already passed out.
(14) Justin: That'd actually be pretty funny.
(13) Dante: He does that from time to time
(20) Renelius: I am awake while Rachel is sleeping alot
(14) Justin: Shit man, if you're awake while she's asleep, you should drive down here.
(14) Justin: It's only like eleven hours from where you are.
(20) Renelius: Yeah that's a gre.... NO
(20) Renelius: Unless you guys actually have a fucking decent Arcade.
(20) Renelius: Pensacola has me on a rage about our lack of Arcade.
(14) Justin: We may have, I haven't explored any of this goddamned city.
(14) Justin: Oh, we have like five.
(14) Justin: Looks like 8 in fort lauderdale.
(20) Renelius: I walked into the one in our mall and then walked out after looking around for like 3 seconds. No fighting games, like one really old school racing game. One rail shooter, and skeeball. Then some other stuff. I walked out ashamed I was even in there.
(13) Dante: We have an arcade, but it sucks bawls
(14) Justin: I usually walk out of arcades ashamed I was even there.
(14) Justin: I suck hard at arcade games.
(20) Renelius: I mean FWB actually had a decent arcade and it's like 1/5 the size of this damn city.
(13) Dante: Oh, so you usually walk into arcades?
(14) Justin: When I enter arcades.
(14) Justin: xp
(13) Dante: :P I caught your meaning
(13) Dante: Las Vegas had a pretty sweet arcade.
(14) Justin: Anyways, shawno I'll be up there around thanksgiving.
(13) Dante: Well, has. Still does I'm sure.
(20) Renelius: I'm addicted to fighters, I love arcades.
(14) Justin: I don't imagine las vegas would be lacking in anything.
(20) Renelius: Cool, so will Elliot (mom moved to Virgina))
(14) Justin: Awr, well I'll get your address and we'll hang out?
(13) Dante: This... is true. Vegas is not lacking in anything, save for one thing. Incentive to live there.
(14) Justin: That is a good point Dante.
(14) Justin: Fort Lauderdale has nothing of note. It's like a cancerous tumor on the back of Miami filled with overpriced shitty apartments and liquior stores.
(20) Renelius: I think the most common incentive to live there is mob-debt.
(13) Dante: Coeur d'Alene thinks its in California. Its actually in Idaho.
(13) Dante: Mob-debt? Incentive if you're on the receiving end of dividends, I suppose, yeah.
(20) Renelius: lakes are ccccccooold
(20) Renelius: No on the fearful end of the dividends.
(14) Justin: Shit man, you should try lakes in Michigan, those are cold.
(20) Renelius: After swimming in the gulf, any other body of water feels like ice.
(14) Justin: Fuckyeah GOM!
(14) Justin: But then I never went to the beach.
(20) Renelius: Me neither
(20) Renelius: But it's still warmer
(13) Dante: Well, gentlemen, I think I'll be turning in. It would appear that Knox has, indeed, fallen asleep. Thursday is good for all of us then?
(14) Justin: Yes.
(20) Renelius: I like when tourists ask me when if the water is warm I'm like.. "uhhhhh..." and they are like was it warm last time you went swimming?" and I'm like "In fourth grade? Yeah it was awesome."
(14) Justin: Have a good evening!
(20) Renelius: sounds good see you then.
(13) Dante: Alrighty. I'll let Knox know tomorrow, when I hear from him next.
(13) Dante: You too, you two. :P Was fun.
(13) Dante: Self-destructing his brain...
(13) Dante (exit): 00:26
(14) Justin: Hmm.. so exit out of openrpg then?
(20) Renelius: guess imma get off da server
(14) Justin: Same here.
(14) Justin: *waves*
(20) Renelius: Disconnecting from server...
(20) Renelius (exit): 00:27
(14) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(14) Justin (exit): 00:27