Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:15
(1) Eve Kline (enter): 18:15
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:16
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Eve Kline (enter): 18:16
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Eve Kline...
(1) Eve Kline: *sets up land minds...*
(3) Dante (enter): 18:18
(4) Justin (enter): 18:19
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Dante...
(3) Dante: (( r-r-r-r-rock, rock, rock it hardcore. ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Justin...
(1) Eve Kline: *puts little flags on all her set up land mines*
(2) Konrad Knox: (( *takes out arkenhammer and ROCKS OUT on a DRAGON))
(4) Justin: *puts on sunglasses*
(4) Justin: The new book is up!
** (1) Eve Kline wears her sunglasses at night. **
(4) Justin: Page two..
(2) Konrad Knox: page 3 actually
(4) Justin: Well shit, brb.
(2) Konrad Knox: so Ice Age 3 is some funny shit btw
(2) Konrad Knox: Um. So here we are again, no reply from Shawn/Rachel yet.
(3) Dante: That's two weeks in a row.
(2) Konrad Knox: Okay, well, not hard to handle. Proxy them into a plot-pocket and move on?
(1) Eve Kline: In the words of KK's old IM message, "What alternative do I have?"
(3) Dante: (( It still is there >_> ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Wolfwood's quote originally
(2) Konrad Knox: and yes, still there
(4) Justin: Well that works.
** (1) Eve Kline looks at the Im... looks back **
(1) Eve Kline: so it is.
(4) Justin: Proxy pocket and all that fun.
(2) Konrad Knox: so am i the only one who wants to see a scene of Parson having sex with Archons?
(3) Dante: Yes.
(2) Konrad Knox: that was a quick reply >.<
(1) Eve Kline: Yup.
(4) Justin: Oddly enough, no.. Maybe it's the need to experience all rule 34 that is available to me?
(3) Dante: Occam's Razor meets three-letter words?
(3) Dante: ew, no.
(3) Dante: Baaaaaaaaaaad
(2) Konrad Knox: hoookay. suppose i'll start putting logs up online again
(4) Justin: That is an excellent idea.
(2) Konrad Knox: Alright, give me 5 minutes to prepare. We will start off from where we last left. Meanwhile, i want everyone's character sheets over MSN please
(2) Konrad Knox: putting episodes up
** (4) Justin nods **
(2) Konrad Knox: okay, lets see
(2) Konrad Knox: sorry folks, taking a bit
(2) Konrad Knox: almost there
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, got all ur char sheets
(2) Konrad Knox: alright, logs are up
(2) Konrad Knox: good to begin i think
(4) Justin: Sweet.
(2) Konrad Knox: wow, this feels familiar
(4) Justin: Yeah?

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Konrad Knox:
Mage The Awakening - Episode 23

(1) Eve Kline: weeeeehehe
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): So, ladies and gents, you find yourself inside a descending helicopter with a gigantic crimson scaled beast trying to climb its side. A loud crashing sound, and you all feel the vehicle lean sharply down, as Roc, your pilot, yells "We got trouble!"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): This bish right there ^
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): As you look around the helicopter, you see the following items. Let me describe them, then if you want something i didnt cover, you will have to give me rolls
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, without much effort, all of you can spot the following BIG items:
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the minigun (orange thing on the side), the door to the pilot's cockpit, it has a lock on it, which is now unlocked, since the pilot is talking to you, the three orange thingies are rappel hooks, made of steel, attached via canvas rope to the wall rail (for paratrooper use), the light green squares are canvas seats, equipped with life vests that float on water, the purple dump in the front corner is a crate of firearms - pistols and M4 rifles. The purple thing in the back is an extra roll of sturdy rope, about 100 feet long. Medical kit is marked with a red cross, and the teal symbols are - sleeping bag, and a few rolled up tents. Now, the orange Star-like device in the middle is schematically represented on its side view. It looks like a table with a rotating crystal slotted into its runed slot, and has 4 outlets.
** (2) Kurtis is recovering from his exhaustion in one of the seats, he seems to be asleep and oblivious to the situation. The red smoldering monster has attached itself in the following position. It's climbing. **
(2) Kurtis: game on. What do you do?
(4) Justin: (Roll for initiative?)
(2) Roc: ((combat not started yet as the thing is in no position to attack, its trying to climb))
(2) Roc: ((you have about 15 seconds of action))
(1) Eve Kline: hmm...
(2) Roc: "Guys somebody get whatever that is off the boat!"
(1) Eve Kline: Can I attempt to make the part of the helecopter that it is attached to made of glass and thus too slick for it to climb?
(2) Roc: Yesss you can attempt to do so.
(2) Roc: ((but remember who your GM is now))
(2) Roc: ((and consequences :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The beast is somewhere in the blindzone, it just disappeared from the window, it seems to have set its foot on the landing gear, one paw is clawing into the side of the heli between two windows, the other paw tries to reach for the door
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the door is gonna be marked yellow
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Thats where the minigun is sticking out of
(1) Eve Kline: How big are its hands?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): each hand is about double the size of your head, the whole thing is about 12 foot tall
(1) Eve Kline: "Guys get something heavy ready, if this doesn't work maybe we can throw it at the beast and startle it knocking it off when it reaches the door."
** (1) Eve Kline rubs her hands togeather and touches the helecopter about where the beast should be, attempting to alter the chemical make up of the wall just where her hands are touching in 2 foot radius circles **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((meanwhile, everyone tell me which spells you have active. Kurtis is asleep so he has none))
(1) Eve Kline: ((Prime sight and a shield with 3 left on it I beleive))
(3) Dante: (( I think I had mind sight up, nothing else if I recall ))
(4) Justin: (( I think my shield was destroyed, so nothing ))
(1) Eve Kline: ((transmute earth = intel+occult+matter = 10))
(1) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,3,7,[10, 3],[10, 3],2,7,6,4] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, this thing has a mind, you can sense it, smell it, feel it if you will, it's primal, rudimentary, but it is a mind. You -know- it's not the same beast you met in Pandemonium, for one, it's hostile, for two, this one isn't as intelligent, not nearly, but instead you feel its brutal determination. This is a predator's mind.
(1) Eve Kline: ((so? 4 sucesses?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): EVe, you are fairly precise in using your power, the wall around your fingers not only turns to glass, but even cups the beast's claws precisely. This results in two effects. The good news is, the glass shatters under the demon's claws, making him lose his grip and slip down, the bad news is, you now have a foot round hole in the metal wall. You have enough control to stop the spell in time as soon as the beast slid down, and the metal restores itself before the hole grows any further. The beast's hand is cut, black blood flowing out of it, the creature managed to grab the landing gear with its healthy hand, now hanging only on one hand, and much lower
(1) Eve Kline: "Anyone got a plan B?"
(3) Dante: "Maybe, yeah..." (( Can I create a hallucination of the helicopter moving away from the demon, so as to make it think its no longer grasping anything? With proper successes, the target senses would be touch and sight.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((subtract the demon's resolve from you roll. resolve is 3))
** (3) Dante looks about the helicopter, taking in its appearance while imagining the exterior as he saw it when he first boarded. He closes his eyes and imagines the helicopter moving away, drifting from the demon and tries to make it so. ((Mind 4, Gnosis 3 - 3 = 4)) **
(3) Dante: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],9,3,2] = (2)
(3) Dante: (( the intent would be to have the hallucination appear to sway just out of reach for the demon's grasp, targetting the sense of touch and sight as stated. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((so your intent is to make it feel that its grasp on the rail is not real, that he already fell?))
(3) Dante: ((I guess that's a better way to put it, yes ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The demon's face is striken with anger and panic as it bats its paw in the air, trying to reach the landing gear which in its mind moves away from it, but in reality what it ends up doing is letting go of the gear it's actually holding onto in an attempt to grab something, which ends up being thin air, and it plummets down towards the ground, a short burst of flame exiting its sharp toothed mouth, as it roars menacingly
** (4) Justin nods as he feels the weight lift from the helicopter, he chooses this moment to extend his awareness into the mechanical workings of the vehicle, in an attempt to stabalize and repair what he can **
(3) Dante: (( Cartoon laws of gravity? :D ))
(4) Justin: matter 3 gnosis 2 = 5
(4) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,5,2,[10, 9]] = (2)
** (3) Dante breathes a sigh of relief, still tense as he approaches the minigun to cast his gaze down toward the beast. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you can gain insight into two aspects of the aircraft mechanical details
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you can still see the demon down below, for it's big enough to be more than a mere dot on the ground, you can't tell if it landed on its back or on its feet, but you know it's still moving. It's moving in the same direction as the chopper, as if trying to fly a kite, it looks up, trying to see you
(4) Justin: Okay, balance/stability and the specifics of the engine, I got three successes so is the third what I use to repair something I found was wrong?
(2) Roc: "We might have to land soon, might need some repairs. I'll take you as far as I can. Where do you need to be?"
** (1) Eve Kline glances at Robin for a direction? **
(3) Dante: (( Would I need to recast my hallucination to have it travel opposite the helicopter, or no? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, Justin. Third one account for your knowledge of repairs. Give me a intelligence + crafts or intelligence + investigation roll))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Dante, you don't know.))
(4) Justin: Int 3 crafts 1 = 4
(4) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,3,2] = (1)
** (3) Dante tries to manipulate the hallucination further, commanding it to move opposite the helicopter's direction, all the while watching the demon intently from above to see if it follows the bait. ((So I will find out XD )) **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, the engine is a four-bladed, twin-motor, medium-lift utility helicoper engine, the engine block has not been hit, but one of the pressure systems is malfunctioning due to a severed valve. Also, the hard dents in the fuselage are affecting the balance of the draft pull. The aircraft is no longer in symmetrical shape
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you feel that your link with the demon is so weak it's almost gone. The thing is too far away, you cannot sense its mind as clearly as before, because thousands of little creatures are down there below, and their minds interfere with the on you worked with.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): one*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You can sense all kinds of things between you and the demon, insects, birds, small animals
(1) Eve Kline: lemmings..
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ravens...
** (3) Dante continues to watch the demon regardless, scowling somewhat at all the distractions. **
(3) Dante: (( lol ))
(4) Justin: "Eve, we've got a couple things in the aircraft that are wrong. Do you think you can adjust it's shape for better symmetry while I patch up this severed valve inside of the thing?
(4) Justin: "
(1) Eve Kline: "I can try"
** (3) Dante calls back to the rest of the group. "He's still following, or so it seems. Unless that's a moving boulder, anyway." **
(4) Justin: "It's just a few dents and things, we just need to make sure we won't spin out of control or tip or something."
** (4) Justin does his best to channel his energy into the inner bits and pieces of the helicopter, seeking out the severed valve that's causing problems, as he attempts to patch it back to working order **
(4) Justin: matter 3 gnosis 2 = 5
(4) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,2,7,9] = (1)
** (1) Eve Kline attempts to shape the chopper from the inside making it more symetrical... **
(1) Eve Kline: Matter + Gnosis = 5
(1) Eve Kline: I will spend a willpower...
(1) Eve Kline: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],4,7,8,9,2,[10, 2],7] = (4)
(1) Eve Kline: Oh my...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, you got a really unrobust, shoddy, ugly patchwork fix, the chunks of rubber, metal, and plastic sloppily attach to each other, a blind mexican technician would have done a better job, but you - you think you did great. The spell goes off, and the valve leaks a bit less now.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay, Eve, describe exactly how you're doing your spell.
** (1) Eve Kline moves around trying to find the places where the chopper is misshaped and smooth them back into their correct curve rubbing out the dents **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Are you modifying the aircraft's plasticity at any point?
(1) Eve Kline: I'm trying to use Repair Object, but if I have to alter its plasticity I will do it on very small amounts at a time.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you have an option of learning Repair Object rote. Ding! Fork up 6 xp and i wont torment you with additional rolls and consider this a success
(1) Eve Kline: okay... I am now at 10 xp
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You all hear crrrrreeeeaaaking and metal clashing, the chopper makes a few wierd noises, rocks back and forth and then from side to side, to Roc's slight panic, and then completely stabilizes, good as new.
(2) Roc: "Ooh, much better. Much better."
(2) Roc: "Alright, homies, where are we doing?"
** (4) Justin gives a slight nod and leans back against the wall of the helicopter in a bit of exhaustion **
(4) Justin: "I don't know, Robin had a heading.."
** (3) Dante looks back at the newly repaired helicopter, offering up a brief smile. "Looks good," he says simply before turning back to look at the demon following their present direction. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin passes the ring and the flask to Dante. "Here, you can do this too, it's making my hand itch lately"
(1) Eve Kline: ((and the circle is complete))
** (3) Dante scratches his head with one hand and takes the ring and flask with the other. "I... never really paid much attention to just how it was done." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the demon is relentlessly following, but you're losing him, we are now moving faster than it, its becoming smaller and smaller in the distance, and soon following it with your eye starts to require real effort
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante what you are given is a ring of heavy metal, possibly lead, it's about a palm in side, and a flask of gooey green liquid, thickness and clarity reminding of cranberry juice, if it was green.
** (2) Roc in response to Justin: "Which one of you is Robin?" **
(4) Justin: "The girl who just gave the guy who's name is Dante the thing."
** (1) Eve Kline snickers **
** (2) Roc grins **
(1) Eve Kline: "We will have a heading for you presently."
(2) Roc: "How about Batman? You guys have a Batman?"
(4) Justin: "Yeah, but you can't see him, cause he's batman."
** (3) Dante places the ring in his palm and looks to the flask of liquid, swirling it gently as he inspects it closely. "So... I do what with it, exactly?" **
(2) Roc: "Touche"
(1) Eve Kline: "You put a drop of liquid onto your hand inside the ring. The liquid will start moving towards the direction the gem is in. For some reason it works better with Space mages... they get better readings more precise.
(3) Dante: "Space huh.. well, I can't say I'm as proficient as Robin, but maybe that won't matter. Hah."
(1) Eve Kline: "It works for me, just not as accurately as it did for Robin. You're reading would be better than mine"
** (3) Dante uncorks the bottle as a couple of fingers hold the ring in place in his hand. He looks down at the center of his palm and tilts the flask just so that a single drop lands inside the ring. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The drop of liquid vibrates in your hand and soon starts creeping, crawling to the edge of the ring, sticking to it like a magnet, it feels really funny, and suddenly, it alligns itself along the surface, making a very clear glowing green dot, you get a quick and sharp orientation, like a straight line, pointing to exactly which direction it's in, however, you cannot tell how far. The direction is...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): red line - direction we are moving. green line - direction to the gem
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): arrow rather
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((everyone sees the map and 2 arrows?))
(3) Dante: (( I see 6 arrows :( ))
(4) Justin: (There is a red and green arrow on the top right triangle leg thing))
(3) Dante: (( I was joking ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((okay :D ))
(4) Justin: (( Oh.. I'm slow. ))
(1) Eve Kline: ((no arrows...))
(1) Eve Kline: ((map, star... no arrows))
** (3) Dante watches the green glowing dot intently, then looks up and about. "Looks like we need to head mostly north, but to the west as well. We're headed too far west at our current heading. Do we have a map on this craft?" **
** (1) Eve Kline begins to look around for a map? **
** (1) Eve Kline remembers she had a map... gets out that map... **
** (1) Eve Kline hands it to Dante. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Since Eve cant see arrows, we are moving from Cezka Republica north west, towards the word Deutschland
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the gem arrow is pointing towers Leipzig
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You have a map and the star drawn on it, a product of long and fruitful arguments between Eve and Anthony, that outlined the positioning of Towers
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The heli starts heading north
(1) Eve Kline: ((yay for arguing with Anthony..))
(4) Justin: ((Pfft, you're just lucky he didn't pull out his improtaton.
(4) Justin: )
(1) Eve Kline: ((well it would have only had a range of 200m
(1) Eve Kline: :P
(4) Justin: ((Sure, if you're going by what it says on page 114?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The trip will last a few hours, and you will fly through the night. Feel free to describe what you do, RP, interact, study, get to know each other, sleep, heal, whatever, your flight is uncontested for 7 hours.
(1) Eve Kline: ((well naturally, where else?))
(4) Justin: "So, is anyone else hurt?"
** (4) Justin leans forward, looking around the aircraft, taking in a short examination of everyone who sits around **
(1) Eve Kline: "Physically I suppose you mean."
(4) Justin: "Yeah, physically."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Roc stops at an ally base once to refuel, somewhere in the wilderness, which gives you time to walk around a bit and stretch, then, as soon as all are ready, flight resumes))
** (2) Kurtis is curled up in his scorched jacket next to his sword, both sleeves of his shirt are torn, jeans sooted, his bio looks steady, his body is healing and regaining its rest **
(4) Justin: "So no? Good, I think I'm beginning to run dry in the whole mana compartment."
** (1) Eve Kline wonders if she can repair his clothing... **
** (3) Dante shrugs a feeling of uncertainty about their next location, but decides to rest. He holds the ring and liquid until his arm gets tired, then pulls out the book Kurtis lent him and resumes his studies. At the refueling, Dante footnotes the page he is on and tucks it away in his shirt and lays down to nap for the remainder of the next several hours, noting to the rest of the group that if they need him, they can attempt to wake him. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you wonder, you wonder.
(1) Eve Kline: "really? I could look out the window for a ley line to syphon mana from."
(4) Justin: "Yeah? That would be kinda nice. All this working with matter in different ways sorta left me dry. Not to mention the healing earlier."
** (1) Eve Kline attempts to repair Kurtis' clothing without waking him.. then study the surrounding country side from the chopper looking for ley lines... **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you are once again reminded of the funny feeling at page 69 of the book, it feels like any time you want to, your finger can touch it.
(1) Eve Kline: ((Gnosis + matter = 5
(1) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,[10, 5],2,3] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you manage to repair Kurtis's ripped holes and have a good control over how you want them fixed, neatly folded, trimmed, or patched, however, some of the material is missing, so since you cannot create matter out of the blue, you will have to make due with what material he has left, which means, you can make his jacket look nice and even, but it cannot be a long sleeved jacket anymore, since sleeves were torn apart. You could however, make it a stylish short sleeved jacket
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i.e. you can rearrange the mess that's there into something nice looking, but cannot make more of material magically
(1) Eve Kline: I shall do so.
(1) Eve Kline: I shall then search for ley lines
(1) Eve Kline: (Gnosis + prime = 5)
(1) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,7,2,5] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The base where you stopped by to refuel - is practically built under a ley line coming from a nearby water stream. This line powers at least one of the fuel station generators. You manage to tap into it. What do you want?
(1) Eve Kline: om... some mana for Justin?
(1) Eve Kline: (none of the spells I've cast recently have taken mana cause I'm cool like that)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Unfortunately Ley Lines supply perpetual energy to power up devices, but they do not provide quintessense aka mana
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): for that you'd need a Hollow
(1) Eve Kline: ((ah.. read it wrong sorry))
whispering to Dante, you restore 4 willpower points
whispering to Dante, putting you at... 5?
(4) Justin: /me takes the moment of quiet to pull out his red-tinted shard, eyeing it inspectively as he leans back against the wall inside of the helicopter*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((didnt you have some donuts remaining that Kurtis made for us all?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin, the shard shines, reflecting light in a myriad of red cascades, a scaly mirror, you get a wave of goosebumps across your skin, but not a cold chill, on the contrary, a warm wave that pleasantly tickles your nerves, as you watch a winged shadow reflect in the scales, and what seems to be an optical illusion of a gargantuan yellow eye, but if you look closer, it just seems to be the moon disk
(1) Eve Kline: ((did I? I never took any)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i guess they're all eaten? he brought a box of 12 back a few sessions ago))
** (2) Roc is ready to get you to your destinations as soon as you're all ready for the next scene **
** (4) Justin can't help the smile that comes to his lips at the warm tingle that draws over his nerves, the winged shadow bringing back the comfort of memories, of that place that was inherantly right, just before things became so turbulant and frightening, he looks deeper into the eye, his brows raised, before he blinks and looks around **
** (4) Justin sighs and puts the mirror away, before drawing down to slip into a light sleep **
** (1) Eve Kline raises an eyebrow at the shard and studies it with suppernal vision up **
(4) Justin: ((I's ready))
(2) Roc: For those who like to enjoy the scenery, you fly over steppe and mild tundra, mountains, pretty nature, etc.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Justin holds an object that looks like it has a mirror surface shaped in a form of a hexagonal dragon scale. Using supernal vision on it nearly shocks you - it SHINES. It is PACKED. With Justin's aura, a dense Thyrsus resonanse.
** (3) Dante continues sleeping as no one seems to be disturbing him. **
** (2) Kurtis continues sleeping as well **
** (2) Kurtis continues continuing **
** (1) Eve Kline blinks at the thing a few times... then takes a nap **
(1) Eve Kline: (ready)
(2) Kurtis: (Eve and Justin, restore 2 willpower))
(4) Justin: (done)
(2) Kurtis:
you drift off into sleep and the world fades to black

(2) Konrad Knox (GM): *tap tap tap*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): *tap tap tap!*
** (3) Dante rolls over to his side at the tapping. **
** (1) Eve Kline blinks her eyes open at the tapping **
** (4) Justin grumbles lightly and curls against the wall **
** (2) Waiter taps each of you on the shoulder and announces into the radio in the cabin "Okay guys, wake up. Wakey wakey." **
** (2) Roc did that ^ **
** (3) Dante squints one eye as the other snaps open at the familiar voice through the radio. Dante rolls his eyes a bit while blinking as the world around him comes back into view. **
** (1) Eve Kline streaches and sits up **
** (4) Justin sighs and lays on his back, his eyes opening halfway, as his limbs stretch out **
(4) Justin: "Amazing how much you end up missing a good night's sleep.. with a mattress and a pillow, and eight hours of rest.. oh and milk and pancakes in the morning."
** (4) Justin groans as he rises up to look around **
** (3) Dante looks over to Justin, still laying there. "Milk and pancakes and eight hours of rest at your age? Lucky." **
(1) Eve Kline: "Makes ya kinda want to hit him doesn't it. When you grow up it isn't all milk and pancakes"
** (3) Dante blinks a few more times and sits up, then stands in a fluid motion from the cold hard floor of the helicopter. "No, it isn't. But I'm sure he's pretty well aware of that, heh." **
(3) Dante: "By now, I mean."
** (2) Kurtis yawns "Milk and pancakes? Who's cooking?" rubs his eyes **
(2) Kurtis: "That was a goooood nap. I miss anything?"
(4) Justin: "Nobody any more. Hey do we have anything to eat? What'd we do with those donuts?"
** (3) Dante looks over to Kurtis, smirking sharply. "Only a demon of Pandaemonium trying to hitch a ride like some kind of free-loader." **
(1) Eve Kline: "You missed a deamon but we took care of it yes."
(2) Roc: "Alright, guys, we really can't make it through here by air, this is where I'll have to let you off. The airspace any further north is a warzone"
(1) Eve Kline: "Can we take some of these supplies then?"
** (4) Justin grunts as nobody answers him, getting a sick feeling in his gut from a bit of deja-vu as he looks around the helicopter for donuts **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You look out the windows of the hovering helicopter, which now hovers in place, and you see flashes in the sky, clouds cracking down with thunder, lightnings. You all feel those familiar charged tingles. You know what's up there - magic. Flying figures only you can see, flashes of paradox breaking reality bit by bit, some flahses look green, some look pink. As you look down on the ground, you see what could be described as a small scale war - anti aircraft cannons firing, troops moving, it's a military conflict. You recognize a number of uniforms, german military, czech military, and police
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): It is for all purposes a warzone of both sleepers and awakened, and the weather reflects the mood. Rain starts pouring down
** (4) Justin 's eyes open wide as he takes in the wartorn scenery, forgetting about the damne donuts **
** (2) Kurtis rubs his eyes some more and turns to Justin "the manadonuts? i gave em to you, i dunno where they went" **
(1) Eve Kline: "Gods what are they doing..."
(2) Roc: "Yeah, take all the supplies you need guys, General's orders."
** (4) Justin looks to Kurtis with a nod, happily taking the moment to grapple with something other than a warzone in the distance **
** (3) Dante scowls as he looks out the window, shaking his head. "So, then... would I be safe in assuming that we're in for serious shit?" **
(4) Justin: "Yeah, I don't remember where they went, I know I didn't eat that many.
(1) Eve Kline: "Likely a good assumption yes."
** (2) Roc looks at Dante "Well, I can give you a bit of help." he points to the standing device in the middle of the cabin, the one we all been ignoring, with a crystal slotted into the table and four barrel-like outlets. **
** (3) Dante looks to the supply cache, then to Roc, arching an eyebrow before looking where he's pointing. **
(2) Roc: "This thing is an arcane splitter. The charge is limited, but it can give you a small headstart. If you cast on the crystal, and grab an outlet, whatever you cast, will apply to all four of you. It channels spells. It has enough charge to hold three effects that will spread to all of you who hold on to the conduits"
(1) Eve Kline: "Ohh neat."
(3) Dante: (( It looked huge in proportion to the heli, I just assumed it was some large stationary battlement. >_> ))
** (3) Dante nods to Roc, "That will undoubtedly come in handy at several points during our little tirade through the 'gates of hell', as it were." **
** (3) Dante looks at the splitter more intently, still completely unsure of how it works, but happy at the sound of its function. **
(2) Roc: "Well I'm not keeping the bird around, so cast what you need to prepare, and I'm taking off." (the device is mounted onto the helicopter permanently, and powered by its engine, "But you can take the gun if you care."
(2) Kurtis: "So, say, if I cast invisibility on the crystal in the middle, and we all hold on to the little pointy things, we all become invisible?"
(2) Roc: "That's right."
(2) Kurtis: "And each of us gets the full effect of the original spell?"
(1) Eve Kline: "Oh this could be lots of fun."
(2) Roc: "Mmhmm."
(3) Dante: "
(3) Dante: "And it can channel up to 3 spells. Well, then.. what are our best options? Invisibility, as suggested, could prove incredibly useful."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Down below you see the outskirts of Leipzig, it's a big city, and it's very busy. Unknown to civilian Sleepers, mages are battling here, creating dead zones and squared circles, dueling away from sleeper's eyes, NightWatch style.
(1) Eve Kline: "A sheild spell maybe?"
(2) Roc: "Radio transmissions from below report that the city was announced to have a... a massive military exercise, I guess they did it to keep people from panicking. Nobody knows that people are actually dying over there."
** (3) Dante looks to Eve. "Yeah, that'd certainly prove useful. So, those both then?" **
** (4) Justin laughs as he finally finds a box with three stale mana donuts, after going through old logs and using the search function to count every time a donut was eaten **
(2) Kurtis: "Alright, who's got what kinds of shields? I can to kinetics - to push stuff away from you, and a magical prime shield, that will just tackle everything magical coming your way and try to unweave it."
** (4) Justin munches on each of the donuts in short order as they talk about a mana whatchamajigger **
(1) Eve Kline: "I've got death shield, kills the energy of or rots anything coming at you, and matter, which I've never used before.."
(3) Dante: "I could attempt a spatial shield, but it would prove far less effective than one of yours given the situation and my lack of practice. Or so I would assume."
** (3) Dante looks out to the warzone again, his face drooping just a bit in a newfound sense of worry. **
(4) Justin: "I have a matter shield, it isn't very strong though. Basically just reacts to things coming out you, lessening the blows and such." *takes another bite*
(3) Dante: ((A shield that reacts to things coming out of you. Are you looking to revolutionize the sewage system? ))
(4) Justin: ((Pfft, he's eating, his speech is effected?))
(2) Kurtis: ((lol))
(3) Dante: (( Naturally. ))
(2) Kurtis: "Alright, well, I can do a pretty good Force shield, which will shield anything magical or non magical. Prime shield is against direct spells only, won't deflect physical objects. Does Death shield kill spells?"
(3) Dante: (( I gotta take a 20 minute break. Would that be alright guys? Room-mate is sick again and he needs some dod-gamned medicinez ))
(3) Dante: (( And a hush falls over the crowd ))
(4) Justin: (( Okay, go get some meticinz, can't really tell you "NO! Let him be miserable and dead-ish." ))
(3) Dante: (( lol, yeah, I suppose not. Just annoyed that it had to be in the middle of a session. ))
(2) Kurtis: ((okay. contemplate what you want to splitter-cast))
(3) Dante: ((If you wanna go ahead and get started, you can. Won't be long.))
(1) Eve Kline: "As far as I know Death kills everything."
(1) Eve Kline: ((throws stuff at dante))
(4) Justin: ((throws stuff at dante))
(3) Dante: ((throws stuff at dante))
(3) Dante: (( 20 minutes on the button ))
(4) Justin: ((Hmm.. okay I'll let you off the hook, this time. ))
(3) Dante: (( tyvm ))
(4) Justin: ((Next time though, I'm pulling out the big guns. The ones that start with an I and end with a mprotaton.
(4) Justin: ))
(3) Dante: (( :( ))
(4) Justin: ((Not really though, I don't have access to page 114.))
(3) Dante: (( WHEW ))
(1) Eve Kline: ((Dante... are you 200m away yet?))
(3) Dante: (( 201m ))
(3) Dante: (( I measured it ))
(3) Dante: (( You cant see me now ))
(4) Justin: (( Well damn. ))
(4) Justin: (( Somebody poke KK ))
(1) Eve Kline: ((awww))
** (1) Eve Kline reaches over and pokes him since he's on the bed next to her **
(3) Dante: (( *slowly moves backward about 40 feet* Now it'll take a full action just to get back to the max limit ))
** (2) Roc awaits for y'all to make decisions and get off his heli, he hovers it down a few miles away from city borders on a forest clearing **
(3) Dante: "So... a death shield then? If we're looking to kill spells and not reflect them?"
(1) Eve Kline: "So invisability, death sheild, maybe prime sheild too couldn't hurt."
(4) Justin: "I like that idea."
(3) Dante: "He did say we could have 3 spells channeled. Prime sounds pretty good, yeah. If Tristin were here, he could conjure up some good mojo..."
(2) Kurtis: "Death shield will drain power of physical and velocity attacks, but not against spells. Need prime shield against spells."
(3) Dante: "And I get the impression we're going to need all the good fortune we can get."
(3) Dante: "Ah, yes. Sorry, I misspoke.
(3) Dante: "
(2) Kurtis: "And that gun. Can we take that gun?"
** (2) Kurtis points to the aircraft gun **
(1) Eve Kline: "If we can carry it."
(3) Dante: "Not it."
** (1) Eve Kline chuckles **
(4) Justin: "Oh, not it.
(4) Justin: ""
(2) Kurtis: "Bah! Well there's no way I can lift that thing. We gonna need a car or something."
(3) Dante: "Unless Justin were to turn into a giant manbear or something. But I don't think we need to mix Justin, guns, and clumsy bear paws."
(3) Dante: "Plus he called 'not it' anyway, I guess."
(2) Kurtis: "Alright, check the reading on the gem. If it points towards the forest, we could figure something out, if it's into the city, no point carrying a giant gun in the first place..."
(4) Justin: "Oh.. Well I could make everyone stronger or faster or something?"
(2) Kurtis: "Oh i was gonna stop at Justin and guns"
** (4) Justin sticks his tongue out **
(4) Justin: "I hit the thing once."
(3) Dante: "Right. And it was huge." *Dante reaches for the ring and positions it in the palm of his hand, then deftly applies a drop of the green cranberry juice to the center.*
(1) Eve Kline: "Hmm.. some physical boosts might be nice actually."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The drop forms northward, pointing towards the city. Luckily, Roc managed to get us through the country border, so there will be no passport checks, unluckily, the city is wary, the citizens are nervous, you feel the resonanse of the locals and their moods - they don't really trust these "military exercises" and think the government is up to something fishy.
(4) Justin: "Should we go ahead and get things cast so Roc can get out of here, do you think?"
(1) Eve Kline: "Probably"
** (2) Kurtis casts invisibility on the decvice. "Alright, grab the edges. Bending light." **
** (4) Justin nods and grasps one of the pinsheel edge things **
** (3) Dante looks up from the ring at Justin's comment. "Yeah. We'd probably better stop holding the guy up. Looks like we're heading north, through the city." Dante recorks the flask and puts the ring in his pocket. "Anyone got a good place to put this flask? I've got nothing to store it in." **
** (3) Dante grabs one of the conduit thingers with his empty hand. **
** (2) Kurtis looks at Dante "you're the space mage, you probably have more hidden room than any of us." **
(2) Kurtis: "Besides, i wouldn't entrust me with anything you don't want set on fire."
(4) Justin: "You can't put it your pocket? Or that."
(2) Kurtis: Bestow Invisibility: wits 4 + stealth 2 + Forces 5 + ring 1 = 12
(2) Kurtis: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,6,5,5,4,4,5,[10, 6],6,6,1] = (2)
** (1) Eve Kline holds the outlet **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The device lights up a bit, a wave of energy coming from Kurt's hand into the crystal, and out to the appendages, hiding you all for 2 successes, which will induce penalties upon your attackers until the spell is broken
(2) Kurt's Voice: "That's really cool! What next?"
** (3) Dante shrugs. "I don't really think about space magic, for whatever reas- " He stops at the casting of Kurtis' spell. **
(1) Eve Kline: "Death shield next?"
(2) Kurt's Voice: "I'm ready."
** (3) Dante twists his hand a bit on the device, nodding at his own readiness. **
** (1) Eve Kline begins to mutter in Atlantian her eyes bleeding to black a cold breeze flowing from her as she draws twilight around the crystal into a sheild. **
(1) Eve Kline: (Entropic Guard Wit+occult+death+ Atlantian 2 =13
(1) Eve Kline: [13 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 6],3,8,9,1,1,3,6,2,5,2,5] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The inside of the cabin experiences an effect opposite of a flashbang, like an explosion of shadow, a black out, darkness filling the room around everyone, and then it, the darkness itself, connects at four focal points - are the four invisible people.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): we are now all gaining 5 armor points against incoming physical attacks
(1) Eve Kline: ((Cause I'm cool like that))
(7) Justin (enter): 22:08
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The device buzzes a bit, releasing a good portion of its charge, the last shot remaining
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Justin...
(7) Justin: ((My internet killed itself for a little while there))
(3) Dante: (( IMPOSTATON! ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((whats the last thing you saw?))
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(4) Justin' from server...
(4) Justin (exit): 22:09
(7) Justin: (( Kurtis stated that he wouldn't want to entrust anything that he wouldn't set on fire?))
(7) Justin: (( I butchered that but.))
whispering to Justin, test
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Justin u alive?))
(3) Dante: (( Josh? You there man? Hey Josh, you there? ))
(3) Dante: (( I can copy-pasta to his msn, if need be. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((get za fahk aut wif your josh thingy))
(1) Eve Kline: ((lols))
(7) Justin: (( Back))
(3) Dante: (( Wot ze fok, messtar nocks?! ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): "You can't put it your pocket? Or that." (2) Kurtis: Bestow Invisibility: wits 4 + stealth 2 + Forces 5 + ring 1 = 12 (2) Kurtis: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,3,9,5,2,2,8,7,9,4,9] = (4) => [3,9,6,5,5,4,4,5,[10, 6] => 3,9,6,5,5,4,4,5,[10, 6,6,6,1] = (2) ** (1) Eve Kline holds the outlet ** (2) Konrad Knox (GM): The device lights up a bit, a wave of energy coming from Kurt's hand into the crystal, and out to the appendages, hiding you all for 2 successes, which will induce penalties upon your attackers until the spell is broken (2) Kurt's Voice: "That's really cool! What next?" ** (3) Dante shrugs. "I don't really think about space magic, for whatever reas- " He stops at the casting of Kurtis' spell. ** (1) Eve Kline: "Death shield next?" (2) Kurt's Voice: "I'm ready." ** (3) Dante twists his hand a bit on the device, nodding at his own readiness. ** ** (1) Eve Kline begins to mutter in Atlantian her eyes bleeding to black a cold breeze flowing from her as she draws twilight around the crystal into a sheild. ** (1) Eve Kline: (Entropic Guard Wit+occult+death+ Atlantian 2 =13 (1) Eve Kline: [13 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],5,5,1,8,7,3,9,3,2,4,[10, 10, 9],9] = (5) => [9,[10, 6] => 9,[10, 6,3,8,9,1,1,3,6,2,5,2,5] = (4) (2) Konrad Knox (GM): The inside of the cabin experiences an effect opposite of a flashbang, like an explosion of shadow, a black out, darkness filling the room around everyone, and then it, the darkness itself, connects at four focal points - are the four invisible people. (2) Konrad Knox (GM): we are now all gaining 5 armor points against incoming physical attacks (1) Eve Kline: ((Cause I'm cool like that)) (7) Justin (enter): 22:08 (2) Konrad Knox (GM): The device buzzes a bit, releasing a good portion of its charge, the last shot remaining
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wooooah
(3) Dante: (( Yeeeeeah ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((copypaste will do that))
(7) Justin: (( Umm lots of stuff))
(1) Eve Kline: yeah.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((long story short, we got 2 successes on invisibility and 5 death shield armor points))
(7) Justin: ((Gotcha))
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Anything else?"
(7) Justin: "Well that was two right? I guess I'll do the strength thing unless anyone disagrees."
(1) Eve Kline: "Either stenght or a Prime sheild."
(7) Justin: "Which one will work better?"
(7) Justin: "I'm more liable to screw things up than anyone else here."
(3) Dante: "Don't sell yourself short. I would butcher a spatial shield."
(3) Dante: "I'm fine with either. It would be nice to carry an aircraft gun, but at the same time, only one of us needs to do that."
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Alright, i'll cast a magic shield then"
(7) Justin: "That works."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You all see nothing, but each of you feel a "tingle tingle" of a spell being cast as the device spits out the last of its charge
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,7,8,6,9,8] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You are protected against spells with potency equal or lower than 3 for as long as Kurtis has mana
** (7) Justin rubs his hands together as he steps away from the device **
** (2) Kurtis jumps out on the grass **
** (1) Eve Kline grabs a few (4) guns from the box and slips them under her belt then jumps out of the chopper **
** (2) Kurtis is packing his sword and two desert eagles **
** (3) Dante hops out of the helicopter after ensuring he has sufficient ammunition and looks around at the absence of the rest of the group from the invisiblity spell. **
(3) Dante: ((I am correct in assuming we cannot see each other, yes? ))
** (7) Justin takes a pistol and thats about it, keeping it emphatically on safety as he hops down and steps away **
(2) Kurtis: ((none of us can see each other, but we can detect each other with other sense, you Dante, can feel our minds present, Prime users can sense auras buzzing, Forces can see gravity pressing against us, etc))
(3) Dante: (( Right. Just reaffirming ))
** (1) Eve Kline speaks in atlantian > "A mind link would be a real good idea about now." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The map now represents out leaving helicopter and where it dropped us off. The green bright circle is a clearing, grass, mild forest. The dark green shapes are heavy forested hills and mountains we can climb, the road north leads into the wilderness, in that direction mages are fighting, sleepers are fighting, paradox chances are reduced and minds are being wiped - it's a typical mage warfare with dead zones and free zones, barely on an edge of keeing secrecy. No sleeper who isnt supposed to be there comes out alive. Lightnings and thunder are seen and heard there. The road to the east splits into many and becomes a highway leading into the city, where things are calm and paradox is high. The bright blue area is a lake.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The compass points us towards the city
(2) Kurt's Voice: "A mind link is always a brilliant idea, Eve."
(7) Justin: "I agree, lets get that set up so we don't have to give up our cover by talking audibly.
(7) Justin: '
(3) Dante: "I was thinking that, yes. I don't know that I could link us all, though. Never done that. I only remember linking with Robin."
(7) Justin: "COuld you try?"
** (3) Dante scratches his head, not that anyone could see him do it. "I read about doing it.. but I don't really understand it. I could try setting up a two-way line between each of you and myself, but you'll still be cut off mentally from each other." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Claire DCed. troubleshooting))
(2) Konrad Knox: Booting '(1) Eve Kline' from server...
(1) Eve Kline (exit): 22:36
(7) Justin: (( Liek a bawss ))
(3) Dante: (( On a boat, I threw it on the ground... like a bawss! ))
(7) Justin: (( Chex mix, you're the one for me, you're the only one, I'll ever eatt ))
(8) Dante (enter): 22:38
(8) Dante: (( Huh. ))
(9) Eve Kline (enter): 22:38
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ello?))
(9) Eve Kline: (ello?)
(8) Dante: (( Mellow fellow, I'm all that. ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((marco))
(8) Dante: (( POLIO ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Eve Kline...
(7) Justin: (( Oliolioliolio ))
(8) Dante: (( Stop that! ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((okay, well all here))
(7) Justin: ( olio oliolio! ))
(8) Dante: (( Oli! Oliiiiioliiiiioooooo! ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The map now represents out leaving helicopter and where it dropped us off. The green bright circle is a clearing, grass, mild forest. The dark green shapes are heavy forested hills and mountains we can climb, the road north leads into the wilderness, in that direction mages are fighting, sleepers are fighting, paradox chances are reduced and minds are being wiped - it's a typical mage warfare with dead zones and free zones, barely on an edge of keeing secrecy. No sleeper who isnt supposed to be there comes out alive. Lightnings and thunder are seen and heard there. The road to the east splits into many and becomes a highway leading into the city, where things are calm and paradox is high. The bright blue area is a lake. The compass points us towards the city.
(8) Dante: (( Grawr.... crab .. battle! ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: "A mind link is always a brilliant idea, Eve."
(7) Justin: (( Some sort of cave demon. Look at it's massive claw, it could break a tank in half ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: ((btw like i said before, i give out bonus roleplay exp for making me laugh and being witty. So be witty damnit!))
(9) Eve Kline: ((no))
(2) Kurt's Voice: ((crabbattol?))
(7) Justin: ((Si'))
(9) Eve Kline: ((:P))
(8) Dante: (( Classics ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: ((ok, Dante you can realize that you can use telepathy on one-one basis with multiple people as long as you repeat everything they think to the other link, it's just that you have to keep all your telepath spells active))
(8) Dante: (( So, I said that I've never done an all around mind link before, because Justin asked if I could try. And I told him that I read about it and I dont understand it, but I could two-way everyone to me, though there'd still be no mental communication between anyone pairing that wasn't linked to me directly.))
(8) Dante: (( Yes... I did already explain that IC ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Well that sounds good to me."
(8) Dante: (( I am not cool enough for Networking :( ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Since we can't see each other, Dante-phone will have to do."
(9) Eve Kline: "It's better than nothing."
** (8) Dante nods at Kurt's voice, turning to where he perceives his mental energies. "God, I'm going to feel like the string between a series of cup-phones. But I'll do it." **
(9) Eve Kline: "I wonder if we could give him call waiting..."
(2) Kurt's Voice: "If it gets tough, just drop someone non-essential."
(7) Justin: "I can't help but think you're referencing me."
(8) Dante: ((And for multiple targets, it is a -2 for 2 people, -4 for four people. Could I get a -3 ruling for linking 3? I hate target factors XD ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: "No, I'm referencing me."
(2) Kurt's Voice: ((-3 and go))
(7) Justin: "Oh, okay."
(9) Eve Kline: ((you would think -3 would be logical))
(8) Dante: "I suppose if all else fails, I could just turn loose the flamethrower, yeah."
(8) Dante: (( You'd think so ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a cold wind blows through everyone's hair, trees lean in its direction
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): a lightning cracks distant in the sky
(9) Eve Kline: ((you know the picture looks like a blue frankenstine is trying to eat a skillet with a fly and some asparagus on it...))
** (8) Dante looks to the group's mental energies as he perceives them through his mind sight. He attempts to contact each of them through their minds, turning from person to person as he reaches out to their minds in an attempt to establish two-way telepathy with them, concentrating hard on the weaving of the spell. ((Impromptu Telepathy: Mind 4, Gnosis 3, Willpower 3 -3 = 7)) **
(8) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,8,9,8,7,8] = (4)
(7) Justin: ((We somehow stumbled into a prometheon game?))
(9) Eve Kline: ((ohhh! Extra points to Justin for knowing what Promethian is!))
(9) Eve Kline: (gives him a cookie)
(8) Dante: (( Wooooow. That was such an obscure reference ))
(7) Justin: (Whoo, my birthday is coming up, do I get real cookies?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Hello?
(8) Dante: (( As long as your mailman isn't a greedy fucker ))
(9) Eve Kline: ((No. I mean yes. Umm.. Maurice?))
(8) Dante: Hello, Kurtis.
(2) Kurtis: Can you read my thoughts?
(2) Kurtis: Duh, I guess.
(8) Dante: Just on the surface.
(7) Justin: Can you guys hear me?
(9) Eve Kline: ((address and birthdate = cookies... unless your mailman eats them))
(2) Kurtis: Ignore this please. Eve's panties, Eve's panties, Eve's stockings, Eve's panties, Eve with no panties, Eve's lips... Hey you not listening to this are you?
(2) Kurtis: pantiespantiespanties...
(9) Eve Kline: am I in?
(9) Eve Kline: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
** (2) Kurtis crafts a mental image of nude Eve **
(7) Justin: Hey dante, what is Kurtis thinking?
(2) Kurtis: Check THAT out
(8) Dante: If only I could. (to Eve)Yes, I think its all well. *Dante concentrates on speaking to each person individually.* Can you all get my thoughts?
(2) Kurtis: Roger that! Panties...
(9) Eve Kline: I can hear you clearly Dante.
(7) Justin: Yeah, I got you.
** (8) Dante smacks his own forehead, only an audible sound being noticeable. "Good god, you're terrible, Kurt." **
(2) Kurtis: I guess Roger That doesnt make sense. What i meant to think is Check! Wow, thinking is a lot harder than talking.
(9) Eve Kline: ((lol only for Kurtis))
(2) Kurtis: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
** (8) Dante closes his eyes and rubs the bridge of his nose. as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. **
(7) Justin: Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
(8) Dante: Just remember that sending thoughts is much quicker than actually speaking the words.
(2) Kurtis: The road... patrols. I wonder if there's patrols and cops. Amsterdam was full of roadblocks. Swim across? Go through the woods? Or take the highway? Jack a car? I could steal one.
(9) Eve Kline: I bet Kurtis is thinking about my panties right now. He's a good kisser actually. I hope we get though this soon. I wonder what would happen if we gave Justin water then turned it into coffee just before he swallowed... would they excommunicate him?
(8) Dante: (( So, as it works.. can I dictate when I broadcast to all and when its individual, or does everyone hear every response that I give to one person? ))
(9) Eve Kline: ((we only hear what you pass on to each of us.
(2) Kurtis: I wonder who of us three has the biggest wiener
(8) Dante: ((So I have to broadcast the same relay 3 times? ))
(9) Eve Kline: ((so we spam you with thoughts and then you filiter it))
(2) Kurtis: I bet mine's bigger. But what if it's smaller??!!
(9) Eve Kline: ((yes))
(8) Dante: ((Okay.))
(2) Kurtis: ((its your choice how u broadcast))
(2) Kurtis: ((you can do either. the only real difference from Network is that we cant talk to each other directly and you can't just have one spell slot. You're right now holding 3 spell slots))
(7) Justin: Kurt's a dick, but he's useful enough. Maybe I just didn't give him enough of a chance sofar, that cocaine-sniffing arse-hole. To think that Eve would go for him, oh well, guess that there is no accounting for taste. I wonder why this war stuff is going on. Maybe we can stop it, or maybe we'll just prance on through it like usual.
** (8) Dante sends each person a message mentally. "I know this is exciting, but surface thought-spam is worse than e-mail spam." **
(7) Justin: Sorry, my bad.
(8) Dante: You're fine, Justin. I just haven't done this before. Its coming off as a bit overwhelming.
(2) Kurtis: Surface thought, furnace pot, lettuce cot... Oh. Sorry! Surface pot...
(7) Justin: Just do what I do when I get overwhelmed. Make fake cocaine and give it to Kurtis.
(8) Dante: (( Oh wait, I'm holding 3 slots? What's the ruling on that versus stamina, then? I thought you could only have 1 per point of stamina, or is it per gnosis? ))
** (9) Eve Kline tries to stop thinking so many surface thoughts? **
(2) Kurtis: ((you can have stamina + 2 spells ON YOU, and you can support gnosis + 2 spells of your own on others))
(2) Kurtis: ((no sorry gnosis + 3))
(9) Eve Kline: So, should we head towards the city? Find out what this whole war thing is or just get to the gem?
** (8) Dante sighs for a moment and sends a message to everyone. "Let's try to make sure we are focused on the task at hand here. I'm just a bit overwhelmed by this. (to Justin)Just don't let him walk all over you for favors and the like, heh. (To all again)Eve asks if we should all head toward straight for the gem or if we should investigate. What do you think? **
(8) Dante: ((I didn't think it would be this much of a pain in the ass XD ))
(7) Justin: Thanks Dante, I think we should investigate.
(8) Dante: (( And thanks for the clarification on that, Knox ))
(2) Kurtis: ((Dante you have 2 shields, invisibility, and 3 mind links, so its 6. Your stamina is 2, so 2+2 is 4, and 6-4 = 2. All your spells now come at -2 penalty until you drop 2 spells))
(8) Dante: (( Yaaaaaaay.. or something ))
(2) Kurtis: ((but its only for spells, not mundane actions))
(8) Dante: (( No, hearing everyone's thoughts should trip me up just fine for mundane actions :P ))
(9) Eve Kline: ((hehe))
(9) Eve Kline: ((I imagine in real life it would be utter crazyness))
(8) Dante: (( [[test] => [test]test ))
(2) Kurtis: The Gem is in the city. Gotta get it before it slips away. But which path to take? Do we wanna mix in with the traffic? Try to hike, or try to swim?
(8) Dante: (( Okay... need an easy way to type this out.. ))
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) Justin thinks we should investigate. Kurtis asks if we should mix in or if we should hike or swim.
(2) Kurtis: If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it, does it still make a sound? If a woman farts but nobody notices, does it still smell?
(8) Dante: (Kurtis)If a tree farts and no woman is around, does it still get nagged?
(9) Eve Kline: Well we will probably have to hike considering we are invisable...
(2) Kurtis: Gah! What the hell man! That's disturbing!
(2) Kurtis: You know, considering we're invisible, we could probably easily jack someone's car.
(8) Dante: (Kurtis) Yet an entirely valid question, figuratively. (Broadcast) Eve thinks we should hike. Kurtis says we could jack someone's car. I disagree with that, unless we make the car invisible too.
(2) Kurtis: Good point.
(9) Eve Kline: If the car was invisable what would stop other cars from running into it?
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(3) Dante' from server... Removing dead client
(3) Dante (exit): 23:09
(2) Kurtis: Hey what if we find an empty minivan with just the driver, and all hop into back seat invisibly.
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Eve points out that invisible cars are more likely to get hit. Kurtis thinks we could find a minivan with just a driver and hop into the back invisibly.
(2) Kurtis: I'm afraid of the woods. Shit tends to spawn there, especially with so many paradoxes triggering around.
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) Kurtis raises concerns about paradox and the woods being a possibly higher danger. I know little about paradox firsthand, but I find it a good point if that's true.
(2) Kurtis: Every time we cast something vulgar outside of specified mage-created environment, bad stuff happens. So far we were protected from this in the Mage City and the magical helicopter, but not anymore.
(9) Eve Kline: We can't just keep standing here, eventually we will have to head after the gem which means some travel thought the woods until we reach the road.
(2) Kurtis: I wonder if i could be gay. How would i find out? Would i have to suck a dick?
(2) Kurtis: Sorry!
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) Ugh! Jesus Kurt! Why would you even thi- err.. (Kurt)Why would you even... you know what? Nevermind.
(7) Justin: Wait, what'd Kurtis do?
** (2) Kurtis starts walking towards the lake, south of it, where it meets the road, you guys can hear his footsteps and see where he leaves tracks, broken branches, pushed in grass, etc. **
** (7) Justin shrugs and follows the tracks **
** (9) Eve Kline starts to head in that direction as well **
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) Kurtis did nothing, Justin. Eve says we can't just keep standing here. I agree. She also says we will have to travel through some wooded areas regardless for the gem.
(7) Justin: Lets just go this way then.
** (8) Dante follows the signature wavelengths of Kurtis' mind. **
(2) Kurtis: "I'll keep an eye on anything unusual. The less noise we make the better. Our gnosis levels are low enough to camouflage us in this bloody mess. Just nobody cast anything vulgar. No rotting, no crazy plantlife stuff."
(9) Eve Kline: ((I like to call them pervert waves))
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Kurtis thinks we should avoid vulgar magic, nothing rotting or crazy plantlife for example. He says our gnosis levels should be low enough to camouflage us in the warzone.
(8) Dante: (( Indeeeeeed. ))
** (8) Dante continues following Kurtis' mental trail, trusting his thoughts on the matter. **
(7) Justin: Okay, avoid vulgar magic.. I don't really think I'm good at anything else.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): about 30 minutes into the hike we see a gruesome scene, a pair of jackals are tearing apart a corpse of a fox, they cackle ominously
(2) Kurtis: Creepy.
(7) Justin: That is ominous..
** (8) Dante tries to keep his own mental chatter down to a minimum, his focus primarily on relaying messages rather than expressing opinions outright. (Broadcast)the fuck... **
(9) Eve Kline: Whoa... I didn't even know jackals lived in this part of the world...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you get one of those intimate shivers, gazing upon the feast of death, it is a familiar affinity, the domain of decay and destruction.
(8) Dante: (Justin)Don't worry too much about casting vulgar magic. Just avoid casting altogether and it'll be fine. If we even have a need for our defensive arsenal, we'll likely be in a situation where you can cast. Let's just hope that doesn't happen.
whispering to Eve Kline, please give me a roll of resolve + gnosis
(7) Justin: Okay, got it.
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)...And on your right you can see predatory nature at its most brutal. Truly a sight to behold. Just be sure to keep your hands and head inside the invisible ride at all times, kids.
(9) Eve Kline: Scavenger nature actually Dante. The fox was probably dead before they began to eat it.
(7) Justin: Yeah..
** (9) Eve Kline shivers a little looking around to try and figure were the other three are. **
(8) Dante: (Eve)I stand corrected. I'm not much of an nature person, myself.
** (2) Kurtis looks around and tries to keep his direction, then he stops **
(2) Kurtis: Where to? You guys still with me?
** (8) Dante stops as Kurtis does, keeping fairly fixed on his mind. **
(7) Justin: Whoa, why'd we stop?
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) Role call, everyone. I'm near Kurtis. What about everyone else?
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Kurtis wants to make sure everyone is accounted for and paying attention to the trail. He also asks 'where to?'
(7) Justin: Okay, well I'm out by the ominous shed.
** (9) Eve Kline remains silent frowning, looking around still **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): We now stand at a nice observation area, we can see the lake, how it connects with the city's series of bridges, and we can see the mountain side surrounding the highway, the mountaous forest transforms into a grassy field with empty meadows and a few miles to the north east, the buildings begin.
** (8) Dante reaches down and plucks a clump of grass from the ground, waving it in the air. (Broadcast) Can you all see this clump of grass and dirt floating? That's me **
(2) Kurtis: Yeah, I can.
(2) Kurtis: This is like the matrix.
(9) Eve Kline: What if they really are just out to get the gem. I hardly know these people. They could have set this all up as a trap. Kurtis did swoop in fairly convinently...
(8) Dante: (Kurtis)Its about as bizarre, yes.
whispering to Dante, please give me a resolve + gnosis roll
(8) Dante: (Eve) I heard that. Sorry. But rest assured that you're safe from me. Of course I'm sure you know that..
(9) Eve Kline: Just got this strange feeling that everything is... hmm...
** (8) Dante frowns where he stands, hardly even paying attention to the surroundings, or anything else. He shifts his weight, making a light crunch in the soft ground. **
** (9) Eve Kline looks around for spell threads to see if there are any new spells effecting her **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You all hear a gun click
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Okay guys. I know what you're up to, don't come closer. I can see your heat, I won't miss."
** (7) Justin begins stepping back as soon as the gun clicks **
** (8) Dante perks his head up and looks toward the direction of the sound, now remaining completely still. **
** (9) Eve Kline narrows her eyes **
(7) Justin: I knew that bastard was bad news.. he's going to try and kill me.. They just want to get ahold of the gem for the power, oppurtunistic bastards..
(9) Eve Kline: Somethings wrong... I'm feeling paranoid and clearly so is Kurtis
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) What the fuck is going on here... what's Kurt thinking? *appears oblivious to his own surface thoughts being projected* "Kurt? What are you talking about?"
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Hey, hey, back off! All of you."
** (7) Justin steps back, a little at a time **
(2) Kurt's Voice: Damnit, if i drop the invisibility, they will see me too.
** (9) Eve Kline slips behind a tree **
(8) Dante: "I'm standing still, Kurt. If you're seeing my heat, you know that very well."
** (9) Eve Kline continues to look for spell threads from behind her tree **
** (2) Kurtis realizes Dante is speaking true **
(7) Justin: I gotta go and get rid of the gem before anyone has a chance to get their grubby hands onto it.
(2) Kurtis: Yeah what about her?
(2) Kurtis: ((oookay, having Lust for Eve, in Kurt's particular case, i think he will be resistant to the effect if i succeed))
(2) Kurtis: resolve 3 + gnosis 3 = 6
(2) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,7,4,9,4] = (1)
(9) Eve Kline: "This has got to be some kind of trick, we have to keep going and work togeather or we are all just gonna shoot each other and Diana wins."
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Something isn't right here. Don't you all feel absurdly paranoid suddenly? You forget that I'm connected to all your minds right now. You're all acting like a mess!
(2) Kurtis: Okay, well Eve's cool, but she's hiding behind the tree right there. She musta figured it too about Justin. He's out to screw us.
(2) Kurtis: Are you controlling us?
(7) Justin: Mind mage is attempting to calm me, put me at ease so Kurt can put a bullet in my brain, screw this, I'm out of here.
** (7) Justin turns and begins running **
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) Are you kidding? I've got so many spells going right now, I find it hard to even function with all your thoughts at once.
** (9) Eve Kline continues to look for spell threads??? Has supernal vision up? Should I roll perception? **
(2) Kurtis: supernal vision.
(9) Eve Kline: (wit+occult+prime = 11)
(2) Kurtis: but only if its natural for you to react like this. IC-ly, you are already under an effect, it already worked on you
(9) Eve Kline: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,9,3,4,7,6,9,1,3,1] = (3)
** (7) Justin puts his thoughts behind him, focusing on the run, one foot in front of the other, the thrumming of his heart, the thrill of life in his body and all around, as he runs in the general direction of the city **
(8) Dante: (Justin) Shit. Justin! Stop! We have to think this through rationally! I'm not out to do anything.
(7) Justin: Breathe in from the nose, out from the mouth, keep your pace steady, and eyes ahead
(2) Kurtis: ((Eve, you see it on Kurtis and on Justin. A trace of a mind spell.))
** (8) Dante still tries to communicate to Justin, unsure if his thoughts are getting through. (Justin)Wait, man. Wait. Something isnt right here and it isn't any of us. I can't figure out what it is when everyone is behaving like this. And maybe that's the point. **
** (7) Justin stops and breathes deep for a few moments, Dante's thoughts getting through, he grumbles lightly **
** (8) Dante looks over to where he thinks Kurtis is, then to where he thinks Eve is, unsure of what to do. **
(9) Eve Kline: There's a spell on Justin and Kurtis, a mind spell of some kind. Don't know what it is.
(2) Kurtis: ((Dante, you can actually feel that our minds are behaving abnormally, and it was sudden))
(7) Justin: I'm far enough away from you guys now that I don't need to worry about getting shot, lets keep it this way until you can prove that there is something wrong.
** (2) Kurtis stalks through the woods after Justin's tracks, gun in upright position **
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Please listen to me, everyone. I think you have all succumbed to some sort of mind spell. Simple suggestions, perhaps. Perhaps stronger. You're not yourselves.
** (7) Justin puts up life sight **
(2) Kurtis: ((roll it))
(7) Justin: life 3 gnosis 2 = 5
(7) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,6,4,6] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You start discerning among the plants, trees, and animals, a form of a man, and as he gets - voila, that's Kurt's tobacco-pollutted heroine-trained life aura
(7) Justin: Shit, you waited until I stopped and got me to stay still so you could send him after me. You're a sneaky bastard.
(2) Kurtis: Prove it, D. If you're such a knowledgeable guy, prove it, dispel it, better do it before I off the mormon boy.
** (7) Justin immediately begins running in the opposite direction, bobbing heare and there to stop from being an easy target, as he races towards the city **
** (2) Kurtis spots you, Justin, the moment you spot him **
(8) Dante: (Kurtis) I can try.. just bear with me.
(2) Kurtis: He's running! Why is he running?
(7) Justin: You're a fucking snake in the grass Dante. Quiet and conniving, always plotting.
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Justin stop! He's gonna fucking shoot you if you keep moving! Let me dispel this spell first!
(7) Justin: Why'd I even go with you to begin with? You probably worked some magic on me, made me change what I percieved. No matter what I'm on the evil side.
(2) Kurtis: Boom! Boom! *magnum gunshots in Justin's direction*
(7) Justin: No, I'm done trusting you, the moment I stop he'll shit!
** (7) Justin starts sprinting, dodging through the trees, working from the flight reflex that comes up readily **
** (9) Eve Kline throws out a death five spell attempting to kill the mind spell on Kurtis **
** (8) Dante growls audibly and blocks the paranoid thoughts out of his head, reaching out to Kurtis' mind in an attempt to repair the suggestions placed in his mind, trying to find and dispel the effects of the paranoia. ((Mind 4, gnosis 3, willpower 3 = 10)) **
(2) Kurtis: He's still working for that Forester fuck! He's leading us into a trap!
(8) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,4,4,3,2,3,3,8,[10, 3]] = (3)
(9) Eve Kline: (gnosis + death = 7
(9) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,2,6,1,6,1] = (1)
(7) Justin: Just like the dream I had. I have to go alone, swim alone, none of you care, I was just a tool to use until it became convenient to off me.
(8) Dante: ((Unless I can't do that, that is. I'd imagine I could reverse the effects if I could perceive it, but I'm uncertain about the rules there))
** (9) Eve Kline attempts to kill the spell on Justin **
(9) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,5,2,[10, 8],8,3] = (2)
(8) Dante: (Justin)You aren't a tool... you're naive and unsure of the world and you've seen a lot of horrible things, but you're not a tool. Not to me. Not to any of us.
(2) Kurtis: ((yes, you can percieve it and you can reverse it, but you just werent strong enough this time. But EVe - breaks the spell on Justin.))
(2) Kurtis: ((Justin, your perception returns to how it was before you saw the jackals))
(8) Dante: ((Man, she beat it with a 2? Boo.))
(2) Kurtis: ((3))
** (7) Justin blinks as the words somehow break through his foggy interperatation and paranoia **
(8) Dante: ((Ah, and my 3 wasn't strong enough for the one on you))
(2) Kurtis: ((correct))
(8) Dante: (( gotcha. ))
(7) Justin: Okay okay, I believe you, but Kurtis is still trying to shoot me, so I'm not stopping.
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Come out, come out, little mouse... Another Nestor clone with a different face?"
(9) Eve Kline: "Crap.."
** (9) Eve Kline tries again on the Kurtis spell, focusing on it this time (willpower) **
(9) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,7,5,1,3,4,8,4,8] = (2)
** (8) Dante turns to look from where Kurtis fired the shot. (Broadcast)You okay now? Ah... that's a no.. **
(7) Justin: Wow, he's good at sounding crazy when he wants to isn't he?
(8) Dante: (Justin)Mind magic is scary shit, eh?
(8) Dante: (Justin)That too.
(7) Justin: Yeah, but that doesn't exactly work in your favor too heavily.
(2) Kurt's Voice: ((Dante, when you rolled a 3, did you try to dispel the paranoia spell you detected, or push a different thought into Kurt?))
(8) Dante: (( It was an attempt to dispel, unfortunately. I was just about to try pushing another thought though ))
(2) Kurt's Voice: ((kk trucking on))
(7) Justin: I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep running this fast.
** (8) Dante sighs exhaustively, attempting now to assuage Kurtis' mind by offering up a suggestion of his own (( Wait, aren't I suffering a -2 from all the shit I've got? )) **
** (2) Kurtis hides behind a tree, hoping to conceal his life aura behind that of the tree, and spots Justin's gravity force, taking aim at it **
(2) Kurtis: ((yes you are))
(2) Kurtis: ((your casting is at -2))
(8) Dante: (Kurtis)Don't shoot at him anymore! The spell's off him now, and its your turn next. I'm trying to fix it, Kurtis. I really am. Give me more time.
(8) Dante: ((Well this is gonna just plain suck.))
** (8) Dante pushes a thought into his mind to conflict with the previous suggestion of paranoia, attempting to instil in him a sense of tranquility instead of just reversing the spell, the desperate situation calling for further concentration. ((Mind 4, Gnosis 3, Willpower 3 -2 = 8)) **
(8) Dante: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,4,2,2,8,5,[10, 10, 3]] = (2)
(8) Dante: (( I... am at a loss of what to do otherwise. I'm out of ideas. ))
(2) Kurtis: ((you have 3 suggestions to plant))
(8) Dante: (( Would it be possible to suggest Kurtis tries to dispel the magic on himself? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((haha, thats a puzzle you have to solve. You cannot act specifically against THAT spell if you dont beat its successes. How you can manage to do this is up to you, but yes, it is possible. ))
** (9) Eve Kline takes a deep breath and tries to locate Kurtis, focusing on his aura, begins to pick at the spell assuming it is made with mind trying to combine counterspell and death 5 kill spell to simple tug the spell threads off Kurtis)) **
(2) Kurtis: ((Kurtis at this point is unaware/does not believe that there is a mind spell on him))
(9) Eve Kline: (I have no idea what to roll here...)
(8) Dante: ((Yeah, I kinda figured.))
(2) Kurtis: Eve, you easily locate Kurtis by locating his aura
(2) Kurtis: He is standing on a hill behind a tree.
(8) Dante: (( This is just a convoluted pain in the ass now. Suggestions are: Justin's not his enemy, Stop shooting. I can't even think of a third right now. ))
(9) Eve Kline: ((do the chicken dance))
(9) Eve Kline: ((I demand Kurtis do the chicken dance))
(2) Kurtis: You try to wrap your mind around combining Death and Prime, but the two don't seem to weave together, your best bet is using Death
** (2) Kurtis stops shooting and holsters the gun **
** (9) Eve Kline attempts to kill the spell again at a -2? focusing all her will on the task. So... Gnosis 2 + Death 5 + 3 -2 = 8)) **
(9) Eve Kline: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,4,5,9,5,[10, 8],8] = (3)
(2) Kurtis: The death spell from Eve's aura quells the spark of the spell on Kurtis
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Oh shit, what are we doing?!"
(8) Dante: "
(7) Justin: "You're a fucking psycho Kurt, fuck you!"
** (8) Dante sighs and drops to his knees at Kurt's words. **
** (7) Justin drops to the ground, panting in his exhaustion **
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) I'm speechless. Thank fucking god that's over.
** (2) Kurt's Voice scans Eve's aura after scanning the rest **
(2) Kurt's Voice: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 + Willpower 3 = 10
(7) Justin: Took you fucking long enough, goddamnit you guys suck.
(2) Kurt's Voice: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,7,[10, 5],6,9,5,2,[10, 4],9] = (4)
(9) Eve Kline: "Well we got Justin to swear."
(7) Justin: ((lmao glad someone caught that))
** (2) Kurt's Voice fires off a supernal dispellation on Eve **
** (9) Eve Kline sits down in the grass? taking a deep breath **
(8) Dante: ".... (Broadcast) Sure seems that way. Or did he always think these swears? "
(2) Kurtis: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 + Willpower 3 = 10
(2) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,8,2,[10, 7],7,6,[10, 4],4,[10, 3]] = (4)
** (9) Eve Kline looks around for any traces of the spell wondering if she can trace it to its source **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, your perception of your companions returns to what it was before you saw the jackals
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, now you can see the spell, once it no longer affects you, it leads back to where the jackals were eating a fox
(9) Eve Kline: ((so.. that they are crazy as all get out?))
** (8) Dante stands slowly, shaking his head quick and shortly. "What the hell happened to you guys? Everyone's not harboring extreme paranoia anymore, right? Right?!" **
(7) Justin: "Yeah, right. No more extreme paranoia."
(2) Kurt's Voice: "I am so sorry guys! I don't know what the hell! Justin? You okay, buddy? I'm sorry!"
(8) Dante: (Surface Thought)Can't help but wonder if I should have come here. Seems for the better now though...
(2) Kurt's Voice: "D... we couldn't have done it without you."
(9) Eve Kline: "No just normal healthy paranoia..."
(8) Dante: "Its fine, at least on my end, Kurt. Dunno about Mr. Swear-thoughts, though."
** (9) Eve Kline smirks **
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Who's all for getting out of here ASAP?"
(9) Eve Kline: "Yeah nice squeaky clean swearing there Justin."
(7) Justin: "Yeah, now shut up and lets get back to tracking down the gem and all that nonsense. Don't call me mr. swear-thoughts."
** (9) Eve Kline snickers **
(2) Kurt's Voice: "Mr swear thoughts"
(9) Eve Kline: Someones pissy.
** (8) Dante offers a forced smirk to Justin, then looks to Kurt. "Don't torment the boy, now. Let's get the hell out." **
** (7) Justin takes out his pistol, points it towards the sky and fires it **
** (2) Kurtis sinks into his shoulders **
** (9) Eve Kline raises a brow **
(2) Kurtis: Okay! Okay! Damn, he is pissed.
(9) Eve Kline: ((least he didn't miss :P))
** (7) Justin puts the safety back on, reholsters the gun and starts walking **
(7) Justin: ((lmao))
(8) Dante: (( the sky??? ))
(2) Kurtis: ((its a big target yknow))
(9) Eve Kline: ((Yes))
(7) Justin: ((Should I get a +3 on all shots aimed at the sky?)
(2) Kurtis: ((by all means))
(9) Eve Kline: ((Yeah sure))
(7) Justin: ((Awesome))
** (8) Dante winces at the gunfire and refocuses his thoughts, returning his attention once again to Kurt's mental signature. **
(8) Dante: ((What about called shots?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): So, we walk walk walk... which path are we taking? cutting through the woods, or around the lake coast?
(8) Dante: (( penalties? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah -3 for headshot to the sky))
(9) Eve Kline: Well if they didn't know where we were before
(9) Eve Kline: ((hehehe))
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)So, what's our direction? I'm pretty sick of trees. First Forester's place, then this.
(8) Dante: (( I'll take my chances ))
(7) Justin: Lets just skirt the lake.
(2) Kurtis: "Panties?"
(9) Eve Kline: Lets get out of here as quick as possible
(2) Kurtis: "Lake. Water. Wet Tshirts. Breasts."
** (8) Dante lets out another relieved breath. (Broadcast)Justin says the lake, Kurt says panties. **
(2) Kurtis: "I didn't say that!"
** (8) Dante grins a wide, invisible grin. **
(2) Kurtis: "Hey I'm sure that's some kind of privacy violation!"
** (7) Justin sighs and starts off towards the lake **
(8) Dante: "And I'm pretty sure that after what's happened, I deserve a little self-indulgent humor."
(9) Eve Kline: Ya know I bet Justin is thinking right about now "if only I hadn't joined the evil guys I never would have met these good guys" *snickers in mind*
(9) Eve Kline: "We all figured that was what you were thinking anyway."
(8) Dante: (Eve) Too funny. Entirely possible.
** (9) Eve Kline is heading towards the lake? **
(2) Kurtis: So, we skirt the lake, and eventually end up on a sidewalk in a park, that takes us over the bridges as we enter the city of Leipzig. The overall mood of the city architecture is like this. An old, exquisite German city, carrying a majestic style and an aged feel
** (7) Justin looks around at the architecture, letting his mood undarken a bit, as he takes in foreign architecture for the first time **
** (8) Dante looks around at all the buildings. (Surface thought)Ah, this is much more beautiful than Malta. **
(2) Kurtis: The streets are narrow, and there are considerably more people on the streets than there would be in America in a city that size, this town looks more like San Fransisco on a rush hour, except nobody is rushing, there's just a lot of people on the streets. Surprisingly many shops and cafes and bakeries, and all sleepers. No things magical at first sight for a few blocks.
** (9) Eve Kline would relax visably if she were visable. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, there are plenty of alleys with nobody paying attention
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The compass leads you through the zigzagging convoluted streets somewhere towards the center of the city, it begins to wobble, the liquid starts to spread, signifying relative close proximity
** (2) Kurtis seems ashamed of his earlier behavior and travels in the back of the pack, following Dante's lead **
(2) Kurtis: not that anyone can tell
** (8) Dante is glad we didnt take the aircraft gun. Continues to lead on, following the compass' trail. **
** (7) Justin follows keeping a safe proximity from everyone else, not quite ready to be annoyed by other people just yet **
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Everyone good? Hungry? Tired? Scared? Excited?
(2) Kurtis: Is horny an option?
(9) Eve Kline: Ready for this to be all over with?
(8) Dante: (Kurtis) Horny is a given.
(2) Kurt's Voice: "We should find a hollow."
(7) Justin: Tell kurt to not talk outloud.
(7) Justin: That being said, I grudgingly agree.
(9) Eve Kline: Agreed but he should probably not be saying that where people can hear him
(8) Dante: (Eve) Yeah, you and me both. (Kurtis) Justin says "hush", but he agrees. (Broadcast) Kurtis suggests we find a hollow.
(2) Kurt's Voice: Allies, breakfast, quintessense, and free lodging.
(8) Dante: ((Freaking italics))
(2) Kurt's Voice: Look for Free Coucil or Adamantine Arrow symbols.
(2) Kurt's Voice: So far they seemed to be the only allies.
(8) Dante: (Broadcast) I've got no idea how to locate one. I can't recall the signs offhand.
(2) Kurt's Voice: Book.
(7) Justin: If it is a star, we're in luck.
** (8) Dante pulls the book from his back pocket and flips through the pages, looking for the insignia of the Free Council and Adamatine Arrow. (Kurtis)Ah, good call. **
(9) Eve Kline: ((lol))
(8) Dante: (( Wait, not back pocket, wtf. inside of shirt, for clarification. I dont know where back pocket came from ))
** (8) Dante continues walking along, looking for any symbols among the multitude of buildings. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): After a lengthy amount of foot-cruising the streets, we finally locate a Hollow. Looking at the Gem compass, we see that the liquid drop is going crazy, pointing straight ahead, inside. It's a huge pentagon-shaped grand hotel with over 30 floors, and it looks like there is a private banquet going on, ladies in ball dresses and partying aristocrats in tuxedoes driving up to the doors... the Hollow has a symbol over it's door.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): THE SILVER LADDER
** (8) Dante looks down at the compass, then up at the hollow's symbol. (Broadcast)Hey, guys... this is a Silver Ladder hollow. The compass is pointing inside.. I feel like I should be worried. **
(7) Justin: Is the silver ladder bad or something?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((boxing for the night?))
** (8) Dante snaps the book shut and tucks it inside his shirt, carefully guarding his chest area with the now-free hand. **
(8) Dante: (Broadcast)Justin asks if the silver ladder is bad. I'd attempt to explain, but I probably wouldn't properly explain the gravity of how this is bad.
(8) Dante: (( Boxing sounds good. Tenssssssssssse ))
(7) Justin: ((I'm not opposed to boxing.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM):
Back Next Week!

(2) Konrad Knox (GM): all 5 exp. Justin 6 exp for character development
(8) Dante: (( Front Last Week! ))
(7) Justin: Whoo!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): keep it on.
(7) Justin: Can I buy gnosis 3 for 24?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, which would leave you with 2xp
(7) Justin: Yes it would. Awesome.
(7) Justin: That was a really cool session.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, fast paced
(8) Dante: Yerrrr. Felt kinda like my dice were a bit cooled off, maybe luke warm, but the end result was good. The intensity was thick enough to cut.
(7) Justin: I know right?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): again, anyone who makes me laugh out loud or shows char development RP that sticks to my mind, get bonuzes as encouragement
(8) Dante: I am not funny enough :(
** (7) Justin makes a note to start a circle of drug abuse and rehabilitation and falling off the wagon, only to start the circle over again **
(8) Dante: (( anyone remember the page for experience costs? ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): CRAFT JOEKS!
(7) Justin: Boom, instant character developement.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): page 114 improtaton?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i dont remember
(9) Eve Kline: buying wits 3 @ 15xp will put me @ 0xp
(7) Justin: What cost are you tryin gto figger out?.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): sold 3 wits to Eve
(8) Dante: (( attributes and skillz and the like. Not arcanum/gnosis ))
(9) Eve Kline: attributes are 5 x new level
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve is awarded Master Fishbreeder award
(7) Justin: Attributes are apparently 5xdot
(9) Eve Kline: skills are 3 x new level
(9) Eve Kline: Yay!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): specialties 3x new level, merits are 2x level of merit
(9) Eve Kline: No spcialties don't have levels they are just 3 a piece
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): u cant stack em?
(9) Eve Kline: No you can't have specialty rifles x2
(9) Eve Kline: for firearms skill
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): hm
(9) Eve Kline: just specialty rifles
(9) Eve Kline: speicialty colt magnum
(9) Eve Kline: specialty semi-auto
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): hey how does it work if i say have specialty rifles and specialty scopes, and im using rifle with a scope?
(9) Eve Kline: specialty aimed shots
(9) Eve Kline: I'm not sure on that.
(9) Eve Kline: is bedtime now?