Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:14
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 18:14
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Eve Kline (enter): 18:17
(3) Dante (enter): 18:18
(4) GM or something (enter): 18:19
(3) Dante: Woo.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve Kline...
(5) Justin (enter): 18:19
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Justin...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) GM or something...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Dante...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) GM or something...
(1) Konrad Knox: My IP changed
(1) Konrad Knox: stupid port forwarding
(4) GM or something: Rachel is closeing out her game, she'll be a sec
(5) Justin: Awr.
(1) Konrad Knox: i am becoming pretty pro at this
(1) Konrad Knox: so, who has how much time on their hands?
(4) GM or something: *looks*
(4) GM or something: I have Time 4
** (3) Dante shrugs. **
(3) Dante: However long it takes?
(1) Kurtis: let me rephrase it in english...
(4) GM or something: English is capitalised
(1) Kurtis: how much time does everyone have - sleeping, surprise grocery shopping, emergency sex, getting stoned schedule, mormon mass?
(6) Robin (enter): 18:21
(5) Justin: I'm good.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Robin...
(5) Justin: I got coffee.
(2) Eve Kline: I don't think mormon's have mass persay...
(2) Eve Kline: thats mostly a catholic thing.
(4) GM or something: My getting stoned schedual is getting pretty tight now, I don't know.
(1) Kurtis: what do mormons have? rave party pennacostles?
(4) GM or something: Then after that I usualy have to go to Morman Mass
(5) Justin: Yes!
(2) Eve Kline: lol
(3) Dante: DJ Jehovatron up in here!
(5) Justin: Oh jesus..
(5) Justin: lmao
(4) GM or something: lol
** (3) Dante shrugs. **
(2) Eve Kline: Little known fact... the mormon church now owns controlling stocks in the boyscouts of america
(3) Dante: Mormons own Dr. Pepper.
(2) Eve Kline: LIES!!!
(4) GM or something: True story Eve?
(5) Justin: Gah..
(3) Dante: Truth.
(2) Eve Kline: ... well that's just great... now I can't drink Dr. Pepper anymore...
(4) GM or something: Dr. Pepper contains caffine, so I don't belive Cain, but the Boy Scout thing?
(2) Eve Kline: Don't they know it has caffine in it.
(3) Dante: That's what makes it a great irony.
(2) Eve Kline: Yes the boy scout thing.
(1) Kurtis: They substitute caffeine now with a hypnotic drug
(1) Kurtis: that makes you see golden tablets
(5) Justin: ...
(5) Justin: Tableto's!
(5) Justin: The mormon cereal!
(2) Eve Kline: lol
(5) Justin: With a nephite in every spoonfull.
(1) Kurtis: you know, with Justin's development specialties, he could MAKE golden tablets and seize control of mormon church
(5) Justin: *nods*
(2) Eve Kline: hehehe
(5) Justin: He could.
(5) Justin: He could make himself look exactly like that guy too..
(5) Justin: Adams..
(5) Justin: Or whatever his name was, I dunno.
(5) Justin: I don't know enough about Mormons to play a mormon character.
(5) Justin: It's so sad.
(2) Eve Kline: Joseph smith?
(5) Justin: That guy.
(2) Eve Kline: or the neo-nazi looking guys?
(4) GM or something: The Boy Scouts prohibit Athiests and Agnostics from joining.
(2) Eve Kline: yup
(2) Eve Kline: and Jewish ppl.
(4) GM or something: Hmm, I knew a Jewish Boyscout..
(2) Eve Kline: not any more...
(5) Justin: Jewish people have their own boyscouts..
(1) Kurtis: russian Podvig cadets pwn boyscouts
(5) Justin: I think..
(5) Justin: Like Jew-scouts.
(2) Eve Kline: :D!!!
(1) Kurtis: Boy-Jews
(3) Dante: Jew-boys?
(2) Eve Kline: and now we will make macaroni pictures for Moses by gluing macaroni onto paper to please him
(1) Kurtis: of Jerusalem
(5) Justin: Yes@
(3) Dante: Jew-Boys of Jerusalem. The next Matisyahu.
(1) Kurtis: the next Ninja
(4) GM or something: Jew-rulsalum Scouts
(6) Robin: You guys.... I'm Mormon...
(6) Robin: Fuck you guys.
(1) Kurtis: oh. i'm so sorry.
(4) GM or something: Don't listen to her.
(6) Robin: lol jk
(5) Justin: Liar.
(1) Kurtis: [ragequit
(2) Eve Kline: You know the last time we were with our cammies talking about mormons one of them got up and stormed out... turns out her family was mormon...
(1) Kurtis: i actually saw that happen when we were with cammies this girl saryah stormed out of the.... ^ what she is saying
(2) Eve Kline: her bf went out and talked her down... an irony since he was making the most jokes.
(2) Eve Kline: :P
(2) Eve Kline: *wins*
(4) GM or something: Cammies?
(6) Robin: lol
(4) GM or something: Cannon Spike!
(1) Kurtis: Camarilla club
(2) Eve Kline: Camarilla club members. the formal organazation for White Wolf game players
(1) Kurtis: people who play Mage BIG LEAGUES
(2) Eve Kline: yeah.
(4) GM or something: O
(1) Kurtis: which means anywhere you go - you can bring your char along
(5) Justin: Larp.
(1) Kurtis: anyway, should we begin?
(2) Eve Kline: yes and yes
(6) Robin: Oh wtb skill 2 of investigation and 2 of occultation.
(6) Robin: so -10 xp for me
(1) Kurtis: summoning a box requires a ritual
(2) Eve Kline: willing to buy?

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(2) Eve Kline: lol @ robin
(1) Kurtis: wts 2 stealth PST
(5) Justin: I forgot the stump ritual.
(4) GM or something: occultation or Occult?
(4) GM or something: lol Kurt
(1) Kurtis: Dante, atk plz buff def
(3) Dante: Oh dear.
(6) Robin: occult
(3) Dante: /shout WTT ROTES 4 NOTES PST
(4) GM or something: /2 Dante I have 100 Notes
(4) GM or something: /w*
Sorry I don't know what /shout is!
(1) Kurtis: /shout WTS Peerless Gilgamesh Telekinetic Countersword Shield of Oblivion PST
** (6) Robin lights the box ritual candles **
(3) Dante: / w Tristin i dun hav that mny rotes sry lol ty neway
** (5) Justin gathers the chickens **
** (3) Dante would fly away but, alas, he is merely a chicken. **
** (2) Eve Kline gets out the machet **
(1) Kurtis: so we owning the hooded man
** (4) GM or something gives Eve the ritual Dagger **
** (6) Robin eyes roll back in her head as her chanting begains. **
(1) Kurtis:
The staircase door busts open, the room fills with smell of death, and we seeeeeee....

(4) GM or something: ((Forgive the warcaft picutre, but it's the closest I could find))
(3) Dante: (( Oh shit, we're under attack by flesh golems! ))
(1) Kurtis: ((well, i'm officially peeing in my pants))
(4) GM or something: A being comes out, smelling of death and rotting flesh, a giant seeming to be created of sewn flesh and body parts of different people.
(1) Kurtis: "Oh Jesus aardvark-fucking Christ, that's disgusting..." - takes a step back making sure he's still behind everyone else
(2) Eve Kline: Composure roll please?
(4) GM or something: The mere smell of him is nausiating, He looks around the room then projectile vomits.
(4) GM or something: ((On your turn actually))
(4) GM or something: Who's closest to the door, I cannot remember?
(3) Dante: (( Pff, like we can. ))
(6) Robin: ((not it))
(3) Dante: (( not it ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((resolve + composure to not gawk in mindless horror... Resolve + Com = 7)
(2) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [2,7] = (9)
(2) Eve Kline: umm..
(1) Kurtis: ((i know i'm keeping right behind Eve))
(2) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,5,8,2,4,4] = (2)
(4) GM or something: I know Kurt was nearby, I think Eve was too.
(5) Justin: ((I dunno?))
(1) Kurtis: ((i step the hell back ))
(2) Eve Kline: now which door is it bursting out of cause I was closet to the door behind which the hooded figure was.. but I was near almost in the middle of the room
(4) GM or something: Kurt and Eve a catapult like spray of green bile falls near (if not on top of) you. Defence?
(2) Eve Kline: ((I thought it was my turn..)
(4) GM or something: ((We had ended on the hooded man's turn, I know that much.))
(1) Kurtis: My defense is 4 and i have a 5 power telekinetic shield wrapped around me
(4) GM or something: ((Oh, misscommunication, I meant I will be requireing composure checks on your turn))
(2) Eve Kline: 2 plus a shield of 5 (oh)
(4) GM or something: Okay first one on Kurt
(4) GM or something: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,1,8,3] = (1)
(4) GM or something: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,1,[10, 4],3,4,4] = (2)
(4) GM or something: Kurt 1 sheild lost, Eve 2 sheild lost as the bile rains down ontop of you. Kurt you manage to blast it aside with telekenesis, and Eve (duno what kind of sheild you put up)
(2) Eve Kline: (death)
(3) Dante: (( om nom nom nom ))
(2) Eve Kline: (the death shield basically eats all the energy out of anything coming near me and in some cases even goes so far as to turn the target into ash)
(4) GM or something: Yours is consumed by shadows. Now... did anyone save the last session's log, because I don't know how to and I cannot remember initiative orders?
(3) Dante: (( Nnnnnope. ))
(4) GM or something: Okay, let's say the shock of the creature causes a new initative
(5) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [7,5] = (12)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Init: [1d10.open(10)+(7)] => [8,7] = (15)
** (6) Robin found the F5 macro key **
(3) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [7,7] = (14)
(1) Kurtis: ((log is online))
(6) Robin: Initiative[1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [4,6] = (10)
(3) Dante: (( I rolled a 14 last time too... ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((New comp, don't have my old bookmarks))
(1) Kurtis: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Session21s.html
(1) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [7,8] = (15)
(2) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [1,6] = (7)
(2) Eve Kline: ...
(2) Eve Kline: *cries herself to sleep*
(4) ????: Init: [1d10.open(10)+(4)] => [2,4] = (6)
(2) Eve Kline: ,,,
(4) ????: ((That was Captian Planet))
(2) Eve Kline: wow
(2) Eve Kline: He's a hero.
(3) Dante: (( He's gonna take pollution down to zero. ))
(1) Kurtis: ((with that init the thing will be dead before it moves))
(4) GM or something: Okay, Kurt
(4) GM or something: ((The suit of armor))
(1) Kurtis: holding my turn with right to cut in))
(4) GM or something: ((Robin named him Capt. Planet))
(4) GM or something: Roll comp + Resolve though
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,6,5,9,5,7] = (2)
(4) GM or something: Okay
** (4) Colonel B. Samson looks at the horror that slams through the doorway. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,5,7,7,9,2] = (1)
** (4) Colonel B. Samson shakes of the creeps he gets from the mere sight of the thing and attempts to physicly alter his apearance. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,9,7,4,3,2,4] = (1)
** (4) Colonel B. Samson his arms buff out, and get hairrier, tipped with claws that resemble a bear. **
** (4) Colonel B. Samson charges tword the monstosity **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Dante
(3) Dante: (( Comp 3, Resolve 3 = 6 ))
(3) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],6,5,7,2,7] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: 2
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Okay, you're fine
** (3) Dante glances at the goo deflected by Kurtis' kinetic shield and steps back just a bit, unsure of what to do about the giant... gross thing. He raises his revolver and aims for its head, feeling a bit like a kid playing an arcade game, and fires. ((penalty to a called target?)) **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((Forgot the called shot penalties again..))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((-2? It's a big head and -2 for defence))
(1) Kurtis: ((called shot is -3, if he succeeds, he does major damage. and defense does not apply to firearms))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Okay what he said
(3) Dante: (( Yeah, what's the dice on a pistol again? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((dex + firearms + pistol bonus on your char sheet. 2 or 3 for volver i think))
(3) Dante: (( 2? 3? Go with 2 I guess? Hell.. Dex 4 + Firearms 3 + revolver specialty 2 - 3 = 6 ))
(3) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],6,8,6,[10, 7],8] = (4)
(1) Kurtis: ((oh god))
(3) Dante: (( >_> ))
(3) Dante: (( I AM in an arcade, aren't I? I passed out and this is all just a giant hallucination that Dante is having! Plot resolved. ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: With a well placed shot, you blast through the left (his left) side of his face. blowing peices of skull and gore across the room.
** (3) Dante steps back another couple feet, ensuring he can see the door to the hooded figure's room in his peripheral vision. (( That good? End )) **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Justin
(5) Justin: ((gotta roll the composure thing?)
(4) GM or something: Yeah
(4) GM or something: comp + resolve
(5) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 5],4,3,1,9,4] = (2)
(4) GM or something: Okay, you're fine
** (5) Justin moves his hand down to take ahold of one of the water bottles he's been holding onto. With a flash of power, he attempts to transmute it to a volatile substance **
(5) Justin: ((transmute water int 3 sci 5 matter 3 = 11))
(5) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 2],8,4,5,7,4,9,1,9,4] = (5)
** (5) Justin tosses the bottle to the flesh golem, shouting out all the while **
(5) Justin: "Kurtis, light it!"
(3) Dante: (( Rocket fuel? >_> ))
(5) Justin: ((Napalm?))
(4) GM or something: ((Whatever you want it to be))
(5) Justin: ((Something that goes boom))
(4) GM or something: Speakers
(1) Kurtis: cutting in
(4) GM or something: okay
(4) GM or something: You already rolled your comp, so go ahead.
(1) Kurtis: I'm watching the bottle fly, getting ready to cast. Where does the bottle connect to the creature? Does hit catch the bottle, is it flying towards its head, chest, whatever?
(5) Justin: It was aimed at the middle, general direction, with the intent on hitting the creature..
(4) GM or something: Justin didn't specify, but Justin please give me Ath+Str
(4) GM or something: ((lol))
(5) Justin: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,7] = (1)
(4) GM or something: It is headed to (will contact with) the mid section
(1) Kurtis: The moment it connects I drive energy through it with attempt to cause as powerful an explosion as possible, and keep the impact in one direction - away from us
(1) Kurtis: Now, i have a rote for controlling fire, which makes heat dense, and I know how to channel electricity, electiricty control, I also know how to make things move and fly apart, telekinesis, but i havent made anything outright explode yet, which is I suppose a combination of fire and energy outburst, so with gnosis?
(1) Kurtis: my aim is not to just set the bottle aflame, but to amplify its explosion to extreme. Possible?
(3) Dante: (( Combined spell? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((gnosis 3 lets me spend... 2 mana a turn?))
(4) GM or something: Yeah, sounds like telekenesis and your ability to control energy, so gnosis.
(1) Kurtis: ((oooh, page 128 has specifics on how to combine spells. i have to roll my lowest dice pool of the two at -2))
(4) GM or something: ((3 gnosis 3 mana per turn))
(1) Kurtis: my telekinesis pool is 3+3+5 = 11. My heat control is 4+1+5 = 10. So 10 - 2 = 8 + 1 ring = 9
(1) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,[10, 9],2,1,3,4,7,6] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: 3
(1) Kurtis: all successes into power
(2) Eve Kline: wow...
(4) GM or something: You channel the heat from the air and the friction the botttle is causing as it travels through the air into the bottle and amplify it ,setting it ablaze, as it explodes you direct the force straight into the creature. ((I combined successes from Justin's cast as well to the force of the spell))
(2) Eve Kline: weeeeheheh
(4) GM or something: The force basts the creature back a few feet, and blows a hole in its torso, organs come spewing out,, the monster is still ablaze.
(4) GM or something: Kurt and Justin, both done?
(3) Dante: (( Ahhh, I love me some resident evil boss fighting ))
(1) Kurtis: done
(5) Justin: Done
(4) GM or something: ((You are giving me ideas Dante))
(4) GM or something: Robin.
(5) Justin: ((*presses button to not die*))
(3) Dante: (( Oh dear, not ideas. ))
(6) Robin: composture4+resolve3
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,8,8,7,5,3,4] = (3)
(4) GM or something: You're fine.
(6) Robin: ((whats that hooded dude doing?
(3) Dante: (( Napping ))
(1) Kurtis: ((he has strength 1 now))
(1) Kurtis: ((enervated))
(2) Eve Kline: ((he is a mewling kitten of lame))
(4) GM or something: He's barely standing (thanks to Eve reducing his Str and decaying his muscles)
(6) Robin: Okay was wondering))
whispering to Eve Kline, you're so hot when you rot things alive
(2) Eve Kline: ((He is this kitten http://www.jwegesin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/fail-kitten.jpg ))
** (6) Robin focuses on the constructss mind, making the balze of his torso sear his mind, too. ((psychic sword -his resolve to my dice)) **
(4) GM or something: ((Our cats won't play with toys like that))
(6) Robin: ((shawn plays with it more than the cats do))
(4) GM or something: ((Ummm, 0? ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((*can totally picture that*))
(6) Robin: (great!))
(6) Robin: ((mind4+gnosis4 =death))
(6) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,2,8,8,7,8,7] = (3)
(6) Robin: 3 lethal damage))
(6) Robin: ((done))
(4) GM or something: It might be the raging from the fire that he is undergoing but he seems unphased.
(4) GM or something: Eve.
(6) Robin: ((oh yeah dropped spactial vision mantaing mc on armor. done for real now))
(2) Eve Kline: I will be going with the classic rotting flesh :D Str+Intim+Death = 10)
(2) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],2,9,3,[10, 4],7,7,[10, 6],3,7] = (4)
(2) Eve Kline: 4 lethal.
(2) Eve Kline: done
(4) GM or something: The man's howls can be heard from through the door.
** (4) ???? Captian Planet lumbers tword into the invisible door and runs into it. **
(4) ????: ((Was it's Str enhanced?))
(1) Kurtis: ((i think its basic 1 still))
(1) Kurtis: ((durability 4, so 4 hp boxes))
(4) ????: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: go cap'n
(2) Eve Kline: woot
(4) ????: The door caves in a bit as the giant collides with it.
(4) Hooded Figure: The smell in the room worsens as the smell of the scorching rotting flesh reaches everyone's nostrils.
(4) Hooded Figure: Entropic guard: The figure resummons the shadows to protect him from harm
(4) Hooded Figure: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],5,3,6,7,7,[10, 9],1,[10, 2],6,8] = (4)
(4) Monster: The monster lurches tword the Colonel and attempts to pick him up.
(4) Monster: ((Does size get factored into grappling?))
(4) Monster: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,7,8,1] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: ((yeah, it counts for trying to get out of grapple))
(1) Kurtis: ((-1 for each difference in size for colonel to try and get out))
(1) Kurtis: ((but colonel doesnt have ot get out, they can fight and dmg each other in grapple, colonel just cant move and cant use his arms, but he can outstrength it and gain control over grapple))
(1) Kurtis: ((whoever has control over grapple, can use arms, the loser is pinned/immobilized))
(4) Monster: The monster lifts the Colonel and throws him at...
(4) Monster: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
(4) Monster: Kurt
(2) Eve Kline: lol
(1) Kurtis: kinetic shield!!
(4) Monster: Defence?
(1) Kurtis: 4 defense 4 dots of shield
(4) Monster: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4] = (0)
(4) Monster: ((Do you count defence for thrown objects?))
(2) Eve Kline: ((yes))
(1) Kurtis: ((thrown, yes, fired no. ))
(4) Monster: Okay did that wrong though
(4) Monster: First I have to be able to throw it which is Str + Dex + Ath - size of object
(4) Monster: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,3,7,3,1,8,8] = (3)
(4) Monster: Shit
(4) Monster: Wrogn
(4) Monster: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,[10, 3]] = (2)
(4) Monster: okay
(4) Monster: Then it's Dex + Ath + equipment - defence.
(4) Monster: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4] = (0)
(4) Monster: And you easily duck the Colonel as he flys over your head
(2) Eve Kline: ((....LOL!))
(3) Dante: (( lmao ))
(1) Kurtis: ((rofl))
(3) Dante: (( *other obligatory acronyms that symbolize laughter on varying scales* ))
(5) Justin: ((hehe, flying brock samson..))
(1) Kurtis: ((lulz?))
(5) Justin: ((juadlmbouieiatolf))
(4) Monster: He lumbers forward a few more feet, still smoldering.
(6) Robin: ((i thought it was funny too :D ))
** (4) Colonel B. Samson climbs to his feet and charges at the creature, his toughened skin (spell) seeming to absorb the impact of the ground. **
(3) Dante: (( Jumps up and down laughing my butt off until I eventually initiate a time of life factor? ))
(3) Dante: (( I just can't figure out the rest... ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Str + Brawl - defence
(1) Kurtis: ((flies a roflcopter to the moon))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,[10, 10, 4],3,9,4,8] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: 4
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Shit forgot to
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,6,7,9,[10, 9]] = (3)
(1) Kurtis: still 4
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((okay comp check))
(5) Justin: (( Jumps up and down laughing my bottom off until it ejects into a torrent of loose feces))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: rips into the monsters inards with his bear claws.
(3) Dante: (( HAHAHA! I knew it was something dirty! ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Dante
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Comp + resolve
(3) Dante: (( a..gain? K. Comp 3, resolve 3 = 6 ))
(3) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,[10, 9],8,9,5] = (3)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: You're fine
(2) Eve Kline: (*prods dante with a spoon/fork*))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: That's a spork dave
(2) Eve Kline: or a foon
** (3) Dante shakes his head at the sight of the creature still lurking and turns his attention back to the (( still transparent? )) door, peering at the hooded figure once more. He tries to enter the man's mind and fry the synapses of his mind, snapping nerves where possible. (( Impromptu Psychic Sword: Mind 4, Gnosis 3 = 7 )) **
(3) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,4,9,8,4,3] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: i prefer a foon))
(3) Dante: (( I too, prefer foons to sporks. ))
(3) Dante: (( Far more versatile ))
(3) Dante: (( Ah wait, minus his resolve and shit, huh? ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((you're like a creepy twin Dante... we will cause havok as soon as you get your butt up to AK))
(3) Dante: (( Scary isnt it? ))
(3) Dante: (( Or I guess its minus resolve? ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Resolve is 3
(1) Kurtis: ((i can see the foon battles in my head))
(4) Hooded Figure: 's
(3) Dante: (( Oh, okay, so total pool is 4. This will end well. ))
(3) Dante: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 10, 10, 7],7,7] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: 3
(3) Dante: (( Weee. ))
(5) Justin: sjflsajgljgsa
(4) Hooded Figure: fuck...
(1) Kurtis: hsfjida
(2) Eve Kline: Holy...
(2) Eve Kline: penis.
(3) Dante: (( lmao ))
(5) Justin: Jesus..
(2) Eve Kline: :P
(1) Kurtis: fhg
(3) Dante: (( So like.. that was a shock and stuff. ))
(4) Hooded Figure: The shadows seem to eat the powerful spell, much of them disipating.
(3) Dante: (( The shadows can eat MY powerful spell... oh wait. ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((Yes... Yes they can.))
(2) Eve Kline: (( :D))
(4) GM or something: Justin Resolve + Comp
(3) Dante: (( Apparently T_T ))
(5) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,3,3,5,1,7] = (1)
(4) GM or something: -3 to all dice rolls, you choke and gag as the sight and smell of the burning monster is just too much.
(3) Dante: (( Sorry I wasted the good roll >.> ))
(4) GM or something: Until he rolls 9 10s in a row
** (5) Justin gags, his eyes watering as he fights not to vomit at the putrid stink of the blazing golem filling the room, he raises his pistol upwards, and attempts to fire at the disgusting thing* **
(3) Dante: (( I do hope to do so one day, Mr. Tristin ))
(1) Kurtis: ((you didnt waste your turn. the guy is ill-defended now))
(4) GM or something: ((Ohgod everyone duck, Justin's shooting with a dice - ))
(3) Dante: (( Christ XD ))
(5) Justin: ((3 - 3 = 0 which means it's a chance card!))
(3) Dante: (( Yeah, I know Kurt. ))
(2) Eve Kline: ((I should totally get bonus dice to these composure rolls being as I'm a CSI agent and Moros :P hehe))
(5) Justin: ((Teach you guys to give the kid a gun)
(5) Justin: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
(2) Eve Kline: ((*blaims Kurtis*))
(2) Eve Kline: nice
(1) Kurtis: ((wow, we're rolling rediculosly well tonight))
(3) Dante: (( Oh wow. ))
(5) Justin: ((huh..))
(5) Justin: ((Oh well, good enough))
(3) Dante: (( Quick, someone leave the tomb and go buy some lotto tickets ))
(5) Justin: (( We could already just rig the lotto, we're mages ))
(4) GM or something: You land a bullet into the burning midsection.
(3) Dante: (( But chance [without intervention] => without intervention is so much more fun! ))
(5) Justin: "Oh did I get it? Did I hit it? I'm going to vomit.."
(4) GM or something: ((Done?))
(5) Justin: Done, sorry.
(3) Dante: (( Aw, I was waiting for him to vomit ))
(5) Justin: (( If I roll badly next turn, I will))
(4) GM or something: ((I was gonna say the same thing))
(4) GM or something: Kurtis
(1) Kurtis: The creature is put together with stitches, like on the image?
(4) GM or something: Yeah, but alot more of a collage than the immage, think stitches all over the place, and it way more obvious that it's tons of people. Obvious ethnicities scattered throughout the monster on arm made of like 3 different arms, one much larger than the other.
(4) GM or something: ((No third arm though))
** (1) Kurtis mentally pulls on the friction forces holding the stitches together and tries to nullify them, with aim to simply have stitches not hold together anymore, and have them unweave, making friction as weak as that of oil. **
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 9
(1) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 8],4,8,3,[10, 3],1,8,4] = (4)
(2) Eve Kline: wow...
(3) Dante: (( And anOTHER home run! ))
(2) Eve Kline: thats like.. epic win.
(3) Dante: (( Well, it IS 5... ))
(4) GM or something: The skin begins to fall off in chunks reveiling chuncks of exposed muscle, bound in metal wire.
** (1) Kurtis shouts "Take care of the hooded guy. I think I got this." and draws his massive sword.((done)) **
(4) GM or something: ((Kurt, ya skipped your comp check))
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],7,1,5,9,8,3] = (3)
(4) GM or something: Okay.
(4) GM or something: Robin comp + res
(6) Robin: 4+3
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,4,7,2,2,6] = (0)
(6) Robin: ....
(4) GM or something: You puke, loose your turn
(2) Eve Kline: ewww
** (6) Robin chicken and dumplings spew suddenly on meh shoes. **
** (6) Robin looks slightly embarassed as she wipes her moth on her sleave. **
(6) Robin: mouth*
(4) Moth: (("It's okay Robin I forgive you"))
(5) Justin: (( Life + Gnosis check to take control of the puke moth? ))
(4) GM or something: Eve, Comp+Res
(2) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 5],5,5,8,1,4,9] = (3)
(4) GM or something: Okay, you're fine.
whispering to Justin, neutralize our smell perception PLEASE
whispering to Justin, so we dont have to take this rediculos penalty
(3) Dante: (( Spirit + Gnosis to speak with the spirit of a puke moth? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((Name's Mo whatup))
(3) Dante: (( lmao ))
** (2) Eve Kline shifts her focus, aiming along her hand through the transprent door Eve's eyes begin to bleed to black once more shadows spilling from her hands (hopefully) aimed just behind the hooded figure **
(2) Eve Kline: (wits occult death = 11)
(2) Eve Kline: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,5,2,4,2,9,1,[10, 7],[10, 8],1] = (3)
(2) Eve Kline: (4)
(2) Eve Kline: I will put 2 into strenght and 2 into durability and have my shadows grapple hooded figure
(2) Eve Kline: (I know he only has a strenght of 1 after all)
(4) GM or something: Okay, 3 defence.
(2) Eve Kline: umm.. so chance die? I don't think my shadows can have brawl.
(4) GM or something: Roll 2 then.
(4) GM or something: No - for skill here
(2) Eve Kline: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5] = (1)
(2) Eve Kline: yay!
(4) GM or something: The shadows manage to restrain the hooded mage.
(2) Eve Kline: that is teh done
(4) GM or something: ((Err, forgot it's - defence, so it would be chance, but in the sake of moving things along, dont worry about it))
** (4) ???? Captian Planet tries to find the invisible door handle. **
(4) ????: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2] = (0)
** (4) ???? headbutts it in frusttration **
(4) ????: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3] = (0)
(2) Eve Kline: lol
(2) Eve Kline: how do you fail at headbutting?
(3) Dante: (( lmao ))
(5) Justin: ((Planeteers, help me...))
(4) ????: She just asked the same thing.
(6) Robin: I just asked hi that lol))
(6) Robin: 99aww))
(6) Robin: ((stupid cat on meh making me type bad.))
(4) Hooded Figure: Creates his own shadows to decay those that are restraining him, then protect him when they are done. ((Combining Decay and Entropic Guard))
(4) Hooded Figure: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 7],3,7,2,3,1,6,5] = (1)
(2) Eve Kline: :P
(2) Eve Kline: take that!
(3) Dante: (( owow ))
(4) Hooded Figure: They peck away at the enemy shadows, but quickly fade.
(4) Monster: Spews what may be his final strike, bile showers over the center of the room, catching Everyone.
(4) Monster: On Colonel
(4) Monster: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,4,5,6,1,4,6,3] = (0)
(5) Justin: ((Whoo!))
(4) Monster: On Dante
(4) Monster: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,6,9,[10, 10, 3],1,5,[10, 8],5] = (4)
(5) Justin: ((lmao))
(4) Monster: 6 leathal
(4) Monster: Justin
(4) Monster: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,5,5,8,2,9,8,7] = (4)
(4) Monster: Kurtis
(4) Monster: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,[10, 9],[10, 10, 10, 10, 7],[10, 8],4,5,8,6] = (5)
(4) Monster: Robin
(6) Robin: god damn
(4) Monster: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,3,3,4,8,[10, 8],4,[10, 10, 5]] = (3)
(5) Justin: ((Oh god))
(4) Monster: Eve
(4) Monster: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,7,8,9,7,2,6,5] = (2)
(2) Eve Kline: hah
(4) Monster: Take away from whatever shields you have first of course
(2) Eve Kline: I still have sheild too.
(1) Kurtis: -1 shield point makes.... 9 lethal...
(6) Robin: I lose m shield completely.
(2) Eve Kline: I still have 1 shield
(1) Kurtis: which covers all my 9 hp boxes with lethal, knocks me out and sends me into agg on any next attack. Kurtis drops his sword and collapses on the floor, bile melting into his clothes and skin
(4) Monster: Those who it actually affects feel like you are covered in acid, it smells like vomit, and burns, your nose and throat feel when you vomit, but waay more intence and all over.
(3) Dante: (( "Those who it actually affects" .... ))
(4) Monster: Kurt, you had 4 shield, that's only 5 damage
** (5) Justin wipes frantically at the bit of acid that got through his shielding, flinching at the burning, itching sensation that it creates **
(1) Kurtis: my shield got eaten, no?
(4) Monster: Not yet I thought.
(4) Monster: You dodged the Colonel mundanely and only 1 shield was eaten by the first spew.
(1) Kurtis: Oh.
(1) Kurtis: Alright... then im still standing, but badly messed up
** (3) Dante is apparently knocked out, overwhelmed by the attack and unable to maintain consciousness. **
(1) Kurtis: 6 lethal
(3) Dante: (( Fucking go me. ))
(4) Monster: ((I wasn't supposed to roll like that on you all))
(4) Monster: Errr, Colonel's turn.
(3) Dante: (( I'm the only one unconscious, so I think you didn't roll everyone. ))
** (4) Colonel B. Samson looks at the smolding monster slowly falling apart, and then to Dante who fell over and is being eaten by bile. Dives to Dante and channels energy to renew his life force. "Don't die on me Kid!" **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,1,6,5,9,7,9] = (3)
** (2) Eve Kline raises an eyebrow at Col.'s choice of words **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Three damage healed.
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Dante, you're prone and groggy.
** (3) Dante is prone and groggy. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((It's your turn if you want to climb to your feet or something))
(3) Dante: (( Ah, sorry. Wasn't paying attention I guess. ))
** (3) Dante climbs to his feet, rubbing an apparent burn on his neck and wrinkling his nose at the toxic smell. He looks over at the gross mass of flesh and muscle, then to Samson. "Ugh, shit. What the hell was that?" He regains his composure and looks to the door. **
(3) Dante: (( Standing from prone takes a full turn, does it not? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((yes))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((You can rise from prone and move in the same turn, PDF page 166))
(3) Dante: (( Huh. Well, movement aside, ending turn. No movement necessary. ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((Okay, Justin, Comp + Resolve because of last turn))
(3) Dante: (( Huuuuurl! ))
(5) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,2,9,9,3,1] = (2)
(3) Dante: (( aw ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Minus 1 to all pools, as you start to get used to the aweful smell, but still feel a bit queezy.
** (5) Justin shakes his head, stalking up to the second most injured person, he lays a hand on Kurtis' shoulder, and attempts to heal him **
(5) Justin: Gnosis 2 Life 3 -1 = 4
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,6,9] = (1)
(5) Justin: Healz 1 lethal, done.
(5) Justin: (( I think anyways))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((That's how I did it for Colonel))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Kurt.
(1) Kurtis: With 5 lethal, Kurt squints at the creature that exploded - how does it look? fallen apart?
(4) Colonel B. Samson: It looks like a mass of organs muscle and bones, with a trail of scorched flesh that has fallen off of it.
(1) Kurtis: charming, but... it doesnt move anymore, right?
(4) Colonel B. Samson: It doesn't apear to be currently moving, as it stopped and puked on all of you, but who knows if it can move if it wants to.
(1) Kurtis: "I fucking hate this fucking crypt" - Kurtis swings the sword, cleaves it into the creature's ruined skull, and electricutes the blade
(1) Kurtis: speed penalty?
(4) Colonel B. Samson: This thing is pretty big, but you can hit it with the tip of the blade or jump, no speed penalty.
(1) Kurtis: sword being my path tool, i channel through it at cost of having to touch the thing upclose
(1) Kurtis: Electricute: Dex 4 + Athletics 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 + Sword 3 = 16
(1) Kurtis: [0 d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0 d10.open(10).vs(0)
(1) Kurtis: - defense?
(1) Kurtis: 3?
(1) Kurtis: have to connect it to cast this way, so defense has to apply
(4) Colonel B. Samson: 2 defence
(1) Kurtis: 16 - 2 = 14
(1) Kurtis: [14 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,1,5,3,8,1,8,9,4,5,4,6,6] = (3)
(3) Dante: (( So, I can get 3 successes from only 4 dice, but Kurt gets 3 from 14? Man that's bizarre. ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: With the electicity surging through his body he colapses to the ground, a mess of flesh and organs.
(1) Kurtis: ((he's hurting pretty bad))
(5) Justin: (( Kurt needs cocaine to do that well ))
(1) Kurtis: ((he's gonna need lots of cocaine and women. My last willpower point, holding on to it))
(1) Kurtis: done
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Robin Comp + Resolve.
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,6,[10, 3],3,9,8] = (3)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: After vomiting, and petting your puke moth, you feel beter.
(6) Robin: (that moth is lucky I even brought him)
** (6) Robin tries to step away from the pukey area, walking carefully as not to slip. **
** (6) Robin focuses on the the hooded mans mind and tries to fry up some brain cells. **
(6) Robin: psychicsword min4+gnosis4 - 3 resolve
(6) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,6,[10, 2],2] = (1)
(6) Robin: 1 lethal
(6) Robin: done
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Your spell is devoured by the last bit of the shadows that still surrounded him.
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Eve it's your turn.
(2) Eve Kline: hehehehe
(2) Eve Kline: well first my shadows will attempt to incapacitate him in the grapple str. vs his str.
(2) Eve Kline: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7] = (0)
(2) Eve Kline: lame
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3]] = (1)
** (4) Hooded Figure ((Flex)) **
(2) Eve Kline: next I will be rotting flesh his ass...
** (2) Eve Kline eve narrows her eyes as the hooded figure flexes against her shadows "I don't fucking think so. Rot." (rote + high speech 2= 12) **
(2) Eve Kline: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,5,6,9,6,1,[10, 9],9,1,4,4] = (3)
(2) Eve Kline: 4 lethal
** (4) Hooded Figure the intesity of his screaming increases **
(2) Eve Kline: done.
(4) Hooded Figure: He goes limp.
(3) Dante: (( Awww, poor guy must have serious problems with the ladies. ))
** (4) ???? Captian Planet looks for the door handle **
(4) ????: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4] = (1)
** (4) ???? opens the door. **
** (4) ???? steps in. **
(4) ????: Out of initiative.
** (4) Colonel B. Samson stands up **
(5) Justin: Is the vomit on the ground considered matter or life?
(4) Colonel B. Samson: No.
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Well, Robins, not the monsters.
** (1) Kurtis sheaths the sword and looks everyone over quickly, before advancing into the room. "That bastard is going to meet his maker." **
(3) Dante: (( I believe that was either or. ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Oh, matter
** (5) Justin shrugs a little and exhaustedly walks into the room behind everyone, using shreds of his sleeves to clean the damnable vomit from him **
(10) Eve Kline (enter): 21:45
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Eve Kline...
** (3) Dante puts a hand on Kurt's shoulder and follows closely behind, steadying him. "Easy, easy. Make it painful, but there's no need for rage now." **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((IMPOSTER!))
(10) Eve Kline: am not!!!))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((Prove it))
** (5) Justin lets out a growl at all the vomit, and attempts to transform it into water with the nice smell of fresh pine **
(6) Robin: Wish I had some breath mints
(10) Eve Kline: Booting '(2) Eve Kline' from server...
(2) Eve Kline (exit): 21:46
(1) Kurtis: "Oh this isn't rage, Dan. This is me being stone cool."
(5) Justin: Transmute Water 11
** (1) Kurtis comes up to the hooded figure, removes the hood **
(5) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,8,7,5,4,2,6,[10, 1],[10, 5],8] = (4)
(6) Robin: ((cues dramatic music))
** (6) Robin clicks her shoes together. "Mmmm pine fresh!" **
** (3) Dante lets his hand free of Kurt's shoulder and nurses a burn along the side of his neck. He looks down at himself and his tattered clothing. "God damn it. And I liked this jacket." Dante looks over to the hooded man to see his visage. **
** (4) Colonel B. Samson a man, patchy peices of skin, like the monster you fought but without the stitches. You've never seen the face though. And he doesn't look completely dead. **
(5) Justin: "Smells better in here now though, am I right?"
** (1) Kurtis looks Dante in the eye **
(1) Kurtis: "Wake him up. Make him unable to lie."
** (6) Robin nods to justin, but keeps her attention on what Kurt is doing. **
(3) Dante: "Yeah, alright."
** (5) Justin returns his attention to the goings on beyond the comedic quips and watches the scene unfold **
** (3) Dante removes his hand from his neck as his eyes flicker, his mind working into the defeated man's. He attempts to stimulate the man's senses to wake him up, while calling out. "Someone hold him down, just in case." **
** (5) Justin moves forward at the askance, pinning one of the man's hands to the ground **
(4) Hooded Figure: The shadows are still there holding him down
(3) Dante: (( Gnosis 3, mind 4 = 7 dice to wake the sleepy creepy. ))
(3) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,4,9,7,[10, 8],4] = (2)
** (4) Hooded Figure wakes up a bit, groggy and bleeding out. **
(10) Eve Kline: ((can I improve my shadows if I cast it again on the shadows already there?))
** (1) Kurtis pulls out a desert eagle 50 cal. He looks at the patched up man, and asks "What is your name? Why did you do this?" **
** (3) Dante looks into the man's eyes and attempts to impose his will upon the man's mind once again, this time to compel him to speak only truths. He whispers almost silently, sending these words into his thoughts. "We want some questions answered. You can trust us, you will only tell us the truth. You have no choice." **
(3) Dante: (( 7 dice to compel the truth ))
(3) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 9],[10, 6],7,9,1,7] = (3)
** (4) Hooded Figure blinks a bit "They... they call me Lich... **
(1) Kurtis: "Why do you kill?"
** (4) Hooded Figure chokes and caughs as he laughs **
** (10) Eve Kline narrows her eyes and allows the shadows to squeeze him just a little **
(4) Hooded Figure: "I am under orders to find perfect mage flesh."
(1) Kurtis: "Who is your master?"
** (4) Hooded Figure meets his eyes. **
(4) Hooded Figure: "You already know that..."
(4) Hooded Figure: "My primary Employer is a man called Scavanger, but there are others.."
(1) Kurtis: "In that case, Lich. Let me introduce you to the Rumored Five." Kurtis releases 7 bullets. Right knee. Left knee. Right elbow. Left elbow. Heart. Neck. Forehead. reloads the gun, holsters it, and walks out of the room.
** (10) Eve Kline shakes her head slightly **
(4) Hooded Figure: His vital's drop.
(10) Eve Kline: "I can call his ghost if anyone else had questions for him."
** (3) Dante cringes at the sudden firing of gunshots and follows Kurt out of the room. "What can you tell me that he would have? I definitely wanted to hear more." **
** (1) Kurtis passes Justin **
(1) Kurtis: "You best not enter."
(3) Dante: (( I think Justin was holding the man's hands >_> ))
(10) Eve Kline: ((yeah.. he was..))
(10) Eve Kline: ((lol))
(1) Kurtis: ((ow. morality drop))
(4) Hooded Figure: Justin, you get blood on your face.
(1) Kurtis: ((sorry man)) XD
(5) Justin: ((*is always invisible*))
(3) Dante: (( lmao XD ))
(10) Eve Kline: ((*Snicker*))
(3) Dante: (( Dont worry man, I saw you. ))
(1) Kurtis: "Sorry Dante, I need a smoke right now. I'll be outside."
(3) Dante: "Then I'll join you. God knows its been too long."
(6) Robin: ((blood on your face, big disgrace... tsk tsk.))
** (5) Justin wipes the blood from his face, fighting the bile that attempts to rise, he turns and shakes his head to Eve's question, his arms moving to cross over his chest, providing a bit of warmth as he turns and exits the room **
(10) Eve Kline: "Col. Did you have any questions for the departed?"
(4) Hooded Figure: "I think I'll look around this place a bit, I can't stand the feelings I get around ghosts."
** (1) Kurtis will be smoking outside in the open air until someone stops him from that activity **
** (6) Robin stands in a semi shocked state **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: -- said that
(10) Eve Kline: ((yeah))
** (10) Eve Kline nods once and shivers whispering "May you find peace and make better choices in the twilight." **
** (4) Colonel B. Samson goes and investigates the side rooms/ **
** (10) Eve Kline steps around the blood splatter and follows the col. just in case he needs backup **
(1) Kurtis: ((oh crap i totally missed Justin's pose about coming to hold the man's hand. ))
(5) Justin: ((It happens. X}))
(1) Kurtis: ((the damn lines skip so fast. well, welcome to hanging with kurtis.))
** (3) Dante begins to follow Kurtis outside, but stops short of the main entrance, leaning against one of the protruding walls. He pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes tightly shut for a moment, reflecting only now on how tired he is from all that's happened. Dante quietly pulls the book from its place in his shirt and begins thumbing through the pages, leaving Kurtis to smoke, but remaining in earshot incase he says anything. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: The other two side rooms seem like mundane rooms, a meeting/dining room and a room with two beds in it.
(10) Eve Kline: ((what is Kurtis wisdom anyway? that is probably a roll for derangement))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Decorated with the same depictions of demons and hell as the other rooms.
(1) Kurtis: ((7))
(1) Kurtis: ((what do i roll?))
(1) Kurtis: ((i do have to say that considering what Kurt witnessed, a creature made of skins and flesh of live humans, putting 7 bullets into a man, was really no big deal for remorse))
(5) Justin: ((Do I gotsa do anything? That was all pretty morbid..))
** (1) Kurtis would light up a smoke for himself and Dante if Dante inquired, using only his hand to call the flame, and he'd nod to him quietly and not say much, his face going into some form of post traumatic trance **
** (6) Robin pats the captin once on the back, and lets the mind control spell diminish. "Not bad, capt'n" Then, walks off to catch up with eve and the Col. **
(10) Eve Kline: ((no you didn't torture someone to death, and Eve already has a lower wisdom))
(1) Kurtis: Wisdom drop: 3 dice
(1) Kurtis: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,7] = (1)
(10) Eve Kline: (No drop, you feel justified in your actions due to his horrindious behavior))
** (1) Kurtis smokes and enjoys the drag, slowly getting over his 9th kill. **
** (10) Eve Kline studies the rooms with the col. for possible artifacts or connections to the other group. **
** (3) Dante eventually puts Kurt's book away and joins him outside without a word, sitting beside him and taking in the lingering smoke of the Obrimos' cigarette. **
** (1) Kurtis after a few long minutes of silence: "Sorry you got dragged into all this. It'll only get worse from here." **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: In the first two there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. The colonel everntually goes into the room the flesh-monster came out of.
(4) GM or something: There is a stone table covered in dried blood.
** (3) Dante waves a dismissive hand, offering a faint smile. "And I'd likely be dead or simply mentally lost had it not been for a part of this group. Hardly your fault I was brought into this situation, since we met only recently." **
(10) Eve Kline: Can I use a motified version of the forensic gaze lvl 1 spell to see what the blood here is from?))
(4) GM or something: Books are all over the place. And there is a what looks like a big stone chair, covered in gore, it looks about the right size for the monster you just fought.
(4) GM or something: Sure ask questions so I have a better idea of the information you're looking for.
** (6) Robin avoids looking at the chair after her eyes pass over it the first time. **
(1) Kurtis: "I think our enemy is directly responsible for waking you up. And now many people will hunt you. To get your power, or just because you exist. We're sort of in the middle of the mess too. Our mistake was taking the job in the first place, but... Tristin - he can see the future. He saw that we had to take it, or we would all die."
(3) Dante: "Death or save the world, eh? Prophetic. Well, for what its worth, I don't hold any grudges to you or anyone else here. What happened here was an unavoidable factor and I'd be far more helpless without you guys around."
** (10) Eve Kline runs a fingertip through the blood and closes her eyes for a moment trying to see who this blood came from and how they died, steeling herself for a likely gruesome sight. **
(10) Eve Kline: (death+gnosis =7)
(10) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,8,2,[10, 10, 9],[10, 6],[10, 7]] = (4)
(10) Eve Kline: oh my god...
(10) Eve Kline: with a roll like that I know their home addresses lol
(4) GM or something: All local
(10) Eve Kline: (it was a joke)
(4) GM or something: Just sayin
(10) Eve Kline: lol
** (6) Robin leaves the current room uncomfortably, uh I'm gonna check something else out...and she head back to the first room **
** (5) Justin still stands against the wall in the room, staring at the ceiling, arms crossed and silent **
** (6) Robin looks around a minute then picks up a famiure book and investigates her find. **
** (10) Eve Kline 's eyes begin to move under her eyelids as if dreaming as she shifts through the images that no doubt cross her mindseye her hand catching the table to steady herself with the rush of info... **
(10) Eve Kline: ((waits for info))
(1) Kurtis: "We need to find this Gem, Dante. All these monsters, they are connected with a woman called Diana Branch. And if she has that baby and that stone is with her, it will change everything. The child will grow up to be something that will break the world apart. Perhaps he will awaken? Who knows..."
** (6) Robin thumbs through the book a few moments **
(3) Dante: "That ... Lich.. He said something about finding the perfect mage flesh. What do you think that means? It has to be connected somehow, but damned if I can even think how."
** (6) Robin closes the book suddenly and lowers it in her arm slowly to carry by her side. **
(10) Eve Kline: ((still waiting?))
(4) GM or something: I thought you would ask questions.
(4) GM or something: ...
(10) Eve Kline: Oh...
(10) Eve Kline: Umm..
(10) Eve Kline: How many do i get?
(4) GM or something: Just ask them as long as it's something the spell would let you know
(1) Kurtis: "Scavenger. Eve has his profile in her files. He was a mortal, criminal. Legally dead. His victims were all young healthy people and he took their bodyparts. What I suspect from Tristin's visions, is that this man patches himself from living tissues of many people. For what reason, I don't know. He made himself a hybrid, scavenging different people's parts."
(10) Eve Kline: Who's blood is this first? How did they die? Are their souls now at rest?
(4) GM or something: Many people, too numerous to count. Most of them seem to be Moros and Mastigos, but all the different types of mages have died here. Everyone that died here was Awakened.
(4) GM or something: Some were killed on the street and dragged here, by either Lich or the Nestor dead outside.
(10) Eve Kline: How did they die and are their souls at rest?
(4) GM or something: Others were killed on the spot, usually a scaple across the neck.
(3) Dante: "But this guy was also patchwork. Do you suppose that maybe he was created by Scavenger, amongst others? Or do you suppose that this Lich did this of his own accord, under orders?"
(1) Kurtis: "In more technical terms, a serial killer with a count of 26 known cases. And if now he is after Mage parts, he probably... wants to... assemble auras? Mages all have signatures, well, some of them don't, like Tristin, his is very dim and confusing. Maybe Scavenger wants to make himself confusing and hard to detect? But it beats me why he would go to such lengths to do so. Prime and Death arcana both have methods to erase, "reset" signatures with a single command."
(4) GM or something: Their souls are at rest, but you have a feeling some of their mana and gnosis signitures live on.
** (3) Dante frowns a bit, puzzled beyond measure. **
(1) Kurtis: "That... I don't know. What I do know is that none of them work alone. They have an Obrimos, a Thyrsus in charge of experiments with bodyparts. They all depend on each other, a solid crew, maintaining one another in their weak points. They combine Life and Death to make mutations."
(3) Dante: "Is an Aura -just- a signature? Or is it something more than that?"
** (10) Eve Kline shivers uncontrollably for a moment and opens her eyes looking for traces of anyone being here besides Lich or Nestor and the dead. **
(10) Eve Kline: "Bad things happened here... worse than should ever happen to another mage..."
** (10) Eve Kline talking mostly to herself. **
(1) Kurtis: "Obrimos was the Red Prince, we destroyed his castle. Forester was a Thyrsus, we took out his fortress. Night Owl's tower I took down in Amsterdam. Which leaves two towers. One belonging to Scavenger, and one to one called Diamond Priest, of path not known to me."
(1) Kurtis: "An Aura is... an accumulation of your magical activity, personality, soul if you will."
** (6) Robin walks back to the room Eve is in, stopping in the door way. **
(1) Kurtis: "As an adept of Prime vision, I can tell you, that until you wipe your Aura, once I see it, I can never confuse it with anyone else's. It's like a tingle in the back of my head. You can feel the same when someone casts a Mind spell. Except what you see is details of the spell method. What I see is details of the caster."
(6) Robin: "I found this book that he was reading."
(10) Eve Kline: 'They only took Moros and Mastigos... what is it about?"
(4) GM or something: That was the majority, they took everything though
(10) Eve Kline: edit...*they took mostly
(3) Dante: "I .. wow. Hmm. I wouldn't cling to assumption, but I think it would be a solid bet that there's an Acanthus amongst the group. Or perhaps one of each path. You did say they seem to be working in tandem to account for each other's weak points."
(6) Robin: "It shows you how to bind flesh, there is a bookmark on a page..."
(6) Robin: "It talks about high quality flesh and how to use it to summon things from other relms."
(6) Robin: "Like a gateway..."
(4) GM or something: One more thing Eve, it seems the flesh that was stripped was divided into three groups.
(1) Kurtis: "Yeah. At least one Moros. At least two Thyrsus. One Obrimos for sure. And the tower I destroyed reeked of Mastigos. By the way they predict our moves, they have Acanthus. I don't know if they have one for sure."
(10) Eve Kline: (what sort of groups?)
(4) GM or something: One of the groups made, seems to have auras that you can feel from the main room.
(1) Kurtis: "The thing about our enemies, they kill each other's auras, they always feel new to me."
(1) Kurtis: "Imagine an alphabet you don't know. Say, chinese."
** (3) Dante listens to Kurtis speak, dragging his heel across the cool ground back and forth as he thinks. **
(1) Kurtis: "Say someone casts a spell with an arcana I don't know. I see a symbol, but don't know what it means. Like, to me, a Mind Spell is a symbol, and just that. But you can read it. Now imagine that we add color to the symbols. I don't know chinese, but I know the symbol is green. I can tell Mastigos. Or red - Obrimos. Forces. Ten colors, and I can tell them. You can read, but you are colorblind."
(4) GM or something: One's never got very big, like it would be imediately transported somewhere. And the last group seemed to have weak araus and sat around for a while, it comprised of the majority of flesh removed.
** (10) Eve Kline licks her lips nerviously **
(1) Kurtis: "But if you both have knowledge of Prime and the arcana, then you can both read and see color."
(4) GM or something: Who has the highest Gnosis here?
(10) Eve Kline: "They were sorting the flesh they took for different uses.. some I think they used for Lich... some was taken somewhere and then there was just a pile perhaps what they made the beast out of."
(6) Robin: I got 4
(10) Eve Kline: (2)
(3) Dante: "I think I understand a little better. Thanks, Kurt. Do you mind if I hold onto this book of yours for a bit? I have so many unwordable questions that require unspeakable answers..." Dante brushes the cover of the book gingerly.
(6) Robin: "Uhg."
(4) GM or something: Robin resolve + Gnosis
(6) Robin: "I wonder what they were trying to summon..."
(6) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,9,5,3,2,6] = (2)
(10) Eve Kline: "may I see the book?"
(1) Kurtis: "I trust you. Though I would prefer if we could find Roger's book for you to keep. Just remember the value of this book. People killed dozens of Mages to destroy them, and dozens more to find them."
** (6) Robin nods and hands the book over **
** (3) Dante nods slowly. "I'll bear that in mind with intensity. Now.. this Roger fellow. He was one of the group previously? And his book was lost?" **
** (6) Robin looks around nervously..."Eve?" **
(1) Kurtis: "It's a dummy's how to guide to Atlantean Magic. Guardians will not stop until they eliminate them.... Roger... yeah, last time I saw Roger, he was screaming with his shoulder impaled on this sword"
(6) Robin: "I think I just felt someone cast on me..."
** (10) Eve Kline narrows her eyes studying Robin ready to kill the spell affecting her with death **
(1) Kurtis: "Roger Ortiz was a waiter back in New Haven, Oregon, where me and Eve are from. He awakened within the same week as myself, Robin, and Tristin. He was a Moros, but he decided to join the enemy and hurt our good friend who was giving us refuge and haven."
(6) Robin: "its gone..."
(6) Robin: "but I felt it for a moment."
(10) Eve Kline: "we need to leave.. now."
** (10) Eve Kline tucks the book under her arm and moves out of the room of death **
** (6) Robin nods **
** (3) Dante looks to the ground. "Oh.. I see.." **
(4) Monster: The corpse of the monster begins to rattle.
** (6) Robin follows quicky behind eve. **
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin roundhouse kicked Roger's master, who was out to destroy the books. And I stabbed Roger. We didn't kill him. Instead we sent him away into the world of Fae. Lisa Todd helped us with that. She's from a bizarre world called The Hedge."
** (5) Justin looks over when he sees the monster begin rattling, his brows knitting together at the sight **
(5) Justin: "That isn't good."
(3) Dante: "And his book went with him?"
(1) Kurtis: "A place that constantly lives and tries to steal your soul, make you forget who you are. A mage in it eventually loses their soul, which means they lose their powers."
(4) Monster: It glows with the arura of a Mastigos, very strongly.
(1) Kurtis: "The book... we never found. It wasn't on him when he attacked us."
** (5) Justin backs up slowly, and then turns into a full run, yelling all the while **
(4) Monster: The smoldering that the body was doing re-erupts into full blown flames
(5) Justin: "Guys! Guys the thing is getting up! OH god!
(10) Eve Kline: "Shit... DANTE! KURTIS! ITS BACK!!"
(5) Justin: "
(3) Dante: "That sounds ... like a horrible way to be - What?!"
** (3) Dante rises quickly, turning to Eve. **
(1) Kurtis: "Which means one of two things, it was found or it is still hidden somewhere. See... hey!"
** (1) Kurtis rises **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "I think we should go...."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "Everyone out of here!"
** (6) Robin runs **
** (4) Colonel B. Samson runs to the stairs and waits. **
** (5) Justin bolts **
** (10) Eve Kline focuses on the monster and attempts to kill any spells that might be on it with death 5 placing her body in a shooting stance aiming donw her arm at the smoldering monster **
(10) Eve Kline: (death + gnosis? 7)
(10) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],2,[10, 3],8,1,5,3] = (3)
** (3) Dante waits at the entrance for the rest of the group. **
(10) Eve Kline: (spell is called quell the spark.))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: You detect a dormant space spell that seems to have been well hidden, now that you kill the spell that was hiding it. The space spell seems too powerful (Potency of 9)
** (6) Robin looks over her shoulder and yells to Eve, "Hurrrrry up!" **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "Move it or I'm leaving you here!"
** (10) Eve Kline begins to backpedal then turns and all out runs as she notices the power of the spell "Shit." **
(1) Kurtis: Is Eve within my sight?
** (3) Dante yells down into the corridor. "Where the fuck are you guys?!" Then he says quietly to himself, "Shit. Hey Kurt, we should probably get down there and help." **
** (4) Colonel B. Samson follows them all up the stairs **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((Does everyone run out of the crypt?))
(6) Robin: ((i do))
** (3) Dante continues with the group on whatever escape route they may be taking after exiting. (( was already out of the crypt )) **
(10) Eve Kline: (Yes please)
(1) Kurtis: ((yup))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Dex + Athletics as you run up the rubble-filled stairs.
(5) Justin: ((yeah))
(10) Eve Kline: (dex + athletics = 3)
(10) Eve Kline: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,4] = (1)
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,5,7] = (0)
(3) Dante: (( Glad we could have this chat outside, Kurt >_> ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Justin you slip and take one point of bashing.
(6) Robin: ((2dex -1 athletics))
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5] = (0)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Robin you too
(5) Justin: (( *failfives Robin* ))
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Roll again both of you
(1) Kurtis: "Dante, there's a space spell here. Can you figure out what it's doing and disrupt it?"
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,5,1,9] = (1)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,[10, 4],9,1,2,5,3] = (3)
(3) Dante: "I can take a look at it. Dont know if I can disrupt, though.."
whispering to Dante, buff ur own int first
(6) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6] = (0)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: one more bashing
whispering to Dante, or whatever stat analysis takes
** (6) Robin falls getting up... **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Str 4 + Ath 5
(4) Colonel B. Samson: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,6,4,1,9,2,8,7] = (4)
(10) Eve Kline: "Theres a damn powerful space spell down there."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: He carries you up the stairs.
(6) Robin: "Oh, thanks..."
** (3) Dante counts on his fingers as if doing math too complex for thought, trying to perceive the spatial anomaly taking place. ((Impromptu to perceive the spell taking place Gnosis 3, Space 2 = 5 )) **
(3) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,[10, 3],8,[10, 8]] = (4)
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Get to the Humvee!
(10) Eve Kline: ((Get ta tha choppa!))
** (1) Kurtis grabs Eve, and holds her hand tight and pulls her to the humvee **
** (6) Robin gets carried to the humvee XD **
** (5) Justin races towards the cho.. humvee **
** (10) Eve Kline runs her free hand through her hair as if she could wipe away the deaths she saw on that table **
** (3) Dante follows the others to the Humvee, shuddering as he enters. "We need to get the fuck out. Now. Drive fast and don't stop." **
(1) Kurtis: "You okay?"
(6) Robin: "Eve, do you still have the book?"
** (4) Colonel B. Samson tosses Robin in the passanger seat and jumps into the driver's side and starts up the car. **
** (6) Robin feels like luggage **
** (3) Dante lets out a held breath sharply, relieved by the sound of the ignition. **
** (1) Kurtis looks Eve over **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: Those with Space or Prime sight up feel a massive space spell explode and then vanish.
(10) Eve Kline: "Yes.. yes I'm fine, I've got the book here."
** (1) Kurtis presses Eve's body close to his and squeezes her hips before sinking a greedy kiss to her lips. **
** (6) Robin nods to Eve. "Okay, good." **
(4) GM or something: The rubble from the ruins of the entrance from the crypt explodes!
** (3) Dante leans in to Kurt who is tending to Eve and whispers for the both of them to hear. "That space spell was a gate to a familiar place.. my path's home realm. Pandemonium as its called in the book." **
(10) Eve Kline: "How could th.." *is interupted by Kurtis' kiss sitting perfectly still for a moment surprised by the sudden affection
(3) Dante: (( And thus continues the cycle of entering a scary place, and leaving with a dilapidated building. ))
(4) GM or something: The humvee makes a quick K turn as something smoldering goes flying into the air.
(10) Eve Kline: ((Yay!!! we are 5/5 now :D)
(10) Eve Kline: ((the heck is a K turn?))
(3) Dante: (( No one ever said Samson could DRIVE ))
(5) Justin: ((A turn that takes the shape of nonsense ))
(4) GM or something: ((Three point turn, some thing, it's just what I was taught to call it in Driver's Ed, I know it's not a K, lay off! =P ))
** (3) Dante looks out the window of the humvee and stares at the smoldering "something," trying to figure out what it is. **
(4) GM or something: ((same thing*))
** (1) Kurtis leans away from Eve, feeling empowered by her closeness **
** (4) GM or something the creature lands and sprints after the humvee, going just about as fast. **
** (10) Eve Kline takes in a breath licking her lips finding the taste of Kurtis lips still on them distracted completely for this round (if we do init that is) **
** (1) Kurtis looks at Dante "You know this guy?" **
(4) GM or something: It looks like a buff horned humanoid, covered in runes, leaving a smolding trail of fire in it's wake.
** (3) Dante looks out the back window as he sees the landing. "Ah fuck. Humvee-go-faster-please?" **
(3) Dante: "Ah... yeah... I think we may be vaguely acquainted, Kurt."
(5) Justin: "How does nitris work?"
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, well then he won't hold hard feelings."
** (4) Colonel B. Samson glares at Dante, his foot obviously touching the pedal and the floor board. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "Shoot the damn thing!"
** (1) Kurtis extends his hand, palm open. Preparing a power word. **
** (3) Dante can't see the pedal, or the Colonel's foot through the seat and his body. **
** (6) Robin weaves the strands of space in a net, trying to trap the thing. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((You hear the engine reving at max RPM though))
** (3) Dante hears the engine revving at max RPM. **
(6) Robin: ((Do i have negativs for casting in a moving thinig?
(4) Colonel B. Samson: This fast? Yeah -4 for space magic.
(6) Robin: Damn
(6) Robin: ((suspension, wit+investigation+space))
(6) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,[10, 7],8,1,7] = (2)
** (3) Dante rolls down the window (presumably) and leans out just enough to aim a clean shot with his revolver. But he doesn't fire. He just keeps looking at the demon, his mind burning with intense memory. **
(1) Kurtis: Kurtis speaks "Motion Control" and casts Velocity Mastery on the demonoid, with intent to freeze him, nullifying his velocity: Resolve 3 + Athletics 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 12 - penalties of any kind to forces spell?
(6) Robin: compostur+gnosis to contest it
(4) Colonel B. Samson: The creature gets caught in your spell. As the humvee makes it's way through the gate and comes to a screetching halt in the main lot of the military base.
(10) Eve Kline: "Why are we stopped?!"
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "Where do you suggest we go from here?"
(3) Dante: "Away from that demon. Away is good. Far, far."
(1) Kurtis: "We took out your mass murderer. You promised us assistance in taking out Diana Branch. We have a compass."
** (3) Dante babbles a bit, trying to regain his focus. **
** (4) Colonel B. Samson the Colonel makes a signal to the guard at the gate, two gaurds mount machine guns on either side of the gate. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "You can use one of our choppers."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "And keep the weapons we've provided you with."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "Do you want your comatose friend back or are you planning on leaving him here?"
(1) Kurtis: "How about a qualified pilot?"
(4) Grunt: "No sight of any hostiles sir!"
(1) Kurtis: "Anthony? Please, send him home to New Haven, Oregon, and transfer him to a clinic of some kind. As for Tristin, he should come with us."
(6) Robin: "the thing following us is tapped still..."
(1) Kurtis: "Colonel, can you give us a pilot and a couple of men?"
(4) Grunt: "Take Thomas and the crew you came with. I'll oder them to escort you."
(4) Grunt: order*
(4) Grunt: ((trying to find the names of the other two))
(1) Kurtis: "Thanks." - hurries to grab five M4 assault rifles and passes them out, to Dante, Eve, Robin, and... sigh... Justin
** (5) Justin takes the giant rifle, seeming very confused, as to how to hold it correctly **
** (10) Eve Kline takes the rifle and with a little effort holds it correctly **
** (1) Kurtis just hangs his over his shoulder **
(1) Kurtis: "We gotta fly, guys. Robin, get a direction on the Gem. Go go go."
** (6) Robin takes the rifle and holds it in her lap, without showing any intent on using it. **
** (3) Dante looks over at Justin. "Point and click. Make sure the longer, skinnier end is at your enemy." He checks the ammunition and performs a brief check of its parts, his military and prison guard training accomodating him. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "I need troops in the Moros district, be on the lookout for a strange creature."
** (4) Colonel B. Samson over the radio **
** (5) Justin gives a light nod **
(3) Dante: (( Is that a guitar or a human stomach? ))
** (6) Robin takes out the ring, from her bag, places it on her plam. Then, retrives the liquid and trys for a direction. **
** (4) Grunt the radio buzzes "Rodger Sir, sending a platoon now." **
(10) Eve Kline: Its.. a stomach guitar...))
(3) Dante: (( My favorite! ))
(4) Grunt: It points directly North.
(4) Grunt: Maybe a tiny bit West.
(6) Robin: "North, it is."
(4) Grunt: Less than a circular degree.
** (6) Robin wraps the ring and the bottle with care and places it in her bag. **
** (10) Eve Kline climbs out of the humvee watching Kurtis out of the corner of her eye while she heads to the chopper? **
(6) Robin: "North, with a very slight favor to the west."
(4) Grunt: A humvee filled with 5 armed men, with assault rifles one of each path of Mages goes through the gate to the Moros district.
** (1) Kurtis climbs into the heli and helps Eve into it, makes sure their straps are tight **
** (3) Dante follows everyone to the helicopter. **
** (6) Robin leaves the humvee after the reading, and heads to the chopps." **
** (5) Justin hops into the chopper, and rests back against a wall, strapping himself in **
(6) Robin: "Samson? When I leave that thing will be roaming free again, so be careul."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "I'm afraid one of your two comatose friends is gone, the little Chinese one...."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "My men should be able to take care of it."
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin's gone? So we're flying blind..."
(6) Robin: "Oh? What happened?"
(1) Kurtis: "Well, north it is then. Only two towers left. Either she's in one of them, or somewhere in the middle of this hellish web."
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "He may have been the blur that my men spotting heading south-by-southwest.
** (1) Kurtis shrugs at Robin's question **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: If he was, he must have been going very fast..
(1) Kurtis: "Dante, write in my book: Tristin, we heading north of base. Meet us there."
(1) Kurtis: "Page 68, notes section
** (3) Dante arches a brow and flips to the 68th page of the book. **
** (6) Robin fastens her safety bealt. **
(3) Dante: "Got a pen?"
(1) Kurtis: You see obsceneties and misc notes written there like "tristin is a noob", "scorpiders are afraid of fire" and "tiger monkeys dont like water"
** (1) Kurtis feels his pockets **
(1) Kurtis: "I don't. Use that chalk I guess."
** (3) Dante pulls the chalk from his pocket, frowning a bit to himself. He writes the note as instructed by Kurtis, word for word. **
(1) Kurtis: "This way whatever agenda he is on, he'll know where to find us."
** (3) Dante looks a bit puzzled, but shrugs and closes the book, taking care to make sure the chalk doesn't smudge illegibly. **
whispering to Dante, You get a wierd feeling that page 68 of the mage book is right under your fingertips, all you have to do is reach out and touch it.
(4) Thomas: "The chopper is fueled up and fired up, do you want your Thrysus friend? We can bring him along in s stretcher, or our infimary can look after him for you."
(1) Kurtis: "Can you ship him to USA?"
** (10) Eve Kline chuckles **
(10) Eve Kline: "Make sure there are air holes in the box."
(4) Thomas: "Might take some strings to be pulled, where to?"
** (10) Eve Kline snickers clearly having go through too much stress in the past hours **
(5) Justin: "New Haven, Oregon."
** (4) Grunt Radio "Colonel, all's clear, just some disturbed scorched gravel and grass, don't think the residents will be too happy." **
** (3) Dante wriggles his fingers, as if teasing the air below them. The hairs on the back of his neck stick up invisibly. **
(4) Colonel B. Samson: "Keep searching. He's got to be there somewhere."
(4) Grunt: "New Haven huh, what do you think Colonel?"
(4) Thomas: --- said that
(4) Colonel B. Samson: We'll see what we can do.
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ""
(4) Colonel B. Samson: ((Mark the box "IMPROTATON!" ))
(10) Eve Kline: (LOL!!!))
(4) Thomas: "If you guys are ready, let's get going."
** (5) Justin nods, looking up at the ceiling of the chopper once more as he gets ready for it to take off **
** (3) Dante looks up from what he was doing and lets his hand drop, recalling the area around his hand. He shakes his head and tucks the book gingerly away. "Let's get moving then." **
** (3) Dante checks his firearms one last time and sits at the ready. **
(4) GM or something: You see the same two people the Russian woman, and the Brittish pilot
(10) Eve Kline: (is she telling us how lucky we are that Brock Samson lets us live?))
(4) GM or something: The woman has the aura of an Obrimos, and the Pilot, an Arcanthus.
(1) Kurtis: "Eve. Go out with me."
(4) GM or something: ((No, but she may start wearing an eye patch))
(10) Eve Kline: "You are asking me out on a date? While we are in a chopper on our way to who knows what?... Kurtis you are an odd man...." *pauses quietly for a moment." "What kind of date?"
(1) Kurtis: "With dinner, movie, and afterwards sex." - passes out from exhaustion and 5 lethal wounds
** (10) Eve Kline shakes her head and chuckles quietly as he passes out. **
** (5) Justin snorts a bit of laughter at the obsurdity of the guy, asking somebody out, then going unconcious, one within seconds of the other **
(4) Thomas: "Roc, take us up."
** (3) Dante tilts his head back and forth, just enough to crack his neck as he stares off out of the chopper. Soon after, his eyelids close and he enters a long-awaited rest. **
** (1) Kurtis has five bad acid burns on his skin **
** (4) ???? the Pilot nods and the chopper begins its journey upwards. "Which way?" **
(3) Dante: (( To adventure!!! ))
(5) Justin: "North"
(10) Eve Kline: "North for now, Robin, can you give them better directions?"
(6) Robin: "I can try"
(6) Robin: spacial vision
(4) Paro: "The chopper heads north."
(6) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,6,9,6,9,4,8,7] = (4)
(4) GM or something: Not someone talking
(4) GM or something: But it does
** (10) Eve Kline looks around the chopper for a medical kit **
** (6) Robin maps out the area to the north in her head trying to place everything. **
(10) Eve Kline: "Hey Justin.. ya think you could heal Kurtis here some?"
(5) Justin: "Huh?
** (5) Justin glances down, his eyes widening as he catches sight of those burns **
(5) Justin: "Oh, I must have been so spaced I didn't notice.. Yeah I got it."
(4) GM or something: You get a basic geographical map of north-Eastern Europe in your head complete with the last place the gem was when you used the ring.
(4) GM or something: Berlin.
** (1) Kurtis is unconscious, his eyes red, a rash over his neck from an inflamed acid burn, same burns going down his chest, shoulders, and arms **
(4) GM or something: There is a Med-Kit onboard.
** (5) Justin draws forward, his hand grasping at Kurtis' shoulder, before he works steadily in an attempt to close the wounds **
(5) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,1,2,8] = (1)
(4) GM or something: About 10 miniutes into the flight, you hear a loud BANG!
** (6) Robin leans over to talk to the piolets "We're going to berlin, guys." **
** (10) Eve Kline uses the med-Kit to try and bandage some of Kurtis wounds.. before the bang hopefully. **
(3) Dante: (( Damn it, Billy! Put that drum set away! ))
** (5) Justin moves his hands, working steadily in an attempt to close each wound at a time **
(10) Eve Kline: ( something + medicine =?)
** (6) Robin braces herself **
(5) Justin: ((Can we say that I eventually get them all?))
(1) Kurtis: ((works for me, thanks!))
(4) GM or something: ((yeah))
** (3) Dante mumbles a bit before the bang. "Always.. want to go to Germany." His eyes snap open at the abrupt noise. **
(5) Justin: "What was that bang?"
(4) GM or something: Another BANG! It's coming from the bottom.
** (1) Kurtis is healed, skin cleared, burns gone, he is steadily asleep **
(4) GM or something: A smoldering figure climbs up the right side of the chopper to the propellers.
** (10) Eve Kline looks out the window? if we have windows? **
(4) GM or something: You have windows.
(6) Robin: ((is it the same thing?))
(3) Dante: (( probably ))
** (4) Paro the woman speaks up. "Umm, Roc, we've got trouble!" **
** (3) Dante slowly turns to look out the window, noticing the smoldering figure out of the corner of his eye. "Oh what the fu..." He takes a deep breath and tries to cope with what is actually taking place. **
(4) Paro: A loud crash and the chopper takes starts rapidly decending.
(1) Kurtis:
Mage Episode 22 End

(6) Robin: ((Casting penalties?))
(1) Kurtis: ((box at GM request))
(3) Dante: (( -100 for end of episode? ))
(4) GM or something: So um.... good jobs?
(3) Dante: (( we are so pro at being screwed its not even funny ))
(4) GM or something: Killed Lich a little soon.
(4) GM or something: Coulda got alot more outa him.
(10) Eve Kline: Yay! We are awesome at teh fail.
(3) Dante: (( I did assume. ))
(1) Kurtis: his ghost is still very summonable
(1) Kurtis: and now at full mercy of the moros
(3) Dante: And when we all crash and burn, we can go visit his ghost personally
(3) Dante: It'll be like an ethereal road trip! Woo!
** (5) Justin jumps out of the thing and turns into a dragon **
(5) Justin: X}
(10) Eve Kline: Hey I said would anyone like me to summon him.. no one spoke up, everyone walked off.. :P
(5) Justin: Trogdoor the burninator.
(1) Kurtis: I walked off to get some air and let out stress.There's other folk too. :P
(4) GM or something: Well, everyone get 6 XP.
(1) Kurtis: What bewildered me is nobody noticed 5 unhealed lethal on me O_O
(3) Dante: Woot.
(5) Justin: Hmm..
** (5) Justin waves a hand **
(3) Dante: Onto distribution. How much for a single point of empathy and a second dot of manipulation?
(5) Justin: "You will give me moar xp"
** (3) Dante has 3 unhealed lethal to worry about, much less 5 on someone else? **
(5) Justin: Justin was tramatized sorta.
(3) Dante: Actually, I would potentially like to purchase the first AND second dot of empathy and the second dot of Manipulation. *shrugs*
(1) Kurtis: I'd like to see us more treat each other's characters like real humans rather than like figurine templates. If someone next to you is hurt and you dont have skill to help, ffs notify someone who can help the guy who will cover your ass tomorrow.
(3) Dante: Well, you know how it is. Blood spray in the face from the man you are restraining...
(5) Justin: Yeah Dante.
(5) Justin: Is no good.
(6) Robin: chart on page 69 with ex cost
(3) Dante: Oooh.
** (10) Eve Kline pets Kurtis and heals his wounds **
(4) GM or something: soo 10 for level 2 Manip and 3 for empathy 1
(3) Dante: Thaaat sounds about right. Mkay.
(1) Kurtis: So upon proposition, entering a new custom rote in play. Vote yes or no. 6 exp cost rote. Requires Mind 4. A rote called Assuage the Torment. Effect: Reassures the target that what they did was justified, and can be used to mitigate derangement rolls on wisdom loss. Roll: Presense + Empathy + Mind - Target Resolve (target resists because of guilt). Successes can be used to add a bonus to derangement save roll.
(4) GM or something: I have you at 18?
(4) GM or something: with those expendatures.
(3) Dante: I had 19, but I'm not gonna argue it. 18 it is.
(3) Dante: Differential is inconsequential.
(3) Dante: My vote is obviously yes.
(10) Eve Kline: Sure
(4) GM or something: There are rules for inventing Rotes, it cost permanent Willpower.
(6) Robin: why not?
(3) Dante: Oh look at that. Guess there are.
(4) GM or something: And I think whether or not something is following the path of Wisdom is at the discression of the GM.
(3) Dante: Well then. Was fun, ladies and gents, but I think I'll be parting for the evening.
(3) Dante: I'll be in touch with Knox to inform him of my time, hopefully we can find a relatively soon day. I doubt you all are free tomorrow, so...
(1) Kurtis: true. do you as a GM allow characters to have different perceptions on the path of Wisdom or does everyone follow same moral code? does a criminal hold same values true as a mormon kid does?
(1) Kurtis: Alright, thx for game everyone
(3) Dante: Self-destructing his brain...
(3) Dante (exit): 00:20
(10) Eve Kline: later ya'll
(10) Eve Kline: Disconnecting from server...
(10) Eve Kline (exit): 00:21
(6) Robin: nighy night
(6) Robin (exit): 00:21
(4) GM or something: Well, crime, even petty theft, is subject to your Wisdom score, to my understanding if you are a theif, you have a lower wisdom, and thus a lower chance of violating your wisdom value and suffering penalties.
(1) Kurtis: fair enough
(4) GM or something: If you steal alot, then your wisdom will be low enough that it won't matter that you steal, and you won't be affected adversely.
(1) Kurtis: what eric was asking is if he could make up a roll for a mind mage to influence a person's getting over their sin
(1) Kurtis: when it is granted that the act was singful
(1) Kurtis: sinful*
(4) GM or something: If you have a wisdom of say 9, then steal, you either receive a tempory derangement or loose wisdom.
(1) Kurtis: yep, that's right. i understand how concept of wisdom works. question is, can a friend's support beefed with mind influence - push you over acceptance of justification to yourself and keep you more stable
(4) GM or something: I would think he would have to have the spell cast immediately as the act was done, but if he knows it's going to happen, then the peson who is the target of the Mind mages spell is already planning on acting below his wisdom level, and his wisdom then drops to the level or suffers a derangement.
** (5) Justin waves and dissappears **
(5) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Justin (exit): 00:26
(1) Kurtis: i like the idea of permanent willpower point drop. if he wants to play a moral support character that affects a game mechanic, he has to sacrifice his own WP function... yeah im thinking it would be more applicable for passion crimes, when someone is angry or in shock, and then having regret.
(4) GM or something: Maybe with Time magic getting involved, he could Sands of Time back to as the act is being commited and do it, his own Wisdom score promitting, that he belives that the other person isn't over doing it.
(4) GM or something: His own Wisdom would have to be low enough to not take anything for agreeing with the act and essentially acting as an accomplice.
(1) Kurtis: iffy concept. see, not all sins are predetermined. some, like Kurtis's example, happen on autopilot, out of rage, our of hatred, exhaustion. Last three gaes Kurt was pushed to his limits.
(4) GM or something: Wrath isn't a crime though, just a Vice. It wasn't a warrentless murder, the man was a known murderer, and had even tried to kill Kurt.
(4) GM or something: Sure maybe killing him wasn't the highest possible moral solution, but it certainly wasn't below even wisdom 7 act of Hubris.
(1) Kurtis: oh, i didnt fail derangement roll anyway.
(1) Kurtis: im not really trying to push a rote to mediate my specific situation, it was eric's idea he asked me about, if something like that could be possible, affecting people's perception of sin. but meh, prolly bad idea anyways
(1) Kurtis: i remember like one time we passed a Space 3 Mind 3 rote Perfect Driver, for handling intense traffic
(1) Kurtis: so u dont have to roll drive every time
(4) GM or something: Wisdom represents how much a character does or doesn't understand the consequence of his actions. You cannot really effect that magicly, in my opinion.
(1) Kurtis: with mind magic you can affect someone's intelligence, and perception, you can even condition and implant false personalities, memories, ideals, role models, false histories, made up relatives, fake dreams. Mind is pretty powerful.
(1) Kurtis: you could literally push thoughts...
(1) Kurtis: question is when you do it - before or after the act
(4) GM or something: If you do it before, you've conviced the character that the action is okay, thus his wisdom is lower, as he does not understand the great "truth" of how the universe functions, and consequences for each action. If you see something as okay, that is agaisnt the path of Wisdom, the game represents that as a lower Wisdom score.
(4) GM or something: If you do it after, you are too late.
(4) GM or something: Well umm, peace?
(4) GM or something: Disconnecting from server...
(4) GM or something (exit): 00:56
(13) Dante (enter): 01:30
(13) Dante: Waaaaaaaaaat the fook r u dooooin
(13) Dante: Self-destructing his brain...
(13) Dante (exit): 01:31