Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(3) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:48
(2) GM or something (enter): 17:48
(1) Justin (enter): 17:48
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Justin: Lets all sit in the lobbby lets all sit in the lobbby lets all sit in the lobbby.
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(3) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:48
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Justin (enter): 17:48
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Justin...
(4) Dante (enter): 17:48
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Dante...
(2) GM or something (enter): 17:48
(4) Dante: ohi2u
(5) Robin (enter): 17:48
(3) Konrad Knox: ohi survivor of computorcrashes
(4) Dante: Frickin... hell.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) GM or something...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Robin...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) GM or something...
(2) GM or something: HE LIVES
(4) Dante: No, Jesus is dead.
(2) GM or something: *Dr. Frankenstien laugh*
(1) Justin: I've come to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bluescreen.
(6) Eve Kline (enter): 17:50
(2) GM or something: Shh! She's here everyone quiet.
(6) Eve Kline: :P
** (1) Justin remains silent **
** (4) Dante fails his move silently check. **
(5) Robin: dont worry, I won't tell.
(2) GM or something: Hoaky! so, here's teh earth. Round? No!
(4) Dante: Mayn, dat is a sweet earth!
(6) Eve Kline: It's chillin
(2) GM or something: And up comes Zappo, and I'm like "Yo what up Zappo?" And he's like "nothing" and I'm like "that's coo' "
(5) Robin: this is my united states of ... whatever
(4) Dante: F-
(4) Dante: A for effort, though.
(1) Justin: *chuckles*
** (1) Justin gestures at the picture **
(1) Justin: Thought that was kind of funny..
** (1) Justin goes quiet again **
(4) Dante: >.>
(4) Dante: I want a marshmallow!
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Eve Kline...
(3) Konrad Knox: Once you join Facebook there is no way back
(3) Konrad Knox: ever
(4) Dante: Uh, that would be incorrect.
(4) Dante: I have not visited my Facebook in quite some time.
(3) Konrad Knox: but you are also not a blonde curly haired brown eyed girl
(4) Dante: And you are?
(6) Eve Kline: and the attention span of a kitten...
(3) Konrad Knox: No
(1) Justin: Duh, he's talking about Shawn.
(3) Konrad Knox: >.>
(4) Dante: orite
(5) Robin: Ive seen his ipcs
(3) Konrad Knox: very funny. i'll show YOUR naked pics soon
(4) Dante: Is that.... Dhalsim up at the top???
(6) Eve Kline: <.>
(5) Robin: >.> <.>< Meh?>
(1) Justin: Everyone always just acalled him yoga guy.
(5) Robin: meh?
(2) GM or something: Yeah, bad pic thoug
(6) Eve Kline: >,>
(2) GM or something: h
(4) Dante: XD
(4) Dante: Yoga guy, huh.
(1) Justin: How else can you stretch that hard?
(4) Dante: Indeed.
(1) Justin: Now he's drawing Mufasa.
(4) Dante: Is that Zhangief or a half-man, half-lion?
(4) Dante: XD
(2) GM or something: Knew Kostya was a 'Geif player
(3) Konrad Knox: Zangief!
(1) Justin: MUFASAA!
(3) Konrad Knox: ZANGIEFASA!!!!
** (4) Dante cackles like a hyena **
(1) Justin: NO king no king nanananananana
(4) Dante: Idiots! There will be a king!! /Jeremy Irons
(1) Justin: A shiny new era is tiptoing nearer.
(1) Justin: But where do we feature? Just listen to teacher.
(4) Dante: I know it sounds sordid, but you'll be rewarded
** (1) Justin goes quiet again **
(4) Dante: when at last I am given my dues.
(6) Eve Kline: When I get old and rich I will hire Jeremy Irons to walk around behind me and do all my monologues.
(4) Dante: You got that from XKCD XD
(1) Justin: That is an awesome idea.
** (6) Eve Kline pokes Justin with a spoon/fork **
(6) Eve Kline: Yes, Yes I did.
(4) Dante: But it IS an excellent idea.
** (1) Justin melts **
(4) Dante: Yes, when the younger generation is old, Jeremy Irons will be a very busy, very old man
(1) Justin: Isn't it ha?
(1) Justin: Buddha?
(4) Dante: Yup.
(3) Konrad Knox: not in south LA
(3) Konrad Knox: we got buddah motherfuckah
(4) Dante: Oh dear.
(6) Eve Kline: lalalalala
(4) Dante: He seems to be emitting some kind of bluish gas.
(6) Eve Kline: who are we waiting for?
(1) Justin: Nobody.
(1) Justin: We've got the rumored 5 +1
(3) Konrad Knox: Scavenger?
(4) Dante: Yeah, we're just kinda...
(2) GM or something: Alah, I belive
(3) Konrad Knox: Let me call him.
(3) Konrad Knox: He says he cant make it
(6) Eve Kline: awwww
(4) Dante: Guess Mage is cancelled.
(3) Konrad Knox: boxinate?
(4) Dante: See you in 7 months!
(6) Eve Kline: dang.
(3) Konrad Knox: lol
(1) Justin: I thought he ran out of minutes in his hybrid jaw-phone.
(3) Konrad Knox: we play too often. lets meet in 7 years
(4) Dante: K

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(6) Eve Kline: seriously I can almost remember what we did last time thats waaaay too often :P
(3) Konrad Knox: srsly
(3) Konrad Knox: okay here we go
(1) Justin: Brock samson stole my healz.
(3) Konrad Knox: heal-stealer
(3) Konrad Knox: hs hs!
(6) Eve Kline: Well if Brock Samson did it you probably deserved it.
(1) Justin: True.
(4) Dante: WALLSHOUT!
(6) Eve Kline: every day Brock Samson lets you live you should count a blessing!!!
(4) Dante: omg KK stop wallshouting!
(3) Konrad Knox: WALLSHOUT!!!
(3) Konrad Knox: your wallshout level has to equal stealth level
(4) Dante: The North American release is supposed to be early 2010, by the way.
(3) Konrad Knox:
Mage The Awakening. Episode 21. Hit or stay?

(5) Robin: ((*pts bow*))
(5) Robin: ((pets***)))
(5) Robin: ((Box*))))
(5) Robin: ((lols))
(4) Dante: (( Someone's forehead hit the keyboard? ))
(3) Konrad Knox: ((yeah just hush, you fail at type))
(5) Robin: :(
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "So is everyone ready?"
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "Help me move these damn rocks, that thing did most of the work for us."
** (6) Eve Kline commands her shadow tendrils to start moving rocks? **
** (1) Justin steps forward, helping the giant of a man to move rocks away from the entrance **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson shoves the monster to the side and begins moving aside the rubble **
** (4) Dante aids in the rock removal. **
(5) Robin: "Huh I can do that real fast
** (3) Konrad Knox rests on the hood of the car, catching his breath, leaning heavily on his sword, the tip of which is in the ground **
(3) Konrad Knox: "Just gimme a moment of breather"
(5) Robin: "step away from the rock pile..."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: When enough rocks are cleared you can see down into a decending staircase, it's dark, though there are a few ancient-looking torches lining some of the staircase.
** (1) Justin does as requested, taking severl steps back **
** (4) Dante steps back at Robin's request **
** (5) Robin draws a circle around the rock pile in the air with her finger... **
** (6) Eve Kline wasn't really ever close to begin with but takes a step back just in case **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson moves away **
** (3) Konrad Knox eyes Eve **
(5) Robin: ((portal space5+gnosis4))
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,1,6,6,8,[10, 5],5,3] = (4)
(5) Robin: you see rocks fall through the floor, and dump out of a portal near robin.
** (2) Colonel B. Samson shrugs **
(5) Robin: "All done."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "Okay then then lets get going."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((Wait! SHIT
** (3) Konrad Knox smiles to Eve and winks with one eye "after the lady" **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Umm no
(2) Colonel B. Samson: BArrier
(4) Dante: (( lololol, I was beginning to wonder ))
(5) Robin: ((I thought it was out of the barrier. sry.))
(5) Robin: ((nevermind contiune with hard labor))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((Anyway they get moved by hand eventually?))
(1) Justin: (As dawn breaks on the third day, their efforts showed progress)
(4) Dante: (( *wipes rivulets of sweat from his forehead?* ))
** (6) Eve Kline glances around watching to see who takes point. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: After a bit of work the rocks start to cave in, the Colonel steps back as the ruins begin a rockslide down the stairs.
** (3) Konrad Knox is blatantly focusing on Eve's ass curve **
(3) Kurtis: ((fixes his name))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "You all coming down with me?"
** (5) Robin blushes **
(6) Eve Kline: "That was the plan."
** (1) Justin begins following after the prompting **
(5) Robin: "yep."
(4) Dante: "Unless you want to go alone."
** (6) Eve Kline follows after the Colonel **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "If that's what I have to do..." *begins decent down the stairs, careful of the rocks.*
** (3) Kurtis pushes off the vehicle and swings the sword to the sheath behind his back, then he follows Eve, staying close to her, trying to rub shoulders **
** (3) Kurtis to Eve quietly: "What's up." **
** (6) Eve Kline glances at Kurtis **
** (4) Dante pulls up the rear of the group, checking the ammunition in his revolver before proceeding and looking about cautiously. **
** (3) Kurtis gives her a sultry look **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Okay, everyone Dex + Athletics.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: That decends down the staircase.
(1) Justin: Dex 2 Athletics 2 = 4
** (6) Eve Kline raises a brow and replies quietly "I've a few guesses..." **
(1) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],8,1,5] = (2)
(4) Dante: (( Dex 4, Ath 2 = 6 ))
(4) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,3,7,2,7] = (1)
(4) Dante: (( Oh joy. ))
(5) Robin: dex2 ath -1= 1!
(5) Robin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(5) Robin: ((woot))
(6) Eve Kline: Dex + Athletics = 3
(6) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (3)] => [6,3] = (9)
(6) Eve Kline: err
(6) Eve Kline: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,6] = (1)
(1) Justin: (cheater)
(3) Kurtis: ((dex 4 + ath 3 = 7))
(6) Eve Kline: (that one)
(3) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,5,9,8,5,2] = (2)
(2) Colonel B. Samson: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,[10, 2],8,1,2,3] = (2)
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Okay you all (even Robin, somehow) manage to not loose your balance on the rubble covered stairs, aproaching the bottom, you can smell blood, and a faint scent of rotting flesh.
(5) Robin: Samson can just carry me, cuz im a little weak girl :) ))
** (6) Eve Kline twitches her lips **
** (3) Kurtis keeps talking to Eve "This kind of thing is really your scene, huh?" **
** (1) Justin cringes at the smell, his hand moving upwards to cover his nostrils with the collar of his shirt **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: You see down a dark hallway. no noises to mention.
** (5) Robin tires to hold her breath for a while. **
** (6) Eve Kline replies idly "Its not my scene so much as I'm used to it. I work with dead bodies, CSI remember... It stops bothering you after a while." **
(3) Kurtis: "A little creepy, a little gross, a little too realistic of a bondage roleplay, but I can dig it if I have to. Say, a dinner when this is all over?"
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((waiting for picture))
(1) Justin: ( Holy shit mufasa is in the corridor! Now it's buddha!
(1) Justin: _
(1) Justin: )
(6) Eve Kline: (ohhhh neat)
** (4) Dante wrinkles his nose, but continues downward, observing the caveats in the walls in an attempt to stay on guard. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: A light comes from a room ahead to the left, the hallway seems to stretch forever.
** (6) Eve Kline chuckles slightly "If you think your up to it firestarter." smirks to herself. **
whispering to Eve Kline, "Could you please check if these walls conduct electricity? My physics isn't that strong."
** (5) Robin runs her hand on the stone as she walks down the hall, the coolness of it helps keep her mind off the smells. **
** (6) Eve Kline runs a hand over the walls idly, using matter sight to determine if they have any metal at all and are thus conductive... **
(6) Eve Kline: (Matter + Gnosis = 5)
(6) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,7,7,2] = (0)
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Matter sight and all others deactivated, sorry.
(6) Eve Kline: (I was bringing it back up?...)
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Except, Justin's sheild.
(4) Dante: (( You think it may be made of styrafoam ))
(6) Eve Kline: ((yay!))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: That he cast.... 7 RL months ago
(1) Justin: ((wha..?))
(1) Justin: ((Oh yeah, I got like 8 successes with that.))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: You casted a life sheild I remember.
(3) Kurtis: ((oh. does the barrier not only drop our spells, but continuously suppresses us?))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Yeah
(4) Dante: (( This does not bode well. ))
(5) Robin: "hey colonel? You got an extra knife I can borrow?"
** (4) Dante guides himself slowly to the front of the group, curious about the lit room. He peers around the corner and cautiously gazes about without entering. **
** (3) Kurtis is going to try to dispel the barrier. He takes his sword for better channelling. ((i suppose the "enchanted item" spell on the sword is also dropped?)) **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson looks down at his knife, shrugs and hands it to her. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "I'll need that back."
(5) Robin: ""Thanks."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: No
** (5) Robin takes it and holds it close to her chest as she continues to walk. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: None of your bonuses from items dropped
** (5) Robin ....gives it back ... **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson takes the knife, a bit confused. **
(3) Kurtis: Alright. Casting supernal dispellation, and trying to actually use the sword to slash the blade through the magic barrier, to connect it, blade being able to affect ephemeral items for... a lame 1 bonus point
(3) Kurtis: gnosis 3 + prime 4 + enchantment 1 - penalties?
** (2) Colonel B. Samson continues on ahead **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((none))
(3) Kurtis: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,6,1,[10, 4],4,[10, 5],9] = (3)
** (4) Dante is still looking in the lit room cautiously...? **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Your spell vanishes as your are weaving it
(3) Kurtis: "Son of a bitch. Way too strong. I lost it."
** (3) Kurtis holds the sword at ready and catches up with Eve again **
(3) Kurtis: "Guys, we got no magic. That's bad."
** (6) Eve Kline draws one of the guns she took holding it low near her leg. **
** (4) Dante looks back to Kurtis, nodding and grabbing the revolver from its holster. **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson signals for you all to follow as he aproaches the room. **
(4) Dante: (( .... okay... ))
** (3) Kurtis pulls the desert eagle 50 cal **
** (4) Dante follows then. **
** (1) Justin takes out his gun shakingly, before following the others **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
** (5) Robin draws her gun and follows **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Robin
** (3) Kurtis eyes Eve more than he does surroundings **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: As you step about halfway down the hallway, something falls onto your right shoulder, you hear the rattling of bones.
** (5) Robin jumps to left, very startled. "What?!" **
** (4) Dante turns sharply to look at where Robin's voice came from. **
(6) Eve Kline: (all of our right shoulders at the same time?))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: you look to see a human skeleton covered in cobwebs, it's jaw clatters as you move.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((Just Robin's))
(3) Kurtis: "Hey Eve?"
** (5) Robin brushes her sholder when she realizes what fell, and kicks the skull a short distance behind her. "Euhhhg." **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: The skeleton falls lifeless.
(4) Dante: "Everything okay over there, Robin?" *Dante looks back down the path in the direction they are generally travelling*
** (6) Eve Kline looks down at the skeleton then at Kurtis **
(6) Eve Kline: "Yes?"
(3) Kurtis: "How easily could you take out 5 sleepers?"
(5) Robin: "Uh, okay I guess a skeleton fell at me."
** (2) Colonel B. Samson walks into the lightfilled room **
(6) Eve Kline: "Depends on the circumstances... in here? A little more difficult than somewhere where my powers weren't dampened."
(3) Kurtis: "And if you owned the barrier and it filtered your spells through?"
** (4) Dante listens quietly to Kurtis' questions, provided he's in earshot. If not, Dante continues to follow Samson. **
(6) Eve Kline: "Relatively easily I should think."
** (3) Kurtis speaks fairly audibly **
(3) Kurtis: "Then don't you think we're making a rediculously stupid mistake walking in there like this? Five sleepers and a commando, against a magical threat?"
(6) Eve Kline: "It does seem like a fairly dangerous idea... I am hoping the Colonel knows what he is doing."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "Doesn't look like much. You guys sure he's in here?"
(2) Colonel B. Samson: (mostly to Dante)
** (4) Dante continues to explore the room, fanning out away from the Colonel a bit and checking for any sort of obtrusions or anything that could be constrewed as a trap. He shrugs at Samson's words. "The others seem to think so..." **
** (6) Eve Kline enters the lit room and glances around for recent signs of someone being there. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: You see a room with a coffin at the far end, some candles lit by the coffin, the area above reads "McBride"
(3) Kurtis: "Well Robin's the one who saw a hooded figure accepting organs from the guy we killed."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Other than the coffin the room seems pretty barren, large and made of stone.
** (5) Robin nods at kurt's comment **
(1) Justin: "My guess is that whatever we're looking for is either in or under McBrides coffin there.."
** (1) Justin speaks softly as he takes a few steps towards the coffin **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Dante, you locate some jars near the wall against the tomb.
(6) Eve Kline: (theres no other way in or out of this room?)
(4) Dante: (( Old-fashioned clay jars? Or glass? ))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: No, but the hallway continues.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Clay
(2) Colonel B. Samson: With lids.
(5) Robin: "This isn't the same room as his memory. Lets keep looking."
** (4) Dante walks over somewhat casually to inspect the jars on the wall. He nonchalantly grabs one, then turns at Robin's words and sets it back on the shelf. **
(1) Justin: "Oh, nevermind then."
** (3) Kurtis looks at Dante **
(3) Kurtis: "Grab one, won't hurt to have a jar."
** (4) Dante chuckles. "If I run out of bullets, I could throw it, I guess." **
** (4) Dante grabs the jar he had previously and carries it out of the room. **
(6) Eve Kline: "That depends on whats I the jar I should think."
(3) Kurtis: "Mage's guide to the galaxy. Never forget your jar."
** (4) Dante looks down at the clay lid on the top of the jar, wiping the top with a finger, checking for dust. **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson follows Dante out of the room deciding there isn't anything for him here. He continues down the hallway. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Yeah, lots of dust.
** (6) Eve Kline continues after the colonel though she is distracted a bit by the jar **
** (4) Dante takes a deep breath and blows the dust off the top of the lid, away from the group as they continue down the hall. He curiously pulls the lid and peers inside, holding it down at his waist. **
(3) Kurtis: "Colonel, what exactly is your plan on fighting this guy? Shooting him? Stabbing him? The guy's a master mage who can probably turn bullets into butterflies."
** (5) Robin follows the group down the hall. **
(1) Justin: "Not unless he can mix matter and life."
(4) Dante: "I think he was being figurative."
(1) Justin: "Oh.."
(3) Kurtis: "Who says he can't?"
(6) Eve Kline: "He could probably turn them into marshmellows though.."
** (4) Dante coughs loudly and nearly drops the jar. He pinches his nose for a moment and makes a disgusted face before replacing the lid. **
(3) Kurtis: "I don't know if you guys enjoyed our encounter with Forester, maybe you loved being fishes, but I really hated being a cockroach."
(6) Eve Kline: "The simplicity had a certain appeal.." adds dryly and clearly sarcastically
** (1) Justin chuckles softly **
** (4) Dante clears his throat. "I've always wanted a marshmallow gun anyway." **
** (3) Kurtis looks at Eve **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: The hallway deadends into a strange room. 5 coffins, evenly spaced. Each adorned with a bust on a stone shelf the carved into the tomb behind the coffins. you can only vaugely see in this room as the only sourse of light is a dim Candle on the wall near the entrance.
(3) Kurtis: "Well now I wish I was a fish as well, then I'd be naked with you in a swimming pool."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: source*
** (3) Kurtis checks if the spells in the room are still suppressed **
** (5) Robin gestures towards the room..."This is where he dragged the bodies." **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((V.V))
(5) Robin: "Er, through here."
(1) Justin: "I don't blame you for getting it mixed up. All these rooms look similar."
(3) Kurtis: "Does the hooded guy stuff the organs in the jars?"
** (4) Dante arches a brow, simply proceeding with the others. **
(4) Dante: "My jar is organ free. Well, sort of. I'm sure there are organs in here in the form of ashes."
(5) Robin: "I don't know what the hooded guy did with the organs. the other did not see."
** (6) Eve Kline twitches her lips and steps closer to the nearest coffin **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Eve you can vaugely make out "Jason McBride" on the center coffin, written on a gold plaquard on the foot of the coffin.
** (6) Eve Kline frowns at the plaquard trying to recall if she's seen that name before. **
(5) Robin: ((mcbride was written on the crypt before it got blown up))
(6) Eve Kline: ((no I mean before that))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: You cannot recall.
(5) Robin: ((ohh))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Bad case of the Alberto Gonzelles's.
(6) Eve Kline: ((is there a way out of this room besides how we came in?))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: No, dead end.
** (4) Dante approaches quietly, peering into the darkness to read the other four placards. **
(6) Eve Kline: "Hmmm... So.. Either he teleported out, or theres some passage we missed."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Dante, it's too dark to read the others.
(4) Dante: (( Is this where I cast magic missile on the darkness? ))
(1) Justin: "Maybe one of the coffins has a false bottom, like in the Hardy Boys."
** (2) Colonel B. Samson looks around, pressing against the walls. **
** (2) Colonel B. Samson knocks against the stone and listens for any thin walls. **
** (1) Justin goes up to the busts, and checks if any of them are a mechanical lever **
** (6) Eve Kline begins to open the coffin nearest to her **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Justin, you find that none of them budge, like they were carved when the shelf was. Eve, you smell the dusty, stale smell of the long-departed.
** (6) Eve Kline glances in to see if there is a false bottom **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: There is a skeleton in the tomb, some decayed shreds of what you hessitate to call clothing.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: It's too dark, you can't really see the bottom.
(6) Eve Kline: Can we move the candle?
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Are you going to try?
(3) Kurtis: I'll try. I take the candle and move it
(4) Dante: (( Should we? ))
(5) Robin: ((totally a trap))
(5) Robin: ((A mummy appears and eats our brains !! Yay!! ))
(2) GM or something: As you lift the candle the center coffin slowly slides away from the shelf tword Eve. It doesn't seem to kick up as much dust as it should.
(5) Robin: ((Awww no mummy))
** (4) Dante arches a brow and chuckles. "I think a mystery novel couldn't have done it better." **
(3) Kurtis: "Well they had to base those things on something."
** (1) Justin nods **
** (4) Dante nods, smiling. **
(2) GM or something: Anyone looking behind where the coffin is, well, to where it was, sees another decending staircase.
(2) GM or something: This one seems to be a fully enclosed spiral staircase.
** (6) Eve Kline peers down the stairs a little **
** (3) Kurtis looks if the barrier ends where staircase begins or if it encloses the space **
(1) Justin: "Well, we've found our next step I think."
** (3) Kurtis tries a simple spell of mage sight **
(2) GM or something: You can't see the barrier without mage sight.
(2) GM or something: Ahh
(2) GM or something: ((rolling it oor?))
(3) Kurtis: gnosis 3 + prime 4 = 7
(3) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,1,2,1,[10, 2],9] = (2)
(2) GM or something: As your eyes begin to feel the fabirc of prime itself, you see the barrier wash over your vision and end your mage sight.
** (2) Colonel B. Samson heads down the spiral staircase, nodding to Kurtis. **
(3) Kurtis: "After y'all."
** (4) Dante follows down the staircase, his revolver in hand and pointed to the floor. **
** (5) Robin follows suit **
** (6) Eve Kline heads down the staircase as well. **
** (1) Justin moves down with the rest **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: You decend the stairs for at least 50 feet, before coming to a large room, ceiling at least 20 feet high.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: It seems to be carved of stone like the rest, but the stonework seems too perfect, possibly carved with magic.
(6) Eve Kline: ((is it lit at all?))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: There are several doors. One straight ahead, a staircase leading up to it, two large suits of armor to either side.
** (3) Kurtis walks behind everyone **
(3) Kurtis: "This is like Diablo in real life."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Two to the right and one to the left, all more moderate sized doors. The walls are decorated with many painting and torches.
** (6) Eve Kline snickers at his comment "Only without the cool background music.." **
(3) Kurtis: "I'll pack my guitar next time"
(4) Dante: "Let's hope we don't descend a dozen or so flights of stairs then."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Paintings reminicent of Medieval sermons, and christianity.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Most of them seem to depict demons and Hell.
** (1) Justin shivers at the sights assaulting him, his grip tightening on his pistol as he steps in time with the party **
(6) Eve Kline: "Odd... deamons are usually a Mastigos thing..."
** (4) Dante looks at the paintings. "I'd love to have one of these in an apartment or a home." **
(4) Dante: "Maybe these were here before our guy?"
(6) Eve Kline: "This doesn't look like it was a part of the crypt above."
(3) Kurtis: "This place gives me the creeps."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((It doesn't look much newer, just like, created by other means))
(6) Eve Kline: ((exactally))
(6) Eve Kline: "For once I agree with you.
(4) Dante: "Well, let's keep moving then." *Dante eyes the door on the staircase.*
** (5) Robin gabs a torch from the wall if they're grab-able **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: The torches are held by metal casings, but yes they can be removed.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Where do you grab a torch from?
(5) Robin: ((waits for the map*))
(3) Kurtis: "Forests, fine. Helicopters with guns mounted on em, fine. But dungeons under dungeons under dungeons. Now I just feel claustraphobic." - focuses on Eve's hips ahead of him and keeps himself cool
(6) Eve Kline: ((waits for the map too?))
** (5) Robin grabs the torch closest to the group. the first one on the left wall. **
(4) Dante: (( *places 200 dollars on red* ))
(6) Eve Kline: ((lol))
(6) Eve Kline: "So, which way do we head?"
(2) GM or something: ((careful, not invisible Tristin to cheat for you))
(2) GM or something: no*
(4) Dante: (( Tis a shame, yes ))
** (5) Robin holds the torch in her left hand and the gun in her right. "This might be helpful later." **
(4) Dante: (( But Kurt is still here for a badass escape, so its all good ))
(2) GM or something: Are you guys close going to the staircase door?
** (3) Kurtis slides the sword back on his back and pulls out the second desert eagle, now armed with two. He sticks to the group, being the last one, behind everyone, and stays on Eve's side **
(6) Eve Kline: ((well I asked IC which way but no one is answering...))
** (6) Eve Kline steps towards the door on the right wall and peers at it curiously **
(3) Kurtis: "Let's go in the direction the Gem compass tells us. Heh."
(5) Robin: "Umm I remeber he uh dragged the bodies through her and up the other stairs."
(5) Robin: here* not her))
(2) GM or something: The door seems to have nothing special, It's a wooden door, like the one on the opposite wall.
** (6) Eve Kline frowns at Kurtis **
(6) Eve Kline: "So we head up?"
(4) Dante: "Seems like that way is beckoning us, by comparison."
(3) Kurtis: "About right now I wish I was on the roof of Marriott hotel in a swimming pool surrounded by three ladies, martinis, and a polo ball to play with."
** (1) Justin gives a light nod to Dante's words **
(5) Robin: "Just saying I remember it, I'd rather be at that pool, too."
** (4) Dante begins his trek up the staircase, eye-ing the two suits of armor as he does so. **
** (6) Eve Kline follows after Dante **
(2) GM or something: Just past the second door (all who pass) you feel something strange. Looking up the staircase, you are dwarfed by the 12 foot suits of armor, looking, lifelessly at eachother.
** (3) Kurtis pays attention to wall details, brick texture, shapes, objects, any sharp edges **
(4) Dante: (( Are these statues armed? ))
** (5) Robin follows towards the staircase **
(2) GM or something: No bricks, this is carved from the earth, like the layer above, however, much more perfectly and precicely done.
** (6) Eve Kline eyes the armor... takes a step onto the staircase... eyes the armor to see if it moved **
(2) GM or something: Doesn't apear that either of the suits has budged.
** (3) Kurtis tries a simple spell, force sight **
(2) GM or something: No, no weapons Dante.
(3) Kurtis: forces 5 + gnosis 3 + ring 1 = 9
(3) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7,7,1,4,4,1,7,5] = (1)
(2) GM or something: Where are you standing Kurt?
(3) Kurtis: right behind Eve
(2) GM or something: You can see magicly.
** (3) Kurtis grins, eyes flashing with confidence, as he wraps himself with a kinetic shield **
(2) GM or something: Justin currently has a matter sheild on him. And there is a dorment spell of somesort cast on the suits of armor.
(3) Kurtis: "I can use abilities, right past this point."
(4) Dante: "You.. can?"
** (5) Robin smiles happily **
(3) Kurtis: Telekinetic Shield = Resolve 3 + Occult 1 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 10
(3) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],7,1,6,5,6,9,1,8,2] = (3)
** (4) Dante attempts to bring up mind sight. ((Mind 4, Gnosis 3 = 7)) **
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,3,9,6,8,8] = (4)
** (1) Justin attempts to bring up life sight **
(1) Justin: Life 3 Gnosis 2 = 5
(1) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,4,[10, 6],8] = (3)
(3) Kurtis: (*insert robotic sounds of starting machinery, rotating gears and spinning discs* wzhhhh wzhhh woosh wooosh uaaammmmm eeeeeee!!))
(3) Kurtis: ((ktchhhhhnnnnn kk))
** (6) Eve Kline pulls up a death sheild (death + Gnosis = 6) and then starts the rote for supernal vision eyes turning a deep black for a moment **
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,1,4,8,6] = (1)
(4) Dante: ((Help that robot! Its choking on nuts!))
(6) Eve Kline: (lame)
(6) Eve Kline: (wait... I bought death 5...)
(6) Eve Kline: (that makes it 7 :D)
(6) Eve Kline: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,6,[10, 10, 4],6,7,[10, 3]] = (3)
(6) Eve Kline: (wee)
** (5) Robin steps next to Kurtis, shielding herself as well ((untouchable space5+wits3+occ1)) **
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,[10, 4],8,7,7,4,3,1] = (2)
(3) Kurtis: "These armors are under spell. Better study or unveil it."
(2) GM or something: ((can;t touch this?))
(5) Robin: ((5dot sheild))
(3) Kurtis: ((same here))
(5) Robin: ((nope na na nana nah))
(6) Eve Kline: Suppernal Vision = wits+ occult + prime = 9
(6) Eve Kline: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,1,1,2,1,6,3,3] = (0)
(4) Dante: (( Oh Booyah! ))
(6) Eve Kline: ((wow.. thats an epic fail)
(4) Dante: (( Looks like my high/low scores ))
** (3) Kurtis studies the armor giant very carefully **
** (5) Robin activates her space sight as well. **
(3) Kurtis: I want to decipher what the spell on it does. What arcana involved and what the triggers are
(5) Robin: ((spacial awarness space5+gnosis4))
(5) Robin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,8,[10, 1],[10, 10, 10, 9],4,7,2,8] = (4)
(2) GM or something: What are the rules on this so I can look at it?
(2) GM or something: Do you.... holy shit...
(5) Robin: ((man wasting the good rolls on the little things))
(1) Justin: Oh oh my god..
(1) Justin: (0
(1) Justin: ()
(2) GM or something: do you just know and I have to tell you or what?
** (4) Dante attempts to bring up a mental shield, his fingers twitching as his eyes close, flitting behind their lids as his mind recalls familiar energies. ((Mental Shield rote: Resolve 3, Occult 3, Mind 4 = 10)) **
(4) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,4,3,[10, 8],7,7,1,[10, 3],5] = (3)
(3) Kurtis: ((I am looking... i'm gonna cast.... Analyze Enchantment impromptu))
(3) Kurtis: ((up to you if successes are good enough))
(3) Kurtis: Gnosis 3 + Prime 4 = 7
(3) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,1,6,[10, 6],5,8] = (2)
(3) Kurtis: ((traditionally, each success can answer one specific question about the spell, unless spell is veiled by occultation, rituals, etc etc. then they subtract defender successes from investigator successes))
(3) Kurtis: ((or give me penalty, whichever))
(2) GM or something: okay, one question at a time.
(3) Kurtis: 1. What triggers the spell?
(2) GM or something: This will take up both, is that okay?
(3) Kurtis: yup
(2) GM or something: Touching the door or affecting the suits in any way.
(3) Kurtis: "Okay, guys. The armors have a spell, complex, lots of symbols floating around, not sure what it does without more time, but... the outlet triggers are the door and the armors themselves. You touch the door or do anything to the armors, something gonna happen."
(6) Eve Kline: "If I had two giant armors I would animate them if anyone touched my door..."
** (5) Robin nods **
(3) Kurtis: "Eve, can you look at it too?"
(1) Justin: "Would it activate if Robin created a portal that went to the other side of the door?"
(3) Kurtis: "As long as it's not a spell attaching to the armors - then it shouldn't."
(3) Kurtis: "The anchor on the door looks physical."
** (6) Eve Kline glances at the armors and tries to study the spell threads surrounding them... **
(6) Eve Kline: (prime + gnosis = 5)
(6) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 8],6,3,5] = (2)
(6) Eve Kline: (3)
(2) GM or something: ((Same thing?))
(6) Eve Kline: ((what does the armor do if we touch the door?))
(2) GM or something: Animates.
(6) Eve Kline: Someone owes me a cookie
(6) Eve Kline: ((how do we turn the spell off?))
(2) GM or something: You could try to dispell it, but it looks powerful.
(2) GM or something: probably a ritual.
(6) Eve Kline: "Well folks... the spell does appear to animate the armor... and its a doozy of a spell... I'm not sure I can kill it without a ritual.. I can try if you wish."
(3) Kurtis: "Nah. I have a better idea." grins evilly "I'll need your mind controllers help for that."
(2) GM or something: ((I mean that it was probably a ritual, but you are correct too))
(5) Robin: "Hmm body guards?"
(5) Robin: "Only if they had a brain."
(3) Kurtis: "Oh yes. But not these two."
(3) Kurtis: "Make room, make room, guys."
** (1) Justin lookes confused, as he steps back **
** (4) Dante makes room? **
** (5) Robin backs up, but not out of the spell casting range. **
** (6) Eve Kline steps away **
** (3) Kurtis turns to Dante, "Dan, can you... do your... mind thing on me? I'm pretty worn out, haven't slept. I need some clarity." **
whispering to Dante, int
(2) GM or something: ((Eve, did you want to use your last question?))
(6) Eve Kline: (what arcana were involve in the spell on the armor?))
** (4) Dante nods, recalling. **
(2) GM or something: ((Life, Matter, and Space))
** (4) Dante looks to Kurtis and attempts to pique his mental state, his eyes locking onto Kurt's. ((Int Boost - Mind 4, Gnosis 3 =7)) **
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,9,8,5,1,7] = (2)
** (3) Kurtis seeks hope of clarity in Dante's eyes, and his pupils twitch a bit **
** (3) Kurtis sagely, slowly turns to the armors, and then to the empty space you all made for him **
(3) Kurtis: "I have not done this before, so bear with me."
** (4) Dante watches intently. **
** (3) Kurtis drops a point of quintessense through his hand into the air, and ... Create Fantasm - an identical full size copy of one of the armor statues. Or at least attempts to. Intelligence 4 + Crafts 1 + Prime 4 = 9 **
(3) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,1,4,3,4,4,8,3] = (2)
(2) GM or something: What does two sucesses mean?
(2) GM or something: I'd say two scences it can affect, but IDK.
(3) Kurtis: ((ok, two successes mean the following. 1 success is to create a basic fantasm that sort of looks similar, but you can tell it's a mana fake. Now, a special reflexive roll is required for the object's realisticness. Extra successes on spell i cast is 1. I use them as bonus in realism roll))
(3) Kurtis: ((realism roll is Intelligence + bonus +craft. Page 227))
(4) Dante: (( pg114. its vry improtaton ))
(3) Kurtis: intelligence 4 + bonus 1 + crafts 1 = 6
(3) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,8,7,8,[10, 5]] = (3)
(3) Kurtis: ((this is a pretty damn good copy))
(3) Kurtis: ((it doesnt have the statue's stats, it starts with 1 in all stats and 1 durability because i can only spend 1 mana per turn at my level. but it looks the same))
** (3) Kurtis waves his hands in the air and a copy of one of the armors morphs from thin air, from glowing symbols and lines, soon, it's standing among us **
** (6) Eve Kline raises a brow at the appearance of the phantom. **
** (4) Dante rubs his chin. **
(4) Dante: "So, that's what you wanted to do? Now.. what are we doing with it exactly?
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "Hmm, where are you going with this?"
(4) Dante: "
(3) Kurtis: "If we can get these illusions to move ahead of us, maybe we can trick the owner and get some early recon. Now I can make it move. But I need one of you guys..." looks at Robin and Dante "to drive it."
(1) Justin: "Thats.. kinda cool.."
(5) Robin: "huh."
(3) Kurtis: "i't's called a phantasm, a mote of mana I control at whim. It requires my focus, and I control it like a puppet. But it's fragile. It can't stand a chance in a fight. But all you guys can give it properties with your talents. Physical, material, mental resistances, and most importantly, you guys can plant "eyes" on it. One of you mind controllers can see what it sees. A walking camera that looks like our enemy's minion."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: "Stationary minion."
(3) Kurtis: "Unless it activated. We could con the enemy into believing the statues had been activated and got a reason to move? Make sense?"
** (6) Eve Kline focuses on the phantasm and twists her lips wondering if she can improve on it with her own mana and knowledge of prime... her fingertips begin to glitter slightly as she attempts to enchant the phantasm further.. **
(6) Eve Kline: (Prime + Gnosis = 5)
(6) Eve Kline: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,3,2,1] = (1)
(3) Kurtis: "I could make a second one for realism. I can control up to three as long as I cast nothing else."
(6) Eve Kline: ((basically impromtu to make the phantasm more solid?))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((Sounds good to me?))
(4) Dante: (( My other car is a 12 foot golem ))
** (6) Eve Kline eyes the phantasm and then rubbing her hands over her arms pulls out an iron dagger and points it at the image trying to increase its durability (matter + gnosis + path tool = 6) **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Err, wouldn't that be matter?
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,5,7,4,[10, 8]] = (2)
(6) Eve Kline: (even better)
(6) Eve Kline: :P
(4) Dante: (( *shrugs* ))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: 4 Duribility
(2) Colonel B. Samson: durability*
** (6) Eve Kline puts the dagger away **
(3) Kurtis: "Well done. Eyes? At this point it's material enough to give it a basic mental agenda if you guys like. So it maybe could move autonomously without my constant focus, like if I get stabbed."
(3) Kurtis: "Do you even like the plan?" cringes
(1) Justin: "Well, they are sort of frozen guard statues Kurt.."
(1) Justin: "But it's worth a shot."
(4) Dante: "Its creative. I'm just not sure where we're going with this. We still need to bypass the door.."
** (2) Colonel B. Samson uses life to give a very simplistic mind. **
whispering to GM or something, when i analyzed triggers, does TOUCHING the door trigger the statues or casting on the door as well?
(2) Colonel B. Samson: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,9,3,[10, 8],3,[10, 1]] = (4)
(5) Robin: "Um I'll try to control it... Its not a bad idea."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: It should be able to follor basic instructions now.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: follow*
(5) Robin: ((telepatic controlmind4+gnoss4))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ""
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,2,7,[10, 2],8,3,5] = (2)
(5) Robin: ((-1manas))
(3) Kurtis: "Well, extra bodyguard anyway. But yeah, the door still screws us. We touch it, they animate, we cast on it, they animate."
(5) Robin: "umm..." Stand on one foot
(4) Dante: "What about the other rooms down off this staircase? We could check them, despite this strangely seeming to be "the way" "
(2) ????: It stands on one foot
(6) Eve Kline: ((question... could I turn the real armors into marshmellow using matter 3?))
** (4) Dante looks over at the phantasm, chuckling. "What.. is it doing..?" **
(2) ????: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7] = (0)
(5) Robin: "Standing on one foot"
(2) ????: it falls over
(2) ????: 1 dex
(2) ????: lol
** (5) Robin smiles **
** (5) Robin frowns **
(5) Robin: get back noob
(5) Robin: get back up*
** (2) ???? stands **
(4) Dante: (( ghostly tears wash down its cold cheeks at the name calling ))
(5) Robin: "we should name it
(3) Kurtis: "You think our guy is not a classic villain and possibly resides behind another door, an unguarded one? Or it could be a clever trap to make people go through?"
** (3) Kurtis at Dante **
** (4) Dante eyes Kurtis, smirking. "We can't rely entirely on dramatic convention, can we?" **
(6) Eve Kline: ((no you know what I wanna turn the real armor's into paper... will there be penalties for such a drastic change? says a possible -1 in book))
(5) Robin: "how about captin planet? You know, by our powers combined. "
** (5) Robin laughs **
(3) Kurtis: "That I have seen so far, our enemy was pretty unconventional, you're right. Tried using a mormon as a minion."
** (4) Dante turns to Robin, a confused look on his face. **
(5) Robin: ((Gm is watching lame dudes dressed like street fighter chars on youtube. ))
(2) ????: -1 is good
(3) Kurtis: "Well, you guys make a plan, I'll do whatever you say. Just tell me where to blast, and the battery-man will do his best."
(2) ????: err, well 2
(5) Robin: "you know, name him captin planet. You ever watch that show?"
(2) ????: Iron to paper...
** (1) Justin crosses his arms over his chest at the mention of him* **
** (6) Eve Kline pulls her dagger out and steps up to the closest of the two armors... concentrates on the change she wants, iron to paper... chants a little in Atlantian... (so matter + Gnosis + path tool + high speech - 1 = 6) **
(4) Dante: "Captain Planet? No, can't say I have."
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,3,8,4,5] = (2)
(2) ????: Does paper count as organic? Cause I thought matter couldn't make things into organic substances.
(5) Robin: "Oh well."
(2) ????: Or does it just mean like living cells.
(6) Eve Kline: ((it has paper in the book as an example of a solid matter))
(4) Dante: (( Paper's kinda a composite material made from a dead tree. I wouldn't personally consider it organic, but that's just me ))
(1) Justin: ((Life is living cells, after the cells die, it's matter, Ithink with the exception of corpses which are death))
(2) ????: Okay
(2) ????: Paper giants
(2) ????: quite litterally XP pinatas now.
** (3) Kurtis smiles **
(3) Kurtis: "Fireball."
(3) Kurtis: ((do i even have to roll XD))
** (6) Eve Kline steps over to the other armor and repeats the process, shivering a little as the arcana flows through her making her skin ripple a moment **
** (4) Dante looks over at the origami-guards. **
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],2,[10, 6],9,5,9] = (4)
(2) ????: yes
(4) Dante: "Huh. No worries I guess."
(6) Eve Kline: (wooo!))
(2) ????: So if it fai... damn
(6) Eve Kline: "Anyone have a lighter?"
** (6) Eve Kline smirks **
(2) ????: init for that first kurt, you can keep the rool on your turn
(4) Dante: (( That was Eve's roll >_> ))
(2) ????: [0d10.open(0).vs(8)] => 0d10.open(0).vs(8)
(3) Kurtis: ((if u insist.)) Wits 4 + Science 1 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 11 for fireball. Rolling init
(2) ????: Init: [1d10.open(1)+(10)] => 1d10.open(1)+(10)
(5) Robin: "I have a lighter."
(2) ????: Golems shit
(3) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [5,8] = (13)
(2) ????: Init: [1d10.open(8)+(1)] => [6,1] = (7)
** (5) Robin rumages through her bag a second, retrives a lighter and hands it to Eve. **
(3) Kurtis: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],9,6,9,5,8,7,[10, 3],8,5,3] = (6)
(6) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [2,6] = (8)
(3) Kurtis: ((i know my fireball))
(2) ????: Okay, they come to life and then are immediately incinerated.
** (3) Kurtis makes his index fingers into two pretend-pistols and shoots two size 3 fireballs at each one **
(2) ????: Just smoldering piles of ashes in the smoke filled room.
(3) Kurtis: "Alright, now that annoyances are out, feel free to pick a door." - bows to Dante
(2) ????: Luckily there is a 20 foot ceiling.
** (4) Dante shrugs lightly. "May as well follow convention now." **
** (3) Kurtis stands around idly, blowing out his fingers, waiting to follow whoever leads **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Any other spells here?
(4) Dante: "I'm the least clued-in individual here, save for Justin. So, really, I am not the one anyone should be looking to for decisions."
** (5) Robin shrugs "doesnt really matter which door, I suppose." **
** (6) Eve Kline steps towards the closest door and attempts to make it transparent (ala Steel window) her skin tingling as she pulls out the iron dagger and weilds matter with it **
(6) Eve Kline: (matter + Gnosis + path tool = 6)
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,1,[10, 2],[10, 4],9,6] = (3)
(3) Kurtis: "Well let's see. We were hired to find a gem. But we decided to get reinforcements from these guys. So we're investigating an unfamiliar dungeon that has little to do with our mission. I'd say I am just as clueless."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ((The one on the staircase?))
(3) Kurtis: "Woah, Eve, baby, nice way to go!"
** (6) Eve Kline steps to the next door, follows a simmilar process waving the dagger in a circle around the door **
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,2,3,[10, 3],4] = (2)
** (6) Eve Kline and then to the last door taking a deep breath and trying for a third time... **
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,5,5,[10, 6],9] = (3)
(4) Dante: "You've got a great point, there, Kurt. I am finding this place less and less impressive the more I think of it."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: wait.. er
(6) Eve Kline: "A little clarity to our problem."
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Which doors.
(6) Eve Kline: All of them.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: in order
(4) Dante: (( all of them? XD ))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: in order
(6) Eve Kline: umm.. stairs, right wall, left wall
(3) Kurtis: "Actually, Dante... here" - hands you the Gates to Atlantis Book - "It says here, in the Mind section, that guys like you can send out beacons to detect minds. Maybe you can actually find a direction of anyone intelligent here?"
(6) Eve Kline: I'm making them one way transparent we can see in but other side can't see us.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: I mean, one at a time, so I can judge if anything happens.
(3) Kurtis: Nice effin job
(6) Eve Kline: Stairs, then right door, then left door...
** (4) Dante takes the book, flipping through the pages a moment. "It says that here? Huh... I have always wanted to try. Though the situation seems to be remedied." **
(3) Kurtis: ((Eric, at this point Dante in character has access to entire Mind and Space chapters of PDF book, excluding rolls and dots andg ame mechanics. The flavor text of spells themselves.))
(4) Dante: (( With exception to Mind 5. ))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Okay, when the staircase door goes translucent you see a room with a stone table behind it. Bookshelves packed with books, and strange symbols drawn in blood all over the walls.
(3) Kurtis: ((this includes descriptions of kinds of things he SHOULD be able to do, but cant yet due to not enough powah. Nono, you can read about mind 5, you just fail if u try, start bleeding, or going Eve-coma, or well, GM fucks you))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: there are two doors on the right wall.
(4) Dante: (( orite, k ))
(6) Eve Kline: ...
(3) Kurtis: ((the book would say In Character something like "accomplished master mages can do blah. But you dont know where you stand in relation))
** (6) Eve Kline does it one more time!!! **
(6) Eve Kline: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],5,2,3,3,8] = (2)
(6) Eve Kline: :P
(2) Colonel B. Samson: After the first one goes translucent are you really making them all see through?
(6) Eve Kline: Yes I really am.
** (4) Dante appears to have his attention diverted to the book in his hand. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Okay, the right , closest to you currently door seems to be a dining room, a large table with a candleabra adorning the center, similar picutures are in this room.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: The left wall from the entrance door contains a room also adorned with runes. These runes however are not written in blood. There is a eirie glowing green fireplace in the back of the room, and a hooded figure with a book in his decrepid hand who looks up to the transparent door.
(6) Eve Kline: "Found him" *whispers*
(2) Colonel B. Samson: inititive
(4) Dante: (( One-way transparent, I thought ))
(6) Eve Kline: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [4,6] = (10)
(6) Eve Kline: ((yeah.. probably felt the spell))
(1) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [1,5] = (6)
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Not what the description says
(4) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [7,7] = (14)
(5) Robin: Initiative[1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [1,6] = (7)
(3) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [5,8] = (13)
(6) Eve Kline: "He could for example make the outer surface of a bank vault door transparent, allowing him to see the mechanisms within..." *shrugs* your call though.
(2) ????: Init: [1d10.open(10)+(7)] => [1,7] = (8)
(2) ????: "While the transparency or opacity of the affected material goes both ways, a cleaver willworker can find ways to use such magic to their advantange.
(2) ????: "
(2) ????: I was woundering because it sounds like more of a forces/space thing to make it one way.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Init: [1d10.open(10)+(7)] => [1,7] = (8)
(2) Colonel B. Samson: damn same roll for both
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Okay, Dante
** (4) Dante looks up from the book and peers through the transparent door where the hooded figure is. He slips the book inside his shirt and hastily draws his revolver, preparing for what is obviously coming. (( That too much for 3 seconds, or can I keep going? )) **
(3) Kurtis: ((no, you -can- make complex matter that changes transparency like chameleon, but i think it would take matter 4))
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Sorry that's 3 sec dante
(2) Colonel B. Samson: ,
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Kurt
(4) Dante: (( That's perfectly fine. ))
(3) Kurtis: I am holding my turn to see what others do with a right to cut in.
(2) Colonel B. Samson: okay
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Eve
(6) Eve Kline: I will ... do I have line of sight on this person?
(2) Colonel B. Samson: You can see him, but there is solid matter in the way.
(6) Eve Kline: Does it still count as sensory range?
(2) Colonel B. Samson: Yeah
(2) Colonel B. Samson: But like, you can't make anything material go from you to him, but anything less than solid may reach.
(6) Eve Kline: Awesome I will be using the rote for Enervation to leech his strenght, since I can do that at sensory range now with death 5. (Presence + occult + death = 11) I will also whisper in High speach as my eyes turn to black "May your breath choke you"
(6) Eve Kline: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,8,7,8,7,1,9,1,7,5] = (3)
(6) Eve Kline: -3 to his strenght.
(2) Hooded Figure: What happens when strength drops to 0?
(4) Dante: (( you poop your pants? ))
(6) Eve Kline: it can only go to minium 1
(4) Dante: (( awww ))
(6) Eve Kline: but yeah... he has difficulting holding himself up...
(2) Hooded Figure: Okay
(2) Hooded Figure: done?
(6) Eve Kline: Yes.
(2) Hooded Figure: Entropic guard. He creates a barrier around him, that seems to feed off of magic and energy.
(2) Hooded Figure: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,8,2,9,4,3,7,6,5,4] = (2)
(11) Dante (enter): 21:42
(11) Dante: (( WEll... that was curious ))
(2) Hooded Figure: He's done
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Dante...
(3) Konrad Knox: Booting '(4) Dante' from server...
(4) Dante (exit): 21:42
** (2) Colonel B. Samson draws his knife and runs to the door, channels his life knowledge the make his skin harder. **
(2) Colonel B. Samson: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],6,9,[10, 4],9,1,4] = (4)
(2) GM or something: okay
(2) GM or something: Robin
** (5) Robin hands the torch to the newly created captin Protect us from the hoodedman. hurt him. **
(5) Robin: ((do i have time for a spell, too?
(2) GM or something: Like a sight, or something
(2) GM or something: Nothing complex
(5) Robin: like an instant neuron frying spell))
(2) GM or something: no
(5) Robin: ((then done))
(2) GM or something: Justin
(1) Justin: How far away is he, roughly in feet.
(2) GM or something: Where are you, put a dot on the map
(1) Justin: Okay, so we came in in the bottom door right, and he's in the left one?
(2) GM or something: You came in from the very bottom
(1) Justin: Bout right there I'd say.
(2) GM or something: The door is about 15 feet away, he's another 25 feet into the next room
(1) Justin: That works.
(11) Dante: (( Self marked ))
(6) Eve Kline: (i'm the E)
(11) Dante: (( nowai ))
** (1) Justin drops down fto the floor, his hands pressing against the cool stone. he extends his awareness through the stone, feeling the buzzing atoms, the maliability, and he shapes that surface of stone, making a 5-foot wide area of the stone floor as conductive as copper, lead from just in front of him, all the way to just beneath the hooded man **
(2) GM or something: Which K? the top one?
(1) Justin: It's a one dot matter rote, adjust connectivity or something, anyways matter 3 gnosis 2
(3) Kurtis: (one next to Eve)
(1) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,1,4,8] = (2)
(6) Eve Kline: ((where did I go?))
(1) Justin: Two successes makes it to where I could draw a 5 foot line 230.8 feet.
(2) GM or something: okay
** (1) Justin makes sure that the line of conductivity dodges the positions of his allies **
** (1) Justin shouts **
(11) Dante: (( You are hiding. There was a monster in the closet ))
(1) Justin: "Kurtis! Shock the spot right in front of me!"
(1) Justin: End turn.
(3) Kurtis: Cutting in
(2) GM or something: k
(3) Kurtis: Placing the tip of the sword to the spot in the floor marked by Justin, and I channel electricity and chant in Atlantean "Light it up." : Dex 4 + Athletics 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 + High Speech 2 = 15
(3) Kurtis: [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,[10, 6],4,1,3,4,5,1,[10, 4],[10, 3],1,[10, 1],4,2] = (5)
(3) Kurtis: ((to normal human 1 electric damage does 1 lethal))
(2) GM or something: A shadow seems to come forth and consume most of the shock, but the shadows overloads and the hooded figure takes a bit of the shock.
(2) GM or something: Dante
(2) GM or something: unless Kurt has something more
(3) Kurtis: nono, im done plenty
(3) Kurtis: ((the guy is enervated at str 1, with electricity going through he prolly doesnt feel very good XD ))
(6) Eve Kline: ((probably not... ))
** (11) Dante stares endlessly into the doorway, through the transparency, his eyes fixed on the hooded figure. He imposes his will strongly and attempts to plunge deep within the man's mind to overlay a series of thoughts. ((Impromptu suggestion spell, Gnosis 3, Mind 4, Will 3 [[1 remaining] => [1 remaining] = 10)) **
(11) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,[10, 4],3,7,9,3,9,1,6] = (4)
(2) GM or something: 4 Agg?
(11) Dante: (( I was looking to impose thoughts, not damage.. ))
(3) Kurtis: ((this should be good))
(2) GM or something: Oh, okay.
(11) Dante: (( With 4 successes, can I impose 4 thoughts, or strengthen specific thoughts? If both, I want to do 2 thoughts and strengthen both of them. But I dunno exactly how to work that ))
(2) GM or something: That works
(3) Kurtis: ((he basically gets to resist with his resolve. you can make one thought of power 4, so he needs 4 success to resist it, or he must think it. or 2 thoughts of power 2 or 1 and 3, or 4 of power 1))
(3) Kurtis: ((if u push 2 thoughts one of power 3 and one of power 1 and he rolls 2 on resolve, he resists one thought, but falls to the other))
(11) Dante: (( Okay. I want to use 3 successes to make him think he's already won and can lower his defenses. For the other success, I want him to think we're dead entirely. ))
(3) Kurtis: ((damn))
(2) GM or something: Resist 7
(2) GM or something: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 6],3,6,8,7,1,8] = (3)
(2) GM or something: Second one
(2) GM or something: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],1,3,[10, 3],7,4,5] = (2)
(11) Dante: (( Well, that blows. ))
(2) GM or something: Resolve + gnosis right?
(11) Dante: (( I assume ))
(2) GM or something: Yeah
(3) Kurtis: ((yeah))
(3) Kurtis: ((shit))
(2) GM or something: Done?
(11) Dante: (( Yyyyyyup ))
(2) GM or something: Eve
(6) Eve Kline: I shall be rotting his flesh now.. yesh... yesh I shall...(strenght + Intimidation + death =10)
(6) Eve Kline: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,8,4,8,2,9,4,5,6,5] = (3)
(1) Justin: ((Jesus she's freaky..))
(11) Dante: (( Guys, just keep going without me. I thought we'd be done by now, but we aren't and I still have things I need to do tonight. I'll be gone probably an hour. If you could just roll for me, Dante could just fire at him with his gun or attempt to dodge if attacked. I'd appreciate it. ))
(3) Kurtis: ((i'd like to at least get out of the mage city tonight. how is everyone on time?))
(2) GM or something: Wait for her turn to be done, and we can call it?
(6) Eve Kline: Did I rot him?
(11) Dante: (( Well, if we're still playing in an hour I can join back in. That much isnt an issue. I just have things I need to do. ))
(2) GM or something: This fight will probably go on for a while I was planning on stopping everything mid fight.
(6) Eve Kline: Was that 3 lethal?
(2) GM or something: Yes
(6) Eve Kline: then I'm done.
(3) Kurtis: oh jesus you mean this guy IS the real thing?
(11) Dante: (( So we're gonna have to postpone it for a while and resume the fight mid-way in at least 2 weeks time. I don't have next wednesday free. ))
(2) GM or something: Sorry was looking up exactly how it works. He's skin starts to decay (more) in some places, not that you can see that under the hoods.
(3) Kurtis: ((well ok i guess. see yall in 17 years :D))
(5) Robin: ((I'm free a lot next week))
(2) GM or something: Let me wrap this up and we can discuss what the rest of us want to do.
(3) Kurtis: ((i have box ready))
** (2) Hooded Figure starts to chant something, as the staircase doors bust open. **
(2) Hooded Figure: The main room fillls with the smell of death, rotting flesh and bile
(11) Dante: (( Well, I AM free Friday, Saturday, and Monday, Tuesday. I have quite a bit of free time available in the next 7 days. ))
(2) Hooded Figure: You seeeeeeeeeeee..................
(3) Kurtis:
Intermission. Grab popcorn, sodas, groceries

(5) Robin: *pets the box without typos*
(6) Eve Kline: *wants popcorn now...* DAMN YOU!!!
(3) Kurtis: denied
(1) Justin: Do be de doo
(1) Justin: Can't wait until I can make a stream of conductive air particles!
(3) Kurtis: me too, mee toooo
(6) Eve Kline: *still wants popcorn...*
(3) Kurtis: nice teamwork dante, eve, and justin
(3) Kurtis: we really worked today
(11) Dante: I didn't do jack.
(1) Justin: Damnit you tried!
(5) Robin: Oh the construct sooo got skipped in iniative
(11) Dante: Yeah.
(3) Kurtis: mindboost
(6) Eve Kline: yeah...
(1) Justin: Mindboost!
(5) Robin: he'll get to go double next time :)
(6) Eve Kline: poor construct
(2) Hooded Figure: Alright 3 XP all around. And 1 for everyone that learned something.
(11) Dante: lol
(11) Dante: Mindboost.
(2) Hooded Figure: so, who learned what?
(6) Eve Kline: Oh oh! I learned that matter rocks! armor into paper machete is AWEsome
(11) Dante: I learned that I'm incredibly impractical, because when I do something practical, it gets mitigated. But I require no exp for that.
(1) Justin: I learned that matter and forces work well together!
(1) Justin: And that zombies are real..
(1) Justin: And that Eve is scary.
(11) Dante: Yesh.
(5) Robin: I learned that the dude wasn't behind the obvious door #1 and Eve doesnt have to open doors to see whats on the otherside
(3) Kurtis: I learned that before one mastigos pushes thoughts, the other has to debuff target's resolve.
** (11) Dante gives Eve ALL the cookies. **
(6) Eve Kline: bah we've known that since the last chronicle..well the zombie part.
(6) Eve Kline: weeee!
(1) Justin: Well I didn't.
(6) Eve Kline: *still wants popcorn!!!!!*
(1) Justin: I wasn't in the last gchronical.
(3) Kurtis: still denied
(1) Justin: thing.
(2) Hooded Figure: Pass that Chronic (What?) cles of Narnia.
(1) Justin: Chex mix.
(1) Justin: You're the one for me.
(3) Kurtis: i am now saving for forces 6 so i can make up my own forces. blue now attracts red adn triangular objects always fall on wood
(1) Justin: Buahaha I didn't know you could go over 5.
(6) Eve Kline: woooo!
(3) Kurtis: at over5, you do "things that book doesnt cover"
(6) Eve Kline: yeah... oh and I'm buying the rote for Transmute Earth cause it rocks.
(3) Kurtis: like... create a new definition of life itself
(1) Justin: Silicon-based life forms?
(2) Hooded Figure: Strippers?
(3) Kurtis: thats more chemistry, with matter at 5 u can do it, but... say, new laws of life
(3) Kurtis: like... instead of male/female reproduction you make it that male and male can reproduce
(3) Kurtis: or hermophrodites
(1) Justin: Butt-babies.
(3) Kurtis: or... you spit, and it becomes alive
(1) Justin: I could make hermaphrodites next level.
(5) Robin: Are you trying to say something here?
(2) Hooded Figure: Ooo, someone's been thinking hard about this
(3) Kurtis: with life its really convoluted
(1) Justin: haha
(3) Kurtis: with Mind its worse
(3) Kurtis: you can redefine whats considered a mind
(3) Kurtis: you can give a deck of cards a mind
(3) Kurtis: gaaah dont even make me think about it
(2) Hooded Figure: So, next week with no Dante or Week after and wait for him?
(11) Dante: With Mind 6 and Space 5, you could create a pocket in space where popcorn ponders the meaning of life.
(3) Kurtis: YES!
(11) Dante: I can't guarantee the week after.
(3) Kurtis: i'd say wait for full house
(3) Kurtis: even though it may enforce more waiting
(11) Dante: Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday.
(11) Dante: Those are my next days.
(2) Hooded Figure: *shows 3 aces and 2 10s*
(1) Justin: Okay, now everyone overlay the days they're open beneath the ones that are already statesd.
(3) Kurtis: i just wanna gtfo from this place. though if it is the real Scav, then diana is defenseless and offing him now is a good thing.... *speculates on plot tweeests*... or not
(1) Justin: So friday, saturday monday, tuesday.
(11) Dante: *shows the missing ace, with a king, queen, jack, and 10 all the same suit*
(5) Robin: Im free monday, tuesday, wednesday thursday, saturday and sunday almost like ve got a shitty boss who cut my hours
(3) Kurtis: we're good any time
(6) Eve Kline: I'm free any day but Sunday.
(5) Robin: Monday or tuesday, then?
(3) Kurtis: forces 6 - create a force that warps something on itself if it's being shone on by blacklight
(6) Eve Kline: No.
(6) Eve Kline: Lets use umm... forces 6 to create a new day.
(3) Kurtis: time 6... hmmmm
(2) Hooded Figure: That;s time!
(3) Kurtis: stretch time's flow
(2) Hooded Figure: YOU GO DEATH AGAIN
(3) Kurtis: create alternative timeline
(2) Hooded Figure: BLACK GOO!
(6) Eve Kline: I don't even have forces how could I go death?
(5) Robin: lols
(6) Eve Kline: ...
(11) Dante: Shit, Time 6, you could create a stream of time where you follow yourself 5 seconds in the future.
(1) Justin: Life 5 matter 5 gnosis 3 to turn a building into a living organism.
(3) Kurtis: yeah, at time 6 you can explore other dimensions parallel to yours
(3) Kurtis: and return
(2) Hooded Figure: ....black goo
(11) Dante: Dimensions are not spatial?
(3) Kurtis: alternative passages of time flow XD
(3) Kurtis: time dimensions
** (6) Eve Kline puts black goo on your popcorn. **
(6) Eve Kline: *cause she still wants popcorn!!!!!!!!!*
(2) Hooded Figure: I don't like popcorn
(1) Justin: Shawn, are you free monday or tuesday?
(3) Kurtis: like. here, in this time line i tell Dante to not open the door. Now, let's create another time line. In it, i tell Dante to open the door. Now i watch what happens in both
** (6) Eve Kline takes your share then **
(2) Hooded Figure: both
(5) Robin: It sucks I never get any popcorn
(3) Kurtis: i have to state that people who take their arcana past 5, tend to go.... insaaaaaaane
(5) Robin: :(
(3) Kurtis: i make that choice not lightly for Kurtis
(1) Justin: Okay, so would you guys rather do monday or tuesday?
(6) Eve Kline: We should team up... Kk doesn't like Popcorn either.
(3) Kurtis: its been my char development plan for a while
(11) Dante: Either is fine.
(3) Kurtis: either is fine for us
(2) Hooded Figure: overrated
(5) Robin: :D
(1) Justin: Tuesday for the sake of being closer to wednesday.
(3) Kurtis: gotohell justin
(11) Dante: Eve and Robin can come to my pocket in space where popcorn thinks.
(5) Robin: lol
(3) Kurtis: oh wait. i didnt speak monday outloud
(3) Kurtis: ilike mondays best
(1) Justin: ...
(5) Robin: then Id feel bad for eating it
(1) Justin: Monday then.
(3) Kurtis: Pocket D
(1) Justin: and [implode
(11) Dante: No, Pocket P./
(1) Justin: ...
(2) Hooded Figure: popcorn is no longer vegan!
(1) Justin: Life 4, [implode
(6) Eve Kline: I didn't know popcorn could think in Pocket D...
(3) Kurtis: wait, eric, u saying u can guarantee this upcoming monday?
(11) Dante: Groceries.
(11) Dante: Later guys.
(11) Dante: Yes.
(11) Dante: Guaranteed.
(11) Dante: Yay.
(3) Kurtis: MONDAY IT IS
(3) Kurtis: fuckos
(1) Justin: MOONDAI
(3) Kurtis: peace.
(5) Robin: MONDAAAAY!
(5) Robin: laters