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(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:48
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.3'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:49
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Anthony (enter): 22:49
(3) Robin (enter): 22:49
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Robin...
(4) Only Claire (enter): 22:49
(4) Only Claire: Yay
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Only Claire...

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(4) Only Claire: so... umm.. Robin's xp count is 57 which is gonna be lower than everyone elses in the game since she was the last PC in.. so is 55xp okay for me to put on a new pc?
(5) Shawn (Tristin) (enter): 22:50
(1) Anthony: I think I've gotta a bit more
(1) Anthony: I bought life 3, spirit 3, gnosis 2 and I have 20 righ tnow
(1) Anthony: that's... 18 + 18 + 16 + 20
(1) Anthony: [18+18+16+20] => 72
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Bought time 4
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Shawn (Tristin)...
(1) Anthony: Not counting the rotes I bought
(2) Konrad Knox: alright, apologies to everyone
(1) Anthony: but only 4 or so on those
(1) Anthony: time 4 = 24 now?
(1) Anthony: no?
(4) Only Claire: Yes I'm sure you guys have more as she was the newest player..
(4) Only Claire: I'm asking if 55xp is okay for me to put on a new pc by you guys opinions..
(4) Only Claire: I'm trying to be fair :D
(1) Anthony: I have no problem with 55 or even hirght
(5) Shawn (Tristin): I hadn't got any XP before Robin.
(1) Anthony: *higher
(3) Robin: sounds good.
(2) Konrad Knox: sounds good to me
(1) Anthony: remembe rhat kurtis and I had an extra session too
(2) Konrad Knox: roll the char!
(4) Only Claire: two extra actully..
(1) Anthony: we could be mean and give you the exp that roger had XD
(4) Only Claire: Roll the character?
(1) Anthony: Ask the GM XD
(2) Konrad Knox: Kurtis would claim Roger's exp, coz he K.O.ed him
(2) Konrad Knox: Ok, GM is in the men's room for 3 min
(2) Konrad Knox: you guys brought it on urself
(1) Anthony: You didn't kill him
(1) Anthony: so youdon't even get mana from him
(1) Anthony: Incidently, if you roll a Moros mage, none of our chars will trust you XD
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Do I get Jones' XP then?!
(1) Anthony: although we need moros
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, so the way its gonna be is... Roger's book is chilling somewhere, and none of us care about it for now. A month has passed since Jones got locked up in the fae world, and you guys decide where u been and what u been doing. who stayed at Kassidy's, who moved on
(4) Only Claire: alright.. 1,6= Acanthus, 2,7 = Mastigos 3, 8=moros, 4, 9 = obrimos, 5, 10 = Thyrsus
(4) Only Claire: [1d10] => [9] = (9)
(2) Konrad Knox: GM overwrite
(2) Konrad Knox: [1d10] => [6] = (6)
(1) Anthony: I never found out if my apartment got burned or not
(4) Only Claire: Acanthus?
(5) Shawn (Tristin): I want to be the Acanthus... v.v
(4) Only Claire: lol
(4) Only Claire: you are acanthus!
(2) Konrad Knox: Claire. u have a problem with being Moros?
(4) Only Claire: no.
(2) Konrad Knox: would u like to be it?
(1) Anthony: We kinda need moros
(4) Only Claire: Then I'll be a moros.. and not an evil one.
(4) Only Claire: well.. alright..only evil and Thursdays.
(4) Only Claire: *on.
(1) Anthony: Even though allt he PCs willt hink you're evil
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Where's you scence of sterotype Claire?
(2) Konrad Knox: okay. roll a Moros and play it wisely!
(4) Only Claire: *cries*
(1) Anthony: since their experience with moros hasn't been too good
(4) Only Claire: yes sir.
(4) Only Claire: I know!
(2) Konrad Knox: and please update me with charsheets everyone
(5) Shawn (Tristin): If you get Roger's exp I get Jones' right?
(1) Anthony: you want me to e-mail it, im, what?
(4) Only Claire: lol
(1) Anthony: let me im it
(2) Konrad Knox: most recent charsheets
(2) Konrad Knox: i think Claire has em
(4) Only Claire: I have them all..
(2) Konrad Knox: i'd like those please
(2) Konrad Knox: over MSN
(4) Only Claire: mkay
(1) Anthony: Man I'm so glad I made that program :D
(1) Anthony: makes it so much easier
(1) Anthony: although it needs a few things more
(4) Only Claire: Still nice
(1) Anthony: What I suggested to my oldest with a 35 char, is he used 3 merit points to give him gnosis 2 allowing him to buy 4 dots in his primary
(1) Anthony: or maybe not, I don't remember. let me look at his sheet..
(4) Only Claire: mmhmm
(1) Anthony: yeah, he got life 4 and gnosis 2 with a starting char (3rd char though which is why gave him 35 exp )
(1) Anthony: other arcana is low though. space 1 spirit 2
(4) Only Claire: What happened to the first two chars?
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Don
(5) Shawn (Tristin): 't ask
(1) Anthony: First char they got bored with,d ecided to go with other arcana so made new chars.
(1) Anthony: then I bought hte book so they are making from scratch
(1) Anthony: although my oldest is remaking same char
(4) Only Claire: ahh
(1) Anthony: just different aracna, but same name, history, etc..
(2) Konrad Knox: alright
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, getting all the charsheets together
(1) Anthony: Okay... if my apartment wasn't burn down (claire?)
(1) Anthony: Is my apartment still there claire?
(2) Konrad Knox: ok got em. Claire, we have to figure out your awakening and where you are after it. Feel free to do it in PMs
(2) Konrad Knox: as well as the charsheet please
(1) Anthony: If my apartmet is still thre, I wil go back to my apartment, visit the hollow a few times a week, read the book every chance I get, find out what's going on with work
(2) Konrad Knox: so Anthony is keeping touch with Kassidy? it might be the beginning point of this story to start you off of
(1) Anthony: yes, he is. "visit the hollow a few times a week..."
(2) Konrad Knox: okay. that is good. Robin? Tristin?
(1) Anthony: also we are co-workers, remember?
(2) Konrad Knox: your office got burnt down
(1) Anthony: yes, but the company still exists, no?
(2) Konrad Knox: shrug
(3) Robin: I'm not sure what my char is gonna do
(1) Anthony: meh, glad I got paid before it got burnt down then :P
(4) Only Claire: of course the company still exists. Just some of the offices were burned.
(1) Anthony: you going backt o california?
(4) Only Claire: Yes your appartment is fine
(1) Anthony: staying in the area? Moving to the hollow?
(1) Anthony: getting an apartment?
(5) Shawn (Tristin): One month?
(3) Robin: yeah, well I'll goto cali but what I'm doing there i'm not so sure.
(2) Konrad Knox: yes. the new story starts.... on November 1st of the same year, approximately 35 days after
(1) Anthony: That sounds just like your char XD
(3) Robin: hehe.
(1) Anthony: If my char has been reading hte book every chance he gets, I would suspect that by now he knows as much about arcana as I do XD
(2) Konrad Knox: Alright. Claire making character. GM is plotting.
(1) Anthony: What happened to Lisa anyway? I guess I'll visit her when I get the chance too XD
(1) Anthony: And Liza
(1) Anthony: I guess Liza is staying at the hollow? would probalby be best for her right now
(2) Konrad Knox: Okay, after Jones went down, Kurtis and Kassidy really hit it off, he was hanging in the hollow for a week or so, then started coming and going. He started stayign at the casino, then visiting the hollow a few times. He keeps contact with any of you who care to give him a call, but recently you haven't heard from him for about 2 weeks or so.
(1) Anthony: Remember, i have Dream if you need a hook
(4) Only Claire: Lisa, you see here now and then, in the casino, in random odd places, she seems to be passivly watching you all. Yes even in cali. Liza yes is staying at the hollow, seems to have calmed down from the spells put on here. Is still writing her thesis. Kassie still hollowing it up, still working on animals.
(4) Only Claire: Claire = working on character.
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Tristin's been gone for then entire time, the last any of you would have seen him is him asking you for a ride to the airport, or at the airport if you gave him a ride.
(5) Shawn (Tristin): the*
** (1) Anthony would of given him a ride **
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Probably would have asked Tony first actually. Okay.
(3) Robin: Okay...Robin is back in Cali. No need for a plane to get there. Shes working on getting back on track, but ends up bumming around friends houses for the time being...and ummm...I'm a compulisve typer...
(1) Anthony: You know, gluttony doesnt' really work for Tony :/
(5) Shawn (Tristin): That was your vice?
(1) Anthony: yeah
(5) Shawn (Tristin): I agree.
(1) Anthony: charity works well, but not gluttony
(1) Anthony: I need to see the list of vices. I think it's in nWoD?
(2) Konrad Knox: yes
(5) Shawn (Tristin): Oui
(1) Anthony: Envy, gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath
(2) Konrad Knox: pride wrath gluttony lust sloth envy and greed
(1) Anthony: Lust, Pride maybe
(1) Anthony: Not pride
(1) Anthony: not envy
(1) Anthony: not greed
(1) Anthony: meha, lust?
(1) Anthony: hwo do you see tony's vice, Konrad?
(1) Anthony: Maybe pride
(1) Anthony: yeah, he got pissed at roger
(1) Anthony: becuase roger called him a name
(1) Anthony: pride.
(2) Konrad Knox: hmmmm.... i would say... pride
(1) Anthony: okay if I change his vice to pride?
(2) Konrad Knox: he doesnt like to accept help
(2) Konrad Knox: sure thats fine
(1) Anthony: done
(2) Konrad Knox: done
(1) Anthony: I presume Claire is still working on char sheet? Smoking a cig then
(2) Dealer: yes
(1) Anthony: back
(2) Dealer: arranging stuff with Tristin's charsheet
whispering to Robin, question to both of you: Are Tristin and Robin together in California or did they go their separate ways?
whispering to Anthony, ok. describe what is Anthony doing on Novermber 1? He is the only one who seems to have been left in New Haven. He has Robin's cell number, and Tristin doesnt have a phone, so he has no number
(1) Anthony: (( You know, tony not taking hte money from the casino fits his pride well I think XD ))
(2) Darla Branch: ((psh))
(2) Konrad Knox: bah
(2) Konrad Knox: i dont have a handle on these nicknames yet))
(1) Anthony: (( aliases you mean? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yeah, getting there though))
(1) Anthony: (( kay, waiting... ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((continue on with your actions in here please))
** (1) Anthony keeps the phone connection open to give Robin something to link to and waits **
(3) Robin: "where'd you say you were at?"
(1) Anthony: "Home. Can you use this phone connection? Then again you know me so that should help too."
** (3) Robin jumps into some bushes between a couple of buildings **
(3) Robin: "okay be there in a sec"
** (1) Anthony grabs his axe and puts it in his belt **
(2) Konrad Knox: -3 penalty to the spell, sympathetic
** (1) Anthony puts his coat over it so it's not so obvoius **
(2) Konrad Knox: known target + phone connection
(3) Robin: teleportaion:int2+occ.0+space4-3=3
(1) Anthony: (( you REALLY need to learn occult ))
(3) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,3,6] = (0)
(3) Robin: "shit."
(3) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,4] = (0)
(3) Robin: "I need to clear my head."
** (1) Anthony looks around, "I don't see you. Did you teleport into my closet or something?" **
(3) Robin: "Hang on, concentrating." said in a strained voice
(3) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,9] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( she uses portals right? ))
(3) Robin: ((I just teleported to you, but yes))
(5) Shawn (Tristin): ((She has teleport too))
** (3) Robin hangs up the phone **
** (1) Anthony steps back as Tristin appears in front of him, "Oh, there you are." **
** (1) Anthony hangs up **
(3) Robin: ((I teleported to you, then i thought we could use a portal to get to him))
** (1) Anthony is wearing a sports jacket, blue jeans, black tee shirt, tennis shoes **
(1) Anthony: (( yeah ))
(3) Robin: ((i cant teleport other people yet))
(1) Anthony: "Welcome to my abode. Lets go, I hope he's okay."
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. I guessy ou shoudl try to teleport directly to him."
(3) Robin: "Nice place."
(3) Robin: "Right I know the place."
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, your phone rings. Uniedntified number
(1) Anthony: (( phone phone or cell? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((not Tristin appeared to you, Robin did, the girl))
(5) Shawn (Tristin): ((SHit it's the cops!))
** (1) Anthony answers the phone, "Hello?" **
** (3) Robin turns away from tony, and starts mumbling to herself **
(2) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin, you may continue the RP in here. done with pms))
(5) Tristin: "Hey, Tony. You've been calling for me?"
(3) Robin: portal(space4+investigation1+manipulation2=7
(1) Anthony: "Tristin! You okay? Are you at an airport? I had a bad dream about you."
** (1) Anthony waves to Robin **
(3) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,4,4,5,7,4] = (1)
(1) Anthony: "Robin hang on, he's on hte phone"
** (3) Robin stops casting and leans on the nearest wall **
** (1) Anthony speaks into phone, "robin and I were just going to teleport to you. I had a dream that you were in an airport being attacked." **
** (5) Tristin pauses for a moment **
(5) Tristin: "Did it involve a bomb?"
(1) Anthony: "yes!"
(1) Anthony: "A bomb exploded destroying the planes, military types invaded with gas"
(1) Anthony: "People were dying, it was horrible."
(5) Tristin: "Ah fuck... yeah, can you come get?"
(5) Tristin: me""
(1) Anthony: "Yeah. You at the airport?"
(5) Tristin: "Yeah... but not the one you took me too, I was planning on going home when I got back."
(1) Anthony: "You'll need to go into a bathroom or something so robin can open up a portal. Wouldn't be too kosher for her to open it up in the middile of the airport."
(1) Anthony: "You're in anaheim right?"
(5) Tristin: "Yeah."
(1) Anthony: "here, talkto Robin" Tony hands robin the phone
(5) Tristin: ((She's afk))
(1) Anthony: "find a place he can go where you won't cause too much of a paradox opening a portal."
(1) Anthony: (( she has to open the portal, not me. that being the case, smoking a cig :P ))
(5) Tristin: ((she's back))
(3) Robin: "Tristin?"
(5) Tristin: "Hey, Robin can you come get me?"
(3) Robin: "Where are you exactly?"
(5) Tristin: "Anaheim Airport."
(3) Robin: "Right, you know where the bathrooms are in the front when you first walk in?"
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, your other phone rings
(5) Tristin: "Yeah, go there?"
** (1) Anthony answers his ohte rphone **
(3) Robin: "Yeah, If you can lock the door behind you."
(1) Anthony: "Hello?"
(5) Tristin: "Okay... well I'm on a payphone..."
(3) Robin: "alright, see you in a sec."
(5) Tristin: "See you."
** (1) Anthony handed Robin hsi cell phone (number tristin had) and answered his land line **
** (5) Tristin hangs up and walks to the bathroom, looking around. **
(2) Kurtis: "Tony, that you? It's Kurtis. Do you have time?"
(1) Anthony: "right now we have to go pick up Tristin at the anaheim airport, had a dream about him in an explostion there."
** (1) Anthony says to Robin, "It's Kurtis" **
** (3) Robin hangs up the phone and hands it back to tony **
(3) Robin: "oh really?"
** (1) Anthony pockets his cell phone, "What do you need?" **
(2) Kurtis: "Looks like it's already getting easier. Looks like there is some work to do. Can you assemble the guys and meet at the casino asap?"
(1) Anthony: "After we get back from anaheim I think we can."
** (3) Robin turns back away from tony and starts casting, mumbling to herself **
(1) Anthony: "Might be a few."
(1) Anthony: "I should have robin and Tristin with me, will have to see if Kassidy is up for it."
(3) Robin: portal(space4+investigation1+manipulation2=7
** (1) Anthony says to Robin, "Kurtis has some job for us at the casino" **
(2) Kurtis: "Tony. Keep Kassidy out of it."
(3) Robin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(1) Anthony: "I guess we'll come back here and drive to the casino."
(1) Anthony: "Kassidy out of it. Umm.. okay."
(3) Robin: "Alright, then."
(1) Anthony: "Actually, robin, he can just step from the portal to here can't he?"
(2) Kurtis: "Get here when you can, you have one day or so, don't be in a hurry, get everything prepared, this might be a tough one."
(1) Anthony: "ASAP or no hurry? Which is it?"
(1) Anthony: "Because it makes a difference if we'll be going ot anahim to try to stop what's to happen, or going to the casino now."
(3) Robin: ((what kind of connection would i have with the airport aquainted?))
(1) Anthony: (( not a very good one, but you have connection to Tristin better ))
(1) Anthony: (( tristin is known I think? ))
(3) Robin: ((Thinking intimate.))
(1) Anthony: (( do you have 3 experience ponits robin? You need to take 1 point in occult. ))
(3) Robin: "\yep))
(1) Anthony: (( cause really you're supposed to get -3 for not knowing it ))
(3) Robin: ((oh.))
(3) Robin: ((yeah, i'll spend 3))
(1) Anthony: (( you should just throw a point into it, it costs 3 exp, I would Xd ))
(2) Kurtis: "The faster the better, but grab what you need. Don't come unprepared."
(1) Anthony: "Well, how do I know what I need if I don't knwo what it is we need to do?"
(2) Kurtis: "By the way it looks, I won't be going with you."
(3) Robin: ((can I get a GM nod to occ 1?))
(2) Kurtis: "Bring the book, your axe, and... your parrot."
(1) Anthony: "Always."
(2) Kurtis: ((you want to buy occult 1?))
(1) Anthony: "Think I"ll need to buy a bullet proof vest?"
(3) Robin: ((yes please))
(2) Kurtis: "Probably."
(2) Kurtis: ((pause, looking at Robin charsheet))
(1) Anthony: (( 3 exp points for a skill dot ))
(2) Kurtis: ((done))
(3) Robin: ((thankyou.))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, hows tomorrow around noon then? Should give me a chance to pick up a vest."
** (3) Robin pauses casting too wait for roger's call. **
(1) Anthony: (( roger doesn't have a phone, rmemeber? ))
(1) Anthony: (( although he should of bought a prepaid phone :P))
(3) Robin: ((oops, tony****)))
(5) Tristin: ((hehe))
(3) Robin: ((extra * means extra soory))
(1) Anthony: (( heh ))
(2) Kurtis: ((roger??))
(2) Kurtis: ((ya))
(1) Anthony: (( kurtis? ))
(2) Kurtis: "Alright, sounds good, Tony. See you then."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, see you then." Tony hangs up
(1) Anthony: "Okay, tomorrow at noonish we shoudl go tot he casino for some job Kurtis has for us."
(1) Anthony: "lets do this, if there is abomb going to go off htere we need to stop it somehow."
(5) Tristin: ((What's in the bathroom? Alot of people?))
(3) Robin: "alright."
(2) Kurtis: ((getting there, doing some things with Claire's char))
(1) Anthony: "You might want to scry Tristin first to make sure he's alone."
(3) Robin: "Yeah make sure the rooms clear."
(2) Kurtis: Tristin, the bathroom around you has two people, a fat guy peeing, really struggling to fit his massive front and adjust it to the tiny urinal, and some guy sitting in a far away toilet cabin, making a lot of unpleasant noise
(3) Robin: scrying portal space 4 +gnosis3= 7
(3) Robin: ((what room were you in tony?""
(1) Anthony: (( minus connection ))
(1) Anthony: (( front room ))
** (5) Tristin walks into the closest stall **
(3) Robin: ((you have a tv?))
(1) Anthony: (( aye ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin, minus sympathetic connection
(2) Konrad Knox: the penalty is...
(3) Robin: ((1))
(2) Konrad Knox: -4 for know i think? unless it's intimate?
(3) Robin: ((intimate connection with tristin))
(1) Anthony: (( maybe it's between the two -3? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((-2))
(3) Robin: ((alrght))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((if they slept together, then -2))
(1) Anthony: (( heh, yeah, that's pretty intimate ))
** (3) Robin walks to tony's tv and taps the screen **
(3) Robin: scrying portal 4+3-2=5
(3) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,8,5,5] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: it works, you see what is around Tristin
(1) Anthony: "Wow, Tristin's on TV!"
** (5) Tristin starts talking to himself out loud, hopeing to scare off the extra people. "No, not a bomb. What's happening?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: you can rotate your camera around up to 90 degrees
(1) Anthony: "What's he doing? Taking a dump?"
** (3) Robin giggles "Does it look like hes alone to you?" **
(5) Tristin: ((Er... she would have gotten another -3 for occultation, sorry should have said something))
(2) Konrad Knox: the fat guy hurries up his peeing, nearly wets his pants with the last drops and hurries off, giving Tristin a dirty look
(1) Anthony: (( he walked into a stall? ))
(5) Tristin: ((Yeah))
(2) Konrad Knox: the guy in the cabin makes another bad noise
(1) Anthony: "Can't see. he's in a stall. Don't think we'd all fit in there."
(5) Tristin: damnit have to make them leave...
(1) Anthony: "Wait til he leaves the stall I guess."
** (5) Tristin screams "'The Fuck out of the bathroom!" **
** (1) Anthony 's eyes go wide, "Dang, subtle isn't he?" **
(3) Robin: "yeah, good thinking."'
** (3) Robin laughs **
(3) Robin: "If it works..."
** (5) Tristin grabs some chinese fireworks he smuggled, lights one, and tosses it in gross-noise-man's stall **
(1) Anthony: (( lol, he's gonna get himself arrested ))
(2) Dude: "Holy fuck, are you fucking mad?! What the fuck?!"
(1) Anthony: "Did he just light a firecracker and throw it into another stall? What's he doing?"
(1) Anthony: "We may wind up having to bail him out."
(2) Konrad Knox: You hear flushing sounds, and a guy storming out, a tiny skinny fella, rushing to the door without washing his hands: "Security, security!"
(3) Robin: "oh my. At leaast hes not arabic, they'd shoot him in five minutes"
(2) Konrad Knox: Three other guys come into the bathroom
(2) Konrad Knox: Iti s an airport bathroom
(2) Konrad Knox: a black guy, an old bearded guy, and a guy in a business suit. Seeing the fireworks, they all walk out
(1) Anthony: (( why coudlnt' it of bene a black guy with a beard and a business suit? :P ))
** (5) Tristin speeds up his own time. ((Acceleration Stam 2 + Ath 2 + time 4)) **
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,1,4,[10, 3],7] = (2)
** (5) Tristin walks slowly out of the bathroom, checking it out. **
(3) Robin: ((looks clear?))
(2) Konrad Knox: the time slows down, you walk out before the people inside even manage to move their eyes to trace your path, you can see a security officer coming to the bathroom, very slowly
(1) Anthony: (( out of hte bathroom, or out into the bathroom? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin is back in the airport hallway, among the thousands of people who couldnt care less about him, unless he does something threatening in public
(5) Tristin: ((How many people in the bathroom, just one?))
(1) Anthony: (( just you and the security officer going to the bathroom, you might wanna consider plan B ))
(1) Anthony: (( plan B being, dno't get arrested ))
(5) Tristin: ((I'm back in the hall?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((now there is the security guy in the bathroom, Tristin is outside in the hall))
** (5) Tristin walks inconspicuously through the front entrance and looks for a palce with no people. **
(2) Konrad Knox: there is no place completely without people, but there are a few places with fewer people - one is an unusued boarding Gate - F13
** (5) Tristin looks around to see if anyone is watching him. **
(2) Konrad Knox: only occasional looks from passing people, but they are busy carrying their luggage or attending their crying kids, and nobody keeps their eyes on you for longer than 3 seconds, however, hundreds pass by, and the frequency is common
** (1) Anthony watches Tristin on the tv and shakes his head **
(1) Anthony: "I don't know if he can find any place vacant at an airport.
(1) Anthony: "We can't talk to him through this scrying window, can we?"
(3) Robin: "I can try out my telepathy
(5) Tristin: "Fuck.. fuck...." looks for an unlocked car
(1) Anthony: "Oh, you have telepathy? Cool. Give it at ry."
(5) Tristin: ((shifting the odds))
(3) Robin: telepathy(mind 3+ gnosis3=6)
(2) Konrad Knox: -2
(5) Tristin: ((Wits + 3 - 3 for no occult? + fate 3))
(1) Anthony: (( minus scrying window ))
** (3) Robin touches her finger to her temple in a cliche sort of way **
(3) Robin: ((4 for my roll?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((she has gnosis 3, and its her own scrying window))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((she cancombine 2 spells at once))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((only sympathetic penalty applies -2 ))
(2) Konrad Knox: roll 4
(3) Robin: (okay))
(5) Tristin: [0d10.open(10).vs(0)] => 0d10.open(10).vs(0)
(5) Tristin: ((sorry))
(3) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,1,8] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: you feel you can transmit two words to Tristin
(5) Tristin: ((Using Gnosis instead for that roll if I get -3))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,4,2,8] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin... you are... running around the parking lot, checking car doors?
(3) Robin: get alone
** (5) Tristin walking slowly, looking for a door that is obviously unlocked **
** (1) Anthony watches the TV, "Now he's trying to break into a car?" **
(2) Konrad Knox: roll wits + subterfuge
** (5) Tristin bring up fate sight **
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,4,1,7] = (0)
(5) Tristin: Wit 3 + sub 2
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],[10, 7],9,6,7] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: you look like you're just strolling around, nobody cares to look at you, everyone thinks you just don't remember where you parked
(2) Konrad Knox: you can't find a car unlocked, but you notice one Subaru with a window not completely rolled up, about 1 inch gap
** (5) Tristin reaches in and unlocks the door **
** (5) Tristin by pulling the window out and sliding his slender arm in **
(2) Konrad Knox: roll dex + larceny + specialty for locks if present
** (3) Robin says to tony "I can't seem to share toughts with him very well. My first attempt with this sort of thing. I've only Trie somthing simular with small animals before." **
(5) Tristin: Dex 3 + Larc 3
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,6,[10, 8],5,[10, 10, 4]] = (3)
(5) Tristin: ((5))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, receive a message, like a pulsing voice, compelling you to listen, it sounds like a girl you know: "Get Alone"
(2) Konrad Knox: click, and the door is open
** (5) Tristin climbs in the backseat and waits. **
** (1) Anthony looks at his TV, "I guess he expects you to maket he portal in that subaru." **
(3) Robin: "If its the only isolated spot, We'll have to make due."
(1) Anthony: "Should he comehere, or you want ot go tyhere and see if we can help if there is a bomb?"
** (3) Robin drops the scrying portal, tapping the screen once. **
(3) Robin: "I'm thinking we pull him for questioning."
(1) Anthony: (( you should leave the portal open to be able to use it to cast hte other portal ))
(1) Anthony: "Okay, grab something from the subaru to use it as a sympathetic connection then. LIke something from teh glove box."
(1) Anthony: "So you can make a portal back."
(3) Robin: ((It helps?))
(1) Anthony: (( seeing something through a portal only gives you the -2 penalty I belive ))
(3) Robin: ((oh, thats nice))
(1) Anthony: (( I think you hvae rto spend a point of mana on sympathetic spells though? ))
(3) Robin: ((I take back closing it then, ;p))
(1) Anthony: (( and we don't have our mana bi.. er, kurtis here with us either XD ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((mmm, not quite. -2 is sympathetic penalty when casting on Tristin... if she mixes two spells at gnosis 3, there is no penalty... ))
(1) Anthony: (( no pentalty when casting through a scrying portal? ))
(2) Dealer: ((if it's yours, and you're using weaving at gnosis 3... i think not, let me see.))
(1) Anthony: (( according to the book, I can't find casting htrough a portal. thought I had once, but I woudl also say it coudl be considered sensory maybe, although I remembre a penalty in terralthra's game he may have had it wrong ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((he had it wrong, and i will make a house rule for it. to cast through a scrying portal, we can do two things: either cast apportation, and then if it succeeds, cast into the scrying window, or give a -2 additional penalty))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((apportation is a spell letting you remotely affect things by touching them through strands of space))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((so, it could be one way. cast that spell, then cast whatever spell you wanted, if it succeeds))
(3) Robin: ((i'll just do -2 for simplicity))
(1) Anthony: (( actualy, it is talked about ithe book ))
(1) Anthony: (( someone can cast BACKWARD through a scrying portal without space 2 ))
(1) Anthony: (( they just need 1 higher dot in the arcana than nomral to cast it ))
(1) Anthony: (( It says a sympathetic spell causes a sympathtic conneciton to occur, so I think no penalty? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, then she can cast through her own portal at no penalty. anybody else though will get -2 penalty))
(3) Robin: ((sweet.))
(1) Anthony: (( kay ))
(1) Anthony: (( -2 penalty plus 1 higher arcana or just -2 penalty? ))
(3) Robin: portal space4+genosis 3 =7
(3) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,8,[10, 10, 3],3,7,2] = (2)
(1) Anthony: (( 3 ))
(5) Tristin: ((Shit when the scry portal opened I should have discribed Tristin huh?))
(1) Anthony: (( you can now ))
(3) Robin: ((you can describe when you walk in))
** (5) Tristin is dressed in black chinese robes. His hair has been cut very short. **
(1) Anthony: (( so a portal opened up in the subaru? ))
(3) Robin: backseat i hope))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((yes))
(3) Robin: i describe in a sec))
(2) Konrad Knox: Robin's spell works as she intended
(3) Robin: The portal appears in the seat next to tristin. We see him looking at us through the portal.
(5) Tristin: as you get a closer look at Tristin's face you notice he looks somewhat older, nothing major, but definitly more than a month of ageing.
** (1) Anthony shakes his head, "He needs to lay off the crystal meth." **
(5) Tristin: "Want me in there or are you comeing in here?"
** (3) Robin steps through the portal, grabbing tristin by the arm and pulling him back to the saftey of tony's living room **
(3) Robin: "yeah. hehe."
(1) Anthony: "Leave the portal open for nwo. we may want to go back"
(3) Robin: "right."
(2) Konrad Knox: ((oooh? Tristin cares to contest a struggle-struggle?))
(5) Tristin: Nope
(5) Tristin: "Hey, what's up?"
(2) Konrad Knox: (( :D ))
(1) Anthony: "What happened to you? And what's witht he chinese getup/"
(1) Anthony: "I had a dream that that airport is going ot get attacked, although dreams are sometims symbolic so it could mean something else."
(3) Robin: "Can I have some fireworks?"
(1) Anthony: "maybe it just meant you were in trouble. What were you doing at hte airport?"
(5) Tristin: "I just got back from China..." *smiles and hands Robin a handfull of rather small fireworks*
(5) Tristin: "The really good ones were too hard to smuggle back"
** (3) Robin grins widley, putting them in her purse **
(1) Anthony: "What were you doing in china? Hmm.. not sure what the dream meant." Tony looks at the portal conteplatingly, "I dont' have enough time to find out I dont' htink."
(3) Robin: "Are you alright, though?"
(5) Tristin: "Yeah, I'm fine... just needed some time by myself."
(1) Anthony: "Do you have divinatino?"
(1) Anthony: *Divination
(5) Tristin: "Whata-what?"
(1) Anthony: "Or even Auguury? They're time spells to see into the future."
(5) Tristin: "Oh, that's how you pronounce that... not memorized entirely, but I know a bit about it..."
(1) Anthony: "Can you try casting it on the airport? find out if it's going to be attacked?"
** (5) Tristin looks into the airports near future **
(5) Tristin: Gnosis 2 + time 4
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],6,4,8,9,1] = (3)
(5) Tristin: ((4))
(1) Anthony: (( if time isn't one of your primary arcana's it costs a mana ))
(5) Tristin: ((it is...))
(5) Tristin: ((Time and Fate))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((its primary))
(1) Anthony: (( allows 4 questions about the subject as I read it, if you cast divination (3 dots) you get more information) ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you look into the future and get a vision...
** (5) Tristin 's eyes flicker and roll back slightly, he seems to zone out as the images rush to him **
** (5) Tristin comes back and looks to them. **
(5) Tristin: "It's more than the airport... I saw us in a cassino..."
(1) Anthony: "yeah, we're supposed to meet Kurtis at hte Casino tomorrow at noon"
(5) Tristin: "Tomorrow?"
** (1) Anthony nods **
(1) Anthony: "What did you see?"
(5) Tristin: "Just us... at a Cassino... some woman..."
(1) Anthony: "So the airport isn't going to get attacked, or is it?"
(5) Tristin: "Maybe more..."
(1) Anthony: "Do we need to call a bomb threat to the anaheim airport?"
(5) Tristin: "Not sure it will help... might just stir up trouble..."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so you did see the anaheim airport being attacked by a bomb? When?"
(5) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [9,9,1,5] = (2)
** (1) Anthony looks at Uchawi with a helpless look **
** (5) Tristin seems to concentrate again on something **
** (2) Uchawi rubs its feathery cheek on Tony's neck **
** (5) Tristin seems agrivated, but not worried. **
** (1) Anthony sits down on his couch and wiats for Tristin **
(5) Tristin: "Give me a second.."
** (1) Anthony nods, gets up, goes into the kitchen and starts making sandwiches, PB&J **
** (5) Tristin grumbles **
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, you realize your bread wasn't tightly shut, and a bit of it is now moulded
** (3) Robin drops the portals and takes a seat on the sofa **
(5) Tristin: ((Roll medicine and turn it into penecilin))
** (1) Anthony looks at the mold and frowns. me tries to change the mold into ants **
(1) Anthony: mummering - Transform Base Life (V)(1) Intelligence(3)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(3)+Power Word(2) [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,[10, 10, 4],2,7,7,4,5,8] vs 8 result of (4)
(1) Anthony: (( 5 successes. Do I get little mold, all the mold or.. ? ))
(2) Konrad Knox: your bread crawls with a happy flock of workoholic ants. As soon as the show up, they start taking itty bitty bread crumbs apart and carrying them aimlessly around
** (5) Tristin tries to see which city is in trouble **
(5) Tristin: Gnosis 2 + time 4
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,4,9,4,2] = (1)
(1) Anthony: (( before they do that.. control base life ))
(1) Anthony: mummering - control base life Gnosis 2 + life 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,5,4,3] vs 8 result of a botch
** (1) Anthony watches the ants eating his bread and tries again **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you get the same vision as before, like a wall, a crossroad, the events will unravel as the outcome of the vision unravels
(1) Anthony: mummering - control base life Gnosis 2 + life 3+powerword 2 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,8,5,1,8,9] vs 8 result of (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: but you get an unmistakable feeling that a lot is at stake
** (1) Anthony directs the ants to walk into his trashcan **
(5) Tristin: "I say we head to the Cassino..."
(1) Anthony: (( he makes them think there's food in there ))
(2) Konrad Knox: the work loving ants suddenly for no particular reason gather the crumbs and head to the trash can, jumping into it happily
** (1) Anthony drops the transform base life turning it back into mold, which is now in his transhcan and continues making the now mold free sandwiches **
** (1) Anthony comes into the living room, "PB and J anyone? So, what did you figure out from teh precognition?" **
** (1) Anthony is eating a sandwich **
(3) Robin: "i'll take one."
(5) Tristin: "Not really, just a feeling. I think we should call Kurt and arrange an early meeting."
(5) Tristin: "Me too"
** (1) Anthony hands out hte sandwiches, "Well, you think we shoudl go now rather than tomorrow?" **
(5) Tristin: ((nothing really*))
(5) Tristin: "Yeah, if it's possible."
(1) Anthony: "So you didn't see the airport exploding, but it has somethign to do with the casino? Maybe someone is after us again."
(1) Anthony: "Okay, I'll give him a call."
** (3) Robin eats her pb and j **
** (1) Anthony pulls out his cell phone and calls Kurtis' number **
** (2) Kurtis answers "Tony?" **
(1) Anthony: "Hey Kurtis. Tristin thinks we should get there as sono as possible. he had some precognition or something. So I think we'll be heading over there now" (( it about 10:30 11:00 at night? ))
(1) Anthony: "I had asked him to try to see the airport in a vision if it gets attacked and somehow he saw us in the casino, so maybe they're realated."
(2) Kurtis: "You're getting fast, boys. Faster than expected. Get over here. Yeah, there's something big that you need to hear."
(1) Anthony: "all right, on our way."
** (1) Anthony hangs up, "Got everything you need?" **
** (1) Anthony makes sure he has his book and his axe and uchawi **
** (2) Kurtis hangs up **
** (5) Tristin nods, having a single backpack **
(1) Anthony: "Would of liked to buy a bullet proof vest but... " tony shrugs and heads to the door
(3) Robin: "I need to get somethings from my place, came strait from a friends."
(3) Robin: "i'll be right back"
(1) Anthony: "Hmm.. okay. We'll wait here."
(3) Robin: teleportaion(int2+occ.1+space4+7
(1) Anthony: (( minus connection of course :D ))
(3) Robin: ((-2? its my house))
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, I would think so ))
(2) Kurtis: ((correct))
(3) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,9,[10, 5],1] = (3)
(2) Kurtis: boom. you're home.
(1) Anthony: (( BAMF you mean :P ))
(3) Robin: (( :) ))
(1) Anthony: (( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamf ))
** (3) Robin runs around grabbing her bat in a homemade sheath that she can sling to her back, and stuffs her bag with her book and some rat she found eating her rice and trapped in a cheap plastic cage. **
(3) Robin: Back to tony and tristin."
(3) Robin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],6,3,4,[10, 3]] = (2)
(2) Rat: Squeak Squeak!
(3) Robin: ((Woo!))
(2) Rat: -4 penalty to the roll
(2) Rat: because its not your home
(3) Robin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,7] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: it works
(1) Anthony: "Umm..why'd you bring a rat?"
(5) Tristin: "I'm not -that- hungry...."
(3) Robin: Hello, guys. I've been working mind controll on all the little animals that get too close to my apartment."
(1) Anthony: mummering - Commune with Median Life (C)(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Life(3)+Power Word(2) [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 9],1,6,2,4,4,3,1] vs 8 result of (3)
(1) Anthony: "Hey little guy. She treating you okay?"
(3) Robin: "Made the neighboors dog bite his owner. I hate that guy."
(2) Rat: "Okay? I am trapped! I want out! I'm a little mouse and I'm claustrophobic. and I'd like a wheel please, and 0.5 pounds of cheese delivered daily please."
(3) Robin: "you eat my rice, I eat your thoughts." *evil augh*
(1) Anthony: "Your rat says he wants out, he wants a wheel and half a pound of cheese a day. But if he wants out he wouldn't get the wheel or cheese."
(1) Anthony: (( you can't understadn it, only I can ))
(1) Anthony: "If you go free then youwouldn't get the wheel or cheese mister rat."
(2) Rat: "All that work for a bit of rice. You are a sad creation of nature, if humans are even natural. I think humans are the ugliest unnatural freakish beings ever roamed the planet. Seriously, what's so good about you, big blokes who think they're all powerful?"
(1) Anthony: "Hmph. A big headed rat at that."
** (1) Anthony drops the spell communie **
** (1) Anthony shrugs, "Okay, we ready now?" **
(3) Robin: "I'm all set."
** (2) Rat paws at the cage wall, but soon settles down **
** (1) Anthony heads to his car, "Hmm.. gonna be tough to fit all three of you in the car, it's a two seater. Who volunteers to ride in the trunk?" **
(3) Robin: "I nominate Tristin."
(5) Tristin: "I will..."
(1) Anthony: "You know, you should figure out a spell to make the inside of my car bigger than the outside, then we'd have room."
(3) Robin: "Hooray, the motion is seconded."
(1) Anthony: "Well, you could actually both sqeeze into the passenger seat, if you wanted"
(1) Anthony: "It'd just be a tight fit."
** (1) Anthony oepns up the car **
(3) Robin: "I think I need some more experiance in space manipulation for that.""
** (1) Anthony gets in the drivers seat and waits for hte others to get in **
(1) Anthony: (( trisitn shoudl actually be able to squeeze behidn the seats since he's only 16 ))
** (3) Robin hops in the passenger side, looking to see if Tristin gets in the trunk or wants to share a seat. **
(1) Anthony: (( I had 5 people in my triump spitfire once XD ))
(5) Tristin: "I think I can fit back there..."
** (1) Anthony manages to get the door closes squeezing eveyrone in and heads to the casino **
(1) Anthony: "So, what did you see in your vision, Tristin?"
** (3) Robin leans forward in the seat giving tristin more room to get by. **
(3) Robin: ((opp bad timing))
(3) Robin: ((nvm that, then))
(1) Anthony: (( you could do it after he's in, pull the seat forward XD ))
(3) Robin: ((eh. hes in.))
** (5) Tristin climbs in **
(5) Tristin: "Just the Cassino, and a woman..."
(5) Tristin: "We were talking about something... but I had a bad feeling."
** (1) Anthony drives to the casino **
** (1) Anthony pulls up to the casino and parks the car and gets out, "Well, lets see what Kurtis has for us." **
** (3) Robin gets out **
** (5) Tristin follows behind them **
(2) Konrad Knox: roll wits+composure all
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,8,[10, 5],6,1] = (2)
(3) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 3],9,[10, 10, 6],9,4] = (4)
(1) Anthony: wits 3 + comp 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,1,2,9,4,4] vs 8 result of (1)
(3) Robin: ((5))
(2) Konrad Knox: as you stroll through the parking lot you can see a black supra parked in the employees area, the license plate says "I R FIRE". Whoever could that be....
(1) Anthony: (( hmm. doesnt' sound even vaguely familiar ))
(1) Anthony: (( oh, wiat you had a supra, yeah ))
** (1) Anthony goes into the casino **
** (1) Anthony makes sure his axe is not visible **
** (5) Tristin follows Tony **
(2) Konrad Knox: and as you walk into the casino..... ((pause))
** (3) Robin follows along **
(1) Anthony: (( smoking cig ))
(4) Eve: ((looks around at the main room... very nice... I like the decore)
(1) Anthony: (( back ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((ok, how od i save PM tabs logs?))
(1) Anthony: (( they're saved in main chat log ))
(1) Anthony: (( in the log you'll see them in line ))
(1) Anthony: (( you can go to a tab, click the "Open text view of chat session", click on "Remove html" and copy and paste ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((kk got it))
(2) Konrad Knox: anyone needs a pee break?
(1) Anthony: (( just did ))
(5) Tristin: ((nope))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((all good?))
(1) Anthony: (( `1 ))
(3) Robin: yeah good))
(4) Eve: ((good))
(1) Anthony: (( why do I get the feeling hte shit's about to hit hte fan ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ...the doors of the casino open in front of you and you see Kurtis, dressed semi-formal, as shown above, gleaming a welcoming smile at you as he shows you inside. Beside him are two very huge bouncers, and a petite woman... who Tristin immediately recognizes to the smallest detail
(2) Kurtis: "Welcome to Aurora, my friends!"
(2) Kurtis: ((describe yourselves!))
** (1) Anthony is wering blue jeans, a black tee shirt, a leather sports jacket, tennis shoes **
(4) Eve: Is stands 5'6" above the shoulder cut white straight hair, her eyes are a dark dark brown almost black that doesn't fit the hair. She is petite, doesn't wear makup, and is currently wearing the black and silver cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and gloves, and black paten leather boots.
(4) Eve: ((picture above))
(2) Kurtis: ((and one of you better have a goatee! ))
(2) Kurtis: ((jk))
(2) Kurtis: ((me pets Tony's imaginary goatee))
(4) Eve: ((doesn't have a goatee))
(5) Tristin: Tristin is about 5'9, with very short black hair, slightly naturaly narrowed eyes. He is dressed in black chinese robes
(1) Anthony: (( I don't remember if I've ever given a height for Tony, if not he'd be 5'10" or so, short black hair in no real discernalbe style, like he keeps it short becuse it's easiest to maintain ))
(5) Tristin: ((5'10.. looked it up...))
(3) Robin: robin wears sneakers, a tshirt with a jack over it, jeans. She has her bat slung un her back with her homade sheath, and an overstuffed backpack on
(5) Tristin: ((me not Tony))
(1) Anthony: (( 5'10" 16 year old? You're gonna be tall when you get older XD ))
(4) Eve: ((everyones taller than me :( ))
(2) Kurtis: ((tallest asn in teh world))
(4) Eve: ((tallest asian in the WORLD!))
(5) Tristin: ((What about that basketball guy?))
(5) Tristin: ((And sumo wrestlers?))
(2) Kurtis: "Guys, this is Eve. Eve..."
(4) Eve: ((Yao? He;s like almost 7 foot))
** (2) Kurtis lets people acquaint **
(1) Anthony: "Hello Eve, I'm Tony. Tony Parrot."
(1) Anthony: "So, Kurtis, you working here now?"
(5) Tristin: "Hi, I'm Tristin."
(2) Kurtis: "Yes. Occasionally, but not always. Sorry I've been out of touch, and sorry I will be for a while longer. If you guys would like all to come up, someone wants to discuss a lot with all of you."
** (3) Robin waves a Eve, Robin." **
(1) Anthony: pulse of hte living world - gnosis 2 + life 3 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,9,6,1] vs 8 result of (2)
** (4) Eve nods in turn to Tony and Tristin and Robin **
** (1) Anthony looks at eve with life mage sight **
(2) Kurtis: Eve, describe your life aura
** (1) Anthony wants ot find out if she's a mage **
(2) Kurtis: that requires... prime, i recall
(4) Eve: ((Eve's aura is that of a younger woman, probably not yet in her mid-twenties, she seems to be very healthy, vibrant, and oddly immune to a number of deseases and toxins))
(2) Kurtis: "Hi Robin. How you been? Tee, you look... taller and more chinese? How's time treatin' ya? Tony, good to see you man."
** (4) Eve looks you all over with Prime sight bwaaaaaa **
(2) Kurtis: all, describe your auras and the arcana
** (2) Kurtis is pulsing wildly with raw power, his signature is that of Obrimos, if Eve ever seen one **
** (1) Anthony 's aura appears to be be of a deep jungle with animal sounds **
(4) Eve: ((many in fact..))
(5) Tristin: Tristin's aura is faint if even detected. He seems adept in Time in Fate, dabbling in Space, but Time seems his strongest arcana.
(2) Kurtis: Tristin, if you now care to use occultation, you may, and detecting your arcana at Eve's level would be impossible
(1) Anthony: (( that is, when you see Tony he seems to be in the midst of a deep jungle with animal sounds about him, an impressoin ))
(5) Tristin: It's a merit, to my understanding it's always active.
(2) Kurtis: Eve, you can tell faintly Tristin is not a sleeper, but you cannot see his aura
(3) Robin: robins aura seems plain. Nothing too out of the ordinary as far as the awakened go, anyways.
(2) Kurtis: ((Robin, your space is 4 and gnosis 3, you're pretty shiny.))
(2) Kurtis: ((the higher your gnosis, the brighter you are))
(3) Robin: my aura is a disco ball, then.
(2) Kurtis: better :D
(4) Eve: ((gets out some platform shoes))
** (2) Kurtis leads you all into the Employees area to a large elevator **
(1) Anthony: (( yeah, acculation seems to alwasy be on ))
(5) Tristin: ((Don't forget bell bottoms))
(2) Kurtis: ((and very bad makeup))
(4) Eve: ((I call the afro!))
(3) Robin: ((skip the makeup and give me body paint))
** (4) Eve stands in the back of the elevator if possible holding her purse close **
** (2) Kurtis waits for everyone in the elevator and takes it up to the 16'th floor, Tony already familiar with the situation, they are going to the same office Annette the vampire woman, met them in **
(1) Anthony: (( it syas that all mage sights can be used to sense supernatural power, so I think that all mage sights could tell if someone is a mage or not ))
(1) Anthony: (( pp 110 ))
** (5) Tristin follows behind closely, quietly, and observing. **
(2) Kurtis: ((i think other sights can tell you everything about that arcana, regarding a person, like you could see if someone has life or not if u have life sight. but only prime sight takes them all apart, that was my impression. she has arcana that none of you have and hence ... doesnt matter, you'll know she's a mage fairly soon :D ))
** (4) Eve is a mage :) ;) **
(1) Anthony: (( although it says that prime to see soemone's aura, so maybe not :/ ))
(1) Anthony: (( well, remember terralthra's description how a mage is brighter, so to speak ))
** (1) Anthony shrugs **
(1) Anthony: (( open for interpretation ))
(2) Kurtis: "Man, some crazy shit is happening, I don't know what, but the boss asked me to gather us all. Something has to do with us being young and hard to detect. Something about a stone. What stone, I don't know. All I know is Annette and I are being shipped to Netherlands tomorrow. So... I wish you guys best of luck on whatever it is."
(2) Kurtis: "They say the city is in danger, but i don't know the whole story."
(1) Anthony: "A stone? Not a soul stone I hope."
** (2) Kurtis shrugs **
(2) Kurtis: "Ask the big boss. My job is far too simple. Tracking people and bringing them. Here you guys are."
(1) Anthony: "As for the city in danger, I saw in a dream an airport being destoryed, attacked. And Tristin saw something about the casino. So something seems to be up."
(4) Eve: "I doubt it. A simple soul stone could not cause catastrphies this large. Visions being what they are."
** (1) Anthony looks at Eve, "You've also had visions? Interesting." **
** (2) Kurtis adjusts his tie as the elevator dings and the doors open into the wide office, gray carpet, oak furniture, dark red velvet walls, in the background of the big wooden desk and the black leather chair - a window, making up the entire panoramic view of New Haven below you **
** (1) Anthony steps out of the elevator behind Kurtis **
** (4) Eve steps out lastish looking behind her at the rest of the room before heading forward **
** (5) Tristin enters the office, taking in his suroundings **
** (3) Robin files out with the crowd. looking around the room **
(5) Tristin: Post Cognition to see what kind of discussions take place here.
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,8,1,2,3] = (2)
** (2) Kurtis steps aside and politely shows you all in, as the man at the desk stands up and walks to you. He is a strong build, a short black beard on his face, trimmed hair, he looks sturdy as a rock, and his aura seems to be very vaguely visible. The most obvious and noticeable thing about this man - is he is completely clad in full metal plate armor, entirely unfitting to the office. **
** (1) Anthony looks at the familiar office and looks behind the desk to see who is there now **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin gets some information now
** (1) Anthony looks at the man with a little bit of shock, not used to seeing people wearing full mail armor in this day and age **
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), Here you can see people discuss unpaid debts and assassination contracts, money lending and money laundering, tightening security and making the casino equipment magicproof, among the events, you can see Kurtis and Tony here negotiating a deal with a vampire woman, who hands them a capsule of Jones's blood
** (4) Eve bats her lashes a few times her lips pursing for a moment at the oddity of suit and office **
** (3) Robin just tries not to stare **
(1) Anthony: Wow, a forces mage would have a field day with him. One little shock...
** (5) Tristin zones back into the present watching the man in the armor. **
(2) Kurtis: "Mister, Willow, here they are. Except this one" - points at Eve, "she just found me looking for traces of T.J. She wanted to find those who took him out, and here we all stand before you."
** (2) Jared Willow looks over the people **
** (1) Anthony glances at Kurits wondering about the absense of the other people who helped but says nothing and looks at the man in the arrmor **
(2) Jared Willow: "My name is Jared Willow. Welcome, please, come in and take a seat."
** (1) Anthony strolls over and sits down **
(5) Tristin: ((plenty of seats?))
** (2) Jared Willow gestures at the number of leather seats in front of the desk **
(2) Jared Willow: ((plenty of seats, even morethan needed))
** (3) Robin takes a seat **
** (4) Eve strolls over and sits down smoothing her skirt down as she does **
** (5) Tristin sits down in one of the seats **
(2) Jared Willow: "Good work, Mister Kerner, well, you know what to do. Annette's already got your tickets, so... good luck, report as soon as you have it in possession."
** (2) Jared Willow notices the odd looks upon him and coughs awkwardly... **
(1) Anthony: "You know, they make bullet proof jackets now..."
(5) Tristin: "You can turn into a bear...."
(5) Tristin: "Oh him... *chuckles*"
(2) Jared Willow: "I'm sorry. It is a bit grotesque, but i just landed." - he closes his eyes and the armor dissolves with soft orange glowing, shaping gradually into a business suit, with a soft crackling, only the man's thick neck and sharp face stay the same... in a matter of seconds he is no longer armored
(1) Anthony: "Better."
(2) Jared Willow: "I wish bullets were to worry about. Any of you can beat a bullet naked."
** (2) Kurtis quietly goes into the room in the back of the office, leaving the door open, you all can see him taking off his office suit, leaving only the white cotton shirt, strapping gun holsters on, putting a pair of desert eagles in, and reaching to a tall under-the-glass weapon stand for his sword. Strapping it to his back he walks out. **
(4) Eve: "Could but would perfer not to if possible."
** (1) Anthony 's eyes go wide, "Looks like you're preparing for war." **
(2) Jared Willow: "We are preparing to prevent one. Now, let's make things a bit clearer."
(2) Kurtis: "Good luck, my friends. Tony. Tristin. Robin. Eve."
(5) Tristin: "See you Kurt."
(1) Anthony: "Kurtis. Good luck, and don't freeze."
(3) Robin: "byekurtis."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, right, you're forces. never midn hten."
** (4) Eve nods goodbye to the man she just met. **
** (2) Kurtis closes his eyes the side window opens wide, Kurtis disappears from sight, and you can see but a blast of wind and a whistling sound, as something flies out the window **
(2) Jared Willow: "Hm. If he likes to be Superman so much... why does he even keep that car..."
(4) Eve: "Needs a place to keep the cape.."
** (2) Jared Willow laughs heartily **
(2) Jared Willow: "A Thyrsus, an Acanthus, a Mastigos... and a Moros.. I suppose will be joining you, is that right?"
** (1) Anthony looks around, "Moros?" **
** (2) Jared Willow looks at Eve questioning **
** (1) Anthony looks at Eve and frowns **
** (2) Jared Willow stands and walks around the room **
(5) Tristin: "Is Roger back?
(5) Tristin: "
** (4) Eve gives a girl next door smile that does not fit in with the black eyes and white hair **
** (1) Anthony nods at Eve, "I thinkshe would be the Moros" **
(4) Eve: "We are all here to do what we are all here to do."
(4) Eve: "When even the dead worry after the future there is something great coming."
** (1) Anthony turns back to Willow, "All I know is people are getting preminitions and dreams and such that something bad is going to happen, whatever it is, we need to stop it." **
(2) Jared Willow: "Thirty five days ago, a powerful councelor of the Guardians of Veil, a manslayer of half-hundred mages, and a Supreme Keeper disappeared out of all sights and ranges of every single faction who loved or hated the son of a bitch."
(4) Eve: "They are having a huge party in the Shadow realm to celebrate I hear."
(1) Anthony: "Oh, shoot, the Guardians of the Veil would have something against us. Becuase of Liza."
(2) Jared Willow: "Story tells he was defeated by four very young mages. Their traces were too weak to detect them."
(2) Jared Willow: "Liza?"
** (1) Anthony looks at Willow, "Kurtis didn't tell you about her?" **
(5) Tristin: "4 mages?"
(1) Anthony: "A little over a month ago we saved her life from her father who it seems wanted to kill her, because she wants to write a paper on magic."
(1) Anthony: "She aquired one of the seemingly rare books somehow and he found out."
(1) Anthony: "The guardians of the Veil I think would do anything to keep her from writing that paper."
(2) Jared Willow: "That makes sense... how did you ever manage to do what no other was able to? Nobody knew he even had a child."
(1) Anthony: "Interestingly enough, this happened a little over a month ago."
(1) Anthony: "We didnt' even know until it came up when someone read his mind."
(2) Jared Willow: "Well, many many people would be thanking you right now. But it is important that they don't. There is a mission of utmost importance, that I think I can trust you with."
(1) Anthony: "He is now in someother...place. A weird realm or world or dimention, I'm not sure. It doesn't seem to follow the same laws as here."
** (4) Eve arches a curious brow. **
** (1) Anthony nods, "Go on. So this councelor of the guardians disappeared, and I'm guessing you want us to find him?" **
(5) Tristin: "I think Jones is the councelor..."
(2) Jared Willow: "No. I was referring to Timothy Jones."
(4) Eve: "Was would be the correct term now."
(2) Jared Willow: "Correct."
(1) Anthony: "Oh. Then that's simple. We know where he is. He's the one trapped in the other dimention"
(2) Jared Willow: "He doesn't matter. Keep him there."
(1) Anthony: "Or whatever it is."
(4) Eve: "They have another task that needs done."
** (1) Anthony nods, "Okay." **
(5) Tristin: "What do we need to do?"
(2) Jared Willow: "What matters is that you are the ones who did it. And no other new mages recently come out to be something worthy. In fact I've heard Jones took one of your former friends under his wing, which lead to his demise."
(1) Anthony: "Yes, roger."
(1) Anthony: "he's stuck in that other realm also."
(2) Jared Willow: "What you have a unique ability to do, mages of higher power are incapable of doing without raising a lot of unnecessary noise, which in this case would be disastrous. But because the job is stealthy, it does not undermine its unique importance for the safety of millions."
(2) Jared Willow: "Are you certain that you would agree to risk your lives to save vast numbers of sleepers? Some of them are innocent, some of them are not. But a war knows no good or bad."
** (2) Jared Willow looks at Eve **
(1) Anthony: "Without question speaking for myself."
(5) Tristin: "I'll do it.."
(4) Eve: "I see enough death on a daily basis, a little less of it would be pleasant"
(3) Robin: "Well, alright."
(2) Jared Willow: "Are you comfortable working in a team, especially with a mage of Death, which I know, you had bad experience with. I believe Miss Kline here would be quite useful to you in this journey."
** (1) Anthony looks at Eve, "Well, I guess it mainly depends on her. I've met two Moros so far. One tried to kill me, then the other one tried to help him. They don't have a very good track record in my book." **
(4) Eve: "I promise not to try to kill you if that helps." *smiles charmingly*
(2) Jared Willow: "Since I had to borrow mister Kerner from you, it would only be fair that someone trustworthy and solid of mind would help you."
(1) Anthony: "Or tried to kill his daughter, anyway but.. I'll work with Eve until she proves to be a traitor."
(5) Tristin: "If she's anything like the last Moros, even if she turns on us she won't be a problem..."
** (4) Eve smirk **
** (2) Jared Willow arches a cruious brow **
** (2) Jared Willow takes out a few slides and places them in front of you **
(1) Anthony: "Well, I'm not sure if that's the power of Moros, or the person who wielded that power. Roger didn't seem too... inspiratoinal, if you know what i mean."
(2) Jared Willow: on the first slide you can see some asian dude. roll int+academics, monkeys!
(5) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 9],6] = (2)
(1) Anthony: int 3 + aca 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,3,4] vs 8 result of a failure
(4) Eve: ((Is not a monkey...))
(5) Tristin: ((3))
(1) Anthony: (( nice roll tris ))
(5) Tristin: ((Thanks))
(4) Eve: Int 3, ac 1 = 4
** (4) Eve found the F3 macro key **
(4) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],6,3,3] = (1)
(3) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7] = (0)
(1) Anthony: (( there's a 6.74% chance of getting 3 successes on 3 dice ))
(4) Eve: Encyclopedic Knowledge?
(2) Jared Willow: yes, include merit
(5) Tristin: ((not if Fate is on your side))
(4) Eve: Int 3 + wit 2 = 5
(1) Anthony: (( does uchawi get a roll? ))
(4) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,7,8,4] = (1)
(4) Eve: (fails at life)
(2) Jared Willow: Robin and Tony, you see some asian dude in a funny hat.
(4) Eve: (lol))
(5) Tristin: ((The Moros Curse!!!!))
(1) Anthony: (( uchawi is a knowledge spirit after all :P ))
(2) Jared Willow: (correct, if you ask him he will tell you. :D ))
(2) Jared Willow: Eve and Tristin, you recognize Lord Tamerlane, the Last Great Nomad Power
(1) Anthony: "Okay, so a picture of an asian dude."
(1) Anthony: "Funny looking hat though" Tony shrugs
(4) Eve: "Oh hey they did a special report on him on the China New channel on cable.. he's a Lord of Nomads or something.. eesh.. Tamerlane I think..."
(2) Jared Willow: "Tamerlane, the great Mongolian conqueror and the slayer of millions. His Turkic name is Timur, which means 'iron'. In his life time, he has conquered more than anyone else except for Alexander. His armies crossed Eurasia from Delhi to Moscow, Russia, from the Tien Shan Mountains of Central Asia to the Taurus Mountains in Anatolia. From 1370 till his death 1405, Temur built a powerful empire and became the last of great nomadic leaders.
(1) Anthony: "More powerful than Ghingis?"
(4) Eve: "Just didn't have as good a press secretary I suppose."
** (2) Jared Willow pulls out the next slide, and you see... some dude with a real funny Charlie Chaplin mustache and a military hat... and once again the academic rolls **
(4) Eve: ((yay!))
(1) Anthony: int 3 + aca 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,2,2] vs 8 result of a failure
(5) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,6] = (0)
(3) Robin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7] = (0)
(4) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,[10, 2],7] = (2)
(2) Jared Willow: Eve recognizes Adolf Hitler
(1) Anthony: (( oh come one, EVERYONE knwos adolph hitler ))
(5) Tristin: ((For real))
(2) Jared Willow: ((ok, ok, im kidding, u all recognise him XD))
(1) Anthony: (( he's infamous ))
(2) Jared Willow: ((just wanted Eve to get her history cookies :D ))
(1) Anthony: "Hitler. I recognize him."
(1) Anthony: "probably the most hated man in all history."
(5) Tristin: "Thought that was Roger?"
(2) Jared Willow: "Correct. What connects these two people aside from being great dictators among others known? What connects them to other great conquerors?"
(1) Anthony: "Dont tell me, they were awakened?"
(4) Eve: "A degree in art?"
(2) Jared Willow: "As you probably know, the two worlds on both sides fo the Gauntlet coexist at the same time apart from the realm of Mages. The physical realm and that of a Shadow."
(1) Anthony: (( dang it, kurtis has the dragon coin :P ))
(4) Eve: ((lol))
(4) Eve: ((*grin!*))
(5) Tristin: ((LOL))
(3) Robin: ((awww))
(2) Jared Willow: "Every time there is a great war thrown upon the lives of humanity, countless souls are freed from their physical shells, willingly and unwillingly. Every time such a gargantuan disaster happens, it results in a sort of... overflow, an extreme income of energy into the world of ghosts. The rage and hatred and the raw power throws the balance of energy off the scales, and many have to clean up the mess afterwards to keep the very structure of the universe in tact. It is the very reason why most mages believe that War is to be avoided at all costs."
(4) Eve: "Emotion and passion is all that keeps a ghost what it is. Too many in one place and the threads of reaility even begin to quiver with the excess" *nods*
(1) Anthony: "So what connects them is they killed a lot of people?"
(2) Jared Willow: "The last time such a massive thing happened was during what sleepers know as World War II, and before that World War I, or, as they are known among the mages, the Great Spirit Wars I and II. Many Moros mages had to stand guard and strain for the cause of preserving balance, many surrendered their lives, among with countless Obrimos, Acanthus, Thyrsus... and Mastigos."
(1) Anthony: (( didn't you mean Moros? ))
(2) Jared Willow: ((all of em))
(2) Jared Willow: ((Moros were mentioned in the beginning of the sentence as they took the biggest hit, directly involved in repairing the shadow realm))
(5) Tristin: "So how do we stop the war?"
(2) Jared Willow: "To establish a connection we have been working with the keepers of Mysterium to discover this: The King Stone." - he shows you a slide with a picture of a gem on it, cut and polished looking like a bigass amethyst
(1) Anthony: "Pretty."
(4) Eve: "Ahh... that's what they were..." *stops and smiles*
(5) Tristin: "Were?"
(1) Anthony: "So you've been trying to find this King Stone becasuse?"
(5) Tristin: ((Ignore that... two black fonts... v.v))
(2) Jared Willow: "This stone is centuries old. In 1398 clerics who found it placed it under the crib of young Tamerlane. In 1889 the stone was given to Adolf's Mother Klara Poltz
(1) Anthony: "Oh, let me guess, it's cursed. Or possessed. Or something."
(4) Eve: "It changes fates."
(2) Jared Willow: "Between those two events the stone has been ceased by force and disappeared from our sight several more times. We do not have confirmed data on who possessed it. It could have been Napoleon, it could have been Chenges... but we finally caught up with it in 1945, where we kept it safe, made into a silver ring, away, in the vault."
(1) Anthony: "Is that an actual picutre of hte stone, or just one like it? It could make a difference."
(1) Anthony: "Why didn't you destroy it?"
(2) Jared Willow: "The stone itself is enchanted with powers of Destiny, Time, Mind, Spirit, Life, Death, and perhaps even Prime. It was a product of combined sorcery of people far more powerful than its bearers. One who is born with this stone is destined to become a great dictator. Global, insanely gigantic proportion of influence on masses."
(4) Eve: "Why else would an artist suddenly be able to nearly take over the world"
(1) Anthony: 'So, let me guess, it's disappeared from your vault."
(2) Jared Willow: "When the Guardians of the Veil and the Silver Ladder took possession of the stone, they could not agree on what to do. The Free Council insited on destruction, the Mysterium kept institing on studying it to unweave the spell for academic purpose, for the sense of accomplishment, funny if you ask me. The Guardians wanted to preserve it in case of need. Quarrel arised, and now... recently, just several months ago it was lost again. Only now they have realized that they should have destroyed it. With current weapons people have invented, a new dictator will be an absolute one."
(1) Anthony: "You said before 'we finally cuaght it..." Who is we? Who are you with?"
(2) Jared Willow: "After countless millions of slaughtered souls, and centuries of failed attempts to undo the spell, they finally decided to let their greed for knowledge go. I come to you on my own initiative, not in the name of all the factions now, to ask you to find it and destroy it. If the stone is given to the higher up, there will begin quarrel again. It must be destroyed quietly."
(5) Tristin: "How do we find it?"
** (1) Anthony nods, "Find it, destroy it. That I have no problem with as long as it is what you say it is. But who are you with? The Guardians? The Seekers?" **
(4) Eve: "When you say lost do you mean stolen? Where was it kept? That would be a start."
(2) Jared Willow: "I stand with the Adamantine Arrow, and I am only your messenger. This casino's manager is my old friend, and he let me use it for a secure audience with you. Not many know I'm here. The person who will show you how to destroy the stone, is the one you have to meet. She... will help you with finding it, and she is the one who wants it out of existance."
(1) Anthony: "Adamantine Arrow." Tony nods, "Makes sense. Well, I have no problem with destorying, or having it destoryed, if it is as you say, which I don't doubt it is. So, we need to meet someone else."
(2) Jared Willow: "The stone is clearly stolen. It was always stolen to raise a powerful leader. Where it is, I do not know. For more details, you must find Mistress Hannah Riley. She was the one who sent me to you as a volunteer."
(5) Tristin: "Who are they?"
(4) Eve: "The Adamantine Arrow?"
(5) Tristin: "yeah"
(1) Anthony: "Mistress Hannah Riley. Where would we find her?
(1) Anthony: "The adamantine arrow are like warriors"
(4) Eve: "Hmm... I suppose you could call them the Mage army"
(5) Tristin: "Ohh..."
(2) Jared Willow: "So far Adamantine Arrow has been working for Mysterium to locate the stone, but I know that they will keep it. The Guardians of the Veil are all for preservation. There reason you saw me armored is because I was chased all the way from Brooklyn flying here, until I reached New Haven."
(2) Jared Willow: "We know that the stone is here, in New Haven. But everyone has to be covert, because as soon as one faction finds the stone, everyone will jump them. Hundreds of mages are now in this city, looking for it."
(1) Anthony: "Oh great."
(1) Anthony: "Tell me, why doesn't someone just scry it?"
(2) Jared Willow: "Hannah betrayed her own idology in favor of destroying the stone, and I have betrayed my contract to help her."
(1) Anthony: "Hanna is a member of the Guardians?"
(2) Jared Willow: "Signatures. By using our powers on the level we are, everyone knows who did what. This is where you come in. Your candles are so small and bleak in this madness of hot bright stars, that you have a chance to slip past everyone's feet."
** (4) Eve smiles slightly **
(5) Tristin: "I feel like you are calling us weak..."
(2) Jared Willow: "Hannah works for the Mysterium, the keepers of the very knowledge itself. For most of them, studying magic is the greatest reward for the studying. They want to know how something like the King's Stone was created, and want to unravel it with pure magic power, instead of breaking its shell."
** (2) Jared Willow darts his gaze at Tristin **
(1) Anthony: "So, basically we'll be pretty much unnoticable. Of course once they find out it was destroyed, then they'll look for our signatures and know who we are. So we'll be making some enemies. Not that hte guardians aren't already not on my shit list."
** (1) Anthony turns to tristin, "Weak in power, not in ability, as we've proven." **
(1) Anthony: "Which is why he's asking for us, we are weak in power, but know how to use it well. A compliment actually."
(2) Jared Willow: "Weak is the least what you are, young Tristin! Your weakness is your greatest strength! Whether your spirit is strong or not, this endeavor will determine. One of you already decided to risk his life to determine his own strength. If Kurtis gets out of this alive, he will find power. If not, he will perish, and it was his decision. I knew what I asked him to do when I did so."
(1) Anthony: "What is Kurtis after?"
(2) Jared Willow: "I ask this of you because you have a talent and know how to use it, Jones underestimated you, and he paid for it."
** (1) Anthony grins, "Watch out for is flying drop kick." **
(2) Jared Willow: "Kurtis has orders from Hannah to assist the other side of this operation, somewhat providing a cover for you. But with the rate of scanning currently... there must be absolutely no magical contact with him."
(2) Jared Willow: "Especially from you."
** (2) Jared Willow looks to all four of you **
** (4) Eve shrugs **
(4) Eve: "I hardly know him don't worry about me."
** (2) Jared Willow nods, and looks over everyone again **
(2) Jared Willow: "So, do you accept?"
(5) Tristin: "Don't worry."
(4) Eve: "I've got some time off work saved up.. why not."
(1) Anthony: "yes."
(3) Robin: "yeah, alright."
(5) Tristin: "Yeah, I'm in."
(1) Anthony: If the Guardians want this, I'm going to destory it if it kills me.
** (2) Jared Willow hands you four business cards, they have Hannah's contact infomation. **
(1) Anthony: "So, where do we meet Hannah?"
** (1) Anthony looks at the card, reads it and puts it in his pocket **
(2) Jared Willow: The card info is: Eagle Street, Building B, Suite 128
** (1) Anthony turns to Eve, "You have a car right?" **
** (5) Tristin drops the card into his backpack **
(4) Eve: ((( it doesn't have a street number?))
(2) Jared Willow: "Eagle Street Building, Horace Insurance agency, she is vice president there. I must be off. Good luck to you, Anthony, Robin, Tristin, and Eve. It was nice to know you..."
** (2) Jared Willow sighs with a bit of impending doom in his breath **
(4) Eve: "That implies either we or you shall not survive this."
** (3) Robin nods to the man. **
** (1) Anthony stands up and extends his hand, "Nice to meet you and good luck." **
** (1) Anthony looks at the time, "Would she be in the office now? It's rathe rlate." **
(2) Jared Willow: "There is no regrets when mages have to fight for the lives of innocents! We have power because we are worthy of using it! Find Hannah, she is waiting for you. Eagerly"
(1) Anthony: "Yes sir."
(2) Jared Willow: ((stop messing with map, lol. u are at red dot, you need to be at yellow dot))
** (1) Anthony heads to the elevator, "Good luck with your own mission" **
(1) Anthony: (( I see no map map. ))
(4) Eve: ((what map))
(1) Anthony: (( pretty good eye sight ))
(1) Anthony: (( there is no map ))
** (2) Jared Willow rotates on his heels, growls readily, and the armor clads him, as a gigantic spear appears in his hand and he flies through the window, without breaking the glass, and disappears with a loud roar **
(5) Tristin: ((There is no spoon))
(2) Jared Willow: ((damn, map lagging. lets have it load first...))
(1) Anthony: "I guess no one fears paradoxes around here."
(4) Eve: "When you've got the opinion that you are about to die a little paradox must not be a biggie"
(2) Jared Willow: ((map doesnt want to load... well the address is in the south east part of town, kinda towards direction to the Kassie Hollow, but still in the city.))
** (1) Anthony walks to the elevator and asks Eve, "So, do you have your own car? I have a sports car and it was a squeeze for the three of us. If not someone's riding in the trunk" Tony looks at Tristin **
(4) Eve: 'I have my own transportation yes."
** (1) Anthony gets in the elevator and pusshes the gorund floor button **
** (5) Tristin follows them to the elevator **
** (4) Eve gets in the elevator standing in the back if possible. **
** (3) Robin follows along **
** (1) Anthony stands on the side of hte elevator not wanting a known Moros to stand behidn him **
(2) Kurtis: all the way to the parking lot everything is fine, nobody follows you, nobody looks at you wierd
** (1) Anthony looks to see what car Eve gets into before driving off **
(5) Tristin: ((Except maybe the freak in the black robes))
** (4) Eve gets on a black motocycle and starts it up **
(2) Kurtis: eve dex+drive
(4) Eve: ... (I hate you Kurtis)
(4) Eve: ((hate!))
(2) Kurtis: ((eve is a biker who has no drive or bike skills))
(4) Eve: I'm blowing a willpower dang it. and next time you assume you can breath I'll have you roll stamina)
(4) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,2,9] = (1)
(4) Eve: :P!!!!
(1) Anthony: (( normally you wouldnt' have to use a driving skill for normal driving, only special things like evading, jumping over a ditch, etc.. ))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i know, im just dissing :D ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Eve does not fall off the bike :D
** (1) Anthony drives to the yellow dot **
(4) Eve: ((totally buying drive with my next XP..))
(2) Konrad Knox: it would look bad in front of the boys so she focuses hard
** (4) Eve also drives to the yellow dot **
(2) Konrad Knox: you all arrive at the place eventually. no problems on the way. a big tall building about 30-40 stories tall.
(4) Eve: ((technically since my vice is pride and I didn't fall off I could request a willpower back ))
(1) Anthony: (( follow the big yellow dot, follow the big yellow dot, follow the follow the follow the follow the follow the big yellow dot... ))
(2) Konrad Knox: Business style, golden rotating doors, stern decorated handles
(4) Eve: ((open until after hours apparently))
** (1) Anthony parks in the lot and makes sure his car is alarmed *chirp* *chirp* **
(2) Konrad Knox: wits+comp all
(4) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,6,6,3,7] = (1)
(5) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,6,9,4,6] = (1)
(1) Anthony: wits 3 + comp 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],8,8,7,1,5,9] vs 8 result of (4)
(2) Konrad Knox: ((we're nearing end of session here, give me a few min))
(3) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 2],3,2,6,[10, 10, 3]] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin and Eve, you can see it's a building of concrete and glass, dark blue, with a bank on one side, and an insurance company entrance on the other side
whispering to Robin, this building is over 600 feet long, 500 feet wide and about 35 stories tall
whispering to Anthony, this building is over 600 feet long, 500 feet wide and about 35 stories tall
(2) Konrad Knox: A man opens the doors for you, dressed in a dark cherry business suit, looking like a slick skiddish server type, he wears a pair of dark shades and smiles at you knowingly, he looks like this ^
(4) Eve: (he looks like a map?))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((no))
(5) Tristin: ((I've seen that guy somewhere!))
(4) Eve: ((the dwarf looks familar too...))
(2) Konrad Knox: ((i hate you all))
(4) Eve: ((:D and I hate you too... drive rolls..))
(1) Anthony: (( no, no, he looks like a woman in a black and silver dress. ))
(2) Nestor Fennegan: "Greetings to you, sirs and ladies. Miss Hannah is awaiting you."
(4) Eve: ((he's sexy))
(1) Anthony: (( zomg, he's a trany! ))
** (1) Anthony nods and follows the man **
(1) Anthony: (( never did see the pic ))
** (5) Tristin follows behind his friends. **
** (2) Nestor Fennegan leads you up to the elevator and looks over you all **
** (1) Anthony tries to make sure the Moros isn't right behind him Xd **
** (2) Nestor Fennegan calls the elevator up **
** (4) Eve follows behind staying to the side hands where you can see them. Ironic smirk on her face. **
(2) Nestor Fennegan: "Miss Riley's office is on 42nd floor. She will be waiting for you in suite 128. Please state your names to her as soon as you come in. Have a great evening."
(2) Nestor Fennegan: wits+investigation all
** (5) Tristin nods **
(3) Robin: "42 floor?"
** (1) Anthony nods and gets in the elevator and presses 42 **
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 9],6,1,4] = (2)
(4) Eve: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,1] = (1)
(5) Tristin: ((3))
(1) Anthony: "Umm.. wait a second."
(1) Anthony: "Forty second floor? This biulding only has thirty five stories."
(3) Robin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,9,1] = (2)
(3) Robin: "thats what i was thinking."
** (2) Nestor Fennegan nods with a smile **
** (4) Eve smiles softly **
(1) Anthony: wits 3 + inves 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,1,8] vs 8 result of (1)
(2) Nestor Fennegan: "There are certain precautions necessary to take in these dire times"
(2) Nestor Fennegan: wits 4 + subterfuge 4 + spec deception 1 = 9
(2) Nestor Fennegan: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,9,5,7,7,6,9,7] = (2)
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), you really don't trust the guy and there is no label on his suit stating a company name or a business name. the only nametag he has says Nestor Fennegan
(2) Nestor Fennegan: the guy looks kinda sleezy to you but no big deal
** (5) Tristin getting a suspicious feeling, he looks into the fates of everything around him **
** (1) Anthony scratches his head, "What do you mean, precautions?" **
(5) Tristin: ((Sybil's sight Gnosis 2 + fate 3))
(5) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,8,5,7] = (1)
(1) Anthony: spatial awareness - gnosis 2 + space 1 - 1 mana for improptu [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,6,3] vs 8 result of a botch
(2) Nestor Fennegan: "In a building like this, it's best to be a bit consiprational... if you know what I mean. The floor is not marked on the building plans, neither on any other plans. I must be off now, can't let anyone spot us."
(1) Anthony: (( wasn't successful so don't burn mana ))
(1) Anthony: spatial awareness - gnosis 2 + space 1 - 1 mana for improptu [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,9] vs 8 result of (3)
whispering to Shawn (Tristin), you get a really shitty feeling about getting into that elevator
(1) Anthony: (( does tony see anything special about the sapce in the building?))
(5) Tristin: "Fuck that, I'm not riding up..."
(1) Anthony: (( space mage sight ))
(2) Nestor Fennegan: this entire building is spacially distorted, walls are bigger than they should be, it is taller and has many spacial pockets. it looks like mages designed this place and security was in their mind when doing so
(1) Anthony: "Oh, this is like I was saying before, it's bigger inside than outside."
(4) Eve: "Then take the stairs... or is there something you wish to share with the group?"
** (2) Nestor Fennegan looks at the watch and hurries away looking at something outside **
(1) Anthony: "For forty two flights"
(2) Nestor Fennegan: "Sirs and ladies best hurry, more may be coming!"
(5) Tristin: "Stairs maybe... I'm not riding in there though..
** (1) Anthony pulls out the card and looks at it "Building B stuit 128. wouldn't 128 be on the 1st floor?" **
** (2) Nestor Fennegan walks out of the building into the street **
(5) Tristin: "Bullshit, what are you trying to pull 'Nestor?' "
(1) Anthony: "forty second floor would be like 4228"
** (4) Eve sighs **
(4) Eve: "Look... you see something or not? "
** (5) Tristin flips the man off as he leaves **
** (1) Anthony gets in the elevator and looks at hte buttons **
(5) Tristin: "More of a feeling.."
** (4) Eve taps her heel **
(4) Eve: "Right.. well.. care to explain or do we keep the Mistress waiting longer while you stand here?"
(2) Nestor Fennegan: buttons sparkle and transform under space sight. grid 1-36 becomes 1-100
(1) Anthony: "I'm going up. Anyone with me?"
(5) Tristin: "Explain what? I don't feel safe on that damn elevator... I'll see how the stairs feel, you do what you want."
** (4) Eve steps into the elevator **
(1) Anthony: "Okay. I'll call your cell if it's okay."
** (1) Anthony pushes 42 **
(4) Eve: "enjoy the stairs."
(2) Konrad Knox: the elevator closes and goes up
(5) Tristin: ((Don't have one))
(3) Robin: "I'll walk with tristin, then."
(2) Konrad Knox: up up up it goes, gently up the shaft... merilly merrily merrily... hm
(1) Anthony: (( do you know how long it will take you to walk up 42 flights of stairs? that's 420 feet ))
** (5) Tristin walks up the stairs to the first floor like Tony mentioned. **
(5) Tristin: ((44 speed if I need it))
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin and Robin, you walk up the stairs.... walking walking...
** (5) Tristin looks at the room numbers on the first floor. **
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony and Eve, the elevator seems to go on forever, and as soon as it reaches 42'nd floor it just keeps going
(1) Anthony: "Shit. Get ready."
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, room numbers are 001, 002, 003, 004... up to 010
(2) Konrad Knox: Anthony, your cell rings
** (4) Eve rubs her hands togeather shadows beginning to gather between them **
(1) Anthony: mummering - Organic Resiliance (C)(2) Gnosis(2)+Life(3)+PowerWord (2) [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,[10, 1],5,7,6,8] vs 8 result of (2)
(5) Tristin: *Checks the card* "128? sooo... the 13th floor... oh great..."
** (5) Tristin makes his way to the 13th **
(1) Anthony: (( 3 armor ))
** (1) Anthony answers his cell phone **
(2) Konrad Knox: Tristin, you come to 13th floor and see rooms 131-140
** (5) Tristin heads down a floor **
(2) Hannah Rliey: you hear a woman's voice on the phone
(1) Anthony: "Hello?"
(2) Hannah Rliey: "Tristin? Tony?"
** (3) Robin follows tristin **
(1) Anthony: "this is Tony. We're in the elevator which passed the 42 floor."
(2) Hannah Rliey: you phone shuts down, but the voice is still there, it feels like when it felt when Kurtis transmits his voice
(2) Hannah Rliey: "42nd floor? There is no 42nd floor! I'm on the 12th. Tony, get out of there now!"
** (1) Anthony presses STOP on the elevator **
(2) Hannah Rliey: the elevator stops, and you hear low growling aaaaaaall around.... behind the walls
(1) Anthony: "Shit. Can't, this building is spacially warped. And the elevator keeps going up."
(1) Anthony: "Somethign behidn the walls. Drek. Shits hitting the fan."
** (4) Eve presses the 12 button **
(1) Anthony: Transform Self (V)(3) Stamina(3)+Athletics(4)+Life(3) [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,9,3,9,[10, 2],7,7,5,[10, 6]] vs 8 result of (5)
(2) Hannah Rliey: Tristin, you reach the 12th floor and see suites 121-130
** (5) Tristin knocks on 128 **
(1) Anthony: (( scales, claws, scorpions tail, spider spinners, cobra fangs ))
(2) Hannah Rliey: the buttons go crazy and disappear altogether, the elevator doors open... and you see.... holy shit!!!! omfg what you see!
(4) Eve: ((a map))
(2) Hannah Rliey: Tristin, you knock on the door, and someone opens it
(2) Hannah Rliey: ((end session))
(4) Eve: dun dun dun!!!!!
(5) Tristin: *faints from the suspence*
(4) Eve: *steals his wallet*
(5) Tristin: ((lol))
(2) Hannah Rliey: ((teh moral of the story once again, always listen to the fate guy))
(1) Anthony: (( nwo I gotta mark down what spells I have active so I don't foret :P ))
(4) Eve: ((but he didn't say anything... :( ))
(5) Tristin: That's been a reacuring theme..
(2) Hannah Rliey:
theyve entered a new game, with a new sexy partner. Next episode next week!

(2) Hannah Rliey: anyway, exp
(2) Konrad Knox: i like Robin's increase of functional initiative
(2) Konrad Knox: she's getting more active.
(1) Anthony: (( I probalby would of listened to him, but you made the deception roll in session so it might of been metagame knowledge so couldn't use it ))
(1) Anthony: yeah, robin is getting a little more proactive
(5) Tristin: Listening to the Acanthus isn't meta gaming.
(2) Konrad Knox: so, i like Claire's way of exp, though if one of you makes me laugh hardest, i will usually give extra 1 exp. the way Terra did. But its gonna be learning curve, and 2 Rp nods.
(1) Anthony: What did I learn? Hmm...
(1) Anthony: tony hates Guardians of the Vale
(4) Eve: You already knew that..
(4) Eve: ;)
(2) Konrad Knox: 7 hr game. so its ... what is it...
(1) Anthony: No, I didn't
(4) Eve: Oh..
(1) Anthony: I knew I hated Jones. Didn't know what he was before
(5) Tristin: I learned not to throw fireworks in the bathroom, and women with low dexterity can still drive motorcycles.
(4) Eve: ahhhh
(2) Konrad Knox: 2 for showing up, 1 per 2hrs, so 6xp each.
(1) Anthony: I learned that Tristin on his own trying to find a hidden place is funny as hell
(1) Anthony: I learned that people working int he casino don't bother with the doors, they just use the windows
(3) Robin: I learned airpors are bad for hiding and tony makes a good pb and j.
(4) Eve: I learned that mexican roulette players know all!!!
(2) Konrad Knox: only obrimos, Tony :D
(4) Eve: And that 42 isn't always a lucky number...and neither is 23
(1) Anthony: Vampires fly, right?
(4) Eve: Some do.
(1) Anthony: And only 2 people other I know there are obrimos :P
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, 7 exp each. rp nods? 2 each for extra point.
(1) Anthony: Robin and Tristin. Sorry Eve, you wreen't in enough to get an impression
(1) Anthony: with 7 exp... I'm going life 4 baby!
(4) Eve: Tony and Tristin because Tony doesn't like Moros and shows it well, and Tristin is vauge like forturn tellers always seem to be.
(3) Robin: tony for creative use of getting rid of mold and tristin for the firework show.
(5) Tristin: Tony for driving me... three times. And Robin for the scrying and teleports.
(2) Konrad Knox: tony and tristin tied
(2) Konrad Knox: 1 tony 0 tristin
(5) Tristin: It helps with the mystery :)
(2) Konrad Knox: [1d10] => [4] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox: ...
(2) Konrad Knox: [1d2] => [2] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: ...
(2) Konrad Knox: 1 tony 2 tristin
(1) Anthony: so 8 for me?
(2) Konrad Knox: [1d2] => [2] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: i was being stupid
(4) Eve: tries to figure out what he's doing.. ?
** (1) Anthony has no clue **
(2) Konrad Knox: trying to roll 1d2 to get with 1 and 0
(4) Eve: ahh...
(4) Eve: well that explains all.
(2) Konrad Knox: u have to do 1 and 2, not 0 and 1
(1) Anthony: you get 1 and 2
(1) Anthony: [1d2-1] => [2,-1] vs 0 result of (1)
(1) Anthony: [1d2-1] => [1,-1] vs 0 result of (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: tristin 8xp, tony 7xp Robin 7xp Eve 7xp
(1) Anthony: oh, wrong roller
(4) Eve: :P
(2) Konrad Knox: good choice
(1) Anthony: okay, gives me 27, but life 4 costs me 24, so leaves me 3
(2) Konrad Knox: drive for eve, sold
(1) Anthony: And now I can transform completely!
(2) Konrad Knox: tony life 4, sold
(4) Eve: AND! a specailzation in motorcycles :P
(1) Anthony: Lets see, transform spell would cost me dots x 2 is it? so 8 :/
(2) Konrad Knox: specialization for eve, sold
(2) Konrad Knox: eve 0xp tony 3exp
(2) Konrad Knox: anything else?
(2) Konrad Knox: you will find yourself in some major asskickings gents :)
(1) Anthony: don't think so
(2) Konrad Knox: as now you have very NPC little backup. warrior necklace still there of course, and your 8-charge luck necklaces, Tristin has 7 charges on it
(1) Anthony: The thing is, if we were all in the elevator, we would of had more to go against whatever is agasint us, now there's only 2 of us though
(2) Konrad Knox: the other 2 can find out a way to save you form the outside, who knows?
(1) Anthony: And my warrior bell don't forget
** (4) Eve doesn't have one :D **
(2) Konrad Knox: i fact robin doesnt have one either
(2) Konrad Knox: only tony and tristin
(1) Anthony: You remembre3 all that time we spent rolling to make the healing potions?
(5) Tristin: I have the spell in gnosis anyway.
(1) Anthony: I think in the end someone used one because they got a paper cut XD
(4) Eve: ... yeah.. yall were wasting them..
(2) Konrad Knox: oh yeah, feel free to rp u have those pots
(2) Konrad Knox: kurtis said specifically to come prepared, so assume u came prepared
(1) Anthony: I think they'd just be water by now, no?
(2) Konrad Knox: i dunno
(4) Eve: spells stays for a while Kassies Gnosis is pretty high.
(1) Anthony: Without exta duratoin thrown into the spell, they would last an hour
(1) Anthony: it depends on the duration thrown intot he spell
(2) Konrad Knox: it was a ritual
(2) Konrad Knox: rituals pwn majorly
(1) Anthony: so they might still be good then
(2) Konrad Knox: ya
(1) Anthony: tony would know anyway casue he could look at them with life sight
(2) Konrad Knox: with amount of things you will fight in this chapter, i would be all for healing pots
(1) Anthony: I forget how they were packaged
(2) Konrad Knox: with banana peels
(1) Anthony: but I'd still have my 5 with me then
** (2) Konrad Knox goes insane **
(1) Anthony: were they in glass viles?
(1) Anthony: mason jars? don't remmeber hwo big they were
(4) Eve: water bottles...
(1) Anthony: I seme to recall I had 5 that would each heal 5
(3) Robin: hmm well, on that note, goodnight everyone.
(4) Eve: night gg
(2) Konrad Knox: nite shawn and rach
(1) Anthony: I think my current get up, scales, claws, spider spinners, scorpion tail and cobra fangs might kick some ass XD
(2) Konrad Knox: gg
(1) Anthony: night, good session
(5) Tristin: Good night, thanks for the game everyone.
(3) Robin: gg.
(3) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Robin (exit): 06:00
(5) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Shawn (Tristin) (exit): 06:00
(2) Konrad Knox: thanks you two for stepping into the elevator :D
(2) Konrad Knox: i was hoping you would :)
(4) Eve: I was hoping he would say something more than I have a feeling so I wouldn't have to..
(4) Eve: *shrugs*
(1) Anthony: Only becuase of Shadow run
(2) Konrad Knox: he didnt get much more, he only beat the guy by one
(1) Anthony: I only stepped intot he elevator because of my shadowrun experience
(1) Anthony: In shadowrun our characters became majaory paranoid about two things, 1. opening doors 2. stepping in elevators
(2) Konrad Knox: lol
(1) Anthony: I decided I wouldn't be paranoid here... and look where it got me
(1) Anthony: You read hte log about the rat door didn't you?
(2) Konrad Knox: nais
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah
(1) Anthony: Also, you making the roll in the session made it difficult to knwo if it was metaknowledge or not :/
(4) Eve: Hey kk.. ^
(2) Konrad Knox: explain, what u mean?
(2) Konrad Knox: i should roll elsewhere?
(1) Anthony: yeah
(4) Eve: the gm tab is good for that.
(2) Konrad Knox: aaaah
(2) Konrad Knox: and then do descriptions
(1) Anthony: like /gm roll
(2) Konrad Knox: good point
(1) Anthony: or roll in gm tab
(2) Konrad Knox: i assume everyone here r rp pros
(2) Konrad Knox: but i see how it gets hard
(2) Konrad Knox: will do
(1) Anthony: yes, but it's hard to know when it's blatant
(1) Anthony: how my char would react
(4) Eve: /signed
(4) Eve: I want it to be eats time now too
(1) Anthony: if you hadn't done the roll in session, I think we would of all stepped intot he elevator :P
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah
(2) Konrad Knox: though now that i tihink about it, its evern better ure separate
(2) Konrad Knox: well then, till next sunday :)
(1) Anthony: Did you subconsiously pick floor 42 for it's deep philosophical significance?
(2) Konrad Knox: of course