Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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(14) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:22
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(14) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:22
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 22:22
(4) Eve (enter): 22:22
(5) Justin (enter): 22:22
(9) GM Eyenoyoursecrets (enter): 22:22
(8) Robin (enter): 22:22
(11) GM Eyenoyoursecrets (enter): 22:22
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets (enter): 22:22
(13) Robin (enter): 22:22
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (14) Konrad Knox...
(15) Eve (enter): 22:23
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (11) GM Eyenoyoursecrets...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Robin...
(13) Robin: lol mormon-underwear.com
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (15) Eve...
(15) Eve: wow.. epic fail... crash via mormon underwear.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Soo many GMs, it's anarchy, we are all in charge
(14) Konrad Knox: well, my client crashed whatever that was, there goes the log of this session XD
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: lololol
(14) Konrad Knox: please before uploading pics, ask first how to do it?
(14) Konrad Knox: no bmps, no outsourcing, local copies only
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: How I shot web?
(5) Justin: heh..
(13) Robin: Garments are made at LDS church clothing centers. They are then made available to members of the mormon church through distribution centers. Church distribution centers sell scriptures, pictures of Jesus Christ, videos about the gospel, hymn books, and many other church supplies, as well as garments. Some websites claim to sell garments as well, but unless they are official church sites, it's usually a hoax.
(13) Robin: I thought worshiping idols was against mormonism, too?
(14) Konrad Knox: uuuh... i dont remember what the last thing anyone said was
(14) Konrad Knox: ah yes.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You were asking Justin if he could heal
** (14) Kurtis made a scratch in his arm and asked Justin to try and heal it **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Booting '(9) GM Eyenoyoursecrets' from server...
(9) GM Eyenoyoursecrets (exit): 22:25
(5) Justin: ** (5) Justin nods at the motion, taking a step forward, and placing his hands upon the flesh, he works to weave together his natural power, and his attunement with the energies of life, to mend the tear in the flesh ** (5) Justin: Life 3 Gnosis 2 = 5 (5) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,2,5,6] = (1) => [6,8,9,5,2] => (6, 8, 9, 5, 2) = (2)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Booting '(11) GM Eyenoyoursecrets' from server...
(11) GM Eyenoyoursecrets (exit): 22:25
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Boot 14, he's an imposter!
(14) Kurtis: "Yes, yes! That is it! Yours feels different though... a lot more... wow... like a... like a fountain of... stuff. Well, ladies and gents, we got ourselves a healer, we might actually have a chance."
(14) Konrad Knox: Booting '(1) Konrad Knox' from server...
(1) Konrad Knox (exit): 22:27
(5) Justin: "Fountain of stuff.. Gotcha."
(14) Konrad Knox: Booting '(4) Eve' from server...
(4) Eve (exit): 22:27
(13) Robin: ((http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmwiU0CAu6M))
(14) Konrad Knox: Booting '(8) Robin' from server...
(8) Robin (exit): 22:28
(13) Robin: (("I like to poop in my mormon underwear. The squishiness and smell while I walk serves as a constant reminder of my faith and sacred covenants. It also protects me from the evil of this world known as women. Once they catch a whiff of my magic, they are warded off like the evil spirits that they are."))
** (13) Robin is so distracted now **
(15) Eve: ...
(14) Kurtis: ...
(5) Justin: ...
(13) Robin: "I Feel our subject is heading south... I think he has a magic ward against scrying..."
(13) Robin: q
(5) Justin: "And I think I'd like to get out of here and get this over with."
** (13) Robin drops the mind liknk between everyone. **
** (13) Robin she envisions the city, hoping it will help her track. **
(13) Robin: ((spactial aweaarness 5+4))
(13) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,6,7,4,5,3,[10, 5],7] = (2)
(13) Robin: ((bleh map)))
(15) Eve: "If he had a magic ward against scrying wouldn't that mean you couldn't track him at all?"
(15) Eve: "Or am I not understanding Space magic correctly?"
(14) Kurtis: "Alright, Justin. I agree. Get this over and done with. You just keep your mind on that new ability of yours. We lost all of our martial arts specialists, so it's you, me, and Dante."
(5) Justin: "Oh.. Alright, I'm not much of a fighter though, but I'll do my best to keep everyone healed."
(16) Dante (enter): 22:39
(15) Eve: Dante!
(13) Robin: "Yeah, I guess."
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Well well well if it isn't the guy who's character died?))
(16) Dante: ((lawl. Sweet, so I can go get some sleep then))
(15) Eve: ...
(15) Eve: (rezzes naked!)
(15) Eve: No sleep for you!
(5) Justin: ((Sleep will not help.))
(16) Dante: ((Why naked? ...I dont even wanna know))
(14) Kurtis: "Well with those powers of yours Justin, see Tony was kind of like you and he could do some scary stuff to himself - grow lizard skin, thick fur, claws, scorpion tails, he appended all kinds of animal mutant thingies. I think you can be very scary, I'm talking, front line scary. Dante, you've obviously had some martial art hand to hand training?"
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (16) Dante...
(15) Eve: Gen joke... you used to rez at crosses completely naked... then had to run (still naked unless you carried a blessed cloak) to your body to get your stuff back
** (16) Dante nods once as he turns to face Kurtis. **
(14) Kurtis: ((Dante, u had a coce between 0.45 pistols, rapiers, M14 rifles, nades, and rocket launchers, unlimited quality XD. Wat u take?))
(16) Dante: ((Errr... two .45s and a few grenades? Since carrying six rocket launchers is probably out of the question >.>))
(16) Dante: "I've had some hand to hand training, yes."
(5) Justin: "I can do what? Turn into some sort of giant beast thing..? I think thats a little too advanced for me.."
(15) Eve: "So whats the attack plan, this is one evil Moros, I can dispell most of what he throws our way but if I'm doing that it means I can't throw it back at him."
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((testing))
(16) Dante: ((1,2,3))
(14) Kurtis: "Um, honestly I don't know. I can hurt. A lot. I can also protect us with shields."
(15) Eve: (nah?)
(14) Kurtis: ((3,2,1))
(15) Eve: "everyone better bring their "A" game then, this will be a tough fight."
(14) Kurtis: "But I have no idea if that guy will do his trick before we can do ours, and he has accomplices. Last time we had a party, we got turned into fish before we could blink."
(13) Robin: "Ive got some sheilds and traps, now we just have to get to him.:
** (16) Dante groans quietly at Kurtis' reminder **
(15) Eve: "Yes well this one won't want to collect us for his aquarium..."
** (13) Robin tries to view the murder once more, this time to herself an image in mind.((scrying 5+4+1)) **
(13) Robin: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,3,[10, 5],5,3,8,5,7,8,[10, 8]] = (4)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Static
(13) Robin: ((lame))
** (5) Justin frowns at the reminder, and crosses his arms over his chest* **
** (13) Robin lets out a loud sigh **
(15) Eve: "is anyone here not ready for this?"
** (13) Robin walks out the building. "Lets just head south." **
(5) Justin: "No, he's got to be stopped before he hurts more people, and we all have a better chance if we're together."
** (5) Justin nods to robin, and follows **
** (15) Eve follows after the two throwing up an entropic guard (death shield) as she goes **
(15) Eve: (rote = wit+occult+death = 10)
(15) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,[10, 1],[10, 1],6,5,2,[10, 2],6,5] = (4)
** (13) Robin waits for everyone to catch up outside. **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: As you get to the Moros district, you pass through an archway made of old stone. It's begining to get dark.
** (14) Kurtis puts up a kinetic force shield on himself, Dante, and Justin. Then masks his presense with Prime Unseen Spy. **
** (5) Justin throws up Unseen Aegis on himself as he follows Robin, his gaze flicking around the darkening area warily **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Okay, who has what spells up?
(5) Justin: Justin has Unseen Aegis.
(14) Kurtis: Resolve 3 + Occult 1 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 = 10 Forces 5 Unseen Aegis on self, Dante, Justin
(15) Eve: ((Death mage sight & Entropic Guard @ 4 sucess)
(14) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,9,[10, 6],6,8,7,2,5,9,5] = (4)
(14) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,9,[10, 7],3,2,8,5,3,9] = (4)
(14) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,6,6,6,8,5,1,4,9] = (2)
(13) Robin: "He moved. North now."
(14) Kurtis: Hide my spells from scrutiny - Unseen Spy: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7
(14) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,2,4,4,3,5] = (2)
(5) Justin: Int 3 Sci 5 Matter 3 = 11
(5) Justin: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,[10, 4],[10, 2],[10, 9],9,5,7,[10, 10, 1],6,[10, 3]] = (6)
(15) Eve: "Wonder if borrowing a humvee would help or hurt us..."
** (16) Dante follows closely to the group, keeping his eyes fixed north at Robin's words. **
(13) Robin: whats unseen aregis do?
(5) Justin: Defensive Rote
(14) Kurtis: brick wall u cant see
(14) Kurtis: stuff goes bonk!
(5) Justin: It's a shield.
(13) Robin: k
(5) Justin: And with 8 successes.
(5) Justin: I feel damn cool.
(15) Eve: (that is sexy)
(13) Robin: "Car might be better, he changed directons faster than we could catch up to him, I guess.
** (15) Eve makes a point of watching in every direction so as to not get surprised like last time **
(13) Robin: ((Nvm gm says theres no cars))
(14) Kurtis: ((ok so: Justin has 3 matter shield with power 8, 5 forces shield with power 4))
(14) Kurtis: ((8 armor together))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You begin to see random people comeing in and out of their old stone homes.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Men and women of old and young.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You couldn't exactly call this place bustling, but there is certainly activity.
(14) Kurtis: ((armor 5 on Kurtis, armor 5 on Dante. Power 4 and 2 respectively))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: what was Justin casting?
(5) Justin: Unseen Aegis is what he cast.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: okay
** (15) Eve continues to follow Robin, pulls up prime sight so she can watch for the mage resonance she saw on the bodys **
(15) Eve: (rote = wits + composure + prime = 9)
** (13) Robin changed directons to the north trying to track... **
(15) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,3,1,[10, 7],[10, 4],5,2,4] = (3)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You detect hints of death magic all over the area, on buildings, in the soil.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Most of the people walking about are Moros, although there are the occasional mages of another tower.
(15) Eve: (I'm just looking for the one resonance, filtering out the other bits)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: A few miniutes down the road you would see a spot in the air.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Anyone with prime who was looking for this particuar resonance would see it too.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin, this is not your tracking target though.
(13) Robin: "Whats that?"
** (14) Kurtis detects the resonanse and casts Magic Shield: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7 **
(14) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,3,3,9,3,7] = (2)
(13) Robin: ((nvm)
(14) Kurtis: ((magic shield 4, power 2))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Robin doesn't see it))
(14) Kurtis: "Fellows, death resonanse all around. Strong."
** (15) Eve descretely draws a gun holding it along the side of her leg, watches for more **
** (5) Justin tenses at the words, his eyes flicking around in the darkness **
** (14) Kurtis holds the M14 at ready. Nods to Justin, whispering "safety off, be ready to fire" **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Just a spot, like a fingerprint left behind in the air here)
(15) Eve: (the darkness of the daytime?)
** (5) Justin nods to Kurtis, drawing his gun, and flicking the safety switch **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Twilight))
(5) Justin: (Oh, thought it was getting darker..)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((it is))
** (13) Robin looks alarmed at justin and jkrtis' movements, but her hand awkwardly on her new gun' **
** (15) Eve flicks the safety off, more paranoid now in her scanning **
** (14) Kurtis drops Forces sight and uses that focus to create a wall of bent light in front of the group - so that things in front of them could not see them, like a wall of light reflection (improvised invisibility via light mastery) **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Only in front?))
(14) Kurtis: Light Mastery impromptu: Forces 5 + Gnosis 3 + Ring 1 = 9 ((i will draw what i am doing based on successes))
(14) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,2,8,4,1,1,2,9] = (3)
** (16) Dante cocks his head to Kurtis' direction and draws one of the .45s from behind him, checking the safety to make sure its off as he glances about. He lets out a slow, long breath. **
** (13) Robin draws the .45, flipssafty off. waiting for something to happen **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: A few people turn their heads as you cast the spell.
(14) Kurtis: ((like the sketch. we can see each other, and the wall travels with us, staying in front of us. unseen spy makes this wall -2 penalty hard to detect, as well as all my spells. so enemy gets -2 on trying to see my spells))
** (14) Kurtis talks to a random person on the street **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((I don't have time to roll that many prime sight checks, I gonna guess a few people around the city are strong enough to detect it though))
(14) Kurtis: "Hey folks, any of you know where these killers are?"
(12) Women: "The what?"
** (12) Women eyes the man warily. **
(14) Kurtis: "You folks been having any trouble lately?"
** (16) Dante looks over to the woman and Kurtis, arching an eyebrow. **
** (15) Eve frowns at Kurtis pressing her lips togeather and just shakes her head continuing to follow Robin **
** (14) Kurtis whispers **
(14) Kurtis: "Oh, the citizens don't even know about this?"
(12) Women: "Not until a strange man with a sword and assult rifle aproached me asking me about killers...."
(14) Kurtis: "You guys are all awakened?"
(12) Women: "Sleepers don't find this place."
(14) Kurtis: "Is this resonanse normal in the neighborhood?"
(12) Women: "You must be new here Obrimos."
(12) Women: "Yes, I don't feel anyting different anyway.."
(14) Kurtis: "Yeah, all of us are. Heard you had trouble with some people missing. Been sent to help you. I recon a bit of an organized resistance attempt could prove beneficial against a guy who rots people alive for fun."
(12) Women: "Traces of Death, some matter, some prime, and various other scattered spells."
** (12) Women eyes widen **
** (13) Robin glances over her solder awkwardly, noticing kurtis' chatting up the ladies and waits a few feet away. **
(12) Women: "Ahh yes, I have heard the rumors, best be careful Obrimos, mages more powerful then yourself have turned up."
(13) Robin: shoulder
** (14) Kurtis assesses the woman's power level compared to himself (gnosis 3, forces 5, prime 4) **
(14) Kurtis: ((supernal vision up))
(16) Dante: ((Its over 9000!!!))
(14) Kurtis: ((nowai!))
(12) Women: Higher Gnosis, lower Forces, same Prime
(14) Kurtis: "Well if you got any kind of firearms at your home, you sure welcome to join us. Unless you like having a random luck draw on who Scavenger chops up next."
(12) Women: "I stick to groups, the loners seem to get picked off."
** (14) Kurtis turns to the crew "by the way guys, we could use a new mind link. Dante, could you please router us?" **
** (12) Women smiles to the rest in turn **
(14) Kurtis: "Well tell your neighbors. There's a Moros around, totally amok. Soldiers back in the base been returning missing vital organs"
(14) Kurtis: "Body chopping children cleaving woman raping maniac called The Scavenger. I'm sure we can handle him fine and dandy, but the more hands we got the better.
(12) Women: "There are many Moros around *she smiles, amused* but I will remind them of the problem and inform them it's being looked into."
** (14) Kurtis smiles sarcastically **
(14) Kurtis: "Thanks for the help."
** (15) Eve raises an eyebrow at the womans odd response **
(14) Kurtis: "However, as you might have noticed, we're a group. So sticking with us, is, in fact, better for you."
** (13) Robin nods at kurtis's coment from a distance. **
** (16) Dante nods to Kurtis and glances around at the others of the group before closing his eyes, concentrating on weaving a mental link between the five, the fingers on his free hand dancing as if winding loose string. ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7)) **
(16) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,9,2,3,1,1,9] = (2)
** (14) Kurtis casually shifts the invisible shield to cover their backs instead of fronts, figuring it's more important nobody sneaks up **
(12) Women: "I have some work to do. I'm sure it will be taken care of eventually, our city has it's share of crime just like any other."
** (15) Eve studies the woman for a moment looking for any spells she has on her person with prime mage sight **
(16) Dante: (( Mage Ninja Fore Five? ... Breaker, breaker, 0,1,9. Tango, Foxtrot, Ninja, 4,5))
(12) Women: She has prime and death sight up
** (13) Robin tries to read her arua((arua perception mind4+gnosis4)) **
(13) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(9)] => [1,6,3,6,5,[10, 4],5,1] = (1)
(12) Women: Sent her wisper
(12) Women: continue
(14) Kurtis: "Alright, well if we can see it, we can kill it. So keep eyes up."
(13) Robin: ?>
(14) Kurtis: ((we got some kinda city map?))
(16) Dante: ((Awaiting the official call for the impromptu mindlink as well))
** (15) Eve follows after Robin if she is moving, still scanning around carefully **
(13) Robin: cat on the keyboard sry))
(14) Kurtis: ((oh, Dante, u gotta roll with -4 penalty for connecting 4 minds. if u get a success, u did it))
(12) Women: Oh, it worked, sorry
** (13) Robin wait politely for kurt to finish his conversation before moving on. **
(14) Kurtis: ((or that))
(16) Dante: ((Ah, well, good to freaking know.))
(12) Women: ((No I think his mind is higher that Robin's))
(16) Dante: ((I didn't apply a -4 penalty. If you like, I can go ahead and fail it. It'll just take a sec))
(13) Robin: ((I dont have map. dante has mind 5, right?))
(12) Women: ((robin was casting Telepathy on 4 targets, he was casting mind link))
(16) Dante: (( 4 ))
(14) Kurtis: ((oh he can do network? cool))
(16) Dante: (( K, so like, I'm pretty well confused now. ))
(13) Robin: ((network is mind 5 spell))
(16) Dante: (( Bleh. Then I couldn't even attempt ))
(15) Eve: (you can do 4 way telepathy Robin does it all the time)
(14) Kurtis: ((you can still through telepathy with -4))
(16) Dante: (( Oh this will be fun. ))
(14) Kurtis: ((use will for +3))
(16) Dante: ((I was intending on it, yes..))
(14) Kurtis: ((*fingers crssed*))
(12) Women: Yellow is houses, Red is graveyard, blue is a few cathedrals.
(12) Women: Purple is main road.
** (16) Dante attempts to reach out to the rest of the group's minds with a strong desire to allow them to understand each other's thoughts. ((Impromptu Telepathy Mind 4 + Gnosis 3 - 4 penalty +3 will = 6)) **
** (16) Dante found the F3 macro key **
(16) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,1,3,2,7] = (1)
(14) Kurtis: ((phew!))
(16) Dante: ((Shoulda brought me some cocaine.))
(12) Women: ((*claps for Dante's discovery*))
(14) Kurtis: Thanks, Dante.
(15) Eve: Did she seem odd to anyone else?
(14) Kurtis: Fuck yes she's odd.
(16) Dante: Odd enough to concern ourselves with her outside our current mission?
(13) Robin: Yeah, but her arura seemed pretty conservativr. Could just be the norm.
(14) Kurtis: Sick and tired of fucking people who don't give a shit about their own lives. Story of my goddamn existance, this crew excluded.
(13) Robin: conservative****
(15) Eve: "Oh theres nothing unusual around here" "Yes I will be sure to related the savage murders to the others" "Every city has crime"??? thats conservitive?
(14) Kurtis: Anyway, I got the light reflection switched to cover our backs. Whatever we leave behind us, cannot see us. Only what's in front of us - can.
(15) Eve: Everyone keep their eyes open then.
** (15) Eve continues to follow Robin **
(16) Dante: Well, that's assuring at least, Kurtis. Still, that woman.. Well, no matter. Let's continue.
** (12) Women walks off to commune with others **
** (13) Robin walks bristkly north with the group. **
(14) Kurtis: Is it pointing to the cathedral?
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Green = you
(13) Robin: It changed North suddenly
(15) Eve: Haven't we been going north?
(14) Kurtis: Damn it, it's on the roofs!
** (16) Dante stands slightly to the side of the group, his index finger stroking the cold butt of his .45 idly. **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((SW, it moved north relitive to where it was))
(13) Robin: yeah for a little bit
(13) Robin: oh
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: IE closer to you
** (16) Dante looks to the general area Kurtis indicated. "The roofs?" **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Still southwest of you
(13) Robin: oh my bad, yo.
(16) Dante: (( Oh noes! We are being erased! ))
(14) Kurtis: I think it's moving in the neighborhoods.
** (13) Robin heads in the appropriate direction. Safety off, holding the gun with both hands, pointed toward the ground. **
** (14) Kurtis holds a steady aim forward with the M14 **
(15) Eve: ((*is eaten by the nothing??*))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((SW is straight down on map, compass rose is right of the shitty map))
** (5) Justin keeps his gun pointed upwards, his eyes scanning the skyline **
(15) Eve: (So 'yes' we are heading to the cathedrals?)
(14) Kurtis: Those cathedrals down there.
(16) Dante: (( It was a grue, Eve. Sorry I didnt warn you sooner. ))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin you can tell it's a bit closer than the cathedrals.
(15) Eve: (oh nooos!)
** (14) Kurtis locks his aim on a holy statue on the cathedral's facade, revisits focus of his spells: shields, invisibility wall, prime sight, unseen spy **
(13) Robin: I think we're pretty close now
(5) Justin: You know, if it wanted to get work done out of the public eye, it could have set itself up in an old crypt.
(13) Robin: Nvm though cathedrals was the red.
(15) Eve: Crypts are often made of stone... It would be a nice place to set up shop for that kind of Moros
(16) Dante: (( Wait, that's a map? ))
(14) Kurtis: Justin, scan the surroundings for life.
** (5) Justin nods and attempts to throw up his life sight **
(13) Robin: ((lolololol))
(14) Kurtis: (( yeah, yellow is houses, red is graveyards, blue is cathedrals))
(5) Justin: Life 3 Gnosis 2 = 5
(5) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7,8,2,9] = (3)
(15) Eve: (yes!)
(16) Dante: (( And the radioactive green slime is us? ))
(15) Eve: (we are a booger))
(14) Kurtis: (( yeah, it's all that radiation im inducing. feels like Gunz))
(16) Dante: (( Ohhhh, okay ))
(16) Dante: (( Graveyard/Cathedral would make an awesome GunZ map... ))
(13) Robin: ((purple is main road))
(14) Kurtis: Come on, let's keep moving forward. Update us, guys, you're our eyes. Dante, scan for presense of minds. Arcane sight clear.
** (15) Eve still scanning, still have Prime and death sight up... **
** (16) Dante cricks his neck and closes his eyes briefly to bring up his mind sight. ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7)) **
(16) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,5,2,7,9,3] = (2)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Prime-sighters, you see another spot reight before entering the graveyard
(14) Kurtis: Eve, keep an eye out for steel, long sharp blades. Hidden chambers, tunnels. Anything that looks more twisted than a crypt should be, any hidden basements.
** (16) Dante scans the southwest area, particularly the cathedral and the rooves of any nearby buildings. **
(14) Kurtis: Got something! Quintessense at the graveyard entrance.
** (14) Kurtis aims the rifle towards the spot and then back **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Nothing, just another footprint.
(14) Kurtis: Moros signature?
** (15) Eve casts detect substance for that steel that was on the severed arm (Rote= Wits+Composure+Matter = 9) **
** (16) Dante looks over to where Kurtis was pointing, his pistol aimed straight down to the ground. Something? **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Same one, I mean, they are all over the place, I mentioned this one because you would know it was the same one))
(15) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,1,8,4,5,9,2,4] = (2)
(15) Eve: ehm.. that shoucl be 9..
(15) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9,2,6,4,7,6,4,6] = (1)
(15) Eve: ...
(16) Dante: (( lololol ))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((If you look around without a resonance in mind, you see magic everwhere though))
(15) Eve: (her dice cry themselves to sleep at night)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: What's the range?
(15) Eve: (I need 2 sucesses to bring it up.)
** (14) Kurtis is trying to detect that particular Death signature that surrounded the rotten body in the hospital - the killer's "scent" of Moros **
(16) Dante: (( 200m. Its on page 114! ))
(15) Eve: (:P)
(14) Kurtis: (( its improtaton!!! ))
(15) Eve: (shoots her improtaton cannon at you both)
** (15) Eve tries again attempting to recall more clearly the kind of steal it was (Detect Substance @ 8 now) **
(15) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,6,1,5,2,3,5] = (0)
(15) Eve: ...
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: phale
(15) Eve: Oh look... a box of fail.
** (15) Eve *fires her dice* **
(14) Kurtis: "High quality stainless steel, was that it?"
(14) Kurtis: "Anything?"
(15) Eve: "I'm having trouble senseing any metal with all the death around.. let me give it one more try...
(15) Eve: ((again! with willpower! so 7 + 3 = 10)
(15) Eve: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,2,5,3,8,9,8,9,6] = (5)
(15) Eve: Mwahahahah!!!
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Okay, now time for me to maths, 1 sec))
(15) Eve: (5 sucesses = 16 yards ranger))
** (14) Kurtis walks a careful cautious tread, trying to cover the angles opposite to Dante's, back to back **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((16 yard range?))
(15) Eve: (yes sir)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((You don't currently feel anything))
** (5) Justin glances around, his life sight active, searching for any human lifeform running around below ground (if he can) **
(14) Kurtis: "Robin? How close? I'm getting pretty nervous."
** (16) Dante turns his head to notice Kurtis' positioning and acts to complement it, drawing the other pistol out from behind him. He aims up and out, careful not to aim near the group as his eyes scan, as his mind also scans the obtuse range. **
(15) Eve: ((what kind of grave yard is this? Like crypts and such or just tomb stones?))
(15) Eve: No blade steel within 16 yards yet
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Both
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Tomb stones mostly, in sections, with scattered crypts.
(14) Kurtis: ((we currently scanning magic signatures, matter, lives, minds, death, and space))
(13) Robin: im not positive
(16) Dante: All this 'not seeing anything' is wearing thin. I don't seem to be able to find anything with mind, or physical vision.
(14) Kurtis: Keep going until you can pinpoint it. Our back is covered.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((I forgot how big I said the city was))
** (13) Robin keeps heading in the direction of the physco killer **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((so exact distances are hard))
(14) Kurtis: ((dont matter, we gonna keep walking till something pops))
(16) Dante: (( Erleggon the Corpse Stealer has found the Animator! Are you tough enough to take it? ))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: The number of people greatly decreases as you enter the graveyard area.
(15) Eve: (and the number of corpses greatly rises...)
(14) Kurtis: Say what's a chance of luring him out? Maybe if we show our compass he gonna try to jump us? Probably not the brightest idea, though.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Just a few people scattered hear and there, most of them paying respects to the dead,
(14) Kurtis: (( BH popped lets gogo))
** (16) Dante advances a few feet further, keeping his focus on the telepathy and mind sight as his hands waver their aim between crypt and headstone. **
(16) Dante: (( Yayaya ))
(15) Eve: Its not designed to be easy to sense, I doubt he would even know we have it.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: About halfway to the nearest cathedral from the entrance of the graveyard, robin, you get a feeling of where it is,
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: on your spatial map
(16) Dante: Luring him out to us would probably not be wise regardless. *Dante looks about at the people paying their respects* Given the fact that there are peaceful others in the area, and we do look rather suspicious.
(14) Kurtis: Yeah, good point. I myself would rather prefer to jump them.
(14) Kurtis: We're low on Gnosis, that's our advantage.
(13) Robin: I think I got a good feel for him
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: It's getting darker, almost to the end stages of dusk.
(15) Eve: So they keep telling us. Which way?
** (13) Robin points past the entrance **
(13) Robin: about half way to the cathedrals
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: v.v
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: no
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: at the edge by the cathedrals,
(13) Robin: w/e
** (13) Robin points **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You are at Orange
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Blue is the blot on your spatial map
(16) Dante: (( If you include the compass, all basic colors of the rainbow are used in this session... ))
(15) Eve: ((Rainbow bright would be proud))
** (14) Kurtis scans that direction with prime sight for arcanum signatures **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Nothing.
(14) Kurtis: All eyes on that edge, all eyes.
** (13) Robin continues on at a much slower pace. **
** (15) Eve does the same for matter looking for the blade metal and death sight for wierd ghost/zombie stuff **
** (16) Dante casts his gaze as well as his mind sight over to the corner of the graveyard, near the cathedral entrance as he approaches, keeping in time with the group's pace. **
(5) Justin: ((*a mangled, rotting version of rainbow bright assaults your mind, her rainbow colors tattered and soiled with dirt, blood, and other foreign substances, her jaw completely rotted off, the only preserved piece of her body, her left-hand pinky, Scavanger looms above her corps, and slowly, meticulously, works a serrated blade at the joint, removing the finger, before preparing it for his own nefarious purposes*))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Robin leads you all pass sever grave stones and crypts bringing you to a big stone wall, and crypt, standing about 35 feet high.
(16) Dante: (( And here I was, thinking he went to sleep. Turns out he was preparing a Rainbow Bright rape-your-childhood monologue))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((uploading))
** (5) Justin eyes the crypt, his finger nervously tapping along the length of his gun **
(5) Justin: ((hehe..))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((anyone get the pic?))
(16) Dante: ((lolno))
(15) Eve: ((nada))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: JPG should work right?))
(13) Robin: no))
(14) Kurtis: should, yes
(14) Kurtis: "Dante, do you mind protecting yourself with your space shield? I gotta drive away your kinetic shield for a bit."
(14) Kurtis: ((got the pic))
** (15) Eve drops prime sight since Kurtis has it up prepping for the need to dispell things **
(15) Eve: (it keeps moving around though)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((now?))
(14) Kurtis: ((yup, see it))
(5) Justin: ((Yah, I've got it))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Trying to get it to a place where it isn't covered in drawings))
(13) Robin: ((tep))
(16) Dante: Space shield? Not.. something I have used. Just a spatial barrier between myself and the rest of the universe, right? No big deal, probably.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: The tomb is about 50 feet away
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: There seems to be a mix of death and prime magic on the outside of the tomb
** (15) Eve does some math in her head and steps forward 2 more feet still focused on the matter feeling of that blade **
** (16) Dante clears his mind and focuses on the world immediately around him, attempting to bring up a barrier between himself and foreign entities. He secures the safety on the gun in his left hand and spins it, increasing the speed as he attempts to bring the barrier into reality. ((Impromptu Space Shield - Space 2 + Gnosis 3 = 5)) **
(16) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,2,2,2] = (1)
(14) Kurtis: ((you gain armor points equal to your dots in space, so 2?))
(16) Dante: (( Yerp ))
(13) Robin: I think we are going to have to go inside this thing...its 20 feet under and 75yards away
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Still no sign of either thing you are searching for.
** (14) Kurtis looks at Dante's spell and nods with a smile, putting a thumb up, and dropping kinetic shield **
(13) Robin: That was supposed to be italic))
(16) Dante: (( Is this armor applied to defense or .. ? ))
(14) Kurtis: (( damage absorber))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Damage you will not take
(16) Dante: (( Ah, gotcha ))
(14) Kurtis: (( gets eaten up by enemy dmg))
(5) Justin: If you're about to open the door, watch out for non-magical traps, Kurtis.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: In DnD terms, temporary HP
(15) Eve: Kurtis whatcan you tell me about those spells, can we disable them?
** (14) Kurtis scans the crypt with supernal vision **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + Inv kurtis.
(16) Dante: (( In SB terms, Damage Absorber that falls after mitigating 2 damage ))
(14) Kurtis: wits 3 + inv 0 = 3
(14) Kurtis: -1 penalty?
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: naw
(14) Kurtis: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],7,5] = (1)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You can't tell what it does.
(14) Kurtis: Alright folks. Suggestion here.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Are you all still aproaching?
(14) Kurtis: no
(15) Eve: Figure out what the spells do??
(14) Kurtis: Can't tell.
** (15) Eve sighs outwardly and calls up SUpernal VIsion again.. **
(14) Kurtis: Convoluted piece of crap.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits + inv Eve
(15) Eve: (Rote = Wits + Occult + prime = 9)
(15) Eve: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,[10, 8],4,1,[10, 1],[10, 9],5,6] = (4)
(15) Eve: (wits + investigation = 4)
(15) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,4,8] = (1)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Can't tell
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Prime and Death magic, probably pretty strong.
(14) Kurtis: Okay, alternative plan. I've never tried this before. Gravity kinda been out of my reach, about the only force I haven't reached before, but I think I can do it. I'm going to create a massive velocity boost in front of us. We all take out our guns and fire through it. The field should amplify each bullet to pretty much a cannonball, we gonna level the crypt with ground and see if that works. Who votes yay?
** (5) Justin frowns and looks down to the ground, kneeling, looking for any plants or bugs nearby **
(16) Dante: Sounds flashy and far more interesting than what we have been doing, but I think that may be the worst idea imaginable for this situation.
(16) Dante: ((italics))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Just as many as would typicly be on the ground.
(14) Kurtis: If we manage to snag the caster, the spells would drop.
(14) Kurtis: Destroying shit worked for us so far. It's kinda.. what The Five do.
** (5) Justin focuses on perferably a quicker insect, investing his power, so as to make it drawn to the door, as a moth is to a light, in an attempt to see just what happens to the thing upon contact with the doorway **
(15) Eve: According to Robin he's 20ft down and another 75 away at least I don't know if we will hit him.
(5) Justin: Live 3 Gnosis 2 = 5
(5) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,9,5,4] = (2)
** (14) Kurtis looks at Justin's spell **
(14) Kurtis: "atta boy"
(16) Dante: Certainly, yes. But leveling the crypt would be a bit of an impediment to the investigative aspect of thi - True, Kurtis, we are rather known for exploding things beyond the gates of hell.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You have a fly pet, it flys to the door.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: lands on the handle.
(14) Kurtis: "Let's see what Justin got for us."
(15) Eve: Exploding should be a last resort I think
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: your spell fades.
** (5) Justin uses his life sight, to see if the bug is still alive. **
(15) Eve: Ah ha! its a spell killer!
(14) Kurtis: A dead zone. I can fix that.
(13) Robin: Yep good thing we brought guns
** (5) Justin nods a bit, and stands back up **
(5) Justin: If this thing put a dead zone in it's lair, I think that means it prefers to fight without magic.
(15) Eve: It may just be on the door, to kill all the spells on mages going in
(14) Kurtis: Well in that case we clearly overpower it. With all that... deadly... skill we got... yeah...
(5) Justin: Maybe, you guys know more about this stuff than I do.
(14) Kurtis: Good work, Justin. Now if any of you be so kind, could anyone craft me some cocaine powder, pure quality, preferably african authentic?
(15) Eve: I beg your pardon?
** (16) Dante looks over to Justin and gives a slight shrug before turning to Kurtis. "Given the fact that there are probably no drug dealers around here, I couldn't possibly be of use." **
** (5) Justin stays silent, not about to volunteer for something like that **
(14) Kurtis: I'm going to dispel this ward.
** (13) Robin chuckles. **
(15) Eve: Yes go ahead.
(14) Kurtis: Can't do it if I'm not high.
(15) Eve: Are your spells currently working now?
(5) Justin: I think all of our spells are currently working. Mine didn't fade until the fly landed on the doorknob. I'm thinking that the field at least starts at the archway.
(14) Kurtis: Trust me. I'm going to have to bombard the bitch with brute force. If i'm not in that special happy place, I can't do it.
** (15) Eve glances around at everyone else an incrdulous look on her face **
(13) Robin: You want some weed, kurt?
** (16) Dante arches a brow. "Just get the man some coke and let's get on with it. If powder is what he thinks he needs to get the job done, then not having it is only going to hinder him anyway." **
** (13) Robin tries not to look eve in the eye **
** (14) Kurtis just keeps focusing on that crypt entrance, seeing its lines, not understanding them, but seeing their pattern, the bonds **
** (5) Justin groans and kneels down onto the ground, taking some dirt into his hands, and investing his energies into it **
(5) Justin: "I can't believe I'm doing this.."
(15) Eve: You realize how rediculous this is right? He has manage many very powerful magical feats without being high...
** (14) Kurtis 's mind link is a constant tense static now, he is struggling, he is IN that pattern, the intricate knot, so complex, too complex to unweave, only possible to destroy, if he could only harvest the strength **
** (16) Dante looks over to Eve, then back to Kurtis. He removes the safety from the gun in his left hand, both firearms now enabled. He aims the pistols into the sky as he looks about, shrugging slightly at Eve's words. "I am certain of this, Eve. But if his mind is elsewhere, that's probably not going to help anything is it?" **
** (5) Justin found the F4 macro key **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((YAY!!!!))
(5) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 7],5,[10, 8],9] = (3)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Noice!
** (14) Kurtis musters only one movement - to slide a hand behind his back and open it for a drop of sacred powder **
** (5) Justin stands, cringing at the sight of the powder, allowing Kurtis to take as much as he likes, as he look sfor a plastic baggie **
(5) Justin: Anybody have anything to hold this?
** (15) Eve makes a face, revolsion plain in her thought patterns, turns and glances out at the grave yard not watching this. **
(16) Dante: It's probably for the best if it is simply dispersed after Kurtis gets what he needs.
** (14) Kurtis takes a handful without looking, and gently brings powdered fingers to his nose and his gum. His mind over mindlink spikes a bit with power **
(5) Justin: I don't ever want to have to make this stuff again guys..
(14) Kurtis: Supernal Dispellation: Resolve 3 + Occult 1 + Prime 4 + Willpower 3 = 11
(14) Kurtis: [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,6,9,[10, 10, 6],1,1,4,5,5,9] = (4)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Nope
(15) Eve: He knows you can do it now, I'm sure he think up some equally high minded and important reason you sould give up or principles for his vices.
** (16) Dante smirks a bit at Justin's projected thought, nodding. "No promises." He grins wider now. **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: You spell shoots forward into the ward, and fights it for a moment, but vanishes
(5) Justin: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9] = (1)
** (14) Kurtis grins as his nose beging bleeding, attempting again **
** (5) Justin holds out the powder, his tongue sticking out **
(14) Kurtis: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,5,6,4,4,1,5,[10, 1],3] = (2)
** (14) Kurtis 's nostrils flare, as he shoots yet another burst of mana tearing quintessense towards the ward **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((comeing down already?))
(14) Kurtis: ((spending 1 more will, 3 left))
(14) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,1,7,9,2,9,7,1] = (2)
** (14) Kurtis relaxes **
** (15) Eve shakes her head a chuckle lacking any humor escaping her lips **
(14) Kurtis: "Gave it my best, guys. Can't break it."
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Your last two spells are just consumed entirely.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: No fight.
(14) Kurtis: "These guys are just too cool."
** (16) Dante looks over to Kurtis, lowering his pistols to the ground. "That's fine. Maybe its a sign that coke isn't as mighty as you thought." **
** (5) Justin nods to the wisdom **
(14) Kurtis: "Oh the first burst was really powerful. This thing is just unevenly strong, much more powerful than me."
** (16) Dante frowns a bit now, still stumped. "As much as I enjoyed the display, we still managed to get no where." **
(5) Justin: Robin, does the crypt go beneath where we're standing?
(13) Robin: yeah
** (5) Justin wipes off his hands, getting the last of the white powder off **
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Wait, like right below?))
(5) Justin: ((Si'))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((No then I told her personally so I wouldn't have to type it))
(5) Justin: Hmm, is there any way we can just go around the field and burrow in?
(14) Kurtis: "Or.... teleport in?"
(5) Justin: "Yeah, or that, hadn't really thought about it."
** (15) Eve squints at the spells trying to desern which arcana they are made up of... **
(16) Dante: "Teleport in? The thought of suddenly appearing in the middle of some inhuman trap is unsettling at best."
(13) Robin: I agree
(14) Kurtis: "Point."
** (15) Eve continues to study the spells, focusing on one at a time. **
(14) Kurtis: "Can you maybe... make a plant grow so powerful that it bursts the doors open from within with its mighty roots?"
(16) Dante: If it was possible to tunnel our way in, however, that would be a fine idea. We would simply have to keep watch. I wonder if this dispellation applies to the entrance or the whole crypt...
(15) Eve: Spells would probably still be there
(13) Robin: okay...I think I'm going to explode the door...I could sco locate the door with a tree or something
(13) Robin: Yeah?
(15) Eve: ...The spells... may still... be present after you explode the door...
(13) Robin: like superimpose on on the other
(14) Kurtis: Alright, what if we physically destroy the crypt, the spells will either demanifest without their physical anchor, or just hang in space, in which case we just walk around them. Sound logical?
(5) Justin: Yeah, lets just level it.
(13) Robin: Sould I? Or would everyone like to help?
(15) Eve: (is it one spell or two spells?)
(5) Justin: Any way to kill sound in the area while it happens?
(14) Kurtis: ((yeah, how many spells are on the door?))
(13) Robin: ((one, called worlds collide. both things get knocked down and delt damage))
(13) Robin: ((oh nvm))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Looks like just one, combines Death and Prime
** (15) Eve gives an attempt at delicately dispelling the spell, with her knowledge of Death and Prime, carefully teasing the spell threads apart rather than trying to force them... (Dispel Magic I have Death and Prime, Prime + Gnosis + will = 8) **
(15) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,8,8,4,8,6,8,4] = (5)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Your spell fights with the other counter-spell for a moment, but is eventually consumed.
(16) Dante: (( Mmm! Dispellios! Now with marshmallow pieces! ))
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: It's now completely dark.
(14) Kurtis: "Okay Robin, try your way, then we try my way."
** (15) Eve sighs **
(13) Robin: "Uhh."
(15) Eve: Why do we end up always exploding things?
(14) Kurtis: "Same reason why it always works, I guess."
(16) Dante: Maybe its our destiny to have the reputation of incompetence and wanton destruction?
(14) Kurtis: "Destroying something usually leads to it no longer being around, and I see no benefit of keeping this secret lair in tact. Unless you guys wanna take it over, put a flag on it and live in it."
** (13) Robin walks over the the closest tree, touching it for a moment as if studying it, then studis the door for a moment touching the handle of her bat after sheathing her gun. **
(15) Eve: don't tempt me.
(13) Robin: "Here goes."
** (14) Kurtis prepares the velocity acceleration field in front of them, in case Robin fails **
(13) Robin: ((worlds collide -1 mana space5+gnosis4+1bat))
(13) Robin: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,7,6,5,[10, 7],9,6,4,2] = (2)
(15) Eve: Sound dampening???
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: 6 mana left
** (14) Kurtis nods to Eve **
(14) Kurtis: Ah yes.
** (14) Kurtis wraps the sound up in a little snowball **
(14) Kurtis: Sound Mastery: Forces 5 + Gnosis 3 + Ring 1 = 9
(14) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,4,8,3,3,2,2,1] = (1)
(14) Kurtis: Sound effects contained.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: The tree apears instead in front of the door, all of the branches along the 1/4 of it facing the door snap and break
(13) Robin: "Oh."
(14) Kurtis: "Well, that's progress, right?"
(15) Eve: Only if having a tree in the way is progress...
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Your spell Kurt, seems to end along the barriar
(13) Robin: "Not really, now a tree is there..."
(14) Kurtis: "Ooh ooh, Justin, can you make that tree walk off?"
** (5) Justin sighs and bends down to pick up a little bit of the white powder he has left on the ground, he walks to the side wall of the tomb, he throes the powder at the stone, watching to see if it turns back into dirt **
(13) Robin: "Or bust that bitch down."
(5) Justin: One minute Kurt.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: It does
** (16) Dante flicks the safety on his guns and wedges them between his pants and the back of his shirt. He rubs the back of his neck with a free hand and rolls his eyes casually. "Kurtis is our magical demolitions specialist, right? What does Mr. Explody have to contribute?" **
(5) Justin: The spell wraps around the whole thing. I think we just have to live with the fact that it's a dead zone guys..
(15) Eve: So kiddies what have we learned? Oh yes.. the spell.. kills other spells... So... we will need a spell that is stronger than it to break it
(13) Robin: Yeah, we got guns and Ive got a couple of stale healing potions.
(5) Justin: "That'll have to do the trick. Everybody ready?"
(14) Kurtis: Alright. We got a bearing on him? Straight down, right?
** (5) Justin walks back to the group, taking hold of his gun once again, and flicking the safety **
(15) Eve: Yes, and dead zones can be made so that the owner can still do magic.. besides the heal spells on those potions will dispell too.
(14) Kurtis: Alright. Robin, point your finger exactly at where the killer is. The direction.
(13) Robin: Oh, well damn. Maybe Ill leave them outside
(5) Justin: Wait, is there any way for us all to like, link hands and make somebody else's spell more powerful?
(15) Eve: Oh... Justin I could kiss you. Yes, we need a ritual.
(13) Robin: Still straight and head and 20feet down
(14) Kurtis: I'm going to make us all levitate above ground, and we're going to focus fire cannonade. With the velocity booster, - we will have the same effect as 10 tanks firing at the same spot at the same time, straight down at his head. Through the ground, through concrete.
** (16) Dante grazes his hand along the trio of grenades fastened to the side of his belt. "A ritual? Well, now I learn something new I guess." **
(14) Kurtis: Alright. Ritual, worth a shot. I'll ready the booster.
(14) Kurtis: Velocity Mastery: Improvised impact amplifier: Forces 5 + Gnosis 3 + Ring 1 + Willpower 3 (2 left) = 12
(14) Kurtis: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 4],2,5,9,9,5,9,5,6,7,9,[10, 6]] = (6)
** (14) Kurtis does motions similar to Keanu Reevese in Constantine, summoning an angel. He kneels and brings his hands in front of himself, fists clenched, then spreads his palms and drives his hands apart. A transparent thick nothing, a field, like a sheet, unwraps before them, moving under his control, like a target reticle **
(16) Dante: As much as I hate to admit this, Kurtis' idea sounds far more enticing than holding hands and mutually asking the door to not eat our spells for a midnight snack.
(14) Kurtis: We will combine both tactics. Let's come up with a ritual that strengthens our magic. And channel its velocity into the amplifier. It's ready.
** (16) Dante watches Kurtis' dramatic posturing and tilts his head to one side. "Alright then.." **
(5) Justin: This is out of my knowledge, so I'll just sit back and do whatever somebody tells me I need to do.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Remember the tree is still in the way))
(15) Eve: Kurtis, your prime is higher, you start a ritual for the dispell, we will all aid in it
** (16) Dante chuckles at Justin's words, nodding in agreement. **
(13) Robin: "Do we hold hands now?"
(5) Justin: "Oh, forgot."
(15) Eve: (book page 129 ppl)
(14) Kurtis: ((the amplifier field is closer to us, out of deadzone. we not even gonna fuck with the tree or the spell, we're just gonna physically accelerate objects so hard that they will physically rip through the tree))
(14) Kurtis: Alright, what ritual are we preparing? Purpose?
** (5) Justin steps forward a bit, whipping his hand out at the tree, and filtering his knowledge, to change the tree into a mass of fruit flies **
(5) Justin: Rote int 3 survival 2 life 3 = 8
(5) Justin: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,7,7,6,3,8,[10, 1]] = (3)
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: The door creaks open
(12) Familiar voice: "What the?"
** (5) Justin 's eyes widen **
(13) Robin: "Eh?
(5) Justin: ((hehe mass of fruitflies in it's face))
** (16) Dante eyes the door suspiciously, squinting his eyes in the darkness. **
(12) Familiar voice: A man peeks around the tree
(5) Justin: ((or not))
(15) Eve: Umm... firing guns now?
** (14) Kurtis quickly brings the velocity field in front of Justin. Things flying towards Justin will be pushed back, things flying from behind Justin - accelerated 6fold **
(12) Familiar voice: Why can't I upload pictures?!?!
(14) Kurtis: who does the voice belong to?
** (16) Dante examines the man, trying to perceive who it might be. Yes.. guns.. firing.. at .. whoever that is. Sounds brilliant. Dante reaches behind him and places his hands loosely around the grips of both .45s, preparing to draw them the instant the situation calls for it. **
(14) Kurtis: ((oh god fucking damnit. i knew it was gonna be him))
(5) Justin: ((Lemme guess, sunglasses?))
(12) Nestor: ((Okay, yeah, everyone knows who it is))
(15) Eve: ((he's like the red shirts from star trek you have to kill one in every episode))
(16) Dante: (( Kekeke ))
(15) Eve: Urge to kill... rising...
(12) Nestor: "What are you doing here?"
(16) Dante: (( Nestor is the annoying recurrent mini-boss from every jRPG ever made ))
(16) Dante: (( Look, he has horns now! ))
(15) Eve: "Selling girl scout cookies, step out slowly or you will be exploded."
** (5) Justin backs up behind the people with guns **
** (15) Eve aims her gun at him **
(12) Nestor: "Is that a threat? Who do you think you are?"
(15) Eve: On three?
** (13) Robin raises her gun **
** (5) Justin examines him for any life magic, specifically the kind that changes facial features **
(12) Nestor: "I'm gonna go get the gravekeeper if you don't leave this area."
** (16) Dante whips out the two handguns with rapid dexterity, his sights aimed right for Nestor. I dont mind if we skip '1 and 2' **
(14) Kurtis: Telekinesis : Str 3 + Athletics 3 + Forces 5 + Ring 1 + Willpower 3 = 15
(15) Eve: "Someone who is very tired of seeing your face everywhere she goes. You have till three"
(14) Kurtis: [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,2,7,6,3,9,9,6,[10, 4],9,9,2,2,3] = (5)
** (14) Kurtis holds a M14 in one hand, and a desert eagle in the other, dual wielding, and uses his final focus slot to perform a rediculous trick. The four 0.45 pistols spring out of his holsters and line up in the air next to him **
** (12) Nestor tries to dive behind the tree? **
(12) Nestor: Okay init
(12) Nestor: [1d10+3] => [6,3] = (9)
(15) Eve: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [9,6] = (15)
(5) Justin: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (5)] => [3,5] = (8)
(14) Kurtis: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [5,8] = (13)
(16) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [8,7] = (15)
(15) Eve: (is he outside the range of that spell killer spell?)
(16) Dante: (( Nestor is so dead ))
(15) Eve: ((very))
(12) Nestor: Yeah, he peeked around the tree.
(13) Robin: [1d10.open(10)+6] => [2,6] = (8)=
(15) Eve: My speed is 9 Dante
(16) Dante: (( 11 speed ))
(15) Eve: ((You go first))
(12) Nestor: oh gawd
(12) Nestor: 3 defence
(16) Dante: (( How much of nestor is exposed exactly? I'm looking to fire disabling shots rather than killing ones ))
(14) Kurtis: ((so green zigzag is spell killer, nestor is where he is, pink line is amplifier of impact, and arrows are us, correct?))
(12) Nestor: He stepped out, maybe his right hand is behind the tree
(14) Kurtis: ((ok, i have 6 guns, one of them is automatic, dante has 2, eve has 1, robin 1 and justin 1 thats 11 guns. Each of them will come out of that field like a cannonball. it doesnt matter how much of him is exposed, he'll tear into pieces XD ))
(16) Dante: (( Mmmkay, so guns already drawn, I can fire both right? Ambidexterity and all that. Looking to fire a shot into both his knees. Uh.. how would I roll for that exactly? ))
(16) Dante: (( Ah.. well hmm ))
(16) Dante: (( I dont REALLY want to kill him ))
(15) Eve: ((don't mean to rush but bed in 15 minutes for me))
(14) Kurtis: ((ambidex: -1 for first gun, -2 for second gun))
(14) Kurtis: "Nestor clone, you gonna tell us where Scavenger is or we going to level this place."
(14) Kurtis: "On the other hand, fuck it. Fire."
(5) Justin: Dante, just check your sight for mind magic really quickly, before firing.
(14) Kurtis: ((dex + firearms))
(12) Nestor: ((If you would have taken the time to say that he would have dove behind the tree.
(15) Eve: ((Technically it was Dante's turn so he couldn't have said that))
(14) Kurtis: ((oh right, speech is 1 phrase per action))
(5) Justin: ((oop my bad))
(12) Nestor: Does that feild work both ways?
(12) Nestor: field?
(15) Eve: ((you know from here it looks like a smiely face with a nestor underneith it... or did until the blue line disappeared)
(14) Kurtis: ((slows down everything incoming 6fold, accelerates everything outgoing 6 fold, one directional))
** (16) Dante takes aim at the tree above where Nestor's hand is hidden and fires a shot with his right-hand pistol. ((dex + Firearms right? )) **
(12) Nestor: Yup
(12) Nestor: -1 for DW and -3 for defence
(16) Dante: (( I'm firing at the tree, not Nestor. And DW? ))
(15) Eve: (duel wield)
(12) Nestor: duel weild
(14) Kurtis: ((dual wield, u get to shoot twice))
(16) Dante: (( A single shot? ))
(12) Nestor: oh, nvm
(12) Nestor: okay
(14) Kurtis: ((u not gonna fire second gun, then no))
(12) Nestor: just -3
(16) Dante: (( If the field is going to amplify the shot severely, no point firing twice ))
(15) Eve: (trees naturally have defense of 3?)
(16) Dante: (( The tree... has 3 defense.. okay.. ))
(14) Kurtis: ((the trees be attackin, lad))
(16) Dante: ((Dex 4 + Firearms 3 - 3 TREEDEFENSE = 4 ? ))
(12) Nestor: er.. just roll
(12) Nestor: whatever you want doesn't matter
(12) Nestor: don't roll like 1000 1s
(16) Dante: (( Sigh. Rolling 7 then. ))
(16) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,8,8,9,5,5] = (3)
(12) Nestor: okay
(15) Eve: ((rolls 1000d1's just for fun now))
(16) Dante: (( XD ))
(12) Nestor: the tree explodes, splinters fly everywhere. and the bullet flies into the roof, caving part of it in?
(12) Nestor: roof of the room behind it.
(12) Nestor: and no "?"
(12) Nestor: v.v
** (16) Dante was attempting to demonstrate the effect of the field while possibly debilitating Nestor, yes. **
(12) Nestor: [1d10] => [9] = (9) [1d10] => [2] = (2) [1d10] => [1] = (1) [1d10] => [9] = (9) [1d10] => [1] = (1) [1d10] => [5] = (5)
(15) Eve: ((is his way back inside blocked now?))
(12) Nestor: dante and robin
(15) Eve: (umm.. its my turn not Nestors?)
(16) Dante: (( wut? ))
(15) Eve: (doesn't exist today apparently)
(12) Nestor: Several large splinter hit you
(12) Nestor: 1 pt of damage.
(12) Nestor: leathal
(15) Eve: (cries herself to sleep along with her badly rolled dice)
(13) Robin: ((gots a shieldy))
(14) Kurtis: shields apply against splinter?
(16) Dante: (( The field pushes away the splinters? ))
(16) Dante: ( or what ? ))
(12) Nestor: yup, one pt of sheild lost.
(12) Nestor: Eve.
(16) Dante: ((Well, whatev. Let's just wrap this up so Eve can sahreeeeeep ))
(13) Robin: ((how much was minie anyways,8?))
(12) Nestor: Yeah
(12) Nestor: Tied with Justin
(15) Eve: (So... is his way back inside blocked or not?)
(12) Nestor: Higher speed goes first
(12) Nestor: Not quite, looks like several large peices fell, but someone could still get through if they wanted to.
(5) Justin: ((Speed of 8, if you needed it))
(15) Eve: "Now, tell us where Scavenger is or the next shot is to your head"
(12) Nestor: both of you roll d100
(5) Justin: [1d100] => [96] = (96)
(13) Robin: [1d100] => [4] = (4)
** (15) Eve aims and prepares to fire (Hold action with chance to interupt at any point waiting for his anwer plz?) **
** (12) Nestor holds his hands up. **
(12) Nestor: "I haven't seen him."
** (15) Eve shoots about 3 feet to the left of his head towards some of the rubble **
(12) Nestor: Err, or, I guess wait until my turn in init, Kurtis is first.
(15) Eve: ...Or.. Doesn't?
(14) Kurtis: my turn?
(12) Nestor: yeah
** (15) Eve aims and prepares to fire **
(14) Kurtis: I'd like to pull the trigger on my aimed M14 and command my telekinesis spell to fire the 4 guns i got suspended in the air. Penalty for any of that? What do i roll?
(12) Nestor: What are you aiming at?
(16) Dante: (( lol, I think general direction is sufficient information given the payload XD ))
(14) Kurtis: depths of the crypt total destruction of the premises
(12) Nestor: Wait, I called for init because everyone was doing something, this was mostly to see if he could dive before a shot could get off.
(12) Nestor: You still haven't casted the spell sorry, you can keep the roll and suspend the guns now if you would like.,
(14) Kurtis: which is directly in line through the velocity control field, so the area of effect there is pretty much chaotic
(14) Kurtis: Can I suspend them and pull the trigger on the rifle I have aimed?
(15) Eve: Okay well... I'm going to bed, if he doesn't tell us I shoot him. (I have dex 2 firearms 1 KK can roll it for me))
(12) Nestor: Yes
(15) Eve: night peeps
(14) Kurtis: ok, i keep the roll for suspended guns, and fire the M14. Weapon bonus 4?
(12) Nestor: We can call it with Nestor held up.
(14) Kurtis: as u guys want
(15) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(15) Eve (exit): 02:04
(13) Robin: laters
(14) Kurtis: can we agree that we raped the crypt and captured the fucker?
(12) Nestor: You want to destoy the crypt?
(14) Kurtis: yes, we all the magic sources and ward items it has. the area that was spell protected and the dungeon below
(14) Kurtis: to make something clear, was Nestor the beacon Robin's sympathetic link lead us to?
(12) Nestor: Rachel's tired too, I guess we should just call it here, you can do what you'd like with your turn Kurtis.
(16) Dante: (( 4 pistols + 1 M14 * Velocity Accelerator = Impromptu Improtaton Cannon ))
(12) Nestor: It's not her turn yet, you can ask now if you'd like.
(5) Justin: ((400m pchffff!!boomboom))
(14) Kurtis: yeah, i totally anihilate the crypt premises, leaving nestor alive.
(16) Dante: (( Pg. 114, bitches. ))
(14) Kurtis: "Robin, is he the beacon?"
(13) Robin: "no."
(12) Nestor: The entrance to the crypt caves in, and the spell remains.
(12) Nestor: out of init
(5) Justin: Endbox
(5) Justin: (())
(16) Dante: (( Eindbawkz ))
(14) Kurtis: the spell just hangs in place of where the door was?
(14) Kurtis: kk
(12) Nestor: BoXXybabee.
(5) Justin: (Endzaboxxx))
(12) Nestor: Yeah
(12) Nestor: And around
(16) Dante: ((XxXEnderBoxXxEr))
Sorry I don't know what /box is!
(13) Robin: nighht guys
(12) Nestor: The whole area that was caved in.

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(14) Kurtis:
End Session: BUT where is the Killer?!

(14) Kurtis: exps plz
(5) Justin: xppppp
(16) Dante: (( 1xp for all lolol))
(14) Kurtis: I learned a shit ton of cool things
(5) Justin: Me too!
(14) Kurtis: that a one directional force accelerator field still lets a wooden splinter travel through
(16) Dante: I learned that trees have a natural defense of 3.
(14) Kurtis: this was a confusing session XD
(13) Robin: I learned Nestor will haunt us forever and ever and ever.
(5) Justin: I learned that each district of the city is sectioned off into three colored blocks.
(12) Nestor: 4 for everyone for showing up except for dante who gets 3 for being here for less time (not calling you out, just being fair) +1 to Justin for alot of things he did that were brilliant
(5) Justin: Whoo!
(16) Dante: (( Meh. S'fine I suppose.
(16) Dante: ))
(12) Nestor: + 1 to Kurt for the inptomto gun tutororial rp
(12) Nestor: impromptu*
(12) Nestor: er, too tired to spell.
(16) Dante: To be frank I didn't really want to join midway. I felt like I pretty much dragged ass the whole time until near the end.
(12) Nestor: And +1 to eve for the ghost summons and spell calls.
(12) Nestor: about the barriar
(14) Kurtis: Claire says she learned that: despire 5 successes of trying to delicately remove a spell, blowing shit up always succeeds.
(5) Justin: 'mgointobed
(5) Justin: g'night
(14) Kurtis: :D
(13) Robin: night
(13) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(13) Robin (exit): 02:13
(5) Justin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Justin (exit): 02:13
(14) Kurtis: well shitcookies
(14) Kurtis: they all left
(12) Nestor: *shrugs and logs off?*
(14) Kurtis: so the beacon is still down below
(16) Dante: Shitcookies? I disagree. Buttfrosting.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Have to ask the space mage.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: the other one..
(14) Kurtis: oh goddamnit, will have to dig in ruins
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Not him.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: With the chalk.
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: talk to you guys later.
(16) Dante: Yep. Have a good night man.
(14) Kurtis: wow
(16) Dante: What?
(14) Kurtis: well wtf could it be down there
(14) Kurtis: the way we got a beacon is...
(14) Kurtis: Robin casted sympathatic connaction on the stiff to link to his killer
(14) Kurtis: and instead, it lead us to a place
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets: Disconnecting from server...
(12) GM Eyenoyoursecrets (exit): 02:17
(16) Dante: Clearly its a large, jewel-encrusted dildo constructed out of clay and imbued with the misery of 1000 unsatisfied souls.
(14) Kurtis: so u got warmed up to it once i forced you to play :D
(16) Dante: I'm really sick of this fucking chalk shit. Does everyone know except me?
(14) Kurtis: this was a fairly fast paced game
(16) Dante: I suppose, yeah.
(14) Kurtis: no, only Tristin and I.
(14) Kurtis: I made it up, i told him what it does
(16) Dante: Ah.
(14) Kurtis: told him he can change it if he wants
(14) Kurtis: i doubt he will, the idea was already super awesome
(16) Dante: Yeah, since I'll never know what it does anyway.
(14) Kurtis: and he just randomly said that btw
(16) Dante: I assumed so, yes.
(14) Kurtis: the chalk... i dont see how it would apply here exactly