Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:10
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Justin (enter): 17:11
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:11
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Justin (enter): 17:13
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Justin...
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets (enter): 17:15
(3) Uchawi: SQUAK
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Rachel's got work
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets...
(1) Konrad Knox: okay, so Claire and I is here
(1) Konrad Knox: what do we do?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: What do you mean?
(4) Dante (enter): 17:18
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: WELCOME TO HELL
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dante
(2) Justin: Really?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: All 9 layers
(4) Dante: Which layer?
(4) Dante: oh
(4) Dante: All 9?
(4) Dante: I always wanted a tour.
(2) Justin: I only ordered 8 1/3.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wait
(4) Dante: Could you guide me?
(3) Virgil: I can!
(2) Justin: *sets up an auto-invasion Caer Nital*
(4) Dante: I would love that.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Dante...
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: *finds his compy of the inferno*
(1) Konrad Knox: When is a time for us to have game, and can we game today having rachel send her moves via phone text messages?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: still packed
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: How about Das Kapital?
(1) Konrad Knox: we havent gone in 4 weeks
(1) Konrad Knox: im gonzing pretty bad
(1) Konrad Knox: Jon's completely off the hinges
(4) Dante: Are you feeling a bit strained, holding it all in?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I mean, I can manage Robin too, I've talked to Rachel
(3) Robin: I wear a dress now
(1) Konrad Knox: Synchronised what her moves would be and such stuff?... OH SWEET DRESS
(2) Justin: Holy shit..
(2) Justin: How do I get a dress like that?
(2) Justin: Is that.. no that is hand sewed!
(3) Robin: Rachel says Hi
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, the dress deal is in reference to this
(3) Robin: And she would skip work today, but it's her last day at this resteraunt
(2) Justin: Hey there.
(2) Justin: And now every 50 minutes to an hour, there will be an invasion.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Rachel says you wouldn't look good in her dress
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Alright
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Here's the deal
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I am stoooned
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I mean like
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Hella
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: hella
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: no, jk haven't smoked today
(4) Dante: Hella hella hella?
(2) Justin: Doop de do de do..
(1) Konrad Knox: brb, bathroom
(1) Konrad Knox: Claire connecting
** (2) Justin follows knox into the bathroom **
** (4) Dante finds this creepy. **
** (2) Justin leads Dante by the hand into the bathroom too **
(5) Eve (enter): 17:28
** (4) Dante cries at the childhood memories about to be carved into his mind, despite not being a child **
(4) Dante: Wow, bad time for Eve to enter eh?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Eve is a video game
(2) Justin: No it isn't.
(4) Dante: Eve is the first woman.
** (2) Justin doesn't think that Eve constitutes as a videogame, and is moreso a second job **
** (2) Justin also thinks that UO is a second job he has to pay for **
** (5) Eve agrees with Justin on the second one. **
** (4) Dante also thinks that Eve is a second job that requires moolah. **
** (2) Justin also thinks that Caer Nital is going to get boned hard soon **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Yeah, I'd say Eve is a second job
(5) Eve: I am not a second job.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: HUSH!
(4) Dante: Not you
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You don't get a say-so
(4) Dante: XD
(2) Justin: Si'.
(5) Eve: I pay for myself in three easy monthly installments.
(5) Eve: .... just to warn you, didn't have the best day at work so you be nice or I can and will buy a plane ticket to wherever FL and steal all your pot.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Pensacola?
** (5) Eve eats her salad cause she didn't get McNuggets cause KK is a food nazi. **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: and it's not alot of pot.
** (2) Justin buys a plane ticket to pensacola **
** (5) Eve renames it whatever FL **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: WTF!?!
** (2) Justin realizes that the flight is leaving from pensacola air port **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Justin...
(5) Eve: so long as its under 6oz I can legally have it in Alaska and the cops can't do sqat.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Would that flight leave from Pensacola airport?
** (2) Justin gestures to his previous emote **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 6oz? really?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 1 ounce is alot in Fl..
(5) Eve: I can't do anything with it mind you... cause smoking it is apparently illegal.. but I can have it.
(5) Eve: lol
(2) Justin: Ooh yeah marijuana laws in Alaska are funny.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: can you eat it?
(5) Eve: So are gun laws, property laws, blade laws...
(2) Justin: And bear laws.
(5) Eve: You can carry a blood long sword on your back without any permit... but you can't have a pocket knife conceled if its under 6 inches.
(2) Justin: Like you can wrestle one, only if you're drunk.
(5) Eve: And beer laws.
(2) Justin: And only if it's actually a mailbox.
(5) Eve: and snowmachine laws.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: We can't open carry at all in Fl
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Itemidation or whatever.
(5) Eve: *bloody long sword.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: intimidation
(2) Justin: Blood long sword made it seem enchanted.
(4) Dante: What if said sword is physically bloodied?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: below half hitpoints?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: sorry dnd 4.0 :(
(2) Justin: Like, if you slash with it, a line of blood follows it.
(5) Eve: Best laws though are if you hit a moose with your car and don't take the meat you can go to jail, if you hit the moose on purpose to get the meat you get a fine, if you just 'acidentally' hit the moose and take the meat nothing happens.
(2) Justin: And it can cause serious health risks if it hits somebody with type AB Negative.
(4) Dante: Hmmmm
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Do alot of people "accidentally" hit moose?
(2) Justin: Moosen.
(5) Eve: You would be surprised.
(5) Eve: They fall off of cliffs a lot too.
(1) Konrad Knox: Meese
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I hear they hit Kangaroos in Australlia.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: pwn cars
(4) Dante: I would. If I had a semi. And knew the proper way to skin, and prepare it. And had a hankering for moose. And needed money from the rest. And knew a buyer for it.
(2) Justin: Did you know that they set up robotic deer in florida?
(5) Eve: why?
(2) Justin: ...
(2) Justin: Not sure.
(2) Justin: They do it though.
(2) Justin: And the reason why Moosen walk off cliffs is because Steve tells 'em to.
(5) Eve: to keep the robotic wolves from eating the robotic cows maybe.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: lol
(2) Justin: With is +2 curved stick of gathering.
(4) Dante: I coulda swore it was 10 to Animal Lore.
(2) Justin: Was it?
(4) Dante: Coulda been.
(4) Dante: But now, not so sure
(2) Justin: Nope.
(2) Justin: Life and Mana leech.
(2) Justin: And it is copper..
(2) Justin: I don't know why.
(4) Dante: Oooh, we were both wrong
(5) Eve: because copper is the metal for your path apparently.
(4) Dante: He wasted his enchanted gear by enhancing it with.... copper???
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It's from when Khaz did something to the materials
(2) Justin: I'm talking about Steve Lynx here, I have no idea how his shephard's crook became copper.
(2) Justin: Never noticed it before.
(4) Dante: I'm talking about... random BS.
(5) Eve: well... if it were pink I would say Azure did it.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I have a forged coal club
(5) Eve: cause she's the pink scapegoat.
(2) Justin: Only if you're Bentarum.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Anyone play RE5 yet?
(5) Eve: Oh thats right.. and random magic uber items if you Bryce right?
(5) Eve: :P ;)
(2) Justin: No, you racist.
(4) Dante: Can't wait to give RE5 a shot.
(5) Eve: ...wha?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Got a ps3 Dante?
(1) Konrad Knox: I pooed!
(4) Dante: No T_T
(5) Eve: I'm not a racist I'm a 'stupidist' I only hate stupid people for no reason...
(5) Eve: like.. him
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: iPooed
(2) Justin: Raaaaaacissssst.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Konrad Knox...
(5) Eve: :P
(4) Dante: XB360
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: lame, can't pwn the game with you then
(1) Konrad Knox: Stupidist - that is my excuse
(5) Eve: How can I be a racist? I don't even know what Race any of you are.
(5) Eve: :P
(2) Justin: I have a ps3!
(4) Dante: Sorry.. I picked the console that had a wider selection of playable games.
(5) Eve: well except KK and Dante.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I know Justin
(2) Justin: I'm east african.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: and I don't really have a race :)
(5) Eve: Really?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: He is
(2) Justin: No.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: He knows Swahili.
(5) Eve: Me neither. :( I just borrow them for holidays
(2) Justin: I do.
(4) Dante: He charmed a snake once.
(2) Justin: You borrow East Africans for holidays!?
(5) Eve: is that what they call it.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: It was Dante's snake
(4) Dante: Oh dear god
(5) Eve: Depends do you have any good ones?
(2) Justin: What sort of sick sordid rituals do racist alaskans do?
(1) Konrad Knox: So, I want to make a Flash webisode cartoon about soem Genesis events. I'm gonna buy Macromedia Flash and license 5 keys. Who wants to be my animation slave?
(5) Eve: I like St. Patricks day... and Russian Easter.
(2) Justin: I have all of the Adobe products!
(1) Konrad Knox: It will be very popular, viewing it will be free, and it will immortalize us forever, like OOTS immortalized Rich Burlew
(2) Justin: I don't know what they do.
(5) Eve: We shot wolves from helicopers and call it "Preditor control"
(2) Justin: Wait, who are we waiting on?
(1) Konrad Knox: The Box
(4) Dante: The Stig.
(2) Justin: Robin can't make it.
(5) Eve: The West Afriicans.
(2) Justin: ..
(2) Justin: BOX
(2) Justin: BOX
(2) Justin: BOX
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: I... don't have the box magic
(2) Justin: BOX
** (2) Justin box **
(2) Justin: BOX
** (2) Justin does a native tribal dance **
** (4) Dante chants, BO-O-O-OOOOOoooOOooOOOOOOX. BooooOOOOOOOooooOOoooOOX **
(5) Eve: Box?

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Awwwwwwwwwwwwawawawawawawawawaaaalllllriiiiiiiiighttttttyyyyyyyy theeeeeeeeen
** (2) Justin listens to some flobots **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Konrad can you box us please
(2) Justin: They're from east africa too.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Box me Knoxadeaus
(5) Eve: Oh king Kostya "Yes thank you its my box"
(4) Dante: Knoxadeus, KNOXADEUS! Knox-ADEUS!
(1) Konrad Knox:
Today... the season continues! Tune in to OPENRPG, Wednesdays at 5. MAGE: Gates to Atlantis! Season 2, Episode 18

(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((GET TO DA CHOPPAH!!!))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Alright so you guys just blew up the fort.
(5) Eve: (( I finally saw madagascar... now I want a pet King Julian))
** (1) Konrad Knox landed on the ground behind a kickass fiery inferno explosion **
** (3) Tristin is still passed out **
** (5) Eve is still not wearing underwear?... no... Is getting to the choppah **
(3) Thomas: "The hellicopter isn't far from here, if you need a lift. Where are you headed to now?"
(5) Eve: "Well with three of the five towers down, I suppose we head for the gem and the end game?"
** (5) Eve looks to the others for possible other suggestions **
(5) Eve: "Unless anyone else has a better idea?"
(1) Konrad Knox: I hope the propeller is on and makes some wind, maybe that sweet skirt will lift up
** (2) Justin looks back at the explosion in the distance, before turning his attention back to the conversation at hand, and shrugs as Eve looks back **
(2) Justin: "No, I don't really have anything.."
(3) Robin: (("Just wearin' a dress"))
(1) Kurtis: "I'll need to restore my energy supplies, and yours could probably use a good charge, other than that I'm ready to get this show rollin'."
** (4) Dante nods in agreement with the general concensus, patting himself down as if to prepare for immediate departure. **
(3) Thomas: The chopper might be a bit low on fuel, but I'm pretty sure we can at least get out of this mess.
(3) Thomas: ""
(2) Justin: "Yeah, that might be a good idea.. Well what does it use for fuel? And does anybody have bottled water?"
(5) Eve: "So you suggest some down time and then go after the gem Kurtis?"
(1) Kurtis: "Well, I discovered a few somethings called Lei Lines in our hand manuals. Basically, all I need is be near a Lei Line and I can get us charged from one."
(5) Eve: "If there were any around yes. As for bottled water Justin... No I don't think we have any."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((That's Kurt's word for a line of coke))
(5) Eve: ((He means "Ley" lines))
(4) Dante: (( I was beginning to think we were going to Hawaii ))
(2) Justin: "Okay, so what are we waiting for? Shouldn't we be getting into the helicopter?"
(5) Eve: (( You wish_))
** (3) Thomas leads the way. **
** (2) Justin promptly follows after Thomas **
(5) Eve: "unless Kurtis thinks he can find a Ley line here, yes we should be."
** (5) Eve also follows Thomas **
(1) Kurtis: "I don't see one around, so I say we fly."
** (4) Dante also follows Thomas. **
** (1) Kurtis follows **
** (5) Eve gets in the choppah **
(1) Kurtis: "Being here is officially no longer safe."
** (1) Kurtis checks out Eve's flying skirt **
** (3) Thomas comes to a clearing, there is a black slightly modified. UH-60 army-style hellicopter touched down, engines cut. **
(5) Eve: "Officially? So was it just Un-officially not safe before?
** (1) Kurtis gets to the chopper next to Eve **
(1) Kurtis: Damn.
** (3) Thomas walks up to the hellicopter "Hey! I'm back." **
** (1) Kurtis - secretly but visibly dissapointed at lack of engine wind: "Before it was just risky. Now their cavalry is probably on the way here right now." **
** (2) Justin takes in the scene silently, walking with a good posture, even as his hands rest inside of his pockets **
(3) Thomas: In the front there are two people, the pilot is a young dark skinned man. And there is a blonde woman in the seat just next to him.
(1) Kurtis: *whispering to Eve* "Hey, are you alright? It's a little chilly, isn't it?"
(3) Thomas: "I'd like you to mean Chris, and Sveta." (*hopes we haven't used Sveta before?*)
(5) Eve: (not while I was running it)
(1) Kurtis: (nope)
** (5) Eve nods to both in an acknowledging manner **
** (2) Justin smiles and nods to both as he enters the helicopter, glancing around the interior to see how open it is, and to take note of just how many seats there are as well as their location **
(3) Chris: in a south-west african accent. "Nice to meet you." he nods to them.
** (4) Dante looks to the two, nodding. He turns his attention back to the core group for a moment before seeking out a seat on the helicopter **
** (1) Kurtis nods to both, in acknowledgement **
whispering to Eve, "Hey, are you alright? It's a little chilly, isn't it?"
(3) Chris: "Hey Kurtis, no scratches huh?"
(1) Kurtis: "If there were any, I don't remember."
(5) Eve: "Our pleasure I'm sure, nice chopper."
(3) Chris: "Thought that jump into the glass woulda cut you up a little at least.
** (2) Justin finds an empty seat, listening in on the conversation in his silence **
(1) Kurtis: "The glass ended up being the smallest of problems, things got a bit hairy inside."
** (4) Dante quietly interjects. "And before that it was pretty fishy." He takes a seat somewhere between Kurtis and Justin, acknowledging them both before leaning back a bit to stretch **
(3) Sveta: "Nozing you couldn't handle, I'm zure." sounding to be from Russia.
(3) Thomas: "I think we are ready. Can this thing carry us all safely?"
** (1) Kurtis makes room, sticking the massive sword in the space between his knees, leaning on it **
** (3) Chris seems to count to himself, shouldn't be much of a prblem, esspically with three being kids. **
** (3) Robin scoffs at being called a kid. **
** (3) Chris starts the engines and propellers (which I cannot spell) **
** (1) Kurtis shrugs thoughtfully at Eve's whispering reply and looks at Thomas **
(1) Kurtis: "Okay if I smoke?"
(3) Chris: "Ask them, when I told you n'no' last time you lit up anyway."
whispering to Justin, Sitting close to Eve and Kurtis you hear the convo: (5) Eve: (whispering): "I'm fine thanks. If you need a hug you can ask like a big boy." (1) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "I'm fine on that account. But i could conjure up a convenient pair of panties while we're at it. Though two catches on that one. One, they'd be in style of my preference, and two, I'd be able to dispel them." grins
** (5) Eve smirks silently **
** (2) Justin frowns uncomfortably and rests his head up against a window **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The chopper takes off, lifting into the air. There is a strange device in the center of vehicle. (which Konrad can discribe for me please)
** (1) Kurtis waves a cigarette around apologetically and lights it, blowing into the window opposite to Justin, trying not to smoke his breathing way **
** (4) Dante shrugs a bit at Kurtis' gesture and stretches more tensely to help him relax. He smirks to himself for a moment before shutting his eyes, realizing that a window view would probably be out of the question. **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The wind is rushing through your hair, the lot of you (except maybe Konrad) are all begining to feel very sleepy, it's been a good while since you've slept.
(1) Kurtis: (The device in the center is a tripod supported hexagon box, looking like a strange gun with six barrels, one on each faces of the hexagon. Inside it is a shiny round metallic core with a small mirror's like opening, through which you can see a spinning crystal, sparking with energy)
(5) Eve: (not for me it hasn't :P)
** (2) Justin notices the device, and leans forward, eyeing it with curiosity, looking in on the spinning crystal with interest **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Ahh, yes and Eve.))
(3) Chris: "Where are you all headed to anyway?"
(5) Eve: "We need to find a Ley Line I believe and then we will be heading towards the Gem"
(1) Kurtis: "Hotel Paradise in Miami, please..." *inhales the sweet smoke, digging both the habit and the taste*
** (3) Chris nods to Eve and chuckles at Konrad. And where is the gem? **
(3) Chris: ""
(1) Kurtis: "One question, fellows. Are you leaving your wheels? The van and the bike?"
(1) Kurtis: "Mere curiousity of a man who is obsessed with his car."
(5) Eve: "...." *looks down at her boots" "Damn,knew we forgot something."
** (4) Dante opens his eyes and looks to Kurtis. "Ah, that's right. Felt I had been forgetting something important.." **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((*chuckles evil GM laugh*))
** (4) Dante waves a dismissive hand and links it with his other, locking them behind his head. "Going back really isn't an option anyway." **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((*Attaches importon cannons to the van and gives it Life!*))
** (5) Eve sighs **
(4) Dante: ((At least he didnt attach improtaton cannons))
(1) Kurtis: ((importon only do half damage))
(4) Dante: "Unless everyone disagrees, that is."
(5) Eve: "That van and your bike are so not going to be there when we get back... just watch."
(4) Dante: ((And its weak against ravens))
(2) Justin: "The vehicles can be used for a link to you guys."
(3) Thomas: ((woohoo!!))
(1) Kurtis: "Alright, who here is advanced enough to shrink matter?"
** (2) Justin speaks quietly, as he watches the whirring object **
** (3) Robin seems to have dozed off, between arrival and liftoff **
(2) Justin: "I don't think I can."
(5) Eve: "Nope not me, not yet."
(2) Justin: "I can make the gas inside of the vehicles extremely volatile though, so they can blow up and sever the connection."
(3) Chris: "I'm gonna need to land soon, where is the stone?"
** (4) Dante tilts his head back to look toward Justin. "If we can't tow the vehicles with us, then that'll do fine for me." **
(1) Kurtis: "Let's try to salvage the vehicles first. Alright, here in the book, the chapter on Moros suggest Jury Rigging. You could try making the vehicles a working part of the helicopter."
(5) Eve: "Why would I want my rental van to blow up? That would just garuntee I never get my deposit back."
** (1) Kurtis lets Eve see the book **
** (2) Justin glances back at eve, his brow raised **
(2) Justin: "You didn't buy the insurance?"
(5) Eve: "I some how doubt it covers the van blowing up."
** (4) Dante looks over to Eve, then back to Justin, smiling to himself. **
(2) Justin: "We're in eastern europe right? Vans blow up all the time."
(1) Kurtis: "What movies are you watching?"
(5) Eve: "Not when the van is from Italy and was never supposed to be in Eastern Europe."
** (2) Justin just shrugs and looks back to the interesting object **
(5) Eve: "I suppose we could.. jury rig them into a motocyclevancopper...
(4) Dante: ((That may even be more epic than the vantank))
(5) Eve: "We meaning me I suppose, unless someone else has matter as well."
(5) Eve: ((and a mouthful to say for extra bonus RP points :P))
** (2) Justin raises his hand absently **
** (4) Dante gives a slight shake of his head **
(1) Kurtis: "Sounds like a plan. Chris and Sveta hover as low as they can, I lift the vehicles to chopper level, and you with gifts of matter rig them to be part of the flying beast."
(5) Eve: (a shake yes or no dante?)
(4) Dante: (( A shake as in no, no matter ))
** (3) Chris nods and hovers near the burning wreckage of the fort **
** (2) Justin stands and looks out over the area, in an attempt to spot the vehicles **
(5) Eve: "The van and cycle were out near the raod Chris."
(5) Eve: *road even
(3) Chris: Give me a Wts+Invest Justin
** (3) Chris flys closer. **
(2) Justin: wts 2 investigation 0 so -1 so 1
(2) Justin: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7] = (0)
(3) Chris: You don't see them.
(2) Justin: "I don't see anything."
(2) Justin: "Anyone else feel like taking a look?"
(5) Eve: "As I said, they are nearer to the road no the burning fort."
** (3) Chris has flown more twords the road, and is now at the road. **
** (1) Kurtis looks out the window **
(3) Chris: Kurt Wits+Inv.
(1) Kurtis: 3 wits - 1 wits = 2
(1) Kurtis: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,7] = (1)
(3) Chris: You don't see it.
** (5) Eve peers around Kurtis at the road looking for the van and bike **
(3) Chris: You scour up and down the dirt road, but nothing.
(5) Eve: (wits + investigation = 4)
(5) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,6,1,2] = (0)
** (5) Eve goes blind) **
(3) Chris: Eve, you see the fork in the road you parked at, no van, no cycle.
(5) Eve: "Damn. Too late already."
(1) Kurtis: "That's interesting."
(3) Chris: ((I told you not to use "Lay on Hands" on yourself so much Claire.))
(4) Dante: "...Too late?"
(1) Kurtis: "Dante, take a look, you see your bike anywhere?"
(5) Eve: "I wonder how long we were fish."
** (4) Dante half-way stands and looks out at the scene, his thin lips curling downward slightly as he seeks out his motorcycle, any trace of it. **
** (1) Kurtis attempts to grant Dante sight of gravity forces **
(1) Kurtis: "I'll let you perceive forces pulling on them, if they are still there, it might look a bit bright."
(1) Kurtis: "Tell me when you ready."
** (4) Dante just nods, peering out, his eyes very slightly squinting as if imagining a bright light. "Ready." **
(1) Kurtis: Eyes of the Matrix: gnosis 3 + forces 5 = 8
(1) Kurtis: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,6,2,2,6,1,7] = (1)
(3) Chris: Dante has sunglasses
(5) Eve: (lol))
** (1) Kurtis attempts a bestowal of force perception upon Dante's mind **
** (4) Dante has sunglasses. **
(5) Eve: ((and must now say "Whoa" at least four times a game session))
(4) Dante: (( WHooooa, really? ))
(5) Eve: ((and gets extra points to attack if his enemies call him "MR. Capiwhateverhislastnameis"))
(4) Dante: (( Canavacciuolo? ))
(5) Eve: (sure))
(3) Chris: ((Dante cappucino))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Okay Dante Wits+Inv
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: if you want to look yfor your bike
** (4) Dante is currently attempting to allow Kurtis' power take hold, trying hard to locate any trace of the motorcycle. **
(4) Dante: (( Suuure. Wits 3 + Inv 0 - 1 = 2 = fail ))
(4) Dante: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (2)] => [4,2] = (6)
(4) Dante: (( whoops ))
(4) Dante: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2] = (0)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: DANTE
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Sees!
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Nothing
(4) Dante: (( oh.. ))
(5) Eve: ((no just nothing))
(4) Dante: (( Works for me. ))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You can see the trees being pulled to the ground, the chopper, fighting the force of gravity.
(4) Dante: (( We are all horrible, horrible detectives/observers ))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Justin's put on a little weight.
(5) Eve: ((but at least now you don't have to see the rest of your last movie.. or your girlfriend die from being stabbed in six places :D))
(4) Dante: "That.. is interesting. You always see this way, Kurtis?"
(5) Eve: ((how would we know that, we've only know him for like... 2 hours))
(1) Kurtis: "Much worse when I look at heat. Mayeb forces isn't the answer? What about your space senses?"
(5) Eve: "Its worth a try."
** (4) Dante nods a bit, shrugging slightly. "I could .. try to find its location using space, yes." He closes his eyes a moment, his mind swirling with numbers, angles, shapes. His hand flutters lightly as though he was writing or adjusting something. ((Space 2 + Gnosis 3 = 5 for Space sight)) **
(4) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 9],5,5,4] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: "So is matter detection. I'd probably use all mage sights we got. We definitely don't wanna be stuck without transport wherever we're going."
(4) Dante: (( Good god, the dice hate hard tonight ))
** (5) Eve attempts to pull up matter sight to locate the large ammount of metal of the van **
(5) Eve: (matter + Gnosis = 5)
(5) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,8,[10, 5],[10, 7]] = (3)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You can see forever!
(5) Eve: I dun wanna see forever just the bloody van
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Wits+Invest both of ya
(5) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,7,4,6] = (0)
(5) Eve: ...
(4) Dante: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1] = (0)
(4) Dante: (( YAY ))
(5) Eve: my d10's cry themselves to sleep at night.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Bah
(4) Dante: (( This.. is getting really old ))
(5) Eve: and Dante goes blind.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You see the tracks anway
(5) Eve: hurray
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You see the space of the sand falls down a few inches, you can see where the vehicles were parked, and theat the wered driven off.
** (1) Kurtis offers a packet of cocaine to everyone, smiling encouragingly **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: And Dante goes blind.
** (4) Dante looks over to Kurtis and waves a hand. Then apparently goes blind. **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: From letting Justin charm his snake.
** (2) Justin 's eyes widen as he sees the cocaine **
(2) Justin: "What is that, Kurtis..?"
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Magic enhancement dust apparently.))
(4) Dante: (( Its candy, kid! ))
(1) Kurtis: "Helps me focus on using my abilities. You put it on your gums. Kind of like chewing tobacco."
(5) Eve: ((and in east afraica a million kittens are killed because of the Ebola Virus Plushy and the Mormon church))
(4) Dante: (( Pixie Stix are awesome ))
(2) Justin: ((willpower in line form))
** (5) Eve rolls her eyes **
(2) Justin: "So.. it's a drug?"
(1) Kurtis: "Essentially."
(1) Kurtis: "Only use a bit if you do."
(5) Eve: "Well it sure ain't powdered sugar."
(1) Kurtis: "Well duh."
(2) Justin: "I've never tried anything like that before, can I touch a bit of it?"
(1) Kurtis: "Just be careful, alright? And don't get caught with it."
** (2) Justin nods and steps forward, resting a finger on the powder **
(4) Dante: "Probably best if as few of us touch it as possible." *Dante turns away and finds himself a seat*
(5) Eve: "He says with the best CSI in New Haven sitting next to him..."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((brb while you Rp out the start of the mormans 5 year drug binge.))
** (5) Eve smiles sweetly **
(2) Justin: ((attempting to transmute earth. Don't have the rote, but I have enough matter to get it.))
** (1) Kurtis smiles back, somewhat shunned **
** (1) Kurtis still has prime sight on, tsk tsk **
(4) Dante: (( I can see it now. Fmr. Mormon Youth Caught Cutting Coke. How did he make so much so fast? More at 11. ))
(5) Eve: (matter plus gnosis then))
(2) Justin: matter 3 gnosis 2 = 5
(2) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 3],7,6,9] = (3)
(4) Dante: (( .. the coke steals the good dice ))
(5) Eve: (well now it is powered sugar :P))
(4) Dante: (( Kekeke ))
(1) Kurtis: "Because I don't know how much you know about sleeper cops, but if you drop your guard for a moment and do anything stupid under influence, faster than you can blink - Boom! You lose focus and wake up in a room with a mate called Bubba or Big Bob giving you a choice between a Screwdriver and a Blowtorch, and neither of those presume actual tools."
(2) Justin: (exactly)(
(1) Kurtis: "Woah, woah! What are you doing?! Counterspell!"
** (1) Kurtis widens his eyes to the maximum size **
** (5) Eve giggles just a little **
(4) Dante: (( O_O ))
(1) Kurtis: Gnosis 3 + Prime 4 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,5,6,4,4,5] = (1)
(5) Eve: (fail))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Nope!
** (1) Kurtis misses the blockade spell **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: None-organics
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: =P
(5) Eve: "Wel, now I guess it is powdered sugar."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: non*
(1) Kurtis: Oh thank you god
(5) Eve: ... you ruin all the fun...
(1) Kurtis: nooo, you keep all the fun!
(2) Justin: (Que?)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: psh, I just saved kurts party.
** (4) Dante smirks a bit, leaning back and resting his ankle on top of his other leg **
(1) Kurtis: ((i'm gonna kick him. out of the chopper. with a boot.))
(5) Eve: ((GM says you can't turn it into sugar because cocaine is non-organic thus does not fall under matter)
(1) Kurtis: ((at that level))
(4) Dante: (( Is still matter though, ain't it? Huh. Tricky. ))
(5) Eve: ((yes, just not that level))
(1) Kurtis: ((needs 4 i think))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: wait, yeah, he does it
(5) Eve: ...
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: if he can change wood, he can change coke
** (1) Kurtis cries out in misery, jerks the hand back, grasping the packet like it was his baby's heart, and reflexively kicks Justin in the knee **
(5) Eve: "Oh my, violent much?"
(2) Justin: ((*waits for the roll, if there is one*))
** (4) Dante lowers his ankle off his other leg and looks to Kurtis. **
(1) Kurtis: ((i think you already did it))
(1) Kurtis: ((and i failed to counterspell))
(2) Justin: ((I mean the kick))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((he means for the kick))
(1) Kurtis: ((oh, kick roll, dont intend to do damage, just pain))
(1) Kurtis: str + brawl i guess
(1) Kurtis: 3 + 1 - defense?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: -def
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 1 brawl?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: pussy
(2) Justin: Defense is 2
(4) Dante: (( Kurtis Kerner - Confirmed for Brawl! ))
(1) Kurtis: 2
(1) Kurtis: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8] = (1)
(1) Kurtis: Kick!
(1) Kurtis: bruise
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: PAIN!
** (2) Justin jumps back against the wall of the helicopter and holds his shin, frowning at Kurtis angrily, as he watches the addict jump back **
** (1) Kurtis grits his teeth, squeezing the cigarette tight, his cheekbones white, his fist clenched on the sword handle, but looks at Eve, Robin, Thomas, and Dante, and sighs violently. "Fien, screw it." Tosses the ruined powder bag out the window. **
** (1) Kurtis sits back down, closing his eyes **
(5) Eve: "Good call, leave the kid alone. Better for you anyway."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Tristin can hook you up when we get back to the states))
** (4) Dante shrugs slightly at Kurtis. "I'm sure you'll get your hands on more eventually." **
** (1) Kurtis shrugs it off **
(1) Kurtis: "mrbl. grmbl. mmh."
** (2) Justin places a hand on his shin, and pulses a bit of life energy into his leg **
** (1) Kurtis closes his eyes, smoking, trying to relax **
(2) Justin: 2 gnosis 2 life =4
(3) Chris: "what the hell are you guys doing back there?"
(2) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,8,8] = (2)
** (2) Justin straightens up as his ails are healed, looking over to chris with a shrug "Nothing." **
(3) Chris: ((That's a lie, Mr. Morman.))
(2) Justin: ((Shiite *rewrites*))
(2) Justin: "Nothing anymore. Kurtis got angry after I gave him powdered sugar."
(2) Justin: "We're all good now."
** (5) Eve smiles just a little at Justin **
(3) Chris: "Well, settle down, where should I be going?"
(5) Eve: "I
(5) Eve: "I'll tell you in a second..
** (4) Dante leans forward a bit and lightly pats Kurtis on the shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll buy you a beer when this is all over with." **
** (5) Eve glances out the window and uses her prime to attempt to find the nearest ley line using (don't have the rote) **
(5) Eve: (prime plus gnosis = 5)
(5) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,[10, 1],8,4] = (3)
** (4) Dante pulls his hand away at the silence and leans back once more, staring at the ceiling of the helicopter **
(3) Chris: one runs north to south about some distance to the west.
(3) Chris: No more than 500 miles no less than 100
** (5) Eve directs Chris in the direction nearest to said Ley line. **
(3) Chris: "What's over that way?"
(5) Eve: "Ley Lines, and thus mana"
** (2) Justin leans back in his seat, as he takes in the feeling of flying in a helicopter for the first time, looking out over the world below and the clouds that surround them, as well as tuning in to whatever conversations surround him **
(3) Chris: "Ah yes, that's a big one, there is a friendly Hallow built on the line in Czech.
(3) Chris: "We can also fuel up there, it's run by the Admantine Arrow."
(5) Eve: "Excellent"
(3) Sveta: [hs] => hs burn!
** (4) Dante looks over to Justin, watching him observe the outside of the helicopter. After pause with lips half-parted, he asks, "...First time up in the sky, Justin?" **
(1) Kurtis: "Yes a cold beer will be greatly appreciated, Dante."
(3) Sveta: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,[10, 10, 3],[10, 5],9,6] = (4)
** (4) Dante nods to Kurtis, smiling faintly. **
(3) Sveta: I don't know what you guys are bitching about, my dice work fine.
(4) Dante: (( Says the man whose dice always work fine ))
(3) Sveta: And the chopper blades seemt to pick up in speed as it makes it's way very quickly north west.
** (2) Justin looks over to Dante and gives him a bit of a nod **
(4) Dante: "Probably going to be a lot more firsts if you stick with this group here. Hell, lot of firsts for me too."
** (4) Dante casually makes small talk as the chopper picks up in speed. He rests quietly now in his seat. **
(3) Sveta: Dante, Justin, you are both feeling tired. Maybe if you had some cocaine it would wake you up.
(5) Eve: "Being a Mage in genral brings with a lot of firsts."
** (4) Dante nods silently at Eve's words, smirking as his eyes grow weary, his body succumbing to sleep. **
(2) Justin: "I think you're right, but I don't really care to sit back and do nothing anymore, so I can live with it."
** (2) Justin speaks softly, as he leans back and closes his eyes, attempting to drift off into sleep **
(1) Kurtis: "Like a first fist in the face when one sticks their nose into people's things, especially when generously offered." - mumbles, eyes still closed, face relaxing, yet his voice, albeit calm, is heard over the engine roar due to mastery of transmitting sound
(5) Eve: "Technically it was a foot to the shin..."
(1) Kurtis: "Heh, and it felt good."
** (3) Tristin goes into another short bout of convulsions, not even a miniute long, but it seems to be just like in the fort. **
** (1) Kurtis 's eyes blink once and he leans to Tristin's body, taking his face in his hand **
(1) Kurtis: "Tristin, buddy?"
(3) Tristin: he seems comatose
** (5) Eve frowns looking over at seziureing tristin **
** (1) Kurtis puts a hand on Tristin's forehead helplessly, shrugging and leaning back into his seat again **
(5) Eve: "Medic?"
(1) Kurtis: "We need to get him some help."
** (4) Dante pries his eyes open at the sound of voices, his light sleep ceased. "We need to get who help? Oh.. Tristin.. right." **
** (3) Robin wakes up to Tristin, groggily tries to calm him down. **
(1) Kurtis: "He saw something just before he passed out. When his eyes go white, it means a vision. We need to know what it is he witnessed."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((come to think of it, none of the three are Thyrus...))
(1) Kurtis: ((except Justin))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Thysus*? ))
(4) Dante: (( Thyrsus? ))
(1) Kurtis: ((Thyrsus.))
(2) Justin: ((Thyrsus))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((I mean the millitart types.))
(1) Kurtis: ((oh))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: millitary*
** (2) Justin grumbles at all the noise and attempts to find another more comfortable position **
(5) Eve: ((so what did we officially do with Tony IC?))
** (3) Tristin stops convulsing **
(4) Dante: (( Dante was in the military for 4 years, nothing medical though ))
(4) Dante: (( He was in the fort last I remember. ))
** (1) Kurtis smiles at Robin **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((He's in a zombie-like state following you around still, sorry))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((He's on the chopper))
** (5) Eve checks his vital signs since she has medicine 2 :P **
(4) Dante: (( Braaaaaains.... raaaaaaaaaveeeens ))
(2) Justin: ((He never recovered from that improtaton blast to the head.))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Int+Med))
(5) Eve: =5
(5) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,3,6,8] = (2)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: He's fine
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: wait
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: yeah, he's fine
(5) Eve: (thank ebola virus for that)
** (1) Kurtis attempts a Prime Scan of Tristin's body and his Mage Aura **
(1) Kurtis: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,4,9,7,7,3] = (1)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Almost no aura, but is that anything new?
** (1) Kurtis closes his eyes again in frustration, yet doesn't fall asleep. **
(5) Eve: (You also notice no parrots with him))
** (3) Uchawi lands on Justin **
** (2) Justin jumps **
(5) Eve: "He should be fine, vitals are stable."
** (4) Dante slowly drifts back into a light sleep **
(2) Justin: "What is that?"
(5) Eve: "Gah!... oh.. Uchawi... the spirit parrot"
(1) Kurtis: "A pigeon of God" - sarcastically quiet
(2) Justin: "The what?"
** (2) Justin ignores Kurtis as he looks at the parrot **
** (3) Uchawi squaks **
(5) Eve: "The, spirit parrot? The parrot who is a spirit?"
(2) Justin: "Is it a spirit or a parrot? Or the spirit of a parrot? Or a parrot posessing a spirit? Or the other way around?"
(5) Eve: "Tony's familiar."
** (4) Dante would ponder how a parrot possesses a spirit were he not asleep. **
** (4) Dante dreams about it instead **
(5) Eve: "Its a spirit parrot, the spirit of knowledge which looks like a parrot"
(2) Justin: "Oh.. okay."
(5) Eve: "Like we said, lots of frists when your a mage."
** (3) Uchawi nods **
(5) Eve: *firsts
(3) Uchawi: a few frists too))
** (2) Justin sits back down with the parrot on his shoulder and attempts to get comfortable once again **
(4) Dante: (( ONly if you're not careful ))
(2) Justin: (( ONly, is only occasionally. ))
(5) Eve: (Orly?)
** (3) Uchawi looks Tony and Tristin over. **
(4) Dante: (( But only ONly is onLY from TiMe to tImE ))
(3) Uchawi: YARLY!
(2) Justin: "Wha..?"
(3) Uchawi: ((ooc sorry))
** (2) Justin cracks an eyelid open at the ear-splitting sound of the parrot **
** (2) Justin deletes his last two comments **
** (5) Eve watches the land pass under them peering over Kurtis out the window **
** (3) Uchawi turns his head to look over the pilot and the the two others he doesn't know. **
** (1) Kurtis 's eye pupils seem to be racing under the shut lids **
(3) Uchawi: Done here until landing?
(3) Uchawi: (())
** (4) Dante is lightly sleeping, his body slumped in the seat ((I am)) **
(5) Eve: ((I'm done)
(1) Kurtis: ((done))
(2) Justin: ((Si'))
(3) Uchawi: Who's awake?
(3) Uchawi: 1 1/2 hours later
** (5) Eve is very awake and equally bored **
** (4) Dante snores quietly and infrequently **
(3) Uchawi: Wits+Inv, as you notice the chopper starting to decend and slow down.
** (1) Kurtis is awake, he is on guard **
(5) Eve: =4
(5) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,7,4] = (0)
(1) Kurtis: =2
(1) Kurtis: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7] = (0)
(5) Eve: I notice nothing!
(1) Kurtis: me neither!
(5) Eve: we are teh awesome
(3) Uchawi: the chopper is headed twords an open field.
(2) Justin: ((Go team cleric!))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: decending.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Then
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: as the chopper is about 100 feet from the ground, you notice building all over the place
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: All 1 to three stories high.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You are decending on a very small, albeit strangly urban, envirnment.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((one second so I don't give you misinformation))
** (2) Justin opens his eyes as he feels the helicopter begin to descend, he leans against the side of the vehicle, and looks down over the environment that quickly changes into an urban area **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: (cannot find the spot in the book :( ))
(2) Justin: ((Wing it, it's cool))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Found it))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Okay, the city is broken up into a star. clockwise from the top point, the builds seem to be ordinary, buildings. Next to the building are mostly small, with large gardens and a small forest, at the tip is a large building that looks to be a temple.
(5) Eve: "What's with all the star motifs?
(1) Kurtis: "Damn commies I tell you."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Next there are few buildings, the only one that stands out adorned with verious symbols of the occult, esspecially (Eve) those of Divation.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The 4th is a barren, verrious stone buildings are scattered thoughought that area, they almost look like crypts.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The entire place looks very gloomy.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: And the final, and north-western-most is adorned with the largest buildings, many of them adroned with gargoyles.
(5) Eve: (do you mean divination?)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: that one
(5) Eve: (so not Divation.. the magic.. of.. SCUBA gear...)
(2) Justin: (*writes that down for an ascendant arcane mage school*)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Now, divation is the art of being chineese and too young for the olypics.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: no*
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: olympics*
** (1) Kurtis looks the place around, seeking with his eyes anything that would look like a ruined church **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: the center looks to be a small millitary base, a few humvees, 6 hellipads, 4 of them are occupied.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The chopper lands, 5 are occupied.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Nothing looks ruined per se, but the buildings to the south-west look like they may fall apart any moment.
** (1) Kurtis rubs his neck **
(5) Eve: "Lets get Tristin to some kind of Acanthus type person who might know whats wrong with him."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The entire city isn't that large. But some areas, particulary to the north and north-west are very urban looking.
** (2) Justin looks over Tristin as he's mentioned, before nodding lightly **
(2) Justin: "So, where exactly are we?"
(3) Chris: "Everyone wake up, we're here."
(5) Eve: "An Adimantian Arrow hollow."
(1) Kurtis: "Czech Republic."
(2) Justin: "They do a good job of seperating their hollows as per one's path."
(3) Chris: "This is the base of opperations for the Admantine Arrow's war effort. The city of Szae.
** (2) Justin speaks distractedly, once again ignoring Kurtis **
(2) Justin: "Their war effort against who, exactly?
(2) Justin: "
(3) Chris: "Those that wish to make... how is it you've been saying? ... the next Hitler?"
(5) Eve: "Allies for us then."
** (2) Justin nods lightly, as he looks around the small base **
(2) Justin: "Until we figure out that we're pawns."
** (1) Kurtis looks at Justin, evaluating him **
(3) Chris: "Everyone's more of a knight here."
(5) Eve: "Would you rather be a pawn on the white side or a rook on the black side?"
** (2) Justin shrugs a bit **
** (1) Kurtis 's eyes shift to Eve **
(2) Justin: "I just have a feeling that all the sides here are the black side
(3) Chris: ((Rook, no one said black was evil.... racist....))
(5) Eve: ((black is the 'evi
(5) Eve: *evil color in chess :P)
(5) Eve: (could have been red side sometimes they use red not black)
(4) Dante: (( Oh good, I didnt miss anything from accidentally falling asleep ))
(2) Justin: (The metaphor here is light vs. darkness)
(3) Chris: (( :( Am I that boring? ))
(4) Dante: (( No, I am that tired ))
(1) Kurtis: "What do you guys think, where do you think we are? Think the world's black and white? Come on, reality check. Everything's gray, there are only choices of opinion. You think this is a James Bond movie, Justin? Where people must possess ideal qualities and dress in bright colors to be making the right choices? Seriously, grow up."
** (1) Kurtis walks out of the helicopter, not before strapping the sword to his back, and explores **
** (3) Chris interupting them "This is where we train before fighting the forces in Germany. We aren't too far away in case things get a little bad. And Diana's yet to find thins place." **
(5) Eve: *mumbles* "Says the guy who kicked a kid for changing his coke into sugar..." *smiles thoughtfully and helps get Tristin out of the choppah*
** (4) Dante awakens from the commotion and notices people filing out. He stands groggily and rubs his eyes, then pats himself down before climbing out of the helicopter. **
** (2) Justin just sighs at Kurtis's sourness, looking around at the rest of the individuals **
(3) Chris: "The city is ancient and has been base for our troops for ages, it's only recently we've had to use them for more than petty squabbles."
(2) Justin: "So, where are we going?"
** (4) Dante glances back at Justin. "I think... to get Tristin help?" He looks around still in a groggy state. **
** (1) Kurtis sees a big giant delicious hollow **
(5) Eve: "To find someone to help with him. " nods at still unconsious Tristin* "then some mana, then lock and load for finding Diana"
(3) Chris: "You needed mana? There are 6 hallows here, but the way they are set up, the whole city acts somewhat like a hallow. We'll fuel up. Sveta, mind showing them around?"
(5) Eve: "We need an Acanthus first... priorities. Then mana once he's awake."
** (2) Justin looks to Sveta as she's volunteered to show them around, nodding to Danto and Eve's estimation of what to do **
** (1) Kurtis walks around within proximity of the chopper **
(1) Kurtis: "I'll make us some mana food at the nearest hollow, if you don't mind. I hope you folks can handle the rest?"
** (3) Sveta looks Tristin over. In my oppinion he just needs some rest, but if you need an Acanthus, many live to the south-east. Or in the barracks. **
** (1) Kurtis shouts to the group **
(3) Sveta: ""
(2) Justin: "Sure Kurtis, thanks."
** (2) Justin waves him away as he turns his attention to Tristin, and walks forward, pressing a hand to his forehead and probing him with his life magic in an attempt to see if what is wrong is biological **
** (4) Dante steps toward Kurtis a bit. "Mana food eh? Mind if I tag along? I doubt we need a huge crowd to handle Tristin's situation." **
** (3) Robin wakes up and groggily rubs her eyes. **
(3) Robin: Gnosis+life
(3) Robin: (())
** (1) Kurtis beacons Dante and nods **
(2) Justin: Gnosis 2 Life 2 4
(2) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,[10, 1],9] = (2)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Nothing seems wrong, other than comatose
** (1) Kurtis locates a hollow via prime sight? **
** (4) Dante approaches and returns the nod, hurrying his pace as if in an attempt to wake himself up more quickly. **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Turning on prime sight?
(1) Kurtis: already on
(5) Eve: (doesn't comatose mean in a coma?)
(2) Justin: "Okay, I think that it was a mind spell that was weaved into the object that Tristin attempted to probe with his magic, and set off, so as to keep him unconcious and mentally non-functioning."
** (4) Dante turns on his heel at the sound of Justin's words. "What makes you think that?" **
(2) Justin: "There is also a chance that it was a prime trap, that overloaded his Gnosis, forcing him to see way too hard into a vision, and it set him to this."
** (2) Justin shrugs a bit at Dante's question **
(2) Justin: "Just theories."
** (5) Eve looks over Tristin with Prime sight (which was already up) to see if there are any spell threads still on him and how much mana he currently has **
** (1) Kurtis turns to Dante **
(5) Eve: "For a newly awakend mage you speak the jargon really well..."
(2) Justin: "Forester was probably more knowledgable than you guys."
(2) Justin: "He taught me alot."
** (4) Dante nods at Eve's words, arching a brow before turning back to Kurtis. **
(1) Kurtis: "The way it works with Prime ability is I'm going to grab quintessense straight out of hollows and channel it into you and our companions, and create a stock of consumable items. There are six hollows here that I can see. And all five paths are respresented."
** (1) Kurtis points to various parts of the city **
** (4) Dante watches Kurtis' indications, his eyes darting to each point they're directed toward. **
** (5) Eve arches a brow with a suspcious frown **
(5) Eve: "Taught you all that in what? About a week since you left New Haven per the police report?... He must talk a lot."
** (5) Eve is still studying Tristin? **
(1) Kurtis: "There, in the North - Prime and Forces, highly attuned with me, The North-east of Life and Spirit, the South-East of Time and Fate, South-west of Death and Matter, and North-West of Mind and Space, your area, Dante. Here in the center through the doors, a generic hollow, with no paticular feel, just mana floating free."
(2) Justin: "We had to prepare. I've always been goot at learning."
(3) Sveta: "Come to zink of it, I need to report on your doings, I will return."
** (3) Sveta walks into the main building of the base. **
(4) Dante: "I see.. this seems quite elaborately structured.."
** (4) Dante turns to face the north-west sector, his attuned area his eyes taking on a momentarily distant look. **
(2) Justin: "It doesn't matter anyways, where exactly are we taking Tristin?"
** (1) Kurtis to Dante: "Let's get us some mana first. Cigarettes for you?" **
(4) Dante: "God, yes."
(5) Eve: "Well, I can't seem to see anything about what might be wrong with him with Prime sight (or the GM missed me asking about it) So I would say we need an Acanthus the same way I needed a Moros ealier to kick me out of my coma thing. So we head South-East"
** (1) Kurtis walks into the base through the door, slowly opening it **
** (4) Dante follows Kurtis' lead. **
** (2) Justin nods and hefts Tristin onto his shoulder **
(2) Justin: "Point me in the direction then."
(1) Kurtis: "And cigarettes for me as well. I'd make some more coke, but the jesus-kid is probably gonna' steal and trash it. Any request on flavor?"
(3) Sveta: ((Sorry hard to keep up with everything, but you wouldn't notice anything))
** (5) Eve helps with Tristin heading in the South-East direction **
(4) Dante: "Smooth and strong. Anything else isn't worth it."
** (2) Justin follows Eve's lead as they make their way to Acanthusland **
(3) Sveta: ((It's my understanding that Justin is kinda small))
(4) Dante: ((Yet you said he put on a bit of weight earlier ))
(5) Eve: ((racist))
(2) Justin: ((was under the impression that Tristin was too))
(3) Sveta: ((Just follow the crystal brick road))
(3) Sveta: ((Kinda, but he's got some muscle to him, 3 str. ))
(1) Kurtis: "Smooth and strong. You got it."
** (1) Kurtis begins to harvest sweet mana **
** (5) Eve hunts down an Acanthus **
(1) Kurtis: Channel Mana: Gnosis 3 + Prime 4 = 7
(2) Justin: ((alright I imagine Justin as being generic scoutish farmboy. 5'10". His job is working in a stockroom at a grocery store))
(1) Kurtis: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 4],2,3,3,7,1,9] = (2)
(2) Justin: ((He knows how to lift and carry things, but can't throw a punch.))
** (4) Dante observes Kurtis, watching whatever he possibly can of the process and fabrication of the spell and its product. **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You head south-east under an archway adorned with various symbols.
** (1) Kurtis catches three motes into his hand and shapes them into a pack with cigarettes, first in holographic mana form, but then, they solidify **
** (1) Kurtis three cigarettes stick out of the pack **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You spot writing at the top in highspeech. "A familliar path."
** (5) Eve looks for the nearest not-busy Acanthus **
(1) Kurtis: "Now, each time it becomes harder to focus on the same task, it kind of wears you out, like staring at the same spot again and again. Let's see if we can milk this baby for more."
** (4) Dante smirks with an impressed expression on his face as the cigarettes come into being. He claps once, nodding. **
(4) Dante: "Any way you think I might be able to help?"
** (2) Justin follows Eve in her search **
** (1) Kurtis turns a bit red in the face, his feet spread, temples pulsing, veins a bit bulged, he raises his hands, performing a silly pantomime, to the onlooker seeming to be pulling some invisible ropes, only seen by him **
** (1) Kurtis to Dante: "Make me think I'm high." **
** (1) Kurtis laughs **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: you don't notice any people outside really, the center road goes on for about 6 miles, small roads running perpandicular to it every so ofter.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: often*
(1) Kurtis: Channel Mana: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 -1 repeat = 6
(1) Kurtis: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,1,8,5,1] = (1)
** (4) Dante grins slightly, contemplating the thought. **
** (1) Kurtis catches another mote of quintessense, placing another manarette into the pack **
** (5) Eve using my prime sight to find the hollow in this area asuming more Acanthus will congragate there abouts **
(4) Dante: "If you want, I can try to make you feel high. I mean, if you -really- think it'd help."
** (4) Dante 's smirk widens. **
(1) Kurtis: "Hey, what you could do, Dante is try establish a Mind Link with the other group, so we don't lose em. Can you do it over distance?"
** (1) Kurtis tickles the air, coaxing "come on, come on, baby, come to papa." **
(4) Dante: "Hmm.. a mind link. I could try to reach out and establish a connection, yeah."
(1) Kurtis: "Try it."
** (1) Kurtis coaxes some more mana from the hollow **
(1) Kurtis: Channel Mana: Prime 4 + Gnosis 3 - repeat 2 = 5
(1) Kurtis: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,6,2,5] = (0)
** (1) Kurtis blinks, shaking the hand off **
(1) Kurtis: "Come on, come on, baby."
(1) Kurtis: - 3 repeat
(1) Kurtis: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,2,8] = (1)
** (1) Kurtis fills the pack with another cig **
(1) Kurtis: "Well I suppose that's enough for us, now for the non smoking half of humanity. What's a good treat for Eve and Justin?"
** (4) Dante closes his eyes, concentrating on the stronger of the two powers coursing through him. His eyes flutter rapidly as brainwaves pulse through his head, his will bending reality to his desire. As he begins to envision other mental patterns, he concentrates his will even further as he refines his efforts to reach out to Eve. ((Attempting to establish a mental connection with Eve using Mind 4 + Gnosis 3 + WP 3 = 10)) **
** (4) Dante found the F3 macro key **
(4) Dante: (( doh))
(4) Dante: [10 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,[10, 2],5,9,6,6,8,9,8] = (5)
** (5) Eve heads to the end of the road as her eyes glow with little sparkles of prime, leading the way to the Acanthus hollow **
(3) Robin: Eve, you feel a flash of Space energy as Robin appears behind you, still looking tired.
(4) Dante: Eve? You getting this message?
** (5) Eve pauses a moment **
(5) Eve: Yes?
(5) Eve: (Bah!_
(5) Eve: Yes?
** (2) Justin stops and looks around, as Eve pauses in front of him **
(2) Justin: "Are we here?"
** (2) Justin glances back at Robin, a blush coming to his cheeks as he remembers that she was the naked one he saw **
(4) Dante: Okay, good. Just making sure. Kurtis thought it'd be ideal to establish a means of communication between the two groups.
(2) Justin: "oh hey."
** (5) Eve points to the Greek like temple **
(3) Robin: You can choose to take any of the side roads, there are several buildings on the way, even a small garden
(5) Eve: Good idea. You boys getting mana?
(1) Kurtis: -repeat 4
(1) Kurtis: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],[10, 4],5] = (2)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: At the end of the 6 mile road is what looks like the temple of Athens from your text books.
(4) Dante: Yes. Kurt's putting on quite a show here. I think he might be pushing himself a bit, though.
(2) Justin: "Thats probably it.."
(1) Kurtis: "Hmmm, got two mote for Eve and Justin. What do you think, Dante? What fit Justin? A lolly pop, or.... ooooh, maybe be evil and make it something mormons can't eat. A cup of nice fucking dark mana coffee?"
(4) Dante: "Any message you want me to convey, Kurtis?"
(5) Eve: Tell him to be careful, we don't need another of us going comatose
** (2) Justin looks at Eve, who seems to be lost and thought, he shrugs, and carries Tristen towards the temple **
** (4) Dante laughs dryly **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Kurtis a few guards walk by, they show passing interest, but recignize you and keep moving.
(1) Kurtis: "Ask Eve if she'd rather drink dark coffee or sexily suck on a lollypop?"
** (1) Kurtis nods to the guards and waves **
(1) Kurtis: "Afternoon, gentlemen. Just chargin' up, if you don't mind."
(4) Dante: "Now I know he probably deserves it for your lost goods, but cut him a bit of a break, would you?"
(5) Eve: 'Hey Robin any chance you could make this six mile hike go faster?"
(3) Grunt: "Go right ahead."
** (4) Dante looks to the passing guards as they walk on by, nodding curtly. **
(4) Dante: "Also, Eve wanted me to tell you to be careful, as we do not need more comatose people travelling with us." *He shrugs*
(1) Kurtis: "Alright, Dante, just fo you. But the kid needs to learn. Churches burn and the world swims in shit. Only how you treat other people - matters in life. He can have a donut."
(3) Robin: "Hmmm? Ehh... I mean I could open a portal."
(1) Kurtis: "Tell Eve I'll be careful. I make a habit of knowing my limits."
** (1) Kurtis tosses the motes into a pair of donuts in a donut box **
** (4) Dante nods at Kurtis' words. "He'll learn in time. I'll convey the message." **
** (1) Kurtis spends his last moments of solid focus on the hollow **
(4) Dante: Kurtis is taking necessary precautions. If anything happens or requires our presence, don't hesitate to inform us.
(1) Kurtis: -repeat 5
(1) Kurtis: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2] = (0)
(3) Robin: Kurtis, Dante, gain one mana.
(5) Eve: Acknowledged/
(1) Kurtis: mana now 9
(4) Dante: (( Uhh.. mana now.. 12? >.> Is that even right? ))
(5) Eve: "A Portal is a bit flashing and would take too long, I suppose we'll just have to hoof it."
(1) Kurtis: "Alright, Dante, I can try one last time, that's all i can do here. If I had any powder left, I'd probably do this better, but as is... one more try will have to do."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: About halfway Eve and Justin, you come to a small garden. Three women are sitting in a circle/triangle and talking.
(4) Dante: "Like I said, I can attempt to make you feel high, if that's what it takes."
** (5) Eve pauses a moment looking them over for Acanthus like auras **
(1) Kurtis: "Alright... think... tan boobies... Eve... lots of cocaine, if you ever tried it. Lots of tingling pleasant sensation in every nerve cell."
** (2) Justin looks over to the women, looking them over quietly as he hefts Tristin's weight on his shoulder **
(4) Dante: "Tingling in every nerve cell, tan breasts, Eve. Got it. Euphoric then."
(1) Kurtis: "Majorly. And everything is bright, well mooded, happy, and not a single bad thing matters or can crush my spirit"
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Justin, Str+Stam please.
** (4) Dante closes his eyes and points at Kurtis a moment, mentally aiming his focus. His mental strength reaches out, digging, trying to release triggers to set off in Kurtis' brain that make him feel euphoric and empowered. ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7)) **
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],[10, 2],9,[10, 9],9,8,[10, 2]] = (7)
(4) Dante: (( oh dear ))
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: rofl
** (5) Eve continues to look over the women for Acanthus like auras..... **
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 8 sucesses on 7 dice
(2) Justin: Str 1 Sta 3 = 4
(2) Justin: [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,4,1,2] = (0)
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: All three of them feel like Arcanthus
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: You're starting to feel kind of tired Justin.
(5) Eve: (prays to ebola virus they speak english)
** (2) Justin pants softly, his eyes closing as the party seems to stop in front of the women **
(5) Eve: "Excuse me ladies, would any of you be able to help my friend here, he saw a vision and now he's out cold.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: ((Highspeech a least *caugh caugh* ))
(2) Justin: "Please tell me they can help with Tristin.."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: cough*
(1) Kurtis: one last uber leech: Kurtis lights up, a grin on his face, empowered, not quite the familiar cool frosty tingle of favored cocaine, but quite exciting anyway: 7 - 6 repeat = 1 + 8 boost = 9 + Willpower Burn 3 = 12
(5) Eve: *in highspeech instead then :P
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The women stop talking and look to Eve.
(1) Kurtis: [12 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,4,1,[10, 3],8,4,2,9,9,[10, 9],6] = (5)
(1) Kurtis: LEEEECH
** (1) Kurtis holds a box with 8 mana donuts **
(3) Women: "Had a vision hmm?" They all seem to be wearing hand made dresses of different designs.
(5) Eve: ((Why does the cocaine always work!?!?!?)
(3) Women: "Bring him here.
(3) Women: "
(3) Women: Says another.
(1) Kurtis: ((cocaine doesnt per se, stimulation to Kerner's brain does))
(4) Dante: ((It wasn't even real cocaine either. I think its just the honorable mention))
(3) Women: ((That's probably what Tinkerbell was gving the kids to make them fly too.))
(1) Kurtis: ((oh ya the game totally pwns *has hacked openRPG roller to respond to word cocaine))
** (4) Dante smiles widely, looking to Kurtis. "Well, how was that? I've never done coke before, so I tried with what I had." **
(3) Women: "Oh, and Kurt messed his pants in the uphoria."
(3) Women: (())
(3) Women: Damnit
** (1) Kurtis turns to Dante, his eyes flaring blue glow, wide grin **
(1) Kurtis: "I think you should try it."
(1) Kurtis: ((i seriously shit my pants?))
(4) Dante: "That good eh? I think I'll pass, for the time being."
(2) Justin: ((A smell fills the area as Kurtis turns and suggests cocaine))
(4) Dante: ((lmao))
(3) Women: pissed or came your chioce, but one of them.
(1) Kurtis: definitely came
(4) Dante: ((I knew that was coming))
** (1) Kurtis 's eyes roll a bit suddenly as he cringes **
** (1) Kurtis the glow disappears as his breath breaks **
(2) Justin: ((young girls giggle mischeviously in the distance))
(4) Dante: "I .. didn't over do it did I? You alright?"
(2) Justin: (("He's obviously a premie"))
** (3) Women looks Trstin over. **
(3) Women: What exactly happened now?
(3) Women: ""
** (2) Justin sets Tristin down so they can further examine him **
** (1) Kurtis looks a bit hazy **
** (3) Women the three crowd around him **
** (4) Dante waves a hand in front of Kurtis. **
(1) Kurtis: "Baby, you..." stumbles to hug Dante, "you... can I have a cigarette?" reaches for the mana ones, stops, "No, wait, the other ones..." taps two fingers at his mouth, needily
(2) Justin: "He apparently delved too deeply into an enchanted machine, had a vision, and passed out. He's been in and out of convulsions ever since."
** (4) Dante puts a hand on Kurtis' shoulder to keep it at arm's length, pulling the regular pack of cigarettes from his pocket and flipping open the top, a cigarette sliding up with it. **
** (1) Kurtis walks out of the base, donuts in one hand, the other arm around Dante's neck **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh, Dan... you... tha man... best fivesome experience ever." smokes relaxed
** (4) Dante follows along, his expression a bit mixed from surprise at his spell's effectiveness and worry. "Right, fivesome. Guess I overdid it just a tad." **
(1) Kurtis: "Three cigs for you, two for me, 4 donuts for Eve, 4 for the kid. Uuuh... where are we going?"
(5) Eve: *Snickering over the mental link* It was good for me! *laughter*
(3) Women: Was there more to it? Or just tried to see the future and passed out?
** (4) Dante pats Kurtis on the back with an arm linked around him, grabbing one of the regular cigarettes for himself and lighting it up. "Well, you did some solid work there yourself." He stops mid-stride, shrugging. **
** (2) Justin looks at Eve, frowning at her jovialness during the tense situation **
(4) Dante: Yeah, I think I might have almost broke him.
(2) Justin: "Well I wasn't there for the most of it, I was standing outside. You should check with Eve here, once she stops grinning."
** (5) Eve is only smiling slightly around the women **
** (4) Dante takes his share of the mana-filled cigarettes, scoring the filter so as to distinguish them and tucking them into the pack. **
(1) Kurtis: ((poor justin, he understands so very little about what kind of people are around him XD ))
(5) Eve: "He tried to see a vision yes, connected with a machine that was likely heavily warded. He saw something then has been having convulsions ever since."
(4) Dante: I have learned today, the effects of overpowering one's spells. Its a lesson I won't soon forget. Heh.
(2) Justin: ((It's hilarious.))
** (1) Kurtis smooches Dante on the cheek **
(5) Eve: A good lesson, one I recently learned myself
(3) Women: the women look to eachother then join hands.
(3) Women: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,[10, 4],9,5,1,1,[10, 3],8,9] = (5)
(3) Women: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,7,5,[10, 6],3,7,8,2,9] = (3)
(3) Women: [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,2,2,6,4,2,[10, 5],2,7] = (3)
** (4) Dante bites down on his cigarette and wipes his cheek off with the now-free hand. "Let's just have a rest here for a moment. Finish our smokes." **
** (3) Women they close their eyes, Eve you feel a surge of time magic. **
(4) Dante: Indeed, and we're much better off with you having recovered as a result of that lesson.
(1) Kurtis: "Again some time. Yeah, man, sure thing. Whatever you say, hee hee, hee."
(5) Eve: Nice to know I was missed.
(3) Women: They open their eyes after a moment.
(4) Dante: Quite immensely.
** (1) Kurtis discovers the state of his pants **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh daaamn, Dante?"
(4) Dante: "Kurtis, my friend. Just have a seat right.. here, yes, here." *Dante guides Kurtis to a stool* "Hmm? What?"
(1) Kurtis: "I have something embarassing to ask you, and I swear and promise, and swear on my mother's grave that I will never ask you to do anything like that again."
** (4) Dante arches a brow. **
(4) Dante: "And... what is that?"
(3) Women: "Your friend is trapped in a vision state. He will come to with time, I belive that machine's magic's somehow amplified his powers much higher then then his gnosis would allow.
** (5) Eve sighs **
(5) Eve: "Do you know how long it will take?"
(1) Kurtis: "You got me high and I came in my pants. It doesn't feel right. You know Space. Could you please... relocate 'it' ?"
** (2) Justin nods as one of his theories is confirmed **
(3) Women: I cannot say, his line is a difficult one to trace.
(3) Women: "Verry difficult." chimes in another
(5) Eve: So... good news and bad news, good news Tristin will be okay, bad news, he's stuck in a vision and the ladies I'm taking with don't know how long it will be.
(4) Dante: "Err.. you.. did what" *Looks down a moment* "Oh dear god. Yeah.. This is a one-time thing. Never again."
(4) Dante: Well, we do seem to have a running track record of having one or more members of our group incapacitated at any given time, don't we?
(2) Justin: "So.. where do we leave him until he wakes up?"
(1) Kurtis: "I won't tell anyone if you don't"
(3) Women: "The base should have a hospital wing."
(4) Dante: "I sure hope you aren't a loose-lipped drunk."
(5) Eve: "Where is that exactally?"
(1) Kurtis: "I will gladly submit my mind to be scorched clean of this ever happening."
** (2) Justin nods and looks back helplessly to the center of the town **
(3) Women: ((ROFL!))
** (4) Dante closes his eyes and focuses, finding it somewhat difficult to do so at first, but eventually overcoming it. He attempts to weave the fabrics of space around the stain. He opens his eyes and looks around for a trash can or other such object. ((anything?)) **
(3) Women: Plenty of trashcans.
** (5) Eve takes a turn and carrying Tristin and heads back towards the center of town... **
** (1) Kurtis tries to sit perfectly still **
** (2) Justin sighs with relief and helps carry Tristin where he can, as they make their way back **
** (4) Dante attempts to displace the stuff from Kurtis' pants into the nearby trashcan, though not quite familiar with the process of displacement. "Don't move." ((Space 2 + Gnosis 3 = 5)) **
(4) Dante: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,8,3,1] = (2)
(3) Women: Could relocate your manhood on accident.
(5) Eve: ((LOL!)))
(3) Women: "Farewell you four, shall we meet again."
(1) Kurtis: Please God Please God Please God... thank god thank god thank god
(4) Dante: ((lmao. Wow))
(2) Justin: "You three would probably know if it was fated. "
** (2) Justin smiles back to the women and winks, as he makes his way, following Eve **
(3) Women: They just smile.
(3) Women: Eve Str+Stam
(4) Dante: "This. Didn't. Happen. I'm not going to burn your mind because I don't really feel comfortable with the prospect, so just keep a tight lip about it."
(5) Eve: =4
(5) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,5,4] = (1)
(2) Justin: ((Trash can will be emptied in 1 Minute))
** (4) Dante glances over at the trashcan **
(1) Kurtis: "What didn't happen where why who?"
(4) Dante: (( LMAO, I was just thinking that ))
(4) Dante: "Exactly."
** (1) Kurtis stands up cheerfully, picks up the box of donuts and a pack of mana cigs, which he pockets **
(3) Grunt: A group of soldiars walk by, a few sniff, and glace around and scrunch their noses, disaproving of the smell.
(3) Grunt: glance*
(1) Kurtis: ((oh give me a break! sperm so doesnt smell!))
** (4) Dante has already taken his share of the cigarettes and tucked them away. "Do we have anymore business in this area?" **
(5) Eve: ((does so but you have to be awefully close to it.))
(1) Kurtis: "Nooo. Let us leeeave this area. Behind us. Way behind. Forever."
(3) Grunt: ((Okay fine.))
(4) Dante: "I couldn't agree more."
(3) Grunt: ((didn't happen))
** (4) Dante begins walking back the way they originally came. **
(2) Justin: ((For a second there I thought he actually did shit himself))
** (1) Kurtis follows **
(4) Dante: Are we finished here then, or is there more to do?
(5) Eve: Have to drop off Tristin in the base hospital.
(4) Dante: Alright, where should we meet?
** (4) Dante quickens his pace slightly, out of no particular reason. **
(5) Eve: How close are you guys to the base hospital?
** (1) Kurtis mimics the pace **
(4) Dante: "Kurtis, any idea where the base hospital is?"
(3) Grunt: Once through the gate Eve and Justin the hospital is easy to spot, big red + .
(4) Dante: "Or how far we might be from it?"
** (1) Kurtis looks around for a red cross **
** (1) Kurtis points **
(1) Kurtis: "That looks like it."
(4) Dante: We'll meet you there. Seems we're closer than I thought.
(1) Kurtis: "If this country uses a red cross to signify hospital, and not some kind of Jihad church"
** (5) Eve heads with Tristin over shoulder, Robin and Justin in tow to the hospital **
(3) Grunt: There are two guards stationed outside the hospital.
** (4) Dante heads toward the big red gum... I mean +. **
(3) Grunt: (("Hey you smell something?"))
** (1) Kurtis spots Eve **
(4) Dante: ((Only what the Rock is cooking, sorry.))
(1) Kurtis: "Hey there. Trade you this heavy Tristin for this light box of donuts."
(5) Eve: "With pleasure."
** (5) Eve trades a Tristin for some donuts, looks at the donuts **
** (1) Kurtis passes donuts and easily hangs Tristin over his shoulder, head forward **
(5) Eve: "Ohh my favorite flavor.
(1) Kurtis: "Motes. One donut will restore one mana to you."
(3) Grunt: They are all unglazed cake!
** (4) Dante likes this. **
(5) Eve: "Yes I know..."
** (5) Eve scans Justin to see how much mana he has so she knows how many motenuts she can eat **
(3) Grunt: ((*Wounders how characters messure 'one mana' * ))
(1) Kurtis: "Four for you, four for Justin. If you ever touch my drugs again, I will make every single hair on your head explode with nuclear radiation."
(5) Eve: ((the ammount of energy one spell takes from you))
(2) Justin: ((Checkboxes, of course.))
(4) Dante: (( A surge of energy required for the execution of a specific spell ))
(4) Dante: (( lol, of course, checkboxes ))
(5) Eve: ((seriously, what would you use... little flattened marbles? :P))
(2) Justin: "Yeah, sure, thanks overaggressive guy."
(4) Dante: (( Origami paper cranes ))
(1) Kurtis: ((i treat it as a hunger. for checking others, Kurtis sees lines, like scales, a line of some color, part faded, part lit up))
(5) Eve: ((1000 of them))
(3) Grunt: ((We all carry around mankala boards))
(4) Dante: (( Per 1 mana ))
** (5) Eve takes four of the donuts nibbling one to start with and hands the box to Justin **
** (2) Justin takes the box, looking down at it quietly **
(1) Kurtis: "My name is Kurtis, Justin. You can call me Kurtis. Don't try to turn me into a mormon and we will get along."
** (4) Dante casts his gaze between the two **
** (5) Eve raises a brow while chewing a donut **
(1) Kurtis: "Eight is the best I could do here. If you need more, oblate down that way."
(2) Justin: "Uh huh."
(5) Eve: (Bet he wouldn't talk that way if he had.... Ebola! :P))
(3) Grunt: Everyone, one mana.
** (2) Justin just shrugs at Kurtis as he takes a donut and takes a bite out of it **
(1) Kurtis: mana 10
(2) Justin: ((How do we figure out the total amount of mana we're capable of?))
(5) Eve: (mana 9 after donuts)
(2) Justin: ((or is it just 20?))
** (5) Eve finishes the first donut... rubs her stomach, starts the second **
(5) Eve: "I'm going to be soo full after all these."
(1) Kurtis: ((page 76))
(5) Eve: "Stomach wise not mana wise."
(4) Dante: (( Page 114? ))
(3) Grunt: Page 192
(4) Dante: (( I can't personally reference. Still don't have the books dl'd))
(1) Kurtis: ((76 effects of gnosis. gnosis 1 = 10, 2= 11 3=12 4=13 5=14 6=15 7=20 8=30 9=50 10=100))
(2) Justin: ((Got it. Mana at max of 11 after one donut))
(4) Dante: (( Am capped regardless of whether or not i suck down some mancer-sticks ))
(1) Kurtis: "Huh, next time I'll try to make less donuts and more motes/per donut. Good point."
(3) Grunt: lol, mage cigs = mancer-sticks, I like that.
(4) Dante: (( Well, that's how I roll =P ))
(1) Kurtis: "Make more potent ones with fewer callories."
(2) Justin: "Okay, I think I'm full. Whoever can have the rest of these."
(5) Eve: (did we drop Tristin off yet?)
** (2) Justin shrugs and offers the box around **
(5) Eve: "Yes like diet Mote, twice the mana half the fat."
(1) Kurtis: "So, where does he go?"
(3) Robin: "Or make the tiny powdered doughnuts."
** (1) Kurtis carries Tristin into hospital **
(1) Kurtis: "We got a patient in a coma."
(4) Dante: "Hold onto them, I suppose. I don't really know the functionality of stale mana donuts.. kind of an obscure concept."
** (5) Eve waits to see if anyone else will tek the donuts... then takes a donut if no one else does. **
** (3) Grunt looks at your sternly for a moment, then down at the kid. **
(3) Grunt: Hmm..
** (1) Kurtis to Eve: "Maybe I wanna fatten you up a bit?" **
(5) Eve: "Maybe I like my girlish figure to be girlish"
** (1) Kurtis muses, blowing her a kiss **
(3) Grunt: "Alright, go on through, sit down in the first troom, a thyrsus will be there in a few."
** (2) Justin nods to the Grunt's words, as he goes through and takes a seat **
** (1) Kurtis puts Tristin on any sort of horizontal surface, a bed or a bench, and sits down **
(4) Dante: (( Or a spike bed ))
(3) Grunt: There are several benches in the first room.
(1) Kurtis: "We got any location on the Gem with your compass dillybob?"
(5) Eve: (("please have another sacrifce" "No I've had enough for the day" "listen, I'm going to be very upset if you don't have another" "I don't want another sacrifice ok?!" "Come on you look so skinny!" "No I think I've had enough is that clear?!"))
(5) Eve: ((the donuts reminded me of it))
(1) Kurtis: "I'd prefer to get this done fast and jet our asses out of here."
(4) Dante: "Ahh, the compass." *Dante looks around* "Now, who had it again? Was it .. Robin?"
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: The building is made of a light-colored brick. inside it is well-air conditioned. A cloth hangs over the only exit from the first room
(5) Eve: "Robin
** (3) Robin blinks groggily and pulls out the compass. "Someone else wanna try?" **
(5) Eve: "No we've established that you get the closest headings with it."
(4) Dante: "Requires space.. you're our best spacer."
** (3) Robin holds it in her palm, and tiredly searches her backpack for the liquid. **
(3) Robin: Here... some... where...
(3) Robin: ""
** (2) Justin examines her pack for liquids **
(2) Justin: Gnosis 2 Matter 3 = 5
(2) Justin: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 6],7,9,[10, 9]] = (3)
** (3) Robin finds it and places a drop in her palm. **
** (3) Robin tosses it back in her backpack. **
(4) Dante: (( Looks like Justin needs to work at an Airport ))
** (2) Justin shrugs as she finds it, and leans back again **
(3) Robin: ((*Scans for explosicives*))
(5) Eve: (("He has sissors and handcream!")
(3) Robin: [15d10.open(5).vs(8)] => [4,2,3,[8, 9, 10, 1],[7, 1],4,3,4,[8, 9, 5, 5, 6, 6, 9, 7, 5, 2],2,2,[7, 8, 4],4,[5, 5, 10, 6, 6, 3],2] = (5)
(4) Dante: (( Take him down! ))
(2) Justin: ((Matter sight will allow you to find toenail clippers.))
(5) Eve: Holy... God...
(3) Robin: What would happen if I used an open 1?))
(1) Kurtis: ((game crash))
(4) Dante: (( Woooooooooooooooow ))
(3) Robin: "Looks like it's to the north, directly north..."
** (3) Robin yawns. **
** (3) Robin gnosis 4 + space 5 **
(3) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,4,9,[10, 5],7,[10, 7],6,4] = (3)
(3) Robin: Maybe.. 375 miles?
(2) Justin: ((Out of Improtaton range.))
(4) Dante: (( read page 114 for sensory range it is very improtaton!! ))
(5) Eve: "Alright, so, do we take a chopper or find some other transport?"
(2) Justin: "Chopper seems to be the best bet, I think."
(5) Eve: (more than 200m for sure)
(1) Kurtis: "You guys figure out what's wrong with Tris? Is it even making sense to wait for him, or is it safer to leave him here to recover? Anyone who can't walk on their feet - will only impair us."
(4) Dante: (( *is most certainly going to hell* ))
(1) Kurtis: (( *why so?*))
(5) Eve: ((if jokes like that send you to hell I must have a mansion down there :P)
(4) Dante: (( serious? ))
(4) Dante: (( Can I visit?!? ))
(4) Dante: (( All the improtaton jokes, that's all, KK ))
(3) Robin: Meaning she's only done one, so she won't actually be tortured.
(5) Eve: ((Yes, but you have to let Hilter have his way with you and a pinapple))
(3) Robin: And gets a mansion.
(4) Dante: (( Mmm.. nah. I think I'll not be visiting then ))
(5) Eve: ((good call)
(3) Robin: ((good, back to the fires wtih you then))
** (3) Robin puts away the ring just as someone emerges from the cloth covering the hallway. **
(2) Justin: "I think that Kurtis is right in this situation."
(5) Eve: "Thats up to a vote, we don't know how long it might take and have no idea of Diana and her lot will be getting further way or possibly planning for our arrival while we wait."
(5) Eve: "On the other hand he is rather handy."
(3) Doc: Hello, what can I do for you?
** (5) Eve points at catotonic Tristin **
(1) Kurtis: "I'm all for hearing what Doc has to say about our buddy Tristin, but mages we deal with, as we saw, are pretty badass and can seriously mess us up. If this is a race, I'd rather win it."
(5) Eve: "He had a vision and now he's stuck like that"
(3) Doc: I see, is he injured?
(5) Eve: 'Not physically that we can tell."
(2) Justin: "No, just unconcious."
** (3) Doc nods **
(3) Doc: He just needs some rest then, bring him this way.
(1) Kurtis: "He tried to analyze the core machine in Forester's tower in Budapest."
** (1) Kurtis picks Tristin up, this time gently, in his arms **
** (1) Kurtis follows where the Doc says **
** (3) Doc there are several rooms, left open, one room at the end of the hall has been sealed off, he takes you in the first room on the left. Tony is lying in one of the hospital beds, asleep. **
(4) Dante: (( Tony-zombie beat us here! =O ))
(1) Kurtis: "What's in that sealed off room, Doctor?"
(3) Doc: "Set him down and I'll tell you."
** (1) Kurtis puts Tristin down on the bed, and touches his chest. **
** (4) Dante awaits quietly in the main seating area **
(1) Kurtis: "Rest well, my friend." - with this Kurtis takes out 1 of the 2 of his mana cigarettes out of the pocket, and slides it under Tristin's collar.
** (5) Eve munches donuts and sits with dante, now on her last donut **
** (4) Dante looks over to Eve **
(3) Doc: "We've recived 6 critical patients from the south-west sector.
(3) Doc: "
(4) Dante: "I thought you were full."
(5) Eve: "Of donut, not mana."
** (4) Dante smirks a bit. **
(3) Doc: No one knows what's going on there, most of the people that live there are fine people.
(4) Dante: "I'd trade you a mana donut for a mana cig, but I doubt you'd go for that."
(1) Kurtis: "That area holds a Moros signature. Who resides there?"
** (2) Justin listens in on the Doctor **
(5) Eve: "No I prefer to deal with death when the advantage is on my side not its. No death sticks for me."
** (4) Dante grins wider now, nodding. "I thought as much." **
(3) Doc: (("hey you wanna buy deathsticks?" "You don't want to sell me deathsticks."))
(5) Eve: (XD)
(3) Doc: "Just your every day Moros, good people most of them. Activity like this isn't common."
(1) Kurtis: "Huh, what do you think of making a deal, Chief? Our group is fairly low gnosis. We could go investigate what's up down there, in exchange for some military assistance in storming the Gem of Kings?" - turns to the crew of his companions - "What do you guys think?"
(4) Dante: (( What crew? >.> None of us followed afaik ))
(1) Kurtis: ((sound mastery to your ears))
(5) Eve: ((He likes to talk to himself... :P)
(1) Kurtis: ((oh ffs))
(1) Kurtis: Sound Mastery: Forces 5 + Gnosis 3 + Ring 1 = 9
(1) Kurtis: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,9,1,9,6,3,7,5,5] = (2)
(1) Kurtis: ((eat it))
(4) Dante: (( "Hey guys, what do you think?" 5 Kurtis': YEAHHH! ))
(5) Eve: ((nom nom nom))
(4) Dante: (( Delicious ))
(3) Doc: "Well, I'm not a millitary man, I'm not one that should strike such a deal. I'm sure, the General would like to hear your offer though. He's in the central base."
(1) Kurtis: (( *Kurtis projects a fake unison reply "Yeeeeah!" to the Doc *))
(5) Eve: ((Lol))
** (1) Kurtis relates the conversation over airwaves to the team **
(3) Robin: "Hey, I'll stay here and look after him, rather tired anyway."
(3) Robin: ((Robin followed))
(5) Eve: "Didn't he just say we should get this done quickly?"
** (1) Kurtis gives Robin his last mana cig. **
(1) Kurtis: "For emergency, if you two will need them."
** (4) Dante stands and approaches the room. "Yes, Eve, he did." **
** (3) Robin nods **
** (1) Kurtis walks out of the room and back to everyone **
(1) Kurtis: "Which is why I suggest a vote. It's just an option to get heavy artillery."
** (5) Eve stands as she forces down the last of the donut **
(5) Eve: "wouldn
(1) Kurtis: "Get there fast and try to steal the Gem with what we got, or take extra time and go in with extra forces, thus upping our chances. If you wanna spin this route, there's some big shot general in central base. If not, I don't care and let's get out. I have no idea if the chopper is giving us a ride, and our wheels got stolen."
(5) Eve: *wouldn't hurt I suppose.
(4) Dante: "Unless they evade the large, obvious force migrating toward them."
** (1) Kurtis leans on the nearby wall, done talking, sword behind him **
** (1) Kurtis nods to Dante's counter argument **
(2) Justin: "Whether it helps us or not, people are getting really hurt in the Moros section of the city, and we could fix that."
(5) Eve: "Also a good point Dante, we've survived this long by going unnoticed... or as unnoticed as possible."
(4) Dante: "A surgical approach is going to have the best results, as we have seen so far. Sure, we'd be able to crush what's in our path, but we'd have a higher chance of overshooting or missing our objective in the process, regrettably."
** (4) Dante looks to Justin for a moment, nodding. "None of us know yet what is happening in the Moros sector and I admit I am curious.. I won't deny that this could be a good opportunity." **
(5) Eve: "We could use a transport of some kind... And it will be easier to get that if we have something to trade."
** (4) Dante turns back to Eve, nodding to her as well. **
** (1) Kurtis pushes off the wall **
(1) Kurtis: "Let's go talk to the General then."
** (1) Kurtis walk walk walks towards where Doctor showed **
(4) Dante: "Lead on."
** (4) Dante proceeds to follow them. **
** (5) Eve follows the boys **
** (2) Justin follows as well **
(4) Dante: (( talk, talk, talk, talk the big bad general into helping us! ))
(2) Justin: (( I think he got the ... POINT ))
(3) Robin: Okay you get to the centeral area.
(1) Kurtis: "Hello?"
(4) Dante: (( Uh... FANGS for the memories? ))
** (1) Kurtis looks between guards and soldiers, addresses a nearby group. "Volunteers for the South West investigation... we'd like to... talk to your.. General? Anyone?" **
(1) Kurtis: "We heard a bunch of folks been getting injured there?"
(3) Grunt: "Southwest Investigation?"
(1) Kurtis: "The doc in the hospital said the Moros sector been having some trouble. Can we speak to your commander?"
(3) Grunt: "General's inside, busy... might be hard to get a hold of."
(3) Grunt: ((wow.. bold is bold eh?))
(4) Dante: (( Bold is beautiful... owait ))
** (1) Kurtis Prime Sight scans Grunt **
(3) Grunt: the second on to talk says. "I'm the commanding officer of this regiment. First Sargert Traeas."
(3) Grunt: Sargent*
** (1) Kurtis turns to that guy **
(3) Grunt: sargeant*
(3) Grunt: whev.
(1) Kurtis: "Well, the medic told us to find your general, Sergeant, we're not military people, don't know exactly how it all... we're freelancers."
(3) Grunt: He's an Obimos like yourself.
(5) Eve: "Heard you had a problem with your Moros area, thought we could help, in exchange for some help of our own."
** (1) Kurtis steps into the back, letting Eve take it from here **
(3) Grunt: "Wait a second... You're the five aren't you?"
** (4) Dante can't help but let out a short laugh. **
(4) Dante: "There's that phrase again."
(5) Eve: "There aren't even five of us anymore..."
** (5) Eve shakes her head **
(1) Kurtis: "The Seven now apparently."
** (3) Grunt counts, then looks puzzled. **
(4) Dante: "Two are in the infirmary here." *he quickly explains*
(1) Kurtis: "Well, yes, now we would be the Four. It's really fucked up, man."
(4) Dante: "And one is staying with them."
** (3) Grunt nods **
(2) Justin: "Language, Kurtis."
** (5) Eve snickers at Justin trying to correct Kurtis language **
(1) Kurtis: "Oh for Christ's sake, Eat your donut, Justin."
** (4) Dante snickers. **
(2) Justin: "I did, it was good, thank you for aquiring it for me, Kurtis."
** (1) Kurtis smiles **
(3) Grunt: "I'll see what I can do." get on his radio. "This is First Sargent Traeas, can requesting presance with General Samson, I'm with... the five."
(1) Kurtis: "You're welcome. If it helps, I made it out of drugs."
** (4) Dante shakes his head, placing an open palm over his face **
(5) Eve: (("Banana made of drugs, monkey made of drugs"))
(1) Kurtis: (("we prefer US currency. Local money is made of drugs"))
(2) Justin: "I'd notice any chemical alterations entering my system Kurtis. The only out of place thing involving that donut was the mana."
(4) Dante: "And the lack of glaze."
(2) Justin: "It was a cake donut, they don't come glazed, do they?"
(4) Dante: "The ones worth eating do."
** (3) Grunt ignores the chatter, listening to voices over the radio. **
** (4) Dante smirks, shaking his head. **
(5) Eve: "They do all sorts of things to donuts these days Justin."
(4) Dante: "I'm just being argumentative.
(4) Dante: "
(3) General Samson: A humvee pulls up, a man in full platemail driving it, a claymore riding shotgun, all the soldiars salute as he pulls up.
** (3) General Samson exists the humvee and salutes. **
** (1) Kurtis instinctively straightens out **
** (4) Dante turns to face the general, standing straight out of practiced habit from years ago. **
(3) General Samson: "General Samson, is it good to have you..... four... here."
** (2) Justin nods to the General **
** (5) Eve smiles **
(2) Justin: "Good to be here."
(3) General Samson: He speaks with a Brittish accent a thick grey handlebar mustash adorns his face.
(1) Kurtis: "Sir." nods
(3) General Samson: "So what brings you lot to Szae?"
** (4) Dante makes no attempt to alter his expression of stoicism, his prior background getting the better of him. He simply stands straight, clearly stating, "Sir." **
(3) General Samson: (( by Brittish, I meant Scottish :( ))
(4) Dante: (( There can be only one! ))
(5) Eve: "To be right to the point, we are after Branch and her group, we needed a place to recharge before going after her. We heard you are having a problem with your Moros sector. If we help with that, is there any way you would be able to suply us with some sort of transportation."
(3) General Samson: "Of course I could supply you with anything. But you do remember your's is a covert mission. Any of my men or women would be too easily detected."
** (1) Kurtis kind of looks like a more shabby, slacked, copycat of Dante's demeanor, he's trying, but clearly not a military man, more like trying to behave appropriately to be acknowledged **
(5) Eve: "Thats fine, I would just rather not walk the over 300 miles to where we beleive she is currently located."
** (4) Dante nods sharply at General Samson's words, letting Eve speak for their group as it seems to be enough conversation. **
(3) General Samson: "Understandable, the days of the march are long gone."
(5) Eve: "We have little time to spare, what can you tell us of the difficulty you hare having, so we can try to resolve it and move on with you aid as quickly as possible?"
(3) General Samson: "I can provide you with a flying vehicle, and any weapons, I would have sent my own men, but they are constently being shipped back into Berlin."
(3) General Samson: "To investigate these recent events I mean."
(3) General Samson: "I don't know much of what's going on, these bodies keep turning up, stripped of flesh from one of their limbs, or large portions of their abdomin missing."
(3) General Samson: "Other than the bodies found we have no other intellegance on the matter."
** (5) Eve frowns considering what information they do have. **
(5) Eve: "Anything simmilar about the vitims? Besides path?
(2) Justin: "What?"
(3) General Samson: "Actually, their path isn't even all the same, two of them are Thrsus, One was a Mastigos, and we cannot identify the other three bodies."
(3) General Samson: "So many people of this city don't leave their homes, and we don't have the time to go door-to-door right now.
(1) Kurtis: "Berlin is quite hot right now, isn't it, Sir? We took out three of Branch's towers. Two remain. Do you know if Berlin is where one of the remaining two is?"
(5) Eve: "Have you Moros been able to determine causes of death?"
(3) General Samson: "The flesh was stripped like a sleeper would, wtih a blade. We had an Arcanthus from our intelegance unit take a look, she screamed and hasn't said anything but "Stop" since."
(3) General Samson: "She's being cared for in the hospital as well."
(5) Eve: "Are most of the victim's male?"
** (3) General Samson looks to Kurtis. "Just North east of Berlin is one of the towers, yes." **
(3) General Samson: "Four of the six."
(5) Eve: "It's likely Scavenge then. He's one of Diana's lackeys"
(5) Eve: "He has a long history of doing those sorts of things, especially to other men."
(3) General Samson: "I've had a feeling she was somewhat involved in this, but I was hoping I was wrong."
(5) Eve: "That does mean one good thing, if we suceed your problem will be solved"
(5) Eve: (Peeps I need to go to bed in about 15))
(4) Dante: (( Yaaaaaar ))
(3) General Samson: "We have plenty of arms and equipment to spare if you need for this mission, I merely ask you don't turn the south-west sector into swiss cheese."
(5) Eve: ((No dante, bed not pirate.. bed))
(4) Dante: (( Ohhhhhhhh. ))
(3) General Samson: ((That's fine we can call it here if you want.))
(1) Kurtis: "Mm. I like cheese, and fried marshmellows." - to himself
(5) Eve: "We will do our best not to Sir."
** (4) Dante clears his throat. "Someone already is turning the sector into swiss cheese. We just need to fill the gaps and trap the rat." **
** (4) Dante relaxes his posture a bit, perhaps a bit antsy. **
(3) General Samson: "Alright then. Traeas, show them the armory!"
(3) Grunt: Sir!
(3) General Samson: "Good luck to the lot of you."
(1) Kurtis: "Alright, looks like we study the bodies with Eve's Death, to see what the killer looks like, so we can have a picture. Dante links Eve's mind to mine, I create a 3D fantasm, and we can analyze our opponent, recognize him, check out his weak points, maybe weaponry."
(4) Dante: "Thank you, sir. We will do our damnedest to stop this insanity."
** (4) Dante turns on his heel to listen to Kurtis. "That.. sounds pretty viable." **
(1) Kurtis: "As old school as it gets."
** (4) Dante nods once. **
(1) Kurtis: ((aaaand boxing out))
(1) Kurtis:
Powdered Sugar, Unglazed Donuts, Swiss Cheese, what else adds to the Mad Mix? Find out on next MAGE!

(4) Dante: I'll bring the chex mix!
(3) General Samson: Alright!
(2) Justin: Sweet.
(5) Eve: Chex mix nom nom nom
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 4 XP a piece, and 1 more if you tell me something you learned not to do.
(4) Dante: oyaaaaa
(1) Kurtis: I feel like exploding Justin's brain
(2) Justin: X}
(4) Dante: I learned not to ...... uhmmmm....
(4) Dante: I got nothin'
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: FAIL!
(4) Dante: Aside from not fall asleep during a session
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Maybe next week
(5) Eve: I learned that Tristin is heavier than he looks?... That Justin makes a good pack animal... and that he knows a lot more than one would think.
(1) Kurtis: What I actually learned today is: "Hollows can come in different arcana signatures, which can have its uses."
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: damnit, 5 total xp for you
(5) Eve: Hurray.
(4) Dante: I thought the catch was "learned not to do"
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Was not something -not to do- :(
(2) Justin: I learned not to say too much, people look at you funny and suspiciously. I learned not to be near Kurtis if he is pulling mana without pants on, if that ever happens.
(4) Dante: God I freaking hope not
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Lol!
(4) Dante: I learned not to overpower spells intentionally.
(4) Dante: That's for sure
(5) Eve: I learned not to carry Tristin around cause he's heavier then he looks?
(5) Eve: :P
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Okay
(1) Kurtis: I learned to never let Justin touch my cocaine or anything on my person.
(4) Dante: lmao
(1) Kurtis: Dante is my new cocaine
(5) Eve: I also learned not to park my rental van anywhere in Eastern Europe :P
(2) Justin: I learned not to tell anybody when I get to Matter 4 and am capable of casting spells on solid objects at Sensory range.
(1) Kurtis: Much better, you should try it, so good you could make it a cocaine brand
(4) Dante: Fuck yerrrr
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Also, Robin gets no Xp for not being here, but 1 WP for being lazy.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Per her sloth vice.
(2) Justin: I was lazy!
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: But she has max Wp so it poofs.
(5) Eve: Nope we made her use the compass :P
(1) Kurtis: Oh fine mister Justin. I learned to toss a fireball at Justin each time he casts a transmutation :P
** (2) Justin takes the poofed wp. **
(4) Dante: You turned cocaine into sugar. That is not lazy, Mr. Modern Jesus
(2) Justin: hehehe.
(5) Eve: Besides your vice is soooo not sloth, you don't play like a sloth
** (2) Justin can't wait until he gets high enough life to spoil any high **
(1) Kurtis: I so earned my lust WP
(2) Justin: I'm using sloth as cowardice.
(4) Dante: >.> Mind is crazy cool like that
(2) Justin: Since that was a synonym.
** (5) Eve plans on being nowhere near him when he tries that on Kurtis... **
(4) Dante: Yyyyeah.
(1) Kurtis: I... i... i will tie Justin to a chair and force him to watch me explode a mormon church.
(1) Kurtis: With Optimus Prime
(4) Dante: Kurtis, just create Optimus Prie
(4) Dante: Yes
(5) Eve: XD!!!!!
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: He's Jewish
(4) Dante: So, what does Gnosis 4 run at EXP-wise?
(4) Dante: Cuz.. I haven't bought anything in like 4 sessions
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Also half a Lenny Krazitz
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Who's fault is that?
(5) Eve: Which half top or bottom?
(5) Eve: ;)
(1) Kurtis: gnosis 4 = 8x4 = 32
(4) Dante: Bah.
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 6 xp per dot on gnosis?
(4) Dante: Not even close
(1) Kurtis: 8xp
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: 8, okay
(1) Kurtis: my exp = 6+5=11
(4) Dante: And what about Occult 3?
(5) Eve: 3 x new level
(1) Kurtis: skills = 3 x dot
(4) Dante: So.... that doesnt help, really. No books
(4) Dante: Wait, its universal?
(4) Dante: 3 x dot?
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: WE HAVE DA BOOKS!
(1) Kurtis: yes Dante, skills are 3 x new dot
(4) Dante: So occult 3 is 3x3 = 9
(5) Eve: right.
(1) Kurtis: whats your occult now?
** (4) Dante buys **
(2) Justin: So.. is it 6xdot in order to buy a new point in an arcana that is in your path?
(5) Eve: Attributes are 5 x new level
(4) Dante: Its 2......
(1) Kurtis: right so 9 exp buys u 3
(1) Kurtis: yes Justin
(5) Eve: right Justin.
(4) Dante: yes... I've been saying occult 3 the whole time XD
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: Dante 15 XP left
(4) Dante: Yar.
(1) Kurtis: 6x primary 7x normal 8x inferior 5x stat 3x skill 3exp specialty
(5) Eve: Right.
(4) Dante: Keepin' tha rest o' me booty, lads and lasses. Needa start savin' up me ol' experience pool
(5) Eve: Bed now, by guys.
(4) Dante: Niiiiight
(3) GM- Eyenoyoursecrets: g'night
(5) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Eve (exit): 23:41
(2) Justin: Sweet.
(2) Justin: Buying a point in Life.
(2) Justin: I'm down to 0 xp.
(4) Dante: What life level?
(4) Dante: 4?
(2) Justin: Tres.
(4) Dante: I thought you had life dominant over the others o.O
(2) Justin: Matter and Life are pretty much on the same track.
(2) Justin: And I'm leaving Spirit to sit in the back and cry.
(4) Dante: Good plan
(4) Dante: Spirit was so... well, RAVENS MAN, RAVENS