Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 20:27
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 20:27
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 20:28
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Justin Robertson (enter): 20:28
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Justin Robertson...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Konrad Knox...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Justin Robertson...
(2) Justin Robertson: Hmm, mayhaps I should change my name to just Justin.
(1) Konrad Knox: Alright
(2) Justin Robertson: Doesn't seem to be a trend to use first and last names.
(1) Konrad Knox: A few quick things. You might do a good bit of watching and listening today, because they arent at your location quite a bit, ok?
(2) Justin Robertson: Thats alright.
(1) Konrad Knox: You do get my attention now though.
(1) Konrad Knox: A few important scenes to run
(2) Justin Robertson: Hoorah.
(2) Justin Robertson: Okay, but first I'm going to need a refresher on how to change alias stuff.
(1) Konrad Knox: windows - alias lib
(2) Justin Robertson: Just need to know how to change the name.
(2) Justin Robertson: Yeah
(1) Konrad Knox: just make new name
(2) Justin: Much easier than I thought.
(2) Justin: Alrighty, I'm ready whenever you are.
(2) Justin: *dances for a box*

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

(1) Konrad Knox:
minibox: Justin. Somewhere near Budapest

(1) Konrad Knox: You're in the airplane, pretty much established going to Budapest, you have no idea what day/time it is.
(1) Konrad Knox: Your flight is gonna last 2 more hours. Anything you plan to do during it? Nothing is gonna happen to you on it
(2) Justin: No, Justin is merely going to sit back and think about what has happened so far, and fret over his journey to come.
(1) Konrad Knox: Alright. You arrive in Budapest, the unboarding methods are not quite USA, instead of a sleeve corridor, you get a little cart with stairs on it, which drives up to the plane. A rope line separates the open airfield from the crowd of arrival folks meeting their relatives
(1) Konrad Knox: Weather's warm, it's night time.
** (2) Justin stretches his legs, his eyes darting around the area, determining just how much security is around, and also keeping an eye out for the stewardess that he still is not sure is going to let him off the hook **
(1) Konrad Knox: The airfield is just the crowd, the attendants, and the technicians, the attendant seems to have let you off the hook. However, you see that two suits are looking hopefully to the airplane, smiling. One of them has a sign "Justin"
(2) Justin: Sense Danger
(1) Konrad Knox: roll it monkey
(2) Justin: I would like to roll it, it's a specialty of empathy that I have.
(1) Konrad Knox: wits+empathy+spec
(2) Justin: ((shiite one second, gotta open the character sheet))
(2) Justin: wits 2 emp 4 spec 1 = 7
(2) Justin: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 10, 2],9,7,2,6,6] = (2)
(2) Justin: ((believe that is actually 3))
(1) Konrad Knox: They seem to mean you well, they dont look threatening (correct, it is three)
** (2) Justin smiles at the welcoming, not quite expecting it, he descends down the staircase, and waves at the two men in suits **
(1) Nestor Feneghan: One of them is this guy
** (1) Nestor Feneghan approaches you and looks around **
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "You must be Justin?"
(2) Justin: "Yes, I'm Justin, how did you know I was coming here? Who are you?"
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "My name is Nestor. This is Bert" Bert nods, looking around, he seems to be a security guy, "Does the name Hannah Riley mean anything to you?"
** (2) Justin frowns at the question, looking around before answering **
(2) Justin: "Yes, the name is familiar to me.."
** (1) Nestor Feneghan looks around **
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "You aren't safe here, we need to get to the Hollow. I will explain everything. Come on, don't worry, we're friends."
** (1) Nestor Feneghan starts walking, Bert covers his rear, looking around casually **
** (2) Justin nods, and follows close behind, looking around at the altered world he is now set to live in, confused about the happenings around him **
(2) Justin: "Whats a Hollow?
(2) Justin: "
(1) Nestor Feneghan: "My my, I don't even know where to begin. You chap musta had a hell of a day, eh?"
(3) Anthony (enter): 20:46
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Anthony...
(4) No Name (enter): 20:46
(2) Justin: "Yes, you could say that.."
(1) Nestor Feneghan: ((Anthony, observation mode for now, new guy is not where you guys are))
(2) Justin: ((waves to everyone))
(1) Nestor Feneghan: ((Justin, continue in PMs))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) No Name...
(4) No Name: ((*waves*))
(4) No Name: ((Now I just need to get my friggin name back))
** (3) Anthony stands up **
** (3) Anthony sits down **
(3) Anthony: (( small wave anyway ))
whispering to Justin, "Wow. Well, I'm terrible sorry for your loss. Hannah told us what happened in Oregon"
** (4) No Name stands up **
** (4) No Name sits down **
(4) No Name: (( Delayed wave ))
(3) Anthony: (( took a w hile to get to the other side of hte arena I guess )
(4) No Name: ((It had to get to the nameless side of the stadium ))
(4) No Name: (( Exactly ))
(2) Justin: ((So, which one is No Name?))
(4) No Name: (( Dante Canavacciuolo ))
(2) Justin: ((Very nice to meet you!))
(4) No Name: (( Pleasure's all mine ))
(3) Anthony: (( oh yeah, I have 5 life now, forgot. been so long ))
(1) Nestor Feneghan: ((oh yeah, folks, new guy Jon. Jon, folks))
(1) Nestor Feneghan: Anthony, you once asked me "what is a Kalsu". Jon here is a Kalsu
(1) Nestor Feneghan: Kalsu is his UO drow character
(3) Anthony: drow? hmm
(2) Justin: Yes, that was me.
(4) No Name: Mkay. In need of two things. Player settings and a freaking name, hah.
(3) Anthony: (( for name type /nick MyName )
(4) Dante: Yeah
(3) Anthony: (( n/m you did ))
(4) Dante: ((Nah, found the big list of settings, lol))
(4) Dante: ((Well while we're revealing UO info, I'm Corulan. Mostly unknown for now))
(3) Not Dante: (( I basicaly only played UO in open Beta ))
(2) Justin: ((Ah, I see.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((I am Konrad Knives! surprise huh? No way!))
(3) Not Dante: (( I see said teh blind man to the deaf mute as he picked up his hammer and saw ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oooh, Tristin being late may give Claire her extra moments of nap and me time to finish off Justin))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i mean, start him off, of course, not... brutally finish him off... that would just be wrong))
(3) Tony Parrot: so to speak
(4) Dante: ((Awwww, okay))
(2) Justin: ((*is afraid now*))
(3) Tony Parrot: I presume you gave him a copy of MageSheet (r) ?
(2) Justin: Yes, that is all said and done.
(2) Justin: You're the one who wrote it right, Mr. Parrot? Very cool work.
(3) Tony Parrot: thx. has some things I shold fix/work on just never got motivated enough, works good enough *srhug*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony is also expert on OpenRpg, what i dont know, he does
(2) Justin: Very cool.
(3) Serpardum: <-- Normal nick>
(4) Dante: How late is Tristin? Do I have time for an errand?
(3) Serpardum: %lt-normal nick
(3) Serpardum: <- Normal nick
(3) Serpardum: so far is 10 mins late. not sure you phrased that right :D
(3) Serpardum: How late is tristin going to be?
(4) Dante: How late is Tristin running, is more what I was going for. But yes, that is what I was inferring, obviously improperly.
(3) Serpardum: Properly enough that I knew what you were trying to say and could make fun of it ^^
(4) Dante: lol
(4) Dante: Indeed.
(3) Serpardum: I'mt hinking of a css match while waiting :/
(3) Serpardum: anyone here have steam logged in so can tell me when he shows up?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Go for it guys, i will poke you when he shows
(4) Dante: I have Steam, but I dont have it installed
(3) Serpardum: I won't hear your poke unless it's in steam
(4) Dante: Okay, Konrad, send me a text message if he shows before I get back.
(4) Dante: I should only be 10 or 15
(3) Serpardum: ditto
(3) Serpardum: call me when he shows up ^^
(3) Serpardum: I'm getting better at css, am around 1/1 now finally
(5) Robin (enter): 21:14
(5) Robin: hi
** (2) Justin hugs robin **
(5) Robin: Justin?
(2) Justin: Jon
(2) Justin: You know me.
(2) Justin: Long hair.
(5) Robin: ...no?
(5) Robin: Johnathan?
(2) Justin: Si'
(5) Robin: Ah. Hi!
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Robin...
(5) Robin: Joan Howie?
** (1) Konrad Knox (GM) learns last name of the big Gen boss **
(2) Justin: Yes, Joan Howie.
(5) Robin: :)
(6) Clever Parental Pun (enter): 21:17
(2) Justin: XP
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Clever Parental Pun...
(6) Clever Parental Pun: JOAN HOWIE!
(2) Justin: JOAN HOWIE!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, claire waking up))
(6) Tristin: So, everyone but Claire is here?
(6) Tristin: + someone new
(6) Tristin: Whom I don't know... ever... didn't go to school with.... or intoduce to UO....
(2) Justin: Yes, exactly.
(2) Justin: No association whatsoever.
(4) Dante: Okay.
(2) Justin: I apologize, I'm hogging the GM.
(4) Dante: No, no. Feel free.
(7) Eve (enter): 21:30
(6) Clever Parental Pun: Hi
(7) Eve: nyah
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Eve...
(4) Dante: ((Hola, Senora Eve))
(2) Justin: Hey there.
(7) Eve: ((ello))
(1) Konrad Knox: I believe Claire is going to be sleeping, character handled as fragile cargo until woken up, in which case i wake the player up
(1) Konrad Knox: I thank all for patience, only a few more minutes
(4) Dante: Understood.
(1) Konrad Knox: latest we'll start is 10
(4) Dante: Stop being so formal =P
** (7) Eve looks like death and stuff with black goo in her eyes and such **
** (4) Dante is sufficiently creeped out by simply remembering **
(2) Justin: Don't let her fool you, it's actually liquid black licorice, dig in.
(4) Dante: YAY
(1) Konrad Knox: ja basikly like my wife here gonna keel over n' joo n00bs be patient
(1) Konrad Knox: informal enuff?
(4) Dante: Perfect for a GM
(4) Dante: At least, Mage GM.
** (7) Eve makes creepy zombie sounds just to scare Dante... kidding :) **
** (4) Dante uses a mind rote to go to his happy place **
** (7) Eve fills his happy place with inky blackness XD **
(4) Dante: Noooooooooooooooooooooo
** (4) Dante eats the liquid black licorice **
(2) Justin: Oh jesus.
(2) Justin: I'll be about ten minutes..
(5) Robin: Why?
(4) Dante: No worries.
(2) Justin: Shhhh...
(5) Robin: ....Every game...
(1) Konrad Knox: that is me in Claire's bra
(1) Konrad Knox: bite me
(1) Konrad Knox: i deny nothing!
** (7) Eve takes away the inky blackness and replaces it with the above image ftw **
(4) Dante: Oh gdear god, my eyes!!!
(7) Eve: ((and he's disturbingly sexy in it too...))
(4) Dante: XD
(5) Robin: lol
** (2) Justin taps **
(7) Eve: welcome to our insanity Bel, ya still wanna play with us :D
** (4) Dante leans over and whispers, "Is he tapping a creature or mana? I can't tell" **
(2) Justin: Of course I do.
(7) Eve: Excellent
(6) Clever Parental Pun: Artifact dante.
(4) Dante: Oh, okay.
(4) Dante: Is it an artifact land, or an artifact creature? >.>
(2) Justin: It is a creature that when tapped, adds one sexy mana to my mana pool.
(4) Dante: Oh crap, that works.
(7) Eve: but not sexy counters? or 1/1 sexy creatures?
** (7) Eve is now competely distracted by this new topic **
(7) Eve: I had a spike deck that did that once you know...
(4) Dante: So is it some kind of harvesting golem or something? Some sort of construction automaton?
(1) Konrad Knox: brb GM poo break
(4) Dante: Lovely.
(4) Dante: Don't make a mess.
(7) Eve: -flavor text- "Ohhh booooooys" *in a thick male russian accent*
** (4) Dante shudders **
(6) Tristin: Nightmares?
(7) Eve: mwahahahha
(4) Dante: I-I-I'm sorry, I don't have any money. And.. that's not the only reason.
(7) Eve: mmmkay... i'm gonna try and catch more sleepies so the
(7) Eve: "behaviorally challenges" "adolescent females" don't "Kill me" tomarrow
(7) Eve: Make KK wake me if anything terribly exciting happens... like my being alive again XD
(4) Dante: XD
(6) Tristin: hehe
(4) Dante: Will do.
** (7) Eve hunts down zzzzz's with a heliocopter Alaska wolf hunting style so the crazy teenage girls don't wreack havock with her psyche at work **
** (4) Dante scrolls the map screen all the way down **
(2) Justin: I call it as my miniature.
(4) Dante: Hahaha
(4) Dante: Oh noes
(2) Justin: I think Nestor has a thing for that sexy chick..
(4) Dante: All he does is stare. Its kinda creepy
(2) Justin: Agreed.
(4) Dante: Shouldn't we call someone?
(2) Justin: He ascended into the sixth, secret form of magic.
(2) Justin: Creepios.
(4) Dante: Hahaha
(4) Dante: Sounds like a failed breakfast cereal
(2) Justin: With Molestation and Stalking as it's two main paths.
(4) Dante: Oh crap. He's talented
(4) Dante: He also took Smugness and Staring Contest Champion as traits.
(2) Justin: The sunglasses are actually a merit.
(2) Justin: His path tool.
(4) Dante: Oh crap. We're all doomed!
(1) Konrad Knox: Folks?
(2) Justin: Yes?
(1) Konrad Knox: Everyone please give your characters visual descriptions, all except Eve and Tristin
(1) Konrad Knox: and Justin
(1) Konrad Knox: basicly Tony, Robin, Dante
(6) Tristin: Why not me?
(1) Konrad Knox: coz u suck
(2) Justin: Because I love you too much.
(2) Justin: Or that.
(2) Justin: Lets go with that.
(4) Dante: ))Uh... its been so long since I described him. And I dont have his desc. on this HDD. Lemme check logs real qucik))
(6) Tristin: Jokes on you, Rach is AFK
(2) Justin: S'okay, I'll just imagine her.
(5) Robin: Robin: 18 yrs. old with long brown hair and brown eyes. She has a slender figure and is currently dressed in a green sundress with a jacket over it....She also has a wooden leg and is prone to adding "Yarg." and the end of her sentences.
(5) Robin: Oh, and is a super badass with a baseball bat.
(2) Justin: Does she really have a wooden leg?
(5) Robin: No not really
(5) Robin: but it would be cool.
(2) Justin: Agreed.
(2) Justin: Oh crap, we have the same font color.
** (5) Robin is trying to remeber how to emote **
** (6) Tristin guesses she figured it out **
** (4) Dante is finding the irony in that **
** (2) Justin case **
(5) Robin: brb smoke break
(6) Tristin: *nods*
(4) Dante: Dante : Stands about six feet tall, with a slender build. He looks to be about 25 years of age. His jet black hair is pulled back into a ponytail and his hazel eyes accent a long, slender face in a dull manner. He has a small goatee and a bit of stubble, partially due to the current cross-country trek. Currently wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans, with a long jacket ((I think))
(2) Justin: Gracias.
** (4) Dante shrugs. **
(4) Dante: I'm just disappointed that I had to locate my character info (thanks KK) in order to remember him properly. Been too long.
(2) Justin: Since September right?
(4) Dante: Has it been that long? God.
(4) Dante: October 15 was our last session
(3) Serpardum: Hmm.. 11:10
(3) Serpardum: oh, we all here? you never called
(2) Justin: Tristen and Robin are on a smoke break.
(4) Dante: He didnt call me either =P
(3) Serpardum: Tony Parrot stands just shy of 6' He is wearing an expensive italian suit which looks like it has been slept in repeatedly. His eyes never seem to settle on any one thing but dart around constantly. You do not notice a parrot on his shoulder.
(4) Dante: *his mere presence fills you with a sense of DREAD*
(4) Dante: >.>
(2) Justin: I'll keep it in mind.
(4) Dante: Please don't =P
(3) Serpardum: You do not notice this now, but when Tony casts magic his (umbra?) seems to be a deep jungle with wild animal calls
(4) Dante: You do not notice this now, but our fate is determined by a giant gray BOX, of which the contents spell out our future.
(2) Justin: I'm aware of that one.
(2) Justin: And you must dance to please the BOX gods.
(2) Justin: And therefore be awarded by the beginning of the game session.
(3) Serpardum: So we were all in a van heading toward the border, righrt?
(6) Tristin: Ahh just like my ancestors
(4) Dante: I'm on a motorcycle following up with the van, I think?
(5) Robin: back now
(1) Konrad Knox: Justin, feel free to read their descriptions
whispering to Tristin, you dont get to describe self becoz of occultation
(6) Tristin: Ino?
(3) Serpardum: ?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Okay
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I believe I r ready for boxing in
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lets seeeeee
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Last session we did....
(6) Tristin: Cosplay 7 is Ino from Guilty Gear X if I'm not mistaken
(3) Serpardum: dunno where it comes from
(4) Dante: Cosplay 19 wins.
(6) Tristin: Image search for Ino renders a bunch of sluty Naruto fan-pics =/
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, turns out im missing a session in the logs
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lemme upload it
(4) Dante: Thought so. Session 13 seemed pretty old.
(6) Tristin: 20 wins
(3) Serpardum: Konrad took that picgture of me
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok.... we ready to begin finally
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Feel free to go to here: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Session14k.html
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): to refresh memory
(3) Serpardum: I have it listed as me having 10 mana, that seems wrong
(3) Serpardum: or did we find a place to recharge?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): gangbangers tried to steal your van but u got it back, 40 miles till border
(6) Tristin: "gangbangers" tried to steal Eve
(6) Tristin: XD
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Nope, no recharge, action pretty much continues
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): necrophiliac gangbangers?
(3) Serpardum: what do you have my mana listed as?
(6) Tristin: She's death, not dead
(3) Serpardum: I see as I"m hurt 3 boxes
(7) Eve: important distinction there yes
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, i have listed as having 3 mana
(3) Serpardum: how much health?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and hurt 3 boxes
(3) Serpardum: kay
** (7) Eve goes back to sleeping like death :D **
(3) Serpardum: oh yeah, eve was comatose
(3) Serpardum: I tried to figure out what was wrong and couldn't, only that she was like hurt from death power
(3) Serpardum: (( let that be a lesson to you, don't lie to the GM ^^ ))
(3) Serpardum: (( ahh, yes, black goo gurl ))_
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, overcasted a spell and when prompted to redo it, decided she wanted it how it was, agreeing to pay ingame price
(3) Serpardum: (( I didnt' evcen realize I had toaken my self in that picture too ))
(4) Dante: (( So, is Tom still in the van, unconscious, or did we kick him out the door? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright... lets do it
(3) Serpardum: (( who is tom? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((go figrue dante))
(3) Serpardum: (( someone was in a car ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Mage The Awakening: Season 2 Episode 15! Crossing the Border... or are they?

(3) Serpardum: (( dante's on bike ))
(4) Dante: (( @ Konrad - lol ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((serp forgot his best friend, Tom the Raven. It was really a random raven i threw in to dramatically fly in the sky when the lightning hit, but you decided to talk to him to ask directions :D))
(3) Serpardum: "Hmm.. she's a little ganged up. I could try to heal her bruises, but it would take some mana and I'm running very low. Not sure how many more spells I can cast. She'll heal nagtrually in half an hour or so anyway."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((to which of course, he just said random bullshit))
(3) Serpardum: (( oh yeahy. lol ))
(3) Serpardum: "If you happen to find any hollow's please stop."
(3) Serpardum: (( hollows, not hollow's ))
** (5) Robin nods **
(3) Serpardum: 'Well, I think we won't get across the border easily with eve in this condition."
(6) Tristin: "Unless it looks tired, don't need to fight a headless horseman."
(3) Serpardum: "I wonder, was the headless horseman a death mage?"
(3) Serpardum: "Well, any plans people?"
** (4) Dante follows the van from a moderate distance along the road, glancing at his surroundings periodically. The tie in his hair cuts free and his mid-back length hair comes loose from its ponytail, a bushy mass in need of showering, probably like the rest of him. **
(3) Serpardum: "I could use up some mana to turn into something to fly or run over teh boarder, but running very low on quientessence like I said."
(3) Serpardum: "How about putting a sep field on the entire van?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Who is driving the van?
(5) Robin: ((i still am))
(6) Tristin: ((Robin))
(3) Serpardum: (( looks like tristin ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, Robin driving youre in good hands))
(4) Dante: (( It was never determined. Tristin stopped the van, then afterwards no driver was specified))
(6) Tristin: ((Tristin wouldn't have driven...))
(4) Dante: ((Drive skill 0))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin driving is a bad idea, ever))
(3) Serpardum: (( how much exp you have me as konrad? ))
(4) Dante: ((No amount of lucky rolls would change that, yeah))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((14))
(6) Tristin: ((Road rage extream))
(3) Serpardum: (( kay, that's right. strange tgat mana didn't store right ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( maybe a misclick))
(3) Serpardum: (( maybe ))
(3) Serpardum: "Okay, we still have our fake passports, right?"
(3) Serpardum: "But with eve out like this they're going to ask questios. So how about sep field on eve at least?"
(3) Serpardum: "or even invisibility"
(4) Dante: (( I dont think we have the comm radios still, do we? ))
(3) Serpardum: (( that is mind and who is the mind mage? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The van approaches the borderline, there is a large populated parking lot with restrooms and visitor center, lots of cars here, border guards, ID check security gate, full load out. Map sketch incoming
(3) Serpardum: (( robin ain't it? ))
** (4) Dante swerves the motorcycle to the side a bit so he can see down the road, past the van. He looks into the distance, then returns to his position behind the van the rest of the group is travelling in. **
(5) Robin: ((i have mind 4, dante has 5))
(4) Dante: (( 4 ))
(4) Dante: ((And I'm talking about the actual radios, not a spell))
(5) Robin: ((oh))
(4) Dante: (( 2tanks2strings))
(3) Serpardum: (( I dont' remember having radios. ))
(4) Dante: (( We had them during the convoy. ))
(3) Serpardum: (( but then it was, what, half a year since we playd/ ^^ ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): pink is fence, goes all around the mountains, electric fence, projector lights everywhere. guard towers and passport control are the gate thingies, the brown buildings are rest area, visitor center, drinking fountains and benches. Parking lot with many cars and people there
(3) Serpardum: (( oh right, the military radio in the... van. hmm ))
(4) Dante: (( 4 months, almost to the day ))
(3) Serpardum: (( so 1/3 of a year ))
(4) Dante: ((We had communcation radios between each other too as I recall, not just the main radio that Eve altered))
(3) Serpardum: (( where would we have gotten them? You may be right, I dont' remember ))
(4) Dante: (( The gas station we filled up at, I think. Not sure if we actually did buy them or not though ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((I believe your minds were linked via Robin's mind router?))
(3) Serpardum: (( yeah ))
(4) Dante: (( Robin and I had a connection at some point, but isnt a mind network a 5? ))
(3) Serpardum: (( you can do it at 4 but more rolls and mana ))
(3) Serpardum: (( hgarder at 4, you do it a different way I seem to recall ))
(4) Dante: ((Setting them up individually? Not sure))
(3) Serpardum: (( +1 tn for each new person or something ))
(3) Serpardum: (( ... ))
** (5) Robin focuses her mind on bringing out the van's average qualities. Making it most ordinary and undistinctive to any one. ((im casting icoognito on teh van if I can gnosis 3+mind4)) **
(5) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,9,5,5,1,8,7] = (2)
(5) Robin: ((take some penalties if you wanna pg 210))
(5) Robin: (( err 208))
(3) Serpardum: (( split the difference, 209 ))
** (3) Serpardum tries to determine what is wrong with eve and what he can do about it. He knows that it's an effect caused by death magic gone awray(sp?) that has fed back into her corporal body. Tony is tryign to detemine if it is a permanent thing, or is fading in time. **
(3) Serpardum: (( gnosis + life? minus? ))
(3) Serpardum: (( I have medicine knowldege, no occult though ))
(5) Robin: ((damn my gnosis is 4))
(5) Robin: ((not 3))
(3) Serpardum: (( I have my wisdom listed at 7. Was it lowered to 6? don't remember ))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,7,8,9,9,5,9] = (5)
(5) Robin: ((woot!))
(3) Serpardum: (( O.o ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, your derangement of fear of shattering glass))
(3) Serpardum: (( yeah, strange it didn't save, but then this is a new compouter. I think. ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, Robin and Dante, you can use rote Telepathy to link several minds into 1 to 1 links to yourself, but you have to rethink everyone's thoughts individually. And it is a -2 for each extra individual, like you and 2 others at -2, you and three others at -4))
(5) Robin: ((not a rote of mine))
(4) Dante: (( My only question then is.. is the telepathic connection between Robin and I still up from a previous session? Or is it now down?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((right, but you can improv it with gnosis))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((its up))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((thoughts go in cursive))
(4) Dante: ((We established a connection in sesison 12, at the gas station. Oh, okay))
(6) Tristin: ((You maen italics?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I am thinking a thought
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
** (4) Dante tries to call out to Robin, testing the link between them **
(4) Dante: Robin?
(5) Robin: hmm?
(4) Dante: I saw the border up ahead, what is everyone planning?
** (3) Serpardum continutes to study Eve **
(5) Robin: I tried casting something to make the van stand oh less, but other than that no plans have been made. Should we turn in up here before the gate?
(3) Serpardum: (( oh, wait, her eyes are up there ))
(3) Serpardum: (( hmm... no one made bathroom break at the resteraunt did they? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you can easily monitor her vitals, they are stable. In your book you find examples of arcana overload, which is a condition that is not permanent in 50% of cases, and in 25% of cases ends on its own, by the Mage's willpower waking up, and in other cases, a spike of the overload arcanum, in this case Death, may awaken her. In other words, 25% chance that a death spell casted near her powerfully enough can reboot her.
(4) Dante: it might be a good idea to stop at the center there before the checkpoint. But I'm sure if we mask our presence we can go unnoticed.
(6) Tristin: ((No, but I can pee in the van, then rewind time and none of you will know the wiser))
(3) Serpardum: "Hmm.. anyone know any death arcana? That might wake her up."
(4) Dante: ((Do it!))
(3) Serpardum: (( hmm. the pee wouldn't be there anymore either. ))
(5) Robin: ((Id blame eve on the smell, how long can she hold it all unconcious anyways?)))
(4) Dante: ((Only a person and memories are sent back, I thought))
(3) Serpardum: (( no, because he rewound time, the pee never existed ))
(3) Serpardum: (( but his body pee free goes back in time. Pee disappears. ))
** (5) Robin turns into the area before the gate. **
(3) Serpardum: (( hmm.. violates one of hte laws of thermodynamics. ))
(4) Dante: (( Its magical pee of timeshifting! ))
(6) Tristin: ((Yup))
** (4) Dante follows the van closely, parking behind it so it is unnoticeable from the border gate. **
(3) Serpardum: (( that matter or energy can not be created or destroyed, just converted. Maybe the pee goes into mana to send him back in time ^^ ))
** (3) Serpardum looks up, "Oh, we stoppoing? Good. I gotta take a bathroom break." **
(4) Dante: (( In a world of complete unreality existing amidst reality, we're discussing how laws of normality apply? ))
** (3) Serpardum looks out the windows to make sure everthing is clear before he hops out the back of hte van and heads toward the bathroom. **
(3) Serpardum: (( which red blob is the basthroom? ))
** (5) Robin cuts the engine, and unrolls the window. Looking at Dante, "So what are we doing to get through?" **
** (4) Dante dismounts from the bike, stretching his legs and arms tensely. He runs a hand through the bushy mass of black hair on his head and sighs a bit, wishing he could take a shower. **
** (4) Dante walks up to the driver side of the van and shrugs. **
(4) Dante: "I don't really know. We could simply try masking our presence entirely, but we'd still have to open that gate."
** (4) Dante looks to the fencing, trying to determine how far out it goes and observing the environment around it, more specifically, if it can be driven on safely. **
** (3) Serpardum finds the bathroom and can't figure out which is the mens and which is the womans. Tony shrugs and picks one at random. Ugh, it stinks like stale urine, must be the mens **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the one further from the border is the bathrooms and drinking fountains))
(6) Tristin: "You don't mave to make us invisible, just make it so we don't get questioned or anything."
** (4) Dante recalls the other power stirring within him, a lesser power he has not yet tested. He looks out to the fencing, analyzing it closely, looking at every angle in an attempt to locate the ending point of the fence. **
** (6) Tristin gets out of the van and uses the restroom as well **
** (3) Serpardum thinks to do life sight to see how many germs are in the bathroom but realizes that, in fact, he deson't want to know. **
(4) Dante: ((Space 2, Gnosis 4 to determine length of fence?))
(4) Dante: ((Err, gnosis 3))
(3) Serpardum: (( shoot, this still has me listed as gnosis 3. Didn't I raise it to 4 or 5 or soemthign? ugh. ))
(3) Serpardum: (( or maybe it is still 3. ))
(4) Dante: (( All I remember is life 5 ))
(3) Serpardum: (( send me my char sheet please kornad ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante roll it
(2) Justin: ((lol Kornad))
(4) Dante: ((First integer is 6 then? Or 8?))
(5) Robin: 6
(3) Serpardum: (( gnosis + arcana ))
(4) Dante: [?{i} d10.open(10).vs(?)
(4) Dante: ((Oops))
(4) Dante: ((That is clearly wrong formula))
(3) Serpardum: (( should be () and not {} ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no, it works for me))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((first integer is your pool, second is 8))
(4) Dante: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,4,9,3,9] = (3)
(4) Dante: ((Problem was ending bracket not being there))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(7) Eve' from server... Removing dead client
(7) Eve (exit): 23:26
(6) Tristin: ouch
(6) Tristin: }{}{
(6) Tristin: ((And it's death, not dead, stupid server!))
(9) Eve (enter): 23:27
(4) Dante: ((I was thinking the same thing. Dead client = understatement))
(3) Serpardum: (( you put me in an order konrad. Those check boxes to left of skills are order skills ))
** (6) Tristin finishes with the toilet, washes and goes back to the van **
(6) Tristin: ((Oh, I was useing them to remind me I had specializations in them))
** (3) Serpardum finsihes up, goes to wash up and see that the sink is gone, only naked plumbing there. Tony looks at his hands with life magic seeing not too many germs and leaves teh bathroom **
** (4) Dante is attempting to determine an ending point to the electrified fence, using the spell previously cast. **
(3) Serpardum: (( not you, me ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the fence is going offroad, and then up the hills, its grassland on the left side of the gate and mountainous temperate forest on the right, on the right you'd have to climb rocks, but as you can clearly map out, the rocks are easily visible from watch towers and from gates themselves, the passport control personel even would be able to spot someone climbing, unless you backtrack along the highway and get on the mountain from its rear side. The left side is of more avail, it is grassland that can be walked, but also in clear sight. The fence goes on at least 100 yards, which seems to be the limit of your sensual perception
(3) Serpardum: (( but what they mean is if you are a member of an order you get 1 more die for order skills ))
(3) Serpardum: (( but you can use them for wever you want I guess \^^ ))
(3) Serpardum: (( sensual perception.. wasn't that the name of a pron? ))
** (4) Dante sighs to himself at his observations and turns back to the visitor center. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh. I totally used them differently, i used them to mark skils with specialties in em :D feel free to remove em))
** (3) Serpardum looiks at the guard house. How many gaurds? **
(3) Serpardum: ( I'm jsut letting you know why they're there. you can use them for whatever. and yeah, I totoally missed the specialities. not sure how to deal with them ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): guards are coming on to the map, courtesy of Anthony
** (3) Serpardum goes back tot he van and whispers. "You know, I can probably just make them go to sleep then we go past and they'll wake up and think they just slept on duty." **
(3) Serpardum: "Of course it will take mana and is most likely vulgar. "
** (4) Dante looks to Tony and ponders for a moment. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yellow dots are guards
(6) Tristin: ((More of a baige))
(4) Dante: "I think it'd be safer to simply spoof the checkpoint, either disguised or completely unnoticeable."
(3) Serpardum: (( WT??? that many ))
(3) Serpardum: "Umm. hjere are a LOT of guards there."
(3) Serpardum: "I count about 25"
** (4) Dante looks to the gate and the control centers and nods, not keeping an eye on the gate for too long. **
(3) Serpardum: "Now, you know they are looking for us. So this is a problem."
(3) Serpardum: "The sep field on the van may help."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the two along the fences are walking around, the two inside each circles are actually on towers, looking out, the ones inside the squares are relaxing, watching monitors, drinking coffee, talking, printing reports, etc etc. The ones outside of pink buildings are on the highway checking cars, passports
(4) Dante: ((The matrix of 4 guards are clearly sitting at a table, eating donuts))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup))
(3) Serpardum: (( hey, this is, what, german? eating snitshel ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this is hungarian))
(4) Dante: ((Since when is it German?))
(3) Serpardum: "To bad someone isn't a master of forces. then we could jsut fly the van over."
(5) Robin: ((I already rolled for icognito on the van and got no responce from gm))
(4) Dante: "Fly the van over? And be noticed by the watch towers?"
(5) Robin: ((like before we pulled in this area))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh, it succeeded, it works))
(3) Serpardum: (( iut was incongnitoes I'm sure ))
(5) Robin: \((ty))
(4) Dante: ((It better work, she got a 5 =P))
(3) Serpardum: "Well, can you cast incognito on the driver and passenger also and the rest of us will sit in back
(3) Serpardum: "If what they can see is incognito they probably won't even look in back."
(3) Serpardum: "Not sure how you'll get their attention to open teh gates though if you're incognitoed."
(5) Robin: ((I should already have it u on myself from last game))
(3) Serpardum: (( I think Istill have life shield up right? I cast it in morning ))
(4) Dante: ((Dropped incognito as we fled from the convoy at a speeding rate as I recall, right before the Tom Raven scene))
(5) Robin: ((# of spells up at once is equal to gnosis, right?))
(3) Serpardum: (( that you can maintain, yes. ))
(5) Robin: ((sah))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Unless there is a mage around, Robin, if you roll over 3 on icognito, it pretty much bypasses any sleeper so feel free to RP it as success))
(3) Serpardum: (( your stamina determins how many you can have cast on you before you start taking penalties ))
(3) Serpardum: (( 5 is a critical success too. we're getting high enough arcana and gnosis that our rolls are getting a lot of crit successes ))
(3) Serpardum: "So, incognito on van. Umm. adng it. where's the van?"
** (3) Serpardum tries to find the van but can't. Just his friends standing arond. He tries to look where he thought the van was parked but his eyes just roll over the area and see nothing special **
** (4) Dante walks casually over to his motorcycle and mounts it, then looks to the gate. How many cars are waiting to pass through? **
(3) Serpardum: "Can you take me to teh van please/"
** (5) Robin pulls her hair back, slouches a little. To you her hair seems less shiny, more boring. quite the opposite of eye candy. A plain expression streatches across her face. **
** (3) Serpardum makes it to the back of the van eventually and lays down and relaxes **
** (5) Robin rolls the window up. "I guess we're ready?" **
(4) Dante: Right. I'm just going to try to mask myself real quick and I'll be ready.
(5) Robin: ((icognito is up for me now))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): there is a steady intake of cars, highway pretty much backed up for half a mile, but there is a special lane for those pulling out of parking lot. 10 cars in it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Some lady is arguing with the controller about her visa and passport. They're pointing into the papers, shaking their heads, she drives a blue minivan
** (4) Dante concentrates on the greater power flowing within him. He pulls at the reality around him through sheer will, attempting to mask his appearance, hoping to make himself seem unnoteworthy. **
(4) Dante: ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 3 = 7))
(4) Dante: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,5,5,9,3,8] = (2)
** (3) Serpardum stares at the ceiling while talking to his parrot using his special bond. "I spy with my inner eye something that is... black!" **
(4) Dante: (( Eve! *caws* ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the spell seems to work. You guys don't notice anything.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): neither do you notice Dante
(1) Uchawi: "Eve Kline?"
(3) Serpardum: Your turn
(5) Robin: Do you want to drive through first, or should i?
(1) Uchawi: "I spy with my little eye an insignia of a possible free council hollow"
(3) Serpardum: Wait, what? Where!?!
(5) Robin: ((whos in assenger's seat?))
(5) Robin: ((hehe ass))
(3) Serpardum: (( ASSengers seat? lawl ))
(6) Tristin: ((I think it was Eve?))
(4) Dante: Could get ugly either way if my spell isn't effective enough.
(3) Serpardum: (( eve is unconscoius in the back ))
(6) Tristin: ((T's in the back))
(5) Robin: "Okay, someone drag Eve in the back..."
(3) Serpardum: (( she's been in the back ))
(5) Robin: ((So everyones in the back except me?))
(3) Serpardum: (( well, I'm looking over ever ))
(4) Dante: ((They're partying without you. Let's roll))
(6) Tristin: ((Tristin sat in the very back to read))
(3) Serpardum: Where do you see the insignia?
** (1) Uchawi flies over to the display stand at the visitor center, it has miniature wooden shelves with dozens of brochures in them. Uchawi picks up one brochure. It is an advertisement of a singing lounge and bar "At The Bottom Of The Ocean" is the name of the place. Sure thing, a Free Council rune straight out of the book is decorating the neon sign above the entrance, cleverly intergrated into the ornate letter "O" in the "Of" **
(3) Serpardum: "Hang on, might be hollow"
(3) Serpardum: "don't go yet"
(1) Uchawi: The brochure is in Hungarian
(3) Serpardum: Bring it here please.
(6) Tristin: ((Good thing Uchawi speaks Hungarian))
** (1) Uchawi brings it to you **
(1) Uchawi: ((He does not))
(3) Serpardum: "
(3) Serpardum: "Can oe of you read hungarian? Isnt' there some jedi mind trick that lets you read other languages?"
** (3) Serpardum hands hte brocure to Robin **
(1) Uchawi: "I do not possess it, Tony, but that looks like surely their rune to me."
** (5) Robin takes the brocure and studies it. **
(5) Robin: ((universal language mind4 gnosis4))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,6,6,2,8,3,2] = (2)
** (5) Robin flips through the pages trying to understand the writing **
** (4) Dante starts the engine of the motorcycle and revs it a bit in place. **
(3) Serpardum: "Is it over in Hungary or here?"
(3) Serpardum: (( in whatever country we're in. I forget. Rome? ))
(3) Serpardum: (( er, italy ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you are now in Slovenia, on border with Hungary))
(3) Serpardum: (( can she read it? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, the lounge and bar and restaraunt is located in Budapest, it's a popular spot and you get exact address
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, takes me time to process stuff))
(3) Serpardum: (( Budapest. hmm.. where's that. ))
(4) Dante: (( Hungary.. ))
** (5) Robin hands the pamplet back, "Uh Budapest, I'm sure" **
(3) Serpardum: "I think we should head there wherever it is. We need quentessence.
(3) Serpardum: "Kay. Should be our next stop. ""
** (5) Robin turns over the engine. **
(3) Serpardum: "At least we can get soem qintesennceback. Too bad we don't have any prime mages with us."
** (4) Dante listens to the van and lets out a relieved sigh. **
** (3) Serpardum lays back down Very good Uchawi, well done. Tony feeds Ucawi some nuts **
(4) Dante: Are we getting in line yet? There's quite a few cars before us.
(5) Robin: There might be a hollow in budapest
(4) Dante: A hollow? What is that?
(5) Robin: yeah lets go.
(5) Robin: Uhh, a safe place to regain ourselves. I'll explain more later.
(4) Dante: Okay, explain later. We'll look suspicious just sitting here idling.
** (5) Robin pulls out of the parking lot and gets inline **
** (4) Dante follows the van closely behind to ensure they don't get divided. **
** (3) Serpardum lays down in the back and thinks happy thoughts. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you get in line, eventually your car is next. The car behind you has an elderly gentleman with 3 dogs. They check his passport and motion him to move along, he drives, and the guards motion you too move along too, assuming you're his escort
** (5) Robin follows through casually **
** (4) Dante attempts to follow, noticing the van making its way through the border check. **
(6) Tristin: "What the??? Fucking sweet!"
(5) Robin: "Shhh..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the guard doesnt even look at you, just nods and keeps the gate open, motioning to move along
** (3) Serpardum starts singing, "Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful..." **
** (4) Dante nods in return to the guard and proceeds cautiously onward, keeping pace with the van. **
(3) Serpardum: (( j/k there ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You ride into the temperate pine forests of Hungary, traffic patterns change, pickup their intensity, and... you spend 3 more hours on the road... anything you folks wanna do before you hit the grand city of Budapest?
(6) Tristin: ((Toke up?))
(3) Serpardum: (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_v468ptuXw ))
** (4) Dante watches the change of scenery, relieved at the new landscape **
** (3) Serpardum relaxes and keeps an eye on eve, "When we get to the hollow we want to find a death mage. It is priority" **
(3) Serpardum: "There is a twenty five percent chance we can kick start Eve back up with death magic."
(6) Tristin: "We're not turning her into a zombie are we?"
(6) Tristin: ((Graaaaaaaaains))
(3) Serpardum: "No, she has arcana overload."
(3) Serpardum: "She over extended herself. And it kicked back on her."
(5) Robin: I'll head towards the hollow once in budapest.
(3) Serpardum: "There is a fifty percent chance she'll get better on her own. Twenty five percent chance we can kick start her back with death magic. Leaving 25 percent chance she'll be like this forever."
(6) Tristin: "Hmm, sounds more like a Prime mage's job to me but.." *shrugs*
(3) Serpardum: "Well, you can read about it in the book a bit."
(3) Serpardum: "If the prime knows death magic that would be optimal I think."
(3) Serpardum: "A prime mage knowing occult and death magic would be our best bet."
(3) Serpardum: "or death mage knowing prime. I guess."
(3) Serpardum: "Or she can wait a few years while I learn death" Tony scowls
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You enter streets of Budapest, a beautiful city, architectural style of rennaissance influenced by Barroque (sp?), streets are woundy and hard to navigate, but not to Robin or Dante who read the street signs as if they were plain Atlantean
(4) Dante: (( +5 points for GM knowing that word. ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((mood picture incoming))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((anyone can see that?))
(6) Tristin: yup
(2) Justin: (( I can))
(6) Tristin: }{}{
(3) Serpardum: (( aye ))
** (4) Dante continues to follow the van through the beautiful streets, observing all the sights, signs, and citizens. If one were to see him, he might seem a bit like a tourist, a messy, smelly, unbathed tourist. **
(4) Dante: (( I see only the rank 5 stalker ))
(4) Dante: ((No, now a white bar))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((scroll up/down?))
(5) Robin: ((Mind/space mage=ultimate stalker))
(4) Dante: (( Was odd. I clicked it and it went to normal))
(3) Serpardum: (( throw in some forces too jsut for flying from rooftop to rooftop ))
(5) Robin: ((naw id sjust teleport))
(3) Serpardum: (( like in jumpers ))
(3) Serpardum: (( too bad it takes mana to teleport ))
(5) Robin: ((I still havent seen it))
(4) Dante: (( Or any movie/game about magic ))
(3) Serpardum: (( or you could do like in jumpers ))
(3) Serpardum: (( it is dEFINATLEY like mage based ))
(3) Serpardum: (( All I could think was, daaaang, they got space mage dead on ))
(3) Serpardum: (( gave some good ideas for campaigns too ))
(4) Dante: So this is Budapest then. Now, to find that... hollow.
** (3) Serpardum glances up at the streets and cringes at how close the van is getting to poles, sides of buildings, other cars. Then he casts space sight **
(3) Serpardum: space mage sight - gnosis 3 + space 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,2,2,6] = (0)
** (3) Serpardum and cringes even more **
(3) Serpardum: (( ... ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You traverse the windy streets and eventually find the place you were looking for, though it seems it's been renamed to Ocean's Depths, the title is in english, and the O stays the same, the insignia of Free Council. Unmistakably this is the place. You see people coming in and going out, your typical city crowd, businessmen, lackeys, pimps, dealers, average joes, high class ladies, drugged up chicks, gentlemen and punks, but the dominating majority are people well dressed, suits and bow ties, a rare few in tuxedoes. You feel the spirit of safety and freedom here. You all feel a large presense of magic, even without Prime. Some of these people are mages, and you can feel a gentle tingle tingle now and then often. These Mages work hard and risk their lives every day to open magic to the world, and they have many enemies. You encouter a powerful ward over the place, suppressing harmful use of your magics, applying to all arcana
** (4) Dante pulls up a bit closer to the van, not paying as much attention to the road and moreso on the scenery. **
** (3) Serpardum looks up, "Looks like the place for sure." **
(3) Serpardum: "We need to find an honest death mage. Or the equivalent."
** (5) Robin finds parking. **
** (1) Man in Black at the club entrance is checking reservations and letting people through, some he greets with a handshake **
** (4) Dante cuts the engine after parking nearby and stares in awe of the structure, feeling the arcana flow freely about the area. A sense of warmth washes over him, one of comfort unexplicable to himself. He runs a hand through his roughed-up hair and takes a few steps toward the building, nearing the man at the club entrance. **
(6) Tristin: "I doubt we slip pass this guy..."
(3) Tony: (( lets see, life 5, spirit 3, space 1, time 1. Nopoe, no prime ))
(3) Tony: "I don't think we'll ahve problem. Hope he speaks english."
** (3) Tony gets out of the van and attempts to smooth out the worst of the wrinkles out of his new suit, with little success. **
(6) Tristin: "Bet he speaks atlantian..."
** (5) Robin shrugs and follows behind dante **
** (1) Man in Black notices Dante **
** (3) Tony follows behind robin **
(1) Man in Black: "Good evening."
(3) Tony: "Er, wait."
(6) Tristin: "Follows behind the rest."
(3) Tony: "I dont' know if we should leave eve alone."
(6) Tristin: **
(6) Tristin: ((lol))
(3) Tony: "Remember what happneed last time we left hte van alone."
** (4) Dante makes eye contact with the man in black and nods curtly to him, returning the greeting and looking back to the group at hearing Tony's voice. **
(5) Robin: "Let te parrot astay with her?"
** (3) Tony turns to Uchawi, Uchawi, can you please stay with Eve and let me know if anything untold happens pleaser? **
** (1) Man in Black raises a finger to each of you's head and nods slightly, an affirmative glance **
** (1) Man in Black mainly addresses Dante **
(1) Man in Black: "Party of... four?"
** (4) Dante turns back to the man in black. He looks back one last time and then nods. "Four, yes." **
(3) Tony: (( how many of us are there. heh. boby twins, eve, tristin, tony. yeah, 4 I guess with eve in teh van ))
(1) Uchawi: "I can stay with Eve, if something happens to her, I will fly inside and let you know."
(3) Tony: thank you.
(3) Tony: Ihope to find someone to help here in here.
(1) Uchawi: "However if the van gets stolen again, me flying over to you will probably be too late."
(3) Tony: You' know, It hink you're right. maybe I sohould get eosme animal to guard it for us.
(3) Tony: (( hang on, checking book for spells ))
(1) Man in Black: "Reservations today, sir?"
(3) Tony: sense life - gnosis 3 + life 5 [8d10.open (10).vs(8)] => [8,8,5,8,4,7,6,1] = (3)
(3) Tony: (9 sensing dogs ))
** (4) Dante rubs his neck a bit and smiles slightly. "Would it be possible to get reservations for today?" **
(4) Dante: Robin, I really dont know this place at all, or what its about. Feel free to step in at any point.
(3) Tony: (( plan to find some dogs in area, and have them guard the van for us ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sure enough, there is someone's dog collared sitting outside the club, probably a pet of one of the people inside
** (3) Tony turns to the MIB "No reservations I'm afraid. We need to rest for a bit if we may?" **
(6) Tristin: "We found your brochure and are looking for a place to rest."
(6) Tristin: ((That was [hs] => hs sorry))
(3) Tony: (( no ohter dogs? ))
(1) Man in Black: "Oh, of course. Reservations are only required for reserved seats, please go in. Enjoy."
(6) Tristin: [hs] => hs Thank you.
** (3) Tony pulls out a 20 dollar bil and hands it to the MIB, "Sir, could you watch our van for us please?" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no other dogs inside. there's an alley cat across the street))
(6) Tristin: ((Sid or Steve?))
** (4) Dante arches a brow, clearly not understanding the workings of this place, but resigns himself to following the group once again. **
(2) Justin: ((FTW))
(1) Man in Black: "Sure, we watch over all our vehicles. Is there anything valuable in it?"
(3) Tony: "yes, a person we are looking for aid for."
(1) Man in Black: "You might want to take them inside"
(3) Tony: "Tehy are.. unconsious."
(3) Tony: "Would you allow us to take them in?"
(1) Man in Black: "May I take a look?"
** (3) Tony nods, "Arcana overload." Tony heads to the van and opens the back **
** (6) Tristin shrugs **
** (1) Man in Black looks and whistles **
(1) Man in Black: "That... i haven't seen in ... heh... quite a while."
(3) Tony: "First I"ve seen of it."
(1) Man in Black: "You want to see Mister Raabe about that. Please, let's get the lady inside."
** (4) Dante drops his control over his disguised visage, letting it disperse into nothingness. **
** (3) Tony reaches in and fireman carries Eve **
** (3) Tony follows the MIB **
(1) Man in Black: Dante, you feel almost nothing happening, any evasive/suppressive/offensive spells are so very nerfed in the proximity of this place that only scans and investigative spells reach their full potency
** (3) Tony turns to the mib while walking **
(1) Man in Black: Also, Tony, you feel that your healing spells are in tact, but transformations are fixed in place. To morph here you'd have to put up quite a fight
(3) Tony: "Incidently, what is the oblation?
** (6) Tristin follows Tony **
** (4) Dante scratches his head a bit. Had he been less tired, he might have noticed that the spell had all but dispersed upon reaching the proximity of the council. **
** (4) Dante follows Tristin inside, taking in the surroundings. **
(3) Tony: (( it's a hollow, not council. Free council is a group that runs this hollow. ))
(1) Man in Black: "Just enjoy yourself, sir. The music is the key."
(3) Tony: "Thank you. Where should I put the lady?"
(4) Dante: ((Okay then. Anything else someone might want to explain to me about this place that I would need for any possible RP descriptions, so I don't get small details screwed up?))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(9) Eve' from server... Removing dead client
(3) Tony: (( incidnelty, it's Hallow according to book ))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(9) Eve' from server... Removing dead client
(9) Eve (exit): 00:44
(3) Tony: (( It's just a place that naturlaly gathers mana, qintessience, that you can collect by oblating. ))
(1) Man in Black: Fellows, the interior is a high class lounge, a wine bar with coolers, beers, wines, anything. Elite place, though oddly among the tuxedoes you can see punkrockers, heavy metallists, geeks, all sorts of crews, but they are all enjoying the music. On stage, there is this man (pictures incoming). He is currently singing this song, seeming to do a very specifically styled humorous retro-cover of a Britney Spears song. ((This is how it sounds: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Max%20Raabe%20-%20Oops%20I%20did%20it%20again.mp3 ))
(4) Dante: ((Incidentally, I dont have the book handy because I had to completely reconstruct my friggin PC about a month ago))
** (5) Robin follows everyone in **
** (5) Robin listens **
(5) Robin: ....
(1) Man in Black: ((why dont u guys discuss this in character? Dante IS new))
(6) Tristin: ((rofl@ music))
** (4) Dante tunes out the music, not finding it in his tastes. He notes the group of assorted people taking enjoyment from it and seats himself in a cushy-seeming seat. **
** (1) Man in Black helps you carry the lady on a lounge chair to the side of the stage, the scene is pretty cinematic, as if you saw it in a movie, the music engulfs your mood, as you move Eve though the crowd, understanding looks go over you, and then return to the performer, the Man helping you makes eye contact with the singer, and the singer slightly nods, with a smile, looking at Eve without stopping the song **
(4) Dante: "So.. I don't suppose there's somewhere one can take a shower in here.." *He seems to be addressing the statement in the proximity of the group*
(3) Tony: "A shower? this is a club."
** (5) Robin giggles obviously at the singer **
(4) Dante: "One could always wish. And since I really don't know anything about this place other than its strong.. resonance, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The song ends, applause are heard. The singer lifts his finger in the air. "I only have one more for you, gentlemen, before I pass the turn." He starts singing this: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Max%20Raabe%20-%20Around%20The%20World%20(La%20La%20La%20La%20La).mp3
** (6) Tristin smirks at the music and keeps following **
** (1) Man in Black approaches Dante and silently motions towards the restrooms **
** (4) Dante arches a brow and stands slowly, following the man in black's indication to the restroom. **
** (3) Tony props eve up in the chair then goes to take his own chair but leaps back as Eve starts sliding off to the right. Tony rights her again, then leaps back as she starts to slide to the left. Once again he starightens her up and goes to sit down as she starts to slide under the table. Tony gives up, sits her up and with a foot pulls a chair over and sits in it holdin Eve upright. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin and Dante, you feel a strong spacial resonanse in this place, it is well stabilized and the thickness of the Gauntlet here is at its max, Mind feels secure, you find that your network links drop and you now have to talk, so does everyone else in the audience, it seems. Tristin, you feel you couldn't even begin to try rewinding time here, its flow so carved into reality.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you feel some black blackness... oh, right.
(3) Tony: (( Putting on the Ritz would go with this ambiance ))
(5) Robin: ((Waits for song to load))
(4) Dante: (( I personally prefer Around the World. Its quite amusing given the atmosphere ))
** (3) Tony looks up **
** (3) Tony scratches his head, "The music is the key." **
** (3) Tony looks aroudn to see what everyoen else is doing (not our group) **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, some people free a long soft cushioned couch for you
** (3) Tony thanks them with a nod and lays eve down **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Everyone's drinking, relaxing, chatting, listening to music, smiling
** (3) Tony closes his eyes and tries to feel the ambience **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, in the restrooms you see the typical utilities, 7 sinks and 2 shower rooms
(6) Tristin: ((Music is the key is a line uin the second song =/ ))
(3) Tony: (( yes ))
(3) Tony: (( which I heard and hten looked up ))
** (4) Dante enters the restroom with the hope of at least freshening himself up a bit, wash his face and run wet hands through his hair in a vain attempt to tame it. He notices the shower rooms soon after and walks over to inspect, seeing if they're occupied. **
(3) Tony: "Hmm...lightness, giddiness. happyness? Hmm"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): In the restrooms, there are ceiling speakers and you can hear "Mr. Raabe" s voice throughout it
(3) Tony: "Hmm. Iw onder if they take us dollars here? I dont' have any hungarian money."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, shower rooms are free, both of them
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you first feel an intake of quintessense, as you feel into the ambience
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you also feel a gulp of quintessense
** (4) Dante heads into the shower room, disrobes, and begins showering, steam soon filling the stall as he drones out, finally relaxing and listening to the music. **
(6) Tristin: ((How much is a gulp?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin grabs a mana, now at 2, Anthony at 4
(3) Tony: (( no roll? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, as soon as you let go of tiredness and stress and listen to Max's voice, you feel a hecka lot better, energized, gulping a mana point
** (5) Robin tries to get Tristin ato dance with her **
(3) Tony: (( pp 77, gnosis + composure mana an hour up to rating of hallow ))
** (5) Robin tugs on his arm towards other dancing people **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you can now feel the happy mood enter your soul and mind as well, as if nothing could be wrong.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you havent been here an hour, like 4 minutes))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this specific hollow is customized, slightly))
(6) Tristin: "I need a drink first."
** (6) Tristin smirks to her **
** (3) Tony NOW starts humming sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everythign that's wonderful... **
(5) Robin: "Alright. Lets go get some."
** (6) Tristin looks around for the bar. **
** (3) Tony looks around the room for someone he thinks could help eve and realizes without prime sight he really doesn't know anyones arcana. Tony sighs., **
** (3) Tony wipes Eve's forhead with a damp napkin **
(6) Tristin: ((Is that The Toy
(6) Tristin: s by any chance?))
** (5) Robin helps tristin locate the bar, because shes got a much better sence of direction. **
** (4) Dante continues scrubbing himself down in the shower, endlessly relieved of stress by the atmosphere. **
(3) Tony: (( this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_v468ptuXw ))
** (3) Tony notices Uchawi eating some of the beernuts and smiles **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Mr Raabe finishes his song, bows several times and steps down the stage, another artist takes his place, and begins playing a piano, something light and regtimish. If you get into the melody, you restore another bit of energy into your systems.
(6) Tristin: ((No, this))
** (3) Tony listens as he watches Mr Raabe **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Every time you hear a new melody and let it elevate your mood, you regain part of lost quintessense.
(6) Tristin: ((http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0))
(4) Dante: (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbYtqAWDF2U new song ))
** (6) Tristin assumes he finds the bar? **
(3) Tony: (( I saw that one as a WoW cinimania
** (4) Dante finishes his shower and dries himself off in the stall, then re-clothes himself and returns to the main lounge area, taking in the surroundings as he makes his way there. **
** (3) Tony ralaxes and lsitens ( 5 mana? )) **
** (5) Robin orders something yummy from the assumed bar. **
(6) Tristin: ((Yeah, me too))
(3) Tony: (( anyone else at teh table tony is at? Or they all head to the bar? ))
(6) Tristin: ((Headed for the bar.))
** (3) Tony notices how totallyh Goth Eve looks now **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Assuming you fellas all write me a pose each on what the music inspires in you, you can regain all your mana. Connect the poses to your virtues. ((Character development time, bitchs!))
(6) Tristin: ((A wha?))
** (3) Tony listens to the music and smiles, thinking about the happyness it inspires in the thought of one person giving happyness to the other by the simple act of touch. **
** (1) Max Raabe steps over to you, awkward nerdy build, but aristocratic posture, he walks softly, and speaks in a nasal geeky voice, though his eyes let you see that this man's a fucking mage-shark **
(2) Justin: ((I think its actually Prose))
(5) Robin: robin looks stunning?
(1) Max Raabe: ((a pose is a paragraph of RP))
(3) Tony: (( virtue being charity of course ))
** (3) Tony starts to contemplate the thought and though the main singer seems to think it is better to receive than to give, perhaps he will respond in kind later. **
** (4) Dante is currently watching the stage from near the seating. He is standing straight, feeling refreshed. His mind calms, his frustration of the previous day steadily decreasing as the music turns into a recipe for inner healing. His level-headedness restored, looks over to Max Raabe and nods in greeting to him, commenting positively on his performance. Dante's posture seems more rigid now, but he seems physically healthier. **
** (3) Tony looks up at Raabe, "You sing quite well." **
(1) Max Raabe: ((waiting on everyone's mana-restore pose. anyone else? Eve obviously skips turn, player in deep sleep in bed ))
(3) Tony: (( was mine good enough? ?me bites his nails ))
(1) Max Raabe: Dante and Anthony, over the course of the evening's events, as performers change, you fully regain your capacities
(2) Justin: ((*doesn't get a mana-restoring attempt at pose*))
(4) Dante: (( I didnt need a replenishment of mana. I just wanted to do the pose ))
(1) Max Raabe: ((No justin gtfo, u already full mana))
(1) Max Raabe: ((XD))
(3) Tony: (( mana was.. lets see, 9 + gnosis right? ))
(2) Justin: ((*sad trek away*))
(1) Max Raabe: ((aw its ok u can stay and listen to funy musiks too))
(4) Dante: (( Awww, poor Justin. Don't be too sad, you're not the only one bursting with full mana ))
(2) Justin: ((Really!?))
(1) Max Raabe: Tristin, yes you find the bar, of course, any drink imaginable ever.... okay, any LEGAL drink imaginable ever
** (6) Tristin gets three martinis from the bar, hands the tender $100 USD followed by an appology in Atlantian for only haveing American currency. He turns to Robin, hands her a glass then heads over to Tony, and sets a glass in front of him. He then takes a sip from the final glass and takes Robin to the dance floor. **
(4) Dante: ((Of course! Now listen to some funny musix))
** (3) Tony takes a sip from the martini **
(6) Tristin: ((No absenth?))
(4) Dante: (( Absinth is legal in Europe I believe ))
** (5) Robin drinks and acts giddy. Half dancing and half trying not to spill her drink, she looks up at the singer and with a small tipsy second of consideration appreciates these moments of bliss the music brings. **
(3) Tony: (( here's teh wow one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB6p2ccPD5k ))
(1) Max Raabe: Tristin shares, Tristin scores.
(1) Max Raabe: full mana
(2) Justin: ((*Justin rears back for a mana-filled high-five, as does Dante, the resulting explosion of pure power, makes everyone go insane, at the same point as they all transform into hideous beasts, force mages co crazy, sending fire and sparks and electicity in all directions, things pop out of nowhere and people die, the pandomonium is so great, that the entire city of budapest's sleepers awaken, causing the largest influx of Awakenings in the known univers, the resulting calamity of everyone discovering their powers rips the plane asunder, allowing all other planes to connect, creating a hellish primal wasteland of mage*))
(6) Tristin: ((What's my full mana? lol))
(1) Max Raabe: ((12))
(6) Tristin: ((At Gnosis 3?))
(4) Dante: ((Oh dear god. LMFAO))
(1) Max Raabe: ((*jaws drop*))
(4) Dante: ((Full mana high-five!))
(3) Tony: (( up to gnosis 5, it's 9 + gnosis ))
(1) Max Raabe: ((all five of my jaws))
(2) Justin: ((^^ Why mages at full mana do not highfive))
(3) Tony: (( so 9 + 3 = 12. ))
(6) Tristin: ((I know, I set my calculator to "maths" ))
(3) Tony: (( chart on pp 76 effects of gnosis ))
** (1) Max Raabe chews on his lip, as you guys compliment his songs **
** (5) Robin shares martini with Eve, trying not to dribble it down her chin... **
(3) Tony: (( Up to gnsois 6 is 9 + gnsois. at gnosis 7 is 20 mana ))
(3) Tony: (( also you can use upt o gnosis mana/turn. I.E. with 3 gnosis you can use 3 mana in one turn. at 1 gnosis only 1 ))
(1) Max Raabe: "Mmm thank you, thank you" - speaks with a slight german accent, - "I'm happy to be a frequent visitor in this fine place. Max Raabe, Moros." He gives Dante a hand for a shake
(5) Robin: "Everybodyss s-gona have-a good time."
(3) Tony: (( you get 2 die paradox though ))
** (4) Dante takes the man's hand and shakes it firmly, smiling through a peaceful gaze. **
(3) Tony: "Moros.. moros. Oh yes! Perhaps you can help[ us sir."
(4) Dante: "Dante.. unsure of my situation."
(5) Robin: :p jk
** (3) Tony nods to Raabe **
** (1) Max Raabe quirks a brow at Dante **
** (3) Tony speaks in Atlantian, "Are you familiar with Arcana overload sir?" **
(1) Max Raabe: "Mastigos."
** (1) Max Raabe quicks his other brow at Anthony **
** (1) Max Raabe gives his hand to Anthony **
** (1) Max Raabe looks at Eve **
** (4) Dante nods at the word, recalling it being said before. "This is something rather new to me." He steps back a bit and leaves Tony to speak with Raabe about Eve. **
** (3) Tony shakes his hand, "Tony Parrot, Thysus" **
(1) Max Raabe: "Mmmm... nyah have quite ze situation on your hands. Mmmmmmdefinitely an overload."
** (3) Tony nods **
(3) Tony: "I believe it was with death magic."
(3) Tony: "Death arcana should I say."
** (1) Max Raabe looks over to dancing young boy and girl **
(4) Dante: (( I am now imagining Max Raabe's eyebrows nearly jumping off his face to quirk at two different people))
(1) Max Raabe: (( Tony's hyperness kinda startles him. Tony's back in his original concept groove I see))
(3) Tony: "From what I've read, a jolt of death arcana has a chance of jolting her back to normal."
** (5) Robin smiles and nobs to the singer **
(3) Tony: "Since you are Moros perhaps you could give it a try sir?"
** (1) Max Raabe calls up a waiter, grabbing a few drinks in tall ornate wine glasses, he offers one to Dante, one to Tony **
** (3) Tony thanks Raabe and accepts teh drink **
(6) Tristin: ((Tony has a martini))
(3) Tony: (( yes, and now a tall wine glass too ))
** (3) Tony sips from the tall wine glass in one hand, then from the martini in the other hand **
** (4) Dante takes a wine glass into his hand. "Thank you kindly." He nods as he speaks, an almost slight bow of respect in his posture. **
(6) Tristin: ((Wine your chaser?))
(3) Tony: (( live life to the fullest ))
(4) Dante: (( Tony - Rank 5 Life Mage, can change into an animal if he wished. But instead, he's a party animal.))
(1) Max Raabe: Tony, you're holding very intricate glass objects. Your phobia slowly gets into you, making you paranoid of possibly dropping them, you grip them extra tight
(6) Tristin: ((Just because -you- won't get hangovers...))
(2) Justin: (( If he gets too drunk, he can heal it out of himself ))
(3) Tony: (( Hmm.. I wonder if I could ferment grapes instantly. Or would that take moros ))
** (3) Tony starts to shake. "Oh dear. This isn't... take these p.p..plase." **
** (1) Max Raabe takes a long, long drink, his eyes on Eve **
(3) Tony: "Tristin, take these glasses, please. t-t-take them"
** (1) Max Raabe seems to now be paying attention to Eve, in a sort of geeky sense of scientific research, you can almost see his face go "oooooh" **
** (6) Tristin stops dancing and takes a glass with a puzzled look. **
** (3) Tony realises he's holding the glasses too tight and might break the stem, but if he looses his hold he might drop them **
** (3) Tony is still holding on to the glass with a death grip, "Take it. Take it." **
** (4) Dante looks over at Tony and tilts his head a bit, not sure what's going on with him. He takes the glasses from him one by one, setting them down on an end table carefully. **
** (1) Max Raabe puts the glass half finished on the corner of the stage, not looking, and crouches next to Eve on the sofa, people move to give him room, someone gives him flowers, he bows shortly, accepting them, returns to Eve **
(6) Tristin: "I've got it.."
(3) Tony: "you sure you got it? YOu won't drop it?"
** (6) Tristin nods **
** (3) Tony forces his hand open **
** (3) Tony goes to catch the not falling glass **
** (1) Max Raabe skips between the faces and reasons Dante as the sensible one, so he addresses him **
(3) Tony: "Take the other one."
(4) Dante: (( Okay... so I didn't just take each glass individually from him and set them down on the end table nearby. Cool.))
** (4) Dante meets his eyes with Max's once again upon his notice. **
** (6) Tristin looks at the martini in his other hand. **
(1) Max Raabe: "mmmcould you explain the circumstances of this situation?"
(6) Tristin: "I'm ah... full dude.."
(3) Tony: "oh , you got them. you sure?' Tony looks at his empty hands. "Wiew. What the... dang it." Tony sits down, "Thsi sin't good. no it's not."
** (4) Dante looks over to Eve and nods slowly, realizing what he was asking about. "I'm honestly not too sure of the particulars, but I can explain the physical events anyway." **
(6) Tristin: "You okay?"
** (3) Tony tries to turn his attention to Rabbe half successsfully **
(3) Tony: "No, I'm not okay." sigh
(3) Tony: "I was so afraid I'd drop those glasses"
(1) Max Raabe: "Phyzical events tend to not be unimportant. Pleaz do."
(3) Tony: "I can't imagine why, I was never afraid of droppiong glasses before"
(3) Tony: "I felt that if I dropped one o fhte glasses everyoen in the room would die."
** (6) Tristin looks to Robin. **
(3) Tony: "shards woudl go into peopole. Crazy."
** (1) Max Raabe hands Tony a napkin, still conversing fluidly with Dante **
(5) Robin: "WAasn't me..."
(6) Tristin: You're not messing with him are you?"
(1) Max Raabe: it is a thick cloth napkin
(4) Dante: We were travelling along a highway in Slovenia, making our way in this direction when we encountered several people and a vehicle along the side of the road. Robbers of some sort and a family being victimized. We stopped and tended to them. It was during this encounter that, as far as I can reckon, Eve here cast a spell on one of the assailants.
** (3) Tony wiphes his forehad and sits down **
(1) Max Raabe: "Hold a glass with a napkin, it vil help."
(4) Dante: ((Hopefully not mixing up stories lol))
** (3) Tony contenpltes and tries it **
** (3) Tony tries to pick up the wine glass with he napkin **
** (4) Dante glances at Tony before continuing. **
** (1) Max Raabe arches a brow at Dante **
(1) Max Raabe: You casted on sleeperzzz?
** (3) Tony looks innocent **
(3) Tony: "She may have, I'm not sure."
** (4) Dante shrugs a bit, unsure of the ramifications there. "I had no real part in the fight, but I believe she did, yes." **
** (1) Max Raabe makes another squinted grotesque face **
(3) Tony: (( I had forgotten about helping the robbery victums ))
(4) Dante: ((That's when it happened...))
(1) Max Raabe: "I can assssk her about it ven she awakenz, if she doez. But i vould like to ask you. Vould you cast on a sleeper, Mister Dante?"
(3) Tony: "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for Eve"
** (4) Dante tilts his head a bit, looking at Max. He answers quite frankly. "I have already before, yes. We've been dragged into situations I did not like at all." He trails off a bit. **
(4) Dante: "Would that I did not have to, but the only time I have is when I knew no other solution."
** (1) Max Raabe brushes Eve's hair away from her face **
(1) Max Raabe: "And what iz exactly brrringing you to the fine country of Hungary?"
(1) Max Raabe: "That you find yourself in such extraordinary situations you get dragged into?"
(3) Tony: "Well, we are traveling and are unfamilair with the country."
(3) Tony: "Or countries should I say."
** (1) Max Raabe does not sound angry or inquisitory, more like a doctor, still asking a patient where it hurts, a very respectful calm tone **
(4) Dante: "That is something I'm frankly not even sure of at this time. I'm just trying to understand myself. I met up with these people not too long ago and they seemed like the best option for answers."
(3) Tony: "We were driving down teh road and got into this fix because we saw some robbers attacking a family and stopped to help. If we hadent stopped to help nothing woudl happen to us, but tot he family which got away fine."
** (3) Tony shrugs, "I'm afraird it's in our nature, or at least mine, to help those that need it. **
(1) Max Raabe: "Which order do you belong to? And where are you from? Perhaps I am myself to blame, in zis case I beg your pardon. Traditionally in our city, a common introduction between the awakened begins with a name, path, allignment, and order."
(3) Tony: (( Can tony drink from teh glass using the napkin? ))
(3) Tony: "As I said, Tony Parrot, Thysus."
(1) Max Raabe: ((yes, your fingers dont feel that thin slippery glass, it feels much better))
(3) Tony: "As to alignment and order, I know of none."
(3) Tony: "None that I'm a member of."
** (4) Dante scratches his head in unfamiliarty at the list of introductions. He understands path and name, but not alignment nor order. **
** (3) Tony tries to think why they're doing this **
** (1) Max Raabe turns to Tristin and Robin **
(6) Tristin: "Tristin, Arcanthus."
(3) Tony: (( I remember we are doing this for a group of mages in our town, but don't rmeember what order they are, if any ))
(3) Tony: (( sounds like arrow though ))
** (5) Robin stops dancing and straightens up. "Robin. Mastigo." **
(3) Tony: (( did they ever tell us? They adamantine arrow? ))
(6) Tristin: ((Don't remember))
(4) Dante: "I have never been associated in any groups other than the people standing before you. They are the ones who found me moments after my awakening.."
(3) Tony: (( I just know we're doing it cause it's the "right" thing to do, no matter who it's for ))
** (1) Max Raabe nods to both with a smile. He says: "Well, it seems you are quite ze stragglers in need of a bit of a reality check. This place may provide plenty. We have all orders represented, except the Guardians of The Veil as we are at war... Though only Free Council members are allowed offensive use of arcana." **
** (1) Max Raabe looks at Dante to his remark **
(1) Max Raabe: "You're a lucky man."
(3) Tony: "Does the free council avail themselves of the Adamantine Arrow?"
(3) Tony: (( a lot of thysus are adamantine arrow I think ))
(1) Max Raabe: "Ze Adamantine Arrow sometimes avail themselves to the Free Council. They are soldiers, mercenaries who picks their battles with care."
(3) Tony: "Do you feel they fight for what is right?"
** (3) Tony srhugs, "If I ever do join a group I do believe I would jion teh Adamantine Arrow." **
(1) Max Raabe: "Excuse me." takes a drink, "They all fight for different causes. Unlike those of Silver Ladder, who fight only for control and power, or those of Mysterium, who do not fight at all."
(1) Max Raabe: "So you are visiting from afar?"
** (3) Tony nods **
** (4) Dante takes in all the information, trying to commit it to memory as well as possible, happy to finally be receiving some answers. **
(4) Dante: Italy, here.
(1) Max Raabe: "You definitely sound it, Dante."
(3) Tony: (( need some IC memeory recalls GM. Who was the group that took the ring, were we ever told an order? ))
** (4) Dante nods once, realizing it was probably silly to state where he was from. **
(3) Tony: (( ralize that while in game it's been about a week, out of game it's been... 8 months? ))
(4) Dante: "And that accent.. pardon my curiosity, sounds german."
(1) Max Raabe: ((Boss is Diana Branch, associates: Simon Lamprey , Levi Ashfell, Jason Roselli the Red Prince, Night Owl, and Scavenger. And its a gemstone, not ring))
(4) Dante: (( We must throw it into the fires of Mt. Fuji! ))
(6) Tristin: ((One does not simply walk into Japan))
(3) Tony: "As you can probably tell we are traveling for a reason, but to be totally honest, we do not know that we can trust anyone with the details. We just believe what we are doing is for the greater good."
(1) Max Raabe: "You are, of course, correct, Dante. I was born in Lunen, graduated the Berlin University of Fine Arts"
(4) Dante: ((One does not simply ROCK into Japan))
(6) Tristin: ((Preformed for Marlin Manson's wedding))
(4) Dante: "Berlin, I always wanted to visit. Berlin ist so sch¿n."
(4) Dante: (( fine, "shoen"))
(1) Max Raabe: "Indeed? Well see, I do watch quite a bit of news and listen to quite a bit of radio. Perhaps a hint can help me make a right decision. You need my help, and as you stated yourself, it's hard to trust anyone."
(2) Justin: ((Thought you were speaking Atlantian for a second))
** (3) Tony nods **
(1) Max Raabe: ((we are))
(4) Dante: ((lol))
(3) Tony: "Lets just say we're trying to stop the next hitler"
(1) Max Raabe: ((but we mix in bits of other languages))
(4) Dante: ((I s topped to speak something in german, yeah))
(1) Max Raabe: ((all mages ultimately speak same language))
** (6) Tristin sort of glares at Tony **
(1) Max Raabe: ((but they can mess around, especially eccentric ones)0
(2) Justin: ((Okay, didn't mean to hang you up, keep going))
** (1) Max Raabe quirks a brow **
** (3) Tony raises an eyebrow back **
(1) Max Raabe: "Aaaaaah... you are ze Five."
** (3) Tony puts his finger to his lips, "shh" **
(3) Tony: "We have a name?"
** (1) Max Raabe sneers lightly **
** (3) Tony scratches his head **
** (4) Dante looks to Tony **
(4) Dante: "You're surprised?"
(3) Tony: (( I so hope I didn't jsut fuck us up royally ))
(1) Max Raabe: "My Lord, now I suddenly understand the true grand genius of the one who composed zis plan. You actually made it zis far?"
(3) Tony: "Actually, not yet. We'll get here in about a week."
** (3) Tony chuckles **
** (3) Tony realizes that with time magic that could be possible so it's not as funny as it was intended **
(1) Max Raabe: "It iz coming from Hollyvood, wiz you Americans. Suicide missions."
** (3) Tony shrugs, "For the greater good." **
** (1) Max Raabe looks at Dante **
(1) Max Raabe: "And you must be Mister Canavacollo?" - butchers your last name
(3) Tony: "he doesn't qutie know what we're up against yet. He doesnt' really know the story."
** (4) Dante shrugs a bit at Tony's words and looks at Max. "Yes, Dante Canavacciuolo." **
(1) Max Raabe: "Well, unfortunately, it seems like all ze dangerous people already know ze story. You, all of you, must withdraw from vulgar magic unless you are on a premise of an arcane sanctuary"
(1) Max Raabe: "Fortunately for you, I don't like Hitler." starts cracking up at his own joke, takes a drink, laughs again
(3) Tony: "Well, hopefully we can do that now. We had some situations where it was required to get this far. Hopefully we won't have to anymore. but.. " Tony shrugs
** (3) Tony grumbles, "It seems all my magic is vulgar" **
** (1) Max Raabe quirks a brow **
(3) Tony: (( hmm.. control the animal mind... let me check on those ))
(1) Max Raabe: "vat are you talking about? Are you telling me you can only urinate in 90 degree angles because your penis is a stick?"
(3) Tony: "I know what you're saying. Sometiems it's just difficult. Like when surrounded by, what was that, 30 guards?'
** (4) Dante can't help suppressing a chuckle at the analogy. **
(6) Tristin: ((You Russians have weird phrases....))
(4) Dante: (( Blame the germans for that one ))
(3) Tony: (( that's a good one really thought. YOu gotta bend it. bend the laws of magic ^^ ))
(1) Max Raabe: ((*really just came up with it*))
** (3) Tony looks down at Eve and wipes her forehead with a damp napkin again **
(1) Max Raabe: "Alright. I recommend zat you check your bearings on ze stone often. Are you here for Forester's tower? Zey are probably taking it there."
** (3) Tony tries to think, "I believe that is the tower we where heading to, aye,." **
(3) Tony: "Wow, like everyone knows our business? Are we that obvoius?"
** (3) Tony thinks abou the fact that they blew up one of the towers the other day and realizes, yeah, they are pretty obvoius. **
(1) Max Raabe: "They all were supposed to connect somehow, ancient dreaded things. Many people's work went into designing those things. I take it you hav something so do with the two towers having been disabled. You made a lot of people happy."
** (4) Dante shrugs indifferently, still unsurprised by this concept, given that their physical descriptions were wanted by officials so quickly. **
** (3) Tony takles a drink from teh glass **
** (1) Max Raabe looks at Robin, and Dante **
** (3) Tony realizes that the talk has darkened his mood a bit from teh lightness it had just a while before and listens with half a ear to the singer and slowly starts to smile again **
(1) Max Raabe: "You two are Mastigos. Your job is to clean up ze mess you create behind you. Police, reporters, and agents of ze Guardians. Understand zis. Guardians of the Veil are an ancient Order who will try to prevent any new awakening, period. They want to keep magic secret, for good. They try to sink you, through social means, understand? So, they only need 24 hours to convince everyone in the city that you are a rapist."
** (6) Tristin takes a sip form his glass as he sets down the extra glass he is still holding **
** (5) Robin finishes her drink **
** (4) Dante nods slowly, taking in Max Raabe's words and the sensibility of what he is saying. **
(1) Max Raabe: "You... have..." looks around, makin sure where they stand is private, which it is, music and chatter blocks the sound out from your corner, "..more than one enemy, and some of your enemies are enemies among each other."
(3) Tony: "Great, sot he enemy of my emeny is my enemy."
(1) Max Raabe: "Everyone wants to join ze Exarchs in the Ethereal. But... iz it true zat you have..." quiets down "Gates to Atlantis?"
(3) Tony: "I don't know what gates to altlantis are so couldn't say."
** (3) Tony tries to look innocent **
** (4) Dante lowers his voice, asking quietly. "What is a gate to Atlantis exactly?" His low voice is completely innocent of any knowledge. **
** (3) Tony thinks to himself, "great, not only do they know who we are, they know about the books." **
(1) Max Raabe: "A rumored survivor of Steward Jones's effort to destroy all access to arcana. A series of books, one ... book... actually... spread across... mmmmdimensions?"
(3) Tony: (( yes, I know, improper use of emote, but that was for GMs knowledge ))
(3) Tony: "Wow, something like htat sounds like it would be kept secret if someone had it."
(1) Max Raabe: "it is.
** (6) Tristin thinks to himself "Times... actually...." **
(1) Max Raabe: "Nobody here... knows."
** (4) Dante arches a brow. **
(1) Max Raabe: "They are very dangerous. Never let them from sight. Everything, everything is in there."
** (3) Tony shrugs **
(3) Tony: "If I had such a thing I would definately keep it from sight."
** (3) Tony looks down to make sure his fly is zipped up. Since everyone seems to know everything about him he hopes to keep at least one thing private **
(3) Tony: "Tell me, where did you hear of these gates of atlantis supposedly in our possession?
(1) Max Raabe: "Forester's tower has a 10 mile radius. It's been told he retired from all strife and conflict and is only concerned with protection of the forest. But I'd be careful anyway. He might have made a deal with someone. You head up the gertstrasse 71 road east."
** (3) Tony sips from his glass **
(3) Tony: "Radius of what?"
** (1) Max Raabe looks around and then leans to Tony **
(1) Max Raabe: "Ze Time Temple of Kirdasa"
(6) Tristin: ((Is that...))
(1) Max Raabe: "Radius of influence."
(2) Justin: ((He will be killed by a boy carrying water..))
(6) Tristin: ((That's where I got ediphone right?))
(1) Max Raabe: "Use your stealth, and blend in with the forest."
(1) Max Raabe: ((uh huh))
(3) Tony: "We know little of the towers, only that they are connected somehow. What does it influence?"
(3) Tony: "Blend in.. hmm.. Using only corvert magic."
** (3) Tony contemplates **
** (6) Tristin hides his dagger a bit better in his clothes **
(1) Max Raabe: "Ze towers... detect magic. Zey detect non magic... likes of me don't go near the towers. Likes of them don't go near the lounge."
(3) Tony: "WE need to mask our auras."
(6) Tristin: "Done..."
(3) Tony: (( dang, seems like the only covert spell I have is contagaion. lol ))
(1) Max Raabe: "She may help." - nods to Eve, "Which means I may help." chews his tongue "Mmmm and zat now I know who you are, I will, gladly."
(1) Max Raabe: "There is a chance she will die. Who is responsible for her deathwish?"
** (3) Tony bows to Mr. Raabe **
(3) Tony: "Deathwish? Waht is that?"
** (1) Max Raabe looks at Tony blankly **
** (3) Tony checks his pockets, "I dont' have a deathwish.," **
** (3) Tony cocks his head **
(1) Max Raabe: "Imagine you had a death wish, Tony, oh Mage of Life and Spirit."
(3) Tony: "I dont' have a deathwish.. sounds funny when said that way,."
(3) Tony: "I think I might understand. It is up to me to heal her if I can. I guess I am responsible for her life if that's what you mean."
(1) Max Raabe: "Oh no, the concept is far more simple. Imagine that at the last moment of life, through agonizing pain you beg your friend to fulfill one last duty. You control spirits and life. What would you do in ze afterlife to someone who failed to fulfill it because they found it stupid?"
(3) Tony: "Haunt them I would image."
(6) Tristin: ((So, we're playing Wraith now?))
(3) Tony: "If she has one last wish I would glady do it, but I know not what it is. Except for the quest we are on."
(1) Max Raabe: "Love that word. Do you all consent to my attempt to awaken her with an aftershock?"
(3) Tony: "yes. I consent."
(3) Tony: "Be it on my head if she perishes."
** (4) Dante shrugs. **
** (1) Max Raabe gives Dante a heavy look **
** (4) Dante I do not understand any of this to know.. **
(4) Dante: ((Bah, ignore emote))
(3) Tony: (( It hink raabe just dosn't want her pissed at him if she dies. ^^ ))
(4) Dante: I do not consent to her death, if that is what you mean. I do not wish to see her perish as a result of this. Tony did say that she had a chance of recovering on her own as well.
(4) Dante: ((Or did you say that i nthe van? I can't remember. Thought it was outside the border))
(1) Max Raabe: "Good, then you can answer a simple question. Zis woman is now half dead half alive. She may stay as she is or she may die eventually. If I attempt an aftershock, she may awaken or may die now. Are you consent with this?"
** (1) Max Raabe nods and looks to Tristin **
** (3) Tony turns to DAnte. "I consent to this, do you? Would you rather we leave her here or somewhere to eventually awaken? We don't know what she woudl wish. I presume she would like the change taken. " **
** (3) Tony still speaks to Dante **
(3) Tony: "From what I read there is a 50 percent chance she'll recover on her onw. There is a 25 percent chance death magic could awaken her.":
(3) Tony: "There is a 25 precent chance she could die."
(3) Tony: "So maybe we shift the odds of her death from 25 to 50."
(3) Tony: "I am not sure what she would want. If it was me, I would want to get out of such a state as soon as possible, even if it is in teh finality of the grave. I know not the torment she is suffereing in there, if she is at all."
(3) Tony: "We fight the unknown. This state is unknown."
(4) Dante: That.. doesn't sound right. A 25 percent chance she will awaken, but 75 percetn that she will die then? The chance of her recovering on her own does not correlate with interference, or am I mistaken?"
(3) Tony: "Perhaps we shoudl vote on it?"
(3) Tony: "No, 50 percent chace she'll awaken. so 50 percent she'll die without our intervention. but 25 percent chance that a spell of hte same arcana can awaken her."
(3) Tony: "Maybe some of htose 25 percent would of awkaen normallyo, maybe not."
(1) Max Raabe: "I am fairly certain there is only realistically a one third chance she may die. She either awakens, or doesnt awaken, or dies."
(3) Tony: "If we do nothing, it is 50 percent she will die anwyay."
(1) Max Raabe: "Ze question is, now or sme time later?"
(3) Tony: "So with thise she awakens or dies. still 50 percent."
(3) Tony: "we don't change the odds as I see it."
(3) Tony: "She still has 50 percent. Either she lives or dies. 50 /50. I say now."
(3) Tony: "How say you Dante? Tristin? Robin?"
(1) Max Raabe: "I wonder how you calculated that chance percentage..."
** (6) Tristin gets a feel for Eve's personal fate, altering it tword a longer life. **
(3) Tony: "me beaing the healer say aye, try it."
** (4) Dante shakes his head unknowingly. "Its not my decision to be making. I know her far too little. I'm not about to damn someone to death that I barely know. Make your decision, if you really feel its even odds, then my decision doesn't matter anyway." **
(6) Tristin: ((provided I can here...))
(1) Max Raabe: "I have dealt with this problem twice before, and succeeded twice."
(3) Tony: "The third time is a charm. Try it."
(1) Max Raabe: Tristin it seems that you can
(3) Tony: (( forgeive me if you die Claire ^^ ))
(6) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],5,3,7,1,6,9] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox: Claire: Okay I forgive you everything Tony
(3) Tony: "From the bo... ba... umm. . buddy of mine."
(6) Tristin: ((3 successes))
** (6) Tristin nods and sighs. "Let's try it." **
** (1) Max Raabe looks to Robin **
(3) Tony: ( half the time they wake up on their own. half the time they area awkwend by jolt. so is 50/50 eiother way. screwed if you , screwed if you don't ))
(3) Tony: (( healihng vision on eve while he's casting ))
(1) Max Raabe: "I believe your vote will be decisive."
(3) Tony: gnosis 3 + life 5 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7,1,1,5,1,2,2] = (0)
(3) Tony: (( O.O try again ))
(3) Tony: gnosis 3 + life 5 - 1 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,9,8,4,6,9,6] = (3)
(1) Max Raabe: ((is Rach in knockout?))
** (3) Tony nods to Raabe, "Try it. I'm the healer." **
(5) Robin: "Just try it."
(3) Tony: "hypocratic oath says do no harm, but the harm is there of not trying."
** (3) Tony crosses his fingers **
(3) Tony: "can fate give a better chance of her living? ))
(3) Tony: "can fate give a better chance of her living?
(3) Tony: "Maybe improve teh odds from 50/50 ?"
** (1) Max Raabe stands up and takes the microphone, announcing calmly, without disrupting the music **
** (4) Dante looks on at the spectacle, slinking back a bit as his eyes fixate themselves on Eve's visage. **
(6) Tristin: "Already worked on that."
(1) Max Raabe: "Ladies and gentlemen, a sanctioned use of Death, please enjoy your evening."
** (3) Tony rubs his sweaty palms on a napkin **
(1) Max Raabe: The crowd seems to nod and relaxes, not reacting when Max raises his hand and shadows for a few seconds creep down the walls from the ceiling and gather in his fist
** (3) Tony watches Eve's vital signs carfully **
** (4) Dante feels his eyes grow a bit wider as he crosses his arms and leans against a wall, now fixated on Raabe. **
** (3) Tony wishes he had a soul jar handy **
** (1) Max Raabe gathers pure darkness in his hand and jolts it into Eve's chest. Reeeeeeeap the soul! Only half way, slams is back in. And... he looks fucking SCARY doing this. This nerdy awkward singer is now like a charcoaled demon, his tux flailing with a burst of wind. Eve opens her eyes, they clear up, she gasps. **
** (3) Tony tenses as he watches Eve's heart flip flopping **
(1) Max Raabe: ((box?))
(3) Tony: (( doh. sure ))
(1) Max Raabe: ((claire's asleep))
** (4) Dante observes the pure dark form Raabe took upon himself, enthralled and mystified by the power released. **
(2) Justin: ((*cries*))
(4) Dante: ((Poor Justin T_T))
(3) Tony: (( why poor justin? ))
(1) Max Raabe: ((Justin got some PM goodness and he sure as hell getting session exp))
(4) Dante: ((Because he didn't get to join main session, Serp.))
(4) Dante: ((Good good))
(3) Tony: (( ahh, yes... I really thought we would run into him here ))
(4) Dante: ((I was kind of thinking that too.. but now I have other theories. Fun, interesting, scary theories))
(2) Justin: (( Nope, somewhere else I suppose. ))
(3) Tony: (( ladies and gentlement. Introducing the one, the only, THE BOX!!! ))
(4) Dante: ((Box me, baby))
(1) Max Raabe:
Next time they will meet! Probably... well, they're in the same city...
Unless Tristin roundhouse kicks the lounge singer... Next on MMMMMMMMAGE!

(2) Justin: Whoo.
(6) Tristin: Box me Amedaus.
(4) Dante: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAGE!!!1111oneoneone
(6) Tristin: Totally am if she dies.
(3) Tony: totally am what?
(4) Dante: Roundhouse kicking Raabe
(2) Justin: Please tell me you won't be waiting a month for another session.
(6) Tristin: Then it's the free councils fault they took away my rewinding.
(4) Dante: Gods no.
(3) Tony: another moht? try 3.
(6) Tristin: lol
(3) Tony: or was it 4 this time?
(4) Dante: 4, almost to the day.
(2) Justin: *cries*
(4) Dante: I won't let Konrad let it go this late
(4) Dante: :P
(4) Dante: Dont worry.
(3) Tony: well, it's tristin and robin that are hard to get scheduled I've heard
(2) Justin: Gracias.
(1) Max Raabe: shit next session will be craaaaazeh
(2) Justin: Yeah.
(2) Justin: Dummies.
(1) Max Raabe: u guys so fukt
** (4) Cain shrugs **
(4) Cain: PRobably.
(1) Max Raabe: So... like
(1) Max Raabe: Exp
(4) Cain: Like I said, I have crazy, scary, fun theories now
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): all 5xp
(2) Justin: Ex pee!
(3) Tony: And would this be played there also? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFabjc6mFk4&feature=related
(6) Tristin: Woot 30
(6) Tristin: I want to spend 30 XP on 60 exp.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): cept Eve, she gets 1xp
(4) Cain: Tristin, you did that last time, but it was 20 for 30 lol
(3) Tony: 19 exp now
(2) Justin: Sleepmonster.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but next game we gotta schedule at earlier time, fridays no work for her
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i dont work tomorrow, she does
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): How about yall submit me a calendar?
(4) Cain: If it wasn't for that, we could session tomorrow. I'm off as well.
(3) Tony: Hmm.. maye I shoul go into prime arcana
(3) Tony: I see little use for spirit in our campains
(5) Robin: im about to be changing jobs soon or something idk
(5) Robin: I'll find out tonight at work
(4) Cain: Next week I believe is Tuesday/ Wednesday for me
(2) Justin: Okies.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony i highly support that
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): coz, u already got spirit up the ying yang
(2) Justin: He has 3.
(6) Tristin: yin yang*
(4) Cain: wig wam*
(6) Tristin: zig zag?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well wol
(2) Justin: Wig Dam *
(4) Cain: stig stag?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, unless u like uber learn to use spirit magic for anything other than summoning and conversation, coz spirits are a bitch to animate and take forever, all the diff. personalities
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and like, everything has a spirit
(2) Justin: A great annoyance they are.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but spirit can fortify hollows
(4) Cain: stoopud spritz
(3) Tony: And for hte most part awakening a spirit takes a long time and you wind up with a spirit that does one thing
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): make shortcuts through spirits realm
(3) Tony: Unless you ant ot give someone a familiar
(3) Tony: Or amek them
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and in spirit realm u are god while others are helpless puppies
(3) Tony: mind wold go well with life for making creatures that think
(6) Tristin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uZr3JWYdy8
(4) Cain: Iz dat sum Rickroll?
(3) Tony: It's a toss up with mind and prime, but we have a few mind mages already so I thik prime with konrad out of teh scene for now
(3) Tony: and prime helps all aracana really
(6) Tristin: <.>< >.>
(6) Tristin: No...
(6) Tristin: Shheesh
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you can cross gauntlet and touch stuff in there at will, but u dont seem to be interested in that aspect, we're more about physical pwnage
(6) Tristin: Paintroll
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): this campaign is kinda in physical realm, next one may not necessarily be
(4) Cain: I just ... I cant bring myself to believe you Tristin =P
(4) Cain: Ah ha!
(4) Cain: Well, Paintroll is acceptable I suppose >.>
(2) Justin: I am rolling in paint.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, you CAN bind spirits to objects
(4) Cain: How does it feel? Never tried that before.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): making like, a sword with a fire spirit attached to it
(5) Robin: well, laters guys. thanks for game. feel free to email me about game...
(2) Justin: It feels warm, and brings out a happiness within you.
(4) Cain: Laaaaaaaaater
(5) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Robin (exit): 02:57
(4) Cain: Sweet. Does it boost my max mana then?
(2) Justin: Have a nice night!
(2) Justin: Shit.
(6) Tristin: I'll tell her
(2) Justin: Thank you my good friend.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): o shit, at spirit 4 u can take Tristin's Wrath and make it possess another person's body
(4) Cain: Huh. Something wrong? She seemed a bit out of it tonight.
(2) Justin: And your max mana cannot be boosted, due to the apocolypse you created.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, guys
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin
(6) Tristin: tired.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i need u to do something for me, all of u
(4) Cain: I seem to recall YOU going in for the high-five. I just rolled with it >.>
(2) Justin: Got it.
(6) Tristin: I refuse
(2) Justin: We created that apocalypse together, and it was beautiful, and you had just as much to do with it as I did.
(4) Cain: You're completely right. I loved every moment of it.
(2) Justin: I'm thankful.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): fill in times when you are free
(6) Tristin: Who does Monday firstt?
(6) Tristin: Seriously....
(6) Tristin: What kind of calender is that?
(2) Justin: Tristen is right.
(4) Cain: Mage Two: What The Fuck, Sombody Screwed-up! ?
(2) Justin: You did that incorrectly.
(3) Tony: what apocalypse?
(4) Cain: K, I can't edit the content there
(2) Justin: You were talking about dice while it was happening.
(3) Tony: I was talking about dice?
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) Cain...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): plz put in your names and times
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): when u CAN come
(4) Cain: How does one type thar?
(3) Tony: Serp: anytime
(6) Tristin: [8d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [[10, 6],5,2,6,4,2,7,1] = (1)
(2) Justin: Shiite.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): this assumes Jon is just good when ever wherever, he lives carefree, slapping his dick around the couch, oh i envy him!
(2) Justin: No..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ooooh
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tuesday through Friday only
(6) Tristin: I only work on Sunday right now.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok... Jon and I match tuesdays
(6) Tristin: Your mom.
(2) Justin: Tuesday I have some DnD Wednesday I am free, Thursday I work day Friday I work night Saturday and Sunday I work night.
(2) Justin: It was monday.
(2) Justin: Damnit.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Yeah serp u didnt rly have to post it lol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): okay...jon, when is DnD
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tuesday looks like the shit, unless Rach says fuck u
(2) Justin: Tuesday.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what time tuesday is dnd?
(6) Tristin: She usualy works tues
(2) Justin: It starts around 3 your time and ends at around 9.
(4) Cain: Serp can play outside the actual bounds of the week, but not during it seems.
(6) Tristin: wed thurs and fri are her days off
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well fuck my nuts guys! you schedule the game! *breaks keyboard*
(4) Cain: O.o
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sorry sorry honey i didnt mean it *kisses the shift key*
(6) Tristin: As long as you break tab :)
(4) Cain: Tuesday and Wednesday are good for me next week.
(6) Tristin: That way you can't shift into "war" mode on UO
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, the diagram attempt clearly failed to achieve its purpose *stares*
(2) Justin: Yeah, well you could attempt to split the group into two different ones.
(2) Justin: Dependant on the times that people are open or are capable of playing.
(3) Tony: Okay. Konrad is free Saturday and sunday. Who is NOT free Saturday and sunday?
(6) Tristin: Lol, was that you Caine?
(4) Cain: Maybe
** (4) Cain raises hand. "Not free sunday or saturday, unless its tomorrow. **
(2) Justin: I usually work Saturday K's time 2-8
(2) Justin: Sunday I usually work K's time 1-7
(3) Tony: Okay, K is free 5-10pm mon through fri? is that right k?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): saturday 2-8 sounds acceptable
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i mean
(4) Cain: I'm all 3-9s in Konrad Standard Time when I'm not off
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wait what
(3) Tony: you not free all day sat and sunday cain?
(2) Justin: Well that is when I work, but yeah.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dudes dudes...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Saturdays, after 9pm my time
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Cain free, im free, jon back home, serp free, shawn and rach?
(2) Justin: I'm game.
(4) Cain: After 9, sure ya
(4) Cain: But 9pm means I'd be late every saturday too
(3) Tony: how abuot 10pm?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok make it 9:30
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 10
(4) Cain: 9:30 would work
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i'll whip claire into sleeping from work
(3) Tony: 9:30 then konrad's time
(3) Tony: 9:30 alaska time
(6) Tristin: Rach works Sat
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): shawn and rach?
(3) Tony: 10:30 pdt
(4) Cain: Knox Standard Time is bset
(2) Justin: Throw coffee into her system.
(3) Tony: 1:30 am edt
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): rach works
(6) Tristin: I only work on sunday days
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok shawn free
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what does rach come home?
(3) Tony: so, does that count tomorrow?
(2) Justin: Rachel works past 12, Sean?
(2) Justin: **Shawn/
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sian
(4) Cain: Moirear*
(6) Tristin: 7 AM Monday morning
(3) Tony: We gonn aplay again in 18 hours?
(6) Tristin: she works 9 - 7
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in my time?
(6) Tristin: Ours
(6) Tristin: CST
(3) Tony: konrad only knows kdt
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): whats that my time?
(3) Tony: kst
(3) Tony: cst is -7 or -6?
(3) Tony: what time is it ther now/
(2) Justin: His is three hours earlier Sean.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): now its 3:12 am
(4) Cain: Central is 1 hour ahead of Pacific right?
(2) Justin: Right now it's 3 am.
(6) Tristin: 6
(2) Justin: To Him.
(4) Cain: 4am here
(2) Justin: Shawn
(3) Tony: kay, -7 then. he is -9
(2) Justin: Goddamnit.
(6) Tristin: no 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so rach works till 4 am my time
(3) Tony: so 9-7 is 11-9
(2) Justin: Same thing.
(4) Cain: Errm
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so tomorrow she works till 7pm, which is 4pm
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Rachel rests on sunday, means no need to go to bed
(6) Tristin: What?
(4) Cain: That sounds more like it
(3) Tony: what?
(6) Tristin: No AM
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what?
(4) Cain: Knox is 2 or 3 hours behind you, Tristin
(2) Justin: lmao
(6) Tristin: 9 PM to 7 AM
(3) Tony: am?
(3) Tony: works til 7am?
(3) Tony: ahhh
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): night shift in a deli?
(4) Cain: WOW
(6) Tristin: Graveyard shift
(4) Cain: That... blows
(2) Justin: She rworks overnight.
(6) Tristin: 3 hours behind
(3) Tony: 11pm - 9am kdst
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): where does she work??
(6) Tristin: wafflehouse.
(4) Cain: Its not 11pm to 9am for KKnox
(2) Justin: Si'.
** (3) Tony thinks **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what cunts eat waffles at 3 AM?
(3) Tony: you're right
(6) Tristin: it's... like a redneck IHOP
(3) Tony: 9pm is 6pm for konrad
(6) Tristin: Drunk ones
(2) Justin: ...
(3) Tony: 7am is 4am
(3) Tony: so, yeah, 6pm to4am konrad time?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok this means rachel works 6pm to 4am
(2) Justin: So basically we've established that it's impossible for her.
(4) Cain: 6pm to 4 am yes
(3) Tony: why the heck coudlnt' the world be falt. mwould make this easier
(4) Cain: WEe all need to go back to school.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok ok shawn
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): she pretty much goes to work in 3 hours right?
(3) Tony: so saturday is no go
(4) Cain: Konrad. If we're doing it that late, I can be on any day of the week.
(2) Justin: No.
(6) Tristin: ...
(3) Tony: cain; no matter what for one of us will be middle of night anyway
(4) Cain: More like in 12 hours
(3) Tony: since the world is round
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so she really works the night of saturday-suday
(6) Tristin: 17 and a half hours
(4) Cain: Oh yeah
(2) Justin: 15 hours.
(4) Cain: That didnt sound right to me anyway lol. I'm so flipping out of it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wait wtf that makes no fucking sense
(6) Tristin: yeah that one
(2) Justin: Fuck math.
(3) Tony: 9pm. it is 6:18am there now. 6 to 9 is 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 6pm saturday till 4am sunday is what im getting
(4) Cain: Konrad is 3 hours behind Tristin in time zones. Its 3 AM for Konrad right now, 6 AM for Tristin. Today is Saturday. Robin goes to work tonight at 9PM, Tristin's time. So that's 6PM for Konrad.
(3) Tony: 6pm for konrad konrad is at 3:19 am now
(3) Tony: so 12 + 3 = 15 hours
(2) Justin: This shit is classic.
(2) Justin: And Cain is a master of this.
(2) Justin: Lamens terms.
** (1) Konrad Knox (GM) gets a GM gun of character kill-off **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Hmmm....
(4) Cain: Welcome to my life, Justin =P
(3) Tony: Rocks fall. Everyoen dies.
(2) Justin: If we're going late, I can do it absolutely any night.
(4) Cain: Same here.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): But not me and claire
(3) Tony: heh, in d&d that would work. not in mage. "I roll back time." "I used forces to stop gravity" "I use space to teleport away"
(4) Cain: But that means we can do it any available nights you can
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): claire can do it saturday and sunday night, i can do it friday saturday night
(2) Justin: So anything after 8 Konrad time, I'm up for.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): with all of us we basically cant do it
(4) Cain: Well shitballs.
(3) Tony: so soudns like saturday night, when soemone esle can't cause they work
(3) Tony: How theheck did we get today going?
(4) Cain: How is everyone for Tuesday and Wednesday anyway?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what about some obscure time? Like wednesday 5pm my time?
(4) Cain: Act of God, Serp
(2) Justin: We didn't Clair was asleep.
(3) Tony: I say we all disbelieve, join the flat earth society and have it at nomral times.
(6) Tristin: Wed we're free
(4) Cain: Wednesday does work, yes.
(3) Tony: wednesday works for me
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): jon?
(2) Justin: I'm usually free.
(4) Cain: Case closed. Cain wins the battle! Bonus exp? >.>
** (3) Tony snatches the word "usually" crumbles it up and tosses it in the trash can. "He said he's free." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so, from 5pm my time, till say 10-11pm my time, not to stay up outrageously late.
(2) Justin: I knew about Max Raab, bonus xp?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I witnessed he said hes free
(4) Cain: And if we keep it moving... 5hour sessions might actually mean something.
(3) Tony: How did you know about Max Rasab?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): its a real singer
(4) Cain: Yep
(3) Tony: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(3) Tony: I knw.. I knew.. umm...
(2) Justin: Well, I was searching britney spears songs on youtube..
(6) Tristin: Like I said, he sung at Manson's wedding
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Jon's obsessed with xp. i like that
(3) Tony: So Next wednesday at 5pm konrad time?
(6) Tristin: okay
(2) Justin: Why not this wednesday:?
(3) Tony: this is this wednesday.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): JAJA DIS WENZDAI
(3) Tony: The next wednesday coming up
(4) Cain: Okay Jon, 4 exp for you. "Wait, hold on! *saves a nursery from burning and every child inside survives* "Oh, okay... 5 exp."
(2) Justin: This is this friday.
(6) Tristin: Because it already happned?
(3) Tony: For me this wednesday was 2 days ago
(2) Justin: Saturday
(2) Justin: Gotcha, wednesday it is.
(2) Justin: But Cain can't give me xp..
(4) Cain: The next available wednesday to come into human existence, as opposed to prior ones or ones that are of the distant future.
(6) Tristin: Sorry guys, I'm not a space mage IRL
(3) Tony: "This" being possessive of the current weak.
(6) Tristin: Time*
(3) Tony: erm week
(6) Tristin: Wow... 0.o
(2) Justin: Surry guys, I'm not a time mage IRL
(3) Tony: yeah. that might help
(3) Tony: ]^^
(2) Justin: Bam.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Schedule Game: Int 5 + Socialize 5 + GMness 5 - Work 4 = 11
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,4,1,3,8,7,5,[10, 4],8,5] = (3)
(3) Tony: But then coudl have it any time, just create a pocket of stopped time and we could play as long as we wanted and time on the outside would halt
(4) Cain: Jeez. Talk about the odds being against us.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 3 successes: 3 people will show up at least
(2) Justin: Success!
(6) Tristin: Justin's an Arcanthus?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Justin is a... Murabogomachakabrus!
(2) Justin: I'm not telling.
(4) Cain: We'll all find out
(4) Cain: Let's not spoil anything
(3) Tony: [11d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,3,2,6,8,4,6,1,9,[10, 2]] = (3)
(6) Tristin: OLD WOD -3 succsuesses for 1s
(3) Tony: [11/3] => 3
(2) Justin: Cain is my favorite guy.
(3) Tony: [11.0/3] => 3.66666666667
(4) Cain: lol
(4) Cain: <3>
(4) Cain: <3>
(4) Cain: Erm
(3) Tony: [math.pi()] => math.pi()
(4) Cain: . <3>
(2) Justin: Tristen is my favorite guy who'd I'd turn into a girl had I cthe chance.
(3) Tony: [math.pi] => math.pi
(6) Tristin: asdf
(4) Cain: Oh my
(3) Tony: [3.1415926] => 3.1415926
(3) Tony: [3.1415926 * 2] => 6.2831852
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I'd like to ask all players who are older than Dante and Justin to treat them as noob In Character, aka dont shift to OOC explaining stuff to them, whats a hollow, whats oblation, Serp does this quite a bit. Instead, roleplay it in dialogue, really tell the noobs what all those things are. The noobs are clearly still in schock, they freaking became mages
(6) Tristin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj2NOTanzWI
(2) Justin: Yes, yes indeed.
(4) Cain: Iz Dat some everything'd roll?
(2) Justin: Exactly!
(3) Tony: Jsut ignore Tristin's links
(6) Tristin: No, it's maths
(4) Cain: Dividing by 0 no doubt
(6) Tristin: Should I link chocolate rain?
(2) Justin: 0/0= 1
(3) Tony: I usually do that cause they ask at the most inoportune time to be answered IC
(3) Tony: chocolate rain is prettygood
(4) Cain: 33 million hits and going
(3) Tony: already hard it though
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I'd like to ask all noobs to ask shit in opportune time
(2) Justin: 5/5=1 4/4 = 1 3/3=1 2/2=1 1/1 = 1 0/0=1
(3) Tony: I can't believe some peole don't know what the song is about
(4) Cain: Hmm
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): its makes RP heaploads more fun
(4) Cain: Justin's logic is sound.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 0/0 = erection
(2) Justin: I know right? But that only works for 0/0
(3) Tony: 0/0 is either -infinity or +infiinty depending on what side you are comgin from
(2) Justin: Anything else doesn't work.
(4) Cain: Konrad, don't blame me for not knowing lol. We've been in two separate vehicles this entire trip with only a mind link between Dante and Robin =P I haven't had any real chances to ask much of anything
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Serp u know anything about C#?
(3) Tony: very littile. I stick with C++
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Shatap Cain excuses excuses lucker
(2) Justin: Hoorah about not having chances!
(3) Tony: I try to stay away from microsoft extensions
(4) Cain: At least they're damn good excuses :P
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So Jon may become lucker too
(3) Tony: I forgot how I came across that.
(2) Justin: I'm just sitting there and I was like "Dude, did time just rewind?> And then I was in this desert.
(3) Tony: maybe it's not +inf or -inf but +1 or -1
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): man Tristin rewinds time it makes Kurtis paranoid
(4) Cain: There's that shit too, actually
(3) Tony: dang it, now I have to work my proof again :/ thanks justin :(
(2) Justin: Could be, I dunno.
(4) Cain: Dante did learn a good amount some time ago, but Tristin rewound like... eleventy billion times.
(4) Cain: =P
(2) Justin: I don't think that zero can be positive or negative It's on the cusp.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I miss playing Kurtis *sob*
(2) Justin: I'm sorry Tony, I just wanted you to like me!
(1) Kurtis: "I'm back, bitches!" *fireballs*
(2) Justin: Oh, do I get added into the character's section of the website now!?
(3) Tony: [1.0/0.0000000000001] => 1e+013
(3) Tony: yeah, that's it. The smaller you get the closer the answser approchaes infiinuty
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): U get added to character list very soon
(3) Tony: [1.0/0.0000000000000000000000000000000001] => 1e+034
(3) Tony: so as you approch 0 you approach infiinity.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Character didnt show up in "the movie" yet
(4) Cain: Kinda hard to rationalize a statement like "getting closer to infinity" ...
(2) Justin: Okay, Tony is a genious and I shall avoid him.
(3) Tony: but, + or negaitve? If it is a - it is negative
(3) Tony: [1.0/-0.0000000000000000000000000001] => -1e+028
(2) Justin: Oooh.
(3) Tony: 'so if you were coming from the negativce to 0, it woudl be - infiniity
(2) Justin: But Iin the movie he would have already been shown in the prelude!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I'm getting delirious
(4) Cain: Justin has a point.
(6) Tristin: no one watch my video did they?
(4) Cain: Nope.
(3) Tony: didn't bother. probalby some rick shit
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): True. Fine, u get added. *too lazy to type in extra line*
(2) Justin: Your video is a travesty.
(6) Tristin: :(
(2) Justin: Just like Tristin's Time Temple Torrential Travesty.
(6) Tristin: I promise there is no rick astley
(3) Tony: fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You have selected Jon The Almighty as your player name. Do you wish to continue? Yes/ No
(3) Tony: Or as bush says, fool me twice... you can't fool me twice.
(2) Justin: Y
(4) Cain: Maths iz everwar
(3) Tony: No
(6) Tristin: gah, just youtube: look around you maths
** (4) Cain looks around himself **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Thank you Jon The Almighty. Hello, Jon The Almighty, welcome to Mage. Now you can be a player too! Aren't you excited, Jon The Almighty?
(3) Tony: So you wish to not select Jon the Almighty as your player name. Yes or No?
** (4) Cain looks around himself again **
(2) Justin: Jon the Almighty is excited.
(3) Tony: "It is dark. You might be eaten by a grue"
(2) Justin: FUck you!
(2) Justin: ...
(2) Justin: *turns on the lights and hides*
** (3) Tony twiddles his thumbs. **
** (4) Cain uses MATHS to fly around. **
** (3) Tony gets bored and twiddles Justin's thumbs **
** (2) Justin 's thumbs get bored and twiddles the Grue's thumbs **
** (3) grue eats Justin **
** (2) Justin rerolls **
** (3) Grue eats Justin's thumbs **
** (2) Justin cries **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): I have like a special director's cut of special material that didnt make it into the movie
(3) Tony: Can't run away now. Every try to open a door knob with nothumbs? ^^
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): It's some pure reading pleasure of Justin entrance
(4) Cain: easy to do
(2) Justin: I wanna read it all!
(3) Tony: while being chased by a grue?
(2) Justin: Oh shit.
(4) Cain: I wanna reeeeeeead
(4) Cain: Yes. I can run from a grue, I just couldn't fight one off
(2) Justin: *cries* It was private!
(3) Tony: we read, you read, we all read for .umm.. jsutin's read
(3) Tony: yeah, we haven't met him yet. dont even know his aracana
(2) Justin: Seriously though, he did upload it.
(3) Tony: I'm hoping prime
(3) Tony: or forces