Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:10
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:11
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:11
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Wren (enter): 17:19
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Your Mom?...
(1) Konrad Knox: u da 1st
(2) Your Mom?: Am not.
(2) Your Mom?: You are.
(2) Your Mom?: *points to #2*
(1) Konrad Knox: o ya
(1) Konrad Knox: did u go to college?
(1) Konrad Knox: u go to college
(2) Your Mom?: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,4,6,2,6,4,1] = (0)
(5) Anthony (enter): 17:25
(2) Your Mom?: No, I am going right now.
(2) Your Mom?: Yeah
(2) Your Mom?: Hi Tony.
(5) Anthony: Are you lagging vey bad or is it me?
(5) Anthony: Who is your mom?
(2) Your Mom?: I was, am not now, but Rach can't connect.
(2) Your Mom?: Your Mom
(7) Robin (enter): 17:27
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Robin...
(2) Your Mom?: Only prime numbers
(2) Your Mom?: hehe
(5) Anthony: Okay. Respond when you see ethis mesage. testing lag.
(2) Your Mom?: now
(2) Your Mom?: ish
(2) Your Mom?: Guess I was a tad late...
(1) Konrad Knox: not the best test
(5) Anthony: Okay you say marko I'll say polo :D
(2) Your Mom?: marko
(2) Your Mom?: *Readies rifle*
(5) Anthony: polo
(2) Your Mom?: *boom*
(5) Anthony: was that rather fast
(5) Anthony: on your end?
(2) Your Mom?: kinda?
(5) Anthony: Just remember brass.
(5) Anthony: Breath. Relax. Aim. Stop. Squeeze
(2) Your Mom?: It's getting to Rachel's comp pretty fast abd that's from Fl to Ak, and back...
(1) Konrad Knox: fl - ak - ca
(7) Robin: I was having trouble logging in the room, though. Server stopped responding or something.
(5) Anthony: naw, that sshould still be sub 200 milisecond times
(2) Your Mom?: Yeah, had the same problem for a moment.
(5) Anthony: it did for me too robin
(5) Anthony: It hink konrad was laggin'
(8) Eve (enter): 17:32
(5) Anthony: maybe everyoen trying to connect at once
(1) Konrad Knox: we're getting shitty connection lately
(2) Your Mom?: Hola
(1) Konrad Knox: gonna complain about it
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Eve...
(5) Anthony: Your old roommate moved out konrad?
(5) Anthony: or did you move to another plac?
(8) Eve: He moved out and we moved into a new place togeather like... more than a year ago...
(5) Anthony: So you put up with his bs all that time for notihing :D
(5) Anthony: LOL
(8) Eve: ? Bs? KK is an awesome roommate. He even does the dishes without me asking
(1) Konrad Knox: what are you talking about?
(8) Eve: thats like.. the best roommate ever.
(5) Anthony: yes. konrad told me about his old room mate and some of the bs he used to pull
(5) Anthony: and the only reason konrad was putting up with it was to get the apartment after his roomlate moved, so he told me
(1) Konrad Knox: yeh, but it wasnt for nothing, it was saving my bucks
(2) Your Mom?: I glue furniture to the ceiling.
(1) Konrad Knox: ah yeah, he never moved
(8) Eve: What kind of glue do you use?
(2) Your Mom?: Super glue and Zip kicker.
(5) Anthony: superglue most likely
(5) Anthony: never heard of zip kicker
(2) Your Mom?: google ity
(5) Anthony: who is "Your Mom?"
(2) Your Mom?: Makes superglue dry instatly.
(2) Your Mom?: I already told you!
(8) Eve: If you don't know you have issues hon.
(8) Eve: *snicker*
(5) Anthony: I think I've had legitimate uses for super glue 3 time sin my life.
(2) Your Mom?: I er.... paint.... miniatures...
(5) Anthony: although glueing the nickle to the desk in the 7th grade got me in trouble, so make that 2
(8) Eve: is mending small cuts on the list?
(5) Anthony: so you're using super glue as resin? interesting
(1) Konrad Knox: here, logic puzzle for Tony. If we are missing Cain, who is Your Mom?
(2) Your Mom?: Su Madre
(2) Your Mom?: Ca Mere
(8) Eve: Ma Mere?
(7) Robin: >.> not it
(5) Anthony: The one person who refuses to name their handle the same as their char name so robin follows suit? Hmm.. couldn't say.
(2) Your Mom?: Who, Konrad?
(1) Dante Canavaciuollo: not me!
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 17:42
(5) Anthony: Remember we had that lurker about 3 sessions ago konrad
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: j0
(5) Anthony: Welcopme cain
(2) Your Mom?: Yo
(8) Eve: nyah?
(5) Anthony:
(7) Robin: hi
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo:
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Dante Canavacciuolo...
(5) Anthony: I did that just cause I could :D
** (2) Your Mom? goes to college apparently **
(7) Robin: *sigh*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): w00t
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, do u have any idea what happened last session?
(5) Anthony: Lets see, we stopped and helped an accidnet/robbery victums
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Not after net d/c, no. I can bring up the log real quick and catch up.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ^ Is the last I remember
(5) Anthony: there was a point we stopped, but I dont' remember what it was
(5) Anthony: a question had arisen
(2) Your Mom?: Parked outside a hotel
(2) Your Mom?: Many bugs
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): our internet is like dying
(5) Anthony: Oh, yeah, we made camp for the night about 20 miles from the border
(8) Eve: *gives your mom a cookie*
(8) Eve: Very good.
** (2) Your Mom? knows CPR **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i cannot bring up a 200kb html page
** (8) Eve does too **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: so liek, newest log doesn't work
(5) Anthony: make sure you're not doing anything in the background. stop that torrent dude!
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: but but but
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: teh pr0nz!!111
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: NAh, nothing in background
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nothing in my background...
(2) Your Mom?: Just my ICBM control program...
(5) Anthony: That's old school, takes very little cycles
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): putting log up
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): im paying for DSL and the speed is that of dialup
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Alaska has the shittiest internet service in the US
(2) Your Mom?: It is.... Alaska...
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Tell Palin to fix that shit.
(2) Your Mom?: lolol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): damn maybe i have a virus
(8) Eve: We can't shes too busy pretending she has a chance at being the next vice president.
(2) Your Mom?: T-Virus?
(5) Anthony: did you get that link I sent you konrad?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): about wurm?
(5) Anthony: http://somehedgehog.livejournal.com/245807.html
(5) Anthony: no, politics ala D&D
(2) Your Mom?: Eh, more like president... a vote for McCain is a vote for Palin... the man is verging on Papaltine-old...
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: @Eve - Well, when her little dollhouse breaks, that's the time to strike!
(5) Anthony: sonmone in another openrpg serve rinked it while I was waiting
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): kay, here is the end of last session: http://animamundi.free.fr/kk/Mage/Session13k.html
(5) Anthony: to quote a line from the link: "MCCAIN: Oh my god, I did not leave my left nut in a tiger cage in the Tomb of Horrors to spend my Friday nights mopping up after the new kid."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i wouldnt get political jokes :)
(5) Anthony: you would in context
(5) Anthony: anwya...
(5) Anthony: so tony seems to be currently doing what he does best.
(2) Your Mom?: What about this one
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Sleep?
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Oh lord. Tristin, you spend too much time on ED
(2) Your Mom?: Erectile Disfunction?
(5) Anthony: yeah, sleeping
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yes, that. No, not that.
(8) Eve: Well I'm dead or death oor something.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): testing my speed
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): paying for 300 kbps, getting 74
(5) Anthony: Ohhhh, right
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Oh hell yeah
(5) Anthony: yeah, you were ... not at home
(5) Anthony: we needed to check that out
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): when i have no picture on MSN, i am not at home and cannot accept files
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): when i do, i am home
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): considering cable. its gonna be shitty cable, but its still cable
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but 100 bucks a month?
(2) Your Mom?: With the exception of a problem with male aging, I'm still unaware of what ED is...
(5) Anthony: Like you think we actually look?
(8) Eve: shitty expensive cable.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Encyclopedia Dramatica, Tristin.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: I find stuff like that all the time there.
(5) Anthony: ED is erictile disfunction. "can't get it up" in other words
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, putting up map
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): can we get these commies outta here?
(8) Eve: Most guys only know about it if they have it.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): they make me wanna destroy things with sickles
(7) Robin: Or watch late night t.v.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): thank you
(8) Eve: Or watch late night TV good point
(8) Eve: "Were you up all night watching infomercials?"
(8) Eve: "No.... Yes..."
(8) Eve: ((fifty points to anyone who can name the internet cartoon))
(8) Eve: ((Besides KK))
(5) Anthony: little gamers?
(2) Your Mom?: Penny Arcade?
(5) Anthony: sounds like someithing little gamers would do but I dno't recall that one
(5) Anthony: maybe penny arcade
(8) Eve: No and no. Cartoon not comic
(2) Your Mom?: Nuroticly Yours?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): series of animated images with a voice over, sliding really fast
(2) Your Mom?: Thanks KK, had no idea
(8) Eve: No not foamy.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): *nod*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): they dont know.
(8) Eve: Clearly.
(5) Anthony: There's one similar wto penny arcade, but the out of it guy made a robot out of an x box, can't remember name...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): MN have not be making new episodes for 4 years ,so its forgotten
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Monkey Ninjas
(8) Eve: But they are monkey ninjas they can't just be forgotten.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ctrl + Alt + Del is the other one, Serp
(5) Anthony: oh yes, thanks
(5) Anthony: forgot the name and new comp an dall
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: My personal favourite of all the comedic ones would have to be The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
(8) Eve: YES!
(8) Eve: I love that one.
(5) Anthony: hmm.. neve rheard of that one
(5) Anthony: I love schlock mercenary
(5) Anthony: and real world is .. is that it... real soemthing. antoher one I just remmberd
(8) Eve: Though I disagree with the principle of ninjas beating pirates...
(2) Tristin: What?
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: I don't. >.>
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ninjas rape pirates ass
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yes.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sorry thx bye
(2) Tristin: Ninjas Pwn Pirates!!!
(5) Anthony: real LIFE comic
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh i mean.... yes yes honey, pirates totally pwn ninjas
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: rofl
(8) Eve: damn skippy.
(5) Anthony: But Looking For Group is my current favorite
(2) Tristin: Pirates are cool and all but....
(8) Eve: Yall are just jealous cause ninjas can't drink rum.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ninjas drink sake!
(2) Tristin: Yup
(8) Eve: Nope.
(8) Eve: Ninjas aren't allowed to drink
(5) Anthony: you ever read Looking for Group?
(8) Eve: Its about WoW right.
(2) Tristin: And why not?
(5) Anthony: No, not even remotely
(8) Eve: Its against their Ninja codes
(5) Anthony: I thought that too
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ninjas can have sex suspended from a ceiling. Pirates are lucky to keep balance while walking a plank
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Win
(8) Eve: Ninjas aren't allowed to have sex either.
(5) Anthony: this is what got me to start reading it. v
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): then where do more ninjas come from?
(5) Anthony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbazH6aE2g
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ninjas can do whatever they want.
(8) Eve: And if they fail a mission they have to kill themselves.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): thats samurai
(2) Tristin: Not nessisarily.
(8) Eve: Orphans I would guess.
(2) Tristin: Yeah, more Samuri thing.
(8) Eve: Pff what ninja movies have you been watching Dante?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): vampire scouts > ninjas
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Movies? Bah. Who needs movies?
(8) Eve: So.. Ninjas eat vampire scoutes?
(2) Tristin: Yeah but..... pizza pwns vampires... soo...
(8) Eve: Were are you getting your ninja lore?
(8) Eve: geeze..
(8) Eve: *where
(2) Tristin: wiki..
(2) Tristin: and askaninja.com
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Askaninja was a little funny
(2) Tristin: I think he's pretty funny, particularly the "omni" episodes.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anyway, fellas. The red squiggle indicates your position. You are approximately 40 miles from border between Slovenia and Hungary, you're about a mile off the highway, in a wasteland looking clearing, dry dirty ground, packed and dusty, shielded by a hill on one side and some trees on the other, a dirt road leads back to the highway. You have been previously awake for almost an entire day, so, you made camp and fell asleep. Anthony put a spell on local insects to be protective of the van.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Insects.. to protect the van??))
(2) Tristin: (Have you ever been stung?)
(5) Anthony: (( they think of the van as a hive kinda. Easy to manipulate hive minds ))
(2) Tristin: ((That shit hurts))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yes, I have. I just wonder why the van needs protection))
(5) Anthony: (( we're hive members, the van is hive, they protect it ))
(8) Eve: Cause we aren't in Kansas anymore?))
(5) Anthony: (( cause look what happened a few hours ago with the shoot out?
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((omg! WHEN DID WE LEAVE?))
(2) Tristin: ((Tristin's from... nevermind...))
(5) Anthony: (( how soon they forget ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): As you sleep, all your current active spells drop. So new scene.
(2) Tristin: ((*Summons TEH BOX*))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah, I read it.))

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

** (8) Eve starts to chant "Box, box, box, box, box, box, box" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Wakey wakey for Episode 14!

** (5) Anthony makes sure eve is comfortable, can breath easily,etc.. **
(5) Anthony: "Well, there doesn't seem to be anythign medically wrong with her. So it seems to be something magical. I dont' now, she seems... empty. maybe she tried to cast with no mana? I don't know."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The first of you to wake up realizes you've been asleep for 8 hours. You went to bed at 1 afternoon, so now it is evening, 9pm
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo blinks a few times before sitting up, stretching. **
(5) Anthony: (( so we just let eve .. umm.. remain undead? ))
** (5) Anthony yawns **
(2) Tristin: ((Zombie Eve!))
** (5) Anthony checks on eve **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve is breathing steadily, her vitals are normal, her pupils are not dialating because you cannot see them - her eyes are filled with black
** (2) Tristin blinks awake, realizing he must have dozed off while looking for a cure for Eve. **
** (8) Eve sits/lays still=ly **
(5) Anthony: "No one here really knows prime do they?"
** (2) Tristin looks at the page he fell asleep while reading. **
(5) Anthony: "I'm thinking maybe a hollow would help her."
(2) Tristin: "No.. that's Kurt's bit."
(5) Anthony: "I guess if I'm going to be a mage doctor I should start to learn prime"
** (7) Robin stirs awake from the conversation, sleepily blinky for a moment **
** (5) Anthony sighs **
** (5) Anthony scratches his beard stubble **
(5) Anthony: "Okay... well. I don't know. Maybe she needs mana but how do we get it to her, give it to her?"
(5) Anthony: "I've never set up a quentescince drip."
(8) Eve: ((*Snicker*))
(5) Anthony: (( lol. why did I just think of looking at Tristin after I said that ))
(7) Robin: "Oh right. I think I volunteered for that."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you find notes on mental overloads for different arcana - they occur rarely and accidentally when a certain individual exceeds capacity for their abilities as a result of an elevated spike of power. More commonly they happen during awakenings, which is why only one out of ten mages successfully awakens instead of collapsing to his death. But other times such overloads may happen to an awakened mage, as a potential result of increased magical progress or a will breaking attempts. Some cases were known to be temporary, others were known to stay permanent. Often times, influence of the same arcana as the one which put a mage into the state of short, may jumpstart them back
(2) Tristin: ((v.v))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo stands slowly and stretches from head to toe, then looks around to find a wooded area in which to relieve himself. **
(8) Eve: ((yay I'm screwed!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you walk out of the van?
(8) Eve: ((:D jk))
(5) Anthony: (( naw, he's sayign when you die you'll be fine since it was death that put you here. ))
** (2) Tristin looks up from the book **
(2) Tristin: "Ahha!"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yes... I figured that was implied by looking for somewhere to relieve himself))
(8) Eve: ((ohh.. then I really can be zombie eve))
(5) Anthony: "Hmm? Find anything?"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((wait, we all fell asleep in the van? Oh, that's right))
(2) Tristin: "We need to expose her to the Arcana that put her in the coma.."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Nevermind))
(8) Eve: ((Unless you are one of those fetish types to likes peeing -on- people.. we really don't know Dante that well yet.))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((WOODED... AREA >_>))
(5) Anthony: "What was she casting when she went into the coma? Anyone know? But she looks like death so I'm almost positive it's a death spell."
(2) Tristin: "That would be my guess too..."
(5) Anthony: "So, we need a death mage. Or death."
(5) Anthony: "I can summon spirits, not ghosts."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, over the van you see a swarm of various insects, territorially guarding the van, but avoiding you completely. In about 30 feet from the van, in the trees, you see a foraging black bear
(2) Tristin: "I think she would be petrified or something if she overloaded on Matter.."
(5) Anthony: 'I can barely see ghosts."
** (2) Tristin shows Tony the page he found. **
** (7) Robin stretches in her seat. **
(5) Anthony: "Hmm... okay... so she overloaded on the arcana it soudns like. Sounds more like the psychological field then medical, but I did have to take some classes."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks in the opposite direction to find an area of treelife that isn't currently being inhabited by bears. **
(5) Anthony: "So she maybe is trapped in a death... state, mindset, spell, something."
(5) Anthony: "Which needs to be... gotten into, interupted, added to."
** (5) Anthony looks around **
(5) Anthony: "Anyone else have any death arcana at all?
** (2) Tristin shakes his head. **
** (7) Robin shrugs, "no." **
** (5) Anthony contemplates **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you find a nice place. The insects are distracting, but you find it. A small hole in the ground beneath a tree stump
(2) Tristin: "Thinking about studying it.... Wouldn't it be awesome to revive some Shao-Lin monks to help me fight?"
(5) Anthony: 'I could stop her heart for a second, but then if I couldn't get it started again she'd probably be a little pissed."
(5) Anthony: "not to mention the chance of brain damage."
(7) Robin: "Pissed, at the least."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((What?? Not that kind of relief, sheesh))
(5) Anthony: 'Maybe I could summon a spirit whould could find a ghost who woudl.. umm. yeah, that aint' gonna work."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo relieves himself and returns to the van. **
(7) Robin: "Or maybe happy all the time, depending on the level of brain damage, if any."
(5) Anthony: "Actually, at my current level of magical learning, I could heal brain damage."
(5) Anthony: "Heck, I could make an animal out of.. dirt."
** (7) Robin looks nervously at Eve. **
(5) Anthony: "But the synapsis might be lost
(5) Anthony: "Okay...did you try contacting her mind at all?"
(5) Anthony: "Although I think it's her spirit that's probably trapped."
(7) Robin: "Hmm, no. Worth a shot, though."
(5) Anthony: "Or soul as the case may be."
(5) Anthony: "Try as hard as you can to read her mind, get in there, or soething."
(7) Robin: "Alright, I'll try."
** (7) Robin rubs her eyes sleepily. **
(5) Anthony: (( with life sight can I see if she has brain activity? Even if I couldnt' decipher it beyound mned school beta waves, etc.. ))
** (7) Robin leans over to **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((her brain is in perfect biological activity. her spirit is overwhelmed by Death, it embraces her inner essense, to spirit sight that is.))
(7) Robin: ...Eve, putting her palm aon Eve's forhead like a mother checking a childs temperature
(5) Anthony: (( I forget what my inferior is. I get the feelling it's death though ))
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,8,6,[10, 1],4,6,3] = (2)
(7) Robin: ((telepathy))
(7) Robin: ((resolve+gnosis to resist))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((that's 5 dice))
(7) Robin: ((mind 4+gnosis4))
(5) Anthony: (( is it reflexive or selective? ))
(8) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,7,4,1] = (0)
(7) Robin: ((refelx))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, what is your stamina?
(8) Eve: ((lame the roll I accidentally did to Dante was better))
(5) Anthony: (( alctuallhy, you WANTED to fail ))
(5) Anthony: (( if you succeeded she couldn't of read your mind ))
(7) Robin: ((3))
(2) Tristin: ((*Munches his cookie*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 10-3 =7
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,2,1,4,1,6] = (1)
(2) Tristin: ((*Sees the roll* WHAT ARE YOU PLOTTING?!?!?! *hides*))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((The who what? >_>))
(2) Tristin: ((Ther're a Brittish rock band))
(8) Eve: ((indeed, fairly popular in the 80's and early 90's))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((*turns around* Where, where??))
(8) Eve: ((all over the world but mostly the UK and USA))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I know who The Who is >_> I was questioning Eve's accidental roll against dante?))
(5) Anthony: (( My brother had a few of The Who's albums ))
(8) Eve: ((*grin*))
(8) Eve: ((was an accident was suppose to roll it in here))
(5) Anthony: (( was *not* supposed to roll it in here you mean? ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( o.o;; *worries* ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you get into Eve's mind. You see a clear image of darkness in your eyes. It's not just absense of light, it's thick darkness. You hear an absense of sound, a ghastly stale silence, like a silence after a gunshot or a rotten leaf falling on the ground... you can hear Eve's breathing. Then, the darkness starts coming upon you, you begin to choke but you manage to escape the state. To observers, Robin's eyes go misty black for 3-4 seconds, but she coughs and recovers, snapping out of it.
(8) Eve: ((No I was suppose to roll it in the main room, but I had a tab to dante opened by accident))
(2) Tristin: "Robin!"
** (5) Anthony looks concerned, "What happened? Your eyes went hte same as hers. " **
(8) Eve: ((cool I'm contagious))
** (7) Robin drops her hand limply from Eve's head. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Y'all starting to get hungry
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh... tabs.. yeah... I totally knew there was a tab open between us, really!))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo is getting hungry. **
** (2) Tristin 's stomach rumbles **
(7) Robin: "That was an unpleasant feeling...very. We need to help Eve, I think I felt what she is feeling..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The bear looks at Dante, studying, then at the insects, it stands on its back paws, and straightens up, low growls coming up in its maw
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Robin, then to Eve. **
(2) Tristin: "Are you okay now though?"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I.. returned to the van?))
(5) Anthony: "If she does not snap out of it soon she will need to be put on suport, feeding tubes, and such."
(5) Anthony: (( do I hear the bear growl? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, the feeling you carried out of Eve's mind is that she is not attacked, rather... cloaked, her mind was at peace and stillness. As if it was shielding her from your influence.
** (7) Robin nods. "That was scary. I suppose it was like entering a dead person's mind...something like that." **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Pooh Bear wants honey!))
(2) Tristin: ((Oh bother))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The Bear was eyeing Dante ever since he stopped releaving himself, so now he'd be growling at the van
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((hahah))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Gotcha))
(8) Eve: ((yall are just canned meat to it right now :D))
(5) Anthony: (( he thinks we're a bee hive. lol ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Oh yeah, Tony, you see, hear, and feel the bear. Now you all do.
(2) Tristin: ((Great, he relived himself with the hole in the stump so the bear got interested...))
(2) Tristin: "What the hell is that sound?
(5) Anthony: life 5 + gnosis 3 + Power Word 2 - Control Medium Life [10d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,4,2,3,8,8,2,7,6] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, it's a 7 year old male bear, matured, his vitals normal though he isnt quite happy in this suburban polluted environment, he feeds on plants, berries and food scraps
(5) Anthony: Go away.
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks out the window of the van, toward the bear. **
(5) Anthony: Go away.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The bear turns around, and leaves.
(5) Anthony: grr. dumb italics not working
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Crisis averted!))
(2) Tristin: "Oh... it's... leaving...." *looking out the window*
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo watches the bear leave, arching an eyebrow as he feels the familiar tingle of magic being cast. **
** (7) Robin watches the bear leave through the window **
(8) Eve: ((that was reason number 123 why you should take a life mage with you while camping))
(5) Anthony: "Well, if you come acorss a medical supply store or hospital let me know, I may need to stock up on saline solution. Hmm.. I wonder if I could do that with magic."
(2) Tristin: ((Number one is fishing is a joke..))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The bear looks back once, licking his maw at the van and all those bees near it, but strides away
(5) Anthony: "I'm hesitant to cast any spells on eve rihgt now because I'm not sure what that might do."
(2) Tristin: "Does the page say anything about opposing magics?"
(5) Anthony: "Which page?"
** (2) Tristin points to the book he let Tony see. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): It does not specify that another arcana would necessarily help the state.
(5) Anthony: "Hmm... no. Althogh prime might help as it's like the super arcana, but no one here knows prime anwyay."
(5) Anthony: "Nor death."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The arcana themselves, together, complete a spectrum, with each individual having allignments stronger towards some, and weaker towards others, making their use inferior to their resonanse, however the arcana do not war or oppose each other, rather control different aspects of being
(5) Anthony: "Optimally we need a Moros."
(5) Anthony: (( moros is death right? ))
(8) Eve: ((and matter and prime))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A powerful charge from the same arcana could, in some cases, jump start the mage to exit the overload.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((prime is not moros))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((prime is obrimos))
(8) Eve: ((oh thats right each one has 2 not 3))
(5) Anthony: (( my inferior is mind incicdnetly ))
(5) Anthony: (( yeah, a good obrimos would knwo waht to do maybe ))
(5) Anthony: "Hmm. only two other moros I know we sent off into a hell dimentions place."
** (5) Anthony looks at eve, "We don't seem to have a good track record when it comes to Moros." **
(5) Anthony: "Abandon home, all ye Moros here."
(5) Anthony: *hope
(5) Anthony: "Well, its obvoius we need a moros mage. We don't have one."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A ravem caws in the sky dramatically
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): raven*
** (5) Anthony looks at the raven **
(5) Anthony: "Hmm.. weren't ravens said to be messengers of the dead?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): raven soars in the sky before flapping repeatedly and heading towards the forest
(2) Tristin: "Dunno... it's a poem.."
(5) Anthony: (( dang, I lost my rote for my talk with animals spells I made up ))
(5) Anthony: (( it was... damn. ))
(8) Eve: ((no thats crows, ravens are usually associated with wisdom))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i dont have it either :/ ))
(5) Anthony: (( it was... soemthign + lower of life or spirit + something ))
(2) Tristin: ((Nevermore))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the dirt road you're on, leads in two directions, deeper into the prarie, or back to the highway, which goes across to the border with Hungary in one direction, and back to urban areas of Slovenia on the other
(5) Anthony: (( go tit ))
(5) Anthony: Spirit Tongue (C)(1) Gnosis(3)+Spirit(3) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,2,4,9,1] = (1)
(5) Anthony: (( er, nubmers wrong though ))
(5) Anthony: (( oh no that's right ))
(5) Anthony: (( I thought rotes took 3 tihings though ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you can talk to spirits with that
(5) Anthony: (( oh, wrong spell ))
(5) Anthony: (( I hate my new keybaord ))
(5) Anthony: Commune with Median Life (C)(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Spirit(3) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,4,6,3,7,4] = (0)
(5) Anthony: (( well crap ))
(5) Anthony: Commune with Median Life (C)(2) Presence(1)+AnimalKen(2)+Spirit(3) + powerworld 2 - second atempt 1 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,2,1,5,8,3,8] = (2)
(2) Tristin: ((It fails, but your brain makes up words the animals are saying))
** (5) Anthony looks at the raven **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the raven makes a turn and looks back
(5) Anthony: "Hi.. " Tony peers closely, "Mister raven. "
** (5) Anthony shrugs **
(5) Anthony: "Follow the raven."
(1) Raven: "Mister Raven is my grandpa. Call me Tom. What's up"
(5) Anthony: "Who's driving?"
(7) Robin: "Me, I guess."
(5) Anthony: "Be on your guard, it might be a trap."
(7) Robin: "You want me to follow the bird?"
(5) Anthony: "Any better ideas?"
(5) Anthony: "maybe we'll find a graveyard at the least."
** (7) Robin shrugs. "Alright." **
** (7) Robin turns the engine over and starts down the dirt path after the bird. **
(5) Anthony: "At this point we have to find a hospital, or a medical supply store, or a cemetary, or someone who knows death magic."
(5) Anthony: "And lunch. Can't forget lunch."
** (5) Anthony 's stomach loudly agrees **
** (1) Raven circles around casually, around the van, then lands on the tree nearby **
** (5) Anthony sighs **
(1) Raven: "Can I help you?"
(5) Anthony: "Mister Raven. Can you understand me?"
(1) Raven: "Uuuh, yaah? Like I said, it's Tom."
** (7) Robin focuses on the trees around her, placing everything specifically in the plane of space. ((spactial awerness space4+gnosis4)) **
(5) Anthony: "We are not local to this area. We have a sick person and we need to find a mage like us."
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,8,8,[10, 6],9,4,4,4] = (4)
(5) Anthony: "Do you knwo of any?"
(5) Anthony: "We need one dealing in death. or a hollow. although I am not sure you'd knwo what that was.,"
** (5) Anthony ponders **
(2) Tristin: ((do we hear you?))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo nods to Tony at the comment about lunch, patting his stomach once. ((Good question)) **
(5) Anthony: (( no, I'm speaking to it's spirit ))
(1) Raven: "Oh definitely! I bet frank can help you. One time Lindsey and Pak-Pak found this juicy roadkill, a total fox, right? Well, Frank... damn, he made that thing disappear in a matter of minutes, he's a mage alright."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lmao))
** (5) Anthony smiles **
(5) Anthony: "Not quite that type. It's hard to explain that you woudl understand."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you got the spacial map down. For you to get lost in these wastelands, someone would have seriously mess with the space structure.
** (5) Anthony speaks to Uchawi, Uchawi, how wouldy ou explain mages to a birdl like this raven? **
** (7) Robin lets the van idle near the tree the bird is sitting on **
(1) Uchawi: "Honestly? I wouldn't even begin to try. To them, you're an equal if you converse like their equal."
(5) Anthony: "Miter Raven, do you know of any humans who heal animals eaisly?"
** (5) Anthony mumb,es, "Dang, tha'ts life, not death" **
(5) Anthony: sigh
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Mister Raven... how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center ofa tootsie pop?))
(8) Eve: (( :D!!!))
(2) Tristin: ((hehe))
(1) Uchawi: "But I suppose 'I am a creature in all way superior to you, an ultimate predator who surpassed the average level of complexity and development of its species, and learned to bend the shape of reality, now help me or I will destroy you."
(1) Uchawi: "would work"
(8) Eve: ((Ohh.. I really want to see a spirit parrot destroy a raven..))
(8) Eve: ((that would be cool))
(5) Anthony: "Raven, we have a sick friend we need to make better .. .I am not sure I can express what I"m looking for so that you could understand it. Sorry to waste your time."
(7) Robin: ((throw some crackers inbetween them, maybe it'll start something ))
(1) Raven: "Well, for the third time. Mister Raven just sounds lame, alright? I don't even have kids yet. Name's Tom. As for humans who heal animals... when did you see that happen?"
(5) Anthony: "Hmm.. I wonder if a spirt would konw of a hollow. If there is a hollwo there woudl be mages right?
(1) Raven: "Oooh a sick friend? Can I have their eyes?"
(5) Anthony: "I heal aniamls."
(2) Tristin: "Possibly."
(5) Anthony: "yes, her eyes are black. Thsi one."
** (1) Raven flaps down from the tree branch and lands on the ground near the van, eyeing the insect swarm **
** (5) Anthony rolls down the window so the raven can see Eve's eyes **
(5) Anthony: 'Oh, sorry, let me get rid of them.
** (5) Anthony drops that swarm spell **
(5) Anthony: (( and a nanao second after hitting enter ralized I should of told them to go away first. doh ))
(1) Raven: "Oooh, sweet! That's delicious. I haven't had an fresh dead eye in a long time. Those 5 day old porcupines only give me a heartburn"
** (1) Raven jumps over to the van and sits on Eve's lap **
(5) Anthony: 'I said sick, not dead."
(2) Tristin: "What's he doing?"
(1) Raven: "Can I have em when she's dead?"
** (8) Eve sits there limply **
(5) Anthony: "You have my word." Tony rolls the window back up
(5) Anthony: "He wanted to see her eyes to see how tasty they wuld be."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo eyes the raven inside the van. **
(5) Anthony: (( the raven was outisde right? )0
(1) Raven: ((he didnt want to SEE her eyes, he wanted to HAVE her eyes, big difference to a raven))
(2) Tristin: "Uhh.... I thought we were trying to wake her up.."
(7) Robin: "Uhhh, get him outa here...."
(1) Raven: (( yes, but then you rolled down the window, dropped the swarm, and now he is inside))
(5) Anthony: "Okay, good bye raven. Til we meet again."
** (8) Eve currently has a raven sitting in her lap eying her eyeballs as a snack. **
(1) Raven: "Wha? You mean ol' Tom doesnt get a snack?"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Eyeballs - They're like gobstoppers to ravens!))
(5) Anthony: "She's not dead yet. WE need to get busy finding a way to heal her. Take care."
(1) Raven: "Alright. Peace out." - tried to fly away. hits the window glass, passes out
(8) Eve: ((LOL!))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo smacks his forehead. "Now we have a pet to tend to." **
(2) Tristin: "Um...."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): congrats, you now have an unconscious raven on the floor
** (7) Robin sighs. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "So, what was that all about?"
(7) Robin: "I guess we're putting dead animals in Eve's lap to make her feel better?"
(8) Eve: ((ROFL))
** (7) Robin pokes the bird. **
** (2) Tristin snickers **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the bird's alive but kinda limp
(2) Tristin: "Did you animal-control him into doing that, because that was awesome."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Half-dead bird aside, what's our gameplan here? I doubt staying in this forest is getting Eve the help she needs. Its not like she needs fresh air."
** (7) Robin sigh "You guys want to find some breakfast/dinner or something?" **
(8) Eve: (mmm breafast/dinner the best meal of the day))
(10) Anthony (enter): 19:25
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You recall a cafe type place by the highway
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Anthony...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh man! anthony missed all that?))
(10) Anthony: Booting '(5) Anthony' from server...
(5) Anthony (exit): 19:25
(7) Robin: ((shawn just dc too))
(11) Clever Parental Pun (enter): 19:26
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(2) Clever Parental Pun' from server...
(2) Clever Parental Pun (exit): 19:26
(11) Tristin: (2) Tristin: "I was under the impressing Tony was interogateing the bird, not turning him into a windex commercial
(10) Anthony: (( FREAKING HP KEYBOARD! I went to hit backspace, hti .. somethin,g no cllue what, home or pg up or somethign, monitor turned off. couldn't get it to turn back on, had to reboot computer by powerswitch ))
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Clever Parental Pun...
(11) Tristin: ((Weird.))
(10) Anthony: (( but you said gte bird landed on teh ground by the van, never saw hwen you said it entered, so I wouldn't of rolled the window up til it was out ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((It landed on Eve's lap XD))
(10) Anthony: (( I alrady tore one key out. The sleep key. Next to the exc key. 3rd time I hit that by mistake ppppled it out iwth a screwdirver ))
(10) Anthony: (( worst placement of snooze key EVA ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ** (1) Raven jumps over to the van and sits on Eve's lap **
(11) Tristin: ((What about in place of the spacebar?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ^ since eve is inside, raven came inside))
** (10) Anthony opens the window and letst he bird out **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the bird falls out
(10) Anthony: "I think our best bet is a hollow if I knew how to find one. Look for atlantian runes."
(7) Robin: "Ouch..."
(8) Eve: ((Because it is unconsious from smacking into the window the first time :D))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((poor Tom. I hope for his sake that he's not a recurring character))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((totally will be Tony's guilt trip))
(8) Eve: 1) Raven: "Alright. Peace out." - tried to fly away. hits the window glass, passes out
(10) Anthony: (( Like I said, if he was inside I wuldn't of closed it. ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Atlantian what?"
(7) Robin: "I was thinking of stopping by a cafe we passed near the highway."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( aaaw but its funny that way :D ))
(11) Tristin: ((Then he hits the windshield))
(10) Anthony: "Atlantean ruins. These things. " Tony shows some of the ruins in the book
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo observes the ruins. "Oh, ruins. I thought you said runes. My mistake." **
(10) Anthony: "Runes. characters."
(10) Anthony: "like letters but ancient."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((OKay, so now they are runes. got it))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "And where would we be looking for them?"
(10) Anthony: "On bulidings above door is wehre they usually are for a marked hollow t think. Well, the one hollwo I know of has one there."
(10) Anthony: "You need mage sight up to see them usually"
(10) Anthony: "But it seems any sight will se them "
(8) Eve: ((just a note Kassies hollow is not marked with runes))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo nods again. "I will keep an open eye then." **
(10) Anthony: "Eithe rway, we need to either get to someone who can cast a death spell on eve, or someplace I can buy some sailine solution so she doesn't die of thirst."
(11) Tristin: ((Yeah, didn't think I remembered that as part of the discription.))
(10) Anthony: (( yeah, oh, wait, that is antoher campaign? ))
(10) Anthony: (( does this campaign have the bar as a hollow? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( nope. lol ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( well, not one we seen yet))
(10) Anthony: (( Daren, that's Terralthra's campaign ))
(8) Eve: ((i know where one is IC though))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((we have Kassidy's Hollow in New Haven and Swimming Pool in Rome Hotel))
(10) Anthony: (( so I don't know fi I've seen any runes on buildings at all then ))
(8) Eve: ((you may have theoretically read about them))
(10) Anthony: (( so I'm not sure if my char would know to look for runes ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i think the contents of The Books are Claire's to call))
(10) Anthony: "Well, I've heard mages sometimes mark places with runes."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if there is a pic of a hollow, then sure))
(10) Anthony: (( what? ))
(11) Tristin: ((Cool, you can just make shit up to get us out of a jam.))
(8) Eve: ((I desribed the books as basically anything in the White Wolf Mage book so if it says stuff about runes he could know about it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sweet. deal!))
(8) Eve: ((provided he actually read about the runes that is))
(10) Anthony: (( yeah, I don't think it does, that's how it was in terralthra's campaign, the hollow were normally marked wiht runes above the door ))
(10) Anthony: (( don't think it's described that way in the white wolf book ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((well, one we knew was. and it was guarded and was a peace turf.))
(8) Eve: ((some hollows might be marked, depends on the hollow, who owns it and what they use it for))
(10) Anthony: (( kassidy'es wasnt marked was it? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i bet not every mage wants their hollow marked. the guy in Terr's campaign belonged to Free Council, guys who believe magic should be public))
(10) Anthony: (( and the pool wasn't marked? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no and no))
(10) Anthony: (( so what, I gotta chant, "Calling doctor bombay, doctor bombay, come right away"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((but in the Book, you would find description of factions - Adamantine Arrow, Silver Ladder, and Free Council, and Free Council would be noted for marking public hollows, so it's possible to get that knowledge out of the books, if you look for it IC))
(10) Anthony: (( tony is going to read everything he can on hollows to try to figure out how to find one ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So, Robin, you driving back to the highway? Whats the situation?
(10) Anthony: (( academcis roll? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, int + academics))
(7) Robin: (so far i'm still just idling, no one has responded to my comment of heading to the cafe))
(8) Eve: ((totally wants a cheeseburger and chocolate shake... but is dead so can't tell you that..))
(11) Tristin: "So where are we going to find a Moros?"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((No, silly, Death))
(10) Anthony: int 3 + academcis 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,4,7] = (0)
** (1) Uchawi points to Eve at Tristin's comment **
(8) Eve: ((nyah!))
(10) Anthony: "Hmm. I think a hollow is an empty place whre qintessince gathers"
(11) Tristin: "Thanks Uchawi.... I mean another one."
(8) Eve: ((what is he pointing with his beak or his wing?))
** (7) Robin shrugs. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((his talon))
(10) Anthony: "Hey Uchawi, you know of any way to find a hollow?"
(10) Anthony: (( ahh,t he old, why the hell did he get a familiar that was knoweldge based moment ))
(1) Uchawi: "There are several ways theoretically to find it. The simplest one is using Prime Sight, the Supernal Vision, which points them out right away. Other ways more or less depend on the keeper of a Hollow. Some want their to be public, like the Free Council members, others, like the Silver Ladder or the Guardians of The Veil - prefer to give specific symbols recognizable to the members of those circles. Mercenaries, like the members of Adamantine Arrow, are know to use keywords and special language to transmit location coordinates of their Hollows. Your best bet without Supernal Vision, is to look for Free Council and ask their help."
(10) Anthony: "Oh. Right. Okay. So next questin. What ist he best way to look for the Free Council?"
** (7) Robin fiddles with the radio, looking for a news station. **
(8) Eve: ((you mean translator?))
(1) Uchawi: "Well... that is not quite an encyclopedic question. I am not the best psychologist. I am a parrot with a phenomenal memory. What do you know about Free Council? They oppose the Guardians of the Veil, who seek to terminate all frivolous mages and prevent awakenings. Free Council's habit is to help rookie mages start up."
(7) Robin: ((nvm))
(8) Eve: ((turned it into a translator for radio signals last game... don't know if it still works as a radio))
(7) Robin: ((yeah i remember now))
(10) Anthony: "Well, you said something about symbols. Atlantean runes/ Hmm..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The radio transmits in 6 possible translations
(10) Anthony: (( >.> ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dutch, English, and Italian
(10) Anthony: "Guys, keep an eye out for antying that looks.. magic."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): currently, being in Slovenia, the translator does not translate slovenian radio stations
(7) Robin: "Where do you guys want to go?"
(10) Anthony: "A hollow. A hospital. A resteraunt. Not necessarily in that order."
(10) Anthony: "maybe a store for burritos or something."
(7) Robin: "Well, I know for certain where a cafe is."
(8) Eve: ((cause they have lots of burritos in Slovenia))
(10) Anthony: "Or whatever the local equivalent is."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Hoorah for Slovurritos!))
(1) Uchawi: "I suppose if you act like you are in trouble, or are hunted, you may attract their attention? Or maybe lighting a fireball in the middle of the street and causing a major paradox. That will attract every possible faction in your vicinity for certain. Your chances are Free Council would be among those five."
(11) Tristin: "Probably similar to gyros..."
** (7) Robin heads towars the cafe by the highway she remmbered. Vrrooom. **
(10) Anthony: "I wonder if blowing up a castle got their attention."
(1) Uchawi: "But the counsequence would probably be very unpleasant."
(1) Uchawi: "Judging by the fact that you are wanted on the Italian border, they are impressed, indeed."
(7) Robin: ((oppsy))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo apparently leaves his motorcycle in the woods ((Not the ideal way I wanted to lose the bike, but eh)) **
(10) Anthony: (( so bring it ))
(7) Robin: ((You can get it fi you want))
(10) Anthony: (( don't let someone else drive off with you :P ))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo follows Robin on his motorcycle. ((I was just commenting)) **
(10) Anthony: (( heh ))
(10) Anthony: (( rp waits for no man ))
** (7) Robin lets dante out before she drives off **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol, apparently ))
(8) Eve: ((Slovene foods are often simple and hearty. Many dishes are made with cream, such as mushroom soup, and pork sour soup. Horseradish with cream, a specialty of northeastern Slovenia, is often served with beef dishes. Chicken paprika is a creamy sauce made with spicy, red paprika served over noodles or dumplings.))
(8) Eve: ((the more you know :D))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you make it to the cafe. it... sucks
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The menu: goulasch, porriage, stew
(7) Robin: "Man...this sucks.Wheres the Buger King?"
(8) Eve: ((cool the Slovenians are one of the many inventers of "Goulash""))
(11) Tristin: "I only have US dollars..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a laddy greets you happily, you dont understand her language
(1) Lady: "Kupite, gulyash! Vkusnii gulyash! 30 grivink!"
(1) Lady: "Prinimay Rubli tozhe. 30 grivni = 25 Rubli"
(10) Anthony: (( I would have roman currancy. what is that.. I forget ))
(1) Lady: "Ooooh Us Dollar!"
** (10) Anthony pulls out some... roman money and some dollors **
** (7) Robin smiles at the lady. ((universal language mind4+gnosis4)) **
(10) Anthony: "You acccept either?"
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 6],4,8,5,[10, 4],9,1] = (4)
(1) Lady: "5 Dollar! Umm.... 10 Dollar! " - shows ten on fingers, pointing to a bowl of goulasch
** (1) Lady looks at Robin **
(1) Lady: "Oh hi."
(10) Anthony: (( 10 buck for a bowl fo slope? yearh, right ))
(7) Robin: "Ten doallars for one bowl?"
(8) Eve: ((technically in modern time its the Euro Dante, but in WOD game its the italian Lira I think))
(7) Robin: ((We leave eve in van?))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((dante? What?))
(10) Anthony: (( better htan dragging an unconscoius woman around ))
(7) Robin: ((We might could get a disscount, lol))
(10) Anthony: "you have any cheese? Bread?"
(10) Anthony: "Sausage?"
(1) Lady: "Very good food! Only 10 dollars, welcome, most welcome! We very poor, have a family of six children and eleven grandchildren, need help like nobody else. Klara across the street doing much better than us, she has two cows and a motorcycle, we have nothing at all, she has a farm, we only have a small cafe! Please, please! I be so greatful for the patronage! besides, not many food places are on the road so close to the border... borders are being closed, crime, terrorism, gang wars beginning. Dangerous times, desperate prices."
(10) Anthony: (( cheese bread. yummmm ))
** (1) Lady looks at Toni and blinks **
** (1) Lady turns back to Robin **
** (7) Robin looks to lady. "You have anything else? like cheese, sausage, bread? Anything?" **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo seats himself and points to a bowl of stew, noticing that the lady speaks some mildly impressive english. "How much?" **
(8) Eve: ((Eating at restaurants is considered expensive by the Slovenes, and therefore is typically only done on special occasions or for celebrations; however, many Slovenes frequenly enjoy a meal at a gostilna (local pub), where traditional foods and pastries are served))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Or was that unviersal?))
(10) Anthony: "Cheese you know...cheese?" Tony tries to indicate cheese with his hands, badly
(1) Lady: "Oh yes! yes. We have fresh cheese, have russian sausage, hungarian sausage, kilbasa, salami! We have bread, ukranian bread, slovenian bread, bulgarian bread!"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I just assumed the broken english bit was her, not universal to robin. Nevermind))
(7) Robin: ((I can talk with her through the universal language spell. itsmind))
(11) Tristin: "I guess I'll have the pasta-soup stuff...." *pointing at the Goulash approvingly.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yes, I know what the spell is. I just didn't know if the lady was talking to Robin or realizing that we speak english and that she speaks it brokenly))
** (7) Robin to tony. "They have sausage and bread, too" **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Robin. "Could you tell her I'd like the stew?" **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo feels his stomach rumble, not thinking about much else. **
(10) Anthony: "Okay, I'll have some gulsush I guess and would liek to get som ecold bread an dsaugage and cheese and such that travel well togo
(10) Anthony: "Gotta keep an eye on eve.
(1) Lady: oh, the lady is like, excited, panting, not necessarily broken language really, but like, mixing words. you're like the only customers in her entire day, the place is like, empty
(10) Anthony: "Dang, too bad I left my backpack at home."
(1) Lady: she is hurrying to put an apron on and get you the food, putting gloves on
** (7) Robin to the lady Well have three bowls of stew...gulosh, bread , sausage and some cheese....." **
** (10) Anthony will check the food for contamination/botchalism as we eat it. **
** (7) Robin thanks the lady, being polite. **
(10) Anthony: (( score one for life sight ))
(7) Robin: ((having the runs would be no fun lol))
** (1) Lady brings you all that you have ordered, contamination levels are medium, it's not the best food, not the freshest, but nothing spoiled. **
** (7) Robin chows down on some stew. **
(1) Lady: "That would be a total of 80 dollars, alright?"
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo smiles and nods once to the lady and then looks to the stew, digging in right away. **
** (1) Lady waits to be paid **
** (1) Lady hangs on to the food **
** (10) Anthony gives the lady $10 **
(11) Tristin: [hs] => hs 80 Dollars?....
** (1) Lady gives Tony goulasch **
(10) Anthony: (( since he took the bread and sausage and cheese she might want more ))
** (11) Tristin hands the lady $70 **
(1) Lady: ((thats perfectly fine to say in character, being that only robin understands the woman))
** (1) Lady lets go of your food and goes back to the counter **
(11) Tristin: ((She communicated money in english just fine before Robin casted it))
** (1) Lady beams at the money, stashes it in the backroom somewhere **
(8) Eve: ((you guys just made that womans like.. year))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo smiles. "Thanks, Tristin. Not surprisingly, I have no American money." He begins to eat the stew hungrily. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, apparently))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A black mercedes pulls up to the cafe, next to your van.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( oh noes! plot devices are coming to take us away! ))
(10) Anthony: (( shoot, we're not discuised either ))
(11) Tristin: [ha] => ha "Kurtis and I had a little incedint at a Casino not too long ago"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Two men exit it and get into the cafe. Both with pistol holsters on their belts. Leather jackets, cammy pants
** (11) Tristin chowing down on goulash **
** (10) Anthony mumbles under his breath, "These are not hte droids you want." **
(8) Eve: ((These are not the droids your looking for))
(1) Dude: Robin, you and only you, understand this: "Martha! Come over here Martha!"
** (11) Tristin looks the two men over, looking for their purpose here and sizing them up. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((These aren't the droids you're looking for, if you want to be 100% technical Eve =P))
(10) Anthony: (( tony is just tryign to give a hiint to the mind uders how e can get out of this easily ))
** (7) Robin looks up from her bowl of soup. **
(1) Lady: "Oh, hey Petro. Ho...how goes the ... everything?"
** (11) Tristin snickers at Tony's comment **
(8) Eve: (( *gives Dante a cookie* correct))
(1) Dude: "Looks like you have some customers. Expensive car."
(10) Anthony: (( tghy're speaking in slovic I presume ))
(1) Lady: "No, they are just... relatives... visiting."
(1) Lady: ((yes))
(1) Dude: "What are their names then? I did not know there were any relatives besides that useless husband of yours."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo barely notices the men as they enter, filling his stomach with the stew. He listens to the conversation despite being unable to understand what they are saying. **
(10) Anthony: Uchawi, what are these guys saying?
(1) Lady: "Uuuh, look Petro, I already paid you this month, let me lay off till the next? My daughters can't afford even a decent dress!"
(8) Eve: ((Have you ever noticed that when people are talking in other languages you tend to assume they are talking about you??))
** (7) Robin looks at the dude, trying to see his thoughts...((read the depts mind4 gnosis4)) **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 8],7,[10, 4],5,8,[10, 9],5] = (4)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah, isn't that weird?))
(7) Robin: ((cuz they are ;p ))
(1) Lady: ((can encyclopedic knowledge familiar enterprete languages, claire?))
(10) Anthony: (( Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean no one is out ot get you ))
(8) Eve: ((Umm.. I suppose I could get a roll for it?))
(8) Eve: ((*it ))
(1) Dude: "If she wants a decent dress, I told her what she should do for me! You paid for this month, but what about the debt for previous two months? Protection is not easy business, you know."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((They're coming to take me away, ha-ha!))
(10) Anthony: (( you could get a roll for something? You're undead ))
(7) Robin: ((composture+gnosis reflex))
(1) Dude: Loot. Glorious loot. We're anxious to take it. American dollars - we like very much. Day to day, that's how we make it!
(8) Eve: ((To the funny farm? With trees? And flowers? And.. and chirping birds?))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Naturally))
(8) Eve: ((why... is he thinking in rhyme I would wonder))
(10) Anthony: Oh shoot. Protection racket?
(7) Robin: What protection deal was made between these two
(1) Dude: ((only robin can hear thoughts, she casted the spell))
(10) Anthony: (( n/m my texst. ucawhi never answered me )
(10) Anthony: (( gm is getting floooooooooooded. ))
** (10) Anthony wxamines gthe newcoimers with life sight out of habit **
(1) Dude: ((Uchawi can make a roll, since language is a separate deal from encyclopedic knowledge, thats more like, logic and facts, versus ability to enterprete languages, it's wishy washy, and Claire didnt document the parrot, but i can look up the trait Encycl. Knowledge and see what to roll))
(10) Anthony: (( I don't think encyclopedic knowledge woul dgive langauges ))
(1) Dude: ((nope, gotta purchase each additional language as a merit. knowledge if just random facts.))
(8) Eve: ((might give a few phrases.. it is the merit of random facts))
(1) Dude: ((maybe phrases, like In Vina Veritas, Lingua Franka, famous quotes))
(11) Tristin: ((Quib pro Quo Clairece))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Quid))
(1) Dude: The two men are 28 and 30 years old. One is healthy, the younger one, the one talking. He does not drink or smoke, health in excellent condition. Second one older, smoker and drinker. His system is hyped from the stimulation of those intoxications, allowing him good aim, reflexes, focus etc
(10) Anthony: (( things like, what, "Hey, did you know that scum bag in slovak is Spodina taška? ))
(8) Eve: (("The lambs. They were screaming."))
(10) Anthony: (( actually, alcohol would slow down reaction times ))
** (7) Robin scans the dudes memory for the details of the "protection" agreement he made with the lady. **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo finishes his stew and finally looks towards the men more intently, wondering what all the fuss is about. **
(11) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,2] = (0)
(11) Tristin: ((Composure check))
(1) Dude: they beat up her husband and her teenage son who tried protecting her, there are many folks in the racket gang, they oversee this neighborhood to defend it from other gangs, who basically do the same. The Lady's brother tried to go over to them and nagotiate, but they sent him back all beat up and with a bullet wound in his shoulder, this was a few months ago. The original agreement is - pay us 40% of your profits every month and you will be left alone. The cafe wasnt doing good for last couple of months and the mobsters started tracking interest rate
(1) Dude: ((oh god. Tristin failed composure.))
** (11) Tristin the woman's fear begins to get to Tristin, he balls his fists prepareing to jump in and help her. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I was just about to say... why a comp-oshi-!))
(1) Lady: "Fine, fine, it's okay. Here, they paid me 50 dollars. Here are 24, okay? That's all I can give."
** (7) Robin rempeats the details in high speech to her group :) **
(1) Dude: "I think I'll take the interest payment today too. All fifty."
** (11) Tristin doesn't actually leave his seat, but watches the two men -very- carefully. **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks over to Robin, then to Tristin, then back to the men. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: [hs] => hs This doesn't look good.
(10) Anthony: [hs] => hs Hmm? They recognize us?
(7) Robin: [highspeech] => highspeech I want to help her, but I don't want to create more trouble than shes already in...
(10) Anthony: [hs] => hs Well, easy, make them think she already paid up in their mind or something.
(11) Tristin: [hs] => hs these guys are just a bunch of fucking thugs...
** (1) Dude 's partner is dropping his hand casually on the gun, while the lady hurries with a little bag of money, handing the mobster 50 dollars **
(10) Anthony: [hs] => hs Unfortuantely, this kinda thing happens all over. I wish we could stop it but... unfortuantely it's a part of life
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: [hs] => hs Let's just mind our own business for once, okay?
(10) Anthony: [hs] => hs Wat the hell, why is she giving him $50?L That's like a fortune here isnt' it?
** (7) Robin eyes the dude with the gun ((telepathic control mind 4 gnosis4)) **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,[10, 9],2,4,6,1,8] = (2)
(10) Anthony: (( my virtue is charity, vice is pride. don't htink this really bugs me too much ))
(1) Dude: both have guns, which one?
(7) Robin: ((resolve +gnosis. reflex))
(7) Robin: ((The younger one))
(1) Dude: older who is quiet, or younger who talks
(1) Dude: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2] = (0)
(8) Eve: ((no but you might feel compelled to give her a bigger tip after heh))
(10) Anthony: (( that's a given ))
(1) Dude: You are in the guy's mind, Robin
(11) Tristin: ((Does the other guy have a gun?))
(1) Dude: ((yes))
(11) Tristin: ((The older one))
** (7) Robin the younger guy suddenly realizes his wrong doing and forcefully, drawing his gun, suggest to the older guy to forget about this lady. she has paid enough. **
** (11) Tristin focuses on the loud guy's weapon, curseing it. **
(1) Dude: ((the younger guy is talking, the older guy is watching, both have guns))
** (10) Anthony drops his spoon in his gulaush as he sees one of hte guys pull his gun on the other one **
(1) Dude: "What the fuck you doing man?"
(11) Tristin: Monkey's Paw Fate 3 + Gnosis 3
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo silently looks on, looking to Robin, then to the men. **
(1) Dude: "You know this is not right, she already pays us all she can"
(11) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,4,3,3,9] = (1)
(1) Dude: "Maybe we should just leave her alone for now."
(1) Dude: "I'll leave YOU alone. In the mudhole I took you out of."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: [hs] => hs Oh boy...
(7) Robin: [hs] => hs I couldnt help it...
** (11) Tristin tries the same on the other man's gun **
** (10) Anthony thinks that people waving guns at each other are horrible. All the killing. **
(11) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,5,6,7,5] = (0)
(1) Dude: "Alright, alright, stay cool man... we get out of here and nobody gets hurt"
** (10) Anthony remembers though that he's killed more people than bogth of these combined easily and his gulaush sits cold in his stomach **
(1) Dude: The other guy raises his hands up, because he had no time to draw his weapon in return, he backs away
** (11) Tristin goes back to his goulash, assumeing he cursed both the weapons **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): And now, everyone, including Eve, please roll wits+composure for perception
(8) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,[10, 3],4,[10, 2],8,5] = (3)
(11) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,2,9,[10, 1],7] = (2)
(8) Eve: ((woohoo!0)
(10) Anthony: wits 3 + comp 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,3,2,[10, 3],3,5,2] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): need 4 btw :)
(7) Robin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,8,[10, 2],8,4,2] = (3)
(7) Robin: wit3+comp4
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Wits 3 + comp 3 = 6))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,6,2,9,6] = (1)
(8) Eve: (lol I'm unconsious and got better rolls then y'all.. except Robin))
(7) Robin: ((lol))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((This is going to be interesting))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The two guys stand around for a bit, the guy with the money slowly puts the money on the table, the guy with the gun nods at him, and they slowly start heading towards the door
(1) Dude: "Sorry to bother you, Martha, we're cool."
(1) Dude: Other guy eyeing her "I'll return later, to talk."
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Martha's got a machine gun! ratatatatatatatat))
(1) Dude: "You sleeping with her man?"
** (10) Anthony watches them with his eyes, then picks up his gulaush and tries to eat it but he no longer has an apetite **
(1) Dude: "Shut up, you moron"
** (7) Robin tries to finish her stew while keeping an eye on the guys **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): As the guys leave and get back into their mercedes... something is missing in the background of their departing car. Wait.... where is the van?
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo scrapes the bowl clean with his spoon. **
(10) Anthony: "SHIT"
(8) Eve: ((LOL! I've been kidnapped!))
(10) Anthony: "Find the van, FAST"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((roflcopter))
(11) Tristin: "Where the fuck is the car?"
** (11) Tristin springs up **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Uhm.. wait, the car?" *looks over to where the van used to be*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante's bike still there.
(11) Tristin: "Robin, can you find her?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Empty parking lot, Mercedes driving away as you run out of the cafe, to the lady's surprise, as she fondles the returned money in her hand, in disbelief
(11) Tristin: "Shouldn't have left Eve in there.."
(7) Robin: "Oh geeze."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Just Dante's motorcycle
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo stands up and moves to the door. **
(10) Anthony: "Dante, take off on motorcycle to find it before it gets too far."
(10) Anthony: "Can you cantact eve by.. damn."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo eyes his bike and looks down the street, trying to see which way the van might have gone. **
(10) Anthony: "Mind link anywone?"
** (7) Robin drops her mind spells and focuses on the van...trying to place its location. **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 2],1,2,9,8,5,[10, 7]] = (4)
(7) Robin: ((finder space4+gnosis 4))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you using powers? or just looking? Human senses just say one thing - it's gone, brotha
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, the van is headed at 80 miles per hour along the highway north east, towards the Hungarian Border
** (11) Tristin looks for tiretracks leading in either direction **
(8) Eve: (least I'm being kidnapped in the right direction)
** (11) Tristin from where the van was **
(7) Robin: "Aw...shit. They're hauling ass towards to boarder."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo turns sharply to Robin. Towards the border? I'd better hurry. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, the tires left no tracks, apparently the van was driven off smoothly and quietly, not in a hurry. Maybe with a bit of matter one could examine the tiny rubber molecules...
(10) Anthony: "Fine. Get that mercades back here. mind control them. we need a car. Take off on bike."
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo thinks. "Now, which way is it?" He scratches his head. **
(7) Robin: "You go, and take someboday on your bike, I guess."
** (11) Tristin Looks through the fabric of fate and tries to slow them down. **
(11) Tristin: ((Slow... the van down.))
(10) Anthony: "How long can you rewind time? is it too late?"
(7) Robin: "Along the highway north east, towards the Hungarian Border"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): roll it fate monkey
(10) Anthony: "Although Idon't want to have to deal with the idiot brothers again"
(11) Tristin: Hears Tony mid spell and stops? ((Or is it too late?))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo nods to Robin. "I'll head out then. Anyone riding with me, or are you all going to wait for a better solution?" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((nothing is too late till you roll it, but time is ticking))
(10) Anthony: Spirit Tongue (C)(1) Gnosis(3)+Spirit(3) [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],1,8,6,6,6] = (2)
** (11) Tristin pulls out ediphon and tries to rewind to the guys comeing in the cafe **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you can converse with spirits
** (11) Tristin increases his luck first **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo waits for a response, moving closer to his motorcycle while doing so. **
(11) Tristin: ((Superlative luck Gnosis 3 + fate 3))
(11) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,3,8,8,5] = (2)
** (7) Robin eyes Tristin's dagger while telling dante that someone should go with him. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Right, so who is it going to be?"
** (11) Tristin then he attempts to act in the perfect moment fate has destined him to cast in **
(7) Robin: "I think i would be best if the mind mages split up."
(10) Anthony: Lesser Spirit Summons (C) Spirits in teh immediate area - strong compulsion - ghosis 3 + spirit 3 + powerword 2 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,6,3,3,9,2,2] = (2)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Yeah, we should probably set up a connection to keep in touch in the meantime."
(11) Tristin: ((Perfect Timing Int 2 + Comp 3 + Time 4 + Ediphon 1))
(11) Tristin: [10d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [6,7,7,1,7,6,[10, 4],3,1,1] = (1)
(11) Tristin: ((Well damn...))
** (11) Tristin then tries to rewind to the thugs entering the bar ((Time 4 + Ediphon 1 + Gnosis 3 + WP 3 + HS 1 + Perfect Timeing 1)) **
(11) Tristin: "BACK!"
(11) Tristin: [13d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,[9, 4],[9, 2],7,[9, 3],3,[9, 3],[8, 2],2,4,4,5,7] = (5)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, this stunt takes you 3 mana
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): leaving you with 1
(11) Tristin: ((Did you count Perfect Timing?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
(11) Tristin: ((That cost one too))
(11) Tristin: ((Okay))
(11) Tristin: ((I had that I would be out... but I like your number better))
(10) Anthony: (( we rewound? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the first success takes you back to where you casted superlative luck, second success rewinds time you ran out of the cafe, the mercedes leaving, third success takes you back to the moment when you noticed the van is gone....
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah... he got it...
(10) Anthony: (( so basically a massive waste of 3 mana )
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sorry dante ))
** (11) Tristin pulls flow of time in the other direction, bringing them back to the car ariving, watching the moments play themselves backwards. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Oh well))
(11) Tristin: ((I got 5 successes))
(11) Tristin: ((Also any mana spent by any of you sence that happened is restored.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): One man pulls the gun on the other, and everyone is watching the scene, distracted from the food, except for Tristin, who is now lingering with his single bit of mana, but he now can see three guys, dressed in brown cammies sneak up to the van, picking the door lock with a car lockpick
(10) Anthony: (( okay, so again.. ))
(10) Anthony: (( er, exactly where are we rewound to? ))
(10) Anthony: (( did the mobs car just drive away and we see the van gone? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You guys, rewound to the man drawing a gun on the other man
(1) Dude: "What the fuck are you doing?"
** (11) Tristin Everyone feels an eerie scence of Deja Vu watching the two until Tristin, who seems oddly tired compared to just a moment ago screams "Car jacker! Outside! Hurry" and dashes out the door. **
** (10) Anthony looses his apetite as the gulaush goes cold in his stomach **
(1) Dude: "You know this is not right, she already pays us all she can"
(1) Dude: "Maybe we should just leave her alone for now."
** (10) Anthony jumps up and runs outside **
** (1) Dude is in your way, Tristin **
** (7) Robin stands up, suddenly looking out the window(if there is one/towards the door **
(11) Tristin: ((One way or anyother is is getting out of my way....))
** (11) Tristin tries to slide by him. **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks at Tristin with a look of bewilderment and stands up. **
(1) Dude: Seeing Tristin jump up and dash past them, the two forget their argument, drop the money, and aim at running Tristin, one got pushed away by surprise, the other taking clear aim
** (10) Anthony looks for the van outside **
(10) Anthony: (( do I see? ))
(10) Anthony: (( not certain of relationship of where I am to everyoen else ))
(1) Driver: ((ok, picture time))
You must be a GM to use this feature
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) Konrad Knox...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, gray things - mercedes, van, bike. Black person - tristin dashing out the door
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve is inside the van. Blue guys are car jackers, green guys are racket guys.
(11) Tristin: ((He's Asain))
(7) Robin: (hehe))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I was just about to say))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You fellas are somewhere inside. I think you all back to your table, eating
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so... Dante, Robin, and Anthony are somewhere at the table (yellow)
(11) Tristin: ((Which one is aiming at me?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the guy whose gun is aimed at you))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((The green one with a stick pointed at you))
(11) Tristin: ((Older or younger?))
(10) Anthony: Well, when I see that guy pointing the gun at tristin, I'm going ot run into him, surest means of messing up his aim, and say "Help us!" as I rush outside (( you can let me know how mcuh I acutally accomplish :D ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, as you run, the man shoots once at you, aiming for the back, and outside, you see a mercedes, and a carjacker also pointing a gun at you, guarding the van. Another man is now opening the door of the van, and the third guy is guarding the passenger seat
(11) Tristin: If I have time I will cast a Time Sheild over myself.
(7) Robin: The younger guy is still under Robin's control. Inseat of firing at Tristin, he would run out to interogate the car jackers
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, what happened is, guy A was pointing a gun at guy B. Tristin jumped up, shoved guy B out of the way, Guy A pointed a gun at him and fired. At the same time Anthony stands up, runs at guy A, but guy B is blocking Anthony's way
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Robin's spell is indeed in effect
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((spell was disrupted by Tristin's mad dash))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh, nevermind))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ah wait nono
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): thats right.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it IS disrupted, as it would be in their nature to self defend
(11) Tristin: ((I didn't hurt them...))
(10) Anthony: Please rmemeber I have 4 athletics
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): without total domination (mind 5), target can only be made to act in terms with their instinct
(10) Anthony: 2 dex, 2 brawl. I'm fairly nimble
(7) Robin: ((Okay, so he shoots, then goes to interogate the car jackers))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, Anthony... you dash past the first guy, and you reach the second guy in time.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Contested roll.
(10) Anthony: kay. what I roll?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): to mess up his aim, strength+brawl
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): he will try to keep his aim with dex+firearms
(11) Tristin: ((I never touched them, why would he shoot at me, espicialy when his emotions are set to kindness right now))
(10) Anthony: str 3 + brawl 2 [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,8,3,2] = (2)
(10) Anthony: Not too bad.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin, they were in the way, to dash outside in time, you'd have to run into them, shove them out of the way))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((unless u spend a turn to accelerate))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((then you can just strut between em))
(11) Tristin: ((So they were arguing in the doorway?))
(10) Anthony: (( tha't spretty much the way I had picutred it in my mind ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((sounds moblike to me, yeah))
(10) Anthony: (( they were between the door and us in my mind ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((tiny cafe, very little room. one table, a counter, imagine a place about the size of Rat's Foot in Genesis))
(7) Robin: ((in mine they were more towards the back, where the lady went))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Rat's Foot? Oh yeah, still need to get ML Client))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((they called her out, she returned to the front))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dex 3 + firearms 2 = 5
(1) Dude: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,1,2,9] = (2)
(1) Dude: crap, which one is the defender
(10) Anthony: he is
(10) Anthony: I'm tryign to block his aim, he is defending my block
(10) Anthony: I forget, ties go to defender dont' they? dang
(1) Dude: yes
(1) Dude: but this is a close one
(10) Anthony: sorry tristin
(1) Dude: You dash out and disrupt his aim enough to NOT let him hit Tristin, but the shot breaks the glass door, and some sharpen goes Tristin's way, slowing him down a bit
(11) Tristin: ((Glass breaks on my way to it?))
(1) Dude: like, right past his ear, Tristin dashes through the door, and the door glass breaks, he jerks to the left to avoid it, all in one flow
(1) Dude: imagine like a cinematic
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I would pay to see that in theatres))
(1) Dude: the shot, the brawl, and the dash happens at the same time
(1) Dude: but as camera goes back to Tristin's first person view, he sees that the carjacker is pointing a gun at him too
(1) Dude: he pretty much runs out of the cafe into a gunpoint
(1) Dude: this would be the time for inits i think
(10) Anthony: Init [d10+6] => d10+6
(10) Anthony: Init [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(10) Anthony: (( O.o gaw that suxors ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [3,7] = (10)
(11) Tristin: [1d10+5] => [8,5] = (13)
(1) Dude: Dude who got mauled by Tony: Init [1d10.open(10)+6] => [3,6] = (9)
(11) Tristin: ((Init mod = ? ))
(7) Robin: [1d10+6] => [6,6] = (12)
(1) Dude: Dude who didnt draw his gun yet: Init: [1d10.open(10)+6] => [7,6] = (13)
(1) Dude: ((What Tristin?))
(11) Tristin: ((Brain say Dex+1/2 level, but that's DnD 4.0 ))
(7) Robin: ((do I get a free turn for rolling doubles :D ))
(11) Tristin: ((Where does the init mod come from?))
(10) Anthony: (( it' son bottom of sheet, one second... ))
(10) Anthony: (( dex + composure ))
(1) Dude: ((your init is dex+composure))
(1) Dude: ((defense is lowest of dex or wits))
(11) Tristin: ((Should be +6... so 14))
(10) Anthony: (( you rolled 1d10 + 5, where you get the +5 from? ))
(1) Dude: ((yes))
(10) Anthony: (( youre init is 1d10 + init mod ))
(10) Anthony: (( oh, +6 intead of +5 you meant? ))
(1) Dude: ((his init is 6, he rolled with 5))
(11) Tristin: (yeah)
(10) Anthony: (( kay ))
(10) Anthony: (( remember, if your dex or composer changes by spell, so does your init ))
(10) Anthony: (( init mod anyway ))
(1) Carjacker: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [9,6] = (15)
(1) Carjacker: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [9,6] = (15)
(1) Carjacker: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [[10, 8],6] = (24)
(1) Carjacker: woah
(1) Carjacker: carjackers kicked your ass
(7) Robin: ((they speedy))
(11) Tristin: ((Well, was fun guys...))
(7) Robin: ((cries))
(10) Anthony: (( init mods are not open rolls by the way ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Couldn't have just had a dramatic car chase at all))
(10) Anthony: (( with what/ we didnt' have a car :/ ))
(1) Carjacker: ((look at the maop and think again))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Motorcycle, yes. Two people could have gotten going in the right direction while the rest could catch up. We don't HAVE to be a big hulking party of people all the time do we?))
(1) Carjacker: ((and the mercedes, whose owners are back in the shop))
(1) Carjacker: ((wod book doesnt say Inits are not open...))
(10) Anthony: (( wt.. what that doing back there? ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Does the pink one have what I think it has?))
(1) Carjacker: So, carjacker in the driver seat starts the car, and opens the door for carjacker in front. Carjacker in front, opens fire at tristin, and steps back into the van's cockpit, door still open, since they didnt have the time to close it yet. Car jacker 3 gets into the van on the passenger seat.
(1) Carjacker: then, the order is: Tristin, the guy who shot him, Robin, Dante, guy who havent drawn his gun yet, and Anthony
(1) Carjacker: let the madness begin. Tristin, you are being shot at, there is a mercedes between you and the van
(8) Eve: (the numbers over heads are accurate, Robin is pink and Dante is blue))
(11) Tristin: ((So is it my turn?)
(1) Carjacker: ((yesh))
(10) Anthony: (( incidnetly, found my old chr sheet. I have 6 rotes ))
(7) Robin: ((why am I #12?))
(10) Anthony: (( that's your init roll ))
** (11) Tristin draws his dagger and protects himself with a temporal sheild **
(8) Eve: (because you got... yeah)
(7) Robin: ((ohhhhh))
(11) Tristin: Sheild of chronos Time 4 + Gnosis 3 + Ediphon 1 + HS 1
(11) Tristin: [hs] => hs "Sheild"
(11) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,9,6,3,9,[10, 7],6,5] = (3)
** (11) Tristin then he ducks behind the mercades **
(1) Carjacker: The dagger glows, not a single bullet hits you, they slow down right in front of you, slow enough to brush them aside with the ediphon, you duck to safety. The bullets hit the glass door and shred more sharpnel
(11) Tristin: ((Er Temporal Dodge, not Choros Sheild))
(1) Carjacker: unless, you turn their corse
(11) Tristin: ((chonos*))
(1) Carjacker: ((difference?))
(11) Tristin: ((Chronos sheild provents me from being detected by time magic..))
(10) Anthony: (( temoral dodge you dodge around the bullet, choros shield threy just slow down around you I think with no action eneded on your part? ))
(11) Tristin: ((Not a shelild at all))
(10) Anthony: (( oh. poor name of spell then :D ))
(8) Eve: (Indeed))
(7) Robin: ((lol @eve's status))
(8) Eve: ((nyah))
(10) Anthony: (( I wonder how much they'd sell you for on the black market ))
(1) Carjacker: eve = gangbang by carjackers
(1) Carjacker: hot
(8) Eve: ( :( ))
(1) Carjacker: ok. The guy who hasnt drawn his gun yet, draws his gun, selecting Anthony is his target, being the next aggressive target to him
(1) Dude: aim at Anthony. End turn
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin's turn
(8) Eve: (hmm hmm)
** (7) Robin glares at dude who shot at Tristin ((#9)), Entering his mind with only the though of destruction. Popping neurons left and right. ((Psychic sword mind4 gnosis4 -resolve)) **
(7) Robin: ((resolve?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((2))
(7) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,6,9,[10, 6],5,4] = (3)
(7) Robin: 3 leathal damage to him
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the guy cluthes his head in his hands and screams, covering his face from the sharpnel. A sleeper, he simply isnt aware of such pains
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo attempts to close the distance between himself and the man now aiming at Tony and wrest the weapon from his hand. ((what WOULD I roll to attempt to pry a weapon from a person?)) **
(11) Tristin: ((opposed Str+brawl))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): trying to smack it out or sneakily unload it?
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Trying to yank it into my possession))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): okay, the place is small, and you get to him just in time, and Str+brawl against his Str+brawl. it's a grapple challenge
(10) Anthony: (( wod pp 159 covers disarm opponent ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Str 2 + Brawl 1 = 3 ((this wont work probably)) ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,2,1] = (0)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((nope))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yes, I know it does, but I wasn't certain if it was just like a grapple or if there were other factors))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Big time fail))
(10) Anthony: (( especially sicne it's actually str + brawl - opponents defense ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((hang on, reading how it's properly done))
(10) Anthony: (( pp 159 has summary ))
(10) Anthony: (( first turn would be to grapple, next turn would try to disarm ))
(10) Anthony: (( or same turn. or something )))
(8) Eve: (not same turn)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((two turns just dont... make sense in this situation... meh))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Grabbing and disarming would take less than 5 seconds, I fail to see how its two turns))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((that means Tony would have to first grab the guy to disrupt his aim))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((im trying to minimize rolling and do more action))
(8) Eve: ((when in doubt like I always say remember you are the ST whatever you choose for a roll)
(8) Eve: (not.. that it matters much to me either way heh)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((ST?))
(8) Eve: (Story teller))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh, nm))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((yeAH))
(8) Eve: (*pets dante* its okay)
(10) Anthony: (( yeah, wasn't trying ot even grab his arm really, just knock him off balance so he ost his aim ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante fails to yank it out, as the guy evades his charge, keeping the aim on Toni ((since 0 is a fail no matter how much he rolls))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, if we can work out a sensible formula that can accomplish the same thing with 1 turn instead of two, im all for it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((hourse rules ftw))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((yes, I'm aware that its fail. Already said so. Let's keep this wagon train a-movin'))
(10) Anthony: (( problem is lot of factors come into play. attackers str, dexterity, fighting ability, defenders strenght, fighitng ability, dexterity, etc... ))
(10) Anthony: (( grappelling alwasy takes a lot of rolls in any game :/ ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I figured dexterity would have a roll in removing the weapon... but whatever))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((thats why we kick the gun out of people's hands and catch them midair! :) ))
(11) Tristin: ((Even RL.... you're like..... rolling around and shit...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((well, i dont care which thing to roll, just wanna get it rollin. ))
(10) Anthony: (( unless you do like jackie chan in rush hour, but then that's martial arts, another section completely ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guy who shot Tristin loses his turn, he is mind sworded by Robin, he is bent over next to Tony
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So it's Tony's turn now
(8) Eve: (its really only two.. attacker grapple = str + brawl - defender defense, then defender to get out = str + brawl - attacker str, if defender doesn't get out then attacker can with sucessful str + brawl - defenders str do a special maneuver like disarm)
(11) Tristin: Giggidy?
(11) Tristin: (())
(7) Robin: ((ive been waiting to try that ))
(8) Eve: (Oh yeah)
** (10) Anthony will run as fast as he can toward the van til he can see the driver so he can cast trigger the lizard brain on him **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((That just doesn't make sense to me. Oh well))
(10) Anthony: (( assuming I get that far ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((except defender needs to spend his whole turn escaping the grapple, instead of like, say, saying, screw the gun, i pick up a stick))
(10) Anthony: Trigger hte Lizard Brain ghosts 3 + life 5 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 10, 8],7,[10, 3],4,9,9,4] = (4)
(10) Anthony: (( 6 successes O.o ))
(10) Anthony: And the instictual reaction I want ot put in is, scared as hell of the van, run away on foot
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): resolve 3 lol
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,8] = (3)
(10) Anthony: (( O.o ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): prretty kickass hijackers
(10) Anthony: (( glad I got 6 succeses ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((6-3... 3 effective successes. can trigger 3 instincts))
(10) Anthony: (( it only lasts a turn, but I figure that' s time enough for him to get out of the van and start running ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you make it into the doors, where Tristin was a turn ago
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You see Tristin crouching behind the mercedes
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): what 3 instincts do you trigger?
(10) Anthony: (( fear of the van, run away... hang on a second, let me read the one for med ))
(11) Tristin: ((Phere of pantz!!))
(8) Eve: (no I'd rather not they have no pants but thanks..)
(10) Anthony: (( I can pretty much make them do anything they could possibly do instictively. Fear of vans ))
(10) Anthony: (( the instince is RUN! ))
(10) Anthony: (( fear an drun ))
(10) Anthony: (( fear of the van so he doesn't try to run IN the van :p ))
(8) Eve: (too bad that raven isn't still in here or you could make it fear of ravens)
(10) Anthony: (( it only lasts a turn ))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Poor Tom! He'd just get shot :( ))
(10) Anthony: (( but then once someone starts to run and it wears off, they gotta think, wtf was I running for? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The driver drops his gun, shoves his buddy away screaming "Let me out!!!" and jumps out of the way, running towards the highway. His friend goes "fine, fuck you then." and assumes control of the vehicle
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): phew. this concludes this round
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( 5 seconds down ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): we got 2 active hijackers, and 1 active mobster. the other is convulsing in pain on the floor
(1) Dude: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [7,6] = (13)
(10) Anthony: (( favor, can you put him how far I ran til I could see the driver? ))
(11) Tristin: Initiative [1d10+6] => [1,6] = (7)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [2,7] = (9)
(1) Carjacker: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [6,6] = (12)
(7) Robin: [1d10+6] => [2,6] = (8)
(1) Carjacker: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [4,6] = (10)
(10) Anthony: inir [1d10+6] => [10,6] = (16)
(10) Anthony: (( bit btter :D ))
(11) Tristin: ((We've been playing open... roll another d10 and add it?))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Anthony attacks twice! Critical hit!!!))
(1) Carjacker: Tony, mobster, carjacker driver, car jacker passenger, dante, robin, tristin
(10) Anthony: (( init rolls are the only rolls that are not open 10 ))
(1) Carjacker: ((where does it say that?))
(10) Anthony: (( I'll have to look it up but it's not open ))
(1) Carjacker: ((cant find any specifics on it))
(1) Carjacker: go Tony, go!
(10) Anthony: (( wod pp 151 descibes how to roll it ))
(10) Anthony: gnosis 3 + life 5 [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 10, 6],8,2,6,[10, 10, 6],2,6] = (4)
(10) Anthony: (( 6 again :D ))
(10) Anthony: (( watch my dice, you don't want to get hurt. cause theyr'e hot!! ))
(1) Carjacker: ((doesnt say u dont reroll 10s on p151))
(11) Tristin: ((You stole them?))
(10) Anthony: (( and it doesn't say you do either ))
(1) Carjacker: ((10 is open normally, so it's free to interpretation :P))
(1) Carjacker: ok, you didnt say what you cast, Tony
(10) Anthony: yeah, same as last time
(1) Carjacker: [3 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,1] = (0)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((minus 1 for recast?))
(10) Anthony: Not same target
(10) Anthony: Not recast
(1) Carjacker: right
(10) Anthony: tha spell succeeded
(1) Carjacker: different target
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ah))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Mkay..))
(1) Carjacker: "Aaaah let me out let me out!"
(10) Anthony: same thing, fear of van, run away! run away!
(10) Anthony: I guess I coudl throw in fear of guns too like the one he was holding *shrug*
(1) Dude: Mobster's turn.
(11) Tristin: (("Whenever you roll a 10 on any die"))
(10) Anthony: (( how far did I have to run to be ablet ot see tho's i the van? out int eh aprking lot? ))
(11) Tristin: ((WOD PDF pg 33))
(1) Dude: ((Tony, you are where the black figurine is))
(1) Dude: you were in the door when you did the first guy, you can chose to move to the mercedes if u want or can stay at the door
** (1) Dude shows up from out of the shop, following Tony, as he was aimed at him, and takes a shot at him **
(1) Dude: dex 3 + firearms 3 + pistol 2 = 8
(1) Dude: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,5,[10, 4],3,5,[10, 8],2,4] = (2)
(10) Anthony: My defense is 2
(1) Dude: does defense apply against firearms?
(10) Anthony: I thought that's when it did apply?
(1) Dude: melee
(1) Dude: we have only been doing it for our entire campaign lol
(10) Anthony: No it doesn't
(10) Anthony: pp 164 "Since your character doens' tnormally get ot apply his defense... "
(10) Anthony: so how much damag?
(1) Dude: 3 lethal
(1) Dude: a clear chest wound on the right side
(11) Tristin: ((I LOST MY LEGS!))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((TEH P4I/\/Z!!!))
(1) Dude: the last remaining carjacker gets into the driving seat and floors it. van starts moving
(10) Anthony: (( kinda hard to believe but okay ))
(11) Tristin: ((Starts moving, he didn't say it's down the road))
(8) Eve: (You shot me! [pause] => pause You shot me right in the arm! [Another gunshot] => Another gunshot)
(1) Dude: the van has now started moving, it's not down the road. keys were already in the ignition
(11) Tristin: (("I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?!"))
(1) Dude: van is like.... here
(10) Anthony: (( I find it hard to belive that 1. he would of gotten in the drivers eat at all after 2 buddies got in then went running screaming down the road and 2. that he was able to get in turn the key, find peddles, etc.. in teh same turn as the person left hte seat ))
(11) Tristin: ((They where?))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Their whole agenda is to steal the damn van))
(11) Tristin: ((Wouldn't robin have the key?))
(1) Dude: ((you crossed the cafe in one dash. he only has to jump seats. and push a pedal. theyre professional hijackers))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((never specified, either))
(1) Dude: ((hotwiring succeeded before you rewinded time, i didnt bother rerolling it))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Besides.. it was stolen before you rewound time.))
(11) Tristin: ((That's fine... just saying the key isn't in the ignition..))
(1) Dude: Dante turn
(1) Dude: ((right. no key. but the car is one. the guy who got into the seat first started the car.))
(1) Dude: ((is on*))
(1) Dude: ((he was not given a command to turn the car off, just to leave it ASAP))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo concentrates on entering the mind of Tony's assailant in hopes of controlling it to a degree. ((Telepathic Control Mind 4 + Gnosis 2 + WP 3 = 9)) **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,6,4,[10, 10, 9],3,4,5,6,8] = (2)
(1) Dude: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (0)] => [3,0] = (3)
(1) Dude: gah
(1) Dude: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,9] = (1)
(1) Dude: Dante, you can give the man 3 subliminal suggestions
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Guns aren't nice. You should drop it. // This place isn't safe, you should flee. // It sure is hot in here.
(8) Eve: ((So take off all your cloths?))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lmao))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah))
(8) Eve: ((sweet))
** (1) Dude squints at his gun which he just fired, puts it on a table, hurries outside, breathing the air deeply, sweating **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Will I need to wait til next turn to take the gun, or can I handle it now?))
** (7) Robin runs to the door. Attempts to loop the strands of space around the van, suspending it from motion, and trapping the tires in place. ((suspension space4+gnosis4 -1mana)) **
(7) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,8,6,3,[10, 8],5,9] = (3)
(11) Tristin: ((Force-lift beetches))
(10) Anthony: (( is that vulgar? ))
(1) Dude: ((oooh ya))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I.. have to ask that with Tony, yeah))
(7) Robin: ((opps yeah lol))
(7) Robin: ((I'll take backlass))
(10) Anthony: (( I've been using trigger hte lizard brain cause it's not vulgar and has no cost. there ae better ones I could use, but vulgar and/or cost ))
(7) Robin: ((much i take))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((speaking of cost.. that Telepathic Control expended 1 mana right?))
(1) Dude: 2 paradox, Robin.
(7) Robin: ((right, I accounted for it, too))
(1) Dude: You feel the spell is going out of control, you have to either force it into your body or let it spin
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah, I was just making sure so I don't forget to update my sheet))
(1) Dude: ((1 paradox left still))
(7) Robin: ((i'll take it))
(1) Dude: You suffer a spacial blow to the face, it hurts. (1 persistant bashing)
(11) Tristin: ((Why is it persistant?))
(1) Dude: The van rolls reflexive composure im guessing
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Cosmos: 1 - Robin: 0))
(1) Dude: ((coz))
(10) Anthony: (( cant be healed by magic. it goes away in 15 miutes anyway ))
(7) Robin: ((lol))
(1) Dude: [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1] = (0)
(8) Eve: (how much composure does a van have?)
(11) Tristin: ((No, she has quick heal, it's like half that time))
(10) Anthony: (( oh nice ))
(8) Eve: (7.5 minutes?)
(1) Dude: You guys see something creepy. The van is being "cropped" out of the 3D space and held in place, the wheels spinning, but not touching the ground. The driver screams in panic, his eyes wide, he fights with the gas pedal, finally deciding to jump out, but he gets stuck suspended midair.
(1) Dude: He's not frozen, he is wiggling, running - but above ground
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Like Wile. E. Coyote over a cliff eh?))
** (7) Robin rubs her face from the backlash.. **
(1) Dude: It feels real. It doesnt look like the van is actually held by a force, it looks more like, it's on an invisible treadmill, that the ground repeats itself under its wheels
(1) Dude: this breaks us all out of Initiative rounds with all crooks taken out
** (1) Dude keeps screaming, looking at you wild eyed. He knows this is unnatural, his eyes of terror and agonizing fear, pure insanity - in them you recognized a man who is seeing a miracle, and he senses one of you did it **
** (1) Dude darts his panicked eyes between all of you **
** (11) Tristin walks over to the crook in the drver's seat, knowing that's the one that shot at him when he got outside. **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo moves to the handgun and scoops it up, securing the safety and wedging it between himself and his clothing, then turns to the scene outside. **
(11) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,7] = (0)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I swear, he fails those things on purpose))
(11) Tristin: ((That was composure))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ya, I know))
** (11) Tristin punches the man in the face **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the guy in the back of the shop still clutching his head whimpering in pain
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, your satisfaction of vengeance is not granted, as your fist gets stuck in a loop the guy is suspended in
(11) Tristin: ((Str 3 + Brawl 4 + KF 1, does he get defence?))
** (7) Robin chuckles. **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((HAHA))
** (11) Tristin yells aggrivatedly **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the fist keeps travelling to the guy's face and never reaches it, sooo close, sooo close
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it feels like an endless Dragonball Z punch
** (7) Robin walks over to the van, dropping the suspension spell. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): that just keeps flying, on an animated background
(11) Tristin: ((Like a fucking bad dream))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo turns to the man clutching his head and shakes his own head once. "Sorry for all the trouble..." he says, even if the mobster can't understand him. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The mobster look at Dante piteously, saying some stuff
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin's punch connects to the guy's face, as he drops to the ground. Aaah, that felt good
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo leaves the man as he is and exits the café. **
** (7) Robin checks in the van, making sure Eve didnt get gangbanged and is still doing well... enough. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): problem here
(11) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 9],6] = (1)
** (11) Tristin gathers himself and walks away, breathing deeply through his nostrils **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the van was still on, and as soon as suspension is dropped, it zooms off. on its own. in a random direction, going off road.... off road..... u got some mere moments to stop it from running into the roadside
(8) Eve: (weeeee I'm going offroad)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((With no one on the gas pedal though?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup, momentum))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((nobody to hold the break either))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ah, right))
(11) Tristin: Athletics 2 + Dex 3 + dash specialty 1
(11) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,[10, 4],8,9,1] = (4)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, if you were conscious, you'd be really scared about now
** (11) Tristin runs and jumps into the van and slams on the break **
(8) Eve: (good thing I'm not)
(11) Tristin: ((If she was concious there would be 3 zombies waiting by the van for us to come out.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you barely manage to stop it... not even a foot from the roadside
(8) Eve: ((Very true))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): given that you were punching the guy at the same time as the van started moving, lucky.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve flies forward and rolls on the floor
(7) Robin: ((on top of the raven?))
** (8) Eve lays in the floor in a motionless fashion **
(8) Eve: (( :D!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Well, at least you're facing the right direction. The cafe lady is dialing police, voice panicked, eyes wide
(11) Tristin: ((Nevermore))
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo looks about, patting himself down to make sure he has everything. Wallet, firearm, chalk, sanity - check. Barely. **
** (11) Tristin puts the car in park after a moment of looking for it. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 40 miles till border
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((The raven was let out a while back lol))
(11) Tristin: ((Drive skill 0))
** (11) Tristin Checks Eve's pulse. **
** (7) Robin runs over to the van, hoping in to check on Eve and Tristin. **
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo hurries over to his motorcycle and yells, "We'd probably better leave now. I doubt what happened just now went unnoticed." **
(8) Eve: ((Gives up on drawing stick figures ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve got a bruise on her shoulder and her neck, due to the bad van manuever.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2 bash
(8) Eve: (mmkay))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a little bleeding
** (8) Eve bleeds a little on the carpet of the van floor **
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((black oozing everywhere no doubt))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nah, just eyes
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh, k))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and mouth
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): adn everywhere
** (8) Eve I mean.. black oozes on the carpet too :D **
(11) Tristin: "Ahh fucking.... TONY!!!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i think tony went comtose))
(11) Tristin: ((Over 3 leathal?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no i mean afk, fell asleep maybe))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((well, he'd either heal her or 2 bash would heal in 30 minutes anyway))
(11) Tristin: (("She's fucking ODing on me"))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((there went my plan to help you cross the border. if the bad guys did it, your faces would be clean, but hey, what happened, happened.))
(8) Eve: ((ODed on black goo.. what a way to go)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((hopefully we can make it to Hungary next game))
(8) Eve: ((which won't be next week cause we will be in HAWAII!!!!!))
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Black goo... good shit man))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So, the van is off, on the road side, you all caught up to it. Dante, your item check successful. You took the mobster's gun?
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yes indeedy))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): write 9mm beretta, dmg 2 on your charsheet
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Got it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh yeah))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((next game, undetermined. what i do have determined is im tired :) ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Session 14 end

(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Alright. I've got some sk1llz to buy))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): exp. i was pretty happy with everyone. 5 exp each all around.
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Woot
(8) Eve: Nyah?
(7) Robin: I was working in the lab late one night
(7) Robin: When I heard the gurgle of a waterpipe
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, youre being punished for overpowering a spell's effect, but being out of action is as far as that punishment goes.
(7) Robin: So I turned to see my monster in a cloud of smoke
(7) Robin: Who said 'This shit ain't bad, here, have a toke'
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): was by my ruling that u got out, penalizing exp for something i decided to do doesnt seem fair to me
(11) Tristin: "We smoked some Hash"
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: But then I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said you're moving with your auntie and your uncle in Bel-Air
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): besides, something is happening to you while youre in this state, soon u will find out
(8) Eve: Plus I drew relly cool stick figures
(8) Eve: :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tony 14 exp
(7) Robin: We partied in the castle with the living dead
(7) Robin: Mouths were dry and eyes were red
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dante 32
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yup
(7) Robin: The ghouls and goblins shrieked and screamed
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): eve 13
(7) Robin: 'Won't somebody please pass the Visine'
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): robin the exp whore 38
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): trsitin 25
(7) Robin: space 5!!!! omg!!!
(11) Tristin: wtf guys... you can't take it with you.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): purchasez? along with rp justifications plz
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: I was going to buy brawl 2, but one little combat action really isnt enough justification, so I'll save it for after the next time.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nah u good
(7) Robin: Ive been drving all over countries with my spactial awerness up. Developing my sense of space furthermore by being able to mentally map and travel.
(11) Tristin: Spending 5XP on 10 XP cause my character spent twice as much time active because of the rewinding time.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): brawl 2 i will give u.
(11) Tristin: *nods*
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: How much would it run me to buy gnosis 3? I haven't bought any magic skill yet since we started this campaign and I've been using magic.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): go to hell Tristin
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: How much for the b2?
(11) Tristin: lol
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: A motorcycle scene would have dominated this one
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 6 exp for brawl 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah i was really trying for moto chase man
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: And gnosis 3?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): these sharks pwned you
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): shoulda made 5 hijackers
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 24exp for gnosis 3
(7) Robin: 30xp for space 5. yes, yes?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: I'll take them both, knocking me down to 2 xp
(7) Robin: Yeah!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante done
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin done
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Hoorah. One step closer to bending the universe to my will...and with my fists!!!
(7) Robin: I can bend the universe for you now :)
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Indeed. XD
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): bend mindz
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, saving log, and falling asleep
** (9) Dante Canavacciuolo bendz mindz with mental crowbarz **
(7) Robin: goodnight, guys.
(8) Eve: night all
(9) Dante Canavacciuolo: Niiiight
(8) Eve: was fun drawing stick figures of you :D
(11) Tristin: Alright, thanks and goodnight KK, Claire and Cain