Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at 216-67-23-50-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net:6774...
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:09
(1) Robin (enter): 17:09
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(3) No Name (enter): 17:09
(4) Tirian, Vampire Lord/Cry baby (enter): 17:09
Moving to room 'Mage'..
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:09
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(4) Tirian, Vampire Lord/Cry baby (enter): 17:09
(1) Robin (enter): 17:09
(3) No Name (enter): 17:09
(2) Konrad Knox: Tirian, you're a crybaby
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) No Name...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Robin...
(3) No Name: Yellow. Yet again I need you to send me my char sheet and magesheet.exe please
(4) Tirian, Vampire Lord/Cry baby: Nuh Uh
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) No Name...
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (2) Konrad Knox...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) No Name...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Anthony...
(2) Konrad Knox: ok, hang on please, Claire finishing foods. Socialize time
(3) Anthony: well, if you're not going to make the password spoonz the least you can do is make us players
(4) Wren: Oblivian time
(5) Eve (enter): 17:14
(5) Eve: hmm..
(3) Anthony: You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
** (5) Eve takes Wren's dragon awnay **
(5) Eve: So I've been told.
(4) Wren: My Dragon?
(4) Wren: Oh.... character Wren...
(5) Eve: *nods*
(4) Wren: Actually this is the gamer handle I use... a play off Renelius... my sorcerer character.
(3) Anthony: Well,since I"m not a playerI guess I don't have to say anything after the box
(5) Eve: ahhh I see
(5) Eve: agreed
(5) Eve: once the box comes up anyone who isn't a player just stay quite.
(5) Eve: :D
(5) Eve: game will be over in 20 minutes flat lol
(4) Wren: I'll stay quiet instead
(4) Wren: =P
(5) Eve: so... looks like Dante might be a few minutes late for mage... per his IM
(3) Anthony: Whom is Wren?
(3) Anthony: Who?
(3) Anthony: Hmm..
(5) Eve: guy from our UO shard
(3) Anthony: What person is Wren?
(4) Wren: It's me yo
(4) Wren: *Punch*
(3) Anthony: Whcih shard, angel island?
(5) Eve: umm. no.. Genesis
(5) Eve: teh shard of goodness
(5) Eve: though lately its been teh shard of sitting around in a bar
(5) Eve: :P
(3) Anthony: So konrad gave up on angel island?
(4) Wren: I do not knows the URL to the boards :(
(5) Eve: I didn't know he was every on angel island?
(5) Eve: it doesn't work anyways but I have it hold on
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve...
(3) Anthony: Well someone got me onto Angel iSLAND
(2) Konrad Knox: You mean Ascendence?
(2) Konrad Knox: I played on Ascendence.
(2) Konrad Knox: Serp, if you made a dwarf on Genesis, I'd shit bricks
(3) Anthony: A.N.G.E.L. I.S.L.A.N.D.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Anthony...
(5) Eve: the forum... supposidely... www.genrp.com
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Anthony...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve...
(5) Eve: G.E.N.E.S.I.S.
(5) Eve: :P
(2) Konrad Knox: So... waitin on Cain. Sending Serp charsheet
(5) Eve: oh never mind it does now
(3) Anthony: Isn't there something else you need todo?
** (3) Anthony glances over at the player list **
(3) Anthony: magesheet.exe too pls
(5) Eve: hmm hmm
(2) Konrad Knox: cant do it
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Anthony...
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Robin...
(3) Anthony: cant' do what?
(2) Konrad Knox: what i need to do to player list
(2) Konrad Knox: some kinda bug
(3) Anthony: casue you fuxred up the password
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Wren...
(3) Anthony: you didn't put the same password ^^
Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) Wren...
(5) Eve: it was spoonz
(3) Anthony: it was nothing
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Eve...
(3) Anthony: the password is empty. LOL
(2) Konrad Knox: oh that would be why
(3) Anthony: Dang, I get a noob point for that :/
(2) Konrad Knox: our noob points will cancel out
(2) Konrad Knox: though i just made room in a hurry
(3) Anthony: I've gotten 2 noob points that I remember.
(3) Anthony: Lost track of yours :D
(3) Anthony: I died in Wurm. Couldn't find my body, but saw a pig and hcicken when looking. finally gaveu p wentto get the pig and chicken, got the pig,couldn't find the chicken but found my body :D
(5) Eve: LOL!
(5) Eve: awesome
(3) Anthony: I had already started on making the\ tools I had lost:/
(3) Anthony: you got some wemp fiber waiting. only 4 cotton
(5) Eve: woot
(3) Anthony: thinking about planting coptton to make larger cotton field
(3) Anthony: but would mean would have to wait that much longer for cotton
(5) Eve: true...
(3) Anthony: wemp is easy cause you get both the fiber and the seeds, not true with cotton
(2) Konrad Knox: Wurm is cool when its not a pain in the ass
(2) Konrad Knox: if we expand too much we will have too much to maintain for 2 people
(2) Konrad Knox: gotta keep it according to population size
(3) Anthony: yeah, gotta replace that fence line wiht stohne, it's falling down :/
(3) Anthony: There's supposed to be 4 of us, but that doesn't seem to happen
(3) Anthony: we could alwasy get a slav.. I mean newbie
** (5) Eve eats borcht "nom nom nom" **
(5) Eve: lol
** (3) Anthony eats.. well, nothing, he has no food and spent his money on new comp :/ **
(5) Eve: I was gonna log into wurm but got distracted by shiny gutair hero
(2) Konrad Knox: WOOT NEW COMP!
(2) Konrad Knox: is it cool ?
(5) Eve: woot
(3) Anthony: It's.. okay :/
(3) Anthony: couldnt' afford what I wanted so wentwith refurbished hp
(3) Anthony: 600+gb hd
(3) Anthony: 3g memory
(5) Eve: not bad
(3) Anthony: nvidia 8400 w/256m memory
(5) Eve: Hey "Wren" guess what I finally watched
(2) Konrad Knox: half way
(5) Eve: half way...
(3) Anthony: AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core processor 6000+ 3.00 ghz
(2) Konrad Knox: thats pretty cool Serp
(3) Anthony: vista home pro 32 bit
(2) Konrad Knox: it will do :)
(3) Anthony: faster than my oldone, but Iprefer intel :/
(2) Konrad Knox: Shawn, u gotta check out Wurm, its like a crafting heaven
(3) Anthony: vista is making me O.o
(2) Konrad Knox: but if u dont like crafting, dont bother
(3) Anthony: Oh, ikt's definately a crafting game
(5) Eve: I don't know if it would run on his lappy.. barely runs on mine
(4) Wren: I dunno about mostly crafting..
(3) Anthony: it runs on my 2004 e-cnahines with 4m video memory
(5) Eve: ... you didn't guess...
(5) Eve: :P
(3) Anthony: only 6fps but it runs
(5) Eve: with like 2 fps
(5) Eve: mines running at 2 again
(2) Konrad Knox: on mine it pulls 45-49
(5) Eve: Anyway I'm watching Berserk
(5) Eve: :P
(3) Anthony: on this rig it's pulling 33fps
(2) Konrad Knox: *pets the geforce 9600*
(3) Anthony: with everything cranked to max
(2) Konrad Knox: sweet!
(3) Anthony: was getting ~22 on old rig
(4) Wren: The Anime?
(2) Konrad Knox: YES
(5) Eve: Yes the Anime
(2) Konrad Knox: Gattso!
(4) Wren: Lol, Daniel tried to make us Berserk characters.. didn't really work.
(5) Eve: Remember when Dan wanted to run those guys in Gne lol
(5) Eve: yeah!
(5) Eve: hehe
(3) Anthony: I have an IDE slot in this rig but noHD there. SoI'll yank out hte 3 hd from myother machine, hook them up andcopy what I need.
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah i only have one question
(5) Eve: I was Caska don't remember who you were, and he was Griffith
(3) Anthony: then give the HD to my brotheror something after I wipe htem
(4) Wren: I was Gutts
(2) Konrad Knox: who on this planet would be in their right mind to suggest that Shawn plays Gatts?
(3) Anthony: I have 2 300gb hd on this thing. sata I think it is.
(5) Eve: hehe
(4) Wren: Dunno, perfer stealth charcters.
(2) Konrad Knox: Shawn is like... Corcus... or Judeau
(5) Eve: would have made a better Judeu
(3) Anthony: if I get a few more drives I could riad 5.
(5) Eve: yeah
(3) Anthony: best I could do with 2 is mirror
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah u could serp
(3) Anthony: sweeeet life 5
(2) Konrad Knox: and Claire is like, soooo not Caska
(2) Konrad Knox: like, 5 levels of emo below
(3) Anthony: But EVERY thing for life 5 takes mana. without exception
(2) Konrad Knox: and is vulgar
(4) Wren: Cet and Sid were my fave characters...
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 17:41
(3) Anthony: not all is vulgar I don't think... there was one taht wasn't I thought
(4) Wren: Like I said... it didn't work out.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Sorry I'm late))
(2) Konrad Knox: i broke into Drilonuz's house and stole your pants
(4) Wren: Hola
(5) Eve: I lov-ed Sid... didn't really meat Cet more than when he kinapped Dril
(4) Wren: =(
(5) Eve: ..he did too
(4) Wren: Good thing I usely just wear a robe =P
(5) Eve: He was like "Oh I found Dril's house..."
(2) Konrad Knox: Cet got a nice jump on me and Tirian when we were fighting. Pwned both
(5) Eve: heh
(5) Eve: Hi Dante
(4) Wren: FAveorite Gen fight ever!
(3) Anthony: OH, no, 1 has no cost th at's it. they're all vulgar
(2) Konrad Knox: Now Gen is pretty much the leet for us, since Toni and I have like 400 skill cap points on all the n00bs
(5) Eve: yup
(5) Eve: :D
(4) Wren: Daamn
(4) Wren: Awesome
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Dante Canavacciuolo...
(4) Wren: Can't wait to go back
(5) Eve: well the skill cap is 800 now.. 900 for humans
Requesting password change on server...
(5) Eve: :(
Server Administrator-> Invalid Administrator Password.
(5) Eve: I'm at 1200
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Dante Canavacciuolo...
(5) Eve: Yesh come back to the Gen.. it needs you
whispering to Unknown!, Im at whipping 1256.45
(2) Konrad Knox: I'm at whipping 1256.45
(2) Konrad Knox: Welcome Dante =)
(3) Anthony: I decided what I need to raise . Prime. I need MANA!
** (5) Eve hypnotises Robin into coming to gen too **
(4) Wren: Cet's back in the abyss, but I was playing as his daughter when I quit.
(2) Konrad Knox: Serp, playerify Dante please
(4) Wren: She has a Marid named Rain.
(4) Wren: Rayne*
(2) Konrad Knox: Ryan?
(4) Wren: Sid calls her puddle
(5) Eve: heh
(2) Konrad Knox: So, yeah. Gen needs a kickstart in the testicles
(2) Konrad Knox: I am even trying to bring illites into it
(4) Wren: I am good at kicking Gen in the testicles.
(2) Konrad Knox: We've spent 6 days so far just sitting in Bars
(2) Konrad Knox: well, except that there is a GM now who immediately adds you to MSN and pokes you for every action she doesnt like
(2) Konrad Knox: So,.... let me draw up where we left off.
(5) Eve: For some reason.. I think Shawn might be immune to that..
(5) Eve: I'd like to see her try to get him banned..
(5) Eve: that would be heck of funny
(3) Anthony: OH, yes, right
(2) Konrad Knox: Yeah, i used to be immune to that.
(2) Konrad Knox: Gets a wee bit complicated when GM is like... wanting to hump your coat
(4) Wren: Hump your coat?
(5) Eve: yes. well.. not just the coat I suspect.
(4) Wren: I'm best friends with the new Patriach... not gonna happen.
(2) Konrad Knox: I am getting a distinct impression that she is stalking me. I have a hunch for those things, and specifically the way she denies it.
(2) Konrad Knox: oh yeeeeah
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah, kick her ass for me then Shawn
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (Not to scale)
(1) Robin: If she is stalking you, then you shouldnt have to worry about getting abnned or anything
(4) Wren: She knows Kal IRL?
(2) Konrad Knox: (obviously)
(1) Robin: banned*
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (Thought that was funny)
(5) Eve: what was it she was telling you today? You have to give an IC reason to start a duel? I can see that "Hey Bob, I have to attack you now because you slept with my fathers brothers sisters nephews cousins mothers former roomate*
(5) Eve: *draws her sword*
(2) Konrad Knox: Im not concerned about getting banned, i mean this GM is retarded, im about to slap her with my balls
(5) Eve: *readies the attack*
(5) Eve: *attempts to attack you*
(2) Konrad Knox: She planned to resurrect Tessic and didnt know who Krinn was
(5) Eve: ((clicks the attack button))
(4) Wren: EWWW
(4) Wren: No!
(4) Wren: Tessic stays dead!
(2) Konrad Knox: "Hi. I am a vampire. I am hungry. I feed on blood. I choose you Joe, because you're the closest to the door and you have only one leg." *readies attack, bites*
(4) Wren: Er.... re-dead... as they were campires..
(4) Wren: vampires*
(5) Eve: She says there are still two members alive, I checked the Guild roster my char is the only one on it.. was saying they were Talibs children and grand child.. how would she not know who Tirian is?
(5) Eve: is bs
(2) Konrad Knox: yeah she pretty lame
(2) Konrad Knox: anyway lets focus on task
(2) Konrad Knox: le box!
(5) Eve: woot

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

** (4) Tristin begins summoning teh bocks **
(2) Konrad Knox: some more cheering is required
(3) Anthony: ( de plane bawks, de plane! ))
(4) Tristin: Woot?
(2) Konrad Knox:
We have left our heroes at Dante's apartment, as they stalked a police officer trying to get a motorcycle out of the Garage! Mage : Chapter 2, Episode 12! Aaaand rolling!

** (1) Robin cheers for box! **
** (3) Anthony mutters in his sleep **
** (5) Eve sits in the front seat looking out at Dante with a peculiar little smile on her lips **
** (2) Officer Dominic heads back to the car and sits down in it, returning to writing some notes and drinking his midnight coffee **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((An incognito-like spell would be disrupted if I did something out of the ordinary, such as trying to take the bike right?))
** (1) Robin circles the block slowly, but not suspiciously. **
(1) Robin: ((if you draw attention to yourself you should be noticed.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((one way to find out is try or ask peers IC :) All I give you as GM is, the more potency, the more powerful the spell effect))
(3) Anthony: (( uchawi, my familiar, h as an incognito type spell always active gives him a -2 to be noticed ))
(3) Anthony: (( unless he does something to call attention to himself ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i remember a pair of guys were able to carry shotguns into a bar past the bouncers, but when one of them punched someone, the spell vanished))
(3) Anthony: (( I don't want to tell you what to do cause you gotta think about it and everyone does things different anyway ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): So, we have a house shaped like so, with an inner yard, a fire ladder going up, but requiring some climbing, bushes, cop car next to it, another bush, burned windows on one side, windows to some other apartment on the other side, and a closed garage door with a bike in it
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah, I know))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante at this point is back by the van, deciding not to risk the timing of the strolling officer, so the officer is back in the car
(5) Eve: "So, whats the plan then?"
** (5) Eve eyes Dante, her expression calm **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Wait, so now we're behind the cop car? I thought it was the other way last time.))
(5) Eve: ((The van is moving remember
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Its moving? I thought it stopped around the block))
(1) Robin: ((I am slowly circling the area))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ah yes))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Eve and shakes his head. "I shouldn't have hesitated before, but I'm getting that bike back. I'll just try to mask my presence from the officer. My only concern is that he might still notice me somehow." **
(4) Tristin: "Then mind mess him into looking for cake."
(5) Eve: "Cake?"
** (5) Eve raises a brow at Tristin **
(3) Anthony: (( Angel Island will be hosting another Cross Shard Challenge this Sunday, October 05, 2008 from 3:07 PM - 6:07 PM Pacific Time. (3:07 PM Pacific Time is 6:07 PM Eastern). Angel Island would like to invite all you PvP'ers from Defiance, Divinity, PJX, Hybrid, Demise and even any unicorn shards out there to come mix it up with us this Sunday and show off your PvP skills. For this event you are encouraged to advertise your shard by setting your guild title to your shard name, for example: [Divinity] => Divinity ))
(4) Tristin: "It can be done.."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo stifles a chuckle. "Cake huh? Well, that sounds like it could work, absurd as that sounds." **
(1) Robin: "Have you tried masking your apperence before, not just your presence?"
** (1) Robin chuckles. **
(5) Eve: "I don't doubt it can be done.. but why cake?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods. "I did it once before, disguising myself as a news reporter. Were you not there?" **
(1) Robin: "Ah, yeah. I remember now."
** (2) Officer Dominic flips a notebook page, answers a radio, puts the coffee cup, empty, into the door's trash compartment **
(1) Robin: "Everyone loves cake." *smiles at the thought of yummy cake*
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Well, this is getting no where fast. I'm going to do something."
(5) Eve: "...I see...well whatever works I suppose."
** (1) Robin looks to Dante "You were a convincing reporter, I bet you could be just as convincing as an officer or something. Just a thought." **
(4) Tristin: "Worst that can happen is I tell you in 3 seconds that it's a bad idea..."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo laughs. "Alright, might as well give it a shot." **
** (1) Robin slows down to let Dante out...not in fornt of the house but around the corner. **
(1) Robin: ((front*))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo steps away from the van and takes a deep breath, recalling how he masked his appearance before, only seeking this time to change the surface. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo imagines himself appearing as an officer to those who cross his path. **
** (2) Officer Dominic occasionally checks rear view mirrors **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((gnosis + mind))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [7,6] = (13)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oops, lol))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Gnosis 2 + Mind 4))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,4,2,8,3] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You feel your spell forming an appearance around you
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo steps beside the van. "Convincing enough, you think?" **
(4) Tristin: "Ask him for a doughnut and you will be set."
** (1) Robin smiles widley. "Looking good." **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head, chuckling. "Well, here goes." **
** (5) Eve smirks lightly **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo steps out around the corner and begins walking steadily over to the apartment, hoping the officer will be too engaged in what he's doing to notice anything but a police officer. **
** (2) Officer Dominic notices movement in the rear view mirror **
** (1) Robin speeds back up, turning down another street, circling the neigborhood. **
** (2) Officer Dominic puts away his notebook, checks his gun, and gets out of the car, turning the police cam on **
(4) Tristin: ((*is still not a player*))
(2) Officer Dominic: "Evening."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo turns to the officer and smiles curtly. "Evening." **
** (2) Officer Dominic gives his hand for a handshake, it's gloved in a half-glove, fingerless, hard leather **
(2) Officer Dominic: "Dominic Zeraza, eleventh precinct. What's going on?"
(2) Officer Dominic: from your experience working in prison, you see he is a sergeant
Sorry I don't know what /me's is!
** (2) Officer Dominic 's other hand is resting on the sidearm holster **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo extends his hand outward and grips the officer's open hand, shaking it firmly. "Marco Gilensi,tenth. I didn't realize they had sent another out this way. Must have been some sort of mix-up." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, in your illusion, what does your hand look like? How are you dressed?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Tanned complexion apparent in the face. Hands are fully gloved. He's also wearing the uniform of a sergeant))
** (2) Officer Dominic shakes your hand and suddenly realizes that the glove does not feel like a glove surface, though it looks like a glove. He glanced up at you with a momentary glance of a deer in the headlights look, confused. Your eyes meet and you realize that the spell affected only his vision, but not sound, touch, or smell **
** (2) Officer Dominic stares at the glove, his eyes hazy in disbelief **
(2) Officer Dominic: "Marco... yeah, I guess so. Well, all clear here, a few cars drove by, but it's clear. Wow, what kind of material is this?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo clears his throat, pulling his hand gently away from the officer. "Its a new poly-fiber mesh, supposed to give more freedom of movement in the hands." ((so, what, the spell's pretty much wearing off before his eyes?)) **
(4) Tristin: ((No it's just that one success only causes one scence to be altered))
(2) Officer Dominic: ((no, he still sees you as an officer, he is having a conflict of senses, making him uneasy.))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Gotcha, ok))
(2) Officer Dominic: ((he of course wouldnt know that IC))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Of course))
** (2) Officer Dominic hesitates to let go of the hand, but does eventually **
(2) Officer Dominic: "Wow, can I try it on?"
(2) Officer Dominic: "You folks in The Tenth are pampered. I heard you even have badass flashlights that do neon."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "My superiors would have my head if they thought I let someone else handle it. Yeah, we have a few gadgets that the R&D has been working on. Listen, why don't you take a break while I keep watch? I'd think it better to report that there was team-work involved here rather than simply reporting back that the Tenth mixed up their paperwork." **
** (2) Officer Dominic slowly lowers his hand and gives you an evaluating look **
(2) Officer Dominic: ((roll wits+subterfuge plz))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tries to maintain his lie as best as possible ((Can will be used here?)) **
(2) Officer Dominic: ((can be used anywhere u want))
(2) Officer Dominic: ((burning one gives 3 dice extra))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((And that adds 3 to dice pool right?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah. Will do that then))
(2) Officer Dominic: ((5 /6 left. 1 burned))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Wits 3 + Sub 1 + Will power = 7))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (7)] => [3,7] = (10)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((doh))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,8,6,5,6,9] = (2)
** (2) Officer Dominic squints **
** (2) Officer Dominic moves his mouth to the left, his finger on the sidearm holster.... **
** (2) Officer Dominic smiles lightly **
(2) Officer Dominic: "Okay! I know a coffee shop next block, I'll be right back."
** (2) Officer Dominic salutes you, gets into the car, turns off the cam, starts the car and drives around the block **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo smiles lightly and breathes a silent breath of relief, watching him go. "Take your time. I've got all night." **
** (5) Eve totally rocking out to the italian radio stations with Robin **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((speaking of... I have an italian rock station going on Pandora right now, heh))
** (1) Robin head bangs to the music, not caring too much about her driving. **
** (4) Tristin takes out his book and begins studying the different magics and occult practices. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin you almost run into a cop turning out of the block
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo makes a quick break for the garage while pulling the keys from his pocket, opening the garage as soon as he can. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The car was heading towards the coffee shop
(1) Robin: ((...rawr))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): make a dex + athletics roll, Dante
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol @ Tristin. At least now you can say that you studied your book while in the car, right?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Dex 4 + Ath 2 = 6))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin spends this time studying!
(4) Tristin: ((Yuh)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [8,6] = (14)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Oh god))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,9,7,8,7,8] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, the whole deal takes you 3.5 minutes
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You're in the garage
** (1) Robin stops head banging... **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo locates the motorcycle and hops on hit quickly, starting up the ignition with the other key on the chain **
(4) Tristin: "Stupid books... " *Flips the pages trying to understand fortune telling occult.*
** (5) Eve glances back and smirks **
(7) Wren (enter): 18:47
(5) Eve: You're lucky to have em. I had to go hunting for my knowledge.
(7) Tristin: ((Wireless card phale-ur))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, in the book you find various scripts and records of the ancient practices of magic. You learn that there exist higher beings called Exarchs, who were once mortal mages, but through accumulation of arcane power they transcended into Supernal World, and since then it has been their intention to keep Magic solely in hands of the few ascended, and a number of mage orders strive to make it so - Guardians of the Veil, and in part, the Silver Ladder, the former attempting to seize power from the Exacrchs and use it in the sleepers' world as a hierarchical structure.
(8) Wren (enter): 18:49
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo comes to a realization and then stops the ignition, wheeling the bike out instead and closing the garage door. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Fortune telling occult - well, pretty much ((mage PDF page 147))
(8) Tristin: ((It's about to be tossed out of the window.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you're out safely on your bike, wheeling it out, garage door closed, good job
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo locks the garage back up and wheels the bike out past the police tape, then hops on and starts it up, heading around the corner to catch up with the minivan. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((If you want rolls for any of that, just say so.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((dex+drive to not fuck anything up on the way, otherwise you're clear.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((but your description is pretty solid))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((with specialization in motorcycles, is there any kind of bonus to rolls? I cant recall))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((+1 since you are driving one))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Dex 4 + Drive (Motorcycle) 4 = 8))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [8 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,4,8,4,7,3,[10, 8],6] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you wake up from your uneasy sleep, from a motorcycle noise behind you, all in the van, you see Dante on his bike, victoriously riding evenly with you. You are now a convoy.
** (3) Anthony rubs his eyes. "Ahh, finally on the road." **
** (3) Anthony looks out the window, "East was it?" **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Let's plan your route, fellas.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((That was.. really fun. I feel like I'm getting more comfortable with the game now, lol))
** (5) Eve pulls the route map up on her laptop **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): (( XD ))
(9) Wren (enter): 18:58
(9) Wren: Booting '(4) Wren' from server...
(4) Wren (exit): 18:58
(9) Wren: Booting '(8) Wren' from server...
(8) Wren (exit): 18:58
(9) Tristin: ((Hopefully chucking it at the wall did the trick..))
(5) Eve: "Alright we will be heading out on the A24
(5) Eve: ((depends.. how russian are you?... always works when russians throw technology around))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, niiiice)
(9) Tristin: ((No Russian... part Native..))
(5) Eve: ((I don't think that will help you any.. they aren't known for their beating the pulp out of technology and making it work skills.. more the hunting and gathering type skills))
(9) Tristin: ((A few peices of pastic went flying but all the metal and silicon are there... that's all that matter.))
(5) Eve: "You are going to stay on the A24 until we reach A90.. *gives a bunch of other accurate directions*
(9) Tristin: ((Maybe I'll shoot an arrow at it?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, do it!))
(5) Eve: ((totally))
(9) Tristin: ((No arrows around... plenty of blades though..))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((any tomahawks?))
(5) Eve: "keep on the A90 until you reach A1, then merge onto E35
(9) Tristin: ((Nope))
(5) Eve: ((These are real directions btw))
** (1) Robin shifts drirection thats to Eve navigation skills. **
(1) Robin: ((thanks*))
(9) Tristin: (("Okay maybe a little..." LOL!))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, draw your route on this map
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): or someone who knows
(3) Anthony: ( he who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): (( O_O))
(3) Anthony: (( He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child. Teach him ))
(3) Anthony: (( he who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him ))
(3) Anthony: (( he who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man. Follow him ))
(9) Tristin: ((Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day?))
(3) Anthony: (( What with one watch always knows what time it is. man with two watches is never quite sure ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Confucius say: Virginity like bubble. One prick, all gone))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((He who knows and knows that he knows not has low self esteem. ))
(3) Anthony: (( we can play i spy on the way. I spy with my little eye something that is translucent! ))
(3) Anthony: (( oh wayt, I'm the only one who can see spirits, never mind ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Our next plot?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, on the way, you see a loooooot of spirits, birds, wildlife, nature, trees, rocks...
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, nice))
(5) Eve: dead bugs...
(5) Eve: Done :D))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): But the most powerful spirit you see, of course - is the spirit of travel. A freedom loving, ever moving spirit, riding the wind so fast you cannot hope to catch up with it
** (3) Anthony keeps hs eye out for a hollow )) **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): This spirit peeks into the windows of every car on its road
** (3) Anthony smiles and waves to the spirt **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((to detect hollows, one swould need to know Prime))
** (2) Spirit waves back **
(2) Spirit: "Be greeted, Traveller!"
(3) Anthony: "Safe journies"
** (9) Tristin looks up **
(9) Tristin: Huh?
(3) Anthony: 'Hmm? Oh, sorry, was talking to the spirit of travel."
** (5) Eve glances up from her digital maps **
** (2) Spirit is a being of wind and air, who changes shapes like illusions, one moment he is a biker on wheels, riding beside Dante, the other minute he is a family full of kids in a minivan, then a police car, then a racer on a yamaha crotch rocket, a horseman with a bow the next moment, and a hunting dog the next **
** (5) Eve blinks and looks back to the maps... **
** (5) Eve checks the time **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo follows the minivan at a slight distance, matching the van's speed. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The time is 2 a.m. deep night. How fast are you going, Robin?
(3) Anthony: "How many miles is this trip?"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin and Dante, both attuned with driving skills and space, if you choose to, you feel you can feel each other very well as a driver team. You never lose each other, unless you choose to.
(1) Robin: ((hmm with spactial awerness up I'm going like 95))
(5) Eve: "hmm, 750...it will take 12 hours going the speed limits
** (3) Anthony glances at the speedometer, "Ahh, should take us, what, half that then?" **
(9) Tristin: ((Roads are in KM))
(1) Robin: "Six hours isn't bad."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): with your speed, adjusting it as necessary, it would take about 8 hours if you rode straight without stopping, but you will be passing towns and country borders...
(5) Eve: ((map was in mi))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(7) Wren' from server... Removing dead client
(7) Wren (exit): 19:19
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, so you guys ride across mountains and green plains, towns and villages of Italy, until at about 5 a.m. you start approaching Bologna, this is when you, Dante, notice that you're running out of gas, 1/8 of tank left.
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Wren...
(5) Eve: ((Bologna btw is still in italy...))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( T_T My motorcycle gets worse fuel economy than a minivan))
whispering to Anthony, ((yup))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sorry Tony, accidental pm))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((naturally, but also, it is faster))
(3) Anthony: (( bikes always get MUCH better gas mileage than cars ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yeah... ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((he wasnt at full tank!))
(9) Tristin: ((ROFL))
(5) Eve: ((*watches them argue with the GM.. ducks under the seats*))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( A man who has a passion for motorocycles, whose father gave him that cycle in particular, wouldn't keep a full tank? K.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((*prepares a horrible ball of doom, but takes a note that motorcycle has better gas mileage for the future*))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo passes the minivan and signals with his hand as well as his blinker to the turn off)) **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Disgregard that )) ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Officer Dominic stole some of your gas!))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((rofl, with the keys in my possession, he easily got into the garage, yes))
(9) Tristin: ((Damn there -is- a crysis...))
(5) Eve: ((we won't mention that there was a giant flaming HOLE in your appartment...))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yes, we WONT mention that >_> ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you're also running low on gas. 1/8.5 th ((:P ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol ))
(5) Eve: ((heh))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((bastards))
(1) Robin: ((thanks pull me down with you :p))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( We're a team afterall >_> ))
(1) Robin: ((lol))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Anyway... pulling off here))
** (5) Eve checks the new reports on the web while they are fuling up.. specifically for Spain. **
** (1) Robin makes for the nearest gas exit, signaling. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): There is a gas station on the roadside, with a small shop, very much like those in USA, except has a very peculiar native feel. A huge bull statue on top of the roadside establishment, some poster of a happy farmer in a fedora hat, and the only symbol you recognize is that the place takes VISA
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, nothing on the news about THAT thing yet
(5) Eve: ... ((*pouts*))
** (1) Robin pulls up and begains filling up. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You notice a rediculously high gas price
(5) Eve: "Welcome to Europe.. they got the short end of the stick with our bloody oil war."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anyone but Dante still has italian currency on hand?
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo pulls up to the pump next to the minvan and fills up the motorcycle's tank, then heads inside the shop to pay. **
(1) Robin: ((im out of italian currency))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, inside the shop you notice WANTED posters for your four companions, photographed pretty damn well.
(5) Eve: ((I dunno wasn't really counting))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Poster says they are wanted in Rome and were last seen in Rome
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Reason: terrorism
(9) Tristin: ((I don't remember how much money I have let, but I think it's all USD now.))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo notices the sign. He approaches the clerk and says in Italian, "I'd like to pay for the minivan's gas as well." **
(2) Clerk: Sure. 195 lira.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "So, the bike and the minivan." *He smiles curtly and pulls out his wallet to pay the clerk.*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you have that money, gas paid for
** (1) Robin screws gas cap back on and such. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo heads back outside and approaches the group. "We need to leave.. now. You guys are pretty popular around these parts." **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "The gas is taken care of, let's just move as soon as possible."
(1) Robin: "Oh? Alright..."
** (1) Robin gets in car and heads back out on the road. **
** (5) Eve raises an eyebrow **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Wanted posters for Terrorism." *he says simply before Robin boards.*
(5) Eve: "I do hope they haven't managed to get them out past Italy"
** (1) Robin nods to Dante before getting inside. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Agreed.."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I'll take up the rear like before. If there's any problems, just do what you need to do and I'll follow."
(5) Eve: "So are you two using a mind link or anything to coordinate or... just driving along behind us?"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "A mindlink? I hadn't considered that.."
(1) Robin: "We could if you'd like."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Robin. "It might help. Let's do that." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the gas station roadside shop did sell some radios and batteries...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): though not very good ones
(1) Robin: "I'll try to reach you telepathically. So just keep your mind clear for a moment and try not to resist."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. "Should be simple enough." **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you see frustrated spirits around the gas pumps, spirits of greed and annoyance, formed by people who hate overpaying for gas
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): They are trying to gnaw at the pumps
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tries to keep his mind clear, waiting for Robin's telepathic out-reaching. **
** (1) Robin focuses one Dante's eyes, trying to breach through the restrictions of verbal communication. **
(1) Robin: ((Telepathys gnosis4+mind4))
(1) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,7,7,1,9,6,5] = (1)
(1) Robin: Dante?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((how DO you use italics?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((dur, nevermind, lol))
(9) Tristin: ((lol))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Robin?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Wow, talk about a brainfart))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you can hear Robin's voice calling out to you, your mind is now one
(1) Robin: We can communicate like this for now, lets head out.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Also, you feel you can also do this ((rote Telepathy : Wits +Empathy+Mind))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head from side to side, cracking his neck. "Alright." **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo moves to his motorcycle and hops on, starting the ignition and preparing for the trip. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you can see Robin's spell connect to Dante
** (5) Eve glances out the window.. realizing they are still outside the gas station where their photos are hung up.. hunkers down a little in the chair **
** (1) Robin turns the ignition over and pulls out to the main road. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo follows Robin's lead and heads back out onto the road. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM):
on the road.... 6 a.m.

** (5) Eve checks the news again? **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Not yet.
** (5) Eve frowns and chews on her bottom lip a little. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Driving in the dark, a few hours from Dawn, it seems. Anyone who hadn't slept is getting pretty weary, a number of rest areas are available as you drive. It will take you about 2.5 more hours to reach Trieste, the border with Slovenia
(9) Tristin: *Applies the knowledge he has been gaining to a spell just to try it out. He gazes at the strands of Fate and chance and shifts the stand to be more sure that crossing goes more smoothly.*
(9) Tristin: ((Shift the odds Wits 3 + Occult 1 + Fate 3 =7 ))
(9) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,6,7,1,7,1,2] = (1)
(9) Tristin: ((Costs one mana))
(9) Tristin: ((It's mostly a role-play spell with little game-mechanic effect.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Your can feel your power giving a small blessing to this journey
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): So, everyone who is not driving staying awake till Slovenia?
** (5) Eve will continue to check the news and refine her fake report **
** (9) Tristin 's studdies have been considered a personal success, he lays down a rests. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo continues to press on, following the lead of the van, letting the wind help him fight his creeping weariness. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you doze off slowly and the dream consumes you, your eyelids growing heavy with comfort of the road and the sound of wheels
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you start dreaming...
** (1) Robin tries her best not to zone out, occasionally messing with the radio. **
(5) Eve: "When we get to the hotel I'm getting in the hot baths and into a bed, how about you?"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Robin, how are you holding up there?"
** (5) Eve glances up from her screen towards Robin. **
(9) Tristin: "ZZzZZzZZ"
(1) Robin: "Don't mak me think about warm beds... Thats counter productive"
(1) Robin: I could use some coffee for rreal.
(1) Robin: "Mmmmm warm bath..."
(5) Eve: ((i could use some hot coco for real))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: If you need to stop somewhere, just lead on.
(1) Robin: ((Shawn just went to make me some coffee, lol))
(5) Eve: (aww what a sweety))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I could use a cigarette for real.))
(1) Robin: I think I'll make a stop just before the border to freshen up
(9) Tristin: ((Lyez!!!))
(5) Eve: ((lol))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Alright. Whenever is fine.
(9) Tristin: ((Anything in particular with the dream?))
(5) Eve: ((you dream of cake... teh end :)))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((hahaha))
(9) Tristin: ("It's a lie! It's a lie!"))
(1) Robin: "Eve, I'm going to stop at a rest stop soon, we can go over the game plan for the boarder crossing if we need to then."
(5) Eve: ((mmm... cake..))
whispering to Wren, You are driving through Italy, and soon you ride into more sandy area, deeper and deeper. It seems like almost all the green now have been substituted for yellow. You open your eyes and look around from your slumber. The terrain is dry, and you stop. You get out of the van, and explore the captivating desert view. Walking for an indeterminate amount of time, you see a great pyramid ahead of you, you approach it. The structure stands on a cliff, and against it - is ocean. Sand ends and becomes rocks, the tide breating against them violently. You look back, and you see your friends waiting for you by the van. Robin, Anthony, Eve, Kassidy, Dante, and Kurtis. They wave at you. Suddenly you look ahead, your dagger, Ediphon spikes with a shudder, tingling feeling in your hand. You look back and your friends, all of them are dead, the van is burning. All of them raise as zombies and charge at you. You spin the dagger in your hand and ready to fight. In a furious attack you block Robin and are ready to plunge the blade into her heart. Time stops, and you look back towards the pyramid. You see a young man, chinese. You recognize him quickly, though - he is you, but older, mature, more developed in his triangular muscled build, his hair is cut short, he is dressed in a black ninja suit, with a hood pulled off. He has a scar on his right cheek and his left hand is a prosthetic wrapped in dark cloth. He has the dagger in it, the dagger's power glows with your own aura, calming your frenzy and fear. He says "Don't be afraid. Otherwise your wrath will consume you." You open your eyes and jump up waking up - and everyone in the van is dead. And once again, you jump up and wake up in cold sweat - this time for real.
(5) Eve: "Sounds good"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you awake from the dream
** (1) Robin nods and fiddles with the radio **
(9) Tristin: (("The enrichment center would like to remind you that when the testing is complete you will be baked, and then there will be cake"))
(5) Eve: ((???))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((hahahaha!!))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Oh god))
(1) Robin: ((portal?))
(1) Robin: ((Omg, I should get a portal gun....))
(5) Eve: ((oy..))
(1) Robin: ((that would be sweet. You know it.))
(9) Tristin: "Ahh!"
** (9) Tristin panting in a cold sweat. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, at 7:30 a.m. you hear a news cast. At Madrid International, an airplane with a certain flight has suffered an explosion of the left wing engine as it was landing on the field. 3 people were injured, but the crew managed to land the jet, balancing it to the ground. More troubling news come from amsterdam. 2 hours ago a landing airplane exploded both engines at height of 600 feet above ground, as it was descending. 98 passengers dead, along with the 6 person crew.
** (1) Robin swerves a little. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo notices the swerve and falls back a bit from the van. "Robin, everything okay?" **
** (1) Robin looks in the rearview mirror towards Tristin **
(1) Robin: Tristin scared me.
** (9) Tristin sitting up in the backseat, looking around. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Oops, looks like we killed some more people))
** (5) Eve glances back at Tristin and raises a brow... looks back at her report "Damn.. I'll have to retranslate it." **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ah. Nothing to worry about then?
(9) Tristin: "Just a dream.... just a.... phew...."
(5) Eve: ((it wasn't us! I take no responsibility for the bad guys!))
(1) Robin: I hope so. I'll let you know if something is up.
(3) Anthony: "What is happening?"
(1) Robin: "Bad dream, Tristin?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo returns to his following pace, matching up with his distance between self and the van prior to falling back. **
** (5) Eve begins to translate her reports into dutch... then.. looks for some dutch police reports **
** (9) Tristin nods and sends a half-forced smile at Robin. Glad to see she's alive. **
** (1) Robin looks concerned and shrugs at Tony's question. She doesn't know either. **
(5) Eve: "Well... the exploded the plane to Amsterdam rather than Spain... Odd...
(5) Eve: *they
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, every civil car except Robin, slows down when you drive by, and most cops wave in a greeting at you.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((LOL!))
** (1) Robin pulls off at the next rest station, as we should be getting close to the boarder. **
(5) Eve: ((lol!!))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Wow, I had forgotten entirely))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((*is an eeeevil GM who will play on anything you forget to specifically mention*))
(1) Robin: "I felt bad transfering those threads. it was like stuffing bad karma in stranger's back pockets."
(1) Robin: "Poor random people..."
(5) Eve: "I'm sure I would feel bad as well were I not looking at the bigger picture... if we don't stop this woman who knows what will happen to the world. If they were to know where we are we would be dead and the world as we know it gone."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo follows the minivan to the rest station. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The van stops in a nice green oasis of a road park, 4 miles from the Slovenia border, just outside Trieste. The highway leads through the border patrol along E61, and a number of other streets pull into it. Around is a mountanous forest with fences and a radar secured zone signs have been coming up on the sides of the highway for 20 miles now
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo parks his bike in an area a bit out of the way and turns off the engine, returning the keys to his pocket before standing up and stretching tensely. ((brb)) **
** (1) Robin parks and climbs out of the van slowly streatching and complaing on of her legs went to sleep. **
(1) Robin: ((on = one))
** (1) Robin calls to the others, "I am going to find some vending machines I could really use some caffine" **
(5) Eve: "Sure, then we need to discuss looking like different people for the border patrol"
** (1) Robin nods and looks for the caffine. **
(9) Tristin: "Couldn't hurt, not sure how strong the spell I put on us is."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo approaches the group, stretching with every step he takes. **
** (9) Tristin he says as he climbs out of the van **
** (1) Robin find a coffee vending machine, hopfully. **
** (5) Eve looks up the entry requirements for the country of Slovenia, again, just to be sure she hasn't forgotten anything." **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo yawns, doing some squats while passing the time. **
(5) Eve: "Alright, so we need to fake some passports.. and change appearances just to be safe..."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you know the following IC as per the web: 24 European countries are party to the Schengen agreement. This agreement eliminates all internal border controls between them. To enter one Schengen country is to gain up to 90 days of continuous travel between the member states. American citizens traveling for business or tourism are not required to have a visa for this initial entry into the Schengen area, but must have a passport valid three months beyond the proposed stay. (For a two week business trip, the passport must be valid for four months, for a two month holiday the passport must be valid for five months, for example.)
(5) Eve: "And... probably wake up Tony... unless we can just change his appearance while he's sleeping"
** (1) Robin gets her caffine fix and heads back to the group. **
(3) Anthony: "Hmm.. dang, cant you do it in their mind? It willl take quintessence I have ittle of."
(9) Tristin: "I'm running low too."
(5) Eve: "I can't... but perhaps Robin or Dante can."
(3) Anthony: "It doesn't take quiihntessence to change their minds doesd it?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Eve, then to Tony. **
(1) Robin: "I think we change all of our a pperances if Dante can help. I am low on quihntessence, but luckily I don't need much of it for mind."
(5) Eve: "I've little knowledge of mind magics I cannot say if it does or not."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): A chance of luck as it may be, you see along the highway an armored column of tanks slowly progressing on the right, towards the border, a convoy of 7 machines, and a few motorcycles along with them.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The traffic is yielding to the column, staying to the left, soldiers are directing the drivers to stay clear
(1) Robin: ((active spells:spactial awerness, telepathy and incognito.))
** (1) Robin clears her throat. "Right..." **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks awkwardly at the convoy. **
** (5) Eve looks at the convoy curiously **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I could try to help out in the masking, yes."
(5) Eve: "or we could.. just make ourselves look like part of that convoy..."
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, nothing unusual about a convoy, they are following each other in a straight line, exactly 40 meters apart
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods at Eve's words. **
(5) Eve: "Or... heck invisable?"
(9) Tristin: ((Meters? What's a meter?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( 3 feet ))
** (1) Robin chuckles. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((err))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((3 feet))]
(9) Tristin: ((I know I was... nevermind..))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( >_> ))
** (1) Robin looks a t the convoy's outfits, what do they look like? **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): They look like Italian soldiers, military uniforms, with UN badges on their sleeves
(9) Tristin: "Uh ohh..."
** (1) Robin glances at Tristin. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): knowledge of... i wanna say Politics to understand ranks
(5) Eve: ((yeah.. like any of us have that :S))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((exactly the point, methinks))
(9) Tristin: ((Animal Ken? She has that.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Anthony, you can see their spirits, they are not attuned for destruction. The spirit of war is undoubtedly present, but a spirit of peace, flies in hand with it. Security and defense
(1) Robin: ((lol))
(5) Eve: ((...close.. thats almost politics))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Eve can prolly pull it out with int+investigation+laptop if she quickly starts browsing for italian regalia on the lappy))
(9) Tristin: ((Damn, she's specialized in cats, not monkeys))
(5) Eve: (yay for the internets)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, you can do that
** (5) Eve does some quick reserch on the regalia and what it means **
(5) Eve: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (6)] => [4,6] = (10)
(5) Eve: 8
(5) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,7,2,1,[10, 1],4] = (1)
(5) Eve: ((yay I'm so smart...not))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): each tank is commanded by a leutenant, a major in the head of the column, artillery divisio. the motorcycle column is lead by a captain of mobile infantry, sergeants following him. Thats as much as you can muster
(3) Anthony: ( sorry, fallingalspee ere irl, bena long day, let me scrollb ack ))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u guys wanna call it?))
(5) Eve: (*shrugs* I do have some beserk to watch if we do, but up to everyone else))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u sure do))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I dont mind calling it a night. Getting a bit tired here myself))
(5) Eve: ((u can watch too I'll let you :O ))
(1) Robin: ((I have a job interview tomorrow, but I don't mind staying up longer. Shawn is afk for a sec.))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i will be happy to))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((we got 3 peeps out of 6 getting tired, i work tomorrow. Let's have u guys mix with the convoy))
(10) Wren (enter): 20:54
(10) Tristin: ((Fucking game disconnected.))
** (5) Eve finds out enought about the regalia to make them look like non-discript privates? ((ie grunts)) **
(10) Tristin: ((Zug zug))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): to change your clothes, you will need to manipulated matter on a higher level than you have before
** (1) Robin stands off to the side, mentally pictures the convoy's outfits. She Imagines herself Italian with mathching uniforms. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you see in detail how a grunt uniform is made
(1) Robin: ((imposter mind4+gnosis4))
(1) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,9,8,9,5,4,2] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Pretty good.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): that's one convincing mobile infantry officer
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo follows Robin's lead, thinking it the best option. He drops the former mask of a police officer and begins to weave in his mind how the motorcycle units are dressed, attempting to create the illusion in his mind. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 2 = 6))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,2,6,8,7,3] = (2)
** (1) Robin has black hair in a militry bun, with a infantry outfit, sounding Italian and military, feeling military and Italian, smelling like one, too. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): that's another pretty convincing mobile infantry officer
(5) Eve: (ewww... stinky))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): their air fills with shoe polish and machine grease
** (1) Robin drops spactial awerness. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo 's skin remains unchanged in the illusion, aside from a darker complexion. His outfit is convincing in appearance and the clothing looks and feels real. **
(1) Robin: ((Okay, question about the Halucination spell. Would I be able to alter everyone else apperence under the same spell or would I need to cast them individually?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): lesson well learned, Dante. If you look like something, try to feel like that as well
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, indeed...))
(10) Tristin: "I could just go for a uniform if you guys want, save you from haveing to hold up another illusion, I can act the part myself.."
(5) Eve: "What about the bike and van?"
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((complex hallucination to make Eve, Tony, Tristin dissapear, and3 grunts appear, change van into tank and Dante's bike into military bike? Woooh... a -1 penalty for each object/person))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Wow, so a -5))
(5) Eve: ((unless you can do the bike))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Which I probably could))
(1) Robin: "Dante, do you think you could take care of the vechical's apperences and I will try to alter our friends' apperances."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Robin and nods once. **
** (1) Robin Imagines Tony, Tristin and Eve as slightly less attractive, Italian, and Military issue. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to the van and the bike intermittently, trying to imagine how he could mask the vehicles in a similar manner as himself. **
(1) Robin: ((Hallicunation -3 +4gnosis+4mind and I'll bur a wp for +3))
(1) Robin: ((burn*))
(1) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,5,6,7,8,3,6,8] = (2)
(1) Robin: Tony's Tristin's and Eve's apperences change to the military issue uniforms of the convoy, and well as the way they feel.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Gnosis 2 + Mind 4 + (using 1 will out of character's desire to succeed) 1 = 7))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,4,5,4,4,3,7] = (0)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((doooooooh))
(10) Tristin: ((Willpower is 3 dice))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh yeah... god))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): The vehicles do not submit to the illusion spell
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I got it right the first time I burned willpower. Brainfart))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You feel you need to either work harder or focus differently
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((No reroll for the fucked up numbers huh? Oh well..))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((repeating the same spell for the same purpose is always at -1 each recast))
(5) Eve: ((well there was also the -2 for the two vehicles))
(1) Robin: ((He didn't roll the correct number the first time))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ah, right))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you reroll with 9 dice, not 7))
(1) Robin: ((Oh nvm)0
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((but -2 cancels them))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((so yes, he rolled right))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah. Got it.))
(1) Robin: ((we could aways but the bike in the van lol))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You are now 5 italian soldiers with UN badges.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): You have a van and a bike
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head at his failure and tries again, imagining as hard as he can and trying to push his will into the hallucination on the van and the bike. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 2 + 3 for another WP, -3 (recast and penalties) = 6))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,2,[10, 7],1,3,1] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): you are 5 soldiers with a tank and a military cycle
(5) Eve: (yay)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((VROOM VROOM))
(5) Eve: "Now we just have to act military and pull in behind them"
** (2) Uchawi becomes a tiny jet bzzzzz! **
(5) Eve: ((lol))
** (1) Robin stands up straight **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods to Eve and hops on the motorcycle, starting the ignition. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the last machine in the column is now passing you, the officer captaining it, looks at you
(2) Officer 1: "Come on, come on! We're not here to rest in the park. Start your engine and follow."
** (5) Eve salutes and head towards the "tank" **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks over to the captain and gives a nod, then pulls up to put himself in line with the other motorcycles. **
(10) Tristin: "Sorry sit, engine cut off, we're right behind you."
(10) Tristin: ((sir*))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): to you five, its still really a van, so, you dont drive it any different from ever
** (1) Robin salutes and hops in the Van-Tank **
(5) Eve: ((Woot we have a Van-Tank :D))
** (1) Robin starts the Van-tank and pulls into formation. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): the formation travels 4 miles to the border, there the column stops. the lead of the column gets out, the Major shows some kind of papers to the border patrol, they check everything, making sure numbers match, and they do, due to the extra success, and the column resumes movement, entering the green lands of Slovenia
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((that good enough break point?))
(10) Tristin: ((Good as any.))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yep))
(5) Eve: ((What kind of name is Slovenia?...))
(5) Eve: ((is it one of those new fangle countries the used to be part of something else?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I think so))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((btw, i do NOT have a storyline for this campaign, neither a story to tell. I only have 5 plot points prepared. Everything is else is made up on the fly, and is my 1st experience GMing, so...))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i hope nobody gets upset that something doesnt add up with realism))
(10) Tristin: ((doing great, don't worry))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((thanks for the warm words :) ))
(5) Eve: ((love you baby thank you for gming))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I <3 you GMing this thang))>
(10) Tristin: ((Motorcycle thing was funny though))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Err..))
(1) Robin: ((Yeah, Everythings been going good. :) ))
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(9) Wren' from server... Removing dead client
(9) Wren (exit): 21:23
(2) Konrad Knox (GM):
Next on episode of Mage: Do they really get pulled into a War Game?

(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I heart you for GMing this thing))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((thanks all :D ))
(10) Tristin: ((Was an alright movie))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((coincidentally, Slovenia = Yugoslavia? I think?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((love you honey, kisses and hugs and rated R activity))
(10) Tristin: ((Swear words?))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): exp is: Eve 4, Dante 4, Robin 4 Tristin 3 Tony 2
(5) Eve: ((no Yugoslavia = Montenegro and Serbia))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((No, between the sheets, some nudity, heavy breathing))
(5) Eve: ((swear words are PG - PG13
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((loves PG))
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ((PGs smithing to 100))
(5) Eve: so cute..
(5) Eve: ya know I don't know if I deserve 4 xp..I didn't do much, besides translate my report into Dutch
(10) Tristin: *Gives the "I had a dream" speach*
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Hahah
(1) Robin: You gave directions
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i generally look at the text colors :D who said stuff and/or was funny, gets exp. You looked up road map, entry laws, news report.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin did mind spells and driving, Dante got preactice for bike stealing
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: XD
(5) Eve: heh
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo becomes a car thief **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin casted a fate spell, allowing the column to present itself, and read a book, extra exp for reading
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): he had to justify his occult
(10) Tristin: Not sure if that warents XP or a trip in the back of a cop car.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Tony slept like a pro!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): and poor Tony passed out but he gets exp for just being here
(5) Eve: lol
(5) Eve: remind me to sleep all next game ;)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Hehehe
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): minimal exp u get anyway just for showing up
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): next game sleep means DIE
(5) Eve: O.O
(5) Eve: :O
(5) Eve: x.x
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): hokay mates
(1) Robin: Im too young to die :(
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Next scheduled game is... Serp is moving... Cain is working
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so i guess Cain calls me, I call Serp and then stoners
(5) Eve: I'll be here all week :D
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: I have next week's schedule, if that helps. But depends on when Serp moves.
(10) Tristin: Wha?
(5) Eve: *is so easy to manage*
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): riiight
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo hides from the lovers' quarrel. **
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): easy to schedule, yes, easy to manage - no
(5) Eve: ...in a schedualing sense is all I meant.
(5) Eve: :)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Cain, when do u have day off?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Again.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): wednesday sounds pretty good
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): shawn and rach?
(10) Tristin: Unfortunatly, still no jobs.. soo...
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): so stoners are in on Wed
(1) Robin: yeah
(10) Tristin: When ever. D&D on this upcomeing Friday for both of us.
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, we coordinate with serp
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): lets default to wed usual time, unless otherwise informed
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Sounds fuine to me
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): i'll let everyone know if serp cant make it
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: fine*
(10) Tristin: sounds good
(5) Eve: *nods*
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo pokes Serp. **
(5) Eve: kay off to watch big man with bigger sword..
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Schedule game: Int 5 + Socialize 5 + GMness 5
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Guts?
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,7,7,9,6,[10, 2],8,3,7,[10, 10, 2],2,6,3,6,3] = (4)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): gattso!
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): grihisto!
(5) Eve: Gatts
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: XD
(5) Eve: Ohh... nice sucesses
(5) Eve: we will all be here on time and get a lot accomplished :)
(5) Eve: extra sucesses for the win
(10) Tristin: Resist Resolve 2 + Persuasion 2
(10) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 5],6,1,1] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): good night Serp
(10) Tristin: Two... not bad but looks like I'll be there
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): Fail Tristin at all rolls: Int 5 + Manipulation 5 + GMness 5
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,[10, 10, 2],4,[10, 10, 8],5,4,5,8,7,6,[10, 8],8,2,4,4] = (6)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Hahahahaha, wow.
(10) Tristin: :(
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): :D
(2) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, laters peepz
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Night everyone.
(10) Tristin: See ya man.
(5) Eve: bye bye
(10) Tristin: G'night Claire and Cain