Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
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(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:06
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:06
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Game disconnected!
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(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:19
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Disconnecting from server...
Game disconnected!
Locating server at 216-67-23-50-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net:6774...
Failed to connect to game server...
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Game connected!
(2) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:21
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:25
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:25
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Tony (enter): 17:25
(2) Tony: They were kung fu fighting...
(2) Tony: Fast as lightning...
(2) Tony: I think you purposely shorted me the 3xp so I wouldn't have 5 life this session ^^
(3) Eve (enter): 17:27
(1) Konrad Knox: :D evil
(3) Eve: Tada!
(1) Konrad Knox: ok, Cain cannotconnect
(3) Eve: oy
(2) Tony: he should be able to.
(4) Shawn (enter): 17:28
** (3) Eve goes and gets pie **
(2) Tony: have him refersh server list
(5) Robin (enter): 17:28
(4) Tristin: hello
(4) Tristin: hello
(1) Konrad Knox: he has been
(1) Konrad Knox: he has this screen
(1) Konrad Knox: sending over MSn to serp
(1) Konrad Knox: Hi stoners btw
(1) Konrad Knox: *waves at stoners*
(2) Tony: greetings and saluations
(5) Robin: Hi everyone.
** (2) Tony wonders why konrad didn't emote **
(4) Tristin: ...
(4) Tristin: UO Gateway not working on my compy by the way Claire and Konrad.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo (enter): 17:31
(4) Tristin: Hello
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Howdy.
(2) Tony: hav ehim try shutting down .. oh there he is
(2) Tony: did you restart openrpg?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yeah
(3) Eve: Noooooooos!!!!!111!!
(1) Konrad Knox: NO WAY! Is that a full house or is this a FULL HOUSE!
(2) Tony: yeah, that's hwat I was gonna suggest:D
** (3) Eve was noooooooos-ing to the tristin comment... not cain coming in.... likes that cain made it in **
(5) Robin: Show me your cards
(2) Tony: my necklace is 7 now right?
(4) Tristin: Says I don't have UO installed but I do...
(1) Konrad Knox: opening char sheets
** (3) Eve gets distracted by pie...mmmm.. pie **
(2) Tony: Okay, after THIS session I"ll get life 5 :D
(3) Eve: to what patch... bah I'll ask you on a non-mage night
(1) Konrad Knox: Anthony: 2 bashing, WP 5/5, 3 mana, necklace 7
(2) Tony: My fightin skill is 4.5 or so now :D
(4) Tristin: Alright
(2) Tony: 3 mana? I thought it was 4 but have me as 6 but knew that was too high
(1) Konrad Knox: at the moment of the arrival to the hotel that is
(1) Konrad Knox: i think you did two heals
(2) Tony: by the time we get to the hotel bashing shoudl be 0 snce one goes away every 15 minutes
(1) Konrad Knox: this is true. you're healed in the taxi
(1) Konrad Knox: your bruise DID hurt
(3) Eve: heh
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve full HP 5/7 Wp 4 mana
(2) Tony: And I get 3 exp for rmembering that we heal 1 bashign 3very 15 minutes, right? ^^
(3) Eve: sweet
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, you are getting better from your knock out, counting 3 bashing, 7/7 Wp, 7 mana
(2) Tony: eve's hps are 5/7 physical?
(1) Konrad Knox: no full hp
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: 5/7 WP
(1) Konrad Knox: 5/7wp
(2) Tony: oh, okay, read that backwards
(2) Tony: yeah, robin was on edge there :D
(1) Konrad Knox: Tristin 1 persistant agg, 3/6 Wp, 4 mana
(3) Eve: I didn't take any damage last game :D
(2) Tony: I forget how long physical take to self heal
(3) Eve: You mean lethal?
(2) Tony: yeah
(2) Tony: physcal/bashing are the sr terms
(2) Tony: I guess lethal/bashing are the mage terms *shrug*
(3) Eve: don't remember off the top of my head.
(3) Eve: they are the white wolf terms
(3) Eve: bashing/lethal/aggrivated
(1) Konrad Knox: Ok, so we been doing a lot of stuff and adventure, and Dante spent this time studying Anthony's book in the hotel room of Le Bagio.
(2) Tony: 1 pont in 2 days lethal
(1) Konrad Knox: Lerthal heals 1 box for 2 days
(3) Eve: If he's going through my underwear when we get back soo help me...
** (3) Eve prepares a sudden horrible terrible death spell just in case.... **
(2) Tony: Naw, he's done with that. He's wearing a bra on his head.
(3) Eve: right
(1) Konrad Knox: nah, he's probably having an orgy with every female maid in the hotel and the hotel manager, having brain fucked him into thinking he is David Hasselhoff
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: I AM THE HOFF
(2) Tony: David Hasselhoff. meh. someone's been watching too much spongebob
(3) Eve: oh well.. in that case... see if they can get us a discount...
(1) Konrad Knox: fine, he first makes the maids think hasslehoff is sexy, then makes them think he is hasselhoff
(3) Eve: ... right.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Hahaha
(1) Konrad Knox: :)
(1) Konrad Knox: The box construction begins with its foundation
(3) Eve: The frist step being the hardest of the two.
** (1) Konrad Knox lays foundation **

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

** (2) Tony looks a little dejected **
** (5) Robin puts on construction hat. **
(2) Tony: "We didnt' do so good in staying under the radar."
** (3) Eve walks by in a short skirt **
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Bah! you cant start talking IC before the box! anxious man!))
(4) Tristin: Are we being the village people?
(3) Eve: lol!
(3) Eve: yeah.. you get to be the indian. :)
(2) Tony: oh, yes, noi box
(5) Robin: I'd rather be the indian...aw :(
(1) Konrad Knox: Make bricks for the Box serp, make bricks!
(4) Tristin: I thought Tony was
(3) Eve: LOL!!!
(4) Tristin: We was looking sad.
(2) Tony: ^^
(3) Eve: Fine.. Robin can be the indian.
(2) Tony: Konrad can't make the box, he's too busy imping his sword
(3) Eve: You can be the biker guy or the sailor
(5) Robin: Sweet.
** (5) Robin puts on headdress **
(1) Konrad Knox:
alright, alright... Mage The Awakening: Chapter 2 Episode 11. Scene: Back to Le Bagio, Rome, Italy.

(4) Tristin: There was a biker?
(2) Tony: (( I think cain gave up on wurm ^^ ))
(1) Konrad Knox: *cliffhanger starts off*
(1) Konrad Knox: You open the hotel room and see.....
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Nah. Just been busy these past couple days ))
(2) Tony: (( you can't have a cliffhanger in your hotel room ))
(1) Konrad Knox: pause
(1) Konrad Knox: Some time earlier...
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Dante's pose))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((pose? Oh, the paragraph ya?))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((correct))
(2) Tony: (( [||] => || [|>] => |> [<|>] => <| ))>
(2) Tony: (( bah ))
(3) Eve: ((*waits*))
(2) Tony: (( reads online comics ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Dante spent a great deal of time studying in Tony's book, pouring over the contents. He took a great deal of interest, of course, in the power that seemed to overwhelm him when he first awakened - the power of Mind. In between readings, he would head down to the café to get coffee, then come back to the room and exercise, passing the time that the rest of the group was away. He read about the powers of Space and how to bend it like anything else, but remains uncertain of the actual method. His studies were interrupted by the sound of an explosion in the distance, drawing him to view the spectacle from a nearby window. He remained calm, but decided it would be a good idea to take a break and get a milkshake. He had just returned to the hotel room and turned on the news when he heard the door behind him.
(3) Eve: (%) In the navy... you can sail the seven seas in the navy... you can put your mind at ease, in the navy, in the navy, In the navy (%) ))
(2) Tony: (( I'm not going to be the sailer, you be the sailer uchawi ))
(1) Uchawi: ((sail ho!))
(3) Eve: ((Trisin already called the sailor))
** (2) Tony follows into the hotel room **
(2) Tony: "Pack your things. We should probably get out of here like.. yesterday."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you have 3 more free rotes you may get, if you describe how you discovered/practiced them. This will stay valid in the future as well, don't have to do it now.
** (3) Eve strolls into the room as well **
(3) Eve: "We need to know where we are going first...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): But if you do want to learn some, go ahead. Your call.
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo turns his attention to Tony. "I had a bad feeling about the explosion. That must have been something revolving around you hm?" **
** (3) Eve glances at the news **
(2) Tony: "Not me in particular.. oh wait I was the one who broke the globe. Yeah, me"
** (5) Robin sits on the bed, pulling the braclette and the bottle out of her pocket. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So yes. Unpause. You enter the room and see Dante milking the straw for the remainders of milkshake he just downed.
** (2) Tony 's eyes go wide, "Son of a.. .it was my fault." **
(3) Eve: ((( *snickers*))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I had to think of SOMEthing that wouldn't be totally wrong for you guys to enter to see >_> ))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo glances at the group momentarily. "Where's Tristan? You didn't leave him, did you?" **
(4) Tristin: "I'm here."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo failed to notice apparently. "Oh, there you are." **
(3) Eve: ((we decided we stuffed him in the trunk remember))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, right))
(2) Tony: "So, use the ring quick and lets pack? I still think we may have uninvited visitors"
(4) Tristin: ((But I went into the Hotel... just never memoted the car...))
** (2) Tony starts packing up his things which are few, the book, umm.. the book. **
** (5) Robin waves to Dante and focuses her attention on the ring **
** (4) Tristin attempts to see if Tony's right. **
(4) Tristin: ((Time 4 + Gnosis 3))
(4) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,8,2,1,[10, 4],4,9] = (3)
(1) News Reporter: "Another horrific explosion shook the city just hours ago, castle Roselli, a popular tourist site suffered a severe blast focused in its North Western tower, demolishing the perimeter of the castle walls and killing 79 staff and security personnel. This week has truly been tragic for Rome, as the events connected to the escape of John Lemming remain unexplained. The police and the city hall are now negotiating to double the patrols and perhaps close out the city's borders to announce the security state.
(3) Eve: "I wouldn't be half surprised." *pulls out her laptop still watching the news with half an eye and sets it to a airlines website.*
** (2) Tony drops the book,'seventy nine? Oh my..." **
** (5) Robin closes her eyes and hums to herself for a second tunning out the television((Spactial Awearness: Space 4+gnosis 4)) **
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,3,5,1,5,6,9] = (1)
(2) Tony: "I killed 79 people? Maybe I'm really a mage of death? And that father... oh my..."
** (5) Robin sets the braclette on her palm, holding it in her lap. Places a drop in the center of the ring. **
(2) Tony: (( gah yu're gonna put Tony in therapy :P ))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks around at the group, turning his attention to Tony. "I'm sure there was a good reason, right?" **
(3) Eve: "That does not bode well for our chances of leaving if we don't hurry... How could that many people have died? There weren't that many guards there, it is likely propaganda."
** (2) Tony sits on the edge of the bed **
(2) Tony: "There were a lot of guards. And personal staff like the cook."
(2) Tony: "We better get that blasted gem back!"
** (3) Eve clicks her tongue. **
(2) Tony: "These people can't die for nothing."
(3) Eve: "Well I could always check and find out if you like. That many people suddenly dead would certainly leave ripples in the Twilight."
(1) News Reporter: Tristin, your answer comes to you as the reporter continues
** (2) Tony picks up the book and looks at it sightlessly, "seventy nine. and the father. eighty people." **
** (5) Robin tries to focus on the location of the other tower **
(3) Eve: "What father are you talking about?"
(2) Tony: (( wow, that's more than Tank killed in the Night of Fires ))
(1) News Reporter: "There is a number of suspects wanted immediately by the city metropolitan police for questioning related to the case. They have been accused by the officials with being connected with the terrible explosions raging in our city"
(1) News Reporter: A picture of Eve, Tristin, Robin, and Anthony are shown on the screen, with the following names:
** (2) Tony looks back at the screen, "Uh oh. hury people." **
(4) Tristin: "No fucking way...."
(3) Eve: "Impossible."
** (5) Robin lifts her attention to the t.v. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo moves freely about the room, as if looking for something, then pats his pocket and nods slightly, turning his attention back to the news. "Well, let's get moving. I've already been seen associated with you all, so it looks like I'm stuck with you guys, not that that's a bad thing." **
(1) News Reporter: Rebecca Anderson. Eve Kline. Tony Parrot. Kurtis Lee.
** (5) Robin glances a her palm. "Just a second..." **
(2) Tony: "You do know that 79 pepole I think makes us mass murderers."
** (4) Tristin Notices the name under his picture and laughs a little. **
** (3) Eve smirks slightly **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, the bracelet liquid gathers and points North, and is moving very slightly, in the direction of West
(2) Tony: "GAh, now I"m gong to have t pick a new pseudonym."
(3) Eve: "Thank goodness for shadow names... This is cearly a set up Tony, the authorites would have no way of knowing our names and I'm fairely certain no people died either."
(2) Tony: "Of course it was James, that's the same thing I'd probalby do. We gotta go."
(4) Tristin: "Either way, I think we need to book it to some other country, no?"
(2) Tony: "I think we may need discuises again."
(5) Robin: "Whats North of here?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo loops Tony's words through his mind a few times, as if pondering. He looks to Eve. "So you guys messed with some baaad people then." **
** (2) Tony nods **
(3) Eve: "however it does pose the question, how are we going to safely get out of here with our faces all over the news. Our passports are relatively useless.
(2) Tony: "Well, thsi bad person tried to kill us so we just trashed his place a little."
(2) Tony: "Well, I can change our looks for about an hour
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo chuckles a bit at Tony's remark. "I see." **
(3) Eve: "At this point I don't think only an hour would do us much good."
(2) Tony: "Basically we destored a device tht tried to kill us. I didn't know it would go off like chernoel."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you easily track the Gem's direction on the map you guys got...
(2) Tony: "I don't have much quintesince left
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Is there a way to simply mask our presence as opposed to a physical disguise?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): draw a straight line north from Rome
(2) Tony: "Various ways depending on Arcana."
(3) Eve: "Hmm.. I don't know if we want to ... there are a number yes...
(2) Tony: (( hta't sa map of the us ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the distance is approximately 1000 kilometers
(3) Eve: "Em.. I don't know if we want to risk a teleport just yet.. so yes.. perhaps masking our presence... or tricking the minds as we did at the castle is in order. If we can manage that for more than an hour."
(4) Tristin: ((lol))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( rofl, so it is ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((gah. type in Rome))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((google maps doesnt save links! blast!))
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. france maybe?"
(3) Eve: France is more west then straight north I think.
(2) Tony: yeah, but it's traveling
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Straight north of here? Denmark is more north than France. if that's what you guys are looking for.
(5) Robin: Sweden?
(5) Robin: ((hard to tell 1000km on google maps.))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks over at the ring everyone seems to be focused on. "What, exactly, is that thing?" **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I would guess Berlin))
(2) Tony: it coudl be amsterdam
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((it has a legend, with miles and kilometers, take a ruler :) ))
(2) Tony: "It's one of the ponts right? Amsterdam and France are both west of Rome."
(2) Tony: "Budapest and the mystery number 2 seems to be east."
(5) Robin: ((dont have one))
(2) Tony: "If Kurtis is right they are at one of the ponts, although don't know why would be traveling."
(3) Eve: "No its not Amsterdam because there isn't a tower in amsterdam and Kurtis said she was in a tower.
(3) Eve: "Well if the tower is anything like this one was perhaps she has it with her.
(2) Tony: "This is tracking a gem that creates monsters. Like hitler, Ghingis Khan."
(2) Tony: "Some woman wan'ts wer baby to be the next dictator. We're trying to get the gem to stop that."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The compass is pointing exactly straight north, and very slowly deviating to the west. Very slowly, only Robin's Space ability detects the movement
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. "Oh, is that all?" He says a bit sarcastically. **
(3) Eve: "Actually it creates powerful leaders.. for good or ill is the individuals choice.. Not the gem. But that's not the point, Diana wants it for wicked ends.
(2) Tony: (( with a space spell robin shoudl be able to detect how far north it is given speeds. although may take forces + space ))
(5) Robin: "Danmark, maybe."
(3) Eve: ((no that's miles I made that mistake too))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo scratches his head. "What an interesting thing to be thrown headfirst into." **
(2) Tony: "How good ar you at space? try this, walk across the room and see how much it changes. Try to triangulate."
(5) Robin: ((damn))
(2) Tony: "yeah, well, we'be been attacked by shadows, had one hotel room blown up. been attacked by the others vices. It's not been boring"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright, provided i get a sane detailed description of your group workshop triangulation method, i'll give you a roll
** (3) Eve begins to draw the star above on the hotel note pad.. **
(3) Eve: "Lets see.. rome is down... Amsterdam is down..
** (3) Eve begins to erase the lines from rome and Amsterdam **
(2) Tony: "Down? Amsterdam is north west of rome. Well, north by north west maybe."
(2) Tony: "Oh, down. gonzo."
(5) Robin: "Czech Republic...?"
(3) Eve: Hmm..
(2) Tony: "Teh kremlin?"
(3) Eve: "we would still have those lines to contend with trying to get north...We can't travel straight to the next tower... we would be noticed."
** (2) Tony makes sure he has all this things **
** (2) Tony listens at the hallway, "I think we might want to get out of here if the hotel staff watches the news." **
(3) Eve: "Agreed... but where to?"
(2) Tony: "North?"
** (2) Tony ponts to Germany **
(3) Eve: *frowns looking at her drawing* "If we go north we WILL cross one of the tower lines and thus be detected...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so far so quiet, looks like this is the first news cast, and it's 8 pm. Most staff is already off work, only the lobby management and the restaraunt are still opened. Some people however, already have watched the news, all residents of the hotel locked their rooms shut tight tonight. Many guests are leaving.
(2) Tony: "Which ones are down? Rome and?
(4) Tristin: ((Wanted to say Poland for the longest time, but Tristin would sit this cinversation out.))
(2) Tony: "Whick one did Kurits go after? Anyoe remember?"
(4) Tristin: "Amsterdam originaly."
(3) Eve: "Alright.. these things are for certain... He destroyed Amsterdam... for the third time in.. *checks her watch* ten minutes. He knows that tower 4 was in France... don't you have this written down or something.. you told me this remember?"
(2) Tony: "So e got the one from budapest to france to contend with. go aroudn?"
(2) Tony: "I say we go around france and head toward amsterdam
(2) Tony: "So how about.. Bourdaux"
(4) Tristin: "I thought you said around France, don't we want to not get caught by the towers?"
(2) Tony: (( Bordeaux ))
(3) Eve: "Yes.. that is what I would suggest... so... choices are.. "looks at the map" Hmm.. Bourdaux is in france... what if the tower is in Bourdaux?
(2) Tony: "Yes Bourdeaux is south of teh center of france."
(3) Eve: "I would suggest Spain or.. (looks up a contry))
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. ture."
(4) Tristin: "I vote Spain."
(3) Eve: "But we don't know if the tower is in the center of france/"
(2) Tony: "WE coud lgo to spain but then would have to go north."
(2) Tony: "to make sure to go aroudn france"
(2) Tony: "Looks like.. spain to iceland to amsterdam?"
(3) Eve: "Why to amsterdam?"
(2) Tony: Because by the time we get to iceland we should know if that's where it's going or not."
(3) Eve: "wait.. its a star right... so I wonder if the points match up... like this.."
(2) Tony: "Until we know for sure, we can head there."
(3) Eve: "It would be a safe place.. we know for sure there isn't a tower there.. true.."
(2) Tony: "Although it could be posisble they are going to france":
(2) Tony: "But by the time we got ot spain we shoudl know that."
(3) Eve: "That's a good plan.. beats going to Bosnia and around Budapest..
(2) Tony: "Reguardless of where they are headed, we need to bypass the line between france and budapest."
(3) Eve: "Correct.. So Spain beats Bosnia."
(3) Eve: "We could go spain, Ireland to be safe and then Amsterdam.. we would completely clear France that way."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "More specifically, we could head for Madrid. But why all the way out to iceland? Isn't Ireland outside the line of detection, or am I just not understanding what's going on?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Eve and chuckles. **
(2) Tony: "Onlylines still up/"
(2) Tony: "Only lines still up?"
(3) Eve: "Ireland is not so far as Iceland and less cold."
** (3) Eve smirks **
(3) Eve: ((actually the line between Budapest and tower 2 wouldn't be there.. its the purple lies I drew on the side I believe.
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo smiles. "But would a plane make the journey without having to touch down elsewhere?" **
(2) Tony: "maybe we go to the UK also. we'll see."
(2) Tony: (( we don't know if all towers see all otehrs. If they did budapest to 2 would be there no?"
(3) Eve: "If we got a direct flight yes.. or a boat perhaps.. hmm.. well we agree on spain at least."
(2) Tony: "WEll, I figure we take a plane to spaini, then we will probably have more info whre they are gong."
(3) Eve: ((they form a star or so we have been told this whole time...))
(2) Tony: "Right. And I dont' want to be thorwn in the local pokey as a terrorist, so lets go?"
(2) Tony: "What bout discuises, how we going to deal with that?"
(3) Eve: "There is still the matter of HOW we are going to manage that with our faces all over.. can our mind mages keep us out of mind for long enough to get to Madrid?
** (3) Eve glances at Robin and hestently Dante **
(2) Tony: "WE only have to change our faces enough to get on the plane I thinK?'
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, roll resolve + gnosis please
(3) Eve: "we would also have to change passports to reflect those changes."
(2) Tony: "I'm running low on quintessence and it takes it to physicall change people."
(4) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,1,5,5] = (0)
(2) Tony: "No big deal, I dont' have a passport."
** (2) Tony frowns **
(3) Eve: "Hmm.. that makes it harder.. not easier.. we have to fake a passport now."
(2) Tony: O dpmt
(2) Tony: "I dont' think they have passports either."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, roll resolve+Gnosis please
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Eve and Tony. "It is just as hard as changing your passport when you're wanted by the locals..." **
(2) Tony: "Whoever has a passport raise their hand."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo raises his hand. **
(2) Tony: gnosis 3 + resolve 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,6,8,3] = (1)
** (3) Eve raises her hand? **
(4) Tristin: "Got mine on me..."
whispering to Tony, Due to your tiiiiiiiiiiiiny allignment with the Time arcana, you can feel a chill through your spine. Someone is reading your future. Right now.
** (5) Robin looks through her bag... **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo slowly recalls. "Oh.. right.. mine would be at my old apartment.." **
** (5) Robin pulls out her passport. "Hmm yeah I got mine." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, is the compass still on your hand?
(2) Tony: "e need to create some psychic paper."
** (2) Tony grins **
(3) Eve: "So.. we need two passports and to alter three more..."
(5) Robin: ((I can look through it with one hand))
** (3) Eve sighs and looks around the hotel room... picks up the note pad... **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, the compass stopped. And drastically changed direction. It is now moving with the same speed, East
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Anthony, PM))
** (2) Tony looks around, "Tristin, that you reading me?" **
** (5) Robin startles and the sudden shift in direction. "Umm. It moved?" **
(2) Tony: "I felt like someone was reading my future."
(4) Tristin: "Hm?"
(2) Tony: "Was that you Tristin?"
(4) Tristin: "No..."
(2) Tony: "Drek."
(2) Tony: "Has anything changed?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, the feeling is gone.
** (2) Tony looks around **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): all clear around you
(5) Robin: "Just the drirection of the compass..."
** (2) Tony looks at robin, "Waht?" **
(2) Tony: "The directon changed? So someone read me, then they change direction."
(2) Tony: "hypothesis, read me, saw where we were going, went somewhere else."
** (5) Robin gestures with her free hand at the compass. Its East now." **
(5) Robin: "Damn."
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. wouldnt they need somethign of mine to read me? Something linked to me? What did i drop?"
(5) Robin: "Are you sure?"
** (2) Tony checks hsi pockets **
(2) Tony: "No, it's a hypothesis."
(2) Tony: "A guess, a theory."
(3) Eve: "No.. he met us... he wouldn't need something of yours after that."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Or someone expected you to realize it."
** (3) Eve sighs **
(2) Tony: "Well, how could they have known that I"m a little sensitive to time?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head a bit. "You will all need to fill me in on what the hell is going on here, eventually." **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shrugs. "Just an open theory. I'm just trying to contribute." **
(2) Tony: "Oh, yeah, see these 5 cities? Amsterdam, France, Rome, Budapest, and this unknown one? Okay, some are countries."
(3) Eve: "They couldn't not really.. ... we could use this to our advantage.."
(2) Tony: "Anywhere, there are towers in each and apparently if someone crosse a line between two towers "they" can tell."
(2) Tony: "So one in amsterdam was destroyed, and we took care of the one in rome."
(2) Tony: "Now we are tryign to get to the woman with the gem. The thing is, we were tryign to sneak in but now they know we're here. So not even sure if being clandisine is neded."
(2) Tony: "Someone reaed me, so apparenty they have enough of a link to us they can figure out where we are nayway."
(3) Eve: "Correct, each tower is controlled by a nafarious mage who's powers greatly over reach our own... they are associates of Diana's.. the woman with the Gem of Kings."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods. "But as Eve just said, if they did not expect your sensitivity, sneaking around might still prove advantageous." **
** (2) Tony shrugs. **
** (3) Eve snaps her fingers... **
** (4) Tristin nods in agreement **
(2) Tony: "I dont think it coincidence I feel someone read me at about the same time the gem changes direction."
(3) Eve: "We set some sort of mind trick for them.. If they are reading us make them see us going where they think we are going."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. **
(2) Tony: "So maybe now it's going to this city numbe r2.
(4) Tristin: "There are no coincidences."
(3) Eve: "Thank you for the imput Morpheus.."
** (3) Eve smirks at Tristin **
(2) Tony: 'Oh, can you break any links with me? Any.. what are they.. space magic... sympathetic links?"
** (4) Tristin shrugs **
(4) Tristin: "Even I'm bound to fate.."
(2) Tony: "Can you break any sympathetic link I migh thave with james so they cant' read me again?"
** (2) Tony looks around **
(5) Robin: "hmmm" * thinks for a minute*
(3) Eve: "I could kill your aura... that might do it... don't know much about space magic to know for sure though."
(2) Tony: 'I have a tiny connectin to space."
(3) Eve: "I still say we trick them to thinking we are going where they think we are going.. is there a way to set that up in a persons mind?... Like implant the thought that we are in one contry even if we are in another?"
(2) Tony: "Would take sympathetic connection and mind magic maybe? "
(5) Robin: "If I did it, I'd have to know what thread to destroy. You and what else?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, all of you, and you can feel this, have sympathetic links to Jason. However you may choose to perceive them with your sight - lines, auras, imprints. They exist.
(2) Tony: "But if they can't read me again, why would they think we changed direcotn?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): However, Dante has no such connection.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, I was about to say... "DADDY??!!"))
(3) Eve: "Hmm.. no.. we want them to see us.. just not see us where we truely are... if they have links to us we have links to them, so maybe we can Fuck with them through those links.."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((or "Uncle Jason???!" =P))
(5) Robin: "We need to find the links, then."
** (4) Tristin smirks to Eve' **
(2) Tony: "I can.. sense the link with Jason."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, your first hours as a mage are basically confusing the hell out of your world. You see nothing like you used to see, hear nothing like before. The shelves in your brain's library are all still arranging themselves, you see a mix of lines, energies, spacial connections and hear distant quiet echoes of people's minds. All of this - an indistinguishable mess and a background noise... at least until you put your will to grab control of it
(3) Eve: "As can I."
(2) Tony: "I doubt I coud use it though>"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you all who observe Dante with prime and especially with mind sight - can tell that he is an extremely powerful telepath
(3) Eve: ((Yay))
(5) Robin: "Well, I could try to destroy his sympathetic connections with us."
(2) Tony: (( not I on eithe raccount ))
(2) Tony: "Okay, lets see.. hang on..."
(3) Eve: "No... we need to use it to mess with him.. why do I keep repeating myself.. *sighs*
(2) Tony: "We were gong to spain then twoard UK. I was read, they changed direction from west to east. so probably ehading to this unknown 2 now or budapest."
(2) Tony: "So break sympathetic connection, we head stright to budapest?"
(2) Tony: "Tehy nto hteere, we have to find this two."
(3) Eve: "Or we make them THINK we are heading to Spain as we planned.. then head towards Budapest."
(2) Tony: "How do we make them think that? Buy tickets to spain in the pseudonyms?":
(4) Tristin: "Unless they've already seen that as Tony's future.."
(2) Tony: "But Me feelnig them read my future changed my future."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Tristin momentarily. "Well, that's bleak." **
** (3) Eve taps a fingertip against the table **
(2) Tony: "I dont' think they could see beyond that unless they read me again after it changed."
(2) Tony: "Heisenburg uncertanty principal you know."
(3) Eve: "They don't know that we know that they know... What would happend if WE read our future?"
(4) Tristin: "No one would listen to me.."
(3) Eve: ((do I get extra points for getting to say that line or what? :) ))
(2) Tony: "So acontest of future readings where each reading changes the future? Sounds like a bad doctor who episode to me."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((No, but if you figure out a way to divide by zero through reading our future, I might be personally interested =P))
(3) Eve: "Well if you know now what was going to happen today.. would you have done it the same way?"
(2) Tony: "Of copurse not."
(2) Tony: "I wouldn't knowingly kill 79 innocent people."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you did not get a second sensation of a read. you were read once, and you could tell it took a significant amount of power to reach you.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Hahaha!))
(2) Tony: "I say wipe sympathetic connections, we head to budapest.
(3) Eve: ((I think I missed the reference on that one))
(2) Tony: "I'll try to keep time sense active to sence if I'm read again."
(2) Tony: (( me too ))
(3) Eve: "But if they try to read again and notice the threads gone.. won't the assume we figured something out?"
(4) Tristin: ((Internet meme.. *shrug*))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yep))
(2) Tony: (( what was the meme? ))
(5) Robin: "Not if they can't read you..."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((dividing my zero))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((by*))
(4) Tristin: ((Devide by 0 ))
(2) Tony: (( I've cme to the conclusion that antying /0 is either +/- Infinity ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Not everything is magic... They could still figure out something is up if they specifically can't read Tony again.. right?"
(2) Tony: "So, break the threads, we go to budapest. Any better suggestionsd?"
(3) Eve: "That's the point.. they CAN read us now.. if they suddenly find that they can't.. they will know we cut the threads.. and thus know we know they had the connection to us."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((That's what I always thought too))
(3) Eve: "Right."
(2) Tony: "Well, you dont' always succeed with sympatehic connectons do you?"
(4) Tristin: "Budapest is good, but Jason is there.."
(3) Eve: "YES.. We DON'T break the threads and try to find a way to trick them.. make them think that we ARE going to Spain as we planned."
(3) Eve: "With these guys.. and our luck.. they would succeed."
(3) Eve: (( a one in a million chance is always a sure thing))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo walks up to hotel room door and presses his ear against it, listening to see if there's anything going on. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol... dramatic prose ftw))
(2) Tony: "We have no less than 5 powerful mages who know we're coming for something they want. We are pretty much screwed unless we can figure something out. They know we're here now."
(1) Voice: "Oh! Oh! Michele! Michele, more.. more.... yes! yes... no! no!.... aaah!! nnnnh... nhnnh..."
(2) Tony: "Any bets that he police are on their way? We gotta figure out wha tto do peopel and get out of here. I don't wanna go to jail, or have to kill anyone else."
(1) Voice: *low long moan of pleasure... something banged against the floor*
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo pulls his head away from the door and shakes his head, chuckling. **
(3) Eve: "Yes.. all the more Reason to make them Think we are somewhere else. Especially if somewhere else is where they predicted we would be, while all the wile we are actually right under their noses"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((that must be one loud couple to hear them in a hotel room, through the door, through the hallway))
(1) Voice: ((or thin walls))
(5) Robin: ((shawn dc'ed))
(3) Eve: ((*snicker*))
(10) Shawn (enter): 19:10
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I prefer the loud couple theory =P))
(2) Tony: (( sound trvels through walls, they are next door ot us, sound hits our wall, travels through wall to door ))
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(4) Shawn' from server...
(4) Shawn (exit): 19:10
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) Shawn...
(2) Tony: "Reguardless, we buy tickedt to spain."
(2) Tony: "Right?"
(2) Tony: "Masybe it'll throw the police off too."
(10) Tristin: ((stoopid wireless card))
(2) Tony: (( you're stuuuuuupid wireless card, you're stuuuuuuuuuupid ))
(1) Voice: ((miss anything? this is the part where I get to enjoy, watching the players struggle in confusion of my evil webs))
(3) Eve: "Why would that throw the police of.. they have our shadow names and we would be buying tickets in our real ones..?"
** (3) Eve raises a brow at him **
(10) Tristin: "We could always try to put the link onto someone else..."
** (2) Tony shrugs **
(3) Eve: "ohh.... can we do that??"
(2) Tony: "oooh, I like tht. Can you do that?"
(2) Tony: (( new spell ftw! ))
** (3) Eve looks at Robin **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I wouldn't be able to purchase a ticket, likely.. Considering the fact that I disappeared from being questioned at the precinct..."
(2) Tony: (( this is mage, anythign is possible ))
** (5) Robin shrugs. "uhhh...maybe?" **
(2) Tony: (( hmm.. new thread.. ))
(2) Tony: (( is space 3 ))
(3) Eve: "Thats what fake passport is for... need to do a bit of... wait.. how powerful a mind mage are you.. couldn't you just make a customs agent think you had a passport?"
(2) Tony: (( conceal is 2 ))
(10) Tristin: "Or that you already showed it to him."
(2) Tony: 00 o epi;f hirdd
(2) Tony: (( I woudl guess with space 4 it shoudl be possible? ))
(3) Eve: "Come to think if it.. you could do that for all of us if you were strong enough."
(2) Tony: (( trnasfer sympathetic connection? ))
(5) Robin: "Who would we put the threads on?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shrugs. "It feels like I can't keep a hold on my power. Its blurry, but I can feel it strongly." **
(3) Eve: "Random tourist at the airport."
(2) Tony: "Some people at airport goign to rome ))
** (2) Tony seems a little unsettled at the thought **
(2) Tony: "Yu dont' think they'd kill to them do you?"
(5) Robin: "Do you think they would be able to tell if it was a sleeper?"
(2) Tony: "It depends on what they tried to do. It would confuse the heck out of them anyway."
(2) Tony: "They probably wouldnt' think to check."
(3) Eve: "Alright so plan so far.. *pulls out some paper and writes this down for Tony so she won't have to repeat herself..* 1, use the mind mages to make it seem like we have tickets and passports for a plane to.. Budapest?"
** (3) Eve looks at the others for confirmation **
(2) Tony: "Why mind magic?"
(3) Eve: "Less vulgar?"
(2) Tony: "We are gogn to budapest."
(2) Tony: "I thougth we were going to buy tickets to budapest?"
(1) Voice: Robin, in your book, you find Free Council Rote: Spinning the False Thread. An ability to weave new sympathetic threads, connecting people and objects. You feel enough control to attempt or modify it, should you try.
(3) Eve: "Doesn't require what little quentessence you have left.. or me trying really hard to maybe hopefully make passports.. Besides it worked really well back at the castle."
(5) Robin: "Only Dante needs a passport, right?"
(2) Tony: "Buy tickets to budapest, go to airport, transfer sympathtic connection to peopel going to rome."
(2) Tony: "I dont have ne."
(3) Eve: "And Tony. And we need to make ourselves look like other people with passports to match."
(10) Tristin: "Or anywhere."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Transferring existing threads, with Space 4, I don't see why not. Rote cost 6xp. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Space - Composure. Otherwise impromptu))
(2) Tony: "yeah, make paper look liek passports. I tell ya, we need psychic paper."
(3) Eve: "We don't technically even need to buy tickets if Robin or Dante can pull of the kind of trick she did ealier."
(3) Eve: "I could probably make paper look like passports... would just be vulgar and difficult."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Eve curiously. "What trick is that?" **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo then turns his attention to Robin. **
(2) Tony: "I dont' know if it' woudl be vulgar, it would be mind magic. I smind magic vulgar?"
(3) Eve: "Robin made the guards at the castle see her as a guard.. she looked like it even to us."
(2) Tony: "Oh, you mean physically look like it with matter or forces/ yeah, taht wuld be vulgar."
(3) Eve: "If I did it it would be with matter and vulgar.. if Robin or Dante did it, it would be mind and not vulgar."
(3) Eve: "Right.."
(2) Tony: (( that sounds like an interesting psell, transfering existin gthreads, I'd probably buy the rote. covert right? ))
(2) Tony: (( and any cost? ))
(3) Eve: "So the real questions are, do we actually buy tickets.. and can Robin and Dante pull that all off?"
(2) Tony: (( new threds has no cost and is covert ))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo rubs his forehead, looking as though deep in thought. **
(3) Eve: ((all rotes have a cost. its based on the level of the arcana used))
(2) Tony: (( no, spell cost. as in mana ))
(3) Eve: ((oh))
(2) Tony: (( practice activeon duration aspect cost 00
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((6 xp cost, covert, space 4, an upgrade of new Threads))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no manacost))
(2) Tony: "Heyt! wait a secnd."
(2) Tony: "this book says you can rewind time, right tristin?"
(3) Eve: "How about this.. Dante.. try to see if you can make us think you look like someone else.. its a start.."
(5) Robin: ((Wouldn't it b e covert enev if I didnt take the route))
(10) Tristin: "a little at a time."
(2) Tony: "So why not rewind time to before they read me. Then transfer teh sympathtiic connections to somene going to budapest."
(2) Tony: "Then when they read me they will think we are going to budapest and we can go to our orignail desinatins."
(2) Tony: "Then we dont' have to deal with james again."
(10) Tristin: "How will we trancfer the link?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, it would be a covert spell, would not trigger paradox))
(2) Tony: "With the spell"
(3) Eve: "Jason.. his name was Jason.."
(5) Robin: "I think I can do it."
(2) Tony: "Jason, fine."
(10) Tristin: "But when I go back it will be on you again.... and we will all be in this room."
(2) Tony: "So, you ened to rewind time wgiving robin enough time to transfer the connections."
(2) Tony: "So rewind farther?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((just to clarify: covert spells are undetectable to sleepers, they do not cause reality paradox. but they are not UNdetectable by mages. They are just harder to detect. A covert spell is a candle light, you can still see it. A vulgar spell is a flashbang))
(2) Tony: "Like on the cab ride here?"
(5) Robin: "I'd want to see who I'm transfering to."
(3) Eve: ((yeah..))
** (3) Eve shrugs **
(2) Tony: "Right. so rewind to cab ride, we go to airport instead. find family gong to budapest. transfer to them. "
(3) Eve: "Anyone.. they don't have to be going to Budapest."
(3) Eve: "Wouldn't we be leaving Dante here then?"
** (3) Eve frowns. **
(2) Tony: "True, anywhere but spain"
(2) Tony: "No, then we come get dante"
(5) Robin: "I wouldn't know any of this...I don't think rewinding time will work."
(10) Tristin: "It's really a stretch for me to try pass a few miniutes... I can do it but..."
(2) Tony: "Sound like a plan?"
(3) Eve: "Wouldn't it just be easier to go to Budapest?"
(2) Tony: "You have to explain all of thjis to us of course since we wont' know anything."
(5) Robin: "I'm with Eve."
(2) Tony: "No because james is there."
(3) Eve: "...Jason.."
(2) Tony: "Do you really want to have to deal with jason again?"
(10) Tristin: "I'm indifferent.... more tword "no" "
(3) Eve: "We've already beaten him at his own game once.." *Shrugs*
(2) Tony: "Did we? We didnt' fight him, we fought a device."
(2) Tony: "He didnt' want to get his mark on us. But if we go head to head with him..."
(3) Eve: "He also doesn't need to know we are in Budapest.. And we don't even know that she is actually going there.. its just a guess."
(1) Voice: "I'll go get some ice, Rosa, don't go anywhere, you beast" ... soft footsteps on the carpet towards the hallway vending ice machine
(10) Tristin: "I'm sure Jason is..."
(2) Tony: "Oh what the heck. i've alrady killed 80 ppole this month. What' a few hundred more"
(3) Eve: "Who said anything about killing?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo frowns slightly. **
(2) Tony: "It's what happened the last time we dealt with Jason."
(10) Tristin: "Shhhh"
(2) Tony: "Okay, fine, we go to budapest."
** (10) Tristin listens to make sure they aren't being listened in on." **
(3) Eve: "Actually its what happend the last time we destroyed a tower.. I hope we don't have to do so again."
** (10) Tristin also checks the space outside the door for people. **
(10) Tristin: ((Space 2 + Gnosis 3?))
(1) Voice: The dude brings a big cup of ice back to his room next door. "Oh Michele! You have... so much ice..." "And it's all for you, senhorita"
(10) Tristin: "Nevermind... sorry paranoid."
(1) Voice: ((you can accomplish that with space sure, not specifically people but occupied space, but it's clear))
(10) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,[10, 9],[10, 3],[10, 6],9] = (4)
(10) Tristin: ((Lol yeah, way clear.))
(1) Voice: another example of Tristin's insane dice pool
(3) Eve: "Alright... so... Whats the plan.. just so I don't have to keep repeating it.. Can anyone repeat it back to me?"
(1) Voice: clear, just a passionate couple on vacation
(5) Robin: "So, I can get us fake tickets or passports. I could try moving sympathetic threads...And we fly?"
(2) Tony: "We go to airport. transfer sympathetic connections to peopel going to spain. WE go to budapest."
(2) Tony: "WE destory antoher tower. Take out a few hundred more people."
(10) Tristin: "Sounds good..."
(2) Tony: "I never get to sleep soundly again."
(3) Eve: "Alright.. good now can we do it?"
(10) Tristin: "Let me try one thing first."
(3) Eve: "Sure.. I'll just start the online check out process for this hotel room."
** (3) Eve opens up her laptop **
** (5) Robin wipes the fluid of her hand and closes the bottle. "Eve, should I hang on to this or would it be safer with you?" **
** (3) Eve shrugs **
(5) Robin: ((shawn dc 'ed one sec))
(3) Eve: "Depends.. how often do you lose things?"
(2) Tony: time sight gnosis 3 + time 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,8,8] = (2)
(5) Robin: "I'm pretty good at tracking if I happen to misplace something."
** (5) Robin pockets the bottle and the ring. **
(3) Eve: "Well then be careful with it but sure hold onto it. Works better with you anyway."
(1) Voice: Tony, you perceive Time around yourself. You see a massive distortion of Time hanging in the air... it is fading very slowly but still very strong... it carries the signature of Tristin, and is 1 day old. Anything else is clear.
** (2) Tony looks at Tristin, "Hmm.. been playing with time yesterdsay have we?" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you got 5 star hotels, waaay pricy, 4 star hotels, 3 star hotels. A couple look interesting. FOUR SEASONS GRESHAM PALACE BUDAPEST, GELLERT, THE THERMAL BATH HOTEL with a swimming pool and gardens, CITY HOTEL MATYAS...
(3) Eve: (( I was checking out of this one first... but thank you))
(5) Robin: Tristin - "Thats what it looks like if I rewind more than a few minutes."
(5) Robin: "Right, so...You two need passports. Hmmm I'll get that together."
** (5) Robin looks around the room for a hotel note pad. "Probably by the phone." *searches the phone desk* **
** (3) Eve is holding the note pad.. hands it to Robin. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( you look at Budapest hotels while you're at it. this one looks nice http://k53.pbase.com/u47/meelitamm/large/30269364.IMG_1310.jpg ))
(5) Robin: "Ah, I just need two sheets." *Takes two blank pages and hands it back.*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( siwmming pool and al l http://jill.tausky.ca/photos/centralEurope/Budapest%20-%20Thermal%20Baths%20at%20Gellert%20Hotel.JPG))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((4 star, the golden middle))
** (3) Eve makes reservations for that hotel after checking out of this one **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): good thing Kurt wstole erm... won all that money, the rooms are booked
(3) Eve: ((didn't get any of that money.. hence her not buying expensive suits and such.. just has actual job with resources))
** (5) Robin sits with the sheets on the end of the bed. Looks between Tony and the paper. "What name do you want for your passport?" **
(3) Eve: "Hold on we have to look different too right? Because our photos were somehow sent to the news"
(2) Tony: (( tony didn't take any either, he bought hte suit with his job money ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Golf Course, Flourist, Restaraunt, Gift Shop, Dentist, Comfortable Accomodations, 24 hour security, a roof garden, and the famous Thermal Bath.
(3) Eve: ((how good were the photos of us?))
(2) Tony: 'Hmm.. Tony, killer of worlds?"
(2) Tony: "Tony Vadar?"
(5) Robin: "I'm not sure if I can do all of that. Thats a lot of spells."
(2) Tony: "Tony Khan?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((clear as day, and the background of the photos, this is interesting - is the library of Jason's atrium. Behind a statue you never stood behind.))
(3) Eve: ((interesting))
(3) Eve: "We can't just walk into customs and expect them to not arrest us if we look like this."
(5) Robin: ((anyone got the page # for combinding spells))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. "They would take us in immediately. My face was not featured, but I am likely wanted for disappearing during my questioning." **
(2) Tony: (( combing spells is -2 to loest spell and takes gnosis 3 and uses up one slot ))
(2) Tony: (( find spell of hte 2 with lowest die pool, remove 2 die. roll ))
(3) Eve: "So I am back to the question.. Dante.. do you think you could try a spell that would fool a persons mind to thinking we look like other people?"
(2) Tony: (( pp 128-129 ))
(5) Robin: ((thankyou))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I could try, yeah. Do you want me to try on myself first, then?"
(3) Eve: "Certainly.. it will be easier on yourself to start with anyway."
(2) Tony: (( also you need 1 more arcana for each spell. I.E. 2 dot spell you would need 3 or more dots to be able to combine ))
(11) Shawn (enter): 19:58
(11) Shawn: ((Fucking finally))
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(10) Shawn' from server...
(10) Shawn (exit): 19:58
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Shawn...
(11) Shawn: ((Okay this is what Tristin's been doing))
** (11) Shawn closeses his eyes. looks through flow of time, back to the moment Tony's future was foretold, then attempts to look at the strand of fate in which was followed to see where it was he was foretold to go by the unknown seer." **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo scratches his head and ponders. **
(11) Tristin: ((I want to see his vision))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Shit, Tristin...
(11) Tristin: ((Dunno what to rollfor that impromto spell))
(5) Robin: ((I wont be able to combine the spells then, all mind 4. :( ))
(11) Tristin: ((Time + Fate + Gnosis - 4 sound good?))
** (3) Eve taps her fingers on the keyboard a bit.. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((with a GM like me you will))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin, Time-1 + Fate-1 + Gnosis - 4))
(3) Eve: "You could always look in Tony's book to get an idea Dante.. its sort of an Idiots Guide to Magery.
** (2) Tony hands his book to Dante **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante... you are surrounded by images, lines, symbols, thoughts, directional axis, precise metrics, spacial awareness, sounds... they are within your reach, it feels... like you are msot definitely super-human
(11) Tristin: ((Time 4-1=3 + (Fate 3-1 =2) = [5 +gnosis 3 -4] => 5 +gnosis 3 -4=4
(11) Tristin: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,2,2,5] = (1)
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo takes the book in hand and peruses its contents further. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The realm of the possible is within your reach, space fabric itself is amazingly sticky to your fingers, at the will of your mind, your brain received a powerful upgrade
(2) Tony: "What are yu trying to get him to do? Oh, make us lok differnet ot peoel? HMm.."
(3) Eve: "Yes.
** (11) Tristin spends a long time sifting through the sands of time, his eyes roll back and he in unconcious for several moments. **
(3) Eve: "Because I don't want to go to Italian jail."
(2) Tony: "Wasnt' there something called Imposter..."
** (5) Robin nods **
(3) Eve: "I don't know.. I've never read the big book of "Look how easy it is to be a mage" I learned on my own.. and I only know the arcana I've studied.
(2) Tony: "Dont' see one for other people. but it shoudl be possible if you have high enough mind arcana knowlege."
(2) Tony: "ive read the book through in the forest'
(5) Robin: "Well, I'll hold off on the passports until we get our new looks down."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you focus. You focus hard. The strike of your spell encounters resistance, severe resistance, you see the face of the one who channelled it, a tan black haired man, either hispanic or native descent, perhaps Phillipines, it is a blur as per exact race, but definitely not caucasian not oriental. You tap into the spell, and blurry, you see a vision. The spell was not just placed on Anthony, everyone of you was read, except Dante. Only you and Tony could have detected it, and Tony has. You see yourselves discussing where to go, Robin saying it's moving West, and you see you four on an airplane, heading to Spain around the perimeter of towers. You see the airplane's left engine caught on fire, the craft is going down, exploding. You see you all dying, you're burning to pieces. Next, a blink of an eyes, you see yourself saying "We should take a train.". You take a train to Madrid, and it derails, colliding with a cargo engine. Your vision fades. You're back to reality.
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo flips through the pages some more and stops. "So, the mind can be used to make oneself perceived as someone else entirely, to all around? Hmm.." **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Or would I have to dupe everyone there as we get there..."
(2) Tony: "The mind controls the senses. Trick the mind trick the senses."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, as soon as the thought plants itself into your memory, the comprehension of it seems possible. Not just fantasy. Reality.
** (5) Robin chuckles softly and smiles. **
** (2) Tony shrugs, "I dont' know how mind works really." **
(12) Shawn (enter): 20:11
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo sighs softly and closes the book. "Okay, let's try this..." ((clearly an impromptu spell ya?)) **
** (12) Tristin 's skin goes flush tword the end of the meditation, his breathing increases, paniced. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, as soon as you hear Tony say this, a mental map of your companions' minds and how they link to emotions, senses, and feelings, and desires, and habits, and memories - allign themselves along their auras. Out of a mess of things, you seem to bue building logical structures.
(1) Konrad Knox: Booting '(11) Shawn' from server...
(11) Shawn (exit): 20:12
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (12) Shawn...
(2) Tony: (( better shawn than me ))
(2) Tony: (( I have enoguht fun with wurm and locking up ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you have 3 free rotes left that you can make rotes by RPing them as your frequently used spells. Basically, like learning a style))
** (3) Eve glances at Trsitin **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Huh. Okay, so for something like this I'd have to roll Mind + Gnosis, as impromptu?))
(2) Tony: (( genrally a rote means you get to roll more dice. instead of arcana + gnosis, it's stat + skill + arcana ))
** (12) Tristin almost in convusions, he springs up his eyes rolling into possition. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Right, yeah))
(12) Tristin: "Okay new plan. Drive to Budapest."
** (3) Eve purses her lips slighty **
** (2) Tony looks at budapest, "Hmm?" **
(2) Tony: "Drive?"
** (5) Robin goes over to Tristins, puts her arm around him. "You okay? What happened?" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((to Impromptu, yes.))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo stops his thought process momentarily and turns to Tristin. **
** (12) Tristin nods. I just saw us die in a plane, then on a train... I say no trusting our lives to public tranceportation. **
(12) Tristin: ""
(2) Tony: "you know how many borders there are between here and budapest? How many check points?"
(2) Tony: "So we die in a car crash instead. Fine."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Maybe not if we're the ones in control of the vehicle..."
(12) Tristin: "Better to be incontrol of our lives in my opinion."
** (12) Tristin nods to Dante **
** (5) Robin hugs tristin and steps back. **
(3) Eve: "Okay.. hold on.. what exactally was the vison?"
** (12) Tristin Died in a plane crash on the way to Spain. Then a second one, us dying on a train. Going to Spain." **
(12) Tristin: ((Damnit not meaning to emote))
(3) Eve: "But we aren't going to spain."
(12) Tristin: "So of two things, I'm positive he thinks we're going to Spain, and also, just in case he figures us out, would feel safer if one of us was in control of the vehicle."
(2) Tony: "Long as it's not me. With my luck I'd run into a bus load of school children."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((lol))
(3) Eve: "Well.. hmm.. We -could- drive to Budapest.. I mean all of Europe is connected by highway... *shrugs*
(12) Tristin: "I say one of the space mages.... I've never driven a car..... -leagally- (under his breath)"
(3) Eve: "Robin doesn't look old enough to drive... ((or does she?))
(5) Robin: ((18))
** (5) Robin frowns at Eve. **
(3) Eve: (Nevermind retract my statement))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo moves back into a corner of the room and observes the area. While the group is distracted with Tristin, he tries to create a mental barrier around him that makes him appear like he's the news reporter from the television earlier ((this shit is making no sense to me at the moment, so correct me if I'm in the wrong here.)). **
(5) Robin: (( :) ))
(12) Tristin: ((doing good))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((If not wrong, I'll roll impromptu))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((now to remember the right roll... lol))
(2) Tony: (( dont fine ))
(2) Tony: (( imprompt is gnosis + arcana ))
(2) Tony: (( so gnosis + mind ))
(3) Eve: ((can I make an encyclopedic knowledge roll to determine if I know rather they check passports when you drive from country to country in europe?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you are exactly in the right)) Dante, you make your will labor and force its use on the mental threads of minds around you. With as much as a logical wish and a plan of control, the spell power manifests. You see two paths to way your power works. Allow it to flow on its own guided by your idea, or memorize, practice the logical pattern in which you construct it, something Anthony's book called a rote - a logical route or a series of movements, words, and thoughts that trigger a spell precisely.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You feel that you can make yourself look like a reporter, or anything at all, and in fact, produce a vision, a hallucination. ((you unlock Hallucination rote. Mind 4. to buy - spend 6 xp))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((or cast gnosis + mind))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Ahh, Hallucination. Yeah, I will buy that. ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you know this. they do. every road has a customs block post. In the forests and wild areas, you have fences and radars detecting human movement, heat and sattelite based usually, though different countries keep their Dept Of Defense secrets well. But yes, on highways, they check for visas, passports, etc))
** (3) Eve thinks back to her days of courses on Foreign laws and practices to try and recall if they check passports each time you drive through a new contry **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((But does everyone have to roll resolve or what? Won't I need to figure that into my roll?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((free rotes left: 2))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the rote is:))
(2) Tony: (( when someone looks at you they can try to "break though" teh spell by rolling resolve. The numbe rof usccess you roll on the spell is the number of successes they need to beat to see the real you ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ahhh, ok))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Intelligence + Subterfuge + Mind vs. Target's Resolve+Gnosis if the target is willing to resist))
(2) Tony: (( so when you cast it teh nubme rorf successes is the "power" of the spell ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((target may choose to not resist, like a willing entering hypnosys))
(2) Tony: (( so it behooves you to get a good number of successes :D ))
(3) Eve: "Hmm.."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you may spread the power into potency or area. say, a fireball of successes 4 is a power 4 fireball. u can either make 4 power 1 little balls or one very hot ball. Either size, or heat. With mind, same thing, either potency or area. Potency of a spell means, it takes that + 1 to break it. If you roll 3, it will take 4 to break it))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo , having memorized the process of the Hallucination rote, attempts to cast it now. **
** (3) Eve looks up a roadfinder on her laptop finding a route from Rome to Budapest.. (already looked it up can I quote stats of the trip?)) **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): everyone, tingle tingle. A new scent.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, Eve))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i'm all for peoples doing research on the "real" (ew) layout of contries we ravage))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Int 2 + Sub 0 + Mind 4 + Gnosis 2 = 8 Crap, now I can't remember which hotkey is my regular roll and which is my initiative, lol))
(12) Tristin: ((no gnosis))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (0)] => [2,0] = (2)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((found init. Err, no gnosis?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no gnosis, since you cast it as a rote))
** (2) Tony studies Dante's aura to get a fix on it **
(12) Tristin: ((not for Rotes))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((So we ignore the guide there? The spell calls for gnosis according to the rote..))
(2) Tony: (( rotes are not gnosis. Look down in the spell at he "rote"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((ah, nevermind))
(3) Eve: "Well, to drive to Budapest from here would take about 12 hours... hmm.. we would be going through Slovina and Hungary boarder checks.. so they would check our passports twice.. but... being other countries probably wouldn't know we were wanted.."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you feel your Gnosis - the power of your soul, over your magic. You use it when you let the spells roll on their own as you whim, the rote method uses your refined knowledge instead))
(3) Eve: " It has possibilities."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Your gnosis, is also your defense against other people's magic, like a personal shield
(12) Tristin: "Nor realize that we are who we are... most likely..."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Right, that's the part I misread))
(2) Tony: (( Look at "Dice Pool:" Inside the spell description ))
(3) Eve: "Right."
(2) Tony: (( the dice pool is the rote. Otherwise it's improptu ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Yeah, I get it.))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I misread the whole step is all))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Int 2 + Sub 0 + Mind 4 = 6))
(2) Tony: (( wait ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(6)] => [8,5,2,5,5,7] = (2)
(2) Tony: (( i fyou dn't know a skil like subterfuge you get a penalty ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((OK))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( waiting))
(2) Tony: (( social is -1 ))
(2) Tony: (( so it would be int 2 + sub -1 + mind 4 = 5 ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((social and physical at -1, mental is -3))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ok.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, since Dante has no subterfuge, it's 5 dice))
(3) Eve: ((at this point a prudent player would see if their Gnosis + Arcana equals more than the rote.. heh))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [Ok, hold on a second d10.open(10).vs(Ok, hold on a second)] => Ok, hold on a second d10.open(10).vs(Ok, hold on a second)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you focus and realise the metaphysical nature of the spell involves deception, something you have not done much in your career of honest protection
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I'm sorry, but I was already going to do that. Then KK decided it would be a good time to suggest the friggin spell))
(2) Tony: (( I think he want's us to hold on a second ))
(3) Eve: ((yes.. so do I..))
(2) Tony: (( if your mind is 4, what is your gnosis? ))
(3) Eve: (( :D))
(2) Tony: (( if you ahve gnosis 3, then it would be 7 and ingore the rote :D ))
(2) Tony: (( even gnosis 2 would give you 6 ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Its 2. This would have been much less a waste of time if I had just done that to begin with.))
(3) Eve: "So people.. roadtrip? or planetrip?"
(12) Tristin: "Road"
(2) Tony: "12 hours isnt' bad."
(2) Tony: "So, airport, transfer threads, roadtrip? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((every time you trigger a spell you havent tried before, i match it up with the book and see if there is an option to make it a rote, or, you can say, GM, can i make this a rote plz? Then i go, hmmm, ok, we can make it a rote, this is what it will cost))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I don't want the damn rote, so if I can take it back, that's great. If not, I'll be putting ponts into subterfuge later))
(2) Tony: (( ALL spells have a rote ))
(3) Eve: "We still have to link the connections to other people however.. but yes.. it may be interesting to do this by road.. doubt they would expect it."
(12) Tristin: ((In defence of KK he probably didn't know the exact dice pools you would roll with when he offered the rote))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((He has my sheet...))
(3) Eve: ((So do you..))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((But yeah, I get it))
(2) Tony: (( and with mind most rotes probalb yuse subterfuge anway. glacne through the minds spells at the skills the rotes use so you knwo what ot incrase ))
(5) Robin: "We would still need disguises and matching passports."
(12) Tristin: "I think I'll be fine as is, but if you think I should disguise myself I will."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((obviously I have mine, but I wasn't going to do any rotes to begin with =/ You know what? Just forget it. Let's move on here, because this is going nowhere. I'm not trying to say KK is at fault or anything, just that this has been a lovely waste of time))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((he can always buy the very useful skill of subterfuge by practicing lying in front of a mirror :D but yes, i didnt get the rote formula until i looked it up. You dont have to buy it, just telling you it is an option.))
(3) Eve: "No not the disguises probably.. but the passports yes. But we would have about six hours before we needed them.. Before we got to Slovenia:
(5) Robin: "I think I will just go incognito to save myself the trouble of creating a new passport."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((right, if u dont want the rote, u dont have to get it, neither now or ever. I didn't understand that you understood the option, my bad. let's get this joint rolling. we can cancel the purchase if u want to save room))
(2) Tony: ( ahsn't been a waste of time at all. You lreanred about rotes. You learned about improptu. You learneda bout pentalties. In the future you will be able to look at a spell and decide yoursef. Tiem well spent if you ask me ))
(3) Eve: "That would work... though I don't think we would need to worry about them knowing us in a completely different country."
(5) Robin: "Okay, so two passports for Tony and Dante is all we need, then?"
** (2) Tony shrugs **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I had already read about it.. I don't even know what I was thinking))
(2) Tony: "Sounds righ tto me I guess as long as we can get out of the country."
(3) Eve: "Yes, and we won't need those for a good six hours... you could sleep on the way.. unless you want to drive."
(12) Tristin: "Just in case as fall as laying low you know... we may be 'international terrorists' for all we know."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ok, cancel purchase?))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo makes the attempt to disguise himself as the news reporter, letting his will flow freely into the desired form. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((yes))
(3) Eve: "Alright so roadtrip is a go?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((done. 3 free rotes))
(5) Robin: "Yeah, I don't mind driving. But I might need a break after like 12 hours."
(12) Tristin: "I'm up for it."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Mind 4 + Gnosis 2 = 6))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,5,2,3,4,8] = (1)
(3) Eve: "Tony? Dante?"
(2) Tony: (( why are you changing your looks when you're not being sought after? ))
(2) Tony: 'Hmm? Fine fine."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You realize there is a news reporter in the room, dressed in suit and all
(3) Eve: ((To see if he can))
(3) Eve: ((he can))
** (3) Eve raises a brow **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Because if I don't do this then I'm never going to get used to rolling, at the rate we're going. That, and because I was already doing it before the sudden revelation of driving))
(3) Eve: "...Dante?"
** (5) Robin puts the blank pages she was messing with earlier in her bag. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks at Eve, nodding. **
** (2) Tony turns to the news reproter, "How did you get in.. oh, okay.' **
(3) Eve: "Alright then..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((I like that Dante casts, because he needs practice, it's his awakening, and the first spell he ever cast))
** (5) Robin looks to Dante "New suit?" **
(5) Robin: "Looks good."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Seems the disguising isn't necessary at this point, but at least I have a grasp on how this works. Convincing at all?"
(3) Eve: "So we rent a car and head to the airport, connect the threads and head to Budapest?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): He does loo like he is ready to cover a story here and ask some questions, more like a feeling you get, that he is going to ask something
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((And the standard for dropping the spell would be... just dropping the spell at will?))
(3) Eve: "Not bad if a little conspicious"
(12) Tristin: ((Gnosis 3 + Resolve 2))
(12) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,1,5,7,[10, 1]] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
(2) Tony: "No comment."
(12) Tristin: "Pretty good, you could use a little practice, some holes in the spell, nothing a sleeper would notice."
(2) Tony: (( that was to the reporter ))
(3) Eve: ((yeah))
(3) Eve: "Shall we pack and go?"
(5) Robin: "How old do you have to be to rent cars in Rome?"
** (2) Tony shrugs **
(2) Tony: "When i rome.."
(12) Tristin: "Let me change to my robes just in case... also they are cleaner than this shirt and pants."
(2) Tony: "Waht about ME?"
(3) Eve: "Well..its 18 in the US... umm.. not sure.. let me see if I remember..."
(2) Tony: " still look like me."
** (5) Robin gathers her things. **
** (12) Tristin goes to the bathroom and changes into his roughed up robes. **
(2) Tony: "I guess I"ll have to use some quitessence. "
(3) Eve: ((encyclopedic Knowledge - wits + Int = 5)
(12) Tristin: "Er well... maybe a little cleaner... could use a wash.."
(3) Eve: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,8,8,[10, 5],3] = (3)
(2) Tony: "Or anyone have a pair of dark sun glasses?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 18 legal age
** (12) Tristin comes out ready to go, grabs his backpack, which is to his satisfaction void of rat poo. **
(3) Eve: "I think it's driving age.. 18, at least in Italy."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo disperses the spell and shrugs his shoulders individually. "Feels good to finally clear out the mental clutter a bit." **
(2) Tony: (( we've just cast so many spells Dante that you casting yoru first spell has not much effect no us :D Gratz though ))
** (3) Eve picks up her bag and stuffs anything she didn't have already packed back into it. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol, obviously yeah =P))
(2) Tony: (( oh, 2 faces has no cost ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the clutter is somewhat cleared, Dante, the chaos is listening to you and responding well, you get a general feel that you are somehow alike with the being you saw in the other realm. You also become aware of your quintessense, a charge, like a level of hunger, though you do not know exactly how much you can use, but you feel you are powered up
(3) Eve: "It won't matter if you look like you we are driving.. it won't matter until we get to the country border and even then it may not matter.."
(2) Tony: "Or from here down to rent a wreck".
(2) Tony: "What about the peopel in teh lobby who migh trecognize us?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo takes a deep breath and pats himself down, almost obsessing over the object in his pocket. "I'm ready to move out when everyone else is." **
** (3) Eve frowns... looks in her bag.. pulls out a scarf and sunglasses **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks out the window. "All the people in the lobby? What time is it anyway?" **
(3) Eve: " problem solved.. for you.. hmm.. I've got some makeup...
(2) Tony: (( good question, what time is it? ))
** (3) Eve checks her watch **
(5) Robin: "Umm right."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the time is 10 pm
(3) Eve: "It's 10pm.. hmm..
(2) Tony: "later night at rome, it' ll probably be packed."
** (12) Tristin temporal eddies **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods in agreement. Certainly will be. **
(12) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,8,8,5,9,4,7,1,5] = (3)
(12) Tristin: ((Time sight))
** (3) Eve makes sure to pull up all the information about entering the countries they will be passing though.. **
(2) Tony: "Should I chance casting a vulgar spell to disguise myself?"
(3) Eve: "Huh.. Slovenia doesn't even require passports to enter.. they are simply "Reccommended"
(12) Tristin: "Just don't blow up, or become and elephant."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, roll intelligence + composure pleeeease :)
(2) Tony: "Make sure as we drive we stay sout of hte line."
(3) Eve: "If you don't want me to put makeup on you.. I suppose."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [5 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,9,[10, 3],9] = (4)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((int 2 + com 3))
** (5) Robin focuses on herself, making herself smaler, less noticable to anyone except Dante, Eve, Tony, and Tristin. ((incognito mind 4+gnosis4)) **
(2) Tony: Two Fases (vulgar) gnosis 3 + life 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,[10, 10, 3],3,3,3,8] = (2)
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,9,1,2,3,2,9] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you remember your motorcycle. Is still in the garage. of the burned down apartment. And keys are in your pocket.
(2) Tony: (( 3 success, vulgar ))
(2) Tony: (( will change nose, eyes, mouth ))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo remembers the motorcycle. "Not that its of huge help, but I do have a motorcycle... It can only safely carry two though." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a display of miracles - and Tony is changing, while... where is Robin again, oh, she's somewhere, doesnt matter
(2) Tony: (( he would sense the magic being cast ))
(2) Tony: (( also, tonys aura is of deep jungle and unheard sounds ))
** (3) Eve grimages slightly at the vulgar spell but takes a breath and lets it out **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you feel a distinct tingle, like a hair on your back, rising, in distinct sensations - coming from each caster
(3) Eve: "I don't know how useful a motorcycle would be.. but we could go pick it up if you like."
** (3) Eve hasn't cast anything around Dante.. and has a killed aura.. seems nearly sleeperish actually because of this **
(2) Tony: "He's on his bike, we take a car."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, your temporal sight detects your spell of rewinding time from the night before and your struggle with a prophet
** (5) Robin sighs and wishes she still had her car. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shudders and lets the feeling pass. "I would prefer to take it along, perhaps following behind. But this could complicate things too." **
(3) Eve: "Your call Dante."
(12) Tristin: "Eve, can you see these spells I left behind?"
** (3) Eve glances around with prime sight **
(2) Tony: "So far you havent' been associated with us. You on a bike keeps that distinctin even more cleaer."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "We're going to be travelling a lot aren't we? If we have a resting place, somewhere we can actually stay for any period of time, I'll find a way to come back for it at that time." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you cannot, the residue is long gone, the mana discipated, and since you are not alligned with Time, you do not see how time was bended here. You would have seen this spell being cast when it was cast, but now - the trace of it is only in the realm of time
(2) Tony: "yeah, but it's int he states."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks to Tony. "Aside from the incident of all of us leaving the precinct at the same time, true." **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Ahh, I see. Perhaps then I will ride behind on my motorcycle."
(3) Eve: "Honestly we don't know when we will be able to settle down, we are in this until we stop Diana.. or perish in some horrific Mage battle...
** (3) Eve shrugs nonchalantly at her comment **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Then every tool is an asset."
** (5) Robin flinches slightly. **
(3) Eve: "And no Tristin I don't see any spells from you floating about, save the one you just cast and that is fading fast."
(12) Tristin: "I see it bright as day... if I showed it to you, could you erase it's trace?"
(2) Tony: "I see it."
** (12) Tristin looks to Tony. **
(3) Eve: "It must be some sort of time knot then, I cannot undo such a thing without some knowledge of Time, which I don't have."
(3) Eve: "If it was simply a spell I could certainly undo it."
(12) Tristin: "Damn.... just don't like this big of a footprint being left.."
(12) Tristin: "Oh well, time to get out of here?"
(3) Eve: "Well.. what did you do to put it there? Perhaps you can undo it.. Regardless.. we have a plan now, shall we go and get the car?"
(12) Tristin: -muttering- "Undo it?"
** (3) Eve shrugs **
(3) Eve: "You know more about Time than I do."
(12) Tristin: "Oh I also say we stick to the plan of ditching the links... I have one two, put them on someone going to Spain and someone going to Amsterdam, make a stop by the Airport on the way out of here."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Yes, Tristin, it is your spell, potent and extremely powerful, but you can touch the wrinkles of time and glide them over
(12) Tristin: ((I have one too*))
** (3) Eve packs up her laptop making sure to save the roadmaps and information. Grabs her back **
(3) Eve: *bag
(3) Eve: "Yes that we will defiently do."
** (5) Robin slings her bag and bat sheath over her shoulder. "All Ready?" **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods once. "I think so." **
** (12) Tristin tries wipeing over his fingerprint in Time. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Gnosis + Time
(12) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,9,5,2,5,7] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you flatten the wrinkles a bit, good enough
** (3) Eve heads for the door **
** (2) Tony follows eve **
** (12) Tristin trails behind the rest of the Cabal. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo follows Tony. **
** (5) Robin follows along the gang **
** (2) Tony makers sure he has his doctor's bag and book **
(2) Tony: "You did finally let that rat go right?"
** (2) Tony feeds uchawi some nuts out of his pocket **
(5) Robin: "Right before the explosion."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So, of all of you, Tristin is the only one recognizable.
(1) Uchawi: urr..
(1) Uchawi: "Thank you, Anthony, I was just thinking of a snack"
(5) Robin: ((/me draws fake sharpie beard on him))
(12) Tristin: ((But have changed clothes and have Occultation, which is like her Ingognito spell.))
(12) Tristin: ((Although this is what I arrived in.))
** (3) Eve cannot help but laught at the teenaged chinese boy with a sharpie beard... **
(3) Eve: ^ (( the above is ooc))
(1) Uchawi: ((negative. Occultation hides your magic aura from mages, you have a dimmed aura making your casting hard to see. Your sleeper self is still normally noticeable. Which is why Mages use media the most - to mess with your physical body))
(5) Robin: ((Hes too high from the fumes to notice lol))
(2) Tony: (( I can disguise you ))
(12) Tristin: ((Also makes sleepers forget the encountered me if I'm not mistaken.. let me look it up.))
(1) Gallery Supervisor: so, you have checked out, you're headed down the lobby, the familiar taxi parking lot, the restaraunt, the vestibule, the street
(1) Gallery Supervisor: ((doesnt say that on page 279, merit description))
** (3) Eve gets into the elevator to go down?... **
(2) Tony: (( gallery supervisor? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((stupid name change))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((everytime i get PMs))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you're in the elevator.
(2) Tony: (( oh yeah, that bug :D ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it will go down if pushed the down button
** (2) Tony follows **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and up if up button
** (3) Eve holds it open waiting for the others **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((orly))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and to the left if the left button (?)
(3) Eve: "We all ready for this?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo enters the elevator. **
** (5) Robin steps in **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the button is begging to be pushed
** (5) Robin hums to the upbeat elevator jazz. **
(12) Tristin: (("The effect even extends to the sleeper world, makeing the mage incognito to Sleeper society.))
** (12) Tristin follows them into the elevator. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((omg, the GM is wrong! page 86, i stand corrected. Anyone trying to recognize you will have to beat the -3 penalty))
(2) Tony: (( woah, cool ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in the crowd of others, you're fine Tristin
(12) Tristin: ((Reason I took the rote... not trying to be a rules lawyer....))
** (3) Eve looks everyone over and presses the button down **
(3) Eve: ((its a merit not a rote.. :P))
(12) Tristin: ((That one =P ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((a good merit to take instead of ambidexterity. i dont even wanna think about ambidextrous tristin punching everything twice a round))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the elevator goes.............................. .... down!
(3) Eve: ((it doesn't actually let you do that... just lessens the penalties.. bah..))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((we're all gonna die!))
(12) Tristin: ((Just wait))
(3) Eve: ((reminds me of the last time we were in an elevator.... scorpidors!!!)))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You are in the extravagantly decorated lobby, made in old style and golden colors, columns of dark wood, shandoleers and candelabras on the walls and ceilings, the new guests are arriving, but more guests are leaving. many watched the news and think it's best to leave Rome
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((oh yeah, that was fun, a floor that didnt exist in the building))
(3) Eve: ((Chandeliers?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
** (3) Eve drops the door keycard in the drop box and heads out the lobby towards the taxis **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): many taxis are waiting, one drives up
** (12) Tristin follows close behind **
(1) Driver: "hello! where to?"
(3) Eve: "The nearest -open- car rental service please."
** (2) Tony eyes the taxi to ssee if he can sense any spells on it (( only tme sight up )) **
(1) Driver: "There are two nearby. The Rusty Wheel Heaven and Grand Auto Rental Service. Any perticular preference?"
** (3) Eve presses her lips togeather slightly **
(1) Driver: no time spells
** (3) Eve looks back at the group with a shrug **
(3) Eve: "Any preference?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "I don't know either of those places." **
** (1) Driver chuckles "One has cars. The other has working cars." **
(3) Eve: "Lets go with the working cars then."
(12) Tristin: "Working is good."
** (5) Robin nods and gets in the car. **
** (1) Driver helps you get in, closes doors, drives you to Grand Auto Rental Service, takes about 30 minutes. You arrive at the rental at 10:45 **
** (3) Eve looks at the group to see if anyone steps up to rent a car.. after about half a minute walks up and does it herself if someone else hasn't yet." **
** (12) Tristin is only 16 **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The place is still open but no renters at this time of night. A few guys doing a return. They walk off soon.
(3) Eve: *glances back at the taxi...* "so.. that whole part where I said an -open- car place was completely lost in translation I take it."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no no, the place is open. no other rentERs
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the rentals are there, renters aren't.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): clear of sleepers
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((customers would have provided less confusion >_> I thought the same as eve))
(2) Tony: (( yeah, not rentOrs. rentErs ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ... oy, let's do this again. The place is open. It still rents cars. Nobody is a customer at this late time, the office is clear. A few guys have just returned a car, car got inspected, the guys walked off.
** (2) Tony gets in teh back seet **
** (3) Eve looks at the group (she is with) to see if anyone steps up to rent a car.. after about half a minute walks up and does it herself if someone else hasn't yet." **... again... **
(3) Eve: ((is renting a car now...))
(1) Clerk: "hi!"
(1) Clerk: "Are you in need of a fine vehicle this evening?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks around the shop, turning to watch the clerk momentarily. **
(3) Eve: "Something with room for five please."
(1) Clerk: "Are you over 18? Do you have insurance? Do you have an italian or an international driver's license? Please fill out this rediculous amount of paperwork for you and your passengers, while I read your credit card."
(1) Clerk: it never works out like it says on the internet... alas
** (3) Eve considers some death curses muttering in high speech under her breath as she fills out the mountain of paperwork... buys the optional insurance and figures out a way to drive with her drivers license or fills a waiver or whatever" **
** (1) Clerk offers a brochure with vehicle selection: minivans, station wagons, sedans. Italian brand, and a lot of american and german make. This is a good place with high standards, if it's legal - you got it here. Pick any civil car you want, no trucks, no race cars. **
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs I loath paperwork...
(1) Clerk: "How many days?"
(3) Eve: "At least a week perhaps longer."
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( No 5-seat monster trucks? :( ))
(1) Clerk: (( try this minivan maybe :D ))
** (3) Eve picks a nice safe car that looks hard to tip over. **
** (1) Clerk points to a recommended model **
(1) Clerk: "So, would you like to pay for 7 days reservation? Returning on the 18th at 11 pm?"
(3) Eve: "Sure."
(2) Tony: ]hs[ "Ask if we can return to another country"
(1) Clerk: "All together is will be $765.59"
(3) Eve: "Do you have any return sites in other countries? I was considering a drive to France for a day."
** (1) Clerk shakes her head **
(1) Clerk: "Within Italy only. You might want to try Budget or Enterprise, but they open in the morning."
** (3) Eve glances at the group **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shrugs. **
** (12) Tristin sighs **
(2) Tony: ]hs[ "Say goodbye to your credit rating."
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "If the fate of the world depends on my having a badk credit rating I'd rather wait a few years to buy a house and save the fate of the world."
** (3) Eve sighs the paperwork and such. **
(3) Eve: *signs
(1) Clerk: takes another half hour. 11:15 pm
(12) Tristin: ((both))
(1) Clerk: you have the car
** (1) Clerk smiles at you and wishes you to drive safely. The tank is full. **
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs
(3) Eve: ...
** (2) Tony NOW gets in teh back seat **
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "You guys are soo paying for your own hotel rooms this time."
(2) Tony: ]hs[ "ARen't we forgetting somethign? Transfering the links?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2008 Crysler minivan, it has it all, conditioner, heated seats, 5 cd changer, rotating heated mirrors, adjustable seats, sleeping area in the back, good extendable trunk
(3) Eve: "Who's taking first turn at driving.."
(3) Eve: "We have to drive -to- the airport to do that Tony..."
** (12) Tristin lays down in the trunk-ish space and takes a nap. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((muwahaha! time to fuck over everyone who has no driiiive))
(5) Robin: "Right, I'll drive."
(2) Tony: "Like I said, I'll force some busload of children off the road or something, I'm not driving."
(3) Eve: ((SO bought drive to make sure this wouldn't happen to her :P))
(5) Robin: "Keys?"
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo seats himself in one of the further back seats, next to the window. **
** (3) Eve tosses the keys to Robin **
** (5) Robin catches! **
** (3) Eve hops in the passenger seat and pulls out the laptop to get her directions pulled up **
(12) Tristin: ((Dex + Atth))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you find a cozy dark corner. Great place to focus and spy on everyone in the front, also, close to the luggage.
(12) Tristin: ((Ath*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the bad part starts when people put music on, and the base is in your back
(3) Eve: ((heh))
** (5) Robin sits down before turning the engine over, focuses on the space around the vehical, creating a mental image of where everything is. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Indeed. Oh well. Who needs eardrums anyway?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you're in the trunk space, taking a nap, you're next to Dante, kinda below and beside him
** (2) Tony sits in the back seat and tries to sleep without hearing the screams of 79 people **
(5) Robin: ((spactial map space 4+gnosis$))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],3,7,4,3,1,4,5] = (1)
(3) Eve: "Alright head to the airport first, the directions are (insert directions here)"
** (5) Robin turns the engine over. "Yeah. Alright." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony is in the very back with Dante, Eve at the passenger seat, Robin driving
(12) Tristin: (("No not [street name a] => street name a, turn on [street name b] => street name b!!"))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you map the directions to where you should be
(2) Tony: (( I thought dante was taking his bike? ))
(12) Tristin: ((Broom broom))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((We have to pick it up first?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((we have to pick it up from his destroyed house first))
(3) Eve: (We pick that up next))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ROAD TRIP!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, dex+drive
(3) Eve: (("ON the raod again, I just can't wait to get back on the road again."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): don't forget the rote/merit you bought
(5) Robin: ((dex 2 + drive3 +space 4))
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,2,[10, 3],4,9,7,8,2] = (3)
(2) Tony: (( I thought drive skill only had to broled for somethign spellcial like an accident, that everyone knew how to drive normally ))
(3) Eve: ((welcome to how you think things go and how GM's actually run things..))
(5) Robin: ((Maybe someone swerved at me?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, your permanently acid-drugged brain finds one of its rare talents, and, enhance with precise direction, awareness and measurement qualities - you drive smoothly, like it's a boat. You bypass every traffic jam, take perfect timing on red lights, and speed when it is safe to do so for the duration of your driving.
(3) Eve: ((I never make a character without at least 1 in drive because whenever I make one without a GM ALWAYS requires rolls for normal driving... got in an accident once on a vampire with dex 5 because she had no drive.. it was lame))
** (5) Robin rolls down the window and looks super fly. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Some people try to swurve, cut you, block your way, but you're just that damn good, cutting edge driving skills, slipping through the narrowest openings in the road, that no sleeper, even with big balls, would dare try for.
** (12) Tristin zzzzzz **
** (3) Eve appears impressed **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, if you want an accident, you'll get an accident if you have 0 drive :D it's like a self fulfilling prophecy.))
(12) Tristin: ((What if the balls are on the truck?))
(3) Eve: "I elect you the offical roadtrip to save the world driver.."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if balls are on truck, it's arguable))
(5) Robin: "Awesome, this thing have a cd player? Er, no CD's...nevermind."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you arrive at Dante's house as per his directions. Not much survived. The place is surrounded with yellow tape. One cop car parked, a cop sitting in it. Nobody else is in. The building has suffered an explosion, two windows are black.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I thought the airport was first))
(3) Eve: (odd the directions were for the airport...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((rewinding ...))
(3) Eve: ((its magic! he has an airport at his house!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You arrive at the Rome International
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((lol!))
(12) Tristin: ((House was on the way))
(3) Eve: (aww... but.. airport-house...)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i like Tristin))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((fine, airport is on top of Dante's house.))
(3) Eve: ((WEEEEE!!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((made of legos))
(12) Tristin: ((rofl))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Oh lordy ))
(3) Eve: (( "HUh.. didn't notice this last time we were here..."))
(3) Eve: (( :D))
(2) Tony: (( he lives under the landing strip ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): So, yeah, you're at the airport, and the airport is like, entered Code Orange. Terrorist alerts are EVERYWHERE, so are your pictures. All people trying to book flights get screened to the point of cavity search, everyone asked to open luggage, remvoe shoes, scarves, glasses, any face concealment. It's an airport in a paranoid town that suffered explosions for the past 3 days. Go figure.
** (12) Tristin pops up from the trunk when the arrive. **
(12) Tristin: "Look for someone who looks like a Spainard?"
** (5) Robin parks in an apporpriate place. **
(3) Eve: "Or skim minds until you find someone who's going to Madrid?"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Or anywhere in Spain?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sleepers. scared and panicked, afraid for their lives, each of them a potential mind puppet, by magic or be fear. Sleepers are amusing to watch for a mage, their social structure, their habits, their flow...
(3) Eve: "Hmm.. you know.. I wonder..."
** (3) Eve begins to looks something up on her laptop, some kind of official if false looking document, like a evidence slip or police report... but in spanish. **
(12) Tristin: "We all have strands, so look for groups of people, families.."
(1) Lady: A long line of airlines, billboards with flights, gigantic airport with many, many different families of many different countries and nationalities. Families, single travellers, businessmen, tourists, hot chicks, slutty chicks, fat chicks, chicks with kids, single fathers, travelling junkies, gamblers, engineer groups, sports teams... every race and face... lines formed in sections corresponding to certain airlines.
(1) Lady: Eve, the airport has no free wireless
** (3) Eve has had a Sprint internet card this whole time so hasn't stopped her before. **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo begins looking around for people who appear to be of spanish descent. Someone who might be headed back that way. **
(1) Lady: you pay some extra for using Sprint?
** (3) Eve sure **
(1) Lady: Before you used hotel wireless. Ok, you got internet.
(1) Lady: Ok, do you want a real document or a fake document?
(1) Lady: Investigation + Intel + Laptop 1 for real. Subterfuge + Intel + laptop 1 for fake
(3) Eve: Would prefer real... so int + invest + lappy 1 = 6
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 1],7,8,5,6,2] = (2)
(1) Lady: Dante, you see... me! A beautiful lady, a raven black haired spaniard woman, high full breasts, delicious tight ass, rolling her bag towards the Spain Airlines ticket counter
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you find a copy of an old style, 2005 police report on burglary of a bakery. It uses old stamps and has an old look, which now has been updated, but you can't find a version of an updated one.
** (3) Eve seems distracted by her research a spark of deviousness in her dark eyes **
** (3) Eve keeps looking checking for updates. **
** (2) Tony snores a little bit from the back seat **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no samples of current style reports are public, they all look obviously unprintable, either have "sample" written all over them, or it's a photo
(2) Tony: (( gonna walk a few blocks to gas satoin, be right back ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you find some incident reports on fires, insurance claims, divorce documents, marriage certificate copies.
** (3) Eve takes the easiest of the police reports to clean up (ie take the sample words off) and opens up a paint editing program. **
** (5) Robin looks around for vending machines. "Need Sugar." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): There is a soda machine on every corner here, Robin, pick a number
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, for paint skills int+computers plz
(5) Robin: ((2))
(3) Eve: comp + int = 4
(3) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,6,9] = (2)
** (5) Robin goes to the vending area, exchanges money for a yummy soda. Mhmmm, tastey. **
** (3) Eve doesn't realize as she is distracted that they are all completely off topic without her poking at them... :P))) **
** (5) Robin considers buying sodas for everyone. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you produce a decent cleaned up old style report, with pasted text, some irregularities here and there, in sizes. upon scrutiny it can be busted, but if you glance over it in a stack of papers, it would do
(5) Robin: ((lol))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks around momentarily and then back to the spanish woman before turning to Eve. "Looks like there's a spanish woman ready to head back in that area." He points casually to the vixen-haired woman. **
(1) Konrad Knox: Robin, a dude comes up to you, about 6.5 feet tall.
(1) Dude: "Hey, you have any money?"
** (1) Dude taps the vending machine **
** (3) Eve uses babel fish to translate what I described in the whisper and pastes it into the document, checking babel fish back on the translation to be sure it is accurate. **
** (3) Eve blinks up from her research.. **
** (5) Robin chugs soda. "I can't help you. **
(3) Eve: "Ahh good.. Robin... where.. did.. she..go?"
** (3) Eve frowns **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if you look behind you, you realize the dude is talking to a guy behind you, staring right through you
(5) Robin: ((Fail at my virtue))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shrugs. "I lost sight of her after I spotted the woman about to board." **
(12) Tristin: ((way 2 phale))
** (5) Robin looks around for a group of three, perhaps heading to Ampsterdamn or out of country at least... **
(3) Eve: ((takes away her cookies because she is such a phaleor :P ;) jk))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you dont have to roll to do virtues, only to resist vices))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((or it can be a player's choice))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((except he cannot see or hear you))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the guy gives the big dude some money, nods and leaves
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, Babel Fish is horribly inaccurate. A drunken donut cop could have written that, but not a professional
** (3) Eve finds a better tanslation site then... takes more time on it... **
** (1) Lady is checking in, still sexy, getting her luggage check, taking shoes off, and leaning over... ooooh... that IS an ass for days **
(12) Tristin: ((Drunken... donut... cop?))
** (5) Robin looks around for people in a pack f three. **
(3) Eve: ((...yes... not to be confused with a donut dunking cop)))
(12) Tristin: "Get Robin to throw the strands on her and her kids..."
(3) Eve: ((or facist rent-a-pigs ))
(3) Eve: (( :D!))
(12) Tristin: ((XD))
(5) Robin: ((lol))
** (5) Robin finds her way back to Eve. **
(1) Lady: Eve, this is what babel fish produces, but you dont know this IC, as you cannot read spanish:
(12) Tristin: ((Oh wait, composture))
(1) Lady: Here' s my plan and what Eve is watching for above. It wants to find that a police discloses of Spain. and she completes certain versions of the witness and type matter (the class of the false evidence of thing that she does on a daily base for true) on a flat explosion in Madrid and how one leagues together to an operation of the group of terrorist outside the direction of Diana' business of s in New Haven, with the names of Jason and their others accomplises gathered like the members of this terrorist party
(12) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,1,3] = (0)
** (12) Tristin drools over lady **
(1) Lady: as you can see, some typos, incorrect articles, tenses, and irregularities, but it gets the jist of what you mean
** (5) Robin notices Tristin drooling over some fine ass. **
(5) Robin: "Three in her party?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, after trying a couple of trnaslators, you think you got it good enough.
(12) Tristin: "No just me... er.... *counts* yeah three"
** (3) Eve makes sure to save her progress **
** (3) Eve glances up **
(5) Robin: "hmmm well."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you think you got it good enough. Mind that difference from "you got it good enough". to your best knowledge, it is good enough.
(3) Eve: "We find anyone to transefer the connections to yet?"
(3) Eve: ((how certain am I on this thinking?))
** (12) Tristin nods **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh yes, that's a fine ass. and no, no kids. but there are three guys standing next to her checking out her ass too
** (5) Robin stares at the lady, trying to breach her memories from some feet away. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): get in line, Tristin
(5) Robin: ((Read the Depths mind 4 gnosis4))
** (3) Eve looks over at what is causing all the drooling. **
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6,4,5,2,4,2,3] = (0)
** (5) Robin shakes her head. **
(5) Robin: "Its really loud in here."
** (12) Tristin thinking... "pfft.... could total kick their asses... at the same time.... blindfolded..." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the spell bounces back. Dante, tingle tingle. you now feel what a Robin spell tastes like
** (3) Eve taps a finger to her lips **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo tilts his head in observation of Robin. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you can clearly see the spell thread, and it seems like you are capable, well capable, of duplicating it
(3) Eve: "That would do...lets connect Tristin's to her just to confuse them when they find the body.. if there is a body.. if there is an explosion.
** (3) Eve evilish grin **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((I can see it as in learn the rote, or perform impromptu?))
** (5) Robin rubs her head from the distractingly loud airport and reaches to touch her bat, refocusing. **
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,3,6,[10, 10, 8],6,7,4,[10, 10, 10, 6]] = (2)
(12) Tristin: ((BOOM!))
(5) Robin: ((-1 for recast +1 for bat))
(3) Eve: ((holy ... wow))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if has a fine ass too, just not as long a legs
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Evey is short :)
(5) Robin: ((RAWR!! Queen of dice!!))
(12) Tristin: ((Never seen so many natural 20s......))
(12) Tristin: ((In dnd))
** (5) Robin scans the fine assed woman's memory....Where is she going? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you can get that as a rote when you try to cast it, Dante. Now you see that this spell exists and can try it impromptu.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Robin didnt use her bat in the previous cast, correct? this is a -1 dice + 1 for bat?))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Ah, gotcha))
(3) Eve: ((da))
(5) Robin: ((mhmm))
(12) Tristin: (("What did she eat for breakfast, how old is she, where did she go to school, and what's her favorite food?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The bat seems to do the trick - it channels the power and... you breach the lady's memory
(1) Lady: "Men... I bet all three of them are staring at my butt. Finally going home to Madrid, I hope Lucas will make it on time. Dad's heart condition is getting serious. Did I leave my purse in the luggage? No, got it... damn security, I hate taking these shoes off."
(1) Lady: Memories - you can go as deep as to six hours ago
(1) Lady: She got up, had sex with her lover, ate at the restaraunt, she drove over to buy a new bag, because her old one had a hole, she called her husband and confirmed he'll be at the airport... basically, you have everything"
** (5) Robin does not care about this sleeper's life, She lets her focus slip, dropping the spell. **
(1) Lady: She is going to check in her luggage for a flight to Madrid
(5) Robin: "Alright, now for something more complex..."
** (5) Robin holds her bat with one hand, and reaching out with the other. Lazily Grabbing at spactial threads, twirling them, and beconning them to the hot chicka. To sleeper that notices me I might look like a retard playing with air particles. **
(12) Tristin: ((Lol@ swinging bat in public!))
(5) Robin: ((Spinning the false strand space 4 +gnosis4+bat 1))
(5) Robin: ((not swingging it.))
(5) Robin: ((Its seathed I'm just touching it))
(1) Lady: Dante, you can see what Robin is doing, and feel that Space magic is involved in this power, but you cannot comprehend it just yet, this gives you a hint that Robin's allignment with space is superior to yours. The chalk in your pocket gives a light tremble
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],9,5,7,4,[10, 6],3,7,2] = (3)
(5) Robin: ((4))
(12) Tristin: ((Yay Herrold!))
(12) Tristin: ((Harrold*))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo gently places a hand on his pocket, then watches intently at the spell's casting. **
(1) Lady: Robin, you take the threads, gently, with precision of a thief, and gently attach them to the woman. Now she - is the one who Jason met.
(5) Robin: "Right. Now for the rest of you..."
** (5) Robin checks out the person next in line at the counter Miss Hot Ass was standing at. **
** (2) Tony rolls over in his sleep but doesnt' wake up **
** (5) Robin focuses on the next in line. touching her bat once more. **
(5) Robin: ((Read the depts))
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,4,8,5,9,5,4,3,5] = (2)
** (5) Robin scans persons surface thoughts for thier destination. **
(1) Lady: The thread is severed, but this time you do it less gently, and attach it a little sloppy, to Mister Horny
(1) Kurtis: oh, nm
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Wrong spell GM ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( lol ))
(1) Kurtis: You have their memory of the past two hours
(5) Robin: ((Oh I was just making sure he was going the same place.))
(12) Tristin: ((Chick))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Being in the same line, he also travels to Madrid.
** (3) Eve considers the spell just cast and smiles slowly, begins to cast unseen spy to mask how the spell connected the threads to the woman so it truely looks as if they were there all along. **
(3) Eve: (prime + gnosis = 4 )
(3) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,[10, 3],7] = (1)
** (5) Robin drops her attention from the horny guy. Begains herding Dantes threads towards him **
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,5,[10, 8],5,6,[10, 7],8,6,2] = (3)
(1) Dude: "That is one sexy woman. I'd do her. What if I ask her out right now, which pick up line would work? I hope she's with me on the plane, next to me, offer her some coffee or wine. Come on, talk to her, maybe in the baggage claim... nah who am I kidding, fuck it. And ass like that is not for me, some rich guys is going to meet her home and fondle those boobs in bed.
(3) Eve: ((Thinks KK is totally sexier without his bra on... ;) ))
(1) Dude: Eve, your spell covers Robin's spell and stealthifies it a bit
(5) Robin: ((4 successes for spinning the false thread)0
(12) Tristin: ((Lol at keywords "His bra"))
(1) Dude: Dante never had threads
(1) Dude: you got yours and Tristin's
(1) Dude: Tony and Eve left
(5) Robin: ((damn...okay :) ))
** (3) Eve watches the threads of the second spell fall over the man and again tries to conceal them, muttering softly in High Speech this time. **
(3) Eve: (prime + Gnosis + power word = 6
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,8,3,6,8] = (3)
** (5) Robin targets the man next in line. Hearding Eve's threads towards him. touching the tip of her bat for focus. **
(1) Dude: tempering with connection to Tristin is pretty well hidden
(5) Robin: ((same spell))
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,4,5,7,2,8,8,2,8] = (3)
(1) Dude: done nicely
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The last man in line is a 14 year old boy
** (5) Robin glances about for a line heading for ampsterdamn **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): he is with his older brother, the guy who was your previous target
** (3) Eve focuses on the next set of spell threads envisioning a mist or fog of mana around them, to fuddle their aura ... again muttering in High speech **
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],3,[10, 6],[10, 7],9,[10, 4]] = (5)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Amsterdam line is a couple of airlines the other way, you eentually find it
(3) Eve: (oohhh))
(12) Tristin: ((*claps*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Connection to Eve is strong and solid - solidly faked, that is
** (5) Robin focuses on the first person in line. A good target? Like not a kid? **
(5) Robin: ((Would I have any penalties for not being able to see Tony?))
(5) Robin: ((Spenning the false thread. I just roll))
(5) Robin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,5,9,4,7,6,6,5,4] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A lady travelling alone.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Good target, going to Amsterdam for a rock concert
(12) Tristin: ((With weeeed maaaaaaaaaan))
(5) Robin: ((Not if the drug dogs eat it ;p ))
** (3) Eve again masks the false threads once they are laid down, watching them closely to be sure they fade, coaxing her magic around the spell to hide it, using High Speech to aid it along its passage. **
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,7,9,7,6,7] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Nicely done. Though the amsterdam one is sloppy, but you think it will do.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve's cover prevents that from scrutiny, unless the one scrutinizing is extremely skilled and stubborn
(3) Eve: ((we are soo screwed then))
(3) Eve: "So we good?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You deem that you did a fairly good job. No connections are on you.
(5) Robin: "Mhmm, yeah. All set."
(3) Eve: " Great, so.. Dante... how do we get to your house from here?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your sympathetic magic connections are no going to Madrid and Amsterdam, safe travels!
** (5) Robin heads towards the car/van thingy. **
(12) Tristin: ((Dig a hole))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo ponders for a moment. "Oh, its not too far off from here. (insert directions)" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin gets directions
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo returns to the minivan and seats himself in the back again. **
** (5) Robin nods and makes sure everyone is inside before taking off. **
** (3) Eve settles in and adjusts her seatbelt. **
** (5) Robin drives. **
** (12) Tristin lays back down **
** (2) Tony mumbles in his sleep **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it's 30 minutes past midnight. Tony is asleep in the van, his sleep seems uneasy, he keeps turning and twisting
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you drive to Dante's, arrive at 1 a.m.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): top notch driving, shortest routes, and all
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, you see your place, same as yesterday, one cop car, a cop in it, yellow tape, your garage closed
(5) Robin: "Need any help getting anything?" *puts car in park.*
(12) Tristin: ((Drunken Donut cop?))
(3) Eve: "Huh.. you would think they would be doing something useful with all these terrorist explosions.. "
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Officer Dominic! :D))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((who is NOT Officer 2))
(3) Eve: (( Wee.. he's my favorite married itialian officer who wouldn't flirt with me...))
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo shakes his head. "You vastly overestimate the Italian police force." **
(3) Eve: "Actually I'm counting on them doing things like this.. makes it easier to get out of the contry... So.. how ya gonna get your bike?"
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Still, a bit surprised there's a detail here. I'm still not entirely sure how I'm getting my bike out of there."
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks more intently at the police car, seeing if the officer is sleeping or not. **
(2) Tony: (( in d&d sleep would be a level 1 spell? hehe in mage how many dots for mind sleep? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The officer is awake, he is looking at you as your minivan pulls up
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( like 4?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((3 maybe))
(12) Tristin: ((no sleep in 4th ed.))
(2) Tony: (( they removed sleep? O.o ))
** (1) Officer Dominic stays in the car, writing something **
(3) Eve: "You could go incognito.. though I suppose yo would have to wheel the bike away so he doesn't notice the engine go off... Robin drive off he's taking down the license plate number."
(12) Tristin: ((Think so... PHB is in Rachel's car though, and I'm soooo not walking to it.))
** (5) Robin drives around the block. **
(1) Officer Dominic: The officer makes a note, then drops it, says something on the radio shortly, returns to his cup of coffee
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "Just forget it for now. Perhaps someday I can come back for it, when we're not in the middle of saving the world, as stated before."
(5) Robin: "Are you sure, this might be the only opportunity?"
(13) Eve (enter): 23:32
** (1) Officer Dominic gets out of the car and takes a walk, stretching his arms, walks around the block in the opposite direction from where you drove **
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods resolutely. **
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (13) Eve...
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo looks out to watch the officer, contemplating changing his mind. **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((or was that in the field of vision?))
(1) Officer Dominic: looks like you only have a few minutes, with the officer's pace, he is in the field of vision, walking slowly, stretching, to the end of the block
(1) Officer Dominic: about 2 minutes before he reaches the end of the sidewalk and possibly turns around.
(1) Officer Dominic: Map is in order
(1) Officer Dominic: your van. cop car. cop strolling. two black windows. yellow tape. garage. bike.
(1) Officer Dominic: You have a keychain that opens the garage and starts your bike.
(1) Officer Dominic: 3 minutes. Time begins.
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo slides open the door to the minivan. "Wish me luck." **
** (12) Tristin bestow exeptional luck **
(12) Tristin: ((Fate 3 + 3 gnosis))
(12) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,3,1,[10, 3],[10, 6],6] = (2)
(12) Tristin: "Good luck))
(12) Tristin: "
(12) Tristin: ((You now have 9-again, so reroll all 9's and keep the success, just like a 10))
(1) Officer Dominic: Dante gains a 9-again on any rolls that are 9 or higher
(1) Officer Dominic: 2 minutes. you're out of the car. what do you do?
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo nods and steps out of the van, making a run for the corner. He peers around the corner to eye the car. **
(1) Officer Dominic: Roll Wits + Composure
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo ((cop, not car)) **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((Wits 3 + Composure 3 = 6))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: [6 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,5,2,2,6,4] = (0)
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: ((oh wonderful))
(1) Officer Dominic: the cop is not in your sight, if you lean further, you might risk exposing your head. There is a bush next to the building, and a short run from it to behind cop car, from there, under the tap into the yeard, or, through the bushes straight in, though it might make noise. A fire ladder above you on the wall, but it's a few feet up in the air, would have to climb a door lock, a crate, and someone's window pane
(1) Officer Dominic: examine more speicifically for other routes
(1) Officer Dominic: 1 minute 30 seconds
** (6) Dante Canavacciuolo takes in his surroundings, hesitates, then heads back to the van. "No, let's not worry about it. Carry on." ((I'm too tired to think this crap through)) **
(2) Tony: (( remember, you have mind spells. ))
** (13) Eve raises an eyebrow at Dante. **
(13) Eve: "You know you could like.. make him forget he's even guarding the house right?"
(2) Tony: (( read about incognito ))
(1) Officer Dominic: The cop looks around a bit, returns slowly to the car, sits back into it, continues drinking coffee
(2) Tony: (( with mind you can do all kindsa of stuff ))
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yeah, and I don't feel like figuring it all out when I'm too tired to remember the next time. ))
(12) Tristin: "Awwe come on man I could have got you bike like 5 times by now..."
** (13) Eve smirks at Tristin **
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: "I could make him.. forget. Yeah..
(2) Tony: (( mayube we shoudl call it here? ))
(5) Robin: ((He has way better spells than icognito, but its not a bad spell, either))
(13) Eve: ((yeah its pretty late))
(1) Officer Dominic: ((i agree))
(12) Tristin: ((Sounds good to me.))
(1) Officer Dominic: ((What you mean by too tired to remember the next time? I dont get it))
(13) Eve: I'm sorry Officer Dominic doesnt' get a say on account of him being... not attracted to me.. :P
(13) Eve: its teh cat of win!
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( I mean that I'm just gonna forget, because I'm not paying any attention to what's going on. ))
(2) Tony: (( dominic needs to figure this out and shhine :D ))
(2) Tony: (( ause you're too tired? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
Next time on Mage: How many mages does it take to steal a motorcycle from one cop?

(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: (( Yeah. ))
(12) Tristin: Dude... I can do it
(13) Eve: Weeee
(2) Tony: good session
(2) Tony: Things flowed a LOT faster ths session
(2) Tony: I mean a LOT
(1) Kurtis: I can just drive your motorcycle on its own out of there, and open and close the garage door.
(13) Eve: we're going on a road trip *glee*
(12) Tristin: lol
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Flowed faster?
(2) Tony: yeah, I was gonna do the ROAD TRIP! thing but ... *srhgu*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, a lot of investigation and decisions, no fighting. I liked a lot of ideas, and i am determined to award exp for creative rp, it works!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): usually things go slower
(12) Tristin: *Doesn't want to know what Tony means with mysterious emote*
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Ahhh. Guess you guys were just on the ball tonight =P
(2) Tony: I liked tristians idea
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): lol
(12) Tristin: I had an idea?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, i was hoping more for a flight, but precautions are good. they decided to eliminate all possible ways for me to fuck with them through sympathetic magic
(2) Tony: mysterious emoe?
(2) Tony: yeah, wasnt' it your idea to swap the threads?
(5) Robin: Check out my fig!
(13) Eve: Wow.. did you paint that?
(12) Tristin: "*srhgu*"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and if anyone caught that, Eve is trying to turn the Bad guys' game back on them. They are using fake police reports and media to bust you through sleeper laws. And she is trying to do the same on them
(5) Robin: yep
(13) Eve: That is fantastical
(5) Robin: :D Thankyou.
(12) Tristin: Not even for her army.
(2) Tony: yeah, noticed tht
(2) Tony: You paitned tht? cool
(13) Eve: She has an army?
(2) Tony: My brother used to do minitatures
(2) Tony: \I want my 3 exp1!!
(5) Robin: Yep. Rainbow dragons and ninjas
(13) Eve: I did them for a while.. until Wanderer ruined my D&D games by lawyering our GM into fits of rage.
(5) Robin: I just finished while we were playing dso I had to share.
(12) Tristin: Games we play (that can be played together) called WARMACHINE and HORDES
(5) Robin: ouch...
(12) Tristin: We play DnD with a lawyer.
(13) Eve: It can be most unpleasant at times.
(12) Tristin: Like a f'real lawyer.
(5) Robin: In his office...oOooo
(12) Tristin: http://www.johnboothattorney.com/
(13) Eve: ... XP!!!!!
** (13) Eve begs **
(13) Eve: creepy..
(12) Tristin: XP XP XP XP!! *dragon breath*
(5) Robin: Xp ??!!! :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve 6xp, Tristin 5exp Robin 6 exp, Tony 4xp +1 for rp, Dante 4xp.
(13) Eve: Please sir I want some xp
(13) Eve: Swoot
(5) Robin: :D yay!
(12) Tristin: 3 per dot for skills?
(2) Tony: so 27 + 5 = 32 - 30 = 2
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): research = good. ideas = good. being witty = good. amusing me = good.
(13) Eve: ohhh.. death 5 or prime and matter 3... tough choice.
(2) Tony: Woot! Life 5 baby
(5) Robin: Congrats
** (2) Tony strats reading up on life 5 spells **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 3 per dot for skills, 4 per dot for stats, 2 per dot for rotes and merits, 6 per dot for ruling arcana, 7 for neutral, 8 for inferior
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony 2xp. Life 5. Nice derangement.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante 28 exp
(12) Tristin: Spending 3 xp on occult 1
(12) Tristin: so 11 + 5 -3=13
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve 34 exp
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): robin 24 xp
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin 16
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, now purchases
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Spending 3 on subterfuge. 28-3=25
Server Administrator-> Kicking '(3) Eve' from server... Removing dead client
(3) Eve (exit): 00:01
(12) Tristin: er... yeah occult 1
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, how do you study occult?
(2) Tony: Every single life 5 spell is vulgar :/
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): name 1 thing
(12) Tristin: I read my spell book on the road trip.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sold
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Dante, how do you spractice subterfuge?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, you did today, trying to disguise...
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yah.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sold
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 25 xp left
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): anybody else
(12) Tristin: Spending 5 XP on 10 Xp
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Sometime Tony gotta tell everyone about his new mental condition :D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): GM Bluff Check: 5 Int + Investigation 5 + GMness 5 = 15
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [15 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 7],2,2,4,8,3,[10, 8],1,8,2,1,9,3,7,[10, 8]] = (6)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin, wits+subtrefuge
(12) Tristin: Wits 3 + Subterfuge 2 + 3 "I'm Tristin Fucking Lang"
(12) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,1,2,4,9,7,6,8] = (3)
(12) Tristin: Damn
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you fail, exp not awarded
(12) Tristin: Never win that one.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nope
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: lol
(13) Eve: Ohhh... I'm buying prime to 3 and matter to 3 please.
(2) Tony: both? wow
(2) Tony: I" not real thilled abou tincreasing spirit. wonder what i should work on now
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): hmmm
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve how are you studying?
(13) Eve: Well, I've had prime sight up for days now, and I was doing a lot of research on that complex spell, I figure I learned a few truths in so doing.
(2) Tony: lgad I finally maxed outlife though ;D
(12) Tristin: Thought 6 was max for primary?
(2) Tony: max is up to gm
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Prime purchase justified. Sold.
(2) Tony: only up to 5 is documented
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Matter?
(13) Eve: As for the matter, I'm contemplating the possibilities of changing not the ink on a paper, but the paper itself, trying to remember the differences I learned between solids and liquids back in college
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): let's leave that till the next session then?
(13) Eve: bah.
(1) Konrad Knox: unfortunately those of us unlucky to have gotten sexy books, have to earn their arcana through labor :O 19 exp left
(13) Eve: Yes.. life is full of cruel ironies like that...
(2) Tony: Hmm. waht would life 6 give me I wonder.
(2) Tony: with life 5 i can create life, change life make a human my puppet
(2) Tony: maybe with life 6 I can reverse the effects of aging
(1) Konrad Knox: Well, you can give a dramatic pose in the beginning of next session, about grinding down at differences between liquids and solids molecular structures
(2) Tony: ooh
(1) Konrad Knox: i have noooo idea what happens at life 6
(1) Konrad Knox: i think thats when u get to make up your own rotes
(2) Tony: You can pretty much alwasy make up your own rotes
(2) Tony: what w
(2) Tony: there was
(2) Tony: it's undocumented mostly
(13) Eve: Or I could do something I dunno.. useful with my time, since I haven't in fact used a single matter spell this whole game really. Maybe I'll make hair dye next game and say I was "practicing"
(2) Tony: but it shoudl be reversing the effects of aging, fountain of youth :D
(2) Tony: dagng, l aggin gbad in openrpg
(5) Robin: Shawn Dc'ed but he says "goodnight."
(1) Konrad Knox: you could do that, but then again,it wouldnt challenge you since you already know how to make one liquid into another liquid. Matter 3 steps you up to solids
(1) Konrad Knox: My Moros in Terra's game never reached 4 matter. He got stuck at 3 when the game self imploded
(1) Konrad Knox: so, next time?
(1) Konrad Knox: ideas on scheduling?
(1) Konrad Knox: hopefully action and asskicking next session?
(5) Robin: Shawn and I can do whenever.
(2) Tony: I need freaking MANA
(1) Konrad Knox: whats everyone's plans on this sunday?
(2) Tony: down to 3, jsut about everythign I do needs mana, like healng
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Work.
(2) Tony: unknow
(5) Robin: -none-
(1) Konrad Knox: kay, so basically, Dante's work schedule will be the determining factor
(2) Tony: I am moving soon, not sure of when I''ll have comptuer, where/when I'm going/etc..
(1) Konrad Knox: let us know when u have next free day?
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: I'll know by tomorrow.
(1) Konrad Knox: ok serp moving.
(13) Eve: I'm gonna study laylines on our roadtrip and gets me some mana that way *glee*
(1) Konrad Knox: nice Eve
(1) Konrad Knox: new mana bitch! get her boys! :D
(2) Tony: yeah, prime is good htat way
(13) Eve: Want.. sleep now...
(13) Eve: work in morning..
(5) Robin: Well, Goodnight everyone.
** (13) Eve dies **
(1) Konrad Knox: alright, Cain, we'll talk tomorrow i hope, let know when free
(13) Eve: Night all
(13) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(13) Eve (exit): 00:22
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Good night all.
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Yeah, we will talk tomorrow night if you're around.
(5) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Robin (exit): 00:22
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Or I'll text you on my lunch
(2) Tony: ngiht all
(2) Tony: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Tony (exit): 00:23
(1) Konrad Knox: kk
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo: Disconnecting from server...
(6) Dante Canavacciuolo (exit): 00:23
(1) Konrad Knox: babaj