Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.5...
Locating server at 216-67-23-50-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net:6774...
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:02
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:03
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Eve (enter): 17:06
(2) Eve: spoonz!!!!?!?!?111
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Eve...
(1) Konrad Knox: yes!
(2) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Eve (exit): 17:12
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:14
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.5'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Moving to room 'Mage'..
(1) Konrad Knox (enter): 17:14
Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

(2) Tony (enter): 17:16
(2) Tony (exit): 17:16
(2) Tony (enter): 17:16
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Tony...
(1) Konrad Knox: dude, you have a brain! can u make a copy of your brain for me on CD?
(1) Konrad Knox: or like DVD
(2) Tony: My question is, why do you bother to have 2 routerws?
(2) Tony: how many connections on the back of hte modem, just 1 right?
(1) Konrad Knox: what will i do when u go offline
(1) Konrad Knox: yes
(1) Konrad Knox: i tried setting it up as a bridge
(1) Konrad Knox: but then it fucks up my linksys
(2) Tony: your linksys should be the bridge
(1) Konrad Knox: linksys cant connect stably to the ISP, ISP says - contact linksys tech support
(2) Tony: Or just get a dumb switch/hub in place of your linksys router
(1) Konrad Knox: my linksys should be the bridge? so who will assign LAN addresses?
(2) Tony: or just continue to dmz it
(2) Tony: your modem, which it already is
(1) Konrad Knox: oh but i need wireless for laptop
(1) Konrad Knox: DMZ is pretty easy
(2) Tony: ...
(1) Konrad Knox: i can try set linksys as a bridge
(2) Tony: Or just leave it for now
(2) Tony: *shrug*
(1) Konrad Knox: u can step me through it some time
(1) Konrad Knox: yeah, for now, since we got game going, it stays
(2) Tony: maybe you'll get a new isp sometime and then would have to resetup your router
(2) Tony: this way you don't
** (2) Tony looks around the empty room **
(1) Konrad Knox: last time i messed with linksys it resulted in 3 hour outage
(1) Konrad Knox: Claire is here, sitting eating salad
(1) Konrad Knox: well, sandwitch
(2) Tony: sandwich
(1) Konrad Knox: Sand Witch
(1) Konrad Knox: woooooo
(2) Tony: that's a wikka who lives on teh beach
(1) Konrad Knox: thats right
(2) Tony: wika, whatever
(3) Eve (enter): 17:21
(3) Eve: "You've got your sandwich"
(2) Tony: selcome, you dont' what to know what knrad was ccalling you ^^
(3) Eve: O.O
(1) Konrad Knox: Run! it's the sand witch!
** (3) Eve quietly eats her sandwich and plots some... plots of... plotting. **
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Eve...
(3) Eve: mmmm sandwich
** (1) Konrad Knox ruins the plot of plotting with an UNEXPECTED TWIST **
(2) Tony: Yumm.. plot sandwich with a twist
(1) Konrad Knox: sand twist with a plotwitch
(1) Konrad Knox: today exp will be given based on how much initiative you put in!
(1) Konrad Knox: and i dont mean the rolls
(2) Tony: Kinda sad though, because this mnagical device is not tony's forte but claires since cliare is the prime
(2) Tony: rounding causes confusion
(2) Tony: In Wurm I have some hemp fiber, quality 1.0 damage 0.0 weight 0.0
(2) Tony: dang rounding
(1) Konrad Knox: you can make bows out of it
(1) Konrad Knox: bow string
(2) Tony: well, yeah, I normally make bowstirng out of wemp fibre
(2) Tony: but it takes 1.0K
(2) Tony: this is 0.0K
(2) Tony: Hmm.. we're missing some people
(2) Tony: 3 people by my count
(1) Konrad Knox: they always show up late
(1) Konrad Knox: Oh, Cain's dad got into a hospital, he is taking care of him, he says he might be late
(2) Tony: What happened to cain's dad?
(1) Konrad Knox: he did not specify, he said "my dad got hurt, im on my way to hospital. i will explain when im back"
(3) Eve: The failed game schedualing roll got him.
(1) Konrad Knox: oh yes
(2) Tony: Are those crackly lines energy bolts?
(2) Tony: There are 8 buttons. I thought htis was in the shape of a star, one is donw
(2) Tony: if the suggestion that 4 are the other points, why would there be 4 and not just 2?
(1) Konrad Knox: yesh. they come in white, bright blue, and bright red, and kinda hit into it, connecting between the round walls of the auditorium and the core and the little balls rotating around the core
(1) Konrad Knox: you're kind of like in the room above the library
(2) Tony: wouldn't this one just see 2 other ones? the ones' it's connected too? Unless it's like token ring
(2) Tony: And I"m talking to eve not the GM :D
(2) Tony: But it would seem that the top 4 are the other locations
(1) Konrad Knox: you guys remember which star points lead to which cities you have discovered? they were numbered
(1) Konrad Knox: that might be a clue
(1) Konrad Knox: and you tried applying the star on the map...
(1) Konrad Knox: and who has the compass?
(1) Konrad Knox: didnt you give it to Robin, Eve?
(2) Tony: oh, did you watch that "safe for work" pron? lol
(1) Konrad Knox: no, hwat is it?
(2) Tony: gotta watch it :D
(1) Konrad Knox: haha!
(3) Eve: Yes I gave it to Robin.
(1) Konrad Knox: muuuuwaaahahahahahahahaaaaaa
(1) Konrad Knox: ure si screwed
(3) Eve: ...why?
(1) Konrad Knox: ill have Robin roll composure to not lose it XD
(1) Konrad Knox: losing stuff is in her character
(1) Konrad Knox: thats a funny porno serp
(1) Konrad Knox: hmmm. game of Katan folks?
(3) Eve: She couldn't have lost it in more than one place. We are still in the same bloody building.
(1) Konrad Knox: fair trade, no favorites?
(1) Konrad Knox: everyone against everyone
(3) Eve: :P
(1) Konrad Knox: Jump on the train while u still can Tony XD
(1) Konrad Knox: would make my chapter end sooner :D
(1) Konrad Knox: So, I is startin a Katan game
(2) Tony: What is katan?
(3) Eve: its Catan... not Katan.. the whole world does not revolve around K...
(3) Eve: :P
(1) Konrad Knox: the card game remember?
(1) Konrad Knox: Catan
(1) Konrad Knox: whatever
(2) Tony: card game?
(3) Eve: Katan... what happens when you replace the S in Satan with KK.
(1) Konrad Knox: Sheep i need sheep! go fuck urself i dont have any! but i see sheep on your screen! nope, thats not sheep, thats disguised wood
(1) Konrad Knox: its the game u got mad at Claire about coz she wouldnt trade and won remember? that card game where u have to build stuff
(1) Konrad Knox: cities and knights
(1) Konrad Knox: http://games.asobrain.com/
(2) Tony: oh screw that game
(1) Konrad Knox: lol
(2) Tony: pissed me off too much
(1) Konrad Knox: well ive learned to deal with it
(1) Konrad Knox: i still cant beat Claire but on a lucky occasion, maybe i pwn her now
(3) Eve: It is not my fault I was born to rule empires... even if they are just empires of cards and little game pieces...
(1) Konrad Knox: i shall monopolize your wheat!
(2) Tony: even dogs larp? http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1802130
(1) Konrad Knox: thats cool!
(5) Tristin (enter): 17:59
(3) Eve: ello
Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Tristin...
(1) Konrad Knox: Hola
(1) Konrad Knox: Greetings, doombringer
(5) Robin: Hey.
(1) Konrad Knox: 2 PCs this time around or still one?
(3) Eve: *psst* thats you dear.. see the GM next to your name that means Doom Bringer... *talking to KK*
(1) Konrad Knox: oh, right.
(3) Eve: *pets*
(5) Robin: I guess we'll start off w/two, but if it gets disconnecty we'll switch back to one.
(1) Konrad Knox: Well. Dante 's dad got hurt, so he is in a hospital with him, he said he cannot make it on time, but he will explain everything when he gets back.
(6) Shawn (enter): 18:02
(3) Eve: What we have learned from this is: Failing a Schedual Game roll really DOES have consequencs...
(1) Konrad Knox: holy shit
(1) Konrad Knox: 2 PCs
(1) Konrad Knox: full house?
(2) Tony: <.>
(6) Shawn: Your mom has two PCs...
(2) Tony: >.>
(2) Tony: <.<
(1) Konrad Knox: my mom has your PC
(3) Eve: well Your mom goes to college so :P
(6) Shawn: Actually she dropped out
(2) Tony: only an hour late :D
(2) Tony: ahh, why'd she drop out? :(
(1) Konrad Knox: so UO Genesis is like the gay-land i hear
(6) Shawn: Haven't been on in two years
(1) Konrad Knox: shawn stole her PC
(1) Konrad Knox: like the Pwnerer
(3) Eve: That would make it gay... right there.
(6) Shawn: lolol
(1) Konrad Knox: and she couldnt type papers
(2) Tony: meh, pure pwnage has started to get a little.. boring
(1) Konrad Knox: mmm, im still liking it
(6) Shawn: Anyone else notice his mom's street adress was 420?
(3) Eve: #2 reason its gay = we cant bloody log into it!!!! :@(@(11111
(1) Konrad Knox: i'll watch it to the end
(1) Konrad Knox: oh yeah, maybe Serp can help us login
(2) Tony: what is this uo genesis you're talking about?
(1) Konrad Knox: port 5000 cant be opened lol
(1) Konrad Knox: an Ultima Online Rp shard
(2) Tony: I thought you played.. what was that server.. they still send me e-mails now and then
(6) Shawn: That I owned
(6) Shawn: Sid > all
(1) Konrad Knox: Fuck, Serpardum, why dont you rewrite their bloody server code, i bet you could make a more kickass thing out of it than they do. And make me a GM there
(1) Konrad Knox: Shit, Serp, you and I should run a UO shard
(3) Eve: I have only one reply to that..
(3) Eve: "Dish of milk"
(6) Shawn: Minoc Milk?
(3) Eve: :D
(3) Eve: Is there any other kind?
(1) Konrad Knox: I played on Adcendense and Genesis
(1) Konrad Knox: Ascendence went kaput
(2) Tony: I wonder if UO would run on this machine
(1) Konrad Knox: RunUO would easily
(1) Konrad Knox: we'd have such a kickass shard
(3) Eve: I was under the impression UO ran on toasters... so i would hope so.
(1) Konrad Knox: u can run it on an abacus, not much fun and houses look kinda crappy but it works
(6) Shawn: Lol Claire
(2) Tony: I wish I could get kk into wurm though
(3) Eve: :D
(3) Eve: can he kill things in it?
(2) Tony: yes
(1) Konrad Knox: I refuse to enter another MMO Serp gets bored with in 3 months and I hopelessly addict to!!!
(2) Tony: if he's premum he can kill players
(3) Eve: what about if he's not.. you know his feelings on PAYING for games.
(1) Konrad Knox: i still have shadowbane dreams at night
(3) Eve: oy.
(2) Tony: well, then he plays on home server for free
(2) Tony: with skills capped at 20
(1) Konrad Knox: i paid to Perfect World, just for how much they accomplished in graphics and flight
(6) Shawn: KK Remember the time Cet trapped Tirian, and he thought it was you so he shot Knives, then Cet killed him... then Cet killed Knives?
(1) Konrad Knox: yes >.<
(1) Konrad Knox: >_<
(3) Eve: O.o?
(3) Eve: O.o?
(1) Konrad Knox: *_*
(3) Eve: o.O
(2) Tony: this uo you talking about?
(3) Eve: -.-
(1) Konrad Knox: yep
(3) Eve: yes
(1) Konrad Knox: I played Konrad Knives there
(3) Eve: Bestest Shard ever until like.. we left...
(3) Eve: :(
(2) Tony: This guy posted somethign htat happened to him. He was going from the home server to the wild server, with everything he owned in his boat. wild is PVP server, he wan'ted to travel across it to the other home server
(1) Konrad Knox: bestest shards ever are always yet to come
(6) Shawn: Yeah, it really did get alot worse when you two stopped logging on.
(2) Tony: So he gets onto the wild sever, then announces in shout (server wide) that he was travelign thorugh. The idiot
(3) Eve: dead in ten minutes
(1) Konrad Knox: so some guy came in with a croc and the crocodile ate the guy?
(2) Tony: Guy comes up with a crocodile, the crocodile attack shim, kills him. The guy doesn't say anything. The noob died and lost everything. heh
(2) Tony: anyway, we gonna skin this cat?
(6) Shawn: <3 full lootable MMOs>
(1) Konrad Knox: *twitches, as Claire had him watch Cats musicle last night*
(3) Eve: sure.. here.. I press all the buttons and we asplode... problem solved :D... jk...
(2) Tony: What is Cats muscle?
(1) Konrad Knox: oh noooo
(3) Eve: Don't make me throw things.
(3) Eve: Musical.
(6) Shawn: Tastey
(2) Tony: Naw, that's tristin's job
(6) Shawn: Hey, I represent that comment
(1) Konrad Knox: hot ladies. big boobs. in fur and tights, singing. sexy asses. Same for guys. except guys look fagulous. premise: these uber cats meet up once a year to decide which one gets reborn in the next life
(3) Eve: Its like the longest running musical on broadway?
(5) Robin: It is.
(2) Tony: oh, the musical cats?
(3) Eve: Memories... ya knwo the song.
(3) Eve: yeah....
(1) Konrad Knox: :)
(1) Konrad Knox: jellicol cats?
(1) Konrad Knox: jelly coal?
(3) Eve: jellicole...
(1) Konrad Knox: anyway, let us begin contructing a Box.
(1) Konrad Knox: everyone brought sticks and glue?
** (2) Tony 's eye twitches **
(3) Eve: box

New Command added
/box '/box': Displays the current settings OR '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.

New Command added
/quotebox TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN. Loads up a help node into gametree.

** (6) Shawn bputs on boxing gloves **
** (2) Tony goes back to stumblevideo **
** (5) Robin sniffs the glue **
(1) Konrad Knox:
while Tony is away, a sneak box: Episode 20 of Chapter two! Go go go!

(3) Eve: Wow we haven't even started the game yet and he's already resorted to watching videos this does not bode well...
(1) Konrad Knox: ((he has a problem with waiting idly))
(6) Tristin: ((Your mom has a prob... nevermind))
** (6) Tristin looks at the pannel with all the buttons on. **
(3) Eve: ... So... Eve will be inspecting these button things, she will attempt to understand what the buttons do and how by using matter "Craftsman's Eye."
(6) Tristin: Any of these make any scence to you guys?
(1) Konrad Knox: So, you were fighting your doubles, then Eve noticed an airlock above Anthony, shot it with a death spell, it rot and fell down as ash. You find this device, a core with circles flying around it, wildly shorting with energy bolts of blue, white and red colors. Makes scary electric sounds as it sparks, we talking, many volts, you know scary when you see it. And a panel of buttons. Jason is nowhere to be seen, seems he left in a hurry, some stuff knocked over, ehternet cable unplugged, he seemed to have grabbed a laptop and left
(6) Tristin: ""
(3) Eve: So.. thats a Gnosis + Matter = 4 I will spend a willpower to make it 7
(2) Tony: "Did n't you say the name of hte other citiies?"
(2) Tony: "The buttons on top looks liek them to me."
(2) Tony: "Wasnt' there a forest soemthing, an owl, some scavenger and soem diaamond priest or soemthgn?"
(3) Eve: "I said names of other people not cities... Forester, Night Owl, Diamond Priest and Scavenger"
** (2) Tony points to the top 4 buttons **
(3) Eve: "I don't know which picture equates to which person or city."
(3) Eve: (I mean city not person))
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,9,7,8,4,4] = (2)
(2) Tony: "Which button to which person is easy."
(2) Tony: "top lft forester. Next to right is night owl. Then diamond priest and top right is scavenger. Taht's simple."
(2) Tony: "I dont' knwo what the buttons do though."
(3) Eve: "I don't know in which city each person is in a meant."
(2) Tony: "nor hte bottom ones.
(2) Tony: "Isn't one of the cities down?"{
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, what you do understand, combined your spell analysis and your device analysis, is that this device performs several functions. The spell now makes sense: it is a combined extended spell of Prime, Mind, Space, Spirit, and Death. It levis penalties on casting with Mind, Space, Life, Time, Fate, has detection wards and anti-scrutinizing wards, it cyphons mana into the core from the pool, and uses Spirit to connect to vices of people who are targets to a Prime spell. The core itself is a "repeater" for the power of Mind, linking control of illusions from within the victims. Finally, you now make sense of the Space aspect. it's not that the tower isnt really here. It's just that you're not really inside the tower. The space of the tower is exchanged with something really really tiny. It leads to the Gift Shop back outside the tour area, where the bus is. The panel itself is eight drawers, each of them is a spring operated button, with a magnet on the inside which interacts with a magnet inside the panel, performing one or several functions that equate to basically casting various spells. You also detect that the lower row of the buttons is connected in one hub with a device power generator, mana collector, and that the circuit is shorting inside the panel
(2) Tony: (( siphon ))
(3) Eve: "And it would be nice if I could remember which number each tower was because then we could figure where the rest are as we do now know that this tower is here and thower three is in Amsterdam."
(6) Tristin: "Which one was destroyed?"
(3) Eve: "... Amsterdam?"
(6) Tristin: ((Where we ever told who was in charge of that one?))
(3) Eve: "Or at least I would assume that was what Kurtis was it? Was doing there? Surely it wasn't for a nice vacation."
** (2) Tony looks at allt he buttons, "But they're all pressed in and all look the same, so that's no help?" **
(2) Tony: "So can you tell what spells these buttons cast?"
(1) Konrad Knox: Eve, you can understand what each button is supposed to do in its original design, however you also see that it has been hastily reconfigured, and the spells are intermixed
(3) Eve: "It is a very complicated device Tony I am trying to figure that out just now yes, though it is hmm.. its not working correctly I can see that much, Jason must have tried to sabatoge it. The spells that the buttons call up are all mixed up."
(6) Tristin: ((Can we have the picture again?))
(5) Robin: "Perfect, all mixed up."
(6) Tristin: ((NVM found it lol))
(2) Tony: "Why would jason try to sabatoge it? And where did Jason go?"
** (3) Eve frowns at the device continuing to study the spell threads and their corrispoponding buttons. **
(6) Tristin: ""Ran away"
(3) Eve: "My guess would be because he doesn't want us to follow him and likely to one of the other towers."
(5) Robin: "He saw how bad the Tristins kick my ass and ran for it."
(1) Konrad Knox: the spells coming out of the hub are for some sort of energy output, though it is highly increased in its power output, likely quintessense, then there is a location spell, which contains a space element, a spell that signals somewhere, and a spell that creates a destructive force of... as much power as there is mana inside the core. What you cannot understand is what goes on inside the hub and which function is open which button
(1) Konrad Knox: ((Tristin doesnt see the picture?))
(5) Robin: ((he just needed to scroll down))
(6) Tristin: ((I got it, sorry))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((it has been here all along))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((cool))
(2) Tony: (( since eve is the one who understandst he spell and not Tony, you told eve all that I presume ))
(1) Konrad Knox: ((right. i dont want to do paragraphs in whisper and keep you all waiting in silence, at least you have something to read))
(2) Tony: "If one of the places is down, can you look at the top button and see which one isnt'.. life? Isnt' do ng anythign?
(2) Tony: (( *live ))
(1) Konrad Knox: If any of you look around, you see Jason's study, his bed, his wardrobe, coats, a refrigerator, some network and power outlets, a radio station, and a number of emptied weapon cases, guns and blades
(3) Eve: "Well this one was a hub for energy output, probably you pressed it and a location to send a charge, (pointing to the star), this one was a location spell, I suppose you could locate objects inside the wards via which towers they are closest to... triangulation (points at the next to the right), this one was a singnal spell, I would say you press a tower button and it signals that tower, and this last one the skull, is a destructive spell. The problem is they don't connect that way any more and without opening it I can't tell which do what. And of course the casing is charged with power if I touched it I would be electrocuted.
(3) Eve: ... Unless I altered the conductivity.. hmm.."
(1) Konrad Knox: the whole thing is shorting all over the place, making you duck as it sparks
(2) Tony: "So who knws forces?"
(2) Tony: 'If that is indeed electricity."
(6) Tristin: "Sorry man... I really don't understand that kind of magic..."
(6) Tristin: ((Thats Arcanthus's weak magic))
** (3) Eve attempts to alter the conductivity of the casing so she can open up the machine and figure it out enough to make it stop working and hopefully get the quentessence out of it in the proces. **
(3) Eve: "I can change it with matter."
(3) Eve: ((matter + Gnosis = 4 I will spend another willpower to make it 7
(3) Eve: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,7,4,5,2,4] = (1)
** (6) Tristin attempts to look back to Jason leaveing the room. **
(6) Tristin: ((Gnosis 3 + Time 4))
(6) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,1,4,9,3,[10, 5],5] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox: your spell forms, Eve. it effects the casing. or so you think. you -guess- it's safe. the rest of the core is still sparking. you can see the charges are now lesser, smaller around the thing
(1) Konrad Knox: Wooooosh. Tristin scores.
(3) Eve: "That should do it.. but if it doesn't.. emr...Hopefully I don't fly back to far when I try to open this thing."
(1) Konrad Knox: guys you see Tristin casting, eyes go white
(1) Konrad Knox: he has his "vision face"
(5) Robin: ((lol))
** (2) Tony gets ready to heal jtrisitn's gunshots **
(1) Konrad Knox: You have a vision of Jason in a hurry, he has two bags packed, a laptop case over his shoulder, he is looking down at you fighting, you hear the sounds of your fight. He is talking on the cell phone, and you can hear his speech only, not what it on the other end. Dialogue follows:
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Yes, I have them in the atrium, they should be finished. They look like a bunch of idiots, no problem. Yes, I saved their faces... No. No."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "I need to be out of here, can't have my signature on them."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "They are dangerously close to overcoming their vices. Soon we might have to get our hands dirty. The Moros is sharp and the Mastigos is getting powerful."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Don't worry, they won't make it. I'm having the Core jammed."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "I made it look like a re-arranged array, but all three buttons will blast em. Doubt they even make it out of there"
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: "Which one am I going to? One? Alright. I'll meet Forester in the Budapest International Airport. Yes, I'm coming in with the plane."
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Tristin, you see Jason hang up, and he does the following.
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: He casts a spell, and then pushes in the buttons, which are at that time not pushed in this order: middle left, far right, middle right, far left. Then he pushes the green leaf button in. puts his hand on the lower buttons right to left, they pull out. He pushes the button with the skull. Once again, pushes the lower buttons out, and pushes them in order middle left, far right, middle right, far left. Then he pushes the skull button out, and in, and pushes the skull button. And he vanishes.
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: His bags float up on the air and disappear with him
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: you snap back from the myst of vision into reality, as you see your fight approaching its end down below
(2) Tony: (( tha'ts a leaf??? ))
(6) Tristin: ((Wait, confused slightly))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: ((it's a very symbolic leaf))
(6) Tristin: ((THe middle left ect. part, is that bottom or top?))
(2) Tony: (( bottom ))
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: Tristin, you are in good grasp of your vision, you can play it slo mo, back and forth
(6) Tristin: ((Listens to the conversation a few times, and watches him push the buttons several times))
(6) Tristin: ((No need to repeat, just saying that he does that))
** (6) Tristin Listens to the conversation a few times, and watches him push the buttons several times **
(1) Lord Jason Roselli: you all still connected via mind link, which is a free share, correct?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): unless any of you broke it
(2) Tony: (( afaik ))
(6) Tristin: ((Unless Robin being knocked out severed the link))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh yeeeeah
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): no mind link
(3) Eve: ((crap)
(2) Tony: (( hmm.. do spells disappear when one goes unconscoius? hmm ))
** (3) Eve looks at Tristin curiously **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (( yeah ))
(3) Eve: ((yeah))
** (6) Tristin comes out of the trance, eyes a little wide as they roll back into position **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((unless prolonged duration))
(6) Tristin: "Was it good for you?"
(3) Eve: "I need a cigerette..."
** (3) Eve rolls her eyes **
(5) Robin: ((i think it was prolonged duration, i can check))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Jason was a smoker, you find a pack of marlboro on the desk
(2) Tony: "Smoking is bad for you you know."
(6) Tristin: "Yeah, but you cam cure cancer, so we are all set."
(6) Tristin: ((can*))
** (3) Eve opens her mouth as if to say something but then just places a hand to her forehead and shakes it slowly **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((1 scene))
(6) Tristin: "Anyway... don't touch that thing quit yet."
(3) Eve: "Anything useful before this tower say.. I dunno.. blows up?"
(6) Tristin: ((quite*))
(2) Tony: "I can heal bullet shots too, I dont' see you shooting yourself."
(6) Tristin: "He said they are all set to blow up... but he pushed some of them and teleported..."
** (2) Tony looks at the buttons, looks at the device, looks at eve and shrugs **
(6) Tristin: "I think you have to push them in the right order, but do we -want- to teleport after him?"
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. if I was more powerful i'd make something else push thebuttons."
** (3) Eve blinks a bit.. raises a brow and looks at the device again... Frowns." **
(2) Tony: "The device can teleport?"
(2) Tony: "The device teleported him away?"
(6) Tristin: "Yeah."
(3) Eve: "No... we want to disable this tower so we can find Diana and the gem. And we also would like to figure out which numbered tower this one is."
(2) Tony: "Anyu idea where it teleported him to?"
(3) Eve: "Where did he teleport to?"
(6) Tristin: "Forester. Tower one in Butapest"
** (5) Robin shuffles her feet getting pained from standing. **
(2) Tony: "Forester is in budapest? ahh"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((buddha-pest. pesters everyone))
(6) Tristin: ((Int 2 + Accedemics 1))
(6) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 8],1,8] = (2)
** (6) Tristin knows where Budapest is **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh, right here
(3) Eve: "Well that solves one problem we can easily figure out this star pattern now. Did he say anything else? Does he know we beat the marrionettes?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Budapest is the capital of Hungary, it is to your North East
(6) Tristin: "No, but he seemed to guess we would."
(2) Tony: "So it teleported him to the tower in budapest? Dang, must be handy."
(6) Tristin: "Feels like some weird Bond villian or something"
(3) Eve: "What order did he push the buttons. Here.. From the top what did he do?"
(6) Tristin: "Maybe I can show you..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=budapest&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
** (6) Tristin looks around for a screen. **
(3) Eve: "That would be useful."
(6) Tristin: ((Was there a television? Or a mirror? I forgot))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((There is all of the three - a TV set, a radio, and a mirror in this auditorium))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a small mirror by the bed and a door sized mirror in the bathroom
(6) Tristin: "Robin, zap my memory of the vision into the TV..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a wide screen TV attached to one of the walls, hanging down, remote near it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((nice!))
(5) Robin: ((I can use an improve speel for this one?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((if you can describe it, you can create it))
** (6) Tristin stands by the TV and waits allowing her to delve into his mind **
** (5) Robin heards tristin next to the t.v., touches his temple with one hand and the t.v. with the other. Looking through his recent memories, she finds his vision, using her mind as the median between tristin's mind and the t.v. she attempts to project the images on screen. **
(6) Tristin: ((Forgoing any resistance from her mind spells))
(5) Robin: ((I get mind penalties in here, right?))
(2) Tony: (( I dont' know if you could ctually project it, that would be space, so maybe you could make us THINK it's projected on the tV :D ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): -2 penalty.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): roll it improv
(6) Tristin: ((She has space 4))
(5) Robin: ((gnosis 4+mind 4 -2 = 6))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,[10, 1],9,2,5] = (3)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin, you get the image, in your head, but you have no knowledge of either forces or Prime, you get the picture in your head, in front of your eyes.
(2) Tony: (( oh, cook then she can ))
(3) Eve: ((making us THINK it is projected is just Mind.. to actually make a vision you would need Prime for illusions))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): But to project it to a TV you need Forces or Prime to create either an image of light or a phantasm
(2) Tony: (( how does a scrying window work though? ))
(5) Robin: ((yeah I was just thinking about that.))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you look into space, something is already happening in that space))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((in her case, she is trying to bridge mind and space))
(2) Tony: (( so if trinstin knew space he could do it ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((she needs a third connecting factor))
(2) Tony: (( okay, so I say go with making us THINK it's on the screen? ))
(6) Tristin: ((I do... but no Prime or Forces))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((not quite. if he knew prime he could do it, or forces. you need the medium, like light, electricity, or matter, or prime))
(2) Tony: (( doesn't mind allow any illusions? ))
(5) Robin: "Hmmm, Maybe I can try a mind link again. We can just share the image in mind, then."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sure it does, she just has to share it with you all))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): roll at -2
(2) Tony: (( hallucination is mind 4 ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((she has it))
(2) Tony: (( right, that's what I meant, a hallucination of it playing on the screen ))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,7,2,2,5,9] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u can give this image to 1 person
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in perfect quality
** (5) Robin walks over to Eve and takes her hand, sharing the image completely. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, eventually, you share it with both.
(5) Robin: ((-3 to share with tony, then?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve and Tony, eventually Robin gives it to you. You see the entire vision now. You are drinking it like water out of Robin's hands, it feels like... a movie being shown to you by Robin. She can rewind/fast forward it like Tristin can. Tristin holds the light.
** (5) Robin releaases Eve hand and steps back when the images have finished playing. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Basically, like a theatre: Tristin is the film, Robin is the projector, Tony and Eve are the screen
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. if he teleported why did he say he was going by jet and would meet forester at the airport?"
** (3) Eve holds her head for a moment trying to understand what he is doing with the buttons. **
(2) Tony: "It is hard to tell if the device teleproted him, or he teleported himself."
** (5) Robin nods. **
(2) Tony: "If I'm seeing tis right, he did two things, but hard to tell.
(2) Tony: "It looks like he may have transfered the buttons power? abilities? To forester."
(2) Tony: "Then made th buttonds do the same as the skull.":
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The device keep crackling, throwing a spark into the fridge, and shutting it off. nother bolt hits the TV, cracking the screen.
** (3) Eve frowns and turns towards the device. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): device stabilizes again
(3) Eve: "Why would he have to transfer control? Wouldn't all the towers be made the same if they are all part of the same spell?"
(2) Tony: "It looks like pusing them in that order starts a sequence."
(2) Tony: "Didn't he say he was going to budapest, forester?"
(2) Tony: 'If so, why wouldn't he want to be able toc ontrol it ther?"
(2) Tony: "I'm just guessign of course."
(2) Tony: "If you were leaving a powerful device with a bunch of mages, woudl you watn them to be able to control it?"
(6) Tristin: "He thinks we are idiots though"
(2) Tony: "I dont' know what spell that was he cast in the begging though. cant' tell."
(2) Tony: (( *beginning ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): through the window of the tower you see the tour bus gathering people and leaving, looks like the bus driver forgot about you guys
(6) Tristin: ((Occultation for the win))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i think it was the lack of talking and deer in the headlights look that gave him that impression, but occultation helped))
(2) Tony: "I'm thinking that mideel left, right, middle right, left might do something. Or not. Or kill us.
(2) Tony: "He pulled that skull out, pushed it back in, then pressed it at the end."
(3) Eve: "He said he jammed the core, would he be able to use it if it was jammed? Alright.. what we know.. He jammed the core, he said "all three of the buttons will blast them." Doesn't that mean that one won't?"
(2) Tony: 'Taht worries me."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, the spell Jason cast in the vision before he started pushing buttons, had two arcana in it. Roll supernal vision to look at the which arcana they were
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. funny but it's probably the skill button that wouldn't"
(2) Tony: laugh
** (2) Tony laughs **
(3) Eve: ((its already up.. I need to roll it again?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes, again, its wearing off, new scene, and an extra complication, you need to analyze a vision of magic, not just a magic, a deepend level of signature tracing))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((thank you for your cooperation))
(3) Eve: ((wits + occult + Prime = 8))
(3) Eve: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,5,5,6,8,7,1,4] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Forces + Prime
(2) Tony: (( unless it's a rote ))
(2) Tony: (( I don't know anywone who wasets a rote on vision though :D ))
(2) Tony: "Here's the thing, any button we pushed on this thing would be guesswork, we don't have nough information. And we would never know if we did it right or not. And if we did it wrong it woud kill is, so we'd wind up pushign buttons til we died."
(2) Tony: "Wh ydont' we just destory this thing and be done with it?"
(2) Tony: "Jason already knows we're here, so the secret is up, right? So why not?
(3) Eve: "Because it might KILL us?"
** (3) Eve raises a brow **
(2) Tony: "So lets not be here when it's destroyed."
** (2) Tony rolls his eyes **
(5) Robin: "We could just cut off its power supply. Destroy the pool."
(3) Eve: "Oh I'm sorry I didn't pack any explosive devices with me this trip.. how are we going to destroy it without being here?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The fridge has all kinds of ateable liquid, if anyone bothers to look. Tomato sauce, mustard, dressings, soda, beer.
(2) Tony: "It would still have a charge."
** (5) Robin laughs. **
(2) Tony: "explosive devices, like tnt? Isnt' some here matter/"
(2) Tony: "convert somethign to explosive with matter magic maybe?
(2) Tony: "Or we let an elephant loose in here.
(2) Tony: "How is this thing protected? What spell?
(6) Tristin: ((I think it has organic elements to it, but not sure....))
(2) Tony: (( not tnt ))
(2) Tony: (( dynamite is chemical, not organic ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((matter 2 can transmute liquids. if you can come up with a design for a liquid bomb))
(6) Tristin: ((Gycerine?))
(2) Tony: (( and nitro gicerine is derived from black powder ))
(2) Tony: (( yeah ))
(2) Tony: (( it's a distillat of black powder boom ))
(3) Eve: "So... let me get your entire plan here.. you just want me to make a chemical that will blow this thing up? Thats the whole plan?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you can make any liquid you want, coz Eve is matter 2. if u can find something that mixes with it and makes a bomb...))
(6) Tristin: ((Which is made from animal fat...))
(2) Tony: "Then go n the center. I thought we were here so we could go in the center without them being able to track us down."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): daaaamn, anyone with a common sense merit? oh, right.
(2) Tony: (( actually, the salt peter in black powerder might be organic? ))
(3) Eve: "Can I ask you all... When has "Lets just blow this up." Ever been a Good idea? Just give me one example and I'll totally go and make a bomb out of that frige over there.:"
(2) Tony: "See, here's the thing. Explain to me please why we came to this castle in the first palce? What was our goal here? I"m still lost on that."
(6) Tristin: ""Hiroshima?"
** (2) Tony points to the machine, "Without knowing what we're even trying to acheive, destroying this thing sounds right to me." **
(3) Eve: "... Do you guys even remember why we are in Rome?? What we are trying to do for the people back in New Haven?"
(2) Tony: "WE are suppsed to be getting a ring."
(2) Tony: "A ring that some woman has who wants her baby to be hte next hitler."
(2) Tony: "But here we are in this castle for who knows why?"
(2) Tony: "I was told it was so we coudl go in the center without being detected. Okay, fine. They know wher'e here. They saw us. So that aint' gonna work no more."
(2) Tony: "So the best we can do now is try to not let them know where we are."
(2) Tony: "These things can triangulate on us, right? So lets take one out of commision and maybe we can move weithout them knowing where."
(2) Tony: "Unless you have some other means of doing that."
(2) Tony: (( Potassium nitrate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula KNO3 ))
(2) Tony: (( it is chemical with a known formula, should be easy for a matter to create so yeah, nitro glycerine shoudl be easy to make ))
(3) Eve: "Well.. see.. we are actually looking for a gem... not a ring. The Gem of Kings. May or may not be in some kind of jewlery. Which is current being held by Diana Branch. I know this because I did the research while you were all in California. We are here at this castle because Diana is inside the star that these five towers, this being one of them, create that let the other members of her group know when people pass through the lines they are formed by."
** (2) Tony nods **
(3) Eve: "We came here to disable this tower, I was hoping magically because I don't like blowing up monuments, it reminds me an aweful lot of terrorism in a country I am not a resident of. "
(2) Tony: "Continue."
(2) Tony: "Ahh, okay.'
(2) Tony: "So, can you destory it magically?"
(2) Tony: 'Just the device, not the entire tower."
(2) Tony: (( hwo big is the device? you said 10 feet? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the device is...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((12 ft tall))
(2) Tony: "To be honest, I have to clue if blowing this thing up would even work, I dont' knoe if it's shielded or not."
(2) Tony: "Life is my forte, and this thing isn't alive. Or a spirit."
(2) Tony: "So I"m a little out of my league."
(3) Eve: ..."Wait... wait... FUCK its not even the tower.. the tower isn't this tower..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): bingo.
(2) Tony: "What?"
(3) Eve: "Its the space spell... This thing isn't in the big tower, its in something small in the gift shop."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((looks like someone have re-read the very first long ass description of the core))
(2) Tony: "The tower isn't the tower? You growing extrasentialist on me?"
(3) Eve: "No NO... Its...The way the space spell is making things look.. This device isn't in the big tower we went into its in some little I dunno.. like nick nack or something in the Gift shop."
(6) Tristin: "Oh yeah..."
(3) Eve: "We could just destroy it."
(3) Eve: "Look.."
** (3) Eve picks up a bottle of Ketchup and throws it at the device thing" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the ketchup bottle reaches the core and disappears
(2) Tony: "Wait, what?"
(2) Tony: "The gift shop?"
** (2) Tony looks out the window at the giftshop **
(3) Eve: "Its like... like Willy Wonka... It breaks up into a thousand tiny pieces goes wizzing through the air then gets put back togeather in the right order.. Only smaller."
(3) Eve: "We need to go to the gift shop."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you see a gift shop, the bus just left
** (3) Eve heads towards the stairs. **
(2) Tony: "Well, where did that catchup bottle gjsut go?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): red and white striped roof, just like a barber shop
(6) Tristin: "I understand but not quite sure what you are getting at.."
** (2) Tony picks up a broom (?) and pokes it at the device **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, you experience something very wierd. The Broom goes in, to the space of the core, and sinks in it as far as you can dump it, but it doesnt come out if you pull
(2) Tony: (( so i'ts liek stuck? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if you let go, half the broom is going to strick out in the air
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yup, like stuck
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. strange, one way."
** (2) Tony shoves the broom all the way through making sure not to get his hand anywhere never the singular point **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you feel a scratching noise from your backpack
** (3) Eve from the stairs "Yeah I wouldn't reccomend going in yourself.. might end up rat sized forever... or worse." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): or rather "hear" a noise
** (3) Eve pauses on the stairs **
(3) Eve: "Wait who has the liquid and bracelet?"
** (6) Tristin takes off his backpack and looks inside. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, you have dagger and your book.
(5) Robin: "Its in my pocket.
(2) Tony: "Oh. open the book."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Brrom is gone Tony
(3) Eve: "Ah alright."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Broom*
(2) Tony: "that sounded like writing. in a book. open the book."
** (3) Eve continues down the stairs and towards the trap door trying to figure if she can open it from this side." **
(2) Tony: "To the pages at the end."
** (5) Robin follows Eve down the stairs. **
(6) Tristin: ((That's all that is in there? (+ my chinese robes) ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup, and whatever else. Nothing new, only what you packed into it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you're at the trapdoor entrance. And you realize it doesnt open from the inside.
** (3) Eve frowns and takes a breath then heads towards the main door. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): But behind you is a nice front door locked with a simple keyed lock.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nice
(2) Tony: "Trinstin, may I see your book please?"
** (3) Eve opens the door and heads to the gift shop letting Robin out before closing, but not locking it behind her. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): how do you open the door?
** (6) Tristin hands his book to Tony **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): it's locked
** (2) Tony \opens up tristins book to the back page/cover **
(3) Eve: ((oh... kay..))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): big heavy lock, one of those smithed locks.
** (3) Eve looks for the key? **
** (2) Tony starts flipping for any new handwriting **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the key definitely exists, somewhere, but it's probably with Jason?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, new handwriting:
** (2) Tony reads it **
(5) Robin: "Tristin, can you open this door. Its locked," Calling up the stairs.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): "Scorpiders don't like fire. Monkey tigers hate water. 4 is in France. There is nothing in the center. She is in one of the towers. GL. Kurt."
(6) Tristin: "I need something to pick with... a pick or Lightbulb filliments" He yells back and looks around for a lamp.
** (3) Eve seems ready to cast a spell then stops at the yelling. **
(3) Eve: "There are no light bulbs in this place remember!?"
** (2) Tony takes out a penciil, owpens his own book to the same page (which doesn't have that writing). "one is forester in budapest. Jason going there. Roger." **
** (2) Tony shouts, "Four is in france." **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin, roll wits+comp
(6) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,6,4,9,9,8] = (3)
(2) Tony: "The gem is not in the center, it's in one of the towers. NOt this one obvously."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you look around your backpack and... oh yeah, it's that lockpick Kurt lost to you in a poker game. Good thing you stopped time and cheated.
** (2) Tony writes in teh book, "WE are in Rome. Not here. " **
(5) Robin: ((lol))
** (6) Tristin takes it out. "Gotta -know- when to fold." **
(2) Tony: (( one is forester in budapest, four is in france, what number is this one? ))
(3) Eve: "If four is in France that makes this tower 5
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, your book is back at hotel with Dante reading it
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sorry :)
(2) Tony: (( doh! ))
(3) Eve: "Because Amsterdam was 3/"
(2) Tony: "Why couldn't this be two?"
(3) Eve: 'Because France is 4?
** (6) Tristin walks down to Robin and Eve and looks at the lock. **
(2) Tony: "huh?"
(2) Tony: "I'm missing something"
(2) Tony: "But hten I'm not a space mage treally, so, whatever."
** (5) Robin smiles at Tristin "Can you pick it?" **
(2) Tony: "So what is two then?"
(6) Tristin: "Let me try.." * begins picking the lock.*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): there is plenty of scratch paper around, you're in al ibrary full of empty paged books
** (2) Tony walks over to the door **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tons of writing utensils too
(3) Eve: "If you go in a counter clockwise circle from Budapest you go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,. 1 Butapest, 2 some city, 3 Amsterdam, 4 France, 5 Rome."
** (6) Tristin also casts (Superlative?) Luck ((8 again)) **
** (3) Eve picks up some paper while wating for Tristin to pick the lock and draws a star, then lables the points like this.. **
(2) Tony: "And which one was destoryed?"
(6) Tristin: ((Gnosis 3 + Fate 3 - 2 for tower?))
** (3) Eve looks at Tony for a moment. **
(3) Eve: "Tower three... in Amsterdam."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Tristin, -4 in this hall. Fate spells under -4))
(6) Tristin: [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,7] = (0)
(6) Tristin: [1d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4] = (0)
(2) Tony: "one second."
** (2) Tony casts on the lock **
(3) Eve: "Should.. I write this all down for you in like notes or something? I keep answering the same questions..."
(6) Tristin: "Damn it... gonna do this the sleeper way."
(2) Tony: (( coaxing hte spirit of hte lock, minus what? ))
** (6) Tristin begins picking without magical luck. **
(2) Tony: (( gnosis + prime - ??? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): -4 for spirit
(6) Tristin: ((Dex + Larc?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes tristin))
(6) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 3],6,7,8,1,6] = (2)
(2) Tony: coaxing hte spirit - gnosis 3 + spirit 3 - 4 = [2d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,6] = (0)
(2) Tony: (( no hlep ))
(2) Tony: (( spirit continues to sleep ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): crrrrack.... click click.... crrrack... click click. Lock opens
(6) Tristin: "Voila"
** (2) Tony raises an eyebrow **
(2) Tony: "I don't know if I want ot know where you learned that."
** (3) Eve does the same **
(3) Eve: "I'm positive I don't"
(6) Tristin: "Lock-smith remember?"
** (5) Robin smiles widely. **
** (3) Eve raises the other brow in a very cop like expression for a moment then shakes her head **
(2) Tony: "Can we go out without the ward raising hell? And what abou the gaurds out there?"
(3) Eve: "Shall we to the gift shop to buy some useless nick-naick of untold power?"
(2) Tony: "Let me see whre they are."
(3) Eve: "Ah... Good question."
(6) Tristin: "I can make them sleep...."
(5) Robin: "I could use a new snow globe."
** (3) Eve looks for the wards while he is looking for the guards **
(2) Tony: (( -4 for life?? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
** (5) Robin rolls her eyes at Tristin. **
(2) Tony: Sense Life - Gnosis 3 + life 4 - 4 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 9],3] = (1)
(2) Tony: (( woot! 2 successes ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Through the keyhole you see that: There are 20 sleeper guards now, behind the door, in the outside yard, 10 with guns and 10 with clubs - waiting by the door for any sign of activity. Faced the door's way.
** (2) Tony looks out the window, whre are hte guards? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): out the window you see their placement
(2) Tony: "STOP!"
(2) Tony: "Drek, they' re waiting fo rus.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in a half circle
(2) Tony: "There are twenty guards out there, ten with gunds, ten with clubs."
(5) Robin: "We just want their snow globes..." *frowns*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you see the same ward - one that reports presense of mages, unless you're a size of a mouse, and penalizes casting
(2) Tony: "Invisibility?"
(3) Eve: "What about near the secret door?"
** (2) Tony looks toward the secret door, any people arun dit, close to it? **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((plays the song "Mr. Personality" in his head))
(3) Eve: "The wards still up, if we walk through they will know."
(3) Eve: ((Because you so UGLY!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): No guards by the secret door, the willow tree shades it. Problem is, secret door is shut.
(2) Tony: "Okay.. here's the problem."
(2) Tony: "To open the secret door, need to go to the statue, but they'd see us."
** (3) Eve tilts her head considering the comopsition of the secret door wondering if she could decay it. **
(2) Tony: "I couldd sneek out as a mouse or fly out through the window but they'd se me opening hte secret door
(3) Eve: "What if we just... broke it from this side... "
(2) Tony: "Unless somene has a way of activating the statue lever from here?
(3) Eve: "I could decay it like I did the air lock"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 6 feet thick solid stone door. Definitely a vulgar spell could break it, given enough destructive power (5 successes)
(2) Tony: "Well, it slides open somehow right?"
(2) Tony: 'By gears/levers
(3) Eve: "Right.. Hmm.."
(2) Tony: "If someoen wtih matter could look thorugh the wall and see whre that is, somene with forces could move it maybe?"
(3) Eve: "Does anyone here have forces?"
(2) Tony: "I mean, hell, we are mages. We can alter the fabric of space time, you telling me we cant' even open a freaking door?"
(3) Eve: "Becuase with forces we could just make the statues foot heavy and we could spring it that way."
(2) Tony: "Right. Now your're thinking. I'm life and spirit. Anyone else?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guards outside are checking time, looking around, returning back to the front door
(2) Tony: "Oh, hmm.. I could have some animal push it, if I knew of an animal big and close enough."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): returning their attention*
(3) Eve: "Like a guard?"
(2) Tony: "I can't do people. Yet."
(2) Tony: "Anythign but a person basically."
(2) Tony: "Oh, how about mind for the guard?"
(3) Eve: "That would do it."
(5) Robin: "Do you think it would be suspicious if a guard just walked over and did it.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): there is squirrels and hedhehogs and birds and bunnies outside, not mentioning lots of cats
(3) Eve: "He could trip over it by accident?"
(2) Tony: "Gaurd walks around, seteps on a statues foot. doesn't sound suspicsious to me. "
(2) Tony: "yeah. shoudl be simple."
(2) Tony: "Wait."
(2) Tony: "once we get out there, then what? How we gong to get to the gift shop without being seen?"
(3) Eve: "Can anyone I dunno... make us look different?"
(3) Eve: "Like guards maybe?"
** (5) Robin thinks for a moment **
(2) Tony: "I can change some things, not like gaurds though. Taht woudl take, I dont' know, an illisioon? not sure."
(6) Tristin: "I've got an idea... but it's kinda extreme.."
(2) Tony: "Actually, I could cause a guard to push the lever."
(2) Tony: "But very vulgar."
(5) Robin: "I can impersonate a guard just fine, however I'm not sure about you guys."
(2) Tony: (( er, no ))
(2) Tony: "Hmm. no, it's covert."
(2) Tony: "I can fly out as a bird."
(2) Tony: "or crawl out as a rat. or what4ever."
(2) Tony: "leaves Eve and Tristin."
(3) Eve: "Tristin if it involves the words, Kick, Punch, or Fight.. Lets try something else first."
(2) Tony: "no forces for invisulbility?"
** (2) Tony turns to eve and tristin **
(6) Tristin: ((For the record you don't remember me punching the guard.))
(2) Tony: 'What tricks you have up your sleves to get out unobserved?
(5) Robin: ((I toatlly know.))
(3) Eve: ((Comment Withdrawn then.))
(2) Tony: (( yeah, I started to say soemthign ,then remember I didnt' know that so erased it ))
(6) Tristin: "No... just car, wreck, and distraction.."
** (3) Eve cocks her head to the side **
(3) Eve: "Go on.."
(3) Eve: "What is the whole plan?"
(6) Tristin: "Well, I -am- a fate mage... although my fate spells don't work too well in here."
(2) Tony: "I was thinking, we sneak out somehow, got ot he gift shop, find the device, leave."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i love how my method of giving exp for ideas that amuse me, works to motivate creative thought ^^ ))
(2) Tony: "The sneaking out is the part we'r ehaving trouble with."
(2) Tony: (( I just got tired fo waiting a lot and am metagaming more this session :P ))
(6) Tristin: "I can alter fate, if given the propper location to cast... not in here, and hope that a drunk or bad driver crashes into the castle... drawing the attention of the guards."
(2) Tony: "There's 20 guards. That's a lot."
(3) Eve: "Yes... Tristin is proposing a distraction.. during which perhaps a guard Accidently "Trips" on the statue, thus opening the secret door, we sneak out while they are distracted by this driver crashing."
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. Okay, we get out, we are in a locked up castle courtyard."
(2) Tony: "Doesn't sound promising."
(2) Tony: "Unless we try to sneak out the hole the crash makes? doesn't sound promisng."
(3) Eve: "We then get to the gift shop? Which no doubt has windows to slip out of."
(2) Tony: "I can distract guards with swarms if instects and such too. btuy we're stil locked in."
(2) Tony: "This was a working castle right? I dobut they had windows through the wall peple could slip into"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Oh. The castle gatehouse is open. Tour are now leaving.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Many tours are leaving for their respective buses
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): YOUR tour left
(2) Tony: (( oh, wait, there are still citizens here? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yes, there are several tours
(2) Tony: (( damn, that makes it easy ))
(2) Tony: (( we just gotta get out the secret dor ))
(5) Robin: "I try mind control a guard to trigger the door."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): now they are having everyone leave, because there is a situation occured, and the NW tower was reported to have a security problem
(2) Tony: "You know I thought of something, lets get out same way we got in."
(2) Tony: "YI can do that with trigger the lizard brain."
(2) Tony: "Or you can do t with mind."
(2) Tony: "I think it mihgt need to be me, becaue I can see them even if I can't see them , if you know what I mean"
(5) Robin: "Alright. Try."
(2) Tony: "Okay, new plan. We go down stairs. I control guard to open the secret door. we go out."
** (3) Eve does the open then close mouth thing and wonders if people hear her when she talks... **
(2) Tony: "Anyone remember how the door closed in teh first place?"
(2) Tony: "Sound good to everyone?"
(3) Eve: "Yes... but I have a feeling if I tell you, I will have to do it again in like ten minutes..."
** (2) Tony frowns at eve **
(2) Tony: "Waht?"
** (3) Eve looks at Tristin Suspiciously for a moment... then shakes her head **
(2) Tony: "Oh, we dont' need a distractino, agreed?"
(2) Tony: "There are still people there."
(3) Eve: "Jason closed it... while you were a rat.... after you had come in but before you turned back."
(2) Tony: "We slip out, walk out from behind the tree."
(2) Tony: "Okay. So if I open it nw ti'll tay open."
(3) Eve: "Yes."
** (2) Tony looks out with his sense life, any people around the tree/secret door? **
(3) Eve: "But they are still looking for us specifially. SO looking like us may be a bad thing."
(2) Tony: "Oh, okay. so I can change our looks.
(3) Eve: "Yes please."
(6) Tristin: "I can change into my robes..."
(2) Tony: (( I had thought we were only ones left why the confusion ))
(5) Robin: ((me too))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nobody at the secret door, the whole place is void of tourists, they're being escorted out of the castle, the NW tower is surrounded in a half circle by 20 guards, but they are aiming and looking at the door, checking their watches. But the secret willow door - is a good distance from them and there is nobody at it
(2) Tony: "This is a vulgar spell."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if you came out of the willow, you would be in their line of sight
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but to their left
(3) Eve: "What is?"
(2) Tony: "To change the way we look."
(2) Tony: "Vulgar life spell."
(3) Eve: "Nothing to be done about that, Unless we have another way to trick them to think we aren't us. I don't. I can't make illusions yet."
(2) Tony: "Right then. you first."
** (5) Robin closes her eyes a tries to project her image in mind of a guard on herself, becoming one. **
(5) Robin: ((imposter: gnosis 4 + mind 4 -2 penalties))
(2) Tony: Many Faces - Life (V) gnosis 3 + life 4 - 4 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [5,3,[10, 7]] = (1)
(2) Tony: (( roll for vulgar ))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 9],1,8,9,[10, 8],8] = (5)
(5) Robin: ((7 daaaamn))
(3) Eve: ((Holy Jesus))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Guys! You see there is a guard among you! Suddenly appears out of nowhere!
(5) Robin: ((Each success makes the false image seem true to one sense: sight, sound..ect.))
(2) Tony: "Piew, smells like a guard."
(3) Eve: "GAH! Woah."
(6) Tristin: "Nice!"
** (3) Eve checks the door to make sure its shut... **
** (2) Tony turns Eve black **
(3) Eve: "...Robin?..."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh its shut
** (5) Robin sounding slightly more attorative "Hi guys." **
(2) Tony: (( one success is ne feature, skin color is a feature, easiest change that effects entire appearance ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 1 paradox success
(2) Tony: 1 bashing
(5) Robin: ((attorative?*))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you didnt metigate it in the beginning.
(5) Robin: ((damn i suck at speeling))
(2) Tony: (( I forget, was I totally healed? ))
(6) Tristin: ((lol))
(5) Robin: ((point proven))
(6) Tristin: ((speeling))
(2) Tony: (( I know, which is why I'm taking a bashing ))
(3) Eve: ((Phale ait speeeling))
(2) Tony: (( otherwise I spend mana ))
(2) Tony: (( 2 options, spend mana to reduce die rolled, ore mitigate with bashign damage after the fact ))
(2) Tony: "Okay, now for tristin. Hmm.. maybe I should just make you taller? what do you think?"
(3) Eve: ((its called backlash not mitigating. Mitigating is before the spell is cast))
(2) Tony: (( *tap *tap *tap This thing on? ))
(6) Tristin: "Taller what are you trying to say?"
(2) Tony: (( backlash, whatever, I still take a bashing and no havoc ))
(3) Eve: "COuldn't we just have robin do the spell... less vulgar spells that way."
(2) Tony: "To discuise you easily."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yeah, Tony had 3 bashing on him, and i think this is +1. but this one is resistant, cant be healed))
** (5) Robin walks over to Eve, "You'd look good in a guard uniform, too." **
(2) Tony: (( hw long have we been studying this? how long since the fight was over? ))
(5) Robin: ((Tristin**
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((15-20 minutes))
(5) Robin: ((hallicination : gnosis 4+ mind 4 -2))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,8,6,7,9,5] = (2)
(2) Tony: (( so one bashign is healed in 15 minutes. so I have 1 normal bashign and 1 resistant bashing, correct? ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((sure))
(2) Tony: "CAn she cast it on all of us? I am not sure how tit works."
(5) Robin: ((thats two senses. sight and smell.))
(2) Tony: (( you're dong tristin? Okay ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve, you're a black guard in guard uniform, who looks like a guard and smells like a guard
** (3) Eve looks at herself **
(3) Eve: "Seems so."
(2) Tony: (( we're duplicating our spells? *sigh* ))
(5) Robin: (( i Ment to do that to Tristin))
(2) Tony: "I hope that the guards don't try to keep you from going home early."
(2) Tony: (( yeah, I thought she did it to tristin too ))
(3) Eve: ((Oh))
(5) Robin: "I can escort some tourist to the gift shop at least, maybe."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sooo... that was on Tristin?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, Tristin looks and smells like a guard, and Eve is just a black chick
(5) Robin: ((Thats what I ment to do))
(2) Tony: "Ahh, yes. So I guess it's just me left. Hmm.. do I cahnge my looks, or do I change into an animal?"
** (2) Tony scratches his chin **
(2) Tony: "Size makes it harder to change, and it's already hard to cast life spells i ere, so I"m going ot have to go with changing my look.s
(2) Tony: Two Faces (V) - Gnosis 3 + Life 4 - 4 [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,4] = (1)
(2) Tony: (( will tak backlash if havoc ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're okay
** (2) Tony becomes black **
(2) Tony: "What's happening? Give me five!"
(3) Eve: "Now for the door..."
(2) Tony: "Right.. lets go downstairs."
** (2) Tony heds down toard the secret door **
(6) Tristin: ((WE are...))
** (3) Eve was downstairs by the door already?" **
(2) Tony: (( *shrug ))
(3) Eve: ((I never moved from the door?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no, you were at it, but Tony been checking tower windows))
(5) Robin: To tony "Can you get the door open or should I?"
(2) Tony: "Hmm... gong to be hard to figure out an instinctive respnse to get a guard to move the foot."
(2) Tony: "I think it'd be esaier for you."
(5) Robin: "Hmm, maybe I need to go by the window to see my target."
(2) Tony: "Okay, we'll be by the door and when it opens we'll go aoutside and wait fo ryou
** (5) Robin walks to the window. Looking for the guard closest to the statue. **
(2) Tony: "If anybody comes by we'll distract htem til you coe out."
(5) Robin: "Alright."
** (5) Robin leans against the window, trying to mentally reach the guard **
(5) Robin: ((telepathic control: gnosis 4 +mind 4 -2 penalty))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 7],6,8,4,4] = (2)
(5) Robin: ((-1 mana))
(2) Tony: (( at life 5 I get human minion ^^ ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): A guard with a gun scratches his head, looks at the watch, checks his weapon. You're in his head.
(5) Robin: ((resolve + gnosis to contest))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): he failed ))
(5) Robin: ((oh))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((did it in GM tab ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): (whispering to GM) [2 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1] = (0) => [2,3] => (2, 3) = (0)
(3) Eve: ((phale))
** (5) Robin makes the guard feel compelled to go to the bathroom taking the route via the statue. **
(5) Robin: ((well,more of a comand than urge...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guard says something on the radio and walks off, others nod to him, he passes the statue on his way to the gatehouse
** (5) Robin makes gaurd lose his balance by the statue... **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guard falls over, tripping on the cable put across the lawn, he's falling... falling.... needing support...
(5) Robin: He reaches out for the statues toe, for support.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Doing so, he stands up, pushing the button. You hear a rumbling noise, and the heavy door slides open.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Guard walks off to the bathroom.
** (2) Tony looks out the door makes sure it's clear and steps out **
** (2) Tony makes sure to remian hidden by the willow tree **
** (5) Robin drops the control spell and walks back to the others. **
** (3) Eve heads through the secret door after Tony moving as quietly as possible **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony, only the bushy willow branch separates you from line of sight of 20 guards. Should they see a shadow or hear a suspicious sounds - they turn their necks to the left and see you.
** (2) Tony waives for eve to come out **
** (6) Tristin follows behind Tony seizes him by the arm. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The guard exits the bathroom. "Hmmm, I didn't really need to go..."
** (3) Eve slips out carefully so as to not make any sudden movements or sounds **
(5) Robin: [hs] => hs "Wait for him to walk back into formation."
(2) Tony: (( robin is guyard, tristin is guard, eve and tony are black? It's racial I tell you! ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): with the current situation, exiting the willow's cover will require dex + stealth
** (5) Robin follows behind Eve. **
(5) Robin: ((dex 2 + stealth 4))
(2) Tony: (( we are all outside under the willow right, 2 are guards, 2 are black? I have the situation right? ))
(5) Robin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,9,3,5,9] = (3)
(3) Eve: ((yes))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You are outside the hole, under the cover of a big willow branch, yes.
** (2) Tony puts his arm aroudn eve **
** (2) Tony whispers, "lets go." **
** (2) Tony goes to step out of hte willow with eve **
(5) Robin: [HS] => HS lets walk around the other side of the maze towards the gift shop, maybe the wont stop us.
** (3) Eve follows tony trying to be stealthy **
** (3) Eve and quiet **
(3) Eve: ((dex + stealth = 3 spending willpower for 6))
(3) Eve: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,3,4,[10, 10, 6],6,4] = (2)
(2) Tony: (( why even be stealthy? ))
(3) Eve: ((cause I don't want to get caugh if I don't have to))
(2) Tony: dex 2 + stealth 2 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,2,8,7] = (1)
(5) Robin: ((thats what im thinking just look like tourist, lost, looking for the gift shop))
(5) Robin: ((not getting caught would be good too, though))
(2) Tony: (( yeah, we're just people now. except for hte 2 guards. ))
(3) Eve: ((but the maze was back the way we don't want to go so just go towards the gift shop the guards are between us and the maze basically))
** (2) Tony heads to the gift shop with eve in a stealthy manner *shrug* **
(5) Robin: ((I'm not sure exactly where the gift shop is))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): everyone who got at least 1 on the roll did not fuck up in attracting extra attention to why are two guards escroting two black people out of a hidden door in the tower.
(2) Tony: (( we've already got the not the droids you're looking for goig for us ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you dont have an incognito spell on you. you just look like black people and two guards. Tristin and Robin were fine either way))
(6) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,5,[10, 3],[10, 10, 5],1] = (3)
(6) Tristin: ((4 good?))
(2) Tony: (( O.o ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Mind power = you're noticed but it's okay. Stealth is not to be seen or heard at all))
(2) Tony: (( mind sep woudl be better I think ))
** (6) Tristin "escorts" Eve and Tony to the gift shop with Robin. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, you're all out of the willow, and can safely blend in with the crowd. Any guard seeing you is thinking that two guards are escorting tourists back to their bus, and that they didnt necessarily come out of the NW tower
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): that is what the stealth roll was for, to hide your appearance out of the willow.
** (3) Eve looking around gift shop with suppernal vision for the little shiny magic thingy" **
(2) Tony: (( I doubht the guards know there's a secret entrance behind the tree. BUt who knows ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You find one of those glass balls on the top shelf in the far far corner, the label says SAMPLE. NOT FOR SALE. The balls has a miniature of the NW tower in it. Upon examining closely... wait... is that a tiny miniature of a ketchup bottle... and a broom?
(3) Eve: ((lol))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((guards dont know. but look how spells were distributed. mind spells were only on robin and tristin. still have to explain how the black people ended up there ))
** (2) Tony looks around for any other glass balls that look the same **
(2) Tony: (( two black peole under a willow tree? ))
(2) Tony: (( like that's suspicioius? ))
(3) Eve: (("I can neck with my boyfiiend when I want where I want and you CAin't stop me!"))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sure, all of them are very similar, but that specific glass ball has the thread of that mega ward spell - oozing from it all the way to the big tower, and most importantly, Robin can definitely see that it's the missing space where the big tower should be
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((twenty guards with gunz say they can))
** (3) Eve wonders if you could just take the label off this one and replace it)) **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((minus one in the bathroom))
(2) Tony: What I want to do, is swap the globe for another one. without being detected. all who is in the gift ship?
** (5) Robin nods towards the ball Eve is looking at. Agreeing its definatly what We're here for. **
** (6) Tristin attempts to slip the globe into his invisable backpack **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): gift shop is full of people. it was never closed or evacuated. there is a clerk at the front
** (1) Clerk smiles at everyone **
** (2) Tony picks up one of the globes and looking at it heads toward the one in te bhack corner **
(6) Tristin: ((Larc 3 + Dex 3 + stealing specialty or no?))
(1) Clerk: Tristin, this ball is on the top shelf, in the corner of the shop.
(1) Clerk: you'd have to lean up
** (2) Tony will compare them and swap them **
(1) Clerk: Okay. You see shelves, like this.
(2) Tony: (( how far up? ))
(2) Tony: Shoudl be esy to swap them when the cleks attention is elwswwhere, no?
(2) Tony: then just buy it.
(1) Clerk: good enough layout?
** (5) Robin waves to clerk and goes to lean on the counter. "Hows buisness going today?" Sounding very gaurd-like. **
(1) Clerk: it's behind the clerk's desk, in the L shaped corner
(2) Tony: (( are those bglobe wehre everyone can reach them, or behidn the counter? ))
(2) Tony: How big is it?
(2) Tony: Is it light enough for, say, a parrot to lift?
(2) Tony: [To Uchawi] => To Uchawi "Yu think you could swap that globe with one of the other ones?"
(1) Clerk: The low shelves you can reach, some balls and other souvenirs or statuettes of the tower are within reach, the specific ball is on a high shelf, with Big Balls. It's like, maybe 1 foot in size
(1) Clerk: it's the kidn of stuff you ask the clerk to go get for you, or you can take a ladder and reach for it if you're brave
(5) Robin: ((hehe balls))
(1) Uchawi: I don't think I can lift that Ball, it's heavy. But I could try to swap the labels.
(2) Tony: ]To Uchawi[ "Try that please."
** (1) Clerk turns to the Robin-guard **
(1) Clerk: "Making good sales today. Is everything alright?"
(1) Uchawi: "if I try to manifest and interact with a physical label, I would be noticed, because i would be touching the physical realm. You really want me to try?"
(5) Robin: "Yes, just had to escort a few lost tourist here before they loaded up on the bus. Couldn't leave without something."
(1) Clerk: "It's just the charm this amazing place has. We're lucky to work here, really. You know there is this new statuette they got in today, very popular."
(2) Tony: (( umm.. he's an embodied familiar. He's always physical. He's just got a sep field that's -2 to notice him ))
(2) Tony: (( he's a spirit in the body of a bird. ))
(2) Tony: (( he's like possessing it ))
(5) Robin: "Oh really. Which one?"
(1) Uchawi: ((consulting Claire here, she did the charsheet for parrotzor))
(1) Uchawi: "Though I suppose I could do it unnoticed. Most people don't see me on your shoulder."
** (1) Uchawi flies over to the ball, and picks a Not For Sale label. Awkwardly holds it in his beak **
** (1) Uchawi stamps it, kind crooked, in a parrot way, having no opposable thumbs and all, like humans do, on a neighbor slot on the shelf, under the other ball, then puts a price label under the magic ball **
** (1) Uchawi flies back to Anthony **
(2) Tony: (( from familir, I quote "One that is either in Twilight ( tht is, immaterial and invisble) or embodied." I chose the embodied one ))
** (3) Eve goes to the clerk and asks if she can buy the globe with the "whatever price tag it is" and points **
** (2) Tony goes up to the Clerk, "Hello, can you get me that ball on teh end there plesae?" **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ah! perception of clerk has to succeed at -2 penalty))
(2) Tony: (( or lets eve do it ))
(2) Tony: (( right. ))
(3) Eve: ((or waits for Konrad to do the roll))
(3) Eve: ((whatever))
(3) Eve: ((:P))
(1) Clerk: "Sure you can. What is it? One hundred." looks closer
(2) Tony: (( but then that's just to notice that ochaiwi exists at all ))
(1) Clerk: ((well, he just flew over his head))
(2) Tony: (( yeah, if he draws attention to himself then he doesnt' get the -2 ))
(1) Clerk: clerk's sucky wits 1 + composure 1 (which is why he is a clerk in the first place) 2-2 = chance
(1) Clerk: [1 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8] = (1)
(2) Tony: (( shit ))
** (2) Tony nudges robin **
(3) Eve: ((he was also flirting with Robin))
(1) Clerk: ((chance die either way, no further negatives lol))
(2) Tony: (( oh, wait, chance? didnt' succeed ))
(2) Tony: (( needed 10 to succeed. wiew ))
(1) Clerk: ((woops))
** (5) Robin coughs loudly and distractingly, just in case. **
** (1) Clerk gives you the ball, takes your money **
(2) Tony: (( chance die is .vs(10) :D ))
** (2) Tony walks out **
** (5) Robin pats the counter, then waves at the clerk. "Well, got to make sure theres guys find their way back to the bus," And chuckles in a Guard-Know-It-all sort of way. **
(1) Clerk: "Byyyye, hope you enjoyed your stay!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're at a bus stop
(3) Eve: ...
(2) Tony: "hmmm... our bus is gne."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): your bus is gone, but there are a bunch of others, being filled with the exact number of passengers as there are open seats
** (3) Eve buys the statue thingy? **
(2) Tony: (( this castle is out away from city isnt' it? ))
** (6) Tristin nods goodbye to the clerk **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, you got the big ass heavy ball with ketchup and broom in it, weighs about 20 pounds
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): size about 1 foot in diameter
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a pedestal under it
(2) Tony: "put it in your backpack"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((away from the city, and you do not know the address, it doesnt have one. But Robin has a map in her head))
(2) Tony: "I say we get on a bus, give the driver some money to take us out of here."
** (6) Tristin grabs it and puts it in his backpack along with his book if Tony gives it back willingly. **
** (2) Tony gave teh book back a long time ago **
** (6) Tristin oh **
** (2) Tony looks at hte drivers and tries to determine which one looks most bribable **
(3) Eve: "Just let them know we missed our bus, I could work."
(3) Eve: *it
(2) Tony: "How are you guards goign to get out of here?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): One looks kinda bribable, old jolly fella
(2) Tony: "Lets get out the gate the you won't be gaurds"
** (2) Tony goes up to the guard and smiles **
(3) Eve: [HS] => HS "Right"
(1) Driver: the gift shop and the bus station are outside the gatehouse
(2) Tony: "Hi, we missed our buss. How much fo ryou to give us a ride back to the city?"
(2) Tony: (( oh ))
** (3) Eve smiles as if agreeing with her boyfiiend or whatever **
(1) Driver: ((/me wonders why Terralthra smoked me for not understanding design of s space station if in Mage players don't understand layout of a castle. We're all human, gotta realize it.))
(1) Driver: ((i mean Deng, not terraltha))
(5) Robin: /me drops the impersonation spell and hallsionations assuming no guards are around.
(2) Tony: (( you never told us where the gift shp was, you gave us a map and had nothing on the outside ))
(1) Driver: yeah i had
(3) Eve: ((maybe he just didn't like you... and yes he did))
(6) Tristin: ((He did, I remember))
(5) Robin: ((incognito))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,1,[10, 7],7,5,5,9] = (2)
(1) Driver: meh, Robin went somewhere, probably already in the bus
(5) Robin: ((thought I was at the bus with everyone else))
(2) Tony: (( trying to get the drive to take us ))
(3) Eve: ((you are... he is implying your spell worked))
(1) Driver: "Yeah. It's paid for, no charge necessary, hop on, but you'll have to stand."
** (2) Tony gets on the bus **
** (5) Robin follows after tony **
(6) Tristin: "Works for me."
(3) Eve: "Thank you"
** (2) Tony whipsers, "I think jason is going to be a little ticked, what you think?" **
** (6) Tristin follows **
(2) Tony: chuckle
** (2) Tony chuckles **
(3) Eve: "Hey where Did Robin go?"
** (2) Tony looks for robin **
(2) Tony: "Shoot, we lose her? DAng it."
** (5) Robin smiles at you guys, standing right there. **
** (3) Eve doesn't seem to notice her as she looks around a bit for Robin **
(6) Tristin: ((Wits 3 + Inv 2 =5))
** (2) Tony looks around Robin to try to fnd Robin **
whispering to Robin, Learn to cast your spells exclusively, excluding some people from their effect :)
(6) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [3,1,9,1,[10, 2]] = (2)
** (5) Robin chuckles **
** (6) Tristin pokes Robin.. "right there..." **
(1) Driver: ((2 vs 2, goes to defender))
(2) Tony: "Quit poking that lad... oh. "
(1) Driver: ((she still in incognito))
(2) Tony: (( true, ties goe to defender ))
(3) Eve: ((I think we still don't see her lol))
(1) Driver: ((if she like yells at you or pokes you, you will notice you. While she is quiet, she is just another face on the bus. Somebody Else's problem = SEP))
(3) Eve: "I hope she's not still out there... we can't just leave her."
(2) Tony: (( wits + what? ))
** (5) Robin clears her throat "Guys?" **
(1) Driver: ((in Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy, it was called the SEP field))
(6) Tristin: ((Yeah.. but I've got.... er.... kungfu... lets me see....))
(1) Driver: ((in Mage its Incognito, but SEp is shorter))
(3) Eve: ((LOL Kungfu))
(2) Tony: wits 3 + investigation 1 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,6,6,2] = (0)
(2) Tony: (( yep somebody else's problem ))
(6) Tristin: ]((*nods sagely* wits + subterfuge vs GM) ))
(6) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,2,2,6,3] = (0)
(6) Tristin: ((Doh))
** (3) Eve continues searching for Robin)) **
(3) Eve: (phale))
(3) Eve: [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,2,3,1] = (0)
(3) Eve: ((lol!))
** (5) Robin thiinks this is amussing. **
(1) Driver: shit shit where's Robin.
** (6) Tristin looks for Robin **
(6) Tristin: [5d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 2],1,[10, 5],4,8] = (3)
(3) Eve: "Should we get off the bus before it leaves and look for her?"
(1) Driver: ah, there she is
** (5) Robin drops icognito, no need for it now. **
(6) Tristin: "Ummmm Guys... she's here...."
(5) Robin: "Hey, guys....*laughs*"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a bunch a people on the bus look at Robin. And look away
** (2) Tony loks at robin, "Oh, there you are." **
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs
(3) Eve: ...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Aaand by the way, having the ball in your hands, not being inside it, your casting penalties due to the Ward are levied
** (2) Tony waits for hte bus to start rolling **
** (1) Driver starts an hour long drive, but to some hotel other than yours **
(2) Tony: "Okay. So, what we gonna do wit this thing? It still work if it's takean away? We just have to take it, or destory it or?"
(2) Tony: "Maybe drop it into the ocean? Into a volcano?"
(2) Tony: "A pocket universe would be nice but that might cause problems"
(5) Robin: ((*Watches Mr.Personality video and wonders what decade this is from*))
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "Oh good... alright so we have tower five with us. So we just need to figure which tower Diana and the gem are at, figure how to get to it without possible crossing a line, so figure which way the star goes which we can do now since we know more of the towers now.... We could try... Dropping it. *shrugs* Though I think it would be safer in a pocket universe not less safe.
(6) Tristin: ((We need to go to Moridore))
(3) Eve: ((thats right Frodo))
** (3) Eve totally calls the hot elf chick as her character **
(1) Driver: ((theyre taking the tower to isengard!))
(2) Tony: ]HS[ "I dont' know, this thing has so much space magic on it, putting it in a pocket universe might fold space time upon itself destorying the universe. Or do nothing."
(6) Tristin: ((One does not simply walk into Moridore....))
(3) Eve: ((What did you say?))
(5) Robin: ((Aww I wanted to be the hot elf chick))
(3) Eve: ((I called it first!))
(5) Robin: ((I'll be the hawt dude elf))
(3) Eve: ((Legolas?))
(2) Tony: (( Uchawi gets to be golem! ))
(5) Robin: ((yeah))
(3) Eve: ((LOL!)))
(1) Uchawi: ((rumble rumble))
(6) Tristin: ((ROFL))
(1) Uchawi: ((Uchawi smash puny kobolds))
(3) Eve: ((does that mean Uchawi hates Tristin?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((no))
(6) Tristin: ((I'm a Kobold?))
(3) Eve: ((But... Tristin is the hobbit..))
(2) Tony: ]hs[ "WEll, what can you tell us about this globe, is it still chained to the tower?"
(3) Eve: ((and Golum hated the hopets)
(6) Tristin: ((Although I TOTALY want to RP a Kobold Samuri))
(2) Tony: (( Frodo or Biblo? ))
(2) Tony: (( Bilbo was 'The Hobbit" :D ))
** (3) Eve looks at Tristins bag and answers **
(3) Eve: {hs} "Still there yes... drawing a nice line to where we are."
(3) Eve: ((But Golum hated both of them...))
(2) Tony: ]hs[ "Right, as I freared. To break the connection and the spell, we have to destory it. Or soemthing. Any volcanos around italy? Isn't pompei somewhere around here?"
(2) Tony: (( golem hated everyone, he was quite insane from teh ring ))
(3) Eve: "... Couldn't we just... drop it?""
(2) Tony: (( golum ))
** (2) Tony shrugs **
(6) Tristin: (("toss me"))
(3) Eve: (("What?")
(2) Tony: ]hs[ "Tell me, if you made an artifact this powerfull, would you allow it to break by dropping it?"
(2) Tony: (("but dont' tell the elf"))
(6) Tristin: [hs] => hs Can't you use your axe?
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "Worth a try before we go looking for valcanos"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((my dagger! my bat! and my ahxe! with the powers combined, we are - Captain Destroy-The-Ball!))
(2) Tony: "Right. So when we get back to the city, we'll try droppign it"
(6) Tristin: (("You have my dagger"))
(3) Eve: ((refuses to be in a group called "Captain Destroy-the-Ball")
(3) Eve: ((Flat refuses..))
(5) Robin: (("And my bat))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((shun the non team player))
(2) Tony: (( so we have an object we got from a tower we're trying to destory without being seen? O.o ))
(3) Eve: ((goes to hang with Sarumon and the Orc))
(2) Tony: (( and we have a ring ))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so, whats your plan for the hour drive?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You get dropped out at Hilton. Unless you're like jumping out of the bus action style through the window and go "nooooO! stop the bus!"
(6) Tristin: [hs] => hs "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves."
(5) Robin: [HighSpeech] => HighSpeech "The only problem with the pocket univeres is that it wouldn'y stay there for ever. Eventually the spell would even and it would be ejected."
(3) Eve: ((So wait.. doesn't this mean that at some point Tony and Eve have to leave Tristin and... well no one is playing Sam.. so just Tristin to sneak into the towe by himself while we go distract something... I mean if this is lord of the rings and all))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((this is not L.O.T.R. this is SPARTA))
(6) Tristin: ((*KICK*))
(5) Robin: ((Sweet I'ma buff guy in a leather bikini))
(3) Eve: ((well then... I call not King Leonidus... I dun wanna die.. I call storyteller!))
(2) Tony: "You know what would of been interesting, if we threw the glove upstairs at the device. So it entered itself."
(6) Tristin: ((Errr... I'm the old dude...))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You chat about LOTR during the drive. You're at Hilton, some other part of Rome. Robin knows the way to the Hotel, more or less. She knows where the bus route deviated.
(5) Robin: [Highspeech] => Highspeech Hmmm, yeah.
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "Tony...the globe has the device in it... we couldn't throw it at itself."
(5) Robin: ((How much of a distance is it?))
(2) Tony: "Okay, this is as good a place as any."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((woah woah Tony's thought is interesting))
** (2) Tony looks for an alley, "lets go back here?" **
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "That would like.. explode the universe or something... I think... I don't know space that well."
(2) Tony: "I think it might just make itself disappear."
(5) Robin: [highspeech] => highspeech "I really wonder what would happen..."
(3) Eve: [hs] => hs "To late to find out now... besides our luck we would get trapped inside a snow globe forever somehow..."
(2) Tony: ]hs[ 'me too, but I dont want to go back there and get cuaght."
** (5) Robin ponders **
** (3) Eve tries to figure how that would work **
(2) Tony: "So lets just drop it and see what happens."
** (2) Tony looks at Tristin **
** (3) Eve nods in agreement **
(6) Tristin: "If you say so..."
** (6) Tristin tries to get a glimps of the resualt of that **
(6) Tristin: ((Time or Fate?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Time))
(6) Tristin: ((Time 4 + Gnosis 3 + Dagger 1 =8))
(6) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,4,2,2,6,6,7,6] = (0)
(2) Tony: (( phailorz ))
(3) Eve: ((phale)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): The result of breaking the ball you see clearly. It would bounce back from the ground, and stay unharmed.
(3) Eve: ((loaths Konrad))
(6) Tristin: "We can't break it."
(3) Eve: ((throws a stuffed rabbit at him and doesn't get him chocolate while shes getting some))
(2) Tony: "WEll, let me try anwyay. I'll fly up and drop it higher then."
** (2) Tony looks up fr a fire escape to climb up, "Let me have it." **
(3) Eve: "Why not what happens?"
(5) Robin: [highspeech] => highspeech To tristin" Did you consider dropping it higher than average?"
(6) Tristin: "Just bounces back up to us."
(2) Tony: "Right, so drop it higher."
** (2) Tony holds out his hands **
(6) Tristin: [hs] => hs No just tossing it at the ground.
(2) Tony: "Maybe it's strong glass."
** (2) Tony tries to get the globe from tristin **
** (6) Tristin hands it over. **
** (2) Tony looks around and goes to an alley with noone and tosses the glob up in the air as high as he can **
(2) Tony: (( str roll? str + ath? ))
(3) Eve: (throwing is athletics))
** (6) Tristin looks again to see the higher drop. **
(6) Tristin: [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [6,7,3,7,1,2,5] = (0)
(2) Tony: (( str + ath? dex + ath? what you want me to roll? ))
(3) Eve: ((double phale!!!))
(6) Tristin: ((It's the Time magic thing in the globe I tell you!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((str + athl))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((the game knows))
(2) Tony: str 3 + athl 4 [7d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,7,3,2,5,4,7] = (0)
(2) Tony: O.o I dropped it?
** (5) Robin decides to let the rat go once and for all in the alley that Tony is in. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): bounces right back
(3) Eve: (EVERYONE phales!!))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): well, not really, just kinda, drops and sits there
** (2) Tony picks it up and tries again **
(2) Tony: str 3 + athl 4 - 1 [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,5,6,8,[10, 2]] = (3)
(2) Tony: (( got some ooomph in it that time ))
** (5) Robin kneels down and opens her backpack and retrives the cage, opens it and sets it down on the ground. **
** (2) Tony waves his arms to prevent it falling on his head and rusn from undre it as it hurls toward the ground and... **
(5) Robin: To rat -"You got to go. Its been fun and all, but I'm just going to forget to feed you."
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the glass ball breaks into thousand different little pieces, a broom springs out, full size, hits Tony in the forehead, a ketchup battle smacks Eve on the boob. On the hill, where the castle is, you guys hear a massive fuckin explosion. BOOOOOM! A blast wave for a mile at least
(3) Eve: "Ow."
** (2) Tony rubs his forehead, "ow" **
** (5) Robin jumps up, all alarmed. **
** (3) Eve massages her aching brest **
(5) Robin: "Well,shit."
(3) Eve: *breast even
** (2) Tony looks at eve and realizes she;'s still black and dropos the spells **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): males, roll composure
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): to not stare at the breast rubbing of Eve
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): XD
(2) Tony: Oh, there's no question about it. Tony is staring.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i like an honest man
(2) Tony: comp 4 [4d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,9,7,5] = (1)
** (2) Tony stares anyway **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): XD
(6) Tristin: [3d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,1,3] = (0)
(3) Eve: ..l.. @ KK
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin like, drools or something
** (3) Eve doesn't appear to notice and or care... **
** (2) Tony turns to tristin, "WEll, it broke." **
** (2) Tony looks for what's left of the globe **
** (6) Tristin nods not hearing him **
(3) Eve: "Well... something tells me they will know that we lived through that."
** (2) Tony bends down, picks up the broom and hands it to Tristin, "You can sweep up the glass." **
** (6) Tristin nods **
** (5) Robin picks up her bag, leaving the cage. Hoping the rat doesn't cut itself. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a miniature of the tower, guarden, fountain, lots of shattered glass, water spilled, a wooden platform. Nothing special about a statuette. The crazy big spell - gone. Shattered, only its signature in the air, fading away over hours
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. fate gave us the broom to sweep up the glass, I wonder what the catsup bottle is for?"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): there is a McDonalds across the road, and you're getting hungry
(2) Tony: "I wuld take soemthing as a souvenier, but it would have a tie a space mage coudl follow. *sigh8 no souvenirs I ugess."
(3) Eve: "Lets get back to the hotel and figure out where we are going so we can leav in a hurry... after we eat." *smiles holding up the Ketchup bottle*
(3) Eve: *leave
** (2) Tony heads to McDonalds **
** (3) Eve does also **
(2) Tony: "Hmm.. myabe I'll have a Royale with Cheese"
** (6) Tristin snapps out of it. **
** (5) Robin follows the smell of the fries. **
(3) Eve: "Thats france not Italy"
(2) Tony: (( Pulp Fiction ftw ))
(1) Clerk: "What is a quarter pounder?"
(2) Tony: "I wonder what they call it here."
** (6) Tristin follows them unsure of where he is going. **
(2) Tony: 'Okay, so that is two towers down?"
(3) Eve: "Yes"
** (1) Clerk gives you the food and takes money and such **
(2) Tony: "You know, he siad that france is 4, not if he checked it out or not. dang. I guess we got to."
** (3) Eve eats with her Suvonier Ketchup bottle **
(3) Eve: "We just need to figure out which way Diana is now.
** (5) Robin munches like a fatty on the fries. "Man, I'm hungry." **
(2) Tony: "Kurtis wrote one of the towers."
(2) Tony: "WE know he's not in this one"
(5) Robin: "If he was, hes not anymore."
** (2) Tony ordered the salad **
(3) Eve: "We have the bracelet for that... and then how the Star fits between Rome, Amsterdam, and Budapest so we know about where in France, and where tower 2 is."
** (5) Robin laughs **
** (6) Tristin orders a few burgers and chows down. **
** (6) Tristin glaceing at the traces of ketchup every so often. **
(3) Eve: "Diana is a woman.... And No, she's not in rome, or amsterdam obviously...that goes without saying"
(6) Tristin: ((Glanceing*))
(2) Tony: (( it' is the McRoyal. McRoyal - Sesame seed bun, "royal sauce" (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard), lettuce, four pickle slices, two tomato slices, 3-4 purple onion rings, cheese can be added upon request and 140g beef patty grilled over charcoal. The Double McRoyal comes with 3 tomato slices and two 140g beef patty (280g total). ))
(2) Tony: (( Available in Israel, Italy, Serbia and Czech Republic. Previously available in Greece, now replaced with original Quarter Pounder. ))
(1) Clerk: ((you get that delicious thing just for looking it up, at half price discount))
(5) Robin: ((thought you got the salad?))
(1) Clerk: "Enjoy your McRoyal, brought to you by McDonalds in Rome!"
(3) Eve: ((he does hes a vegitarian... but we all get McRoyals :P))
(2) Tony: (( too bad tony is a vegetarian ))
(6) Tristin: ((lol))
(1) Clerk: the time is 7pm
(2) Tony: "Well, so you think they can still track us?"
(2) Tony: "I think they prbably pretty much know where we are. I think we might want to get out of rome. LIke now."
(2) Tony: "Back to the hotel, pack our stuff and lets go."
(5) Robin: "They probably know where the spell where the spell was broken at."
(3) Eve: "Knowing which direction she is in, will help us figure out which tower she;s in. I would bet money on it.... I already said this yes.."
(2) Tony: "Yes. So we gotta get ou to fhere."
(3) Eve: "We need to figure which way we are heading and leave."
(2) Tony: nod
(2) Tony: "So, which directon?"
(5) Robin: "Let finishes up here."
(5) Robin: "I'll use the bracelette in the hotel room."
(2) Tony: "You know, destorying his globe for tryign to kill us feels good."
(2) Tony: "Umm.. we dont' want to hang around the hotel room."
(2) Tony: "we want to go in, get our stuff and leave."
(2) Tony: "We'll be lucky if our rioom is still there and not exploded anyway."
(3) Eve: "I want to go back and get my stuff and make plane reservations. I hope it didn't explode Dante is in it."
(2) Tony: "Oh man. WE blew up the castle? What about all those guards?"
(5) Robin: "It shouldn't take very long, I can do it Which Eve makes the reservations."
(5) Robin: ((when**))
(3) Eve: "I need to know where we are going before making them but, yes it shouldn't take to long."
(2) Tony: "I still have the problem of no passport."
(3) Eve: "Thats easy to fake with a little matter"
(2) Tony: (( flashback to I Love Lucy with her tryign to get across the italy border without her passport. "You gotta hava youa passaporta"
(3) Eve: "Or Robin could convince them you don't need one."
(2) Tony: "Right. So where we going? "
** (2) Tony turns to Robin **
(5) Robin: "Hotel?"
(3) Eve: "To the hotel because {hs}
(6) Tristin: "I've got mine.. still haven't gotten home since China..."
(3) Eve: {HS} "There are sleepers around and we shouldn't use magic items around them?"
** (2) Tony rolls his eyes **
** (2) Tony goes back to his salad **
** (5) Robin heads to the street to call a taxi. We we are finished eating... **
** (1) Driver stops **
(1) Driver: "where to?"
** (3) Eve follows Robin out **
(5) Robin: ((universal language))
(5) Robin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [8,4,2,2,1,9,5,6] = (2)
(1) Driver: done
** (2) Tony follows along **
(3) Eve: "The Hotel " (something I don't remember cause its to late and I worked all day)
(5) Robin: ((me either, lol))
(1) Driver: "No problem"
** (1) Driver drives you to Le Bagio **
** (5) Robin thanks the drive and all. **
(1) Driver: "Money?"
(3) Eve: ((glad someone remembers))
(5) Robin: ((driver*))
** (3) Eve pays driver **
(1) Driver: "Byebye"
** (1) Driver zooms off **
(1) Driver: time is 8 pm
** (3) Eve heads up to the room and finds Dante totally wearing her underwear... shoots him... **
(3) Eve: jk...
** (5) Robin heads up to the room, too. **
** (3) Eve heads up to the room though. **
** (2) Tony warily follows along suspicious **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you find .... Dante wrestling a teddy bear and eating all your cookies!
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): j/k
** (6) Tristin goes to the room as well **
** (3) Eve realizes Tristin never got in the taxi... **
** (3) Eve wonders if they left him at McDonalds **
(5) Robin: ((he is playing with his toys))
** (3) Eve desides not to ask questions... **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((he is on the toilet wiping his ass with Tony's mage book))
(5) Robin: ((...lol.))
(3) Eve: ((especially about Shawns "toys"))
** (6) Tristin was just too sneaky to do be noticed **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in the trunk
** (3) Eve obviously didn't notice him... in the trunk **
(3) Eve: ((Are we done for now??))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Ok, so next Mage we cannot do without Dante.
(2) Tony: "Okay, ue the ring? An dI hope it's not budaest."
(2) Tony: (( we can use the ring now though, right? I just wanna know which tower :D )
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((so he has to free up a weekend, and i will announce it i guess. I got most of you on MSN, and I'll call the stoners... err Rachel & Shawn on phone))
(3) Eve: ((LOL! you called them the stoners..))
(5) Robin: ((I'd like to wait for Dante, so we can interact w/him when we first walk in))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Alright. Cliffhanger:
(6) Tristin: ((Haven't smoked today at all thank you...))
(5) Robin: ((I check my email. palebunny@gmail.com))
(2) Tony: (( okay, and he would of heard teh explostion too I guess. ))
(2) Tony: (( I bet you they cancel the tours tomorrow ^^ ))
(3) Eve: ((Agreeed.. and so we can see if he was in my underwear, eating cookies while wrestling a teddy bear in the bathroom and using Tony's mage book as toilet paper))!:!:D
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): You walk into the room and see Dante milking a......
(5) Robin: "Oh my god!"
** (5) Robin goes blind **
(2) Tony: (( anyoen wanna tell him taht's a male goat ? ))
(3) Eve: "MY EYES!!!... MY UNDERWEAR!!!... GOD WHY!?!?!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM):
No! Not that! Next on Mage: Dante's Big Choice

(2) Tony: (( sure is a happy goat though ))
(5) Robin: lols
(3) Eve: wanna hear my learning curve its a funny one...
(2) Tony: exp?
(2) Tony: learning curve?
** (2) Tony crosses his fingers and changes "eight eight eight eight eight" **
(3) Eve: I learned that no matter how hard you throw a ketchup bottle at a strange space time vortex knot thing... it always hits you in the boob when it comes out the other side...
** (2) Tony laughs **
(3) Eve: AND when fate gives you a tower to destroy... it always includes a broom to sweep up after.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): eve 5 exp, tony 5 exp, tristin, good plans of escape, even if not realized, 5xp. Robin 5 xp. Good work all in all. Tristin, Robin - use more ideas. Try to go beyond rotes, Robin already does this. Creative = good. Think up alternatives to asskicking, as the most important part - try to find objects to interact with. Tony - refresh notes to avoid amnesia.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, learning curve, whatcha learned?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i like Eve's
(5) Robin: I learned the gm shouldnt restrick the boob coomposture rolls for dudes, cuz I probably wouldve been looking anyways :)
(2) Tony: Blwing up antagonsts toys can make ne feel guilty at allt he innocents that get killed
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Robin 18 Tony 27 Eve 28 Tristin 11
(6) Shawn: Either ketchup or boobs grab my attention... don't know which... >.> <.>
(3) Eve: lol
(2) Tony: dang it, 3 more exp to go
(6) Shawn: 6
(6) Shawn: =
(6) Shawn: 6
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): GM learning curve: I learned why learning curve became a fun thing, instead of an exp-determining one.
(6) Shawn: =6=12
(3) Eve: Sounds like something you guys can test out later... bottle of Ketchup on one end of bed... Robin on other :P
(2) Tony: I think GM shoudl get an exp for learnign that Uchawi is real
(6) Shawn: Damnit!!!
(6) Shawn: Something weird with my keyboard
(6) Shawn: 6+6=12 there
(6) Shawn: Should have 12 XP
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah, gotta mark those uchawi specs
(2) Tony: Your shift key not working good
(3) Eve: ((learned that Shawn is good at math..))
(2) Tony: Uchawi is eand embodied speirit. THat is, a sprit that lives in a body. He's always a bird.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): tristin u got 5 exp today
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u own at math
(2) Tony: If the body dies he can get a new oen but would take some spirit help to get him to "stoick"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so u could kill the parrot and make him a hawk?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): a hawk would kick so much more ass
(5) Robin: Then you'd be Tony Hawk lol
(2) Tony: "Pretty much he could leave the parrot on his own I think."
(3) Eve: but then Tony wouldn't be Tony Parrot... He would be Tony Hawk
(3) Eve: aww..
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): oh yeah Tony Hawk
(3) Eve: she beat me.
(2) Tony: ...
(5) Robin: :)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony Flamingo has a ring to it
(2) Tony: NO, he's not going in a tiger.
(5) Robin: lol, that'd be bad ass
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but i am in doubt on whether Tony Penguin beats it
(3) Eve: We would never run out of skate boards if he was Tony Hawk...
(3) Eve: oh...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony Puffin?
(3) Eve: YES!
(3) Eve: WIN!
(3) Eve: Puffins = Win
(5) Robin: Definatly.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tony Duck!
(3) Eve: They are like flying potatoes.. :D
(5) Robin: GM must kill the parrot and make him a puffin
(6) Shawn: lol
(2) Tony: O.o
(2) Tony: Or a shawn.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): GMs dont kill people. People kill people.
(3) Eve: No serious.. we went on a sea tour and our tour guide called puffins Flying Potatoes.
(2) Tony: Hmm.. a familiar in a human boday. interesting cncept
(5) Robin: Hes not a person, hes an embodied spirit.
(2) Tony: the soul would have to be gone, but can a person life without a soul, jsut a spirt embodied?
(3) Eve: I can make zombies without souls...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): spirit of knowledge or of greed... dunno
** (3) Eve contemplates zombie cows.. **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): any particular spirit would lack a certain... vitality
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): remember your egypt episode?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the spirit of a vengeful wife was only occupied with justice
(6) Shawn: I do
(5) Robin: mmm Zombie compains don't sound fun. They'd smell like rooting flesh all the time.
** (3) Eve heads off to bed cause she has workies tomarrow and has to get up in 7 hours **
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): alright, mega-crew
(5) Robin: rotting*
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i'll keep you posted on the schedule. log of this madness coming up tomorrow
(6) Shawn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whb4qQflVTw&feature=related
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you havent seen the last of Jason
(6) Shawn: Okay
(3) Eve: Night all.
(5) Robin: Good night.
(3) Eve: Disconnecting from server...
(3) Eve (exit): 23:01
(2) Tony: Kay, gonna kcontinue wathicng hti s interent movie abut peole bitchign about getting NC17 ratings "Waaah, I dont' want NC17! I hosuld be able to do anythign i want and get PG! Waaah!"
(6) Shawn: Gn'night
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): nity nite
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): dont smoke pot
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): its bad for u
(2) Tony: f'night
(2) Tony: g'night
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Tristin? Mage duel?
(5) Robin: night night
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Kurtis vs Tristin?
(2) Tony: Disconnecting from server...
(2) Tony (exit): 23:02
(6) Shawn: Err. sure...
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): initiative
(6) Tristin: Do I have a spell to prepare first?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ah, ok, preliminary round
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): sure.
** (5) Robin changes into cheerleading out fit. **
(6) Tristin: Acceleration
(5) Robin: "Woooo! Go Team!"
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): roll
(6) Tristin: [8d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [4,[10, 8],[10, 4],6,5,3,[10, 9],[10, 10, 9]] = (4)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 8... shit
(6) Tristin: ((Dude, I just win))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Acceleration
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [7 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [2,8,[10, 7],9,5,[10, 7],8] = (5)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): initssss
(6) Tristin: ((When did Kurt get Time?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((Forces))
(6) Tristin: [1d10
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((you speed up your time. Kurtis speeds up his body))
(6) Tristin: [1d10+10] => [1,10] = (11)
(6) Tristin: ((damn I phail there))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [[10, 4],8] = (22)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wtf
(6) Tristin: ((Init is an open 10?)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yes))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((u gotta redo it))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((roll 1 more dice))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((wait nm))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((my acceleration doesnt add to init))
(6) Tristin: ((Your go))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Personal Invisibility
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): wits 3 + stealth 2 + forces 4
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [9 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [[10, 10, 10, 9],8,2,7,2,8,8,8,5] = (5)
(6) Tristin: ((goddamn))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): -4 penalty to attacks
(6) Tristin: ((my turn?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((yup))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((i take it this is no weapons/ring/ammies/potions))
** (6) Tristin casts Superlative Luck and enters a defneceive stance **
(6) Tristin: Gnosis 3 + fate 3
(6) Tristin: [6d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [7,[10, 9],9,4,5,3] = (2)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): that's a... 3 dice buff?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): or...
(6) Tristin: ((1 mana used so far for acceleration))
(6) Tristin: ((No 8 again))
(6) Tristin: ((Just like my ammy))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): new round
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Initiative [1 d10.open(10) + (8)] => [3,8] = (11)
(6) Tristin: [1 d10.open(10) + (10)] => [2,10] = (12)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): go
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): defense 3 + 4 for accel + 4 invis
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): accel doesnt apply
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): you're accelled
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): so 3+4 really
** (6) Tristin charges at him, casting perfect timing. **
(6) Tristin: Int 2 + Comp 3 + Time 4
(6) Tristin: [9d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,9,2,9,2,9,2,9,2] = (5)
(6) Tristin: ((WP allowed?)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((mmm... sure, i got 7))
(6) Tristin: ((Also I roll 5 more dice for 8 again... wrong macro sorry))
(6) Tristin: [5d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [7,1,3,1,2] = (0)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): now the actual kick
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): with 8 again
(6) Tristin: ((All failures though so spending one WP, so Brawl 4 + Str 3 + Kungfu bonus of 1 +Perfect timing 5 + WP 3 - your penelties 7?))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((ja))
(6) Tristin: [9d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [6,3,7,[10, 8, 10, 9, 10, 5],5,3,6,[9, 8, 6],5] = (2)
(6) Tristin: ((Boom head shot))
(6) Tristin: ((Thats 7))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ((holy jesus. Covered all my bashing. Stam 4. No knockout PHEW))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): rolling stam to remain conscious
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [4 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [1,1,9,1] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): conscious
(6) Tristin: ((One more you lucky....))
(5) Robin: Disconnecting from server...
(6) Tristin: ((3 mana used so far, what's my max at gnosis 3?))
(5) Robin (exit): 23:24
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 2 per move
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Call lightning: Dex 4 + Athletics 3 + Forces 4 + WP 3 - 7 defense?
(6) Tristin: ((No just 3 because we are both accelerated))
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): [11 d10.open(10).vs(8)] => [9,3,6,6,[10, 8],4,9,[10, 10, 3],6,5,8] = (5)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 7 lethal
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): roll stam
(6) Tristin: ((Stam 2... K.O.ed))
(6) Tristin: [2d10.open(8).vs(8)] => [5,[10, 7]] = (1)
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): KOed
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): overstam is overstam
** (1) Konrad Knox (GM) bows **
** (6) Tristin bows **
(6) Tristin: Good duel.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): major destruction can be unleashed in team
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): indeed
(6) Tristin: Most guys won't make me drop 7 dice either.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): u got a nice aggro combo there. with your dagger in hand, you'll do all that damage - lethal
(6) Tristin: And anyone that goes for me cries.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): in real battle. I'll spend prep rounds on accel, invis, force shield, true flight. those 4 spells = defensive style for kurt.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): then it's sword/gun or fir/electric
(6) Tristin: Alter odds
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): if there is any chance of enemy standing on metal surface / over ravine - its influence electricity / telekinetic strike - makes them fall over
(6) Tristin: drop a plane on someone
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i havent tried nuclear yet, or create sunlight, supposed to own vampires
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): and of course, prime 4 is worth going for, for that supernal counterspell
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): when my chapter is done, Kurtis gets average exp of you all, then i can beef him up to par with you guys
(6) Tristin: Did Eve start at par with us?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah. Dante started a wee bit stronger, well, his body isnt, but his artifact pwns
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): the chalk is uber
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): i can tell u what it does or u can find out later
(6) Tristin: I'll find out
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): Eve started as par as we were in end of chapter 1
(6) Tristin: Rachel made pasta though and I'm starveing
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): but she isnt newly awakened, hence has no bookie
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): ok, night night man
(6) Tristin: G'night.
(6) Tristin: I'll try to get on MSN a bit this week to see when the game is.
(6) Tristin: Call us if it comes down to it though
(6) Tristin: You know our number?
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): yeah
(6) Tristin: Alright, cool. Talk to you later then man.
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 850 855 8306
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): 850 420 6181
(6) Tristin: No, wont work that's turned off
(6) Tristin: yeah
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): cool
(1) Konrad Knox (GM): night
(6) Tristin: night
** (6) Tristin found the F4 macro key **
(6) Tristin: Disconnecting from server...
(6) Shawn (exit): 23:35