Tristin Lang.


(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): Spending 6 exp on Kung Fu 3
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): is that right?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): looking...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): need 9 exp. skill prices are 3 per new dor
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): dot
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): u currently have 9 exp
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): Kung fu is a merit, so 2 per level right?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you are correct. ok, done
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): u have 3 exp left
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): Alright, thanks.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): question to both of you: Are Tristin and Robin together in California or did they go their separate ways?
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): Tristin went somewhere else.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): he has a cell phone?
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): No.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): what is he doing with the 11k money?
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): He gave 5 to Robin, 1k to Roger, and took 5k with him
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Roger's money Kurt gave to Liza, ok
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): he has no number to reach him by, correct?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Did he exchange numbers with any of the mages from chapter 1?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): i.e. took their numbers
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): No.
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): The only knows Robins.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): alright. Describe what he is doing on the day of November 1st. Where, and what his day is like. If anyone is interacting with him, it will be easier for me to work with. People he knows, friends he hangs out with, things he does.
(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): He just got a plane back to California.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Your plane lands in your destination city, you get out and grab your luggage. You're in the airport.
**(5) Shawn (Tristin): (whispering): Walks to the payphone and drops some change in. Dials the number to his house.**
(5) Tristin: (whispering): ((Tony gave Tristin his number too by the way))
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): ((does Tristin have it still? Kurtis gave his number to everyone as well, but within recent two weeks he hasnt been coming by and his phone kept busy, but you have his number too))
(5) Tristin: (whispering): ((Okay, well Tristin hasn't been reachable though.))
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Your phone rings, you hear it dialing... beep... beep... beep... the voice machine goes off
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Hi Mom, It's Tristin. I'm back. See you soon."
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): As you stare at the phone in your hand... you roll wits + fate
(5) Tristin: (whispering): [] => [6,8,3,7,4,3,3] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you look outside the airport windows. it's dark, stars in the sky. Airplanes slowly moving around like turtles... noise everywhere, people walking. Normal airport pace of life, where nobody cares about each other, just occasionally exchanging paranoid looks, thoughts of terrorism lurking in everyone's mind...
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): looks around. He looks to the phone finaly and tries a new number. Robin's.**
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): suddenly a bomb drops in through the roof of the giant pavillion, windows break, glass flies all over, airplanes outside explode like cardboard boxes one by one, the air threat alarm sounds loud, everyone is dying, soldiers in strange uniforms shooting everyone. You hear and see this vividly, but you are unhurt, as if you were not part of it at the same time.
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): jumps somewhere for cover from the glass flying though the wait.**
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you jump for cover, and it gets set on fire by a flying mortar shell, an officer in a gas mask rushes to you and gives you a hand: "Come on!" - the entire room is now being filled with gas, you can almost feel it choking you
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): tries meditating to help with the gas**
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): makes tword where the cop is heading, taking in the chaos around him, but not being consumed by it's madness**
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): everything slows down, the running, the noise... and your attention shifts to the only person who seems to be not slowed down in this picture... a woman with a small carriage, with a baby in its crib. She is giving the baby some milk, and the baby cries, refusing to drink it... cries, cries loud, and then you snap out of it... and you hold the phone in your hand, everything seems normal. And by the number shown on the dial pad screen, you have just dialed your mom.
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): hangs up and dials Robin immeadiatly.**
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): After three rings Robin answers
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Robin, it's Tristin, I think I need to be out of this Airport ASAP, don't have time to explain."
(5) Tristin: (whispering): I think there is an airport in Anaheim, might be the closest to Riverside.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Robin: "You're not sure?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): ((That wan't talking should have been in (()) sorry.... I'm saying that's where I would be, and she would know.))
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): the call drops
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Fucking cell phones!"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): The payphone rings in your hand
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): answers the phone**
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Your mom: Hello? Who is this?
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Hello"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "baby is that you?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Oh hey Mom it's Tristin."
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "What's going on?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "I'm home, just ... wait... have I called you?"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "Are you alright? What's happening?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Oh yeah, hung up... sorry. Yeah, I'm fine... I'll be home soon.
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "I got your message, and just now hung up with some guy who asked for you."
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Some guy? What was his name?"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "Mmm. Tony Parrot?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Oh, yeah, what'd you tell him?"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "He asked you to call him asap, but what's going on? Are you coming home soon? Where have you been?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "China mom, everything's fine. Just needed some Time alone."
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "are you staying this time?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "staying home?"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "I'm having bad dreams about you. Just come home."
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Shit Mom, if Anthony needs me I think I have to talk to him..."
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "Why? Are you alright? I have his number here if you need it."
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "I have it somewhere, call him if you need me, okay?"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "Are you together? Who is he? What's going on, honey?"
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "Don't know yet mom, I'll call you later."
(5) Tristin: (whispering): "I love you, Mom. Bye."
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): hangs up and digs out Tony's number, then calls it.**
(2) Dude: (whispering): You see yourself back at the Aurora casino, talking to someone, you also see a woman... if you look at her closely, you can see the details of her appearance
**(5) Tristin: (whispering): looks closer?**
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you have a feeling of something massive, beyond your reach at this moment, much bigger than the airport, more like an entire city
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): the casino room stays narrowed down, as everything around it grows stronger, bigger, faster, louder...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): The girl you're looking at stands 5'6" above the shoulder cut white straight hair, her eyes are a dark dark brown almost black that doesn't fit the hair. She is petite, doesn't wear makup, and is currently wearing the black and silver cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and gloves, and black paten leather boots. (I have a picture)
(5) Tristin: (whispering): ((It's fine unless you want to))
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): ((it's up there already, Claire is struggling to make it work))
(5) Tristin: (whispering): Vision over?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Yes, this is all you can get
(5) Tristin: (whispering): Can I tell how far I looked ahead?
(5) Tristin: (whispering): Temporal Eddies is one of my Rotes ((The time Sight))
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): yes
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): to make sure how far into the future you looked, you suffer a -2 penalty, as it involves weaving
(5) Tristin: (whispering): that was gnosis 2 + time 4 -2... though should I have used my temporal eddies dicepool or does it matter?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): do u have the rote?
(5) Tristin: (whispering): Yeah
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): temporal eddies tells you what time it is, to cast it with a different spell is not possible by rote, you used gnosis correctly
(5) Tristin: (whispering): If Tempol Eddies would be the spell.
(5) Tristin: (whispering): Okay
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): there is no spell that does it, but Mage is all about making up your own spell
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you suffer penalties coz your gnosis is n00b, so...
(5) Tristin: (whispering): So how far ahead
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you can tell that you have gazed no further than 4 days ahead, and no closer than 30 minutes (time it takes to drive to Aurora Casino)


Iris Fields

(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Nov. 1st being a Thrusday Eve is at work, Eve is a CSI agent in New Haven, she specializes in occult and special victims, she has a degree in medical science. She's the person who tells you why the pycho killed the woman using a pentagram
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): how long since awakened?
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Eve's awakening occured after the death of her parents in a bizzar serial killing spree. She was deeply interested in the occult as a youth and thought she could reach her dead parents through a seance. The seance was not a sucess but it opened her up to a new way of seeing the world.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): She awakend @ 19, Eve is 23 now
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): She travels two circles of aqantences currently, cop buddies and occultist buddies.. they don't mix.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Eve has a knack for knowing a little bit of everything (encyclopedic knowledge) coupled with her high interest in death and the occult this lead her to her current career.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Level of awareness in Atlantean terms? Self schooled or possession of a book? Any affilations with known Mage factions?
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Eve currently avoids joining any factions thought both the Free council and Mysterium have offered her invitations. She visits the mage council once every month to see if anything new is going down. Usually not to interested in whatever it is. Self taught.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): She speaks High speach.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Currently lives alone, unless cats count.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Studio appartment.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Rumors do not spread easily or fast through the secretive world of mages, but people in the Mysterium have been talking about another era of the Stone coming. What stone you are not sure, but it is mystically connected with a gargantuan number of deaths. Talking about major world calamities, wars. Where and why is not certain, not even a fact that it's true, not some general rubbish designed to scare the young. Only people higher up in the Mysterium might know.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Recently you have also heard of a group of rookie mages taking out a powerful Necromancer. The mages were so low level that nobody has a trace of their signature. For some odd reason, no leads on the magic or on the location of the target. The target, as you have heard, was a particular rarity of a bitch.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *smirk*
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Can I squeeze a name of the Necro out of some Moros peeps?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Jones
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): You have been given a side-assignment to find out who the n00bs are, because by the looks of it, they're a powerpack team, and it seems they're on the right moral track. Find out who they are before any of the bad guys do.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Gonna do some research on this one I think.. see if I can find any Jones references to occult, business, or high society... Int + Academics + equip. I've go a cop database and time.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): One of your occult buddies tells you about a negative vibe they are getting in the aura flow. Some bad dreams about explosions, everywhere. Visions of war, gas attacks, air bombings... specifically, crying children and fleeing mothers.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): roll it
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Int 3 + academics 1 + equip ?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): +3
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): 7
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [2,[10, 5],2,2,5,4,1] = (1)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): how many do I need?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Timothy Jones has no criminal record, he's a righteous tax payer and a legitimate businessman, and he has a daughter Liza, college student. But the man's magical aura reeks of slaughter.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): okay.. for curiosity sake she will try to summon him as a ghost.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): If he's dead he'll come..
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Gnosis 2 + death 4 = 6, I know his name so no penalty for that. Probably have a picture too. its vs. Resistance
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): roll it, though he won't come :)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): :)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [6,8,5,[10, 8],8,1] = (3)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): weee
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): 4 sucesses of nothing!
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you are positive he is not among the Shadow Realm
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): speical.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): but a lot of his victims are
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Hmm.. can I call them.. as a specific ghost type?
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Victims from beyond the grave, sent by the Necro slayer, come to me the dead of Timothy Jones. Come and tell me of your maker" (totally power wording it))
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Gnosis 2 + death 4 + Power word 2 = 8
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [[10, 6],2,1,7,5,3,3,3] = (1)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): a young man faintly appears in front of you
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): :(
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *cries*
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): JK
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Ghost: "Who are you that calls me?"
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Thank you for hearing my call, I am Eve, I give voice to the dead, tell me your tale and I will give it justice."
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "My slayer Jones has been brought to justice beyond measures my kin would ever do, he was vanquished out of your realm, but neither is her on the other side of the Gauntlet. Kind souls put him to his end as a slayer."
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): he*
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "That is wonderous news for surly this man was a horrendious murderer. May I ask how you came by this knowledge and who these saviors are that I might bestow upon them proper gratitude." (persauasion?)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): "When a soul is born and a soul passes on, the vibe of the world is changing and bringing a new rythm into its weaved pattern. As infinite ghosts, we feel much of what the living don't, but lack sometimes what you possess. The saviors are not known to me, but I know they need all the help they can get. They have a task in front of them. And I can help you with two things."
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "And those two things would be?" *eyelash batting*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): The ghost smiles faintly. One is this vision. It is important to prevent what's coming. If you truly care about the balance of the realms, they may need your help. They have lost one, so they will gain one. Look! And learn all you can!" the ghost becomes transparent, and disappears... and you... receive a vision..
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *puts on her vision goggles*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you stand in the middle of an airport, and see a short skinny asian kid holding a payphone in his hand, dialing a number.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you look outside the airport windows. it's dark, stars in the sky. Airplanes slowly moving around like turtles... noise everywhere, people walking. Normal airport pace of life, where nobody cares about each other, just occasionally exchanging paranoid looks, thoughts of terrorism lurking in everyone's mind...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): the kid stares at the image, and notices you, keeping his eyes on your face just for a moment, before moving on...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): everything seems to slow down, and the sounds are muffled.
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): the kid turns to you and smiles, waving goodbye, his figure goes further and further away from you. You feel a lack of balance, as if you were trying to stand on a wing of a moving airplane...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): but you know you are standing on the floor, though you feel the ground quivering under your feet...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): suddenly a bomb drops in through the roof of the giant pavillion, windows break, glass flies all over, airplanes outside explode like cardboard boxes one by one, the air threat alarm sounds loud, everyone is dying, soldiers in strange uniforms shooting everyone. You hear and see this vividly, but you are unhurt, as if you were not part of it at the same time. You see the asian kid being dragged by a rescue officer in a gas mask, away from the smoke, as gas is being let into the room, troops running along it...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): everyone around you is dying, and you see their ghosts rising, and starting to fight. fight the living, and each other. thousands of souls, shrieking, screeching, yelling at each other... officers fighting officers, cops, firemen, security guards, soldiers, all mix together - it is a carnage in both worlds
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): the vision fades and you return to reality, as the ghost says: "my second word for you is: Aurora. Be there. Good luck!"
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Aurora...." *looking for a phone book while trying to remember if In this vision I saw any details that might have indicated which airport it was*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): int+investigation
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Int 3 + invest 2 = 5 spending a willpower = +3 = 8
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [9,9,9,1,4,2,6,7] = (3)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): You find a lot in New Haven: Aurora Car Dealership, Aurora Borealis Research Center, Aurora geological club, Aurora casino, Laguna Aurora boat cruises, Aurora Lumina chess club, and Aurora antiques store. Addresses and phone numbers listed.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Well.. I should hope the fate of the world won't rest on used cars. Research center.. hmm.. Geology club.. *shrugs* casino.. lots of people *ruffles her nose* good place to hit if you're a terrorist. Chess club god please don't let them be geeks. Antiques.. maybe.
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "six choices.. wheres a dice when you need one..."
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *rummages around her living room for a dice to roll*
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Okay Morphius (talking to cats now) 1 will be used cars first, 2 research first, three geology, four casino, five chess and six antiques"
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Morphius : meow
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *me rolls a dice*
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Int + Invest + 1 = 6
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [3,2,9,3,8,1] = (2)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you get a strong feeling that the chess club, the geologists and the car salesmen got nothing to do with this
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): i mean, come on
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "On second thought... *holds the dice* scratch chess.. scratch geology and scratch used cars. Seriously Morphius what was I thinking?."
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Okay so we got Research 1 and 6, Casino 2 and 5, and antiques 3 and 4, got that?"
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Morphius: meow
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Soo helpful..."
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *rolls the dice*
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [1d6] => [2] = (2)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "2 pack the cocktail dress Morphius and hide the silver mommas going gambling." *chuckles*
(2) Morpheus: (whispering): nyah
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *changes into a black, white and silver cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and gloves, black knee high paten leather boots, combs her white hair and finds a purse small enought to look eligant but large enough to hide her berreta (CSI remember)"
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): looks like you're all set for a night out
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *also places a lead bone handled knife in her purse... just in case. (path tool)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *casting Supernal vision (prime mage sight)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Wits + occult + prime = 7
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [[10, 3],1,4,2,3,6,9] = (2)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *hops onto her motocycle and heads to the casino*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you can see magic flowing around you, mana, the quintessence itself, it's in the air, coming out of nearly any entity
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *especially the cat lol*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): roll dex + drive + spec?
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): Dex 2 + drive 0 (-1) + 0 = 1
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [4] = (0)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): "Blasted thing should have just gone with the VW but noooo motocycles are cool.. *mumble mumble*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): somewhere along the way you lose control of the motorcycle knocking it over, one day you promise yourself you will learn to drive it better... but you're unscathed, and you make it to the place
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Guards at the casino look at you funny as you struggle to park the bike, fighting with the kickstand
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): *Walks past the guards unconserned with their looks as only a former highschool goth can, moving into the casino eyes open for anything unusual in a magicy sense" (btw as a common practice Eve always has a cross and anku, a star of david and the chinese symbols for eternal life on her person somewhere.)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): The casino is a festival of supernatural freaks, vampires, mages, other things... you notice a redhead lounge singer performing, her aura glowing like a bundle of fireworks with magical energy... all the street stereotypes are here - dealers, pimps, hookers, bumheads, pushers, junkies, businessmen, and bouncers...
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): roll wits+composure
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): wits 2 + composure 4 = 6
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): [] => [6,5,7,5,7,1] = (0)
(4) Only Claire: (whispering): I win!
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): roll occult+gnosis
(4) Eve: (whispering): occult 4 + Gnosis 2 = 6
(4) Eve: (whispering): [] => [2,8,[10, 8],4,1,[10, 9]] = (3)
(4) Eve: (whispering): 5
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you notice an aura floating around in the crowd, connected to your case, it has a strong imprint of the Moros you're looking for, you cannot see the figure, but he is somewhere in the general direction you can tell, his aura signals at you
(4) Eve: (whispering): I want to try to follow this aura.. or at the very least pinpoint it so I can watch it more closely for a bit.
(4) Eve: (whispering): Is stands 5'6" above the shoulder cut white straight hair, her eyes are a dark dark brown almost black that doesn't fit the hair. She is petite, doesn't wear makup, and is currently wearing the black and silver cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and gloves, and black paten leather boots. (I have a picture)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): wits + occult + prime
(4) Eve: (whispering): 7
(4) Eve: (whispering): [] => [2,4,5,5,[10, 8],1,2] = (1)
(4) Eve: (whispering): 2
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): as you make it through the crowd you see that the aura falls like a bread crumb thread from a blonde guy in a black tux and red vest, red bowtie, disappearing in the Employees Only area, behind a guarded door... as soon as you focus on him, he looks around, seeming to have picked you up, and you feel a tingle
(4) Eve: (whispering): *tingly*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): Shape Aura: Gnosis 3 + Prime 3 = 6
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): [] => [[10, 7],5,6,1,8,8] = (3)
** (2) Konrad Knox shakes the aura off just as you notice him... the aura dissolves **
(4) Eve: (whispering): *eyebrow raise*
(4) Eve: (whispering): What is near the employee only door casino wise? Slots, poker, bar, lounge?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): ok, there is a pool table, a poker table, and a roulette table, there are two guards on both sides of the door, and they are mages, you just cannot tell what kind at first sight
(4) Eve: (whispering): Pool table?
(4) Eve: (whispering): how do you gamble at pool?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you don't. you play pool against a casino pro, and you bet money
(4) Eve: (whispering): Ahh I see.. I will watch this for a while trying to figure out how it works then move on basically looking noobish and innocent while keeping an eye trying to see if the blonde comes back out.... I'll play roulette :D
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you play and play... no blonde comes out, other people come out, but not that one
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): to play, bet 100 and roll 1d36
(4) Eve: (whispering): betting 100?... :( *cries* 1d36? whats a sucess?
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): There is a fat mexican guy playing at your table, he is betting a lot, losing a lot
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): ((you call the number))
(4) Eve: (whispering): cool.. this is gonna be fun.. 23
(4) Eve: (whispering): [1d36] => [2] = (2)
(4) Eve: (whispering): :(
(4) Eve: (whispering): again!
(4) Eve: (whispering): 23
(4) Eve: (whispering): [1d36] => [30] = (30)
(4) Eve: (whispering): once more.. 23
(4) Eve: (whispering): [1d36] => [9] = (9)
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): you have lost 300 dollars, the Mexican collected 450 on a 9, he chuckles at you
(2) Mexican: (whispering): Hey, Missy
(4) Eve: (whispering): *me smiles charmingly* Just not lucky tonight I guess.
(2) Mexican: (whispering): Ya know where luck lives, eh?
(4) Eve: (whispering): Vagas?"
** (2) Mexican speaks with an accent and you can barely get an idea wtf he is talking about **
** (2) Mexican shakes his whiskey glass **
(2) Mexican: (whispering): Some luck here in this place i tell ya that, right. No stranger wins here, you gotta have power for winning. Comprende?
(4) Eve: (whispering): *looks a little more closely at the table with her mage sight considering the mans words*
(2) Mexican: (whispering): this table has been raped with magic so many times it forgot it's a table anymore
(4) Eve: (whispering): ((lol))
(4) Eve: (whispering): ((its a chair!))
(2) Mexican: (whispering): all arcana are here, it's odd how it's still not on fire
(4) Eve: (whispering): "Oh I get you yes." *smiles to him again*
(4) Eve: (whispering): *gets up to go to the ladies room*
(2) Mexican: (whispering): a female employee is currently fixing her makeup at the mirror
(4) Eve: (whispering): *what does she look like*
(4) Eve: (whispering): *what do employees wear?*
(2) Konrad Knox: (whispering): she is a skinny brunette, asian looking, orange tan on her skin, she has 3 holes in her left ear, she is dressed corporate-casual, kinda liek Kurtis on the pic above
(4) Eve: (whispering): *goes into the first stall*
(4) Eve: (whispering): *leaves the bathroom and heads back to the casino floor, goes to the lounge to think this through a bit*
(4) Eve: (whispering): thinking: how do you follow someone who knows you are following them... how do you track someone without a fingerprint.. no with new fingerprints... what would still have the old fingerprint on it..
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): Someone taps you on the shoulder
**(4) Eve: (whispering): looks up over her shoulder**
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): you see the very blonde gentleman giving you a friendly smile, two quick sparks of flashing red and blue, fire and lightning blink in his eyes, as he nods to you, dressed as shown above. Two hugantic bodyguards are with him, nodding to you seriously. They are both mages, but their auras are well masked. The blonde's aura reflects a weak power beacon, either suppressed or just not yet developed.
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "Hello. Welcome to Aurora. May I help you?"
(4) Eve: (whispering): "I'm just waiting for a friend, we were going to meet to discuss something work related." *charming smile* "Why is there something I've done wrong?" *glances at the hugantic bodyguards a moment then back smiling*
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): roll wits+subterfuge
(4) Eve: (whispering): wits 2 + sub 1 = 3
(4) Eve: (whispering): [] => [1,6,4] = (0)
** (2) Kurtis smirks **
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "I think there is no need to hide intentions here. I saw you examine my aura. Care to come up and talk about it?"
(4) Eve: (whispering): "I never turn down invitations from men in fine business suits. Its a good change the vest wasn't you." *stands up with a smile*
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "Very well. Unfortunately, the dress code... What is it exactly you were following? What did you see in my aura that made you notice me?"
(4) Eve: (whispering): "You have fingerprints on you, fingerprints I'm currently investigating, because they belong to a very bad man."
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "Jones? You're after him? He's been taken care of."
(4) Eve: (whispering): "I know that. But there is always more too it."
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "My name is Kurtis, and you?"
** (2) Kurtis gives his hand **
(4) Eve: (whispering): "Eve" *takes the hand if it is given as hand shake*
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "Nice to meet you, Eve, well, if you follow me I will introduce you to the very people who took him out."
(4) Eve: (whispering): "And my day becomes just that much brighter. I love when things go the way they are meant to."
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "How long have you been a mage?"
(4) Eve: (whispering): "Long enough to know if the dead send you looking for something you best find it." *smiles with some irony in her expression*
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "Yeah, no kidding. Jesus, by now I should know that most coincidences are not really coincidences. Just a lot of smart Acanthus people in the Ladder. We're here because we have to be because someone wants us to be... anyway."
(2) Kurtis: (whispering): "They should be arriving shortly."
** (2) Kurtis walks you to the front doors of the casino, as we stroll gracefully into the main chatroom **
(4) Eve: (whispering): "We are all here to do what we are all here to do..."